# 2 - Torah Parashah Noach

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[Music] you [Music] this morning's Torah portion is Noah does everybody know how to say Noah in Hebrew no I yeah it's got that guttural het at the end of it we are told as was in the days of Noah so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man so we're gonna look at some elements of what was happening in Noah's day that is happening again in our day that is not on the surface it's not the obvious it's something in Matthew 24 Yeshua speaks saying but as the days of Noah were so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be for as the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking and marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered the Ark and knew not until the flood came and took them all away and that's kind of the way it is with us we are going about our business and we don't know what day is that final day we have to live each day as if it's our last but Noah was faithful while everybody else is living for themself alone Noah was following God's Word and for 120 years with his grandfather Methuselah he was telling the known world at that time what was to come was only in the last five years of the 120 Year message that he started to build the ark and completed it just perfectly on time he was faithful so the faithfulness like we talked about this morning the Emunah is more than just believing in God's Word or in God it's about being faithful to act remember James Yakov Yeshua's brother says faith without works is dead if Noah had said yes I believe you Lord you're not only going to send the flood but you're gonna protect me you're gonna take care of me but and he didn't have a faith that works he didn't prepare the ark what would have happened he would have been lost with everyone else we have to have a faith that works and what's our Ark today what are we preparing for God's people but realize this Paul says in 2nd Timothy 3:1 through 5 that in the last days difficult times are going to come for men will be lovers of self this is the core problem this is the origins of sin lovers of money boastful they're gonna become arrogant revilers disobedient to parents ungrateful unholy unloving you're reconcilable you ever had somebody that had an issue with you and no matter how much you did to appease them and to reconcile them they wouldn't be reconciled malicious gossip errs without self-control they'll become brutal haters of the good that you're doing they're gonna become treacherous even reckless and conceited can what's conceited you think you know it all right yeah lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God holding to a form of godliness although they have denied its power avoid such men or we can say mankind men or women as these so we're gonna see many elements of this nowak story not just in the Torah but in the prophets and in the Brit hadashah in the New Testament yes Steve let's go drinking I mean if you really think about it he wants me to bring you down that's the obvious worldly way but there's even a more subtle way when you're doing good there's those that will even be jealous of the good that you're doing and they will become malicious gossip errs behind the scene to destroy the good that you're doing yes there's so much to the spiritual realm that what we're seen in the physical realm like the obvious outward bad behavior is only three percent of what's reality that's why we have to put on the armor of God daily because the majority the ninety seven percent is in the spiritual realm it's things that you're not gonna see it's not gonna be obvious but God is showing us such grace in our day to day in warning us just like you warned Noah of what's to come we know the seasons through his holy days that foreshadow not only his first coming but his second coming and the wrath to come and he shows us in his word this morning's Torah portion is found in Genesis or Bereshit the sixth chapter verse nine and goes through chapter 11 verse 32 and if you have your Bibles I encourage you to turn there with me because right from the end of last week's Torah portion it carries in to this week's Torah portion let's look back at verse eight to get the context we went from the story of creation and Adam and Eve and the fall of man to now this generation of Noah as this as if it's a completely separate story it says but Noah among all the wickedness that had bounded in this world Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord what's the Hebrew word for grace hen so what's amazing is here's a pan head and noon so feet right no ox named then it says is the told vote the generation of Noah Nowak is noon hat graces had noon it's just a reversal of Noah's name and this is the first time that we see grace found in the Torah now people say Oh grace is a New Testament concept but grace is found right in the sixth chapter of Genesis right in the beginning I'll give you a little overview of the the chapters that we're gonna look at and then we'll go through the parties so chapter six is gonna go from the world wide wickedness and the giant offspring of the watchers to the description of the flood in chapter 7 and then chapter eight the end of the flood in chapter nine is going to be some new Commandments introduced and the Covenant that God renews with Noah and theirs that was on a particular holy day we're gonna look at that and then the genealogy of the sons of Noah as they dispersed around the earth after the flood in chapter 10 and in chapter 11 the worldwide language and government in Babylon and the genealogy from Adam down through that day so every week we kind of break down the tour portion into what we call the parties this is the word that you get paradise from it is like a garden of deeper meanings and in the passat that's the surface the literal meaning that's that three percent that you see which looks like the story of the age of Noah and the flood but then we go a little bit deeper into the Ramez just beyond the literal and there's three things that we like at the Assembly if called out believers to bring out in every tour portion we like to see what does this tour portion specifically tell us about God's character and we see right off the bat its grace the grace of God as a savior to save mankind even in the midst of all of the wickedness he's seeking to save his bride and then we look for hidden glimpses of Messiah and we know that through Messiah we are saved by right we are saved by hen through Emunah we are saved by grace through faith and so we can even see Messiah as the ark as the Savior as the one who carries us through the flood waters of trials and tribulations and destruction around us and so how do we apply this to our day Noah he was faithful right he put his faith into action God told him to tell the world to preach for 120 years and he did this and at the end of 120 years Methuselah died just a couple months before the flood and then of course five years before the flood he started building the ark and he put that faith into further action by not just speaking it but by doing it and this is like our spiritual walk first we hear the word of God faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God and we put that which we hear into telling others we become a conduit of the Torah we become living tours and we share it with others and then we do it so this tour becomes written on our heart so this is the application for us to think about today what are we facing what is to come the destruction of the world but not by water this time but by fire and how are we gonna prepare people to be saved and then in the dross we seek deeper comparisons amongst the Hebrew letters this is one of the few Torah portions that does not have an enlarged letter or small letter or dots so we don't have any hidden anomalies but we've got lots of symbolism including the gamut Rhea the gamut Rhea we'll look at in Noah the noon remember what value the noon has has a value of 50 and the head is the eighth letter of the alphabet and so it's got a value of eight so Noah and grace would both have demetria of 58 and we're gonna look at what other words give us deeper meaning into that by the Kamat ria and we're gonna look at some of the further explanations of this time period in Enochs 7 and Jubilees 6 and 7 and then we'll close with our haftorah scene even Noah mentioned in the prophets by Isaiah in chapter 54 so very first thing Hebrews 11:4 7 by faith Noah being warned of God of things not seen as yet moved with fear we've