🔴 Baldur's Gate 3 - 1 Player Solo Rogue Finishing Act 2

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[Music] sorry I was playing dark tide boys my [Music] be Justice through of the cat thing by the way you guys didn't hear about that I don't wonder if anybody can hear me feel like it's too loud [ __ ] it we're good everybody's seen that clip wait why is it not showing the game there it is all right all right hello everyone what's good it is time time for more Sands Sans gaming what were we doing last oh yeah the way this is from the thumbnail this is the last save good oh [ __ ] can this be a do tide stream in instead I was thinking of maybe streaming a little bit of do tide I was watching that I'm sorry if you haven't seen it go go watch the first huffling video that I made that's it's at the end the Ines of [ __ ] lip oh how did you censor yourself there's the boy there's our beautiful man all right what are we doing this time God I forgot how much of an absolute travesty in my inventory was oh yeah we had like this bag of Scrolls that I keep forgetting to put this in nice I remember now I remember what we we was doing right so today is going to be getting into back three I think so maybe explore the rest of the of the thing take off your pants I'm not going to get the stream demonetized immediately what what happens if I take off these though there you go I kind of like that it's sort of a summary looking look at his little shorts maybe we we tried a new fit for this episode what do you think maybe sans's new look with his little shorts I kind of like this the stretchy hot pants are kind of iconic though and they're so high-waisted you know he's wearing them up to his little nips hello Koy I come to watch greatness she came to the wrong stream my boy this is where you you watch mediocre add man be bad at video game ooy video getting demonetized no way that's true that's true we cannot show sans's meaty thighs too much we will be just demonetized forever talk to wolber oh [ __ ] I forgot we let wolber out let's go talk to that little gnome guy that's a total douche I will die on this hill wurn is a total douche and I do not like him he's mean to his friend who cares about him he's dismissive he is egotistical and loves himself and thinks he's this big hot ass guy and we're he's just a little douche A Little Gnome douche I stand by it this guy's stupid and his last name is dumb who even is called bongle this idiot man [ __ ] this guy throw him off the cliff I might yes I like it also he looks like a tiny elf he doesn't even look like a gnome he's far too handsome to salutes you my Lord this is what a real gnome looks like look right exactly like the oh my God this is this guy looks exactly like exactly ly like Sands but without the flavor they could be twins even it's almost like they're using the same base head model and it's super distracting and they should just add a randomized facial features option I wonder why they did that like do you think it's just because it takes up a lot more space or whatever or you know like in like in like Oblivion or most RPGs you have um handsome what I mean compared to like a [ __ ] look at his face you know what I mean he looks like an elf He looks like a tiny elf and then if you look at most gnomes they've got like big they've got big long faces and big [ __ ] ears and [ __ ] he doesn't he looks more like an elf that's what I mean he's not hands that handsome why do all deep KN males have no hair that's a good point a lot of them are bald maybe it's just a style thing maybe just a lot of them have male patent baldness so they have to shave at a young age you know have you thought about that have you thought about putting yourselves in the shoes of of one of these I mean like sans's hairlines going you know he's getting a real tall Widows Peak like a real real tall Widows Peak maybe we make him bald eventually it's weird I kind of want to customize Sands but at the same time I feel like he's sort of iconic at this point and I don't want to customize the boy you know I want to leave my my fresh young man how he be act two finale that's the deal I'm going to explore the uh this area a little bit get as much xp as possible maybe go in the underground bit sort of speedrun it a little bit if we can and then uh we're going to go straight into that shadow H hard cck thingy and then straight into the last fight and maybe we can convince Shadow hod not to be a total douche and that's what we're doing today and then hopefully we get into act three do a little bit of the beginning of act three and that should uh yeah see how much of act three we can do do I guess it's a dandruff problem does dandruff make people bald I thought that was just your head being all flaky and [ __ ] that was so close holy [ __ ] we almost died that would have been the end of sans wow we almost died it's been what literal seconds I tell you what I'm going to cast Shield of THS temporary hit points oh I missed the Dono hold on thei sandwich with $2 wait did it [ __ ] on my my TTS I didn't hear anything why does the TTS look different too I can't even read it the Army Sandwich my solo G gaki monk salute you my lord hey solo monk that sounds actually pretty good good luck on your journey my friend is weird catching oko live for once yeah it's it's probably even weirder that I just read your comment then Leonardo Sylvia Santos with five Aro time to wait live to end time to wait for the live to end to watch my 1.5 speed keep up this my G what is that Meme is this just a meme or is it that I I thought I talked pretty quickly and also I watched a little bit of like halfway through my stream randomly to see um what it would be like at 1.5 times speed it's like I I you must have like 80 HD to watch somebody in that speed I couldn't get a grip on it man I I gave myself a headache in the past tance there's enemies here right that's what that perception check was what if I go on the roof hold on I'm going sneak onto the roof like so oh they saved will you stealth you stupid little man oh my God here we go oh my oh it's because I keep being being seen God these guys are good at stealth oh I got you you [ __ ] and now we [ __ ] sneak attack this this little man oh we can't why line of sight path is interrupted um what are these things are they fiends they're humanoids this thing's a [ __ ] humanoid I mean I guess measles why are there so many creatures oh it tells you what it is Twisted cruel Hermits affected by the shadow fell and with magic they move through the Shadows to and snatch their victims are these like things in the lore measel in like DND d f fifth edition lore affec enemies will attack as soon as enemies are within reach perception check okay cool what if what if purple worm toxin they move to poison probably not right all right that's what we'll do poison yeah shoot him in the mouth bam then we get another turn time to wait life to into watching 1.5 keep up the sand under dank my G oh there it is finally there's the [ __ ] announcement oh you definitely need to get clown face paint to really make him s Underdog keep the good word man I should do that that's a great idea remind me to get funny face paint when we get to act three let's just blend through these little these little guys thank you for the Dono by the way oh we're so strong almost to 88 damage in a single turn oh [ __ ] I forgot he's [ __ ] dead damn dude o I keep forgetting we can do that wait these guys can teleport can't they they're surprised I'd be surprised too you definitely need to get the clown face mate to really make him sense underd dark all right well now the good work man thank you I will I I keep reading these ahead of time now whoops I'm looking at chat too much oh wait Arrow humanoid SL what am I doing these things are humanoids oh what huge damage you have the measles look like GI yanki but less ugly oh my God they were already