- How were you getting those photos? - I got the photos, when
she would go to sleep, I would go get her phone, and I would look through for
any new or different photos, and I would send them to my phone, and then I would delete the
sending off of her phone. (ominous music) - [Man] Wow. Wow. - What do we do next? Like.
- I think we should just text, the number that you have for Jayda. - Right.
- So I'm gonna just do that, just to see if maybe we get a response. - Okay. - Hey Jayda. - If that's even your real name. - I'm just gonna say, "Hello
this is Nev from 'Catfish'. "I'd love to speak to you
to clear up a couple things "about your relationship with Zay, "and give you an opportunity
to explain yourself. "Also, we know you're not Jayda Gilmore. "The rest of your truth is still unknown." All right, so that's sent. - I mean, to be completely honest, the only person that I
see having the motive to do something like this is Eris. (notification tone) - Oh, whoa, hold on, hold on. I just got a message from Jayda. (ominous music) She said, "If she knows that much," as in that she's not
there on the pictures, "I don't think she'll want to talk to me." - Oh, I wanna talk. (notification tone) - Right now I have an
Instagram, hold on a second. - What is happening? - Oh, this is Eris, she wrote back, "When would you guys love to talk?" So, I don't know now. Let me just wait on that. - But what are the odds that Eris messages back
at the same time as Jayda? - Right.
- That's suspicious. - It is. - Oh, wait, wait, she just wrote back. - Jayda?
- Yeah. "This is about more than just Zay and I. "Is Eris going to be there too?" (ominous music) - Did you ever tell Jayda
what your wife's name was? - No. - How would she know that?
- Right? - I don't know. - So clearly, this is
somebody that knows us both. - Or it's Eris.
- Oh, Lord Jesus. (notification sound) - Hold on, she just texted said, "I really don't wanna do this, but I will. "Please don't be mad at me."
(ominous music) So I said, "Okay, whatever you prefer. "We're waiting in the
Zoom with open ears." - What do they mean, "Don't be mad at me?" - I'm sweating.
(brooding music) Oh (beep sound).
- Oh (beep sound). - [Makeda] I'm here.
(ominous music) - Hi, can you hear us?
- [Makeda] Yes. (brooding music) - Oh. (muffled speaking) we can see
a little bit of you there. Take your time, no rush, we'll wait. - I can't wait, come to the camera. (ominous music) (ominous music) - I'm sorry. - Makeda. (ominous music) - Somebody explain
something, what's going on? (ominous music) - It wasn't Jayda that she was talking to. - Clearly.
- Just for our sake, can you just kind of give us
a little bit of background as to how you guys know each other? - We went to college together. - Okay, and so you made the fake profile for Jayda on Instagram?
- Yes. - Why? - Zay is a very close friend to me, and she was going through
a lot in her marriage. And I just wanted to like, help her out, I didn't really mean for
none of this to happen. I don't really know what to say to you, you look disappointed. - But why you couldn't just
come to me as a regular friend not had to fake some (beep
sound) lie like this. Your whole mental and
your motive behind this was really stupid. And I really hope that you know that. - Not really. - How is it not really? - 'Cause clearly it got you somewhere. You wanted to leave Eris, I
tried to get you out of that and you wanted to be happy
and I wanted to see you happy. I just wanted you to see that there was other options out there. - What was the strategy
then for the Jayda profile? What was your concept
of how that would work? - She was pretty attractive, I knew that Zay was hooked to her. So it was an easy way to get to her for her to open up to me. This is what you wanted. - What do you mean when
you say what she wanted? Explain that.
- This is what she wanted, she wanted to leave Eris, so I figured out a way
to get that to happen. I mean, what are you
really upset about exactly? - The fact that it was a
very close friend of mine, somebody that I really did
trust, somebody that I did love, well, you was a really good friend to me. - So you don't love me
as a friend right now? - I don't, the love is
the last thing on my mind. - [Makeda] So all that
went out the window. - It did. - Just, I don't know if I'm
like in the twilight zone, or if I'm tripping or what, but Makeda you look very familiar. - I thought so. - Have you been on this show before? - Yes, I have. - [Nev] You catfished Elysia, right? Explain that, tell me what happened again? - I was basically catfishing her because she was going
through like a hard time with her boyfriend. - [Max] I'm Max. - Makeda. I'm not a liar, like, I'm really not, I just did it because it
felt right at that moment. (ominous music) - Clearly, this is a pattern
that you have formed. - And so, let me ask you a question. Let's just for a moment
put the past behind us and just talk about Zay. How did it go from you
trying to be a friend and creating this profile to encourage Zay to make a good decision, to you guys flirting and talking about starting a relationship? - I don't know, it's just something I
really have to tell you, but I just don't know how to say it. - So tell us please, it only help better
understand the situation if you let whatever it is
that's weighing you down off your chest. - Me and Zay slept together. (ominous music) And she know it's true.
