These Catfish Tricked Their Own FAMILY | Catfish: The TV Show

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(Camera Man) Wait a second. >>: Oh, well. >>: For real, three years? I'm thinkin' it's Tony, you ain't no Tony- >>: So (bleep)! It's life. You have to deal with it. >>: There ain't no more (bleep). (angry male) Life? That's bull (bleep). >>: That's not bull (bleep). >>: It's over. Don't talk to me ever no mo', and I mean it that (bleep). >>: It was the right thing to do. >>: Can you please quit followin' me with that damn camera? (producer) I want a lot of space. >>: Please. >>: Like ten times more space. >>: I don't even feel like talkin' 'bout this bull (bleep). Gon' play me like that. (Nev) Here we go... Oo! Quentin- (Max) Cool name! (Nev) "Hey Nev and Max, How's it going?" Well that's nice. >>: Yeah! No one ever asks us that. >>: My name is Quentin. I'm 18 years old and I stayed with my mom, in Pontiac Michigan. I overheard my mom talking about some guy she's dating online. >>: So he's writing in for his mom- >>: Oh, all right. His name is Jose. He lives in Detroit Shaking my head. >>: That's your favorite expression. >>: SMH. (laid-back music) We live like one hour away from Detroit, and these two have never met. I guess she thinks she's in love with him. (laid-back music) >>: I like he's even anticipating our thoughts. >>: Yeah. I don't love the idea of my mom going out alone in Detroit, meeting some random stranger from the internet. >>: Nor should you, Quentin. >>: Yeah. >>: "I need your help to talk some sense into her, and show her that this guy is probably a catfish." Thanks guys. Quentin. (laid-back music) Wow, I like this guy. >>: Let's call him. (tablet dinging) >>: Yo. >>: Yo. >>: How are you guys doing? >>: What's up? >>: I'm doing pretty good. I'm just want to help my mom get this all situated. (Nev) What's your mom's name? >>: Mandy. >>: Oh, okay. Tell us a little bit about yourself. >>: I go to college in Ohio, play football over here. Eventually I'm hoping to be an athletic trainer or physical therapist. >>: Very cool. >>: Okay. So tell us the story. >>: I heard my mom on the phone talking about someone that stood her up from Detroit named Jose. So I asked her about it. She told me she's been online dating Jose for about two years. Here's the craziest part. She told me that she was using a fake profile to talk to him as well. >>: Okay. So wait a second. Hold on, hold on. Your mom's been talking to this guy for two years using- >>: A fake. >>: But she made a fake profile. >>: She's using my aunt's pictures. Which is not okay. >>: Well, so are you trying to get us to help your mom come clean? Are you concerned that your mom is getting catfished? >>: Both. This situation is just all trouble. She doesn't need that. I don't want to see her be a hurt. >>: What a good son. (Nev) Does your mom know that you've reached out to us? >>: Yes. (Nev) Okay. Tell your mom, we're going to help her out. We're going to come to Michigan. We're going to help you figure this all out. >>: Thank you, guys, so much. >>: Alright, buddy. Later. Let's just start with a little bit of backstory on you. Are you from Michigan? >>: Yes, I've lived in Pontiac, my entire life. >>: What do you do for work? >>: I work at housekeeping at a hotel. I'm just kinda taking it as it goes, because I've come a long way from where I was even a couple of years ago. >>: Oh, how so? >>: When I was with my ex it had just got to the point where I kind of lost my way. So I'm just trying to build myself back. >>: Very toxic relationship. >>: How long were you in that relationship? >>: Almost eight years. >>: Whoa. >>: Yeah it was pretty bad. >>: When did you break up with your ex? >>: Almost three years ago. But we still, even after we broke up, we still kinda went back and forth for about a year. >>: And so right about the time that you finished-finished with him was around the time that you met Jose? >>: Yes. >>: Where did you meet him? >>: On Facebook. My ex that we just got done talking about. He was going behind my back, sleeping with my sister. (dramatic music) So I created a page and I was using her picture pretending basically to be her- >>: Wow. >>: That's how I found out for sure that those two were sleeping around. >>: What! >>: So you set up a fake profile of your sister to talk to your ex-boyfriend- >>: To my ex. Yes. >>: What did you say to him? >>: Just what's in the message. Hey, what's up? He went into detail. >>: So he right away was like, Oh, it was so great seeing you last night. >>: Exactly. No, exactly. >>: Oh, my goodness! >>: They had plans to meet. >>: No. >>: Meet up at a hotel and he sent a message to the page and was like, "Hey, are you still coming?" And I went there, and I caught them actually like- >>: You went there? >>: Yeah. >>: In the bed? >>: Literally. Yes. >>: That's messed up. >>: That's why I made the page in the beginning. >>: So that's why you made the profile. Which makes sense. So how do you go from catching your boyfriend to using that fake page to meet someone else? >>: I guess I was just at a low point in my life. >>: Do you think that your sister was prettier? >>: Well yeah, the guy I was in love with for eight years left me and was sleeping with her. >>: You and your sister look very similar. >>: Yeah, but I have... because I have my own Facebook page and like my real page and I don't get it, like-- >>: You put yourself out there on your Facebook page and you post photos that you feel you look sexy in? >>: Quentin is dying a little inside. >>: I know he is. (laughing) >>: And you don't get the same response that you got when you made the page for your sister. >>: Yes. So I kind of just took it and ran with it I guess you could say. I know it's wrong. I know. >>: Alright. So tell us about Jose. >>: He sent me a friend request. He doesn't live too far, so I kind of just accepted it. It just started off kinda small talk. I told him what was going on with my ex and stuff like that. And he just kinda told me like you don't need jerks like that in your life. I can do better. (dramatic music) He was just like so cool. And so down to earth and understanding. It seemed like he genuinely cares. I can talk to him about anything. And he doesn't judge me. I haven't found that with another guy. >>: What are your feelings for him? >>: I've told him I loved him before. (dramatic music) >>: I just hope it's who he says he is so that my mom can be happy. >>: I actually tried to send him a picture of myself and he would say something like, oh, you look like you gained a little bit of weight. He wasn't mean about it. >>: So he has seen pictures of you thinking it's your sister? >>: Yeah. >>: Okay. >>: Do you talk on the phone? You ever heard his voice? Just text. >>: No. He doesn't have a phone. >>: So the entire relationship between you and Jose has just been over messenger? So you don't even have a phone number for him? >>: What? >>: I know... Sounds bad. >>: There's no way he doesn't have a phone. You haven't pushed him enough to actually try. >>: Can I explain something? It's hard to push him when I'm using a fake picture. >>: And then what's the deal with you going to meet him? >>: He's stood me up three times altogether. >>: When was the last time he stood you up? >>: Four months ago. This was at Bongos. A nightclub. >>: We just passed Bongos! >>: It's literally right down the street. >>: Can we see a picture of Jose? >>: Yeah. >>: Alright, here we go. All right. He's a good looking guy. (Max) Yeah, he's... Yeah. But not- (Nev) Right, he... Real, real. >>: Yeah. >>: If he turns out not to be the guy in the pictures, will it matter that much? >>: I don't judge people by the way they look. I have my own self esteem issues so I can't judge nobody else. >>: Is there anything else you know about him? >>: I just know he works at Walmart. He's really kind of secretive. >>: That's why I feel like he could be a catfish because he can't give you any details. >>: Oh, it's a catfish. >>: You're right. >>: Okay. >>: You were right. Send us an email with his Facebook page. And if, anything