🔴 Baldur's Gate 3 - Solo Rogue Act 3 Lower City

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[Music] that [Music] [Music] boys it's end time oh I like the intro round out all right what's up hello everyone been a hot minute since since Sans has been in business been busy working on videos or you know well a video the next video I do need to do more streams though they're just very timec consuming and you know I'm dealing with some stuff putting down a mortgage on a house all that kind of stuff real life stuff you know you all know how it is all right act three though part at three part I've lost count I don't think I've ever done a series this long before for but the boy is back the boy returns God I forgot we had this [ __ ] makeup on I forgot we had the clown face paint it does weirdly fit him I will say I went back to the old outfit too we'll look into some new [ __ ] maybe see how it goes God I forgot how many Buffs I had God we're so strong yeah the Thunder the Thunder before stacked our boy is stacked I keep getting asked to make a build on this guy a build video and it's like I don't this isn't a build this is a random assembly of [ __ ] like he started off as a level five Rogue and then we changed him to a level three Rogue so we just s of like level four Rogue so we've just like slowly mapped it out over time level four Rogue level six Ranger and then we got two more levels and I don't know what to put them into and I was thinking that I put two into a fighter for Action Surge and also uh I guess Second Wind even though second wind is total poopy ass rooy congrats dude well I mean Tech maybe you know if it all goes through then I'll be a homeowner Tech I mean are you a homeowner if you're paying off a mortgage technically I guess I just wish I was rich enough to buy a house outright you know I wish I was part of that 1% cuz you don't have to pay any [ __ ] mortgage payments atoy could you do two warlock for spells eh no not really not for anything useful so if we go lowl warlock um it it have to be something physical damage like it level one and two Spells at this point in act three are kind of dog [ __ ] except for maybe some stuff like being able to put long Strider on us and [ __ ] like that and that's we already have um Gail hson and Shadow HW at Camp so we don't really need to do that we're good we're good on on spells and [ __ ] like that we're mostly itemized pretty well we got the hel of the baloran last time from uh dragonman the big dragon all right I'm trying to remember how how this build goes wait don't we have uh don't I have something oh I oh I replaced the [Music] necklace huh I need some other way of maintaining concentration because that is not the best huh I guess Hunter's Mark whatever we maybe do more long rest it's not like I I don't have enough Elixir to go through anyway on this episode if you can call it an episode on this stream I guess we're going to go talk to that guy we're going to go talk to the 40-year-old man man teenager what's your main goal for this stream at oy just my main goal is to blow up and act like I don't know nobody um you got to get them ha oh that's like a low level oh please hold a moment the watch presence Fades but another takes its place confident dominant commanding this watch actually guess we meet at last I en GES you are the little of the Dre General Thor oh to bould's gate my city can't believe I ignore my year and a half patronage oh [ __ ] year and a half that's I mean thank you Brandon my boy I'm going to find you and I'm going to kill you who am I Liam [ __ ] niss Jesus um the S will be yours [ __ ] that pleasure to meet you can we talk face to face yeah let's be a polite good boy my steel Watchers are rather Adept of keeping the peace but not entirely suitable for polite conversation allow me to formally invite you to I wonder if you can see me I mean he must be able to see me right make your way to the ceremonial Hall I will all right we got to take on some big stuff for this stream I think let's stick it up a notch first of all I need to start remembering a fly everywhere W for CU it's a lot faster than walking and if we're going half ill we may we may as well fly literally everywhere uh I guess we should just go talk to goes I don't really remember what else there is to do in this Tower God this is so [ __ ] loud oh my god oh uh what are you hey he's you doing in here slip a lockpick into his pocket uh you're not a fist go on get out or I'll I'll wake the others H The Sassy cross arms is a good bit for this guy hand over the lockpick you thieving little worm yeah all right let's intimidate this this guy crushed it okay but it's not it isn't like that I'm not a criminal I just needed the gold what what if we just like reported this guy what did they do to him did they just like kill him no what in the night you've got one breath to explain why you're in here or you come straight to the cells oh why do I have to convince them that I just found a guy stealing that's impossible Ray as was on duty the whole that sneaky little gate it was him all along oh I've never seen this I think a reward is customary for this kind of tip off yeah how's this you leave now and I want to arrest you for being in a restricted area let him arrest you attack or leave we fight him we could just totally kill these [Music] guys [ __ ] it wait how many of them are going to be pulled in oh wait I'm outside what you're not locked I'm not locked in here with you oh [ __ ] oh I thought this lady was naked for a second there 64 they don't even have weapons why are you on Earth you pick a fight with me you [ __ ] idiots you're so [ __ ] die woman oh oh God she's transformed me nailed it God we're so strong and manly and handsome fight prove you're the strongest with oh no they got weapons ah [ __ ] get away from me nice nice turn guys that was impressive holy [ __ ] and now you're dead ah and a crit oh oh I don't want to shoot that get [ __ ] trying to arrest me will you what are you [ __ ] [Music] stupid ah good death noise now let's loot the C crap ooh nice nice can I just shoot it open with my sturdy uh at least 10 damage this does at least 10 damage there's no way yeah okay good all that's such wh [ __ ] dude this is is that even worth it 20 [ __ ] eight gold they balanced this game super strangely this late in the game you getting Shi for this amount wait who's that fist orona okay good see green die H green is overrated I mean blue is overrated oh no imun piercing damage of course I feel like I might as well just lock these but this is way more Sands like lockpicking impossible oh all right good to know where did you see that you need at least 10 damage here in sturdy this material is rather strong only a hit that deals at least 10 damage can damage it and it's weak to blood tring so that's usually how you get it open but also this my off crossbow does force damage instead of piercing so I can just blast through most [ __ ] I don't have a blunt weapon I always prioritize getting blunt weapons though if you're picking and you don't even you don't really give a [ __ ] go for a blunt weapon blooding damage is the best type of damage in this game for physical there's so much [ __ ] in the game that's resistant to piercing and and um piercing and uh be that's a a big ass bear holy [ __ ] this is mized it's like half the size of Sands oh okay what was I talking about are you going to try and get the baloran giant slaying sword oh you mean this thing balun Giant Slayer I already have it Sans already got this last time uh I already have it it's not that good for me we don't really need it on a hit double the damage of blah blah blah blah blah blah blah right this weapon grants you advantage on attack rolls against large hug or gantu en cures which is fine maybe if you equip it we automatically have Advantage even with our range weapons which would be kind of dope but it doesn't offset the crit thing with the dagger we don't really a melee guy anyway there's keys to those in the room next door but yeah break the networks too God damn it really where in here what whatever we're not here to be efficient we're here to have fun and what's more fun than slowly breaking open a box for 5 minutes with a crossbow is you sorry okay all right cloud from Kingdom Hearts lever oh where does this let you out oh okay I remember where this is we've already been out here well let's go talk to GES let's go talk to an adult man with with a 15-year-old's haircut so you just kill all the Sleeping gods and the others don't give a [ __ ] apparently yeah that's the weird thing about fights in this game if you initiate a fight fair and square a lot of the time it's not going to pull people in damn these crossbow [ __ ] God damn the stats of these [ __ ] things I never understood why these things have such high decks it gives them insane uh initiative that really strong especially dude if we tried to imagine if we tried to fight goes right now 357 HP with [ __ ] Duke ravengard and the what like eight steel Watchers in this [ __ ] room we'd be [ __ ] it might be one fight that Sans can't win Stand Down villain the name of the steel watch aggressive action will not be tolerated in the presence of the Patriarchs of this proud City okay prepare for battle is this going to actually survive this encounter citizen oh yeah patriar but a moment I must greet a most honored guest they really could have done good just taking a little bit off his face AG wise watchs for the good of the people I'm sure you understand I think it fits his character but it makes him look like a creep Lord en your service I understand congratulations are in order I think either making him a little bit more handsome or like younger or something they're going to give him [ __ ] anime here that NE stone that you carry I should be listening to the exposition free to control the brain without Thorns it's become vexingly willful the Quakes are a clear I've never been able to make any of these live streams I can't stay just wanted to pop in and let you know I've been loving the series I'm glad you continue to do it y thanks man sad that you can't stick around and watch but I appreciate you won't last indefinitely next The Grand Design the Mind flare Empire reborn if we're lucky we'll become slaves oh Sans is so bored well not the most thrilling of prospects it's a fate that can be avoided if you and I come to understanding you said it buddy together we can still restore authority over brains yep what you said gash always did have an eye for opportunity can they not can you not see me wincing and then like glowy glowy [ __ ] appearing around my head and he's kind of like the [ __ ] is that man you're a dead man I can't let you take over the city um what do you guys think do we work with him or what I'm like 50/50 we work with him or we just kind of be like nah love the voice of Gort so gort's voice acting is [ __ ] phenomenal and it's done by uh [ __ ] what's that guy's name he's uh Jason Jason Isaac's Jason uh Jason [ __ ] Isaacs I don't know him for much stuff but man is his voice good glowing things around if you looked at your face bro who's going to question anything happening you out [ __ ] what are you talking about I am an impressive specimen I mean Sans Sans is is a beautiful is a beautiful boy an intimidating smart powerful figure he I killed you know what Sans killed a uh Merkel God creature in one-on-one combat it's Lucy Maloy yeah yeah yeah that's the only thing I've seen him in that I know of but he was cool in that movie I thought he was dope as hell in that movie he had like long ass white hair and he was such an [ __ ] he was great offer him an egg what in these trying times dude sans's offering people eggs is so in character little painted eggs we must we must take control of the city you're like can I offer you an egg these trying times I didn't realize Krick was J Jonah Jameson for a bit you mean [ __ ] J Simmons sir B's chosen wants the ne stes for herself I was hyped as [ __ ] to um to join Thor interest um when I heard about when I heard that [ __ ] JK Simmons was going to be voicing him I was like okay we are become I'm definitely signing with with with him on my first play through perhaps Shak can be allies I'm not siding with that crazy lunatic I'm not afraid of her met her assassins efficient Killers I am more efficient my face paint matches my mustache in changes shape she is no match you know she's tricked you before she has not tricked me I saw through all of her [ __ ] I'm well protected I like how we're just having this [ __ ] private dialogue in a goddamn Auditorium full of people they're just like waiting or like talking about the Elder brain and all this evil [ __ ] they're clearly listening like are they not like is it just that they don't know what an elder brain is and they can't comprehend it or or what what is that the is that the The Narrative that we're going with cuz that makes no sense I want the dialogue option where you pick something they're like a [ __ ] Elder brain what then everyone starts freaking out it's going to take a lot to make me trust you I'd like to propose a pack first of all haircut sworn upon spirit and flesh I Do no harm to you we're going to trim that Dome piece down a little bit we're going to give you a respectable like gentlemanly haircut matching your age when you slayin and take I wonder if there's any mods for GES so the three are united once Nexus Mods together bg3 I'm actually genuinely going to look this up there's got to be I know there's a resin that makes him look like a teenager Gods Gort as the absolute oh [ __ ] dog there's actually a really cool one be ally dude what no that is so much better what are you kidding me guys and if it does not dog well wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait check this [ __ ] out look at cool [ __ ] gach with goddamn Gail's haircut dog that's so much better tell me that's not look how much better he looks are you kidding me that's crazy good look at the difference man dog that is that actually fits him so much better he look it's like that Elvis pump I would have gone maybe a little more fancy but that's [ __ ] that's dope oh no he's hot he's finally hot like his character is apparently supposed to be they describe him as this civil silver tongue handsome devil I don't know if that's like him when he was young or what examin examine gort's body language is this is this act three it is indeed it is act three lower City [ __ ] whatever we we'll trust them anyway look carefully but discover nothing it's like that scene in in Emperor's New Groove you notice something in his teeth and you just you zone out and you can just see the thing in his teeth like uh [ __ ] what's the evil lady called in Emperor New Groove that movie is so [ __ ] funny dude I I randomly got like s like I saw I I caught a clip on like YouTube shorts or some [ __ ] so I had to go back and watch it man it holds up it's so good Patrick warber voicing cron is just so [ __ ] funny the amount of memes too that is pulled from that movie I totally forgot Emma yeah I think about it no promises perhaps a demonstration of why you need my help will motivate you to to make the right decision your Camp is compromised one among you is an imp oh [ __ ] I forgot about this who oh this isn't good I'd suggest a thorough investigation you'll find I speak the truth okay this is dead oh no in your Camp is like a they're going to steal one of our boys a if they steal shadoww that's going to suck alliance between us would be exceedingly shorted we might have to beine for beine for um I must go before you do come and witness as I make history as the first Arch Duke of Boulder's Gate um this stops now I've taking you out after our polite conversation I wonder Dre of missing it I have no interest in the Sham of a ceremony sweet so I have no option to just be like nah all right then we proceed the Patriarchs await I think it's always is L laelle unless she's gone I don't think we have laelle but I don't remember dear Ren I want to say I didn't s with the GI because they're weird and gross a new chapter begins and fun and and funny looking four is the option to leave I'd assume me en Gort swearest thou by balon's blade to defend the citizens of Boulders gate from enemies within and without I swear dude we're the same height as goach when he's taking a KN SAR thou true faith and fty to the look at our little man word up there doing important [ __ ] so that none may suffer I swear that's Will's death he looks so [ __ ] evil dude granty consent he's not even trying to not look evil look at SS uh I'm not going to say nothing the council appoints you AR du hug him from behind that would be so [ __ ] weird he's just s there sit there looking evil we just [ __ ] friends the steel watch stands ready let its blade fall on any who would diminish our city and you his red shoes are wild will find me in my office above when you return do not be real I kind of want to um I kind of want to off gortz just to get his his outfit because I feel like this outfit might complete sans's look you know the big color the fanciness of the whole thing the fact that it's like this big long cloak like tell me that that would not look drippy as hell on our boy right now we've got this graceful cloth thing we look like a bit of a dork you know I kind of feel like it would be a good piece for our boy I'm just looking at people like potential loot at this point all right let's get the [ __ ] out of here and get into act three lower City part seven or whatever we're on murder for fashion is acceptable I mean that let's be honest that's kind of what you think when you run into stuff right it's like in I've been playing Lads of the Fallen recently and every time I run into a boss it's just kind of like like my first thought is just oh I wonder what gear I'm supposed to get like I'm going to get out of this like you know what I mean or you see an enemy and the wear dope [ __ ] and you're like oo fashion Souls potential outfits for me or some cool weapon don't be racist against gnomes they're fatal all right let's let's Boogie oh wait wait isn't there a lady in the basement that we can rescue I'm too lazy I literally I whatever she's going to die I can't I do not have the the energy for for random ladies right now that's 100% of the end game on for Final Fantasy 14 um I've never played that game wait is Final Fantasy 14 the MMO or is that Final Fantasy online or I I'll be honest the last final fantasy that I played was the one from like it was like a PlayStation 2 one and it was like Final Fantasy 2 or some [ __ ] I like I they're not my games those are weeb games for weebs slap the dragon across his across his Dead face we already killed him last time dude the dwares make us look like we make the dwarves look tall must be surrendered all livock is now can I just pick pocket this guy I need to pickpocket more in this game like I think you can look without people getting mad you just got to successfully hide all right let's get the teleporter and have we got all of the pieces of the clown also because we need if we get all the pieces of the clown we get some dope [ __ ] I think oh no wait no I think that's a a Caster thing where we'll solve some Mysteries Sans is a little mysterious guy for solving stuff did she just do a flip what was that am I seeing [ __ ] or did she just do like a [ __ ] somersault I me roll back the footage simp why here anyway any [ __ ] we can loot display case sounds promising what about get a cool sword we have a cool sword you nuts we don't even use cool swords we use little hand crossbows look oh wait perfect opportunity pickpocketing wow you poor piece of crap oh oh I've never seen this face model on a tling there's so many models for faces in this game that are just not accessible by the player did anyone else make like a teling or like you know I don't know some other characters and felt like this game could really use like a slider for character facial customization because the presets are fine but like some of the races have really whack faces it's difficult for me to find one that doesn't look strange all right you know what I stealth there that's [ __ ] how many times do I need to say it you sent words about a lead said that I should come see you about it yeah I wish we got more fa for faces I would would really like just a random face thing cuz I feel like that always did a good job for most games you know some kind of sick joke do you have any idea what I've