#6 Haftarah Toldot - Parallels between Jacob's descendants versus Esau's

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[Music] you [Music] this morning's Torah portion was pulled oat and pulled oat means generations it there's a few words for generations in the Hebrew but told vote is more has a connotation of a family history or family genealogies and what we're gonna see in the profits section in Malachi 1 through Malachi 2:7 is that God is revealing how important it is for our for the descendants of Israel to truly live up to the covenant that he made with them to be a kingdom of priests and you're gonna compare this with the generations of Esau and why God saw down through history they would always be persecuting the people of truth the people that God had made to be a peculiar people in covenant with him at Mount Sinai and so our tour portion in told old goes from Abraham I'm from it's Abraham's son Yitzhak in Genesis 25 and he has taken a wife Rivka but she's barren he marries her at 40 years old and you know Rivka was barren for 20 years so 20 years they prayed in the tent together for a child and this child was given to Rivka in answer to yet sacks and Rivka's prayer and the and it is said that this child whenever she would go past the place where Melchizedek taught in Jerusalem the holy place of God where he has placed his name that the child would leap in her womb and then when she would come and travelling down the road and pass a pagan altar of the Canaanites she would feel the child leap into her womb again and she thought what is this mean and she asked other women is this normal every time I walk past a high place the child leaps and every time I walk past the temple of the Lord Most High the child who leaves does this mean that there's two different gods because the child is leaping for both the pagan altars as well as the place of Shem Melchizedek and they said that nothing like this has ever happened to us so she went to Shem and inquired and it was told to her it's not to gods that the child is leaking forward you have two children who will be two nations in your womb and one child will be for the true god El Elyon as Melchizedek used to call him God Most High the other child is leaping at these pagan altars because he will war against his brother who will whose descendants will be a kingdom of priests to the God Most High and so you see this little picture of this conflict even in the womb between Jacob and Esau and in chapter 26 of Genesis we see that Isaac and Abimelech Isaac had found refuge down in Guerard which is modern-day Gaza and how Ave Emelec wanted to take the bride he didn't know it was the bride but there's a little parallel there as well chapter 27 talks about the two sons and two different blessings that Isaac gives them Jacob the younger ends up receiving the blessing of the priesthood where in the blessing of heaven and Esau ended up getting a blessing from this earth which is very much like those who are wicked who received their reward immediately here in this time where the righteous receive their reward yet to come in the kingdom to come and so you see these two blessings one reflecting heaven and one reflecting earth in chapter 27 in Genesis chapter 28 we see Jacob is sent to get a wife for himself and Esau chooses Canaanite women we actually know from other writings that they were hittite women and the sense of these Hittites became the Romans who persecuted Israel throughout history and then because it displeased his parents that he had taken these Canaanite women he took a woman from the house of Ishmael who was half Egyptian and her descendants became the Palestinians and they are prophesied to persecute God's people right up until the end and this is what creates the final tribulation the final conflict and so in our haftorah in Malachi 1 the opening statement is Jacob I have loved Esau I have hated and God doesn't hate anything but this is prophetic language showing that he could look down through the lineages like cold oat means the family tree and see who would serve him and be a kingdom of priests and who would fight against those that would seek to put him first in their lives and so we will see a principle for a son of the priesthood to be have the kingdom passed on to and usually this principle is to younger son and so we'll look at that as well this week's haftorah opens with a parallel mention of the tremendous love God harbours for the children of Jacob and the retribution he will visit upon the children of Esau who persecutes their cousins this follows the theme of this week's Torah reading whose two protagonists are Jacob and Esau and the name of the parsha told ode hints at the family history and its focus later in the half Torah the Prophet Malachi then rebukes the priest in his day who are offering substandard offerings their hearts not in the right place they're offering the damaged of the flock those with blemishes and immense eiated animals on God's altar and God says were you to offer it to your governor even a human King would he be pleased would he favor you when your heart's not in really giving back to me a portion of what I've given to you it's a reflection of your course spiritual state oh that you were even one even if there was one among you who would close the doors to the temple and not even Kindle a fire on my altar in vain he's saying would somebody stand up with people bringing all of these substandard offerings and the heart's not in the right place and they're incorporating paganism into the worship of the one true God why doesn't somebody stand up and say something why doesn't somebody close the doors to the temple and so we see Israel getting kicked out of the land because of their sins of idolatry and vision and God is calling for Israel to be a kingdom of priests who will stand up and have truth in their mouths and live out the Torah of love in their lives and so we move from our forefathers Jacob and then to his descendants Israel and there they're failing at living up to being this kingdom of priests and then the haftorah ends with a strong word to the priests to return to the original covenant