you can think of, take it from there. >>: Okay. >>: All right? We'll see what happens. All right guys. (female) Thank you. >>: This was a messy situation to start off with. Oh, my God. The sister sleeping with the ex. >>: It's all screwed up. He had opportunities to meet her and he didn't take any of them. >>: Right? This is going to be interesting. (dramatic music) (Max) This is weird. >>: What is with this weird house? This mystery house? >>: Who's there? (dramatic music) >>: Okay. There's a car in the driveway. (dramatic music) >>: Yeah. >>: All right. (knocking on door) (dramatic music) (knocking on door) All right, let's try the other door. (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (knocking on door) Hello? >>: I see someone. (dramatic music) Yeah, who's that? >>: Wait, what? >>: Do we know you? (dramatic music) (knocking on door) >>: Hello? >>: Oh, I see someone. (dramatic music) Yeah, who's that? >>: Hey! >>: What? (dramatic music) >>: Do we know you? >>: You're from the Derek... episode. Right? You had the hair, you had the shaved... >>: Mm-hmm. >>: Wait a second, what? (Max) Wait what's your name again? >>: Chastity. >>: Chastity! Derek, this is Chastity. >>: I started the page so I can start documenting for court reasons for the safety of my children. I'd rather my daughter's dad not have visitation. >>: You look great. >>: Well, thank you. (laughing) >>: How much weight did you lose? >>: 130. I had weight loss surgery. >>: Wow. Are you... Are you the catfish? >>: Yep. (laughing) What? The season of ghosts past. >>: Wait, so what? What are you doing? Why are you mixed up in this? >>: Do you know Mandy? >>: Mandy is actually my cousin. >>: What? >>: We're not really close. We didn't grow up together. >>: Why are you catfishing her? >>: I thought it was her sister's page. >>: Oh, why are you catfishing your other cousins? >>: She was friends with one of my exes. >>: Who is your ex... So who cares if? >>: It has something to do with my kids. >>: That's what she did the first time. >>: The last time we saw you you had a fake profile to spy and your baby daddy. Did you delete that page? >>: Yeah. >>: But you still wanted to keep tabs on your baby daddy's, so you made the Jose page and friended Mandy's sister. >>: Mm-hm. And then I found out when she was like, "My name's Mandy." >>: When did she say that? >>: Like a few weeks. >>: And you were like, uh oh, she might, she's catfishing... As her sister. >>: Yeah. >>: This is it. It is literally the end of the road. Let's do it. (dramatic music) (knocking on door) Hello, Mandy? (dramatic music) >>: Hello. (dramatic music) What the hell is she doing here? >>: Who is that? Who is that? >>: Holy crap. >>: Why don't we... Discuss what's goin' on here. >>: Yeah, please. >>: Who is this? >>: Chasity >>: Okay, but who is Chasity? >>: Family from your grandpa's side? >>: Let me fill you in. >>: What's up? >>: Chasity, who by the way has been on catfish before in season two, we met Chasity because she had been catfishing a guy. He had created a fake girl profile in order to spy on her baby daddy. Couple of years ago, she heard that maybe your sister was hanging out with her baby daddy. So she friended your big page thinking it was actually your sister. >>: Oh, well. >>: And then I figure it out that you were actually pretending to be in your sister and then just kind of went along with it. 'Cause of our conversations. >>: You could've just asked her to like hang out or something. >>: Yeah. Right. That's where I should have went. There's a lot of family issues. >>: We didn't want to go out together. >>: Some of the family might not even be happy that if I was friends with her. >>: This is a very awkward situation. >>: It's very cold out here. >>: Can we go inside? >>: Yes. Let's go in. >>: How do you feel about this Mandy? >>: I don't know. >>: Fairly you're upset. >>: Yeah. I really don't know what to say. I'm really humiliated by my family once again. I'm like, mad and confused and hurt and embarrassed all in one. I kind of freaking out like anxiety because of the personal things that I've told her. That Jose, >>: I mean, I would never tell any of your secrets, that's personal, and that would be something really hurtful to do to someone. >>: I would appreciate that you don't. >>: Why continue for so long? >>: There's a version of this where it's like I'll either tell her right away or I'll shut the account down. >>: But they didn't really want to shut down the account and blow my cover. I was still friends with my ex on there. >>: That makes sense. When you say it but then when you think of two years you wouldn't have kept on doing this to the extent that you did If you weren't getting something very valuable out of it. >>: Yeah. It made me so good that I could help her and she was someone to talk to. >>: Did you ever feel like you were just in to deep? >>: Yeah like, I didn't know how to like backward it, like it was already too far into. >>: After a while you said just told me I don't know how to react right now. Oh, yeah. I have a hard time talking in front of people and then it hurts my son is here. >>: You want to talk with just her? >>: That would be good. >>: Okay. We can do that. >>: Family full catfishers. >>: All right let's get back to this email. "Hey Nev and Max, My name is Alante. I'm 25 years old and I'm from Saginaw, Michigan." I split my time at a local plant as a machine operator and being a father of a three year old son, Cadence. I'm writing you because for the last eight years >>: Eight years! >>: I have been in this on and off relationship with a girl from Detroit. Her name is Nevaeh. >>: She could easily shorten that to Neve. You might be meeting the female Neve. >>: Maybe, she's 24 years old and I have very deep feelings for her ♪♪ She is the perfect example of the girl of every man's dreams. We have talked on numerous occasions about sneaking off to Vegas and getting hitched, ready to spend the rest of our lives together. I really really do love this girl. There are reasons I do have some doubts though. For example, I went to meet with her multiple times, but things always end up happening that would prevent us from meeting last minute. Another concern is we may talk on the phone for days on end but then she disappears for weeks. Sometimes months with no explanations. I was recently in the hospital because I was working too much. Jeez! It made me realize I have to do something about Nevaeh. Please can you help see this girl is who I think she is the love of my life>>: Alante. >>: Jeez! >>: Wow! >>: They're not that far away to be talking to each other for eight years >>: Well, but we've seen this before where you know when you're a teenager it's not so easy to pick up and go see someone you met on the internet but now they're in their twenties. >>: I think we should give him a call. >>: All right. Let's talk to him. >>: How are you doing? >>: I am alright, how are you doing? >>: We're doing good, man. >>: You said that you were recently in the hospital is everything okay? >>: It was just a dehydration thing and you know, major outward. >>: Yeah. That's crazy. >>: So give us the Nevaeh saga. >>: Well, pretty much we started talking originally when I was a senior in high school she had sent me a friend request online. So I instantly just went to her picture and looked at it, and you know, pretty girl, gorgeous box. And then eventually she had ended up writing me and then the conversation turns into more. We talking every day, writing each other. And we went on for years, hugs, kisses through the little emojis, through text messaging and everything. It got serious. You know what I'm saying? And like we had a great bond, but as days gone, you know, doubts build up. >>: You mentioned in your email that you tried to meet up a few times what happened? >>: Yeah. We had agreed to meet at the mall, so I took that chance and tried to go make something happen. I sat at the mall for maybe two hours waiting and eventually she texted me and said something had came up. I'm sorry. I'll make it up too. >>: Sounds like