My Top 10 Philodendron! | All easy-care!

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hello everybody glad you could make it my name is kaylee ellen and welcome to this week's video now then it is a little bit noisy in here fun fact i've actually been sat on my sofa for the last i don't know hour don't know if you can hear that there is a ton and i mean a ton of work going on outside i've waited as long as i could film this i don't know if you can see how dark it actually is getting in here but it's about time we started because i think it's about 2pm but it's like yeah it's quarter too but it's like getting real dark so we're just gonna get started so if there's any noise i'm sorry there's jack i can do about it so on instagram i believe it might have been last week i asked you guys you know what kind of videos you want to see from me over winter now at the moment as you may or may not know i'm very busy boxing orders but i did take some requests from you guys on instagram and one of the requests that came in was for a top 10 philodendron video now a while ago i did do a top anthurium video and i guess i just never got around to doing the philodendron one so can you hear that i guess everyone else moving into all the units is picking now to do it so anyway i have 10 philodendron here to show you now i'm going to say this very quickly i've said this before but i can't be the only person out there that has a favorite plant but that kind of changes over time right you don't always have the same favorites because you discover new things and that is awesome that is an awesome awesome thing so for example i don't have a florida ghost here in this list today of my top philodendron it is one of my top philodendron but i didn't think you guys needed to see it for the millionth time so i've tried to pick different philadelphia's that i happen to love and they are in my favorites they're just maybe not as obvious as aj florida ghost even though to be honest i don't think there's a single plant in here that may surprise anybody but we'll see so the first plant that is definitely among one of my top favorite philodendron is this one this is philodendron melanocrism and it is a baby but i wanna very quickly say i'm keeping all the plans today in these plastic bags that i ship out with just to stop the water from going everywhere because last time i did this i got absolutely soaked to death so i'm keeping it in one of these little baggies so if it goes down my mic i'm very sorry most of you probably know what philodendron melanocrism looks like by now it starts out like this and i do not have one here to show you because they're all on my living wall but when they get really really big they turn into these big long i don't know how to describe them they kind of look like shields in a way they're really really beautiful plants i will insert a picture of a mature one here just so you can see in case you haven't seen one of these before but these are fantastic they're quite hardy in my opinion and i tell you what i think nearly every plant here today is actually quite hardy what do i mean by hardy i just mean it's quite easy to take care of it's quite tolerant of many things so they're quite easy to take care of in my opinion and in my experience they don't propagate amazingly i'll say that but they're really really pretty plants they're velvety they're dark they're pretty luscious they come through with a really pretty bronze kind of leaf in the same way that a lot of antherium do and then they harden off to this dark i guess you could say it's really dark green it's not black but it in a lot of lights it will look black and certainly when it gets mature it can look super super black so just a really really nice plant as i say i don't have the big one with me it's on my wall i can't exactly pull it off the wall but there it is i'm gonna put it right there because hopefully it won't fall off this is really loud by the way i don't know if you guys can hear you know what's coming down through the microphone or not but just let me tell you it's really loud i don't think they're gonna stop let's keep going so the next plant i have is a hybrid and it's one of my favorite plants because it ships well it grows well it's super tolerant of being underwatered it's super humidity tolerant it's not too difficult to get like big plump sexy leaves out of it i mean this one admittedly doesn't but it's just juvenile it's kind of growing up but it is definitely one of my favorite plants because just it just gives me no trouble and that is philodendron melanocrism crossed with philodendron varicose um really pretty plant again i don't know how much of this you can see oh you can see plenty i've got it sat on my table right now as i say this one is growing it is only a baby so its leaves aren't huge but they do turn into big you know heart-shaped leaves they're a little bit more pointy than say a glory awesome for example that's more round but it's just a really nice plant so they have kind of pink backs kind of it's very very subtle i don't know if you'll be able to see that there kind of pink backs not not tons because obviously it's a hybrid with melanocrism but it's a really really pretty plant as i say it's just super hardy it can dry out it'll recover and not every philodendron can do that a lot of them will just look terrible for a long period of time these ones don't these ones could really take a punch and i'd be curious to know if anybody else has these plants and they agree with me because they're so easy to look after they really are before this one got ward recently it had skipped a few waterings let me tell you it was pretty dry and it just looks fine there's no damage it just looks beautiful i think we need to grow it up something because it's kind of getting to the point now where it's a little bit you know a little bit all over the place or maybe i'll propagate it down i don't know since it is coming to winter i should probably start on my propagations for spring but this is a really really beautiful plant and if you get the chance to pick one up i do