10 AMAZING New Features You Might Have Missed! // Palworld Xbox Update

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the latest power world update is finally Live on Xbox after going live on PC almost a week ago but this update has come with a warning from the devs not to load your multiplayer game whilst they fix a critical bug in the meantime I'm going to run through gameplay footage of all of the key new items in the latest update showing you how to craft or find them and explaining exactly what they do these items work exactly the same way on the PC version of the game so if you play there then this will also be useful for you single player games do seem to be working okay on Xbox but the dev's latest update on this issue from just a short while ago was not to attempt to load your multiplayer save game data and also that any new multiplayer save data that you create will not be available after they have patched this issue so basically if you're going to play power world now play on single player wait for the patch to come out they have identified the issue and hopefully won't have to wait too long but wait so that patches out before you play multiplayer whether that's a new game or an existing save I'll stick a pinned comment on this video when I've seen them announce a fix for this I did a full rundown of the massive patch notes document the other day so if you want to go through all of that in detail I put a link to that video down below but today we're just going to focus on the key new items and buildings that you can now craft or find or make in power world first up we're taking a look at training manuals these are new items you can find in Dungeons and in chests around the world in power world you can find them above ground and also in dungeons they come in various different sizes you can see here we've got them ranging from small medium large and even one at XL which is a legendary and what these do is you read them to a pal and they will actually get XP from that I've got a load of them here from running some dungeons earlier today so you see if we go and use this small one here find one of our lower level PALS like Bell and Noir that will come to a little bit later and we use that and she's going to get five levels from using that there we do have boosted XP rates on at the moment I'm not sure if that makes the difference on using these or not this is a medium and that takes her up a bunch of levels there and then if we go and use one of the large ones that's going to take her up to 36 and then just for the hell of it let's try out one of our training manual XL the legendary and that's going to cap out at 48 which is my current player level so these are pretty common I've got loads of the medium ones this is just from doing chess and a few dungeons earlier this is just my test save with boosted rat so I can run through dungeons pretty quickly but you are going to find a lot of these items about if you do a lot of dungeons they can be quite useful to get things leveled up a bit more quickly another new item that you can find in Dungeon chests and highle chest are ancient technical manuals and these give you ancient Tech points when you read them you can see I've got seven of them here the moment if I go to my tech tab you can see I've got one ancient Tech points at the bottom there there if we go back to my inventory and read one of these books we'll gain one ancient technology points and you can see that down the bottom there now this is really useful because a lot of the new items we're going to run through in a minute a lot of the new stuff added in this update requires ancient technology points in order to unlock it there's loads of new stuff added and a lot of it is on the ancient Tech tree and it's going to require more points so rather than you having to purely rely on going and killing bosses and you might not even have enough bosses to get enough points to do this you can now find these manuals in Dungeons and you'll be able to get extra ancient Tech points by doing that they're relatively common as you can see I had seven of those that from spending a couple of hours sort of speed running some dungeons earlier today you can get them relatively quickly another new thing added in this update is recovery meds you can see I've got a lowquality recovery meds here and you can actually go and craft these if we go over to our little medicine table in my very very messy little testing base here you can see that I can make recovery meds or lowquality recovery meds and this is medson heals wounds over time rather than a sort of instant hit of recovery pretty self-explanatory and those are just the lowlevel ones I can craft at the moment on this bench the first item from the ancient technology tree we're going to cover is the Homewood Thundercloud this is available at level 30 on Ancient Tech and it requires two ancient technology points in order to unlock to craft it you're going to need a dazzy cloud from getting a dazzy electric organ and some ancient civilization Parts you can then just craft them at a high quality workbench or a production line and what these essentially are is a single-use Teleport item that will teleport you back to the nearest base you can't use them whilst you're in a dungeon you have to be outside in the world but you can teleport from anywhere on the map and it will take you immediately back to whichever of your bases is nearest so if we open up our inventory grab the Homewood Thundercloud hit use and then we get a little and then this will just take us off back to the base that we just ran away from another ancient technology item that has been added to the game is the ring of Mercy that is available at level 19 this again will cost you two ancient technology points in order to unlock and what this does is it means if you're wearing it then creatures that you attack cannot have their health taken below 1 HP meaning you can go around and hit anything you like and you never have to worry about accidentally killing something that you might want to actually capture so really useful item again it can just be crafted at a high quality workbench you don't have to be particularly high level 30 normal ingots some padium fragments and ancient C parts and you can make a ring of mercy and if we go and grab one that I made earlier and then go and find some unsuspecting foes so if we have it not equipped at the moment we got up to this chapi remembering that I'm on really really high boosted damage and stuff at the moment he's going to take 50,000 damage and be very very dead but if we Chuck on my ring of mercy and and then hit this level two chicke with 50, 44,600 damage they're absolutely fine and you w actually be able to kill them they'll just stay there on one HP you can actually kind of use them as a bit of a DPS sort of training dummy if you like as well and then if you wanted to capture them obviously it's going to be very easy cuz they're on one HP can't capture this guy cuz he's dead there is also a passive skill you can now find on creatures as well that does the same thing for tames I go over that more in my other video I mentioned at the start of this one we're not going to into that too much today as we're focusing really on items and buildings so next up is a wearable item this is the multic climate undershirt so this is basically a undershirt that does two for one you normally have the heat resistant undershirts or the ones plus one or a cold resistant this is a heat and cold resistant level two shirt actually a plus one uncommon so you get two heat resistance and two cold resistance at the same time and the picture of it looks pretty badass as well you can't actually see it because it's