Can You Remember How This Shocking Episode Of ‘Catfish’ Ends? | Can You Catch A Catfish?

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- We just saw your email. Tell us about Graham. - Okay so it's kind of embarrassing. I hash tagged country boy on Instagram (giggles). - You were just in that mood? - Feeling frisky, and I came across a picture and I found him on Twitter and I messaged him and I was like, you are by far the best looking boy I've ever seen in my life and then from there we just started talking. - So you really like-- - Wow. - Sort of creeped this guy. - Oh yeah, I was a total stalker. - What did it evolve into? - It evolved into us like talking like all the time on the phone and like, we'd stay up til like 3 a.m. just speaking about life. (slow guitar music) I would say he's like, my first love. - Whoa really? - Yeah 100%, but every time I try to video chat with him he'll say his front camera's broken. - Clearly something's up. - Yeah. Obviously it meant like, he could be lying to me, but like, you wanna believe something if you're in love with somebody. - Have you guys ever chalked about meeting up? - That's where this kinda gets a little tricky because I was supposed to go down there, but (mumbling) too afraid to meet him. - What? - Pause. - You were gonna go to Tennessee and he was all for it. - Yeah. - Wow. - I had like, some insecurities so it's like I didn't wanna be somewhat of a let down to him. - He must of been pretty bummed and upset that you were a no show. - Yeah, he thinks I'm the catfish (giggles). (dramatic music) - Do you want to be with Graham? - Yeah, I'm in love with him; obviously I wanna be with him. - Would you transfer schools, like? - Yeah, I would. - Wow. - Well that's why I need your help because like, I need to like, figure out like what I wanna do with my life now and I need to know if he's gonna be a part of my future; if he's gonna be in the past. (slow piano music) - All right Catherine-- - We're gonna help you, but we have one condition. - Okay. - I don't know what it is. - I don't either. - What's the condition? - We get to make anything we want. (Max laughing) - Do you want me to have like pizza for you? I work at a pizzeria. - I'm in; I want that. - Okay, I got you. - We're gonna come to Port Jefferson. - Thank you so much. - We will see you soon. - Bye Catherine. Here he is. - He looks like a kinda legitimate page. - And I believe his name is Graham and you met him on Instagram. - [Catherine] This is his first picture I ever saw. - He posts a lot? - Yeah. - He kinda looks like he could be in One Direction. (upbeat pop music) Has he ever made a comment about you in the comment section? - Not on Instagram. - He's never mentioned you or? - What about Facebook? - He told me he doesn't have a Facebook. - Well that's b.s. - But you have direct messaged with the Twitter account.. - Yeah. - Okay. - If you click on the message you'll see our first message from 2014. - You sent him a message, "I don't know you at all "but you are by far one of the best looking guys "I've ever seen." He said, "Well thank you, you're not too bad yourself." Winky face. Where you live; (mumbling). "Oh so you're a northern girl. "I gotta put a little southern pride into you." That's not what you, that's-- - No, that's not how you wrote it. - It's the same thing. - No, no. - But it's the same thing. - No, no, no, no, no. - We've had conversation. - It's a little different to say, gotta put a little southern pride into you. - That's like the same thing with that kissy face. - What's your number? Whoa, there it is. - Boom. - There's the digits. - We stayed up like all night talking. - When did you guys drop the L bomb? - I think he was the first one that dropped it. He was like, "Don't ever change a thing about you "because I love you for who you are." And then we started talking about like, our future together: marriage and. He's like the love of my life; I don't know. It's so embarrassing to say, but it's true. (somber piano music) - But you understand that like-- - It might not be him; I understand that but I still wanna know who I been talking to for the past few years. I kinda owe them my life. - There's only one thing to do then. Google the (beep) out of him. - Yeah. All right so sit tight; we got a big day tomorrow. Hopefully we will have some information for you. - Thank you. - [Nev] Well this is an interesting case. - Yeah, I have to admit; I am both very nervous and very excited to see what we find out about this guy. Feel like if there's ever been a relationship where these two people could be true love, this is it. Or it's severity committed catfish. (suspenseful music) We got