- [Nev] What? - [Zay] And I told you that was a mistake. I don't wanna bring that up. - [Makeda] Was it really a mistake? - Zay, what the (beep sound). - What the (beep sound) is right. Is that true? - I mean, like, as far
as with Makeda that, like, I didn't really want that, I'll. - [Nev] Wait, so you slept with Makeda? - This was like three months ago, though. - She came over, one thing led to another, that's what happened. But, what I really have
to tell you is that. (ominous music) I slept with Eris as well, two
days after I slept with you. - No, you didn't. (ominous music) No, you didn't. - I did. - I'm not believing that until I hear the same
thing out of Eris's mouth. So as far as.
- We both know how easy Eris is. - [Zay] You need to cut
your (beep sound) Makeda. Yes, we got our issues but you're talking crazy about my wife at the end of the day. You know how I feel about that
disrespectful (beep sound). - You don't wanna hear the truth. - I've been trying to hear the truth, that's what all of (beep sound) is about, are you (beep sound) dumb? - Why can't we just get
Eris to come talk to us? I think we really do need to talk to her. (brooding music) (air whooshing) I've invited Eris to join us, so that we can all just make sure we understand what did and didn't happen. - We're not on good terms,
not on the best terms but at the end of the day, I know my wife, and I know that didn't happen. (notification tone)
- Eris just message, that this is not honestly
something she wants to do. "Do I have to show my face? "I really don't want to." So I said, "I understand you
don't have to show your face, "but we need you here to
speak for yourself, please." She said, "Okay, fine." (ominous music)
(notification tone) - [Eris] Hello.
- [Nev] Eris? - [Eris] Yes. - So, I'm just gonna sort of
set the stage here for you. Eris, I think you know Makeda. Turns out she's the person
that made the profile for Jayda that Zay recently told you about. - [Eris] Wow, this is
ridiculous, oh, Lord. - I'll let Zay kind of
take over and explain. - I wanna tell you something
that I should have told you, you know, back in like, June. I was over at Makeda's house
and we slept together one time. (ominous music) - [Eris] What the (beep sound)
cause I'm here being loyal and committed to our marriage, regardless of what we've
been through and stuff. I know that our situation
hasn't been great, but that doesn't give you the right to go out and do what you wanna do. That's just not how that works, because if it was the other way around, I'm pretty sure that you
wouldn't be fond of that. (ominous music) - Well, that's why we
wanted to talk to you. Makeda claims that you
guys slept together. - [Eris] Oh, really? (notification tone) - Oh.
- Oh. - Makeda, we did not sleep together. Maybe you guys slept together, but I know I sure didn't
open up my legs to you. - Stop lying Makeda. You don't think you look
stupid or delusional right now? - I can't believe I'm being
lied on, on my fricking vagina, like my vagina is being lied on. I'm confused, like,
why would you say that? - Okay, well, and it
was to get back at Zay because she broke my heart,
she hurt my feelings. - You're crazy. I broke your heart, but you're the one that
pretended to be Jayda for five months? - So?
- You did that, and I told you what it was
when we did sleep together. Like, you knew what it was, so I'm confused as to
how I broke your heart when we agreed on something and
to not speak about it again. - All right, so look, let
me just get this straight. So Makeda, you said, you
and Eris slept together, because you were hurt when you found out that the hook up with Zay didn't mean what you
maybe had hoped it would? - Yes, that's what it was. (brooding music) At the end of the day, I mean, I hope that we can
rekindle this friendship. Like, I didn't mean to hurt
Zay, I didn't mean to hurt you. - But you did. - [Makeda] And I'm sorry for that. - This is not a friendship
that can be rekindled after you did what you did,
and I hope you know that. Like you're the one that
was catfishing my spouse, you're the one that slept
with my spouse behind my back, because you ain't married to her. I'm legally married to her, not you or any other broad, it's me. - Okay, well, like I said, I'm sorry. - No, you're not, and
I don't wanna rekindle. - No, I am. And if y'all don't wanna be
friends, is fine with me. Like, I'm done, I don't
wanna do this anymore. Like, I'm just finished at this point. - Okay, so, I guess Makeda, we got all we needed to get from you. I just want to make sure you understand that while you claim
you had good intentions, your strategy here pretty much always ends
with someone getting hurt. - Right. - I hope this is the last time we meet under these conditions. But at least you showed
up and we cleared this up as best we could, and we can all move on. - Right, okay. - All right, bye Makeda.
- Bye. (air whooshing) - Oh. Tyneira just wrote, "I saw you texted, can
I talk to you again?" "Sure, jump back into
Zoom," I guess, right? - Exactly.
- That was Tyneira, the sister.
- The twin. - The twin sister. - If there really is a twin, I mean, it's got to be the same person. Well, let me see if she wrote back. She said, "Okay". - Come on in girl, make this happen because something ain't right. - Come on in. (notification tone)
(ominous music) - [Nev] Hi.
- Hello Tyneira. - Hey guys, hey Dejuan.
- Hello. - Hey, who? You guys know each other? (laughs)
- Yeah. (ominous music) - Is that because you are Tynea? - Yeah.
(ominous music) - So are you also Tyneira? - I'm the one that's been catfishing him. - What the (beep sound). - And you're the same
person we spoke to earlier? - Yes. - [Dejuan] Hold up.
