4 Catfish Confronted By Their Online Personas | Catfish: The TV Show

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we're doing an episode now we're helping a young man who for a while was was i believe talking to you um and you know i probably don't have to tell you that you're not andrea russett because i'm sitting next to andrea russet it's a long subject i thought i had figured it out but being catfished was the tip of the iceberg dear neve and max my name is thaddeus i am a former corrections officer from texas i was having a lot of problems at home recently and i needed someone to turn to but i felt like i could not turn to anyone i knew i needed a stranger's perspective enter sarah jackson sarah was amazing she was able to give me the advice i needed to hear i bared my soul to this girl after a month or so sarah admitted to developing feelings for me i found myself feeling the same at one point sarah wanted to meet this meeting never happened because she had a seizure and had to be rushed to the hospital not long after apparently her ex abducted her but she called me the next day saying she had escaped great excuse sarah what the hell that is where i had enough that's what i had enough i decided to look into sarah and after hours of searching found that her real name was ashley i kept searching and came across the real girl in the pictures who happens to also be named sarah this guy is smart she told me that ashley has been doing this for years this is not just for me or the real sarah it's also for her future victims please help me get answers and also make it stop [Music] [Applause] [Music] well this is an interesting story here's a guy thaddeus who knows what's up the heartache's over the mystery is basically solved but now it's like there's a person out there that's doing a lot of destruction we should stop her all right thaddeus let's get him on the horn be on your best behavior he is a corrections officer [Applause] you have the coolest name ever thank you tell us a little bit about yourself where you're from like give us the story former corrections officer that seems like a pretty rough job no it can be if you can just do your job the right way they'll respect you you won't have too many problems so we just read your email this girl seemed to really affect you what happened well i needed somebody to talk to because i am but i was planning on leaving my wife do you and your wife have kids yes i don't like a broken home i'm from a broken home i don't like it but for the past two to three years i have been unhappy i didn't want any friends advice i didn't want my mom parents whoever i needed a stranger's view on i found sarah through the people you may know i added random people guys girls it didn't matter to somebody who i could talk to sarah gave me good advice she told me you should try counseling to try to save your marriage when i talked to my wife we came to an agreement that you know being separated is something that we needed to do about a week later sarah mended that she started falling for me [Music] after about a month or so things started getting crazy we were supposed to meet she called me before she got on a plane she messes me saying how excited she was she couldn't sit still in her seat about 40 minutes before being there i didn't hear anything from her no text nothing it was about 24 hours after that i finally got a hold of her and she told me that she had a seizure and her mom came and picked her up and took her back to oklahoma city she always came up with excuses why we could not meet stories of kidnapping hypothermia it's pretty much where i had the last straw of it all i want to figure out who this real person is so i kept doing research and i found a profile of ashley and everything that she posted on her real profile she also posted on her fake profile plus you actually found the girl in the photos i did i messaged the real sarah i told her about ashley and my wife and everything and that's when sarah marie told me that ashley has been using her pictures and her name for seven years as a catfish wow so i figured this happened to me for a reason maybe this is the reason if i can help her and put a stop to it i'm gonna do it does your wife know all about sarah and ashley and this whole surprise that i had moved on as fast as i did i believe this is punishment for me i believe i deserve this um because she didn't deserve that so basically you feel like a sinner for having pursued this relationship outside of your marriage yeah i feel bad and out of your own guilt you want to expose ashley yes i'm hoping by confronting her this will actually stop i want to be able to do something good about all this negativity all right well if you think this is going to help you i'm down we can help you figure some things out we can also help put an end to this for lots of other people sounds good man thanks guys see ya he is punishing himself publicly in order to plans himself of his sins he developed feelings for another woman while still married he feels badly about it the real stakes here i got a lot of packing to do you go to your room all right i'll pack up my room and we'll uh head to texas tex hello it's really you it's really mean you obviously know why we're calling because your face and pictures of you have been used now for a while i think it's gone on for about like seven years now at this point i don't think she realizes that i am a real person i confronted her she knows that i know she's told me she was gonna stop she clearly hasn't stopped i just wanna stand in front of her and have her look at me for like two minutes and realize oh my gosh this is a real person well what we're starting to realize here is that this girl she's leaving a real wake of destruction so i think it would be good for her that we get as many people that she's messed with