1 John 1:5 to 10

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and welcome back i'm robert breaker and we're continuing our verse by verse bible study through first john and uh well i kind of thought we'd be done with chapter one by now i was really thinking we're gonna go through this book so fast because you know there's just a lot to read but you know a lot to comment on it's just kind of self-explanatory much of what it says but uh well we're getting a little deeper than i thought we would and so last time i only got about halfway through chapter one so i hope to finish chapter one today and look at verse five there it says this then is the message which we have heard of him now pronouns now the sentence so the hymn is jesus and declare unto you that god is light and in him is no darkness so he says there's a message this is the message and so he tells us this message in verse five but he's really been giving us a message in verse four and verse three and verse two and verse one and so i closed last time by telling you what the message was verse one the message is jesus is the word jesus is god okay that's the deity of christ we should believe in that and as we get into first john i mention that because first john chapter 5 and chapter four talks about trying spirits because the spirits don't want to believe in the deity of christ okay so this is important so what he's opening up in in the first five verses is things that he's all going to talk about later as well so jesus is eternal life well what is eternal life salvation so jesus is god and god can save you and jesus offers us life eternal life then in verse 3 the message is fellowship in the father and fellowship in the son and how our fellowship should be in the fact that we're saved if you're not saved well should we fellowship with people that aren't saved you know what does the bible say about that we got to be careful and then the bible continues and it says now fellowship in the father and the son well to me you've got to believe in the trinity to believe in the father and the son it's one god but in three separate persons and last time i did the best i could to show you and warn you about those who are against the doctrine of the trinity and against the teaching of the godhead of one god and three persons because the bible is very clear in hebrews chapter 1 it says jesus christ is the express image of the person of god the father and in saint corinthians i believe it was paul says i forgive you in the person of christ and we look at the bible it talks about the holy spirit and it's personified the personification of the holy spirit so one god in three persons is a biblical doctrine and i've proven that with scripture if anyone says otherwise they are not following god in the bible okay be careful of such people then in verse 4 and these things write we unto you now it says we i find that very interesting i forgot to comment on that he says we we we we a lot verse one we verse two we verse three we verse four we who is the we the we is the apostles so it almost sounds like when he's writing that and he says we he's including himself but he's also saying the apostles too so john was the one actually pinning it but it's interesting that he uses the term we this then is the message which we have heard so you see the word we in verse one two three four and five and then you see it again in six and then a seven and then an eight um and then in verse nine and then so in every single verse in this first chapter we see we i find that very interesting so he's saying we and he's he's saying we that fellowship together in this way now as we get to chapter two in chapter three in chapter four and chapter five he begins to warn about those people over there so there's us and there's them a matter of fact there's a verse and we'll get to it eventually where he says we know they were not of us because they went out um from among us and they were not of us so it's a this whole book is about the we and them and i told you before that there is this group called the gnostics and you need to study and look into who the gnostics were and in the early church the gnostics came along and began to try to change doctrine in order to try to start their own church which taught many things that were pagan beliefs so i really look at first john as an anti-gnostic text as john dealing with and battling with the people in his day being the gnostics and what did gnostics preach against the deity of christ and things like that so this is very interesting know the time period and when it's written and it makes a lot more sense in rightly dividing so we see in verse 5 the message is god is light and in him is no darkness so he's inferring that darkness is false doctrine if someone doesn't have the light of christ then they're going to give you false doctrine and if they don't have the light they're not saved the light of the gospel paul says then they're lost so it's like he's warning us be careful of lost people with false doctrine okay and i can see that clearly in the first five verses now verse six if now notice this verse six begins with if verse seven says but if verse eight says if verse 9 if verse 10 if never okay never ever ever ever ever base a doctrine on an if if it says if then we've got to be careful so there are some ifs here now i don't know why there's so many ifs but it's kind of iffy that's why i said first john is a book that a lot of bible believing christians don't go too often because we look at it we go oh there's some hard stuff to figure out that's why i told you the beginning of our study that first john has some strange doctrine in it but if you read any context and you understand it you can clearly see okay a lot of this is in agreement with paul okay but the if thing here i don't know about this i don't know why it says if but let's go ahead and start in verse six if we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lie and do not the truth now what an odd way to say do not the truth how do you do truth how do you don't do truth truth is something that is whether you do it or not so it's kind of see the wording is strange john was a little bit different than the other apostles and the way he spoke and so that's why first john is so hard to get a hold of unless you rightly divide and look at it in the way that it is historically and understand through paul and other things so what does he mean to do truth well i think he means if you have the truth then you will do according to the knowledge of the truth we will do what you know is right i think he means serve but he says you do the truth truth is something that's spoken right so it sounds like he's saying this look at the third word in verse six if we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lie and do not so if we say something but we do something else then we're wrong well isn't that the definition of a pharisee isn't that the definition of a hypocrite what is a hypocrite a hypocrite is someone that says one thing but does another jesus warned of the hypocrites he says they say this but they do that but they say this but well that's what you got to understand christianity is more than just what you say with your mouth christianity is do you believe in your heart and if you do believe in your heart then you work out what god has worked in okay it's not a gospel of works for salvation all right paul was very clear you work after saved not worked not work to be saved all right now if you understand paul and you understand paul's teaching of that and you read this then it makes sense but if you don't understand paul and you think salvation is works or faith and works and you're reading through here then you look at the if and you go oh wow look at that like well if you if you claim to be a christian but you're not doing right then you're not saved and it's so easy for people to come to this book and try to teach a works based salvation because they will go to verses and they'll take the if and they'll try to make it but i don't see that i don't see he's saying if you do this then you're saved or not i just see he's saying look we are those that have the truth and believe it and there are these people that are coming in and starting to try to lead people astray with a false doctrine so if we who have the truth walk in the light and have fellowship and walk not in the darkness then we're doing good but if we start to walk the wrong way then we're lying then we