2 John 1:1 to 3

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all right welcome back i'm robert breaker and we're continuing our verse by verse bible study and last time we finished up with the book of first john and that was a blessing i'm so thankful that we got through the entire book of first john they didn't teach me first john in bible school so that was a study that i studied and i did a lot of study doing and i wanted to make sure that when we got into that book we understood what we were studying i've told you and taught you a lot of things and i've done my best to teach you correctly because i believe in rightly dividing amen the word of truth and uh there's some folks out there that don't rightly divide and that's really sad and then there's people out there that uh overly divide and they don't rightly divide because they go overboard with rightly dividing and those people we've called hyperdispensationalists and many of your hyperdispensationalists say things like you cannot read any of the other new testament epistles except paul well we know why paul's in the bible the early apostles are here and they had the apostles doctrine and they were going about with the jewish message of the kingdom in the early book of acts but as the book of acts is the book of transition we see paul and we understand okay i want you to understand that in one sense they're right that paul is the heart of new testament doctrine so it is so important that we do go to paul and take paul because paul says that he is our apostle so paul is the apostle to the gentiles today and his books are the heart of new testament doctrine so we go to paul but as right dividers as people who rightly divide the word of truth we say now wherever paul says something that's the heart of new testament doctrine now we got to make sure that these other apostles peter and james and and of course who we're studying now john the one that lived the longest we've got to make sure that they line up with paul and so as we went through first john i went through it and i showed you look at how he lines up with paul look at how all the places where he lines up with paul and how he used the word propitiation and he talked about the blood and look at how eternal security well hyper dispensationalists say no no you can't go to the other apostles you can only go to paul because they say that the other apostles are all in agreement that their message is the kingdom message for the future over here in the tribulation and so they say you can't read that well i don't agree i agree with what the bible says that in acts chapter 15 the early church got together with paul and they accepted paul's doctrine so the way to rightly divide the new testament is not like the hyper-dispensationalists do say you can't read john you can't read jude you can't read first and second peter you can't you can only read paul no the way to read it is we read paul first and then we make sure that they line up with paul and i did my absolute best to show you in first john how john does indeed line up with paul in many ways so i tried to do that okay second timothy 2 15 says study to show thyself approved unto god a workman needs not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth and that's my goal is to rightly divide the word of truth and i enjoyed our study in first john a lot of guys say stay away from first john because there's some weird stuff in there yeah there is there is but we went through it and we saw how much of it agreed with paul so yes we can read first john yes we can accept first john and yes we can apply the doctrine to us today especially when we see eternal security and the blood atonement of christ and things like that and overcome through our faith salvation by faith alone so it's not wrong to read first second third john okay but if you're a hyperdispensationalist you say no you can't read that book okay so i want you to know that i'm teaching you right and i'm teaching you the right way to read the bible is to rightly divide it understand why paul's there he is our apostle and jesus gave to paul many revelations well in acts 15 paul went to the early church told them what god told him and then they accepted that as well so as we went through 1st john you saw how much in agreement the teaching of john was with the apostle paul now we're going to start today in 2nd john 2nd john and 3rd john are two of the shortest books in the new testament and they're just they're so short one has 13 verses that's second john second john has 13 verses and third john has 14 verses so they don't even have a chapter two chapter three chapter four they're just they're one chapter so they're very short they're very short now ii john has 13 verses and 298 words now what i did was i cut and pasted it into a word and then i looked at the bottom and said how many words in the word pro so i hope that's right the 298 words so second john is a very short book there's not a lot in this book there's actually not a lot of doctrine but there's enough and it should be in the bible i believe it's just how weird that this is in the bible and it's just a short little letter and look what it says in verse 12 having many things to write into you i would not write with paper and ink but i trust to come unto you and speak face to face that our joy may be full i look at that almost two thousand years later and i go come on john you could have written another chapter you could have written a little bit more you could have given us more doctrine i mean why only 13 verses in in not a lot of doctrine well because it's an epistle now i don't know if i explained well what an epistle is uh we have the epistles of paul an epistle is a letter so basically this was a letter written by john and john is writing so this is what we call correspondence and do you realize that most of the new testament is that people writing to the apostle paul and paul writing epistles back that's why you read in your bible the epistle of paul to corinth or to colossae or to this pleasure so it's the correspondence of them writing to the early churches saying this is your doctrine so this is a letter that he writes to someone and uh what we have here is the outline i just went ahead and put up the outline and the outline of this book is basically walk in truth that's what the first four verses are about walking in truth the importance of truth verse five and six walk in love again that message of love remember what i told you about first john that that john is the lovey-dovey apostle he's always talking about love love love yeah well that's john so walk in love and then verse 7 through 13 is watch out for false prophets and false doctrine so this is basically what this epistle is about and it's written to a specific person in particular and her children but it doesn't tell us who and it doesn't tell us where so this to me is very strange now you got to remember when was this written and what was written by john the apostle and what's funny is some scholars say no it wasn't written by john the apostle it's another john you got to watch out for these so-called bible scholars they're such ignoramuses this has to