10 Cheap(ish) Rare Houseplants!

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so hot i think i need a fan i really it's 28 degrees this is gonna slide off my face hello everybody glad you could make it my name is kaylee ellen and welcome to 10 cheap-ish rare house plants i say cheapish because obviously the price of plants at the minute is a little bit insane compared to what it was say maybe two years ago for this list i've tried to keep the prices down to double digits as much as possible but i need you to know how difficult that is because of course if something's in double digits it's probably not really that rare anymore so i kind of had to find a harmony between rarity and price not only that of course but the prices here in the uk and eu are a lot different to say prices in the u.s so i've done my best to comprise a list for you today i've also tried to keep the sizing pretty fair as well i'll be specific when we get to each individual plant because i do actually have every plan to show you today whether they're a good specimen or not is a different scenario because i have some really gangly ones but i have every plant here to show you today please also bear in mind that the upload date of this video will tell you a lot because if you are watching this in 2023 and all the prices have dropped or something's gone super rare or something's gone super non-rare and it's cheap be aware of the fact that i've recorded this at the time i have so if you are a little bit unsure just look at the upload date on the video so i'm not going to do these in any particular order because honestly it didn't really feel right so all of these plants are either in the late two digit range to early three digit range or if i say double digits treble digits now a couple of people are being confused on what i mean by this when i say low trebles i mean a three digit number that is on the low side so i could mean anywhere between a hundred and say 400 because i would say anything over 400 is probably mids so that's what i'm talking about there same thing if i say three digits that's what i'm talking about if i say high doubles i mean 80 90 something like that so i will tell you the specific numbers as we go along but please be aware these prices are so subjective so no hate hopefully i don't get too sweaty over the course of this i've got my phone to help me out because i did do some googling on some prices for these plants so the first cheap ish plant on my list today is none other than one of my favorites actually this is syngonium pink splash i'm gonna do my best to turn it to the camera there is liquor it may be noisy so of course this synchronium is named pink splash due to the way that the leaves present themselves which of course is splashes of pink i think this is also known as syngonium red spot but i think more often than not now we're finding them as pink splash so if you want to search for this plant look for syngonium pink splash and you should get one of these if it doesn't look like this then it's likely to be a miss id now what did i have these down for price because these are actually very very good so for the uk i have around about 80 pounds 80 euros for example for one of these us is a little bit more expensive it's around about 120 somewhere in that region so it's still quite affordable for a rare plant not only that but i mean i go on about zinconiums all day long on essentially how easy they are to grow how easy they are to propagate so if you want to buy one of these and start out as a beginner this is a great one as to be honest is more syngoniums i just selected this one for the video because this one's quite popular right now there are some other rare single names but they're a little bit more expensive than this one so in honor of keeping things at a lower price i selected this one but yeah if you want to buy one of these you can really propagate and make a return on them quite quickly actually i would say because these do grow quite fast propagations don't often fail either so i guess they're just an all-rounder i just love syngonium can you tell i just love synchronium so if you don't mind a bit of pink or it's maybe something you're looking for then singhonian pink splash is really really nice the next plan on my list has gone through a little bit of a journey actually this used to be so much more rare than what it is now now don't get me wrong they're still rare but in a lot of cases you can see big growers or even big box stores starting to roll these things out to be honest i kind of saw it coming because they're so easy to look after they're not the easiest to propagate but they are really easy to look after and they're very tough so in that sense i could kind of see it coming that they would be a lot more ready for a domestic setting in like different areas of the world because they're just a really good plant and that plant is none other than the beautiful philodendron melanocrism let me tip him up a little bit see oh my god how pretty is he i tip him that way he's just beautiful isn't he so as i said before these plants are really tough they don't propagate amazingly but they do propagate they're not the hardest thing in the world they are however quite tough the leaves are reasonably meaty i would say for something that is velvety because if you can't tell if i just tip this pot forward the leaves are very very dark and very very velvety not all of the time but a lot of the time velvety philadelphians have a bit of a different care or they just they need a little bit more these ones are actually really easy and if you look at the tips of the leaf in a lot of velvety plants these tips can go because you know they've either been underwater or something like that but melanocrism holds themselves down really really well and for that reason i'm quite a fan of them i always have been i don't actually have one in here which is kind of crazy because they're one of my favorites so as of recording this video we have around