talked about what that fear is it's holy ah right it's infatuation with God I love God so much I'm gonna follow him wherever he goes and whatever he says I'm gonna trust him and so it's he was moved when you have that kind of trust in someone you not only don't take your eyes off them but you believe everything they're saying says by faith moved with that holy awe he prepared an ark for the saving of his house now last week the bait was enlarged it was all about God creating this house for his bride and for him to dwell in this is gonna be the center of all cosmic worship after the millennial reign so this is all about his house but something crept in and destroyed his house destroyed his bride who was made in His image we're gonna look at that aspect him in the Hebrew by which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith so we even see righteousness by faith in the Torah which is beautiful even Abraham had righteousness by faith it says even before I was written abraham kept all of the Torah and the mission-team and the judgments yes mark that he became heir of the righteousness because he was doing yes because that's right Amen that's exactly right hmm what is he calling you to do to prepare for the things that are to come we have to be wise we have to put our faith into action because righteousness like Mark is saying is right doing right now we don't judge wrongly we don't condemn that's not right doing right doing is living living Torre's being the light to the people and preparing for the people very good point mark so we find that Noah was saved by grace people think that this is something new God doesn't change he's the same yesterday today and tomorrow Noah found 10 grace and the eyes of the Lord we just read and by grace you are saved through faith and that it is not from yourselves it is the gift of God Ephesians 2:8 just as was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the stays of the Son of man so we talked about this gamete riah of 58 here it is again with pen meaning favor grace kindness did you know that the word got gold yahoo god is great is 58 very interesting gives you a little deeper because what is Grace what is so great about God he gives you what you don't deserve and he doesn't give you what you dude is her her I've had the wrong things I'll put it like this grace is when you get the good things you don't deserve okay now none of us deserve eternal life right we've all fallen short all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God but he has made a way for us to receive it what is mercy when you're spared from the bad things that you do deserve there's natural cause-and-effect in this world in this environment and through Yeshua he has taken the ultimate cause and effect which is eternal separation from God upon himself this is mercy and that beautiful god is great 58 he shows his grace and he is great because he's generous with both so we get a hidden glimpse in Hebrew one Hebrew word that has a gamma trio or a value to another word that seemingly is unrelated you have to dig deeper if they equal the same value there's a lesson a deeper lesson in it so let's read on here is the history it probably says in your Bibles of Noah and Hebrew this is pulled old we have a Torah portion it's the sixth Torah portion in the year pulled vote about Jacob and Esau and Isaac and Rebekah and it means generations right so here is the generation of Noah then what does your Bible say what's the next word in his is uses generation again but in Hebrew it's a totally different word so we're missing something what are we missing the word is Medora tov and the root word is door okay door is like a revolution it's something that is living it's something that is within time and it's something that is kind of spiraling and child rating what does this sound like in his we might call it a lineage or we might even call it DNA in his DNA Noah was righteous so this is an issue of not just outward wickedness but something that's going on within Noah was a man in Hebrew we would say aids Adi he was an issue Tom meme haha what does this mean he was not only a righteous man but Tom meme means completely walking with God or in his ways in his being he was completely still in the image of God so here it is in Hebrew Allah no I here's the generation of noah noah ish z Sadiq Tom meme Noah's man righteous he's a righteous study completely Tom mean Venice's hiya vidura tov at ha elohim ha ha ha ha Noah ha locates the word we get ha ha from it is what we call the Jewish laws that we live by they're God's laws but the Jews were the ones that have preserved them we call it holic ha this is the root word right here Noah was basically living exactly the way God told him to live and in so including who he would marry and this is what preserved him and his lineage to be saved it preserved their DNA from the hybrid DNA that the Watchers had infused before the flood he goes on verse 10 Noah fathered three sons so now it's not only talking about the outward but it's continuing this DNA this pure DNA Shem which means name um which means hot hum is that gutter all of that head and Japheth now yeh v means to expand into open areas and we know yet that expanded up into the north which is now European northern area and the earth was corrupted this word is very important to understand because many times we think of corrupt just in the sense of you do wrong right so you're a corrupt person because you cheated somebody but this has a much deeper connotation it was corrupted the DNA was ruined and this word is jihad and Shikata is used not only like in the context of something is corrupted but even later on when you see that God says I'm going to in English it says destroy the world it's not destroy as in kill the creation that he made it says in he's gonna ruin he's gonna shock ah the Shaka he's gonna ruin those that are already ruined by the corrupted DNA this is what's so beautiful about understanding the Hebrew gods not a killer he's not killing his creation just because they erred he's in the business of saving he is allowing to be ruined the those that have ruined DNA through the Watchers hybrid species so it says I will point it out every time this comes up because it's gonna come up like 6 times in the next couple of verses this Shaka the earth was ruined and I'll just say ruined in the English so that you can get the context the earth was ruined before God the earth was filled with violence God saw the earth and yes it was ruined for all living beings had ruined their ways that door upon the earth that DNA had been ruined this word here their ways is their hole it has that same root door in it which connotates - if you think of a doll at what is a doll it look like right and it represents a door and then you have this is the word door what's the race it's a person right it's not just any person it's like a princely person so literally the DNA is the door to the person this is what had been ruined and earth had become full of violence and all living beings had become ruined in their ways on the earth in their door and we remember Matthew it reminds me when he says the kingdom of heaven is taken by violence and by force this is what that corrupt DNA seeks to do instead of being humble and submitting to God's ways it wants what God has it wants to be like God but it doesn't submit to God so it tries to take it by force this is the same way that this these beings were before the flood God said to Noah the end of all living beings has come before me for because of them the earth is filled with violence I will destroy and this word here Haagen I will ruin those who are ruined basically in the earth now this brings on a whole different context because if we see God as a destroyer of just those that have sinned or those that have done wrong then it taints our view of who God is what his character is like but if we understand that the whole world was ruined to the point where if time had been allowed to continue all flesh would be ruined he wouldn't have a bride left he's actually doing a saving act by allowing to be ruined those who have already been ruined same way in the last days God says if time were not shortened no flesh would survive so we have to think of God as being a savior in this showing grace he's not arbitrary lene he is allowing to be ruined those who are already ruined they're not even in his image any longer and we're gonna find out a little bit what they were like now God said to Noah and we read this in Jubilees chapter 7 that no oxen