Top 10 Easy Rare Houseplants! (In-Depth)

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hello everybody glad you could make it my name is Kaylee Allen and welcome to a very very highly requested video so a lot of you may know that I actually did a top easy rare houseplants video it might have even been a year ago or coming up a year ago very very shortly actually and it seems since I did the first video I've had nothing but requests to do a second video so here we are today I've managed to round up another 10 more easy rare houseplants so as a lot of you may know I own a plant shop which means that to be honest on a daily basis I import I take care of and I send out a lot of different kinds of rare plants this gives me some really solid experience in order to find you guys you know rare plants that I think are going to be reasonably easy to look after there are one or two differences from this video and their video I originally did and I'm also scoring these plants slightly differently as well just makes the maths a little bit easier another thing I would honestly say that the plants in this video are still not as easy as the plants in the first video bar maybe one or two at the high end this is because when I made my original video obviously I found the easiest of the easiest when I do a repeat video I may not find something quite as easy as you know the original list that I created where I really willed it down to give you guys the easiest things that I've found so I'm going to rank these plants based on the average score so we are going to travel throughout this video we're gonna go from the least easy to the most easy so all of the plants in this list are easy but the ones I mentioned first are not as easy as the ones I mentioned last the first factor is light or more specifically tolerance of low light this does not mean no light it simply means low light so reasonably dark corner of a room where it you know the plants not really that exposed too much the second factor I would like to tackle today is under watering so how resilient is this plant to under watering how quickly does it recover when it dries up can it handle it or can it not the next fact that I actually swapped out for temperature last time I've swapped it for all the watering this time mainly because I think that it's more important to everybody than temperature the next factor we to consider is tolerance of the low humidity and no I don't mean no humidity I'm talking somewhere between 40 and 50 percent I will get slightly more specific when I mentioned plants in this video but just kind of assume that when I say low humidity I do not really mean lower than 40 percent the next factor we need to consider is shipping so how well does this plant ship and how tolerant is it generally of the shipping process or do we get yellow leaves does it drop leaves does it dry up into a crisp is it recoverable if you stick it in water what are these plants like to ship do they look the same when they come out of the box as when they went in the box and last but not least we are measuring the rate of growth or the growth rate just so we have a rough idea of how easy these things are to grow and maybe if you're looking to propagate things is that a factor to consider when you want to buy these plants so moving from least easy to most easy the first plant on my list is the monstera s skeletal now I'm most very quickly mentioned and this is basically what a lot of people know as Monster at P prime nineties it has actually been formally you know reclassified since so if you're a little bit confused just think of it as monster at P prime ROI DS even though we don't call it that anymore so for lighting conditions I give these guys a 4 out of 10 so not great now monstera can generally take low light conditions but I find that this plant just isn't very happy in low light as in light that is too low and if it's not happy you may get yellowing leaves but it's unlikely the most likely thing that's gonna happen is this plant is gonna start producing runners so you won't get any foliage you just get runners with just nodes on so in that sense it could be a pro for some people it could be a con but for those reasons I'm actually giving this plant a 4 out of 10 because if it doesn't get the conditions it likes it's not gonna continue to grow in the way that we would want it to for under watering I actually get this plant a 3 out of 10 I don't think this plant loves being on the water despite it being a monster and despite it being reasonably tough I do find that these leaves are actually a lot thinner than many or the different kinds of monstera so that could be a contributing factor but I find if I underwater mine I can sometimes get yellow leaves emerging pretty quickly I do think they prefer to be on the slightly moister side conversely I give this plant an 8 out of 10 for all the watering as I do find that these roots on these plants are very very thick and meaty and they can kind of take a punch when it comes to over watering no I'm not suggesting you overwater it all the time but if you do you're probably not gonna see any issues and the plant should recover just fine for tolerance of low humidity I give this plant a 7 now I think this plant sits reasonably well in 50 percent humidity and that's not a great amount for an air I'd I don't really recommend taking it to 40 just because I feel that the leaves are very thin it might do okay I haven't really pushed it any lower than 45% to be