1 John 1:2 to 4

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okay welcome back i'm robert breaker and last week we started in first john and we kind of did a little bit of uh oh i guess i'll call it an introduction and then we went ahead and read a couple of verses well today we're going to actually get started in the text and i'll be teaching and i look forward to it first john has a lot of interesting information but you have to rightly divide and that's why it's so important a lot of people nowadays that claim to be christians are christians in name only but they're not true christians they might have the right bible king james although unfortunately a lot of them have a different bible but they're not rightly dividing and they're not reading their bibles and a lot of folks today unfortunately well they're following false doctrine and it's just the saddest thing in the world to see so i want to make sure that i preach it correctly and i preach the right doctrine and that's what i'm trying to do today so as we look last week we looked at the importance of always going to paul and the importance of paul and how we are here in the church age and how god revealed to paul much and so we line everything up with the apostle paul because paul is the apostle to the gentiles there was a change that took place jesus's earthly ministry first came john and by the way that's a different john john the baptist first came john the baptist then jesus but that ministry was to jews and jesus said i came only to the lost sheep of the house of israel when the jews rejected their messiah last rejection was in chapter seven with a guy named stephen jesus was in heaven standing and then they stoned stephen so standing makes it sound like he would have come and started his kingdom then but they rejected him so god said okay paul so there are many revelations of jesus to paul and paul wasn't the only one to get those revelations from jesus even john got a revelation from jesus as he wrote the book of revelation so we have to always remember that that's why we have the entire new testament there's more than just matthew mark luke and john okay there are the revelations given to paul and then the one over here given to john in the book of revelation so let's start here and i think what i want to do is i want to read from verse one all the way down to verse four and then we'll go from there verse one that which was from the beginning which we have heard which we have seen with our eyes which we have looked upon and our hands have handled of the word now notice capital w that's important i'm going to show you that here in a minute of the word of life for the life was manifested we have seen it and bear witness and show unto you that eternal life which was with the father and was manifested unto us that which we have seen and heard declare we unto you that ye also may have fellowship with us and truly our fellowship is with the father and with his son jesus christ and these things rightly unto you that your joy may be full okay now hopefully we'll get this whole chapter done today we'll see and so we'll read there a little bit farther but notice how he starts this out you look at paul's epistles and and oftentimes it's paul an apostle of jesus christ or look at peter's epistle peter an apostle jesus christ how come this doesn't start out john an apostle of jesus he doesn't he just starts out look that was from the beginning what uh what a weird thing it just seems like he's a humble fella if you go to the epistle of john he doesn't start out john saying my name is so and so he just says well that from the beginning so it seems like john is very very humble and refers to himself often in the the gospel of john as just simply the disciple that god loved so i find that interesting so he starts out this book but what an interesting and strange way to start out an epistle and notice how it's not directed to any person in particular it almost sounds like it's to anybody that's safe or claims to be a christian now second john turn over to second john the elder unto the elect lady while he's writing specifically to a certain person and then over here the elder unto the well beloved gaius he's writing specifically unto a person when we go to paul's epistles 13 of them are directed specifically to the church that is in or to timothy or to titus the people he's trained so it's interesting that i looked at first john and my first thought was how come he didn't say who he's writing to remember james james 1 1 to the 12 tribes scattered abroad i just find that interesting how first john is just like an epistle just hey this is to anybody that claims to be a christian read this it reminds me of hebrews and how when he wrote his first epistle why paul didn't say it was his name or he was just kind of throwing it out there i want all people that are claimed to be jews to read this so it sounds like john is saying well i'm going to write this to anybody that seems to be a christian i want them to read this and he doesn't mention his name the only thing that that spells the means that this was the epistle of john is the title and i'm not even in the end i don't think let me read this yeah no not even on the end is there a little note written to so and so from john but we do know that this is from john now the way he starts out this book is with that what a thing that which was from the beginning who is that well the first verse of the bible is in the beginning god so he's referring to that which was in the beginning but what a way to refer to god as that but what is he referring to well let's go to the uh gospel of john john chapter one and verse one john 1 1. what he's doing is he's reiterating hey remember when i wrote this in my first book in the beginning well that's what i'm referring to that same one that i write to you about in my gospel i am now writing to you about in my epistle and in john chapter 1 and verse 1 of the gospel of john it says in the beginning was the word and the word was with god the word was god the same was in the beginning with god and we'll come back and we'll read a little bit more of this a little later but so you go to the epistle of john 1st john 1 it starts with that and that's all he says he says now that one so in some ways i kind of look at that as boy that doesn't sound that great to refer to jesus or the word as just that but if you remember genesis 1 1 that in the beginning was god and if you remember john 1 1 that in the beginning was the word then they clearly are pointing to jesus being god and i think that's what he's doing he's alluding to the fact that hey jesus christ is god and he's going to tell us that as we get farther on but in english that almost sounds like putting somebody down oh that guy over there you've heard somebody say oh that guy but knowing spanish has helped me a lot i'm so glad that i was able to learn spanish and in spanish that's not a bad thing to say akel akel would be that one over there and sometimes we say akele we mean it like in a bad way but it also means that one back there so i don't see this as like putting jesus down in any way it's it's kind of not so descriptive but at the same time he's saying now that one which was from the beginning okay now you know which one i'm talking about he's kind of nebulous at first but you're supposed to already have read the book of john to know he's talking about and hopefully you've already read genesis and you can tie it back to both of those to the beginning of everything genesis and to the new testament the beginning that which was from the beginning which we have heard which we have seen with our eyes which we have looked upon and our hands have handled of the word of life now i guess we do need to go back to john chapter one i should have read all of that so let's go back there and read it and i want you to see who he's talking about he's talking about the word the capital w now i want you to get a hold of this because there is a difference between the word as a capital w