#2 Haftarah Noach from Isaiah 54 - Israel will be declared righteous and saved!

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[Music] we would like to welcome all of our online viewers this morning as well from around the world we wish you a shabbat shalom and many blessings and your continued studies and search for truth and we hope you'll be blessed by this teaching that we have here for you this morning which is paralleling Isaiah 54 1 through 10 with the Torah portion of Nowak Nowak it was said was a righteous man do you know it's the only man who is called Azadi a righteous man in all of the Torah and God made a covenant with Noah because of his righteousness he would save him and he would save his descendants and he would multiply his descendants over the face of the earth and what's amazing is we are gonna parallel that in Isaiah 54 with the Israel God's beloved who is actually called a righteous bride just like Noah was called as Adi Israel and her descendants are to be righteous and it's through this righteousness that she is saved and God made an everlasting covenant with Israel and we are the descendants of Israel and we should embrace that everlasting covenant and we're gonna go through this haftorah paralleling it with the story of Noah but then at the end we will see the 7 covenants that God has made from the time that sin began in the earth all the way till when the final fulfillment of the eternal covenant where tourists written upon our hearts through the Millennium will be fulfilled so our tour portion this morning was found in Bereshit 6 9 through 11 32 and of course his study it covers the study of Noah and the wickedness that was on the face of the earth in his days and how God found him to be the only one righteous and worthy of saving and we are going to parallel that with Isaiah 54 1 through 10 and it describes that Israel in the aftermath of the Assyrian captivity in 721 BC was called afflicted barren and inconsolable like a woman whose barren without children it looked like Israel was going to be wiped out for all intents and purposes the Prophet assures the people Israel and this is in between the Assyrian captivity and the Babylonian captivity of the Jews so you're in between 721 and 586 BC and God's love is flowing through Isaiah to assure the whole house of Israel both Israel and Judah that she would not be lost that her descendants would multiply that God would renew his covenant with her and who we see that he shows his kindness we're gonna be talking about the different words for kindness and mercy and grace today chesed and pan and rock hem in hebrew Isaiah 54 9 refers to the dispersion and the desolation of Israel out of the land like the waters of Noah to me he says the Prophet lets us know that this desolation is only temporary and that he has a plan to restore Israel and her descendants in the last days for a brief moment God says through the prophet Isaiah I forsook you for a moment it seemed like I hid my face from you and sometimes it seems like that even throughout the last two thousand seven hundred and thirty years that Israel has been dispersed amongst all the nations and they have not heard God's voice audibly through her prophets any longer it seems as if God has hidden his face from the descendants of Israel but God is raising up a people to return to Torah and to hear his voice and this study of Torah and returning to Tory is preparatory to returning to God and returning to the land and returning all the blessings that were lost the haftorah in the end concludes with the reassurance that Hashem remembers his covenant of peace this is called the bridge alone the covenant of peace with his chosen people Israel so I would like to break down some parallels and I found at least four different parallels we'll probably look at five of them this morning God makes a parallel between nowak in verse 9 of our haftorah in isaiah 54 and israel as both are Saudis both are considered righteous who will survive we know that there's a time of tribulation to come and many will be lost but in Israel in the last days is called a remnant this means a few righteous left over from her descendants who will be saved and who will overcome sin the second parallel in today's haftorah with the tour portion is that God parallels the destruction of the flood and the destruction of Israel from the land and the destruction of the temple in 586 Israel is left the land in 721 and the temple is destroyed and the Jews taken in 586 this is paralleled with the destruction that happened upon the earth because of her wickedness in the time of Noah and Yeshua tells us just as in the days of Noah so shall it be before the coming of the Son of Man so we have a parallel in the ancient world the antediluvian wickedness then we have the the sins of Israel causing them to be destroyed seemingly and have to leave the land and the temple destroyed in the middle of this great conflict between good and evil and then in the last days we see that once again a witness is going to abound and Yeshua relates the time of Noah to the time of the end the third parallel is God made a covenant with Noah and with Noah's descendants God made a covenant with Israel and with her descendants and it's called an everlasting covenant a covenant well that I will not be done away with and we'll look at that this morning another parallel is that Noah's descendants multiplied after the destruction and spread throughout the earth and God prophetically draws our focus to how Israel will multiply in verse 1 of our haftorah and how the descendants of Israel will end up possessing the nation's not just in the last days but in the Millennial Kingdom they will possess the nation's but if you look at the