an email from Catherine. His full name is Graham (beep) and he lives in Nashville, but he's originally from Jacksonville, Florida. I have one number for him, also here are the links for social media accounts. - Let's start with the phone number. - Here we go, searching Graham-- - Oh boy, here we go. - Phone number. - Jacksonville, Florida; he did say he's originally from-- - Is he from Jacks-- - Jacksonville, yeah. - Oh, did he, oh? Let's go to his Instagram, check this out. This account's strangely feeling more and more legit. I mean all these guys are tagged. - So the Instagram is seeming real. - But she's never communicated, sort of directly, with that Instagram account. The question remains: is she talking to Graham? He has a Twitter, let's check that out. We know that she's been talking to this Twitter account. Graham (beep); University of Florida, Gainesville. - There's a lot of sports stuff. - It's all sports stuff. - Not a lot of personal stuff. - The thing that's interesting to me is that there isn't anything that directly connects this Twitter page with his Instagram. I don't see this account tweeting any of his Instagram pics. The name is the same. - Similar URL. - But someone could of made a fake Twitter for him without him knowing and when Catherine searched for him on Twitter she found this and was just like, oh that must be him. - Possible, possible. Go to Facebook and let's search for him and see if he is some weird secret Facebook account that we don't know about. - She said he doesn't have a Facebook. - Nashville, there that's him. - Oh, here he is. - So he does have a Facebook account. Whoa. - Weird. - Look, look, look that's true. - Right, yeah we've seen this already. - Nashville and Jacksonville. - Why wouldn't he tell her about this Facebook page though? K, wait a second; this looks like a real Facebook page. But it was the Twitter account that gave her the phone number. - Right and-- - We're still not 100% that's his Twitter account; could be a catfish account. - Let's reach out to some of the people who are connected to Graham and do a little sussing out. - All right here's a picture of him with some dudes. So these guys, this looks like a pretty good friend. Can I send him a message? This is Nev and Max from Catfish. We're filming an episode and would love to ask you a couple questions about your buddy Graham; please get back to us. All right, who else? Let's reach out to this guy Issac; same message. - But what if one of them could be the one who's talking to Catherine secretly? Using his account to talk to her. - True. (phone ringing) Hello? - Hey, hey. This is Reynolds; I just got your message on Instagram. - Hey Reynolds. - [Reynolds] Is this real, what is this? - Yeah, let's switch over to video chat right. Hey. - Hey. - Hey. - It's us. - What's going on? - The reason we hit you up is because we're doing a story now with a girl name Catherine who for the past like couple years, believes she's been talking to Graham. - No way, oh my gosh. - You ever heard of this girl Catherine? - Never, never; I have not heard that name. - Really? And are you one of Graham's like best friends? - Yeah, definitely. - Have you ever been aware of anyone making, like fake accounts of Graham? - Actually a few years ago, I remember him telling me that he got hacked; his Twitter did. That's happened actually once or twice; him getting hacked. So I don't know. - [Nev] Did he ever figure out who hacked his account? - No, he didn't. - We're gonna read the number that we have for Graham. - Yeah, can you just tell us if it's the same number you have? - [Reynolds] Okay, yeah I can tell you. - It's 904 (beep). - That's not what I have. - That's not the number you have for Graham. - Not the number I have. - Interesting. - It's not Graham's number. Really? - So that's interesting. If something else comes up, definitely let us know. - Got it. - Thanks for your help. - See y'all. - [Both] Whoa! - Newsflash. - Wow, not the same number. - Everything else is the same. - Everything else is the same. - Except for the phone number and Graham's account got hacked. - And the fact that his best friend knows nothing, zero about this girl Catherine. I'm, my brain is jammed. - I mean, Graham checks out; he's real, his name is Graham, he's the guy in the picture. All these friends-- - His Instagram account. - His Instagram account, these are his friends. Now what doesn't check out is as far as his best friend Reynolds know, he's not talking to some girl on the internet name Catherine nor has he ever mentioned her. So either he's keeping her super private or she's not talking to Graham. - It's either a hacker or a cousin, or someone