The Known Lore of Every State In The Fallout Universe

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welcome back Wasteland Wanderers today we'll be looking at every state in the United States and their known lore in the Fallout Universe this will include not so official lore from Fallout tactics vanen and Fallout Brotherhood of Steel we'll start with Alaska as many of you know this state was ravaged by the Sino American war that lasted for almost a decade where the Chinese People's Republic invaded Alaska because of its last remaining oil reserves in a time when the whole world was starving for the black gold in the end thanks to the introduction of power armor the United States was able to push back the invading Chinese but sadly it didn't matter because shortly after the whole world was plunged into a nuclear induced dark age according to the lore created by interplay entertainment strategy games Department as continuation of the Fallout tactic Story the Brotherhood of Steel ended up occupying some of the abandoned pre-war us facilities there located mostly in the bearing straight area from abandoned nuclear silos to satellite relay stations the Brotherhood would also Force the local wastelanders living there in their ranks as Canon fodder or just straight up enslave them and stick them into their re-education camps the state is a brutal Arctic Wasteland still inhabited by the Inuits a collection of Native American tribes resisting the Brotherhood and super mutants the city of Anchorage is stated to be in total ruin Washington State moving on to Wasing Washington State just outside Seattle a new country called isqua nation has risen in the old pre-war city of isqua with dangerous violent Shaman bent on expanding their territory across the Pacific Northwest called the Hawkman Braves Seattle itself has survived the Great War with its Space Needle Still Standing as seen in this concept art made by interplay reclaimed by nature and covered in snow under Mount St Helens located south of Seattle a vault Vault was constructed by voltech to research the effects of releasing small doses of radiation into the Vault once a day and how it would affect the Vault dwellers inside it was named Vault 6 apparently there was also a pre-war company based in Washington called the Rockwell clearing house that was sending junk mail to Appalachia trying to scam its residents by claiming that they were eligible for a cash price of $100 million Oregon not much which is known about the fate of Portland but according to the lore Fallout tactics A brotherhood Base is located somewhere west of the city called Fort wamit the Anchorage quartermaster shipment holotape found in the Mother Ship Zeta DLC indicates that a pre-war US Army Warehouse in a possible Munitions manufacturing facility exists somewhere in the state run by General Victor Breen Ridge making it feasible that these facilities survived the Chinese bombardment and were later taken over by the Brotherhood a bunch of small settlements are located around Mount Hood where a group called the cause is founded its purpose is to fight against the oppressive regime of the Brotherhood from Oregon to Alaska and onwards the settlement of a royal founded by The Vault dweller following his Exile from vault 13 is located in southern Oregon it's the birthplace of the chosen one who in Fallout 2 was able to find the gek and use it to help our Royal prosper and eventually turn into a large powerful City by 2281 the NCR would later absorb the city and the surrounding areas Emily ortell and Fallout New Vegas is from there and will complain about NCR taxes and inflation I have family back in Ayo but this is where all the good work is being done so to speak NCR taxes and inflation have been hard for a lot of people to deal with and most of the money is going to the war effort also in Fallout 2 a group of Oregon cannibals seem to have settled some somewhere near Royo usually in groups of six they attack other tribals and wastelanders in the area and eat them the town of clth built upon the remains of clamo Falls is located in southern Oregon as well a small community of Trappers live there hunting skinning and eating geckos according to clamo Bob in New Vegas even after 40 years since the events of Fallout 2 the small town continues to live in the same manner yeah good old clth not a bad place if you like hunting eating and skinning geckos all day Idaho in one of Fallout new Vegas's endings if the great cons end up allying with the legion and the NCR defeats them in the Second Battle of Hoover Dam the remaining cons will get driven North Into the Wilderness of Idaho indicating that perhaps the state is mostly uninhabited the Victorious NCR turned its attention to those who had Allied themselves with Caesar the great KH were among the first tribes to suffer this fate and the few who survived Hoover Dam were driven North Into the Wilderness of Idaho not much else is known about Idaho Montana before eating their meals in the Citadel Elder Lions will give a blessing quoting the words