🔴Jaheira Actor Tracy Wiles talks BALDUR'S GATE 3, Matt Mercer & Favourite Voice Lines

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well ladies and gentlemen look who we have here Tracy it is a pleasure and honor to have you how are you it is a pleasure and honor to be here I'm very well thank you how has the last few weeks been I mean it's been quite crazy hasn't it uh it's Gathering ER well when I say that I think maybe because I play Jahira for anyone that maybe doesn't know and uh jira doesn't come in until act two so the launch and everything was amazing but as you probably know it takes a while to create your character and and and get through act one and get to act two and possibly meet me and uh so I think it for me personally H it it's it's been just oh watching the incredible response everyone's had and then just occasionally then people going oh I've met jira oh I've met jira uh so there's been a and then now I feel like um people are meeting her or going back and changing their story and but in terms overall of just the game I keep looking at the camera by the way so sometimes I look at the camera which is just really weird I love that that's professional I'm so interview it's been great I'm just going to go it's been great did you know what you were getting into that's the question no no I in preparation for this interview Dan I went back to my emails which I still have um from September 20121 which was when I got a a audition invitation for project I know it's out there now dra and fils I'm looking at the camera again I want to look at you project dra for a character called y y and um and there was a drawing uh which has some resemblance I would say but a little bit more sack cloth in and bit different to how she is now and uh yeah there was some lines and I looked at the lines and they were uh uh to do with the last Li in and it's some of the first lines that have ended up in the game and I did the audition didn't know anything about it and then never heard any thing you know which is what happens and then about a month later maybe six weeks later I got another email going you remember that audition you always think that's a good sign remember that audition uh they say why to do it again that's fine and um they do you want this lengthy it was a short question this is a very long answer do you want love the long answers please give us every detail you can remember don't let me ramble please okay so this we love Ramblers around here edit edit it's like calm down so I did a second audition and they detached a clip of Wonder Woman and it was a clip of at the brilliant Robin Wright being her role and it was not saying do do it like Robin Wright but it was saying could you go a little bit more in this more I guess authoritative more military kind of way I think roughly I'm paraphrasing so I I thought okay it was the same lines oh and the other thing which is kind of funny is that they sent a picture of a body with I should have should have got it but it's like a when they ask you to self tape it's full body but they said just go below your knee but we need to see your whole body which for actors is always difficult because we don't live in mansions and trying to get full shops is always hard and and I thought well that that body looks kind of not naked but it was very form fitting and I thought oh well didn't ask my agent I'm going to get out my Lyra so I got on my licra leggings which are fine and I had a little crop top on I had a little crop top me it wasn't like revealing but it was you know you see my tummy and everything and I was oh this is right all with this lra outfit on and that was the first edition then I got the second one the second one I thought I'm I'm going to wear a gray coat now like a long military coat you know you're just you're at home I think I saw a photo of that yeah that's it I'm gonna get that c out C that I put so I put that on and then in the other ones I have my lier on again I mixed it up this time because you do each line separately and sent that off never heard anything and then another month I think it was December said they said uh I don't have that email they said we really like that but could you do it a bit more like this and it was another video clip another actor famous actor I can't remember who and I haven't got that email so I went oh all right did it again slightly different same lines I think I'd done with the lier I think I've got the court out again so I thought well they like the court and um so then never never heard anything and then we're in January uh January 2022 and I'm at my agent going car what have I got that job you know because you do you've done three auditions yeah so then it was and they said uh between three of you and I I was like wow this is obviously um something because they're taking a long time and um yeah and then I think it was around about the middle of January they said you got the job and and I think even then I wasn't sure what I was doing and I did one session and it was some of the early I think those was early introduction lines and then I think I did four hours and then I don't think I did another one for about a month February and it was kind of like one a month and I said to my agent oh how much am I going to be doing I think you know I think it's going to be being the went well it be a maybe seven hours and I was like seven hours I this was going to be you know so you know I was delighted that's great but also you know a little bit of me going oh gosh I thought it was going to be a bit more but anyway um I did that and it was great and I enjoyed it and then kept going like one a month it's nearly the end of the all my answers aren't going to be this long and it got to about the middle of the year and someone said to me in a session uh good news I think it was they said this your character has been developed into the game I said great that means a lot more sessions and I was like Wow were you nervous that first session and had you done MOA before I think I