last 2700 years that Israel has been dispersed north and west - and well in all four directions actually they have actually possessed the nation's if you look at the descendants of Israel and how they have ruled over the nations if you understood where Israel settled and how their descendants actually became known as Britain a covenant people and the Brit dish before even America was founded and a lot of the British came to America we see the British Empire covering the whole of the earth all four directions and in many places in the prophets God talks about in the last days through mashiac bringing them back from the west and from the east and from the north and from the south and so here this prophecy is fulfilled in Israel being scattered amongst all the nations but they rule over the nation's not only during the last 2700 years but also Yeshua says know ye not that Israel will judge the nations speaking of in the Millennial Kingdom and judging means imparting Torah rightly so we see multiple parallels here the last parallel is the haftorah compares the final redemption to the Covenant God made with Noah in this week's reading just as God promised to never bring a flood over the entire earth again so - he'll never be angry at the whole house of Israel again so this very first parallel if we broke it down we find the parallel between Noah and Israel halfway through our haftorah in verse 9 he says in a little rap I hid my face from you for a moment but with everlasting kindness I will have mercy on you says the Lord your Redeemer this is as the waters of Noah to me for as I have sworn that the waters of Noah should know more go over the earth so I have sworn that I would not be wroth with thee nor rebuke thee so he draws the parallel and it's by no accident that when our people could not study Torah because of the oppression of the Greeks forbidding under penalty of death that no one could study Torah from Shabbat to Shabbat what did God inspire our people to read this passage about this parallel of Noah in Israel God makes a parallel between Noah and Israel as the righteous who will survive God parallels the destruction of the flood and the destruction of the people of Israel from the land and the destruction of the temple but there's also a parallel between Noah as a righteous man and Israel as righteous seed or remnant if you look at Genesis 6:9 and I've put it up here in Hebrew for you you will see it says a lot both Noah here is the generations of Noah and you can see Noack I've highlighted in red here Noah ich Sadiq Tamim this means Noah a man righteous completely this is a beautiful thing to realize that the essence of why he's saved is his righteousness many people say what works aren't important commandment keeping is important well it was important to God Noah's the only one that's saved and James says faith without works is dead and God's calling all of his people back to be a righteous remnant this is what the whole book of Revelation is about then it goes on to say no walk in his lineage God walked with nowak and we know that God's been walking with the people of Israel even in the time of their dispersion this is the only place in Torro where God calls somebody a righteous man so if you look at Isaiah 45 verse 25 you will see it says in yo yo Dave Ave all the seed descendants of Israel will be declared Zod EEGs righteous this is a powerful parallel between Nowak's righteousness and Israel's righteousness and the seed of Noah and the seed of Israel we are the seed of Israel today we're being called back to Torah so that we can be declared righteous this is the only place in Torah where God calls someone a righteous man and there's only one place here that refers to Israel as being declared righteous in the last days their seed descendants will be declared righteous the third parallel that we looked at was just as Noah's descendants multiplied after the destruction and spread through the earth God prophetically draws our focus to how Israel will not only have more children but how Israel will have even more descendants than Judah this is very interesting him to that if you have your Bibles turn with me to Isaiah chapter 54 and look at the very first verse Isaiah 54 starts out saying sing barren woman who has never had a child who's it talking to we have to know the context from the chapter before and the verses afterwards burst into song shout for joy the prophet Isaiah was always speaking to the house of Israel to encourage them that even though they've been dispersed amongst the nations God had not forgotten them that he would fulfill his covenant with them he says you who have never been in labor excuse me you know Israel was betrothed at Sinai that betrothal is like an engagement they didn't consummate the marriage the marriage was to be consummated if they would stay righteous then the bridegroom would come at some future date and there would be a wedding this is what revelation talks about the wedding of the Lamb suppose for all intensive purposes she was a virgin betrothed to the bridegroom but because there was no consummation there was no procreation there was no offspring declared righteous yet we know the sense of Israel and what caused her to have to leave the land so this is why it talks about Israel as a barren woman as if she'd never really been in labor because the labor that's been looked forward to all the way from the Covenant of Adam is the seed that would bruise remember it says you will bruise his heel but he will crush your head I'm talking about the seed of Adam the second Adam through a righteous lineage there always has to be a righteous lineage preserved that mashach could come through and so we see here Israel's being referred to as a