in front of her to like help her understand that what she's doing is really messed up like an intervention we're here in texas with thaddeus okay we're not that far from oklahoma so you could meet us here and then we could go all together road trip we know where she lives so at the very least we can drive there i don't know i'm i'm kind of scared i'm not gonna laugh who better to confront ashley than the girl who she's been imitating i'm scared but let's do it sarah we will see you really soon all right bye see when you get here we've got proof from the real sarah we've got our girl we know where she lives the only thing we don't know is what's going to happen when we get there let's do it i think that's her sarah there she is hi hey how are you good how are you welcome to texas thank you the plan is we're gonna go over to meet thad okay oh my gosh this is crazy this could be an opportunity finally for you to sort of set the record straight yeah i've found a handful of guys and they have found me but i know there's more people out there that think they've talked to me i'm so nervous right now weird because like usually the person who's nervous to meet is the hopeful meeting the catfish but you're now the real person meeting the hopeful and it's like you're worried he's probably more nervous than me yeah okay i bet hey honey sarah hi sarah hi max you know let's go inside here we are okay like this is so what is it is it weird it's definitely awkward it is awkward it's awkward for me to meet her because she was not who i was talking to can we hear why it's awkward for you just having countless guys find you and think that they were in love with it's just the weirdest it's awkward yeah why don't you give us your whole side of the story okay i'm not sure how long it's gone on for it first came to my attention back in 2010 i received an email from a guy named sam hey sarah i have wasted almost a year of my life talking to a girl that claims she is you can you help me clarify who you are so i was quick to write my url on a piece of paper and take a picture of it sam he emailed me back i can't believe this thanks for taking those photos i feel like a fool we exchanged phone numbers and type it in my phone then i would say probably about three years later i get a friend request from a guy named joe and joe was in a relationship with me and i thought that was the weirdest thing ever i'm like who's this guy in florida that thinks he's dating me so me and joe start going back and forth and then i explained to him this girl's been impersonating me and i want some information on her like you know where does she live i want her phone number he gives me the phone number i type it in my phone and it's saved under sam she was pretending to be sam to try to get my photos i was like whoa i just got played this was actually ashley behind this sam profile that's sick why what at that point joe sent me this picture she's manipulating you to take a picture and write whatever she wants on it she photoshopped the social media accounts pretty good job i mean like the angle i mean that would if i was asking for evidence about something and she sent me that i would really i would buy it it's gotten to the point where i've had everything private and she still gets in there she has pictures that i've posted of like my friends have posted of me like she's deep into this and i'm telling you hundreds i'm not i'm not saying just a couple i mean hundreds of photos of you it's so much deeper than her just taking my photos like it's my sister and my niece 11 years old um 12 years old yeah 12. oh my god that's so crazy that she knows that see that's like honestly sarah i think she believes that she is you when she talks to people i sometimes think that too but then at the same time i don't think she thinks i'm a real person i think that she uses that persona to either run away from her life or what's going on i don't know but this is ridiculous yeah so that's it this is it guys oh boy [Music] i just got that air knocked out of me am i seriously doing this [Music] hi hi i'm steve i'm ashley i have some people here obviously you're eager to meet you [Music] sarah just to be clear you are the one who has been using sarah's picture yes do you have any remorse whatsoever well yeah i mean obviously i've told you a lot of lies and i apologize for that honestly you started using sarah's pictures like eight years ago what happened eight years ago um the first thing that happened would have been i was engaged and i was supposed to be married within two days he called me and told me basically we're not getting married there's a girl that i've been cheating on you with she's pregnant and she and i are going to get married so at the time i let myself get really really down about it it makes me sad to hear you say that i sympathize with you but at the same time i have my own issues you know and i don't run out and steal someone's identity and you're right to me it just sounds like an excuse i understand that it most definitely sounds like that and i can't i can't blame you for feeling that way what's weird to me is that you you got burned i mean what happened with your fiance that's the best step why put yourself in a situation where you enter a cycle of you then in turn hurting all of these other guys i don't want to hurt anybody but you have yeah you've heard a lot of people and and they've told you that you hurt them and you just keep going you find new people to hurt we've talked about this before i caught you you told me you'd stop then you saw my pictures with my niece and you decided that that would be okay to use how do you think that makes me feel totally violated and that's not even my kid it's almost like you literally are trying to take my life and like pretend it's yours there's no excuse for any of those things what makes