dead man chill wait a second does this guy have three stacks of purple world toxin so when his turn ends he'll take 1 to 30 damage or is this just 1 to 10 like do these just not stack if these purple worm talks in stack that's [ __ ] insane come on please end your turn ah [ __ ] don't strangle me oh it Stacks no [ __ ] way uh-oh get [ __ ] ain't no way that stacked that's crazy CRA all right get the [ __ ] off my roof get the [ __ ] off my roof I love ledging dude holy [ __ ] get shot in your tits get shot in your weird monkey tits oh my God purple worm toxin is so good can we make more of those yo let me make more of those hold on that's crazy uh po po po potions uh Coatings we can't make anymore how do you get the recipe for that can you get the can I get the recipe for uh worm poison they look like you think but less ugly that's so mean and true that's so mean and exactly true and right we got to get the recipe for that somehow maybe I just got to get enough purple worm toxins I think you just got to pick up enough purple worm pots and then you can make the toxin so I need to do that at a later date oh [ __ ] just got himself killed with that toxin yeah holy [ __ ] the fact that that Stacks is amazing like if I pop to potion of speed we hit an enemy four times with our little arrows like you're looking at four stacks of 1 to 10 poison and if we're just kiing time to milk a purple worm that's true that's true uh when the wearer deals radiant damage the target re one turn of radiant or that's not worth it oh we [ __ ] these measles up dog hon for me it's not a meme I watch so much Tik Tok in 2x that I can no longer watch stuff in normal speed I think I'm getting say okay don't number okay step one stop watching Tik Tok it rots your brain it's literally brain rot content for mongoloids it's it's terrible the like the only way I can consume anything from Tik Tok is when my girlfriend Cherry picks clips that don't suck and then she shows me a bunch of them that's like the only way I can consume anything from Tik Tok it's just mind numbing if you ever just sat and and seen what the majority of [ __ ] is like on Tik Tok it's awful it's like YouTube shots go on YouTube shots and flick through it for like a couple of minutes you you'll get [ __ ] brain Rod it's crazy it's so bad Hico chat hello don't we destroy all these and then dogs spawn can I hide somewhere for this what what happens if I hold on I'm going to hide in the bush like this and then I'm going to sneak I'm going to shoot this and I'm going to say sneaked oh and they're like oh [ __ ] where is he and then I'm I can be like Ambush and I get a free hit and then I [ __ ] I clicked on the wrong thing and then no I don't have an arrow of many targets that sucks that does actually kind of suck what are these things beasts or humanoids again I hate this bug get [ __ ] with this bug man monstrosities o I have a bunch of those oh no I have one Arrow of monstrosity slang whatever uh can I get another sneak off no all right whatever we'll finish this one off bing bang explosion and then an arrow of roaring Thunder No actually that's not going to hit any anything what about wait a second did that show I got fire arrows not on my bar I do God damn it what else is missing transposition Smokies Ice uh what if I okay allive combustion did I just put that on no oh the combustion and a fire arrow because maybe oh actually good and then there is K we're so strong we're actually really strong though I thought OKO was gay dreams crushed I'm not gay I have a girlfriend I'm just kidding I could you know what not not that it's any of your business I could be gay what does it matter it sucks that you in next thing you know you've been on shorts for an hour dude yes right I'm like I accidentally open it and then immediately something is somebody some [ __ ] YouTuber guy is just shoving content in my face in the most consumable format humanly possible and I absolutely cannot I absolutely cannot wrap my brain around why like I just I end up watching it like I'll be sat there [ __ ] and I'll bring up I'll be looking at YouTube stuff I'll accidentally open shorts or I'll open it for a second I'll get recommended something and realize it's a short and it's just like MADD mat making some like dope ass food or some stupid crap and I just get sucked in Shadow Mastiff Alpha oh [ __ ] dude not the alpha I'm going to get cocked by this Alpha wait where is it what oh no wait once per short rest I want to do that oh oh it's right here you think I don't see you you fool all right game whatever can I just okay all right okay all right can I Dash oh I dude this bug can eat my [ __ ] balls what why why I clearly have a bonus action I clearly have a bonus action but it won't let me bonus action can I hide I can and it can see me but it can't saved scene it's going to get me oh you fool oh [ __ ] ooh I really don't like that these things can go invisible repeatedly all right let me see if I can spot him all right I can see him I can see you though you [ __ ] you foolish idiot [ __ ] come why does this keep happening this is not my fault is it because that's not an AOE oh taret H by the lightning possibly taking additional 28 lightning damage whatever dude okay it knocked me down that's fine oh oh who can be seen now though I'm going to aim right for your dog anus right yeah take that actually I don't need to waste my my shot dead woo God we're strong and handsome the we's weapon and unored attacks deal an additional 1 D4 damage against lightly or heavily obscured creatures and creatures made of Shadow ooh that's like a more reliable version of strange conduit although I need to remember to put [ __ ] put guidance on it only takes one action and then I get a 1 D3 for the entire thing remind me to do guidance boys I need I need I need um I'm I need to be clocked for that oh you're not that tired shut up how are you going to not how you going to turn down long R long rest Puffs huh Sans is there a benefit for playing solo uh the only real benefit is you don't get a bunch of of character portraits on the left side of your screen and it's very challenging and also you don't have to worry about the the the bad AI uh pathing uh accidentally your allies and and dudes okay okay Sans all right dude uh you don't have to worry about your dudes running into traps that are right in front of you you don't have to worry about I don't know about you guys but I've been enjoying uh having a party of dudes um less and less since playing uh a Solo character cuz as a person that doesn't really give a [ __ ] about the Companions and their story lines and [ __ ] like they're fine they're well- written characters and [ __ ] but I think they were all sort of bait characters written for people to want to romance and S over you know what I mean there's like a big they made big hot demon lady with the with the [ __ ] added with like a golden re uh retriever personality they added in like hot sexy vampire man for people to s for gay man and lady toover they've got they've got big hunky elf guy they've got literally every archetype archetypical like simp character simp sort of person they have a character archetype for you know what I mean like it like they they knew what they were doing larion knew exactly what they were doing they they put everybody's type into this game you know and you got uh Shadow HW for just regular dudes regular straight guys you know they put in a mind flare for weirdos you know what I mean like it it I would have taken meanwhile I'm sat here like where's my gnome homie man where's my sassy dwarf like homie that I can quest with you know why does it have to be all romance options that's why I like Minsk Minsk is my favorite companion that and jira because they're not romanceable they're [ __ ] dope he has a pet hamster what more do you want and also he's not romanceable so you don't have to go down that that