honest though the plant isn't really gonna thrive in anything lower than that at all so you're best off keeping the humidity up but I do think the plant is kind of tolerant for tolerance of shipping I give this plant a 4 out of 10 now in my experience monstera unless it's like literally deliciosa or Thai they don't really love being shipped they especially don't love being shipped with any extra water so if you water them right before you ship the plants just do not like that at all and you will definitely get yellow leaves so not amazing at all on the shipping front if you're going to ship them I do recommend you keep them a little bit drier to kind of combat that for rate of growth on these monster I give them a 5 out of 10 because if you do not give them what they want they won't grow they will not deteriorate so they will not you know slowly die in turn yellow but they won't really grow they will either stay as they are or they'll just send out runners so for that reason I'm not scoring them very highly at all for rate of growth this gives us an average score of 5.2 out of 10 so not amazing it's kind of mid road really next up we have the philodendron Paraiso Verde and I'm going to start with a light and for light I actually give this a 4 out of 10 it's not amazing now this plant will grow in low lights being that it is a philodendron but it's not gonna look very sexy like it's not gonna look like the plant that you want it to look like so you will get growth but you would get very long petioles and very slim leaves so you really kind of need to give this plant above average light in my opinion for it to grow really really nicely for under watering I give this plant a 7 out of 10 and that's mainly because I find that these plants are quite woody and their stems are quite woody which usually means they can conserve water reasonably well so if you happen to miss a watering or two they should be okay when it comes to all the watering I find these plants are a little bit more on the delicate side they'd all really love being over watered and it will take not a lot at all for you to get a yellow leaf if you push things just a little bit too far so for that reason I'm giving it a 5 out of 10 tolerance of low humidity I get this plant a 5 out of 10 mainly because if you don't get this plant the humidity it needs it is more prone to leaves kind of buckling inside the Cata fills and not coming out properly and you'll actually get slapped leaves and only that but the leaves won't grow as big so again if you want this plant to look kind of how it's supposed to look how everyone has it looking on Instagram you are going to need to give this plant slightly better conditions in order to get that it's not good news for shipping I'm afraid I give these plants a 3 out of 10 now they don't ship terribly but I do find in cooler conditions you're almost certainly gonna get a yellow leaf or two they just do not like being shipped they seem very very finicky compared to a lot of other philodendron growth rate however they're actually very very fast so I give them an 8 out of 10 for rate of growth because to be honest they you don't even need to keep them that happy and they will just pump out leaves very very quickly so if you're a fan of things that grow quick and you like being entertained and you need to be kept busy with new leaves then this is definitely a plant to consider this gives the plant an average score of 5 point 3 out of 10 so again not amazing plant number three might surprise a few people this is Ann theorem crystal einem now hear me out honestly hear me out so for tolerance of low light I actually give these plants a 6 out of 10 which is quite high I've had a lot of crystalline them kept in a more dark corner of my show and they kind of just got left there and they've done nothing but pump out really big round plump leaves so that's a huge plus point if you have a darker spot but you really fancy a kind of sexy velvety and theorem then it's a kind of good option for that so this might surprise a few people but for under watering I score this plant an 8 out of 10 now as these plants are an Theory ins they do genuinely appreciate a kind of wet dry cycle so they do like to dry out quite a bit before they're watered for this reason they're really really great if you do underwater and you do leave them that little bit longer they're probably not going to suffer too much for tolerance to over watering I give these plants a 5 out of 10 now and theorum are what are known as epiphytes and in this case it means that the plant will generally take in the natural environment of course it will take its nutrients from things like bark fall and debris and things like that not so much air as with other epiphytes it will take its nutrients from elsewhere for this reason they are not that tolerant to being over watered because they rely on oxygen quite a bit in order to aerate the roots so they're not going to love being over watered but they can probably handle a flush or two just be careful the tolerance of low humidity I give these plants a 5 out of 10 now they are velvety on themes which should automatically tell you that they do appreciate the extra humidity I find if the humidity is a bit low you shouldn't really get any leaves stuck as such you may get some browning on the edges of the leaves but generally speaking crystalline em is quite tolerant 50% will grow and I'm through and crystalline I'm really quite fine if anybody's seen the one that said