How to Rehab Plants after Shipping!

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hello everybody glad you could make it my name is Kaylee Allen and welcome to this week's video okay so this video has been requested pretty much non-stop since I actually suggested it on like a repot video the other week so I finally managed to get round to making it today this video is all about what to do with plants after you receive them in the mail so if they're looking good if they're looking not good somewhere in between did they have yellowing leaves are the leaves damaged is the soil dry is the soil where it's easy in moss what's going on if you have just received a plant in the mail and you are super anxious this is probably the video for you so I'm going to cover various different scenarios in this video including you know what I just mentioned before the yellow leaves is this all dries that's all wet anything like that I'm also going to include what to do if your planet looks seemingly fine because nobody covers this and I don't know why I think because everyone thinks it's fine it's not always fine for anybody that doesn't know me I actually have a rare plant shop which basically means that I import like tons of different kinds of exotic meteorites every single day so I'm used to dealing with fuzzy plants literally on the daily I also look after around about 500 houseplants at any given time in my shop so I guess you could say I've got some experience in rehabbing plants after ship and the advice I'm going to give out in this video today is based on my general knowledge of our oits now some are IDEs are obviously more fussy than others but generally the information that I'm about to provide to you can kind of apply to all of them you'll see what I mean so let's get straight into the video with scenario one now scenario one is you get your plant in the post and you receive it and it looks fine there seems to be no issues at all everything looks completely and only as it was on the image when you board on the website now I have here a variegated single Neum and it's obviously not looking the most amazing it could look after shipping now this is pretty typical of a plant to ship I don't know if many people know this but this is this is reasonably typical this is what you might get now this plant has been of course shipped out inspect No Mas but some plants may be shipped out in Koya or some else entirely maybe they've fallen part up in a completely different substrate which does mean that according to how these plants are shipped different care may be required when they come in and that goes for whether they seem to be healthy or not so if your plant does arrive like this I need a seemingly fine just take off the moss and pop it straight into water yes water I would say to do this for a minimum of 24 hours if you're going to do it for longer than 24 hours make sure you change the water you know every single day just to make sure the water stays fresh if your plan wasn't quite plump enough prior to doing this it certainly will be now 100% you should see the plant completely and totally plump back up once you're ready to put your plant up make sure you put it into a really well draining arid mix keep it moist keep it humid all the stuff you'd normally do if you have imported a really large leaf and Furion like an iron theorem or a queen or something like that it would be helpful to either bag up the plant or put it into a collage just to make sure the humidity stays right up because that's like the first thing that can go wrong with all these big exotic and theorems and theorem regale is another one as well that's terrible when that ships crystalline them can be a bit finicky to anything big and exotic you're probably going to want to either bag that up or put it in a collage or a terrarium or something like that if your plant is a monstera you probably don't need to keep it in water quite as you know as long as you probably would have with other plants like philodendron you probably need to keep that in water much longer maybe 72 hours monster you can just do for 24 hours and then pop that right off monster tend to recover so much faster than a lot of other types of plants to be honest with you so if you've got a monstera don't worry so much you should be good I'm now gonna move on and give you advice on if your plant has not come in Spagna Moss it's actually potted up so if you receive your plant and for whatever reason you know the plant looks absolutely fine but the soil is absolutely sopping wet what you need to do is you need to put this plant in a warm place and not water at all at least for a week until that thing dries out if you're concerned about the sheer amount of water in the substrate it's a really good idea to actually pop that on a heat mat if you've got one just because the heat mats actually going to allow like extra water to evaporate from that pot as well as the plant actually consuming more so it kind of works as double-whammy for getting rid of that extra water you know much quicker if you're concerned but one thing I will stress is do not water leave it well alone do not remove it from the pot just keep it the way it is keep your eye on it but keep it the way it is if your plant has arrived and it is potted up and the soil is absolutely bone desert dry what you need to do is place it into a bowl of water you know a shallow bowl and water from the bottom upwards so you take your plant you put it into a bowl you feel maybe an inch into that bowl with water and the planet will slowly take it up from the bottom once that top substrate is actually damp you can remove it from the bowl and just place the plant where you'd normally place it do not report I repeat do not report I'm gonna be seeing this a lot in this video so just put up with it I will explain why in a minute when you are watering a plant in this way they'll do make sure you keep your eye on it as if a plant has gone from like too dry to wet if you water it right through you can actually initiate root rot so be super super careful this is actually the reason why we're watering from the bottom up it's so that we do not over water it so the plant can take what it needs and it's not just gonna be you know completely flushed through so what do you do if your plant arrives and it looks great and the soil is moist and everything seems fine the answer is you do nothing you do