- Okay. - What the (beep sound) - Yeah, do you want to
explain what's been going on? Because we're all pretty confused. - Basically I've just been, I've been the one catfishing him. I didn't know how to come
out about it, basically. - And that's all you have to say? - I've been going through stuff
like insecurities and stuff. And my sister, her life was so great, so I just wanted to use like, her stuff, because her life was so great, and mines was so horrible at the time. - [Nev] So you're trying to tell us you do really have a sister?
- Yes. - So why hide behind the
screen of someone else and carry on this for the last two years? - I don't know, because I just wasn't, I didn't feel right
with myself at the time. (ominous music) - All right, so hold one, let me just clear up a couple things. So your name is Tyneira?
- Yes. - You do have a twin sister named Tynea? - Yes.
- [Nev] Okay, and where do you live?
- North Carolina. - In Greensboro?
- [Tyneira] Yes. - Okay, so that's what you
told us earlier when we spoke. (Tyneira agrees) And do you have any children?
- Yes. - You do, okay. Just one daughter, or more than that? - Just one. - I'm a little confused only because you said
that you were using things in regards to your sister Tynea, because her life was going so great. So even assuming if your twin is real, your story still doesn't make sense. You only used Tynea's name,
you didn't use her photos. You didn't use anything
having to do with her other than her name, and you could have easily used your name with somebody else's photos. That doesn't make sense to me. - I mean, I didn't wanna use my own name, because like a lot of people
know me, so I used her name. (air whooshing)
(ominous music) - But what does that
have to do with her life? Because it seemed more like
you were mirroring the life of one of the girls whose photos
you were using majority of. - No. - And then she's so nonchalant
about this whole situation as if is not my life that
you was playing around with. - I'm gonna be honest with you Tyneira, it still just feels like a little weird, and I'm not entirely sure
we're getting the whole story. (ominous music)
(notification tone) Are we?
- Yeah. - [Kamie] I don't think so, because I don't think you have a twin. I don't think you're
telling us the whole truth. (phone vibrating) - Wait a second. Hello.
- [Tynea] Yeah. - Hi.
- [Tynea] This is Tynea. - Tynea? Okay, cause I'm also
currently talking to Tyneira, is that your sister? - [Tynea] Yeah, I got your message, and, I need to talk to you. - Okay, I'm confused, but okay, if I send you a Zoom
link, can you join a Zoom? - [Tynea] Yeah, I can. - All right, let's speak in a second. - [Tynea] Okay.
- Okay. So who is that? Who just called me? - You guys don't really have to, I mean, talk to her, y'all
don't have to talk to her. She has nothing to do with this. (notification tone)
- Oh. Oh, here she is.
(ominous music) Hi.
- Hey. - [Nev] What, there really is a twin. - This (beep sound) is crazy as hell. - Our heads are scrambled. We honestly really don't know what the hell's going on right now. So I don't know if you
can help us clear this up. Tyneira seems to be telling us that she's been catfishing
Dejuan this whole time, but obviously, it's been
from your phone number, so I don't know how that would work. I didn't think there was a twin sister. So, can someone help explain this? - Can somebody tell the truth, please? - My sister, she's just very,
very over protective of me. So I guess she just felt like, it would be a good idea to take the fall, because I did let her know,
like right after you texted me. Tyneira, thank you for doing that, but I just feel like
at the end of the day, I just wanna be honest. - Okay, so let me get this straight. So Tynea, you are the one who
has been talking to Dejuan the whole time.
(Tynea agrees) And it's your sister trying
to take the fall for you? (Tynea agrees) Okay, so Tyneira, you're just a stone
cold ride or die sister who had nothing to do with this and was just trying to help your sister? - Yes, because she has a
lot going on with herself. I had told my sister not
to call you guys back because I'd handle it,
and my way of handling it was telling you guys that I'm
the one that was doing this. - Okay, and are you guys
actually twin sisters? - Yes. - This (beep sound) is crazy
as hell (chuckles slightly). - As a big sister, I understand wanting to
ride or die for your sister, but at the same time, we're
not here to gang up on Tynea, that's not why we're here. Our job here is just to
facilitate the conversation. - So let's just talk to
Tynea now for a little. Tyneira, nice to meet you. - Okay, thank you guys.
- Thank you. - Okay. Okay, so we're finally
where we need to be here. Tynea, why don't you actually just give us a brief
introduction to yourself. - Okay. I live in Virginia with my
stepmother and my father. - Okay. - Why put your location as Atlanta? - When he told me that
he was in North Carolina at the time I was living in
Greensboro, North Carolina. And I just didn't want
it to lead to a point where he's constantly asking me, oh, well since we live in the
same city why not link up? So I just said Atlanta. - Why did you let me drive
all the way to Georgia, if you wasn't gonna show up? - I guess like, when you tell a lie, you just gotta keep telling
lies and lies to cover it up. It was very selfishly and
very, very insensitive to let you drive all the way down here. - And was you pregnant when we first met? - Yeah, I was. I was pregnant when we first met. (ominous music) - Okay, so you do have a kid, right? A daughter?