think Sam said that they hadn't done map exactly the same for me so I think I was in the larger volume and I'm sure people have spoken about this there's markings on the floor and we all have what they call a base pose that we stand in and and so there was quite a bit of fixing of how jira would stand or that would be the position you would find her in which was kind of ready and you know not too relaxed but also not too tense and it did take a a lot of adjustment in your brain as an actor to be doing a few lines and then realizing you had to come back or or end the line and then come back to the Basse pose usually through the line so that took a while so sometimes i' think I've been brilliant but it technically wasn't it probably wasn't brilliant but it it technically wasn't right so I would have to do it again but it was so um you know it's good for your brain to be tested and we had such fantastic you know directors and movement directors it's such a great support Ensemble effort to create our characters this is just a pit stop and then obviously as you know it goes on to laran and cinematics and all of that you had 25 years of experience and you said this tested you is this like the biggest test you've had in recent memory um oh that's a really good question you didn't send me that one in advance when I asked you were G to ask me it it it I mean it did in the beginning technically yeah yeah because you know you just want you just want to do the best you can and when I began to understand how you know how much history jira had you you just want to deliver the best possible work and you don't want to bug her up by not going back into your base pose um was it the most testing thing yeah it's it's up there in my top five maybe yeah so how long did it take you to sort of get into the character and find her would you say did you get it straight away or did it take a couple of months until you started hitting your stride hopefully I I got it quite early but I mean I think as some other people have said we we sometimes we come back and you would go gosh I think I've done those lines before and you you know we would all go yeah but think maybe it's slightly different but then you would also think oh maybe I was just really terrible when I did them in that last session and they're you know as you do as a typical actor you know God I wasn't good enough but I I don't know maybe I'm speaking out of term but I with any character I wonder if we're all everybody trying to find the character and because I I felt at the beginning again my memory is so terrible I'm going to say that now is that I felt the beginning it was quite a the military aspect I seem to remember recording a lot of big speeches to lots of people kind of big beautiful Rory Moore is is my writer he's wonderful writer Rory Moore and um I always thought the writing was great but as we got more into it more I would say more humor came into it um I think don't know whether it was them going we need to because I think she always has been funny from the previous incarnation in one and two um and I and have to mention Heidi Shannon because I didn't who who played the original Jahira I didn't know anything about um when I first got the job I didn't don't think I've really I didn't look into it that much you know you've got a job just get on with it and then only later on I I think I started a few sessions in I thought oh you know there's got to be some audio somewhere um and so I did listen and and very funny as well as being brilliantly dramatic and Powerful there was a lot of humor in there and so I just found as we went along more and more humor came in and I love that because you know oh yeah if you can you can lighten a heavy or overly kind of emotional moment with a bit of P and I just think that's wonderful you know I feel like she loves the banter too you know if you give it to her she'll you know you bastard and she'll say stuff like that was that was that always was that always there or was that something again that was developed along the way I feel that was developed yeah but memory could be wrong I feel there was more of it as we went along especially I think I did most of my recording in uh in this last year I had a lot more sessions this year I think we all did when we were Galloping toward the end of of recording uh you know instead of doing like one a month I would do 12 or 13 a month and so therefore suddenly there was just reams of new like the family stuff wasn't done till about a year in I I seem to remember um and a lot of the stuff in the the Druid Sanctuary which is some of my favorite oh yeah great stuff it's beautiful so beautifully written and very moving and a lot of it refers back to the first two and her husband and all of those things ion I don't want to do too many spoilers but that was very much toward the end and I was so grateful for that because I think the more you've lived with a character those really big emotive going back if you've done quite a lot of and lived with the person for a while then it's I think it's a little easier to access and throwing you straight in although you know lots of actors can go straight in with the big emotions like I have to find it yeah is she still within you now I was saying that when I when I was coming for this I was thinking how would jira have go for this interview completely opposite to me she I think we're very similar we're very organized and I think she'd be quite controlling in terms of you know how everything is organized and just down to the but sh I've I've lit myself Dan I've got lights here I've got notes stand here that I'm going to pretend that I'm just thinking idly about a line but they're all written over there I can see them whereas jira would literally come in having you know fought a battle and gone you know all right I've got an interview now and sit down do you know what I mean there' be no lighting there' be know nothing so I think in that respect I'm much more self-conscious have you have you played a character