nothing for a week and I cannot stress this enough do not report your plant let me tell you the amount of people that come to my shop that tell me that the plant that they bought from me arrived absolutely fine they repotted it and now it started to die the amount of people that message me that each week is becoming a little bit insane okay so what you need to do you need to take your plant and let it acclimate if it arrives fine and it seems fine nothing seems wrong don't touch it it's like the old saying if it ain't broke don't fix it leave it for one week to make sure that it can you know just rest and deal with the stress of transit that the plant has undoubtedly undergone it's like if you are jet-lagged from a massive right and you get home from the airport and you immediately have to move house like would you do that no you wouldn't you would rest first for a week think of it that way you are causing so much stress to your plants by doing that I see this all the time on Instagram I get a story post of somebody that's just received their plant because they're gonna boxed it and then an hour later it's repotted and I'm just like oh goodness me I hope this plant is ok please do not stress out your plants trust me your plants will be healthier and they will last longer if you let them acclimate or a week even if they look fine because they might look fine they might not be fine transit shock doesn't always happen straight away if that makes any sense sometimes I can get plants into my shop honestly they can arrive and be absolutely beautiful and they'll be just totally golden for like the best part of the week and then all of a sudden gone gone just look and terrible ok so it can happen please please please please please just let your plant rest for a week you will have a much happier plant if you do this ok so this is probably the part you all came for which is what to do if the plant is not looking so good you know it's arrived it's just not it hasn't had a good time for whatever reason the first thing I would like you to do if you receive your plants in the mill you open it however it's boxed however it's packaged it doesn't matter the first thing I want you to do if the plant looks a little bit crap is to take photographs of the plant do not disturb the plants in any way leave it in its original packaging whether that is you know moss or it's you know potted or take pictures of the plant and speak with your seller I get this a lot from my shop as well people you know send me pictures of plants that haven't travelled well but they're already repotted and you know other things have already happened and it's like well how can I help you track down what is wrong with the plant how can I improve the shipping process is it a fault with the shipping process you know what has caused this damage if you read pop the plan that I can't necessarily tell what that damage is this is not just going for me by the way I know I keep mentioning my shop a lot but this is this is going for all sellers so I'm speaking on behalf of all sellers here it's very very helpful if you take images of the plant on arrival if you suspect if the box has been kind of bashed around I would take a picture of that as well I know it sucks but so many things can go wrong in the shipping process okay so when you do take pictures of these plants and you do communicate with your seller please do not assume it is your sellers fault because so many things can go wrong in shipping so many things could go wrong in shipping it could be just a temperature drop that no one Falls so it could be that the courier mistreated the package that happens a lot it could just be because that particular species of plant just does not travel well it's just notorious for being difficult you know to ship it could be many many reasons so make sure you take a photograph of your plant before you do anything before you remove leaves before anything contact your seller and you know figure out between you the best way to move forward but I know that's kind of not what you want to hear so I'm going to tell you what I do when I receive plants and they're in not the best shape so the first thing is plants with damaged leaves okay so when I say damaged leaves obviously this plant here would be a regular looking leaf this is philodendron Gori awesome it's packaged up how I would ship it out in my shop and this here is a leaf with damage let me see if I can just focus out super quick this leaf has obviously suffered some transit shock from you know A to B whether that be from the supplier to the seller and then the seller to you or just from the seller to you it can happen either way I know this doesn't look amazing and I know it's not what people you know strive to take photographs on Instagram when they get a new plan don't get me wrong I totally get it I really do but don't remove the leaf this leaf although it's you know has suffered some cosmetic wear and tear this is a perfectly healthy leaf and if you remove this your plant is not going to recover as quick you know this can still fall to synthesize no problem so if you remove this you're giving it less energy to pump out you know what you have here which are new leaves so please please please keep these leaves on the plant once you've grown a couple of leaves if you want to you know cut that off that's absolutely fine but it's in your best interest and it's in more importantly your plants best interests if you leave if leave this on if you leave this on your plant again I know it doesn't look Buber amazing but it's what happens it's what happens when we ship really tropical exotic plants over to our climates it just happens guys it just happens but leave it on it's good for the planet so what do you do if the plan arrives like really like you know not good I'm talking like yellowing leaves droopiness maybe even mushy stems so we need to check the plant for rot this does include the roots and the stem if we find any rot we need to chop that off if we see any yellowing leaves we can remove those immediately as the plant has obviously lost the root system and for whatever reason it cannot support these extra leaves so you could leave them but they're gonna go anyway if they're gone yellow that's a game over for our leaves so remove those and it can be a good idea I know nobody's gonna like this but it can be a good idea to remove up to two-thirds of the healthy leaves