suggest you do because they are reasonably easy to look after they won't give you many issues at all do not be fooled by how they look they're really really good and then they're the only small ones that i've got they're gonna start getting a little bit bigger now i have one other small-ish one that i will grab so pull that down a little bit the next plant that i have to show you is absolutely a favorite of mine i'm obsessed with these i always have been these are not for everybody let me just say that they are not for everybody so this is philadelphian serpents and i will show you close up what they look like because they're awesome but you might notice that that's one hell of a hairy petiole right there it's really soft and furry it's amazing leaves are sorry this is a little bit of transit damage on this one the leaves are pretty boring looking i would honestly kind of say the parties in the stem here so if you're looking to buy one of these you're probably doing so because of the stem um for me the leaves aren't much i mean the back of them are pretty cool i've got to say that the back have really nice veining but generally speaking they're pretty chill other than the fuzzy stems i love them i think they're absolutely amazing i had one a while ago and i think i sold it in the shop i was kind of switching them out at home if you remember last year you'll know i had one i had it for a long time i picked a really big one and i think that was my problem because then i got really full upon space and then i had to declutter my plans and i had to go because it was one of the bigger ones but i have a couple of small ones in the shop um they're totally not for sale they're going to be propagated out but i'm 100 keeping one for moi probably up here i do have one on the wall and i have maybe about three more downstairs so i might keep this one up here and grow it up here because i have such great light up here and i haven't bothered kind of sorting out any plants yet like i still have the same higher on the back shelf so we'll see what happens with that but this is honestly this is underrated in my opinion but at the same time i appreciate that not everyone's gonna love the stems it's not for everybody it's just not i don't even get a really good look at the stem maybe it depends depends if that's blowing out beautiful plant though it is a beautiful plant it's just it really depends on whether you're okay with all that fur it's not the only fairy stemmed plant that there is i think there's philodendron uh is it swamp squamifurum squamoutherum uh scrum mccall as well i think fibre awesome is quite hairy but this has always been my favorite because i think i could be wrong but i think it's the hairiest of all of them i might be wrong if i am wrong let me know in the comments but i'm pretty sure that serpens is the hairiest plant of all of those i don't know let me know i'm really curious because if there's a hairier one i might have to have it uh let's put him there what else have we got oh they're getting bigger oh no so this next plant hasn't always been a favorite of mine it's more coming to play this year and that's probably because i got quite a few in and they were looking real fine i have a really nice one here so maybe when i show you it you'll see why it's kind of cheating because it's so similar to a ghost i guess but what the hell this here is one of my favorites at the minute and this is philodendron florida beauty and can i just show you this because in the gold look at that oh that's really bright really bright which i'm surprised by considering it's not the brightest in this shop right now but the variegation is coming through really bright there's another leaf here i don't know if it's going to focus on that you should be able to see all the variegations coming in there it's very floppy because it's very new but to be honest all the leaves bar the first one are doing pretty good that is just brilliant look at that so if you don't know anything about the florida beauty it's similar to the florida ghost it's kind of got the same leaf shape just this is the variegation that you see it's yellow variegation and if you want to keep it then you need to work at it what i mean by that is if it starts reverting then you maybe need to go snip stip and propagate it and try and preserve the variegation that way in the same way that you would a very gay monster so if that doesn't bother you cool um they're really really good plants i don't find them super easy i don't like i cannot propagate these to save my life i'm trying i'm really trying but they are hard to propagate they love to rot all the time and they don't like to root it doesn't really matter what i do i can't really get them to root very well at all it's difficult but that doesn't stop them being absolutely amazing i mean here if i cut this one actually saying that now i put my that in front of my hand you can see this uh root here and then there's some here as well if i cut that then yeah i could probably propagate from that i'd probably i wouldn't doubt that but i don't really want to cut it it's really pretty really really pretty i'm just going to move this guy because i think he's going to topple over if i don't let's just put them down there right what else they're getting a bit big now not gonna lie so let's grab another one let me grab this plant because it's an absolute classic honestly it's a classic it's not gonna stop being a favorite of mine this one has been propagated i'm just noticing now it's got a little bit where it's been chopped off right here so if you're noticing that that's why this is philodendron el choco red and it's just honestly i keep calling it an all-rounder and i mentioned this in my uh my like updated easy houseplants video because it really is a great plant it's great it has amazing red backs which i don't know if it's going to come off there you go kind of like a very course one it's got these amazing red backs it's velvet up on the front it's got really nice veining on the front as well so it gives you something to look at it's quite dark there's another