been through these past few days I don't know the cuts to the boy are always funny Dragon Ball feel kind of good for facial cation that's about it yeah exactly most of them there's a bunch of mods that introduce like lots of faces and uh I was going to use zor's face but then all I kept seeing was zor every time and it was weird but having a facial randomization thing would be would be nice my daughter vanra my little girl she's missing this stupid useless F said she had a lead she just threw a glance at her Madam tell me you said she was okay can you sort this lady out from a Tav isn't they're under control by Gores or some [ __ ] right down by the docks I told you aund times why aren't you listening she's typical face they never listen it's not resp blah blah blah it's not very responsible to take a kid to a Tavern yeah let's just roast her excuse me citizen but if this is a criminal matter it's my business not yours now Madam it's the hag you just tell me where here I'll take down the details what is happening can you go back and talk to her once the hag stuff [Music] changes uh I'll help you find your daughter thank you I haven't slept to in since she disappeared I'm terrified something has happened to her oh I mean I know what happened to her she's seven years old and that's right like me I thought that she was looking for that that red-haired kid from the beginning of the game where she's like where's my mom and you're like oh um I don't know and she's a cat you know that lady that that that kid that shows up and you can she goes to the camp or whatever that's who I thought was related to this Quest it's kind of confusing cuz they have two red hair kids that are missing thank you I'll head home all right let's get out that's a dope looking staff some of the NPCs have better outfits than you I feel like you can ever find you know it's interesting how much [ __ ] is just for NPCs only when you really think about it fly uh all right H let's just freely explore I don't actually I want to see what's in this uh Church going on ohok racist against redheads redheads are not a race sir and also they don't have souls greetings more gnomes let's go welcome to the stormore Tabernacle you've come far I perceive how may I serve you this day trade with me S oh he has a dope mace this m is actually really good plus two Undead creatures struck by this are possibly turned uh inflicts radian orb you know Dawn burst strike for smashing good old mace all right uh Crusaders mantel ready holy powerol nearby allies we attack still I do not have nearby allies the Reviving hands when heal a creature it gains blade War when you revive a creature it gains the effect of death war W oh me lots of healing potions though f f why does it default to the minimum every time man that will never not bother me ooh ooh wait everybody lived so we can go get some pretty [ __ ] crazy gear from this place we should go check that out let's see if we can find Damon Damon I think sells the uh the very very good gear this chest piece is dope advantage on dexterity all that kind of [ __ ] increases our AC we've got 20 AC maybe that's fine well let's see I think he's here north side I don't go just drag it if you want to sell the stack yeah I got to remember to do that I wonder if my things are still there I could used to O I remember that problem we should go in the tabern and do that crap right if we talk to demone wherever that guy is oh there he is I remember I got to fly around the corner oh the [ __ ] camera thing bothers me sometimes demon what's up sir I should have known you'd make it to the city all right it's perfect really oh is he going to make me some dope [ __ ] go get the ring of regen wonderful Health per turn for free ooh what do you get that again what do he give us Floy hell what the [ __ ] that's from act [ __ ] two dude what can I do for you well uh B he us gloves oh these are good actually your weapon attacks deal additional wonderful fire damage your unarmed attacks deal additional wonderful necrotic damage and you can possibly inflict bleeding so it's the same thing as the do just toless but better yeah that would have been nice to have new gloves is good gloves though and they look [ __ ] crazy huge H not not so bad on a little guy what can I do for you I'm sure of course all right there it is so it's so good uh armor of persistence it's not so great for us I think we can get better oh my God it's 13,000 gold too talk to desm where's desm desmon who that again you gain freedom of movement and long Strider I think we have freedom of movement and long Strider from daes uh from our buff so we don't need that get a plus two bonus to attacks and damage RS with weapons and a plus two that's just worse that's literally worse than these gloves although plus two to damage roll as well as plus two to damage what do you guys think's better ad can you show your you real quick um yeah I got the cloak of protection range conduit Wing ring costic band Pari uh wound closure thingy Legacy you think Legacy of the Masters is better bring regen is from sorcerer Suri Dr ooy all right we we'll shop around in the big Sate had a fire activity oh this is all [ __ ] that we've already sold to him the new stuff is this this this dope chest piece which for uh endgame heavy armor guys is insane also this is pretty dope also unwanted Masterwork scale Mill unwanted Ed your full dexterity modifier to your armor class so it's a 16 plus your full dexterity modifier and it doesn't impose disadvantage on stealth checks and you get resistance to fire damage yeah we'll go Su sorceries after this cuz we can get some [ __ ] from there to sell anyways and I think we did the wisdom book thing so we can complete that maybe you can get better armor oh yeah yeah yeah armor of agility that's the one that I'm asking that super dope set dude we the fly is so good man it is loud though kind of wish it wasn't this loud I don't even think it's this low for actual elephants sorry need something for defense yes or maybe offense oh speaking of Defense off what you need oh speaking of targets oh humanoid slaying fall of Ages flail of Ages depending on the kind of damage this weapon does it also inflicts acid condition CH condition or burning condition Elemental age me the Deadshot oh wait ah never mind I would have to replace both of my that's good though the number you need to roll the critical hit while attack is reduced by one this effect can stack the wheeler doubles the proficiency bonus for Rolling of this weapon unless they have disadvantage and a plus two that's [ __ ] great that's a really good bow God damn especially considering most of the bows that you get in e one and two kind of suck fat [ __ ] my weapons all right this is the guy don't be shy this AR keep looking animate right there it is so the armored of agility add your full dexterity modifi to your armor class addition this armor does not impose disadvantage on stealth ability checks and plus two to all saving throws a yes [ __ ] please so 17 plus a full dexterity modifier like a plus four and plus two to all uh saving throws insane insanely good yes please and also we may as well just sell our [ __ ] now see hell yeah what does it look like oh [ __ ] this is a top level Sands we have any dyes no dyes yo you got any dyes daome armor then to swing a sword oh he does have di manage the extra weight that is [ __ ] I don't know let's try this DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP oh that looks [ __ ] whack nice I like it maybe we just run around as highle Sands what do you think for a little bit high level Sands or little vest Sands we'll Rock high level Sands for a little bit raid boss Sands and now we have 26 AC holy [ __ ] plus one from the helmet plus one from warding Bond plus one from the cloak of protection plus two from Shield plus four from dexterity and plus 17 from armor 20 [ __ ] [Laughter] six yes that is a chunky boy let's see them [ __ ] hit us now and plus two to all of our saving throws bear in mind so now we're at a minimum of a plus two and that's an inch specifically because we're dumb as hell we have Forbidden Knowledge so we can go do that too 26 [ __ ] AC since you already have the helmet with the ring you get six Health Per Tom with the wound closure thing oh this helmet heals you for two hit points at the beginning of every turn so if we go to saucer sun and get the ring and replace the concentration ring because I'm not going to be concentrating most of the time anyway now that I don't have that other concentration thing oh [ __ ] I forgot about rolling what up dork what up [ __ ] what up [ __ ] um you won't talk to me do I have to talk to the dog guy let me back in I'll bring loakin out here oh it's that [ __ ] guy I forgot he shows up I went for his God's damn night song and now he has to pay up I'm looking at it making all the noise I can knock you out if the noise is bothering you um an ASA you found it where is it look at this dumb hair piss off yes get the [ __ ] out of here to you but you know what I'm too God's damn tired you can [ __ ] try little man I'm going to find her you mark my words get your curly ha ha [ __ ] Disney ass out of here I hate arid in so much it's unreal why he's kind of insufferable though he is a bit of douche talk to him near a zombie it's a bug what near a zombie this one a newborn zombie gazes at you hungrily pus drooling from its SL ew dude imagine the smell can I go behind talk to him hi Roland come on fine we'll load it whatever dude all right there we go why didn't you K uh kill aodin do people hate aodin that much I'm actually going to do a pole do how do you feel about aroden hate him me or love him I'm curious Roland come on Roland look at this smug mother [ __ ] why why isn't this working speak to me you stupid [ __ ] guy Eloy remember to yell at the books what books what do you mean yell at the books I'm so confused man the Elementals look cool lava textures are so relaxing for some reason commit a crime maybe just pickpocket him o good idea nobody could see sans's coming oh plenty of people can see Sands coming oh my God those line of sights are you kidding me who's looking over here well I quick save it anyway um oh so you can look at me but you can't [ __ ] sell to me I see how it is come on Roland you [ __ ] douche cast Cloud um I don't have Cloud oh I do have Cloud oh no he's running out no in the no did I get it damn it you dumbass [ __ ] you I'm out of here hell yeah we did it all right um yeah we'll replace that free ring not bad how the [ __ ] do you let yourself get pickpocketed after that so now we're going to heal for one to four hit points per turn and that's going to be a maximum it's going to be a guaranteed four because of our necklace so that'll be four five so six hit points every single time it's our turn and we have 100 HP that's a lot take stuff from the table maybe if I go talk to him he'll let me you'll let me trade now he's so far away from his spot what if I take his place I'm too small I'm so small that's adorable you can just see this little TFT of hair sticking up over the counter you come in like I need a really tall stool oh it's going to work here Roland talk to me man please oh [ __ ] I must oh [ __ ] to fight and now you have one oh no no no oh no oh [ __ ] um oh no give me give me stuff I can't even loot him it won't even let me I can't even loot him he's bugged as hell oh wait wait maybe I can talk to oh [ __ ] no I didn't mean to do that well how do we handle this I'm pretty sure I could win this fight nobody is particularly strong but I need to be able to get into this place and also I can't loot Roland so this is pointless did you get the statues statue from the circus for extra blessing buff what what statue from the circus is a statue from the circus that gives you blessed explain you going to build your own fort out of crates I wanted to do that um as part of the uh the uh hling video just build a fort and HW [ __ ] off it show me the statue the next time all right this up this is this whole rolling situation is super cringe what now Rolland oh my God give me can I take anything else armor of landfall quick spell gloves Birthright soul of resting Rejuvenation I just need this no I'll just do it again immediately [ __ ] I'm not here you don't know I'm here you don't know I'm here I'm invisible I'm literally invisible I am a ghost I a ghost and pick Pucket again pick pocket again and pick pocket again pick pocket again talk to me Roland all right God damn it dude all right what if what if we nonlethal attacks and then I just [ __ ] die die we knock him out and then we loot him but I can't [ __ ] what do you mean I can't reach the destination eat my balls game what do you mean all right this is super not cool turn base mode and pick pocket after Cloud yeah you're right you're so right I constantly forget a use pickpocket Oh wait [ __ ] the pull still going on on 49% hate him 44% meh 5% love him who would wait who picked love him I want hands up in chat for who picked that you like aodan do you know who aodin is he doesn't even have the dialogue to make people love him he's not interesting enough for love bam okay that didn't work at all that did not work at all not enough resources he's just following me with his eyes in the fog who suggested this I want your badge and gun on my desk in an hour he left anyway I hate this guy I hate him I hate his stupid face his ridiculous hair I hate him he's so dumb actually he's fine I don't mind him that much never mind I got my ring we're out I don't need any more of his crap get the [ __ ] out of here you nerd God what a terrible human being that guy is all right I'm done with saucer rundies I can't even talk to [ __ ] Roland we're done here all right next because [ __ ] s oh we're doing the tavern that's it and away we yo and then Tavern is we don't way past it dude if only fly was like a state in this game you know like you could just initiate fly and just be flying around off the ground and stuff to avoid ground based oh god oh Jesus [ __ ] oh my God what's happening still watches stre all right time for the tab I don't think I've ever talked to people in here is anybody interesting oh it's this lady look what the buck bear Dragged In can't believe we both made it to the city and is this uh uh the bod's girlfriend or whatever C be fair supplies to get anything to trade oh she a Trader dude she has [ __ ] nothing CH son melon okay that's nothing that was a nothing dialogue yo remember this ain't the blushing mermaid it's the elf song So behave yourself is that person trying to do a Scottish accent what she looks dope as hell that's dual simitar wielding enforcer lady that's cool but what is that voice that's right and the lonely job it is too when you're the muscle no one thinks about your heart dog heavy glass Regan accent no that's not that is the fakest Scottish accent I've ever heard in my life I know you said po oh we can flirt with her just oh [ __ ] you too bombo oh my God what a name I sure wouldn't want to be one of the Flaming fists they got the shittiest job in town believe me I know something about knocking heads together bomb you can't have a guy called bombass though just chilling in the corner that's crazy Dame Gom from one Warrior to another I must say it's just embarrassing the way the Flaming fist let this is how if if I they ever put s like what the hings in the game or some [ __ ] I'd want them to just be an NPC in a bar somewhere that you just stumble across four naked halfling barbarians sat in the corner of a bar okay making fun of someone's accent that's funny what do you mean I've admitted plenty of times that I have like a mutant accent if it's been it doesn't mean I can't notice when people have whack crazy fake Scottish accit that's probably a to like just some glaswegian woman voicing an arc and I'm just like that's fake damn rat o you I thought I asked you to clean the rats out of this Cellar yesterday already hop to it get in there um do I look like a rat killer dog I like rats I have a CL an animal they're not animals they're Vermin they're a source of diseases and infections and they're ruining my stock I mean rats are good boys hello servant ape you kill those rats please okay this cat's racist presence fixes me this cat is racist the sellers are just look tambourine a servant comes to help us why are the cats all so campy they sound like Camp be like 15th century gentlemen feed us help the poor Kitty with what they're they're fine oh there oh I forgot about this um do we have a bomb or something I could black hole them all oh my God the black hole is so big oh [Music] dude please I have to have some this is going to be amazing goodbye red God damn yowza black wait I can cast it again no way that's a free action wild get close dope the wine there's a hidden door leads further in can I just keep casting this over and over again are you meant to be able to do that I just just have like unlimited black holes keep safe ring do something good dominate Beast once per long rest make a be F beast fight alongside you every time the Beast takes damage it makes a wi throw I feel like there's not enough beasts in the game for that to be actually useful I feel like maybe we bail from this go get that buff I kind of want to go back to the thing in worms Rock to get that buff is there really a buff statue that I missed is that for real I want to go check that out you have the statue the one you bought oh [ __ ] wait blessed that gives you blessed that gives you a blessing [Music] what do I have to go pray at it or some [ __ ] why is it in pain again why is the Statue always like mid [ __ ] in pain got the little weird bald picture of me you got a long rest but yeah I mean I don't have blast you're saying I have to Long rest to get it oh dope all right well we'll do that next time wait I don't want to go here all right cool well we got that waiting for us next time we long rest at least never noticed that I have got the statue I think every time of topic but when does Elder ring fight clubs start again also ever thought of an an AC 6 Fight Club Assassin's Creed fight club What's ac6 um and also I I have they'll probably start up again when the DLC hits and all the DLC uh you know I'll do more fight clubs when the DLC lands and I'm playing it I'm busy I'm back in the Elder Ring full swing and uh there's a bunch of new weapons and new builds and cuz I want to I want I'm going to do a series of streams where I just play the DLC and um you guys can like summon in with all some of the new weapons and like we can like fight the bosses as a community and [ __ ] ew a bunch of chopped up pig pots I'm going steal all these from Meats armored Core oh I didn't even know they had PVP I'm going to be real I've never I I'm not a Sci-Fi guy or like a Mech guy or anything so I just haven't really loed into that that game I've heard it's good though if you like that kind of thing I like uh them for their souls likes you know like most people only I am a basic [ __ ] for uh for fromsoft games I'm a huge fan of the Soul series and Elder ring and stuff but that's about it that's mostly what they make though I don't know get a transmutation wizard hirling for conve proficiency Constitution save proficiency what wait you mean like if I get a hirling and give them that I just get a permanent Constitution save proficiency from them being in my party how do you open this again I forgot do I have to perception perceive something did I fail a perception check I don't remember how to get in here button in the other room oh yeah there it is me smart come on nice oh wait there's [ __ ] big boys in here right I remember this fight being kind of a little sort of slightly difficult transmutation Wizards can make a stone that gives an effect until long rest one of them is an advantage on Constitution saves hate how this game does perception half the time I hear a noise and still can't find what I perceived yeah it could be a little clearer maybe maybe we just talk to them and then 189 HP damn these guys are something else on tactician legendary resistance you have a plus 10 to your next saving throw [ __ ] right enemies uh within three minutes take God damn dude Supreme gith yane Perry all right I'm a stealth attack this lady actually I changed my mind turn off all the lights what what do you mean to can't reach it I turned off the other one okay [ __ ] the [ __ ] turn out the lights for stealth capabilities we got to bring them him into our Zone put them