and this hints at us in our day we are the younger son we are the last sons of the sense of Israel I would like for us to think of us as the final generation as the younger yo keed son who will end up getting the blessing because we will return to Torah and we will be able to fulfill God's original promise that we would be a kingdom of priests to him this is because Yeshua has come and showed us what it looks like to be a true priest a self-denial loving-kindness true intercession and prayer fer and so this haftorah we'll end with this prophetic glimpse of the future and he says true teaching was in his mouth speaking of Aaron and why he was allowed to be in the place of Israel and injustice was not found on his lips in peace and equity he went with me and he brought back many from iniquity and this is our calling in our day this is what we are to be as a light to the nation's truth is to be in our mouths we should not have any injustice or unkindness to our fellow man peace in every way like Paul says as far as possible be at peace with all men and bring back those from the nations who are in iniquity who desire to be a part of God's covenant that can be grafted into Israel so let's look at some of these themes we will start with Malachi 1 and if you have your Bibles I encourage you to turn there with me a prophecy the word of Adonai to Israel through Maliki Maliki means messenger it's the same route as the Hebrew word for angels they're just messengers we say malach is an angel this is a Malachy he's a messenger and the word for king is very similar Melek he is to be an ambassador of the true king of Israel which is always God we should never try to replace God with a human king all of these different titles and responsibilities are just different aspects of us and our calling to be messengers of the Most High so it's very apt that this prophet named Malachy is giving this prophecy God says through him I love you very first opening words this is so important because without understanding God's love we will not be wooed back to a right relationship with them we won't have any true motivation to return to Torah to follow his Commandments the reward of heaven is not motivation enough to maintain righteousness nor is the fear of health it's only love that Woo's the heart back to him and he's calling out to Israel I love you but you ask how do you show us your love Adonai answers Esau was Yoko's brother yet I loved Yaakov but hated Esau he's basically saying to Israel even though you were the younger even though you were nothing to look at as far as a nation goes I chose you because I could see down through the ages that it would be your descendants who would choose my ways over the ways of the world and who I could shine my light of truth and love through so of course there's no hate in selfless love and God's not even capable of hate but this is strong human language to convey what the descendants of Esau looks like to God who can see the end from the beginning and he knows that the descendants of Esau would end up persecuting his covenant people his bride down through the ages throughout all history actually we've been studying in the afternoons from the book of Jasher and we've been reading about how when Joseph brought up his father Jacob to be buried in the Cave of Machpelah how Esau came down with all of his men from say air and ward with them to put an inch or two cause him not to be able to bury Yaakov he wanted to claim the cave and the land for himself and then when Enoch Esau was killed his son Elif as Ward against Joseph and he was taken captive and taken down to Egypt and then he when he broke free his son and the hatred they had come down through his lineage his innate son's name anybody remember zepho and zepho ward against the children of israel and he ended up going across the Mediterranean and conquering the land which we call Italy today and his descendants are the Romans and you can see the warring has gone from the time of Esau through le fast through zepho all the way down through the ages with Rome capturing Jerusalem and even the Palestinians who are seeking to claim the land God sees all of this and this is what is prophetically being mentioned when he says I love Yaakov but hey Esau I made Esau's mountains desolate and I gave his territory to desert jackals Edom says Edom is another word for the descendants of Esau we are beaten down but we will come back and rebuild the ruins this sounds like the pride of ancient Israel in Isaiah I believe it's 9 where they said the walls have fallen but we will rebuild and now America is repeating these same words you know when judgment comes upon a land or upon a people it's time to humble yourselves not to be arrogant and proud and say we and our own power are gonna rise up and do it again because that just continues the cycle of dysfunction Esau was the first one to speak like this then Israel spoke like this and now the descents of Israel in America a tonight Saiva o dancers they can build but I will demolish they can be called they will be called the land of wickedness the people with whom Adonai is permanently angry so in Jeremiah 49 verse 10 there's something similar that's mentioned through the Prophet Jeremiah says but I have made Esau bare I have uncovered his secret places and he shall not be able to hide himself his seed is spoiled this tells you see when you overlay all the prophets and you don't just take one scripture out of context you understand why this prophetic language can be so strong that it says Jacob I've loved but Esau I've hated what is the problem with Esau he did not follow the Torah of his father's the tour of his father said you shall marry within our tribe within our people this was the priestly lineage that had been passed down from Adam but Esau went and he married pagan Hittites who were of the descendants of ham and then he marries a daughter of Ishmael who is a daughter of Ishmael married an Egyptian woman who is also a descendant of ham so no matter which wife he takes they're all descendants of ham and you can see that this genetic malfunction this hybrid gene that God had tried to cleanse