weird simp line n me wait what do you mean G me are you saying there's a gnome companion that I don't know about wurn next time dude I do not want wurn as a as a [ __ ] companion what's the guy who bakas I take bakas as a companion bakas is a little guy open the ground itself miniature giant space hamster yeah exactly I'm sorry I'm sorry miniature giant space hamster how could I not give buo his title jir is for Real the best companion in the game jira and Minsk are the best companions they have tons of dialogue together they're extremely well written neither of them are romanceable they're cool as [ __ ] they're actually some of their dialogue is some of the most funny [ __ ] like there's a line of dialogue where you call jira ancient and she actually starts laughing with you and it gives and she like approves of it it's [ __ ] great also she calls you pet names it's adorable Dude down with simps up with cool companions in my opinion also where the [ __ ] is my half companion my dragon born companion my gnome or my dwarf companion for invisible enemies alt and right click their portrait in the initiative it'll ping their location you can then shoot the Ping and hit them what is that true that's such an exploit like like for this so it'll ping where they at really dude remind me to do that oh my God that's such a cheese that's such a cheese tactic holy [ __ ] dude thank you for the Dono by the way oh my God that's so big brain if that actually works that's [ __ ] huge brain I like it all right I'm going to try something here cuz I know that there's [ __ ] in the trees yeah there's [ __ ] in the you pick up the Drake fro glaive from moonrise sold by Roa and drop your weapon and enhance it and if you have a sorcerer with the meta magic of twin spell you can cast it twice you should pick up the drag Drake throat glaive from moonrise so by R and drop your weapon and then enhance it if you have a sorcerer with meta magic of twin spell you can cast the twice yeah we do not have a sorcerer that's not going to happen but thank you for the Dono by the way uh Drake throat grave is isn't that the one that you're supposed to be a dragon born to use it's like specifically made for Dragon borns and they get like an extra bonus attack out of out of it or some [ __ ] some some cool thing so you're saying I can put my my crossbow on the ground buff the crossbow and then pick my crossbow back up okay remind remind me to do that too oh [ __ ] how long you stre for today uh o couple of arrows I'm in it for the long haul my guy I'm having fun with this playthrough I want to get to act three today that's I titled the video to pressure myself into getting to act three I specifically was like do I put act two again like n I'm putting act three we're going to act three today all right how do we do this I think I'm going to summon a companion is that cheating is it cheating if I summon a uh a boy ah it's bugged I got to right that's probably a good reason I didn't put it in my thing got to put it on your bar hopefully they fix that all right which one do you guys think water fire earth or air just starting to sound like a [ __ ] earthwind in fire trk my God this bug dog this [ __ ] bug stop man why is it every time I right click it's it's targeting it shouldn't do that right stop doing that what happens if I shoot can I just like Melee and then yeah okay that knocked me out of it resistant to fire resistant immune to lightning so we don't want to summon a fire Elemental uh resistance of cold we don't want to summon a cold so so Earth Elemental you can hire Merks for 100 G each if you want from Camp there is one for every class and most races oh yeah I know but they don't have any dialogue or any they don't join in di they're just generic like NPCs no I I I'm talking about companions like I want a sassy dwarf that weighs in on stuff and approves when you do funny [ __ ] you know and I want a gnome a crafty Little Gnome you know or or a huffling you know what I mean I feel like they just they went with the most simple romanceable options you know except for some of the later companions do you not feel guys feel like that I feel like it's very obviously they made the most like handsome and super hot characters to bait people and and it worked like a [ __ ] charm people took the bait so hard maybe that's intentional that's exactly what they like what people want though like maybe it's just me who isn't interested in Romancing like fictional NPCs but I know that a lot of people are the same thing I I don't like vtubers and and anim like most animes and [ __ ] like romance anime yeah they C they cater to VN people what they did is they catered to the to the literally hundreds of millions of lonely people online who play video games you know Lazelle is ugly though hey that's she's not for everybody so some people like her though all right I'm going with athil for damn sure and I'm giving him a Colossus thing because I think it's funny drink my son grow big for Daddy okay weird sentence we're going to we're going to roll it back hopefully they add in some DLC companions that that I I like more though you know I want I want at least one short compan where's the companions for my short Kings you know and also where's the companions that are just big cool [ __ ] Dragon Bor and H fors and [ __ ] oh can I oh wait I'm surprised why am I surprised I don't want to be surprised are they going to go [ __ ] me up oh uhoh no leave my boy alone oh this thing's going to [ __ ] me up no no no no no no this [ __ ] almost knocked me off holy [ __ ] don't knock do for me no no no no no no o dude we're lucky we have such good AC okay we got to AOE these [ __ ] needle things oh wait wait they'll kill themselves I just need to hit him with the elemental yes gather around yes yes you morons all right now we [ __ ] just shoot the crap out of these guys one of these things we just got to kill one of these disadvantage that's not great what are these things Elementals right plants oh these are plants oh [ __ ] where's my arrow of plant slang oh wait that doesn't exist what about blight shouldn't I be able to use blight for like huge damage plants take maximum damage from the spell and have disadvantage on saving throws against it can I use this on the big one in the middle then like this guy 35% chance I'll take it y 16 damage okay what a waste of my [ __ ] ability holy [ __ ] right I'm going to kill this one come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on finish him off come on yes yes there we go the Chain Reaction nice dope all right there's only these two left so now we just have sanss hide here so they can't Target us what are you going to do whip me what are you going to whip me off the ledge oh just the dots I didn't know he could do that that's funny it literally did like the [ __ ] sarcastic pause uh slam boom trembling legs Earth Elemental might makes my legs tremble too dope all right I'm just going to keep baiting this one and then we will just finish off these guys I guess uh fire is not good what is what are these things weak to nothing [ __ ] nothing let's just get some regular damage in there cleave through these guys I want to get through these fights kind of fast I'm just mostly doing them for XP oh [ __ ] no don't whip me off no never mind it's a baby it's a pushover oh oh get [ __ ] get him my Earth Elemental no no no oh he didn't die nice I thought he was done oh he might die now actually oh they don't explode dope God Sans is so [ __ ] strong though all right I'm remembering to do guidance so we get our extra psychic damage and then I shoot this guy in the head bam ooh that felt like less damage than it should have been are these resistance to pierce no they're not wow I just rolled really really really really really bad no my boy oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that's a lot of damage wow I love the series I been looking