Final Baldur's Gate 3 Thoughts + Armored Core VI Impressions! | Dropped Frames Episode 362

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[Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] hello everyone welcome to dropped frames Zeke is a way burning at the man we got Dan and stripping filling in for him how's it going stripping welcome oh what are you okay just straight into it what are you celebrating with what's what's uh what'd you just crash open Thatcher's cloudy lemonade cider ooh cloudy lemonade yeah what good great question love it in England we're nailing the show so far we're doing a good job in England we have two kinds of lemonade we have the lemonade that is like clear and then the regular lemonade regular American lemonade we call it cloudy lemonade because you can't see through it because it's got so much sugar well they taste different don't they except I don't know I've never had uh that's kind of like like seven Up is like lemonade for us it's like see-through right we have two kinds of lemonade in England and then we have seven that's not lemonade what the [ __ ] seven up seven up no but like that consistency like we have lemonade that is like seven up without lime so it's like filtered lemonade yeah it's like clear lemonade and then we have American lemonade it's called cloudy lemonade here because it you can't see through it I'm gonna I'm gonna be honest I'm 39 years old I had no idea there were multiple types of lemonade this is I just thought it was lemonade same I'm seeing if there's a better thing here next you're gonna tell me gas is called petrol okay hold on I've got Google to the rescue cloudy lemonade generally found in North America and India is traditionally homemade uh drink made with lemon juice water and sweetened with cane sugar honey clear lemonade is a lemon or lemon lime flavored carbonated soft drink the type is common in the United Kingdom Ireland Australia and New Zealand oh it's like seven up right yeah yeah it's like oh that's why he said seven up yeah because it's like yeah so 7Up is considered lemonade there well it's we know it's lemon and lime it falls under the category of lemonade yeah interesting okay I get the logic right Sprite Sprite is lemonade right Sprite is lemonade and then I've never thought about it that way but sure I guess yeah I mean it's it's Citrus yeah Seltzer yeah it's limited it's lemony sure yeah I guess it'll make a lot of sense over that that makes nothing sound yeah right like like a cookie is a type of biscuit okay let's come on yeah everything's the soda and everything's a cookie like it's just that you're umbrella okay do you have a backup guest by any chance I don't this is uh we scraped the bottom of the barrel he was the he was the fourth fourth one we asked yeah everyone else said no they're too busy with uh video games and strip and said sure sorry I'm sorry sorry man Dan save us welcome uh hi I was out playing Pokemon go all day wait really yeah Pokemon go Fest was is this weekend what does that mean exactly they have like this big event once a year where you can go and like get they have an extra shiny chance for Pokemon Shiny means like the Pokemon has a different color look very rare and there's raids where you can like write group both people in battle these creatures and then try to capture them and then use them in your parties uh this one was called uh Rayquaza and they had its mega form for the first time and so I was out trying to get a shiny and I did get one Omega is not as shiny right a mega mega Rayquaza looks like this it's like a little dragon oh okay cool yeah I like it it's like super powerful so do you battle in that game or is it just a collect game right now what what are you doing it's a lot different than it was in 2016. yeah because I remember like seeing videos of stripping out at the Santa Monica Pier trying to get a Blastoise or some [ __ ] like a thousand other people blew my mind yeah back when it launched in 2016 I had only the 151 Pokemon now it has like many generations of them and they have events constantly there's raiding there's like gym battling there's all kinds of stuff it's it's a PVP system it's it's grown a lot over the years huh okay out of curiosity have you ever considered streaming it uh I always I'm always like paranoid about streaming my location in real time with that kind of stuff yeah what scares me about that but yeah it would be fun sometime if I could figure out a way to do it safely yeah like so many people are still streaming it uh well basically like they used software where uh they could be anywhere in the world all spoofing yeah yeah they would spoof and trick the game into thinking they were in Tokyo and then they would take part in all the Tokyo stuff without ever leaving their room is that bannable niantic's not the best developer at certain things like that so a lot of people get away with it for forever fair enough fair enough and there was like hundreds of people at the park too people are They're all playing and picking up big numbers yeah yeah I mean Pokemon's still a massive IP right so I'm sure it's got It's got a player base and a lot of people like they only play Pokemon there's nothing else they play like that's like the one thing that they they play it's their good their whole family yeah yeah and this was this was a special weekend that you said Pokemon go Fest yeah Pokemon go Fest it's like once a year it's both days on the one weekend and it's like you go you're supposed to go to park and like they have all these bonuses and stuff like double experience double candy that kind of stuff got it okay did you try to be like yeah did you try the uh the Pokemon sleep thing have you tried that yes I've been how is Pokemon's little the sleep tracker what hold on okay you got to explain it now does that go on your wrist what does that do so you're supposed to put this next your pillow and then you clip it to your pillow okay press down the button and then you hear it sings you a little lullaby oh my God so you go to sleep and this sits next to your pillow and like basically records you while you're sleeping and then you wake up and you connect it to an app and then it Imports your data and then there's a bunch of Pokemon that appear and you can capture them and then feed them treats to try to get candy to level them up and then you you have a Snorlax that you have to like feed to make them big and fat the fatter is the more rare Pokemon you get I know I say it sounds crazy but no no it sounds like that's some crazy integration yeah so do you do this every day yeah uh every day and also this thing you can take with you and it auto catches Pokemon and Pokemon go for you as well that's awesome so how does it help with your sleep like when it records you I guess it's recording like what what is the what is the database or movement because it does you can also use your phone like to if you don't want to use this thing and it just like records sounds so if you like snore or make noises and also like records the vibration until like if you're tossing and turning or you're staying still I don't know how it does it but somehow it does probably a gyroscope was that thing like 30 40 bucks to buy it uh 60 bucks yeah oh that's definitely got a gyroscope yeah that's pricey that's cool man yeah huh some people that's cool tractor sleep see like if you have any like sleep problems or like if you're sleeping all with the night or if you're getting good sleep or bad sleep yeah that's that thing would end up like across the room with how much I've hit it so hard and I woke myself up and flying across the room I had to I have to like super clamp it down or it won't stay there yeah yeah that makes a lot of sense that makes a lot of sense uh well cool congrats on all the pokemoning uh I didn't realize you were that deep into the Pokemon world yeah yeah I I've been like part of Pokemon since I was a little kid and it's like something I enjoy just staying apart even now yeah that's awesome that's cool oh yeah man it's been a busy week uh this past week Gamescom happened a bunch of games are still coming out it's games coming out this next week and then finally we get a little bit of a Slowdown after star field and then it picks back up again in October then we get another slowdown uh after that so we're we're in the thick of it unless you're a cyberpunk fan well that's what I'm saying yeah it picks back up after in October and then it slows down late September and here's the thing here not only that they announced that the 2.0 patch uh may be out before the expansion so for all the people that are like me that are planning on doing their second big run with the patch we may be starting even earlier yeah anticipated oh yeah it should be a fun time regardless oh yeah for a lot of people maybe jumping in there's so many people I've seen like I'm glad I waited a year for cyber yeah like why play it when it's in a terrible State like when you can wait to play it for the first time when it's all patched up and working good yeah yeah absolutely I did a run this year modded and it was I've never played it before and uh I loved it and it was amazing and I got quite near the end and then they were like everyone was like the deal she's coming stop stop yeah I was like okay so I'm I'm waiting to finish the game DLC actually adds a new ending oh really yeah is it the canonical ending have they do they say it is it is a canonical it is one of the actual endings now a little bit of interesting lore without spoilers um there are different endings to cyberpunk as everyone knows there are some that people wanted that were not available and the thinking is that that the endings in the expansion are cdpr going okay you want you wanted an ending like this well we're going to give you one like this yeah so the Hope fingers crossed is that it's a it's a specific type of ending that we were not able to get in the first one that is I think going to be potentially really cool hmm okay to be fair it was the one I wanted so yeah really looking forward to it yeah did they did they do uh did we do a spoiler cast on cyberpunk I don't know if we did nope I was like the only person that did a big run on it and there was a lot of controversy surrounding it when it came out so I don't think oh that's right yeah yeah I finished it I got an ending but it was just the it is what it is I guess we never did maybe we'll do one for the the expansion release if we all jump in and play that I would love to do that especially if we brought on a person like maybe in stripping's uh situation where it's like they only never played it after the yeah like I think that's big yeah awesome as a streamer I feel like that's that's rare to not have played it originally because there was like that was the game to stream right like that was the one of the biggest releases I think on Twitch um I will say a lot of the things I modded into my playthrough they are adding in the you'll see yeah well the 2.0 is huge it's probably in vehicles cops like actually chasing you and all this other stuff so yeah cool yeah they uh they did like an hour did you watch that hour-long Dev stream that they did I did I watched part of it yeah um but I they started getting a little like it's kind of interesting because at the beginning it's like we're not gonna show you any spoilers and then they're like so here's the first area and here are the First characters and here's what's gonna be going on here's what you're doing and it's like yeah yeah it got to a point where I was like you know what I think I'm gonna stop watching this um but we did I did get through like first of all I love the new game director he was like one of those people where as he was being interviewed he was having problems like he was tripping over himself how much he was trying to talk and he kept going in directions wait can I talk about this I talk about this no I shouldn't okay can we talk about this yet like it's he's very clearly somebody who really likes what he does which I think is fantastic in our industry like he was very much bleeding that passion um which was great and uh yeah everything I saw looked fantastic the new area looks fantastic the new characters sound interesting um all the changes they're making in 2.0 are in some cases sorely needed and in other ways just like going to make the game a lot better I'm very glad I waited to do a melee run which is my next run because they are adding so many toys for melee players uh from being able to like block bullets while you run to dashing around to air dashing to like make new fatalities like it's gonna be wild yeah yeah this is uh the trailer that was opening night live so you don't have to worry about spoilers or anything like that but it shows kind of everything that Co was just saying so Dan are you gonna do a full new playthrough you finished the original right uh yeah um I'm it's it's so original but it's like a year old the 1.0 the 1.0 yeah just depends on how deep into Starfield I am if I'm still playing at that time or not um but if I've finished by then I'm yeah I'll definitely do it like another play through this because it it was like there was a lot of really good stuff in it it was just like you had to dig through some mess to get to all the good stuff like there was a lot of bugs and issues and stuff but when you found the good stuff it was good like there was some great writing and great characters and great ideas that just weren't all the way finished and it was a shame if they had another year it probably would have we wouldn't be talking about it like this like it just needed more time yeah a diamond and the very rough yes I'm excited to see like this finally finished version yeah it's probably gonna be super fun also this game released three years ago chat was very quick to remind me and that God damn it that hurts my brain [Laughter] it's not cool it's not cool chant don't remind me of that [ __ ] uh um yeah this was uh this was a big thing at Gamescom for sure I think in terms of the lines to play this was one of the uh the longer ones people are they're still happy for cyberpunk right they still still want to play it they still want to get into it they want to see the expansion and they're they're really touting it as like a a 2.0 like the it's the game is is re-releasing at this point soft re-release yeah soft re-release so um we will uh we'll see how it goes uh that is into September right that's 27th I think is when that comes out um so we'll see we'll see what happens uh there was a lot at Gamescom uh we had the opening Night Live event happening on is that Tuesday I think that was Tuesday uh Keely was out there he got interrupted someone rushed the stage again uh I don't I don't understand how security was that slow to tackle someone uh after the last time but that was a thing that happened uh and then they just there's not really any like big announcements I don't think I'll pull up a game list and kind of go through all that stuff but I think all uh stripping did you watch it I think me Dan and Co did you did watch it yeah I did watch it what uh what'd you think of it I'll pull up the full game list we can kind of go through the different stuff um I'm I don't know it game show awards away with me because it's like I see something I get excited and I see it again A year later at the next one and I'm like I remember being excited for this and then now I'm excited again but it's weird for me it's weird like when when things have a release date are you excited I get less excited uh I think than I did five years ago because the release date nowadays uh is normally not necessarily a good thing um and it's kind of sad that that's become the staple yeah but uh yeah I don't know I feel I I was pretty excited about some of the stuff Dan what'd you think of opening that live I thought it was like okay like it had some good stuff in there um like I was excited about little nightmares three because I like the first two games a lot yeah um there was a few games in there a couple like obviously ad sponsored segments to pay for the show but uh it was all right like they had a couple good things it was like as long as you weren't expecting big announcements I thought it was like entertaining to watch for an hour and a half yeah Keeley was out there like tempering expectations too and and basically said like this is not going to be the the crazy announcement but you're gonna get a you know updates on all the games that you want to play type deal um and that's kind of you know that's exactly what we got I think some of the bigger announcements little nightmares three which you already mentioned uh Killing Floor three uh was in there um they showed uh we got the live action trailer of Starfield uh which was which was weird they also opened up the uh the show with is it is it Inon or enonsor how do you none inonzer okay sure he performed um a song from Starfield to uh to open up the show um we saw what did you how do you guys feel about Crimson desert strip and you've played like you've played the the Black Desert game what how do you how do you feel about Crimson desert I'm very lukewarm about it and I I love uh I I despise the payment model the BDO right I love video as a concept and like that engine I think is like really really cool especially for like PVP I think where video shines is like like Guild Wars large-scale PVP um just kind of like the flashy open wall stuff and this felt a lot more um kind of on Rails almost I don't think it's meant to be um but yeah it's like they took the engine and then they took a lot of what makes it great away and then said here's a single player well to goof around it yeah I know how I feel about it I I I think having enjoyed video to us to an extent um like I said the payment model was absolutely garbage uh it's very pay to win yeah but having enjoyed it for the the multiplayer elements of it it's hard to Envision the same world being single player but I'm that's me as a person though I'm not big on single player experiences sure if I'm honest sure I used to be a lot more but yeah I don't know I I'll probably check it out it feels like um it's it's it's like it gives me Dragon's Dogma Vibes but without some of the things I love about Dragon's Dogma almost it's trying to do too much I think there is a lot going on and it's like yeah okay but in an MMO I get that but in a single player game doing all these things is a lot yeah yeah I was I think obviously the the visuals for the game are one of the biggest uh things for me like the game just looks gorgeous uh yeah amazing I thought it showed very well but as the trailer went on they just continued to show like this what is that they just continued to show crazier and crazier [ __ ] and it's like what is going on it has everything in it I I feel the same way about Crimson desert as I did the first time I saw cyberpunk yeah where it's like if they actually pull this off like if all of this stuff is actually in the game and it works this game is going to be incredible sure I actually saw this and got super hyped like I I'm actually really really looking forward to this game this trailer put this game's squarely on my radar horse drifting horse drifting um but that's in there okay my my point is is that they take all this stuff and put it in this game and it actually all works and it's actually all fun this game looks like it's gonna be awesome yeah now I don't know if they're gonna do that but if they do it's gonna be freaking great from the looks of it yeah it looks it looks wild again the graphics for me are the biggest deal it looks there I see a lot of Zelda in this uh funny enough I think that might just be because there's like Sky eyes a lot of people drew that comparison I think yeah uh sure yeah um wasn't super happy about that that looked like super quick timing with that cutscene I don't know like how much of this is actual com that looks like actual combat those scenes that we saw right before that looked a little like quick tiny uh there's that'd be some QT stuff but most of this is is just combat yeah yeah and then this is like Zelda right this is the Kingdom right here the way they do combat is kind of like a fighting game so you have like actual inputs the Combos and all that kind of stuff it's quite in depth if that's what they if they're carrying over from video yeah it's very fulfilling well no release date at all uh so that I feel like we've been seeing this for a while or at least they've announced it for like the past year um yeah I think a couple years yeah a couple of years is it gonna be a free to play game or a paid game that I don't know let's see if they sit I think they would charge for it fully as like a single player experience uh but they might use it as like a check out this free single player game and then play BDO if you want to continue it uh that's that's I'm worried that it's like uh get you addicted to the features of this game and then there's BDO and then take your credit card yeah yeah this uh this article from April 28th earlier this year is saying that it will be out by the end of 2023 uh possibly during the holiday season um they don't say anything about