my shop at the moment that has been grown in 50 percent humidity so it's doing pretty well shipping not so much a good outcome though these plants don't ship unbelievably it doesn't always happen I would say it happens about 50 percent at the time but leaves can go through shock very very quickly and they can't get crispy and they can't kind of dry up worst-case scenario you are left with a stump but that stub will grow back just fine and I actually find that once I've hardened off my plants and they've grown back in my conditions they look ten times bigger and better anyway so it's nothing to worry about just you might get some issues when you bring them in like you're not gonna kill them or anything like that you just might get a bit of crisp for rate of growth I give these plants a 6 out of 10 so they're not actually that bad what can happen is they can go dormant for a period of anywhere between a few weeks to a few months but once they leave that dormancy period you will see that they grow reasonably fast keep them happy and keep them warm you'll get some really good growth out of them Fran theorem crystalline em these scores together give an average of five point five out of ten so we're moving up like incredibly slowly the fourth plant on my easy rare houseplants list is none other than a medium medium green form so not the blue or the silver form because that's actually much more difficult to care for I'm specifically talking about the green form for tolerance of low light I gave these plants a 5 out of 10 now they're good in low light don't get me wrong but similar to the monster a Skeletor the first plant we mentioned these plants will run like crazy to be honest with you they tend to run even if they've got good light so you might have a few issues getting foliage hence I've given it a 5 out of 10 because it's kind of hit and miss for tolerance of under watering I give this plant a 4 out of 10 now I do find that if these plants dry out a little bit too much you are very quick to get a yellow leaf and I reckon that's because of the thin stems that the plant has ie if the stems are thin and the leaves are thin that this plant cannot conserve water very well so it isn't really that tolerant of under watering the plus side of that however is that it can kind of tolerate over watering a little bit more so for tolerance of over watering I give this plant a 6 out of 10 no it's not invincible but if you keep it silent on the moisture side it's going to forgive you no problem for tolerance of low humidity I give these plants a 6 out of 10 now I find that they're fine in 50% I wouldn't really recommend lower than 45% because as I mentioned before these leaves are very thin and not so sure they're going to perform well and look great in low humidity because they're very very thin and very very fragile it gets better though because for shipping I give this plant in 9 out of 10 because honestly eight ships really really well and if you get yours in and it's a little bit wilted if you pop that in water straight up the next day its back it's plump and it looks lovely it recovers very very quickly from the process and it doesn't really suffer during the process and don't seem to get yellow leaves I don't seem to get browning the worse that seems to happen is as I mentioned it will wilt but if you just pop that in water it will plump straight back up easily within 24 hours growth rate I gave this plant an 8 out of 10 because it does grow quickly you just have to fight with the endless and I mean endless runners that grow from these plants I have to keep chopping mine off at the shop because they will not stop growing overall though a really really fast growing plant can recommend these scores together give the plant an average score of 6.3 so with definitely getting easier now within our score range the next easy rare house plant is one that I think a few people might be pleased about and that is the cingulum berry got a tolerance of low light I give these plants a 5 out of 10 now then they will continue to grow in low light they won't actually cease to grow your problem is that these plants will get very leggy in low light and they just won't look that attractive they won't look like the plant that you wanted it to so I do advise giving it a little bit more light in order to combat this under watering not amazing I give this plant a 3 out of 10 I do find if you go a little bit too low in the water this plant will start to go crispy and it will start to yellow reasonably quickly quicker than I expected actually so for that reason I give this plant a low score of 3 out of 10 because I really think it is a plant that you need to stay a little bit more on top off in terms of watering conversely though you may know what's coming tolerance of over watering I give this plant a 7 out of 10 because honestly if you water this plant too much and the soil is just a little bit soggy in my experience these plants you actually stay pretty plump they don't really throw a tantrum at all they look more or less the same obviously not carrying a situation where you've got root rot but generally speaking these plants can definitely tolerate a little bit of over watering they're pretty good actually in that sense tolerance of low humidity we have a nine out of ten because honestly and this also surprised me these plants are okay these plants can do forty five percent humidity no problem which I was really apprehensive about with the whole variegated aspect to it