They're SO Scary Up Close in Five Nights At Freddy's VR (FNAF VR) - Part 2

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Top of the morning to you laddies, my name is Jacksepticeye and welcome back to Five Nights at Freddy's VR. Hello friend!! This fucking cable is smacking me in the face. Can I get rid of this, up here? *elevator music* Okay, that was an ordeal to do that... Anyway hi! Hello! Welcome back! Nice to see you, friend! It's me, the giant and short leg man. Good to be here. I'm having a great time. Alright, then. I'm not gonna do Five Nights at Freddy's one or two this time. I did kick some serious boot-ay -on this one. Um- It's just cause I'm an epic gamer or whatever, but I kind of want to try some of these ones. These are like the new games. So I want to try this. I want to try Parts and Services. I'm gonna fix up Bon-Bon! I'm gonna give Boner a nice time! Okay, grab and release, pull trig- Oh Jesus! Alright, game hasn't started yet Sean... I don't know what you're telling me to do but you know what? Maybe that's a good thing. Maybe that's where this scares come in. Holy fuck! "Welcome to Parts and Service." You are gigantic! "Oh no! It looks like Bonnie's guitar is out of tune and needs to be re-calibrated." *strums guitar* Awh, you're right! "First, we must access his harmonization module located inside his secondary throat pipe." Oh God... "To access the throat pipe, both eyes must first be removed." *laughs uncomfortably* "You must be as precise as possible when removing the eyes from their respective sockets." Oh I hate this! "First, firmly grip Bonnie's left eye and carefully remove it from it's socket." Wait, my left or their left? Oh God, it's so crazy creepy in here. Okay, Bonnie, you are- I mean, I know that I'm probably not actually on the ground in this, it seems like I'm kind of a little bit- Ooh, coin! *ding* *children yelling hurray* Haha that's less scary... Um, but Jesus Christ, the size of your feet and hands Okay... Here we go "Great job." Oho... "-put the left eye in the cleaning receptacle to your left. Okay... "Well done. Now firmly grip Bonnie's right eye and remove it from it's socket." Is this going to be a thing where if I do something slightly wrong I'm gonna get effed in the a? Okay, it's like a game of operation... Just don't touch the edges... "Deposit the right eye in the cleaning receptacle on your right." Oh god... "Good job. To open Bonnie's faceplate carefully, press the two buttons located on either side of Bonnie's jaw." Ooh! "When done correctly, you should hear two small clicks." *ding* *children yelling hurray* Wait, I was too busy getting money, I didn't hear what you said! Oh, am I gonna press the wrong one? *click* *click* Oho god! "Now you have access to Bonnie's harmonization module." Okay! "Press the blinking button inside Bonnie's secondary throat pipe to enter calibration mode." Oh, look at the endoskeleton! Jesus, this is so detailed. Okay. I'm- okay Sir- ma'am! Do I have permission to lay hands upon your person? I'm gonna put my finger down your throat now... Don't vomit! *soft guitar strums* This is nice! *imitating last string* Brrrring! "Something is not right." What? "All of those notes are out of tune." Oh god! Oh Jesus. "You may push the button again to play the audio check." Fuckin- "Press the colored button that corresponds to the incorrect note." Uuuuh... I don't know what you're talking about- my cable came out and touched my face and scared the shit out of me... What do I do? I'm not listening! *soft guitar strums* Which one was that? *plucks individual strings* Okay, what about the last one? I don't know which one it was. It was: *imitates strings* *more guitar strums* Okay, so *plucking* Is it this one? I don't know, I don't wanna fuck this up. I don't think I heard that one actually... *plucks* I don't know. I'm gonna get killed... "Press the blinking button again to verify your work." I don't know...! *more plucking* Okay, now I have two out of tune- GOD! JESUS CHRIST BONNIE! Ahh...! For the love of God, I'm just trying to tune your guitar! Why y'gotta be such a bitch!? Oh yea- I need a cupcake! *eats noisily* This guy is just all blah blah blah, isn't he? Okay, don't get scared of it this time! There we go. Haha! "-access to Bonnie's harmonization-" All right. Let's listen to this again... "-button inside Bonnie's secondary throat pipe to enter calibration mode." Wait. "Something is not right." You're right! " One of those notes is out of tune." Ha ha! "You may push the button again to replay the audio check." Got it. Okay. "Press the colored button that corresponds-" Okay. Um, Wait, this time it was a different note though... *guitar plucking* Okay... *more