like this before have I played a half elf Druid Warrior want to talk to me about citar acting that was fun and no no I played strong that's what I meant I meant a strong military style no no and that's the joy I mean look how amazingly she's been uh the cinematics I think it's wonderful how she's how she looks and also how everybody's dressing her there some brilliant I saw her with a clown face the other day I wasn't quite sure how that comes into but I've seen few people with a clown but they've realized her so wonderfully well from that opening and and and some of the late scenes you know more moving past talking about past and then the battle SC and all of that I think they've the the people that Laren have done the cinematics is incredible you know and I love that it's our movement that's in there you know I love that the bastard line is you know that laugh and everything and that's the moving and that's me and that's so nice to see that you know but we're nothing without the directors and and everybody else that pit stop and and people that would put us in the suit and stick the bobbly things on us and Ben and Rogan and everybody there's just so many people you know so you you originally so you originally trained in Scotland right when when did you do your training in Scotland won all those Awards because you're so fabulous when was that I didn't win all those awards no you yes she did yes you did when was this a long time ago before you were born Dan probably back in the 90s we're going over the old here you always wanted to be an actor I did I did um I grew up on an island and uh a little bit about my past I grew up on an island and my mom was really into um it's very small island called Isa and uh I wasn't born in Scotland but I was brought up there but my mom was really into old movies so we would always sit at the weekend and watched Betty Davis and um Joan Crawford and Barbara Stanwick and at that and Spencer tra and all the a lot of American stuff uh and that stayed with me that all those kind of and they were a lot of very strong female characters and I just thought God that would be great and uh I remember being at school and we didn't really have there was a lot of teacher strikes on we didn't do any plays and uh but one time we read pigmon in class I think I would have been about 14 and for some reason I got told to read Eliza do little and it was all written phonetically and I read it and some reason it came out okay and and uh everybody kind of laughed and it's that thing where you know you hear people actually saying oh everybody laughed and I thought oh that's good I remember going to you know you have I don't know if you had this down at school but you know when you go to um careers did you ever have a careers advisor I did yeah but they weren't very good I don't know if yours was was yours good well they were sensible you know you I don't know I said you know what do you want to do and I said I want to be quite like being an actor and they were like that's good you could go catering College which you know I not that but it's entirely practical and and much more likely for me to get a job in the catering industry and that's what they said but luckily I I got into a one-ear course when I was 17 and and did that and then ended up going to ra Scottish or conservat I feel like I'm just talking an aw lot down here yeah because you're the guest Tracy that's I know I know but I think that's what I'm always slightly um that thing of just talking about yourself it's just I keep wanting to go down you tell me about when you because you're selfless not an equal no it's I love it so how did you get into the video game landscape because you know I know your first game was what chicken run back in the two 2000 I don't know if you remember that it's very sporadic and now all of a sudden the last few years you're booking a lot of stuff now what what's the difference what's changed it's the mystery of this profession isn't it um yeah I did Chicken Run yeah as you say there was a big gap and then I I auditioned for I've heard some of the other actors in in bg3 say this div Divinity original sin I think and then got that and then once I got that and did some of that and did quite a lot of characters don't ask me their names I don't remember because I going to ask you to name every act every character and do the voice memory woman doesn't remember this also we we we get them under project titles you know we don't at the time know that that's what is and then by the time it comes out to to five years later sometimes you just you've done a couple more and you think oh what was it I did and I didn't take a note of the characters because they do you know what I mean and so yeah but anyway I worked with Josh uh and um we didn't and uh then he kept getting me back for a few other ones at at pit stop and I guess that that's how I got the audition for wers Gate 3 I mean I just I haven't asked actually but yeah so no one worded you up how big this game was going to be like you didn't get any word up not even Neil or anyone said look Tracy you know what you're getting into here you know what no I I didn't know Neil or anyone I mean I met them at Pit Stop you know and even then I saw the poster up I didn't know any of the characters names this was six Monon then I mean there's so many people in it and I thought oh they must be the main cast you know the poster that was on the wall and and then Neil came in even at that point I still didn't know a trailer came out at Christmas and it had my voice quite prominent on it because they were kind of announcing that jira and Minsk and even I didn't even know that that was a big deal I didn't I was like oh that's nice I didn't I did I so naive and then I remember he I staran was in that trailer and and I remember go oh that's a great character who's that I like do you know and then I met them all one by one and I put things together in my head you know you would have learned a lot over the last few weeks with the with the