from the earth here Esau is incorporating it into his own lineage and this is what's causing such blind hatred against those that are receiving the blessings and the Covenant and the inheritance in the land and so here Jeremiah gives us the very reason why God frowns upon Esau because he allowed his seed to be spoiled and his brethren and his neighbors and he is not Paul says in Hebrews 12 verse 14 through 17 pursue peace with all men did Esau pursue peace no he only pursued war he was constantly seeking to come up against his brother Jacob and his descendants in war but the children of God to pursue peace with all men and sanctification what is sanctification setting apart kodesh in the Hebrew exactly right setting apart for holy use and the sons of Jacob allowed themselves to be set apart as God's people for only holy use in Leviticus he says be holy Israel even as I am holy you are my peculiar people he saw did not allow this to happen to his descendants he did not teach them the ways of the Lord and so you see here sanctification and peace go hand in hand with the identification in the sons of Jacob in Israel without peace and sanctification no one will see the Lord so see to it that no one comes short of the grace of God and that no root of bitterness springs up causing trouble how many times have you seen a root of bitterness or division spring up even amongst a congregation today this goes all the way back to Esau Esau held on to that bitterness of his brother receiving the blessing that he felt was his as the older brother very interesting principle when you don't trust God and you take matters into your own hands and you follow your own ways instead of God's ways then when you lose those blessings instead of repenting you became unangan the blessings by following God and it never heals you and that curse gets passed on to your descendants and that's what's happened with Esau and through this bitterness that causes trouble many will be defiled this is Edom this is Rome this is the Palestinians they're being defiled because of this root of bitterness nobody is teaching this if only they would repent they could be grafted into the house of Israel even today and receive the Covenant and the promises and the inheritance so there's good news even for them we're not speaking negative about any individual we're talking about a false system and that false system is rooted in bitterness it says that many will be defiled and that there be no immoral or godless person like Esau so see how rabbis show wool even after establishing the characteristics of Judah Israel and then of Esau he mentions Esau by name who sold his own birthright for a single meal for you know that even afterwards when he desired to inherit the blessing he was rejected for he found no place for repentance and this is a parallel to those in the last days who will be jealous of Israel who will seek to have access to God remember in Revelation she's called a harlot and yet what happens when the plagues fall Revelation says and yet they repented not they cursed God on accounts of the plagues and so when Messiah comes will they be saved they will be rejected by their own rejection of him and their own rejection of God's ways and his Torah their own hardness of heart so you can see that this parallel with Esau and its characteristics and this bitterness goes all the way down to the end where even when you see that it's causing your own demise and the demise of your whole lineage you have so much ego that you cannot let go of it and you go down without any repentance in your heart and you end up being rejected by God it says though he sought it with tears Revelation tells us that many will be crying there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth but are they truly repentant just because they're crying out save us save us didn't that happen at the flood also there must have been a ton of people beating on the side of the ark once the rain started falling but the door was closed it's like the hour of probation had closed this is happening to the descendants of Esau and it's a message to us to keep a repentant heart it's time for us to repent to return to Torah and if you don't find yourself in Israel be grafted into Israel now is the hour of your salvation first five says you will see it and say out an eye is great even beyond the borders of Israel a son honors his father and a servant his master but if I'm a father where's the honor do me God says and if I'm a master where's the respect due to me the word from master in Hebrew is Adan so I don't nee hoor Adonai is my master this is what Israel has Kostka called God for thousands of years instead of uttering his holy name so he is very specific when he's talking to he says if I'm a father we say Abba IV knew our Father where's the honor due to me if I'm Adonai where's the respect due to me says I tonight save I own the Lord of Hosts to you : 'm the priest who despised my name his name is a reflection of his character self-existent father of love Jehovah but Israel when they are not living a holy existence they are despising that name because everything they did was selfish if God is self-existent father of selfless love and he gives out of his love to all of his creation to bless Israel and then what does Israel do with that they can't even offer a lamb without going and finding the one that's got a broken leg or it's got some defect and they're thinking well I can't eat this one or I want want this one it's not going to reproduce so we'll give this one as an offering that's selfishness directly in opposition to God's character of selfless love and this is what God is talking about this is what is referred to as despising his name you ask how are we despising your name by offering polluted food on my altar now you ask how are we polluting you by saying that the table of Adonai doesn't deserve respect so that there's nothing wrong with offering a blind animal as a sacrifice nothing wrong with offering an animal that's lame or sick try offering such an animal to your governor and see if he'll be pleased with you would he even receive you asks about a nice a vote so if