of Elder petalis of the Montana bunker revealing the brotherhood's presence there Brothers as we take our meal this day let us reflect upon the words of Elder Petrus of the Montana bunker The Lonesome drifter in Fallout New Vegas will mention being from the direction of Montana well I was born in a little town out Montana way me and Ma didn't have much ever since Papa up and left and we'll also mention working in the coal mines there it sure wasn't easy ma worked her fingers through the bone to make sure we had enough to survive and I worked the coal mines from when I was 15 this is very interesting because in the promotional newsletter series called the armagan and rag written by Chris Taylor and Marco green for the canceled Fallout online project a story is featured about some wastelanders trying to find the place called The Mankey be mine an old silver mine located somewhere around the city of but in Montana a concept art of the mine also exists and judging by the picture the area looks Barren and desert-like but clearly has some human settlements and Signs of Life moving down to Wyoming if Papa Khan is convinced to not help the legion and to have his people seek their own future the Great cons will eventually migrate North into the plains of Wyoming where they will reconnect with the Followers of the Apocalypse and build a mighty Empire for themselves the great cons quickly evacuated Redrock Canyon and headed north and east into the plains of Wyoming there they reconnected with the Followers of the Apocalypse and rebuilt their strength they carved a mighty Empire out of the ruins of the Northwest in the Honest Hearts DLC if defeated by Joshua Graham and the dead horses the white legs will flee Into the Wilderness of Wyoming where half their tribe dies in the first winter with the remnants scattered to the winds the following spring a city called troll Warren was once planned to appear in Wyoming in one of the cancelled Fallout games inhabited by super mutants similar to jacobstown Colorado in Fallout tactics Vault zero also known as calculator's lirer is located near the Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado the Vault was designed to be a place where the Geniuses of the pre-war United States could be kept in cryogenic stasis their brains were extracted and Frozen for the duration of their residence there and they were hooked up together to one big supercomputer called the calculator which was supposed to function in collaboration with the brains of these pre-war Geniuses to design and nurture an ideal Human Society in the post-war Wasteland in the year 2197 a nuclear reactor is still operating outside the prear city of Bueno Vista powering the nearby robot factories used by the calculator what's left of the city of Denver is now known as dog town no real civilization exists there other than series of salvager camps set up high in the skyscraper ruins away from the endless packs of feral dogs that roam the streets below a tribe called The Hang dogs was living just outside of Denver they worshiped the dogs and had even domesticated some of them between 20 to 77 and 2281 Caesar's Legion arrived to the region in force defeating and assimilating the Hang dogs and annexing Denver Anthony a legion houndmaster and a former hang dog talks about this when the legion showed up we fought most tribes did hang dogs hung out longer than most broke Us by throwing our dogs on the fire kaisar was impressed enough to conscript us use our skills with dogs is to join the legion as Hound Masters according to legot lenus the campaign to take the city was costly and took years long ago when taking Denver I had to face such a challenge many died over many years to claim the city as ours it was the lines of food and water that nearly broke the legion's strength and the lack of tribes near that cursed City during the events of Fallout New Vegas most of the state is controlled by the Legion and most of the nomadic tribes that were living there like the twin mothers and the iron Rivers tribes were destroyed by Caesar Utah Salt Lake City was hit by 13 nuclear bombs during the Great War turning it into a sea of fire and destruction when the fires finally died down the city was left a smoldering ruin with nothing but craters and destroyed buildings even so a little north of the city in the ruins of Ogden the surviving Mormons began to rebuild and founded a new town called new Canan their strong defensive abilities allowed new Canan to become a powerful force in the north of the state sadly Caesar contracted The Vicious white leg dribe through one of his most capable from anari ulses to destroy New Canaan which they did butchering anyone they could find in the end only 30 new Canaanites were left in the region including Joshua Graham and Daniel despite that they continue to trade and rebuild according to Van Bun's design documents the Mormons who survived the Great War did so because of the existence of Vault 70 that was located near Salt Lake City although Caesar claims to control most of Utah that doesn't