plucking* I don't think I heard that one. I don't heard- I think I heard the high-pitched one *guitar* No, it's the second last one. It's this one. I think, I think. Don't scare me... *scares* AAhaha God damn it. I thought it was right. Are you serious? This thing was blinking the notes? Blue, green, red... *guitar* So it has to be the last one, right *guitar* I think it's this one- the last two colors are very similar! *guitar* Okay, so it has to be this one right? "Press the blinking button again to verify your work." Oh God... Yeah, yeah! "Great job" Thank you! "Bonnie is in tune and ready for his solo." Hoho! "Let's close him up. Simply replace both eyes in the same order that you remove them then close up the faceplate and we'll call it a day." Ok, so I removed this one- See you told me to remove the left eye into the bin. So it's opposite. Oh wait... the same order I remove them in. I don't go reverse. I just go- Ok, that's fine, here's your second eye! I'm sorry! Everything's ok. Ok "Well done." Thank you! "That concludes your parts and services tasks." Is it? "See you next time." Hey, oh! Did I do it? I'm safe! I can touch it. I can walk with it again- Yeah! Thank you. I got a present. What do you think it is this time? Do you think it's a billion dollars? Wow! It's a packet of Meat Bites XL! Absolutely incredible! Not really. This kind of sucks. I went through all of the torture. I died three times. "Are you having fun yet?" NO! "That's great to hear!" I'm not, you asshole- wait is my friend here? Is my friend over to the side? HA Aw Shit Friend? I have a feeling that this menu also plays a part in the game... Because there's a lot of very dark areas here that I can't see and it's freaking me out! ATM stands for at the moment. That's how freaked out I am at the moment. Okay should I go with the Chica? Why not? I want to do withered Bonnie. Withered Bonnie is my favorite animatronic. That was the coolest one. What's your favorite animatronic children? DAh! "Welcome to parts and service." You have pizza on your face! "There have been customer complaints about Chica's acrid smell." *laughs* "Sounds like Chica has been rummaging around the kitchen again..." Oh Chica- ew! "Remove all food particles from Chica's exterior and place in the refuse bin to your right" Ooh. I got secrets. I don't know what they do yet I'm assuming I can listen to all the radio files later and get parts of the super deep deep dark lore of the game! All right. Chica, you eat pizza the way I do... Body first. Alright- gross, okay Ooh coin! Wanna slice? *eats* *barfs* Face pizza... "Good job." Thank you. "Make sure Chica is not hiding any other treats inside her beak. To open her beak-" Aww "-carefully press the two buttons located on the sides of Chicas head." I got it Don't come to life or I'll punch ya. alright One... Two- oH HO "It looks like Chica has picked up some unwanted friends." Why did you do that? "-infestation apply the fazbear entertainment-" "-restaurant-grade chemi-spray to Chicas exterior." Oh God- EW! "Press the button under the hanging chemi-spray to activate the chemi-spray." Gross! Why are you making noises? Chica, y'all nasty!! "Avoid inhaling the chemi-spray." "Exposure to cleaning, disinfecting, and maintenance chemicals may result in respiratory problems skin or eye irritation." I don't want any of those! "Good job. Now reattach Chica's upper arm hand and cupcake plate." Cupcake plate? Oh cupcake, okay Okay, I will put the arm on chica. Please. Do not kill me. It looks like you have a flamethrower in your mouth! Your teeth are great though! The first set, I can't really see the second set of teeth... All right, don't! Oh my god your eyes follow me. Oh, I hate that! That's so freaky! Oh-ho! See, now that's cool, because the animatronics are suppose to be possessed with the souls of kids, right? So, I don't know. I'm not helping the fucking lore. What do I look like a Matt Patt? So the idea that they actually follow your eyes or follow you with their eyes that's so cool... That's something you can't do in the regular game. All right. Ah God Get off the arm. All right. Here you go! Do I have to spray you again? I'm not sure Please don't kill me! "Well done." "Oh, no!" "It looks like Chica needs another dose of the chemi spray." Dose? "Do not let the infestation spread." "Be sure to give the canister button another push as needed." She's got another dose like two? "Return the cupcakes to Chica's plate" Uh- What? Cupcake come here. Why are you alive? "Great job. Chica is ready to serve pizza and hugs to the kids again." Is she? "Take a complimentary slice of pizza for a job well done." Pizza! Gross all right. "Go on, take it." I don't know about