make sure we're not going to be led straight let's make sure we live this way and not that way okay so that's what he's saying there so don't just say it with your mouth do something because you believe in your heart and don't lie okay let's go to some things on paul here and let me just say there is a difference between profession and possession the difference between profession now to profess something is to say the word professed versus possession you can say with your mouth hey i'm a christian but have you trusted in the blood of christ are you trusting in the blood alone for salvation are you trusting in the finished work of christ it's one thing to say you're a christian but are you saved by faith every roman catholic says he's a christian but a lot of them don't do right or live right a lot of them are not trusting alone in the finished work of christ a lot of them are trusting in their church or in their works or in their this or in their that so there's a lot of people out there that have professions saying i am a christian and they are professing christians but are they truly saved because they believed you see the possession is when you believe from the heart um let me see if i can give you an illustration of this years ago i went to a a mosque a muslim mosque i was in rhode island and uh came across this fella and talked to him for a long time and he claimed to he was a believer and i said believing in what tell me what you believe in to get saved and i talked to him for like 20 minutes and he was trying to lead me on into thinking that he was a christian and i just kept going your answers are weird i mean if you claim to be a christian you sure don't have the right answers what and he finally says well i'm a muslim and i said ah okay no wonder you weren't telling me the right answers i said so what what what is this you said you believed in jesus what do you mean he goes well we believe in any prophet anybody that says they're a prophet if you're a muslim you believe in the prophets so if a guy says i'm a prophet and you believe in islam you're supposed to believe him because islam believes in believing in anybody who says he's a prophet i thought that was weird and he invited me to go to his mosque and have his imam his teacher um give us a tour and have a talking to me so i asked the pastor of the church that i was in there preaching in to go with me and we went we walked around and this imam was showing me everything inside the mosque and he kept saying now we just had some people come here not too long ago and they accepted islam and uh he and then he showed me something else he said oh we had another group come and they accepted islam and he showed me around and he says now just say allah is god. and i said oh no i don't i personally because i've studied who allah is and i look back in history and he was a idol he was a moon god allah matter of fact you can go to world net daily 1700 bc allah god of violence and they found a document from the 1700s before christ 1700 bc of how allah was the god of violence and the god who rebelled against the true god now who does that sound like if you know your bible that sounds like lucifer lucifer fell from heaven and rebelled against the true god he's the god of rebellion the god of violence well that's what this document from the 1700s before christ said that allah was so i'm thinking well allah isn't the same god as the one i worship but this muslim fellow he told me he says we want you to say allah is god and he said if i would have just said with my mouth allah is god that he would have counted me as a convert to islam so to become a muslim all you have to do is say allah is god and they say okay now you're one of us what if i'd said that i didn't believe that was i a convert if i'd said that no i wasn't i might have made a profession for him made him feel good but with my heart my heart wasn't in it i i don't pray five times a day i don't wash my hands i don't wash out my nose before i go to bed so demons don't crawl in it and you know their their doctrines like that i i am not i'm not so there are people out there that are christians that think well if i just say with my mouth i accept jesus now i'm a christian then they think that makes them a christian but did they believe in anything from the heart that's the question and so it's not what you say or pray it's whether or not you believe with all your heart so there is a difference between profession of salvation and possession of salvation you have the holy spirit dwelling in you according to ephesians 1 13 when you believe in the blood of christ through faith in his blood so if you're believing anything other than the blood of christ you're not safe and yet but i go to church and i was baptized and i do this and i do and i claim to be a christian well goody goody gumdrops good for you that you made a profession with your mouth but what are you doing for jesus and have you truly believe because when you truly believe in the blood of christ then you get what we looked at last time the joy and then things start wanting to come out because in your heart you're overflowing with joy for the lord now you want to serve him and that's what the bible says the bible says when we're saved we're not saved to sin we're safe to serve and what god wants us to do when we're saved is to serve him okay so let's look at some verses on that ephesians 2 8 9. ephesians 2 8 9 says for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of god not of works lest any men should both so it's not works that saves us okay but now look at verse 10 for we are his workmanship created in christ jesus unto good works which god hath before ordained that we should walk in them so i don't work to get saved or to be saved i am saved by faith i'm not saved because i say i'm saved i'm saved because on july 29th 1992 my faith was placed in the blood of christ and he saved me through faith now that i'm saved man now i want to do something i want to work because i am safe and serve him who saved me because i love him so much and what he's done for me and that's what we're supposed to do let's go to colossians colossians 3 24. colossians 3 24 knowing that of the lord you shall receive the reward of the inheritance for you serve the lord christ so we have to serve jesus because the more we serve him the more we show we love him and actually the more he'll give us joy the more the more i serve the lord the more joy i get it's just this is incredible but also we serve him in order to get rewards in heaven the more we do for jesus why the more we get in heaven now go to hebrews chapter 9 and verse 14 hebrews chapter 9 verse 14 how much more shall the blood of christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to god purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living god so after you believe in the blood and after you get saved now let's serve them let's go pass out tracts let's go witness let's go tell people about jesus let's go tell others how to be saved and and tell them about hey you need to get to heaven because otherwise it's going to be really bad and heaven is the place you need to be and jesus paid it all and why don't you come to him for salvation so back to first john verse 6 in chapter one if we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness why we lie and we do not the truth so it's one thing to say you're a christian okay but have you truly believed in the gospel have you truly trusted in the blood atonement of christ that's what it's about salvation is through faith in his blood that's romans 3 25 it's the blood atonement the blood atonement of jesus christ and you receive that atonement romans 5 11 through faith so you're saved by faith faith comes from the heart and not just the mouth it's very easy for someone to say with their mouth i'm a christian but are they believing in anything from their heart are they trusting alone in the blood of christ and what he did or are they possibly trusting in their own works as well so that's what you get a hold of so he's saying here in verse six that if you don't serve jesus then you might not be saved and you claim to be a christian but are you lying i mean he's he's literally questioning the salvation of people is what it sounds like it's like uh are you are you lying because you're not walking in the light you're still in darkness i'm one it almost sounds like a lordship salvation message really but look at the verse six we lie okay