seem to be the case many tribes and Raider gangs still roam the state like the 80s tribe the Vipers as well as the white legs and more peaceful tribes like the sorrow and the dead horses this can be discovered by asking Jed the traveling Merchant who works for the Happy Trails Caravan company about the situation in Utah well it ain't good I tell you that it's not like the Mojave or the NCR hell even Arizona under Caesar is safer you got Raiders all over the damn place tribe to degenerate that'll each soon as look at you Regional Warlords The Works the worst of the 80s but we won't be passing through their Turf on this run Nevada the80s tribe also occupy a large SWAT of land in Northern Nevada mainly around the I80 Highway they raid Frontier towns for supplies and kidnap people in the area more towards the Californian Border in the Northwestern part of the state a Hightech Vault City exists established by the Dwellers of Vault 8 after the Great War the inhabitants used their gek to build a prosperous City around their vault using its fusion generator as a power source just north of Vault City a ghoul town called gecko is also established its economy is based on the operation of an old half functioning Poseidon energy nuclear power plant which is slowly leaking waste into the local groundwater making anyone who drinks from any well in the area get radiation sickness more south the capital of sin the city of Nino can be found run by the mordino bishop and Wright families as well as broken Hills a mining town inhabited by humans super mutants and ghouls living together in in relative Harmony even more south of course we all know of the existence of New Vegas unlike other major cities Vegas emerged from the atomic fire of the Great War relatively unscathed oh to the preemptive actions of Robert house in 2065 although for a time after the Great War the city was mostly settled by tribals and Raiders in 2274 when the first NCR Scouts arrived at Hoover Dam house decided to offer an ultimatum to to the Raider tribes settled on the Strip join him or die three tribes accepted his offer eventually taking up the identities of the chairman the omeras and the white glove Society subsequently creating the New Vegas that we see in the game thanks to a deal struck between the Republic and Mr House New Vegas would retain its autonomy while the NCR would occupy areas around it in the Hoover Dam this is also where the legion and the NCR clashed for the first time in the first battle of Hoover Dam California pretty much all of the state is occupied by the new California Republic a large Democratic Federation founded in Shady Sands it encompasses towns like modok junktown and reading and cities like San Francisco the Boneyard formerly known as Los Angeles deow originally known as San Diego and necropolis formerly Bakersfield the state is also home to the hub where the water Merchants are responsible for the introduction of bottle caps as currency backing it with water a scarce commodity in the post-war America the Brotherhood of Steel originated in California as well when their founder Roger Maxon a former US Army Captain took over Lost Hills shortly after the Great War and declared that the United States has failed to protect its citizens and serve their needs during the years leading up to the war and stated that they must form a new order to preserve civilization a Brotherhood of Steel sadly California is also home to one of the most highly irradiated locations in the Fallout Universe the glow a former West research facility destroyed by direct nuclear strikes and the divide an area near the Nevada border torn apart by Quakes radioactive storms and monstrous dust storms that could skin you alive caused by the pre-war us Warheads detonating in the underground silos there making the area unlivable Arizona according to Raul tahada in Fallout New Vegas after the Great War Arizona was largely fragmented and Lawless infested with Raiders and violent gangs people around here tend to see them as invading Marauders planning to burn and pillage the countryside but I've been to Arizona boss before the legion it was a nasty place so thick with Raiders you couldn't trade with a town 2 miles up the road in vanan the Brotherhood has a hidden bunker in the state built by Senator Todd Peterson in 2067 to how himself and his family should a War break out unfortunately for him the war caught him unaware and the bunker was never actually used for its intended purpose until some years later when Roger Maxon and his newly founded Brotherhood claimed it for themselves there's also a location called the Bloomfield Space Center an old Air Force Base littered with the rusting carcasses of numerous air vehicles living there is a gang called The Rusty hooks led by Kyle the hook Arizona is where Caesar took control of his first tribe the blackfoots and created his Caesar's Legion in 2247 he continued to conquer tribes from Southwestern Utah Southwestern Colorado the western edge of New Mexico and the northern half of Arizona occupying more and