this, guys. My mom told me not to listen to strangers... "Eat it." Does the cupcake follow me as well? Okay... "Eat it" I'm trying! Give me a second! I'm buckling to peer pressure here... "Delicious! see you next time!" Bye. Okay, that one wasn't so bad... Yay! Present time! What are we gonna get this time? Is it gonna be brand new underwear? Cuz I could use them Mom, I already have this one! This- Stupid! I'm being a disrespectful child. I don't like my toys- it teleports! This is way better than the one I have at home! Hell yeah! You're standing differently now, you're not waving at me! Are you a new animatronic? You've purple in you though, just like purple guy everybody! Who's next? Fred bear Fazz-boy. I can't wait to touch your ENNARDS. Who's the greatest boy in the land? It's Freddy! "It looks like one of our guests left a personal item on our star attraction." Oh God "Help return it to the lost and found." Did you eat him? "Carefully grab and remove the it's had from Freddy's mouth." Oh god... *static buzz* What was that... I keep thinking that there's something watching me all the time. I mean, I know it that- *static buzz* oh Jesus. Did you eat a child, Freddy? "Freddie's got a pretty good hold of it." Oh yea... "Give it another firm tug." I don't want to. His face is gonna open and it's gonna destroy my childhood. 'Good job. Now place the Hat in the lost-and-found bin on your right." This- this is the lost and found bin. it's just a bin! *laughs* I like your style "While we're at it, let's make sure there isn't anything else stuck inside." "To access Freddy's chest cavity," Uh oh... "grab Freddy's bow tie and pull it outwards." Man, this is- this attention to detail on how the animatronics work is actually really cool. Oh, Jesus. "Well done. Freddy's chest cavity is now open. Remove the child's watch and place it in the lost-and-found bin." Wh- what is? "Be careful not to touch any of Freddy's sensitive wiring." Oh shit, so I have to time this Okay, okay K- ahhhhh. And... Go, oh I got it. I got it. I got it "Good job." Thank you! "It appears there is a child's shoe" High five! "wedged behind Freddy's music box." Oh "The music box must be removed before you can access the child's shoe." Oh "Gently grasp the music box and extract it from Freddy's chest cavity before the safety latch descends." Uh, what? Do I have to press this button? *Freddy and Jack scream* WRONG BUTTON! WRONG BUTTON! Ha ha ha! That was Freddy's nono zone, Jesus. "Carefully, place the music box on the work table to your left," Ok, ok... That was the music box. I didn't know what the music box was! "Great job, to reset the safety locks, press the button located on Freddy's endoskeleton." Ah, See Fred I pressed your chest- heart Before I was supposed to. Man, you could fit a whole child in here! Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Okay, all right "Now remove the child's shoe and place it in the lost-and-found bin." Okay. Okay. I got the shoe. I got the- are those laces? Or they just wires? That's a tiny boys' shoe. Where is the rest of 'im? "Well done." Thanks. "Return the music box to Freddy's chest cavity and we'll call it a day." Wait the same one or a new one, cuz this one's red and the others are green... "Oh no." Oh shit! "You seemed to have mishandled Freddy's music box." Oh god. "This is not good" Oh Jesus "A replacement may be found on the work table." Okay? "A slow and even pace is recommended." Okay "A slow and even pace is recommended." You got it. You got it, buddy slow, even pace, Freddy. Don't kill me. I know I'm looking like a straight snack- Okay easy does it- *screaming* bUH-FUCK WHY Freddy. I'm a nice man. And I mean well. Yeah you! I see you what your lopsided eyes. I need a cupcake Aha, watch this, speedrun! "Good job." Yeah! "Well while we're at it." BOOM! "Let's make sure there isn't anything else." Sick! "Good job." Thank you "It appears there is a child's-" Sweet! place the music box- great job" Sick! "To can reset the safety latch-" Boom! "Now, remove the child shoe and place it in the lost-and-found bin." Look how fucking fast I am! Oh shit I'm so good at this. I'm so good at this. "Return the music box to- oh no" "You seem to have mishandled Freddy's music box." I did "This is not good." "A replacement may be found on the work table" Okay... ease- Easy does it... Eeeeeeeeeeeeasy does it... oh shit Okay "Crisis averted. To close Freddy's chest cavity. Press the large black button on the center of Freddy's face." Awww. *nose honks* Aw yay! "-your payment will be docked accordingly." What?! But I did great... YAY! Bye Fred Hoo hoo! Present time! What's gonna be there today, folks? Is it gonna be a banana? Is it gonna be a new dad? Or