so let's go over here to romans chapter 16. why would john talk like that to other christians unless possibly i'm going to draw up here i hate to do this but i'll draw a church building i guess up here all right and let's pretend that this is a church building during the time of john over here we have one group and this group is full of joy this group is truly serving jesus and this group is saved and this group is believing in the blood of christ and so that group is out there actively winning people to jesus they're winning souls and they are teaching true doctrine they're not changing what they believe but in the same building you've got another group of people and this group over here is critical they have no joy and they're not serving matter of fact they're out there in the world they're literally backsliding if you will and they're not sharing the gospel they're not doing anything for jesus you look at those two different people and they come together every week and meet together in the same building but one group is just happy and and wonderful and just can't wait to be there this group shows up and they're like ah we're here again and they're not excited but and you gotta wonder they're more worldly and and they don't really care about god in his word and you gotta wonder well are they even safe well maybe they're saved but they're just backslidden or maybe could it be that they're coming in there for one reason only what they're trying to do is to rob people and to get them out i don't know let's find out let's look at some verses on that and let's see what it says let's go first to romans 16 18. paul talked about there were people coming into the church trying to spy out their liberty and to get them into bondage and to get them out look what he says here in romans 16 18. paul says this verse 17 now i beseech you let me back up to 17. now beseech your brother and mark them which cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which you have learned and avoid them so there's people in the church that are saying well we don't any longer believe what we were taught and we're not very happy we're kind of critical we're looking at what we're seeing and we're like i don't like and he says watch out for them and get away from them avoid them verse 18 for they that are such serve not our lord jesus christ but their own belly and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple so there were people that were in the meeting of the early church that are not believing the way they are supposed to and they're critical but yet they're saying well let me speak i want to say something and that all they want is to get something for themselves rather than well here's an example this guy here but he's not married and he's looking around he's like there's not any good girls in the world i need i need a wife but i'm a bad guy i drink i smoke i chew i i do bad things but i sure like to have a good wife well i'll come over here to the church and i'll get her and marry her and then together we're going to leave the church and we'll never go to church again i've met people like that in my life lost people and they told me well i don't like church and i don't believe in god but i know the good women are in church so i started going to church for a while and then found a wife and we got married then i took her out with me and we never been back wow that see what he did he professed to be saved but he wasn't he didn't have any faith he wasn't believing from his heart he wasn't a true christian let's go to first timothy one verse nine what was he then he was a liar he was claiming to be something that he was not so could this be the kind of people that that um john is warning the early church about in first john well possibly i'm gonna show you some verses here in a minute where uh paul warns us about people coming into the church and trying to sway people and get people out first timothy 1 9 for whoremongers for them that defile themselves with mankind for man stealers for liars for perjured persons and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine according to the glorious gospel of the blessed god which was committed to my trust so he says there are a lot of people that don't come to the sound doctrine or the gospel and such are like this and one of them was liars so if you're not saved then the context is the people that weren't saved were those that are doing these things and they're a bunch of liars what is he insinuating there that when you get saved you don't lie anymore you try to be honest i've met a lot of people claim to be christians boy they lie all the time that's kind of sad as a christian we're supposed to always tell the truth titus 1 12 says well let's back up to verse 10. let's start there in verse 10 11 and 12 titus 1 for there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers especially they of the circumcision whose mouths must be stopped who subvert whole houses teaching things which they ought not for filthy luke or sake one of themselves even a prophet of their own said the creations are always what liars evil beasts slow bellies this witness is true wherefore rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith so there were some people in the early church that were over here in the synagogue and they kept going man a bunch of the people in the synagogue they said they believed in this jesus fella and they've left and we're not getting any more offerings over here in the synagogue they've all come over here so so they said well let's go over there and try to get them to come back over here and then we can get more offerings so do you see how there's the true church true believers but there are people trying to come in in order to get people out that's kind of scary if you think about it let's go over here to revelation chapter 2. so the early disciples were called apostles all right there were 12 apostles and then judas fell then god chose paul so paul and the 11 apostles of course peter was one of them and john and what happened to the apostles are there apostles today well i don't believe there are because the apostles had what was called the signs of the apostles and paul tells us that signs were for the jews well the jews rejected their messiah so god started going more to the gentiles and paul says we live by faith and not by sight we don't need signs or wonders anymore so the signs of the apostles aren't around today but yet today you have churches and people out there say well i'm an apostle are you revelation was written by john revelation chapter 2 and verse 2 we read this i know thy works and i labor and thy patience and how thou canst not bear them which are evil and thou has tried them which say they are apostles and are not and has found them liars the bible says there are people out there running around saying i'm an apostle i'm an apostle and they weren't they were false apostles and that was around 90 to 100 a.d so early in the church there were people that were trying to say i'm an apostle and they weren't they were liars but you claim to be christians well maybe they were christians but they were just pretending to be something they weren't but that's not a good thing to do let's go to acts chapter 20 and verse 29. here's what paul said scared him i have a message i preached one time entitled the only thing that ever scared paul paul said he was scared that this was going to happen acts chapter 20 verse 28 through 30. for i know this that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you not sparing the flock also of your own self shall men arise speaking perverse things to draw away disciples after them so that means there's people inside of a church who are evil who are wicked who are liars and are only there as a wolf whose desire is to find another person that they can get and then take out with them so they're not going there because they want to fellowship with one another and they love jesus they're going there saying now who can i get to go with me because i can't wait to get out of here now i don't know their motives or their reason for that but wow so when we come back here to uh first john verse 6 we see that john is warning of false teachers and liars well where have i heard that before we have already gone verse by verse through first and second peter through jude and through paul and we are seeing the same thing a warning against false christians people who made a profession i'm a christian but who are liars