you've never video chatted or skype with her. Have you? >>: Yeah. We'll video chat When we do get a chance. >>: You have, you have video chatted with her? >>: Yeah. But no matter what is the situation, it's never a daytime. No, she's always in a dark room. Like I don't want nobody to see me dark. >>: And I'm sure you've said like, Hey, turn the lights off. >>: Yeah, plenty of times. And she's like, I don't want you to see me like this, my hair isn't done. >>: So you understand that Some things about Nevaeh may not be exactly as she says they are. >>: No, I try not to think of it like that. It's been eight years of long conversations and we love each other talked about moving together and making it a real thing. >>: Wow! >>: It's hard to find a girl like Nevaeh. I've been waiting just to get some understanding of what's really going on. >>: How much do you think about her? >>: A lot Talking about more than I think about food. (laughing) >>: You're a pretty funny sharp guy. I mean, can she keep up? >>: No, no there's no one really that can do that. Like a lot of girls that they can't take you serious. You too goofy. She takes me series. When we were on the phone, it was all about me and her. She's very romantic. You'll get these little random messages through today. Hey love. I was thinking about you, so just sent you a random message. Who wouldn't get a great vibe of somebody like that, but it's a hit and miss thing with her. Like we were talking to every day, text messages every day that she disappeared. Then like two to three months without talking, she would pop back up. Like we were just talking that whole loop. >>: No explanation. >>: Nothing >>: For where she went or what happened. >>: She just disappeared. (laughing) >>: I have to imagine you've dated some other women. >>: No, no. >>: So you've never been involved with someone else and then all of a sudden Nevaeh comes around and you had to be like, "Oh! (bleep)" >>: It was one girl. We was talking hard. >>: Okay. For how long? >>: Four months at least then Nevaeh came back >>: Then you're hardly talking. >>: Never talking, I never talked. >>: So you drop a real girl for Nevaeh in a heartbeat. >>: In a heartbeat because I'm soft for her. >>: Right. >>: How many pictures do you think she sent you in the last eight years? >>: Probably like eight to nine. >>: Okay. So not a lot. >>: No. And I send many pictures usually in a week with my girl. >>: Like I say it's really good to the point where like the stress is starting to like affect me like starting to lose hair. Like I said, I recently was in the hospital. They say it was dehydration. I said, stress. >>: You think you were in the hospital because you're love sick? Hey, good morning Alante. We want to talk. We've got some interesting information. Sure. >>: Anything we should bring. Okay. See you soon. >>: Let's head over ♪♪ >>: Here we go >>: Party is here! >>: Party! What's up, man? I see burgers... >>: Burgers, uppers. (indistinct) Got some for you. >>: How are you guys just friends or? >>: Oh, no. That's my brother. >>: Your brother, really? >>: Yup. That's my little brother. >>: And I am Godsister. >>: Godsister. >>: Oh, nice. >>: Yeah. >>: Do you guys know about why we're here? >>: I know a little bit. I actually can't wait for him to finally just meet her so he can get that closure that he needs. It's been couple of years. >>: More than that, like eight years. >>: It's a long time to still be hoping and praying and waiting for somebody to get it over with already. It's a long time to shrink somebody alone. >>: Do you think she's real? >>: I think she's somebody that looked like Roseanne. (laughing) >>: Well, what if it's a guy? >>: She's a girl. Of course. >>: How do you know. >>: Sitting here and listening to him talk on the phone. You can hear. >>: You've heard her voice through this phone. Okay. And it sounds like a girl to you too. >>: I just hope she can cook. (laughing) >>: Let's do this . Over there. Let's check it out over here, guys. >>: There's someone waiting over there. >>: Is there? >>: There's someone on the dock there with their back to us. >>: Oh, yeah, there is. >>: That's looks like a potential catfish straight ahead. >>: It looks like a woman. >>: It doesn't really look like here. It's that? Latoya? I can't see their face. >>: This is very mysterious. (dramatic music) >>: Hello. >>: Hello. >>: Hi again. We meet again How are you guys? Just friends or? >>: I am godsister. >>: Godsister. Oh, nice. >>: I actually can't wait for him to finally just meet her. >>: So... It was you the whole time? Why though? >>: It was just supposed to be a lesson that needed to be learned. When you told me about Sierra, I told you from jump I didn't think that that was a good idea. >>: Are we talking about Sierra we just met? You gotta fill us in here. >>: Sierra told me she had a crush on Alante and I told her not to pursue it. (Nev) Why? >>: Because you're my friend, that's my brother, I don't wanna be in the middle. So, I gave her her proof that you were talking to other people on Facebook. >>: Oh! >>: I'm not saying that that's not what happened but it feels like you didn't want some other girl to be with Alante because you wanted to be with Alante. >>: No, not at all. Like I said, that's my brother. >>: Well, he's not your brother. You're not actually related. >>: No, not blood related, no. >>: Right >>: But you're very close, and he's your god-brother? >>: Yes. >>: At what point did you make a fake profile decide to name it Nevaeh? (Erica) I had already made it. >>: Okay. >>: So it was just something originally that me and all my friends did in high school because I had some friends who were, you know, "Hey, add my boyfriend, or, add this person." So, I added them as Nevaeh's friend and immediately they would poke her on Facebook, direct message her, and that right there was your proof that he'll engage in a conversation with somebody else. >>: So why keep this Nevaeh profile going so long with Alante? (Max) Why keep it going for eight years? >>: Because after a while, I told Sierra, I was like, "You think it's time? Is it time for me to just let it go" and Sierra... "No, write it back." >>: Why do you have her back over his? >>: I mean, because I'm a female. So, I knew what she was going through. >>: This sounds like a (bleep). >>: I mean... >>: I'm gonna walk over there with Alante just to check in with him. Why don't we go for a little walk. Help me understand a little bit. When you were young, you and Sierra had something. >>: She had something. We were talking, we were not touching. >>: She had a much bigger crush on you, you were the older guy. >>: I was the older guy. >>: Okay, but did you ever do anything to make her feel like you were actually dating? >>: No. >>: No. >>: It just had to be a young state of mind. >>: So yesterday, when I asked you, if you had been in the room or if you had spoken to Nevaeh before, did you make that up? >>: One time I had been in the room, I was on one side of the room, Alante was on the couch and I'm sitting there talking to him and Alante was so caught up in talking to Her, he didn't even pay attention that I had gotten up. >>: Wow. >>: Eight years? That (bleep) crazy. That (bleep) starting to tear my eyes up. (soft guitar music) >>: "My cousin is getting catfished." Well, it's a family affair. "My name is Carmen. "I'm thirty years old and live in Cincinnati, Ohio. "My cousin's name is Antwane. He is in love with a guy named Tony, even though they've never met." >>: Hmm. >>: "He's convinced that Tony is the one for him. All I ever hear is how Tony is the cheese to his macaroni. And I don't understand how he can even trust the guy. Plus, Antwane has never even seen a picture of Tony." ♪ I came to find your love under the sun ♪ >>: "The only time they talk is when Tony calls. So Antwane just has to wait by the phone." >>: Does Antwane not have Tony's number? >>: I don't know, it's hard to-- >>: So it's all on Tony's terms? >>: Right. "Antwane and Tony have been talking for three years and he's never made an effort to come to