woman who's never been in labor because even at this date that she was cast out from the land she's few in number compared to how God would multiply her seed by the millions in all the lands of her dispersion first two says for the desert the deserted wife will have more children whose deserted it seems like Israel was deserted this is talking about Ephraim and Israel in their dispersion the deserted wife will have more children than the woman who is living with her husband where did God place his name in Jerusalem who stayed in Jerusalem Judah where the Jews come from so here you see if you understand this symbolic figurative language it's comparing the house of Israel to the house of Judah and it's basically saying that God has not forgotten his covenant with the whole house of Israel and he promised Abraham that his descendants would be multiplied like the stars of the heaven and the sands of the sea and even though it seems like she's never been in labor because the few descendants that she's had up to that point is nothing compared to what God's gonna do through the dispersion and that she's gonna even have more children than Judah who remains there in the land who is connected with the husband who's holding on to Torah see how Judah is described in contrast to Israel really beautiful he says to Israel enlarge the space for your tent extend the curtains of your dwelling why because he's gonna multiply Israel and bring her back home in the last days through mashiac so the borders have to be expanded the tent walls have to be expanded this is indicative of God fulfilling his covenant through Abraham when he says look at the land from the Euphrates down to the Nile from the western sea all the way to the Persian Gulf basically this is going to be the land for your descendants and this was never fulfilled in history this is only going to be fulfilled when God brings the descendants of Israel back to the land through mashiac and they will inhabit the original land grant from the Euphrates to the Nile then it will be as if this little sliver of a land today or that we call Israel will have her tent pegs taken up and enlarged this is the symbolic language that's being used enlarge the space for your tent and extend the curtains of your dwellings do not hold back lengthen your cords make your tent pegs firm for you will spread out to the right and to the left your descendants will possess the nations and inhabit the desolated cities don't be afraid for you won't be ashamed don't be discouraged for you won't be disgraced where's the nations that they won't have it in the desolated cities this includes Syria this includes Jordan this includes parts of Egypt this includes so much and all the nations will come to learn Torah from Messiah in Jerusalem and Israel will rule over the nations it says they will possess the nation's you will forget the shame of your youth what is the shame of Israel in her youth in her youth she wandered away from God made a covenant with her at Sinai he gave her a ketubah which is a marriage covenant and because of her spiritual adultery she had to be given again it was as if she was released from that covenant for a while and yet in Torah there's a principle that a woman who commits adultery cannot go back and say I'm sorry and remarry the husband so what has to happen the only thing that can set the what this woman free to marry again and she can't marry anybody else otherwise they're committing adultery she's set apart just like Israel was set apart but she has to wait until the one she was betrothed to dies same thing that happens in a marriage unless a man dies woman is not set free to remarry and so we see yoshua coming as the word made flesh and dying to set Israel free to remarry so when he's resurrected she can be Reba truth in that original covenant that God made with the Israel at Sinai that she should be a kingdom of priests to him can be re ratified renewed this is what Yeshua was doing in his first coming and said this is the shame of our forefathers youth of Israel's youth God promises and comforts us you will forget the shame of your youth no longer remember the dishonor of being widowed Oh interesting language she's gonna be widowed this is hinting prophetically at the bridegroom's death which also allows the estranged Widow to be betrothed again this is the good news that should really be preached to the lost house of Israel for your husband is your maker in the beginning was the word the Word was with God the Word was God all things that were created were created by him and the word became flesh and dwelt among us this is how the bridegroom is also the maker hinting at the word made flesh out a night saver owed the Lord of Hosts is his name the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer he will be called the God of all the earth very interesting because when Yeshua is reigning as high priest and King and how have those who have preserved the testimony of Yeshua looked at him they've looked at him as God and human flesh haven't they so he's called God over all the earth now we don't worship any form of God the second commandment tells us not to worship any form of God but we can recognize how God has manifested himself as the implement of his salvation and redemption to redeem the wayward bride lost house of Israel for Adonai has called you back like a wife abandoned and grief-stricken like a what a wife see this imagery between the husband and the wife a wife married in her youth how did God call us back when you shook came he says I come not but for the lost house of Israel he recognized that he was calling Israel back to Torah observance he knew that Israel in all the lands of their dispersion would forget Torah it was