because that is jesus and the word as a lowercase w that is the bible and you gotta remember that there are people out there that don't even know that i've met pastors and they talk about the bible and they capitalize the w to talk about the bible i'm like have these guys ever read the king james bible over and over again when it's talking about jesus it capitalizes it when it's talking about the bible it's always lower case because we can tell the difference a lot of times the bible does that for example jesus is the rock well you go to i believe it's first corinthians 10 and verse 4 the rock the r is capitalized because it says that rock is christ so jesus christ is the word and the bible is his word so let's go back to john chapter one and let's go ahead and read verse one through 14 because it sounds a lot like what john writes in first john and so it's clear it's clear isabel he's referring back to remember when i wrote that back then and it says and and what it shows us is that jesus christ is god okay well that man that sounds like the book of hebrews the first book written by paul so paul's first book was hebrews and it was all about who jesus was well the first book of john was the book of john and it's all about who jesus is that's how it starts out so starting out with the message of who got to know who jesus is now believe in what jesus did john the gospel of john verse 1. in the beginning was the word notice how it's a capital w in our king james bible and the word was with god and the word was god okay so the word we clearly see in this passage when we get down to verse 14 is jesus christ so jesus christ is referred to as a capital w but it says and the word was god so jesus christ is god i don't know how anyone can miss that but i still get emails and still get comments on my video people saying how dare you say jesus christ is god no he's not and look at that i just i don't know what to do that's like saying no there's no such thing as the moon in the sky no you don't look up there at night and see it no it doesn't exist it's like how do you answer someone like that who clearly has no idea what they're talking about but it says here in verse two the same was in the beginning with god okay but he is god so he's with god and he is god that's what it says verse three all things were made by him so he created so god created the heaven and the earth so jesus must be god yet he's with god but he is god how can be with god and and be god at the same time because god is a trinity it's one god but he exists in three but those three are one and that's something john tells us in first john chapter 5 and verse 7. and all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made in him was life and the life was the light of men and the light shineth in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not there was a man sent from god whose name was john well that's a different john remember that's john the baptist okay don't get confused with the two different johns and it says the same came for a witness to bear witness of the light notice how it capitalizes the l light for jesus that all men through him might believe he was not that light see how he's using the word that again over there in first john 1 it's that that was from the beginning it's interesting verse 9 that was the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world he was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not he came unto his own who's that the jews and his own the jews received him not the jews rejected their messiah let me write up here messiah so that's a sad thing that they rejected their messiah so this is the who message he's telling you who jesus is now verse 12 but as many as received him to them gave him power to become the sons of god even to them that believe on his name so you're a son of god when you're saved wow that sounds like being born again we looked at that last time and there it is verse 13 which were born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of god so this is the new birth being born of god now look at verse 14 and the word capital w was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory and the glory as of the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth so the word was made flesh and dwelt among us well who is jesus christ he's god and he was made flesh and he came down here and he's born of a virgin and lived 33 years and he died on the cross he shed his blood for our sins so clearly he is god the word is god in the beginning was the word the word was with god the word was god jesus christ is god i don't see how anyone can deny that jesus christ is god but do you remember what i talked to you about last time how around that time there were what's called the gnostics and one of the things that the gnostics taught was that jesus wasn't god he was just kind of a lesser being under god or something like that and they believed that they could become their own gods or have a spark of divinity in them but they didn't want to say oh jesus is god there's still a lot of gnostics today still people out there today that don't believe that jesus christ is god so what we have here is we have the word capital w jesus and the word lower case now let me just give you some verses here real quick i'll just go ahead and write them up here don't even know if we'll look at them all because i sometimes have time sometimes i don't but i want you to see and this is very important there are people out there that claim to be preachers and i've gotta wonder i have got to wonder if people today read their bibles when i was in bible school i was taught by the man in charge the man who started the school that whenever you see the word word in the bible with the capital w that is clearly clearly a reference to jesus christ that's why it's capitalized as a w and whenever you see a lower case w well that is clearly what that's clearly talking about the bible but you have probably seen it and nowadays with the computer you can do in comments and things like that and i have seen people that claim to be christians king james bible believers who who say well the word of god and they capitalize the w while they're talking about the bible and i just look at that as like a bible illiterate person now they're not illiterate in the fact that they can't read and write yes they can write but they don't even know the difference between the lowercase w and the uppercase w when it comes to the word of god that's showing your ignorance and i'm not trying to put him down and calling them names i'm just saying don't show your ignorance show that you are a learned person that you read the bible and that you know the difference between the capital w and the lowercase w okay i've even had pastors write to me and they say brother breaker we love you brother we appreciate you and we're so thankful for the bible the word of god and they capitalized the w and i'm like i love you too but read your bible a capital w is referring to jesus a lower case w in the word word is referring to the bible here are some examples the word of god jesus christ is a spirit bible says god is a spirit john 4 24. well the word of god the bible the scriptures are spirit john 6 63. i don't have time to look up all these so i'll ask you to do it but i just i want you to jot that down on a note or in your bible or something the bible speaks of the word jesus christ in hebrews 7 26 and it's clearly speaking of jesus and it uses the word word let's look at that one real quick i'm curious what it says i forgot hebrews 7 26 and in hebrews chapter 7 and verse 26 we read speaking of jesus clearly 7 26 for such a high priest became us who is holy harmless undefiled separate from sinners and made higher than the heavens so jesus christ is the high priest and he's holy so he's the word and he's holy now romans 1 2 talks about the holy scriptures what is the scripture it's the word true sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth john 17 17 thy word the bible jesus says i am the way the