- Yeah, she's two. - Okay. - I guess for me, I'm just
trying to figure out like, you're obviously a pretty girl, why are you using photos of another woman, to portray yourself? - I feel like we all have
our own insecurities, and I'm not gonna seat here and lie, honestly there was plenty times that I wanted to come
out and say, oh, yes, I'm not the person that's
in the pictures, obviously. But I was just like, I guess like my pride and me
being afraid of your reaction. And I guess losing somebody
that I care about dearly, I did not even expect it to
even go as far as it did, because I didn't expect
me to fall for you. I was just looking for a
friend and someone to talk to. Because when I had my daughter, I was going through postpartum depression, and to deal with it. - I'm sorry that you had
to go through those things you had to go through. - Is that something that you're
still struggling with now? - As far as me being depressed, no. - He said that things
have been a little rough for you lately, are you comfortable telling
us a little bit about that? - I did kinda, I did recently find out that I'm pregnant. (ominous music) (Dejuan exclaims) - Okay.
- Wow, okay. (ominous music) - [Tynea] Yeah, that's the only thing. - This is some bull (beep sound). - How far along are you? - Two months.
- [Kamie] Congratulations. - Thanks. - Is the father someone that you're seeing and in a relationship with? - As far as me being in a
relationship with him, no. - Right, but two or three months
ago, you guys did have sex? (Tynea agrees)
Obviously. - It wasn't intentional, but I mean, it happened. (ominous music) - That's a lot of new information. - Yeah. - And that's all you have to say is, yeah. - He was under the impression that you guys were in a relationship, and I think an exclusive relationship. - Yeah, and I mean, I just, I care about him, I love him. And I didn't expect to fall
for him at all, but I did. I mean, everything that I've said to him, as far as me expressing my
feelings have been 100% true. And things that I have not
even told anyone else he knows. So, yeah, I do care about
him, I do wanna be with him, and I love him, I really do. (ominous music) You know, I can't change the past, because it's already been done. But I mean, I could just
fix and mold the future. - What do you think Dejuan? (brooding music) (clears throat) - At this point, I'm done. I don't know who you are really. - No, I mean, you know who I am. I'm not the same person in
the picture, I'm not that, and everything else is true, so what don't you know about me? - I felt like we were in
a committed relationship, maybe I was wrong about that. - I mean that it wasn't specified, so I just felt like the
way everything went about as far as with my daughter's father, you know, it wasn't a good choice. And I wouldn't want
you to do me like that. I mean like over these years, like, have you been faithful to me? Like have you not slept with anyone else? - Of course, not. The moment we matched on
Tinder, I got rid of Tinder. Because I felt like if
we're in a relationship, we're saying we love each other, we're saying we wanna see each other, we're saying we miss each other, I don't feel like in a relationship I should be saying that
same thing to somebody else. - I mean, but if you felt so strongly why is it so easy for you
to just get up and leave? - Because I feel like I haven't been getting
the truth told to me. And it had to come to this. I just don't understand why
would you try to mislead me. - I just, I don't know, I feel like the thought of losing you was worse than the thought
of me telling you a lie. I do apologize for misleading
you and not being honest, leading on to think that
I was somewhere else and laying you in my bed of lies. (gentle orchestral music) - And I accept your apology. I believe that everyone
makes mistakes in life, and I'll always be here for you, if you need someone to talk to, but I feel like that's where
we should go from there. You have my number you
can always FaceTime me. (Tynea laughs) But as far as being in a relationship I don't think I can
handle all that right now. (air whooshing)
(brooding music) - Deep breath Jason, deep breath. (ominous music) - I'm so nervous. I feel like I'm gonna throw up. (ominous music)
(notification tone) - What's teaing? - [Kamie] Oh. - [Nev] Oh my God, this is crazy. - Get the (beep sound) out of here. (Jason laughs) - I mean, do I have to like
clean my computer screen? Am I seeing this right? - I can't. - Hello, I'm not sure what to say, we're all a little dumbfounded here. - Are you serious? - [Nev] Mar, is that your name? - No, my name is actually Omar. - Oh, that makes sense, okay. Thanks a lot (muffled speaking) (Omar agrees) - Yeah, I'm 21 I live in Vegas. - Has it been you the whole time? - Yeah, it's been me this whole time. (gentle orchestral music) - [Nev] Who is the woman
that answered the phone? - [Omar] It was my roommate. - Is there a reason that
you had her answer or just? - When it's numbers that I don't know, I just have other people answer. - I mean, that's a little shady, are you hiding from someone? Why have you been so
mysterious this whole time? - I just didn't want him to know who I am. Like my name and everything. (brooding music) That's the reason why I was
having him Cash App my friend instead of me. - [Nev] But what would be so bad about him knowing your name? I don't get it. - Didn't want him to like, think that I was really like wanting to really, really be with him, and I didn't wanna be with him. (ominous music)
- [Kamie] What? - But why would you text me
and tell me that you love me and you wanna get married? Like, I mean, why would you do that? - Because you kept sending
me money, so why not? And you didn't ever
expect me to FaceTime you or none of that. So, you know, that was easy money. He's pretty much my sugar daddy. - Sugar daddy? I wish I hadn't come to
this screen right now. Sugar daddy, that's funny. - I can own up to it, I
used him for his money. And with the pandemic,
he was a good target and I feel like he's
stupid, like, come on now, what other way I could say
it, like, he's really stupid. (ominous music) And that's no tea nor
shade, like there's no tea. - But you led me on. You led me on, I mean. - [Kamie] Do you have a job? - I work on the strip. - So what did you do with all
this money that I sent you? - You know, buy me expensive stuff, shoes. Honestly, I told you I needed an Uber, but I didn't need an
Uber, I got a whole car. (brooding music) - I live paycheck for paycheck, half of the money I was
giving you was from bills, because I thought that
you were in trouble, you needed help. I mean, but you led me on,
the texts in the morning and, you know, me telling you, my deep, darkest secrets, and
I thought we had something. (ominous music) This is just ridiculous.