prophesied they would even forget who they are and that has happened right people in America today they say oh well I'm from German descent or I'm from Irish descent or I'm from Spanish descent they don't realize that's where the house of Israel settled and they assimilated and by the time they come to this new world they've forgotten for all intents and purposes who they are but the message of Yeshua went forth throughout all the world through them they had Simulator din to Christianity and they preserve the testimony but they didn't have Torah the Jews living has it put here with her husband in Jerusalem holding on to Torah but what he got Jhansi and vision of the last days the remnant of the whole house of Israel that it would be a people that hold fast to the commandments of God and the testimony of Yeshua that they would have both and only in this messianic movement have we seen the rejoining of the importance of Torah in the life of the descendants of Israel and still holding on to Yeshua in his rightful place as the bridegroom as the savior and when he returns he will be recognized as the Messiah both by Israel and by Jews so this is the good news he's called us back like a wife abandoned and grief-stricken a wife married in her youth cannot be rejected so as your God briefly I abandon you but with great compassion I'm taking you back beautiful it seemed like I was angry for a while I hid my face from you but with everlasting grace ten and we know that Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord right do you know Nowak is noon pet grace is pet noon it's just the reverse of Noah's name Israel has found grace in the eyes of the Lord but there's other words for grace like hesed loving-kindness or Rock'em Rock'em is almost identical to mercy or grace the word here is Rock'em that you see translated as Grace with everlasting grace I will have compassion on you says Adonai your Redeemer for me this is like Noah's Flood he says just as I swore that no flood like Noah's would ever again cover the earth so now I swear that never again will I be angry with you this is the good news this is exciting this is what should be going out to all of Israel guess what you were betrothed in the past and it seemed like you were forsaken but God has made a way for you to be Reba truths and to read to reek of anit if you will to rear a defy the Covenant to renew the Covenant so that you can be a kingdom of priests a priest has to be a Tzadik just like Noah was a Tzadik we're called to through Torah stop put away sin to be overcomers just like revelation says blessed is he who overcomes blessed is he who gains the victory it's all about this righteous descendants of Israel overcoming sin so that we can be a bride without spot or blemish this is the good news God is doing it he's making away just as I swore that no flood like Noah's would ever again cover the earth so now I swear that never again will I be upset with you or have to rebuke you now sin is defined in 1st John 3 for is the transgression of the Torah if we continue in our tour lessness we will need to be continually rebuked and will continue to lose the blessings and eventually the wages of tour lessness is death that's Romans 6:23 right but the gift of God is eternal life he's talking about that eternal covenant that he made with Israel through Yeshua our Messiah so the only reason that this can be fulfilled that he won't be upset or rebuke us it's because the descendants of Israel has all sudden awoken like Ezekiel 37 says those dry bones will rise up and become flesh again they will return to Torah they will put away sin from their life and all sin you know sometimes it seems complicated like okay what are all the 613 mitzvot in Torah do I have to memorize them but you can simplify it just like we do for our children God's character is selfless love it's unconditional it's eternal the opposite of that is self-seeking love is always other centered so I'll sin I'll cordless nests all those commandments of how to love God and how to love your fellow man are all about serving and giving that's why you should says it's better to give than to receive anything that is self seeking or self-exalting we're so gratifying is the essence of sin it's its origin is in itself so as these covenant people if we can get more out of ourselves and our self seeking and follow your shoe's example of self-denial then we too can be overcomers and be this bride that God has drawn back to him with loving kindness and that he will renew not only in the betrothal but we will be able to consummate the marriage we will be able to experience the marriage of the Lamb in the heavenly sphere and this is when we will know him even as we are known he knows every hair on our head imagine the word like he knows us that's deep this is the ultimate covenant that will be fulfilled in our life that Torah will be written in our minds and in our hearts Jeremiah 31:31 through 33 this is what it means to live out this love naturally to know him even as we are known God sums up or finishes this prophetic promise to Israel by saying for the mountains may leave and the hills may be removed but my grace will never leave you that's beautiful parallel with Noah and my covenant of Shalom my bridge alone will not be removed so let's look at some of these parallels a little deeper we saw how God makes a parallel between noah and israel and the south torah and how it's his righteousness that saved him just like it's the descendants of israel's righteousness that saved them through yeshua and his example you didn't come to do it for us when it says he came to fulfill the law and play ruined the greek means to live out as a display as an example it was him who said not one jot or