truth and the life in john 14 6. so he is the truth he is the capital w and we saw that already and we'll see that again as we go to first john that he is the life he is truth so the word capital w jesus is the same often times or referred to as the same way as his word lowercase w what he says do you realize what the bible says is what jesus said the holy spirit of god spoke through the people that wrote the bible so jesus is the word capital w and he reveals himself to us through his word lowercase w and that word will judge us someday his word john 12 48 49 because jesus will judge us someday according to the word and jesus is the capital w and the word of god saves hebrews 7 25 and we're saved through the engrafted word which is able to save our soul james 1 21. so is it interesting that the capital w and the lowercase w have so much in common why is that because the bible is the word of god and jesus christ is god who spoke the bible the word so he is the word who gave us his word and the old saying is this a man is only as good as his word at least that's the way it used to be if a man said something then he was to keep his word and so when god says something we know god can't lie so when god says it we can count on it i can trust the bible because i know who spoke it jesus that he's god so i can take anything that jesus the word says at his word the little case bible so go back to first john chapter 4 chapter 1 and it says that which was from the beginning which we have heard which we have seen with our eyes which we have looked upon and our hands have handled of the word of life and that's a capital w jesus christ he's the word of life guess what the bible is the word of life because the bible gives us eternal life when we trust when we believe as it says in the gospel in the finished work of christ in the blood and then it says there in verse 2 for the life was manifested and we have seen it and how was it manifested jesus christ god in heaven came down he dwelt among us and in the word capital w which is god was made flesh and dwelt among us and we have seen it and bear witness and show unto you that eternal life which was with the father and was manifested unto us so that that is jesus and that jesus is called eternal life isn't that interesting jesus is referred to as eternal life how is that well the only way that jesus could be eternal life is that before he was born he existed and he existed as god because he is part of the godhead so jesus exists so he had life then he came down and was born and he took on physical life then he died but then he rose again proving that he was god because only god could do that and he has eternal life so he had eternal life before he came but he chose to come out and take a temporal life and live for us and die for our sins and then he goes back up to heaven and he's living still and when we come to him as our savior then we get eternal life that's what's so amazing and that's what he's saying here now look at verse of three that which we have seen and heard declare we unto you that ye also may have fellowship with us and truly our fellowship is with the father and with his son jesus christ so here we have what we're reading is all about jesus being that which was from the beginning which means he existed he had life before he had life he had eternal life before he came and took on the body like we have of temporal life he is eternal life jesus is life jesus is what god which was with the father so he's with the father so that means he must be god so when i'm looking at this the first thing that i'm noticing is this the deity of christ the deity of christ means that jesus christ is god now unfortunately there are people in this world today that say well i don't believe that jesus is god when you deal with such a person you deal with somebody that doesn't know their bible and who is either ignorant in the sense that they've never read it they just don't know and that could be a possibility and if so let's educate them let's don't attack them try to help them to see that jesus is god or and this is what's more common you have people that claim to be christians who say i don't believe that jesus christ is god uh such a person is not a true christian and that's what first john is telling us and as we get into first john more and more and more you're going to see that that he was writing against these gnostics and he's like saying these people teach this but this is what i want you to remember and so the gnostics would not believe that jesus was god or they attacked the doctrine of the trinity okay the trinity is the doctrine of one god now the word trinity is not in the bible okay i'll be the first to mention do you know the bible doesn't have the word rapture but the doctrine's there oh so the trinity maybe the word's not in the trinity but the doctrine is the doctrine of the trinity is this one god not three gods in three persons this is what we call the doctrine of the trinity now i'm going to prove to you in a minute that this doctrine of the trinity is a king james bible believing doctrine and this is what the bible teaches but even today within our king james bible believer crowd there are people that are attacking the doctrine of the trinity such people are either lost or demon possessed because as we get into first john i'm going to show you in first john that john says that people that attack this doctrine it's because they are led by demonic spirits spirits of devils and that they have devils or demons because they attack this sound bible doctrine okay and so i want to get into this but who is jesus christ let's get into this matthew 1 23 is jesus god i've had some people say uh jesus isn't god the son and i think and i listen to that i just go i don't understand what you're saying he's not god the son jesus christ is referred to as the son of god in the bible and jesus christ is referred to as god so if he's the son and he's god then he's the son and he's god so he's god the son i don't understand how a person can say jesus isn't god the son all i hear is you're telling me jesus isn't god now i'm going to show you the bible that jesus is god the son i'm going to show and i'm going to prove this with scriptures and i'm going to ask you to be careful of people who come in and try to look like christians and try to say and i believe the king james bible but when they attack that doctrine i want to warn you about them they are not of god okay and there are people out there today saying jesus christ isn't god and jesus christ isn't the son of god and there's no such thing as a trinity those people they're deceivers folks they're deceiving you and i'm going to prove it to you from the scripture okay but first let's look at some verses that prove that jesus christ is in fact god then we'll look at some verses on how he is part of the godhead and the bible does use the term godhead so there's nothing wrong with using the word trinity i don't think that word showed up what was it a hundred and something years after jesus and it was a greek word and i think it was something like trios or something so the word trinity uh showed up 100 years after jesus to speak about the doctrine of one god and three persons but their people out there will lie and say we're trinity that that was started by the catholics if you know history the catholic church didn't start up until about 325 a.d with constantine so how could you say that the trinity is a catholic doctrine when the word showed up 200 years before and the doctrine is already in the bible in the time of paul and the time of john see there are people out there they just go crazy and they let themselves be deceived by demonic spirits and they start to teach against sound doctrine rather than true sound doctrine so i'm going to show you the scriptures i'm going to give you sound doctrine today first of all matthew 1 23 matthew chapter 1 and verse 23 shows us clearly i mean first chapter of the new testament and it says jesus christ is god what i mean wow you ever read