forward to this since the last one is next assume going to be an eight player uh hardcore uh okay here's the problem with that mod is it doesn't work you have to do like a bunch of extra [ __ ] if you have it on Steam um like patching you have to like do some extra [ __ ] and Patch your exe and [ __ ] and I went to stream it I announced the stream and everything got everything ready the mod didn't work people have sort of sused out what the problem is but you got to do a bunch of extra steps and patch a bunch of extra crab um very uncool bam oh wait this guy's resistant to fire okay bad move bad move really bad move God why does our damage suck so bad he's just going to stand there and be angry that's right you dots at me sir yeah I uh I tried getting that working the next one will probably be this again until that mod geks fixed and just works when you install it but you have to do a bunch of extra [ __ ] to get it working and then that sucks that sucks real bad there we go there's our damage oh get [ __ ] wasted my piercing shot I what's your build um it's the Sands build 20 de uh double resistance is to everything because of warding bond that we have on Gail who's back at Camp um and then all this stuff I don't know screenshot it organ rearranger for the crit uh lower crit cap Adam an shield for the AC and the CR uh not being able to be critical hit and also when people miss us we can do Shield bash to send them re the to get reeling when they do hit us uh dual crossbows the near Miss for the force damage and all the modifiers dude look at all of our [ __ ] call me a basic straight man uh [ __ ] it 1 D4 radiant 1 D4 psychic 1 D4 necrotic plus two acid 1d6 plus 7even piercing uh a total G and then also just just a whole mess of [ __ ] Buffs warning Bond protection from Poison death Ward freedom of movement AIDS you know cat's Grace from the chest piece from the graceful cloth all that we just we're just really powerful we're just a good old good old guy good old little powerful guy we kind of just sort of built this build up as we've gone along it's been an evolving process to get to this point honestly I mean I just I went in with like uh my knowledge of playing a little stealth guy I played I I was workshopping a dual crossbow Rogue back in the uh beta when you couldn't even buy hand crossbows and you had to get lucky and maybe you found them in the shop or you could loot them from the Underdog from a specific dead guy and that was that's how you got two hand crossbows so you couldn't get two hand crossbows until pretty far in back in the day back in the uh back in Dua get [ __ ] easy easy clap oh we're so strong we're so good Sans uh thank you for the the Don know by the way John fortnite you did not just call me a basic straight man depends did you s for shadow H hard cuz then you fell into Lan's trap AIDS buff M that's what it is self emulation can somebody expl has anybody done a burn build by the way because of the whole heat thing so this gives you one to four uh damage per turn for two turns once per short rest and you gain Heat engulf by vual fire take one to four fire damage each turn but use heat convergence and heat convergence gives you uh deal additional one damage for every turn of heat remaining tell me that that's worth it except that it's not right one damage for every turn of heat you get two turns of heat so two damage it exchange for one to four fire damage per turn why would anybody do that like what that is so bad not worth it not even close right like that's not even in in no universe is that that worth it it's so bad call like Berserker would work with this I guess if you were resistant to fire damage it would be maybe worth it but even then I don't think it's worth it you know you can combine it with an amulet to get infinite heat that sounds pretty nuts that ring alone though isn't worth it maybe if you build for it it's worth it but that alone like nah how much xp do you get for this Miss boys how much xp do we get if we do the little the little Mission with the little guy the little kid is it worth it someone it's worth it you know what we're really good at at sneaking actually so we should be able to do this without doing any combat hello fellow adult gnome Bo I scared you I saw it nobody beats me at hide and seek you just [ __ ] elbow the kid in the face he pops up you just [ __ ] sock him we're the same height it's fine um um I don't know anyone now play with me um fine find me and you win all right get ready I'm great at finding kids I mean uh I'm just going to go wait over here all right don't arrest me that was a joke you wer supposed to man you suck at oh God you weren't supposed to win Jesus Christ did you see his teeth for a second that that was horrifying all right let's play again could I try to find you suck at this let's play again oh I forgot about the [ __ ] things let's sneak through b Bang boom then we just wait here in the middle we're really good at hiding cuz we're little and we're good like that play hide-and-seek with him we're going to wait didn't the Druid guy release him uh I don't think it's this kid I think wait I don't remember this kid's like half the essence of the Daniel kid I forget the lore I don't remember is the child bigger than Sans I don't know no Sans is pretty oh God this looks ominous I have found you child give me your ring of Shadows wait what happens if you steal it and then finish the cut scene and he tries to give you the ring but he doesn't have it I want to see what happens I want to see what happens give me the ring yeah course we succeeded I am literally a god of of this you're good at this are you sure you didn't cheat but I can't let you think me a bad sport yes it's the same kid I know it's the same kid but like what I mean is I don't remember if if that's specifically wait what he gave me an amethyst ring what not back to Glow I still Lal he was just he gave me some random ass Ring cool I got an extra 18 gold out of that I guess stealing from children now they're so easy to steal from it's like taking it's like taking candy from a baby like taking rings from children oh oh we're we stuck what's happening why am I stuck not enough movement oh I'm in turnbas mode yeah I turn why am I turnbas mode get [ __ ] wait can I talk to him then isn't he like the the the kid with the stuff I still wait he's saying I've cheated do I have to talk to whatever I'm not really bothered about doing his quest although if we get hon we can get his long-term buff out of it would be that would be pretty dope to play he just gives you basic one without abilities yeah do I not have this on low latency I feel like Chad is way delayed this time you know it's on low latency weird whatever all right super jump let's go Sams is out of here kachow God we're get at jumping we're actually [ __ ] burning through these missions I thought I was going to oh no oh Sans come on man you're better than this oh yeah big jumps big hops oh this is going to be great actually I just realized we're going to [ __ ] these things up they can't even get to us look they're all down here so I can just be like bing bang Zippity uh ooh ooh can't wait to get out of the darkness and still and be able to use my advantage again kachow wait can I just [ __ ] a come on okay damn it all right I killed a couple I killed one come on crit big crit yes yes nice oh and I get another thing cuz of the the blood lust right yes it's my favorite thing oh big CR come on ah whatever nice nice dog need houson for that yeah we maybe we do get houseing if nothing else but for that the good yum yum like food buff that he gives you that big big boy buff that would be cool to have die you big gangly [ __ ] oh big crit let's go almost dead and we just run away like a good boy then he Lumbers over like a dip [ __ ] oh man we're just immuned to all things get smoked get rolled and smoked then we just finish this