know who knows him from Jacksonville. - Either way, I'm not sure I see this ending well for Catherine. - Tragic. (doorbell ringing) You can do this. You can do it. (drum roll) - Oh my god, you are you. - I exist, I'm real. - What happened yesterday? You told us to meet you at this park and we kinda had a plan. - I got you, I got you I know. I (stutters) screwed up but I'm here now, right. - Catherine was looking forward to meeting you. - I was about to leave and then my family showed up and I had to hang out with them and they wouldn't let me go anywhere. - They wouldn't let you go specifically to meet us? - They wouldn't let me go out. - So your mom tells you what to do. - Yes, and as long as I'm financially dependent on them, I guess I have to do what they say. - Well does your family know about Catherine at all? - No. - Why in the last two years, haven't you been able to video chat? - I got a new phone recently and that one, the front camera works, but I did have an old iPhone 5 where the front camera actually didn't work. So-- - So you two phones? - I do. - Okay. - One of them is Jacksonville area code; I just still have that. - Okay, but I mean like doesn't seem like if you wanted to send her a message you couldn't of figured out a way to do it. - I just didn't really think about it; I don't know. - Dude, it's another B-S excuse, like staying at home with your parents. You're 18, you're a man; be a man and say why you didn't want to video chat with Catherine, the real reason. - There's no like, I'm not like trying to make it. I don't know, there's no like big deal. - Do you care or not care about Catherine? - Yes I care, yes of course I care. - Here she is; this girl you been talking to for two years. - Right. - Say something to her. - I'm sad it took this long for us to meet but I'm really glad that we finally have gotten the opportunity to do that. - You said you loved her, is that true? - I'm not in love with her, but I do love her. - Why did you say things about like, being together and (mumbling) maybe getting married. - It was very lighthearted, but it's not like, we're not saying we're gonna get married like. - Come on, you're not owning up to leading her on. - Maybe I did; if I did was wrong, I screwed up. I'm sorry about that, I didn't mean any harm. (melancholy pop music) - Can we walk away? - Yeah. - We're gonna step away for (mumbling). - Okay. (somber punk music) - Catherine would like to speak with Graham. - Here, why don't you sit here. All right. - Like I can't even like look at you cause like, I don't wanna like cry. I'm not confrontational person so this is like, very difficult for me right now. I don't like being confused, and I don't like being lied to. You kinda (beep) up my head. - I'm not always right as you can tell. I'm not a perfect guy; I've screwed up. I'm sorry, I don't want to hurt you. - The thing that needs to be reconciled is how it could seem that you guys were so much on the same page and then now not at all. - I don't know, I just didn't think about it I guess. - Well we talked about this a little bit. You said that you felt like the thing she was going through and the messages she was sending you, made you feel like you wanted to still be there for her, that you didn't wanna hurt her so you sort of let her continue interpreting the relationship the way that she was because-- - That was not the goal necessarily. - Right. - But it might be what of happened. I guess the only thing I can say to defend myself is I didn't have any mean intentions or bad intentions. - Your intentions suck. I would of been better off you just saying the truth man. You don't gotta lead me on. I understand like, what you did to try and protect me because of like my mom. Because of like the insecurities I have, because of all the things I've gone through, but sometimes it's better to be honest rather than (beep) with someone's head. - I'm sorry. As unhappy as you are with me right now, I hope that we can still have the deep connection (mumbling) that we've always had. - No, there's nothing left to be said.
Channel: MTV Catfish
Views: 2,858,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: catfish quiz, quiz, quiz show, catfish, catfish moments, catfish excuses, catfish meet ups, catfish reveals, reveals, best of, catfish season 7, hilarious, best moments, top moments, best of catfish, online dating, real life, mystery, uncertainty, forgiveness, shock, shocking, pretend, nev schulman, nev, max, max joseph, relationship, honest, reality, oceanna and nelly catfish, oceanna catfish, nelly catfish
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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