one it climbs as well and i know a lot of people prefer climbers to crawlers so that's a nice thing as well and in my opinion they are very humidity tolerant and my gosh they can take an underwater and trust me they can take it under warring if you don't get around to warring this it's gonna hold fast for quite a long time oh wow there's a truck reversing so if it gets real loud that's why is he gonna leave he's staring at me it's really really awkward you're gonna go yeah yeah goodbye okay so yes anyway great great great great great plants i'm just obsessed with them they're not as easy to get anymore and i think quite honestly that's just because they're so awesome everyone wants one i honestly think that um really really good plans i wouldn't say they propagate amazingly though i will say that they root really slow for me at least i was actually supposed to be selling some of these in the big launch that i did a lot of you guys may have noticed that i had some chocolate listed i mean not this size but i had some philadelphia red listed but i checked the routes before we were due to launch and they just they weren't ready they were still just they just weren't good enough so they were rooting for quite a long time they were rooting for like three months and it kind of amazed me that they weren't ready because in three months usually you would have something good enough um but they weren't so so they weren't ready which leads me to believe they're slow to root because i haven't really tried to propagate these really i have so many mother plants of these i think i've got about 20 25 mother plants and i haven't been propagating i've only just started to cut them so i'm not finding that they're the easiest to propagate which might also explain why people can't get hold of them as much so we'll pop him down though he's beautiful if you're looking for a good heart-shaped plant that won't let you down that's 100 one of them um i do have a favorite heart shape that is not a climber which probably is no surprise to people but as a climber that one's really really good love that one it's really really beautiful i'll grab the other one that is not a climber i'll grab my favorite crawler because honestly you don't get a prize for guessing this one because it's just it's like a staple plant of this shop if i had to pick a plant that this shop grows the best out of any other plant it has to be glory awesome the amount of amazing glorious this shop has given me is just amazing which might contribute to why i love them so much i don't know but gloria olson for me at least again they were in my easy uh rare house plan video but gloria olson for me at least are very easy i don't have a problem with them i grow them like weeds it's ridiculous they're really really good this one i think there's two different ones in here and this one's got some serious drainage can you see that let me just try and get that up to the screen got some like extra awesome veinage look at that lovely great great plants these are crawlers so you're not gonna get the best growth pattern in the world by that i mean i mean i've cut from this before and it's it's still rooting away that's how good your shop is for its roots but it grows kind of weird it's not going to grow upwards so you can't put these up a totem pole of any kind you've just got to kind of let them just do their thing but they're great plants they're velvety they've got good contrast they're lovely and soft they're just nice plants i find them really easy i would be curious to see if anybody else does i don't hear anybody particularly complaining about gloriosum but i don't know maybe it is just me maybe it's just the conditions here but we have perfect conditions for these plants this isn't the best gloriosum that i have by the way um a lot of you may or may not know that i had a huge one that's just off to my left it's massive like the leaves are like this big um i cannot i cannot pick that up and show you also to be honest the best specimens that i had are now on the living wall as well um the ones that had like the biggest dinner platy leaves they're all on the wall so i can't really show you anything other than just one off the shelf but they're amazing i love them i don't think i'll ever stop loving them because they're brilliant we'll do this one next it's not the biggest specimen in the world but i think it's big enough to illustrate my points so my next top 10 favorite philodendron is definitely this one this is philadelphia and jose borneo and the leaves might go down my microphone but the thing that is cool about this plant if i just try and hold it back so you can see it's quite a big one i'm not gonna lie um the cool thing about this plant is the leaves when they get big they go a little bit i mean they go much bigger than this by the way but they go into these long big fat paddle type shapes so that's really cool but it's not the coolest thing about this plant you may notice the variegation on this plant and i have covered this before i think in my last well second to last video but this plant is variegated but it is variegated in the same way that a thai constellation has variegation so it's chaotic but it's stable like it can't not be variegated does that make sense you don't have to cut it like you would with florida beauty to maintain it it's just gonna stay like this the only thing i will say is this one's coming through really nice it is it's going quite green already so the variegation will come through really cream and then it will fade down to a green so if you look these are like the newer variegated leaves here if i show you i mean this is a good one here i'll just grab that shove my fingers into the lacquer there it's not it doesn't stay really creamy and strong it does fade down not only that but it's not always big sectoral chunks you can get like these weird flecks i guess it's very similar to a thai constellation in that sense only a thai constellation if there's a nice big pretty green bit it's going to stay cream whereas this one it'll fade down do not let that put you off it's fantastic