your bible i mean if you just open the new testament read one chapter you know jesus christ is god but people won't do it it's so sad but in matthew chapter 1 verse 23 it says behold a virgin shall be with child well that goes back to isaiah chapter 7 and shall bring forth a son he's a son and thou shalt call his name emmanuel which being interpreted is god with us so jesus is emmanuel and emmanuel means god with us in german i'm sorry i'm trying to learn german my deutsches needs good i'm sorry i'm trying um how is it ich bin robert breaker i really want to learn german so bad but anyway the god with us emmanuel that's what emmanuel means god with us so jesus christ god who is the word and the word was with god the word was god so jesus is god he is eternal life came down to be born of a virgin and he is god with us how can you possibly miss that how could anyone say jesus is a god i just went to the first chapter of the new testament and proved it and you're going to tell me that i'm wrong okay fine you can look you can believe whatever you want but i want you to know you're arguing with him the word you're arguing with the word the bible and who spoke that word jesus the capital w so you're arguing with god if you say jesus isn't god boy i'd hate to be in your shoes at the judgment when he when he judges you and he says hey why don't you listen to me let's go to first timothy chapter 3 and verse 16. we already saw in john chapter one that he was made flesh okay so god was made flesh so that makes sense in first timothy chapter three and verse 16 that we should read these words and without controversy great is the mystery of godliness god was manifest in the flesh um paul is speaking and paul goes why are you trying to make this a controversy well these people do and today there are people today that run around and say there's no trinity and jesus christ isn't god the son and you look at that you just go why are you making a controversy when my bible says right here in first timothy 3 16 and without controversy god is manifest in the flesh who are you except someone that's a modern day gnostic someone who is led by demons to believe something and to teach something that's not true jesus christ is god manifest the flesh by the way new versions of the bible change that new versions of the bible change first timothy 3 16 to he was manifest in the flesh well who is he it doesn't say but the text in greek say theos god so obviously that's what the bible says and we don't need the greek but it is interesting that they claim new bibles come from better manuscripts and they don't one of the manuscripts that the new bibles come from you look at the text itself in greek and in the word for god when they put it into all capital um skills is theos and in lowercase it's theos which is uh let's see if i can remember they us i'm forgetting how to spell the e yeah let me do the e right theos okay well they would abbreviate that as chaos when they capitalized it on the sigma there and when the manuscripts the new versions come from they change it and you can literally see where one of the scholars erased the line well that's hoss and the term hoss just means he and so new versions of the bible say well it ought to say he was manifest in the flesh and you say really what manuscript evidence do you have for that because all greek texts say god was manifest in the flesh well we have this manuscript that says he you go let me see it you look at it and there was a line there at one time and someone erased it but you can still see very faintly a line so obviously that's called fraud correct someone did not like the fact that god's manifest in the flesh so they erased it and they say now it just says he and nobody knows who he is so someone very deceitfully and wickedly changed the bible from god was manifest in the flesh to one manuscript that says he some guy who knows who somebody was manifest in the flesh unless you have a king james bible you don't have in 1st timothy 3 16 the fact that god was manifest in the flesh that's why folks you got to stick with the king james now acts chapter 20 and verse 28 another verse that clearly proves that jesus christ is god acts 20 28 take heed therefore unto yourselves into all the flock over which the holy ghost have made you overseers to feed the church of what the church of god okay so it's saying right here it's the church of god which he have purchased with his own blood now you always have to go when you have a pronoun to the antecedent okay a lot of times i'd be talking to my dad and my dad was a substitute teacher for many years and he taught english real well and i'd say he or she or this guy and my dad would say son your pronoun has no antecedent who are you talking about again so when i read the bible i just remember my dad's voice all the time when i see he or she i always say what's the antecedent there god it says god purchased with his own blood the church all right whose blood was shed jesus's blood so that means jesus when he shed his blood he was god manifest in the flesh and god shed his blood and god purchased with his own blood the church what does that make jesus christ god amen so god was manifest in the flesh okay let's continue here and let's go to another verse let's go to first john because we're going to be studying first john let's go to the end of first john the second to last verse in 1st john so he starts out first john telling you about that jesus whose eternal life who's god and then he ends first john by reminding you by the way remember that jesus is god look what it says in 1 john chapter 5 and verse 20 and we know that the son of god has come and has given us an understanding that we may know him that is true and we are in him that is true even in his son jesus christ this is the true god in eternal life the antecedent is the son jesus the son is jesus and you know what he just told us he says jesus christ is the true god so not just the god he's the true god now do you believe that or don't you if you don't believe that and you don't know that jesus christ is god you've got problems you need to get in this book you need to get in the bible you need to see this now go to first john chapter five and verse seven we're in chapter five right now but look at verse seven now by the way this verse was changed and a lot of this verse if not the whole verse itself and many new versions is missing now why is that why would someone want to change a verse in the bible or take a verse out well the lie is this well the oldest texts don't have verse john 5 7. that's a lie first of all what they call the oldest texts are the vaticanus and the sinaiticus and they're between four to six hundred years after jesus okay but a hundred so they're 400 to 600 years after jesus but 100 to 300 years after jesus we have many many church fathers that are quoting first john 5 7. so if they're quoting it then that means it must have been in their bible but many texts didn't have first john 5 7 and the oldest text they said well they don't have it well let's think for a moment and put on our thinking caps and let's look if it was in the bible 100 to 300 years after jesus but 400 to 600 years after jesus it wasn't there then does that mean that we shouldn't have it today or should we go back to ancient witnesses and say oh well they had it and somebody took it out who would have taken out first john 5 7 out of the bible except for this crowd the gnostics where were the gnostics in the northern coast of africa well the vaticanus and the city atticus are alexandrian manuscripts and guess what alex andrian well that's well that's in egypt so duh it's a no-brainer that the gnostics said we don't like the doctrine of the trinity let's get it out of the bible bibles one let's why let's take it out so somewhere after 300 a.d these guys came along and took this verse out but we have hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of quotes of people quoting first john 5 7. so if you have a new version of the bible though your new