riot nicole riot my life is an online riot hey even max i can't believe i'm writing you guys but here goes my name is nicole riot and i live in salt lake city utah i'm 25 years old and for the past nine years my identity has been used to catfish other people wow so she she's a mask a lot of people use her pictures when i was 16 i joined myspace and i was on it all the time i had thousands of followers from all over the world and was really open about myself and my life [Music] my online friends started telling me that they've seen my photos on other myspace profiles these were obviously big times then i started being called a catfish that's when things became too much don't call me a catfish now strangers would message me believing i was someone else and accused me of lying to them they believed that they were having an online relationship with me sometimes for years and were pissed that i had disappeared on them i was paranoid and it started to affect me in real life i was dating someone at the time and this whole thing ended up breaking us up a couple of years ago i joined facebook and discovered there were fake profiles of me on there too but this time it was worse they were using my photos and the name nicole ryan they were using her real name too right that's crazy i'm just tired of this and i want to take my identity back i think you guys might be the only ones who can really help wow that's a pretty intense story what a past all right let's let's call this girl and find out a little bit more here we go ringing hello hey how's it going over there in salt lake it's awesome it's actually nice weather today so do you like it there does anybody like it here it's all right we saw your email a lot of questions so just sort of tell us how this all got started and give us a little bit more detail okay well it all started when i was 16 and made my space and i used to have thousands of followers okay but but you're not liking you're not like a social media star you're not like an instagram model no i'm definitely not a model i don't post like scandalous photos or anything so but you did achieve some level of kind of social media fame and you had a lot of pictures up there and so anyone could have just kind of stolen pictures from that account to then use them later so one of these profiles or a couple of these profiles got you into hot water with your ex-girlfriend what happened she found some other profiles on facebook and they were using the exact same name as mine so she kind of automatically assumed that i made other profiles to talk to other people and we would fight about it a lot and it just kind of blew up in my face how long were you dating her for a few years like two or three years wow so that was pretty serious relationship that got broken up yeah and i feel bad for like these other people you know who think they're dating me it's not cool yeah i want to know like what you can do to help me you know i think we can figure it out yeah we'll figure something out yeah all right nicole we're gonna meet you in salt lake city we're gonna figure out how to fix this and it's gonna be a riot yeah all right let's do it all right see you soon okay cool thank you bye bye okay good morning in cleveland thank you yep there he is guess who's downstairs in the hotel restaurant ryan yep he's here he's here what's up wow that's romantic under the lights how you doing man i'm ryan hey you're right i'm max nice to meet you nice to meet you well thanks for meeting us no problem you grew up here in cleveland yeah how did you end up in a 10-year relationship with nicole on the internet 10 years ago she added me i'm like cool hot chick but then we started talking but we never talked on the phone so it was all like you know text communication did you ever think hey this might be a catfish kind of starting now i'm thinking that but here's why we're here we got a call from nicole the real nicole who lives in utah we were just in salt lake city and we met nicole and she told us that for the past like eight or nine years there have been a number of profiles made of her that have been out there talking to people cat and unfortunately you're one of the victims i'm so sorry well the real nicole is gay she's not even into guys it's definitely like a big like let down you know like a hit in the face [Music] now i'm wondering who i'm really talking to well that's what we want to find out so we brought the real nicole with us because she wants to try and tell this person whoever it is they need to stop pretending to be her oh wow i'm gonna go upstairs bring nicole down hello morning what's up how are you doing good tired so ryan's downstairs okay very sweet a little bummed obviously but yeah it'll be a little weird yeah it's gonna be a little awkward but it's okay we're all there so you want to come down yeah okay in the back your mind were you like yeah this girl's great and one day i'm probably gonna meet her yeah that's my ticket yeah because you know our picture high like we talked every day like the vibes felt right so we're down [Music] all right oh my god okay there she is hello so yeah this is ryan hi i'm nicole nice to meet you do you want a hug i'll give you a hug so this is weird maybe a little bit yeah i don't know what to say but like what i mean like what does it feel like well you're the real nicole so like now i know you but now i wanna know like who i was like yeah chatting up with were you like suspicious that it was a catfish like ever like well because like we stopped talking for like a little bit so like it honestly like it left my mind but now it's like it makes sense from like it now you know yeah for sure like it's hurting a lot of people i don't like that because i'm not that person so now we have to sort of figure out how to reel this catfish in i guess [Music] got nothing there's