be john that wrote the gospel of john who also wrote the book of revelation there's just so many things that correlate that it has to be the same john i don't see how they could say it's some other john that's just weird but this book was written probably around 90-95 a.d around the time that he wrote the book of revelation and john the apostle i told you before was the youngest of the apostles so he lived to be the oldest he way outlived paul so john wrote this and he's writing this letter he's probably on the island of patmos which is a concentration camp and you know he was put on a concentration camp toward the end of his life if you've read fox's book of martyrs and if you've read the book of revelation he's on the island of patmos which the romans used at that time as like a jail an island jail and they put him there and left him there now did he leave there well there in verse 12 he says i want to see you face to face so it looks like he may have gotten off the island eventually and was able to see them or maybe they journeyed to the island to see him i don't know there's a lot of history that we've lost over the years so we don't know for sure if he got off the island we don't know for sure if he they came but he was saying i hope i get to see you face to face and we'll talk more well i wish he would have written more to be honest with you uh 13 verses and that's a whole book in the bible of our 66 books in the bible that's very short book so we're reading this and we're looking at this and was it written about 90 to 95 a.d that's what many people say so around that time around the time that he wrote first john he wrote second john and third john and that would have been around the time that most likely he was on the island of patmos but it could have been a little before that i don't know maybe that's why he's saying i hope i can come to you face to face maybe he's saying i hope i can but i don't know the romans want to take me over here to patmos to a concentration camp so it's hard to pin down exact dates of when things were written but this was probably written before the book of revelation which many people say was about 95 to 100 a.d so we have this being written and look who he's writing to and it's frustrating because he doesn't say the name of the people he's writing to and he doesn't say where they are that he's writing to them verse one the elder of the elect lady and her children whom i love and the truth and not i only but also all they that have known the truth so he's writing to this elect lady to this woman and her children and he's writing to them this letter or this epistle and he's telling them some things and he's warning them of some things and he's telling him i love you and i want to see you so who is this elect lady now he starts out the elder now an elder is another term for a pastor we know that john was the pastor and a bible teacher and also one of the apostles so he was an elder unto the elect lady in her children now who is he writing to here well it appears he's writing to her and her children but look what it says whom i love in the truth and not i only but also all they that have known the truth so there's two ways you can look at this verse he's saying i'm writing to you guys whom i love but who all other people love or he's writing it like this unto the elect lady and her children and also all they that have known the truth so he's saying i'm writing this not just to them it sounds almost like he's saying but also all they that have known the truth i'm writing to everyone else that claims to be a christian that knows the truth so if you look at it that way this book does apply to us who are saved but is that what he's saying whom i love and the truth and not i only but also they that have known the truth so he's saying i'm writing to you everybody and not just me but to all there's several ways that you can take this first verse so who is he writing to well i apply it to us who are safe today i say he was writing to this woman in that time but also i believe god gave us this book and that's why it's in our bible in the canon and that is written for us as well and that is actually a book that we should read because there is some doctrine in this book for us today so let's look at that doctrine but before we do let's go to second timothy 3 16. ii timothy 3 16. some people look at a book like this and they say i just don't know what to do with this it just doesn't seem like it should be in the bible because it's just a letter and it's just so short and there's just not much to it well god gave us these 66 books in our canon in our scripture canon and the bible tells us that all scripture is given by inspiration of god and in second timothy 3 16 we read these words second timothy chapter 3 and verse 16 all scripture is given by inspiration of god and is profitable for doctrine and for reproof for correction for instruction and righteousness that a man of god may be perfect thoroughly furnished into all good works so even though this is a short book of only 13 verses it is scripture and it is profitable and hopefully by the end of this study and i don't know if this will be one or two or three i don't know how long we'll go in second john there's not a lot of doctrine but there is enough and there's enough in here that we will learn some things and so i i can't wait to teach this but i can't wait to get through it and get it over with um i look forward to third john as well a lot of people say no brother breaker what are you going to do next are you going to do revelation well we've gone through acts and then romans through philemon then we did first the second peter we did james we did jude we did every book except revelation and matthew mark luke and john so we have those five that we haven't done yet revelation matthew mark luke and john and then we have second and third john i believe that we have to go back and study verse by verse the book of john because john wrote the gospel of john and he also wrote revelation so i don't see how we can study revelation without going first through the gospel of john and then we'll finally get to revelation so uh hopefully the rapture will come first and we'll all study the book of revelation in heaven with the lord jesus christ wouldn't that be great as we're looking down on earth and it's all coming to pass as it was prophesied that would be better but a lot of people are saying brother breaker please teach revelation verse by verse well if the lord should tarry we will get to that but i just believe it's important that we go through the book of john first and i'm pointing here because the book of john was written after jesus died but about the things that happened before he died and then toward the end of the book it's about what when he died so always remember matthew mark luke and john are writing although they're in the new testament they're writing about things that took place in the old testament because the testament doesn't start until the death of the testator so the new testament doesn't actually start until jesus dies so much of matthew mark luke and john is still happening in the old testament as you read