tittle would be destroyed before heaven and earth passed away and the only reason why a jot or tittle would be destroyed which are the written marks in the scroll is because the scrolls no longer needed it doesn't mean it's done away with it's when it's written on our hearts and our minds that then when heaven and earth like John saw in Revelation 21 I saw a new heaven and a new earth after the thousand-year millennium Tours gonna be written on our hearts and minds so that we won't need to refer to those jots and tittles to those scrolls anymore so when heaven and earth pass away then it'll be done away with it doesn't mean that it's done away with in the sense that we think of that it's not being lived out any longer it's just that we don't need the scroll any longer it's written on our heart in mind so beautiful but this isn't being taught we saw how God parallels the destruction of the flood and the past destruction of Israel we saw how Noah's descendants would possess the nations and Israel was promised to possess the nation's now the 4th parallel God in the haftorah compares the final redemption to the covenant God made with Noah in this week story ting just as God promised to never bring a flood over the entire earth so - he will never be angry we just read that at the whole house of Israel but he's gonna show them mercy so here's this word Noah up here Nowak and it's interesting in Hebrew every letter has a numerical value so noon hat would be noon is 50 that is the eighth letter of the Hebrew alphabet so you know it would equal 58 well when rabbi study the depth of the Torah they can draw parallels just like you would read phonetically or you could see Hebrew as a pitcher language and drop parallels with the different letters you can also draw parallels with other words numerically so another word that equals 58 would have significance with Noah and it says that Noah found grace 10 which is just noon yet reversed in the eyes of the Lord which would also equal 58 so Noah and grace equal one another but also there is a word that means God though Yahoo Yahoo Ghidorah is great and yah is the first part of it's kind of like Yoda Bob Hayes nickname so great is our God we sang that this morning that has a go maitreya of 58 so how appropriate that we're singing that in the very week that millions of the descendants of Israel around the world are studying the Torah portion nowak and studying the haftorah and how it parallels that great is yah that reveals his grace his greatness is found in His grace he's so great because even while we have failed he finds a way to redeem us him to save us Jeremiah 31 one through four says at that same time says the Lord will I be the God of all the families of Israel and they shall be my people thus says the Lord the people which were left of the sword found Grace 10 here's the opposite of Noah this is the only place in the major prophets where the turn where the word grace is used I find this very significant and it's in the context of Israel even though they're gonna be dispersed that's talking about the sword of Assyria in the end of course I'm sorry not in this area in this case it's the sort of Egypt when God delivered them from Egypt it says that they found grace in the wilderness even Israel when I went to cause them to rest the Lord had appeared of old to me saying yea I have loved thee with an everlasting love therefore with has said that's loving-kindness the other word for grace have i drawn thee again i will build the up and you will be built Oh Virgin of Israel because he's talking to her before she's multiplied into the millions so he's calling her virgin because she's also betrothed she hasn't consummated the marriage thou shall again be adorned with thy tambourines and shall go forth in the dance of them that make merry this morning we talked about praising the Lord with the tambourines here that's from Jeremiah 31 in the reference of God's grace to Israel and when Israel realized this great grace it's our heartfelt response back to God that we praise him and that we return to his ways and repentance you know love is the only motivator if he says I'm upset with you that doesn't really motivate us you know the old Hellfire and brimstone preaching of you the Baptist's right you've heard that how long did it motivate anybody the reward of heaven or the fear of Hell they've never really kept people motivated but when you realize the amazing love of God that's what was your heart back in the right relationship with him and that's what Jeremiah is talking about the only place in the Minor Prophets that mentions 10 which is Grace is in Zechariah now there's one place in Zechariah 4 but it's kind of like saying grace grace it's about grace is abounding but hearing Zechariah 12:10 God is speaking through the prophet and he says I will pour out upon the house of David and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem so in the major prophets and Jeremiah we saw God's grace to the house of Israel what's funny is in the minor prophets we see the only mention of God's grace to Judah but what are the context of this grace that's going to be poured out it's when they have the spirit of grace poured out on them in grace so that they can have the scales taken from their eyes and recognize Yeshua as the Messiah look at what it says I will pour out upon the house of David and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem this is the house of Judah the spirit of grace and of supplications and they shall look upon me whom they have purest me whom they've pierced and they shall mourn for him as one mourns for his only son Yeshua is God's only begotten Son and shall be in bitterness for him as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn Judah was prophesied to receive God's spirit of grace but when this is that the second coming this is when they're gonna recognize him when they see and recognize Yeshua as the one that all the prophecies have pointed to in restoring them just like Israel has a need to be restored back to the land back to Torah Judah has a need to be restored and that's to recognize yushua as the Messiah then there's a restoration that happens where God says in Ezekiel 36 and 37 I will make them one in your hand son of man so the whole house of Israel has to be unified so that God's Spirit can dwell with him once again because God's Spirit can only twelve where there's unity if you noticed when Israel was in the wilderness and they were unified around the tabernacle God's Spirit the Shekinah dwelt among them descended when Solomon built a temple Israel was unified still the whole house of Israel and the Shekinah descended down and anointed that temple and dwelt in the most holy place after Solomon's death when Israel was divided where did that Shekinah go back to heaven and it never inhabited any temple after that not in Ezra's day not in Herod's temple why because the northern house of Israel had dispersed now it's too late to be unified and Judah is coming back from Babylon so they're there around the temple but the whole house of Israel is not going to be unified with Judah again until they're unified under the Messianic Kingdom through the Messiah verse 10 says that God will have compassion this word in verse 10 is ratham we hear that some of you might have heard the Hebrew song where the young boy is singing rockin rockin beautiful he's talking about God's mercy God's grace for the mountains shall depart and the hills shall be removed but my rock em shall not depart from thee neither shall the Covenant of my peace be removed says the Lord that has Rock him so my kindness is Hesse it I'm sorry and mercy that sometimes interpreted as grace is Rock him so you have three words for grace ten which is the opposite of Noah and then you have head which is like kindness and then rahem which is like mercy like you'd have a mercy honor equal or on a peer God made a covenant of peace with Noah and in this haftorah he establishes that his covenant of peace with Israel will never be done away with it'll never be changed so no matter what people tell you that God has turned away from Israel or from the Jews that his covenant was done away with and that Yeshua is instituting a new covenant don't believe it he was renewing what God's original plan was for Israel Ezekiel 37 verse 26 speaks of that millennial day where we will see the covenant of peace being fulfilled God says through Ezekiel I will make a covenant of peace with them it will be an everlasting covenant with them it's the exact same verbiage that we read in our haftorah in Isaiah 54 and I will place them but he goes further through Ezekiel he says I will place them and multiply them and set my sanctuary in their midst again forever just like we said the only reason that God's glory ascended left was because they were not unified when Israel comes back together after being multiplied they're like the stars of the sea I mean the stars of the heavens and the sands of the sea and he threw Messiah brings them back to the land and he says I will set my sanctuary in their midst forever this is what our people are looking forward to daily we're crying out in praying for the restoration of the temple so that we can dwell with God at our city this is going to be fulfilled God's Word will not return to Him void so there's actually seven covenants of peace you know many people think exciting one covenant does away with another covenant but that's Greek linear length thinking keep her thinking is cyclical and covenants build upon one another and they establish previous covenants so the Covenant that God made with Adam was about the promised seed through Eve that points to Messiah who would end up crushing Satan's head and doing away with sin so this is a covenant of peace because what brought a lack of peace into our life sin and who's the promised seed who is going to help us overcome sin Yeshua and if you look at the word Shalom you have seen la med mem Xin is like a fire it means to consume lammott is a shepherd staff it means that you have authority to leave the sheep and mem is like chaos it's waters and waters can be chaotic large bodies of water so literally the definition of Shalom in the picture language of Hebrew is to destroy the authority of chaos sin has brought chaos into our life the promise sea is going to show us how to return to Torah so that we can not only do away with that chaos and return to peace but that we can have all the blessings restored to us the second coming yours is the Covenant that we spoke of in our Torah portion this morning with Nowak and his covenant was that he found know it to be Azadi to be righteous and that through his righteous seed the world would be preserved and he gave Noah certain Commandments that all his seed should observe and this would help preserve the earth so that nothing like what happened at the flood would happen again everything that was happening from the descendants of the Watchers with the Nephilim were what God established not to do like the eating of blood not tearing a limb from an animal no fornication all of these things were the things that caused the flood God is establishing a covenant with Noah so that the principles that establish peace upon the earth will be perpetuated throughout all his descendants so you can kind of see in the first covenant it's to a promised seed who is a righteous seed to Noah it's all about his righteous seed then the covenant with Abraham he