like pricing though I I imagine it'll be a 70 game or a 60 game I would be surprised if that if that was shipping free but it looks cool it I think it showed very well um and it definitely popped up on a lot of people's radar uh yeah payday 3 stripping you have played that um how how is payday 3 is it delivering everything that Payday 2 fans want and did the trailer do anything for you it's good it's great if you like payday you'll love payday 3 it's just payday okay that's it and sweet it it's so much fun there you go easy what else is there a bunch of anime stuff uh we saw more combat one uh we got a new mud Runner game uh from the the snow Runner folks saber interactive that looked pretty cool uh I'm excited for that I I wish Zeke was here uh to tell us about this snow running experiences Zeke's no longer with us and neither is his steering wheel put it that way yeah yeah the uh the steering wheel got thrown uh gently as stripping would say or as Zeke would say but uh yeah yeah it kind of bounced off there was a bounce there was there was enough uh momentum there that we got to bounce off the floor you can find that uh that clip out there uh last Epoch showed a new uh class the Rune Master uh that's coming out September 7th um I know me and Co are both big last Epoch fans Dan have you played Leslie Puck it's like a Poe fan I think we played it briefly I didn't get a chance to play it too much but it's the action RPG where like every weapon has a skill tree and stuff is that every is it every skill or every weapon Co how do how does last Epoch break in or breakdown uh every skill every single skill so every every major skill that every class and subclass gets is its own spider web tree yeah oh yeah I loved it I love the customers like how you can make combined skills to make like your a crazy custom class that one's gonna be a really fun one to play yeah yeah it but it is I mean it's a fantastic game to play and the fact they're adding to it I think we're all very much waiting for uh 1.0 um with that so action RPGs aren't fire lately and I love it it is oh yeah not even hinted that they're going to be releasing more updates for Grim Don soon yeah and then Titan Quest too yep yeah oh man yeah the time it's a good time for arpg fans without a doubt uh speaking of arpgs Diablo 4 was there talking about season two uh this the season of blood coming out October 17th that was I was a little shocked to see that so soon uh I guess that's not that far away I mean it's only a month right um but kind of it's weird to see them out there pushing the next season when I feel like that last one just launched but maybe for a lot of people they've already stopped playing it and you know the the games conversation is where it is so they're just trying to like move on to the next thing as fast as possible I don't know it was a very odd Time trailer I felt from a marketing point of view but maybe it'll get people interested in it again uh oh yeah then they also announced uh Jimmy Chan uh is going to be voicing the I think the Vampire Hunter uh who was in that trailer she's a big Hollywood actress for those not aware she's been in Marvel films and stuff like that so that's a thing it was I think that was all a little weird um for me I think the the most exciting thing they showed or that was in Opening Night Live was the Alan Wake 2 stuff um I thought that stuff looked fantastic uh and and maybe a little too scary but yeah I'll uh I'll put up the trailer uh Dan you're the horror guy here you do a month on it every year how did you feel about Alan Wake too uh Alan Wake one was a fun game it just but this one looks like they're just going upping the ante in every corner from horror to the graphics to gameplay it looks like it's going to improve on just about everything from the first game and I'm I couldn't be happier because remedy as a developer has been just been getting better and better with each game My Control was really fun and I'm just excited to see like because all their stories are really weird and creepy and it looks like they're just going even more into their like creepiness with all these cutscenes and stuff yeah I can't wait yeah they're doing what they had like some weird not weird but they had a terminology for it where they're blending like live action kind of like what they didn't control uh but this seems a little bit more seamless where they're blending it into the gameplay um yes even take control at some point or like you're going like you'll be playing one second then you're in one of these scenes the next it I can't wait to see what they do because they're such a clever developer at horror yeah yeah um I wonder how far they're going to push the the spookiness though uh because this trailer again there's some stuff in there it's like it's crazier than anything they've done so far so it looks like it's going to be a scary game which I'm all about yeah uh well control a couple times but maybe not this much I hate being that guy right that's always like we we never get enough but I feel like he gave us too much what do you mean like when they came out he came up on stage and talked about the game and they they went through the systems and all this other I felt like I he gave me like for like a uh for like a a game that's a big question mark yeah he gave me too much info like you're done like you're going on Blackout now yeah I mean I was gonna anyway but it's one of those like he was obviously very passionate about the game and I was like I guess he's allowed to say as much as he wants to but it's like one of those like you know when people make a movie trailer and they show like the entire plot of the movie in the trailer sure yeah I was like hold some back for me come on give me less yeah Fair less fair I get it I get it uh I guess you're on Blackout then uh for Alan Wake too what did you feel about uh Allen wake too I think you were already on board so this oh yeah I was already super sold I I mean there was no Edge I was already in it you know like I I love uh remedy I love remedy uh I loved Alan Wake I was a huge fan of control I was super excited when I played the control DLC and and realized where it was going and what they were doing and what that probably meant um so every everything at this point has just been more great stuff so I feel like um I really I'm one of the uh the 17 people that really liked evil within two um in the way that it kind of really like that game yeah I did and the way that it really kind of entered the the whole mind Palace thing and like you know and it feels funny enough like this is remedies evil within two where it's gonna be like you never really know what's real there's weird stuff going all around you don't know if you're in the real world or this weird novel world and like it it they're really really good at that I feel like control in a lot of ways was kind of like and preparing for a game like Alan Wake too you know I'm there for man 100 yeah um I'm I'm excited for it I I am curious to to see if they uh hit on the like the world that they've built because controlling out and wake take place in the same universe right like that's control is they there's so many references to Alan Wake in that game um so I wonder if they're gonna experience uh that or or delve into that or if it's just going to be purely focused on like Alan Wake and the story of Alan Wake um it's it's also very interesting because what this means is technically that Alan Wake is like a small part of what control is yeah so not only will we probably see another control in the future um and in fact Alan Wake very similar to the control DLC element 2 may lead into like you know getting the artifact back into the control like maybe Jessie's gonna be at the end that'd be awesome accepting whatever Alan Wake found and maybe even joining what they're doing like who knows but what this also means is that arguably any kind of cool artifact stuff they come up in Allen or they come up with in control could have like its own story a la Allen wake like of how that artifact was found and created and how it influenced the person that found it and all that kind of stuff so they have crafted a very interesting IP with this whole read like like reactive world where you know like each each story and item in control which there are you know you talk about having hundreds of thousands of those items in control yeah each one of those could be its own little spin-off IP character game that kind of thing so yeah very cool are they are they working on control two have they said anything about I don't think they've announced it I think I think kind of like uh fallout 5 for instance you know it's one of those things where probably people doing something behind the scenes but right now all eyes are on their most recent project with this which is I'll make two yeah yeah I would love to be one of those six people in the world that hasn't played control yet so oh man you gotta play control good time yeah definitely do it before uh Alan Wake 2 if you can is that not not to spoil it but there is stuff in control that directly connects in very cool ways to what Alan Wake 2 is going to be so it's a great precursor experience games is great on its side too it's just awesome control is uh fantastic it's also a really good like graphically like it'll push your system uh and do some cool stuff uh someone just linked to my chat by the way a quote not sure where he got it from but remedy entertainment has signed an agreement with 505 games to co-develop and co-publish control two only known as codename Heron a sequel to remedies award-winning game control so it is it is already public awesome thank you yeah Barry just said it's also got uh job postings on remedy uh so so go get a job on control two and then come tell us all about it and then tell us all the information they're off with you exactly uh outside of Opening Night Live Gamescom was still happening uh some of the the I guess bigger things the the news waves as it were uh Sven uh from larion uh met with uh with Phil Spencer uh and they announced on the 24th uh the Tweet says that they've quote found a solution that allows us to bring Baldur's Gate three to Xbox players this year still uh something we've been working on towards for quite uh some time and it turns out that solution was money uh it's really weird how often that's the solution and all sorts of problems and things yeah crazy Universal Problem Solver it's crazy yeah Phil just shows up but he's like so we've got somebody it's like oh yeah I think we could do this here spend spends like you know recently we've really gotten this new you know nice attraction to that after Boulder's grade three so let's figure this out yeah uh what's interesting is I think that's also what happened with Final Fantasy 14 as well so it's uh maybe yeah using a pattern of of the checkbook it uh it was really go ahead put a little bit of real talk though I think there were besides money I think there were some alternate things like I think it's a big deal yeah it's a it's it's it's a larger deal and more importantly they had to make some concessions to make it like available as much as they wanted to so although I'm sure money was involved um there were other roadblocks that were not money related that had to do more with with decision making yeah that I think they finally decided on he had a follow-up uh Sven did and this was talked about I think on a uh one of their streams uh that they they when they were asking why they weren't going to Xbox um and it had to do with Split Screen Co-op um so it will have split screen co-op on the series X the series s will not feature Split Screen Co-op but will uh include cross save progression between Steam and Xbox series so this is uh the first game to break that system parody between the S and X which has been a long uh sought after goal the sounds of it Xbox it's totally technically related like from the sounds of it they just couldn't render everything into like you know you run to two different parts of Baldur's Gate and the system just couldn't keep up with rendering the experience for both people properly yeah yeah yeah obviously not what they wanted but you know it's better than it not coming to the Xbox but they just you know had to figure it out right all right yeah I think given the success is probably what pushed that right they want if if PlayStation has that they want to have that they want to have you know the best games on their platform Etc um but it is interesting because now the question is going to be well what else is going to break system parity is are they going to let every game launch with a series X features that aren't on Series S um it starts to come down just imagine the next game so we want to break parody Phil says no no we don't do that you're like yeah but you did it with Baldur's Gate yeah okay you get 800k concurrence on stream on Steam and we'll and we'll talk about you breaking parody how about that yeah the guy's like okay we'll fix it yeah there was uh I think there was a tweet this morning from Xbox that said that they are going to try and push for split screen on the series s post launch um so maybe they're still gonna attempt for that I'm trying to find that tweet but that's a lofty goal uh because there is as Co is saying there is a pretty big um difference in Hardware between the series X and the series yes and the thing is is if you think about it with split screen you're you're literally at that point like you're reducing the real estate but the types and what you're rendering and everything is like kind of doubling the further you go away from each other like you're having to render more than you would in a single player experience potentially so it's yeah technically that I'm sure isn't yeah yeah you can only do so much with that we haven't decided at least as a show chat if this is going to be a spoiler cast episode but all four of us have finished the game uh we all I think everyone wrapped up uh the three of you wrapped it up this past week around uh kind of the same dayish uh Dan and Co both did single player play through stripping's playthrough was fully Co-op so they're very different uh experiences if we do a spoiler cast it'll be at the very end of the show I would assume uh but I can ask thumbs up thumbs down I mean how did you guys feel about The Full Experience Dan we'll start with you it was one of the best crpgs I've ever played and it would take a Monumental game to ever unseat it from the throne because it was just so good my only complaint with it would be act 3 Performance but they and I know laryn will get it patched because they're very good at they did it with the Divinity original sin too like actually it was a bit buggy a bit less than the other ax and they got it patched up eventually and even redid most of it so like once they get that fixed I think it'll be a Flawless game it was just so good yeah what was your total play time doing 150 hours I think on tactician difficulty okay all right um Co what was your total play time uh 150-ish hours okay yeah and then stripping do you remember your total play time for the the co-op uh yeah it was it was a hundred hours to the minute 100 hours to the minute nice nice uh what did you think stripping uh Co-op playthrough obviously a lot different I I tuned into years and was like what the [ __ ] is going on dude it's a very very different experience yeah there's no companion stories or side quests because you're all four spaces occupied by a player yeah um it's still the best crpg I've ever played No Doubt um larion they have this history uh uh where they kind of enjoy ping people against each other in Co-op sessions and that that comes through again in this game to a look to an extent um which is fine uh it's fine it's fine it's fine yeah friction and drama yeah it's still an amazing experience I think the ability to walk into a room and have four people clear the room definitely saves on Play Time yeah um totally like we would we would have one guy like look at a bookcase and he's reading the book and while he's reading the book like two of us are looking at a trap and one person is picking a lock and um our ability to just like work through puzzles as a group and all this other stuff where we got slowed down a lot was dialogue options because we would have to discuss as a group and I think we would I think combat was probably quicker because everyone only had to focus on one character and then they had the entire combat to think about what they're going to do on their next turn and so would end up being a lot quicker than I think it would be if you were planning it as a tactician of four characters yeah it's still a it was a fantastic experience I don't I think it's unparalleled in terms of like Co-op RPG elements um I mean I would I would have said before this game you would have said what's the best co-op game I would have said Divinity too so they just improved upon all right and already successful recipe but I loved it it was amazing yeah uh and then Co you finished it up as well uh any any changed thoughts I mean we've talked about it three weeks in a row now I had a um a mid game thoughts video and a final game thoughts video the mid game thoughts video was basically like this is arguably one of the best games I've ever played it's one of the most immersive experiences this is amazing I love it it's absolutely awesome and the end game thoughts video was pretty much the same except act three definitely needs some love yeah um the the big thing is the the first part of of the first couple parts of I'd say act one and arguably 99 of act two they it's so well done that it creates this like crpg paradise of like no matter what you do it's okay everyone's reacting to everything very few bugs no matter how you approach stuff it'll complete in an interesting way etc etc um act three is mostly like that I mean Rivington was pretty tight uh you know you go into the the city proper it was as you get more and more to the end and especially like the very end the vasad starts to feel a fall apart a little bit you know characters all of a sudden start talking about things you haven't done yet or that you did differently um a character starts repeating the same dialogue over and over um a character doesn't acknowledge this happened multiple times you would do something big in the game no one would talk about it and it felt weird there were multiple situations where I was like no one has anything to say about this really yeah ah um or people or they talk about it at different times so the short of it is is it's still phenomenal still feel it's one of the best crpgs of all time still feel it's one of the best games of all time um but it it definitely for for the entire experience to be amazing it needs a little bit more time um and and again the very ending like I had like a few very weird things happen at the very end of the game it just completely like oh God did anyone have a bug where you had someone extra in the final fight or was that just oh that happened to you as well no you're talking about your time now there's there's a particular character that's kind of interesting like an accentuating of this whole thing and it has to do if we think with the cut content which is a whole nother discussion to have I know why it happened I don't think it's what you're saying okay okay yeah I'm I'm talking about um and no no spoilers but you know because obviously this is going to happen again like this but I'm talking about a partner the game where there's like a Braveheart speech character and everyone's like who the hell are you like what is that oh no I know exactly what you're referencing yeah so that you know that that and and what's funny enough is and just just to let you guys know like like the little stuff I ran into they kind of made the facade crumble so here I am at this this last part of the game this happens in every game this isn't a spoiler you're at the end of the game you're surrounded by people you love and know everyone is told you you know let's do this it's the big ending I accidentally picked up an item that was marked stolen in that room and they all attacked me literally in the room before like the end boss I picked up an item that looked interesting and the and one of the characters that just told me how amazing I was was like I'm sorry you're gonna need to pay for that or go to jail or attack and I was like attack and then everyone around me would aggro and I just looked down and I was like this is not like this is not that happened a lot to me in act three as a four player thing when doing full player co-op if anyone touched anything it was like EV everyone went to war against you everyone and it was unfixable so here's the thing it was too much it was too much everything I ran into in act 3 can be patched all the meat content all the big events the location the city itself 9.5 to 10 of 10. like no question yeah so it's the kind of thing where I am people keep asking me when is your next playthrough I'm like I'm giving it a few patches yeah because when I play this game again I am I am almost unequivocally convinced that if there's one company that's