somebody walking way way down there what i see someone yeah they're like walking up this way do you see them it's a girl it is a girl oh is it holy i you know really yep hi hello obviously i was the one running the fake profile so what's your name erica erica yeah max nice to meet you do you guys know each other online yeah i added her as myself on my facebook page why um i think i was slowly making that transition to tell her because i think the first thing i said to you was like wow that's crazy how people are using your pictures that was to get her to accept like my friend request and me as a person and then eventually kind of come clean about the whole situation and obviously i know ryan it's erica ryan that's crazy i don't even know what to say yeah i did not even recognize her yeah i low-key dated ryan like 10 years ago yeah brian do you remember that i remember that but i didn't recognize you walking up yeah it's been a long time you guys dated in high school yeah like we didn't eat it for like three weeks continue okay so really the profile got started is because when me and ryan were dating um that was kind of during the time my mother was just not about like relationships can't talk to boys nothing so we were told not to talk to each other like no communication nothing me being you know head over heels kind of person i was like i need to talk to him i you know was on myspace i think i had myspace on facebook and there was this like account called like fake busters where they used to last like fake profiles her pictures were one of them i mean she had like a youtube video saying she was real i was like dang like this is kind of like the perfect person to use you know someone wanted to call me out well hey here's the youtube video saying like i'm a real person i was the pawn but it kind of enabled me to still talk to him and him being kind of receiving of it other than that it's kind of been like a one and done kind of conversation with other people glad i know that now well we know that you did reach out to like other local cleveland people yeah um that profile was kind of the almost like last word profile i mean throughout the years of like high school and just like bullying and all this you know kind of just drama people would always block me on my personal page and like would say whatever then block me and i'm like really okay so i just hop on as nicole and you know get my last word in and then that was it why not just shut it off and you can just deactivate a profile um so why is it still up i mean like using her pictures and her name right and then separately as yourself like being friends with them it's like it's kind of my life up in a way me personally and i'm not saying that this is an important issue but i had other things going on in my life that i was just kind of like all right i'll get to this later so please help my past aka jacqueline is back dear and even max my name is felicia and i'm a 19 year old girl from a small town just outside of pittsburgh about five years ago i ran into an unfortunate situation with a fake profile of a girl named jacqueline but all the pictures were of me this girl was really rude and insulting to others then she took it to the whole next level she changed her name from jacqueline to my real name and started adding people from my local high school the profile began to harass people telling my classmates that they should kill themselves she's like a cyber bully just assumed her identity that's a weird mind gee 2010 and 2011 were rough years for me being a girl in high school is difficult enough dealing with harassment over the internet's just the icing on the cake in the fall of 2011 jacqueline disappeared and i thought i'd finally gotten rid of her for good until a few weeks ago i'd received a message reading remember me she's back i have no idea why and what she's capable of i am so mad but also scared i've tried ignoring it i've tried confronting the fake profile and nothing's worked out i feel like you two are the only people that could get to the bottom of this someone's haunting her well and not just that this is a girl who is trying to start her life so if felicia is now out in the world and looking for jobs and like there's this other profile of her that someone finds when they search her name that could have a terrible impact on her life let's get her on the horn [Music] hey how you doing i'm okay how are you today well i'm doing great thank you for asking no one ever asks us how we are how far outside of pittsburgh do you live about an hour i actually work in the city to host this at one of the sports bar restaurants we read the email but start from the beginning and just kind of tell us how it happened i remember seeing that i had someone who made a fake profile of myself jacqueline was the name on the account how old were you when it started 14 or 15. i started noticing that she was posting very vulgar posts discussing sexual things eventually she ended up changing her name from jacqueline lakewood to felicia she started adding people from my local high school she was adding parents she would tell people they should kill themselves or call them fat and ugly she was using the account to go on other people's pages and write really nasty things yes just destroying my reputation i lost a lot of friends at school i couldn't even get people that i knew personally to believe that it was a fake account or that i was being victimized how long a period of time was this going on it was probably close to two years i used to come home and i cried to my mom i never understood why has it ever crossed your mind as to who this could be my friends and i noticed that her friend group were from like all over the country so we didn't think that it was really anybody that we knew personally the only reason i know it's a girl is because she used