more territory by 2255 he had established his Capital amid the ruins of Flagstaff and had declared himself the Son of Mars he would continue to Annex all of Arizona from the Grand Canyon to the two sons for L known as Tucson rul claims to have lived there for 75 years before the legion arrived get in there boss I'd been in tucon the locals can call it Tucson all they want but it's Tucson damn it about 75 years when she showed up this was a long time ago before Caesar's Legion pacified Arizona and brought the Raider tribes to heal he would claim that since the legion took over Arizona things have been a lot more peaceful there something also echoed by Dale Barton a traitor from Arizona found in the fort hell I don't even need to travel with guards most of the time in Legion territory all the bandits are dead or run off Phoenix still exists but its condition and whether it got hit by nukes is unknown Joshua Graham mentions the city and Compares it with New Vegas and the Boneyard calling it just a place of metal and Stone New Mexico in vanin a ghoul town called the reservation would have been found built in the remains of Lo Salos new nuclear testing facility in the rocky hills of Northern New Mexico led by a deranged and paranoid ghoul named Dr William Clark his objective is to use the nuclear facility to develop new nuclear bombs and to complete the process of turning the earth into his promised Earth the area surrounding the reservation is highly radioactive just like with Arizona the legion seems to have occupied most of New Mexico confirmed by Siri and Dale Barton a small town in New Mexico meico the legion burned it a few years back that's how I ended up here not much else is known about the state Texas if we were to believe the lore of Fallout Brotherhood of Steel there's a lot going on in Texas after the defeat of the Master's Army in Fallout 1 a super mutant named Addis gathered some of the remaining mutants and fled to Texas there they would continue to search for ways to make the Master's plan a reality and try to cure their sterility problem this would not go on noticed by the Brotherhood and specifically by head Paladin rhombus who would personally lead an expedition to Texas and arrive there in 2208 there they would occupy an abandoned prototype Vault and make it their base of operations later on the Texas Brotherhood would also expand into Fort Worth and the town of Alamo the state has multiple established settlements like carbon a small community of agricultural and Brahman Farmers lus a ghoul city bordering a mountainous region in West Texas and the location of a hidden corporate Vault Leck another small town shared by both Ghouls and humans and a trading center called lonar built on what used to be known as abalene before the Great War the medical malpractice pistol in Fallout 76 was manufactured by a pre-work company called Red Eagle firearms that was located in Austin Texas the City of Austin seems to have survived the war but now is infested with super mutants and mutated plant life according to Tex Rogers holotape titled message Dem Marge he was trying to get back home to Texas before joining up with the Brotherhood of Steel I've made it maybe 400 miles since the bombs at this rate Texas might as well be a million miles further I need a I need a unit a place to belong I feel like the Brotherhood may be it Oklahoma a rejection letter from ftec in Fallout 3 informs a resident in Spring Vil that they may apply to vaults in other areas like Oklahoma and newly annexed Canada revealing the existence of at least one vault in the state chief handland mentions that red oi Centuria have been called into Mojave recently which might be a reference to Oklahoma as well as the name Oki often refers to people from Oklahoma and the dirt in the state appears red caused by the large amount of iron in the soil thus read Oki it seems that Caesar's Legion has at one point been in the area Louisiana the only mention of Louisiana is by initiate Ellison of the Brotherhood of Steel encountered in Fallout 76 who is originally from there I was born in Louisiana but I hardly remember it we moved to West Virginia when I was really young me my mom and my brother Arkansas there are no mentions or information about Arkansas Mississippi General Brocks terminal in Fort strong in Fallout 4 mentions launchers being sent ahead to a supply yard in Mississippi and a terminal in The Parlor in the NAA World DLC describes a pre-war fictional story of a girl from a small town in Mississippi Tennessee in the Ladies Auxiliary tape 8 one of the members mentions mugs that are in stock at a corner store made in the state no no no not that I mean didn't somebody get mugged or something up the way oh yeah right Ernest did just get a whole lot of new Mugs Up at the corner store nice nice made in Tennessee I think Tennessee is also mentioned in the observations volume 27 paper note in Fallout 76 it's quite disappointing that there's not much more information available about the state since in the real world is where the Secret