Methuselah preached repentance and for the people to return for 120 years but no one repented and no one returned we're gonna turn there really quick just to share with you this amazing depiction in Jubilees chapter 7 it says for owing to these three things came the flood the verse before it talks about fornication uncleanness and iniquity because the angels fornicated with the men and that caused uncleanness in the image of God and iniquity says furrowing to these three things the flood came upon the earth namely owing to the fornication wherein the watchers against the Torah of their ordinances so they have instruction that they're supposed to watch men help men but they're not supposed to engage in cross-species Union they the Watchers went to whoring after the daughters of men and took themselves women of all that they chose and they made the beginning of uncleanness and they begat sons called the Nephilim and they were all unalike and they devoured one another the great Giants there are three generations the first generation was called the great Giants they slew the Nephilim and the Nephilim slew the Eloi the third generation and the Eloi were slain mankind and one another and they couldn't be fed enough it was totally a self-indulgent Society of the huge Giants to the point where they started eating men and cannibalizing one another even one giant to another this is why one of the very first Noahide laws after the flood God says do not eat blood do not take any blood into your bodies everyone sold himself to work iniquity and to shed much blood in those days and the earth was filled with iniquity and after this they sinned even against the beasts and the birds and all that moves so they were genetically modifying and changing even the way God had created the animals and every imagination and desire of men imagine vanity and evil continually and the Lord destroyed he ruined everything that was already ruined from off the face of the earth because of the wickedness of their deeds and because of the blood which they had shed in the midst of the earth and everything was destroyed and we were left I and you my sons and everything that entered with us into the ark and behold I see your works before me that you do not walk in righteousness for the path of destruction you have begin to walk and you are partying one from another in our envious of one another and so comes disharmony so this is after the flood Noah is talking to his sons and he's saying listen there was a certain way that things were before the flood and even though God has instructed you in his ways you're starting to now turn from them and he had to remind them of what three things caused the flood do not engage in these three things so let's see if I have a slide this is a slide of some of the giants that have been unearthed by archaeologists these are only Giants that cropped up after the flood through the dormant DNA of hams wife and their sons they had four sons which were Canaan cush put and midstream and out of each of these cultures course we know the Canaanites there was giants right and the Philistines down in mitzrayim that was Egypt there was giants that arose all of these giants after the flood were anywhere from between 15 feet and 36 feet but before the flood the great Giants were 450 feet this is the stuff that Jack and the Beanstalk these folklore were made of and the Nephilim were like 300 feet they were a little smaller and the Eloi were a little smaller than them that's why each one was preying upon the other and the Eloi would prey upon the sons of men they were the ones that were cannibalizing men but this just puts it into perspective because sometimes people think that these things are fables and they really don't go into the depth of what the scripture is talking about of how this DNA from the Watchers brought forth a whole species of Giants and hybrid beans here's a one archaeologist you can see the size of this skull compared to almost the size of a whole man here here's another one clearing out look at the size of this call bigger than this archeologist here's another one I've liked this picture because it's interesting he wasn't only buried during the time of the flood and holding on to a bowl here but look at his fingers one two three four five six counting his thumb this is indicative of the hybrid species from the Watchers they would have six fingers six toes it was said of Goliath and his brothers that they had 24 digits all together so six on this hand six on this hand six on this foot six on this foot yes the first group of special forces were wiped out by him and yes and the second group after killing them and coming prepared when they explored that cave they found that he was also cannibalistic that there was human bones for many many years and he was a red-haired big giant yeah and that they kept that undercover as well they don't want this knowledge to get out they want you to believe that this is just stories yes like all things that the Smithsonian or the government gets involved with these things disappear and also and there's no more evidence and so the same way with all these giant bones that they got pictures of while they were unearthing them once the government gave the Smithsonian the rights over these bones and over there's different graves all around the earth including the mounds in Ohio and all of this but whenever these things come out and they're supposedly getting shipped to the Smithsonian in Washington DC mysteriously they disappear or the ship you know sinks or so they're just suppressing the knowledge so it says God told Noah make yourself an ark of gopher wood you're to make the Ark with rooms and cover it with pitch both outside and inside and here's how you're to build it and it gave you specific blueprints the Ark is to be 450 feet and its width is 75 feet well the first thing that jumped out at me is 75 is exactly 1/6 450 so this is an even proportion the width to the depth the found that this is the most stable kind of freighter ship that can withstand the big waves of the ocean this this model 450 feet long 75 feet wide and its height is 45 feet tall now 45 is exactly one tenth of its length so you've got a width that's one-sixth exactly and a height that's 1/10 it's like only God who knows all the laws of the physical universe knows how to perfectly put a perfect bobber in the water that all of the Fountains of the great deep bursting forth and all of the fountains of the heavens of the water the canopy collapsing could not sink this ship [Music] one specie of each that's right very good point there was an archeologist forgiveness last name Bob call Kanoe right I guess cornuke yeah he after doing a little more in-depth study as to the original Ararat range because it doesn't say the mountain of Ararat it says the mountains of Ararat he realized that the ancient mountain range of Ararat was not in Turkey but more in Northeast Iran and much higher range instead of my Arab being seven thousand feet this range was fifteen thousand feet at its peak and they found an altar up at the the top some old you know particles of petrified wood up there Noah was to build an altar where would he built it right up at the top and they found this Ark and brought back specimens of the petrified wood from it and supposedly the story that I heard was even a horse hair and they had it tested and all the species like Steve is saying from all the species of horses all the different kinds come back to that one horse so in that one origin so we look at here's one place where they think that it possibly could be the walls now we're told that Noah took the canopy off and when he left he didn't open up the door like he went in apparently he undid the roof and can't you know started to undo things so this is looking like the hall here you can kind of see the shape of what a boat would look like yes [Music] one of the speakers at the end of this month please send me that information if you will please send me that information it'd be great to take a trip over there with anybody else who would be interested in hearing that years ago I was invited to be a part of the archaeological group that was searching on Mount Ararat with dr. Baugh but the government closed down the visas and so it it didn't end up happening but I've always been interested in proving Bible and science together he says sure to make an opening for daylight in the ark 18 inches below the roof covering put a door in its side and build it with lower second and third decks then I myself will bring the