plant and i do recommend them i think they're easy to propagate i've only taken a couple of propagations from this i need to do more over the winter but i've never had ain't like you know a failed prop from it so i guess that's a good start really really nice plants again this this plant doesn't really showcase it i got one from the arid show last year and it was amazing and that's a better example i would say of what a jose porno would look like but it's really really beautiful i love it it is one of my favorites this is the best one i could find on the shelf that wasn't going to attack me um but really really pretty plants right i'm going to pull out another large plant and just get it out the way cause it's huge so again probably no surprise but this is another classic plant for me and that is the philodendron bilite also it's absolutely huge i've shown you one of these before so you get the idea but billet thai are fantastic plants they climb really well they take to lekker very well um no real problems there they can handle it probably because their aerial roots are so like big and just juicy like here's an aerial route right here they're really really big solid roots but they're just they're pretty easy and because they've got a big hefty root system you don't get as much problems with them in my experience anyway they propagate okay too i've got to say that they're not bad propagators so for that reason i quite like them now this one is rather large it needs tamed a little bit if i do a quick head test right there they're just great plants the cool thing about billet tie really is the orange stems which i hope come off orange on camera yeah i think they do and obviously the long sagittae leaves because they're really like big long arrows i just love them they're great this one is probably too big to keep up here i probably will just sell this one but i think i may have some smalls left i've kind of sold all the smalls because they seem to be the most popular ones i'm gonna put it down pretty quickly because it's not i have covered this before this plant so i'm not gonna spend ages on it but it's a really really really really really really really nice plant so this plant i'm not gonna get the name of right i need to go and google what it actually is because i can't remember i feel like it begins with huge but i don't know that might just be a bad guess but i have loved these plans for a long time i have quite a few of them at the top of my shop at the back but i know them to be previously philodendron montanum and i will show you them now it probably needs to clean this one this is the lowest hanging one that i could possibly pick up yeah it needs a bit of a clean but these plans are absolutely brilliant again they can tolerate being underwater no problem they get really big paddly leaves quite easily as well they're matte which i love and they have a really nice you know can we call it ribbing down the front they're just really great plants i don't know if i can show you them up close again this plant is like super dusty on the front it needs a bit of a clean hasn't been sprayed down yet since the move if i just show you there how nice these plants are i'd be interested to know if anybody else loves these as much as i do um i just think they're amazing there's quite a few on the wall by the way i think there is maybe four or five on the wall because i love them that much one of my favorite plants they do have very long petioles in comparison to the leaves but honestly oh my god i love them this is the smallest one i've got honestly it's the smallest one i've got some of them are just huge again i would love to have something like this up here i don't think i can i can't fill up all the space because i don't have surfaces to really put plants on obviously this plant here for example is too big for the back shelves so i can only put certain things on there so i need to be really really careful about what i put up here and sometimes i just need to admire from afar in the shop and i can't have everything up here but we'll see we'll see this has been a favorite of mine for like about a year i've had these in a long long time and they haven't budged from my favorites so really really nice one as i say it's not philodendron montanan but i think people were calling it that originally so i will have put the name on the screen of what the actual plan is called because i cannot remember as of recording this video let's say that i can actually google it like really quickly while i'm on camera really really quickly show me what it is you know what it is i can't find it i can't find what it is guys i'm gonna try when i get to editing but if not i know it's not supposed to be montana but everyone on the internet is calling it montanum right now i'm sure it isn't though i'm sure i'm not making that up i don't know right my last plant i'm very excited about this uh this i bought this when did i buy this i don't know when i bought this i have more than one of them i have a couple and they were bought into the shop or something else but it's evident that it's not what i bought it does i can't remember what i bought it as but i know it ain't that because i would know and i'd be looking for it but this plan is super awesome and i don't know how many people know about this plant i am not saying it's super rare that's not what i'm getting at what i'm getting at is i don't think it's had press i don't think people know about it or maybe i'm totally wrong maybe it is rare not a clue as i say i've been looking for this for a long time and it came to me kind of unexpectedly as something else so so i have here not the best specimen because obviously you import it the roots aren't great it takes some time to get back to its former glory so the the new growth is a little bit dwarfed but this is i believe it's very wonky is what it is so it tells me it's got like no root at all but this is i think philodendron snow drift you know i'm just gonna pull this out because i think it's gonna go really all over the place anyway oh oh oh that's one hell of a long route okay