guy off bam bam oh we're so [Applause] strong does anybody else do that you just get too lazy to lockpick so you're like [ __ ] it'll destroy it kind of wish all chests I really that's something I [ __ ] love about this game is you don't even need to lockpick half the time so you don't necessarily need to be good at lockpicking like it's super useful to have obviously like it's extremely useful something's uneven destructible and some items are extremely difficult to destroy I just love that it is an option you could technically like put a a nuke next to a chest to open it love that more games should have that like Oblivion Skyrim and [ __ ] imagine Skyrim but you just you could just bash down doors if you had enough like damage and strength and [ __ ] there's got to be a mod for that right like something where you just smash a chest to open it there's problem there's a mod for everything there's a Skyrim mod for everything especially nudity no thank you get [ __ ] out of here I got to toggle that off man we're strong good old Sans all right so in terms of experience I think we're done now I think that's all the fights right I any there's the crow guy but that's not a fight that's a mission but I guess we could just finish the mission off why not Ranger five and Rogue three why not Ranger five and Rogue three uh Rogue five is so that we can get uh where the [ __ ] is it people asked me this before and it's for specifically the thing that makes you take 50% less damage oh my God where is it uh what's it called basically there's a thing that lets you take 50% less damage and I don't remember what it is whatever basically you take less damage you take 50% less damage like you take half the damage that you would normally take and I think it also Stacks with resistances so I take like oneir uncanny Dodge uh I don't see it Urban tracker umbrella attack is it up here uncanny Dodge no I don't know whatever I don't have it it's it's not showing up on my things but I wait does that mean I don't have it what happened to uncanny Dodge do I just not have it it should be showing up here right am I nuts does it disable it when you get resistances to everything or something it only toggles in combat oh really so it'll come on in combat check your passives I did check my passives what it's not on here either no this is just Buffs it's a reaction is it a reaction though no it's not it ain't a reaction am I this oh non-lethal attacks there it is wait is it suckled on oh my God has that been off the whole time has that been off the whole [ __ ] time no [ __ ] way are you serious [Music] I okay in my defense all right whoa whoa whoa whoa okay in my defense the game does nothing to tell you this I oh my God how many times have I played a rogue and not had that on why is it not in your [ __ ] reactions or on your bar or anything why wouldn't they just make it a passive why would they make you enable that that sucks that is the worst thing ever holy [ __ ] that's such a waste oh my [ __ ] god so about not going Ranger Five O okay in my defense shut up and everybody's banned oh God that sucks that's really bad though a little bit I'm going to keep these here so I can see that they're both on forever now because what what else am I going to use my reaction for shield blow like no I'm not even going to have well okay maybe cuz that might be useful sometimes same with ioic backlash for spells sometimes and also look at the phone RS we're good that's fine yeah all right well at least we know now Chans be KN now and so do I take the sneak attack boxes so you can use them on offhand crossbow what they are what sneak attack boxes you mean these sneak attack and critical hit what should I eat uh a bag of dicks you should put Shar shooter on your bar when you get it next level too wait I'm not getting Sharpshooter I'm not also I don't get it in the next level because I'm multiclass I'll get Next Level I'll get uh level four Ranger oh my God I can't believe how oh my god dude it's a good job I hav't play Rogue in a while I can't be the only one who didn't turn on The Uncanny Dodge thing and just assumed it was a passive right that kind of just be me there's at least 610 people in chat that also didn't know that [ __ ] you dude put a [ __ ] put a me in chat if you if you right come on somebody is there with me that didn't know that that was a thing right level four Ranger gets a feat oh yeah yeah right I forgot about that oh oh jet and pink rose die all right I'm going to try this on they reworked a lot of the dieses yes there's so many mes yes yes I totally knew that okay fine some of you looked are [ __ ] nerds that looked into it all right I just learned it I didn't know you me US everybody literally okay I'm not right good as long as I'm not alone God oh that makes me feel so much better uh I'm not sure how I feel about that they're a little bit dark with a pink belt Jet and pink rose die so is it like jet black and pink rose o I kind of like it but I also don't at the same time what do you guys think it's pretty drippy little pink vest oh the Pink Shoes though all the pink shoes though I kind of like it this one I actually like what do you guys think dripp or drown I like it it's a yes for me what's the vote I actually like it McDonald's is better looks like he's kind of naked I know and I like that bu blind so I don't care kind of dope if we get bored we can always turn back the we can always you know try some other dies later down the line I like it though I like his little pink vest MCD looks metrosexual Sans could just be gay that's fine we don't know I I think lwi Sans is asexual and he only cares about Victory he's sexually attracted to winning or or he's panexual and he just really wants to [ __ ] the [ __ ] out of a pan God that joke sucks so is by the way isn't pansexual just I'm about to get super political and and offensive probably but isn't pansexual just bisexual those two genders and then I got cancelled Sans sexual yes dude oh perfect what a tagline I panexual is any and everything oh I guess yeah cuz then you got like you got like genetic male female people whatever where they you're born with both body parts and [ __ ] lowest effort bait [Laughter] ooy uh no can you turn off the Buffs glow unfortunately you cannot turn off Buffs but you can install a mod that removes all of them and I have that mod for my personal playthroughs cuz I really all of the mods that I've installed are all just like C oh what sense this Shadows wait a minute do I have that shadow killing ring for for shadow killing still I do right I can just equip that I'm not going to waste my turn on that actually though how many Shadows are there just one and another one somewhere I don't know oh you've been revealed uh all right you're dead and you're all Dead die oh we're so strong God Stam it all I could do nothing right n what dam thing okay chill it's fine I'm here I saved you daddy's here little Daddy's here um there supposed to be a last dude supposed to be saving Cal and Leah you're Myself cored by Shadow fiends and in need of rescue from you of listen you're like level three maybe level four I'm level eight man sit in the shade let me take care of this did you just not see me oneshot those [ __ ] Shadow creatures shut up be grateful I saved your sorry tale no that's not a s's move you're trying to help your family you're should I have left you to die sastic that's perhaps there an appetizer for some cursed monster I failed Cal and I'm more of appetizer size I think you're like more you know like a me way I'll return to last Light I know when I'm outmatched all right at least he's practical I guess he's also a sassy [ __ ] all right how we doing on XP we should have got yeah we're a good amount closer now I think I'm far too lazy to open these [ __ ] get [ __ ] get [ __ ] really with the sturdy getting sturdy with me now are we in animate chests fine I'll lockpick