flood of water over the earth to Shaha to ruin again those which were ruined from under heaven every living thing that breathes everything on the earth will be ruined but I will establish my covenant with you you will come into the ark you and your sons your wife and your sons wives with you from every living thing from each kind of living being and species you are to bring to into the ark to keep them alive with you they are to be male and female of each kind of bird each kind of livestock and each kind of animal creeping on the ground to are to come to you so that they can be kept alive also take from all kinds of food that are eaten and collect for yourself it is to be food for you and for them so they literally had a floating greenhouse they were keeping also certain vegetation to feed the animals and themselves this is what Nowak did he did all that God ordered him to do also in this chapter 7 now he adds to that in addition to a male and female of every species I want you to bring in seven of every clean animal now this is before the tour is written so if anybody thinks that what we call kashrut and the laws of kosher animals coach your eating clean food animals is something new or something Jewish it goes all the way back to the beginning no I only knew what he knew because of what had been passed down from Adam so do you know that Adam lived 930 years to the days of when Noah's father was about 45 50 years old roughly so Noah had direct access in addition to Enoch and Methuselah still living Lamech personally knew Adam and this knowledge would have been passed down about all the Torah but at that time it's only oral nothing's written down you know it was the first one to write anything down chapter 7 odd and I says to Noah come into the ark you and all your household for I have seen that you alone in this generation are righteous before me of every clean animal you are to take seven couples of the animals that are not clean one couple also of the birds of the air seven couples in order to preserve their species throughout the earth for in seven more days I will cause it to rain on the earth forty days and forty nights I will wipe out every living thing that I have made from the face of the earth Noah did all that out and I ordered him to do Noah was 600 years old when the waters flooded the earth Nowak went into the ark with his sons his wife and his sons wives because of the flood waters of the clean animals of animals that are not clean of birds and of everything that creeps on the ground couples males and female all went into the ark with Noah as God had ordered them after seven days the waters flooded the earth so there inside the ark for seven days with the door shut and the whole rain is coming you ever felt like God told you to do something and then it doesn't happen immediately and you second-guess yourself and you talk this is what Noah must have been going through but then you have that big confirmation that first drip drip drip on the ceiling they've never seen rain before it says the day that the water started flooding the earth was the 17th day of the second month of the six hundredth year of Noah's life why is this significant I'm gonna go back a couple chapters in the book of Jubilees and read something from Chapter three know what's amazing the Torah is like an outline of God's instruction to us but there's many spots that come through other people other passages that give us the details of how to live out the Torah in Chapter three of Jubilees chapter verse 18 it's speaking of the fall of man when eve was first beguiled by the serpent and it says after the completion of seven years in the garden which he had completed there seven years exactly it was in the second month on the seventeenth day of the month that the serpent came and deceived Eve so the day that the flood began is the exact same day the sin entered in the world and what is the flood doing but cleansing the sin when it's reached a apex when it's reached a point at which no flesh would survive God steps in when there's only one family left on the exact day thus in crept in very symbolic he cleanses the earth of sin it was on that day that all the Fountains of the deep were broken up we talked last week about how on the second day God separated the waters that were covering the earth to the waters above and he called it the firmament and the waters below he called the seas and there was a hidden prophecy in that second day because it was in the second Millennial day right in the myths from 1,000 years to 2,000 years after creation he was right in the midst of that second Millennial day that those waters came crashing back together the Fountains of the deep burst forth and the canopies of heaven collapsed on this exact day and it rained on the earth forty days and forty nights on that same day Noah entered the Ark with Shem ham and Japheth the sons of Noah Noah's wife and three wives of his sons accompanying them they and every animal of every species all the livestock of every species every animal that creeps on the ground of every species and every bird of every species all sorts of winged creatures they went into - Noah in the ark they weren't afraid of Noah you know before the flood men and animals cohabitated in such a way that it was only after the flood that God put fear in them because he knew that men were going to start hunting animals more than they did before the flood it was in the early days a man could even communicate with animals this is why it was no surprise for Eve to hear a serpent speaking to her all the animals when Adam named them understood the name which he gave them and the communication that they had so these animals went right into no it's interesting that it didn't just say that they went into the ark they went into Noah personally in the ark couples from every kind kind of like presenting themselves before Adam for a name they presented themselves before nowak where would you have me in this big ship you want me to go in that bin or that stall or that perch so they present themselves before Nowak couples from every kind of living thing that breathes those that entered went in male and female from every kind of living being as God had ordered him and out and I shut him inside now the flood was 40 days on the earth the water grew higher and higher and floated the ark so that it was lifted up off of the earth and the water continued to overflow the earth and grew deeper and deeper until the ark floated on the surface of the water and the water overpowered the earth mightily and all the high mountains under the entire sky work the water covered the mountains by more than twenty two and a half feet so the tallest mountain not saying that Everest existed at that time most likely I was caused by the flood you know the continental shelves and tectonic plates but whatever the tallest mountain was the water covered it by twenty two and a half feet all living beings that moved on the earth perished birds livestock and other animals insects in every human being everything in whose nostrils was the breath of the spirit of life whatever was on trial and died he wiped out every living thing on the surface of the ground not only human beings but livestock creeping animals and birds of the air this reminds us of the seventh plague you know there's six plagues that the Saints go through right up to the point where all the armies of the earth are gathered against Jerusalem in the sixth plague and it's in the midst of the sixth plague that must she off comes the seventh plague is what the Saints don't experience that is what's called the indignation or the wrath of God that's a hundred-pound hail coming down fire earthquake that destroys every living thing and so this is very likened to the seventh plague referenced in the last days even to the point where then it says the waters held power over the earth for a hundred and fifty days if you look at Revelation there's something significant about 150 days right before or at the time of the sixth plague right before mushiya calms there's a hundred and fifty days that men are tormented remember that five months it was five months that the the waters were literally just you know they were in the ark and they were floating in these waters forty days that it actually rained and then they're in there for another five months after that God remembered Noah yes basketball-sized he would cover it when it's perfectly round and there's not these yeah no not at all and even in the creation account that we read of last week you