who are only trying to get people out in order to get their own disciples and to set up their own false churches with false doctrine and that's sad let's look at that let's go to second peter chapter two and you'll remember how all of chapter two and second peter was about these false prophets second peter two but there were false prophets also among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you who privily shall bring in damnable heresies even denying the lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction and many shall follow their pernicious ways by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of and through covetousness shall they with vain words make merchandise of you whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not and their damnation slumbereth not let's read verse 12 and then thereon but these is natural brute beast made to be taken and destroyed speak evil of things that they understand not and shall utterly perish in their own corruption and shall receive the reward of unrighteousness as they that count it pleasure to write in the daytimes it goes on and on and on i'm not going to read all the way down to verse 22 but i'll ask you two but he makes it sound like the motive is this right here they look at the church and they say wow there's a lot of people there why if i could be the head speaker well if i could be the preacher they take up this offering and they give it to the preacher why if i could be that guy i could get the offering all i've got to do is learn how to talk nice and say the right things and if i speak well and i give good words and speeches well then i'll make a lot of money and so how do i do that well you're supposed to be saved and preaching the right doctrine and getting others saved but there are people out there that don't want that so they say what i'll do is i'll get in there i'll try to get a whole bunch of people to follow me and well then we'll just go over here and we'll start our own church well good luck with that and what are you going to preach well we'll make up our own doctrine well then you have a false church and what is a false church or a false doctrine it's called a cult and that's what the gnostics did they started a cult they started their own movement their own followers in which they taught things that weren't true matter of fact some of them even taught it's okay to fornicate that's not what the bible teaches so you see a lot of sad things now let's go over here to jude so this is what happened in the early church bad people came into the church and tried to get people out of the church and started their own cults and to this day we have the true church of true believers in the bible and to this day someone said one time i don't know if it's true but they said there were over 6 000 different groups within modern so-called christianity they call themselves christians six thousand does jesus have six thousand churches or is jesus only have one church so you gotta wonder you gotta wonder about that who is the church the church is the body of christ all saved people it's not a building it's not set up in one place with one man named a pope or something like that that's not the true church you gotta watch out so jude verse three look what he says jude 3 beloved when i gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation it was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints so salvation is key all right this is what we should remember salvation stand on the gospel first corinthians 15 1-4 it's called the gospel of salvation so we have to remember the gospel of salvation and we need to remember that the most important thing is preaching salvation through the blood faith is what saves us and if you belong to a denomination that calls itself a church but they're preaching a faith and works gospel that's a cult that's not the true gospel and paul and jude and peter and john warn us against such people now look at verse four i'm not going to read the whole thing but i do want to read verse four for there are certain men crept in unawares who were before revolt ordained to this condemnation ungodly men turning the grace of our lord into lasciviousness and deny wow so ungodly men creeping in to the church now i don't want to go into all the stories i've ever heard of pastors doing evil i've heard so many stories of pastors having female secretaries i don't see that in the bible and then the pastor falling into sin and leaving his wife and running off with the church secretary those things bother me that just bothers me so much that's so sad i heard stories even within the independent baptists of people that claim to be christians and how the pastor was sleeping with someone else that wasn't his wife matter of fact there was one famous so-called pastor of an independent baptist church who got caught sleeping with 24 different women in the church he took pictures of it and everything and the way he got caught is he put him in a briefcase and put it out in the dumpster and the janitor came out and said well what's this and he opened it up he looked at all these pictures of women in the church and this guy in awful positions if you would uh sleep what a horrible wicked thing that's not a christian is that man even saved i've got to wonder because how can you be saved and doing that what you're doing is you're looking at the church you go boy i'd sure like to be the guy in charge because i could get a lot out of this well i could get money i could get fame i could get women i could if i could just and that's not true christianity that is evil and that's what the bible warns us against so again remember those in asia turned against paul in second timothy 1 15 we looked that i think two times ago where it says all in asia have turned against me well who was it that turned against paul let's go to galatians real quick why did they turn against paul well galatians chapter 2 and verse 4 paul says this galatians 2 4 and that because of false brother and unawares brought in who came in privileged to spy out our liberty which we have in christ jesus that they might bring us unto bondage to whom we gave place by subjection know not for an hour that the truth of the gospel might continue with us who was it in the time of paul this is about 58 a.d that paul's writing and he says there were some spies who came into the church to spy it out and these spies wanted to get these people and they wanted to take them out what was it that they wanted they wanted to put them unto bondage now who were these people well if you know your bible and you know acts chapter 15 the reason there's in acts chapter 15 is because there's in acts chapter 13. in acts chapter 13 paul preached well let's look at it real quick acts 13 38 39 and you've got to remember the historical context as you're reading through the bible all right when jesus showed up he showed up to the jews and the jews were still under the old testament law that's all they knew and they thought they had to keep the law well after jesus died and was buried and rose again the jews went out and preached hey come to this jesus it's all about who he is remember who he is he's the messiah believe in his name and they were still thinking and we got to go to the synagogue and keep the law well paul comes along paul goes uh no there's a revelation that was given to me by jesus christ and it's not the works of the law acts 13 38-39 paul says this be it known unto you therefore men and brethren that through this man has preached unto you the forgiveness of sins and by him all that believe are justified from all things from which you could not be justified by the law of moses so paul says we're not justified by the law we're justified by faith faith alone not the law well then they come together in acts chapter 15 and acts 15 1 says and certain men which came down from judea taught the brother and said except you be circumcised after the manner of moses you cannot be saved whoa so the cult church says no it's not by faith oh sure you can have faith we don't care if your faith isn't something but we say it's works you know you're in the church that's a cult if it tells you you have to do works to get saved and in paul's day it was the crowd that was telling people to keep the law and they were saying oh oh you yeah believe in jesus we don't care if you believe in jesus that's great yeah jesus is the messiah yay now get circumcised and come to the temple every week and give