in that Darkness can get the an see in the dark I'm curious I don't actually remember I don't play them so no ooh that's kind of a good way to get the the leg up on a GI Yankee the Hune mosum key where's the Hune mosum I've never looted this side of the room I don't know why God we're so [ __ ] stealthy dude they couldn't even see us if we went into their influence cone side cone whatever oh what I tell you what I tell you Gods gods of stealth little Sands you can never find us even if you tried we got water maybe I don't keep water D doesn't drink water he only drinks Dr Pepper how would we can I ATT this to put it out I'm going to try that uh nope [Music] um whatever we'll hug the sides kind have disadvantage against the target how could I possibly have disadvantage oh 96% chance all right good so we 96% chance it maybe we do an arrow of many taras too cuz we might even crit hopefully this hops up and we hit the PE uh gate Master rizle God she got that gate R bam yeah pleasant surprise braz as described what traitor who would steal from our queen of course you had help didn't you what from the athid you carry inside the astral prism how quaint that we should meet here in the very place that it want we know all about the emperor and its dealings with you though I must confess its peculiar relationship with you threw us off course for a while how about this how about this you guys leave and I'll I'll chip in for your rhinoplasty to give you a [ __ ] nose um the promise of defeating the trust an alth to do such a thing you have fallen prey to its manipulation your story ends here we will reclaim the astral pris you're certainly trying that's so [ __ ] matter of fact cocky a sck attack oh I hit her for like nothing I she must have um parried it like like or something um would would be a good move well first of all dread ambusher big damage nope she didn't [ __ ] what you said you spent your Parry you dumb lady H's mock yeah 100% chance and then uh oh boy I want to see an arrow mini Target didn't actually work no but I will use one on this lady don't care if I have disadvantage nice she's dead so that's that portal done and it did hit them and now I just do one more on this lady right getting hit points uh humanoids these are humanoids yes yes come big chunk of damage stage fright could be good every time they miss me in my 26 they take no that's an AOE though so I could get her as well I'll wait till the group's up uh we'll do one more shot all right okay lady piercing she saved it but whatever and then we run over here they can't see in the dark they won't have disadvantage but whatever or will they have disadvantage if it's St I forget how it works I'm going to be real stand and fight don't summon people no [ __ ] all right we got to stop that like now oh don't you dare no they're amphibians they do be looking like frogs no oh thank [ __ ] blindness sucks ass dude that healing is going to be so nuts especially with how little damage we take all right arrow of transposition Kau a Misty step line out a line of sight out of sight what about I go here bam little B the movement and then we fly up here and then we [ __ ] shoot this lady in her face die no more portal and then we how strong is this person they've got a sword so they're melee based uh let's just try and get further away like here nailed it why oh yeah I don't know why I missed I was trying to miss you step I could have just flew over the [ __ ] wall no oh I hate blindness dude worst part is like like you it's a saving throw thing right it's not concentration based though so even if you hit him it doesn't remove the blinding you just have to shrug it off did I save it am I still blind I'm still [ __ ] blind Constitution save threaten blindness God God damn it everything has disadvantage still a 90% chance to hit with disadvantage is pretty amazing maybe go invisible or maybe maybe I got a spell for this dominate person what's my no what are you doing oh [ __ ] hate that bug dude 50% chance 15% all right come on come on come on woo hell yeah and now we run over here that and then God damn it and then we okay soft Dash fly over here fly over here and then we stealth and then we go as far as possible out of the way can I fly while Ste I'll hide behind this chandelier we're just small enough nice nice hiding successful nice go attack him don't you dare do that magical [ __ ] [ __ ] you why do they get that ability the player doesn't get that ability oh no whole person on what oh dude I [ __ ] hate this mechanic man it just reset the whole fight dog I hate that [ __ ] mechanic man [ __ ] you oh that suck like what like I'm just gone so they're like no fight never happened oh that sucks all right whatever let's restart the fight I guess back of the head like so bam [ __ ] off with the parries man how do you parry something that you don't see coming that's some [ __ ] H [ __ ] actually how the [ __ ] did she see that coming okay well they're surprised at least so I can hit hit him with a couple of humanoid arrows some good D mag oops wasted a lot of arrows though is super annoying come on Fall come on whatever just keep hitting them save a bonus action for anything but self up what why the [ __ ] did it do both I call I got timed out for a day because of a fought joke timed out for my chat you mean for a f joke I don't even have admins who Ed you up for a f joke what do you mean timed out somewhere else ooh Circle of Death could be good wait until they're all together and then big ass Circle of Death on a bunch of them 30% chance to hit yikes at times you feel punished for stealth though and others rewarded Beyond sense yeah it's a really weird system I think for the it's posibly because it's a solo play through course biggest video starts with a fart joke though true literally there a fart joke within like the first minute of my my most popular video ever no not you someone else got very very very offended by your fa joke did you go somewhere super inappropriate like you went into like a I don't know something it's I some really nice children's friendly content and we're just like made some nasty shot joke or something that almost makes it funnier I'm going to put Peril of stakes on this lady if I can if I can oh yeah oh you're doomed now prepare for double damage prepare for trouble and I keep forgetting to turn off that double attack [ __ ] oh get [ __ ] lady how much damage did that do that seemed like a lot CH chai haror succumbed to death that was 28 28 + 12 + 4 + 8 and blasted for six psychic on top of that nice I okay I called the streamer a f and they said sorry that was a f joke his name is pza Total War I don't well I can't believe you got timed out for a Fu joke I think I've heard that name before get away from me you [ __ ] frog people no I hate these people they're not even people they're like weird frog men and women [ __ ] what do I even uh purple worm toin [ __ ] it 90% with disadvantage is that 90% but with disadvantage or is that 90% with with the disadvantage already applied is that like 90% but technically it's it's you know not 90% cuz it's off of that cuz you're you're twice as likely to get below your success to hit where's my arrows of frog slang be a nice whatever [ __ ] it oh get dude oh I hate that so much that double shot [ __ ] is awful I don't know why that's turned on by default can I move these can I like I'm should loot this can I move this no all right whatever 90% before 90% with 90% none of that no one knows how accuracy works yeah I got three answers from three different opinions come on I just got I just got my sight back you're literally be picking on a blind man a blind gnome this is an eight on1 Frog versus disabled gnome like what what the [ __ ] how do they not feel like Monsters can I get a stage fight off on more than just these two no something ice pun God man that does not work often what if I just shoot him in the face oh my God I did it again all right at least I turned it off this time I I want to [ __ ] hide but I just cannot all right I'm flying up here cuz you guys suck goodbye what will you do now you filant morons oh we're too short to shoot over the banister oh that sucks we're literally too short I could shoot at anything like here but I too small oh Sans that's not technically advantageous maybe they won't be able to shoot us though we're also blind so that probably isn't helping no it's blindness it can't be blindness I would no way you yeah it literally is you can't shoot over two meters while you're blind oh you [ __ ] oh get [ __ ] on for some reason oh wait was the purple worm toxin uhoh don't you dare Misty Step at me don't you dare no oh [ __ ] okay that's worse um you see I heal every turn is the is the thing all right um all right how do we deal with this situation what if funny explosion and then they they get Smash back o they both saved it not good really not good for me [ __ ] we still have purple bunny worm toxin yes we do um 72% come on even if they Parry it never mind oh because they're saving it oh wait what what the [ __ ] why can't I use that cost an action so does this oh these don't cost actions oh what the [ __ ] the arrow of transposition requires an action none of the other ones do all right then Darkness how do you like [Music] it you [ __ ] dicks probably should have just stayed in this in the Smoke uhoh oh [ __ ] I forgot they have good movement range ow a God we're back at square one again [Music] okay am I still blind how the [ __ ] am I still blind BL it's a constitution save what is my Constitution saving throw a [ __ ] plus seven and I'm still getting [ __ ] on plus seven holding Bond arm of agility what is a check to get that [ __ ] off me can I check on that actually lost condition blinded oh that's from the smoke uh succeeded on his saving throw that's I can't find it whatever how about I I'm just going to shoot him in the mouth [ __ ] it I mean what else my rang actually do so much more damage than my melee wants soon I kill him the better just going Parry my [ __ ] never mind oh wait am I getting that are they immune to poison or am I just not applying it how are they immune to my purple worm [ __ ] I guess they're just saving it they have insane saving throws Scottish people can't say purple worm toxin have you ever seen that they the thing where they get let me to say purple burglar alarm that is that is a prime clip get [ __ ] all right only one left all right I want to kill this guy funny funny Style well okay line of sidewise I [ __ ] myself but that's fine never mind oh I saved the blindness oh you're so doomed sir step one get really close up in his mouth because I can hit [ __ ] at close range without disadvantage cuz I am a master of mini crossbows bam crit to the mouth bam aimed specifically for his weird ganki nuts okay we might as well just keep shooting him in the nuts and kill him godamn Relentless you hand it well man we're strong hope she exhausts her forces soon ooh when ganki casts fly you lost me the room you've already lost me that no thanks I'll reveal it to you they Yankee your GI until you vth E I mean maybe it's been a long day I'll need to rest soon I disagree Sans that might be worth a look oh wait what what I just succeeded and then failed it did I succeed the check for the one on the inside ain't no way no no way am I just [ __ ] do I what the hell man I have an idea let's go back to camp and then get this let's get mini me this vessel is yep and then going back Etc receive this small guy hell yeah this all right I'm done with you NOP go back to camp this vessel is at thy dis nailed it my own thank you for bringing me back Scroll of I what the [ __ ] does ibike do again your eyes become Black Card Walen teeth your gay is capable of inflicting dread sickness or putting creatures asleep while concentrating you may cast eyebite without expending a spell slot wisdom save concentration based my chances of succeeding this are going to suck CU my spellcasting is ass so [ __ ] it W oh [ __ ] dude we have to see what this looks like on little sanss wow we look like a [ __ ] super villain wow that is [ __ ] crazy jeez oh do they fix these these dimble finger gloves gnomes are granted a plus two to dexterity hings and dwarves gain plus one toter and plus one to slide a hand we have these right now I equip these it still gives us no dexterity increases it like caps it at 21 it doesn't say that it oh wait no wait no it puts it up to 21 it actually does work because we don't have the chest piece now ooh is that better what do you guys think is better plus one to strength saving throws and a 1 D4 to fire damage to our crossbow attacks or a plus two to dexterity which gives us a plus two to damage and a plus two to chance to hit and also plus one side of hand did you know that you can place poison on the ground and dip both weapons into poison and it remains until long rest atoy I think it depends on the poison doesn't it 21 decks is better but my AC went down oh it's cuz of the chest piece of [ __ ] oh 27 AC yeah definitely oh [ __ ] yeah we're getting close to 30 AC like this is [ __ ] crazy hell yeah yeah the gloves give us an extra plus one to our decks um I guess a plus two but without it we're at 19 right we're at uh 19 and then 20 21 if we get one more deck from somewhere or two we can get it from the mirror then we get even more AC it's cuz you're blinded we're not blinded anymore I you just is that a reference to five minutes ago when everybody kept reminding me R of thoughts and notes and my does the book actually look like that I feel like some [ __ ] they wasted their time modeling in this game s the emperor for stuff that you never get to see I kind of wish you had your own house so you could like decorated that was always a really therapeutic thing in games like Skyrim or whatever where you could get your own house and just fill it full of your loot and redecorated and you know it was it was better in Fallout but if they do that [ __ ] for Skyrim like the next Skyrim they they import the the whole Base building thing that they put in into Fallout but like better imagine imagine that [ __ ] for the next I for the new Skyrim for the next Elder Scrolls I mean weapon deals additional damage to [ __ ] creatures that's so specific eh sticky Cloud actually I'm going to keep because it doesn't require me to have good spellcasting which is nice the C of displacement would be better now that your AC is insane the cloak of displacement what does that do again God damn we are not great at perception checks disadvantage on attacks against you oh [ __ ] really just permanent disadvantage on attacks oh wait oh wait is that there one that does disadvantage to to the first attack on uh our turn like we get one they get disadvantage on the first hit or something enemies get disadvantaged till the first time they hit you oh that's good wait where do we get that tell me the location of this magical cloak that sounds very good also I do not need to go into the basement from this location cuz that lady shows up crit cloak op though there's a crit cloak I am the least like experienced in act three I've done a lot of I know act one like the back of my hand I know act two pretty [ __ ] well now act three is where I stopped being like uh you know in the shop before worms uh Crossing is that where it was it's so hard to stop using the durge cloak yeah thing is like the D hey I have a question about the durge cloak it it makes you go invisible every time you kill someone right that's that's what it does when you go invisible don't they like start looking for you and then and then like the combat ends like what happens when I go invisible or hide doesn't that just break the game or do they just stand there like idiots correct great well that's nice to know that's [ __ ] stupid that's only a solo playthrough issue I yeah I didn't even think about the fact that people do see all of my single player playthroughs are solos because I enjoy it way more more than having AI party members cuz having AI party members is really clunky and it's kind of annoying so I I just do solo playthroughs and multiplayer playthroughs now I kind of just don't do the group playthroughs anymore like solo with companions which is which kind of devalues the companions even more for me wait it was before worms Rock So this this place the the Rivington general or whatever H Coy how are you I'm good oh [ __ ] resub for membership oh oh no not resub just a a membership thanks for subbing hotskull I'm good I'm good happy birthday it's not my birthday were you taken a one in 364 shot then uh that it was my birthday today randomly I probably wouldn't be streaming on my birthday I think I did stream on my birthday one time though I should do a birthday stream at some point I'm free I don't like really doing stuff for my birthday it's a sad day for me cuz you're just getting older next year especially cuz I'm going to be 30 which is going to suck is this where you get the cloak this is not where you get the cloak is it in the uh the dwarf guy come back am I just dumb and it's the dwarf guy it's old man yeah all right with my Sol use the crit cloak Helm both blades reducing your number needs crit and level three fighter Champion crit range of 15 plus yaa crit cloak sounds good is that easy to get great this [ __ ] needs a stool for behind here there it is look at this placement the beginning blah stuff stuff stuff Etc nice good cloak I'm going to keep this one on the sidelines 26 AC and at the beginning of the M's turn [ __ ] the cloak activates granting disadvantage on attack RS to to targets the wear the effect last until the wear takes damage that's going to be great cuz disadvantage means that they're really really really going to struggle on top of our [ __ ] AC of 20 six with disadvantage their chance to hit is going to be so low so low I like it Guild Hall pretty easy okoy is a 76y old woman man that's so exceptionally not true time to work out Justice to not feel like [ __ ] grant grant told me no I mean you should always be working out I stopped working out and I put on a bunch of [ __ ] weight sto dieting or I was dieting recently and I still put on weight I stop making restaurant food I don't know how to cook healthy [ __ ] all right I'm going to go into the [ __ ] Boulder's mouth Boulder's mouth is a weird name for a [ __ ] newspaper what what is this what what is this bearded woman what the [ __ ] I thought she had like face paint why is there a bearded woman lamina afraid I'll have to ask you to stop there only E's allowed to use the basement elevator is that intentional oh co canel oh [ __ ] Are they trans or whatever they've got very obvious boobs though this looks like this has like um Monty Python the dude's dressed like women in Monty Python energy bigot law what do you mean this is a [ __ ] lady with a beard they even sound like what inclusivity to me it's a character model though this isn't a person trying to be trans this is just a lady with a beard if you want to use the elevator speak to Ard cancel me I guess you ever heard of this many guards all right that guy looks like bamir bloody rers if the even sounds a little bit like [ __ ] sha Bean in uh Lo of the Rings oh this [ __ ] guy what up Mr dumb stupid [ __ ] head well well if it isn't the city's next celebrity you staring our next edition's top story okay oh wait is he going to be [ __ ] mean to me well you you should have considered that before disgracing yourself in public I didn't do anything trafficking refugees into our city is hardly a good look especially when so many are absolutists and murderers the TRU will be out with tomorrow's bro I killed a Mir Avatar guy spit in your face your very presence will be bad for business you'll be a pariah women have beards I think should be and then oh that's true only hope the F and also completely not true cuz there's [ __ ] of dwarf women in this universe with no beards they have beards in R City stre will be over um is if what you say is true pissing me off as a b St thetical I'm not afraid of you Lord Gort is a passionate champion of the journalistic Arts attack me and you face the steel watch the headlines are loaded Into The Print Works of no Gods I believe our distinguished guest was just leaving should we try our hands to escort them out [ __ ] you you're dead I'm going to kill you and then [Laughter] run bye and then we fly up into the rafters like a beautiful bird goodbye can I can I keep going hell yeah where does this go get the get [ __ ] idiot oh [ __ ] yeah we have like mirrored does it count us displaced yeah so we basically have miror for two turns at the start of my turn for two turns that's dope can I just sit safely up here and kill everyone well I don't the movement range now so I guess I'll just stand my turn what are you going to do idiot you can't get me what do you do look at me angrily that's what I thought now I know why they call them steel Watchers oh no the bearded ladies [Music] coming oh [ __ ] dog what are they even going to do your AOE of Terror that's not going to do anything that dude's stuck are they not just totally screwed what are they even supposed to do uh damn it can I not hit it hit that H oh I can just about shoot her prepare to die [Music] ma'am oh she's got hops ah not enough though and then we just go back and we hide again I'm actually going to hide out here and just close the doors cuz what are they going to do stand there like morons they're going to Dash and then do what exactly they're screwed ooh I have an idea this seems like a good time for that necrosis spell actually they're screwed what can they even do and then we get Scroll of Circle of whatever and then can I cannot reach cannot reach what's the range on this 18 M eh what the [ __ ] um out of line of sight can I go up here then and do it what's it based on 2% two [ __ ] perc 40% there we go bam oh no no oh no oh no glimmer whistle born oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] wow that felt I that L actually kind of felt bad and also it was kind of funny get smoked get absolutely smoked oh [ __ ] no okay good that could have been bad man wait is this guy going to do it but no no oh [ __ ] oh you get no [ __ ] that's bad I need to get that off for now that's what that's 4 to 40 psychic damage per turn there's no you have to you your concentration has to go um oh boy how do we get out of this one all right here we go big shot bam okay she saved the concentration saving throw save this oh my God don't actually save it though come on Jesus Christ lady what the [ __ ] what you from the [ __ ] a team God what can I move Ora of Terror [ __ ] oh no this is not good oh [ __ ] ow [ __ ] and I take the stupid fantasm damage got it a good job I have this [ __ ] stupidly High AC and mirror ability [Music] dude nothing can hit me I am just I am like air I am like a Kung Fu Master in a movie what are you going to do huh you got to hit me what are you stupid dude I missed like 15 shots in a row and now for my secret attack bomb thing again oh and now we [ __ ] no we don't [ __ ] that's not what I um they've taken a little bit of damage I'm actually going to struggle to damage these things a little bit and it might actually be worth it to just zoom away and take the hits retical Miss baby I'm going back up here cuz then what are they going to do nothing fool [ __ ] dope we can actually hit him sweet you have an anti- crit Shield too yeah 10 bucks he forgets The Edge again and gets yanked I will take that action I'll take that action that being said I'm probably going to have to get hit here nailed it how do we actually do full damage to these guys resist double resistant to piercing damage see that's why or yeah resistant and then mag H yeah so that's doubled G I don't have any lightning shots I'll just keep hitting them for small amounts of damage Chip Away Force damage will do full damage at least yeah I need to do a lot of off hand how did you get AC this high so we have plus five from dexterity plus two from Shield plus one from bald's favor plus one from warning Bond the thing that it makes it this high is this the armor of agility so it's it is 17 Armor class but it doesn't restrict your decks modifier and we have 21 decks we means it puts it up by an extra five so for instead of 21 we have 26 use near Mister maybe yeah that's what what I'm doing also we'll put a spell slot on them why not disadvantage cuz they're outside of our range are they just going to keep standing there is this just a recycled fight now ooh do I have enough movement there is the AC stand for air conditioning yes we have a we have a score of 26 air conditioning so we don't sweat in our armor sweaty armor reduces your ability to dodge damn dog this is really really cheesy shouldn't have manipul ated print media while the AI will freak out if they can't reach you I could like you know what just to get them so that they can't hit me I'll pull the lever to pull this down and then that'll come down and then I can just pull it up again nice that one's gone so I'll go back here now and just wait oh please walk into the explosion area no so this will come down and then we reapply Hun's Mark as well why not go here can I do that out a line of sight very uncool whatever we'll just wait they'll be like oh I can I can get to them now and there's no never mind never mind I I overestimated them [ __ ] what if I fly over here then I zoom over so can I move this move and then oh [ __ ] are you [ __ ] kidding me are they do they really have a problem with the fact that I just broke a [ __ ] newspaper stand are you actually kidding me lady son of a [ __ ] whatever get laid out and then we hide I don't know here let them path their way around well I forgot how much movement range the steel Watchers had actually no [ __ ] um wait can I just raise him up now what if I pull this pull the lever uh wait are you actually kidding me it's you oh my God this guy's going to have so such bad attitude with me there won't be another warning oh now I don't have enough resources son of a oh there's so many no oh [ __ ] maybe they won't fight me it's fine if I fly away they won't know it's me yeah you can't hit me you can't hit me I just fly away in time goodbye and then something this shoot in back get [ __ ] [ __ ] that doesn't bode well [Music] no [ __ ] like I could knock these [ __ ] over arrest them what are these guys doing Bane's command oh get [ __ ] can I just shoot him now from down here path is interrupted damn it no all right fine I'll just stand here and keep shooting then wait can I just wait can I just fly out now I can just fly like here and he's completely [Laughter] stuck nailed I have killed bearded women you think you're a match for me lady ah get crit on what are you even going to do what are you even going to do you going to jump off you can't do nothing my AC is simply too high I took one damage of which I'm going to heal on my next turn we might actually be too strong like almost too strong look I just healed all I literally can heal faster than they can damage me and I can shoot them in the mouth oh you doing your hand crossbow isn't that cute oh [ __ ] I got flourish on my boss still get out of here get the [ __ ] out of here going to melee you for fun then shoot you in the face then shoot your friend in the face and then run up and melee ah don't enough movement range whatever it's not like they can do anything what are you even going to do what is he going to try and pull me up there with him oh F what dude he tried jumping down he legit tried all right that one's dead wait I'm shouldn't I just get the rest of these spells to max out my thing even if I'm not going to use the abilities it's got to be worth it right not enough movement damn damn it our movement Is Not Great Dash nice okay is that super bugged why is that oh weird get [ __ ] nice that actually was pretty good try and hit me you can't even hit me even if you did hit me I'm going to take like six damage we're lower this I'll fly on top of it so he can't hit me and then I'll shoot him in the mouth couple of times couple shots to the mouth oh and a crit nice and my turn he's just going to stand there angly maybe try and zuk me off the oh [ __ ] never mind [ __ ] [ __ ] I shouldn't have pulled this thing now this is going to lower down I don't actually want that all right since he jumped up here let's yep let's pull the lever fly past him to like here shoot him a little bit [Music] more [ __ ] and then and let him go over here try and hit me Miss yep all right that's fine oh dude I didn't even pull the lever did I pull the lever for it to go up what is he I is he actually stuck I have to hold on we got to fly down cuz if he jumps off he's going to take so much damage can I get him to blow himself up by Landing it will be very funny that would be so very funny do your worst big man no he didn't take any damage what the [ __ ] I guess that's not high enough damn these [ __ ] can jump Big Time best behave yourself oh oh [ __ ] this little ragd dolling body man this is a sans's criminal lo I guess we really need to get some arrows of lightning on second thought oh this guy's little twisted corpse give me your keys and watch the funny explosion and we're done good fight good fight close one close one I almost took damage that time you almost put a scr on a scr a scratch on the oh Jesus Christ what oh Jesus [ __ ] that is some wow oh God e the rag dolls are great there's a I wonder if people are going to invent a mod make a mod for this game that [ __ ] up the cameras more cuz has anybody else actually been having a lot of fun every time the cameras like glitch out in this game they're so fun like I was doing the uh the ner fight and uh he just mid conversation bent over completely in half and started staring at his own ass uh his own crotch it was it was beautiful also the weird camera angles the upshots and stuff more keys or loots is that what they think GES looks like I feel like this is what he was intended to look like and for some reason they made him look like a 40-year-old man with a teenager haircut you know oh yo Nick rainers with a $10 wait a second is my [ __ ] uh TTS not working I just real it's missing the S the uh the Plankton voice hold on let me uh let me sort that out that's not acceptable let me fix my TTS real quick um it should still be set up with my funny Plankton thing uh it'll be fine yeah no planks inv voice thank you for the Dono by the way before I forget Jesus Christ Nick Rangers with a $10 Dono happy to donate finally I've loved your content for years nice fight hey thank you my dude mucho appreci uh Nick my guy yeah let me F fix my TTS real quick it should work let me chest it hold on uh [ __ ] that I like it nope well I'll fix that sometime damn that sucks I wonder why that's not working whatever I'll fix that some other time is it muted it's definitely not muted it's fine it's just not working yeah whatever I'll figure it out next time when I have more time like off stream we've made your too powerful this OKO would you rather play strip poker with gores or Sans definitely with Sans what are you kid were you kidding me why are those the two choices I guess if the choices were Orin or GES I think everybody would pick Orin I think even gay dudes would pick Orin wait why are we oh [ __ ] we're overweight damn our carry weight sucks what are we carrying that's so heavy huh uh all of this [ __ ] I don't need I need the nether Stone don't need these don't need KX head that weighs five why the [ __ ] do we have KX head still clown pieces oh these are really heavy 15 and eight [ __ ] I'll get them from C when I need them don't need that need the stone that's mostly why a weight's cut down drastically what else weighs a lot oh [ __ ] we're so close to leveling 1,00 XP oh wait is there more [ __ ] down here oh I need to spend my my things too uh Repulsor sure why not wait fly didn't fly used to be up here oh no no mind blast sure I can get all this and then when an enemy Within 18 me Target you with a spell you can use nullify the spell maybe that'll be useful I don't really use my reactions anyway yeah let's leave that on that seems like really useful actually when enemy with they just cast a spell cuz I could have used that to nullify the [ __ ] blindness [ __ ] I could used that to nullify so much stuff oh Shi blow's good for reactions n attacks look at the far yeah we're good nice now we have all of these [ __ ] abilities fracture psyche evade a tets mind and disrupt his defenses I feel like I'm never going to use these they're so weird and situational I'm good I got other stuff I can use my bonus actions for namely attacking Sands don't need magic there's going to be some spooky [ __ ] behind this door I know it oh [ __ ] okay wow it just got into combat immediately okay he destroyed the door nice very professional of you dude uhoh um can I go somewhere they can't reach what if I put boxes in the way uh what's the move here there's not a lot to go on in this [Music] place can they fit through mid doors I'm a sneak past ah [ __ ] no what I'm out of range no I'm not going to use my dread ambusher oh [ __ ] it might as well put man on them wait did I miss the Dono oh [ __ ] I did the Dono not reading the mount I might need to push pause and fix this if it's fixable just a big pile of trash with a 10 Dono it's not sing if it's not sexual and you kiss three times your no homo necklace wait you don't have one H take care what are you talking about I guess everything's nullified if you say no homo though right that's how you kiss the homies good night but it's not gay do they know where to go oh the pathing it's pathing already [ __ ] up whoa what is all this [ __ ] gold there's one gold in each of these I'm not even wasting my time wait grease bottle oh these things can't go prone right it doesn't matter can I just put chairs in front wait what if uh we put one in front of the door like this and then they're [ __ ] and they can't PA their way through and then I put one down like this I guess inside okay I put one here like this and then we just wait for them to come in so he comes in like this runs over opens the door throws it open and we're sat here politely [Laughter] watching did that work no way can I just shoot him in his [ __ ] his mechanical [ __ ] repeatedly no way this works is this a steel Watcher I sit back down yeah what are you going to do huh it works no way oh my God that's crazy that that works he even came in and opened the door and everything the AI just doesn't know what to do he's just standing there menacingly [ __ ] shot [ __ ] shot wait I got to move the the chair out of the way when he's almost dead it's a free action though one more and then there it is so I just move the chairs out of the way like this re actions then we get out of the way and then we sit on a chair and watch them explode like this t oh no the other dude's coming he can path his way around oh [ __ ] he already got in God damn they have a lot of movement range but what if small chair what if I deploy the small chair of Destiny then he's doomed please tell me this is going to work if it has the brains to destroy this the chair I'm going to be blown away I arrest him we I actually just nerfed him completely I've completely nerfed the the steel watch all right note to everybody you can disable the steel watch almost entirely with a doorway and a small chair you're you're doomed this is just a waiting game now I hit you in your metal COA so many times dope completely dope Bam Bam this is crazy that this works stupid like a fck bam run over move the chair out of the way La a so sit on the chair for effect and watch in cinematic camera as we end the fight that not beautiful beautiful what an easy way to deal with steel Watchers people complain that those things are hard to deal with I don't see it cutest cat you've seen a this article is the [ __ ] is that thing what is that is that like something printing related or like it looks like a metal chocolate bar with super weird uneven thingies keep it I mean okay brick Braille I guess is that a thing oh a little red room what an ominous room silver ingots in here look at all these pictures of [ __ ] gach that might be worth a look gandan Alo printer manual is this part of the quest then you can like come here you can sneak past that guy and come here and then like change the story or something before you can get closer however it begins to speak Gess over here thought I recognized you dolly dolly dolly was right you aren't much of a looker excuse you does he say that to everybody it'd be cool if it like went by which character faces you picked I okay great stream but please use the custom hot bar to keybind main hand and offhand attack it HS so what you drag your mouse back and for all the time I'll literally give you money pay me and I'll change it no I'm kidding I'll do it now um I've been meaning to do that I actually got a new mouse because my old one crapped out in the middle click always like broke do you guys get that every single mouse that I've bought for like the last 15 years eventually no matter how expensive it is the middle click goes it just stops working I don't like go around smashing the middle click button I barely use it except for Total War games for moving the camera and [ __ ] but they always break always the middle click is it just me am I like super heavy-handed no guess that's just me all right I'll I'll rebind him though I'm not trapped you fool I don't have OG machine is just marvelous me it's always my main Mouse phone eventually gets banned and start to double click Oh weird this is my paintbrush I make sure everything it's those brish Stone fingers becomes Artistry your middle finger is too strong yeah my for some reason my middle two fingers are just ripped the rest of me is totally weak hero there hello hero you know oh my God this will this thing ever shut up sounds good to me first I've got to release the old nasty T oh is it the cat one I put the cat thing in there is that what that is nailed it tomorrow hell yeah paper's printing right now pal should be on the streets tomorrow oh I want to read the thing about a c the cutest cat you've ever seen remind me to go check out the newspaper for the cat the next time we long rest I wish to read the story of the cat look at the Wicker Basket to the right of the machine there's a good story there okay okay the Wicker Basket to the right of the machine I don't see no wickle baskets oh this one oh this is like a trash can adventurers I best hope for the city The artical Shining commition of your D but oh it's like a really good guy one it's too late it is too late it is absolutely too late oh I forgot to reind my [ __ ] right let me do that quick how do you do this again I've got it for the fly thing for Z for Zed key but you oh I remember so you put I need to rebind something for my home okay hold on uh keybinds home sensor on camera I need to get rid of that cuz that's my home key is bound my home key is bound to my side Mouse button that's what I was going to say I got a new mouse and it has a key on the side of the mouse a giant red button for sniping it's for [ __ ] it's a sniping button so it reduces your um your M it's supposed to reduce your Mouse's and sensitivity but I just say disabled it cuz I have no use for that so I can use it for other [ __ ] so I can do this I can go [ __ ] to this home apply back this thing then I can get my offand put it there or here wait where's oh [ __ ] that not oh what what what why does that not work did I not apply home home SP select slot two select slot one is z this is this so that shouldn't be three that should be home cuz Z does Z works correctly but this one's bound to three now huh weird uh all right I don't call another D oh [ __ ] AcuRite with a 200 sa Dono do it do it dude the [ __ ] Dono thing needs to keep need to learn me I need to fix that TTS thing for real I such a [ __ ] gotten used to the Plankton voice yelling them at me dude thank you for the duno oh wait you were the guy asking me to uh do the rebinds two below fly oh really oh oh dope nice bam nice so now I can be like oh [ __ ] now I can be like main shot off hand hell yeah wait the [ __ ] oh weird it's like bringing up a menu every time I do it doesn't do that with this though right oh it does never mind I'm stupid all right we're done it we're finished we're successful that's going to save so much time how did I miss this area you just go into the basement in the uh printing area there's so many act3 is actually pretty big the lower City I still wish there was an upper City but yeah ok do you smoke weed I haven't smoked weed since I was like like consistently since I was like 16 I'm like almost 30 I did a lot in high school tempers are rising what' I do who the [ __ ] are you Falafel oh F your name's still Falafel oh [ __ ] am I just wanted by the [ __ ] police now crap yeah Janes close the [ __ ] I did right okay I gotta get that happened immediately that's crazy not enough