clips that have come out and some of the people will come up with stuff their own sort of stories a little bit I mean how's your knowledge developed would you say are you gonna are you gonna test me no I'm not don't worry it's it was it I would say three or four out of 10 and not I mean I kind of know a lot of my own Stu stuff but I didn't quite understand how it fitted in and all of that but there's so many people on YouTube who've done either individual quest lines or the high har request or this so now I've I mean I did make notes for this today to try and piece together my piece together how I fit in and but then there's so many different ways Pathways isn't there doing a lot of this I know I was going to say the permutations how did you find that as an actor you wouldn't have done anything like that before no I mean i' I've filmed out of sequence before um and I've recorded radio out of sequence but no this in terms of uh you know doing multiple lines with different responses but again we had such great directors uh uh who would be you know who would Kirsty Gilmore and I even had um uh Jen directed me at one point and reading in the shadow heartlines well she was direct cool amazing um but the director just because I'd be like oh you reading all that info off the screen but some they wouldn't often they would just be doing a big monologue about what this particular line and where it fitted in to help me understand where at that point we were and what the stakes were I think that was always the thing and and how the other actor which I think is extraordinary when I watch it now you know how I would fit in with nine fingers you know how you know I think that is that briany Corgan absolutely amazing again performance how I would fit in with my daughter I keep getting the name wrong Ryan again I don't know who that actor is I've been trying to find out amazing and and you go the levels of your communication to the levels of what they deliver how do they know that or how do they remember that and occasionally I'd get stuff played in I had quite a bit of mints played into me so I could react really yeah that but even if you didn't the directors would read in for you so that you would you could respond appropriately and it was all about the stakes and where you were and how how how it was affecting you and physically as well you know how phys physically it was affecting you especially if you had props like a scroll or your simitar or get props yeah the the the the whole you know the whole bit the I don't know if you've seen the B you know where I go have a drink you know the poison poison that whole all that goblet we constantly with the Goblet doing redoing it with the Goblet and the go hold the Goblet like yeah like this or no a bit more like but and then there you I saw you on Twitter with the light bulb I saw you had a bit of fun with that video yeah I am a prop at drama school I used to get you know get the the pee taken out of me for always wanting a prop in every monologue or whatever can I just can I have some props so when when um the person put up I shouldn't know their name on the airplane but that lovely song bird is it who put up the the memes for us and they put the light in I thought well I can't not do the light it's intrical isn't it in integral yeah oh man isn't it a whirlwind now I've got a bunch of fan questions here that we're going to get to all right how did you get where did you get those from oh I've been SC I've uh reached out and we've got a bunch that have come through just in the last hour look some of them aren't um questions they're more of just like I love jira her voice is perfect that's from rocketa that's really nice thank you now here's a real question what method did you use to get in the proper head space to play this character that's from fire squid fire squid wow fire squid that's a a good question I I don't really have a method um we will get no I don't I you know I know my backstory as much as I can retain in my head there's a lot but I know as much as I can but for me it was um get the lines couple couple of days before go through them figure out the ones where the words I don't understand or spells and things that I can't pronounce and you know ask about those or then I you know go in I find out who my director is who my movement is have a chat with everybody have a bit of a you know get all that done warm up then for me I am entirely Reliant I'm a puppet I am entirely ring in the moment on whoever is brilliantly directing me whoever is brilliantly either on the zoom or on the thing watching how I move my body and we work together to in the moment figure out what those well we we obviously have an idea I've got an idea they're not thrown at me although sometimes there would be things i' be like that wasn't in the script but we we work in the moment so everything is incredibly immediate that's it I yeah you fin yeah you do you like you like it when it's a bit more improvisational yeah which completely goes against me what I said earlier about I'm a bit of a control freak that's what I mean that's what I'm saying I'm a control but when I'm doing the character yeah when I'm doing the character I quite like to be to trust because I did you know completely trust them after the first session I was like oh they know what they're doing they know what they're doing they know the whole thing what's going on and also your writer would be somewhere in The Ether so if there was anything about um a line or you know if we were all struggling with a line it would be hang on and and often he would be there somewhere and he would give us you know so we were always kind of Handy support it's very handy isn't it snow that answer the question yeah yeah thought I was going to find jira boring but she has become my favorite character I I already retweeted that yeah you know I'm not a big one for retweeting praise but had four very nice images of jira and I think nice lines there as well so I did retweet that one and I was very grateful