Understanding RIGHTEOUSNESS from Torah Parashah Noach

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[Music] you good morning and shabbat shalom' to everyone here and everyone who's watching via Facebook and YouTube we are so blessed to have an international family and it is such a blessing to be able to study together this morning's Torah parsha is found starting in Genesis 6:9 it is about Noah and that is the name of the parish ah the Hebrew way to pronounce Noah is Noah and Noah means comforted but if you reverse it that noon pet becomes Grace and last year I spoke about how we see in God's character this Amazing Grace and how we are all supposed to apply this element of grace into our lives but this year I felt inspired to go into the principle of righteousness because the Torah parsha starts off talking about Noah's righteousness and that he was saved because he was a righteous Sadiq this is the Hebrew name for righteousness but it doesn't end there it says that he was a each which is man Sadiq Tom meme and Tom meme is the Hebrew word that we use when we're speaking of children or when we're speaking about the laws of purity it doesn't only mean purity but it means innocence like a childlike faith and Noah had to have an immense amount of childlike faith to preach to the known world at that time that there was a coming destruction God doesn't desire that any should be lost he was warning the world of what was to come and then he spent the last five years building the ark and imagined the faith that it would take to go through such a huge enterprise and so this aspect of purity and in and faiths are deeply connected to righteousness and we're going to look at this righteousness this morning and see how we can understand it on a deeper level for our own lives we see in the Torah parsha let told though to Noah so the first statement is these are the generations of Noah and we immediately see an anomaly in the Hebrew because Toldo is built Tov of lammott daleks volve Tov normally but here there is a volatile character here it looks like a little man standing up it's the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet and it always has a connotation of man just like the number six does where seven denotes perfection and so we see it's missing a vow what is it telling us in all the generations from Adam Noah is the tenth Enoch was the seventh there was already a problem with man not only did Adam fall due to self seeking thinking that God was withholding something from him and so he acted selfishly and all sin finds its origin in self seeking of some sort or another but also there's this issue of the Watchers coming down and finding the daughters of men to be beautiful and taught them sorcery and basically not only contaminated them with knowledge they shouldn't have had but then had relations with them and had offspring that God did not intend that contaminated the human genome which is from the divine source you know our body comes from the earth and it's just a vessel but our spirit comes from the divine source and it's like the seed that's planted in the earth God breathed into Adam the breath of life and he became a living soul that breath had the very DNA of divinity and that is our true identity and we need to connect with that divine source the body is just a vessel that will return to the earth as we either choose the spiritual path to eternal life or if we don't it'll be as if we never were but here in the generations leading up to Noah we see that there's something wrong with man in the fact that God told Moses right told though the word for generations without a second evolved in it the next statement is no offish Sadiq Tamim hiya Noah a righteous pure man in his whole being this means in all of his ways in all of his thinking he was like a child with amidst faith and this word righteous whenever we in Israel call somebody righteous which is very few and far between we call them as Adi sometimes we'll refer to our sages as you know he was a righteous Sadiq and we all want to be Saudis rabbi Yeshua was as Adi and he showed us how to live out the principles of yaws law of love perfectly even in human flesh how to deny the lower self and how to deny the flesh to live in the spirit we all want to be known as a Tzadik that gets translated as righteous or righteousness in a person and so we want to explore righteousness more this morning so that we can meditate on how by beholding we can become changed into that same likeness and then it says that Noah walked with God we all want to walk with God and this word for walk is challah ha is the root of it you often hear about Jewish Holocaust a refer to the laws the instructions in how to draw close to God as holic all Jewish Holocaust and so there's ha ha which are not rules and restrictions that restrict us but they're really laws of love that free us from the self and this is what God is trying to show us throughout the ages even through the temple service and through the offerings that caused us to step outside of ourselves and give something we're naturally we would be selfish so there's a lot even in this beginning statement to the Torah parsha here's the word Sadiq and here's Tom purity and righteousness go together Noah was saved because he was righteous and pure with a faith like a child and this is a good model for us because just as Noah was called out of that ancient and eluvian world we are called an Israel is called out of Egypt we presently are being called out of Babylon which is a symbolic word for everything that permeates false teaching and that leads men astray we see this error in not only the religious systems of the world but in the government's and in the economics and everything is about greed and self and it's deceiving us and we need to live more in the spiritual realm than in the physical realm if we want to be saved and we all do this is why we're here this morning studying Yahweh's so Noah is a good model for us actually the word Sadiq or a person being called a righteous man only Noah in the Torah I believe is called a righteous man even though Abraham we will see later he was bargaining with God about if you can find 50 righteous in Sodom will you not destroy it okay if there's 50 how about if there's 40 okay if there's 40 how about if there's 20 you know and it gets down to like five there wasn't five righteous and Sodom and so of course it was destroyed but in all of the Torah Noah is the only one referred to as as Adi and so this makes him a type of machine there's many types of machine throughout scripture that we look to for examples before Messiah came there had to be examples for people to understand how Torah is lived out Noah is one Abraham is a type or Isaac is a type and there are others our haftorah that parallels the tour portion is found in Isaiah 