about 100 in the uk and the eu so that would be around about 100 pounds around about 100 euros you might find it fall slightly more or slightly less than that but at the moment that's the going rate i would say maybe the plant would be this size i think it would be the same amount of leaves but taller i'm pretty sure that there's several cuttings in here and that's why it's very you know flat and bushy there's more than one cutting so in the us it is up to 200 us dollars at the minute but i think and i i hope i'm not getting this wrong as of recording this video i'm pretty sure i saw a hit on google for logee's in the us stocking them now i'm not saying that they're everywhere or anything like that and they're readily available and you just walk in to one now and buy one probably not but my point is they are definitely becoming more available and if you want to wait if you still think that the price is a bit high now then you can probably just wait a little bit longer and they will gradually come down so really it's up to you these are really good value for a rare plan also if you haven't seen how big they grow you're in for a treat i will put an image here of what they basically grow into they are absolutely stunning it's not the easiest thing in the world to get them to grow this big but it can be done if you really really want something impressive go for one of these they're not too difficult to get the next plant i do not actually have it's the one plant in my list that i don't have with me that's just because it's on the wall and i cannot take it off because it is a shingler so the next plant on my list is none other than raphidophora cryptanfur if you don't know what it looks like i'm having to describe it blind it is what we call a shingling plant so the leaves are very very close together like this and they have such a beautiful neat formation they're very very nice they have really pretty white veining and they are best grown up a wall a flat surface board something like that you can put them on a pool but i like to see them on boards or something like that better because i just think they look nicer and they can size up a little bit more but they're a really really pretty plan and honestly they're quite reasonably priced what was the price of this so much cheaper so much cheaper than i thought it was going to be so in the uk and eu i had it at around about 70. so 70 pounds 70 euros somewhere in around about that arena that's not bad now don't get me wrong you do get them sold around about this size so maybe five to six inches long that's probably what you're gonna get for that amount of money but honestly i think for something rarer something totally unique that's a really good one to go for because it's also a lot cheaper than the buyer is at the minute the monster of buyer in the u.s however i found them to be even cheaper than in the uk and the eu i found them to be 40 us dollars somewhere around there and i thought that was really interesting because so many times i do these videos and i see that a plant in like over here is cheaper than over there and it's actually the other way around this time so that was really cool to see that but i thought that was a really really good one especially in the us if you want something a little bit different do have a little bit of a google have a look at how they grow it might be something that you might want to try the next plant on my list that is rare but cheap ish so cheap asian rarish i guess you could say is none other than the philodendron florida ghost now i have better ones than these this one's just kind of got lost at the back actually but i've propagated them all and they're all very juvenile and i thought i would rather show you something a little bit more mature than something juvenile where you can't see it i know i've talked about these on my channel a million times i'll try and spare most of you the details philadelphia florida ghost is basically special because when leaves are mature they go this shape so very similar to a florida beauty a philodendron padata something like that if you don't know what those plants are that's fine just know that they go this shape and when they come in and this isn't as bright as they can get at all when they emerge they emerge this gorgeous creamy white color and it's very beautiful and i will insert pictures now next to me of what i'm talking about they are very very gorgeous plants now these have gone on quite a journey because for the longest time people weren't interested then i think people found them and i mean i know i mentioned them a lot on my channel because they're a favorite people found them and i think they realized that hey this is a plant with a cool shape it does something cool it's a kind of easy grower they're not too hard to get and as with every plant the cycle is where it starts right it starts there so yeah they're quite desirable i do think in certain places they're more available so the prices are lower so what did i have for a price on this guy now i will tell you that the prices of the plants i found weren't this big and certainly weren't gangly i would say something like if i were to take the top off this so ignore all that maybe three or four leaf plant i would say something around that that's kind of the prices i saw maybe slightly smaller than this so i had this down for 80 to 120 uk and au so around about 80 pounds 80 euros all the way up to 120 pounds 120 euros they're quite desirable around here still the u.s similar i have them down at 120 to 200 i'm sure many people are still selling cuttings i'm sure that's not difficult to get but if you want something a little bit different go for one of these i really recommend them they're one of my favorite plants if you're new to my channel and you haven't heard me ramble on about them every single video that i get the chance to okay the next plant on my list is i nearly didn't put it in and i feel like people are gonna have a go at me for putting it in