so I think I thanked them hopefully that's Yeah well yeah also I want people to know that jir is not boring so that they stop get getting her killed early on and then they don't get to meet Minsk or anything so he's good Matt Mercer Matt Mercer he knows what he's doing doesn't he amazing absolutely yeah and it was great to be able to hear what he did with Minsk in the in the room I was very lucky I must have recorded a lot of it before I I did it and uh yeah I wonder if you got phoned in for him you know cuz you were hearing him I wonder if he got a few of your lines because there's such good chemistry there between you two ah thank you um I hope so it would be nice to think that wouldn't wouldn't it be I don't think he needs me though but yeah um I tell you what to say again about the cinematics I don't if you've watched I think I sent you the opening scene early on when we had a chat about stuff um which I think is Bey when when he he out of the I'll get lots of things wrong here the mimic and then he that it's wonderfully done where I'm up high and then he sees me and that we have the bit of banter but there's this beautiful bit where we don't speak and he has this so this is this is the cinematics it's not US unless unless Matt did it in the booth and and they've taken it from there but he just looks up at me and he kind of looks quizzical and then he kind of has this kind of it's just so sweet and endearing and then he gets quite annoyed with me there some emotions going through that with no words and then there's a reaction of me waiting to see with no words and it's Fab I think it's really great I think that might have been him they might have picked that up who knows that would be so nice yeah we don't it's not taking our faces but I wonder if occasionally because they filmed us they do maybe use our expression I don't know are you going to try and interview these guys at um some of the Cinematic people and all that yeah I'd love to hear some of their stories yeah yeah they're brilliant pit stop and everyone involved uh Zed says thanks for doing this here's the question was there any moment you felt the pressure to represent an iconic character such as jira in the boulders gate franchise so I guess because it's an iconic character coming back doing your rendition I guess how how was that for you yeah I I felt it in the last few weeks and I felt it on the day release and maybe the first week especially when I said to you because obviously people hadn't got to me and I was thinking oh my God what are they going to you know you do you think what are they going to think of and also there was a little bit of well quite a long bit actually of me in the panel from hell and I was incredibly nervous yeah and I I think you know I do look to see what people say but I think at the panel from hell I didn't for a while because I was thinking you know because I know how much the original voice actors you know a a lot of people absolutely rightly so revered and loved them and so it was I think it was very hard for people at the beginning that they weren't doing it now so yeah yeah I'm a bit more okay with it now because I've I've seen a lot of really nice feedback I have seen where I'm going to read you we talked about this as well but my favorite the with the accent is that yeah it's Russian yeah it says Jahira where in God's name are you from and then someone else says it's such a strange Russian but not accent and I just thought okay but it's not mean it isn't mean and what you don't want um attitude to yourself is just me I don't mind if people are great and other people are like I don't like her that's cool that's absolutely F you know everybody's going to get a bit of that I think yeah the accent I'm curious what would you call the accent and was that was that well you'd say what East European luscious something like that all yeah on the on the um on the I looked at the audition email for us and it just said Eastern European accent it did yeah so I I think for the most part I think for the most part that's what I'm doing I mean I have I have heard bits where I've gone but I think just one bit where I've gone what was I doing there bit emotional and but you know that's brilliant um did you did you get emotional during this shoot at all because you said you kind of struggle to not struggle but you said it you takes a bit of warming up to get there how emotional are we talking I from from memory and from watching a few bits I mean I think the the stuff where I talk about my husband the stuff that we did near the end that that was actually easy is the wrong word but that was fine because the writing was so good I can't emphasize enough how good the writing by Rory is and H so that was fine I kind of just went along I was lucky like a number of characters have quite lot of monologue type things where you could just go you didn't need to worry about Base PA so much um and so that I think that was pretty much one take I think um so that was fine and um oh there's a bit with Minsk as well where I where I where I talked to him about having when I left him behind and that came quite easily as well that was a great thing yeah I watched that before when he's talking about me being a wick Claren and everything again I don't want to spoil too much stuff but that was another bit I remember in that um because I think if you feel connected to if the people that you're talking about you're either there in your mind physically or they are a memory that physically that you have which I had um especially of my husband I the that you especially all that time there's a great interview with Adam Smith who was I get the titled wrong the lead writer I believe on on is that his title there's a great interview with him and he uh he talks at length about Jahira and bring bringing her back and the history and the you know the emotion of it and all of that grief the the the huge amount of grief and that all that time 100 Years of grief I I also like the scene where you where you meet your