going to turn this into something amazing because we already saw them do it with us too dos2 is arguably in a lot worse State unrelease than deal like a bonus K3 like a lot worse um larion's going to turn this into the Masterpiece it deserves to be uh it may take him six months it may take him a year who knows um but they're gonna they have a history of definitive editions right like it's within A2 they head of this cut content and it's like almost one year to the day they're like here's the definitive edition and it's just so much more stuff that's things they wanted but couldn't get done the last the last thing I'll say because I've I've confused some people with with my you know critiquing of Baldur's Gate 3. you can wait and if you can I'd recommend it but nothing I've said doesn't say that what's there is still amazing like yeah you're gonna get some bugs and some weirdness at the end of it but it's still to me like in its current state if they didn't do another single patch to it it's still an incredible game still worth the play through and by the way if you play it once now you can play it completely differently the next time you play it um you know like there's so many different ways to play it which is a different game exactly so it's people are like do you not recommend the game now I'm telling you what the game is like and saying you know you make the decision but for me it absolutely is worth playing right now it's it's just fine to play in its first day especially act one and two one and two or solid as a rock they're great so act one is a literal Masterpiece it's a masterpiece of gaming um so one thing I was told that seems super plausible is that a lot of the bugs in act three are caused by cut content and then the like code interactions that are trying to happen with content that no longer exists which checks out I think a lot for me because you think they they removed it for I think they they removed stuff and they didn't have time to like cauterize the wound uh I think a lot of the bugs come from like interactions that would segue into something that doesn't exist anymore sure yeah and and so that's that's like like I said that's something that's really easy to patch and fix and seem make seem more whole yeah yeah like for example they cut the exhaustion system from the game that was going to be in the game so that's why your characters will sometimes say wow I'm tired I need to rest but there's no like yeah or anything because I think it confused the hell out of me I know yeah I mean there's no belts in the game it's just things like that yeah yeah it makes sense um but it's astounding to me that there's you know 150 hours of content by playing the game one way it's not including the other you know 50 ways you can play the game so there's you know essentially thousands of hours of content in this game it's been had to cut things from it yeah that's how much content there is I'm sure you guys have had similar experiences with just different folks that you've talked to playing it but my wife has has been playing and kind of after every session that she has like four or five hours she'll be like yeah when did X Y or Z and I'm I'm like oh yeah how'd that go and then she'll tell a complete opposite story from my experience with said creature environment whatever uh and that is just that's held up for about 40 or 50 hours of her play through now um where it's just been completely different from everything that I experienced and so that's why I'm hesitant to actually do a spoiler talk because if we are going to do if you guys are interested in playing a second playthrough down the line if Dan describes his experience to co or strip and describes his experience to Dan they might just spoil that entire side of another playthrough uh because we were all so different and and how we approach things and again I will reiterate the co-op play through that stripping did was [ __ ] scorched earth like this the richest things that happened where I'm like did you guys what did you how did you get here and the thing is when you guys play the game and you make a decision all of your companions give you feedback on your decision and I think it kind of molds how people play in a single player experience because it's almost like if you like a companion you want to please them and I think that kind of dictates what you do we don't have that as a group of people yeah they don't have a problem with this no we're doing it and so like we made a lot of very gray morally gray decisions and sometimes we lent too far in one way and so sometimes we made a really poor decision and we were like well that's just kind of how the cookie crumbles because it's it's very tedious to save scum when you have four players sure it's like yeah that's a lot so we want we may kind of made the decision like we're not going to do that whatever you know we get we go with and so there were a lot of times where it just went horribly wrong and we were like well that's that's how it's gone guess we'll replay the game another time and see how that could have been companion-wise you was the opposite you had three people left in your camp right yeah yeah no wheat so we agree we made we made the decision early on um we made a decision early on that we didn't want to explore the stories of the companions because we had we were never going to use them right and so because you all made custom characters yeah and so like in it started off as let's leave them in Camp and then it started off as they keep bothering us when we go back to camp and they keep asking us for stuff that's that's but hold on you slept with all of them still because I know those cutscenes was it like Old Yeller where you all would like pick one and take them out back and then like come back and be like all right hysteria let's go out back for a chat one of my friends Joe fudge bless his heart he's a fantastic DM and he played a Bard and he was like I'm gonna [ __ ] a dragon I don't know how I don't know where I'm gonna [ __ ] a dragon in this game so we he just kind of decided I'm not interested in the companions that's easy mode so we kind of went in like we don't want to sleep with the companions that's too easy we need to find other people to sleep with and so it transitioned into let's kill all the companions it's kind of a jump stripping yeah I mean I don't know how we got there but throughout our playthrough it kind of devolved into how do we kill this companion how do we kill this companion uh if we do this I think the companion will disappear and so we got to this point where we only had three companions left and the only reason we had three is because one of our players grew a little bit attached to one of them and like made a different Choice um and apart from that if he hadn't have been because the rest of us were all down to kill that one too um we would have had none I think man wow very very unique I I I'm going to uh throw up the spoiler hand so everyone take your headphones off uh because I do want to say something about strippers play through that blew my mind because I'm sure we all experienced a completely different thing so when I put my hand down spoilers are off you have a warning it's five four three two one when you go to the vampire fight at the end of the game for a Starion right that that whole encounter I'm watching stripping's play through and they're like going down there and I'm like oh this is gonna be cool I can't wait to see like what they do with this and what decisions they make they start the fight and in the back Center is a Starion but it's not a Starion it's zombie asterian because they [ __ ] killed him and he's not even he's not even staring anymore he get they gave him to the like the the vampire hunters or some [ __ ] uh in the background the vampire Hunters were like yo I'm looking for a Starion and I was like [ __ ] I know him homie he's in my Camp go have him so he took him and we were like that's done and then later on we were like we found all the dead uh uh vampire hunters and it someone said oh a vampire killed them all and took a star in his corpse and then when we got to the fight he had re-raised them and it was a zombie historian it is amazing they they walk out of the fight and all of the vampire children are dead they didn't even die ordered everyone we we didn't know that when he transforms every they all explode so we we were like high-fiving each other ready to hit the showers a great boss well done went back through the building and it was just there was guts everywhere all over the walls it's and so anyways it was it was a crazy it's not my fault I know I'm just saying completely different experience from mine yeah I'm putting my hand down yeah absolutely insane uh that's Boulder skate three yep what else happened uh a bunch of things we didn't even talk uh stock or Cody uh what I'm sure you saw the trailer how are you feeling about stuff yeah oh looks great I mean it looks like more stalker um I I think it looks fantastic I think a lot of people are expecting it to like look a little maybe better um like more AAA but I think a lot of people don't realize like where stalker came from like I had some people say that that some of the interfaces looked a little rough and things like that but funny enough the interfaces look like homages to the original stalker Trilogy so yeah I thought it looked fantastic um but no I think it looks great I think it looks like it has everything in the game um that I expect from a stalker game I love seeing updated models of enemies that I've killed like a thousand times in the previous Trilogy everything about this looks fun and interesting uh and I am I am I was already hyped for it but seeing it like actually in front of you it's just it's incredible I cannot wait to play this game yeah to me like it it just it's stalker like it's got the vibe of stalker throwing through um even down to like almost the animations and and how like everything is I haven't even played the game to completion but I saw this like yeah that stalker one thing I'm not sure about I'm not sure about it and I don't know how I feel about it it's very strange hearing non-ukrainian Accents in this game the fact that your character is like just straight up n a accent it was very weird for me because I've never hear that ever in the original stalkers no characters talk like that in the original stalkers even the ones that speak English so that was a little strange like it was a little weird it makes me wonder like I kind of hope they're not going to have like a whole cast of that that would yeah kind of immersion breaking in a lot of ways for me so I mean I don't know I don't know Theory purposes yeah that's why I'm hoping I'm hoping it's kind of a situation where maybe you're like a US Special Services guy that's there for some reason like maybe there's some kind of big Story related thing but if it's the kind of thing where every NPC and every character we talk to in there is gonna have like a flat n a accent like that's it'll be a little strange I think the name of the game is Chernobyl right it's uh it's stalker Shadows of Chernobyl and pretty much everything takes place in the zone which is which is around Chernobyl so yeah yeah it's just it was a little strange it was a little strange um but I I have read that there's a lot of like mercenary activity in this one so maybe it's just you're you know you're an NA Merc group it's there for some reason who knows but yeah yeah I mean that's that's the only thing that was a little strange about it everything else looked yes man sorry did uh did you happen to see that that video floating around of the uh stalker Dev when uh Phil Spencer walked up with um Todd Howard right next to him and they just started playing stalker was watching awesome yeah it's kind of a remarkable video oh I'll have to find that just just to see those two walk up to your booth and like player game has got to be a like drop everything go talk to the bosses like oh [ __ ] moment uh and then Phil immediately died right afterwards I think I was like yeah you know we're not it's a hard game we're not pulling any punches the zone is brutal yeah it was cool I definitely definitely look for that if you're a fan of uh of those devs uh on on Twitter what else was there uh Tuesday morning right before um the uh the Gamescom opening nightlife uh stuff started were we all sponsored for Destiny they went like all out I think stripping were you doing a sponsored stream for Destiny okay yeah we were all sponsored to watch the destiny thing I think I'm the I don't say this is like a I'm the only one that plays but I play a lot of Destiny the three of you don't having not played destiny I gotta know what the hell did y'all think of that showcase because it was not like that was four people that played Destiny and so going into that were you guys just like what the [ __ ] is going on I gotta I gotta be honest I gotta be honest when this was pitched to me it was it it made I was put in a position where I felt like there was going to be something at the thing that was either to try to bring in new players or to bring in people that don't normally play like I thought my guess was that they were sponsoring all these non-destiny players because they were going to announce something to try to bring them into Destiny and they did they sort you have to have played Destiny to know that but not not only that what they did was announce a giant final thing that seems to be a literal homage to people who have been playing the game for 10 years right so I it was it was a little weird now personally we have a coalition clan in the game My mods play I know literally hundreds if not thousands of people in my in my community play Destiny regularly it's a popular game so I was like sure I'll watch it I mean they're gonna have something to watch anyway and I'll just you know hang out for a while to sponsor stream sure but no I was a little surprised I I definitely was expecting there was going to be something for non-destiny players a bit of a carrot on a stick same um so to me it was kind of funny enough the opposite where it was like Not only was there not something to bring in new players but they were basically showcasing content designed to cater to Old players right um so I'm I'm guessing we're just seeing this because it was like the last big thing and they just wanted as many eyes on it as possible maybe yeah um historically they haven't done like Destiny has not done very many sponsored streams so I was in your Camp as well when they reached out and then I started you know talking to you guys like hey are you doing this Destiny then like I saw the amount of people that were sponsored which was a very massive amount of twitch like a huge push marketing campaign-wise um we're sponsored for that I went into that thinking like they're about to drop some like crazy huge announcement and it was like no the announcement was that you can join your friends now because it's going to bring your light level to the highest light level in the party and if you don't play the game your everything I just said was [ __ ] gobbledygook like to you I I missed that yeah that was the big announcement was like you could just jump in with your friends who put in countless amounts and see the rate yeah yeah they're in the presentation they like were going over the whole story of the whole like first game and second game like all the cutscenes and stuff yeah I was like wow this looks so cool but I don't know who that is or why they're doing this or what's happening here but it looks really cool and I'm into it I just don't know what's going on it's like jumping into a soap opera like episode just randomly like you see all these people yelling and screaming and you don't know what's happened you have any contacts yeah but yeah I was the same camp I was expecting Destiny 3 announcement I'm like oh here we go Destiny three it's gonna be announced everyone's sponsored yeah it was just like oh okay this is good for Destiny players though but as someone doesn't play very often I feel like I'd be lost if I just jumped in right now oh absolutely all right yeah it would but like I was hoping they'd have at least something like uh we're gonna re-release the first part of the the game was like a catch up like series of missions or something but yeah they kind of did that yeah they they put in like I think it's four Missions at this point you can go back and do like old content through this like timeline thing for important moments uh that have happened through the destiny 2 campaign but this is like four missions through I don't know like six expansions or five expansions or something like that right uh stuff that is very huge but it's it's like reading a chapter in a [ __ ] 40 chapter book um it was really interesting watching that with uh with Burke and gassy Mexican who don't play Destiny and I was doing my best to try to explain the story as those cut scenes were happening I think they started and were interested and by the end of that 30 minute thing where I was just non-stop talking they were like what the f what is this I just kind of glazed over oh yeah hell is going on I will say I actually loved the pre-show thing where they were just like going over all the major events and like little blurbs and like I I somebody like one of the things I like about Destiny is the lore I think the world and the lore is cool so that was it was fun seeing all that stuff kind of I felt like that was an interesting little very Broad and top level but it was a nice little catch up I mean that was cool yeah yeah and I it's it's weird that Sam I I did not feel like this was for new players I felt like this was for cat it was for casual Destiny players and Destiny players that have quit because I fall into that camp and Destiny historically has been incredibly punishing to people that are not willing to get sweaty in PvP don't have a raid group you just miss out on every part of the game they care about they haven't had a new PvP map in like a year the community generally was like pretty unhappy until this announcement I don't know if they still are but like I I saw a lot of like negativity from the destiny community on my on my feed often and like I'm one of those people that would like I'll play Destiny I'll do the story of that expansion and I'll quit right and I and mainly that was because I didn't have the time to dedicate to grind up and do the raid because the the writing required for light level you're not you're not only grinding light level you're grinding gear at the same time and it's you all this just to get ready for like that that raid one raid day experience and if you don't do it then then you miss out on like a key feature of that expansion because once someone beats the raid it changes everything changes and so it's like sometimes yeah yeah there's like this element of fomo where it's like you have to kind of participate in that like initial push or you kind of maybe miss out on something and so I I got really frustrated by that element and then so when they were like hey you can go to the light level of your friend for me I was like actually interests me because I don't have to grind as much to like do the raid or like play with friends and they kind of like ticked boxes that had made me quit so I'm interested in the stuff I feel like those changes were kind of tailored to people like me who have played the game either casually or like have quit because they just couldn't handle the grind um so that's kind of what I took away from it I think as a new player you wouldn't know what the hell was going on no tally jumped in he's been playing the past like three or four days it's a completely new Destiny player in day one of his Destiny 2 stream was watching bif's five-hour lore video to try to understand what the [ __ ] going on in the game to like prepare him for lightfall which is the the current expansion is to watch a five hour long video outside one of the one of the big things is is k-6 coming back and if you haven't played that means nothing to you yeah and the light level going up is is you haven't played it means nothing to you you know if you played when you know if you played when k-6 died that's like oh cool if you played you know when the light level was a grind and you you got tired of it you're like oh cool yeah I don't think it's for new people at all I think it's tough I think and I got a contained experience but it's yeah it's not you still need to know everything the whole thing is just gonna be bad I think what do you mean like I because like the whole thing Destiny 2 will be said or no no no I mean like uh the from and I guess is it these spoilers since it was in the destiny reveal thing foreign coming back right one of the most iconic level characters etc etc but they made it very clear that you're going into the traveler and the traveler is like creating your memories so it's kind of like it isn't really coming back dude this is just kind of like him just coming back and saying yo he's you know he's not he's not being revived it's just fan service yeah it's kind of sad because I love the idea of like you know I'm actually