it okay always remember that so let's get started in the epistle of second john i guess we call it second john it's kind of weird because it's there's only one john but we call it first john second john and third john didn't that kind of weird second john but it's the second epistle of john and it begins the elder to the elect lady and her children now there are theories of who this woman is she's called an elect lady all right elect what does that mean uh well a specific lady an elect lady would be a certain specific one it almost sounds like if you were in the early church you would have known who this specific lady was and so most of the other church probably knew the name of this woman and who he's writing to but here we are almost two thousand years later and we're like well who the heck is this lady i mean so there are several theories of who this lady is and the first theory is that he is writing to mary the mother of jesus christ mary who was the mother of jesus now i find that a little hard to swallow because of when the book is written if the book is written in 90 a.d mary would have been very very old very old so is he writing to mary you know mary that gave birth to jesus they call her the virgin mary well she was a virgin when she gave birth to jesus but after that she had more children we remember we read in the bible the brother of jesus a guy named james so is he writing to mary this is a catholic idea and some catholics try to say well he's writing to mary now why would they say that go back to the gospel of john and in the gospel of john when jesus is on the cross and he's dying on the cross for the sins of the world he tells john this john that wrote this book john the apostle he tells john he says listen you take care of my mother and let me show you that let me show you that john chapter 19 and verse 25. john 19 25-27 now there stood by the cross of jesus his mother that would be mary and his mother's sister mary the wife of cleophas and mary magdalene when jesus therefore saw his mother this would be the virgin mary and the disciples standing by whom he loved who is the disciple whom the lord loved that's john we've looked at that before that john is the disciple whom jesus loved and we'll see that even more as we go through the gospel of john but when jesus therefore saw his mother and the disciples standing by whom he loved he saith unto his mother a woman behold thy son then saith you to the disciple he's saying it to john the apostle john behold thy mother and from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home now this would be around 33 a.d so jesus is dying on the cross and boy don't you know that was a memorable event john is there standing next to mary and watching jesus die and jesus looks down and says hey your mother from now on she's your mother you take care of her he's going to be your son do you think he ever forgot that probably not so the rest of his time as a christian he probably did everything he could to take care of mary because it sounds like in the bible that joseph had died and so mary was a widow and what are we supposed to do we saw in the book of james taking care of widows is a good thing so jesus personally told john i want you to take care of my mother so some people have this idea that uh this book is writing to the elect lady and her children so he's writing to mary this book well that's the case that it had to have been written way sooner it had to have been written way sooner than 90 a.d why is that well a lot of people say that mary was probably between 13 to 16 years old when she gave birth to jesus christ because in those days younger you were the sooner you got married the bible talks about being married at the flower of your age usually when you start your period as a woman that's because your body is telling you yeah it's about time for you you can have a baby so a woman can have a baby when she starts her period around that time for many girls 12 13 nowadays so many bible scholars say that mary was probably 13 to 16 years old when she gave birth to jesus and then jesus died in about 33 a.d so here she's 33 plus how old she was 13 15 went over how old would she have been in about 95 80 well she would have been way past 100 years old so it's very hard for me to think that he's writing to mary unless he wrote this book to mary way before this you know 70 a.d she could probably been still alive men like 90 years old 80 years live i don't see how this could be writing to mary i just it does not appear to work so the elder and to the elect lady and her children well mary had other children it's in the bible mark i believe it's mark chapter six let's look at that real quick since we're there i'm talking about it we might as well uh i believe it's mark chapter six look at this a lot of catholics deny this a lot of roman catholics say no this isn't true this isn't true and yet it's in the bible you've got to be careful many catholics don't read the bible i have met many many people in my life that are roman catholics and i say hey have you ever read the bible they said no i say why and they say well the priest tells me that i shouldn't read it because if i read it i won't understand it they say that only the priest can interpret the bible and i look at that and i go no no the bible itself says that no prophecy is of any private interpretation the bible says what it means it means what it says and you can read it and you should read it so if you're a roman catholic get you a king james bible and read it because it's meant to be read okay and the bible teaches us that mary was a virgin i say was past tense when she gave birth to jesus christ but after mary gave birth to jesus she and joseph came together and they had more children and that is in mark chapter six mark chapter six look at verse three is not this the carpenter the son of mary talking about jesus the brother of james and joseph that's joseph and of judah and simon so the brother of james joseph judah and simon four brothers that jesus had or half brothers if you want to say it that way and are not his sisters here with us so sisters has to be at least two maybe more so one two so jesus had at least six brothers and sisters half brothers have sisters so mary had other children after jesus so is she a virgin well that would be a greater miracle than the miracle of her giving birth to jesus as a virgin because if she was a virgin to this day then she gave birth to seven people as a virgin no she was a virgin when she gave birth to jesus but after that she and joseph got married and that she had sexual relations with her husband and had at least six children with him so some people have hypothesized in second john that he's writing unto mary and her children and the reason they say that is because he always looked at her as his mother because jesus said behold thy mother and so he's writing to the elect lady and her children they say he's writing to mary now i don't know if that date is wrong and this letter was written away before then that's it's possible i guess but i don't know i don't know it just seems like if that's when it was written it would be too far-fetched to accept