you pray now that God will show us favor what your actions have accomplished is that I don't know I say vote ask will you receive any of you so him receiving any of us has to do with what our actions have accomplished and you have two different groups in the last days those that bear fruit and those that don't bear any fruit and the parable of the tree that does not bear any fruit in Luke says it shall be cut down it's very important for us to bear the fruits of the spirit if we are not bearing the fruits of the spirit and this isn't something just to be faked and put on on the external but it's a natural out point of if you have that character of God if you're being recreated in his image you're going to be living a loving selfless life good morning brother Keith it's good to see you brother we've missed you he says try offering such an animal to a human governor and see how this would go will he receive any of you why doesn't even one of you shut the doors referring to the temple and thus stop this useless lighting of fires on my altar like if it's not coming from your heart if obedience doesn't come and from love and is naturally motivated it's worth nothing you can light all the fires in the world and bring all the offerings in the world and they're an abomination to the Lord because they don't come from a willing spirit God says I love a cheerful Giver it's not because he has any need of anything that we give him it's because it reflects his characteristics of selfless love which leads to eternal life that's why he loves a cheerful Giver because it's what's best for us he says I will not receive an offering from you I take no pleasure in you for from farthest East to farthest west my name is even great amongst the nations offerings are presented to my name everywhere pure gifts for my name is great amongst the nations says out a nice save ode but you profane it by saying that the table of Adonai is polluted so that the fruit and food offered deserve contempt you also say oh it's so tiresome it's like it had become ritual for ancient Israel to do the sacrificial system it's also tiresome and you sniff scornfully at it says that a Knights a vote then you will bring animals that were taken by violence or they're lame or sick this is the sort of offering you bring am I supposed to accept this from uses Adonai moreover cursed is the deceiver who has a male animal in his flock that is damaged it's interesting Jacob's name originally meant usurper sometimes it gets connotated as deceiver it's the Yoda the hand and the cove on the heel it's somebody who is holding on to somebody else's heel to pull themselves up his name when his character changed was changed to Josh RL user al or Yasser L means upright of Elohim this is our calling as descendants of Jacob we are to be upright without blemish without any deception without any selfishness I don't I says I am a great king and my name should be respected amongst the nations now here's the message for the descendants of Yaakov in these last days now priests konima this command is for you if you won't listen if you won't pay attention to honoring my name says I don't I say vote then I will send the curse on you I will turn your blessings into curse teens and this is actually the true definition of curse is not something that God arbitrarily does but it is a loss of blessing in our life due to what we do or don't do it is when we don't live in harmony with the eternal principles the loss of blessings that God designed for us is what's referred to in Scripture as a curse and so he's saying the same curse that Esau has brought on himself and that the nation's have brought on themselves if you do not return priests because I've created you to be a kingdom of priests then your blessings will be turned into curses and this curse was ultimately manifested in our exile from Israel due to our sins our forefathers sins he says yes I will curse them because you pay no attention I will reject your seed I will throw dung in your faces and dung far from your festival offerings and you will be carted off with it see that hint at the Exile you'll be carted off this was Assyria who did this then you will know that I sent you this command to affirm my covenant with Levi you know the same curse that Israel brought on themselves by idol worship at the base of Mount Sinai with the golden calf caused this whole kingdom of priests twelve tribes or thirteen if you count eat from Manasseh who were all intended to be able to partake in the temple service as a kingdom of priests they lost that blessing so temporarily that covenant went to the one tribe who did not bend the knee to the golden calf and that was Levi I he says here - then you will know that I sent you this command he's calling us back so that we don't have to continue to receive the curse that we can come back through the renewed covenant through Yeshua to be a kingdom of priests once again and Yeshua is the second son the younger son just like Jacob is the younger son there's a principle about how God works down through this priestly lineage if you look at the first Adam who fell into sin Yeshua is called the second Adam so in many ways he came second and he's like the younger son now everybody in ancient times had an understanding that the eldest would receive the blessing and the blessing would include rulership and kind of the priests of the family and the double portion of inheritance you know it's interesting that Yeshua said the last shall be the first because there is a pattern of God using that which came last [Music] fell into sin a second Adam who is the younger son of God who came latter ended up restoring the failings of the first Adam what's an interesting is when you look down through the priestly lineage of Adam all the way through Noah and then down ten generations past Noah you come to a man named Nahor who's the firstborn of Terah but he didn't receive the Covenant blessing of the priesthood his younger brother did named Abraham and Abraham had Ishmael as his first son but he wasn't the son of promise just like you Shu is the son of promise it's the one who is meek and humble and so it ends