coming back it's not that at all man it's just his ghost yeah I use that term both you know you know what I mean but you know all of us writing decision it's just a little Echo yeah by the way yeah was killing Kade oh they recognized that uh tenfold it made me quit the game yeah it pissed a lot of people off I mean Nathan Fillion stopped doing the role because he had to go film The Rookie right on like CBS or whatever that that's why they probably did that but you're 100 correct that it actually pissed people off there's a character like there are so few beloved characters in this friend franchise and then you you know you one for shock Factor yeah and it's Nathan Philemon man what have you done it's the star of my show yeah yeah and and Co you're 100 correct there's no way that we get out of that expansion and he's like alive I yeah like the the whole the whole like that's that's the vibe I got from the entire show it's like this is the end and this this entire thing is structured so we can walk you through everything we've we've done through these memories and then we'll have a final event and then we can reset this new thing we're doing in these in this new system this Echoes thing that we're doing three times a year like it's it's very much just uh it's it's a goodbye yes is what it is it seems like the entire thing is an outro slash goodbye which is fun okay but what if yeah oh God what if anything made in the traveler because based on the fact that we pick up new guns and [ __ ] inside stays anything is becomes real stays maybe you can just walk out I think I think strip and keep reaching for those Stars buddy I think I should be hired as a writer on the game because the only way you should do people come like me came back is if K walks out there and if you're watching Bungie you've been warned there you go [Laughter] if they do somehow lore wise have him like be created in the traveler but then be able to get removed from the traveler at the end I think that would be one of the best moves they could like even if even more funny if he was like aware of it where he's like I started as a memory of Kade but like what am I doing still here like okay so I'll have to keep being K now oh well you know it's like that that would be like hilarious and kind of awesome yeah yeah we'll see we'll see uh it it was definitely uh like a strange experience to you know what to see all the sponsored stuff for me you know what what I don't think they're gonna do that and I think they're gonna kill him like yeah well so here's the funny part is when cage six dies it wasn't even Nathan Fillion voicing those lines he had already left the roll it was oh really yeah it was uh they could have just kept kept going what was his name yeah or what is his name God damn it he was opposite Troy is Nolan North uh who was voicing Kate six at that point okay and so that's that's when he he died so that might be what they're doing here is like giving Fillion the ability to actually like say goodbye as that character but I don't know we'll see it all comes down to like his Nolan or is is uh Nathan Fillion like willing to step into that role full-time and and you know constantly record lines blah blah blah we'll see we'll see what happens uh I've been playing the the league uh it's not they're not called leagues the season Poe brained yeah I'm Poe brain I've been playing the season uh every night this week for about four or five hours and it's it's fine I'm I'm I've always enjoyed Destiny it's a it's a great grind to just like pop into put something on another monitor and and kill things right like that's that's what I enjoy no streaming it uh no not no reason to stream uh viewership for Destiny is like it's a weird game to stream because the people that want to watch Destiny watch the specific people that stream Destiny and that's it like they do they don't go outside of those things right there are sound communities where like variety does not succeed and Destiny is one of those like Destiny viewers are extremely generous to Destiny content Creos yeah but if you come into that directory as variety they'll be like hey welcome and that's kind of it let's go back and watch it and then they'll leave and go get the information they're looking for because yeah the people those streamers are more clued into it co where it's like the viewer can be like hey when did the last Vex incursion spawn and the streamer will immediately be able to say like it was X minutes ago so get ready because it's spawning in X minutes whereas I'm just like I don't know I'm not I don't have a Discord bot that's like timing this [ __ ] out for me every minute maybe I'm gonna go do it it's the ability for the content creator to answer questions versus the ability for the consecrated to just non-stop ask questions that will irritate the audience and that's that's why I do when I play Destiny same I'm like where do I get this gun yeah I do yeah so we'll be streaming it uh we skipped over this but I I don't know what's this what's the the Rogue Trader stuff part of Opening Night Live or was that outside of Opening Night Live that was the IGN oh that was the IGN thing okay yeah they put out the the companion trailer uh which had all of the companions is this considered spoilers code not really okay no I mean yeah like I think I think the thing about this is Warhammer 40K fans I think are super excited to see what type of Warhammer people they're going to be able to play with in in Rogue Trader things so I don't think it's too much of a spoiler doesn't really talk about who they are uh or you know their motivations and stuff just kind of like what they represent in the Warhammer universe so uh companion trailer was awesome I have to admit I was really hoping for a release date um I thought that was what they were teasing not necessarily the companion trailer but I mean the companions look awesome dude they're very they're incredibly varied there's there's lots of different kind of interesting uh factions they're bringing in from the Warhammer 40K universe oh man this this game is going to be so much fun yeah they also confirmed Co-op they did yes yes which I'm sure I'm are you planning on doing a co-op run stripping I would I would have to find someone to be uh into into it for Warhammer pilled yeah it's a little it's a little tougher I wouldn't want to bring a normie I need to find a fellow a fellow Warhammer pill uh I think to go in with Baldur's Gate 3 is this interesting phenomenon because it's so rare we get like a fully mo-capped fully really well voice acted BG you know crpt so it offers this veneer that brings in so much more audience that would normally play that game but now with Rogue Trader we're kind of back to the normal like hey do you like reading because we got lots of reading but it's like yeah and law and reading yeah yeah so this this I mean where where crpds are still a niche this is almost like a niche of a niche it's like you're kind of double upping on it a little bit um so I there's no way that that Rogue Traders gonna be as big as border Skate 3 by any stretch but it's still going to be an absolutely phenomenal game I do think a lot of people would have if voters gave three is their first crpg they'll be like oh my God I actually love this genre and then there might be a lot of people that want to check this game out so I think they'll definitely see a lot of success just coming off the back of of Baldur's Gate yep which would be cool there is no question that it's a the first it is free situation yeah yeah yeah where it's like I think a lot of people are going to realize that they really love crpgs but they never really wanted to give them a try because of the barrier of Entry that normally is there so it's uh it's very exciting very exciting yeah Dan where are you at in the Warhammer fandom are you how do you feel about one hammer I'm I'm the type of person I'm a normie I've only like played like some games and stuff I don't know too much of the lore but everything I've played and see red looks really cool like I I played a lot of the total war um Warhammer games and um something some random ones that like I feel like every other month there's another Warhammer game coming out of some variety um but they've all had like really insane characters and lore and races and stuff and it fascinates me I'm like I want to like get more into it because it just seems like such a fascinating place and I see what people are obsessed with it because everything that's how it got that's how I got into it I uh that was a Warhammer game I really liked the look of and I was like but I know nothing about this world and so I started doing a law binge on stream and people would like send me videos to watch and and then that's how I learned about everything yeah I just did it on stream with with chat because every time a game yeah every time I asked about a character or something like who's this Emperor guy why is everyone so crazy like people would be like wait he's he's what he's he's dead yeah I like I made the mistakes a thousand Souls every day we like to joke I got so into the law that I never played the game I had intended to play the whole reason I did the law what am I I like to joke about Warhammer fans that like you don't want to ask them a question about the lore because then it's it's like once the quirk's been removed you can't put it back in and it's just non-stop just spews for like hours and hours and hours about it's like me with like Final Fantasy 14 or Kingdom Hearts lore I just won't shut the [ __ ] up about [ __ ] and there's so much like it's so dense uh like stripping Watts like you just said like what six hours of videos or seven hours of videos I'm like one dude a day yeah and and yeah it's it's very dense it's like today do you want a lot about this faction his four hours of videos right it's one faction of one you know it's crazy yeah this all started as like a tabletop game in like the 80s or 70s like it's very old franchise isn't it yes yeah yeah very much centered in like uh I think it spawned in the UK right like that's where it originated from yeah Games Workshop yeah um speaking of uh Warhammer this was also shown Space Marine 2 which honestly looks yet [ __ ] sick uh is that on purpose go because I just I just haven't seen it yet oh dude look at this look how insane this looks like they're using the world war yeah but you're a chaos Marine they're using the World War Z engine to put up a thousand creatures on the screen at once and it works so [ __ ] well like the gameplay looks phenomenal in this uh and it is really much it is Gears of War like your character has that bulkiness to him and walks through and you just like sliced through a billion mobs uh but it it's incredible I think there's multiple multiple videos out there of like 15 minutes of just raw footage um skill up put a video out if if that's your your fancy and they all said it was phenomenal to play uh and had a blast with it I I this was this was the turning point for me where I was like okay this looks fun I'm on board with this uh it's very Perry focused uh and all of this stuff when you're finding the tyranids you have to like I think if you do a successful Perry you get armor um on some of the bigger guys then you can just like mash through all the little guys it looks like Mindless fun uh and then looks like a good time definitely a big Improvement I think on the first one so uh Dan the first one was still fun yeah yeah it was it was fun it was it was great fun it wasn't uh wasn't any glaring glaring issues with it um I remember playing the first one on Justin TV back when uh they introduced the smarky moat for it like it was it was uh it was an experience it was really really fun but this looks like Leaps and Bounds like bigger and broader than that game and I'm I just want to go through and just tear [ __ ] up it seems like it's going to be one of the best it's like swarm games in a long time yeah wait yeah they're really putting that that uh engine to work uh in the best way possible away from a zombie came in into like a proper Warhammer uh Power fantasy of just fighting thousands and thousands of mobs at once so it's looking really good uh definitely go check out the gameplay video If you haven't seen the single player only or is there any Co-op I think it does have co-op oh Chad can can you confirm for that I I want to say it has three-person Co-op yeah three player co-op so definitely jump in with uh with friends on confirmed uh that is that what else has happened this past week uh has how's everyone feel about black myth Wukong how where are we good yeah looking looking good camp I've got to play more but looking good uh uh I'll pull up this this was from the the Gamescom uh showing of it I don't know how to feel about this game I feel like we've seen it forever uh I feel like it's one of those games you just never like I don't know if we'll ever actually play this still to this day uh even after seeing as much as we've seen um but it looks very pretty right like it it's fantastic looking game I just want to see if we can play in what day uh stripping you you've played a lot of these type of games how do you how do you feel about it I mean I I love the genre I'll check out I it's just we've been looking at photo for so long yeah it's one of those things where it's just like yeah I just wanna I wanna be like when they lock when they go on too long like this my interest wanes no matter how good the trailer is so I I would like to play it soon yeah uh or you know Something's Gonna Come Along that's gonna take my interest more and then that'll be that sure let me tell you about a game called Pantheon rise of the Fallen where they just string you along it's been like 10 years oh God yeah yeah anyway been there it looks great though it looks really cool I just uh give me the game yeah stop honey stop honey decking me [Laughter] relatable they do be honey [ __ ] a doobie Honey dick yes they do be uh Dan any any thoughts on black myth Wukong I think it looks great the main character looks like he's just monkeying around the whole time but other than that yeah it looks fantastic like some mix of Dark Souls and Little Ghost of sushima like it it looks like it's gonna be good if we ever get to play it like you guys said yeah yeah no hints of release date or any type of release window yeah I've been around a long time I mean it is at this point like there's so many Nvidia marketing videos around it that I wonder if they will just pay for it to be finished so they could say like guys look at our look what our graphics cards can do it's kind of like the new Fable it's like the Fable has been talked about for so long it's like I just want to play it already can I like play it yet sure yeah these trailers look great but I want to like play it someday yeah yeah there's one one day we'll see if we ever play we'll see what happens uh yesterday tennocon happened uh I think most of us watch this turbo did you check out tennocon I did not okay stripping was not watching so this is all first news for him uh we'll start with the soul frame this game looks wild uh looks good man yeah I it's a long ways out I I feel like two or three years out probably still I hope the combat that that was my biggest issue with the is the combat look basic but it looked basic and it looked clunky yeah we're we're a ways out so they can always work on that but environmentation lucky yeah 100 uh environment wise um Vibe wise it looked and felt exactly like all the best parts of Warframe but in a like Fantasy World um and I'm on board and more importantly in a different container where with Warframe we have like the super fast paced like shooty shooty gun gun like this one seems like slower more RPG focused I mean he was like walking through environments Warframe players like what's that what do you do with your feet there um it's like it's it's like a completely different feel yeah um the boss felt a little sozy in terms of like you know you're sitting there waiting for it to attack you're dodging you're getting like it it was it was a very different take on the kind of Warframe Loop yeah um which is interesting I actually said during tennocon it's like I wonder how Warframe players are gonna like this I mean this is a this is a great Point deal um but at the same time dude this stuff here like gorgeous and I think you just nailed it when you said the vibe like it's kind of impressive that a game they play they claim probably been in development for a year I think it's probably been a little longer yeah but it already has what I would say a very unique voice um like the music during the very last fight and like the the way they were presenting things and the camera work I mean it's it's definitely a Vibe it is a a very unique Vibe which is surprising considering that like you know it's probably in the same engine it's you know similar team and like it uh it's looking good man looking good yeah uh they did Co-op uh chat go ahead Dan one thing I'm like super excited about is like I love Warframe but I feel like warframe's been out for 10 years and I always feel super behind whenever I play whereas when this comes out well I'll be able to start fresh with everyone which is going to be a great feeling so I won't feel overwhelmed or like I missed out on 10 years of stuff right yeah no that's a great Point um big Zelda Vibes especially from this where he's straight up like a small little flute and having to repeat it are these supposed to be like warp points is that's what I took from this do you guys have a different take it are these now this part was interesting because I'm 90 sure that when the player did this and saw that scene with the little girl that's the little girl that shows up during the boss fight so I think this was like a precursor it seems like this like Steve said in the presentation apparently this theme is this game is like nothing is irredeemable you know like a lot of saving things and things like that so my guess is that whenever you you fight or encounter stuff you're gonna be like finding a scene like this about them a redeemable aspect of them and then once you find that you can actually go encounter them in their current more dilapidated State kind of things so like I'm pretty sure that little adorable thing there is the giant ass elk at the end yeah and that's the girl as well that's the the boss fight yeah back when they were here and innocent yeah uh I don't know how co-op's gonna work into this uh because it is it is Co-op this is what they showed was like a very social experience they did show oh yeah remember they showed co-op in the in the underground area that was uh that was Co-op I thought oh okay I thought that was just an NPC that was another person yeah got it okay uh well that's good uh maybe I guess that's where you jump in um and and not through this stuff I'd yeah you bring up a good point though there's there was a lot of stuff in this that felt very single player RPG and and like how are they gonna have multiple people do this in parallel yeah is it just gonna be like where one person doesn't the other person watches kind of thing like they have some decisions to make in that regard because they didn't show any of that in this it didn't show any like you know it just had a guy drop in and fight alongside it for a little bit and then disappear the co-op guy wasn't in the boss fight are they gonna balance every boss fight to be solo Co-op like how's it going to work like it's uh yeah bring some questions for sure yeah the other thing too is is they talked about the Hub but in Warframe it's you like load into the missions this was very much like a linear longer progression through what looked like some sort of I don't want to use the term open world but it looked like a larger World a larger environment than what you get in warframes which is kind of like not Arena but they're smaller levels uh smaller areas for you to Traverse um so I don't know if this is going to be just a bigger area that you're going to load into or this might be a collection of what Warframe uses as open world environments now yeah so I'm guessing they may maybe we'll see like that part in the in the underground dungeon area maybe that's the tile set version like Warframe has open world and they have tile set yeah I'll set Corridor so maybe that maybe we kind of saw a little bit of hint to that but it does look like most of this most of the cool Parts at least happen in like an open world environment yeah yeah for sure I felt like um the duveria Paradox was almost testing like stuff they're going to use in this game like could be having the open world big fields like the way you load from one area to another I feel like it's going to be something like that like it'll be a big open world but like loading screens in some places yeah yeah that might be right absolutely and that I think do vary for those that haven't played it it was fine like it I enjoyed it aspect of it sure if it's more of that then I'm I'm on board uh it's just the combat was was uh a little basic uh and I I hope that changes um I immediately was turned off seeing them start attacks and having them