but i'm gonna put it in anyway because i honestly think that this is true so the next plant on my list is much more of a rarity over here in the eu and the uk than it is in the u.s i'm fully aware in the u.s you can get lucky and you can get like a full pot of one of these things i do know that but for the most part you kind of can't and you certainly can't really get that here in the eu you'll be getting a very small plan without further ado the next plant on my list that is cheapish and rarish is the monstera silte picana yes that's kind of all i've got um it's it's it's a bit pathetic i did have a nice big vine if anybody remembers i'm sure i showed it on my channel but i think i cut it up to propagate it and over the last year with everything going on last year i think most of them have got lost so i only really have this one but anyway this is monster still to picana the best thing i can show you is this cool leaf here you can't get these in any kind of garden center or anything like that in the uk or the eu right now i don't think definitely not the uk now us as i've said it's different so with that in mind i'm going to give you the price on these things because it is a monstera everyone goes on about adding sonyai no one really goes for these i don't get it i think they're incredible by the way if you see a full part hanging you'll know what i mean search for it on instagram it's amazing for over here i have them at 20 to 40 uk and eu pounds and in the us i think they're the same actually yeah they were so 20 to 40 uk eu and us so 20 to 40 pounds 20 to 40 euros 20 to 40 dollars they round about the same thing and the weird thing is this is one of these plants that they are harder to get so to speak but there's no demand and that tells you a lot about demand and the prices of plants and stuff like that so i honestly think if you're just getting into stuff a little bit different i think this is a great one to go for i really really do and i do think it's really underrated so show you again to the camera without tipping like her everywhere there beautiful beautiful beautiful plant this is monstera silta picana this next plant i'm going to show you i actually have a bunch of it however when i talk about buying this plant i'm not actually talking about buying a full plant i'm talking about buying and cutting and that's because it's starting to take off but i don't think they're ever sold in full plants yet i genuinely think these are passed around as cuttings so that is the reason for that so when i show you this plant i'm probably realistically talking about a two to three leaf cutting of this plant for the price that i'm going to give you that's really really important the next plant on my list is none other than the philodendron cream splash i think that's as it is known this is it's a little bit all over the place this one it's just a big bunch of cuttings in a pot that i have in the shop i don't know if you can see that there that's the best example to show you basically it is similar to a philodendron brazil the one with the yellow stripe but this is different it has a lot of cream coming through as well it's not every leaf or at least not on this one but it is on most i would say it's just really hard to pick them up on camera but that's those there now them these are up and coming they're certainly becoming more and more of a thing and more and more cuttings are getting sold and passed around so this is a little bit of like an up-and-coming trendy kind of philodendron i personally quite like them i'm not crazy about them but i think i've said this on a previous video anyway but anyway the price i have for these so in the uk and eu you can expect around about 60 to 80 pounds or euros for a two to three leaf cutting that's what you can expect over here i have written down for the usa i have written down around about a hundred dollars as i say they're getting passed around um privately more so than shops i think at the minute my shop sells them recall cents i have them here but yeah they're really up and coming and i think if you if you're comfortable buying cuttings because not everyone is and i understand that if you're comfortable buying cuttings this could be a really nice one to get it could be a nice money maker as well because obviously it's just going to keep on growing you can just keep cutting it selling it or you can cut it and start making a pot like this because you can just keep trimming it off rooting it sticking it back in and make a really big beautiful plant so for that reason i kind of recommend them again not the easiest thing in the world to see but there is cream on the leaves right there and it is different from the brazil because the brazil is all yellow my next plant is a little bit tired looking i'm going to be honest i've had him for a while and i guess he just he just hasn't done so well he got forgotten about that happens a lot in this shop i have a lot of plans it can happen he's also not really a best seller of the shop by any means because there are other variations of this plant that seem to do better and i totally get why but i wanted to recommend this one because of course therefore it is a little bit cheaper so the next plan on my list and sorry for the condition of it this is antherium forgetty eye this is the first antherium on the list the cute thing about this is its lack of sinus so it's completely and utterly round on the top it is very very cute try and hide myself the best i can there you go really really beautiful plant now this plant comes in other variations i know it comes with white veins very similar to an antherium crystalline it also comes in a dark form which is really sexy and i don't know if i've got any of those left i think i just sold them all really really really nice the dark form but of course those forms are obviously more expensive so you can go for them if you prefer them cool but save your money because they're going to be more expensive this one because it is