on the plant this is basically because if that plants have suffered root rot it's not gonna sustain those leaves either they're gonna die anyway so if you do remove those leaves the plant now has more energy to actually recover whereas if you kept the leaves on it wouldn't so I know it seems counterproductive but it will actually improve the plant's chances if you remove a couple of extra leaves honestly it's highly likely that they're gonna go anyway so if you remove them early you're just conserving a little bit of extra energy for the plant to recover any water left in the meristem is conserved so it's not actually gonna be sent out elsewhere the plant will be able to retain more water kind of for the long haul think of it that way to keep this plant alive so I know this doesn't sound good and I know it's not what you guys wanted to hear but you did ask me how to deal with plants after shipping and how to rehab them and sometimes we just have to do things that we don't really want to do do we have these plants but I promise you you are really in proving the chances of your plants surviving I would never recommend something that was going to make your plant more likely to die like I wouldn't do that so I know it seems really really not good please do consider it so once we've checked the roots we've cut off the raw we've maybe decided to remove a couple of extra leaves along with the yellowing leaves the best thing you could now do would be to put your plant into water especially if that plant is you know philodendron a monstera and Alocasia what you do from here on out is similar to what we would do if the plant came and it was seemingly okay if it came in spike the moss so put it in water replace the water every day and do not pop this plant until you can see a healthy root system you know coming in that could take a while that could take a good two weeks but you are massively improving your chances of survival if you leave that plant in water while it roots if you put it in soil and it doesn't really have roots it's not really gonna root I mean it can be done don't get me wrong though your chances just dramatically reduce if you put that into soil despite the root system just not really being there and again high humidity really fussy plants like you know Queen Anne theorem and theorem reguarly crystal einem things like that would do really really really well if they were bagged up so blow up a bag with you know air and place it over the plant or you could use a collage or whatever it is you're going to do just to seal off that humidity they will recover ten times faster that way now that we've gone through all of that I would like to give you some miscellaneous tips these didn't necessarily fit into one thing they kind of apply to kind of everything kind of generally so I'm gonna go through these tips now a lot of these are probably going to apply to you so you re having your plants in water I most most more stress that if you keep the water cool rather than warm you are going to greatly reduce the chance of rot now I know everyone says you know keep the plants warm and everything like that in this situation when the plant is just in water do not try and keep the water warm ie do not put your plant in water on a heat map don't do it just do not do it you are really really really increasing the risk of rot not only that but if you are also rehabbing plants in water try not to group them in the same container if you group plants together and one of them starts to rot the likelihood of that rot actually spreading is kind of high to be honest so I know it's really annoying but if you can separate your plants out while you rehab them so you bought like five plants try and keep them in different containers with different water that way if something happens to one of them and it you know it just gets raw then it's not going to spread to the other plants you kept them you know saved from each other do not feed the plants when they're in water I know it might be tempting but honestly just don't bother they probably do not have the root system required if you are rehabbing a plant in water it's probably because if it's you know not applying to the the 24 hour thing with you know sphagnum Moss if you are rehabbing the plant do not feed it I know it might be tempting I know you might think that it's helping but it isn't if the plant is of course rehabbing in water like we've just gone through it probably means it's lost a lot of roots that's why you placed it in water according to previous advice I've just given you if you feed it it can it can take the feed up it doesn't have the root system it's just unnecessary the plant doesn't need it you are much better off just keeping it in clean water clean cool water every day when you re having your plant don't go full sunlight I know this is like a super obvious one but a lot of people might be more tempted to put it in a brighter spot for it to recover faster don't do it just put it where you'd normally put a plant grow lights are okay but try and keep it a bit shaded just don't give the plant more than it can deal with we're trying to reduce stress on the plant so give it some life but just don't just don't get carried away okay that's the best way I can put it don't get carried away this is kind of a repeat of what I've said before also but if you do have something high humidity putting it inside a bag or cloth or some things to keep that humidity up will really really help your plan to recover okay so this one isn't a tip it's kind of more of a word of warning so this has happened to me so many times and it's painful every time I never get past this but it happens every time it is highly likely that it might happen to you specifically in I don't have it so much with monstera but a hundred percent if you have a philodendron and it's got beautiful like half and half leaves maybe like a florida beauty or something like that even berry gated billet eyes something with a bit you know heavier stronger leaves that variegation might develop you know a brown spot and you might just get it kind of go brown and just kind of die it's really sucks because it's kind of what you paid for but this can happen in the post in the mail not always don't get me wrong I'm not saying it's doom and gloom but it can happen and you will notice it happening if you see a brown crispy spot in you know the middle of your sectoral variation