Manhattan Project took place to develop the atomic bomb Alabama Alabama is not mentioned anywhere moving on to Georgia in follow 76 Jenny Brown the leader of the villagers at The Retreat Compares appalachia's humidity to that of what she experienced in Georgia this place ain't quite Georgia but the humidity sure trying in Fallout 4 the state is also mentioned by a factory Foreman who began his military career in Georgia and on a Matt murdog baseball card that states his hometown was Atlanta Georgia Florida according to the lore of Fallout tactics the Midwest Brotherhood of Steel has established themselves in Florida and are battling the mutant Liberation Army because of an irradiated G that had been activated years prior the whole area is infested with deadly mutant plants and fungi that prey on animals and humans there are even mutated crocodiles scouring the swamps for their next meal in Fallout 76 the blue Rich Caravan company's bartender hersel Klein states that Paladin ramani the leader of the brotherhood's first expedition Ary force in Appalachia was spotted in Florida performing a trapeze act one of my regulars said that he saw that Paladin ramani lady doing a trapeze act down in Florida true story South Carolina and North Carolina not much is known about either of these states other than the MRIs found in Fallout new Vegas's DLC Lonesome Road were manufactured in Mullins South Carolina and the health dispensers found in the Anchorage reclamation simulation in the operation Anchorage DLC were made by a pre-war company named Lee rapid Pharmaceuticals based in Charlotte North Carolina in the Museum of Technology in Fallout 3 the plard in front of the right flyer 1 also mentions Kittyhawk North Carolina as the location of the debuted Flight of the right flyer one created by Orwell and Wilbur Wright Virginia a lot of the towns and settlements in Fallout 3 are located in Virginia from Andale and Fort indep dependence to 10 Penny Tower and little Lamplight Jack Smith will state that Commonwealth of Virginia lives on in Andale if you tell him that Virginia has been gone for 200 years not here not in Andale no sir the great Commonwealth of Virginia is Alive and Well in fact we just voted ourselves a new governor Lacy and isella are also from Virginia and describe it as a difficult place to live we both came over from Virginia well what was Virginia there's a lot more hot zones that way in the few spots that are livable well they got pick clean fast I mean appalache is dangerous really dangerous but it's better than where we've been the unique naughty nightwear pajamas were especially made in Virginia via tailor for Lugnut the Brotherhood is present in the state as well obviously Washington DC bordering Virginia and Maryland is the setting for Fallout 3 after multiple nuclear strikes during the Great War the city remains in Ruins overrun by super mutants and Raiders fighting them are the Lion's Brotherhood of Steel better known as the East Coast Brotherhood headquartered at the former Pentagon building many landmarks can still be visited in the city and thanks to the actions of the lone Wanderer the water purifier inside the Jefferson Memorial is providing clean water to the whole Capital Wasteland Maryland locations like Canterbury Commons Republic of Dave Oasis and Paradise Falls are all found in Maryland the free radicals inap lacha originated from the Western Maryland Correctional Facility The Point Lookout DLC takes place in The Point Lookout State Park in Maryland although never directly hit by any nukes the water Point lookout's bogs was still contaminated by the patomic river that flows out of the capital Wasteland exposing the locals there to radiation and throughout the years turning them into the swamp folk Desmond Lockard encountered there will mention how his old rival's family owned half of Maryland but when there was a Maryland to own Adam's Air Force base is also located in Maryland West Virginia spared from most of the destruction and Carnage of the Great War due to its relative isolation and lack of strategic targets the environment there was still affected by a radioactive fallout from other areas of the former United States which ended up mutating much of the local Wildlife unchecked Coal Mine fires have blanketed an area centered around Mount Blair in Ash and factories and Industrial sites around the town of Clarksburg polluted that area cloaking it in a white powder much of the surviving human population after the war perished over the following years due to the scorched plague caused by a hazardous mutagenic plague indigenous to the vast Caverns beneath Appalachia spread by Scorch beasts periodically breaching the surface and terrorizing the countryside despite its problems West Virginia is being resettled by wastelanders coming from other bordering states like Pennsylvania and Maryland as well as Raiders and the Brotherhood of Steel there are at least six known vaults in the state Charleston the capital city of West Virginia escaped nuclear Devastation and remained intact until 