but it performs just fine I wouldn't necessarily obviously recommend forty five percent in order to keep your plants thriving but it can handle it I'm pleased to say it can handle it lastly for rate of growth I give this plant an 8 out of 10 because it really does grow quickly you can get a really long vine out of these plants in no time at all so if you're looking to propagate this plant either to give to friends either to make a nice big bushy plant or maybe it's to sell you will have no problem with this honestly it grows pretty quickly this gives us an average score of six point five out of ten so we're moving up very very slowly on the scale the next plant I have for you guys today is reasonably new and by new I mean it's coming into fashion this year I got it into my shop and I did find it was quite an easy plant to take care of I was very surprised and that is the philodendron domestic ohm variegata tolerance of low light I give these plants a 6 out of 10 so if you do not give these plants the light that they quite want they will not stop growing they will simply produce growth that is less desirable so you'll get smaller leaves you get the plant looking a little bit more leggy but it will not stop growing which does make it a reasonable candidate for a dark corner not only that but it's very gated so it's even cooler in that sense under watering for this plant I give it a 5 out of 10 it's kind of here nor there it's kind of tolerant kind of not it really real is mid road for these schools so I gave underwater in a 5 out of 10 same thing goes to be honest for over-watering I give the plan of 5 out of 10 I don't really notice anything either way whether it's easy or difficult it really does just sit at mid-range which isn't really a bad thing some plants on this list of way less than that so it's kind of good for tolerance of low humidity I gave this plant a 6 out of 10 because it's actually surprisingly tolerant I wouldn't really give this plant less than 50% to be quite honest with you I would prefer to get this punch 60% because it does have variation and variegation tends to make the plant a lot more sensitive should we say less strong less hardy so I would prefer to give it 60% but it can grow just fine in 50% you won't see any issues the shipping for this plant surprised me like a lot so usually when we have variegated plants like this they don't ship amazingly I have some I don't even see behind me I think they went my finger aah I have some philodendron Florida beauty and the the sectoral variation on that is just notorious for not shipping well it'll go Brown it'll go crispy it'll just it'll die but these plans for some reason do not seem to do that providing you pack the wound you ship them well I didn't get any cosmetic damage on these plants from bringing them in so that was really surprising for me to see that they did so well even though they were variegated the rate of growth for this plant also surprises me quite a lot because usually with variegated plans this obviously means that the plant has less chlorophyll so it has less potential to grow as fast I can't honestly say that was the case with this plant these domestica must have grown around 3 leaves in about a month that's incredible that is a really incredible rate of growth for the plant so I'm really really impressed with it and I do score it very very high on rate of growth for philodendron domestic and Borgata I give this plant an overall average score a six point seven out of ten so we're definitely dead definitely getting easier now so plant seven out of ten we're getting towards the end and this plant I just I love this plant I refer to it in a recent video as an all-rounder because it's just great it really is great and that is the philodendron El Chaco red so this may surprise a few people but for tolerance of low lighting I give these plants a 7 out of 10 because honestly I find that you can put these in a dark corner not super dark but dark and they will still pump out foliage that is of size they're not gonna go stupidly small and shrink you should still get really nice round plump leaps so for that reason they're pretty good in low light a lot better than a lot of other philodendron and obviously certainly some others that I mentioned on this list for tolerance of under watering I also give these plants a 7 out of 10 I do find that they can dry out for a little while you know you can miss an under watering or 3 to be quite honest you won't have too much problem there at all the same thing really goes for all the watering I score these plants an 8 out of 10 because honestly if you drench them a little bit they're not really gonna throw a fit at you at all I'm not advising to do that but if you do overwater these plants they should be just fine they don't even show signs of yellowing or anything similar they seem to just kind of stay as they are which is always a great plus this might definitely surprise a few people but for humidity or tolerance to low humidity I give these plants a 7 out of 10 again honestly you can grow these plants in 45% and they will still be okay again I do not recommend anything less than 50% for pretty much any house plant but these plants can take a little bit of a hit which does surprise me as they are velvety in texture so that's really really good news if you're not always there to fill up your humidifier or perhaps you live in a slightly drier climate this is absolutely a plant to try in terms of being able to take a punch