your tithe and paul says no you're trying to get them under bondage into thinking that they're saved based upon the works no no we can't have that so is that what's going on over here is that what's going on in first john first john chapter 1 and verse 6 i if we say if we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lie and do not the truth so if someone is doing evil but they're over in the good church with the good believers but yet they're just going along to get along because their back of their mind is i can't wait to get people out of here and get them under me then they're liars and they're the ones walking in darkness they're not the true church so could it be that john is warning about that crowd that's what it sounds like sure does now look at verse 7 but if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another and the blood of jesus christ his son cleanseth us from all sin all right now this is one of the greatest verses in the whole bible i love this verse it says that the blood of jesus cleanses from all sin all sins now that's a great blessing right there isn't it to know that it's through the blood of jesus that all our sins are forgiven so are you washed in the blood do you have the blood of jesus applied to your soul have you trusted in the blood for salvation but let me show you what people do people will come to this and take it out of context and they say well it says here if we walk in the light so if we're doing right then the blood forgives us but if we do wrong oh no then we're not forgiven by the blood well then the blood does not forgive of all sins then according to you you see you have to read it you cannot nitpick i've told you there are people that will take this first john and they will nitpick it and they will take a little here a little there and they'll run to verses out of context and they'll try to teach what they want to teach and there are people out there that teach a faith and works gospel and they'll run to this verse they'll say well this verse isn't saying that you're forgiven based upon faith alone it's saying if you do right then you're forgiven if you don't do right then and they're twisting this verse now this verse seven goes in hand in hand hand in hand with verse nine look at verse 9 if we confess our sins he is faithful and just forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness well amen we're forgiven from all unrighteous all sins but they say no no it's saying if it's saying if you confess then you're forgiven if you don't confess that you're not forgiven they're completely forgetting everything that paul wrote and they're taking this completely out of context of paul and they're saying no let's don't even look at any more of the rest of the bible or this don't look at chapter 2 and verse 12 that says your sins are forgiving you let's don't look at that no they want you to think that your forgiveness is based upon something you do do you see the problem you get into when you go to first john if you don't understand the context what is he saying well he's teaching this we message we we we okay so let's look at verse seven but if we walk in the light and see in the light we have fellowship with one another duh if we're saved we're walking in the light and we're having fellowship he's not saying that we're lost if we don't do that but that's th that's what they jumped to the conclusion of it and if you don't walk in the light then you're not saved it doesn't say you're not saved just says you're a liar in verse six but look what it says we have fellowship one with another comma oh and by the way the blood of jesus christ his son cleanses us from all sin that's what he's saying so he is saying the message is it's through the blood of christ that all of our sins forgiven and when all of our sins are forgiven what do we get we already read it eternal life so there's no way that you can come to this chapter and try to twist that and say well that is teaching that salvation is dependent upon what you do and that your sins are forgiven based upon whether or not you're walking in truth if you backslide then you're not walking in truth and your sins are no longer forgiven oh then there's no eternal life it was only temporal life is that see it's kind of hard the way that he wrote it but if you know paul and you read it you can't twist it you say no no we need to have fellowship together doing good and we need to realize the blood of jesus cleanses us from all sin let me show you what paul says in colossians look at colossians chapter 2 if someone is out there preaching a message that oh well salvation depends upon what you do then they are the liars and they are the false doctrine people because paul teaches all throughout that once saved always saved and you're saved by faith alone and so the eternal security message is the message of paul and that's what you got to get a hold of and you've got to understand because john was written so late then john must have picked up on that message and taken that too so john is not saying here that you're saved or not from all sins through the blood based upon what you do that would be saying that jesus died on the cross for nothing and that would be an irresponsible thing to say so that can't be what he's saying look at colossians chapter 2 and verse 13. paul says this and you being dead in your sins in this on circumcision of your flesh hath he quickened together with him having forgiven you all trespasses so paul says having forgiven you all trespasses trespasses what's a trespass it's a sin so we have forgiveness of all trespasses or forgiveness of all sins through the blood of jesus christ that's what paul teaches go to colossians 1 14 colossians 1 14 whom we have redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of sins romans 5 9 what does that say romans 5 9 says being justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through him of course i was quoting it from memory let me make sure i said it right romans 5 9 much more than being now justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through him so we're saved through the blood of jesus christ back to colossians colossians chapter 1 and verse 20. colossians 1 20. so reading john in light of paul they both say all sins are all trespasses forgiveness that forgiveness is not based upon what you do it's based upon what jesus did and so because jesus paid for your sins if you trust it then you're saved now that i'm saved i should walk in the light if i don't walk in the light that doesn't mean i'm not saved it just means i'm backslidden that means i'll lose rewards in heaven but i wa and i won't have fellowship with other christians if i'm doing wrong that's just it's so simple a lot of people they twist the message colossians 1 20 look what it says here colossians chapter 1 and verse 20 says and having made peace through the blood of his cross by him to recognize all things unto himself so god died to reconcile all things once saved always saved to me the word all means all does all mean all to you the word eternal means eternal does it mean eternal to you hebrews chapter 9 and verse 12. let me show you this so the blood of jesus christ forgives us of all sins i want you to know that this is very important i'm going somewhere with this hebrews chapter 9 verse 12 says this hebrews 9 12 speaking of the blood of jesus neither by the blood of goats and calves but by his own blood he entered in once and to the holy place having obtained eternal redemption for us so salvation is called eternal life it's called three things in the bible salvation it's called eternal life it's called right here eternal redemption and it's called eternal salvation what is eternal eternal means forever so when i'm saved i'm saved for all eternity i believe and once saved always saved i cannot lose salvation but i can sure lose rewards by not serving jesus okay so that was the teaching of paul so with that understanding we go and we read the book of um first john he's not saying there that salvation is dependent upon whether or not i walk in the light he's saying hey we walk together in the light we have fellowship with one another and that's a great thing we that are christians our fellowship should be in the blood of jesus and by the way the blood of jesus cleanses us from all sins that's what he's saying now look at verse 9 if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness some people say well if you don't confess your sins