2082 when David Thorp the leader of a Raider gang used a mini- nuke to destroy the Summersville Dam causing catastrophic damage to the City Pennsylvania the TV broadcast at the start of Fallout 4 will state that Pennsylvania was hit by a nuclear weapon we do we do have do have coming in that's um confirmed reports I repeat confirmed reports of nuclear detonations in New York and Pennsylvania in Abraham Washington's terminal he writes that he had met someone who claimed to have a piece of Liberty Bell from Philadelphia he had then decided to fund an expedition to that quote unquote dump in his words in hopes of having the entire Bell brought back Yasmin chowri a traveling Chef in Falla 76 is from Philadelphia she claims to have spent her whole life there I was born in Philadelphia spent my whole life there until culinary school after graduating I went back to Philly to be near my family while I started making a name for myself as a chef my dream was to open my own restaurant Pennsylvania's second largest city Pittsburgh is known as the pit a Raider dominated slave City it was established in the aftermath of the Great War by local gangs in the year 2255 they were all nearly wiped out by the Brotherhood of Steel passing through the area on their way to the capital Wasteland only to be revitalized by a former Brotherhood initiate Ishmael Asher and his recently formed Army of Raiders by 2277 the city's slave trade and steel industry had made it a major power on the East Coast as a major industrial center for steel production Pittsburgh was a priority Target for the Chinese Warheads the WarHeads that landed near the Metropolis would dramatically altered the environment around the city the radioactive fallout from the WarHeads mixed with the heavy industrial pollution from the steel mills created a hazardous environment unique to the area slowly poisoning anyone living there Everett the mil Foreman in the pit DLC also mentions a town called Monroeville still existing outside Pittsburgh enclave's main base of operations on the east coast ravenrock is located in the mountains of Pennsylvania Delaware Delaware sadly has no mentions in the Fallout Universe New Jersey the only known surviving City in the state is Atlantic City spared by a direct Nuclear Strike it still suffered severe flooding in the wake of nuclear detonations elsewhere with flood waters rushing into the city at high speeds destroying everything in their path the devastation was significant further worsened by shipping vessels smashed by the waves into the coastal region of the city when the water settled they reached reached up to as far as the second floor particularly in the ruin City Center despite that the rest of the city deeper Inland was spared and remain dry by the time of the Atlantic City expansion in Fallout 76 the city has a functioning government and is relatively wealthy thanks to the entertainment industry gambling and chems the only major threat to the residents there is the sudden increase in the number of overgrown and ambulatory horribly mutated Flora coming from the pine baronss near the city in Fallout New Vegas if if you have the wild Wasteland Trade A New Jersey license flate can be found in The Big Empty on an abandoned military truck cut in half New York State there's not much known about the state other than New York City received a direct Nuclear Strike from the Chinese as reported by a civil alert system still broadcasting in Fallout 4 this morning Saturday October 23rd authorities detected that a nuclear attack had commenced against the United States the following cities affected include but are not limited to Washington DC New York Philadelphia and Boston before the war the City's population reached 17 million and it overwhelmingly relied upon nuclear power to meet its energy needs resulting in near meltdown of the city's main reactor it was a major center of culture and commerce up until the nuclear war Dean domino in the dead money DLC boasts of having performed in New York Johnny Weston in Fallout 76 will claim that he's a originally from New York City where he was a bum living on the streets as a failed actor when the bombs dropped I was a bum a failed actor living on the streets in New York City if true it would seem that at least part of the city had survived after all in a holotape titled Maxon was right recorded by initi at Dresden in Fallout 4 she describes flying over large cities with skyscrapers on their way to Boston with some nearly clipping the pridwin indicating that perhaps they flew over New York New York City it's opened my eyes on the flight here we passed city after City buildings taller than I've ever seen some that nearly clipped the pridwin and who uses them now mutants freaks according to Emil palor Rulo New York was discussed as a possible location and added to a design document during the early development of Fallout 4 Connecticut Connecticut is mentioned by Gilbert Hopson in Appalachia who's from a small town called Monroe in Connecticut sadly the town was affected by radiation causing