(ominous music) - You said in your text message to me that I (beep sound) up, but so did he. What exactly did you mean, so did he? - Honestly, you're the catfish. (ominous music) - What do you mean? - This is not who he is in
the picture that's on Jack'd. That's not him, that was
the younger version of him. - You're saying that
Jason used pictures of him when he was younger? - Yes.
- [Nev] On his profile? - Yes. - That picture wasn't even that old, I took that picture like two years ago. - Well, that don't look like you boo. - [Kamie] Show us the picture. - [Jason] This is the picture. - [Omar] And like he got and, by that time, he was already, you know. - [Kamie] (beep sound) this excuse Omar, it doesn't look that different. - For you to try and say that because you feel like the picture he used was a misrepresentation of him, which somehow gives you permission
to take advantage of him, that's just bull (beep sound). - Look how he look, like do you, he's not cute, come on now like. - [Kamie] He's a handsome
man and he's a kind person. - [Omar] No, he's not, no, he's not. - [Kamie] What's really not cute is the way that you are behaving. - And not only that, he
told me that he had HIV. (ominous music) - Are you criticizing him for
being open about his status? - Like, come on now, like that's? - What benefits you
out of degrading Jason? As a gay man, who's a
part of that community, and you know what the stigma is like, that's so disappointing. I have sisters that are 13 years old, and they have more dignity and class than what you are demonstrating
right here right now. - Jason has taken a huge chance
in opening up about that, not just with you, but on
the show with lots of people. That's something that he's gotta live with and struggle with. And we should be nothing
but supportive of. - I felt like I could trust you Mar. I don't open up, not at all, but I felt I could open up to you. You don't have no morals or no standards, you're a scam artist. - You can't put it all on me
because at the end of the day, you kept sending money even after you felt like
something was strange. - But that's such bull (beep sound), he acted out of generosity
and love and helpfulness. And you acted out of
greed and selfishness. And so there is shame on
you, but not on Jason. - [Omar] Do I feel sorry? - I bet you don't.
- Oh, no, I don't. - It figures. - You can get your money back, I'll send you your money back. - Can you do it now?
- Yeah. - Okay, let's see it. - I'm gonna send it to him after the show. (ominous music) - Yeah, okay. - Is this all like, did you come on here
to put on this act or, because I just, I don't feel. - No, this is really me in real life. - You're genuinely a
(beep sound) human being, is that just who you are? - Calm it down with me, okay? Any other questions?
(Kamie laughs) Thank you, you're dismissed.
(Kamie laughs) You're dismissed. - You can't dismiss me, you
don't have the qualifications. You do not have the jurisdiction. - And you can't just dismiss someone because you don't like
what they have to say. (ominous music) - Keep being you, and
allow everyone, the world, to see exactly who you are, and let them hopefully
stay far away from you. - Okay, are you done? - [Kamie] That's all I have to say. - I don't even want to see his
face anymore, to be honest. - And I don't wanna see yours either. - I think we've had enough. Goodbye.
- All right, bye. (ominous music) - Jason, I would like to apologize for the way that he was
trying to degrade you. You are a good person. - And you're a good looking guy. - Yeah, what the (beep
sound) he's talking about. (Jason laughs) And somebody will accept
you for who you are, exactly how you are, and there's
nothing to be ashamed of. - [Nev] Stop dating guys on the internet that won't date you in real life. - Okay (laughs).
- [Kamie] Okay, period. - [Jason] Absolutely right. We'll see how life goes. - All right, Jason. - God bless you all, thank you. - God bless. (laughs) What a sweetheart. - All right Kamie, good work, but you are now officially dismissed. - (beep sound) off. So Dre, if Casey comes in the chat, and it's not the girl that
you know in the pictures but it's still a good looking girl. - Is all about the vibe
that person giving out. You know, I go by vibrations, so. - We know.
- Come on Dre. You were trying to smash brother, come on. - Yeah, I was definitely trying to smash. (ominous music) - So, oh, look, we got bubbles. We got text bubbles.