uh we see your adopted kids have you seen that fun yes and it's it's fun isn't it I I think yeah again I'm in awe of how they put all that together you know I I yes and I I'll be honest I I think it was quite a bit into it when I was told about kids and I was like you I've got kids have I got kids have I how many yeah we G word me up before guys yeah uh okay favorite voice line and can you say it in the character's voice please Tracy you're amazing Third Dimension man that not one of my friends okay um yeah there was a line there's a few lines actually but uh whenever like say right I can't remember what the line before to prompt the line but imagine have you seen that dress is I keep calling it The Wayfair dress but it's called something else that's very split it's like in mail it's very low cut very high slit everyone loves that dress I think everybody wears that dress and few of me I feel like somebody has said to me when I've had a really bad day and I'll do this really badly but they've said hey jira would you like to wear this really impr practical High slit low cut chain mail dress to go into battle with whoever and I say to them I would rather go into Battle Bear of ass that's one of my favorite and I didn't fantastic fantastic that one I looking at my not I want to get this line correct but yeah okay so if I get it wrong Rory I'm sorry but um she's got a very long speech and she says um she says Perhaps it is not Heroes we need only people who are willing to try that's one of my favorite lines oh that's a great line yeah and I put in the big dramatic pause as well I don't uh jvh any advice for an aspiring voice actor I've been told to get into it by many people and would love to do fantasy work uh any tips how did you get started in the industry yeah sure uh you know I would always say whatever medium you want to work in then be a part of it as a a player be it something that you actually get involved in but that's the complete opposite for me because I have yet to play a video game apart from very like briefly maybe with other people there but I would say that if you want to work in like uh radio drama or whatever you know listen to a lot of it so that you can actually contact the people so if you want to work in games find out who directed it or how many other directors and and write to them and say you know the i' I've played this game and I I just thought the acting was whatever and but mean it don't you know actually do go out and play some of it and and experience it and then contact the people and then ideally you're going to have some I did read one director who does games saying you I get into trouble here you don't need a game's re if you've got a really good acting reel then you know cuz you know myself and Sam hadn't done motion capture I believe before I had done games before and S done games before but it doesn't mean that you have to have done loads of it if you're a good actor they can teach you the technical stuff so I would say play it and and and then contact the people and have something to show them even if it's a filmed monologue or in the genre of do you know what I mean at home you get some lights and just contact them and then show them something that you can offer I think average Druid lier you've retweeted this one too uh can you guys stop letting jira D in your playthrough she has a very important Quest she's very cute and funny thank you so I like that one very cute and fun like yeah reason I keep tweeting these is is to try and encourage people to that you know I understand you know that that fight at moonrise Towers I've watched a couple of playthroughs it's really really hard and that's not really tough so I understand people going I've spent 30 minutes on this fight or more I'm not going back to reload I probably get the terms wrong no but obviously I'm go it's worth it you know you know obviously I'm going to say that though am I because worth it is worth it 100% save scum do it yes save scum what does that mean save scum just reloading and save it basically yeah basically just going back if you make a mistake yeah so you can um like if you if you get an outcome you don't like in the story you go back and then you can try and get a better outcome save scum why save scum yeah it's an interesting term isn't it I'm leing so much uh Moog when jira called my l a cub for the first time I just melted out of my seat I would die for her wow thank you Moog I mean that's really kind isn't it and very nice and appreciated thank you shepherda can you read me bedtime stories in the accent every night forever okay that's a little bit weird but we're going down a different avenue now I think yeah do you have Cameo do you have Cameo oh sh should I know you just think don't you just I'm a typical I don't know whether it's a British thing or I'm just me I'm just I have tried I I've got this Fe I should have worn it today I've got this feather collar which is very like um I've had it for years I've never had occasion to wear it and it it's kind of and it's very jira and I did try and film myself the other day couldn't I couldn't bring myself to post any of them on a cameo I just was like oh no gosh you look beautiful all right um it wasn't that thank you so much it wasn't that it was just the whole do I do it as jir do I do I turn into it like why have you come here I know why you have come here you know I couldn't think I need a writer to write me a cameo int but then I look at other people like Hello I play jira I've actually got a Scottish accent do you want me to do a for your auntie or your uncle you know I just don't know but probably I will how SC Scottish can you go how oh my God let me hear you're Scottish how Scottish can you go Tracy that's terrible but I reckon you can go really strong of course I can yes are you you're inviting me to do that yeah I'm inviting it well I the thing about Scottish is it's not actually that dissimilar to some of the Sounds in the Slavic accent you especially if I was to say like if I was to