know when God separates the waters and he calls dry land to appear all it takes is you taking some of this earth you know if it's a perfect globe and you put it over on this side and then you're gonna have the chasms of the deep and the sea for the fish and you're gonna have dry land appear for vegetation to grow so yeah once you understand the mechanics of creation and the physics of the universe it's very realistic it's not a fable or a story yes Jimmy that's what was the start that's right that's piano I imagine it only told us the length the width and the height right how many other details any of you that have been in building business you know there's a lot of specs right a lot of details where are those details they were orally given right the the tour is just giving us an outline of what was given so there's so many more details that we have to be open to understanding that these patriarchs and prophets they had so much more knowledge than what we're given we're just given the surface story right now chapter 8 God remembered Noah and every living thing of all the livestock with him in the ark so God caused a wind to pass over the earth and the waters begin to go down you know when he brought the children of Israel through the Red Sea there was a wind that opened up the waters and the prophets liken it to the breath of his nostrils blowing this water aside also the Fountains of the deep and the windows of the sky were stopped the rain from the sky was restrained and the water came back from completely covering the earth it was after 150 days that the waters subsided and started to go down on the 17th day whenever date is given we have to find the significance of this date right why did he perfectly explain so like we found out what the second month and the 17th day means in verse 4 the 17th day of the seventh month the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat what's significant about this day it's within the holy days yes it is within the feast of Sukkot the seventh month is Tishri the seventeenth day is two days after Sukkot begins what is Sukkot represent living in temporary dwellings God providing for us when our ancestors were brought through the wilderness we lived in temporary dwellings right and God provided Noah's in a temporary dwelling and God is providing for him yes Archie no I you know many people have speculated that because later when God brings them out the he takes the first month being a vivre right he says this should be the first month for you God is speaking to Moses who knows the these proper calendar already so he's already given Moses remember Moses is writing this account in Genesis so Moses is actually giving this with the understanding that we have so the seventh month is the seventh month not the first like we have speculated in the past we used to think this is before the Exodus so God must be speaking to him with Tishri being the first month and Nissan or Aviv being the six month but then when you correlate it and you realize when he came out of the ark Noah and this is confirmed by the Dead Sea Scrolls came out of the ark just before shava oh and he built the altar and made the same sacrifices that we are told to make on Shavuot on the holy day in the third month and he relates it as the third month so we have to realize that he's relating this story with the religious calendar starting in Aviv 50 day then that's right so it is a week-long feast it's in the midst it's just in the midst of the whole feast is a week-long so it's in the midst of that feast that's the significance of it it's right in that holy day of I mean the holy feast of Sukkot is a week-long and it's in the second day of that feast then you're gonna see I'm gonna bring out the exact calculations for Shavuot in a few more verses yes mark yes yes and then we utilize to unlock prophecy as well very good these are all great things that you can extrapolate from the seemingly story about the flood there's so much more deep knowledge to extract so the waters kept going down until the tenth month and on the first day of the tenth month the tops of the mountains were seen after another 40 days Noah opened the window of the Ark which he had built and he sent out a raven which flew back and forth until the waters dried up from the earth then he sent out a dove to see if the waters had gone down from the surface of the ground but the Dove found no place for her feet to rest so she returned to him in the ark because the waters still covered the earth he put out his hand he took her and brought her in to him in the ark and he waited another seven days and again sent the Dove out from the ark the Dove cave came in to him in the evening and there in her mouth was a freshly plucked olive leaf now what's the olive tree represent in prophecy yes so here's a little glimpse of why God is restoring are not only preserving Noah it's for his bride in Israel you're seeing a little glimpse of Israel being preserved this Israel is in seed form in Noah's loins in essence through Noah's son Shem become all the shemitish tribes so even this is a little glimpse that Israel is being looked at he's the Apple Israel is the apple of God's eye so he waits and till this dove comes back with this olive leaf and then he knew that the water had cleared from the earth and he waited another seven days and he sent out the Dove again and when she didn't return he knew it was okay to leave the ark so this was on the first day of the first month so this is the new year now we've won this is where we search for the Aviv barley is it green in the ear and of course Noah's the first green thing that he sees is this olive leaf now what holy day is in the in the first month Passover yes the enemy desires to destroy us but through the blood of the lamb which is our covering he cannot touch us right here it's at the very time of Passover that he sees this water drying up from the earth so Noah removed the covering of the Ark and looked and yes the surface of the ground was dry and on the 27th day of the second month so now you've got almost two months that have passed from the first of a veve he's still living in the ark they're not leaving yet then he sees that it was dry so God says to Noah go out from the ark your wife your sons and your sons wives with you what day was this that God said to go out from the ark if you look back at Jubilees chapter 6 verse 11 it says on this account he spoke to you that you should make a covenant with the children of Israel in this month upon the mountain see notice Noah's upon the mountain and he's making covenant with Noah he renewing that covenant with an oath it says that you should sprinkle blood upon them because of all the words of the Covenant which Jehovah made with them forever and this testimony is written concerning you that you should observe it continually so that you should not eat on any day any blood of beasts or birds of cattle during all the days of the earth and the man who eats the blood of beasts or of cattle or of birds during all the days of the earth he and his seat shall be rooted out of the land and do you command the children of Israel to eat no blood so that their names and their seed this DNA may be preserved because it's through the transference of blood that we take on other contaminants and as for this Torah there is no limit of days it is forever they shall observe it throughout their generations so that they might continue supplicating on your behalf every day and at the time of morning and evening they shall seek forgiveness this is the establishment of the evening in the morning sacrifices perpetually before the Lord that they might keep it and not be routed out and he gave to Noah and his sons a sign and that there should be never again a flood on the earth and he set his bow in the cloud for a sign of the eternal covenant that there should not be again a flood on the earth to destroy it all the days of the earth for this reason it is ordained in written on the heavenly tablets that they should celebrate the feast of Shavuot in the third month once a year at the to renew the Covenant every year so even in the book of Jubilees it's likening Noah's Flood and the renewal of the Covenant with the rainbow on Shavuot and we see proof that Noah came out of the flood just days before Shavuot in time to build an altar and to go and collect the firewood and the to sacrifice the animals in time for Shavuot in Exodus 1911 it says that it was in the new moon of the third month and so we know Shavuot is usually around the 6th of Sivan