movement I have not enough movement to shoot that lady who is right there are you out of your [ __ ] mind video game okay die she tried and run in there we go now I can close it wait is this down or not not enough movement God damn dude my movement sucks why don't I just fly why don't I just do the thing why why is this happening oh my God whatever we're good we're fine maybe disguise yourself now to avoid Gods no I can't not be Sans I'll just have a bunch of fights with the gods [ __ ] it it just means more battles for sanss all right so we fly up here I guess we don't need that we uh absorb intellect gobble up a intellect lowering their that's these are bad are bad and dumb I'm going to save my spells magic Missile I I you know we don't actually have a lot of stuff we can do most of the time [ __ ] it this is already so much nicer why didn't I do this super long time ago that's so much nicer you can't hit me I have ridiculously high AC you're not oh you [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] God damn it she got Superman she couldn't hit [Laughter] me all right fair enough touche for all zero damage oh that's annoying as hell especially cuz I can't get up on this thing I want wonder what's happening with that probably bugged not enough resources all right all right the [ __ ] how the what is happening I was what what is happening their AI is completely breaking it's totally jacked all right pull the LA and then [ __ ] I don't know let's go shoot this person all right [ __ ] me I guess [ __ ] [ __ ] me right oh ow dude they're hitting me for no damage what is happening this is so buggy not on my watch they're saying like white guy stuff oh [ __ ] she's what is happening wait it went down okay we completely broke the bridge now this lady's floating wait I'll just move the camera and it'll look like she's just standing on the bookcase there we go got your bookcase lady nice what's her body going to do okay well we're never going to be able to loot her body does that mean that the steel Watchers up here technically I kind of want to see what happens I want to pull the lever again oh no no no no no no no apparently it's on the ground you will never be able to hit me it is impossible I pull the lever again and then hide here cuz I just want to see what happens they're going to end their turns can't do nothing I'm out of sight out of mind it's just going to go back up to being yeah but this so This technically counts as being too high but is lined up can I get on it at least no it just makes me fly down God damn that is a weird bug wait what if my does would my door the chair thing work here too well I have to test that now go here grab chair go in [Music] room no no no no whatever trying to hit me put chair in front of door go in room put more chair because [ __ ] it and wait he's going to oh and oh oh oh oh you're just going to break physics entirely okay oh I should have seen that coming whoa wow yeah what the [ __ ] happened to this game what happened what the [ __ ] was that you kidding me and one of the chairs got broken H maybe it was the wrong kind of chair can I not why do I need a line of sight for this when you can just fly around corners and stuff God that's so strange and then fly up here God damn it yeah if I shoot him it's going to get upop on the bridge right yep I hate this game and it's broken ass [ __ ] what if we just leave and then hide are they just going to stand there like idiots all right and then we just leave CU why stay oh wait although experience we've already leveled nice always good for Sands for more levels uh Double Dash and more flight oh [ __ ] we don't to go that way there's more guys that way oh apparently they can see us through the wall I guess aloy if you like chair Strat you can do what I did and carry a medium sturdy chest and just block a door like that most things won't be able to damage that chest true that's a good point chairs also have the added bonus for you being able to sit on the chair and watch them not be able to get to you which is like an additional power move move we can just totally leave nice all right time for more exploration um we've done the tavern we've done what building is this what building is this again double doors what what building is this did I just never go in this building EMB what are you doing here this is a private home yeah I'm going to look around your house some child some lady what's up lady hello I am okay they seem really weirded out that I'm here there's nothing here this is the only building that's literally just a building then the [ __ ] every single building in act 3 seems to have St like stuff in it except for this one like there's some events or some dead guy inside or whatever done I can't wait ni Sans is exhausted by these by the sight of a natural family I don't uh all right what's the move what's a big event what can we do first of all level up I guess put a level in a fighter or something I really don't know what to do in this this uh oh wait we get iron mind you your ability to resist the mind altering pow of your prey you get proficiency wisdom intelligence saing throws that's actually kind of sounds worth it action Sur is once per short rest so I got to do a short rest to get that back although it would be kind of good to get like an extra stack what do you guys think just go straight into a ranger or maybe multiclass action surge yeah I could put two into Fighter for Action surge that's what I'm talking about don't gnomes already have advantage through gnome cunning ooh good point if only there was double Advantage wait rolls four Die 4 D20 that'll be awesome five Ranger four Rogue three fighter I can't get three into fighter we've already gone six Ranger I don't know why we went six Ranger but we have it was proficiency not advantage that sounds right whatever let's just go [ __ ] let's go ranger whatever we'll get more spell slots too we get uh some more spell slots we get iron M we can pick up another spell maybe we can pick up something we that is useful Darkness maybe oh dark vision oh I could just pick up long Strider there's no point oh wait Halo of thorns level one spell slots I think I was thinking of getting that anyway for big dag yeah long we don't need long Strider we can get long Strider from uh we already have long Strider see we get it from our servants our camp servants also an added bonus when we get level eight Ranger we get a we get our last perk so we can get get another uh we can get three perks despite being multiclassed which is good all right now what does Sans do got to the beach think there's some Quest [ __ ] to do down here ooh wait I know I have an idea I'll do the that explosive building the place with all the barrels barrels are good also I kind of want to kill them without destroying the barrels cuz I blew them up in my other campaign but I kind of want to not blow them up except for maybe for fun and we just load it there it is oh [ __ ] there's Gods no that's not good we're wanted by those guys I think automatically pull me as a combat with every fist SL steel Watcher that I go near now or am I am I in the in the green go to the iron throw Factory the diabolis maybe you better do a major fight after spreading spending two hours in a news building need [ __ ] how about this we'll get some explosives and stuff oh that's some [ __ ] eat my [ __ ] dick what are you going do don't pull me off don't pull me off don't pull me off nice all right then we just go on the roof cuz what the [ __ ] are they going to do then and then we just hide here nice what are you going to do absolutely nothing wait can they see us I was hidden I not they're pathing immediately larion are amazing programmers and game developers and stuff but the path thing has got to get some work I don't know what what's up with it they the the amount of fights that you get into where they just stand and stare at a wall because they don't have direct line of sight is insane there's quite a few of these of these fights pathf finding is hard yeah I mean don't you just do pre-establish routes for them to go down five Gloom Ranger five Thief Two fighter yeah Two fighter is fine I just I don't do enough short rests and long rests for it to be worth it whereas if I put it into range or I get some spell slots I gain some passive Buffs passive Buffs are my favorite I prefer Assassin Rogue to Thief but bonus action is technically stronger dude the having two bonus actions is a million times better than people being surprised like people are almost never surprised in this game that is not worth it as I know you can oh Shield of THS I forgot about this bam let's get our orb I do love orbs can I just stealth here and wait what are they going to do just keep skipping [ __ ] again oh I do not like this are there any rooftops that have like really good [ __ ] in this game I I just realized I never went to the rooftop of every single house I assume some of them have got to have some like wild [ __ ] inside like on top like a legendary weapon just chilling on the roof goodbye idiots goodbye morons I'm still stealth no way they don't they have no idea uh oh yeah oh come on nice nailed it arrest these arrest me now morons wait why am I dashing whoa hell yeah all right I'm going walk into the basement I think wait they're going to attack me though that way wait are they going to stop patrolling now they're just standing there awkwardly oh no did I break their [ __ ] AI are they going to leave are they just stuck there now because I didn't resolve the fight I have an idea keep your hands oh wait who oh there's [ __ ] fists down here [ __ ] having that spell that distracts people will be super nice you get that as a ranger [Music] oops thead gone to potion Darkness oh yeah I can only cast it at level two though which mean and it's my last hit level two spell slot so I can I only use them for Thorns though so I guess that's not too bad we'll do a long rest pretty soon though all right nailed it crushed it as usual let me go in I think there's just a [ __ ] ton of explosions explosives down here box of fireworks you just take the whole box 8 D6 fire 26 weight damn I'm not going to be able to carry much of these 86 they're both 86 nice we could do something with these got to take him obviously squid Jin 36 fire that's like a level one [ __ ] fire spell there's so many fires fireworks down here wait no I remember this location I remember this I don't I don't remember there being all the boxes of fireworks for some reason I don't know how I didn't notice this last time give me give two SS a trap ow wait can I enter turn base mode and then just end my turn and heal when it becomes my turn again for infinite healing no damn it cuz it says once per in once per turn in combat damn it that would have been cool wait lever oh boy yeah I definitely remember it down here now H I lose all those PS of fireworks that sucks I'm like 99% sure yep there's a trap you thought you could trick [Music] me oh so many smoke Powers yes get come to Sands my babies well we can use these for some stuff we're uh running pretty low on barrels I think I used a lot of them in the early game to to just delete stuff all all right I think he' be mad if we come up through the basement be mad they didn't even notice nice oh there's so many more boxes up here oh there's so many Aver sunshell why are there so many evil guys dressed like thiss this is this this guy looks exactly like the dude from the [ __ ] news Place put on your gloves and a lighter arms length very good once it's lit excellent now remember felus fireworks accepts no liability for sing Nails toted D lashes lot of Limbs scolded torsos or blown off heads now you there you feel an all too familiar squirm in the recesses of your mind aha a fellow friend of gach praise the absolute I have a special sample just for you well I got back from touring touring all over the UK pretty cool place did you uh find any good food or not or predictably not no there's definitely some good places to eat here not as many as the us though not even [ __ ] close I've been to both countries Eloy can you confirm if this is just how British people dress this is the guy on the right is pretty much how every British guy I know dresses the Bros dress like this in our 15th century regalia stands the test of time always dripped dripped out [ __ ] it up all right so I want to go upstairs and get more explosive barrels but this of the people [ __ ] face the justice of Lord Enver the parasite reels in your skull something within the Ste I'm a l bying I'm pretty girl I will overpower you with my Forbidden Knowledge [ __ ] all right one more time come on oh Shadow swims apologies citizen oh get [ __ ] smoked the odds employees let upstairs yeah he told me to I go up there it's fine oh [ __ ] maybe I can't tell let me go up there or perhaps the delicate Simplicity of a perfectly crafted torch is more to your taste um oh heavens no not with him Eloy can you beat Iron Throne what's Iron Throne all of my most loyal customers fabulously charismatic man though tips well what are you really asking of gach what what is iron throne what is iron throne is it like the Iron Throne is Gores underwater prison oh H I haven't done that yet that seems like a it would be a nightmare I was I was thinking of going and doing the uh explosive thing down by the dock you know the uh the big explody prison with the metal guys I've never done that free samples please enjoy responsibly and nowhere near this establishment is there anything else I can do for you browse for God's sake have a little discretion ooh okay okay douche [Music] trying to think of fun challenging fights for us to do have you killed the big vampire what's a good no I haven't what's a good um goal for today's stream guyson blow us up what's a light mission for us to do Al did this guy have die the delicate Simplicity of a perfectly crafted torch is more to your taste yeah pressure steady he that is identical what the [ __ ] killing Gores we could blow up G I mean kill Gores going to need to change that this bar ball Temple these don't seem that difficult though pipes are looking a little rust we rapael for am upgrade maybe I feel like Raphael is like a big ass fight not critical just a bastard if it bre Shaw Temple is fun to blow up Shaw Temple would be a [ __ ] nightmare unless we have a good AOE spell set steady you need some you need AOE [ __ ] to do that fight take out the steel watch so you can have more freedom in the city yeah I've never done the factory let's go do that I've legit never done the whole Factory thing so who number one companion you ignore Minds Willie I think most people for most people it's will right or maybe it's well I mean number one would probably be Menara because most people just treat her like an enemy you know you have a very small percentage of the community that actually does the evil route because it sucks like it's it's super unrewarding the game forces you to be a good guy anyway like for me I like I I think technically it's Menara but I like Menara I think she's way more interesting than like most of the companions um although I don't like her more than G uh uh [ __ ] jira and Minsk jira and Minsk are my favorite Gail can stay in Camp forever yeah Gail's pretty boring Will's pretty boring Shadow hod is fine uh who else oh [ __ ] what ah um okay is there any way for us to push these guys off cliffs I people have figured out how to get Menara in a good play through they really should be a way ingrained into the base game like an intentional way though even if it's difficult you know like convincing her not to attack the Grove or some [ __ ] you know [ __ ] it stupid steel Watchers God damn I'm doing it again uh a crap God damn it uhoh oh I thought it was going to jump in the water I will say this makes me miss kind of being my warlock because on my warlock you can push the sea watchers into the water and kill them instantly can you do that with these guys with the oh [ __ ] eat a dick are they immune to prone or will this actually knock them into the water potentially let's try that out I think I'm about to kill a bun of those innocent people though saved that doesn't mean that doesn't mean they comi knocked in the water [ __ ] God damn it whatever not [Music] you should try those ilth Powers you hate Force tunnel and repulser just I don't hate them what do you mean repulser where's repulser push anything and anyone back six M oo you know what yeah let's try these out for this how does how do you cast this one though like a project oh it just shoots everything back what if I stand here then will they come close to me to be able to get me I'm going to try that out nope they can oh my God okay come on go near the a can I cut off line of sight if I do this if I move over here and then move this box here move these here and hide behind them like this and and wait this this is definitely going to count as some kind of [ __ ] [Music] ledge this and then can I just like this game's going to be a dick and they're just going to shoot through it [ __ ] you game come on man Clarion please how does that not eliminate line of sight like come on dog that sucks do not be blind by smile [Music] uh who suggested this that was so delayed oh my God oh man Jesus Christ that shut me up come up there we go do that work no Force tunnel no work but dis Repulsor good good [ __ ] I did [ __ ] one up will we victim h it's crazy that we're basically like Invincible now like he's just never going to hit me we're our AC our AC plus the cloak is we're just too strong like that's insane nice [Music] try where are you even going to go [Music] huh I'm going to shoot him again just for fun I'm going to get right up close and watch you die nice did they still get mad when you try and loot the steel Watchers oh nice all right oh I'm going to have to do this fight about this wait will we fall victim to no our to be manipulated by misinformation no right you have done quite enough explaining v g you have wait do do did I [ __ ] up again and not keep anything that does fire damage good kind no my glov ADD fire damage it's fine I think your delusions your conspiracies it'll kill Vol right it'll ignite the oil yeah but do we need Volo for anything oh I think he helps you in the last fight if you save him right we see what you really are he like debuffs the IDS or something halt vill oh [ __ ] in the name of Lord en come on man all I did was kill some stupid [ __ ] guy oh my God this is so much worse than it was I got to fight a [ __ ] steel Watcher now on top of everything it's already on fire it'll be fine I just got a arrow of transposition wait am I going to be able to use my yeah because my regular shot no it does thunder damage did I take off the gloves [ __ ] I'm wearing the Nimble finger ones [ __ ] um crap I have no way of lighting this I I just don't have any way of lighting this why am I keeping [ __ ] soul coins [ __ ] uh uh no grease bottle there's fire on the ground yeah oh I have two grease bottles good idea I'm going to keep these grease bottles are [ __ ] super useful same with the fire ones especially for this so I'll jump over here like this with a transposition wait no cuz throw is a main action so I will I'll just fly and take the hits that they won't be able to do to me like this I'll move this one slightly close to for some extra oomph and then bro and then [ __ ] uh Grease here this and then nailed it now they're almost all dead so Arrow many targets uh no s oh wait s attacks are free [ __ ] then finish this lady off maybe with a crit oh what she had 50 Health how much did that do that did what 214 and two she had over 50 Health did I crit yo that went really good that went super super good and then we just speed over here and steal steel steel steel steal oh okay send these the camp and then steel steel steel and these to Camp more explosives and then [ __ ] steel and then camp and then yeah we save Volo it adds up your squid powers and kills anything with that much health or less when you're near him oh yeah God [ __ ] calling right duh [ __ ] yeah sorry I forgot how strong call the weak is I I was because I know about the psychic damage I always always forget that it just kills everything below a certain Health threshold when the creature bring that creature fewer hit points than your number of all ill th it dies in all yeah right so that's the yeah so [ __ ] strong so strong uh help vo nice now we just deal with and Ania the Goon guy looks cool plate all right you're