54 and goes through Isaiah 55 it's one chapter that draws a parallel with the future righteousness of the whole house of Israel and God tells his people prophetically through the Prophet that even though you're gonna be dispersed I'm not gonna forget my covenant with you and my righteousness basically my spirit will flow in you in the last days and you will be declared righteous which is good news for us it gives us hope God even snows the end from the beginning and he has proclaimed that Israel and when he mentions Israel and the prophetic scriptures it's not just talking about our forefathers it's talking about all the descendants that have come the last two thousand seven hundred and thirty years of our dispersion the prophet Isaiah assures the people that God's kindness and love for them is ever-present protecting and sustaining them in verse 9 he refers to the dispersion and the desolation of Israel out of the land which began with Assyria taking them out in 721 it actually started twenty years before in 740 BC with the two and a half tribes that were east of the Jordan River did you remember who those were Reuben GAD and the half tribe of Manasseh and these tribes that were taken first worked brought north of the Euphrates and then let go and they continued to travel on the Chinese Silk Road we call it the the trade route that people used to go to the east and they followed that trade route which was like the major highway of that day and not only migrated far into the east throughout all of the Iranian and Turkish and not Turkish the northern India and Burma and China and all of and then down into Asia these reuben gad and the half tribe of manasseh traveled east whereas twenty years later in 721 the rest of the tribes seven and a half tribes were taken and they went west and they went up through the caucus mountains around both sides of the Black Sea and went throughout Europe and then to the British Isles and then on to America and so God's people have been dispersed all over the world and then through the British Empire of course there was even more descendants of Israel's dispersed around the world now Israel is awakening and just as God prophesied he would protect them and sustain them even in foreign lands the Prophet lets us know that this desolation would only be temporary and that he has an eternal plan to restore Israel can you say hallelujah with me as you're a part of that restoration and all of the descendants of Israel I quote from verse 13 and 14 and all thy children shall be taught of Hashem and great will be the Peace of thy children in righteousness you will be established so here's this correlation with Noah though ancient world was desolate made desolate Israel will be made desolate and it was for so long after Israel was dispersed and then God is going to restore Noah and his seed and God is going to restore Israel and his seed and Noah was declared righteous and Israel is going to be declared righteous do you see that beautiful parallel that plays off of these principles that gives us hope in Isaiah 54 verse 17 it says no weapon that's formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you will condemn this is the heritage this is like an inheritance of the servants of yo David Haye of Hashem and their righteousness from myself as I was reading this in the Hebrew meditating on this parsha this week something new jumped out at me that I've never seen before it gets translated all the time but when he's talking about our righteousness our righteousness is not found in ourselves self-righteousness is not the goal that's part of the self but it's found in him and his spirit in us and this word that is from my self that he's telling our righteousness comes from connecting with him is actually may eat tea in the Hebrew and if you look at may eat tea I know it's small for you I've circled both from myself and may ET here as an example its mem and then all of Tov and then Yoda the mem is a prefix for those of you that have taken our Hebrew class you know that Hebrew has 3 or 2 or 3 letter words but it will have a preface prefix before it like a letter that has it means a whole nother word and it has suffixes that change the word so in this word mem means from and the Yoda on the end means my anything with Yoda on the end I'm speaking in first person about myself so this is God speaking and he's saying from my self but where does our righteousness come from how does he denote himself with the olive Tov in the middle he is the olive Tov the beginning and the end and so it's so beautiful that we are his olive table children as I have taught in the past and our righteousness comes directly from him and when he sends his word into human flesh and we see the Prophet that was prophesied like unto motion Deuteronomy 18 that would speak God's words he calls himself the olive Tov he recognizes his identity in the divine source and he's our example so shouldn't we all so many people just think of it something oh that's just for you schewe but what he's doing is he's giving us an example that we need to find our identity in the olive tov as well our true identity is connected with the divine spirit and it's righteousness we need to connect our true identity in the divine source to be truly pure and righteous in every aspect of our life in thought and in word and because our words and our deeds are just a byproduct of how we think so this is why God dealt with Israel in the past in writing the Torah about their deeds this is where we often start with people or children don't do this or you should do this but what is it more important to do not even to think wrong then your deeds are not gonna be wrong your words are not gonna be wrong and this is excuse me why you schewe said you have heard it said referring to the Torah you shall not kill a man but I say to you anyone who even thinks hatefully towards his brother has already committed murder he's taking the deeds to a higher level of thought you've heard it said that you shall not commit adultery but I say to you anyone who thinks about a woman lustfully has already committed adultery in his heart so it's a matter of connecting our mind with our heart connecting with him that is going to affect our words and our deeds and more powerfully align ourselves with him in his will King David in Psalms 119 verse 7 speaks about righteousness he says I will give thanks to thee with uprightness of heart and this word uprightness is yeah sure and yeah sure means upright I put it in green it's hard to see he says when I learned by righteous judgments so we will become upright in heart when we connect ourselves with his judgments and what's another term for judgments mission PAP team and the mission Pat team come from the Torah they're the moral laws that are very obvious about how to love him by