Cincinnati to see him." ♪ Little voices said we should not go ♪ (Nev) "He's a very lovable guy, but he's easily fooled." >>: He's a romantic. (Nev) "He's never been in a real relationship and he's in deep with Tony. This dude is lying. Please help! Carmen." >>: This is like a catfish intervention. >>: Anyway, all right, let's give her a ring. (ringing) >>: What's going on? (together) Hey! >>: Wow. (Max) I love your scarf. >>: Thank you very much. >>: We are already-- >>: Just formulating lots of questions. >>: Yeah, trying to figure out what's going on with your cousin, Antwane. >>: Oh, Antwane. >>: Oh, Lord. >>: Drama queen. (laughing) He is very caring and loving person. >>: Do you know how Antwane and Tony met originally, three years ago? >>: Chat Line, phone Chat Line. You can just call your local number, you can talk to anybody from anywhere. >>: Meet singles in your-- >>: So, this is like those late night commercials? >>: I know you too been on it. Max, you'd have been on the chats. >>: I've been on it. (laughing) >>: Have they video chatted? >>: No, he doesn't do computers or anything. >>: So, he doesn't go online, doesn't have Facebook, nothing. >>: Nope. (Nev) Wow. >>: When you say that you've got concerns and you think that this is bull (bleep) He says... >>: He's like, "You're a hater, get out of my business." I'm just trying to help look out for my cousin. >>: Oh, there's that smile. >>: Hey. >>: Hello. >>: Hey cousin, hi. (Nev) Watch out. (Antwane) Come on in. (Nev) Can we come look at this? >>: Yeah, come on. (Nev) All right, let's do it. (Antwane) I'm not gonna try and walk fast with my jeans a little tight and it may hurt me right now. (laughing) >>: This hair is incredible. >>: It's Brazilian, has got a Brazilian stick on, you know, you just buy it and you stick it to your scalp. >>: So tell us about yourself we've heard a lot about you. >>: You've heard of good thing? >>: Yeah. Right now, I'm not working, looking for a job. I babysit sometimes or do hair, love to cook. Love food, I'm fat and I'm proud of it. I'm comfortable with myself and my family love me. So I'm cool with that and I got good friends. >>: We're here actually, because Carmen was concerned about you. >>: Right, 'cause I'm so in love, I know. >>: Every time that I asked you about Tony is always, I'm a hater. >>: You is. >>: So I'm just trying to look out for you. I don't want nobody to play you. (Antwane) True. (Carmen) You sensitive to certain things and you caring. >>: Would you say that you guys are each other's best friends? >>: Yeah. If I need something, he my rock, I'm his rock. >>: What kinda feelings do you have for this guy? >>: I wanna be with him. I love him and I care for him. >>: Has he expressed the same feelings for you? >>: Mm-hmm (Max) Does he say he's gonna like take care of you? >>: Yeah. Talking about he gonna get a house now let... So I'm ready. ♪ You better know where I ♪ (laughing) >>: Tell us about getting on Chat Lines and how it started. >>: Oh, goodness, okay. That's how I ended up meeting Tony. This deep ass (bleep) voice, I said, "Oh, hell yeah." So I got on there, we just talking on the phone. >>: Yeah. >>: So he called you first from a Cincinnati area code? >>: Right, but he said he from Atlanta though. Then after that, everything started being like the private number. But I still remember the three eight (bleep). >>: He calls you, but his number's private now? >>: Right, he's just been private ever since then. >>: So you only speak when he calls you? (Antwane) Right. >>: How often does he call you? >>: Yesterday and he called me today. >>: Calls you like once a day? >>: Yeah. I guess, 'cause he said, "I was busy with this construction job." Whatever, so I'm here could believe it. >>: Don't you think it's weird that you don't have a phone number to call him in? >>: I don't know. He worked all the time, construction workers. So you know, I don't know. (Nev) What's his last name? >>: I don't know his last name. >>: You don't know his last name? >>: Oh, my God. >>: What do you know? >>: Yeah, what do you know? (Nev) Have you seen a photograph of him? >>: No. >>: Nothing? >>: Just a voice. (Nev) He could text you a picture. >>: I got an Obama phone, they low income phones. So you can't do nothing with them, but talk. >>: So has he described what he looks like? >>: He say he's tall, brown skin, buff. (Max) Six pack? >>: Yeah, it better be, 'cause I'm on a donut bed. Like six one. >>: So he's perfect looking? >>: Right? >>: Do you have any voicemails that he's left you or anything like that? >>: Yeah, I got one. (woman) End of message. >>: How hard have you tried to get him to meet? >>: I asked him every time. (Max) Every time you're on the phone? >>: Yeah. He always got something to do. Work, he don't say nothing else, it just be work. Work, work, work. >>: So you trust in him? >>: Yeah I trusted him. >>: You trust him more than you trust me? >>: Yeah. >>: Oh, that sucks. >>: If it turns out that he was lying and that he doesn't look the way you like him to or you thought he did. >>: I'll be like a volcano, I'ma explode. I'm not playing. (groaning) this is how we hug. (Antwane) This looks spooky. Looks abandoned. (Max) I mean, it could be that this is an abandoned house. >>: Let's do it, let check it out. No, there was no windows. Gunshots. It's been salted. "This letter is a notice of violation in order issued pursuant to building code." So whoever did live here, missed him by a month. (Antwane) This don't make no damn sense. (Carmen) Somebody gotta live here. >>: Even if I knocked, I can't open the door, it's padlocked. (soft suspense music) (Antwane) (bleep) crazy. (soft suspense music) (Nev) This is kinda scary. (soft suspense music) So that's it, those were our three addresses. (Carmen) No more addresses? (Max) That was it. Well, let's get it back in the car. (Nev) All right, it's cold, let's go. >>: I'm not getting back in the car. Who's gonna find him? (Nev) I mean, we're trying everything we can. (Carmen) Antwane, the reason why you (bleep) stupid idiot can never find who Tony is, because I'm Tony. (Nev) What's happen, what's going on? >>: Why the (bleep) would you do that? (Carmen) Because-- >>: What (bleep) (indistinct chatter) >>: If you get mad I'll put that little bitty (bleep) down. That's (bleep) up. >>: Its life, deal with it. >>: Wait a second. >>: Oh, well. >>: For real three years? I'm thinking this time, you ain't know nothing about (bleep) Tony. >>: Its life, you have to deal with it. (Antwane) That ain't (bleep) life that's bull (bleep). >>: That's not bull (bleep). >>: It's over, don't talk to me ever no more and I mean it. (bleep). >>: It was the right thing to do. >>: Can you please don't follow me with that damn camera. >>: Yeah, I want a lot of space. Like, ten times more space. >>: Please. I don't even feel like talking about this bull (bleep). Don't play me like that. You got me walking around with three people with (bleep) thinking I'm about to see (bleep) Tony. Her fat ass plan. (Max) Come over here. >>: Antwane, what you wanna do. (Max) Come over here! (Max) This is payback. >>: Yes, payback. (Max) For what? >>: Payback, it's so funny. It's so funny to me because he talked about me in front of like everybody. So I was waiting for the right moment and that was the right moment. (Nev) Well, I think I share your confusion, disappointment and disgust. Hey, you wanna get in the car? >>: Hell, yeah, I wanna get in the car. Take the (bleep) these cameras off of me. >>: Go ahead, go ahead. >>: I wanna go home. >>: You can sit in front. I'm sorry. What voice are you using to talk to him? >>: The Tony voice. Just wanna let you know I'm thinking about you. Just wanna let you know that I do care for you. Still wanna see you, can't wait to meet you. The Tony voice. He never actually talked to Tony on the chat line, but he felt like he did, because I called him like, "You met me off the chat line." 