dead lady just get on top of this little roof that High Ground intimidation shoot her in the mouth [ __ ] I hate the [ __ ] camera move movement dude follow you dumbass oh [ __ ] I didn't think of that you're still never going to be able to hit me wait can they even get out since the gate's locked are they just stuck [ __ ] off my roof oh damn oh she's got to be dead right yeah cuz of the elant thing God that's so good oh that's so good then we just wait here follow get out of here dumbass um do we just leave how do we even what whoa whoa dude this place is [ __ ] crazy wow I've never been in here I've never even looked in here with my camera this place is [ __ ] huge wow I've never been to this location I always leave it until the end CU it's like a major thing let's go here Zoom um ah [ __ ] there we go I think I'm too far away now it gets even bigger l oh man nice try Dingus you can't get me if I put small amounts of of things in the way of your pathing that's going to do absolutely nothing to him dude double crit nice die forever [ __ ] now watch as this box and Barrel completely okay not like he can hit me anyway and he's been sent reeling this is unbelievably easy mode because of this build you can avoid the roof Watcher roof Watcher get out of my small Corner could I in theory just do this every time no he's going to get hit on me anyway never mind Holo come help me you [ __ ] coward even if he did manage to hit me I would just heal it it's so crazy how strong this is then Volo then this guy just misses nice try what would they have to actually roll in order to hit me uh use main hand attack missed so it was an attack roll of eight on a20 disadv with disadvantage which obviously plus four proficiency plus two for a one plus four wait so I hate how this is laid out somebody read this and explain it to me somebody read this and do it he needed to roll a 26 M roll to 17 basically am I reading this right he rolled a 17 even with all of his advantages like strength but negative one from reeling so he roll wait no he rolled an eight but then he rolled an eight out on a 1 D20 with disadvantage plus four from proficiency plus two from the the fact that we're on techncian difficulty he lost one because he's reeling he gained four from strength uh which puts him at 17 and he still needed to make 26 sans's technically Invincible has oai played do tide recently yes I have I've been playing it quite a lot I've been playing it third person uh modded too which is crazy I came back to the game to a modded do tide like I I started using mods cuz I had no idea you could use mods in dark tide and still be able to play with people that did that don't have mods it's just player side so I have like a scoreboard that tells me if I'm doing [ __ ] I have a I have third person which is awesome what's your AC [ __ ] 26 AC dog with Advantage because of the cloak so every time it's my turn I get two turns of um what is essentially haste or whatever not haste [ __ ] blur you have a very unique accent my dude it's like American British dude yeah that's essentially it I used to have a very very thick um English accent a very thick Northern accent and I I slowly picked up an American acent the longer I've been around all right it's factory time I just I I'm [ __ ] awful for accents though do we go in the main door or do we go around I feel like it's a Sand's move to sneak in the back right oh [ __ ] there's another one right we got to assassinate this [ __ ] this [ __ ] guy can I pickpocket it and put something in its inventory like a bomb and blow them up wait okay I actually have to try something here can I grab like two barrels do this oh my oh [ __ ] but these like this Hi and then sneak attack the no you [ __ ] you stupid big stupid [ __ ] fine I'll just go here then like this no cuz it'll destroy the barrels when he hits if he tries to hit me I'll stand here like this over here like this right and then going shoot him cuz [ __ ] it [ __ ] you and then [Music] little little extra shots go on come over and hit me don't destroy my barrels wait I still have no way to blow him up [ __ ] wait oh wait I'm [ __ ] stupid what am I talking about I can just go in grenades and make like [ __ ] Alchemist fire here the [ __ ] dude some somebody in chat said that I bet and I just didn't see it somebody said this last time uh [ __ ] it I'll just let him try and hit me he's not going to hit me I am a god of movement goodbye [ __ ] I mean ooh he didn't he took a little bit of damage I guess that sucked oh that sucked no nice try all right after this fight we got to do a short rest and maybe even a long one oh [ __ ] he hit me what did he what did he roll to get that uh s uh Gail took 11 slashing damage redirected from Sans Underdog I still love that wait use Man attack was hit for 11 slashing damage so he rolled oh okay he rolled a 20 attack roll 20 plus 4 plus 2 minus 2 plus 4 for 28 he got a n 20 and It Beat It Out by two dude wow eat a bag of dicks steel watcher stupid [ __ ] Watcher yeah go on try hit me n 20 that [ __ ] didn't think so you fool walk around uhoh oh [ __ ] he got The High Ground what what just happened oh it looks like he's taking a [ __ ] cuz of The Reeling he doing gorilla stance nice dope oh chests come on rare item don't just give me some random [ __ ] something good something really [Applause] good fine that's something I guess um I've never explored this place this is interesting come on Len you bet you put some sneaky [ __ ] over here uh nah I'm assuming going on the side entrance is the best right e just pure gold we're already rich we already have [ __ ] 18,000 gold that's actually not that much but we're in act three you can get stupid wealthy in act three I was tempted to go to the bank at the bottom you can get [ __ ] crazy Rich there if you if you're good at lock lockpicking don't forget about it you get such crazy [ __ ] there open up open up for sanss [ __ ] you in your 20 difficulty rating all right stealth in here are they going to attack me on asking the impossible gyrene etics require a steady hand and a sharp gaze I can barely keep my eyes open I need to rest you have a son do you not is he as lazy who look at that [ __ ] helmet dog finess mother it'd be so [ __ ] funny if she finished what she was saying and then immediately turned around and bumped into the walls cuz she can't see [ __ ] she just [ __ ] Falls over a desk full of [ __ ] motivation sequence activated tell me gondan tell me about your son e they said gandan like it was a slur yes overseer halty he's frail in body and mind like me like all of us yet by your grace he lives and your wife she is this baby was useless and interfered with production quotas let's save this cool lesbian from this world forgive my outp I will that helmet is dope I like really crazy looking helmets operational by Dawn and that helmet is awesome looking it's really [ __ ] dumb but awesome looking you know what I mean I will allow it but if your work is anything short of impeccable it's got It's got kind of nosco Vibes like shiny gold osar Vibes is that clear yesy you know about the turn base mode right whenever you right you never use for Mis Mischief what do you mean awake oh look at this big arm steal watch your arm D imagine you just [ __ ] load that [ __ ] up arm crossbow that why does that weigh like nothing is that worth keeping is it worth keeping anything in here don't fall asleep chest piece can I loot this Ste Watcher TSO also the largest and most complex component is constructed and loaded with secret components on the lab level below it's used to build the crossbow or crobo you can combine it to make an awesome unique crossbow what the the arm the arm you can combine an arm to make a is it a giant arm with a crossbow attached gundian D Drew falbo now that's a gnome name nope just just stay awake o helmet can I wear this oh you can wear it no way is it big a come on that's not big that's fancy looking but that's not big dude I got so excited like for Sans to have a massive helmet that would have been so funny the we can see in the dog up to 12 met and cannot be blinded that's pretty dope that's not bad oh God e e no stinky helmets for us thank [Music] you leg anything up here iron Chad it's Chad dude what a Chad throes and Chad wait malfunctioning neural switchboard there's got to be something in here I can do stealth to like [ __ ] people over right don't fall asleep no wait are they not even attacking me who the [ __ ] just just saw me it's not initiating a fight even is it chill that I'm in here why is there caskets oh a dead gundian worker is he missing his head damn yeah these guys really are treated badly huh now I see what all the fuss was Security Office o anything in here hello a screen the [ __ ] that seems Advan like too advanced for this universe that being said they do have giant robot mix so oh oh is this for the thing like this yeah it's glowing right H mechanical diagrams need rebalancing lost this can of what is this screen we just start watching Netflix scared and miserable with visible cuts and bruises these people can only be one thing prisoners ooh we can have some potential prisoners nice more infantry for our Battalion di of mechanical design Zen Toben you just made that up nervous gate betrays your what the [ __ ] was that gibberish [ __ ] you don't belong here who are you um this guy can't see and you can still tell that I'm too cool to be here uh I'm here to destroy The Foundry what go away rude your presence imperils us all if any of us attempts to escape our kin will die this dude's a dick we have a Contraption when triggered it will kill everyone who wears a collar you're triggering me right now I'll kill all I thought I thought this said I'll kill all of you I was like holy [ __ ] um everyone of the ward col helping people to still watch I all the overseers before any of them can press a button in the palm of their hands you may be quick but nobody is that quick oh you you are underestimating Sands uh I don't know dude what you underestimate the enemy the overseers they are Glick brand rakar this guy keeps having [ __ ] strokes and shites there is also a mechanism that alerts the overseers if they're removed they have murder crawlers of us may be able to save I want a fancy looking caller it would be at the expense of everyone else even if we did somehow unshackle our collar simultaneously and overthrow our oppressor our families are held elsewhere the overseers need only activate we cannot win we must Aid in building it's selfish to value your family's lives more than an entire city I mean that's kind of [ __ ] up man these are some heavy options is there no like all right G I even more I'd help you destroy this place what the [ __ ] you did a total 180 what the [ __ ] was that I don't know where they are but just make sure you don't get caught If they raise the alarm I will pray for you oh dude stealth Mish my daughter her name is OB are there kids wouldn't gnome kids be like the size of a small cat I feel like they'd be like super little wait uh watch crossbow blueprint is this for the crossbow that's got to be it an allm mounted crossbow would be cool ooh lever call cargo elevator is that oh this thing oh dope so we can call this and then go all the way down is this bad a quick save pull the lever cron for this yeah it is this nice so we can go down that or should we go down that or the stairs which what's better what is best what what I've never been here so I'm curious is this legit a storage room with nothing in it what larion stairs open up is it we're talking to the guys in the lobby or fighting them or will that like ruin everything I want to find all this stuff where's the other crossbow pots I'm assuming further in do your thing ooy yeah I guess it's not the end of the world uh wait ooh ooh do we talk to these guys or avoid them it's probably good to avoid them right these [ __ ] masks dog iron console mic the cruel that's admittedly kind of kind of a dope name it's top floor all the pots are top floor what I thought you could go underground wait where are the other pots then I only have the arm just stay awake all right let's see if it fails if I attack these guys there's some stealth douches over here [ __ ] uh [ __ ] you Chad Sans is the only Chad around here man this dude's tanky oh come on 55 damage if I can pull this off with the calling of damn it damn it are they going to press button with their turn no they're attacking okay oh [ __ ] uh if you if I make sure you have an action to deactivate motivators from overseers okay oh whatever [ __ ] I did it God Dam I got to stop doing that come over here stinky bring it Maan you're not going to be able to hit me did this guy really run up and shoot me with disadvantage at close range or does he have crossbow Master he does it their armor is kind of drippy though dude imagine if you [ __ ] need some dude with these kind of weirdly drippy okay all right and no almost Miss fired Dead all right it's going to be a delayed one and you are dead dude it's weird that I'm being able to get down the timing at this point it's yeah wait it's a main action to reactivate them too God damn I actually managed to show up for a stream hi car hi I'm apparently okay I need to touch base on this also who is actually watching my streams at like 1.5 speed or two times speed or whatever the [ __ ] I I tried I heard the meme I was like a this is just one dude meme some meme for other channels do people legit watch streams just at like super withit vents oh I can go be oh I'm small enough to go through the vents do is that an actual ADHD I mean I have ADD which is aention deficit I don't have the hyperactivity and I'm not like that shit's mind nummy well can I do anything with this malfunctioning neural switchboard I haven't missed any pots right I watch some a lot of vids double speed I don't know I I do not have the capacity for learning to for retention to watch something at times to speed unless somebody's talks you know those videos where people talk super super slow though like unnecessarily a absurdly slow I'll speed I'll put them on like times 1.5 sometimes all right I want to talk to these guys I just want to see what happens red brother stand ready Gans so much as twitch and I'll rip your tongues out myself you recognize the overse uniform I am also a small uh black gnome tyranny um touch these people and I'll kill you a proposal Gans you hold these [ __ ] and I'll stab all of them to death what is that an intimidation how is that a persuasion I'm persuading them to let me kill them or is this persuasion persuading the gandan um don't they all die you need to persuade the Guardians to help you you have to all right oh double fours I can use an Inspiration Point that's fine you can stop them from blowing up inop how did you get in here interloper that is not you revealed yourself for nothing if I could see you interop be very mad fine if I ripped it from their backs and beat them with it g are really stupid in combat it's a nightmare to keep them alive yeah I've heard I've heard I've seen on the Reddit you'll kill us Allway what was that I said she's literally what was that who said that who said that who's there oh I got to all right gondan Loa give me your cool hat yes sneak attack for extra D mag all right Wy poison should on that first Arrow many Targets this poison on all of them [ __ ] you are you [ __ ] kidding me no way that just happened that's my last hour of many targets the hell die St stack of wyvern toxin two stacks of wyvern toxin two stacks of wyvern Toxin and if return she'll take 28 and can I get in the middle and stop them from attacking the gandan oh get him get him gnome or Gans whatever they're called stop it stop hitting her what the [ __ ] is that thing daa is this like a specific dude or is that like a summon I've never seen that summon why does this guy get a cool sleeveless coat outfit oh [ __ ] he justes like whoa It's a generic Angel that's not a generic Angel what the [ __ ] it's like an A O demon it's got like bony wings and [ __ ] like that doofus with the color beard wait does she does that count as like a concentration summon thing so if I kill her it'll disappear I'm also stuck with that or of Terror I tell you what stage fright save save saved she got stage fright of course die die yeah there you go motivation sequence activated no the motivator deactivate it ah [ __ ] uh you tell you what I got n a [ __ ] can I take it um that's I I got nothing I I can't even get a make a potion of speed rip click it yourself or don't I mean you could literally you deactivate it right now lady you could deactivate it right now lady oh get him will somebody deactivate the motivator oh she's [ __ ] dead dog is her head going to explode sequence activated can I that was close oh never mind it's all good you just deactivate it after anyway disadv why have I got disadvantage who the [ __ ] what threatened eh uh excuse me me excuse me why the [ __ ] am I threatened that's some [ __ ] yeah I missed now I have a 56% chance say what the [ __ ] why do I have disadvantage the whole point of crossbow master was for that this you have two people on you I think that's never happened don't these guys have an aura uh maybe oh o yeah see now I don't have disad I have disadvantage on this guy threatened that threatened [ __ ] is dog [ __ ] total dog [ __ ] e a bag of dick get [ __ ] get [ __ ] how's this for disadvantage suck my dick all right give me that funny head oh come on you get the funny head I don't get the cool weird helmet why even put that in the game if you can't get it that sucks now I need to dispose of them where do okay where do I get the other pots for the crossbow I'm so dead what if I get caught so much blood I think you have everything to craft the crossbow what what do you need I have the arm what the Corpses the will some what on Earth what do I combine what am I missing in the this room you have the target module not thinking that where Target module I bet there's a video online for it this is normally where I would Google things but I have I have an automatic Google Chat thing on my second monitor which is you guys search targeting module on the table what table though is it above is it is it up here it oh oh my God maybe it's up here I haven't been up here yet no not that look for the helmet as well very epic I already have the helmet the steel Watcher helmet it it is really little I was hoping it would be like steel Watcher size so I was very disappointed when I put it on and it was gnome size man we un found [ __ ] I refuse to believe everything for making the crossbow is down here so much blood the smell time deal with the bodies we need to get rid of these bodies right now on the table close to the door these are so vague what do you mean that's so vague I I could cut them up perhaps inate what if for get C there's no so much blood so no thinking like that there's nothing here Li of time oh here deal with the bodies I'm going to be am I blind bastards deserve hide the corpses you're almost looking at it all but there's nothing here I need to dispose of them I'm being gas lit there's no way I could cut them up or perhaps incinerate them need to get rid of these bodies right now what if for get CAU I am all right I'm just going to Google it I'm just going to Google it Boulders gate crossbow build Hellfire engine crossbow is that it oh that's it cut them up oh dude it's here wait no I'm not thinking like that here there it is that's what you guys were tell trying to tell me I should have Googled this this is why I should just Google things it saves everybody time oh this is this dude talking oh the recipe is part of it it's like the recipe sheet that was on here it's this wait this so that's it it's these three things all right combine this and this and this for crossbow H unfortunately it's two-handed which means I wouldn't get to use my bonus sections but it's kind of cute kind of cute little thing little crossbow thing does uh [ __ ] lightning Arrow level four which is pretty [ __ ] nuts reposition malactor oh [ __ ] it has the thing where you pull enemies uh close to here for decent damage too race [ __ ] uh piercing shot plus two that's pretty dope that's actually pretty great if only we actually used uh if only we actually use that kind of [ __ ] squatching Ray I might as well leave on my bar lighning hour pretty good here yeah for use it on steel Watchers and [ __ ] if I was going a full crossbow guy or if I was a warrior or whatever