is it going to be the innocence you lost along the way? Let's find out! *screams* JESUS Why would you do that to me? "We hope you're enjoying the Fazbear virtual experience." *chuckles nervously* "Please be aware that there may be visual artifacts left behind from the beta testing phase of development." Ah! "If you seen any such artifacts, we recommend that you not interact with them." Oh! Oh... "We'll weed them out eventually!" "There's no guarantee that we'll weed them out eventually" Okay, just don't look at him. If you don't look at him, he's not there... He's still there, guys! Well that's gonna do it for this episode of Five Nights at Fuck Boys... good lord, that's really good. I like that a lot! Playing the original games in VR was already cool enough- like being able to see the characters walk towards you and everything, but actually seeing them up close to you in all of their detail is Amazing! Because it's something that- if you're a fan of these types of games, this is really gonna be right up your alley I mean, I- I kind of am? I- I like the idea behind the games and I like what's come of them... I just don't like the Youtubing side of it because when they came out, everybody just had to rush to be the first ones to play Five Nights at Freddy's And get all the views and everything and it kind of just ruined some of the fun of the games. But in general, as a franchise, it's really damn good and All the secrets and everything that's been in the games previously Now people can like look at everything being like "man, That's what the inner skele- endoskeleton looks like." And they can see all these little things I'm like, oh if they were actually possessed like, the eyes follows you and everything. Like that shit is really cool I like that a lot. And being able to see.. I think because I'm using steamvr with an Oculus headset, it's not placing my floor properly So I might have to calibrate it again, but I kind of like not being calibrated like that Maybe it's like that for everybody, but it feels like- Maybe I'm a kid...! OH, that makes sense! I'm probably a kid inside the place and that's why I'm so short. I just have giant hands because it's easier to see those on screen. Oh, I was like maybe this thing is messed up and I'm not actually in... like, standing on the floor. I'm kind of like down in it but maybe I'm actually a kid and that's why everything's so big like the bin is up to this height on me and I'm a kid interacting with the animatronic. So probably gonna get eaten at some point. AH, I've cracked the code umm... But it's-- it's just cool to see how large these animatronics are if you were a kid in that pizzeria. Seeing those Animatronics in front of you would be scary. like you've seen me. I'm legitimately Actually getting scared by them because like their faces are opening up in front of me, and I'm not ready for it. So oh Wonderful. This this is probably One of my favorite Five Nights at Freddy's actually-- well no, still Five Nights at Freddy's 1 is still my favorite... But this is really really good. This is probably my second favorite Five Nights at Freddy's game so far and It seems like playing FNAF 1 and 2 didn't really add anything, but playing These new modes is now starting to get the narrator and the announcer guy to actually progress certain things. Like certain things are happening within the animatronics and like stuff is breaking down and then the character off the right is kind of moving some times and now He's saying different lines when you come back in. So maybe something's actually going to happen in that regard. I'm curious I'm gonna try and play through the whole thing and see what there has- what it has to offer. But for now THANK you guys so much for watching this episode. If you liked it, PUNCH that like button in the face LIKE A BOSS! And... high fives all around! Psh-psh! Thank you guys and I will see all you dudes IN THE NEXT VIDEO!!! *struggling breath*
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,743,581
Rating: 4.9604616 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, FNAF, fnaf VR, five nights at freddy's VR, five nights VR, help wanted, fnaf vr help wanted, fnaf vr gameplay, fnaf VR pc, oculus rift, htc vive, PS VR, five nights at freddy's vr help wanted, gameplay, walkthrough, playthrough, Five Nights At Freddy's, animatronics, Five Nights At Freddy's animatronics, horror game, reaction, jumpscares, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, reactions, scary, horror, VR jumpscare, Getting VERY Scared In Five Nights At Freddy's VR (FNAF VR)
Id: rlbQV95MaqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2019
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