version of the bible chooses to follow the gnostic text rather than the early church fathers and the text the king james bible comes from and so we have a king james bible we have the as close to the originals as we have because we have it in our bible just like the early church did and look what first john 5 7 says for there are three that bear record in heaven the father the word capital w and the holy ghost and these three are one so the trinity the one god and three persons is the father the word capital w and the holy ghost and these three are one not three but one but who is the word the word is the son and we know that the word is jesus so we have the father we have the word then we have the holy spirit or the holy ghost and that's one god but that one god consists of three but those three are one okay now why would someone want to take that out of the bible except someone who doesn't want the truth well we clearly see it was the gnostics that didn't believe that so they're the ones that did their dirty work and anybody out there translating new versions of the bible that does not include first john 5 7 they are deceitful and they are not true they're not right they're not good people they're deceiving you into thinking no the older bibles didn't have it so it shouldn't be in the bible it was in the church of the early church and they had it in their bibles and we clearly see connecting the dots oh those people took it out because they didn't want to believe it but reading the rest of the bible it's clear jesus is god and jesus is a part of the trinity or the godhead so let's look at this i've been getting a lot of emails from people who say well brother brenker i follow this fellow on youtube i said well you know follow whoever you want help yourself and this guy brother breaker says that jesus christ is not god the son and i say well he's wrong he's wrong you ought to repent he ought to say he's sorry and apologize to the body of christ for lying because jesus christ is god and he is the son and jesus christ is god's son let me show you hebrews chapter one you say well can you prove with the scriptures robert breaker that jesus christ is god's son i say yeah let's go there hebrews chapter one and verse eight but unto the son he saith now who is he well you go back to verse 6 god so the antecedent is god so god the father is talking about god the father and god the son but unto the son he saith who the father god the father saith unto the son thy throne o god is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom so this verse right here says that god the father saith unto the son read it again but of the son he saith thy throne o god so god the father said to god the son o god so he just said that jesus christ is god the son how can he be god the son and then there be a god the father at the same time other people say that's makes two gods doesn't it no it doesn't no it doesn't god the father is god and god the son is god but they're all part of the one god they're not two separate gods i know math might be a little hard for some people but that's not hard to get god the father is god god the son is god god the holy spirit is god these three are one okay now i believe in the doctrine of the trinity which in the bible is called the doctrine of the godhead but i don't have a problem using the term trinity just like i don't have no problem using the word rapture because it's a bible doctrine okay but the doctrine of the trinity is the belief in one god in three persons now this fellow that i'm referring to and i'm not going to say his name you probably know who this guy is i don't know i haven't heard much from him lately and maybe god maybe he got right with god i hope so he's teaching the truth now i don't know but at one time there was this fellow on youtube and i got so many emails from people saying brother breaker why is this guy saying this what's going on help me brother breaker show me the truth brother is this guy telling the truth when he says this and this fellow was out there on youtube telling people the doctrine of the trinity is not a bible doctrine and that it is not true there's no such thing as one god in three persons and when i heard that i just wanted to just i didn't know whether to laugh or cry because that is such an outrageously stupid statement how could anyone who is a true king james bible believer make that statement that there is no such thing as the trinity and there is no one god in three persons how could someone say that it's clear to me that such a person has never read the bible how would you like it if i went to the bible and i proved to you that the bible teaches three persons as one god what if i said that the bible says that the father is a person the son is the person in the holy spirit would you believe me well i just believe the bible i don't care if you believe me but the bible teaches that jesus christ is a person that the father is a person and the holy spirit is personified in the bible as the comforter let's go first let me show you this i'm going to show you that the doctrine of the trinity of one god and three persons is not a man-made doctrine as some people try to say well the childhoods invented that no they didn't it was around before catholics even started and it's a doctrine that someone got from reading the bible let me show you how all three are referred to as persons but yet it's one god hebrews chapter 1 and verse 2 hath in these last days spoken on us by his son well that's jesus christ the capital w word whom he hath appointed air of all things by whom also he made the worlds who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person all right if you have a highlighter highlight that word person it just said that jesus christ is the express image of the person of god the father so god the father is a person that's what the bible just said and that jesus is the express image of the person of god the father okay who being the brightness of his glory and express image of his person and upholding all things by the word lowercase w so that's the bible by the word of his power when he had by himself purged our sin set down on the right hand of the majesty of high so god the father is a person that's what my bible says so when i believe in the trinity one god three persons i'm not ashamed i don't feel bad people tried to write to me say oh brother breaker i follow this guy now and he says you're wrong because you say there's one god with three persons and i said well you need to read your bible that guy is deceiving you he's lying to you he's just he's a gnostic a modern diagnostic that is not telling the truth the bible says persons three of them but those three are one not three gods one god let's go to uh second corinthians 2 10 say corinthians chapter 2 and verse 10 to whom ye forgave anything i forgive also for if i forgive anything to whom i forgive it for your sakes forgive i it in the person please highlight that in your bible in the person of christ so jesus christ the son the word is just called a person paul the apostle just said that jesus christ is a person so god the father is a person god the son is expressed image of the person of the father and jesus christ is referred to as a person wow all right now let's go over here to john chapter 14. go back to old john i like john john tells us a lot of good doctrine in the bible john chapter 14 and verse 16. john 14 16 says this and i will pray the father that he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you for ever this is the holy spirit and the holy spirit is referred to as a comforter and it's a capital c why would you capitalize the c well for jesus you capitalize the w while you capitalize the r for jesus when it's the rock so it's a capital c why is it a capital because the holy spirit is god and so it's personified now i don't have time to read the rest but look at verse 26 then look at uh chapter 15 and verse 26 and then chapter 16 and verse 7. so the holy spirit is personified as a person so when i stand up here