his wife Millie to have cancer up north Connecticut a small town called Monroe named for the fifth president of the United States it was quite lovely especially in the Autumn my wife and I used to ride the bicycle trails on Sundays and then visit the local Brewery for a pint ah I do miss those days and I miss my Millie may she rest in Everlasting peace in Fallout 4 on a West Everett Estates terminal Lance Ames a co-founder of the initial settlement at the West Everett Estates in 2078 writes about being in the states stuck on a freeway when the bombs dropped Rhode Island there's no mentions or information about Rhode Island so we'll move on to the next state Massachusetts as most of you know Massachusetts is the setting for Fallout 4 where we can explore the state's capital Boston as well as small towns around it like Salem and quinsey thankfully Boston itself was never directly hit with any nukes but in the following weeks chaos engulfed the city in 2287 during the events of Fallout 4 most of the city is abandoned and lies in ruin despite the near constant fighting going on throughout the city's ruins between the different Raider groups and super mutants three peaceful settlements have been established inside Boston Diamond City Bunker Hill and good neighbor who also act as the pillars for the Region's post-war economy the city is home to the Institute an advanced technocratic scientific group living under the ruins of the CIT building in Cambridge the state experiences a humid continental climate slightly altered by radiation from the Great War mutating the local flora and fauna it also experiences rad storms partly caused by the glowing Sea located Southwest of Boston a highly irradiated area resulting from a detonation of a single nuclear device a Christian Monastery called Abbey of the road is located somewhere in Western Massachusetts one of its missionaries Marcela can be met in the Point Lookout DLC New Hampshire the only known mention of the state is in the name of the nh& M company which stands for New Hampshire and Massachusetts a pre-war Freight Railroad and transportation company that was operating in Massachusetts and probably in New Hampshire as well Vermont there are no mentions of Vermont Maine the far Harbor DLC takes place on the mount desert island in Maine now called the island after the war the island was radically changed and now is perpetually blanketed in a thick radioactive fog nearly every species on the island has been severely mutated and only a few areas are still left habitable far Harbor formerly known as Harbor is one of the last remaining settlements and with the help of Acadia a colony of escaped syns has been able to keep the radioactive fog at Bay with fog condensers the island is also inhabited by the children of Adam Vim was a popular soft drink that was made in Maine it never gained the popularity that nuca colola did but it remained a large part of Maine's culture and was even up for consideration as the state's official drink in the pre-war era Ohio the state can actually be seen in Fallout 76 since the collapse North Road Bridge connects West Virginia and Ohio over the Ohio River the bridge is visually based on the real world silver Memorial Bridge which connects Point Pleasant West Virginia to gallopolis Ohio initiate Norland a member of the Brotherhood of Steel and Appalachia is from Ohio I come from Ohio my parents worked in the government Before the War when I learned about the Brotherhood and what they're doing to preserve the world I left home to do my part there's a holotape in the Mothership Zeta DLC of a captured family from Cincinnati who seem to be pretty excited about the whole ordeal and in 76 the Raider Punk encountered at the crater Corp will tell you to become an alien sacrifice and will mention Ohio Orwell Town Ohio was the home of the ls smackman company who manufactured industrial siiz shortenings found in Fallout 4 Kentucky Carver Timberman a caravan Merchant in Fallout 76 will mention living in Kentucky well I was born around here actually but my mom moved us sometime after the war now we live in a settlement out in what used to be Kentucky I guess maybe it still is Kentucky I don't know Sophie Wagner a member of the responders also grew up there who me oh I'm not that interesting came here from Kentucky wanted to see more of the world that pretty happy childhood we had a whole commune all the kids raised together so I had like two dozen siblings and lots of parents the company that made suppressors found in Fallout 4 76 was headquartered in Liberty Kentucky Michigan only the city of Detroit is mentioned in the description of a pre-war movie called Manz aloid versus roborill the home to a robot made from 8,000 tons of Detroit steel and a American Ingenuity perhaps indicating that the city was still an industrial Powerhouse in the year 2077 Indiana nothing is known about Indiana Illinois Illinois is the setting for interplace Fallout tactics after defeating the Master's Army at some point the Brotherhood of Steel dispatched the fleet