loving each other there's other laws like hopes that he tells us to do and we just do them by faith we don't understand why it has power in it or why it's good for us but we just do it and then there's a dote other kinds of laws that are like a witness - yeah like his holy days we observe them because they're a witness and a prophetic foreshadowing of things to come what's interesting about this word yeah sure and up right in the context of us as descendants of Israel is that Israel if you look at the breakdown of the word it's really like yeah sure L the upright of Elohim it has got the same yodh and Sheen and race just different vowels nick coud we call it in hebrew so understanding God's intention for us on a deeper level he intends to fully live in us and through us and make us his upright ones knowing his judgments and then shining his righteousness to the nation's through his selfless love and through acts of kindness because this is really what the whole of the Torah which gets translated as law and your King James versions which is such a disservice but this is what all of the Torah is about God's instructions and how to love him and how to love our fellow man last week we talked about the principle of light and we read this text from Psalms 36 9 and 10 that speaks about righteousness and so I thought I would remind you of how it not only applies to his light but his light through us David said you are the source of life and in thy light shall we see light Oh continue thy loving-kindness unto them that we know thee and thy righteousness to the upright in heart there's that word upright again so righteousness not only has to do with purity and innocence and faith but also being upright and this uprightness is defined as following God's judgments Yeshua said in Matthew 5:8 blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God last week we talked a little bit about the different aspects of the divine source and how its manifested through his energy of selfless love in creating the world and we see it in aspects of his selfless nature which we get created with in His image our heart and emotion has to have pure intention and it has to be rightly balanced with the intellect of the mind which conveys how we understand his word and his character and then we have his rock in us so these four words that start with L are really one in the same or come from the same source that's what we call synonymous words light and love is the same because God's love can't be withheld it's not self-seeking it's not held back love as always other centered and so it's shining out from him in this amazing energy that in Hebrew the word light is called or and this is where Adam was created with this amazing aura that was lost when he sinned we still have an aura but now it's much fainter you don't see it as much there's an interesting scientist in Israel who invented a machine to be able to see different people's auras and depending on what kind of energy you're emitting and what kind of thoughts you're thinking different colors of your aura are made manifest but see are our eyes physical eyes if you will we've kind of lost that spiritual eyesight to recognize each other in that realm but it's beautiful to think about us being beings of light the way God intended in His image conveying his love obeying his law and there's laws in every aspect of life mentally physically spiritually emotionally relationally financially universally and then using our life to convey all of this to others who don't understand his ways this is all part of righteousness so last week's message even though I didn't realize it at the time leads into deeper understanding for today's message isaiah 61:10 says i will greatly rejoice in hashem my soul will be joyful in my god for he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation sometimes when I say Hashem that's Hebrew for the name just so we don't repeat the holy name and make it common because anything holy kodesh is to be set apart for holy use will sometimes substitute it with just referring to the name or if you like I can say Heavenly Father if it brings it more intimate and personal to you he's clothed us with the garments of salvation and what's the Hebrew word for salvation Yeshua so this is beautiful through the perfect example of what God's character looks like in human flesh we too can be clothed in this beautiful salvation in this righteousness it's not that he did it for us it's that he showed us the way of how to do it and that's so important to understand he has covered me with the robe of righteousness as a bridegroom decks himself with Garland's and a bride adorns herself with jewels this is how he loves to beautify as preparing us for the marriage of the lamb to come there will be none that are not walking in purity and righteousness that are considered the bride and able to partake of that beautiful intimacy when Messiah comes what a joy to think of ourselves as covered in his salvation and his righteousness revelation 3:5 says he who overcomes will be clothed in white garments so this means that righteousness also has to do with us overcoming and oftentimes in different paths of faith you'll just hear people talking about overcoming sin and then sometimes people even water it down worse and they'll say Yeshua did it all for us so does that mean that we can keep sinning and you know not at all he showed us how to overcome sin and that's what it's all about but what is sin sometimes when we read things so fast or we become so familiar with terms and definitions and words we lose the deeper meaning of it as we mentioned earlier sin is all about the self the ego the things that separate me from my divine source in Isaiah 59 verse 2 it says thy sins have made a separation between you and your God and first John 3:4 defines sin as the transgression of the Torah and if we know that Torah is all about a selfless love then that means anything in opposition to selfless love is what is separating us from our divine source we want to be overcomers of the lower self of the ego that identity thinking that we're this vessel instead of realizing that we are children of the divine according to isaiah 61:10 and revelation he who overcomes is covered in a robe of righteousness overcomes what as we mentioned this word sin in Hebrew is called yetzer Hara we all recognize that we are seeking to be overcomers of the evil inclination yetzer is the inclination hara is the evil so this is how you can refer to sin in hebrew yetzer Hara we know that when somebody speaks with their tongue what is it called when you speak negative with your tongue Lashon Hara exactly so you hear that Hara again in that what does that mean the evil tongue so we're fighting against the evil inclination that causes us to have an evil tongue let's go to the source and