and i boldly proclaim that the bible teaches that god is one god in three persons i am teaching sound bible doctrine the early church fathers knew and believed if someone comes along and says that's a lie from the devil the trinity doesn't exist there's no god in three persons that is someone who's not going to the king james bible okay i don't want to be hard on this fellow but man i've heard so many people get messed up and hurt by the false teachings of people like this i don't want you to fall into false doctrine and follow someone that's teaching lies i want you to know the truth okay and so that's why i'm going to preach what i preach and the bible teaches one god in three persons okay and i gave you the verses the father is a person the son is a person holy spirit clearly as a person in the bible personified as the comforter amen all right so we've gone 45 minutes and there's so much more i got to get into all right so let's continue now let's go back to first john chapter one and then first and well i don't know if we'll even finish today um chapter one i wanted to do first john pretty quickly but that's okay it doesn't hurt to have to do another one amen but first john chapter one now look at verse two for the life was manifested and we have seen it and bear witness and show unto you that eternal life which was with the father and was manifested into us so jesus christ is called eternal life get a chance write these verses down if you're taking notes john 3 15-16 john 6 68 john 17 2 romans 5 21 and romans 6 23 titus 1 2-3 first john 2 25. first john 5 11 and 5 13 and then hebrews 5 19 jesus christ is referred to as eternal life eternal life is nothing more than salvation because if you don't have eternal life which is salvation then you have eternal death have you ever read the book of revelation eternal death is eternal damnation and it's not living for all eternity it's being in that fire and flame and dying forever over and over again eternally dying and paying for your sins so the gift of salvation is the gift of eternal life not having to pay because you receive the payment of christ on the cross who died in your place for your sins so that's verse two all right now verse three that which we have seen and heard declare we unto you that ye also may have fellowship with us and truly our fellowship is with the father and with his son jesus christ all right so i see some fellowship here now let's go over to john chapter five there's some people that get messed up and they turn against this doctrine of the trinity i want to show you some verses how the bible teaches there's one god in three but these three are one and so while jesus was here on earth the father was up in heaven there many places as you go through john where jesus says my father in heaven that's interesting god can do something we can't he can take his three persons and he can split them into three different places at one time you see that in matthew chapter 3 where jesus god the son is here on earth while the holy spirit god the holy ghost descends upon him like a dove while god the father in heaven says this is my beloved son and mine well pleased so god is one god but manifest in three persons and somehow can be in three different places at one time now i wish i could do that but i can't but god can't because he's god god can do whatever he wants let's go to john chapter 5 and verse 33 john chapter 5 verse 33 says he said unto john and he bear witness unto the truth but i receive not testimony from man but these things i say that you might be saved he was a burning and shining light and you were willing for a season to rejoice in his light now this is john the baptist and jesus is speaking to the pharisees those that don't believe in a trinity those that were the pharisees those were the false religious leaders that were against christ in the true doctrine of the bible and he's explaining to them about himself and about the father verse 36 but i have greater witness than that of john for the works which the father hath given me to finish the same works that i do but bear witness of me that the father has sent me and the father himself which has sent me hath born witness of me ye have neither heard his voice at any time nor seen his shape and ye have not his word abide again you for whom he hath sent him you believe not he said he's re rebuking the pharisees saying why won't you believe in me because i'm sent from the father but who is he he's god search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and they are they which testify of me and ye will not come to me that you might have life okay you got to come to jesus for salvation through faith in his blood i received not honor from men but i know you that ye have not the love of god in you i am come in my father's name and ye receive me not if another shall come in his own name him will ye receive how can you believe which receive honor one of another and seek not the honor that cometh from god only do not think that i will accuse you to the father there is one that accuseth you even moses in whom you trust for had you believed moses you would have believed me for he wrote of me and if you believe not his writings how shall you believe my words so here's a swift rebuke from jesus to those people that wouldn't believe who he was now this is very important let's go to john chapter 10 and verse 25. look at what he says here john chapter 10 and verse 25 do you understand that the pharisees understood what jesus was saying and they understood jesus are you saying that you're god manifest in the flesh and that's what jesus was saying by saying that i and the father are one he's saying i am part of the godhead and i am god manifest in the flesh that's what a manual means and look what happens here john chapter 10 verse 25 jesus answered them i told you and you believe not the works that i do in my father's name they bear witness of me but you believe not because you are not of my sheep as i said unto you my sheep hear my voice and i know them and they follow me and i give it unto them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand well there you go there's eternal life that's salvation only through jesus christ verse 29 my father which gave them me is greater than all and no man is able to pluck them out of my father's hands i and my father are one that's important now look down at verse 33 the jews answered him saying for a good work we stoned thee not but for blasphemy because that thou being a man maketh thyself god the jews say what are you saying that your god here on earth and that your father is in heaven but yet you're one with the father so that you're god and he's god so you're saying you're god yeah that's what he's saying because jesus christ is god the son and god the father said to the son o god we just read it in hebrews so who is jesus christ he is god if you don't believe that you got some splaining to do okay lucy you've got some explaining that dude you never watch i love lucy i watched it as a kid it's oh ricky oh you know lois hey you've got some explaining to do someday you are going to give account to god and he's going to judge you and if you're against the doctrine of the trinity and if you're against the teaching that jesus christ is god and you're against jesus being god the son someday you've got some splenden to do how are you going to explain to god that god was wrong and you were right what i just gave you the verse is to prove that you're wrong and god is right jesus christ is god the father is god the holy spirit is god it's one god and the bible says in three persons because the father is called a person in hebrews chapter one jesus is called a person in second corinthians that we looked at and the holy spirit is personified i do not understand how people can be against the doctrine of the trinity and then try to be king james bible believers they're obviously not following the king james bible i looked up the term trinity one time in the dictionary the 1828 webster's dictionary and