so here Noah comes out of the ark on them what's it's that shuffle oh oh Pentecost ok yes Shavuot is that festival where God renews covenant with man and we see it from Noah's day and we see Isaac was born as the child of promised on Shavuot and then we see the 10 commandments given Mount Sinai God it's always has to do with a mountain Isaac was taken up to a mountain the ark settled on a mountain the Covenant was renewed with Israel on a mountain Mount Sinai and and where was all of the Apostles 2,000 years ago up upon Mount Zion in one Accord unified when the Spirit of God descended like flames of fire and they heard many voices in each one in their own language this is all a renewal of this covenant on this specific day the only way that you're going to experience the blessing of that is if you are gathered together with the body and you're in unity this is why it was specific in the New Testament that it says and they were all of one Accord it's showing their unification so when we read this verse in verse 15 in Genesis 8 that God told Noah to go out from the ark we know according to jewbilee 6 and Exodus 19 11 that this was on the new moon of the third month and then it was only a handful of days after that that Shavuot was observed by Noah he says bring out with you every living thing that you have with you birds livestock and every animal that creeps on the earth so that you so that they can swarm on the earth be fruitful and multiply this is a commandment that was given back at creation he's just reiterating it because it's like a renewal I restart so Nowak went out with his sons and his wife and his sons wives every animal every creeping thing and every bird whatever moves on the earth according to their families they went out of the ark now Noah built an altar and we know that this was for Shavuot - Adonai then you took from every clean animal and every clean bird and he offered burnt offerings now you see how the Torah doesn't tell you that it was shava oh so you have to dig a little bit deeper and this is why it's so important to restore these books that the Essenes preserved that were originally considered Scripture they knew the the patriarchs and the prophets knew that this was talking about shava but for the last two thousand years you know there's been a concerted effort to remove the knowledge from these books and - because what is knowledge but power right and so it's important for us that's why we love restoring the books of the Dead Sea Scrolls because you get so much more of the rest of the story as Paul Harvey would say I don't I smell the sweet aroma and out and I said in his heart I will never again curse the ground because of humankind since the imaginings of a person's heart are evil from his youth nor will I ever again ruin all living things as I have done so long as the earth exists the sowing time and harvest cold and heat summer and winter and day and night will not cease then God blessed Noah he renewed his covenant with him and his sons and he said be fruitful and multiply this is the very first mitzvah from creation reiterated here and fill the earth and the fear of and dread of you man kind will be upon every wild animal now every bird in the air every creature populating the ground and all flesh I mean all fish in the seas they have been handed over to you every moving thing that lives will be food for you just as I gave you green plants before so now I give you everything only flesh with its life with its blood you are not to eat I will certainly demand an account for the blood of your lives I will demand it from every animal and from every human being I will demand it from every human being on accounting of the life of his fellow human being whoever sheds human blood by human being will his own blood be shed this is an early way to say he who lives by the sword will die by the sword there's cause and effect yes mark yeah green plants mean no right things don't last so long without the double atmospheric pressure and oxygen and so Noah's grape juice that might have lasted a lot longer before the flood all of a sudden has a lot more intoxication after the flood because he wasn't one prone to gluttony he wasn't a person that would get drunk he was a righteous Sadiq so this was something that happened accidentally but he didn't realize what all of that would have changed due to the flood right because it's much better yeah right so then God speaks to no on verse 8 of chapter 9 and he says to him and his sons as for me I am here with establishing my covenant with you this is on Shavuot with your descendants also after you and with every living creature that is with you the birds and the livestock and the animals all going out from the ark every animal on the earth I will establish my covenant with you that never again will all living beings be destroyed by the waters of a flood and there will never again be a flood to destroy the earth God added here is the sign of the Covenant I'm making between myself and you and every living creature with you for all generations to come I'm putting my rainbow in the clouds it will be there as a sign of the covenant and you know this rainbow the sign of the it only shows up when it's starting to rain so if anybody did have any intrinsic fear it would be a type of peaceful reminder that God is not going to destroy the earth with a flood in Revelation it says the enemy seeks to destroy God's people with a flood remember it says out of the dragon's mouth poured a flood after the woman and after her seed and in Bible prophecy waters represent people's nations and tongues so even you could draw a correlation with that five months that the waters are over the earth that there will be five months where the waters represent the final persecuting power seeking to persecute God's people so there's a lot of analogies that you could even draw out prophetically here he says in verse 13 I'm putting my rainbow in the clouds it's gonna be a sign of the covenant between myself and the earth whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow is seen in the cloud I will remember my covenant which is between myself and you God is so good he's showing his grace once again and even caring for our emotional state in comforting us after such a traumatic event and every living creature of any kind and the water will never again become a flood to destroy all living beings the rainbow will be in the cloud so that when I look at it interesting who's talking here the Word of God so when the word looks at the cloud I will remember the everlasting covenant between God so the word is talking and every living creature all of a sudden this word creeps in and it's like an intermediary I'm gonna remember the covenant between God and His people this I says if it's a third party you know it speaks in the first person all of a sudden the rainbow will be in the cloud so that when I look at it I will remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature on the earth know when it's saying when I it's this word of God speaking yeah and man is included in every living creature God said to Noah this is the sign of the Covenant which I have established between myself and every living creature on the earth the sons of Noah who went out from the ark were shem ham and japheth tom is the father of canaan he was also the father of put and Ludd and mitzrayim these three were the sons of noah and the whole earth was populated by these three sons Nowak a farmer was the first to plant a vineyard he drank so much of the wine that he got drunk and lay uncovered in his tent Tom the father of canaan saw his father exposed and he went out now he didn't mock his father but he went out and did something wrong the very first thing that you do if you see something that's wrong is you help the person in need right he went out and he talked about it this is one of the most destructive characteristics in mankind since the not only the fall but the flood ham went out and he started laughing about it or talking about it to his other brothers Shem and Japheth took a cloak and he they both put it over their shoulders and to show respect they walked backwards and it went in and laid the cloak over their fathers naked body so that they would not see it because in Tory you're not supposed to look at the naked body of your parents so they're even observing Torah in doing this beautiful act ham he goes out and gossips about it instead Shem and Japheth took their faces were turned away so that they did not see their father lying there exposed when Noah