- Typing, typing, typing. - Typing bubbles. - Oh my God, I don't like this. (notification tone)
(gasps) - Oh, "Ummm, I don't know, "is he sure he really wanna meet me?" - Say, hell yeah. That sounds like, I mean. - [Nev] He says, hell, yeah. - [Dre] I got money on this girl. - So okay, so you're excited about the fact that it could be a girl. - I'm intrigued by the fact that it could it could be a girl. - I would also say,
"Also, just so you know "Dre knows that you're
not the girl in the photos "and he is still very
interested in meeting you." To take a little bit of the pressure off. Oh, oh, Casey's typing. Let's see what they say. "Well, I'll do it, but
I need like 15 minutes." Okay, here is the link. (notification tone) Come join us, thanks.
(notification tone) I mean, there's a chance
it could be Rebecca. - I hope it is her. - Now you hope it's Rebecca. - I mean, yes, because it takes away some
of the hoarseness of it. - You just don't wanna get in
trouble, that's what it is, you don't wanna get caught
up in your (beep sound), your own (beep sound) you created. And if it's Rebecca, then you can be like, see, I'm attracted to you
bae, it was you all along. - Oh, oh, she's wrote back,
"okay I'm coming in now". Get ready. (Kamie mimicking) - [Kamie] Oh, man. (notification tone)
- Oh. (air whooshing)
Hi. - Hello. - [Kamie] Hi.
- [Dre] How're you doing? - I'm good, how are you guys? - Doing good.
(brooding music) - You're Casey? - Yes, I am. - Is that your name or should
we call you something else? - You guys can call me Charisma. - Charisma, okay. I like that. - Dre, you've never met Charisma before? - [Dre] Not a day in my life. - And Charisma, do you
know Dre from somewhere? Or did you guys just both
meet through Instagram? - Through Instagram. - Well Dre, this is the opposite of what
I thought was gonna happen. - I'm shocked.
- I mean. - I just wanna know a little
bit about you Charisma. Where do you live? How old are you? What do you do? I just kinda, we don't know anything about you. - I live in Dallas actually.
- [Nev] Okay. - And I am 22 years old.
- 22. - I am in school. I go to (beep sound) institute, mortuary school to be a mortician. - Oh, wow. - So Charisma what was it about Dre, I mean, how did you come
across him to begin with. - His social media, he
just seemed real chill, really chill in himself
and I like that y'all. - [Dre] Appreciate that
(muffled speaking). - I like that a lot. - I am chill, I'm definitely
chill, you seem chill too. - [Charisma] And I actually
really do like you Dre honestly. - Yeah, I like that. I like that. You know you could have definitely had used your own pictures, you would have probably
got a better conversation. And now, you was talking
about a phone, like you know, like your phone was broke. What was that all about? Like you was just scared
to video chat me like that? - No, I actually have bad connection, we had bad connection. I would love to if you're
willing to give me the shot to get to know me. Are you willing to still talk to me? - Yeah, we cool. Definitely, we cool, yes. Yes, because, assume you
don't know (muffled speaking). (clap sounds)
(chuckles slightly) (Dre exclaims) (ominous music) (laughs) - Who is this?
- Man what the (beep sound). - I'm Casey. What? - Are you Rebecca? - Man, what the (beep
sound), that's my sister. (ominous music) What are doing here? What's going on? - [Nev] And what's your name? - Jackie. - Jackie, and you are Dre's sister? - Yeah, Dre's my brother. - Blood sister? - Blood sister, we've got the same father. So she really had nothing to do with this? - No.
- That's messed up though, why would you do me like that? - Charisma is that really your name? - Yes, it is.
- This is my friend Charisma, and she helped me out when I needed her, she don't have nothing to do with this. - Why would you, you know, you played on my top, why would you do that? - You're kind of a thot. You be acting thirsty all on social media, and you got a whole
girlfriend that love you, you know you got a baby,
you got a daughter. And I was just like, tired
of you being a thot really. I just wanted you to kind
of respect your girlfriend. - So basically, you baited me. - You ain't have to take the bait, but that shows you like how, you know, kind of a thot that
you really (muffled speaking). - The type of messages I was sending, I'm asking for (beep sound) pictures (beep sound) like that's, you know, that's one of
my sisters, so I mean. - [Jackie] You ain't
get nothing sent to you. - Right, I know I didn't get nothing, all right, that's facts,
but I'm saying I asked that. You know what I'm saying? Like, type of messages that
I was (muffled speaking) like, I wanna see that ass
from the back (beep sound). That's (beep sound) up. My sister, really did a number on me. - Karma's a bitch. - This is messed up, I'm shaken up. - Jackie, was it weird for you
to be talking to your brother in a kind of flirtatious way? - Yeah, it was weird, I kept trying to get off the conversation because I don't wanna
hear nothing about that. He'd be trying to put on so
much charm, but it'd be so fake. Oh, yes, I really wanna be with you, I'm trying to be with you. He's so sweet, but that
ain't the real Dre, because how he'd be making Rebecca look, you're two different people. - When you were talking to Dre as Casey, did he say that he was in a relationship? - You ain't even tell me that
you had a girlfriend at that. So is like, you weren't even trying, you weren't even thinking
about your family. - No, I was, I'm always
thinking about my family. I did tell you I had a daughter. And you know. - What did you say? - You know the daughter came from a womb. So I mean. - Are you kidding me? Are you calling your girlfriend a womb? Is that what she is? - No, I'm saying somethings
should go without saying, I disclosed to Casey, Casey was. - [Jackie] I told you like he.