plant their feet until the animation was done that's like that that never feels good in a melee system yeah it never really does like even you know it it works if you're if your entire game is balanced around it like a Soul's like maybe but in a game kind of that's coming from something like Warframe that's a felt like a step back in a lot of ways in terms of fluid movement and fluid interaction so hopefully they work on that a little bit yeah yeah uh stripping any first takes on this seen it for the first time I mean it looks cool that they did say I think that the game was going to be slower than Warframe yes um I just hope it's not too slow because I think one of warframes appeals is how fluid you can get with the move movement and it's like almost a land skill um so yeah we'll see I mean I think they're very much like the Wolfram devs are a lot like the poe devs and it's like they're more than happy to just trial and error stuff and I think we'll see a lot of that um where it's like hey let's try this it's like oh you didn't really like that try this but eventually they end up with like this amazing game but it's like it definitely is a process so I'm definitely excited to jump in and check it out yeah I just realized it is kind of interesting the tangents between Warframe to Soul frame as Poe to poe2 going through like this big reset they're both kind of changing how things work a little bit and the next one like not quite to the degree of Pewee one and pue2 but it is uh you know that's kind of cool they're both kind of working in parallel a little bit in that regard yeah yeah that would I'd love to have even though keeping the first game running as well right yeah I'd love to see the devs talk uh to each other about that because they're probably his code a ton of shared experience there uh I make a great podcast man yeah they should do UE devs and the Warframe devs that should definitely that'd be super interesting to just listening yeah I guess the darkest one dark dungeon one and darkest dungeon two definitely different in that regard and graphically I was like I can't believe this is a free to play game this looks stunning for being a free to play game it just looks gorgeous yeah they uh I think didn't Steve uh Steve Sinclair I think is his last name uh who is the head or the lead on that game was talking about how they have a new lighting engine uh in the Warframe and then uh The Wharf uh Rebecca the creative director I forget all the titles there um said that they are using that engine the new lighting engine in the new Warframe content coming out um so there's there's shared assets there which is cool and yeah it is gorgeous even though the first part looked great it looked like the first part looked awesome yeah it didn't have [ __ ] Nine Inch Nails uh yeah this is uh this is Warframe 99 which is coming uh 1999 which is coming in 2024. uh and I don't I mean this was like classic tinocon where it's just this crazy bombastic trailer where the entire player base is like I don't have a [ __ ] clue what the hell just happened but I'm on board uh they've got like actual Nine Inch Nails playing uh right now in the trailer which I'm not gonna mute um but it's from an album that Nine Inch Nails actually released in 1999 uh and it looks absolutely insane uh looks like some sort of Dark Sector yeah it's Dark Sector well it's eight years before the events of Dark Sector though right because that didn't dark secret come out in 2007 I think or or take place in 2007 but there's like references to the it's all over the place it was wild yeah regardless um and I don't I just want to know like what it means uh like is this supposed to be there's like an old computer that they type into so is that supposed to be like the player transferencing into like the Matrix or some [ __ ] and we're playing through memories I don't know I don't really know who knows man and to me like they were plugging into whatever that thing that was sleeping was it was like waking up as they were typing stuff in there and maybe you're like going through that creature's memories which happens to be this guy um who looks like he is one of the warframes like his moves are part of it yeah I was just like blown away like imagine playing Warframe where everything is like 1999 Tech and looks and like real world Earth I wonder like how big this is gonna be how how much will I see Will there be open World areas like there's so many questions like I got really excited at this part yeah it was very very hype um to see it all kind of just you I I said this yesterday during the sponsor stream like it you never know what's going to be shown at tennocon because they've shown such wild I mean one year was like rail Jack here is like spaceship fighting and and that came out and it is what it is but when it first showed like [ __ ] bananas and that's every year whenever not every year because of covet but whatever they do tennocon they show crazy stuff and you never know what to expect and where they're gonna take the game um and now it's like are we gonna get more time travel [ __ ] are we gonna go like further back in the are they gonna jump forward in time is this even time travel is it just memory stuff I don't I don't know but it's exciting and I will say it's it's super weird that the dude in the current timeline or the the past current Future Past timeline guy that was in the Warframe Universe yes was using the computer from 1999. yes that is super weird yes like that we know that like that's not a weird memory like the even the player I think it went like was using it at one point so that which brings like Warframe with a direct connection to our world like the whole thing is just it's just freaking crazy man it's freaking crazy I can't wait to see what direction they're going with it very curious to see where the uh where the story goes for the yeah with maybe even the wildest part out of this the next 10 years of Warframe which is like well apparently according to rabbit's gonna be forever so she did say it was a forever game but yeah this or frames existed for 10 years uh which very few games can say that especially live service games I mean this is like the one of the original live service games uh and they're still continuing to put out like crazy content that uh makes people freak out uh when they see it so excited to see what uh what this turns into and what this uh looks like in next year and then like we mentioned this what was the other what was the name of the other thing which looked crazy to begin with that they showed before this the the yeah for Warframe it was like this year's expansion uh there's it was it had a name Whispers In The Wall there we go oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah uh that looked that looked really cool too uh with giant like open uh spaces in it so definitely check that stuff out if you have not seen it is that it we got there's small tidbits steam World build got a release date code did you see that which one steamworld uh build that uh oh no I didn't see that that's December so we got a December game cool awesome yeah yeah uh I need to start fleshing out November December yeah like I I you know we're gonna be we're gonna be finishing up a cyberpunkers we'll be finishing up our run probably mid to late October yeah so then we got twitchcon for those of us that are going to that so then we need like we need to fill up November and December yeah granted it would also be nice to have a couple months to do all the games that have come out over the last month and the next month dude so many good games that have come out I'm looking forward to a break yeah absolutely I made uh to just take a how many I'm curious how many hours have you guys streamed this month because I looked at that last night this is I think the highest month I've streamed ever uh not barring the the subathon I did that would be that would be August it will be one of my highest I don't want to look I looked and it was like oh I that's not healthy I think I've streamed 10 hours every single day is what it average result to yeah getting through Baldur's Gate was that was a lot of streaming and long hours yeah to get it done it was it it it's rare that a game is so good that you can just do a 12-hour stream and don't feel like a 12 hour stream the game was just so absolutely yeah yeah 270. holy [ __ ] that's 40 more than me that's too much wait what do I see this gotta go to overview and then just like look at August oh that's do you realize literally 10 hours a day Co it's there's been 27 days uh two 228. yeah I've been 230. yeah I'm at 222. okay oh bg3 is really good uh we'll work a little too much yeah I definitely I definitely had like a week where I I didn't stop me me my me and my wife have had had a lot of discussions on the the months leading up to this and I was like baby there's two games coming out this year that I've been waiting for for like 10 years a piece in some cases longer like I just I'm gonna take like a week off for each of them and she was like you know what okay so like yeah oh I love you like but exactly basically basically like I lay We Lay the groundwork you know I gave her like a bunch of weekends before you know helped out more than I would normally around the house and stuff so that in Starfield so I'm doing the same thing for Starfield yeah take another week take another week off for Starfield is 270 just on one channel because you have two children it's both combined oh it's both combined 204 and 66 are what I'm looking at okay all right I mean it still adds together but yeah that's wild yeah and and Starfield is we're five days away uh I guess at this point four days four days four four sleeps or four sleeps out they said if you visit one planet a day damn that was dance tweet wasn't it yeah yeah and I said that yeah yeah yeah he's kind of a big deal stripping yeah yeah so that's the thought you got what was the full tweet it was it take you like three years or something to finish the game yeah 2.27 years I think if you finish every planet uh or if you if you visit a planet today that was the Tweet right then yeah just one a day 2.74 years my goal is about 600 planets a day there you go Gotta hop around I I have to admit I'm so interested just a random little tangent here I'm so interested to explore that mechanic like are they actually gonna make it so all those planets have even one thing interesting and unique on them or is it gonna be like there's gonna be 20 planets with fun stuff and then just procedural desert of like random repeating massive Mass Effect style where it's like yeah three these planets have like a tiny bit of gas it randomly generates in ways that it's impossible to navigate and stuff Daggerfall used some early like random random generation Tech and I wonder how improved they are over the last 20 years since then yeah yeah people and I'm sure Dan you're getting this a lot too because I know you're doing a big 100 run of Starfield too and people keep asking me like you say you're doing 100 run a star field like what does that mean with all these planets my answer to them is the same every time I'm going to fully and fundamentally explore the planet procedural system and we are going to keep doing that until we stop finding unique things that's where like once we've seen everything that system has to offer I feel like that's doing everything there is to offer in the system but if it's the kind of thing where you know the last three planets were all the same Outpost before that those last two planets were the same like find all the Flora missions like once you once you've done every Mission like three or four times at that point it's just like you're done there's nothing new to see you're just spending your spinning your wheels wasting your time at that point so how how much do you guys want to know about all the stuff that like Todd and uh uh I'm blinking who's the studio they did a lot of interviews talking about a lot of stuff that's in the game do you guys be watching all of those on the 30th okay there's I won't go into the nitty-gritty then uh but like on the topic of planets they said that modders will be able to make whole planets super cool so like what is that supposed to be able you're also going to be able to appropriate planets yeah so if there's like a specific Planet that's deemed as like a you know like a procedural whatever like a modder can take that planet and like add a whole bunch of stuff to it which makes sense I mean that you know I think that's like one of the first thing a modder would probably want to do is you know how do I make most Eisley you know like like it's I think it's gonna be uh that's gonna be a very cool thing to see yeah someone will make a mod where you can land in Skyrim in that game you'll just land and then you'll be inside a whole Elder Scrolls solar system for each planet it's just a different a different game absolutely and I'm not different Skyrim die Let It Die never never stripping but that's the game has been re-released 48 times sneezes into his 100 bills no uh no it's not a sign it's not dying um yeah some of the there there's just like some little Snippets that he said uh Pete Hines in the interview said he accidentally got sucked into the vacuum of space because he boarded an enemy ship and then the pilot took off so that seems wild uh Han said that a long time ago uh certain companions will get annoyed with you even if you do bad things even companions who are really close to you uh here's an interesting one New Game Plus relates to the main story so he couldn't say a word about it he says it's different from most New Game Plus mechanics and it is rather quote special it's different from New Game Plus mechanics but it's exactly like no man's Sky we're gonna get to the end and it's Gonna Let You rebirth the universe yeah if you want to yeah no man's sky with the ending that would be hilarious I don't know unless you're no man's sky and then it's depressing and then you're then you're upset I know right um then it's gonna be like the Leonardo DiCaprio meme where he's like yeah wait a second you even said that the game doesn't really even uh begin until you finish the main quest that's when I saw that line yeah oh man that's interesting yeah that was a that's that what that is such a loaded statement yeah yeah such a loaded statement because that that infers where it's like there were things you couldn't do before finishing the story that infers there is an end game and it's like what does that even mean yeah yeah yeah like listen said that about Diablo 4 guys I don't know I like how it got like two massive vs or or Bethesda heads here and then strippens the voice of reality it's like guys they would say this [ __ ] for you shut the [ __ ] up it's totally right everyone I mean there's a [ __ ] there's a hundred percent chance that it's just a marketing term 100 chance but if he actually is speaking the truth that's a really strange thing to say happy and I want you to thank you I love it it's great it's great I'm so excited to see what happens one way or the other um someone in chat well Todd says a lot of things and now Pete say a lot of things Pete says Pete was out there and this actually I think Pete said this because there were a lot of leaks that said this and so he came out and said uh the people who are playing the PC uh that have played the PC game that have it early said the performance is smooth and it's the what was the direct quote that it's the least buggiest game they've ever released buggy Starfield game the rumors coming out are that and and the kind of Snippets coming out was that uh multiple reviewers have done double-digit hour playthroughs and not seen a bug yeah is that true obviously nobody knows but that's that's the stuff making the rounds yeah it's kind of like yeah yeah oh God yeah yeah there's been a bug in every one of their games since Morrowind is that the longer you play the more buggy your game gets because everything gets saved into your save and the save starts getting massive and when it starts getting huge it starts causing more problems so I hope that they've fixed that finally after 30 years um and that if we were playing like a 200 hours if it's still like a smooth experience or it starts snowballing and getting bad yeah we'll see um apparently we are just now getting to the point where where reviewers are starting to let it slide that they have completed the main campaign so oh really well I'm sure we'll start seeing more and more interesting things as time goes on I had one of my friends coming on this but the amount of people that have willingly broken NDA for this game is staggering dude look I got arrested for it yeah that's one of those there was uh a guy uploaded 45 minutes of the game on social media and he was booked on felony charges um to be fair the reason he was booked on felony charges is because he stole physical copy right yeah they got him it's not like they got him for leaking Starfield they got him on yeah well so like that yeah the story is actually a lot more wild than that because they the initial charge was that in possession of marijuana in Tennessee and then they searched his house and saw that he had 2500 to 10 000 worth of stolen property uh um well half of what's included or a good portion of which included boxed copies of Starfield which he was selling for upwards of 650 a pop so it's a whole [ __ ] thing uh it's a whole thing yeah yeah but yeah man I started did anyone see did I don't know if it was a joke but hit the video that he made about Starfield uh what I did not what okay I'm not gonna say it because I'm not sure if it's right okay all right yeah but it's not like yeah it looked like a yeah I'm not even gonna I'm not even gonna get into it okay all right it was very curious if it was real yeah well it was real really what is it say it just some guys allegedly allegedly allegedly full disclaimer allegedly it was a guide he's just he was basically just looking into his phone he's like yo I got these copy of Starfield and it's pretty good y'all done good Todd like y'all did good like that was the video y'all gonna like this [Laughter] yeah the gentleman looked like he may have been partaking at the time sure um yeah which was more power to him absolutely man Tyrone absolutely uh where where are you guys at I mean this last check-in will have in terms of uh pre-star field Co where's the hype level at for you I gotta admit you know I've I've again I've been going in expect not expecting a lot um I was expecting a traditional Bethesda cluster for a release um we're actually hearing more and more about how this might actually be awesome um I'm starting to accept there might be a reality where Starfield hype and the release actually line up um it's crazy to think there could be a world where everyone's talking about Starfield in a week and not border Skate 3 anymore um it's it's there's a whole lot of copium involved and a whole lot of Huff in it but I mean it's I'm still tempering stuff I'm still I'm still doing my best remain grounded but I'm pretty [ __ ] excited JP yeah no I I mean I know if I yeah and I know if I'm like hype on this you and Dan are just like trying to keep it trying to keep it in try it yeah it's a burst at the seams a little bit for you guys I'm playing I'm playing this game where I'm like doing my best to like maintain realism and not flip out like a five-year-old kid on Christmas Eve like it's this like like penduluming back and forth between these um I think we call that a charade where I'm from the English term for it is that's a charade uh charade pretending pretending you're cool yes oh thank you okay I was like is that like I did that chat from I thought it was a British thing um but yeah that's exactly what I'm trying to pretend that I'm fine with everything but I'm I'm really just kind of flipping out and yeah not help okay this is my like this game is what yeah go ahead Dan yeah Dan you're about the same spot you need to stop talking I've been um a follower of the Church of Todd for a long time and God that's a terrible way to start [Laughter] we get uh games from him so rarely and Deacon Daniel over here I like I've been excited for this game for so long just because it's a Bethesda game and like I've been through all the bad ones and the like the terrible launches I was expecting it to be really you know pretty shaky but everything I'm hearing like like giving out early release copies they're um people are like leaking little tidbits that it's like really good it gives me like even more excited than usual that this might be the first one that just works like it's just it'll just work on the first day which will be amazing like in mods will just make it better instead of having to fix it and then make it better um like in the past so I'm like ecstatic because we it takes him so long to make one of these games the last one was Fallout 4 that Todd made um so it's been like six years and then the most exciting part about Starfield coming out because is it's going to be amazing but once they release Starfield they're gonna start on Elder Scroll six and I'm gonna lose my goddamn mind when they finally