that because mary would have been way over 100 years old when this was written so it doesn't seem like it's that and if if he was writing to her why wouldn't he say unto the lord's mother or something like that so i don't think that that theory is correct okay so there's another theory that says this and uh your charismatic people try to force this into the scriptures and in other denominations nowadays they're allowing women to be pastors and so they're going through the bible they're trying to find verses in the scriptures that show oh well the early church had women pastors we've got to be careful that because the only women pastors in the early church were the gnostic churches the ones with the false doctrine and the women pastors were teaching lies and false doctrine watch out for that and they were practicing bad things adultery and fornication and orgies in the church so you gotta watch out for that so some people look at this and they say the elder unto the elect lady and her children whom i love and the truth and so he says i'm writing to a certain lady who is a pastor and that's what they call them nowadays they say a pastoris a pastorist or a woman pastor and he's writing to a woman pastor who's pastoring a church at that time and i look at that and i go no i i can't i can't accept that because in the bible the bible doesn't have women pastors okay i get emails all the time from people saying brother breaker is it okay for a woman to be a pastor or a deacon and i have to go to the scriptures over and over and over and take people back to the verses and show them in the bible that's not allowed okay now nowadays people say well it's a different time and we can allow it now well you got to watch out for that too so i'm not trying to offend anyone okay i just want to go by what the bible says i'm just going to show you what the bible says about a pastor and a deacon and whether or not a pastor or a deacon could be a woman according to the bible in the bible nowhere do we see a woman pastor or a woman deacon that is foreign to the scriptures god always said it had to be a man just like in the old testament in the tabernacle the priests were men there were no women priests in the old testament now some people say well there's a woman prophetess well yeah that was back then though but there's no scripture that tells us today it's okay for a woman to be a pastor or a deacon or a prophetess in fact it's the opposite in the bible so let's look at some passages on that first timothy chapter 2 and verse eight first timothy two eight i will therefore that men pray everywhere lifting up holy hands without wrath and doubting in like manner also that women adorn themselves in modest apparel with shame facedness and sobriety not with embroidered hair or gold or pearls or costly array which becometh woman professing god they list with good works okay so a woman should be godly and there's a certain way that she should be she should be modest according to the bible now verse 11 let the women learn in silence with all subjection and that's not robert breaker speaking i'm just reading you what the bible says let the women learn in silence with all subjection but i suffer not a woman to teach nor do you serve authority over a man but to be in silence what does a pastor or a beacon do he is supposed to teach the word of god to the congregation and preach from the pulpit all right so already the bible says a woman is not supposed to teach a man that's what it says for i suffer not a woman to teach nor do you serve authority over a man but to be in silence so a woman's not supposed to be usurper she's not supposed to take a position of authority over a man see ephesians chapter five in the marriage relationship a woman is supposed to be in subjection to her husband and he is to be the head not the woman is the head the man is the head of the family so in the church god wants the man to be now you can continue reading there verse 13 14 and 15 about how the reason god says that a woman's not supposed to teach is because it's easier to deceive a woman than to deceive a man and it was the woman who was deceived first okay now let's go to first corinthians chapter 14. now a lot of women get angry nowadays because they say well the world teaches us we can be presidents and we can be soldiers and we can be senators and we can be and you know that's that's fine the world can do what the world wants to do it all boils down to this do you want to follow god in the bible or don't you that's the question and the bible teaches men pastors and men deacons no women pastors no women deacon so you either follow the bible or you don't and it's up to you you can decide for yourself just remember someday you'll give account to god i just want to be somebody that that goes by what the bible says so i'm just sharing with you what it says it's up to you to decide to choose to follow the bible or not first corinthians chapter 14 look at what paul says and the context is tongues tongues are always a written spoken language so he's talking about in the church someone preaching in another language and how there must be an interpreter there to understand but look what he says in verse 34 first corinthians 14 34 let your women keep silence in the churches for it is not permitted unto them to speak and the context is from the pulpit preaching or teaching so it's not permitted unto them to preach in the pulpit but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law and if they will learn anything let them ask their husbands at home for it is a shame for women to speak again that's preaching or teaching it doesn't mean that a woman can't go into church and say hey sister how are you oh hey brother how are you it's not it's talking about the context of preaching it's a shame for a woman to speak in the church so it's a woman preaching it's a shame for a woman to preach in the church so how can a woman be a pastor or a deacon if a pastor's job and a deacon's job is to preach and to teach all right let's look at some more verses on this first timothy chapter three we go over to first timothy chapter three and we see the same thing first timothy chapter three first timothy three this is a true saying if a man desire the office of a bishop a bishop would be a pastor he desired the good work a bishop then must be blameless the husband of one wife continues reading down there and it goes on verse four one that ruleth well his own house okay the man is in charge of the home not the woman in the bible and having his children in subjection with all gravity and on and on now verse 8 talks about the deacons verse 8 says likewise must the deacons be grave not double tongue not given to much wine not greedy of filthy luker holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience and it says in verse 10 and let these also first be proved then let them use the office of a deacon being found blameless even so must their wives be grave not slanderous sober faithful and all things let the deacons be the husbands of one wife ruling their children in their own house as well so a deacon and a pastor in the bible is always a man there's not one scripture