under your armor but it does look pretty nice and the only way you can actually get this at the moment is by beating a raid boss the only raid boss we have at the moment is bellan Noir who just got released in this update and we're going to go over how you can summon and fight her at the end of this video but that is just gained from beating the raid boss if you want to get that that's how you're going to have to do it next up we have a couple of key new buildings these are the or mining sites there's actually two of these available that's the tier 2 one you could see see there but there's actually a smaller one as well which is available at level 15 that's going to cost you two ancient technology points to unlock and then the tier 2 mining site is available at level 31 and that's going to cost you three ancient technology points in order to build neither of them are particularly expensive to build I'll just Chuck down a one here just so you can see it and these work just like the stone and wood facilities where your pals come over to them and they work on it and you will gain or over time the tier 2 is much much bigger and looks much cooler and what it does it just works a bit more quickly than the tier one you'll gain or about four times faster from using the tier 2 or site then you will from the tier one and obviously if you have some crazy high level poers that are better than these guys then you're going to get or very very quickly indeed another new building that we have now in the game that is also on the ancient technology tab is the antique dresser which you can find at level 24 available for just one ancient technology point it's very cheap to build and once you place this down this just allows you to edit your character appearance it doesn't cost you anything you can do this as much as you want and it does it instantly so you can just go into this menu and we can just go random and say cool we look like that now we're a strange green person you can just go back in go do it again press random we can be a slightly different green person or maybe a pink person and there we go that's our new look that we're super happy with there are a few more items that you can only get by doing The Raid boss and in fact by doing the raid boss multiple times I'll just mention quickly what those items are and then I'll show you how to summon the raid boss and what you can get from it the first of two pretty hard to acquire items are the ability glasses and by having these on you'll be able to see Wild Pals skills and stats before you actually capture them so really really useful for finding Pals with specific skills that you want to get these cost refined ingots Palladium fragments ancient SI parts and ancient civilization cores ancient civilization cores are a new resource that you get from beating a raid boss and from my testing you just got one for beating the raid boss once so you need five of these to build the ability glasses they also require four ancient technology points just to unlock so unless there's any variance on how many CES you might get from beating a boss then you're going to need to do it five times in order to build one pair of these in a similar vein is the electric egg incubator this is level 36 on the tree and this again needs five ancient civilization cores so potentially if you wanted to get both of these things built that's going to be 10 times you need to beat the raid boss so how do you fight the raid boss you might be asking well firstly you need to build the appropriate structure which is the summoning alar which you have to unlock you guessed it by spending ancient technology points the summoning alter can be found at level 33 and it's going to cost you three ancient technology points to unlock it's pretty cheap to craft so you can pretty much just get this right away and this is going to be the building that where you're going to summon the raid boss from and where they're going to actually have the fight now I wouldn't recommend actually building it in your base so arguably this base would probably look a bit better from being completely destroyed anyway really you're going to want to build this somewhere off on its own so that when this boss appears and starts throwing out massive Fireballs it's not going to destroy your entire base and kill all your pals it might still kill all your pals but at least it won't destroy all your base I'd recommend going and building a new base somewhere where you can put the raid thing down summon the boss in and fight them away from any other structures so you're not worried about losing anything now in order to actually summon bellan Noir from the summoning alar first you're going to need to get a bellan Noir slab and you need to create one of those by combining four Bellon Noir slab fragments these fragments can be found in treasure chests and dungeon chests above a certain level dungeons of around level 19 or higher it seems have a chance of having these Bell slab fragments in the chest at the end of the dungeon I probably did about six seven maybe slightly more dungeons earlier on in order to get the four that I needed so they're not in every single dungeon but they were relatively common I think I did actually get two from one dungeon at one stage it just depends on your luck so you're going to need to go and do some dungeon runs particularly higher level dungeons or at least medium level Dungeons and you can get these slabs and then make them into the item you need to summon the raid boss take those slab fragments just to a high quality workbench or a production line and you can craft the stone that you need then once you've got your summoning altered down in the place you want to have your fight take your bellan Noir slab over to it place in its inventory and then you can select to summon the boss make sure you have all the pals you want to fight the boss ready in your pal box and then they're all going to help you and maybe some of your friends will help you as you have a massive fight with bell Noir remember this is just my test save with all kind of crazy boosted rates so I can just stand around and slap her about with a sword but normally it would be a very very challenging boss fight that you would want to take on unless you are very well prepared once you defeat the raid boss you'll be rewarded with the multic climate undershirt that we showed you earlier an ancient civilization core potentially some highle training manuals and some valuable items and also an egg that you can hatch that will actually give you a little version of bellan Noir herself which is currently the only way you can acquire her in the game she has handiwork skill 2 medicine 4 and transporting 2 so that's everything for today hopefully you found that video useful if you did then why to drop a comment and leave a like on the video down below and like I said I'll put a pinned comment at the top of this one once we have a confirmation that the multiplayer issue has been fixed thanks so much for watching today my name's Ben we are the beard guys and I'll see you next time
Channel: The Beard Guys
Views: 12,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, Palworld Xbox, Palworld PC, Palworld tips, Palworld guide, Palword Tutorial, Palworld tips & tricks, Palworld tips for beginners, Palworld getting started, Palworld Xbox tips, Palworld PC tips, Palworld gameplay, Pokemon, Palworld secrets, Palworld help, palworld pals, Palworld update, Palworld xbox update, Palworld PC update, Palworld steam update, Palworld update news, Palworld patch, Palworld update, Palworld, Palworld v0.2.0.6
Id: cR_c_CPkmpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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