when it comes to low humidity shipping these plants I give them a 6 out of 10 and the reason for that is basically I find that they are hit and miss so on some occasions the plant will get there and there be absolutely zero issues nothing the plan looks exactly the same coming out the boxes are went in other plans if they suffer a little bit in transit you can get brown spots you can get yellowing leaves and you can get crispy leaves so it's kind of a bit of a spectrum when it comes to shipping it's not a clear winner in contrast with a lot of the other plants on this list but it is very very good its shipping generally it's really nothing to worry about for rate of growth I gave these plants a 6 out of 10 now they're not super fast growers and they're not super slow growers they're kind of our mid-range but I do find if you don't give them what they like and they're not happy and maybe you don't feed them as much they kind of stop growing and they kind of go dormant to be honest and you've got to kind of do something to kick-start them again so you will still preserve your plant the way it is and it will look pretty but it's not necessarily gonna grow so you might have to give it a kick up the ball every now and again these scores together give the philodendron alt-rock or red an average score of 6.8 so we're almost at 7 so all we're doing kind of well we're really really getting up now into the plants that if you're new to this kind of thing you can kind of consider buying the next three if you're really unsure before I show you the last three plants on this list I'm gonna give you a quick recap of what we've seen so far and how they scored so coming in at five point two out of ten so not amazing we have the esqueleto basters grow okay but if it doesn't if you don't give it what it needs it can kind of get paused in time it can kind of send out runners so it's not ideal but it's okay only marginally above that we have the philodendron Paraiso verde it doesn't ship fantastically and it doesn't love being over watered you kind of have to work to keep it looking you know a good ratio of petiole to leaf so it can grow a bit leggy but it's not really a difficult house product remember these plants aren't difficult they are easy they're just the least easy on this list possibly a little bit of a surprise to some but we have the Ann theorem crystalline and coming in at 5.5 so it's alright for a none theorem that's big and velvety and sexy it's definitely a contender if you're looking for something a little bit on the easier side be aware of them on they ship but once they recover they will look really good a medium medium Green I gave that a six point three out of ten so it's definitely on the easier side it can grow very very quickly it does have thin leaves so definitely be careful with under watering it won't love you but over watering and it can actually tolerate it pretty well so it's good choice if you're a little bit of an over water and you want something that looks a little bit monstera ish because I know that's kind of a bit of a mood for everybody right now coming in at six point five out of ten so getting much easier we have our first variegated plant which is our Sango neum very garter very very very quick growers just be aware of them growing a little bit on the nollie side if you don't give them quite as much light as you want they do propagate very quickly so if you're looking to propagate this plant quickly this is absolutely a good candidate for that for our second variegated plant on the list we have the philodendron domestic and very garter coming in at 6.7 so surprisingly easy for a very sexy very gated philodendron ships really well grows really well doesn't really have an opinion on over-under watering but it's a very very sexy plant it's also becoming very very fashionable at the minute last but not least so far we have the philodendron El Chaco red coming in at 6.8 again I see this plant is an all-rounder because it has visually a lot of hallmarks that a lot of people look for in a really big sexy Hartley philodendron not only that but they grow well they respond to under watering they respond well to over watering they're tolerant of low humidity they're really really really beautiful plants right then we have three plants left and these plants are all pretty easy I think a lot of people are going to be happy to hear this because this plant is a bit of a classic in the world of philodendron and I know a lot of people even now are still looking for it even though it had its moment last year it hasn't really slowed down in terms of demand and that is the philodendron Glory awesome yes really so for tolerance of low light I give these plants an 8 out of 10 I do find that you can still get really nice big pretty round leaves out of them the only thing I will say is if you don't give them enough light they will reach for light very very quickly like they will move over to a light source very quickly not only that but the petioles can get very very long and just stretched so it doesn't necessarily look how you might want it to so you might be better off giving this plant more light purely in terms of visual aesthetics and keeping the plant looking you know just the way that a lot of people expect the plant to look for tolerance of under watering I give philodendron glory or some a seven out of ten because just like philodendron El Chaco read these plants can really go just fine in a dry spell and honestly you won't get