and it just starts to get larger that's basically what's gonna happen now it's not all bad because obviously you have the nodes in the plant and they will you've got the genetics cuz you know it's in the stem right so you can grow a back and get more of them you know what I mean you haven't lost your variegation you've just lost your leaf and I know it sucks but I just want to let you know that might happen so not a tip more like a word of warning a little bit the last tip I have for you is if your plant has arrived and it just looks great there are no issues and I've told you not to report it just leave it for a week but for whatever reason you just you just feel it welling within you and you cannot control it and you really want to report your plant please don't remove the substrate from the roots so what I mean by that is if I I'm not gonna do it but if I were to take out this you know the substrate from this plant if I wanted to repot this because it's arrived fine do not shake off the substrate from the roots leave the roots alone so if you can get that out of you know this pot without disturbing the roots like you know how you'll have all done it before in your eco sometimes it comes out and you know kind of a solid lump on you good do not do anything with that just put that into your new part a little bit of a new substrate around it if necessary but do not disturb the root otherwise you're back to square one and you probably are going to have a lot of shock to deal with I must repeat I do strongly advise you to not report but if you really really really are gonna listen to me please do not shake off the roots do not disturb them just kind of just nestle it into the new part with all the substrate and you will find that is much better now I know that thou all of that is potentially very confusing it's like okay so what did I do if it was in Mouse what do I do if it's caught up and it looks bad but also it looks you know the leaves yellow and everything else I know it's confusing so what I've done is and this may be slightly unnecessary I don't really know but I have made a flowchart that I've linked down below so you can print off and if you get a new plant in you know the mail or whatever you can actually follow along according to what's happened to your plant and what your plants needs are so that you don't really forget so you've always got it and that should help you work out what's best to do of course always speak to your seller when you get the plant and it's not in good condition please do take photos be polite to your seller because I'm not saying it doesn't happen but nine out of every ten sellers want you to get good plants they don't want to be sending out bad plans because it's bad business for them so please be polite to them and please do not assume it's something that the seller has done as I say don't get me wrong nine times out of ten I would love to hear horror stories but please assume the seller means good intent and I'm sure they would be happy to help you with whatever the issue is remember a lot of the plants that you are ordering online have come from countries where just they've I've been there myself you know I went to Thailand a few weeks ago the the conditions and the climate are so astronomically different from ours stuff like this happens it's not cool but it happens and it's just part and parcel of owning you know exotic tropical plants it's just what happens if it makes anybody feel any better I get so many plants into my office and some of them die right back for example Queen Anne theorems from me died right back to a stump sometimes the Ann theorem crystal einem also dies right back to a stump they will grow back and believe me they do for example if I get an inferior work weinerman and the leaves turn into Doritos and it goes all dry and then it just becomes a stump when that does rehab itself you know a few weeks and a new leaf comes out the best part of this whole process is when that new leaf comes out that's grown in my conditions do you know what I'm saying so when you do rehab these plants and they do produce new grow both the new growth is absolutely gold and because that's that's growth that's happened in your conditions so from that point onwards you're good I know it kind of sucks but it it is just what happens and if it does happen and you know you don't want a refund or that's just not the option you know that's not the route that you're going down please rest assured knowing that when you do get that growth that is like super Hardy growth because that has grown in the conditions that you've given it and the conditions that you've set out for this plant so there is 100% light at the end of the tunnel please do not lose hope you can do it you can do it we can all do it anyway thank you very very much for watching I really hope that this helps you guys I know that the requests for this video were just off the map even when I said I was doing the video everyone was like when are you doing it when is it coming out please please tackle it please tackle is please cover this so I hope that I've kind of done you proud and everything I recommended in today's video is all stuff that I do on a daily basis with a variety of different plants that come in to my shop if it arrives in sphagnum Moss it goes in water and that's just what happens that is the best chance of survival for these plants coming in I haven't given you any advice today believe me that I don't already do myself or I wouldn't do myself so with that in mind good luck with your plants I hope you're doing great given you know all things considered please stay at home stay safe and I will see you next week guys bye
Channel: Kaylee Ellen
Views: 187,584
Rating: 4.9647532 out of 5
Keywords: kaylee ellen, kaylee ellen plants, save a dying plant, rehab a plant, rehabbing plants, what to do with plants after shipping, is my plant dying, do i have root rot, plant leaves yellowing, how to save a houseplant, how to grow rare plants, grow anthurium warocqueanum, the rare plant shop, how to prevent root rot, how to prevent yellow leaves, brown leaves, crispy leaves, leaf burn, house plant rescue, revive a dying plant, bring houseplants back to life, save a rare plant
Id: 3o90NH64VoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 39sec (1419 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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