then you won't be forgiven okay we're going to get to that here in a second let's just go back let's read verse seven and eight and then when i get to verse nine i'm going to show you some stuff here because once again salvation is not dependent upon what i do salvation is dependent upon whether or not faith is in the blood of christ and the only thing that i can do that's not a work is belief have you ever thought about that that's what ephesians 289 says for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves if you think salvation is by what you do your works then you're lost because the only thing i can do that's not a work is belief because that's not of myself it is the gift of god not of works okay so belief is not a work according to the bible less than any man should boast so back to verse seven first john 1 7 but if we walk in the light as he is in light we have fellowship when there's another and we should fellowship in the light in the truth in the gospel in righteousness in justice and goodness we should fellowship in doing right and the blood of jesus christ his son cleanses us from all sin thank god for the blood of jesus that's the only way to have forgiveness of sins and it's all sin forgiven through the blood it's not my walking that forgives me it's whether or not i trust in the blood of christ verse 8 if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us now people say see so you're lost that i don't see any losing of your salvation here if you say you have no sin you're deceived we're all sinners okay and the truth is not in us well we just the truth is not in us means we just told a lie we just lied if we said i don't sin do i sin yeah unfortunately even after i've been saved i have sinned on occasion i don't want to i don't like it but i have should i no now there's another passage here in which he says we know that he that is born of god sin is not so you look at that and you go what what so we'll get to that when we get to that but you gotta remember what john is saying when you're saved you're a body but now you're a new creature with the holy spirit of god inside your soul and your spirit so a christian can sin the body sins but a christian we know that he is born of god committeth no sin the new creature can't sin okay so a lot of things that john is saying if you don't have paul and understand what paul says when you read first john you just kind of go bl i don't get it the only way to get first john is to get paul and paul tells us that there's a difference between walking in the spirit and walking in the flesh all right if i'm walking in the flesh then i sin and it's the flesh that sins but if i'm walking in the spirit and i sin i didn't sin because the spirit of god's in me and i can't sin so it's the flesh that sin it's not the new creature you see do you see that there's a lot to get into in first john so if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us okay now to verse 9. if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness now there are people that read this passage and say so the forgiveness of sins is based upon whether or not i confess so they say it's my works and it's the work of my confession and that i don't get my sins forgiven unless i confess my sins okay then i guess we all need to convert to roman catholicism and find a confessional booth and go to there and ask the priest to forgive us our sins through the confession is that what you're telling me no but this is where catholics priests get this verse of confession from they go here and say we need to give a confession of sin is that what it's saying no he just said the blood of jesus cleanses us from all sins he's not saying now but it only cleanses of past sins and when you sin again then you have to ask god to save you all over again that's not what it's saying we have eternal life when we're saved we're eternally saved that's why when he says all sins he's saying past he's saying present and future that's what all means and so when i was saved i'm saved of all my sins past presence and future my forgiveness is not based upon my confession but that's what people read this and take it out of context i call it their gospel of confession they say you gotta confess your sins in order to get forgiveness no i just read the verse before that says the blood of jesus forgave me of all my sins and paul says that i'm forgiven of all trespasses through faith in the blood so is it the confession some teach this out of context they use if as a condition of salvation and they say well if you want forgiveness you have to confess if salvation was by confession then it is faith plus works and we're saved by confessing not by faith alone and do you realize if you're not saved by the blood of jesus completely and you have to confess in order to get then what does jesus have to do he has to die all over again is jesus going to die on the cross all over again every time i sin if so then the bible's a lie because it says one sacrifice forever over in hebrews so i look at this and i kind of go wow this is this kind of sad well they take this word confession and they go over here to matthew chapter 10 they say oh mr breaker you've got to confess in order to get forgiveness and if you don't confess then you're not forgiven uh okay um you do you read paul at all because i don't see that in paul i think you're going to this verse and you're taking it out of context and you say well no no look at jesus in matthew chapter 10 oh here we go again out of context matthew chapter 10 verse 32 whosoever therefore shall confess me before men him will i confess also before my father which is in heaven and whosoever shall deny me before men him will i also deny before my father which is in heaven so see if you don't confess jesus then you're not saved that's what they say okay when did jesus say that right here that's before he died on the cross and he's talking to jews and he's telling the jews to confess who jesus to confess that jesus is the messiah over here in the tribulation period after the rapture if a jew confesses that jesus is the true christ he gets his head cut off but at least he has a place in heaven okay so do you see you're taking this out of context in the book of john and you're trying to make salvation dependent upon confession and it doesn't work many years ago in the in the newspaper here in the pensacola news journal i got this each time we sin we must seek forgiveness billy graham okay and this came out i think in the 90s way back in the 90s and uh this basically was uh billy graham now i don't think he wrote this i read years later that there are people that that wrote his stuff for him but this shows you how even the billy graham community had no idea about paul's gospel and how according to paul we are forgiven of all trespasses through the one sacrifice of christ but there are people that will go to this verse first john 1 9 and say well the blood of jesus on the cross it only forgives past sins why well any time you sin you have to ask god to forgive you all over again because i'm sorry the blood of jesus doesn't cover that sin that is a heresy that is not what the bible teaches let me read this to you someone writes dear dr graham if all our sins are forgiven when we come to jesus then why do we have to keep seeking god's forgiveness when we sin if we're already forgiven why bother asking for forgiveness when we sin that's a good question if i'm forgiven through the blood of christ the moment i believe then why would i ask god to keep forgiving me if i'm already forgiven what is confession confess is lord i did this confession and asking for forgiveness are two completely different things but they try to lump them together and say well confessing your sins is asking god to forgive you it does not say in first john 1 9 if we ask god to forgive us of our sins he is faithful and just to forgive sir it doesn't say that it says we confess our sins well you confess your sins to god by saying lord i did this this and this and i'm sorry and i wish i hadn't done it i'm so glad that the blood of jesus cleanses me from my sin and i'm so sorry that i did this lord i'm sorry and i'm sad and i'm sorry you don't say now please forgive me if you're already forgiven you wouldn't ask to be forgiven because you're already forgiven of all trespass it doesn't make any sense what people do when they come to this verse and try to make salvation asking god to forgive you when you're saved you're