in the bible that says it's okay for a woman to be a pastor or a deacon in fact the opposite is true it's telling us that the office of a deacon in the office of a pastor is the office in which a man is in charge and he has a wife so the only way you can be a pastor or a deacon is if you have a wife well does that mean that it's okay for a woman to be a pastor or a deacon if she's married to a woman well there we have a whole nother problem i'm not going to go there but in the bible it's a man let me show you this also in titus so the question is do you follow the bible i've had people tell me brother breaker i go to a church and there's a woman pastor should i do that i say well all i can do is show you what the bible says and then you make up your mind what you're going to do but in the bible there's no verse of scripture that says no it's okay for a woman to be a pastor that's just not in the bible it says the qualifications of a pastor is that he have a wife and that he is the head of his home so it's a he not a sheep titus chapter one in verse five for this cause left i the increte that thou should have set in order the things that are wanting and ordain elders in every city as i appointed thee if any be blameless the husband of one wife having faithful children not accused of right or unruly for a bishop must be blameless okay and so it's not saying it's a woman it's saying it's a man who is the husband of one wife so in the bible a pastor is always a man now do you remember what we talked about when we got through first john and how the problem was those that are called the gnostics and how the gnostics began to get into the church and the gnostics brought in their false doctrine and the gnostics began to teach some things that were evil john writes the book of revelation and when john writes the book of revelation he writes to these seven churches in asia and when he writes to the seven churches in asia there is a rebuke to those churches only one of them seemed to be any good that was philadelphia but he's rebuking these churches because it appears that gnosticism had gotten into these churches and we looked at gnosticism already and in gnosticism there were women preachers or women pastors or women teachers matter of fact they called themselves women prophetesses prophetess let's go there now to the book of revelation and look at this rebuke from john to a church in thiatera and what he says revelation chapter 2 and verse 18. revelation 2 18 and unto the angel the church in tear are right these things stayeth the son of god who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire and his feet are like fine brass i know that works and charity and service and faith and thy patience and thy works and the last to be more than the first notwithstanding i have a few things against thee god says there is something i have against you as a church watch what it is that god had against him notwithstanding i have a few things against me because thou sufferest that woman jezebel which called herself a prophetess to teach and to seduce my servants paul said i suffer not a woman to teach or usurp authority over a man and then here we have a gnostic church in which the gnostics took over the church and they let a woman be the pastor and they suffered it the bible says i suffered not a woman and then they suffered the woman to do so they went against what paul taught the doctrine of paul and so he says thou sufferest the woman jezebel well that's a bad thing why did he call her jezebel if you know the old testament you know what a jezebel is today most people don't name their daughter jezebel because they remember her as a very evil wicked woman jezebel so he god says hey that woman pastor she's a jezebel that's what god says which called herself a prophetess to teach and to seduce my servants well paul tells us watch out in the last days they'll be seducing spirits and doctrines of devils well that's what the gnostics did they allowed demons to come in and set up false doctrines okay to seduce my servants to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed unto idols so fornication she came in and she said it's okay if we fornicate so she brought in fornication and she brought in idols not a good thing not a good thing at all verse 21 and i gave her space to repent of her fornication and she repented not behold i will cast her into a bed and them that commit adultery with her in the great tribulation except they repent of their deeds and i will kill her children with death and all the churches shall know that i am he which searches the reigns and hearts and i will give in to every one of you according to your works but unto you i say and unto the rest of thyatira as many as have not this doctrine what's the doctrine allowing a woman to be a pastor which have not known the depths of satan as they speak i will put upon you no other burden and he goes on and on and on so this is a doctrine that is foreign to the scriptures and is satanic if you believe what this says is allowing a woman to become a prophetess or a teacher or a pastor and it's forbidden in the scriptures wow you know some people say oh that's horrible how dare you i've said it before i'll say it again some of these women they have the how dare you demon you know you just show them what the bible says and they stand up so how dare you say that um it's not me it's the bible so you can take your how dare you demon and point your finger at god and accuse god of being a sexist or misogynist or whatever word you want to eat i'm not the one teaching this and saying this i'm just showing you this is what the bible teaches the bible teaches men are a pastor or deacon no women pastors or deacons you either believe it or you don't okay don't hate the messenger i'm just telling you this is what the bible says you either believe it or you don't but in second timothy chapter three look what it says second timothy 3 paul says this know also that the last days perilous times shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud but and he goes on and on he's telling you what it's going to be like in the last days now look at what it says in verse 5 having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn away verse 6 for of this sort are they which creep into houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins led away with diverse lust ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth so in the last days paul says something's going to happen now what does paul teach about the last days well in the last days paul teaches there's going to be what's called apostasy apostasy is a falling away from the truth falling away from the doctrine of the bible all throughout the church age there were churches which had men as pastors and deacons for almost 2 000 years the church says no women pastors because they were following the bible and in just the last hundred years there was a denomination that arose called the pentecostals or the charismatics and it began in isuzu street in los angeles can anything good come out of los angeles that's the center of satanism in america that's the center of pornography industry in america and just not