it whatever I'm done I'm done lockpicking then it's fine 43 gold who the [ __ ] packs 43 gold into a chest chest that size like that's the biggest wallet I've ever seen uh GL o plus one to Ste it's definitely not worth it it totally is outweighed by the sheer volume of crap all right now what we've done all the fights I think we killed the lady in the toll house uh other than the Mason's Guild and maybe the underground thing wait we can get a ah we've already got a cape never mind I was going to say we can get a cape but good uh the only other thing I can think is the house of healing there's like a little cave thing here and then you can fight the fish people that's worth doing right I did I hear crab I don't think anyone said crab I really don't I think you're imagining crab I legitimately don't think anybody said anything about crabs did I say crabs and forget about it get the weapon buff what weapon buff oh the [ __ ] let's go I'll get there in a jump holy [ __ ] we we got I forgot how far we can jump let's go hell yeah all right show me this Dragon hellbird thing then the absolute Ward all right mustache all right walk me through this then so there's the dragony guy hellbird thing oh does he not have it I thought this guy had it where where is the the hird then does the lady have it what I'll sell my [ __ ] when that never mind whatever whatever slot all right maybe Roa has it the Deep Throat glaive the Drake throat uh glaive this thing actually has a really dope model I think it's a plus one or plus two glaive why can't I look at it oh my God it's doing that right click bug again oh get the [ __ ] out of here with that man is I did this too quickly why can't I oh whatever weapon enhancement plus two draconic Elemental weapon weapon with element fire re plus one bonus attack roll your additional 1 D4 to a damage of your choice oh my God that's good you have to be and you have to be a whatever to use it oh my God it's so cheap too holy crap wow it's so cheap oh no wait I can sell it for 300 gold I just I must have bought it for like what like a th000 then press T to open the description destion yeah I know that I was trying to right click on it to see what it looks like to to get examined so I could look at it yeah that's pretty nice looking it is Boke yeah that's like a plus two glve check out The Sword and the H cells it gives you 1 d8 physical damage uh if you attack with Advantage it's really good with the risky ring and strange conduit ring plus Hunter Mark yes but also you would have to melee with it and I would be giving up this knife which reduces my the critical cap by one so it makes me crit way more liter like literally twice as much as I would otherwise be critting critting so wait what do I do let me all right let's try this out so what I put the crossball on the ground I equip this it gives me weapon enhancement I then pick fire Shield acid lightning what which one do you think would be best guys I feel like fire is not great because there's a lot of stuff that's resistant to fire Thunder is pretty dope not a lot of stuff is resistant to thunder damage can I actually oh you can me while we wa thunder lightning lightning is the least resistance you did she gives them to you fully Thunder is rare to have resistance for that's what I'm thinking many hearts no resistance it doesn't Thunder bypass resistance most of the time isn't that the point one mind Imagine Dragons what thunder or lightning what a cool [ __ ] pole Thunder or liting boys I think Thunder because less things are resistant to thunder more things are resistant to uh to lightning lightning for Gores Gores is way in the distance my guy stand very very frightening two [ __ ] in check him with the same joke and literally the same writing and context imagine draging these nuts is that what you're going to say even those we once called monsters you can then with with thunder the Thunder gloves and ring what Thunder gloves and ring all right wait so bam and then we pick this up but I'm just going to straight equip it actually and then yeah 1 D4 Thunder 1 D4 necrotic 1 D4 radiant plus two acid 1d6 plus 8 and then on top of that holy [ __ ] how long does that last is that just until long rest what's the proc on that do I have to keep this equipped wait do I actually have to keep this equipped or no until long rest and then wait can I check on the weapon Elemental weapon is it it doesn't require concentration either so it's got to be permanent if I equip this I keep it yeah nice dope where's my crossbow oh Shield right that's nice all right well I'm keeping that holy [ __ ] I don't think we need the Spear of Knight I was just keeping it for a buff oh Twist of Fortune oh dude I forgot we got to make bank for that we really got to make bang so I can go and smack somebody with a Twist of Faun again because this whole blood money thing is hilarious that is amazing why your weapons deal so much damage okay so we have a 1D for necrotic because of our gloves which add 1 D4 necrotic to all of our weapon attacks we have 1 D4 radiant because of morning Lords resistance uh Radiance buff which you get from the temple which you if you take a weapon off and put it back on it last into a long rest we have 1 D4 Thunder because of this weapon Elemental buff thing we just got from the Drake The Deep Throat glaive uh we have plus plus two acid from the costic band which adds to acid damage to our weapon attacks we've got um [ __ ] what else we got a lot it's that it's fine we have a lot it's all you got to know D this [ __ ] up everything on my b though a little bit flourish is useless all right all right cool [ __ ] yeah cool yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] cool oh wait turn that off I hate that double shot [ __ ] nice actually super cool and dope and awesome all right let's go let's go quickly do this side thing and then the ultimate battle you can rob the bank in act three for a lot of gold that's true dude yes you're right and if we have cast Grace advantage and unbel unable massive decks which we do have and we're going to be easily able to crack most of those 30 difficulty uh Bank fults oh wait I don't have the jump thing there we go now we can do big jumps let's [ __ ] get it s like is still on a rampage I see I mean yes he's now slightly more powerful too cuz we have uncanny Dodge actively you know enabled now we actually have it turned on now I I at least I'm not the only one who didn't realize that that wasn't active you know I'm glad it wasn't just me let's go to the MOG something's wrong oh I feel wait what wait where's my hold on you look like you want to say the mag there's an interesting conversation nearby on thep of your okay yes um oh do I have to really have to say that what's SNL what the [ __ ] is SNL I'm going to SNL don't you s at me you nasty cow what what what's happening why am I invisible ah what the [ __ ] tur me into a cow Don ding you ruin everything rude you want to say uh should I Say SNL again just keep summoning her and snarling at her I'm going to say the nice thing so she gives me The Buff I sure love it when they beg all right [ __ ] why is he such a dick God what if you just keep snarling I feel like it will just Loop and she'll just keep turning you into a cow over and over again we can get unlimited cow stacks and just be like a permanent cow unlimited cow stack build sans's Underdog part seven don't piss off my girl Dolly what do you mean oh my God are we are you really sing for a tiny [ __ ] uh little goddamn pixie are you kidding me you found another character to s for in this game she's so annoying dude she's like the worst in the whole game deception plus one and ew some anime [ __ ] thing Tinker Bay ew dude it's too small even for Sands that's too small oh you're not going to fool me zombie you're definitely not not dead you have a health bar there's no way greater zombie oh [ __ ] it's like you