browning you want me to get yellowing you won't really get much of anything the plant will stay looking the same obviously if you never water it you're going to get damaged that goes without saying for any plant but generally speaking these plants really do tolerate under watering quite well which surprises me given that they are quite velvety in nature because that can sometimes have an effect but this plant does have you know really big round fat solid petioles so that does help when it comes to under watering for tolerance of all the watering I give these plants is six out of ten honestly they're okay no they don't tolerate being soaked you know endlessly but what plant does but generally speaking if you all the water these they're gonna be okay and they shouldn't show too many signs the first sign you would get would be a yellow leaf but I think you can go over you can all the water at least once before you get this problem so they're not so bad really for tolerance of low humidity I give the glory awesome a six out of ten now they're not bad but with this philodendron and a lot of other velvety filler down around they do really appreciate the extra humidity getting leaves to and fill to be honest any philodendron with a nice big heart shaped leaf you should really be given them sixty percent or more definitely but this plant can take fifty no problem and still be okay you shouldn't see any problems but if you do one hundred percent of the humidity and the problem will just go away philodendron glory awesome also ship pretty well I give these plants an eight out of ten every time i ship a plant every time I have a plan ship to me it doesn't really come with yellowing leaves it doesn't seem to go into shock like a lot of other philodendron might now I know I unboxed some plants in Tuesday's video just gone in my shop and the philodendron glorious I mean that video didn't look very sexy at all that's mainly due to mechanical damage in the box so what I mean by that is I mean physical damage either knocking bumping tearing folding the plant it's just not the same as the plant suffering shock so generally the Glorioso I give them a very very high score if you're wanting to buy one online I really wouldn't expect to see many problems unboxing these things they tend to come pretty good for rate of growth I give philodendron glory or some a 7 out of 10 now these plants grow well but they don't necessarily grow in a way that people like and I think when people say glorious I'm an Instagram and they don't necessarily see the way that they grow and the potential kind of hang-ups that people might have about this plant if that makes any sense so what I mean by that is philodendron glory or some are what are known as crawlers which means they don't really vine up something they crawl along a surface which is fine but you might find again if you don't get these plants on a flight they might start growing a little bit more unpredictably they might start you know turning more and contorting more and petioles might get longer and start pointing in weird directions so if you're gonna place this plant and you want it to grow well I recommend you think a little bit more about the space you're putting it in because it can just get a bit gnarly nothing bad will happen and as I say these plants do grow quickly they just don't necessarily grow in a desirable way unless you give them what they're looking for because we don't give them what they're looking for they're just gonna grow towards it and look for themselves you feel me that's it though I have to give it to the glory awesome it gets an average score of 7 out of 10 making this plant pretty darn easy if you're looking for something big sexy and hard shaped which a lot of people still are I've got to say I don't think the trend for that is died down I don't think it's gonna die down anytime soon I think the glorious ones pretty safe in that sense especially now now that I've said it's easy plant number 9 now I think and I'm not sure about this but this might also surprise a lot of people it might it might not if you saw Tuesday's video you might have had an indication of this but the plant that is ninth on my list and is one under the most easy house plant in this list is none other than Ann theorem vgi I know it's a long left exotic and theorem I know but hear me out for tolerance of low light the vti gets a whopping seven out of ten because honestly you can give these plants a very shaded and you're still gonna get growth and you're still gonna get leaves of some length obviously they might appreciate a bit of a boost but if you really don't have that you will still get good growth out of them you really won't have anything to complain about they still come pretty good similarly for tolerance to under watering I also give the vti a seven out of ten as I mentioned before and theorem are epiphytes which means that this plant that really quite prefers dry as spells as with most on theorems if you give them a wet spell than a dry spell they were kind of looking for it so if you miss a watering or two and you really let this dry up a little bit you're not really gonna see any issues it's gonna look exactly the same it's still gonna look sexy it's still gonna look long it's still gonna look ribbed and it's still gonna look glossy as hell it's really really nice all the watering tolerance to all the watering I get the feejee I an eight out of ten they seem to not mind being a little bit wetter than some other