God tells him it's through his promised seed yet sac that he will make a people a peculiar people to himself he will multiply them he'll give them the land as their inheritance and that they will be like priests this is the lineage of the priesthood so once again it's all about the promised seed Isaac was a type of Yeshua the fourth covenant was with Israel many people call this the Mosaic Covenant or the covenant with Moses but it's a covenant with a people moses was just the instrument of that a type of Yeshua's first coming a suffering servant humble and meek and it was all about Israel and their descendants keeping the ketubah which are the eternal principles for being betrothed to the bridegroom and this was to be passed down so that Israel could have a lineage of righteous seed and that Messiah could come through them and restore all things the next covenant in scripture is the covenant God made with David pointing to the promised seed who would be sitting on David's throne now the promise of a righteous seed gets more detailed with that this righteous seed is going to rise up and rule on the throne of David this is a picture of mashiac look at what God said to David through 2nd samuel 7 verses 12 and 13 when your days are complete David and you lie down with your father's I will raise up your descendant after you once again it's about a seed descendant who will come forth from your own loins what tribe did David come from Judah what tribe did you schewe come from Judah now because God was his father only Mary was his mother but both Mary and Joseph came from the tribe of Judah but you can trace Marius lineage all the way back to King David the interesting thing the difference between Joseph and Mary is that Joseph came through the lineage that went through some of the wicked Kings that God says no ruler of Israel will ever come through your seed and he there was a curse placed on some of those descendants of Judah where it split off Joseph couldn't have a seed that could be a righteous Messiah but Mary she comes through David's son Matan where Joseph comes through David's son Solomon [Music] and this is how this righteous seed can fulfill the Covenant that God made with Israel and with David and come through the lineage that was not cursed otherwise you sure would not be fit to sit on the throne and rule Messiah this is why there's two lineages one in matthew one and one in Luke one are Luke two many people don't realize the difference between those two matthew is talking about Joseph's lineage for the sake of establishing that Mary and Joseph were Torah abiding couple you have to marry within your tribe it's establishing that she was betrothed to another person from Judah so she's not doing anything wrong by betrothing being betrothed to Joseph even though Joseph couldn't have a physical seed that could be Messiah Mary could and many people don't understand this beautiful language here he says the one that's gonna come forth from you I will establish his kingdom he shall build a house this in English whenever you see it packing something mentioning a palace in Ezekiel or a house in 2nd Samuel it's talking about a temple the house of the Lord is the temple so Messiah is going to build the temple this is another proof text to him building the temple when he comes and establishes his kingdom not the temple that the Jews are trying to build right now whether or not that gets built that won't be the one that Yeshua inhabits he shall build a temple for my name and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever just like the Covenant is an eternal covenant with Israel he's establishing an eternal covenant for the kingdom through David seed Yeshua the Messiah the six covenant then is fulfilled in Yeshua's first coming where he as the righteous promised seed that all previous covenants pointed to is here to renew the covenant with Israel that's why he says I come not but for the lost house of Israel to restore Israel to a kingdom of priests God's original plan to show them what it looks like to live a life of self-denial Torah obedience he was a living Torah and you know we are all called to be living tourists not just him for us this way we can be renewed in the Covenant that God originally intended for us to be a kingdom this is why you shoe could say knowing all of this know ye not that you why did he say no you not have you forgotten that's another way of saying come on Israel have you forgotten that you were meant to be a kingdom of priests but through me renewing this covenant that God made with you back at Sinai that you broke you will be able to be a kingdom of priests and you will reign with me a thousand years in my kingdom yes all new test yes [Music] nope yes absolutely so ah - ah in Hebrew a lot of times has that same connotation as if it's something new they also claim he's talking about Christians that are claiming the New Testament as if it's something new but it's renewed when they say I'm not under Torah law I'm under the New Covenant and they claim the new covenant but what is the new covenant we'll look at it in a minute he says for the house of Israel and for the house of Judah this is my covenant that i will make with you my new covenant not like the covenant i made with your forefathers that they have to study and memorize the written scroll i'm gonna write my torah on your heart and mind so it's not that tours done away with then being under the new covenant means you're gonna fully live out Torah Commandments all the commandments in love praise God I thought somebody else had a hand up but it was just moving the camera so we see Yeshua re ratifying renewing that covenant so that the seventh covenant and you know seven is God's favorite number