show that game in the future because I've been waiting for Elder Scrolls six since 2011 and I'm just so happy I'm I'm the guy that that I'm right there on Dan's heels except for the next one because like then they can start working on Elder Scrolls six then they can announce Fallout five Fallout five yep was coming after that because they they definitely announced their next thing while they're working on one thing yeah so yeah like we might actually get like a Fallout 5 trailer soon for me I think I'm having the midlife crisis because I'm like we're gonna be 50 when that game comes down we'll be lucky I think we're 50. by the time Fallout 5 comes out absolutely yeah yeah oh [ __ ] yeah that retirement home drop frames episode that's right yeah we're all going to be in our I'm already in my wheelchair I can't walk after falling down the stairs but yeah we'll uh we'll we'll be there we'll be hanging out it'll be great it'll be great uh stripping I'm not gonna leave you out where are you at with your hyper levels of Starfield the strip is like this game I do a few I did not give two shits about Starfield until maybe a week yeah I was like I I would like I just couldn't care I'm not super into space games I liked Mass Effect a lot I think the thing I liked most about Mass Effect was the RPG elements um I'm not super big on Space games you know Star Citizen about disappointing um no man's Sky I think it's okay but again like I think I'm just not big on Space games uh there's a lot of elements I enjoy about it so it's like Fallout in space or whatever I'm like that's cool but I'm more excited about not in space uh so we'll see how much is in space in Starfield I don't know I'm I'm excited to play it but uh I'm not part of the the house of Todd at all okay don't have your annual membership I have pamphlets if you want one yeah I'll take one uh the way the way that I made Fallout 4 Fun was I I just did like wacky really stupid build yeah I just try and like have fun with the games so I'll I'll probably apply that to this and just try and have fun with it um and see how wacky I can get with it see what happens Kinda Yeah Yeah I'm very open to checking out and seeing how good it's gonna be um let's uh where do you guys think review scores hit we did this with Baldur's game we were all absolutely wrong we all lowballed yeah actually we all lowballed it yeah I I would never have guessed pre-botters gate that the world would take that much of a shining to a CRP I think you said low 80s I said high 80s and Zeke said low 90s and it was a I think it's a 97. oh yeah there was a time when it was the highest oh wait what is it now did it drop oh that chat's saying their guess is for Starfield oh um yeah I think I think there was a drop at one point you know 96 is what chance still amazing so for Starfield yeah um I think late 80s High 90s oh okay I might be the low ball well I would stripping is on the show stripping late 80s High 90s yeah for the medicine between 88 and 92. I think between 88 and 92. oh low 90s okay I would I would say I would say low 90s damn I don't think they're allowed to go I think they're allowed to go lower I think they'll get in the neck okay I would say probably a hundred because Todd can do no wrong okay all right Dan's full on the Kool-Aid I'm guessing probably like low to mid 90s that's my yes I'm gonna go man it's like you know like 102 103. you know yeah it might be me keeping expectations low so I am pleasantly surprised but I'm gonna go mid 80s I'll go 90 on the nose Okay 90 on the nose okay all right yeah well we'll see we'll see what happens uh oh God oh God we lowballed bg3 and I hope we're not all highballing Scott we High Builders oh no oh my god oh man it's happening guys that whole [ __ ] article about keeping expectations in check about the G3 for AAA games was just real right here because we all said it's gonna be incredible because of pg3 [ __ ] honestly I they were right I think the only thing we can do is burn down larion I think too much power I got too much power like we need to we need to get him out of here sven's got to go if we do it too much passion and they get more power oh [Music] those are the only two things yes yeah and then they and then we'll and then we'll get them to make redfall too there you go and then their downfall happens beautiful that's the plan okay that's the plan uh well now on that note of uh depression and sadness uh did you guys hear about this uh this BioWare layoff uh that happened um they had a bunch of uh cutbacks recently and quote let go of the lead writer behind Baldur's Gate one two and the first three Dragon Age games meanwhile Lariat is like uh would you like a job sir would you like a job uh yeah dude it's just 50 employees approximately around twenty percent and obviously they were probably mostly working on the new Dragon Age yeah and which we have been gotten devoidly little information on um for a good period of time now so even an already troubled showing becoming even more concerning uh yeah not a not a great look not a great look yeah not a common place though isn't it to to get rid of the writers when the writing is finished that kind of approach yeah it does make you wonder like is the writing finished on whatever they're working on so yeah I was going to say there's there's two there's two things in Game Dev It's relatively normal once a a project position is fully done or the devs of those positions to leave the company especially if they're not like already thinking about making a sequel so it's it's normal like for a game to wrestle no that's 20 of the work not only is it not 20 it's not normal to do that when your game doesn't have a release date in sight yeah when when there's not even like so like like this is what's more indicative of something going potentially wrong or maybe they're going into the direction again yeah exactly like it's funding for the dev wins it's one thing when the Project's winding down and it's like a handshake you did your job awesome you know go find a better job somewhere else but this is a little and 50 people at once like yeah dude I'm supposed to be working simultaneously on Dragon Age and Mass Effect right now yeah it's not a good signing when you're working on two games to be shortening your staff instead of growing it so it makes me worried about BioWare as a whole like maybe EA is uh does is going to do what EA does which is sometimes randomly just shut the doors on it they've done it with many companies and I'm worried that one day we're gonna get that news article that BioWare is shut down all right where it's getting shattered yep and that they're selling the IPS or moving them to other Studios I mean what how many iea has go ahead I'll think about my thought I was gonna say EA has this tradition of acquiring companies and then doing everything they can to cost cut way below the point of how they you know to the where they can consistently deliver quality and then when they stop delivering quality surprise due to all this other stuff then they cut them loose exactly like Dan said so we haven't we've seen that multiple times and it's so unfortunate and they keep the IP yeah a lot of times and then they just a lot of times they mothball the IPS which is even more concerning and frustrating so it's because then the gamers don't get these great IPS we love but to think that could happen to BioWare like it's just like I mean I think when just saying that name I think is one of those nostalgic things where especially us older people such amazing BioWare games over the years to think that that happened to BioWare is just it's just it's heartbreaking man it's heartbreaking it really is yeah it's heartbreaking yeah you like fall in love with these companies when like like you were growing up as a kid and we were playing like Alders gate and Dragon Age and Mass Effect and like growing up and with these games and they just become part of our life and then they're just one day not what they used to be and then they're gone it's it's sad it's been happening to a lot of companies lately that they've gotten too big and then they just lose their way and then they're not the same anymore yeah what's really interesting is to think about is every company has at least one spin every company has at least one person who Champions the ideals and and the you know but we don't always hear about them we don't always hear about these people so it's it's kind of crazy that I bet I bet almost assuredly for all these big companies that we've seen Fall From Grace if you had full access to the information when people left the companies and stuff like this I bet almost every one of them has a moment where if you find like when a certain person or a certain group of people leave the company like that's the moment yeah that's when the company no no longer was the company maybe like that's when the soul left the body kind of thing three gentlemen called the doctors they were all they were all doctors and they all started BioWare to make the these great games like Baldur's Gate and then Mass Effect stuff they were in charge of like most of the games and they left about five to ten years ago all three of them eventually and ever since they've been gone it's been not great for BioWare in terms yeah I thought you were joking at first um you're serious there was like no he's talking about like rain um um Mazuka and and uh yeah they're all doctors they're all like licensed Physicians real folks interesting yeah that's that's that's crazy is that pre or post anthem I think it's right after Mass Effect 3 they started leaving one at one after they definitely pre-ent them right yeah create them in that case there you go there you go interesting BioWare was a medical company when it first started Is that real no it was just doctors that wanted to make games no but Chad is saying that it was founded as a oh really I mean the name checks out they had created a medical simulation program the three also played video games for recreation eventually deciding to develop their own the success in the medical field provided them with funding they needed to launch a video game company to make the first game they pulled the resource together which launched the capital of 100 000 company was incorporated on uh February 1st 1995 and then formally launched on the 22nd of May 1995. that's when they made shattered Steel uh which was their proof of concept demo similar to Mech Warrior huh it just shows like they were all in positions to like have very steady careers of doctors but they just loved games and they just wanted to make games instead and that they went with their dream and made some of the best games they've ever made yep I had no idea that's wild we all learned some there I think we don't talk onward core six we start we might start getting revolts in chats let's talk onward course it's probably a big release of the week uh I have not played it yet because I watched strip and fight a boss for five hours and I'm scared but apparently that's not the case I also have just been too busy with other things uh Dan and Co I think have both played it no one's finished it um how do we handle spoilers is there do we just not talk about bosses what do you well it's interesting because it turns out there's no story in the game so there's not much to spoil okay great fantastic it sounds like a perfect game for me um how is it like I I have not played a single second of it uh strip and I made the joke that you're uh you were stuck on a boss how you maybe have the most experience with it so far how are you enjoying armored Court six [ __ ] that you know what it means I was stuck on a bus and I overcame it like true Gamers do and then I like one or two attempts to every other boss yeah it made me stronger okay okay so this game so in in Seoul in from soft games uh that obviously they're famous for being technically difficult hard games and what that normally means is you just once you learn the kind of attack pattern of a boss then you can Solve the Riddle and I would core is very different from that armored Core is like uh the puzzle is your build um and so a lot of the times in order to beat a boss or a fight um you need to look at your build and you might need to go back and replace some levels and Grant some money and buy new guns uh you can sell like all of your guns and armor for the same price you bought them at so you can kind of experiment a lot with your builds and they encourage it a lot as well you can kind of change guns if you fail a mission that you can just change guns to go straight back and that kind of stuff um if you're like me though you pick a build and then you say no matter what I'm gonna beat the game with this build and I refuse to change special that's right that's classic Souls gameplay right there so that is why I spent five hours on the second boss uh and many other people have spent longer on this boss people don't even get to this boss they're dying on the first helicopter the helicopter yeah giving up on the tutorial boss yeah because it is insane but yeah little side little side thing real quick I got my ass kicked so hard by the helicopter boss the first time I fought him you can watch in my VOD where I'm like okay that was a script to death yeah a lot of people I've seen that exactly yeah and then it came up and it's like restart and I was like I'm sorry what comes up is reach out oh okay I guess so it I think that happened to literally everyone I watched so yeah I I don't want to cut like I don't want the the conversation to be like is the game really that hard but it like that's what I've seen in the conversation on Twitter and all the conversation about the game is like man I died a lot got hurdles yeah it's got hurdles the whole game is absolutely not that hard but there are certainly hurdles there are there are certain bosses there are certain events there are certain Arena opponents where it's like the general population has to spend a little more time on these but it's just like it's nothing's unbeatable um I mean you know it's not unfair yeah and for the record and this is this is super important to mention and I'm sure stripping has probably learned this since then this game loves you trying different things on bosses um it I know it kind of breaks people outside of their comfort zone but when you die you can re-kit your Mech completely with parts you own and then go right back into the checkpoint before the boss fight him again so you know if you're having an issue with a boss that has a ton of long range attacks it's like cool I need to spec close range and get right up on his ass let me respect after this death and try that oh that didn't work let me try a bunch of missiles this time oh that didn't work let me try dual shotguns this time oh that didn't work so you can just like really quick and really easy to shake things up you can even save and load different like builds so you can like have a little list of builds that you want to like throw against bosses and just see which one sticks the best and then fine tune that to work for you um it is it is very much a finding the right tool for the job kind of game and if you don't you might spend five hours on a bus or you're you're resistant to changing you might spend it yes interesting element is everyone struggles on different bosses in this game because everyone everyone just has a different play style in in armored Core and so a boss that I got stuck in for five hours one of my friends eat it first try but he got stuck on a different boss for four hours and I beat it second try so it's like it's very like weird like the way you play you'll encounter just hurdles naturally that will stop you specifically yeah um because there's so many different it sounds like Souls right like I feel like that exact story was yeah I mean Rick yeah I mean this was this was the the first first love so like there's a lot of um like nods to this game in Souls games uh or this franchise I mean right right it also just goes to show you how well the developers made like counter bosses essentially like you know you're just cruising through the game and everything's fine well the boss is like well this boss is a counter to your build so you can't do that anymore and it's like sometimes just like tripping said you'll cruise up until the the seventh boss sometimes you'll cruise up until the first boss sometimes a cruise up to the fifth boss and as long as you're kind of willing to shake things up a little bit you'll just keep cruising which is what's great about this game um every time I come into a boss where I get my ass kicked the first thing I do is start trying different builds and different things and I have yet to spend more than half an hour on a bus and it's only because every time I get to some place I'm having issues I just start trying different stuff start trying different stuff and um nine times out of ten the boss has like a weakness to something like it may be really strong at one thing but it's probably got like a pretty significant weakness to another uh one boss I got slaughtered on a few times and then I was like okay I'm just gonna get in his face and you know do everything I can to just get right up in his weak point and stick there and then I'd beat him without like using a health kit next time so it's it's very much uh just don't get too comfortable and and you will have a great big stop your robot diamond also all the bosses are super cool and unique and they all have like multiple phases and it's just and there's no story it's just like be a robot and fight robots and enjoy it and it's it's great there's no story at all there's not even like a loose narrative loose there's a loose knife okay yeah yeah there's yeah you go ahead strip it what are you getting in front of so far story wise um that every armored Core game kind of like re resets the Canon they're always always quite they're like a little bit similar but different so this is like it's it's like derelict wild fighting of resources they do that every time and then you get like this they introduce this new narrative element which is like what they've done in this game so I'm I'm I am interested in it I'm going through it but all of the story just comes from like people sending you text messages it's kind of like how it's How It kind of plays out um and then a lot of the big reveals are like uh you'll just encounter something in a mission uh some of the cool stuff that happen is um they Branch the story so like they'll be uh two missions and it'll be like if you pick one you can't do the other one ah and so that kind of like splits the gameplay up um like you can still watch the briefing for both of them and then you can yes you can watch The Briefing and pick one of my friends did one Mission so I was like I'll do the other one and end up being a boss that he never encountered or saw um because I ended up doing a different Mission and it kind of locks out so there's like different things you can pursue also the way the game works is New Game Plus a new game plus two there's there's new missions and and items and armors and weapons and so the game is like designed to be replayed multiple times if you actually want to like get all the law and stuff like that and the story yeah um so that's another element of it as well they deliberately don't give you everything in your first playthrough sure uh Dan how much time have you spent with it I spent a couple hours I was gonna little frustrated because I was not switching Max I'm right there with you and stripping man I'm that's gonna be do you like articles I will take this club and they'll be every boss over there no matter how much long it takes you know accurate but like I didn't know you could switch in the middle of a boss fight like KO just said so I'm gonna try that like if I'm getting stuck I will switch to a different Mech because that sounds like incredibly useful oh you don't have to restart the level you can just like swap no you can swap at the checkpoint that's what I'm saying so you can get up to a boss eye on it and then before you retry the boss again which is literally right in front of it you can then go into your already acquired parts and switch out everything be a different build got him yeah that sounds great that that's a game changer kind of like a game of rock paper scissors like you if you're scissors and you're fighting a rock you might have to switch to a paper build to like counter it yeah yeah exactly right or you can be really stubborn and you'll be like I'm gonna break this rock with my blunt scissors fight it for five hours yeah yeah that's play how you want that's probably me and probably why I've shied away from it because I'm I'm just I'm enjoying my happiness for a while yeah but the feeling you get when you finally no I don't you know when you beat that sucker still it still is good it's still just chasing the dragon man because you earned it yeah it's it's uh yeah go ahead you could be like my friend LOL man uh he made a build that was I probably will he won show every boss and every enemy and didn't have a single obstacle in the entire game so that was probably a dual shot to change his build