already forgiven sure you can confess it you should confess to god and say lord i'm sorry matter of fact there's a verse over in proverbs and i think i have it written down here someplace i forget where proverbs 28 13 it says he that confesseth and forsaketh shall obtain mercy so whenever i do something awful and stupid and dumb and i sin i say god i'm sorry i'm sorry i wish i hadn't done that i'm thankful lord that it's forgiven that it's under the blood it's always going to be under the blood that it'll never come out again but lord i just want to apologize for what i did i don't go now please forgive me if i did that you know what i would be saying to god that what you did on the cross wasn't good enough to forgive me i'm asking you now to give me a separate forgiveness apart from the blood on the cross that's blasphemy is that not denying the lord that bought you that's saying that lord i don't believe any longer that that's any good that that's good enough so i'm asking you apart from no that's that's awful that's awful let me read this quickly here's their answer it's true that when we sincerely repent of our sins and turn to christ for forgiveness god completely forgives us and looks on us as if we had never sent okay yeah in the article right there no cognitive dissonance then it says this but we still sin and when we do we need to confess it and repent of it and ask christ to forgive us why would you ask god to forgive you of your sin that's already forgiven now you confess it you say god i did it and i'm sorry i wish i hadn't but then you say thank you for the forgiveness that i have because you forgave me of that already according you don't why would you do you see how that's a slap in the face to god by saying now please forgive me he's like up in heaven going you mean all that that i suffered on the cross wasn't good enough for you you want me to just forget that and give you a separate forgiveness i already did all that to forgive you why aren't you trusted in that but anyway it goes on and on and it tells you that you have to ask for forgiveness and that forgiveness by asking is how you get it that's not what the bible says nowhere in the bible to say we're forgiven of our sins because we ask it says we get forgiveness by faith by believing and that when we trust in the blood atonement of christ that's why we're when we're forgiven the bible says in romans 10 9 10 let's go over there real quick people want so bad to make salvation depend upon something they do and so a lot of people will try to make it of faith and work so say well yeah i know jesus did that but it wasn't good enough i got to do this too sure he died and paid for the sins of the whole world but i just don't believe that he paid for these so i'm going to ask him apart from that to forgive me no you'll only find forgiveness through the blood of the cross you don't ask god to forgive you he's done everything he could to forgive you now he asks you will you please trust in what i did for forgiveness it's kind of an awful thing to ask god to forgive you because it's like you're saying what you did on the cross lord isn't good enough for me what an awful thing romans 10 9 10 look what it says romans 10 9 10 says that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that god has raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved and people say see confession so you have to believe and confess and if you believe plus confess wait belief that's faith and confess well that so faith and works gospel is that what you're telling me look what it says for what the heart man believes under righteousness and with the mouth confessions made unto salvation they say that the confession with the mouth is what saves you so what i say with my mouth saves my soul that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard it says what the heartband believeth unto righteousness imputed righteousness by faith from the heart it's not saying plus works plus a confession what is confession confession is saying this is what just happened confession is hey i'm safe now because i'm believing in christ let me show you another example well let's look at the context real quick first the context of this is verse 4 for christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth it doesn't say and confess it it says belief see belief is faith for we are all the children of god by faith in christ jesus galatians verse six but the righteous which is of faith speaketh on this wise the word of faith which we preach verse 8 is nigh thee even of thy mouth and in thy heart so it says thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus and believe in thy heart thou shalt be saved for what the heart man believes under righteousness and confession is made unto salvation so it's not saying that it's faith and works it's your faith and your mouth speaking that saves you that's not what it's saying let me show you an example of this go back to mark chapter 16 verse 16. but there are people out there that say no that's what it's saying you got here's what they'll say they'll say you gotta do that with your mouth you gotta confess okay so it's what i do that saves me then it's not enough what jesus did now it's gotta be him and me and what i do and what he did okay so you're giving me a faith the works gospel you are a heretic you're a liar you're denying the lord's blood and i want nothing to do with you with your false faith plus works gospel it's not saying it's faith in works it's saying now it's the belief that saves you but then you'll confess and say hey i'm saved i don't see it saying without confession you can be saved that's not what it's saying look at luke 16 16 let me give an example he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved people say right there okay faith the works gospel believe but you're not saved until you're baptized now when you're baptized then you're saved so they're making it dependent upon what you do but look at the rest of the verse but he that believeth not shall be damned why doesn't it continue and say and he that is not baptized shall be dead why doesn't it say both at the end he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he believeth not shall be damned the verse just said that it's belief that saves you or dams you but it said and be baptized so it's saying that if you believe and by the way that's what saves you then afterwards baptism comes but it's whether or not you believe that shows whether you're saved or not that's what it's saying it's not saying whether or not you're baptized is what saves you read it again so when you go to romans 10 9 10 it's the same thing it's not saying well it's the confession that saves you it's saying now if you're saved you'll confess now how do we know that's true we go to second corinthians 4 13. people say it i've heard people say that you have to confess with your mouth to be saved okay what about a guy that can't speak i guess he can never get saved is that what you're telling me poor guy so all you have to do to send somebody to hell is cut their tongue out then they can never confess with their mouth they can never speak and they can never be saved if that's what you truly believe i do not believe we're saved by what we say with their mouth i believe the bible is very clear that whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved and that calling is from your heart second timothy 2 22 says they that call upon the lord of the pure heart and that calling is faith and the context in romans 10 is who the word of faith which we speak and it says the word is nigh even in thy heart and it's what it's faith in the blood of christ but look at second corinthians 4 13 is confession the saving medium does confession save us or does confession come after you're saved by believing well according to paul confession comes after you're saved ii corinthians 4 13 paul says we have the same spirit of faith according as it is written i believed and therefore have spoken we also believe and therefore speak so according to the apostle paul you believe and when you believe that's when you're saved so believe equals saved and then after saved is when you speak and when you confess because confession is speaking so do you see how confession is after you're saved it's not to get saved but there are people out there that will make confession as essential for salvation so you've got to confess or you're not saved and you get that by twisting the scriptures so