awoke from his wine he knew what his young his son had done to him that's interesting he says done to him it's just like character assassination when you talk or gossip about somebody you're doing something to them you shoe it took it a step further he says if you have an issue in your heart against a brother you know or if you're angry with your brother it's the same as murder this part of this portion because it bothered me that that how reacted the way did and guess what he went and he gossip that he talked the father showed me the behavior in that what was it that caused him to have the behavior is less than respectful according to the other brothers did they went no it does when he curses the act he doesn't curse ham himself he curses the offspring through this wife of hams and he says cursed be Canaan now he doesn't say anything about Canaan going in and seen no one naked but no one knew something cursed be Canaan he will be a servant of servants to his brothers then he said blessed be Adonai the God of Shem Canaan will be their servant may God enlarge Japheth and that's is actually what yeah if it means is enlarged Canaan is one of those cultures that Giants spring up in very soon and this is why Canaan actually took the inheritance of Shem which was the land of Israel and was residing in it his Giants were flourishing there and this is why when Israel comes back from Egypt its Canaanites who lived there and the Giants are in the land and we're like grasshoppers to them so we can see all of this in this curse that Noah prophetically spoke against his grandson and we know even the sins of the fathers will visit the children unto the third and fourth generations yes and now chapter 10 goes into the genealogy of the sons of Noah Shem ham and Japheth the sons were born to them after the flood the sons of Japheth were Gomer Magog now when you're thinking of Magog in Ezekiel 38 you have to realize it's speaking of a territorial area because the sons of Noah wherever they settled the places became known for them and were named after them this is why Jews that later came to Ashkenaz area up in German French France area they're adopting the name of one of the eighth of the sons the Ashkenaz area so you'll see that here Gomer Magog Madai Javan 2 vol me Shack and terrorists the sons of Gomer were Ashkenazi so this is the grandson of EA v Refaat and togarmah the sons of Yavin were elisha Tarshish remember this is where Paul goes purchases off the coast of Spain this is where Tarsus ended up settling chittim which is Italy the ships of Khitan came from Rome and Doda NIEM these were the islands of the nations so across the Mediterranean they were divided in their lands and Doda NIEM settled along the sea of gijón each according to its language and according to their families in their own nations each son became a different nation the sons of ham were cush mitzraim put and Canaan the sons of cush were Sheva havilah safta soft car and the sons of rama were shift I didn't push father Nimrod so Nimrod is the grandson or great-grandson of actually a grandson of ham who was in the who was the first powerful ruler on the earth he was a mighty hunter before Adonai this is why people say like Nimrod a mighty hunter before Adonai and it is said that part of the sin of Canaan was that he stoled the priestly garment had been passed down from Adam and with this priestly robe came a lot of power and it was meant to be passed on to Shem Canaan stoled it gave it to cush who gave it to his son Nimrod and Nimrod in the beginning was a fairly good man but once he put on that robe it was like things changed and he became much more powerful and much more egocentric and it says he became a mighty man this is a term that's likened to many of the Giants even and we know the offspring of Tom all four sons had Giants spring up in their lineage perhaps that's right very good absolute power corrupts absolutely Nimrod became a mighty hunter before the Lord his kingdom began with babel erech a cod you've heard of the Acadians and Calma in the land of Shinar Shinar was a huge big valley up in just south of the Euphrates Asher went out from that land and built nineveh the city renfa vote calah and resen between Nineveh and clock that one is a great city midstream which is the Hebrew name for Egypt fathered the lutein and the anonym the Levine and the NAFTA came the path dream and the Cussler team from which came the philistine remember the Giants that arose out of the Philistines Canaan fathered ziddi in his firstborn head yep you see the MRI the Gargash I give I the are key and the cine and they are body and this Samari and the hammock t afterwards the families of canaan were dispersed the borders of the cane and i were from ziddi on as you go towards Guerard - as ah as you go towards Siddim amaura Padma civilian and les yeux so this is very important for us to understand the migrations of people from the flood and how they dispersed because every prophecy and every place where Israel deals with other nations after this you're only going to understand their origins and where they came from if you kind of mentally can understand their migration routes these were the descendants of ham according to their families and languages in their lands and in their nations children were also born to Shem ancestor of all the descendants ever now eva is where we get the word ev'ry from which is the root of Hebrew do you know when they migrated to Tarsus a lot of the ancient Israel migrated to areas of the 8th of the sons because they knew that they would be able to live in harmony with them there and they named the main river that they ported in eber the Eber River and then it became the Iberian Peninsula the whole peninsula of Spain before the Greeks ever called it his bar Hispania it was known as the Iberian Peninsula which included Spain and Portugal Eber you see throughout wherever these Hebrews traveled they would leave this name Eber the sons of Shem were Alam which became the area of Persia Asher which became Syria or Assyria the haldi ins Ark Japan and Lud became the Libyans and also Aram remember at Passover we are to say that our father was a wandering eye Romney so this tells you that Abraham and specifically Jacob who traveled up to his uncle Laban 's house this was in the area of Aram that's right and Aram became an area known for like Lebanon where it was named after Laban and so this is why Jacob when he wanders from Levin's house we are reminding ourselves that we're a descendant of this wandering around me it's a relation - and it's actually a misnomer because that term that in that verse is slightly mistranslated it's actually referring that he was running from the outer ami not that he wasn't wandering around me he's coming from that land where Laban resides the sons of Aram were Earth's whole getter mash markup ad he's the 12th generation like I was saying from Adam that Abraham is coming through this lineage if Abraham is actually the 20th generation from Adam arc sub had is the 12th and the priestly lineage he fathers shelah and shelah father's Eber so Eber who becomes the namesake of the ear each nation is a 14th generation from Adam to Eva were born two sons one was the name Peleg given which means division because during his lifetime the earth was divided means their migration routes are spreading out his brother's name was Joktan yoked and fathered alma dad she loved hazarmaveth yara a hadarom guzol nikla evolved a smile in shiva well fear havilah and you evolved all these were the sons of yoktan and their territory stretched out from Missha as you go towards afar to the mountains in the east these were the descendants of Shem according to their families and languages in their lands and in Nations these were their families these were the families of the sons of Noah according to their generations in their Nations from these the nations of the earth were divided up after the flood and now we come to the final chapter which talks about the Tower of Babel and how 70 languages were confused there from which 70 separate nations speaking different languages arose so when we have the 70 bulls that are sacrificed during the week of Sukkot these are atoning for these 70 nations from which everybody has their origins so it's a type of atonement for the whole world for the chapter 11 verse 1 says the whole earth used to be one language what was that one language you've read it was Hebrew that's right everyone was of the same word the word here is sefa it's cuz Sheen pay and hay which is like a