and theorems not all but so just only by a little bit if you do leave this plan sitting in a little bit of water for a little bit too long you know if you're warring bottom up you won't have any problems you're not gonna see anything you're not gonna see yellowing you're not gonna see anything go wrong again for tolerance of low humidity I give this plant a 7 out of 10 now this plant can dip down to 45 percent humidity for a short time you know if you don't fill up your humidifier whatever else don't panic you're gonna be fine you're not gonna see anything you're not gonna see crisping nothing like that don't keep the plant in 45 percent humidity as I keep saying but really you shouldn't have too many problems this plan is not velvety therefore it can kind of take a little bit more of a hit and I find that really surprising that this plant is so tough given that it's a long exotic you know beautiful and theorem so for that reason if you're looking for something long and exotic and you've know you've heard the horror stories about Queen Ann theorem try a king because they're so much easier to grow and it's so much more tolerant for tolerance of shipping I give this plant an 8 out of 10 generally when this plant comes out of the box it looks the same way as when it went in the box and by that I mean pretty much no damage I don't even get yellow leaves I think I might have had a yellow leaf once and that was shipping them in winter and that was one leaf out of several you know Ann theorem that I was bringing in so they're really really Tonk plants like they are tough for us plants they can really take a beating rate of growth I give this planet of seven out of ten because honestly it grows just fine you don't really need to leave it sat next to humidify you can move it back and let all the plants you know steal the extra humidity this plan is going to be absolutely fine literally I cannot speak highly enough of this plan it is a really really wonderful plant if you want a really big long sexy and theorem and the Queen scares the out of you please I implore you to try a VCI because they're just so good they really really are not only that but they look absolutely sick especially when they get mature so really really really good plan to consider this plant receives an average score of seven point three out of ten so it's damn easy to be honest if you ever had the fear about buying this plant honestly just cast it aside because it's a really good one you're not gonna have as many issues as you think I promise you I absolutely promise you last plant on the list and this plant does not fail to perform for me to surprise me to just gain my love and affection because this plant though it looks like it needs the world this plant let me tell you and make no bones about it it should have been in my original video because it's so good this plant is hard as nails it really is hard as nails appearances on this plant deceive so much so without further ado the plant that is easiest in this list is a non other than philodendron melon or chrism I bang on about this plant all the time not only is this plant tough but quite honestly any hybrids of this plant are tough for example if you have shipped in melon okra some I know a lot of sizes are gonna agree with me here if you've shipped in melded cries and by berrak awesome again very very tough plants but generally speaking this plant has great great genes it really really got great genetics it can really take a punch so without further ado let's just go into the scores tolerance of low light this plant gets a seven out of ten it will not stop growing if you do not give it enough light it will simply just grow smaller leaves and get a little bit leggy er but generally speaking lower light isn't too much of an issue for this plan at all probably our due to the dark foliage it can maximize the light that it does get so it can tolerate a little bit lower than a lot of other plants on this list for tolerance to under watering I give the melon or cries ma seven out of ten now this could well be because the leaves are actually quite thick they're not quite succulent in nature but if you felt the leaf of a melon cries I mean you can feel that they are a little bit thicker than some others especially when they get more mature for that reason they can conserve a little bit more water so for under watering if you wonder while this plant you're not really gonna see yellowing leaves you're not really gonna see Chris penis the plant will just kind of stay as it is obviously within reason but generally speaking for the odd mistake this plant is gonna tolerate it no problem okay so all the watering let me tell you a little story I had an instance in my shop late last year it was in winter I think one of the melon ores at the front got watered one too many times and the plan actually developed a root rot I checked it the plant had literally nothing and I mean nothing at the base it was still a stem I didn't really have time to deal with it and it was only the one plant so I put it in new substrate that wasn't as wet and I stuck a little tag in it that said you know do not sell this plant has root rot and I put it some wells to recover now I had to do that because throughout the recovery of this plant let me tell you not one leaf was dropped not one leaf turned yellow nothing happened to this plant if I didn't put that little tag in that you know plant pot then no one would know and my Packer would have literally picked that