or a you know fighter something like that all right let's go let's go down the stairs is this uh place got a big bad like a boss fight or some [ __ ] or is it all just like little stuff is it just a bunch of little guys oh man they really just they were on me the second I got in here um huh disadvantage what what the [ __ ] this guy's fighting me what where are you going Sans what happens if I just leave I would do anything to hug you and then I go back in does it initiate a fight again no it just resets the fight nice all there we go nailed it can I fly up here in stealth nice nice were you not dope I've not the pleasure of with my own your time will come only's most trusted May [ __ ] the second I goddamn put the stealth music on I get spotted why are all the Gnomes helping why are the Gnomes helping in this horrendous system this is some [ __ ] this is some stupid [ __ ] uh can I just not kill them and then leave and then come back and they won't attack me I'm pretty sure they're only joining because of these guys they they're slaves with an explody collar doesn't mean they have to be complacent in the system and other things oh my God it's literally Frodo never mind that looks nothing like Frodo Mr Frodo oh [ __ ] I reip my [ __ ] thing so it does the stupid double shot [ __ ] uh want to go to some sneaky location where they're not going to be able to get me yeah get me now dumbass I'm going to sit on this chair come on just focus on the nans yeah I'll just kill all the steel Watchers in the Gans and then I'll hide uh M's acid Arrow nah it's not going to hit me anyway oh wait this [ __ ] barrels behind it um [ __ ] you that did nothing dude that did like actually nothing wow that was wow two what oh was more than two damage whatever that's so little uh [ __ ] dude [ __ ] I want to pull more of them in what did I do to Mo use all my movement that's crazy oh dude that double shot [ __ ] can eat my ass how is that the default no stop it [ __ ] my AC is going to go down yeah damn it does that crossbow do innate lightning no it doesn't this should do 1 D4 lightning as well cuz then it'll it'll do double to these guys which should make it really really good for act three um these things mut to poison yeah of course they are damn it what about stink Cloud I feel like the robots shouldn't be affected by stinky clouds but [ __ ] it stinky Cloud time save s oh right whatever not sure why that's not sure why it's broken okay it took it off my bar God damn it oh [ __ ] cost it [Music] did that's what I get for unequipping my hand crossbows oh [ __ ] I thune to stinky CU it counts as like poison maybe oh you [ __ ] now I can't cast spells with my with my majority melee and weapon damage character all right no you I'm you're done with that stop it you got to keep this up forever yes I can no he's right actually at some point I got to end stream but wait there's silence is that going to help me dog did it reenable it again also your thunder damage is nullified oh good point oh a damn it dude almost [ __ ] oh was I'm immune to that greasy [ __ ] you cannot get me I'll just focus on blowing this one up because then he's going to damage the guy next to him they're just stuck dude I want to kill that gandan so bad he's the only one doing anything to me even remotely [ __ ] putting acid on the ground and [ __ ] die damn it go god tier AC is really carrying God damn dude can I is there any way for me to get this guy down there with them can I black hole these guys together like if I do it here oh they saved it whatever what if I do it again though like this nice dude black hole is cool and then I go here you just can I just keep casting black hole throughout the entire fight now damn it if I can pull them into his explosion that would be perfect I'm just going to go down to them he's going to miss I'm going to fly down out of the silence area and then black hold them like right to me and then oh [ __ ] wait I got to not kill the gandan [ __ ] how do I get this guy away [ __ ] can I get a KN like that just him that might have worked slightly and then I run here like that and then I'll just shoot one in the back for flavor all right okay never mind whatever I'll shoot your friend that's fine whatever and then he run he jumps over here close this one too he's a little bit too far away [Music] no no go away idiot oh my God [ __ ] [ __ ] it's impossible to keep you alive you [ __ ] idiot oh sh God damn it they all saved too son of a [ __ ] this guy wants to die so bad does it matter if this guy dies gandan man maner bigs I want to kill him so bad legit does it really matter if he dies asking for a friend the friend is me no all right well he's going to die then [ __ ] that [Music] guy yay no don't run away dude nice nice actually oh okay he ran straight back in these guys are brain dead like legit brain dead wait oh it's him first [ __ ] no one can hit me missed oh [ __ ] damn it now I'm just going to heal that on my next turn oh [ __ ] oh no oh wait no wait no no I should have used an arrow transposition oh [ __ ] how are they hitting me so much am I going to die dog I might die if this guy kills me I'm going to [ __ ] kill myself and real life no no way Ain no way away get the [ __ ] out of here dude that was [ __ ] close poor gaale oh [ __ ] yeah wait I want to I want to read that cuz I took a lot of damage where's the Gale for that where is that wait it'll be way further down this is way too high up Gail took seven Pierce damage Gail where's the there it is Gail took 63 fire damage oh man nice thank you Gail [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you master [ __ ] idiot Gan Master [ __ ] I don't think Gail died I think he'll be fine I just think he probably took he probably felt that one did my [ __ ] AC go down like are they just getting really crazy rolls also I you just realize there's no Combat music and it makes this fight sound really quiet and weird do I forget to disable that every time y nice boom man [ __ ] this guy a poem he's got a sad poem is that supposed to make me feel bad this guy's [ __ ] poem [Music] yawn dude let me oh my God let me shoot his body let me shoot his body for oh my God whatever damn some good [ __ ] in here though this has like such 40K energy anyone else this this reminds me of Doc tide like all of this literally all of this Bane's book of AD admonish s admonish whatever oh [ __ ] do you ever get is it possible to get one of these whack helmets it's got to be possible surely oh my God another one of them joined wait grindo bigs I thought his name was [ __ ] bagin oh can I put him in the lava can we get him in the lava somehow telekinesis that's what I need right now o got so many shots all these guys with their silencing oras oh not the Oro teror that one kind of sucks ew these guys are doues wait he's silent should he be able to not maintain concentration on that now I guess it doesn't break concentration or ruin spells that are already cast break concent God damn it right concentration go nice remember the Gans on the enemy I mean they're kind of the enemy a little bit this one is look he's being a dick and trying to hit me with a mace that isn't an ally thing oh [ __ ] dude somebody remind me to short rest after this fight I keep forgetting the gions are their own enemies it feels like one of those those people in a game where you want to help them and you try and help them and they do everything in their power to make you not want to help them eat [ __ ] lady [ __ ] you oh that was the wrong move oh that was just the total wrong thing to do that that couldn't have been the more worse and bad thing to do from this perspective [ __ ] man [ __ ] um is there anywhere I can go to like knock them in the lava like here what if I go here and then just push him into the lava Oh [ __ ] forgot about that go here shoot this person a couple times [ __ ] it nope I keep forgetting we're on tactician difficulty too which kind of makes it sort of laughable that you're able to take all of this on solo why not throw enough strength because we're like two foot tall and also I have oh well 16 strength technically plus two from Everlasting Vigor in a 14 base actually yeah we have a reasonable amount of strength I might be able to pick up and throw these guys into the lava uh throw too heavy to throw too heavy to throw yeah that's kind of what I expected uh can I get this guy in there go for it are you [ __ ] kidding me that sucks so much okay maybe it's the angle like what if I go up here and then maybe then probably not though oh no come on I saw a blue line though that means they can go in that's a gondan isn't it do you [ __ ] these Gans are the worst why does nobody talk about this that these guys are like total douches no you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] no [ __ ] way [ __ ] you I cannot believe that just happened oh my God [ __ ] [ __ ] no way oh my God I'm really [ __ ] now I'm in lava so I'm about to take 10 D6 this is going to suck and then that's not like a you might that's I'm going to take 17 that's not too bad I can get rid of that immediately like bam and then I can't fly because I'm immobile because of or of ter [ __ ] oh [ __ ] me damn only I had some kind of arrows I could use to just teleport myself like something where I could just shoot it and be like an UNO reverse card of sorts I can kind of just be like and then you know oh [ __ ] I can't use black hole oh weak I am going to use this though except I'm not cuz I don't have an action cuz cuz I just use a transposition arrow okay keep hitting this guy and I'm just going to take that big ass psychic Dam oh it saved it get [ __ ] haha your British action is starting to poke through I do have a British accent it's just half British half uh Mera guy I'm right up against the wall so they can't push me into the [ __ ] lava again we need a big AOE is what we need stop doing that no I don't like that guy at all I have an idea I have an idea how to get them into the lava and kill loads of them dude a I should have saved my black hole imagine being able to Black Hole them all into the [ __ ] lava ow we got this come on get into melee with me everybody gather up nice and close yes perfect and then we [ __ ] what what excuse me he wrong one [ __ ] there we go uh almost none of them are going to go into the lava but I want at least one in there that's fine that's right right and then we can't use this I action again fine [ __ ] it no time like the present for more [Music] explosions [ __ ] you pandalus the [ __ ] kind of name is that you do get [ __ ] get [ __ ] and I'm out of here how to turn the tables in a single turn fun fact the American accent is actually closer to original English than the UK accent that's no bloody true fun fact um the American accent is actually closer to the Native American accent when motivators detonate it also destroys the underwater prison I think it fails that Quest at okay eh we ain't going to save him anyway can I throw any of these guys off oh you're so [ __ ] get you little stupid [ __ ] idiot [Laughter] die take the ring to M on now you tiny stupid curly-haired [ __ ] and you suck my a [ __ ] how's it feel Gans you [ __ ] H bake fake gondorians wait oh wait do Z know about the mine flare in the prison mine flare in the prison wait completes it expion the Earth shuddering response it must have come from somewhere nearby that's what that'll have been all right oh well they brought it upon themselves by attacking me worth [Music] it God damn Dodge that you [ __ ] dick ooh infernal mace three poison three three poison plus two acid6 well not the acid but uh regular M with plus three poison on a hit uh the affected enti deals an additional three poison damage and cannot Poss possibly poison its and can possibly poison its Target it's just a poison M right okay okay fine oh [ __ ] perfect run LEL I mean nothing of value was lost the in reads fresh supplies for the steel watch courtesy of necromancer balazar oh balazar man I'm sad about the whole Baza thing he was such an interesting character with great mannerisms and great voice acting and there at no point can you join him and I'm still disappointed about that I wanted to join Krick thorm and and help out the boys be one of the Necromancer boys be super evil it'll be cool as hell and the game is like nope you're a good guy sorry L mous sry you thought this game had freedom of choice eat my ass eat all of my ass you're a good guy short rest ooy oh my boy thank you now we can black hole and repulser thank you for reminding me genuinely I immediately for got all right we got to kill the big bad eventually oh so this is where it sticks you out I'm o a metal trunk that's locked some guy in here oh my God 25 difficulty class there better be something good in here nice uh ooh Arrow many targets love it [ __ ] love it zingga and then was in here bomb greasy stuff uh oh break your characters conc I'm taking I'm [ __ ] banking some of these oh for real being an arrow that would have automatically broken concentration I'm going to forget to use it I'm a % going to forget that that exists in like 2 minutes but still better to have it and forget that you have it and be annoyed that you forgot you had it and well okay it it's better to have it and maybe maybe in some distant Universe remember that I have it and remember to use it somehow you know then need it and not have it all right control center aunti chamber is there an uncle chamber Lula Forza oh [ __ ] why have they all got no heads o brains your mind whirls as the brain swimming with parasitic juices connects with yours juicy brains your mind is trans juicy low poly brains down a body of pure steel and power weing a dwarf coward before you please Mr steel Watcher sir I I'll never steal again I swear to my mom's life just let me go you focus on the source of the power but it is you stomp on the dwarf bones and intestines splashing on you what okay um moving on can we do anything with these brains or are they just brains for Stuff your tadpole eagerly responds to the parasite in the you are a steel Watcher he said he was flaming fist that we had to empty our pockets so they're using brains to connect with the uh know it was a scam steel watch we have nothing left and my kids are half that's pretty dope please let us into the city we have nowhere else to go okay have you beat the game yet on your other guys no I got really close to getting to that last battle um involving the brain never seen it never experienced it I'll probably complete the game on uh on on my boy S I guess but it is quiet and still you can only watch it's just meet WiFi the family fle before you can draw it heading all right enough Exposition ooh this is this looks like a boss fight Arena if I've ever seen one whoa whoa okay then Hellfire Watchers these are the those Stony ones is it just the these three there's no like there's no super big bed I was expecting a giant steel Watcher or something turn invis and plant a bomb plant a bomb yeah [ __ ] it I'm never going to remember to use these otherwise what do you mean plant a bomb dude these ones are cool they're like fire related are they immune to fire no resistant same as the other ones gener awaits your imput MST the unfamiliar script you see Nish use it to decipher the symbols oh yeah hell yeah a benefit to being a gnome as if the benefits never stopped the epicenter of the steel watch this technology is far beyond anything you have ever seen you'll need more than magic or steel to destroy it press a button do I press the button guys where's the special bomb from the Gnomes oh I uh used it to kill the drag again the machine doesn't respond can I press another button oh that's it do I have to use the bomb to blow this up is that is that just it you need the bomb to blow it up wow that sucks that sucks there's a gandan that can help you can I should I kill these guys then get him down here then oh [ __ ] what oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] whoa [Music] yo all right this is a good good boss of the stream God [ __ ] damn boy he's got little birdies on his shoulders yo as if the current what is this guy [ __ ] he looks like uh [ __ ] what are they called you know the big dudes with the robot leg uh with the four robot legs from Warhammer um you know what I mean [ __ ] what are they called there's there's one for each of the Soul Grinders he looks like a Soul Grinder he's like a Mech you know fully Meed out Soul Grinder how do we oh God 400 HP resistant okay very resistant to piercing that sucks perfect Sentry copy surprise immutable form doc Vision uh 16 AC 479 HP 20 Constitution that sucks 22 strength that sucks there's got to be somewhere like I can fly up to to just not be able to be hit they deliberately made it so there's nowhere you can hide sort of kind of cringe a little oh I can just leave what the [ __ ] okay I'll just do that why don't I just kite him that's crazy hello big guy goodbye and then we pop and then we fly like we and we oh [ __ ] wait I just left two bombs on the floor behind this guy [ __ ] whatever they're bombs I'm never going to use them I'm glad o stocked up on Lightning arrows hey shut up oh [ __ ] you just leave ah [ __ ] wait does that mean I'm out of combat there we go wait can I just yeah he's still here okay okay well now I just have to go get loads of explosives surely right does it still count as ah [ __ ] that uh do we just get bombs and then come back and blow him up or should I just slowly chip away at him for like hours have you brought I could bring chairs and block the doorway that's actually not a bad idea at all what if I just bring a whole [ __ ] [ __ ] ton of boxes I should have picked up all the boxes from act two that I put down all right we got one one barrel and a and a crate wait can I a never mind send these to Camp I send all this to Camp too this ways like a [ __ ] [ __ ] ton no oh my God [ __ ] flourish flourish is useless I think the blind guy could do something like about him I'll talk to him I thought he all his family died already I thought you were the Cure our Salvation I had hope how would you know the overseers must have used a motivator bastards probably laughed as col all except me gond must have intervened but why save me me why is my life more than my daughters you're right gon if I cannot be my fellow gundian savior then I shall be their Avenger the steel watch needs to be destroyed and The Foundry along with it uh The Foundry was built to withstand the power of aund wild magic Sorcerers in its depths however lies the neuros the nerve center of the steel watch take me to it I will disable the steel watch perversion of gundian ideals Okay cool so he'll blow it up when we're ready and in the meantime like we can get out of the factory get a bunch of good [ __ ] and then I have an idea for that by the way I have an idea way to get around the weight capacity issue if this works I thought they fixed the door thing already oh that counted okay back to camp this vessel is at TH disposal do what thou Wilt follow me bud get this guy go in the Traveler's chest exed find to Camp soon get I don't know how many of these do you think should we just say [ __ ] it and use all of them or save them for Raphael maybe what do you guys think save them for Raphael or or use them on the big robot half of them now take the fireworks they're resistant to fire damage so we sent him to Sir fuzzle lump he's overweight that's fine line Raphael is immune to fire oh immune if raap is immune to fire I'll use a bunch of the firework ones cuz they're not going to do half damage but they're still going to do something oh [ __ ] I'll keep like a none cuz then I won't be able to do this God default to being open at the max man God damn it I hate the inventory system it should just be default open fully take like one line of these and then all of the fire ones that'll work and then we [ __ ] go back and then it doesn't surprise me that Raphael is immune to fire damage considering the guy's a [ __ ] demon a a literal Hellfire demon or whatever no nautiloid fuel I'm pretty sure I used those way long ago wait this is [ __ ] locked now the [ __ ] what I love this game but man act three needs some work also the pathing the pathing does also need work is it going to teleport this dude with me even though he's overweight he's the devil not a demon what's the difference it's all the same I'm racist to Demons [ __ ] I didn't mean to click that [ __ ] that what oh my God what the hell oh my God this is exactly why