let's just pull it out the part full transparency because i just have a feeling that if i pick that up wrong it's gonna fall out anyway so yeah welcome to imported routes guys this is this is a while after import as well i think i imported this in earlier this year and it doesn't seem to have grown that much which is a shame but anyway this i think is philodendron snowdrift or philodendron x snowdrift now then these plants are awesome and i'm so happy to find these so i'll take you on a quick tour of why this plant is awesome so on the old leaves i'll cover those first they're not proper green they're like a frosted green they may look lime on camera i don't know i think they look a bit lime but they're kind of frosted it's not a full-on green and you may be able to see if i hold that up like so it does have little green kind of flecks in it maybe there's a better leaf to show you i guess that leaves not bad there as well you see that oh come on maybe you can see maybe you can but it has small little flecks of green that is kind of persistent on the plant so the leaf will emerge one way and it will fade down to that but when it emerges they emerge white and i'm loving that right remember this is dwarf so that's why it's dwarfed because there's no roots but i'm just loving how these emerge so the cool thing about this plant is that the leaves emerge with a very frosted pinky kind of petiole admittedly they do get a lot more pink than this one is or at least according to google they do and they emerge still with the odd green fleck in the leaf and this is going to be really hard to show you so i apologize because my um my ring light is just not going to allow you to see this i don't think i'm going to move back just in case it's better back but they emerge white and they have still the little green flecks on the leaf and over time they will you know they'll fade down but they're also quite pinky and all the little veins down the leaf are pink as well it's just such a pretty plant it's like a i mean i would almost say that's peach right there it's so so nice and this obviously takes me because it's kind of similar to a ghost in the way that leaves come out white and they fade down i do have a little bit of an obsession with plants that do that i'm not gonna lie to you i'm here for it i'm so here for it but yeah i have a few of these this is probably the larger one there are a couple of small ones downstairs but i'm kind of obsessed with them and i wish i could remember what they were imported in as because i can't i don't know what they were but really really pretty plan it's such a shame that that leaf is so tiny but i mean i'm looking at this and i'm like okay well that's why it's tiny then so yeah it doesn't look like much i appreciate this but there is an image on nsc i believe i will pop it here that shows you just how actually awesome the plan is and it is a better example than this one but i still love this one i'm really really happy that that's what it is because i wasn't expecting it i think i'm sure as heck that i covered this in my first ever philodendron red planet index that i did i can't be certain but i think i did and i was like super hyped for this and i loved it i'm just pleased to have one if you're interested in these do let me know um i will try and get some more and just get them going for spring but i don't know let's put him there because he's gonna need report let's put him on the table actually like so so yeah doesn't look like much but i love it and it's probably because it's white and it fades down because i love that on plants it's just my favorite thing ever i think i actually prefer that over variegation and it's weird because a lot of my favorite plants aren't variegated they really aren't it's it's not something that i really value very much in a plant i prefer to have something like a gloriosum over a lot of variegated stuff i don't know why i just like it there's something just nice about having the plan you know that's the way it is and it's it's not going to revert on you i don't know plus i think when you buy things like this they're going to keep their value because this isn't going to change this is what you get a bit more of a classic i don't know if it's just me but my viewfinder looks real dark apart from me in the frame it looks real dark i'm very sorry yeah it looks dark it's it's getting pretty dark outside i'm annoyed that i had to wait to film this to be honest because i've been ready for a long time but never mind so that was this week's video if there are any other videos you'd like to see me do then let me know i'm still having to do more of the easy videos of the minute because i'm still shipping out from the shop i have a lot to do but do let me know i want to do some more repot with me videos only now they're probably going to be a little bit different because they're probably going to be done here i'm probably going to be propagating shop stuff but i can still do a repot with me it's just going to be a little bit different maybe more of a propagate with me we could say i want to do some of those i want to do a more of an in-depth tour of the shop and i've mentioned this before as soon as basically it's less hectic in here and we get everything tidied up again i want to do that there's a few videos i'd like to do but if you'd like to see anything in particular then please let me know in the comments and i guess that's it i hope you're all doing okay i know it's a little bit of a trying time at the minute in the us at least as of recording this video hope you're all doing okay and i will see you next week bye guys
Channel: Kaylee Ellen
Views: 203,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kaylee ellen, kaylee ellen plants, top 10 philodendron, easy philodendron, easy rare plants, top rare plants, top 10, philodendron, easy aroids, philodendron gloriosum, philodendron el choco red, my favourite houseplants, top 10 plants, easy plants to propagate, the rare plant shop
Id: qWyCFh5bnz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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