really underrated it often gets missed a little bit it is a little bit cheaper how much cheaper you ask well i have here antherium for getting eye regular i mean i'm saying it's cheap but it is one of the more expensive ones on this list i honestly believe that that is down to the fact it's an ethereum and they always have a higher price tag possibly due to how temperamental they are when people and shops shops private sellers import them and there's just generally a lot of loss so i think for that reason the prices are always boosted a little bit but i have here anyway either 100 250 uk and eu so 100 250 pounds 100 to 150 euros and for the u.s i have 150 dollars so it's not insane if it's one of the more cheaper kind of exotic and ethereums that you can get and they are very very cute again instagram them because this isn't necessarily doing them justice but they are very very gorgeous plants i do recommend they're also very tough specifically the normal forget the eye actually they're very very tough this guy's been through the mill and i'll tell you how i know i can tell because of the amount of just wasted you know growth points on the stem that have just died off from neglect so that's how i know it's tough because it's still alive and i didn't know it existed so there you have it antherium forget the eye absolutely adorable the next plant on my list i'm pretty sure this was in like my first ever rare plant wish list i could be wrong but i think it might have been it's definitely been in a rare plant index and all the rest so this plant's gone on a little bit of a journey i think most of the production of this plant tends to lie within the netherlands a lot and these were hard to get then they were coming out a lot i think it was 2019 they came out quite a lot and then they kind of died down again but you do find them they're not impossible to find because they have been mass produced so the next plant on my list is none other than the allocation dragon scale this ain't the best one this has been it's been underwater actually it's fine now it's growing and you leave here don't know if you can see if i turn it onto an angle you'll see why absolutely these plants are just the best uh if you can see that if you're not aware of these plants then you are in for a humongous treat now the care isn't too bad they're not really as thirsty as say an allocation sabrina for example they're quite thirsty um these are a little bit less thirsty and that's because they have juicy leaves so you can kind of tell they are definitely worth it if you can find one because it just looks so awesome it looks like something literally out of game of thrones and i've always enjoyed them now they should be a little bit stumpier than this this is leggy because it's been in the dark so what you should probably have if this was a good looking specimen the leaves would probably start at about here probably half the height of what they are and you can get these really big meaty leaves out of them and honestly they just look the best i do have a different allocation let me stand up and get it over here but i don't think it's as easy to get and i didn't include it in this list but this was the allocation dragon scale here this is the allocation silver dragon they are a little bit different and to be honest they look more different than they look here let me see if i can get it there yeah this one's a little bit silver so i think this one is still harder to get it doesn't grow as well it really doesn't grow as well so there is that one but today we're talking about this one and the price is uk and eu 20 to 40 so 20 to 40 pounds 20 to 40 euros somewhere around that price and that is very reflective of the fact that they have been mass produced but in the us we have them at about 60 to 100 so the us aren't quite there yet with them i'm sure it will come down because i'm sure that the growers in the netherlands will start passing it over to the us so it may come down even further but at the minute those are the prices so it's not too bad and for an allocation that's a little bit different but you still kind of get it this is a very nice one to go for okay the second to last plant is a favorite of many people i would say this plant's gone on a journey there's times when people didn't want this plant then it went through the roof then it tanked again then it went through the roof then it tanked again and i think now it's on the up again so i don't know what's happening with the supply of these plants they seem to be very stop and start it doesn't seem to be a steady stream coming out of say nurseries in other countries for example the next plan on my list for being pretty cheapish but pretty rare would be the villa dendron billet now there's still a good price don't get me wrong obviously this this leaf here probably needs to go but if you don't know what they look like they look literally amazing they're still a good price at the minute but my point is they would have been a lot less so when i said before that they're expensive now they are compared to what they were you would previously be able to get one of these this size for maybe around about i want to say like 60 uk to eu kind of price i'm not sure about us but these were never that bad back in the day they've gone on a little bit of a journey though let me tell you how much they are at kind of as recording this video 150 to 200 across the board for a regular sized plant possibly this size possibly slightly smaller than this actually 150 to 200 so they've definitely gone up that said i do think they're worth it if you've never seen this plan before of course i will explain why it's cool why it's hot these leaves are reasonably leathery they're quite tough they're very humidity tolerant no problem doing these in 50 humidity or maybe a bit less and they have these amazing orange stems which in all honesty on my video they don't look all that orange i think i'm more orange than the billet eye but you've got my word that