let's crucify the flesh so that we can live as spiritual beings the way God intended us rabbi Shaolin Romans 6 17 and 18 says thanks be to God that where has we were servants of sin transgressing this law of love you became obedient from the heart and you know that's the true motivator nobody telling you hey I got this reward for you if you'll do this and this and this motivate you for long it might motivate you temporarily but it doesn't last long or if somebody tries to scare you into obedience you're gonna go to hell if you don't do this the Baptist tried that for years it doesn't work you never motivated anybody to obedience what motivates us is seeing the love of God and then our heart awakens to that love it's like a response it just blossoms and love awakens love and it's that love that motivates us on a deeper level that is a permanent thing nothing can affect your love relationship like no matter what anybody says about your beloved you doesn't change your mind towards your beloved the same way with God when you understand his character you're gonna be so wooed by his amazing love for you that it's going to woo you right into right doing which is the definition of righteousness you're gonna want to be like him you're gonna want to emulate him just like a child emulates their parents they look up to them the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom that fear is holy awe we're just standing before him saying WOW the more I learn about you the more awesome I realize you are and we're just understanding the tip of the iceberg so it's exciting we're on the beginning of this journey together but imagine studying the eternal one for turnit e and it never been exhausted how awesome he is deeper and deeper I don't think we can ever fully comprehend the depth of his selfless love he says where as you became obedient from the heart to that form of instruction which he's referring to the Torah of love where unto you were delivered and be made free from sin because whenever you start to understand God's character you're happy to follow his instructions and how to love and that naturally delivers you from sin if you're living a life of love you don't have to worry about don't do this don't do that it's just gonna be natural be made free from sin you became servants of righteousness hallelujah this is good news that he can turn a fallen beam back into a beam of light first John 5:3 and forces for this is the love of God that we keep his Commandments now unfortunately the church has been trying to separate commandment keeping from the love of God they say just love God but don't worry about those his instructions and they falsely promote deception insane that they were done away with but God doesn't change he's the same yesterday today and tomorrow and John very clearly connects commandment-keeping with our true love for God this is why he said if you love me keep my Commandments see he's referring to the same principle and his commandments are not Grievous that means they're not burdensome they're not difficult is it difficult to love your spouse maybe I should preface that with when you fell in love with her during that romantic stage sometimes it's rough along the way but is it difficult when you're in love to do things to buy flowers for her to cook dinner for her or is it grievious not at all and it's good example beautiful I love to see it and that's the way it is with us falling in love with yah it's such a natural outflowing of our expression of love for him to follow his divine character of love and so it's not previous for whoever is begotten of God that means considers themselves a child of God overcomes the world everything about this world in the material realm is about me me me how much can i acquire how much can I hold back how much can I eat how much can I enjoy myself everything's about the pleasures of the world we need to overcome that we need to be more and fasting in prayer and connecting ourselves to the divine source so that we can really live and fulfill our divine purpose as his spiritual children this is the victory that has overcome the world our faith now what's interesting about this statement well sometimes we just read through the Bible like a book and we miss so many of the deep nuances of why these men were saying specific words Hebrews tells us faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things unseen when I am living in this world and I'm gratifying the ego and the flesh in the self it's all about things that I can see touch taste and feel right there's no faith involved in that but if I start meditating on what my a real identity is that it's not this body and that has no part in this world it's from the divine source I can't see the the divine source he says no one has seen me at any time that's why he commanded us not to worship any form of him because he has many different manifestations right his life has been imbued to all of his creation to all of the cosmos to the angelic host to his different creations and to mankind so any form of him we might say wow that is so holy and beautiful some people have even bowed down to an angel when he's appeared to give a message from God and the angel says don't do that I'm like your brother you know we worship God alone we must remember to worship God alone without any image or preconceived idea of an image of what he looks like this is unfortunately crept into the children of Israel as they've assimilated into different religious systems and we need to break free from that our faith is what's going to connect us to the divine source because faith is the substance of things hoped for and that is I hope to be like him I hope to be recreated in His image the evidence of things unseen I can't see him but I know his nature and so I'm gonna start thinking with that higher self-consciousness and living or letting him live in me and through me this is really what makes us an overcomer and gives us the victory faith is believing in the unseen spirit of god as our born-again identity this is really what they were talking about when they were speaking of needing to be born again to live a spiritual life because we're born from the time we're a baby kind of focusing on what we need in our self because we mentally and consciously are detached from our spiritual connection and our spiritual identity it's almost like we need to be born again to let go of our identity of everything physical and really start to thrive in the spiritual realm do you know what we see is only about three to four percent of what is real very small portion in the spiritual realm is ninety-six percent let's tap into the spiritual and then we'll start to manifest things just like God thinks something into existence and then speaks it into existence we will start having power like yushua did to think