to call me what what she would call friends and i she sees really high pitched big voices kind of like cuss us out and tell me that i was fake and that she was the real person and then she would hang up my mom actually ended up tracking the number and it tracked to maryland eventually i took a proof photo i posted that i'm like this is proof like i'm the real person i'm thinking this is gonna end it all well then she started editing my pictures so then people were thinking that she was the real person eventually it went away was there something that happened it actually it just kind of stopped until a couple weeks ago when all of a sudden out of nowhere i had a message from a jaclyn liquid account and she was like hey hey remember me this is insane i thought it was done and over with and here it is all over again sit tight we're gonna make our way to pittsburgh and we'll see if we can't catch this imposter hey thank you bye bye who knows how many other fake accounts they may have made for other people this could just be the tip of the iceberg i think we need to make contact i'm going to try and call see if we can get her to agree to meet up with us and take it from there i want answers you guys wait here i'm ready hi hello hi uh this is neve you may have heard of a show called catfish on mtv who am i speaking with tracy oh cool so i got your number off of a weird facebook post saying that you were like deleting the account and this is the number people should reach you on i was trying to see what your connection is to jacqueline linkwood gradually that's me i'm jocelyn lingwood so you seem okay talking about it is this it's not something that you're like hiding it is something like i've been pretending to be here for like a long time people don't know i'm really hurt but you were very quick to expose yourself just now i'm very like open with my life so so yeah i was hoping we could meet up your jaclyn linkwood profile has has been around for a while and it's affected a bunch of people yeah and a lot of people have sort of been involved over the years it's fun being chocolate like i'm a different person okay well we would like to meet you um i don't are you in maryland yeah okay who am i going to be meeting up with um well it'll be it'll be me and max and felicia the order felicia trying to like jump me or something why would you do that i don't think that's going to be the case that's not something i would want to happen either all right cool i'm down okay so i'll speak to you it's my birthday so tomorrow's your birthday um okay well uh yes this will be one to remember hi [Music] oh my god i can't believe how cheerful and like excited she is to talk about her evil alter ego did you make contact yeah oh yeah so she picks up very cheerful i said i'm calling about your relationship to jacqueline linkwood right away yeah that's me so what yeah no like really like laughing and giggling that's scary it is making me yeah and i'm pissed well i mean do you want to go i'm definitely concerned um even meeting face to face makes me a little nervous because she's quite repulsive online so i can only imagine what she's like in person in person if she's the same person i mean that's a little frightening but i'll go all right tracy right how you doing good are you kidding me so i'm here with someone you might recognize oh my gosh i don't like her she's still all of jacqueline lingwood's friends she just has still jacqueline lincoln she said you stole jacqueline lingwood's friends so i heard that correctly i think it'd be good if we all came in to talk okay fine she can come in why don't you guys come in [Music] hello hey hi i'm max and tracy hey tracy oh my gosh okay so you seem relatively chipper yeah i'm always cheerful it's just my personality are you putting on an act right now this is really neat this is really you this is really me when i meet i'm just really energetic i work with kids so like in a daycare yeah okay they love me so much they're like my best friends they're looking little puppies they're so cute obviously you understand why we're here you admitted that you created this profile so we were hoping to hear a little bit more about that i was bored with my life so i wanted to be someone else right like the whole jaclyn lincoln thing was like miley hannah you know tracy by day on the internet i was jacqueline by night is that hannah montana is that how it works yeah that's how like i like did everything like i come home from school bang i'm jacqueline not tracy anymore how old were you when you started doing that i was 14 in middle school so now you're about 20. 20 today 20 today that's right yeah it's not your birthday what could you do as jacqueline that you couldn't do as tracy oh my gosh um i don't know as jacqueline i could talk to anyone i wanted and like bully people and stuff it all comes back when people bully me so like i have to bully other people to get revenge but why take out what people do to you on other people who didn't do anything to you because they bullied me too like people they're like you're fake you're fake but you were fake but they didn't know that a lot of people don't like felicia because they associate her with your profile i really don't like felicia i think she deserves it she thinks she's a model and she thinks she's all that i'm still mad at her jaclyn was popular she had all that popularity and felicia ruined it that's why i don't really like her should i apologize for ruining that because i i'm sincerely sorry jacqueline was like a real person well she wasn't a real person i was the real person what's this do you take drugs i'm not undressed i never took a drug in my life i'm just naturally happy and hyper just out of curiosity i was wondering why you seem so proud of this because like i created jack and lincoln and i'm proud of creating her i'm