'Cause he's always on there and he gives his number out. So I started (bleep) talking to him. (Nev) So he never talked to anyone named Tony on the chat line? >>: No, I've been talking to him for three years. >>: That's a long- >>: And I've been with him three years, talked to him, but he would've talked to him, be real. I said, "Everybody that we know, now the world can see you like this." It's one step, one notch up. >>: Well, what did he say? How did it start? >>: It's one notch up. That I was a fat humphy Kelly Price, every little thing that humiliates somebody, he has said to me. The best way I knew how to get him back is, I know that he be on the chat line. The joke was always on me, ha ha. So now the joke is on him. >>: You kind of, you used us and kind of wasted our time to get back at your cousin for saying something about you three years ago? >>: Yeah. >>: That's just lame. >>: That's not lame, actually it's good. >>: No, it's lame. >>: I catfish every single person. I fake and act like other people, so. >>: So you do that a lot? >>: Oh, I do that a lot, and I'm good at it. >>: Well, we know you're a good liar. >>: Even got you, too. >>: Is this more about just sort of getting attention for you- >>: Getting on the show? >>: ... than it was about- >>: She could have been on any show, but she chose us to bestow upon us her genius. >>: It's nothing personal to y'all, I know it's personal to y'all, because this is what y'all do. >>: Screw us for a second. >>: Yeah, what about Antwane, your cousin, your blood? >>: I know Antwane ... >>: Who you've publicly humiliated. >>: Three (bleep) years ago, that's some (bleep) (bleep). I gotta deal with this bull (bleep). She do some stupid (bleep) with her fat ass. It was a house full of people when he did me, now it's a room full of people when I did him. The whole purpose of a catfish is to make the person believe and trust in a person that they think they are. >>: Generally it's to fall in love with someone. >>: Generally, you don't have, catfishing is not all about falling in love, that's not. (Nev) But, what are you using it for? >>: That's y'all definition. >>: I mean, this is pathetic. >>: No, this is new, something new for you all. >>: What if Antwane never wanted to talk to you again, and didn't, would that be success? >>: No, it would just, I still would have proven my point. (Nev) But wouldn't that suck for you? >>: It would, it would. >>: It would be a bummer, right? >>: Yeah, it would, but ... >>: It could happen. >>: Yeah, it could happen, but I know it won't happen. >>: I'm so glad you got to be on TV, and everyone's gonna love you, because you're the queen of catfish. >>: Are you gonna be mad? >>: It's just kinda lame. It's just lame, I'm cold. ♪ All alone ♪ (Nev) "Players getting played." (Kamie) That sounds shady. >>: "My name is Fred and I live in Shreveport, Louisiana." I've got a bit of a situation here regarding my brother, Dre. A couple months back Dre tells me that he's talking to this woman named Casey. ♪ Mirrors and smoke ♪ ♪ I know you're close ♪ >>: No big deal, my brother talks to women all the time. He's a born flirt. (moody rock music) Can't stop chasing love. >>: Uh-oh. >>: He shows me her picture, this woman is a catfish. ♪ I can't decide ♪ ♪ What's wrong or right ♪ >>: She won't talk on the phone, she won't video chat, and she won't meet up, though she stays in Atlanta, so I guess that's not too bad. This girl also has two phone numbers, and her social media is not what you'd expect from a fine looking woman. >>: Oh, God. >>: Dre's buying all sorts of excuses from her. (moody rock music continues) He's obsessed with meeting her to the point he's blowing up his whole life. ♪ Oh, you got me Standing on the edge ♪ I can't get through to him, but I'm hoping y'all have better luck. "Can you help him out before he does something he can't come back from?" >>: What is he doing? >>: I don't know, I think we've got to give this brother Fred a call. Hey Fred, just read your email, join our Zoom. >>: Casey has two phone numbers. >>: Who has two phone numbers if they won't even talk on the phone? >>: Hey! >>: What's up, man? >>: I can't actually believe you guys called me. >>: Well, hold on a second, I wanna know a little bit more about your safety vest. Is your apartment a high traffic industrial zone? >>: Clearly I'm on my lunch break right now. >>: Okay, so you're at work? >>: Yeah. >>: So, is Dre your like blood brother? >>: Yes, ma'am, yeah. Dre's my older brother by three months. >>: Oh, wow. >>: Wait, so he's your half-brother? >>: Yeah, yeah, half brother. >>: How old are you, Fred? >>: I'm 29. >>: You guys live nearby to each other? >>: Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. You said Dre has a girlfriend? >>: Yeah. >>: How long has he had this girlfriend? >>: Got to be at least, what, six years, maybe seven. It's pretty serious, they got a kid. >>: Oh. (Kamie laughs) >>: And he lives with her? >>: Yeah, yeah. >>: Does she know about Casey? >>: I would assume she does if she kicked him out. >>: Is your brother a ho? (Kamie laughs) >>: Yeah, he's definitely a slut, that's for sure. (Kamie laughs) And this girl that he's apparently in love with, I went on her Facebook, she's only got like two pics. To me it just screams catfish. Either that or she's like some type of scammer or something, she just doesn't seem real, but he's really feeling her. And his girlfriend's actually a good girl. You know, the reason I wrote to the show, because I just wanted him to learn his lesson, not to lose his girlfriend that really loves him. >>: I know, but it sounds like he deserves to get catfished. I mean, if he's cheating on his girl. Have you talked to Dre at all about you wanting to kind of potentially reach out to us? >>: Yeah, I did mention it to him. He kinda laughed it off though, he didn't think I was serious. >>: Here comes karma. We're coming for you. >>: Tell me his number and I'll text him. (Fred) It's 318 (bleep). (Kamie) Everybody needs a little tough love sometimes, as messy as it is. >>: My text just went through. You think he's gonna be mad? >>: No, not really. He's like a jokester, you know what I mean? So I don't think he'll be mad. I think he'll be shocked for sure. I actually got to get back to work, so ... >>: Oh! >>: Oh! (Kamie) Hello! Surprise. I can hear the shock through the screen. >>: Hey, hey, well, so, yeah, it's definitely shocking. (laughing) >>: You seem a little lost for words. >>: I'm definitely surprised. I saw what's going on, right, but, I mean ... >>: Obviously Fred here reached out, because you've been talking about this girl Casey, and think she might be a catfish. >>: I just wanted you to figure out if this Casey girl is really real or not, you know? And you haven't really met this girl yet, so, you know? It's just weird to me, it's strange. I think she doesn't even exist. (Dre laughs) >>: Well, all right, so, Fred, I know you've gotta go back to work. >>: What time you get off? >>: I get off at five o'clock. I will catch you when I get off work, though. >>: Thanks, Fred, we'll talk to you soon. >>: All right, gotta go. >>: All right, bro. >>: Bye, Fred. Dre, you got some explaining to do. Obviously, we found out about Casey, but then we found out that you have a girlfriend of six years. >>: It makes it sound worse than what it is, but, yes, definitely, that's ... >>: Can you explain the situation then so that we understand? >>: I look at it like this. All right, if you like to read books, do you stay interested in that one book, or do you like to go read many books? I like to read many books. >>: So then you should be single, Dre. >>: Does your girlfriend know about, and is she okay with you reading other books? >>: So she's not okay with it. >>: She's not okay, she's definitely not okay. >>: We didn't get your girlfriend's name. >>: Her name is Rebecca. She basically caught my phone open, and then we got into a big fight. And, well, she basically threw my phone, and she proceeded to throw everything else that I love in the house. >>: But do you wanna continue being in a relationship with her? >>: Oh, yeah, that's bae, that's bae. We have a daughter. (Nev) How old is your daughter? >>: You seem to love your girlfriend and your daughter. >>: Right. >>: She's bae. >>: Dre. (Kamie laughs) >>: Yeah. >>: You know, as a woman I can't condone this behavior. >>: What if this is just Rebecca's way of finding out, and then we can all be one big happy ... >>: What? >>: You know, we can all be friends, we can all be more than friends, we can all play pool together. >>: You can't make that decision for her. >>: You understand that you're taking a big risk here in pursuing Casey. Like you might potentially end the relationship with your girlfriend. >>: It's just a risk that I'd be willing to take. (Nev) So tell us how you met Casey. >>: See, I was just on IG, and Casey shot her shot. Usually when girls, you know, are that aggressive, they, you know, they got something good about them. You know, confidence is a big thing. I like confident, that's what's sexy, confidence. So I went through her pictures, you know, >>: So you guys are having sexual conversations. This is not just friendly talk. >>: I was trying to, but, no. Because I was asking for pictures and stuff like that, you know, because the sex conversation could have got deeper, but we got to talking, and she really is a good girl. She moved to Atlanta to help her granny, and she was basically doing, making cosmetic type of work from her grandma's house. So it gave me the go getter vibe. Not only do she look good, but she could be a good person. >>: Okay. >>: But I was trying to video chat her, she always act like she had a phone problem, and she used to always insinuate, you know, that she needed a new phone, like she wanted me to get it. (Kamie) 'Cause she said, "I would video chat you, if I had a new phone." (Dre) Yeah. >>: Do you have any pictures that you can show us, right now? >>: Yeah, I can show you, let me see. >>: Okay, all right, so, okay. So, Casey (bleep). ♪♪ (Kamie) She's cute. Are you over here, liking (bleep), while we're on this damn thing, Dre? You can't wait? >>: I didn't see that one. I saw that one, I didn't see that one. That one, you know, I really like this one, right here, like. >>: Why does she not have a lot of like, likes or anything, on the pictures? (Nev) Right, so, I mean, obviously, the Facebook page is suspicious. If you said to us, right now, "you know what, guys, it's not worth it, I wanna make sure I don't lose the relationship that I have", I would understand. >>: I still wanna meet Casey. I definitely wanna... >>: All right, well, what if she's not the girl in the pictures? >>: At worst, I hope it's still a female. I don't want it to be a man. I mean, you know, that's basically the only- >>: You said you liked to read a lot of books. >>: Books, I didn't say binders, I'm talkin' about books. (laughing) It's, you know. (Kamie) Well, Dre, we don't condone cheating, but we will help you. Because hopefully, it can get you back on track, with your real relationship and quit this (bleep). >>: All right, I appreciate that. >>: All right, well, let's just do a little research, first. >>: All right, just let me know what you find out. >>: Alright, we'll be in touch. (Kamie) We will. Bye, Dre. (Nev) She just wrote back, "Okay, I'm coming in, now." Get ready. >>: Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Oh, man. (dings) >>: Oh. Hi. Get ready. >>: Boom, boom. Oh, man. (dings) >>: Oh. Hi. >>: Hello. (Kamie) Hi. (Dre) How you doin'? >>: I'm good, how are you guys? >>: Doin' good. >>: Are, you're Casey? >>: Yes, I am. >>: Is that your name or should we call you something else? >>: You guys can call me Charisma. >>: Charisma, okay, I like that. (Kamie) Dre, you've never met Charisma, before? (Dre) Not a day in my life. >>: So, and Charisma, do you know Dre from somewhere? Or did you guys just both meet through Instagram? >>: Through Instagram. >>: Well, Dre, this is the opposite of what I thought was gonna happen. (Nev) I'm shocked. I mean, I just wanna know a little bit about you, Charisma. You know, where do you live, how old are you, what do you do? I just kinda, we don't know anything about you. >>: I live in Dallas, actually. (Nev) Okay. >>: And I am 22 years old. >>: 22. >>: I am in school, I go to (bleep) Institute, mortuary school. >>: Oh. (Charisma) To be a mortician. >>: Oh, wow. (Nev) So, Charisma, what was it, about Dre, I mean, how did you come across him, to begin with? >>: His social media. He just seemed real chill, really chill and himself. And I like that, a lot. >>: I am chill. I am definitely chill. You seem chill, too. (Charisma) And I definitely do like you, Dre, honestly. (Dre) Yeah, I like that, I like that. You know, you coulda definitely had used your own picture. You woulda probably got a better conversation. You know, you was talking about a phone, like, you know, like your phone was broke. Like, what was that all about, like, you was just scared to video chat me, like? >>: No, I actually had a bad connection. I did have a bad connection. I would love to, if you would be willing to give me a shot, to get to know me. Are you willin' to still talk to me? >>: Yeah, we can be cool. We definitely can be cool, yes, yes. You know, just you know, shoot me your number. (laughs) >>: Oh! (laughs) Who is this? >>: Man, what the (bleep)? >>: I'm Casey. What? >>: Are you Rebecca? >>: Man, what the (bleep), that's my sister. What you doin' there, what's goin' on? (Nev) And what's your name? >>: Jackie. >>: Jackie, and you are Dre's sister? >>: Yep, that's my brother. >>: Blood sister? >>: Little sister, we got the same father. So, she really had nothin' to do with this? >>: No. (Dre) That's messed up, though. Why would you do me like that? >>: Charisma, is that really your name? >>: Yes, it is. >>: This is my friend, Charisma. And she helped me out, when I needed her. She don't have nothin' to do with this. >>: Why would you, you know, you played on my type, you know, why would you do that? And I was just like, tired of you bein' a thot, really. I just wanted you to kinda respect, you know, your girlfriend. >>: So, basically, you baited me? >>: But you ain't have to take the bait, but that shows you, like, how you know, kind of a thot that you is. >>: I was, the type of messages I was sending, I'm asking for (bleep) pictures (bleep), like that's you know, that's goin' to my sister, you know? So, I mean. (Jackie) You ain't get nothin' sent to you. (Dre) Right, I know I didn't get nothin, all right, that's facts, but I'm sayin' I asked that, you know what I'm sayin'? Like, the type of messages I was sending, like, "I wanna see that ass from the back", and (bleep) like that, like, that's (bleep) up. My sister really did me, you know, did a number on me. >>: Karma's a bitch. >>: It's messed up, I'm shook up. Like, damn. >>: Hey, Nev and Kamie. This is Kiana. My wife, Sparkayla, is being catfished. About two years ago, this girl, Maritha, dipped up in her DM's, claiming to be her long, lost sister. They're talkin' everyday. And they've even made plans to hang out. And Maritha has stood my wife up, every time. ♪ Tell me, do you feel it back ♪ >>: I really need you guys' help. ♪ Real good ♪ (Nev) Wow, this is different. >>: That is very interesting. I don't recall this ever happening before. >>: No. A secret sister catfish? (Kamie) It doesn't make sense. (Nev) Why don't we Skype Kiana, right now? (dings) (Kamie) Oh. >>: Hey. >>: Hey. >>: Oh, hey. Kiana, what's up? >>: Thank you, so much, for coming to my rescue! >>: We wanna help. >>: Yeah. (Nev) So, you are married to Sparkayla? >>: Right. (Nev) How long have you guys been together? >>: We've been together for 12 years and married for two. >>: Wow. (Nev) And so, like, how did this Maritha girl contact Sparkayla? >>: So, out of the blue, Maritha Instagramed Sparkayla and says, "Happy birthday, I'm your sister." (Nev) Did she ask her parents if she has a sister, she never knew about? (Kiana) The thing is, her and her dad have a strange relationship, so, she hasn't been able to get any confirmation from him. (Nev) So, okay, so, Sparkayla's parents are separated? (Kiana) Yes. >>: She doesn't really talk to her dad. >>: Absolutely, yes. (Nev) Where does Maritha live? >>: She's from Vegas. >>: Which isn't far. >>: It's right next door. >>: That's a pretty easy drive. >>: We actually went out there, for Sparkayla's birthday, and the whole time we was out there, she ghosted us, didn't respond, then changed her phone number, didn't contact us for 21 days, and gave a lame excuse of about, she had to change her number. >>: Has there been any discussion, from Maritha, about like, money or needing help with things? Or like, can you buy me stuff? (Kiana) I think that she's pretty much, basically, settin' up the stage, to probably ask for money, cuz when she does talk to my wife, she's always crying broke. She's always saying like-- >>: Ah. (Kiana) "I would do it, if I had the money." Or maybe she's just lookin' at my wife's Instagram, Because we work on different, various TV shows, award shows and different events like that. It can look like, you know, we're always with celebrities and stuff, but that's pretty much, you know, it's just Instagram. That's the way she met her, so that could be a possible reason why she's doing what she's doing. Maybe she just wants to you know, piggy back and do some of the things that we're doing. >>: How much time would you say that Sparkayla spends, talking to Maritha? >>: Entirely too much. They send good morning texts, good night texts, afternoon texts, everyday. I mean, it's ridiculous. My wife has pretty much been an easy target, because she did grow up, not knowing her siblings. She was actually the only child, from her mother. Then, when she was 10 years old, she found out about two other siblings. So, she's already given this girl the benefit of the doubt. She's literally already kinda accepted her, as being her sister, but everything about this, this girl Maritha, is sketchy. That's exactly why I reached out to you guys, because I have to pick up the pieces, when my wife is upset and heartbroken, after Maritha flakes on her. >>: Right. (Kiana) Or bails on her, it affects our relationship. >>: Does she know you reached out? >>: She doesn't actually know that I reached out to you guys. >>: Oh. (Kiana) But I think she's gonna take it good, because she actually really wants to meet her. (Nev) You're in Los Angeles, right? >>: I'm in Boyle Heights. >>: Great, so that's not- >>: Can we just come, right now? >>: Yes! (Nev) All right, awesome, text us where you're at, and we'll head over there. >>: All right, well, I'm so excited, I'll let her know. And I can't wait for you guys to get here, so we can call this girl out. >>: All right. >>: See you soon. >>: Bye. >>: Bye! (Nev) Wow. (Kamie) It wouldn't be completely far-fetched, that Sparkayla has another sibling out there in the world. >>: Right. >>: That she didn't know about, but. (Nev) The fact that she's shady and weird and broke, it's like, not specifically asking for money. >>: It doesn't make sense. (Nev) All right, well, let's go meet these girls. >>: It's a sister mystery. >>: We gotta get a DNA test. >>: Well, I just took a DNA test. >>: It turns out you are 100% that bitch? >>: Yes. Oh, my God, I didn't think you were gonna know! (laughs) ♪♪ Oh, there she is, hey! Hopefully, she told Sparkayla we were coming, first of all. >>: Hey, you guys! >>: What is up? >>: How are you? It's good to meet you. >>: It's nice to meet you, too, Kamie. >>: Babe? >>: Uh oh. >>: Oh. >>: Come on out. >>: Hi. (Nev) She told you? >>: Oh, my goodness. >>: Nice to meet you. >>: Hi, how are you? Hi, I'm Kamie. >>: Hi, Kamie, how are you? >>: Come on in. Have a seat. >>: I can't believe you called them. >>: I had to, I love you. >>: I love you, too. Oh, God. (laughs) >>: So, wait a second, so, we heard from you, briefly. I'd love to get the story from you, now, with like, the details. >>: Okay. >>: And the back story. >>: Two years ago, on my Instagram, Maritha reached out to me, saying, "Happy birthday, this is your sister, from Vegas." She said she was my dad's daughter. >>: Did you ask her, "What's our dad's name?" >>: No, I didn't ask her that. Not at all, no. >>: No, that's what I'm saying. It makes her a easy target, for whatever this girl is trying to do. (Nev) Right. I know you said Sparkayla doesn't talk much, with her dad, but is there a way, maybe, to text your dad and say, "Who is Maritha?" >>: He won't respond, I've been texting him and asking him and he just... We're cool, sometimes, and then, we're cool, not. It's kinda iffy, cus he doesn't deal with my mom, so I kinda feel, I think that kinda effected the way of how our relationship works. So, I kinda think that's why he kinda doesn't deal with me, a little bit. >>: Was he around, were they together, while you were young? >>: They were together, until I was like, maybe, two years, maybe one or two years old. My mom, she was a single parent, she kinda raised me on her own. And when I was maybe ten years old, I was at my cousin's birthday party, and my dad came to the birthday party with these two little, beautiful, cute, little girls, and introduced them as my little sisters. >>: That must have been so confusing. >>: Yeah, cus I didn't know I had any siblings. >>: And are you close with any of your other siblings? >>: No, no. I've only seen my siblings two times, in my whole life. That's why, I think that, with Maritha, when she told me she was my sister, I was kinda excited. Cus I'm really big on family. I'm kinda like, the only child, so, it kinda felt good, to have somebody actually reach out to me. (Nev) Sure. and kinda give me the attention. She was always there. "Hey sister, how you doing? Good morning." Send me inspirational quotes like God love you God is everything. She was really being nice and it seemed like she just needed a sister. >>: But how did she even get access to you? >>: Did she explain ever how she found you? >>: She said she was looking for me since I was young, but she didn't know my name. She only knew my name was Sparkle. She didn't know what Sparkayla. Which I think is weird, >>: That's she alleged, but that even sounds a little weird. >>: Weird yeah. How quickly did you guys get to full on talking all the time? >>: It took like maybe probably like maybe four or five months. >>: That might be an understatement. They got tight pretty quick. >>: Okay. If she says so. >>: So what was the first time you made plans to meet up? >>: The first time it was Vegas for my birthday, I told her I was coming down there and then she was all excited. She like, "Yay! You finally get to come to my hometown. Then when I get there, I'm calling her, her phone number change. When I called it said disconnected. After she ghosts me, she hit me back up and was like, "Hey sister, sorry I had a lot going on. I changed my number here's my new number." She told me that her and her boyfriend was going out to San Diego. She sent me the hotel that she was staying at and everything. And then she texted me on that Sunday and said, "Hey, I'm here, but I'm leaving." And then I got mad because I'm like, this is the second time you ghosting me so I just blocked her. >>: When was that? >>: In May. >>: Have you talked to her since? >>: Yeah I talked to her again being naive. >>: Of course >>: She sent me an inspirational quote again, kinda like how she winds herself in. But then when we video chatted, it was like maybe 30 seconds and it was dark. >>: What did she say? >>: She was like " I'm with a janky charger" and she got Android. >>: What the (bleep) does it have to do with the camera? The camera works. >>: Right? My thought is exactly. Something shady is up. >>: What does this girl want? >>: I don't know. >>: Like I said, she might be clout chasing. She'll be like, you're always with celebrities. She's always wants to just be in our business. >>: Could be thinking you're talking to a sister and you're really talking to a stalker. >>: Make me nervous. >>: Should be. >>: Yeah. >>: Can we see what this girl looks like? >>: Yeah. (suspenseful music) >>: So this is supposed to be her? >>: Correct. >>: Okay. (Nev mumbles) There's some resemblance. How old is Maritha? >>: She's 30 I believe is that what she told me. >>: So where are you now with her? >>: We need