go back to first john chapter one and verse nine if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness do you see what he's saying there if we confess our sins god is faithful he's always faithful he is so faithful because he has already forgiven us of all sins so whether we confess or not he's still faithful but they look at that and they say no no no no he says if we don't confess our sins that he won't forgive our sins that's what it means okay hold on that means that god's faithfulness is dependent upon what we do so you're literally telling me that god's faithfulness is based upon whether i do something god is going to be faithful to me based upon what i do if we confess our sins he is faithful why if we don't confess our sins then he's not wait god's not faithful show me one verse of scripture that says god is unfaithful you'll never find that verse but you'll find many other verses that says god is faithful david says time and again great is thy faithfulness oh lord and you know and things like that thank god that god is faithful so i'm all for confessing your sins to god i think that's great saying god i did this and i send it i'm sorry and i wish i hadn't i forsake it i don't want to do it again but you don't say no god please forgive me because you're already forgiven you don't ask him to give you what you already have if you're saved so let's go back to verse nine if we confess our sins he is faithful well if we don't confess our sins he's still faithful see the faithfulness of god never changes all right and eternal life never changes so if you have trusted in the blood whether you confess your sin or not all your sins are forgiven you've got to remember that i've heard of people say well i think if i don't ask then i won't be forgiven so okay so you're going to go to hell you're sealed with the holy spirit of promise and you're son of god and you're going to hell because you forgot to ask god to forgive one of your sins is that really the doctrine that you're that's a faith and works gospel that's not the gospel of salvation so people hear this and they're probably going to say well robert breaker's against confession no that's not what i'm saying we confess our sin say god i'm sorry i wish i hadn't done that but what i'm against is deceiving people into thinking that your salvation depends upon your confession if you think that confession has something to do with salvation why don't you go join the catholic church and go to confession every week because our salvation is not based upon our confession our salvation is based upon faith and god is faithful to forgive our sins whether we confess or not so you read that again if we confess our sins okay if we do even if we don't god is faithful and he is just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness why because he's already done it if we've believed and chapter 2 and verse 12 says i write into you little children because your sins are forgiven you for his name's sake when we get saved our sins are forgiven okay past present and future so this is not saying in verse 9 that the forgiveness of your sins is based upon whether or not you confess it he's just saying hey even if we confess lord i did this i'm sorry what a great thing to know that god is always faithful and that he has still forgiven us our sins he's not going to come to come down and die again to forgive our future sins all our trespasses verse 6 or verse 7 cleanses us from all sins all our sins are forgiven but people will come out of context and try to make people think no if you don't confess then you don't get forgiveness you've got to be careful so i've tried my best to read in context this whole passage and this is not a faith and works gospel this is just saying god is faithful he forgives us of all sins now verse 10 if we say that we have not sinned we make him a liar and his word is not in us so if we say we've not sinned well we have to confess hey i'm a sinner so the whole context here is i'm confessing i'm a sinner god i'm a sinner there's no doubt of that now god you said in the bible that your blood cleanses from all sins and that through faith i find forgiveness of all trespasses so lord i trust your blood all right now i have been forgiven of all my sins i've confessed that i'm a sinner and if i'm saved and i do sin i'll even confess those sometimes when i'm praying and i'll say lord you know yesterday i did this or i had a bad thought or lord this word slipped out of my mouth or god and and i say lord now why did i do that i feel so stupid lord i'm supposed to be walking in the light and doing right and i messed up well lord according to your book i'm forgiven and i just want to say thank you for that and i appreciate that forgiveness and i love you lord and i'll do better and i'm sorry that i did wrong well i had a whole lot more here to go through i was going to go to romans chapter 4 verse 6 through 8 and how it talks about imputed righteousness and when we're saved we get the imputed righteousness of christ i was going to go to luke chapter 5 verse 20 through 24 and how it's only jesus christ that forgives and not man and yet we have a church in rome that says oh you've got a good confession and all this stuff i was going to go to uh ephesians 1 7 and i'll go there but i'll have to stop but we know that god is not a liar we men are but god isn't titus 1 2 and romans 3 4 talks about how god cannot lie and so as i read this passage and i look at this and i read it what he's saying in chapter one i see that it sounds like he's writing to people that have come into that church that are beginning to teach a different doctrine he said okay well if it's like you say notice how many times says if if if 6 7 8 9 10 is the word if it almost sounds like someone had come into the early church gnostics and began to change doctrine and it sounds like john is saying okay well you say it's this way well if it's like that look at this and if it's like that we'll remember this and oh if it's like that remember that so that clears this whole passage up in verse 7 says hey remember it's the blood that cleanses from all sins and remember the blood cleanses from all unrighteousness birth night remember the gospel is not faith and works it's through blood of christ that we're forgiven of all our sins and then you totally look at that you go wow i can't take that out of context the context is we're saved through the blood of christ and we get to chapter two he tells us we have an advocate with the father and he is the propitiation for our sins and for the whole world so it sounds like he's preaching paul's gospel of salvation by faith alone in the blood of christ and not faith and works and what he's doing is he's saying watch out for those people that come and say now that's faith and works now if that's true and it's not well then it's still through the blood of christ that we're saved now we get to chapter two in verse three then he starts talking about keeping the commandments so a lot of people here's how it all boils down are you ready for this people hear what they want to hear and disregard the rest that's what it all boils down to there are people out there that are convinced that the gospel is a works gospel and so in their mind all i'm saying by my works so they're going to go to all these passages that talk about your say by works they're going to omit the passages that say we're saved by faith alone that's sad i'm going to go by paul and paul taught once saved always saved paul taught faith in the blood and forgiven of all sins and i'm gonna make sure that as i read first john that i remember that and not get off on a tangent and i'm gonna teach you to the best of my ability what paul taught and how john lines up with paul okay and uh hopefully that will be a blessing to you all right we'll see you next week as we start chapter two and as we do um we gotta remember john has a double and possibly even a triple application so over here in the tribulation it could be faith and works again so interesting interesting to think about alright we'll see you next time god bless bye-bye you
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 17,437
Rating: 4.9184651 out of 5
Keywords: King James Bible, 1 John, Verse by Verse Bible Study, Bible Study, Robert Breaker
Id: 3-Ap29ZBnsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 18sec (4218 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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