up being the second son is the promised son this principle in Hebrew is called the Yaquis son it means even though you might not be the firstborn you are the chosen one you are the one that God sees is fit to carry on the priesthood regardless of your place in the family tree the principle continues Esau is the eldest this is in our core portion pulled out today and in our haftorah that's referring to it in Malachi 1 and 2 but Jacob is the yahud son he's the one that is loved he's the one that's cherished why not because somebody's playing favoritism but because somebody has the wisdom to see that he will hold fast to the Covenant and his descendants will hold fast to the Covenant now Jacob had 12 sons [Music] many of them through their wrong actions and sin lost the intended blessing Reuben was the firstborn but did he become the Yaquis son no how about the next one in line Jacob was the first one to split up the blessing that normally goes to the Yaquis son and he split it up into three areas he gave the priesthood to Levi he gave the rulership to Judah he says the scepter shall not depart from you Judah my son when he blessed him and then he waited to give the firstborn blessing the double portion too late in life and he got restored to his son Joseph who was the eleventh son one of the last sons but then he was alive to see Joseph's two sons Ephraim and Manasseh and out of ephraim and manasseh if I just symbolically put who is the oldest cool of ephraim and manasseh huh Monisha right so let's just put an M here for Menasha in this line because these are all the firstborn but who did the blessing go to it went to eat from once again the same principle is established and what God revealed this week to me through this Torah portion in this haftorah is when he talks to Jacob prophetically through the prophets through Isaiah and Jeremiah and Micah he's talking to Israel in their day and and calling them back from their sins right they have failed to be at a place spiritually where they can receive the priestly blessing and the Covenant of being a kingdom of priests God intended for them to be a kingdom of priests he told him that when he brought him out of Egypt but then they send at the Golden Calf at Sinai and so he's constantly trying to call them back from their sins from their idol worship from adopting the pagan practices of the surrounding nations in the false religious system but whoa who is the Yaquis son that prophetically is always pointed to the remnant the remnant is a small leftover of the original it comes latter so in time Israel you and I as the descendants of Israel have an opportunity to overcome and be renewed as a kingdom of priests and this is what you sure I was talking about when he says know ye not that you will be a kingdom of priests with me in my kingdom and you will reign for a thousand years we will be able to live a holy life through his example of what it looks like to be an overcomer and we will be a home where our elder brother including Judah has failed and so there's a beautiful plan of salvation hidden in the young Keith's son being the younger or the latter and here we are the latter we're the final generation we're soon to see the age of mashiac and the beginning of the kingdom of God established on this earth which we look forward to and who is gonna be the kingdom of priests it's still Israel he hasn't changed his covenant but it's the descendants it's the younger sons that end up fulfilling this amazing promise as Isaac was the promised son as Yeshua was the promised son so is in time Israel the promised son and this is why so many prophecies are interchangeable with Yeshua and Israel throughout the profits they'll constantly see it referring to Israel as his servant and Yeshua as his servant and in time Israel as his servant now look at what this understanding look at what it says my covenant with him was one of life and peace and I gave him these things it was also one of fear and he feared me we are to have a holy awe we are to fear God so much that we love to stand in awe of his wondrous ways that we see revealed in Torah we are like a man that has been plowing in a field and found a jewel and can't stop plowing and we sell everything what we have so it we can play all day and all night and dig up more jewels that's the way it is so addicting in the Word of God it says that we are to awe his holy name and the true Torah was in his mouth speaking of why the distance of Aaron were able to temporarily be the priest instead of the whole house of Israel because the true Torah was in his mouth this is admonition for us we are to have true Torah in our mouths Torah means instruction in Hebrew we shouldn't have a mixture of worldly paganistic wisdom mixed with God's wisdom we shouldn't have any false religious systems mixed with God's true religious system we should not have any false instruction we need the true Torah to be true kingdom of priests and it says and no dishonesty was found on his lips so he's relating to Israel in their time what Aaron why Aaron was so honored as a high priest so that through this message to ancient Israel this message can come down through the ages through the prophets through God's Word to in time Israel so that we have a model of what to follow God is saying my covenant with you was one of life and peace he says ancient Israel feared my name the true Torah was in Aaron's mouth and no dishonesty was found in his lips this is a model for us he walked with me in peace and uprightness we read that scripture from Hebrews 12 where rabbi Showell says peace and sanctification this is the model for us as a kingdom of priests how can we be an intercessor how can we be a priest offering intercession on behalf of the whole house of Israel if we don't have a peace in our hearts to our fellow brother this is why first John says anyone who says he loves God and yet hates his brother is a liar we are to be men of peace and Paul says as far as possible be at peace with all men here it says that Aaron walked with God in peace and uprightness this is a righteousness and he turned many away from sin this is our calling look at Daniel