to meet or end basically. >>: Do you think any of your siblings would be down to talk? Maybe they could help untangle this. >>: I could give you their number and you can reach out to them sure. >>: Okay. Let's get to work. (suspenseful music) >>: Well, I'm just really stressed out right now. I'm really nervous. I have no idea. Oh! (suspenseful music) >>: Oh, my. (suspenseful music continues) (Kamie) Can you see? (Sparkayla) Oh, my God! Oh, God. (Nev) You guys wait here I wanna see. I don't see anyone over there. Oh! here we go. (Sparkayla) Is that her? (suspenseful music continues) (Kamie) Can you see? (Nev) Hi. >>: Oh, my God. (Nev) Hi >>: Hi, Maritha (Nev) Maritha >>: That's her. >>: Yeah, that's her. (Nev) Interesting. Very confused. But hopefully you'll explain all of it. (Maritha) I will. >>: You got us all really scratching our heads on this one. >>: Yeah. That's the girl on the picture. (Nev) So this is Maritha, from the photo. (Sparkayla) Hi, how are you? (Maritha) I'm good. (Nev) So it's you? >>: Its me >>: I don't know what to say. I'm speechless. >>: Hi >>: Oh, sorry, Kamie (Kamie) Nice to meet you. >>: Yeah. >>: Yeah. Okay I have a whole lot of questions. >>: Wait, why don't we let you start maybe. 'Cause I know you said you had some stuff you wanted to talk about. >>: I know seemed like I was shady, but I'm really who I am. I was just shady because I had a lot of disappointment in my life. When I tried to meet my family members. Like how De'Janae blew me off. Like everybody basically was just like, "Oh, no we don't want to deal with you." You know? >>: I never made you feel like that from day one when you told me you my sister, I just accepted you. I didn't have no proof, no evidence, no nothing and I just accepted you. >>: You did. >>: I opened myself up to you a whole lot. >>: You did. I'm sorry if I hurt you. >>: I'm just confused because like the video chat saying that like- >>: Yeah why you didn't want a video chat? Why was it like >>: It never really worked. It was never really a good time for me. >>: That's pretty strange behavior. >>: True, I just, I have a lot going on I'm always working. So maybe I did distance myself for a little while. >>: Just feels like this is a situation that could have happened a long time ago. >>: Yeah it could have happened in San Diego right? >>: Were you really in San Diego? (Maritha) I was, >>: Did you really leave San Diego? >>: I did. I don't think I was ready. I wasn't ready. >>: So you made me wait another year? >>: I wasn't ready. >>: This is so crazy, right? >>: Just to confirm, what's your dad's name? >>: His name is Tommy. (Nev) Okay. That's your dad's name? (Sparkayla) Yes. >>: But you have a different last name? >>: I do, I have my mother's last name. (Nev) Got it. >>: Did you always know that Sparkayla's was dad was your dad? >>: When I was younger, my mom told me I had a sister named Sparkle. Yeah I've been trying to meet her for a long time. And when I had a MySpace, I went on there putting in Sparkle (bleep) but nothing ever came up. One day four years ago, I talked to my uncle and he just spilled the beans. He's the one that gave me her information. So I started talking to her on Instagram and then we started talking. >>: Everybody question is like, we never heard anything about our other sister. So that's kinda like why at this point I feel like we need to do a DNA test. I need to know from my own self now. >>: We actually looked into that and there is a place nearby that does these tests. Are you open to taking a paternity test? >>: No. >>: Why? >>: I don't want you to get hurt. >>: Why you think I'm gonna get hurt? >>: My dad made a statement before about one of us. So I don't want one of us to get hurt. >>: About one of us? >>: Mm-hmm. >>: Okay, wait, so hold on a second. I mean, you are in touch with your dad? >>: I am. >>: Are you suggesting if she may not be his daughter? >>: That's what you think? (suspenseful music) >>: Did he tell you that? >>: Yes. >>: Wow! When did your dad tell that to you before you reached out to her? >>: No. >>: So after... >>: After I reached out to her. >>: Interesting. >>: Jesus. This is a lot >>: We can take a test, I'm ready. >>: I would love to just get the answer of all of this. I've been waiting eight seasons to do a DNA test. Can we just go there? Is it open now? >>: Yeah. It's around here somewhere. >>: Okay, great. So now that all this is out in the open, are you comfortable potentially doing a DNA test? (suspenseful music) >>: Yes, I'll do it. >>: You both understand like this is a big deal. This is not like any light (bleep). >>: Yes. >>: Yeah. It's been two years I need to know. (Nev) Okay, great. So let's head over there. This is crazy. (Sparkayla) My dad is not my dad? Wow! That's a first. (Kamie) But you don't believe that? (Sparkayla) No, I don't believe that at all. ♪ When I'm icy ♪ ♪ I am all that I see ♪ ♪ Wanna be the one to make it happen nicely ♪ >>: This whole experience, Oh, my God, it's really had me mind blown. (Nev) This is it. >>: Like I'm just hoping that Maritha is who she say she is. (Kamie) Are you ready for this? >>: Scary. >>: I know ♪ Wanna be the one to make it happen nicely ♪ >>: The results will be expedited, so we should receive them within 12-24 hours. We should have some by tomorrow. >>: Yeah. >>: If the DNA does not match then we have a situation. >>: Yikes! Let's see if Maritha is my sister. ♪ Can you feel it ♪ ♪♪ >>: Oh, my God. (Kamie) Hello. >>: Hi! The test are ready. (Kamie) Okay. >>: I'm gonna go get the girls, why don't you go get those results and then we'll all meet over at up Kayla's. >>: Just make sure that envelope is sealed. (Nev) All right see you soon. Morning. >>: Good morning. Hey. >>: Hey! >>: I'm like super nervous, Anxious at the same time. ♪ No matter no matter ♪ (bright music) >>: Oh, man. >>: Am I the only one freaking out? Hi, they're ready? Are you sure? >>: Oh, my gosh. Thank you so much. >>: Bye. >>: I'm not opening, it's too tempting. Oh, my God. I am not opening it. There we go. It's like having a big piece of chocolate cake just sitting next to you. Too much pressure. (bright music) (knocking) >>: Hey. >>: You look cute, come in guys. >>: Hey! (Nev) Look at you guys, twinsies >>: Not only are we twinsies, we're twinsies... >>: Hi! >>: Hi, can I give you a hug? Nice to meet you. (Nev) Maritha. >>: Maritha you're who you said you were. You're the girl in the picture, yes. >>: Whoa, it's been long. (Sparkayla exhales) You know with two years, and now it all plays out today. Kamie, where are you? >>: She's coming in with the... >>: With the Maury Povich package. >>: Drum roll. (table drumming) (door knock) >>: Oh, my goodness! (Nev) Hello? (Kamie) Hi. >>: Thank you. >>: Hey! >>: Hi! (Kamie) I didn't peak. >>: And my heart is jumping out of my chest. >>: I know, mine too. (Maritha exhales) >>: So, here are the results. You ready to do this? >>: Okay. (suspenseful music) >>: Let's hold hands, you guys. >>: All right. (suspenseful music continues) Okay, based on the results of the analysis obtained from the DNA listed, the probability of half sibling ship... (suspenseful music) is 99.89%. (all cheer) >>: Thank God. (Kamie) Oh, my God. Thank you, Jesus, Lord! (crying) (Sparkayla) Now you know who your family is. ♪ To loose in a second hand of the way for you ♪ >>: Oh, man!
Channel: MTV Catfish
Views: 2,571,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IRL Catfish Reveal, top catfish reveals, catfish, dramatic catfish, catfish victims, MTV, catfish meet ups, catfish reveals, best of, reveal, hilarious, best moments, top moments, best of catfish, online dating, real life, mystery, uncertainty, forgiveness, shock, shocking, pretend, nev schulman, nev, max, max joseph, relationship, honest, reality, MTV Ranked, reveals, catfish full episode, catfish full episodes, Catfish family, Catfish family reveal, family reveal, catfish relative
Id: POdaZNdx9lA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 14sec (4274 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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