in uh it was uh he went as tanky as possible with the tank legs and then had four shotguns Toyota shoulders hats early that's that's the meta if you want an easy time go shotgun everything in a lot of ways and he said it was super fun and he didn't care so if you if you ever get stuck you need help that's the play Okay God forbid yes yeah no you get you gotta you gotta make it as hard yeah if you're a coward I guess put the tank grab some shotguns uh I do I do want to say this though they're they're like I kind of make fun of the game for not having a story uh granted I'm like you know almost seven hours in now and there's the way the way that it works is you are a Merc and you're constantly taking um contracts from all the different factions on the planet so it feels it doesn't really feel like there's a story especially at the beginning because your perspective is always changing so it's kind of like there's a main thread but where in a in a normal game you would be play a character along the thread you're playing different perspectives looking at the threat so the story's there you just kind of have to be constantly realigning your perspective I mean a lot of times you will do a mission to blow up a fuel facility and then your next mission is like oh you know that uh the people that were running that fuel facility now once you go blow up the other guys fuel society and then you go blow him up and he's like yeah so they're pissed at the guy that did the first time they're gonna go kill them again and it's like and while that's going on there's like other Little Snips of you know World lore and Planet lore and you know things that are occurring that may not directly affect you from what I've Been Told it does become a lot more focused on to living and delivering a narrative as you get closer to the end and then it even goes into the news fly on the wall yes exactly and and and also as you there's even more story stuff apparently in the new game plus and plus plus stuff yeah so um you know there there is a story there it's just a little light at the beginning it's all about the gameplay technically the gameplay in this game is amazing so it's a bit while building I think it does yeah very very uh from software in that regard uh and that's maybe the the next question I have is like the the fantasy of driving a Mech and feeling like a badass is that present and is is it a strong uh like fantasy can you expect that from this you you will not experience the fantasy in this concentrated dose anywhere else okay it's the best version It's the purest form so I can I can make my uh my what is it green and purple Eva and the robot customization is off the scale you can individually color every piece every gun you can make emblems by hand you name your robot you name your pilot you can have custom emblems you could make a giant oh good flesh colored Mech it's covered with it me happy icons and decals head to toe and that's literally the entire Mech all right um there you go no to answer your question yeah it's it's it's 100 big Snappy robot fantasy and there's no other game that in my opinion has delivered an experience for Mech fans like this in a long time like uh these games there's been some that have tried to do this kind of stuff but I mean this it's it's awesome dude if you're a Mecca fan like this is the game to play one of my parties is a huge Gundam fan and he just made a Gundam yeah straight up like same same color scheme everything there you go that's it having a blast my one complaint is from do not care about uh multiplayer like I would like them to care about what you play oh you play the multiplayer online the the mode I've done it I've done it yeah I did like six hours of PVP I did like three v3s and all that other stuff um really fun um the only way you can do it is just to make a custom Lobby and fill it up like there's no there's no matchmaking oh yeah I just wish there was like a matchmaking system where it was like you take this Mac you made and you queue up right and you get in these 1v1s and like you have some in the show for like there's like a a level of skill progression that you can see happening um and it's just something to do when the game is done you know and you've beat the game three times and it's like yeah I'll focus on the PVP side of things they just don't really care about that it's like just find a guy and join a Lobby and play him a few times so I feel like there could be a lot more longevity in the game if there was something like that for me personally sure it's still fun but having to like you know make a little Lobby and get people to join and stuff is like kind of a pain in the ass I mean if you're not a streamer how does that happen right like that's you gotta that's exactly exactly it's a process uh sorry I was distracted Dan posted apparently there's mods yes and you can have this as your Mac you can play as the main character from San Andreas but you have guns on your own okay why would you want this here we go again oh my God we're gonna get we're going to get big nude anime girls in this game you're gonna get all the V tubers this match oh yeah where the the girls turn into boat stripping I know you know what I'm saying get the get the boat girls get them out there oh God as your lane there you go you're gonna get all the Azure Lane uh gotcha mods it's gonna be 10 out of 10. ah boy yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna check the game out tomorrow uh I have no um no feelings of finishing it though before uh before Starfield so it might be a game that I revisit or just unfortunately never complete I feel like it it's maybe the they did the best they could with the launch frame and I think unless you played it right at launch it's like almost impossible to fit it in after bg3 and before star field um totally this is like a Centric uh streamer Centric issue if you're you know just playing games whatever play whatever you want but for me it's like I don't think I can finish it before uh before Starfield so the great thing about like Ahmed cool though is it's a game you just pick up in a game drought yeah like it's December there's nothing to play I'm gonna hop on I'm with cool six yeah and I'm gonna have 20 hours of fun and it might it might be better from the business side of things too because people are are not watching it it's not like with with Boulder's Gate you feel the need to finish because spoilers start hitting the internet and they're everywhere and you can't avoid them and everyone's excited about it with armored Core it's like this game is super fun but no one's gonna tell you you know the plot they're just going to talk about how cool the mechs are yeah so you can just play it whenever you want uh this is my my favorite game to play among streamers is did you get the swag did you guys get your armored Core hot sauce yes no the fires of Iris a hot sauce Ibis sorry my eyes my eyes don't work well I'm old I think I'm checked is it EBS or Ibis because it's like a it's like it's Ibis okay well we see who should have gotten the hot sauce EU didn't get any hustle so I'll tell you that much oh the hot sauce was not uh available in the EU Dan got it it wasn't you I want to try it is it good I have not tried it yet I funny enough it's got uh try it right now try it right now I I will not crack the seal on this because it is a collector's item and I am and I don't like hot sauce I like how the truth slipped out right here uh it's got I don't think it's that hot it's got Bell and habanero pepper butternut squash apple cider vinegar onion sweet potato New York honey garlic sauce it's apparently made by Karma sauce in Rochester that's delicious yeah that'd be pretty good is Dan gonna try it Dan are you trying it I can't have spicy food because they got really bad heartburn there you go they sent it to me as a joke I think I'm not cute just to mock you yeah oh man oh man I love it uh well great that's armored Core six what I really want to talk about is Skull and Bones because both me and Dan did you jump into Skull and Bones no I didn't get a chance to try it stripping the juju skull and bones do they throw a sponsor extreme your way for that no thank God okay coded a sponsored stream I for some reason did a non-sponsored stream for it pretty much because it was viewer bait but let's talk about let's wear that that's a game that you could play and close beta right now uh uh I didn't think it was that Terror I didn't think it was by any means incredible uh but yeah it it it is a game that you could play and it's pretty basic Co explained it to me when I asked him if I should check it out and you're like it's pretty basic and that's what that's the word that's the word the Skull and Bones it is basic and the and the issue with that is that this is a game that has a lot of baggage this is a game that's undergone multiple reworks it's been a development for like seven years it's supposed to be the the AC4 Black Flag ship combat game that we all wanted and not only the problem is that EV and I think it's is it also 60 bucks are they planning on 60 bucks yeah that was a big conversation I think it might be 70. oh look oh my God but here's the problem here's the problem everything I just mentioned there's a bar that represents expectations and everything I just mentioned raises the bar where it's like okay based on a beloved part of AC4 Black Flag I already liked it so got to be good seven years development well obviously they spend a lot of time on it so it should be good um multiple reworks based on community feedback um you know like at the beginning it shows like 10 Dev teams that have worked on it's like how many people that's right so it just keeps adding more and more to like what you expect from this product and what you get is this super basic super surface level a lot of mechanics don't feel very well thought out harvesting is super basic uh there's no crew management of any kind ships have like just a health bar and a couple weak points and you just blast that down there's a woman that yells at you couldn't just all the time about everything like how does that make it in seven years of development it's just the whole game it feels it feels like a a game that has been in development for six years and or not six or six months and it was just somebody that walked in and said hey see that AC4 Black Flag thing see that game called sea of Thieves just like jam those together and give them something oh I think you went into a restaurant that had been hyped up for years and you waited an hour and a half for your food and they brought you a McDonald's fries sort of and for the record the reason I say the cfd yeah I'm curious because you like to see if these it's because it's a multiplayer social relatively shallow experience like it is it is designed to just have people be able to jump in have a suit every character is just like trademark pirate like it's just it's so basic everything about it is basic it's not unfun like it's just like it like just floating around the water's pretty some of the graphics are good like it you know you blow up ships and you know you zoom in and you explode and big Michael Bay booms and like it's not it's not unfun it's just again that bar the expectations for this product are high like I think a lot of people were like me where they were like oh dude you're gonna take the AC4 system and make a game out of it you know am I going to see the cannonballs ripped through the holes am I going to get an expansive deep system and customizing my ship are you going to take everything that was and make it more the answer is no we're going to take all that and make a casual multiplayer game that's arguably almost as shallow as the one in the game with Assassin's Creed like they didn't they didn't it's just basic it's basic it's yeah it is so that's the problem does it feel like they they must have had a bunch of systems and then they scrapped them and then well so the game has been like rebooted like three times internally it used to be a 5v5 like here here's the best way to describe it this game was like originated so long ago that it used to be a MOBA like this came out when people were making mobas right like that was that I don't know I don't even know what to do with that information like I don't even know how to process that was the first iteration of this game was a 5v5 MOBA when people made mobile games I'm gonna say mobile mortgage that's what to say but like that's how old it is right and so now when you play it in like there's it's a very easy game to hate on because of of all of the baggage like Co said that came with it and that was like true throughout my entire uh time streaming it was people would just enter into the stream and the first like take kind of because I was doing this [ __ ] but the first take is like the first take is like wow this game [ __ ] sucks and they've been watching for five seconds because they know everything about the games issues before even seeing the game right like it's it's the IP Association yeah the expectation and the IP is so tarnished at this point uh that there's nothing they could do to like this game could be [ __ ] incredible and the expectation would be like man this game sucks the first second they see it and it's and then to and then to charge seventy dollars that's also wild that is it's just like I do not understand what they are thinking with that yeah um this is a 20 or 30 dollar game purposely moving very weirdly or is the game doing that a little bit of both a little bit of both yeah yeah I I've I yeah it's I made them realize that when he moves it looks weird so then he kept moving like to make it look weird yeah because it made me laugh now necropolis says I watched a streamer who's been playing all weekend and isn't having a great time totally you just focus on the parts that are decently fun about this game like if you just float around and and shoot them they actually put myself in a ship here we go yeah see like this part it actually does it does it looks great um you know like if you just if you just focus on the parts that are decent at this like I said it's a basic play with friends shooting boat Adventure game um they're they're you know like that's that's the the biggest issue with this game is not that it is a decent shift combat game it is that it is a title with baggage and now huge expectation so that's that's right I would say I enjoy playing games doesn't mean they're good yeah I guess that could apply here uh it again it doesn't do anything bad right and I think like well the boarding is actually terrible well the boarding is one button and that's that's 100 because they didn't make yeah here's what this game is if you took the ship combat from AC4 and then you removed Assassin's Creed from it that's what this game is 100 I mean like for instance like the boarding like a man like I you know how cool would it be if you had an actual crew that you could recruit it had stats and you could give them weapons and that it at least did some kind of loose roll you versus the other crew but it's it's not that at all it's so basic that it's just get that ship's health bar to a certain level Tap a button when you're near it you'll see one cut scene it's always the same cutscene of you shooting a lock off a chest and you can be killed while the cutscenes play is and it's again it's just it's just like wait seventy dollars seven years oh absolutely yeah and it's the same cutscene every time and it's like again seventy dollars seven years of development this is how you're gonna do boarding in a game that's literally focused on ship combat like that's you know there's so many interesting things you could do to to make that interesting and flavorful and at least somewhat um you know immersive maybe like two cutscene um there's a lot of things where I think you can have a conversation you can debate back and forth but you cannot there is no argument in which this game is seventy dollars none like it's it's [ __ ] wild that this is a 70 game uh it should be like a Ubisoft Plus game it should be a thirty dollar game it should be a Game Pass game like 70 bucks for this is crazy especially it's not in the game now but one of the most like fleshed out systems or fleshed out is a weird term one of the more uh the system that I saw had the most like content in it is the fact that you can dress your pirate up they're one thousand percent gonna make all of that mtxable they're gonna be selling like outfits from the jump in this in a 70 game uh and that's where it's like yeah they could like drop the price a little bit like that's wild uh it's that also don't hate on my fashion since guys my pirate is on fleek okay he is very light dressed with this man it's amazing your drip yes my drip is uh uh incredible it's just incredible most frustrating part about this is that Assassin's Creed Black Flag is right there like it's right there you made this game that was amazing everyone loved it yeah exactly another one just make this game but multiplayer it's like come on and in some ways it's like how did you take that part of the game and after seven years make it worse yeah like how how does how does that happen how does that happen it's very strange it's very strange some of it again we have to we have to bring this full circle some of it's fine some of it's fine like some of it's even arguably good the water looks great and sometimes it combat clicks if you're into like just basic health bar goes down shoot the glowing red area like you know it's it's it's okay but yeah it's it's man it's there's just there's just big there's big big parts of this game that kind of if if you can't get if you can't really focus on those parts if you don't really like those parts the negatives stick out like a sore thumb and the whole picture kind of falls apart a little bit yeah well it and this is just for me seeing this I I did not have a sponsored stream for it but it's also weird for people that did have a sponsored Supreme Court and code love your input on this you guys didn't have any way to like typically when you do a sponsored stream it's like click the link down below check it out you know you can sign up for closed band and get access there's no way for like people watching this to play right now it's completely closed beta and so we were we were told and what's even stranger though is we were told closed beta with dates so we were we were actually given like 25th I think the beta closes down today I think it's today yeah so yeah so we were told like it's in closed beta from 25 to 27 but we didn't have like a link to sign up or or anything like that so I'm not entirely sure what the premise was and there's no release date for the game right except for next year the other part that's really weird about this game is that you know a lot of times I would play a game like this and I would see the parts and again this just goes back to that bar analogy from earlier I would see things that I like in a game like this and I would be like okay those parts are cool and then I would look at the parts that I didn't like and I would go well maybe I can just focus on the good parts because you know the games in closed beta it's still being developed etc etc but the thing about this game is that it's been retooled completely twice it's been being developed based on user feedback for actual years now nothing major is going to change anymore like this this is it you know what I mean like it's not a situation where it's like if you like some of the stuff and don't like others they'll fix that it's kind of like no this is that boarding system that's the boarding system that's what's gonna happen every time I boarded a ship it kind of killed the game a little more for me in terms of like wanting to put lots of time into it um and it's kind of like and I said at the end like hey maybe if they reach all the boarding system and a lot of people very astutely in chat were like dude they would have done it already by now they were gonna if they were gonna do it it would have been done um it's just not where we are so that was a weird feeling with this game because it wasn't like one of those situations where it's like hey maybe they'll fix this it's like no I think they would have already you know yeah it's very weird game yeah it's a weird situation is it gonna be a games it's a live service yes yes well it's gonna be 70 bucks and then I think also have a store let me go look because I was just looking at the I want to say there's a season pass if you buy the deluxe edition so wait they're gonna have a store a 70 product and a season yeah let me see uh let's try to get the the right information for this I feel like we should make sure that's proper I'm looking at the GameStop let me go to the the it's you play right if you buy it on you play uh has ever released it yet um no it just says pre-order available register for close beta what happens when I click pre-order available it will day one with Ubisoft Plus uh additions so if you buy the Premium Edition you get The Smuggler pass token uh you get extra missions includes two additional missions includes the ballad of Bloody Bones collection I