say in Scottish murder murder which is a thing we all say like a tagert is a Scottish series we would say there's been a murder and if you were to say in a you see honestly true there has been a murder it's the rotic ARs are the same as the Scottish rotic ARS which sounds like ours I know but it does Scott and um and the RS not a million miles apart and I did my Scottish for you there so thank you that was brilliant if you want to hear Australian I can do that that's terrible no so can I try and do austral so when you he being Australian is this like your reaction is the same as my reaction to you doing Scottish is that really like a parody is it really terrible how have you gotten that so good that's one of the best I've heard of this show dead I've I've I've given the task to a few actors over the years that's got to be up there really oh my God yeah that's it's not it's not easy I'm not doing anymore because if I do any more no no you don't want to ruin it now but I thought you were GNA absolutely take the pee out of me there no no that's something you got to practice right you didn't just pull that out of a hat I I literally didn't plan that it's not online wow okay I'm impressed I really am impressed I think you are you really though I am yeah I'm genuinely impressed uh it's it's more of a posh Australian I would say yes that's what I meant yes and no question here from Gabe but but I just wanted to thank you for the great job that you did love your work from Gabe that's really kind thank you very much all right spoilers everybody just quick you can skip the next minute do you play Boulders gate through if so did you have the guts to kill jira and Massacre the last Light in now we know you didn't play and there's no way you would have done that come on you're not crazy I would reload what was the word re re save scum scab save scum res scab yeah I would save scum again and again and again and but the thing is isn't it like aund how many hundreds of hours 17 completely oh no there's 170 cut scenes 170 hours of cut scenes yeah okay yeah so but if to to to complete the game how many hours is it yeah it' probably be around 100 I I don't know how much so if you're doing if you're doing eight hours a day like a day full-time job that would still be like 12 and a bit days wouldn't it solid it dep it depends on the players but yeah it's it's yeah it's not easy it's not a short game let's just put it is that great isn't that value for money oh God you couldn't get better value than this [ __ ] excuse my language you could not get better a is there a blooper real Tracy do you have any behind the scenes footage that you took I don't but we did laugh an awful lot so somebody might have but maybe we're not allowed to share that because I mean it's still got to have a second release hasn't it true not long now thank you for your amazing performance uh mopping wise you're quite energetic with your movement I love that element that adds to jira's character which I never considered when I interacted with her in the old games was it your idea or was the director's idea to go with this approach from pro azed pro AED hello Pro saided um it very much would have been uh all of us which I think I'm probably repeated a lot now but um there is a movement director there I know that at one point and I can see it in the game because I know Shadow heart's done head wiggle chat but I know at some point I had a little and it's my tick where I was doing a lot of you all look for it now maybe but this so I would say something and I would do a kind of you know COK you're scum and I would do this do this thing but that got pointed out to me so hopefully but I think occasionally we still have this kind of thing but uh most of any physical stuff you know we were given free reign to to do whatever and then but would be a movement person so you would You' be allowed to organically find the movement yourself but because I can't see my avatar I can't quite see if that movement looks too extended or I'm specifically pointing at a person where they in the game don't quite know where that person will be so sometimes we would have to be a bit more generic or sometimes I wouldn't be I wouldn't be seeing the space enough you know wherever it was like fun or wherever I would need to in take that all in and all of that but yeah the battle stuff it was very much that ready for action feeling in the body you know had to be there which I think everybody's spoken about a lot now about it's not just face and voice not face sorry it's not just voice it is very much had to come through and I think from the clips I've watched of not just me but of as many people as I can watch it's really evident you know that they it's worked really well you know what do you want people to take away from the character um well I hope I've I hope I've lived up for the people that um knew jir from before I I hope we all have because obviously this is very different this is you know many years on I hope they like her of course but I hope that they um find her to be really kind of multi-layered and you know not not and and just intriguing I suppose and funny I want it to be funny but also sad at times and you know there's just very M multi-layer yeah yeah yeah yeah all the emotions all the emotions yeah and did I see that you're in the love at first uh site Netflix film yes looks like a bit of fun yeah if I make the K film that's such a long time ago it's coming up on three years now um right you know way before we all had the old whatevers it was yeah long time I think it was uh end of 2020 oh yeah and I I think I did about four days on that and a lot of that was being a guest at a wedding and I I've got a couple of scenes I think so if I make the cut we'll see just do my own are you a perfectionist a little bit I am I am I am very controlling I mean you must know that from the amount of messages I not controlling but Perfection per you know like aren't they sort of kind of similar are they I I feel like your house is immaculately