a really great place but in the early 1900s a woman came out and began what she called that kind of movement pentecostalism and it was a woman preacher and from that came catherine coleman from that came i forget the names of all these women preachers and you know what silly and strange at the same time many of them were married more than once god says he hates divorce god hates divorce and many of those so-called pentecostal women preachers like catherine coleman and oh i'm a blank i've got her name right on the tip of my tongue but i can't remember the name of the other one there's there's these women that had what they called their healing ministries and they did their tents and everything there's a old hollywood movie called elmer gentry that's about something like that and many of those women were married more than once what is that and you find many times in the charismatic movement many divorces and when you find a woman pastor oftentimes she's been married more than once do i need to say any more this is a falling away into false doctrine allowing women to be pastors because that's not what the church preached for the last 2000 years and in the bible it's a rebuke to having a woman pastor so i just look at that and i look at the bible and i just scratch my head and go wow i guess paul is warning us here and telling us the last days this is what's going to happen and here we are in the last days and we're seeing more and more and more denominations allowing women pastors and all that shows me is that they're not reading their bible because in the bible a pastor or a deacon is the husband of one wife so in the bible no women pastors okay that's not what god allows in the bible and you can take that up with god if you don't like that i'm just telling you that's what the bible says so some people say that in second john he starts out the elder unto the elect lady and her children he's writing to a woman pastor in that day huh which one jezebel no i don't think he is i think he's just writing to a christian woman not to a pastor or a pastor is so what is it he's just writing to a christian woman and he's writing to a christian woman that many people knew and one who probably hosted or allowed people to meet in her home so she hosted a religious meetings in her house and had let the men come and preach but she opened her home up and you say why do you say that well let me show you what i mean by that there are some christian women in the bible and uh we have paul we have others saying hey salute so and so this wonderful woman in the lord so you know you look at women and people say so so a woman can't do anything for the lord that's the first thing they say you say a woman can't be a pastor or d so a woman can't do anything no a woman can do a lot for the lord and as you read the new testament you see that paul saying hey remember this woman she helped me a lot and this other lady she helped me and so women can do a lot for the lord there's a lot that a woman can do for the lord helping other christians and things like that but in the bible it doesn't say she could be a pastor but look at this let's go look in in the church in the house okay go to acts chapter eight and in the bible there's a church in a house in the bible it seems like the church is in a house what we call today house church in the bible when the church started they weren't building big monstrosity buildings and saying such and such church there were a lot of pagan buildings there were a lot of pagan temples and in the old testament the jews had their temple and the pagans had their temples and temples were these huge buildings in which they went to worship their god or the pagans case false gods but in the new testament they didn't go out and build buildings when the church started they always met together in a house and oftentimes they had to meet in secret because as christianity flourished and grew and grew and grew rome said we don't want this and rome would go in and they'd haul people out of homes and kill them matter of fact paul would do that paul went into homes and pulled people out let's look at this acts chapter 8 and verse 3. acts 8 3 as for saul he made havoc of the church entering into every house and hauling men and women committing them to prison so the church started in christians meeting in homes and men being the pastors and the deacons and teaching to the people that visited houses and the church was in a house there was no church building in the early church i find that interesting so let's go to romans chapter 16 and let's just look at a couple of times in the bible when it talks about the church in their house romans chapter 16 and verse 5. likewise greet the church that is in their house whose house aquila and priscilla's house likewise that's verse three and um church that is in their house salute my well beloved epineetus who is the first fruits of ikea unto christ so someone's meeting in a house and that interesting and then in colossians 4 15 go over to colossians chapter 4 15. so as you're reading through the new testament paul is going and he's starting churches and he's not building buildings he's starting churches in homes and they all meet together as a group in homes that's the way they're doing it colossians chapter 4 and look at verse 15 colossians 4 15 salute the brethren which are in laodicea and memphis and the church which is in his house so here we are again someone meeting in a house in a home this idea of a church is only a building is foreign to the scriptures that's a modern thing going and building a big building and then we all meet together in that chapel okay in the bible they were meeting in homes let's go to philemon chapter one so today i suspect if the lord tarries that today very shortly they will start attacking churches and trying to close them down and it will go back to the way it started people meeting in homes i really believe that i really believe that and i'm starting to see that um especially in countries that don't allow christianity they have to meet in secret in what they call the underground church and oftentimes they meet in the underground church which is their meeting in a home like in china and places like that will we get to see that in america where america declares war on the church and they close down these big buildings and that people have to meet in houses again i don't know it's interesting philemon chapter 1 and verse 2 and to our beloved apaya and our cheapest our fellow soldier and to the church in thy house so here's a guy having a church in his house now go to first corinthians 16. first corinthians 16. there's nothing wrong with having a house church all right nothing wrong with meeting in a home by the way i don't know if i've said this before but people contact me all the time all over the world they say brother breaker we live in philippines we live in the netherlands we live in sweden we live in germany we live in africa and they say brother pray there's no sound bible teaching church anywhere around us and so we're a group of saved believers and we just meet together in my home there's 20 of us there's 30 of us there's 40 of us there's 10 