divine mouth machine you can think of the Shekinah and the pay is a mouth and the hay is being revealed so the one language even in the word safar when you read it in the Hebrew you're seeing the picture language come out like we were talking about this morning about a divine mouth being revealed the one language came from that one divine mouth it came about as they travel from the east they found a plane called the plain of Shinar and they lived there and they said to one another come let's make bricks and bake them in fire so they had bricks for building stone and clay for mortar they said and we learned from our study of Jubilees last year it took one year for one man to carry his bricks up to where the people could use them this is how high this was the base was three and a half miles across and imagine traveling for one year just to deliver your bricks come let's make bricks and bake them in the fire so they would bake them and carry them up and building this tower which has its top reaching up into heaven so that we can make a name for ourselves and not be scattered all over the earth out and I came down to see the city and the tower the people were building out and I said look the people are united they have all have a single language and see what they're starting to do now what's amazing is the European Union has patterned its building after the unfinished ziggurat the unfinished Tower of Babel and their motto is a mockery to God because they said from many languages one people see before it was one language and many people came out of that they're reversing what God did at the Tower of Babel and they're basically saying in your face God we're going to become a one-world government the way that Nimrod intended and this is the motto of the European Union headquarters Howden I came down to see the city and the tower that people were building and said look the people are united they all have one single language and look what they're doing at this rate nothing they set out to accomplish will be impossible for them could it be even that this was a type of portal like fit was CERN that they were establishing in their day yeah yeah that's right babylon is gonna fall fallen fallen is Babylon come out of her my people that you participate not in her sins and you receive not of her plagues just like the warning that God gave Noah in the days of old God is giving us come out of her my people come out of this fault system so from there out and I scattered them all over the earth and they stopped building the city for this reason it is called Babel which means confusion because they're out and I confused the languages of the whole earth and the system of Babylon has confused the whole earth it is blinded the minds of men and this is the false system that we're to come out of it has caused confusion because it has promoted the doctrines of error instead of truth before I actually have a friend who is a missionary pilot who meant a group of Africans as they were flying around there that actually they claim their lineage they had no Christian or Jewish background all the way back to the Tower of Babel where the languages were confused that is yeah that was an isolated tribe in Africa right yeah yeah amazing so then it goes into the genealogy of Shem after talking about the Tower of Babel and the languages being confused and he was a hundred years old when he fathered our kepada two years after the flood after our kappahd was born Shem lived another five hundred years and had other sons and daughters and what it's doing is its establishing the priestly lineage down now from Noah's sons Shem that's going to go to Abraham's day because next week the Torah portion is lake-like ha all about Abraham so what it's doing it's it's tying now this generation this time period of Noah and bringing us down to Abraham's day our kappahd had Sherlock and Sherlock had Eber the 14th generation from Adam Eber had Peleg the 15th Peleg head ruie the 16th Andreu had say ruge and say ruge had and Nahor had to rock which was Abraham's father 19th generation from Adam and after tear-off was born nahor lived another hundred and nineteen years and had sons and daughters and we learned a lot in the book of Jasher about Tara and his prestige that he gained as a prince for Nimrod and how he was in control of all of the idols that were created for this Babylonian system and this is what Abraham came out of Terah lived seventy years and fathered aa from Nahor and Haran here is the genealogy of Terah Taric father da from [Music] and Nahor and Haran and her on fathered lot now remember her on was the one that died in the fire in the Shinar Valley so Abraham ends up marrying her ons daughter Sarai and takes lot her brother under his wing he's basically living out the Torah taking care of his brother who has died taking care of both of his children this is why you know in the Eastern cultures we oftentimes call our cousins brother and sister and so this is why it was not a lie that he would refer to Sarah as his sister he's not saying that she's my immediate descendant but he's basically saying you know we're that close to family it's very common term in the east you say it in the Lakota as well right yeah these cultures call them brothers and sisters with one another so Haran died before his father Terah in the land where he was born in ur of the Kasden and this is where all the tour talks about that but we get the rest of the story from Jasher then on remand Nahor took wives for themselves the name of Auburn's wife was Sarai and the name of them the wife was Milkha the daughter of her on he was the father of Milkha and yushka Sarah was barren she had no child tarik took his son Abram and his son Hans son lot and Sarai his daughter-in-law his son Auburn's wife and they left her of the kasdim now what this isn't telling you is this is after Nimrod had thrown Abraham in the furnace and an and Nimrod lived through it and it was a great testimony of the land we are getting part of the story just a surface story here he's also through her on in the furnace her on did not live through it because his motives were not as pure as Abraham's yes that's well no one after the other first Abraham went in and then he came out totally unscathed and then he had an issue with Iran and he threw him in and but he did burn up that's right Abram is a furnace and the King Nimrod says what is your that's right and he didn't have exactly because he was an idol worshiper and his faith was not as strong as Abraham and the one true God and so in this tour portion we can see from Noah from the first verse of Nowak how he found had grace in the eyes of the Lord all the way to Abraham who found grace in the eyes of the Lord and we see God showing His grace his unmerited favor in preserving a remnant through Noah and through Abraham this tour portion is beautiful in the fact that it really reveals God's character it's not about the destruction it's about the saving grace of God and the motives of our hearts so with that let's stand and we will close with prayer and enjoy a wonderful fellowship luncheon together Abba Father we thank you Lord for revealing the rest of the story to us your goodness and your mercy endures forever and we thank you for preserving a remnant people who are preserved in your image father to be your bride without spot or blemish we thank you for the tour that has been preserved through these people Noah preserved your Oracle's that were passed down from Enoch and Methuselah and Abraham from shim melchizedek the oracles of the priesthood and passed them on to his lineage Yitzhak and Yakov our forefathers and so we thank you Lord for reintroducing us to your ways and to your Torah instruction in which is life and blessings and health and wellness and as Yeshua said life even more abundantly so we thank you Father for teaching us we love you and we ask your blessing upon the food that we're about to receive and your holy name we pray amen you
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Views: 60,618
Rating: 4.8763795 out of 5
Keywords: Torah, Parsha, Parashah, Parashah Noach, Noach, Flood, Tower of Babel, Prophecy, Nephilim, Giants, Book of Enoch, Book of Jubilees, Jubilees, Jasher, Called Out Believers, Assembly of Called-Out Believers, Torah Study, Pastor Isaac, Rabbi Yitzchak, Learn Truth, Torah Truth, Rabbi Isaac
Id: lkhi6UxYjBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 4sec (5104 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2017
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