they are orange they really are very very pretty plant this one's like really wobbly because i think the actual chunk that the bill tyre is growing from is super small but it's got a ton of roots coming off two big roots so it's really wobbly in the pot i just checked it this morning actually before this video because i think it could be sellable very soon let's see what happens with this leaf here so yeah really really good plant it is one of the more expensive ones on this list of course it is but it is kind of obtainable it really depends on what what point in the cycle that you hit it because these seem to come out in a batch and then they disappear and then they come out in a big batch and then they disappear i have some in the shop but i've had them for a long time a lot of them i've had since like august last year i have some huge ones and then i have ones this size and a couple smaller than this which hopefully should be ready but if you're looking for you know a kind of statement plant that is tough go for one of these not only that but they hold their own these patios are really really really strong way stronger than a lot of other philodendrons so in that sense they're kind of tough they can withstand you brushing past them without knocking them and you know causing a bit of a disaster so in that sense they're really nice personally i still think they're on the cheaper end but they know any of what they were and i do acknowledge that okay last plan on my list there is a little bit of variation again in price from uk and au to the us this one is a little bit different this one's gone through a journey as well this one went through a stage where it went more expensive and then it went really cheap and now it's kind of leveled out a little bit but i wanted to include this plant not just because i think it's reasonably affordable but because it's different it's a different type of plant this is the gorgeous aglanema pictum tri-color if you've never seen this plant before i'm about to blow your mind because it's essentially camel it's a camel plant let's see if i can figure out the best way to rotate this because this is going everywhere can i just pull it down maybe that's the easiest way look at that can you say that that is unbelievable look at it it's literally no exaggeration it's camouflage they're not the easiest things to grow in my opinion i know a lot of people's opinions are going to differ on that for me i don't find the easiest plant in the world i think it's it's sometimes kind of down to the individual plant as to whether it's easy or not i've had some pick them they just don't die and i've had others that are given the absolute best care in the world and they just drop dead so i guess it depends but they are so so worth it if you really put the work in and they have they actually have velvety leaves i don't know if people knew that or not see if i can get them closer to the camera again it's really impossible to show you these without literally ruining everything there how insane is that planned so let's just get on to the price enough rambling so for the uk and eu we have 100 250 pounds 100 250 euros for the us we have 150 to 250 so as i'm saying in the us they are a little bit more pricey still on the affordable side if you can get them towards the 150 mark i do advise you to make sure that they've got okay roots because they can be a little bit they don't they don't love life very much i really can't remember if they ship well i feel like they don't so just be careful anyway not one of the toughest plants in the world but certainly one of the prettiest so if you're looking for something completely different this is quite a nice one to go for and that concludes my list now i think if i could recommend you know if you were to take one thing from this list of like a surefire bet of something you would love i would possibly say the singhornian pink splash because one it's the cheapest two it grows the quickest and you can propagate it that's quite a nice one monster silk typicalner is very nice i do think you wouldn't get much resale value from it because it's not in demand maybe that would change though so maybe that's a nice one to go for if you want something um cheap of course i'm assuming people are going to sell these plants on i'm not trying to be like oh you know these plants are products it's just nine times out of ten people do sell cuttings of these plants plus we're in the middle of a pandemic i get it get that coin literally no problems that's kind of why i'm talking about these plants in this way ones that maybe don't get if you're on about just resell i would say pick them don't go for that maybe forget the eye don't go for that either allocation dragon scale you could because they do themselves quite a lot bill a time maybe not either depends uh maybe stay away from those if you're just going for resell only if it's just for you then obviously go for whatever you like whatever takes your fancy if you want literally the easiest plant on this list then it is without a doubt the syngonium pink splash i am absolutely melting and that concludes today's video on 10 cheap ish rare-ish plants there's no way i can really title it without kind of going with that i don't think let me know what you think in the comments below if you'd like to see any other videos please leave requests down below i hope you enjoyed this one and i will see you next week bye guys
Channel: Kaylee Ellen
Views: 69,028
Rating: 4.9169755 out of 5
Keywords: kaylee ellen, kaylee ellen plants, rare plants, rare houseplants, cheap rare plants, cheapest rare houseplants, hard to find houseplants, underrated houseplants, overhyped houseplants, syngonium pink splash, monstera siltepecana, philodendron melanochrysum, alocasia dragonscale, philodendron florida ghost, the rare plant shop, rare plant shop, top 10 rare plants
Id: JEa2VT35bDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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