10 Plants with stable variegation! (NO Reversion OR Cutting)
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Channel: Kaylee Ellen
Views: 68,595
Rating: 4.9559889 out of 5
Keywords: kaylee ellen, kaylee ellen plants, stable variegation, how to increase varigation, variegated plants, easy variegated plants, variegated houseplants, rare plants, rare philodendron, rare monstera, variegated monstera, pink variegated plants, pink plants, best calathea plants, variegated musa, musa florida, musa ae ae, top 10, top 10 plants, top 10 rare plants, top 10 rare houseplants, monstera thai constellation, monstera thai constellation costa farms
Id: eT7dGAa1MU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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