i just chuckled so much because it says in all my days i've never seen a controversy about the trinity way back in 1828 when webster's dictionary came together goes well i don't know anybody that says the trinity's not true but here we are in the last days and now there's more and more and more people saying no there's no trinity why is that let me scratch my head for a second while i think oh yeah didn't paul say that in the last days there will be seducing spirits and doctrines of devils folks we're in the last days and one of the things the devils are attacking is the deity of christ and the doctrine of the trinity and so if you come across a person who says i don't believe jesus is god or if you come across a bible that says it's a bible and yet it takes out the fact that jesus is god like modern versions you are dealing with someone that is led by a demonic spirit i don't know any other way to say it nicely there's actually there's no way to say it nicely if someone is against the deity of christ and the trinity doctrine of one god and three persons they are led by demons what else can a guy say i can only say that though by the authority of the word of god because the bible says that verse four well no no we gotta back up to verse three talking about fellowship and he says that we which have seen and heard declare we unto you that ye also may have fellowship with us and truly our fellowship is with the father and with his son so he's talking here about fellowship and he's saying hey i want us who are christians who are by the way true christians not these false ones like these people to have fellowship what should our fellowship be in in knowing who jesus is that he's god and in knowing the doctrine of the trinity listen if you don't believe in a trinity i don't want to fellowship in you with you okay if you don't believe that jesus christ is god the son then please don't fellowship with me because we don't have the same belief we don't have the same spirit does that make sense so we need to make sure that we have fellowship with the father and the son when we get saved we get the holy spirit according to ephesians 1 13 we are sealed with the holy spirit but also look at what it says in romans chapter 8 romans chapter 8. so we go over here to romans chapter 8 and in romans chapter 8 verse 15 we read these words romans 8 15 for you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but you have received the spirit capital s holy spirit of adoption whereby we cry abba father when we're saved by faith in the blood of christ we get the holy spirit of god and we say hey father thank you now look at the next verse the spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of god so if i have the holy spirit in me i'm going and looking at the bible and the spirit is leading me into all truth and i say wow it's true it is one god in three persons it's true jesus christ is god it's true jesus is god the son for even the father said to the son o god oh yes all this is true and then a guy says something else i go whoa that doesn't that's not the right spirit nope nope can't have anything to do with it i want the right spirit and i'm thankful that i'm saved and i have the right spirit and i'm following the true doctrine we are all the children of god when we're saved now go over here to uh verse four and these things right we unto you that your joy may be full okay so we got a couple more minutes left if i go along this time i go long man i was really hoping to finish up this whole chapter but i guess we'll have to break this up into two different ones so let's let's uh go here about the joy that your joy they may be full right this epistle is written and he says right here the reason i'm writing to you is because i want you to have joy and i don't just want you to have joy i want your joy to be full so be full of joy joy unspeakable and full of glory so what is it that john is saying get your doctrine right but also have your heart right so that you can be joyful in the lord i look at these people that teach other doctrines that teach things that are not what the bible says and they're not very joyful people i don't see them laughing i don't ever see them smiling they always are very critical and angry and hateful and mean and attacking and i'm like wow how come they don't have full joy could it be they're not saved i don't like to say that i don't like to judge people's salvation but i read my bible and i'm going to the conclusion man there must be some people out there that maybe the reason they don't have any joy and the reason they're departing into false doctrine because they're not saved maybe they need to get saved well how do we get same well let's go to second john verse two i mean let me show you this verse here too second john in verse two for the truth's sake which dwelleth in us and shall be with us forever so the holy spirit of god comes in us when we're saved and when we're saved it brings joy and it brings us joy and the holy spirit is there for the truth's sake boy when i read that that hit me i'm like wow for the truth's sake everything i want to do i want to do for the sake of truth i want to make sure that what i'm preaching to you is the truth and not some man-made doctrine of robert breaker it's not what i think or what i feel it's what does the bible say so it's for the truth sake so what does the bible say well galatians chapter 5 and verse 22 and 23 if you get a chance read that talks about the fruit of the spirit and there's nine fruits of the spirit and the second one is joy so one of the fruits of the spirit is joy so if a person claims to be a christian but they have no joy then do they have the holy spirit are they really a christian are they just saying with their mouth hey i'm a christian you got to wonder about that now yeah sometimes we have more joy than other times sometimes we go through some things and we're not always happy but other times we are but joy be full even in the worst times in my life if i'm reading my bible i can still feel the joy of the lord because i'm happy knowing that i'm saved that i have the truth so we need to make sure that our joy is full now here's what i see quickly oh i'm going to go along today sorry acts chapter 20 verse 24. i'm looking at the book of first john and what i'm seeing is the reason that it's written is because this crowd the gnostics started to come into churches and try to change the doctrine and we're seeing the same thing today people coming onto youtube and saying i'm a king james bible believer follow me and they're beginning to change the doctrines to the same gnostic lies of the days of john and we're not going to put up with it they didn't put up with it in his day we're not going to put up with it in our day take your false doctrine and move along we don't want your lies we want truth and we're going to stand for the truth's sake so in acts chapter 20 verse 24 but none of these things move me neither count on my life dear unto myself so that i might finish my course with joy and the ministry which i have received the lord jesus to testify the gospel of the grace of god so he's saying look i want to make sure that i'm doing what i'm supposed to do in the ministry and it's i want to have joy i want to finish my course which i want to be joyful until the end so paul wanted to finish with joy so now let's go over to um romans 5 11. where does true joy come from well true joy comes when you're saved when you get saved there's some joy there and you just you just can't help but just go whoa amen if you're not saved then life is miserable and oftentimes you try to make it miserable for other people too if you're thinking that salvations is through works then you're a miserable person because you're going to always feel bad going well i never did good enough for god to accept me but the bible says that when you come to christ through faith in his blood which is what the bible teaches in romans 3 25 that salvation is through faith in his blood then you get joy notice what it says