about good for men and speaking healing and blessings upon people and you will see the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man there's that righteous word again availeth much we need to be focused on the spiritual more than the physical righteousness is all about right doing in accordance with God's character of selfless love it is the act of doing what is in agreement with God standard according to his instruction in Torah which is his law of selfless love living out his mitts vote in acts of kindness and purity and not only being in proper relationship with him but having our whole identity immersed in that he's the one that's operating my consciousness and leading me to do according to his will it's not me or my own will and this is what Yeshua says I speak nothing of my own will he had tapped into that I am consciousness realizing that we want to relinquish our our selfish will if you will so that God can fully live in us and through us in Revelation it says the dead will be judged from the things which were written in the books according to their deeds so anybody that tells you that living in harmony with God's judgments and instructions and commandments are not important are denying and they're going to be have a rude awakening in the judgment because it even talks about Messiah coming and his reward is with him and he will recompense everyone according to their works yeah it doesn't mean that we gain righteousness by our works our works as a byproduct of our love for him and it flows out naturally our righteousness comes from him as he said it's myself in you so it's very important to realize that we need to realign our thinking and our life with his thinking and his ways if righteousness is determined by Torah which is Yas instructions for man then what Torah coming back to the para sha was Noah deemed righteous by because the Torah the written Torah at least was not even in existence until the time of Moshe and the Exodus at Sinai when God gave it have you ever thought about that how can Noah be declared righteous when there was no written Torah what about Abraham do you know the Scriptures tell us in Genesis that Abraham kept all of the commandments but they weren't written yet and genesis 26:5 it says abraham hearken to my voice I saw somebody do that Stacey you're like it's his voice yes and guarded my observances my Commandments which is mitzvot in Hebrew my statutes which are those laws that we can't understand and we do by faith the hukum and my laws which in the original Hebrew is and my Torah he says that Abraham harkened to his voice and garden guarded all of his guarded like like a watchman would guard God's timings his holy days his the way he signals us through the Sun Moon and stars that's what my observances Connor Tate in the Hebrew my all my Commandments my law that you don't understand and my laws that you do understand abraham kept them all but they weren't written yet there was no scroll of torah so where did these men get this knowledge of God even before God gave his instruction to the children of Israel we know that for Abraham he could have referred to the laws that God gave Noah after the flood God gave seven laws they're called the Noahide laws today for all of noah seed no matter which son it comes through all of the world it was incumbent upon them to not do the sins that caused the flood the things that the Giants were doing before the flood like and the the watchers the Fallen Angels fornication sacrificing to idols dishonouring your father and mother there's many more of these Oh eating a limb like tearing the limb from an animal eating blood murder I think was one of them there's seven of them so it could be referring to that but what about Noah because when it deemed Noah righteous as a Tzadik Tamim this is before the flood and those Noahide laws were given after the flood so we can't say that that even applies across the board to Noah there was righteousness established by a system of God's instruction that was given even before he instructed Noah this was why he was saved because he was already a white righteous man and this is why God gave him further instructions and how to save his family so we have to look back before the flood to see that there was instruction given all the way from the time of Adam and then eunuch was given additional instruction about God's judgments and even a vision of the end of the age and how God had a plan of salvation and how he would sin mashiac and how there would be a resurrection of the Dead all of these things he had explained to you knowing about righteousness versus self seeking and the error of the fallen angels there had to be a supreme law that was given and that's I've shared in the past if you take 613 Commandments which is a huge amount and in the Torah there's 613 mitzvot and if you draw them all up to the Ten Commandments and you can see that all of these are conveyed in different ways symbolically through the Ten Commandments but then you sure summed up the whole of the Torah with to love the Lord your God with all your heart mind and soul of course he started with here o Israel the Lord your God the Lord is one so really the greatest commandment starts with this understanding of oneness and our identity in him then through that right identity it leads to us being able to love him with all our heart mind and soul and the second is likened unto it love your fellow man as yourself but if you go back to the supreme law of yah it all goes back to one thing and what is that come on you know it don't be hesitant selfless love that is his very nature we say God is good all the time that is his nature Wow he's awesome yes you have a question solve a ssin in a way even though it's a free gift our understanding of God's love and giving us that free gift moves us back in the right relationships so that we then have faith that's accompanied my works like Yeshua's brother or was name Yaakov it gets translated at Jacob but he says faith without works is dead so first our faith in the invisible realm and that he's given us this gift if he's cleansed us from all unrighteousness why would I want to dirty myself up again and my love for him causes me to start walking this Holika in accordance with his divine principles and he has expressed throughout the ages his divine principles in many different ways but if you look at this selfless love there's an infinite amount of ways that we can live it out not just 613 he was just meeting Israel where they were at so do we say oh that's so burdensome there's a million different laws that I don't feel I can keep no we say love is easy because it's flowing in me yeah that's good here very good general my medication you know when you meditate in anything once they kind of me what a blessing that is that's something the West has