of airships to hunt down super mutants in the midwest most of which were destroyed one of these airships crash landed near the ruins of Chicago there the surviving me MERS established a new chapter in the area eventually going rogue and severing contact with the rest of the Brotherhood in Fallout 3 scribe Jameson mentions the Brotherhood battling super mutants in Chicago the Brotherhood has been battling super mutants for decades first out west then in Chicago now here head scribe Rothchild will mention the midwestern Brotherhood and them going rogue there's also a small Detachment in Chicago but they're off the radar gone Rogue long story Chicago itself was nearly completely destroyed in the Great War and the few people that survived now mostly live in small tribal Villages near the former city the preor city of prioria located halfway between Chicago and St Louis also lays in Ruins only a small primitive Village exists there inhabited by the wuu tribe Springfield on the other hand is a thriving town in the state and controls a very resourcer Province it's inhabited by humans and Ghouls and contributes to the midwestern brotherhood's War Machine the town of quinsey built in the ruins of the city of quiny in Illinois is also inhabited by humans and ghouls the town was constantly threatened by a tribal group called The Beast Lords until the Brotherhood took them under their protection the City of Freeport has become a large Raider then housing supplies of fossil fuels in 2197 it would eventually get destroyed by the Brotherhood in The Lonesome row DLC it's revealed there is an Enclave Outpost in Chicago where the iBot Eddie went for repairs and was held by a boy named Tommy and his family Missouri the largest city in the state St Louis sadly also lies in ruin plagued by super mutants Raider gangs and the Beast Lords the midwestern Brotherhood would engage in horrific battles there not much remains of Jefferson City the capital of Missouri in Fallout tactics a super mutant facility is located there operated by urol a super mutant scientist trying to find a cure to the mutant sterility problem Iowa the only mention of Iowa is in a pre-war terminal entry in Fallout 76 where Dr Constance Nichols writes about her decision to stay at the national isolated radio array in Appalachia instead of going home to Iowa for Thanksgiving Minnesota unfortunately nothing is known about the state of Minnesota with Wisconsin there are no mentions of Wisconsin either Kansas the pre-war Junction City in Kansas is now an independent midsize town with its own security force in Fallout tactics they would refuse to Ally with the midwestern Brotherhood although would eventually ask for help when a religious cult named the reavers would start harassing the town and launching probing attacks at them cold water is another town built among the ruins of the pre-war City of cold water in Kansas it's mainly famous in the region for its casinos and is inhabited by humans as well as some ghouls around 2198 red Stingers a group of criminals from quiny Illinois led by an individual named guo seavo stole a Brotherhood of Steel vehicle and a couple of power armors before heading off to cold water armed with Brotherhood equipment the red Stingers easily took control of the town during this period of time the town was inhabited by many CI citizens and traitor with the gulo gang being the rulers of it eventually the Brotherhood sent in a squad to take out the gang and retrieve their stolen property the pre-war industrial city of Great Bend survives as a town full of garbage in Fallout tactics it's attacked by the calculator's Army wiping out almost all of its post-war residents later on it was retaken by the Brotherhood but it's unknown if the town was ever repopulated again Nebraska in Fallout 76 Lincoln Nebraska is mentioned in a encrypted radio broadcast created by Brotherhood scribes trying to locate the first expeditionary force with whom they lost contact according to the message they seem to have estimated the location of the force to be near the city of Lincoln in Nebraska not much else is known about the state South Dakota the only known mention made in the Fallout Universe of South Dakota is by mccrady in Fallout 4 who while clearing the warehouses in good neighbor will say some strange things turn up in these places ever hear about that warehouse in South Dakota yesh North Dakota North Dakota has no mentions in the Fallout Universe Hawaii Hawaii is mentioned on the kiosks in the Museum of History in Fallout 3 as being located in the mid-pacific ocean and having been annexed in the 19th century in Fallout 4 in one of the Beaver Creek Lane's terminals an entry made in the year 2017 6 can be found made by Thomas Davis who writes about being deployed to the war and that his ship is leaving from Hawaii
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: x8oCI7rWUcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 35sec (2615 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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