proud of it it really helped me when i got to bully people online i felt so tough and what if someone you cyberbullied killed themselves really yeah really i wouldn't cry like would you want me to cry it's not my fault they killed himself they made that choice themselves so it's their fault not mine maybe people really did that because you told them to that could have been the trigger that doesn't bother you it does not bother me it's not my fault i did not hold a gun to their head saying go kill yourself yeah but with some people that have really low self-esteem i have a high self-esteem look this this is relatively pointless what's going on right here am i done with her yeah i mean we're done for now we're all done okay good yeah felicia are you gonna say happy birthday that was so much fun now let's get to the task at hand what do we got oh catfish casting fantastic that means something's up hey guys you should check out this video maybe you can help oh no what is this video andrea russett wait i know her she's a youtuber yeah i follow her on twitter so before this video of craziness she's got three and a half million followers wait what is she talking about let's see i'm sure you guys are already aware there's been literally thousands of profiles using my pictures online and a lot of them i kind of just brush it off because they're ridiculous they can't even spell my name right they're saying crazy things but i recently found some profiles imitating my family and i just feel like once you involve my family it's kind of just taking it too far so i'm here to ask you guys how do i handle this leave a comment below wow it's got almost 40 000 likes and hundreds of comments a lot of people tagging me and you her fan base is calling us we've been summoned the fans have spoken this is a crowd-sourced episode of catfish well i guess we should get in touch with her i think i follow her and i actually follows me so i'll message her all right hey andrea just saw your post we would love to help hit me up on skype okay now we wait part of the contract of being a celebrity is that you become public and people can do things with your image right but you do not with people's family no that's not cool she must know the account who the which account oh here wow that was fast really fast hey andrea andrea what's up how are you i'm good so how long have you had your youtube channel um i started youtube in like sixth grade so like 2009. thank you very much for the 5 000 plus subscribers how old does that make you now i'll be 21 next month oh wow i feel good and when did you start developing kind of your following and fame in 2009 because i have one video go viral and then from that i worked at my radio station in my hometown fort wayne indiana which like helped grow the youtube stuff and is that where you are now no i live in l.a now okay nice yeah so for the last five years you've known sort of internet fame and i'm sure all the wonderful things and all the sort of weird creepy things that come with that definitely i've pretty much been seeing people use photos of me as profiles since 2010. i mean i've seen them profiles asking people to send them nudes i've gotten emails from people that think they're engaged to me wow these people have been sending them money like crazy crazy stuff for my family i just feel like it makes me worry more and it just concerns me a lot how many different accounts are there there's me and my mom my dad my sister and my brother are they talking to each other yeah they'll like each other's photos they'll comment so there's a conspiracy for sure when do the accounts get made my sister's account goes back to 2013. whoa but you only just now saw it yeah wow that's creepy i've had some really scary runs with people like stalkers so it makes me worry more for my family like it really gets out of control we got to make the internet safe for youtubers and civilians alike so if you're in la that's great we can come there we'll get to the bottom of it but are you willing to go the distance on this it's going to get weird bring it on all right bye see you soon all right we are going to see actual andrea right now it's kind of weird to meet the person that i've thought that i was talking to for so long part of me doesn't even believe it try not to fall in love with the real andrea all right you ready to do this i hope so no turning back now super bizarre hello hi welcome back how are you good to be here you too remember this guy i do hi how are you good how are you good hello hey i'm alex andrea alex it's good to meet you nice to meet you so alex dated andrea russett what he thought he was dating you for a while that's yeah crazy pretty odd that was just a big moment that just happened yeah oh my god i'm sorry that happened yeah me too maybe you should give him a hug hey give me a hug bring it in nice to meet you it's good to meet you too come on in why don't you kind of explain to andrea how you got mixed up in all this to begin with well um i was playing a festival and then i got a message from the andrea russet page i just thought it was a sweet nice girl trying to talk to me so the conversation just kept on going until the point that the family started talking to me and friends an ex-boyfriend there was a fake profile for your ex-boyfriend they literally like created like a world your world your world they've recreated your entire world and your best friend which we know about are yeah and arden's boyfriend messaged him and her boyfriend message channel i'm gonna message you too yeah this is like mind-blowing to me why so what we need to do is start figuring out who's actually behind these profiles we could keep scrambling around or we can start calling call call the number let's find now here you were trying to reach is not available there were the other ones right there's seven