lost both in the universe after you get a looking only thing you can get that's right I love that voice it amen and he has led you on the path of truth and restoring you back all the way through to the source incredible praise yah it's so important to accompany faith with prayer and meditation in his word and back to your question as does salvation reflect works as much as his free gift and yes if if we are in rebellion to his ways I'll put it that way then what are we saying I don't want your free gift I don't like your ways I want to keep living in the self I want my reward here on this earth and we will have our reward on this earth there's many wicked who are receiving their reward but they don't have a reward in the kingdom to come and that's the difference while the righteous live very simple humble lives fasting and praying and meditating on connecting with the divine source and our reward is an eternal reward and that is the good news and that's what we have to separate so yes salvation is divinely connected to obedience and Yeshua exemplified that he said heaven and earth will not pass away before one jot or tittle of the law is done away with first aid yeah and they were keeping the laws that they had up until about the time of Moses birth it's recorded in some of the lost Scrolls that Israel is even keeping Shavuot and the holy days in Egypt until the oppression got so intense that they couldn't keep them any longer and they forgot about them and so it was 80 years that they had been missing out on the blessing of God's holy days and so this is why God starts with the weekly Sabbath Shabbat restoring this back to the children of Israel and then at Sinai he restores on shovel owed Shavuot to them and tells them about how Shavuot is divinely connected with him making covenant with us and this is what it was foreshadowing and each of the the holy days of course is a blessing and all of us have forgotten yaws ways and we can't choose what family were born into or what nationality or what religion but like you said sister when we will seek to stop and close ourselves off from the physical realm and be in the present moment we will hear his voice and he will lead us on the path of righteousness and it's not an overnight and change it happens throughout a lifetime just like sanctification is not an overnight thing the process of being made holy is the work of a lifetime but praise God that he is leading us on this path and he is faithful he who began this good work in you is faithful to complete it amen so the supreme loves yaws selfless love is the standard by which all will be judged and this is how Nowak was deemed righteous and Abraham was deemed righteous at first it was conveyed only orally there was no written books until the time of Enoch Enoch was the first one that got instructed and how to create symbols for each phonetic sound and he wrote the first book but imagined from Adam down seven generations it's all oral knowledge of what he understood about the divine source it is revealed not only in Hashem swerd but the beautiful thing is it's also this principle of selfless love it's revealed in nature so this way anybody that doesn't have a Tanakh or the Scriptures can't say well I didn't know not only does he speak to you in that still small voice but everything in nature is about selfless love if you look at even the principle of the fruit in the tree if it holds on to the tree what's it gonna do it's just gonna rock you die it has to let go of itself and it's connection with what it thinks is this identity it thinks it's a part of the tree but really it's a part of something much deeper that seed inside of it is the life and when the fruit falls to the ground it lies dormant for a time and the flesh rots away from which is like our bodies finally exposing the true identity which is that seed and that seed if it holds on to itself and says I'm a seed and I'm not going to let go then it will just be a dead seed but when the seed dies to itself new life bursts forth from it and it creates a tree that produces a thousandfold what it thought it was so we can't hold on to our false identity God desires to bear much fruit in you through the spirit love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness and self-control these are what are manifested when the Spirit is flowing through you and it's all about seeing His divine law even in nature even if you weren't raised from a Hebrew or Christian perspective understanding something about God we even see Rabbi Showell referring to this in Romans 1 when he's talking about the wrath of God that will come upon the wicked in the end or even sometimes we experience the cause-and-effect of our wrongdoing in our time that wrath is not a punishment from God do you realize that it is cause and effect God allows us to experience the cause and effect of our wrongdoing hopefully so it was us back to right relationship with him it's actually a loving act to let us experience how out of harmony we are with him so the wrath of God is a bad gives a bad connotation as to the character of God because he's not angry and he's not wrathful and he's not punishing arbitrarily he's just giving us over to the lust of our heart so that we can experience the cause and effect of being out of harmony with him Paul says for since the creation of the world yaws invisible attributes this means his divine nature his eternal power and then he clarifies and his divine nature which is speaking of his character of selfless love they've been clearly seen so from creation from Adam his character has been knowing this is the supreme law by which we will be judged even if we don't know the Torah are we living up to the light we have are we living in acts of kindness to our fellow man and following our conscience which is the Spirit of God convicting us of right and wrong he says from the beginning of the world his character his divine nature has been clearly seen being understood through what has been made he didn't say God is understood through the Bible did he and that amazing he said God is understood by the things that he is made because everything that he's made reflects his divine character of selfless love so that we're all without excuse this means no matter where you come from what religion you've been born into how rich or poor you are how much you've been exposed to the Bible or not maybe you grew up in a pagan country we're seeing a huge awakening in India right now we're in the process of building an education center to teach the principles of God and there are literally millions of Indians waking up but they're surrounded by Hinduism total polytheistic multi false gods and yet God has his people there too in their awakening and in China huge underground awakening happening in Africa amazingly huge awakening happening