but cooler I'm going to shoot him in the [ __ ] while he's laying down get [ __ ] shot okay oh all right can I shoot him in the cloud oh I can nice whatever one down oh my God we're so strong we're actually so ridiculously strong yeah yes oh oh the crits let's get out of here oh wait no no no no nice bam oh big damage lots of dead dudes is this on tactician uh it should be yeah it is tactician a tough campaign emphasis emphasizing strategic combat strategic combat as I shoot everything with with my hand crossbows now we're not on balance we've been on tactician for a long time now the last I think three episodes we've been on tactician I I put it on tactician before the ganki crush before we blew up the entire ganki Crush can I ignite all of this this [ __ ] if I just oh no guess not Kabam and then we go out here and then I close the doors then I no I close the doors and then I leave I just leave completely can they open doors or are they just stuck K them with your Superior Sands intellect I think I do actually have good no I have eight intellects I'm [ __ ] stupid dude do these zombies have higher intellect than me no they have four in okay luckily these things are stupider than me somehow they have off of sans is mighty intellect of four of eight all right that's what I was going to do I'm going to concentrate and now bam we've got one D it's starting to get rainbow colored man [ __ ] 1 D6 plus 8 plus 2 plus 1 D4 Thunder plus 1 D4 necrotic plus 1 D4 psychic plus 1 D4 radiant God damn holy [ __ ] even on a low we're hitting for a lot look at this that's actually not a lot of damage how's he taking so little Undead fortitude when reduce zero Ah that's not it um nope we just didn't do a lot I guess it technically is just a lot of 1 d4s I miss my Elemental oh oh man our AC is not pulling through here get away from me okay that's rough that's not so great oh this is really bad actually a little bit um oh boy oh boy we just got to get some high rolles and some crits oh okay get down all right there's the AC God what's wrong with it is my AC 19 yeah what the hell we need to get that Mage Armor buff again oh wait I'm wearing armor now right nope this is not armor that is though the helmet knocked it off but it's worth it for the crit I think Misty step uh yeah that's a good idea right over there Dam and then we [ __ ] chug and then we shoot a do you have any Undead arrows Bean monstrosity humanoid roing Thunder I'm just going to do some regular shots hopefully this will kill him and then he'll hit everybody else nice and then we can what happens if I just lock myself in this room can I close the button from the inside no there's no button on the inside wait can I lock oh I want to try something what if I lock them inside here and then push the button I have to try that so they they they Dash they get inside and then they're stuck right I don't do you have comic dice turned on could be causing problems with the probability I do have comic dice on I think yeah comic dice avoid failure streaks while keeping the results mostly random yeah that's fine I like that more cuz I don't sometimes you just get unbelievably shitty rolles that's fine though I'm just going to kill one of these and then trap the other one inside and I'll weaken him just in case he I can't get past them oh big crit then we lure him in comic is so bad oh it affects enemies too oh would you suggest turning it off then all right I'm going to turn it off then [ __ ] it plus it might make for better content if you if we're constantly you know [ __ ] up get away from me and then we run outside and we push the button of ceiling and then we just wait I want to see what happens I'm leaving wait no I need the XP though can I lay a trap or something funny I could oh my God look at the modifiers on these now holy [ __ ] [ __ ] wait a minute if I did this on a humanoid will this do all of these double including the physical damage it will yeah what am I talking about it it literally shows it twice so it'll do 2d6 plus 16 yeah 30 to 64 damage it already listed but but then if we crit oh my God oh my God ay Dodge turned itself off again oh yeah it did what the why why does it do that if you crit it is four times o oh the potential I don't like hearing sans's moan that's not good for me wait can I I just but I mean he's dead but oh yeah can you theoretically if you get one of these doors that you can open and close could you just open it shoot them close it open it shoot them close it like over and over and over again cuz couldn't you in theory if you were like see if we weren't in such a good position right there I could have lured them all the way to here lured them all into the room and then just like finessed my way out with a misty step Arrow or something that would have been perfect I should have just done that are we immune to poison I think we have advantage against it I'm too lazy to put things over the poison things so we're just going to jump past all this I'll get open up nice oh Carabas it's poison wait isn't this the the really good one go your active weapon with poison cons blah blah blah become po paralyzed and poison and paralyzed means that they cannot move or take actions bonus actions or reactions and attacks against the enemies are always a critical hit oh if the attacker is within 3 m okay well that that's a little worse but that's still really good I'm definitely putting that on the bar like holy holy holy hell wait what the [ __ ] I put everything back on my bar what the [ __ ] is this why oh no hi [ __ ] you with this why does it do that I don't want any of these spells they're not good I don't need to speak with that I'm never going to do it I might use nonlethal attacks though that one I'll take oh my God and it pushed the the same hide and God damn why why you doing this to me game all right there we go close pole by the way oh yeah my bad my be we're good oh my God oh my God is there anything in that we can use I remember that there's if you there's something you can read to get like oh I fed the perception check never mind I was going to say we can get a thing for that weird poison that you can make with from fald but you got to pass the [ __ ] check oh it is so satisfying to just be able to succeed a lockpick every time you do it uh where canot be blinded um I tell you what that actually would be so [ __ ] good if you had a way of getting smoke around yourself constantly like if you if you just casted clouds in a massive area and then used this ring also I love that warlocks can get that sight that let you see through through smoke passively that is so good my Wallock is a [ __ ] Menace wock is probably like like genuinely I think I like it more than Rogues now it's just taking over Rogues for me so I think it's Barbarian is my number one followed by or even tied with Barbarian now I really like warlocks melee warlocks are so cool really really fun how the [ __ ] is this is this act three this is act two we're going to act three after this be patient [ __ ] why can't I open it come on this doesn't open from here how does that not open from me there's literally a lever next to the [ __ ] door dude you kidding me find a Lockpick then what on Earth oh my God it's a 30 difficult difficulty class we can get this we can get this is nothing Sans has the fingers of an Angel oh God we're getting a little [ __ ] up here though come on come on come on come on come on come on come on dog please please okay all right all right okay all right all right game this you just love to to just oh okay that's fine come on man oh oh my God finally holy [ __ ] what that took so long [ __ ] you game what the hell it's the dog oh wait was I poisoned as well was that giving me disadvantage is that why why it sucks so bad I thought I kept resisting it oh my God that sucked that took so long nice nice oh my God so much lockpicking would it kill you to have a couple of