- Dre. - [Jackie] Who is this
person (muffled speaking) (laughs) - What? Jackie, does Rebecca know
that you've been doing this? - No. I didn't tell her. He's just so disrespectful
to Rebecca online. And you know I feel her
because I'm a woman. Nobody wanna feel like
that or look like that, and you be making her feel
bad and I don't like that. - I mean.
- Anyway, and whose phone has he been texting? - Okay, so at first I had
like this text free number and then I ended up getting a
new number for my real number and he didn't have it yet. So, I started texting from
my just regular number. - So that's your new number. - Yeah, that's my real number
so you can save it now. - So who answered the phone yesterday? - My boyfriend.
- Oh. - 'Cause he just likes to answer my phone. - Jackie do your other siblings know? Does Fred know? Does Tasha know? - No, I didn't tell anyone. Me and Fred was talking one day and so like he brought up Casey. And I was surprised that
he brought up Casey name because that means they
he was serious enough to even bring her up to our brother. Then Freddie was telling me like, yo, I was thinking about writing
to "Catfish" and whatever. So I saw the opportunity
to embarrass you publicly, because that's how you do Rebecca. 'Cause, you have a
daughter, you have a family, your girlfriend loves you. So, I'm your sister and I love you. I just wanted to make you feel how you be making Rebecca feel. Because that ain't right. And you need to grow up. He's just like my dad. (gentle piano music) But you are. All of us say you are (laughs). - I understand your
perspective, cause definite, with him for having multiple females, I mean, it could
subconsciously have an effect? - And you like it. That's what's crazy about it, because you, I think you like it. - You know. - But you have a daughter, would you want someone
doing her like that? - Yeah, I get that I understand that. I'm definitely gonna work
on myself, and be faithful. And, hopefully, she'll take me back. This might be the deal breaker, but, I got charm so really. - Where? Show me. - I mean, I'm definitely gonna step it up. Jewelry definitely is good, I might get her some jewelry. - You can start with
jewelry if you want to, but what we need in our
community especially are more solid family foundations. I hope Jackie that you feel like you got what you wanted out of this. I definitely did. - I feel like I did and I
apologize for tricking you. - Apology accepted and, we good. It's just, I was just shaken up. - I'm happy you guys are gonna stay close, because this could have obviously taken a turn for the worst. So, I'm glad that you guys are cool. All right, Dre that's it, that's it for us, all right? - All right.
- Take care guys. - Bravo Jackie. Bravo. - [Nev] Wow. - Snaps for Jackie.
(gentle guitar music) - I mean, look, at the very
least you can now talk to her, which I think will be helpful for you just to sort of have an
opportunity to talk to this girl who you thought you were in love with for so long, so many years ago. But who knows, maybe she actually has something else to tell us. (beep sound)
(notification tone) (brooding music) - Hi. - Hi.
- Hi. - We're missing someone.
(ominous music) - [Nev] Wait, yeah.
- She's not here yet. Hi, sorry, I'll be right back. (muffled speaking) - [Nev] That was weird. - I mean, who are we waiting for? - Who are we missing? (ominous music) What just happened? - I have anxiety. (ominous music) Why are we just seating
here, this is awkward. (ominous music) (notification tone)
(ominous music) - Oh. Oh, hello. - Hi. - Oh. Oh, hello. - Hi.
- Hello. Hi. - Hi. - Hi.
- Okay. Hi there, we're all a little confused, we're not sure exactly who's
who and what's what here. So please introduce yourselves. - So I'm Katy. And you guys talked to me yesterday. And this is Martha.
- Martha. - Hello, Martha. - Hi Nev. - So okay, I'm Nev and this
is Kamie and this is Paul. - Hi.
- Hi Kamie. - Hi.
- Hi Paul. - And well, I'm delighted to meet you and that you're joining us, I just, I may have a hard time
figuring out exactly why. - I mean, the long and
short of it is, Paul hi. Nice to meet you.
- Hi. - I don't know who you are.
(ominous music) But this is my mom. This is who Paul was talking to. (ominous music) - What? (air whooshing) - I was the one doing the catfishing. (ominous music) - Wow. (beep sound) (brooding music) - You do realize how young I was, right? - I do. (ominous music) - Katy when we spoke to you yesterday, you chose not to tell us about all this. And I can understand maybe why. - I mean, who would, they
(beep sound) embarrassed, I mean this is embarrassing. I mean this is (beep
sound) embarrassing for me on so many levels. I can only imagine for her. (ominous music) - So wait, Katy, did you know that this was the case the whole time? - So I found out everything
roughly two years ago or so. I was so mad and hurt. But my mom and I like after finding out like we've reconciled we're on good terms, but I know that there are
people out there like you who need closure from what she did. I definitely wanted to just like, tell you everything yesterday,
it was really hard not to. But it's not just my life that it affects, I mean, it's my mom and I had to take her into consideration. I contacted her pretty
quickly after and was like, can we do this? Can we come clean on everything? Because, again, I've had other
people put me up about this. And it's like, I've told them
and they haven't believed me. I don't know what to do (muffled speaking) - I mean it is hard to believe. - I'm sorry, I'm like, I can't speak because I'm
literally like sick to my stomach. - You're sick to your stomach, huh? Yeah.