chapter 12 when he talks about messiahs coming and he says many in that day will after the time of trouble at that time your people will be delivered every one whose name is found written in the book referring to the book of life many of those sleeping in the ground and the dust of the earth will awaken some to everlasting life and some to everlasting shame and abhorrence but those who can discern will shine like the brightness of heaven this is Israel's calling we are to discern through God's Word and be a light and shine and it says and those who turn many to righteousness will shine like the Stars forever and ever so here it's saying that the righteous in the very last days the final generation are people who will turn many from iniquity back to righteousness and that comes through an understanding of God's Torah of love here God is telling Israel that Aaron received the priesthood because he did the same thing he walked in peace and uprightness and he turned many away from sin then he tells us a priest lips should safeguard knowledge we should be preservers of the Covenant we shouldn't be able to rightly divide the word we should be able to move on from the milk and get into the meat of the word so that we can mature and be a sanctified holy people says the Cohens lips should safeguard knowledge and people should seek Torah from his mouth so if we're called to be a kingdom of priests what is your calling - no Torah the true Torah and so much so that people can seek it from your mouth you can rightly divide the word this is what it means to be a judge also a judge was somebody who could rightly divide the word and what did you shoot el ancient Israel about in time Israel do you remember what he said that we would lead people in righteousness that we would judge the nations when he says Israel will judge the nations he's saying we will rightly impart Torah to them all of these things have been misunderstood through the ages because we've lost sight of our true identity and our true purpose to be a kingdom of priests but this covenant that was lost through our forefathers sins has been renewed through the promised son Adam to renew it so that we can be a kingdom of priests once again and at the end of this haftorah God's Word says we should not only safeguard knowledge and people should seek Torah from our mouths because we are the messengers here this very word Maliki the name the Prophet means messenger is telling ancient Israel about how they were meant to be a kingdom of priests and the light to the nation's but this message when it wasn't received by ancient Israel through God's Word being preserved has come down to us as a final generation and telling us what our true purposes we're to be messengers of the Oracles of God just like the angels Malachy we're to be priests about a nice save uh oat and here at the end of verse seven is where the haftorah ends but I'd like to go on because Hebrews 11 if you're looking down through the ages we go from Torah which was given when three thousand I mean four thousand five hundred years ago and then you look at the haftorah which was about twenty eight hundred years ago and then you come to Hebrews which was only two thousand years ago written to the Hebrew people by Rabbi Showell and so we're getting closer and closer to our day seeing that the same message was given in different ways throughout all the ages Hebrews 11 20 and 21 says by faith by firmly believing what God had revealed unto him concerning the future state of his children Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau so he didn't arbitrarily bless them that way when he gave Esau the blessing of the earth and the fat of the earth but he gave Jacob the fat of and the blessing of heaven it was because it was revealed to him do you know that Abraham was the one that first noticed that Isaac kinda had a little favoritism towards Esau but that Esau was not spiritually fit to carry on the blessing so Abraham went to Isaac's wife Rivka and told her you have to make sure that Jacob is the one that gets the blessing this is why she did what she did it was revealed and this is what Paul is talking about it says by firmly believing what God had revealed to him concerning the future state of his children Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau prophetically foretold the particular blessings that they should receive recognizing the younger before the elder so not only was it revealed prophetically of Jacob's righteousness over Esau is righteousness and the future state of in time Israel being a holy people a remnant versus ancient Israel but the fact that the younger son the principal the last shall be the first has a been a principle that was carried down from the beginning of creation all the way down to the restoration of all things through Michigan in time Israel so even this principle was revealed to him recognising the younger before the elder we are the younger Israel our forefathers have sinned may we not sin in the ways that our forefathers sin may we repent and return to Torah so that we can be a kingdom of priests by faith Jacob when near death believing that God would make good his promise of giving his posterity the land of Canaan blessed both sons of Joseph for telling that the two tribes should spring from these two sons and that the tribe of Ephraim the younger should be more powerful than the tribe of Manasseh the elder did you ever realize that even scripture so clearly Dillian Eights this principle of the Yaquis son being the younger one because Yeshua is the younger son of God the second Adam this is likened to the younger sons of Israel getting the endtime blessing through returning to Torah and rhe embracing the Covenant with God as his priests who will turn people from sin and have God's true Torah on their tongues and on their lips and in their mouths so a few texts in closing about the Covenant and I'm gonna show you from the oldest scriptures about Israel intending to be covenant people with God all the way to the things that pertain to us in Revelation the very last things that were written now if you obey me fully God says in Exodus 19 verse