I almost get as many emails from people in Africa as I do from Caucasian countries if you will so none are without excuse because wherever somebody is even if they grew up out in the bush they can be meditating while they're hurting their sheep and thinking you know what I see how everything comes back to God's character of selflessness I believe that we though are held to a higher standard we've been given a lot of light into whom much has been given much is required we need to live up to the light we have because if we don't what's gonna happen is we're not gonna receive any more light but if we do live up to the light that we've been given by faith God's gonna give us more light and more light and more light until we just completely grow into His image and we enter right into eternal life just like Enoch walked with God he didn't die he walked right into that principle of the spiritual realm of eternity what light do we have that is greater than all previous generations we've received the light of yazd love seen in the selfless life of yeshua the greatest example of a living torah in action in psalms there's this beautiful prophecy about the coming Messiah and how he will love righteousness and Paul quotes this in Hebrews chapter one verse nine saying you prophetically speaking about Yeshua have loved righteousness but remember David wrote this originally he's just quoting what David had written you have loved righteousness and hated Torah lessness now in your Bibles it'll get translated as lawlessness and you missed the whole point but if Torah is selfless love then that means we abhor anything that is selfish anything that's leading us away from our divine connection with selfless love therefore what is it therefore to tell us there's something more to understand because he loved righteousness and hated Torr lessness God your God has anointed you with the oil of gladness above your companions he is going to become the messiah he wasn't the Messiah in his first coming he was the Prophet like hunda Moshe the Messiah is going to reign as a king it's prophesied he's going to rebuild the temple of God and sit on the throne of David he's going to establish a reign of peace for a thousand years did that happen 2,000 years ago no so when you go to your Jewish brothers and you say hey I want to tell you something exciting I believe Yeshua is the Messiah immediately there's gonna be a wall cuz they know the Scriptures better than anybody and they know the prophecies and they're not going to just believe in somebody if the prophecies were not fulfilled they will recognize him when he comes and he establishes God's kingdom and he returns the Exile of Israel from all over the world and he rebuilds the temple and he reigns has both high priest and King in righteousness as it was prophesied then they will recognize him so it's so important to understand that by faith we recognize him as the one who will return and be declared Messiah in de'vide but in his first coming he is mashiach ben Yosef yes Ava well all our bodies are the temple of God haha well at that time he was speaking of the vessel being resurrected but that doesn't deny that there will be a physical temple in Jerusalem in the Messianic age so we have to understand prophecy on many different levels and so this is a beautiful thing sometimes when we read in the New Testament we don't realize that Paul is quoting the Tanakh we have received the light of yazd love seen in the selfless life of Yeshua and he was prophesied about being a righteous branch in the age of mashach it's all about righteousness and how is God trying to teach us righteousness first he tells us and it gets passed down from our forefathers then he has one of our sages write it down and we use it as a manuscript but that fell short looking at a piece of paper and then he sends the word in human flesh that we can see a perfect example of what it looks like for us and he is called the branch out of the root of Jesse this means his lineage whoever Messiah is gonna be he has to be a descendant of Jesse which was David's father in Jeremiah 23 5 and 6 it says behold the days are coming declares Hashem when I will raise up for David a righteous branch he is prophesied to be a righteous offshoot from the children of Israel and he will reign as king and deal wisely and shall execute justice and righteousness in the land in his first coming he didn't do that he lived righteously but he didn't execute justice and righteousness so our understanding of mashiac we're still waiting for the Messiah and we have to start speaking rightly if we're going to be received by our Jewish brothers our whole work is about helping Ephraim and the Lost house of Israel understand the principles of God once again which were lost throughout the last two thousand seven hundred thirty years so that then they can be more compatible with coming back like the prodigal son came back and the father received him readily but the older brother was kind of skeptical he stood afar off that's Judah Judah is watching all of you and he's saying I don't know if you're really sincere you know we thought the Christians were our friends in the past and look what happened during the Holocaust they turned a blind eye to our persecution so they're still watching do you have an agenda do you want to take the land from us are you funding us for this reason or that reason they're just kind of older brothers wondering you've already squandered your inheritance prodigal son I don't know if you're really sincere and coming back or if you just want something from us this is the whole story of the prodigal son it's all about Israel coming back home two older brother Judah and we have to start speaking the Scriptures properly so that we can fulfill what God prophesied in Ezekiel 37 about bringing these two sticks back together into one he says son of man bring them close together call one stick Israel and call the other Judah all we can do is help bring them close together he says I will make them one in your hand so through our work God's gonna do it and he gets all the glory this is exciting and this is what's beginning to happen in our day are we walking in righteous path of a childlike Nowak following Heavenly Father's instructions and selfless love Ephesians five one and two says be ye therefore imitators of heavenly father just like little children imitate their father and walk in love do you see how he connotates us imitating the divine source with walking in love they go hand in hand it's amazing how people have read the scriptures like a book and missed the beautiful love story that's in it even as yahushua showed you love and gave himself up for you the ultimate act of selfless love is saying you know i'm not even going to preserve my own body I'm not even gonna fight to protect myself