in romans 5 11 romans 5 11 says and not only so but we also joy in god through our lord jesus christ by whom we have now received the atonement when you receive the blood atonement of christ when you realize it's what he did he paid it all shed his blood god loved me enough to take my punishment for me and now all he asks is that i come and trust his blood and when you trust that blood and you're forgiven and your sins are washed away there's this joy that just floods your soul and you're just like whoa i'm going to heaven i got eternal life i'm so happy and it's a wonderful joyful great thing now do you have that joy one of the ways you know if a person is truly saved is if they have joy or not and if they don't have joy well maybe they're just going through something maybe they are saved but maybe they just don't have full joy or could be maybe they aren't saved maybe that's why they don't have joy first peter 1 8 whom having not seen ye love and whom though now you see him not yet believing you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory now what brought that joy believing so he's saying that when you're believing in the finished work of christ his blood atonement then you have joy so are you saved you know some of these people that are against the trinity they're also against the blood of jesus i've been attacked and i don't like to talk about people that attack me but i've been attacked by people and they say oh this robert breaker fellow oh he's just such a hypocrite what he says he's saved by the blood of jesus well that's not what the bible teaches and they're the most hateful mean-spirited angry mean people and it's like i don't see much joy in these people the only the only thing that makes them happy is putting other people down i'm like that there's something wrong with it and then they preach against the gospel they preach against the doctrines of the bible and i'm like wow where's where's the joy let's go now let's go over to uh first thessalonians 1 6. first thessalonians 1 6. talking about joy and i guess i'll have to end it here in second and we'll have to do another one in order to finish chapter one but uh first thessalonians 1 6 of what it says first thessalonians chapter 1 and verse 6 says this and ye became followers of us and of the lord having received the word and much affliction comma with joy of the holy ghost boy it's all about the word it's all about what god says it's all about believing in faith it's faith in the blood i teach the gospel of first corinthians 15 1-4 how christ died for our sins how did he die he shed his blood i teach romans 3 25 says if you want to be safe faith in the blood when your faith is in the blood of jesus boy there's a joy that you get and that joy comes from believing from faith so if you say you're a christian but you don't have any joy first thing i ask is well when did you trust the blood because you might not have trusted in the blood you might be believing in another gospel or something like that and yet you call yourself a christian where's your joy do you have any joy first thessalonians 2 19 paul says for what is our hope our joy our crown of rejoicing are not even ye in the presence of our lord jesus christ that is coming for ye are our glory and joy paul says you know what makes me happy and gives me joy is seeing people get saved and boy i tell you one of the greatest joys that i get is getting emails getting phone calls getting letters from people that say brother breaker i got saved from your ministry from your preaching and teaching of the gospel and you showed me clearly what the bible says it's not my opinion i'm not up here giving my opinion i'm trying to point you to what the word is and they say i just understood and believed and i'm trusting in the blood and i'm saved all my sin fell off like a weight i i know i'm on my way to heaven now i have a no so salvation i'm just so thankful brother breaker for you and that just gives me more joy the other day many of you watch lisa boyce on youtube and rumble and other places and lisa calls from time to time and lisa says brother breaker of this lady called me up says she got saved she said she heard robert breaker mention on one of my videos and she said i'll go see what he has and she said she watched my videos and she got saved and she called lisa and told lisa i'm just so thankful to be safe i'm so glad you mentioned that breaker fella and i think i was just like whoa you know i want to start shouting it's a wonderful thing to see people get saved and if you're saved you should have joy and if you get other people saved you should joy in that are you saved do you have any joy jude verse 24 says now unto him that is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy so full of joy exceeding joy joy unspeakable full of the bible says we're supposed to have joy do you have any joy whatsoever do you have any joy all right let's go back to first john and i guess i'll have to close i'm so sorry i went long boy in my mind we finished this whole chapter up on paper but sometimes i get speaking and i get a little off topic here but uh first john in chapter one let's go ahead and read verse five this then is the message which ye which we have heard of him and declare unto you that god is light and in him and in him is no darkness at all no darkness at all god is like so he says this is the message now look at that i said what is the message well the thing that i get that is the message in just the first five verses is this message number one verse one jesus is god jesus is salvation jesus is eternal life verse 2. fellowship our fellowship verse 3 is in the father and the son and knowing that it's one god and these three are one and we fellowship in knowing who jesus is and we can have fellowship with one another because we have the right doctrine because we're following the word of god the messages have full joy and the message is god is light if you're not following christ and if you're not saved through the blood then you're still in darkness no wonder you come over and have false doctrine get out of false doctrine get to christ get to the light for salvation trust in his blood and then when you're saved then you know the truth so that's the message so far that i see from the first five verses the message of jesus is god eternal life is through jesus we can fellowship in knowing who jesus is the father and the son and we should be full of glory and we should know the light not the darkness and the light only comes through jesus christ so we'll stop there and start next time in verse six and hopefully we can get through verse six seven eight nine and ten next time and then uh well we'll finish up there so appreciate you coming appreciate you watching this with me i went a little long and i don't like to talk about you know the enemies or those that attack me and all that stuff but boy i tell you what when you get into false doctrine and you start teaching something that is so outrageously wrong and my bible tells me that there's demons that are going to do that in the last days and you got it it just stirs something up within me to want to teach and to preach even harder and to go even more to the scriptures and say hey my bible says three persons who are you to say no my bible says that jesus christ is god who are you to say he's not my bible says that god the father said to the son o god how are you out there saying jesus christ is not god i just don't get it i don't get it please be careful folks who you follow make sure you follow the true doctrine and someone that's preaching the truth not someone who's preaching a lie all right we'll see you next week god bless bye-bye you
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 16,644
Rating: 4.9179735 out of 5
Keywords: King James Bible, 1 John, Verse by Verse Bible Study, Bible Study, Robert Breaker
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 55sec (4135 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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