five and six and if you keep my covenant okay two things here if you obey me fully so that means everything I tell you and everything that was told was originally oral only afterwards was it written down this means that the Word of God is living and it is to be fully embraced everything that he said not just what has been written down and if you will keep my covenant his covenant is your to be a light to the nation's here to be a kingdom of priests and there's a special day as a sign between me and you to show the world that you're my covenant people and it's called Shabbat and so if we will obey Him fully and keep his covenant then out of all the nations you will be my special treasure how many of us want to be God's special treasure wouldn't that be sweet to hear those words although the whole earth is mine says the Lord you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation so there's no kingdom of priests without holiness holiness is preparatory to being a kingdom of peace priest and living up to our purpose these are the words you are to speak to who just anybody the world the church to the Israelites so the Israelites are the covenant people and the nations can participate in that covenant if they will be grafted into Israel and observe his covenant which is Shabbat this is why in Isaiah 56 it even says and to the foreigners who keep my Shabazz I will bring to my house of prayer there's a promise for those who are grafted in but it's through Israel the church has tried to replace Israel and say well we're spiritual Israel there's no replacing Israel we have to return to Torah so the original covenant was one of understanding that God's ways are not burdensome they are laws of love and if we fully obey those laws of love and how to love him and how to love our fellow man and keep his covenant we will be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation now look at what Isaiah if you think of the Old Testament that's what most of the Western world calls that's not the Tanakh is a Hebrew acronym which stands for Torah Nevi'im which is the prophets and ketubah which is the writings like the histories and Psalms and proverbs and Ecclesiastes so your Old Testament is comprised of three different groupings of different types of books Torah prophets and writings what we're gonna do here is establish the same covenant through the Torah which we just did exodus 19:5 and six is also reiterated in Deuteronomy 7 verse 6 now we're looking at the Navi 'm in yahoo 61 6 he says but you will be called the priests of the Lord you will be spoken of as ministers of our God and you will eat the wealth of the nations what a beautiful promise just because ancient Israel sinned look at these comforting words that God is sending through the prophet Isaiah my covenant I established with your forefathers back at Sinai it hasn't changed if you will once again obey me fully and keep my covenant you will be called the priests of the Lord and spoken of as ministers and you'll eat the wealth of the nation's this means you'll receive all of the blessings that God originally intended and promised through Jacobs to his sons and in their riches you will boast now this isn't too prideful kind of boasting this is a kind of boasting where the nation's say why is it that the Jews are always prosperous why is it that they're blessed well let's figure it out we've kept trying to do our own way and it hasn't been working for us maybe it's that Torah that they've been preserving maybe we should return to the Torah hey teach us your ways and the prophecies say that 10 and 10 is a quorum Tinh Gentiles will take hold of the seat seat of one Jewish man and say let us go with you up to the house of the Lord to learn of his ways this is what it means to boast in the wealth of the nations because people when they want to come and bless God's covenant people you see the wealth being transferred from the nations to Israel and it's already happening it's been happening since 1948 but it's gonna happen even more as we get closer to the age of mashiac and in the Millennial Kingdom so Isaiah 60:1 6 understood through the context of God intends Israel to be a covenant people a kingdom of priests now if you look at the two of em the writings first chronicles this was written by Ezra 17 22 he says you made your people Israel your very own how long until they made a mistake or just in the past or till the church replaced them you've no hope forever it still applies today you know Malachi 3:6 says the Lord your God changes not so his word is the same yesterday today and tomorrow and then the rest of that verse says therefore because he doesn't change o sons of Jacob you are not consumed what is this talking about if God changed the minute we made a mistake he would be a situational God and his covenant would be eternally wiped out but because the Covenant is forever with him you are not wiped out o sons of jacob you will endure to the end and your remnant will be a holy people and fulfill what he intended for ancient israel and being a kingdom of priests [Music] Malachi 3:6 I the Lord God changes not therefore you are not consumed o sons of Jacob he's talking to all of us it's beautiful his words that he made the people Israel his own forever is still valid today don't let anybody tell you any different and you Lord have become their God as races how about in the Brit hadashah through Yeshua 'he's apostles let's see how they viewed it first Peter 2:9 says but you are a chosen people so Peter and Paul were going out to the lost house of Israel and he's given the same message that was given in the Torah and in the prophets and in the writings you're a chosen people you're a royal priesthood basically he's saying wake up lost sheep of Israel to your true identity so you can fulfill your true purpose you are a royal priesthood that God intended you're a holy nation look at how that perfectly fit with exodus 19:5 and 6 he says you will be up here at the top you will be for me a kingdom of priests a holy nation my little clickers not going to be able to show it you can see right up here he said this before Sinai down here Peter is saying