don't know what that is what is the The Smuggler passes that the Smuggler pass token unlocks a premium battle pass and additional content usable when New Seasons release so their battle pass they're doing what Diablo 4 did where you get a battle pass token with the expensive version and then you can buy into a battle pass uh same thing that Destiny does as well it's it's there's precedent for that it's not just them um yeah but yeah weird game I don't a weird game it's Auto Skate 3 did this man what do you mean you can't just say that stripping no no no I think he's right I think it's border skate 3. I think so really he's right and set the bar way too high yeah this is your step the step team this step team knew that six years ago and they it killed that drive completely unbelievable unbelievable slaughtered it look uh we got 14 minutes to talk about another winner a Mortals of avum Mortals of AVM avian yeah uh the latest news I saw on that was that it peaked at 783 players on Steam multi-platform release but if you are to judge a game by steam numbers that's where it peaked um it's probably how many people they sponsored to play it I saw a lot of people did a stream for that yeah I was one of them yeah uh how is it what what is who wants to talk and I'll show gameplay of it from their streams very it was just very like okay it was it felt like the magic before more felt like just you felt like you were just playing a shooter and you were just holding your arm out the whole time which was very awkward you're just like this the whole time just shooting stuff out of your hand like all the time like my arm got tired just thinking about it but I don't it had like an okay story and had a decent Graphics the performance was okay it just was missing something to give you like that like something to bite into to want to keep playing it long term it just felt kind of like a an okay shooter like nothing really felt like Wizard or magic it just felt like I'm playing a shooter in the most interesting part of the game was that there was puzzles around to solve those were kind of fun like there's little puzzles you use magic to move stuff around the chair chest everywhere but outside of that it was just very okay and I didn't really felt like I didn't have that when I was finished playing I didn't feel like I wanted to keep going which is always a problem in the game when you play a game you want the game to make you feel like you don't want to stop playing it but for this one I just felt like when I felt finished my four hours I was like I'm good I don't think I'm fine with this I don't feel like I need to keep going with it it was a four hour sponsored stream yeah holy [ __ ] two different days but yeah sorry uh for chat the reason I'm reacting is I know what that costs that's crazy this game sold holy [ __ ] it's uh it's it's seven seven dollars two tree fittings uh Cody have any different takes on a Mortals I unfortunately had some technical issues which meant I couldn't use my mouse comfortably so I had to play with a controller oh and uh that was definitely a thing for me apparently they have a patch coming out and they did a few days when I played after two to do it that was uh I've as somebody who does not generally ever play fps's with controllers uh it was a bit jarring for me that being said uh Gina Torres was amazing as she always is I I think that that that the main actor for the main guy was pretty good yeah yeah she the actor she was clearly mocap too the thing that's interesting about this game is that this is a game by ascendant Studios which is a smaller Dev team that was founded by some members that actually left EA um so it's it's kind of like an ea-ish team and then it's published by EA yeah so this game is is interesting in in a very specific way you can tell that this Dev team had access to really good Triple A Tech the faces in the mocap look awesome the the people they brought in were really good but the issue and actually the gameplay is pretty good too it feels kind of like a us like a cross between like a fast first person shooter and like a hexen thing you've got like two spells you can cast on your your triggers you can switch between three colors like a whole itemization system where you can choose like what spells you know how they're altered in different ways it's a full Stat system there's Rings like there's there's some interesting stuff in this game um the problem is that where some parts of the game look really good and feel pretty good there's other parts of the game that are much more lacking like the actual story and the way the story is presented to you they're these big like schisms where things just like large events happen but your character just like flashes between them um also they took this very first spokeny sassy approach with the character where he's constantly cracking like not great jokes and he's being kind of sarcastic the whole time but he's definitely going for this Vibe um that combined with the kind of hip-hoppy dubstepy music uh was not really doing it for me um I feel like that that her spoken kind of showed me that that's really not my thing much anymore and this game kind of confirmed that in a lot of ways uh there were a lot of little things that I noticed too where it's like you know they charge 60 bucks for the game but if you walk up to two NPCs that are standing in front of each other they just sit there and stare at each other again Alders gate three is ruining game so it's great it's it's it's the kind of thing where you know it there there was this there was a lot about this game that felt fine and felt Triple A and felt good and then there was like the day one performance issues my mouse issues the the living world not very feeling good uh like for instance not not to spoil it a little bit but the dude starts out as this sassy guide a whole bunch of events happen and then right at the beginning of the game and again I don't want to spoil Immortals for you right at the beginning of the game that's because I he basically joins the Army and there's a five-year time skip huh and in five years in the military the dude doesn't change at all he's the exact same sassy kid that he was at the beginning and I think anyone that's even slightly familiar with a military can tell you that after five years that might have a bit of an effect on you even if it's a tiny little thing he also is going from a teenager to a young adult so it's kind of like there's all these things where it's just like this doesn't really make a lot of sense sure and you kind of keep seeing that over and over where it's just like this doesn't like there's no real immersion of any kind here like it like you know something will happen and I'll be like yeah I gotta you know I need to go to my big coordination let me just walk down this road and the whole road is full of enemies it's like they kind of explain that they're under attack but it's just like what's everyone else doing it's like there's just so many things about it where it's kind of like maybe it kind of looked good on paper but it's clear that nobody sat down with this game and went let's make this believer let's make this like so you're actually living in this world these characters truly exist it doesn't feel like that it just feels like a sassy game you know it like I I didn't leave it feeling any kind of like oh man that was that was good writing that was a good sequence of events that was like a cool character or a cool thing like it was just like a bunch of one-liners and stuff that didn't connect very well and scenes that kind of butted up against each other with no flow between them it it it really kind of ruined the veneer for me that makes sense so yeah yeah and there's like good parts in there that I think some people will enjoy I just think this is like a wait for sale kind of game like I think 70 is just too too much for in its current state another 70 okay I really like the gameplay it does have some fun ones like these little parts of these platforming sections and stuff were pretty fun I'd say the gameplay is the Highlight like Dan said like the game the game plays the Highlight unfortunately unlike ac6 it was definitely not good enough to carry the game for me um but it was a highlight for sure yeah is this one of the like wild Hearts was a ea original is this also licensed the same way where it's an EA original yes it is okay ascendant is the dev yeah an EA is oh and I do want to mention this is a sentence first game so for a first game it's not a terrible first game I've seen much much worse games from first time Studios sure I've seen a lot better too but I've seen a lot worse many times so I'm I'm hopeful that this game although from the numbers I'm not super sure if it is I yeah I'm hopeful we'll see like for a first game it's not bad and there's certainly some stuff in here that would lead me to believe like if they tighten things up maybe you know focused a bit more on the writing and delivery like it could be you know pretty cool one of the things I said in at the end of my my sponsors playthrough is I think this game for me would have been significantly cooler if they had dropped the sassy angle like if they tried to make like the world is cool like some of the 3D modeling and like really creative magic ships and the armaments that they're using like the world has this basically this war that's been going on for as far as they remember and they've been developing weaponry and like I'm tuning and stuff over there some of that's awesome like there's some super cool like vehicles and armaments and you know like like I feel like there's a lot in the this game that got kind of I want to say wasted but I feel like it's not the other parts drag it down to where you know if this was a more somber serious game that really focused on what made it cool it could have been a lot better sure yeah does uh this strikes me as like the type of game that we don't really see anymore from like the 360 era of like a double a title does that sound about right would you call this like a double A like not necessarily like a b a b the equivalent of a B Movie game type deal almost kind of okay yeah yeah it yeah I would say that's a good way to put it I certainly would not say it's a triple A Yeah by any stretch yeah some parts of it are AAA like the face and mo capping and stuff like that and I think that has a lot to do with the fact that it's xea people being published by EA they probably have a lot of access to that text some parts feel Triple A other parts I he admitly do not so and to get a real AAA experience you need the whole thing to be a you need all parts of those to line up and it just doesn't in this game yeah all right Immortals of uh even avium got 751 all-time Peak uh for a launch is rough uh 397 players right now so probably gonna see this on Game Pass if it's not is is it on Game Pass I wonder I wonder if or I wonder if it's on the EA pass or whatever they call whatever they're there's games with Game Pass now so if they put it on there then maybe oh okay maybe yeah maybe some uh closing minutes of show stripping anything else you've been uh you've been playing you want to bring up thanks to your ass I I'm fully addicted to Marvel snap again so thanks for that I snapped you you snapped again uh they did a big big twitch push didn't they and a lot a lot of us were sponsored for it a lot of us weren't sponsored for it stripping uh in the EU specifically EU don't worry about it man no no the entirety of twitch was sponsored stripping for it collecting your dues yeah yeah what else we we played Snow Runner and uh I got the bug I've been looking into it uh this hardcore version that they've released where basically you can't recover your vehicles you have to pay money the gas costs money their pass costs money I think I'm gonna get into that I'm I'm ready to try some hardcore snow running that's a different breed of snow running yeah we'll do some Trucking this week I think okay all right apart from that I've been getting into Street five six yeah I've been watching these yeah so I dabbled in Street Fighter five a little bit didn't do that great got to Silva gave up so I was like I'm gonna give you like a good college try so I've been I picked jury and I've been again climbing the ranks every day it's been it's been fun just to like watch the Improvement it's my first like fighting game I'm really like trying in um and uh yeah I'm enjoying it a lot so I saw you were Platinum Four when I tuned in yeah is that where you're at right now yeah platform currently slowly making the climb but the problem is that my I'm like my grip control is so hard that I bruise my hands if I play for too long okay this is a very specific problem probably to me but I squeeze controllers when I play okay and then I play the next day with bruised hands and they get worse then they get worse I think it worse and then onward call came out and I played that for like eight hours a day and that's the same thing so then now my hands are just like a hot mess but I'm sure they'll be fine in like a day or two I'll get back on it they'll be stronger afterwards you know they it's like their training montage for my fingers and the muscles sure yeah that's right that science works that way man I thought I was a hardcore streamer wait are you are you playing Street Fighter with a controller thank you no I had a hitbox and it was like too much for my brain can do it it is it's a lot to process so I just yeah yeah lots of process yeah so for sure yeah I've been doing I've been trying some Street Fire I'll probably do a little bit of snow Runner I got armored Core on the menu and then uh I'll probably check out Starfield um and if it's for me then amazing and if not I got some other cool stuff to play so yeah still a lot of big games coming out this week uh sea of stars if you're into Chrono trigger-ish ish jrpg stuff I'm gonna spend like a day with it I guess just to say yep I want to come back to that uh because starfield's coming out and I guess mortal is Mortal Kombat October that's not September right later in the year yeah when is Mortal Kombat because we did we talk about that last week that's September I think we I think we did a little bit or maybe I was doing Mortal Kombat after drop that's what it was I was doing Mortal Kombat after the show last week and you had played it prior um so yeah we we did mention it it's fun fatalities look awesome we saw some more of that at Gamescom uh sindel is back and chilled just got a fatality that cracks your nuts or something so that's a that's Mortal Kombat yeah um trying to think what what else anything else we need to bring up because there's been a lot there's a cute little game coming out called under the waves where you play like uh you go in a submarine and you also swim around and stuff looks kind of like a story driven game set in like subnautica is that some gameplay could be really Indie has potential something different nice that looks interesting yeah that's on uh 29th which is Tuesday lunch punch big releases on Tuesday uh and then Starfield uh Early Access on Thursday here in the states it's seven because I think it's 12 a.m GMT so they put out a full-like thing you can find out your your local listings for them um but that's what is coming out next week on the show Co is uh gonna be in Starfield I'll be in space he'll be in space uh Dan I know I ask you if you want to be on you said yes we'll see if we do a show I don't want to take you away from Starfield if I get to play more Starfield I won't complain yeah yeah well it'll come down to uh me finding the two other folks that are willing to stop playing uh Starfield I will I will say this if it becomes the kind of thing where I can play and just jump in a call like if you can't find anyone if I can do my show in Starfield like we can talk but you know um exactly what's up guys how you doing no uh it uh we you know I'm sure you'll find someone though but yeah yeah let me know let me know for some reason I'll I'll let you know for sure um and yeah we'll we'll figure it out so tentatively show is on for next week and then the week after that uh Zeke is back from burning man on God that'll already be the 10th already be a third of the way through [ __ ] September by then uh and then we're kind of just crushing along like I said things really don't start slowing down until October end of October November there's like October November has Call of Duty and I think that's it like nothing I don't think there's any other big releases in November off top of my head so all the all the companies want to get their games out by the holidays so yeah yeah um just came out Texas Chainsaw just came out yeah tons of multiples I missed both of those and I'm super sad because they're both awesome yeah have you played much dark and darker disturban yeah I play a lot yeah good same same old same old thing yeah they introduced warlock now which is like the new test pass that's been cool yeah okay oh it's fun yeah November November oh yeah gotcha and Super Mario RPG uh remake same day as Cod there's I think that that comes out October 20th November 20th what is that November 17th November 17th okay uh there's something else that comes out the same day as that let me just look real quick oh that same day as Persona 5 tactica Call of Duty comes out the 10th of November the week before and that that might be if we're given the 13-month uh or sorry 13 week thing that might also be Poe launch day on the 17th or the 10th uh of November so yeah I bounced we didn't talk about Poe except for that one week I bounced off of The League they made some improvements to it but it's Poe my time with Poe every launch is getting shorter and shorter because there's just so many other [ __ ] games right now like it was a terrible launch time for that League to come out but we will see let's do some uh shout outs and call it a show hopefully I've got everything set up this time and CO's not doing Dan's shout outs again stripping why don't you what are you up to work people check you out make the right choice see you then brilliant take the right choice there's some shout outs dad I'm Dan's gaming variety streamer um starting in at the end of this month I will be nothing but a Starfield streamer for a while so that's coming up thanks for having me on the show love hanging out with you guys stripping JP code all great people and thanks for having me on the show fantastic Co do some shout outs hey look at that it's me uh anyway as always big thank you to JP well I can't say Zeke huge thank you to Dan and stripping always a pleasure to see you find beautiful gentleman my name is co hi uh we have ac6 we're gonna be doing cozy quest in the evenings gonna be doing that some more tonight I got 50 today and uh starting on the 30th the morning of the 30th if you want to get fully caught up with all things Star field before we dive into Early Access on the 31st we are going to spend the morning of the 30th going over like all the interviews all the dev streams like we're gonna I think we're gonna watch The Animated lore videos they released which I haven't seen yet we're gonna be doing all of that at 8am on the 30th if you want to catch up and then of course we will be diving in as early as possible on Friday uh when we get access to Starfield Thursday and I'm gonna be taking Thursday Thursday yes thank you Thursday and um I'm gonna be taking like a week for that so I'll be probably doing like 12 to 15 hour streams every day for like Starfield so buckle up uh thank you guys for watching and I won't see you next week but probably the week after fantastic that's it thank you all for watching the vow to be up over at JP later probably about an hour we'll see uh it just takes however long YouTube wants to render uh strip any streaming after this are you done for the day yeah I'm gonna be doing the Final Fantasy 14 10 year anniversary oh so there you go go check that out oh yeah dude uh Dan are you done for the day you streaming after this I'm done for the day okay all right go watch uh go watch more Pokemon to do now if you're given the choice between Pokemon going or sleeping what do you do I'm better at sleeping okay you're a better sleeper yeah yeah okay that's it thank you so much for watching thank you guys for joining us we'll see about a show next week I'll get with Dan we'll figure it out and uh we'll be here when we're here thank you all we're out have a good one bye-bye
Channel: itmeJP
Views: 123,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dropped, HD, games, Dropped Frames, itmeJP, Xsplit, streaming, Cohh, 1080p, streamers, Ezekiel_III, CohhCarnage, Obs, Twitch, live streamers, TwitchTV, live stream, twitch tv, video games, itmejp, playstation, playstation 5, xbox, xbox series x, react, state of play, twitch drama, videogamedunkey, mrbeast, xqc, baldur's gate 3, EVO, street fighter 6, starfield, armored core vi, from software, bethesda, larian studios, alan wake 2, wayfinder
Id: 8l-vHM_FRuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 178min 55sec (10735 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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