or six numbers oh right okay again so two text mail numbers same person probably let's try this one too hello hi is this andrea uh um my name is neve and i make a show called catfish not sure if you've heard of it or not but um we were just trying to get into it oh okay great we're doing an episode now we're helping a young man who for a while was was i believe talking to you um and you know i probably don't have to tell you that you're not andrea russett because i'm sitting next to andrea russet so we're dealing with a situation now where i need to know if you're involved with this because we're trying to you know figure some things out and make some sense out of what what is an otherwise very confusing scenario and i think you hold a lot of the answers that we're looking for yeah i understand um well as far as all that goes [Music] you have the right person okay so so what and what is your name right person um is it possible if he went over that like you don't have to tell me your whole name but but what should i call you um zoey okay zoe we were hoping we could connect with you because we'd love to meet up with you and find out what's been going on um and how you're involved in all this um i mean i kind of feel like you know i um i kind of owe it to you guys to get some answers okay where are you are you in california you're in atlanta all right well so i will text with you um and figure out you know time and place but we're going to fly out there tomorrow and probably meet up with you either tomorrow or the day after okay we will i guess see you soon all right all right bye i have so many questions there are a lot of questions now did this start as wanting to impersonate you did this star she's crazy in love with you how involved is this woman with your life is she super obsessed with you who has this much time for multiple years what the hell is going on here so hi zoe right yeah nice nice to meet you i'm neve how you doing why don't you come on out some people i'm sure you recognize yeah can i start by saying um to you especially like i'm really sorry for using your pictures not only of you but like of your family it was never anything personal at the time i was being really selfish like that's the best excuse i can say you didn't stop to think like maybe this is a really bad idea it did cross my mind but like i said it was being selfish and i didn't care so you didn't stop to think about the multiple people that you were messing with you didn't think about any of that it wasn't ever to seriously be vindictive or anything like that that's not what i wanted to do but that is what you did it is what i did but that was never my intention well what was your intention yeah to find something that i didn't have put on a mask and be able to connect with people and how and why did you choose andrea honestly i googled pretty tumblr girl and she popped up and i was like okay but then like people would bring it to my attention like oh this counts fake why aren't people tagging you why don't you have family members so i decided to create other profiles so people wouldn't you know suspect you said you didn't want to be vindictive but like i've seen the things you said to other people yeah it wasn't like polite all the time i understand yeah so that's pretty vindictive to say stuff like that and to manipulate people yeah i know we picked alex out of a hat are we to understand that he's the only person that you had an emotional relationship with as andrea or as any one of these fake profiles emotionally yes but i did talk to other people how many i honestly maybe three other people three other guys that you were flirtatious with and who thought that they were moving towards some kind of a relationship and they're somewhere out there thinking they talk to me and thinking that i'm this person that you portrayed me to be that i'm probably not i've heard you when you're sincere this doesn't seem sincere here's the thing it was you know me well you know me very well at this point and you know that i'm a caring person in general and i like to help people and you know that and you had every opportunity to turn that around and just say hey i'm gonna be honest with you because you're a really good person and i like i'd like to show you that i am too i agree it was really wrong i'm sincerely sorry but that's what happened i can't change it but i am sorry what scares me a little bit is how resolved you seem about all this it seems rehearsed seems a little canned yeah i don't i mean i don't know how else to say it okay look i feel like there's still a barrier that we're trying to kind of get around or see over to understand how you really felt about all this why don't we just like collect ourselves for a second it's fine she really doesn't get it i don't know she is i mean no grass i mean like i've heard her emotional there's no emotion in this you don't think it's just because she's nervous i don't think so she does seem pretty sort of stone cold well she's just got a rationalization for everything right away like without thinking she just had it ready
Channel: MTV Catfish
Views: 6,499,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: catfish meetups, IRL Catfish Reveal, top catfish reveals, catfish, dramatic catfish, catfish victims, MTV, catfish meet ups, catfish reveals, best of, reveal, hilarious, best moments, top moments, best of catfish, online dating, real life, mystery, uncertainty, forgiveness, shock, shocking, pretend, nev schulman, nev, max, relationship, honest, reality, MTV Ranked, reveals, catfish full episode, catfish full episodes, Catfish family, Catfish family reveal, family reveal, catfish relative
Id: 74acAfkM8Wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 8sec (2948 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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