of us and they said what we do is we get together we have bible study and we watch your videos on youtube and and they say is that a house church well it sounds like it to me you're meeting together and fellowshipping around paul and the blood of christ and salvation and you're watching my vid i don't know how many house churches i've started over the world i don't know but i find that amazing because that's how the church started and here we're to the end and it's going back to how it started it's just so amazing to me so if you're one of those let me know let me know that's amazing and there's nothing wrong with that meeting together and watching sound bible doctrine and teaching and preaching and meeting together in homes as christians that's biblical that really is biblical first corinthians 16 19 the churches of asia salute you now i find that very interesting remember the churches of asia salute you asia all right the churches in asia salute you now watch what he says next the churches in asia salute you aquila and priscilla salute you much in the lord with the church that is in their house now aquila was a man and his wife was priscilla so what if now i'm not saying this but i'm just saying what if aquila died and priscilla was still alive and letting people meet in her house and there was a pastor who was a man well everyone who read the bible would have known priscilla and priscilla was in asia now do you remember i showed you how paul says at the end of his ministry all in asia have turned against me remember that and then you go to the book of revelation and it says to the seven churches in asia and it sounds like but but asia turned against paul so why did these churches turn against paul i don't know but their church is in asia and so the ministry of john is he's trying to minister to these churches in asia that were beginning to turn away from the truth and god gives them a rebuke in chapter 3 and chapter 2 of revelation so asia i just words have meanings folks so could we go to uh 2nd john when he's writing and he's writing here in 2nd john and he says to the elect lady and he's probably writing because he's close to asia on the island of patmos and he's saying this elect lady well the only elect lady that i know of in the bible that was in asia at the time that someone that was allowing people to come to her house and holding meetings was priscilla so could that have been priscilla i don't know i honestly don't know it could be theory number four it's just some unknown woman and she was only known to him and the people he's writing to or it could be to the elect lady and the elect lady is a lady that everybody knew and everybody would have known priscilla so i don't know i'm not trying to say dogmatically he was writing to priscilla aquila's wife and aquila died and priscilla was still alive and allowing them to come to her house for church service which a man preached and so it was priscilla i'm not saying that i'm just questioning as i read the bible i ask questions and i try to study and try to find out now who on earth is this talking about so we go back to second john and we look at this and it says the elder okay that's john unto the elect lady that's a specific lady and she's an elect lady she's a chosen lady she's someone that other people would know who she is so is that who it is priscilla because the only lady who's allowing church service in her house was aquila and priscilla and in asia and it sounds like he's writing to asia because the book of revelation is written to those in asia so could it be i don't know all right i am not saying it is priscilla but i'm connecting the dots and i'm trying to say i wonder if that's who it was who knows could have been could have been somebody completely different the elder into the elect lady and her children whom i love and the truth so whoever it is john loves them and he loves them in the truth so he loves them in the lord and in the doctrine that they have the true doctrine they haven't wavered they haven't changed and not i only but also all they that have known the truth he mentioned his truth twice and then he mentions truth again in verse two for the truth's sake which dwells in us and shall be with us forever so he's writing to some lady and her children so whoever it is she's got kids or is it saying that the spiritual children maybe this woman led some people to the lord but the woman couldn't have been a pastor because women aren't allowed to be pastors in the bible so why is he writing to a woman maybe it's aquila and priscilla and akula had passed away and when aquila died he's writing to her and saying hey i just wanted to remind you you know i love you i'm sorry your husband died and keep doing what you're doing make sure there's a man pastor there and he i don't know i don't know that's what's so frustrating is he doesn't say unto priscilla and the wood did we know wouldn't we he just says to the elect ladies so a lot of people come up with theories and it could be it could be the last one it could be some woman that that we don't even know and never even mentioned in the bible or it could be that woman that is mentioned in the bible and the only one that i can find mentioned in the bible that might possibly be priscilla because she would have been well known among the christians so the elders the elect lady and her children whom i love and the truth and not i only but also all they that have known the truth so there's several ways to read that verse he's saying that he loves her and all these other people love her or he's saying i'm writing to her and all they that have known the truth so i'm writing this not just to her and her children but i'm writing this epistle to all who are saved and who love the truth there's several ways to look at this verse and it's interesting for the true sake which dwelleth in us and shall be with us forever now there's eternal security right there you can't get very far in a second john without seeing boom eternal security who dwells in us forever the truth what is the truth the bible says sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth john 17 17. how that's john again and he says that the word of god the bible is truth go to first thessalonians 2 3 paul says the same thing first thessalonians chapter 2 and verse 3. did i say three i meant 13. first thessalonians 2 13. for this cause also think we god without ceasing because when you received the word of god which you heard of us you received it not as the word of men but as it is in truth the word of god which effectually worketh also and you believe so the word of god is truth now go to ephesians all right i'm trying to show you how john and paul line up so much so much so the book of ephesians chapter 1 and verse 13. the truth dwells in us forever ephesians 1 13 and whom you also trusted after that you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation whom also after that you believed you were sealed with that holy spirit of promise so when we get saved we're sealed with the holy spirit of promise but how we have to hear the word of truth what is the word of truth the bible and the bible tells us the gospel of our