I don't have multiple look see that oh my [ __ ] god dude this is exactly why I don't have multiple companions cuz the selection system [ __ ] sucks look I'm trying to click on this guy it lags I got to go to this guy wait make sure it's selected on it this is exactly why I don't have good oh my God we're really this slow okay that's not worth it I'm going to [ __ ] the ending is kind of sus in general yeah act three needs some big work in my opinion I like dude I love this game a lot of the interactions in act3 are fine but the path thing needs to be fixed and then a bunch of the bug [ __ ] eventually you know should hopefully be ironed out cuz uh there's some rough [ __ ] companions became completely incapable of jumping by themselves in act three yeah you know you can just teleport items between characters right oroko yes I know that what do you mean I just did it I I literally just sent them all the Sands I some want to have to go through that [ __ ] teleportation screen every time that loading screen I mean sadly act three was cutting off in the upper City remov yeah I said earlier like I I really hope they add um the upper City in like it is very like larion it is exactly like larion to add in a huge uh free content patch you know all right I just got to go like a quick save go here initiate the fight have Mr fuzzle lump send me all of the things and then leave Definitive Edition hopefully yeah it is very like like Arian are not a big DLC kind of Studio but they they they love adding in free [ __ ] to their games like uh in div 2 also the apparently the later half of div Divinity original sin 2 was awful like way worse than act three even from what I've been told I never play I've never got past uh the very end of act two in uh Divinity s to I don't know why I just never got super super far in the prison like 50,000 times though different builds and then we I'm just going to run and hope he doesn't hit me big swing nice all right this ought to be nice looking you get your fire explosive thing hit the box of fireworks this guy is you know double resistance resistance to fire but there's some Force stuff in there too all right and oh oh that did more than I thought it was going to he's below half Health now [ __ ] yeah take a dent out of him with this with a sneak attack I guess CU apparently I can do that piercing shot why not and then Force attack get [ __ ] no I hate the moving camera I hate it so much I hate the moving camera I love that to cther a ball sh is grimy and fun great music and directions and the three side bosses you can uh you can speak to dead yeah the the the kic family in uh are an awesome addition to the game oh the [ __ ] is this oh I immediately just completely healed what he just did to me yeah I like act one and act two in in bg3 are [ __ ] awesome wait what is this he's this is like a cool Shield mode repair Matrix at the S of ter restorative servos heal the steel Watcher for for no what and it give itself a shield only an attack dealing at least 15 damage can H in the seal Watcher are you [ __ ] kidding me how long does that last is that just indefinite defensive protocol bull walk okay no two turns can I break its concentration or something [ __ ] [ __ ] what if I black hole it no it's I can I can only slow it all right magic Missile [ __ ] uh stage five will be good though [ __ ] it nice damn it this one save but that's fine I'm going to stand on this box so I look more intimidating now you can't hit me cuz I'm as tall as you oh he broke my box you [ __ ] how much is he going to heal it's 35 right that's not too bad 13 yeah that's not too bad I can deal with that oh him just blasting around his own steel watches so funny to me anyone AOE they're immune to poison can't do Cloud kill I got anything else oh yeah I need to go buy spells from the [ __ ] spell guy that's what I was going to spend a bunch of money on is like a bunch of AOE Scrolls cuz that's the only thing we don't have plus this would be good actually damn I just shot him back towards me [ __ ] might as well put some distance between me and the boys kind of damage this guy anyway blow him up in one one turn with all you got I mean I already did blow him up in one turn with all I got legitimately all right there we go finally he's not going what oh okay I thought he was going straight back into it I was like dude what did he just detonate them all what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is he just unkillable then that's [ __ ] that's total [ __ ] what the [ __ ] that's [ __ ] [ __ ] that's [ __ ] the [ __ ] is this too this explosion [ __ ] my [ __ ] ass what's above the boss can you drop it on them ooh that'll be good Hellfire missiles oh [ __ ] dude can I make him do that to himself dog that's some [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] apparently I can't make this drop on him though there's no targeting thing I can't even fly up there damn it is there like a a grim thing in this fight Grim style mechanic cuz this dude just could keep healing himself don't you have more explosives at your Camp it doesn't matter I mean it would have unless I maybe get fuzzle lump to uh I'm going to do that that's a good idea actually that's a good idea I'll do that this dude's [ __ ] dumb name [ __ ] breaks his ankle [ __ ] dies use perilous Stakes before the explosion dude that was that would have been such a good [ __ ] idea God damn it [ __ ] I could just load it if he keep keeps healing like an [ __ ] wait yeah why am I wasting hold on I'm quick saving and then I'm doing that that's so much [ __ ] of a better idea why didn't I just do that in the first place [ __ ] I don't know I cleared the room before triggering the robot they probably would have been no the second I triggered the fight the guy spawned though so you can't trigger the robot doesn't make any sense all right perilous perilous Stakes n of movement oh come on come on nice nice uh and then and explosion go come on hell yeah [ __ ] yeah idiot you dumb idiot 69 HP [ __ ] come on please do enough damage to kill him come on come on 32 HP [ __ ] yeah boy first select suggest oh legendary bow oh if only we use bow oh [ __ ] whoa g g male [ __ ] why do all of the goddamn bows Legendary Weapons just glow dude [ __ ] big UPS to whoever suggested doing perilous Stakes I totally forgot about that that bow Is Amazing by the way on a hit possibly inflict guiding bolt upon on the target which is an extra attack advantage that's pretty [ __ ] amazing for bows uh it glows within a 6 met radius is a plus three so gives haste five turn haste once per long rest that's fine requires concentration still Vault of celestial light 170 to 32 full Stacks does 1 d8 radiant on top of the base plus four piercing on the top of the base frighten your target with intimidating arrows uh cool that's pretty good that's pretty good I [ __ ] totally forgot about perilous Stakes God damn that's what we did with the dragon the dargon five turn haste no Lethy wow that's pretty good I've been using haste on my sorcerer as a level three spell and uh that's pretty dope but the Ley sucks oh [ __ ] I'm on fire I think I take more damage when I'm on fire when I'm heated even if they get it get through to my guy it's kind of ridiculous the amount of AC and healing I need some arrows of [ __ ] oh sh I'm [ __ ] dumb as hell oh arrows construct slay how long have I had arrows of oh my [ __ ] god what are these fire attacks uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh why is this happening why are they suddenly like 10 times stronger than they were I'm almost dead what the [ __ ] am might Flames he fire Hellfire ignores resistance and Immunity to fire damage [ __ ] I'm out of here how long do that last one turn [ __ ] where did they do that they didn't do that before when did they get Hellfire [ __ ] okay box Barrel thing box if this works [Music] dude what's in these by the way anything good [ __ ] [ __ ] nothing dude no come on whatever you killed their papa that's true I did kill their big daddy their big robot dad oh my God I think it's I think this is going to work except for the ranged one this is going to work unless they pull me over the barricade that would also suck oh they can jump though so maybe they'll just jump but God [ __ ] damn it a you dick uh all right I'm far enough away don't you if they can reach me I'm going to be so mad what is that movement Range man [ __ ] the fact that they get unlimited like short rest type abilities is crazy too get the [ __ ] out of here all right I'm just focusing them down I got to start doing [Music] dag [Music] uh that's got to be more powerful than a regular shot nice what was that noise what noise oh it's probably my girlfriend laughing in the background she's plays [ __ ] OverWatch and [ __ ] and gets like insanely laughing God they're really trying with that [ __ ] pull ability all right come on give me some crits give Papa sand some crits the lady ooy cackling oh dude that Hellfire [ __ ] looks nice but [ __ ] you that's super bad for me and I don't like that dude the damage of that is nuts that sucks for me so bad let me use another transposition arrow then they don't get attack of opportunity and then I just [ __ ] fly here this [ __ ] shoot him some more little bit more flying yeah that Hellfire [ __ ] sucks reminds me of the Act One trolls Spight I had was running around like five times around the village when they with them chasing in me oh the ogres those are ogres sir not trolls how dare you I think Gail is probably dead oh yeah [ __ ] all right let's go check on Gail after this cuz if his smoking little bodies there that would make sense because I feel like I'm taking way more damage than I would normally oh wait he might be no I still have warding Bond he can't be dead if if if he was dead I wouldn't have warding Bond still is it a mod what what is what a mod I'm not using any mods I'm using exactly zero mods in this run dude I tried getting the uh the eight player mod working again also to do another eight player perade death stream because the other one with the correct rules would have been super fun still can't get it to work just doesn't work I like no matter what I do like I I you can do all these extra [ __ ] fixes but if other people also are installing and can't get it to work cuz there's no way it's just me I saw so many people in the in the comments trying to get it working o ah can I get can I get them into that somehow cuz it's this one turn next Dead come on please please please [ __ ] damn it ow immune to pin down yeah get [ __ ] don't Hell Fire me no [ __ ] you st doing that [ __ ] get [ __ ] get [ __ ] get F there so many shots you're ruined you'll never work in this business again not enough resources why is my movement so bad what the [ __ ] why is my movement so bad I didn't even all whatever go on shoot me [ __ ] nice try I'm immune to cringe robots did you go House of Hope yet I have not I have not gone there yet that's kind of next stream thinking I'm going shoot this guy actually so that they can be gathered around when I when I get that last thing off and I can go here do I get a attack of opportunity if he moves probably not right [ __ ] oh my God all that ability [ __ ] you no don't okay as long as they're not doing more Hellfire exhausts God the one ability that counters Sand's crazy this sucks cuz I need them to be together and this [ __ ] keeps running away [ __ ] it whatever enter your death animation I'm [ __ ] stuck I don't have enough actions to get away oh my God [ __ ] godam and I have [ __ ] [Music] oh [ __ ] these guys the one counter for Sands my baby boy this is some [ __ ] yeah chase this you [ __ ] nink poop po Gail he's just lying there burning in [Laughter] agony oh can I get him no whatever he's going to reach me like it's nothing he's going to run over here like a total knew it all right B I'm not even GNA Dodge him I'm not even GNA avoid this guy go on Hellfire blast me you Big Nerd you big robot [ __ ] right we almost won we almost out of here so many shots go on Hell Fire Blast me I don't even give a [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah whatever damage is irrelevant bam shoot him in the car shoot him in the chest shoot him in the mouth and then fly away like nothing happened right here this he's going to jump and close the distance immediately [ __ ] you [ __ ] stupid steel Watchers steel watch these watch yourself [ __ ] die big robot [ __ ] I'm going enjoy this I put this in cinematic camera mode I'm going to walk over here and [ __ ] a [ __ ] oh finally [ __ ] what a dingus dumb [ __ ] stupid idiot guy hey I have a question does [ __ ] uh if you do the oh [ __ ] I got to go send fuzzle lump back if you do the uh Raphael fight can you do anything that makes you you know res weak to fire in any way I you tried the aicer mod this vessel is at thy disposal no I heard it's good though do what thou wil all right now we just go talk to that guy the Gan guy scuffed gaale in the party that is not a scuffed oh Dono BL with A10 doll Dono Victory Dono thank you my dude and a fun Victory I mean well blowing up the thing was fun fighting those stupid Hellfire [ __ ] was not as fun all right blind guy it don't blow us up it is time all except me yep we heard all this already must have intervened but why save me yep we already did all of this need to be destroyed yep we did all of this I will disable G oh [ __ ] he's like a little servant guy now cool could we just leave or would he leave the potty if we left he could be my little blind helper he could be like a tiny blind helper monkey man oh [ __ ] oh that's so weird I can do the Tab screen cuz I have a follower but it just shows me one uh character that looks so [ __ ] strange range normally the tab button is disabled if you're solo damn that's weird he's blind he doesn't know where he where he goes that's so true damn yeah that's a cool enemy it is time let us end this he gets to the thing it's like error error it's like control alt delete task manager uh reset all right we should try turning it off and on again NEOS awaits your input I don't want to press a button I'm going to break something can I do I have to talk to this guy it's over there bud neuros I can hear it's um familiar I help design the steel Watchers toils night and day on the first bipedal prototype it is fitting and ends this way who made the quad pedal one bring down not only qu that's wrong that's not no that's not right this place will be smoke and Rubble when I am finished just unplugs it and that's it he literally reaches underneath unplugs the the power cord literally switches off like the regular power cord plug like that's it gond let your Hammer be my courage your furnace my heart angrily spam from my experience angrily spamming Sans dude go go go go go go go dude look how heroic he looked yes sh hero of oh there were people in there though there were a lot of people in there though it's [ __ ] run animation how did you survive you're [ __ ] blind there's no way how the [ __ ] that makes no sense that was a hell of a oh friend Watchers collapse in the street of oh you did so much didn't you I didn't even use your stupid bomb well it won't stain this beautiful city with its Abominations douche but it's not over so long as a single parasitic gondan remains Boulders gate is under threat wurn enough the Gans are no more I am all that is left take the city let the iron hands reign supreme I just wish to go home and mourn my daughter in peace I am so on the side of not wol tubin is right never mind tubin has got a dumb stupid [ __ ] name I forgot his name is tubin totally tubular who the [ __ ] uh please if a gondan told me the sky was blue I'd look outside and check tubin will lie torment and steam until kill his dying breath kill him or the iron hands will can I kill wurn youin has suffered enough I won't let you hurt him I'm going to go with this I'm not even going to convince him if I get to kill wol that's dope a blind broken gondan over me your brother in arms yeah you're a dick no I won't allow that do we get to kill w Rebel dies with his cause yes no way okay awesome oh my God wait oh this is yes wait come on come on come on come on come on please here right here no my athletic sucks damn it ah [ __ ] um all right we got to figure this out out uh they're just attacking me so I can just fly away down here and bait them right I go yeah he he can attack me he's not going to do [ __ ] I can run over no fly down here you [ __ ] and then unless they push me into the water which would be you know I I'm kind of asking for it I can black hole them perfect or Repulsor them what a all right that's what we're going to do right here come on wol what what am I to do now I could be kill oh [ __ ] he's attacking randoms that's not very heroic that's not heroic at all it is so like you to throw rocks you giant [ __ ] Volo oh no sh [ __ ] Volo got pulled in can I just pick this lady up and chuck her in yeah I can [Music] nice [Laughter] I do like this game all right I'm going to Black ho these guys as close as possible nice black colem again like here like there oh yeah oh yeah baby and then we go here and then I [ __ ] pick up this lady and chuck her in also that was a man any final words wbr you giant piece of crap damn you almost hit me that time God damn how many attacks do you get actually all right oh oh that mean that's not great that's not you know what kind of don't want to all right whatever all right that's can I not come on there we go all right any last words wbr no okay [ __ ] oh that was an action too [ __ ] that actually I get a second one that's fine any last what you've had your chance [ __ ] God damn it son of a [ __ ] how do you aim this again no no damn it uh all right fine God damn it see what he does is he going to go and attack Volo maybe no all right this [ __ ] guy oh okay you little son of a [ __ ] oh that's it that's it wurn say your final words you that I'm just going to try and throw him in the [ __ ] this again die yes die forever and drown all right that was fun good stuff stupid wbr all right so next time I guess we go and do the bank missions to get mega Rich we go buy a bunch of magical Scrolls and then we we hunt down that vampire guy or Raphael I guess No Loot though loots overrated we don't want anything off wbr that would involve talking or interacting with him all right cool all right anyway fun stream very fun we did it Reddit oo and gnome genocide name a better Duo it's usually G Yankee genocide so and it's only wbr I like gnomes I just saved the gnome actually I think you'll find I saved a man whose family had been murdered by killing a sociopathic piece of violent [ __ ] and also a guy who's very rude in dialogue which is way worse of a crime in my opinion anyway anyway thanks for watching guys I a blast as per usual this game is awesome even with the slightly frustrating bugs and issues same thing with wammer 3 still at its roots a decent game but man it needs some [ __ ] work holy [ __ ] um anyway thanks for watching thanks for the donos thanks for etc etc hope people that are watching back watching this back at 1.5 times I'm going to I'm now going to start talking a little bit faster so this part is just completely unlistenable and I will see on the next stream and uh [ __ ] I yeah I don't know anyway I'll see you guys next time fun stream uh I I'll try and get that eight player mod working if anybody knows how to get it working let me know because if we can get that [ __ ] you know better that will be ideal um if we can get it working uh to what it was like that would be ideal cuz [ __ ] me dude I it is so annoying I've done every step I can think of and it's not I can't get it to work but I would love to do another eight player prom death cuz I think that was a fun idea I want to build on that anyway I'm just going to keep rambling so I'll see you guys in the next one you can't make us split up the family the crew and I are risking Our Lives we're not doing this for charity
Channel: Okoii
Views: 21,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate, bg3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldur, gate, warhammer, baldurs gate stream, streams, balurs gate, Dark Urge stream, baldur's gate multiplayer, multiplayer, multi stream, multiplayer stream, permadeath, 8 player
Id: 3Ul4e5QJnBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 297min 49sec (17869 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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