- Are we like, is this honestly the truth? - 100%.
- It's true. (ominous music) - When was the last time
you were actively using the Caitea disguise and
sort of fake profile. - Seven years ago, I don't
remember exactly Nev. - So it has been a while
since you've done this. - Yes. I did go to see a therapist. That stuff had been worked out years ago. - But there really is
like no real explanation for talking to a young
teenage boy as a grown woman. - It started because I was in
a really bad place in my life. I had gotten divorced. My mom died, my oldest
child went off to college. And Katy left to go live with a boyfriend. So I went from having three people that were the focus of my life to nothing. And I was extremely lonely. And I am making no
excuses for my behavior, it was not right, I just wanted
someone to care about me. You have no idea how lonely I was. You have no idea. - Make a friend, not a boyfriend. I mean, don't (beep sound)
take advantage of that in a teenager, like what the (beep sound)? Like, I'm literally shaking, because I'm so pissed right now. - You have a right to be pissed. (ominous music) - Okay, so when talking to guys on Xbox, you used both pictures and
the name of your daughter. Why wouldn't you at least
come up with a different name and different pictures so that people couldn't
associate your actual daughter to the personality that you had created. - I was not savvy enough to even think that what
I was doing was wrong. - You were (beep sound)
manipulating a 16 year old man, like (beep sound). - And at the time you
were roughly in your 40s? - Yes. - That's something clearly that I think we can all
agree is inappropriate. - I agree. - I understand being
lonely and being like, you know what, I'm gonna
get on this video game, because I wanna hang out
with my friends on Xbox. Fine. But it should have ended there. There is no way, shape
or form rhyme or reason, why it should have been okay to take that relationship elsewhere and start cultivating a
relationship with a high schooler. (ominous music) I mean, I believe that the
age of consent in Michigan where Paul lives is 16. But as a 40 year old something woman, you're in these chats on Xbox, what could you possibly have
in common with them, Martha? (ominous music) - Because those guys
were the ones showing me the most attention.
- Oh yeah. - [Martha] And the most affection. And you know, that's what I wanted. - I'm sure that a 16 year old boy is showing you attention and affection when you're sending them naked pictures of your teenage daughter.
- Of your (beep sound) daughter, like come on man. - [Kamie] That was Katy's nudes, right? - Yes. (ominous music) - [Kamie] And Katy, please
tell me you were at least 18 when these pics were taken. - Yes. - How were you getting those photos? - I got the photos when
she would go to sleep, I would go get her phone, and I would look through for
any new or different photos. (ominous music) - What is the logic behind that? Because, I'm never going to
understand but I'm trying to for the sake of this conversation. But what is the logic behind using nude photos of your daughter. (Martha scoffs) - To keep the deception going, to make it last as long as it could. - And Katy, these would have been photos that you were sending to your
actual boyfriend at the time? - Yep. If you guys would have
caught me two years ago, I definitely was furious, I felt probably about how
Paul's feeling right now. I felt.
- Violated? - Yeah, oh, yeah. (gentle guitar music) This is my mom, this
is someone I'm supposed to be able to trust with everything. - With your life. - With my life, literally. I mean, she brought me into this world and to feel so used and betrayed, I think we both thought there was a time that we
weren't gonna get past it, that this was it. - But it's my mother. And knowing everything she's been through, understanding her perspective, she didn't even have to
explain her perspective to me, I understood and I forgave
her and we moved on. And that was it. - But I mean like, how does a 40 year old
person just do that, I mean for so long? It was two (beep sound) years. Whoa. It's just like, what the (beep sound), I mean how (beep sound)
up is (beep sound) up, that's (beep sound) up. (gentle guitar music) (sighs) It actually ruined a relationship I tried to have afterwards. Because I'd trust issues, I'd trust issues with a lot of people. In my head, I'm 16, you
were my first girlfriend. And in my head, every girl
was the same age then. - I am. Paul, I'm really sorry. I really am. I know that I hurt people. I know that I hurt my daughter. I struggled, beyond belief with how to make it stop, how to make me stop. And I couldn't. It's just, I couldn't figure
out how to get out of it. - I wanna give Paul a
break, just to kinda. - Oh yeah, my skin's crawling right now. - Think about everything and
talk to his fiance for a minute and sort of gather his thoughts. Let us sort of tie things up a little bit with Martha and Katy, and then we'll say goodbye to them and then we'll come back and
we'll talk to you and Sam. - Okay, that sounds good. - All right, we'll talk
to you in a minute Paul. - All right.
(notification tone) - Okay. - [Kamie] Katy, are you okay? (gentle guitar music) (sighs) - I remember just the way she, like she would always
be taking pictures of me and I was like, okay, I'm your daughter, so I guess that's not weird. Just, I have a lot of
mixed emotions right now. - The fact that your daughter
is here right now for you and has been through all
of this is incredible. (gentle guitar music)