it's interesting how there's gonna be seven covenants from the beginning of sin entering the world through Adam to it being restored at the end of the millennium the seventh covenant is this covenant of peace that we read about this morning that will never end it's everlasting it's eternal and it comes through Messiah during the kingdom of peace we have the Prince of Peace teaching the principles of peace which our Torah from the city of peace which is your ruche aligned which means city of peace during the Millennium of peace if that doesn't hint and take your focus to what the Covenant of peace is all about I don't know what will because there's so many things revealing to us that God is a covenant keeper and he's renewing his covenant of peace with his people he says in Jeremiah 31:31 through 33 I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel but it's not really new because it's not as if tours being done away with all he's saying is you don't have to go back and struggle with the flesh and keep studying Torah and then try to live it out it's gonna be on our mind we're gonna have it memorized and it's gonna be on our heart because we're motivated by love this is what it means that he's gonna write it in our heart in our mind so that we live it out naturally every act to God is a act of selfless love every act to our fellow man is an act of selfless love and no where am I going to vacillate back and forth like I have been between self-seeking and selfishness and selfless love in that day sin and death can be destroyed because it's never going to arise its ugly head again this is the everlasting covenant of peace that he's making and who's it made with notice it doesn't say with a new religion or with the Christian Church or with the nation's the Gentiles he says this is the New Covenant if you want to be part of the New Covenant he says with the house of Israel and the house of Judah God's plan is that the nations can be restored and saved through Israel if you want to be saved be grafted into Israel the house of Israel in the house of Judah not separate there's no separate bride that's what's called a harlot in Revelation so for those people who want to claim the New Covenant not only is it all about Torah observance on the heart and the mind but it's about being crafted into the house of Israel in the house of Judah this is the Covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time speaking of the last days declares the Lord I will put my Torah in their minds and I will write it on their hearts you will know it intrinsically you'll have it memorized how to live lives of love and you'll be motivated by love I will be their God and they will be my people this is intimate language just like a husband says I take you to be my wife and I will be your husband yes Archie this covenant is going to be written on our heart through the thousand years it's very good question Archie Archie asked when will this covenant be happen so the torrid gets written on our heart it's not overnight that it happens the thousand-year millennium is all about the living Torah teaching us Torah writing it on our hearts and minds because Revelation tells us that it's at the end of the thousand years that sin and death are done away with so that this covenant is ultimately fulfilled and that then you enter in the eighth day the Millennium represents the seventh day it's the seventh millennium it's written upon your heart during that seventh day so that you can enter into the eighth day which represents infinity eternity very good beautiful point so with that let's stand and praise the Lord will see the blessing over the haftorah and say the blessing over the food praise to you at an I our God sovereign of the universe rock of all creation righteous one of all generations the faithful God whose word is deed whose every command is just and true for the Torah for the privilege of worship for the prophets and for this Shabbat that you Adonai our God have given us for holiness and rest for honor and glory we thank and bless you may your name be blessed forever by every living being praise to you at an eye for the Sabbath and for its holiness abba father we thank you so much for revealing to us our true identity so that we can understand our true purpose to be restored as beings of love and to shine this love and this light to the darkness to an implement of your salvation to the nation's father so help us to be lights of your love to that the nation's will want to draw closer to you and be grafted back into Israel we ask for your Holy Spirit to help us be overcomers of all Torah lessness all sin and selfishness in our life we want to be a bride without spot or blemish we want to enter into your New Covenant and have your Torah written upon our hearts and our minds father so that we can enter into eternity with you symbolized by the eighth day this is what rejoicing in the Torah is all about Simchat Torah is looking forward to that day where your law of love is fully written upon every aspect of our being so we thank you for revealing this to us father through your prophets through your Torah and through your Holy Word made flesh Yeshua we love you we thank you and we praise your holy name and we ask your blessing on the physical food now that we are about to receive amen you
Channel: Assembly of Called-Out Believers
Views: 7,338
Rating: 4.9475985 out of 5
Keywords: haftarah, noach, noah, haftarah noach, Isaiah 54, Israel, righteous, salvation, Israel saved, haftarah parrellel, parallels with torah parashah noach
Id: auEs4DYgmaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 34sec (3154 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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