salvation and the gospel is first corinthians 15 1-4 so first corinthians 15 1-4 this is the true gospel it's the truth and so it's the gospel that saves you and so to get saved it's through this gospel so the basis of fellowship and second john is we're fellowshipping about the truth which is their word and the word gives us the true gospel the word of truth and when we get that we get sealed with the holy spirit so something dwells in us what is that ii john 2 for the truth sake well the truth is the word of god but it's also called the word of truth comma the gospel so the gospel so the true sake so for the gospel which dwells in us and shall be with us forever when we believe the gospel what dwells in us the holy spirit of god so this is the indwelling of the holy spirit dwelling in us forever so this is eternal security how do you not see that eternal security this is the indwelling of the holy spirit this is eternally secure this is sealed with the holy spirit and it's right there in the second verse so yeah we can read second john i'm not a hyperdisciplination as i won't tell you only read paul's epistles and don't read anything else no i say read it and look where it lines up with paul and guess what it lines up with paul here's eternal security in the second verse can't lose your salvation if you're truly saved so preach the true gospel otherwise the false gospel leads to false doctrine which leads to sin and you got to watch out for that so forever so it's talking about what dwelling in us the truth but in the bible what's talked about dwelling in us is the holy spirit the indwelling of the holy spirit let's go back to john chapter 14. so important to read john and john wrote five books first second third john the gospel of john and the book of revelation that's why i wanted to study them all together if we could but look at john chapter 14 and verse 17. look at what the holy spirit is called john 14 17 the holy spirit is called this even the spirit of truth capital s that's the holy spirit and look what it says verse 16 may abide with you forever we just read forever and second john 2. but verse 17 even the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it seeth him not neither knoweth him but ye know him for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you who the spirit of truth so back to second john verse 2 for the truth's sake which dwelleth in us that's the truth of the gospel and what dwells in us when we believe the gospel is the holy spirit the spirit of truth and shall be with us for ever and then here in verse three and i guess we'll stop here in verse three grace be with you mercy and peace from god the father and from the lord jesus christ the son of the father in truth and love so he says something here grace mercy peace now watch this grace mercy and peace be with you look at those three things right there that he says and then in the end of that verse he says love and truth so truth and love truth and love he's like a broken record he keeps saying you gotta have that truth and you gotta love one another because if you have the truth then you'll love one another and if you love the truth then you'll love one another so love what love love love truth truth truth love love love that's john in a nutshell but look at what he says there grace this is what we call a salutation this is the beginning of his epistle and in the beginning of his epistle he says grace be with you so that means john is a grace believer that preaches grace amen john preaches grace some of these hyper dismissalists they call themselves grace believers and they say we believe in the gospel of the grace of god well amen because that's the true gospel for today and they say but only paul preached that and none of the other apostles and so you shouldn't read john you shouldn't read peter you shouldn't read any of these other apostles only read paul because the other apostles have a different message and i'm reading through my bible and i see the other apostles in acts chapter 15 coming together with paul and accepting paul's message of grace and here we see john saying hey by the way grace so i'm not what's uh called a hyper-dispensationalist i don't overly divide i don't wrongly divide the scriptures by trying to over divide it i rightly divide it and that's what i want you to do as well so look at this greeting this greeting of grace mercy and peace be unto you that is pauline epistles let's go to that first timothy chapter one that is exactly what paul says exactly so here we have john lining up with paul all over again first timothy 1 2 unto timothy my own son in the face grace mercy and peace from god our father and lord jesus christ and jesus christ our lord so grace mercy peace that's that's paul now go to second timothy chapter one and verse two to timothy my dearly beloved son grace mercy and peace grace mercy and peace from god the father in christ jesus our lord now go to titus chapter one and verse four titus 1-4 to titus my own son after the common faith grace mercy peace from god the father and the lord jesus christ our savior why is john sounding just like paul because john got on the same page as paul and is teaching the same thing as paul so back to second john verse 3 grace be with you mercy and peace from god the father and from the lord jesus christ the son of the father in truth and love so again i see him following paul and i see him speaking of this and we'll see this next time in verse 4. look what he says i rejoiced you know who uses the term rejoice more than anybody paul i rejoiced rejoicing again i say so i see paul and john on the same page and so that's why we don't throw the baby out with the bathwater okay that's why we don't throw out john and other apostles that's why we can read them and understand that they do read along with the epistles of paul so there is pauline doctrine in first second and third john just like there's pauline doctrine in first and second peter you just have to see it for yourself but there's also some places where it sounds a little different and where would that have to apply well there's a double application of those books and that would have to apply out here in the tribulation after the rapture because the jews will come along and they won't read paul but they'll say oh peter oh we heard about him oh john we'll read and they will understand so i see a dual application sometimes in john and we saw that in first john how there were some things that sounded like wow that that sounds more like a tribulation thing same thing with peter that sounds more like tribulation so i hope that's been a blessing i hope you understand that next time we'll continue here our study in 2nd john i hope that's been a blessing to you and we'll see you next time thank you for watching bye
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 19,234
Rating: 4.90172 out of 5
Keywords: 2 John, verse by verse Bible Study, King James Bible Study, KJV, Robert Breaker, verse by verse
Id: Pt9m1OHcEf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 57sec (3597 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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