it is isn't it yeah I love that I love a house that's tidy there's nothing your little environment there that I'm looking at I can't there's oh you can't see behind the camera but it's not it's not too bad actually it's not too bad um no it's very good I do love the idea of in these sessions that if you go beyond the perimeter of the frame it's just absolute Carnage yeah mine unfortunately is incredibly neat oh that's good and I know there's been a lot of chat about ADHD I I I've not been diagnosed but I I can't focus on one thing for very long you know I I want to try and get I suppose you call it multitasking if you're looking at it in a positive way you know yeah I'll be in the middle of exercising and then I'll think oh I should do that thing so I'll quickly jump off and do that and then come back to the exercising so exercising an hour of exercise can take me two and a half hours because I'll jump about doing other things well come back to it why not just do the exercise that's why gyms are good and working out at home hold on that might be procrastination Tracy is no no procrastination to means just stopping you know and just having a little drink of tea and looking out the window I'll be you know emailing oh you'll be actually getting in there okay yeah yeah doing tasks tasks I I do get a massive oh my God this is like therapy now I do get a huge sense of uh like if I get things I've got lots of lists I like lists you must when we were talking I was sending you these are images that you could use for jira what questions are you do you know how much I love that and no one ever no one ever sends me photos to use it's fantastic oh my God this head high quality photos beautiful you just make it so easy I think that's being very polite and I think I was quite controlling but I was doing it I did lots of smiley faces with it agress so the the smiley faces sort of ease off the controlling part yeah how did you um how did you go with Co by the way I'm curious how did you find that whole period I was really lucky I mean I ER because I think those of us that had already been doing voiceovers and I know a lot of actors maybe got into it because at Co time because you know it was something you could do from home I already had been doing it and within the first week myself and a friend got touch and when we need to get proper equipment I hadn't really done work from home before and I thought why can't I well I have now but and for three years I had a booth but it was literally a a room divider with a dovy over it that I would set up in between my toilet and my but I it was a booth and sorry to everybody that on my website where there is a a photo that isn't my booth where I said this is my no I didn't lie I said home studio and there was this incredible photo but I never said it was my home studio but I do and everything worked very well for a few years and um I did that set it up with my friend and we both figured out how to put the equipment together and got it delivered and just started voicing from home so I I was all right I think you know to a point I guess if that's what you mean how was your experience was very strict in Australia you know yeah we were the Melbourne was the most locked down place in the world was it yeah out of anyone we had the most days yeah um but I was fine because I'm in here a lot anyway but I I was kind of privileged um because I know other people weren't but you know we um we got through were when did you I actually started it during um the pandemic yeah because I took the opportunity because a lot of actors were sort of twiddling their thumbs and I said oh that there's probably more chance they'll want to do an interview with a guy from Australia you know what I mean and yeah it ended up just yeah that was where it began so and here we are 150 later well so so it's been fantastic hey thank you Tracy for taking the time by the way today with the hours the hour has flown by which I knew it would how did you find this experience I still recording yes we are so I can't reveal my true personality yet it was [Laughter] great I do feel I might have come across as quite hysterical but that's nerves and I I had a headache at the start I didn't tell you that because I'm a trooper oh wow you are a great actor you really [Laughter] are so is there anything you wanted to say to the fans before we wrap up here Tracy is there anything you wanted to pass on to the fans of bg3 she said looking at her notes no please try and keep jira alive it's worth it not because of me just because of the backstory I'm looking directly at the camera now it's probably really disconcerting but then you get to meet Minsk get to meet Matt marer and um yeah and I know it's really hard at moonrise Towers but what was the word re res what's the word re reload save scum save scum save scum and go again I don't know what I'm talking about but you know what I'm saying but enjoy the game and you know we've had a great time and thank you so much for all the nice responses it's it's really appreciated I'm still looking at the camera I'm going to look at you now it's a wholesome Community I tell you what it's been it's amazing like I think we said at the start it's a bit um it's a bit mad but it's great thank you so much Dan you're such a a marvelous interviewer and um you cured my my uh feeling nauseous hey can can we get as we wrap this one up for everyone one more jir a line to Dan be the cliff that breaks the sea that's a great L who's the these Riders are just unbelievable Rory Mo Rory Mo Rory Rory Moore His Marvelous writer Rory if you're watching this Rory you are a legend yeah well thank you he's not gonna watch this to the end so much Dad
Channel: Dan Allen Gaming
Views: 29,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jaheira, bg3 jaheira, jaheira baldurs gate 3
Id: XEebqEIg7G4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 0sec (3180 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2023
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