the same thing same words of God a royal priesthood and a holy nation you will be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation so when Yeshua is talking about don't you know don't you remember that when he says know ye not that you will be a kingdom of priests with me in my kingdom it's nothing new he has renewed the Covenant he hasn't made a new covenant doing away with God's Word he's renewed God's Word and he has shown us how we can be overcomers of sin and finally fulfill what ancient Israel was never able to fulfill he says and here's the purpose beautiful thing you're to be a Chosen People a royal priesthood a holy nation a people for God's own possession to proclaim the virtues of him so when I talk about God's character of selfless love and it sounds like I'm repeating it all the time I can't talk about it enough I'm so excited about telling you about our Heavenly Father and how good he is because we've been sold a lie this is our purpose what does it say to proclaim the virtues of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light and what is his marvelous light nothing other than the outward display of his wonderful love that selfless love it manifests out as light and that's way our faces will shine as we are more in his presence the way Moses was up on Mount Sinai and he came down and his face was so bright that the people says wahoo we can't stand the look on it maybe there's a little guilt in their heart maybe that darkness in their hearts were why they couldn't look at his face otherwise we would just love to bask in the glory of God that is nothing other than his selfless love so here is our identity and purpose wrapped up into one I love first Peter 2:9 you are a Chosen People a royal priesthood a holy nation a people for God's own possession if you're a holy nation and you realize that would you want to go out and two new sinning or if you realize that you have been covered in the robes of Christ's righteousness and you've been made spotless and perfect and your sins have been thrown as far as the East is from the West do you want to go out and muddy up that beautiful spotless robe that you've been given once you realize the priest wore a white linen garment it's a bridal garment it is beautiful when you think of yourself as a kingdom of priests you don't just go outside and operate in the ways of the world any longer you think twice about everything that you're thinking everything that you're saying everything that you're eating everything that you're doing everything has to glorify God so our identity is so much a foundation of our repentance and our change and our fulfilling our purpose because our purpose is to proclaim the virtues of him who has called us out of darkness into his marvelous light and then revelation in closing the very final words given to us John is reminding the people this is 90 AD and he's talking about because this is the revelation of Yeshua HaMashiach to his in time Assemblies of called out believers this is what gets called the seven churches but it's actually seven different types of Messianic believers who are holding fast to the Torah keeping the commandments of God and have their testimony in Yeshua and this message is to encourage the final generation and what is he reminding the generation in the very first chapter and the opening verses of Revelation remember as if it hasn't been reiterated throughout scripture enough he has made us to be a kingdom of priests to his God and Father this is the purpose of Yeshua he didn't come to usurp God to be in God's place to do away with Torah to do any of that he has made us a kingdom of priests for himself no nothing selfish in him for his God and his father we have the same God and the same father he's our brother the son of God the second Adam the younger yo keed son as we see the principle established to him be the glory and the Dominion for ever and ever amen with this focus of you and your identity in Israel and your true purpose as a kingdom of priests a holy nation let us rise up and live a life of holiness and let us be a light to the nation's wherever we live be encouraged brothers and sisters the same message has been from Genesis to Revelation and a plan of salvation has been from the foundation of the world I has not seen nor ear heard all that God has planned for you he is going to restore the years the locust has eaten all the blessings that were lost by our forefathers in Israel are going to be restored through our obedience to his law of love so with that let's rise we'll close in prayer Abba Father we thank you for revealing to us your plan to restore us to being a kingdom of priests a holy nation a peculiar people your love father truly endures forever and it's your love that Woo's us back into a right relationship with you through repentance to returning to your Torah to your ways and seeking to overcome sin in every area of our life please eradicate all darkness and all error from our minds and from our hearts and imbuing us your living word father that helps us to be truly victorious as the final generation that you have restored back into right relationship and that you have renewed your covenant with we are truly humbled father and none of us feel worthy we all feel like we have fallen short of your glory and we know that all of us have sinned so we ask for your forgiveness we thank you for your forgiveness we thank you for revealing your plan of salvation and these words that from the beginning to the end you've intended for us to be a kingdom of priests is so encouraging help us live up to this high calling father and be a light of your love to the nation's we ask in your holy name we pray amen you
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Views: 8,247
Rating: 4.9469028 out of 5
Keywords: Torah, Haftarah, Toldot, Jacob, Ya'akov, Eisav, Esau, Malachi, priests, kohanim, persecution, Israel, kingdom of priests, Ancient Israel, End-times, Remnant, jacob and esau
Id: gbaJup04udQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 51sec (3531 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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