he could have spoke and I'm ten thousand angels would have been right there to help him he gave his life freely we need to give our life freely he gave it as an offering we need to give our life as an offering he gave his life as a sacrifice we need to be crucified with him in the flesh so that we can be raised up as a living sacrifice and then we're operating in the spiritual realm and everything that we do say and think we'll be glorifying to him in harmony with his character first John 229 also brings this together he says if you know he is righteous speaking of God you know that everyone that also does righteousness is a child of his he's begotten from him this means this is what it really looks like to be born again it's not saying when did you accept Jesus as your Savior that's not what being born again means it means when did you fully die to the lower self and be raised up in the higher self which is his divine spirit in us operating in the realm of selfless love a very high frequency then you will recognize if people are really his children everything else is just words proverbs 10 talks about the blessings that come when you are righteous God intends to restore the blessings that were lost to the house of Israel because of our waywardness blessings Allah are on the head of the righteous and in verse 7 it says the memory of the righteous is blessed so you're gonna be blessed in this life and you're gonna be blessed even after the vessel returns to the earth people we're speaking positively about you which emits positive frequencies into this realm the mouth of the righteous is a well of life that means everything that we say is going to uplift others encourage one another it's gonna bring healing just like you schewe says if you want living water ask of me he is just an example for us he speaks this means that the living water is his words and how he gently lovingly guides people back to the source so that they can have eternal life is the living water and that means that same spirit that was in him speaking and teaching can be in us and we can minister in acts of love we don't want to be bible thumpers or Torah terrorists we don't want to push or force anybody into doing something they don't want to do I never try to convert anybody I wait for them to ask a question because when they're asking a question about Heavenly Father you know their hearts in the right place to receive the answer and they're sincere until they ask the question I don't go around preaching I don't even believe in preaching let's just lovingly edify the body which means to build up the whole house of Israel as we sang this morning about awaken and building up the body this is what you sure was referring to in the blessings on the Mount when he said blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness they will be filled abundantly this means like you'll be overflowing with it if you want righteousness God's happy to give you righteousness it's him in you and you'll be overflowing with it this is the good news and this is what he was speaking of if you really hunger and thirst for the right things and of course with God's will God is going to completely fulfill it and this is what it means when if you pray for anything in accordance with my will it will happen we've just gotten so out of touch with what God's will is but we're usually praying with some kind of selfish agenda instead of a selfless agenda the beautiful thing about the righteous is that as they are speaking words of life to others and building up others and living this life of selfless love they begin to shine they begin to regain this aura that was lost through Adams self seeking at proverbs 4:18 says the path of the righteous is like the dawn did anybody see the sunrise this morning coming over the hill and Wenatchee was glorious wasn't it I was just praising y'all this morning thinking about the dawn of the righteous and how Israel is gonna be like that to the nation's shining brighter and brighter until the full perfect day the full perfect day is like High Noon when it's the hottest brightest you know you can't look at the Sun this is what it's referring to in the Hebrew basically it starts off with a little light coming over the horizon and that's the way we are we get a little light and then it grows brighter and brighter even Daniel speaking of the resurrection says the righteousness of the saints will be like the sons he talks about like stars you know which are all sons so all the prophets were speaking the same language when you operate in righteousness you can't help but shine just like God who's infinite from the past at some point he's always emitted that love from himself and that started as a dawn and then became full-blown into creation we will emulate that Yeshua said in Matthew 13:43 the righteous will shine forth as the Sun in the kingdom of their father so you see how everything that the Yeshua and the apostles were speaking 2,000 years ago was the same thing that the Torah and the prophets were speaking of thousands of years before this is why I love to correlate them because you have to understand what the source of what they were saying comes from do you want to shine the light of Heavenly Father's selfless love yes I love it speak it out it's good to speak positive we wanted to shine the light of Heavenly Father's selfless love brightly in everything that you think and everything that you speak and everything that you do if you want that for your life then join me on this path of righteousness let's stand Abba Father we thank you Lord for revealing yourself to us all our best works are like filthy rags but you are the light of the universe you are the light of love and life that gets conveyed through your laws of love and so we thank you for revealing this to us and delivering us from ourselves we're our own worst enemy and the true adversary is the selfish nature within the yetzer Hara and so we thank you for your grace and your power and anointing to overcome that we want to be victorious as you prophesied he who overcomes you will let eat of the Tree of Life in your kingdom and we long for that day father we thank you and we praise you and I thank you for all my brothers and sisters here and around the world who are on this path of righteousness with me so we give you all the glory and all the praise in your holy name we pray amen you
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Views: 11,438
Rating: 4.955801 out of 5
Keywords: Torah, Haftarah, Parashah Noach, Righteousness, Understanding Righteousness, Purity, Innocence, Childlike faith, Faith, faith that works, Righteousness of Yah
Id: 8epzSaTylek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 23sec (3923 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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