to send out totally unbeknownst that the plan wasn't actually healthy underneath the soil these things are so damn tough I really I have respect for this planet sort of tolerance of low humidity seven out of ten again it can drop to forty five percent do I recommend it of course not no I don't but it can take it and it won't really change its appearance it's not gonna go crispy it's gonna take a lot for that to happen so if you miss you know filling up your humidifier or you're somewhere a little bit drier but you want something long and you know Gothic and sexy you can still do that with this plan you can still get that shipping nine out of ten literally this planet ships amazingly nearly always goes in the box and it comes out the box and it looks the damn same it doesn't change it doesn't really suffer damage it really just it's fantastic in a rare rare rare case a plant might get a yellow leaf you know towards the bottom but I mean a rare case it just pretty much doesn't happen these are so tough to ship rediff growth I give them Eleanor cries I'm a seven out of ten so they're not absolutely speedy as hell growing they grow kind of a little bit above average if you do get these plans a pole which is what they seek because you know they're climbers then they will grow a little bit quicker and the leaves will grow larger if you don't do that they're not gonna love you but that's more about you just not giving them what they need rather than they just don't grow quickly if I makes any sense so give them what they need give them a pole give them a little bit extra humanity and they will just go boom and they will grow no problem this leaves the philodendron Melnik rhizome with a whopping average score of seven point seven eight of ten as I said before this plant if I'd known about it at the time if I'd had the experience that I have now that plant would have certainly been in the original list no questions asked just amazing plants honestly all the plants in this list are top dog when it comes to easy rare houseplants are they invincible no will they tolerate 10% humidity nope but no plants will no plants are invincible no plants will do that I don't really think there is such a thing as an absolute bomb-proof plant so only when it comes to air ODEs specifically I'm talking about but generally speaking these plants are pretty good and if you wanted to get into rare plants you want to try out something hard shape if you want more of a bougie monstera you want something very gated all the plants in these lists can be good candidates for you so please don't shy away from them give them a goal I think you're gonna be pleasantly surprised and honestly I'm genuinely not trying to obliterate people's wish lists or add to people's wish list with these videos I'm not trying to torture y'all I'm really not but this video is really really highly requested and to be honest it has been since I did the first one which was like last year so I'm really really sorry if I've made it worse for people I didn't intend to I'm just doing what y'all want you know I'm just making what you want me to make if you have any video requests please leave them in the comments below similar if you enjoyed this video please do leave a like it really really helps and if you'd like to see any more of these lists or any other lists or any other content that I happen to do here on YouTube and you haven't already then please hit that subscribe button I do have Instagram as well I have Kol a official and I actually have a Twitter I know I made a Twitter I don't know why I made a Twitter honestly I don't I don't even know if I'm going to use it much I'm kind of new to the whole Twitter game but everybody has a Twitter so I made a Twitter so if you do want to follow me on that then feel free my username is I'm Kaylee Ellen I'll do the same thing as last time just in case anybody asks me the thing that is on my eyes is this Pat McGrath palette I think this is bronze seductions sorry my palette is a little bit grubby it kind of gets that way but I have this color right here on my eyes at the minute I don't know what it's called because I don't have the box with me but that is what is on my eyes today oh this is also by the way the funky red color that everybody asks me about I will do tutorial for this on my second channel soon believe me when I say I've got a lot on in a minute so the videos on that second channel might not come thick and fast then I have a skincare video for you all as well but they are coming honestly if they are coming but that is what is on my eyes today and I love this lady this lady is worth the money trust me I have two of these two of these parts and this saw wet the money I love them Oh so without further ado I love you all very much and I will see you next week bye guys
Channel: Kaylee Ellen
Views: 180,960
Rating: 4.9285345 out of 5
Keywords: kaylee ellen, kaylee ellen plants, easy rare plants, easy rare houseplants, top 10 plants, top 10 houseplants, rare houseplants for beginners, affordable rare houseplants, new houseplants 2020, top houseplants 2020, how to care for rare houseplants, philodendron melanochrysum care, monstera esqueleto care, anthurium crystallinum care, philodendron el choco red care, 10 easy philodendron, Anthurium veitchii care, rare houseplants uk
Id: RRaYv6JYB1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 54sec (2454 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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