chests that aren't locked game whenever a creature deals melee damage to the oh that's how you get that I forgot really good for tanks I had my Menara tank wearing that [ __ ] really really useful problem is that when they they have to hit you you know and you want to avoid being hit if you're a tank I see and whatnot oh get Fox can these things climb can ooze climb or am I good Hollow armor I wonder how many people how many of you guys just haven't been down [Music] here like I did that I put the the ball Bal fish thing in my most in the hofling part two video and the amount of comments that I got saying like where the [ __ ] are these fish guys I had like other content creators being like what the [ __ ] are these fish people I never saw this it is I feel like it is is super easy to miss though you miss like that one like mushroom section in the underdog and you miss the entire fish fight o uh uhoh uhoh hold on I think chat's lagging like crazy oh my God okay hold on my chat bugged out super hard is the stream okay guys I just like lost chat for so long it just like a billion messages just came through at once I've seen a lot of FS is it good stream's fine okay good weird chat just froze for me I was like damn everyone just stopped talking out of nowhere for so long open hand monk Thief is good what PG wait oh my god did I miss this guy he's taking no damage all right concentration and then uh wait kind of disadvantage against the target not enough what what the [ __ ] oh good [ __ ] oh my God so many crits yes uncanny dodg is off again dude what they got to fix that [ __ ] man why did they make this like an activatable reaction ability that isn't actually in your reactions like what the [ __ ] that is the the the weirdest most confusing ability I think it's cuz it's gray out like because I don't have a reaction this turn or something I don't know why that's off that's super strange get [ __ ] what is this guy's AC 21 holy [ __ ] why why does it what the why does a set of animated armor have 21 God damn holy [ __ ] God Dam [ __ ] plate armor I mean 21 though that seems weird and arbitrary like he's got wait the armor sh increasing its ability scores and hit points there you go that's probably why 18 base Armor class plus three from dexterity right so it so it's getting a dexterity plus from 16 on top of 18 or on top of 18 because of the plate armor right that's why what the [ __ ] gu is literally armor yeah fine but that doesn't shut up he's the only one that I've seen with I'm getting I have a 30% chance to hit I'm just going to have to melee this guy no no no dog dog come on dude oh my God on Uncanny Dodge unny Dodge uncanny Dodge oh your two damage is nothing to me baby boy I know how I'm going to kill him I know exactly how I'm going to kill him don't you climb oh my God it roll that's so cute what the [ __ ] I've never seen it roll before that's adorable I don't know why I'm finding a slime sort of endearing but get [ __ ] idiot woo W 56 damage get [ __ ] can I do the same thing with this can you shove a blob is that possible please tell me that's possible you can shove blobs okay all right game you want to be like that huh worth it worth it it didn't die holy [ __ ] wow all right it's not like he's going to get to me and then we finish him off Bazinga nice wait [ __ ] Shadow way to go Shadow he's so much weaker without the Hedgehog bot dude I got to remember to equip this [ __ ] [ __ ] P PR how do you say that PR PR let me look it how to pronounce parap let's have a look at this video unavailable playback and other the websites disabled by the video owner what oh here it is the [ __ ] is this swirl thing oh my God the audio are they going say it Pera pert God that audio call you sucks you think you'd get a good mic if you're if the only the whole point of the channel is speaking into a mic Pera wild apparently it's Pera weird but also Fair song name in for barbarians video please I can't find it oh the first one it depends I linked it to uh to a couple people that asked in the Discord and [ __ ] but uh yes I do need to go I keep getting a lot of questions about I need to go back and Link it I don't remember the name of the first uh track that I use challeng stream one session of BG free without moving anything in inventory or hot bars there's no way stream aess without moving anything in your inventory heart BL you mean like start a new game where you protective plate is this what it was yeah so it was wearing protective plate that gives armor 18 Armor Plus the three no no AC bonus from dexterity apparently not for that [ __ ] guy gr resistance to necrotic damage not worth it for us but that's that's cool maybe good for if you're like doing a really difficult fight against something that is like a lot of necrotic like that armor would be good against fighting the uh the Avatar of whatever cck's God is I forget Merkel Avatar of Merkel you ever fight the Frog over by the tree house in act one thing has 22 AC the Frog over by The Tea House in act one oh the little frog that you talk to that has like a horrible voice and is like a human obviously or something it's been turned into a frog I just realized I don't think I've ever been back to talk to that frog after the hag's dead what happens with that Angela Merkel oh my God cheater who's cheat who's a cheater why is that cheating wait what did I do thank you for the Dono by the way Rick that would be that sounds like a goddamn migraine waiting to happen though doing the whole doing an entire bg3 stream without moving anything on the hot bar or moving anything in your inventory that just sounds like a mess I have a pathological need to [ __ ] with no [ __ ] fish cursed K dude it has 121 HP God damn look at this fish [ __ ] oh it has like black eyes dude the attention to detail in this game is whack he's drenched oh uh weak to cold and L uh you SA D though I didn't actually hit him no [ __ ] oh I hate it when that oh wait nice I can just do it again cuz apparently I missed oh big damage oh my sweet boy apparently you can just use that until you hit that's crazy I don't even think that used an action God that as if as if [ __ ] gloomstalker couldn't get any better what happens if I go here here wait and then just destroy the netting can they like net me while I'm on the roof so what happens if I destroy this right I shoot the net oh God okay I shoot the net like that the net goes I'm stuck on the roof they can't get me I'm Invincible right and then I hide like I don't know right here what are they going to do what you going to do St oh nothing am I Invincible are you dead now forever fool foolish [ __ ] easy easy easy easy oh we're out of combat that was it I only pulled the chief in hey yo what I can see another one can I Ambush this guy just can I get this guy can I Ambush this guy oh tell you what cuz I know there's more of them oh a bunch of them slipped over oh I pulled the whole Colony God what I wouldn't do for an arrow of many targets right now goodbye fish oh that was so satisfying holy [ __ ] nice and then we get another dread ambusher bam and then another off hand nice and then another one dog we're just the best Sans is unbeatable maybe if you ate all the fish sticks they wouldn't be cursed I feel like if you ate fish sticks these guys would wouldn't like that you know fish tend not to like it when you eat their dicks are they even moving I think they're just standing there waiting for us to kill them bit of an exploit is that another Chief dude there's two chiefs wait how many chiefs are there I only remember there being one also the chief has like the best throwable in the game pretty much no wait that's not true there's there's the NAA uh tried which is nuts I really want to get to an endgame Barbarian throwing build with the Nira tridon cuz I can imagine it being goddamn ridiculous the tridon is nasty yeah that nru of tridon needs a Nerf it is like disgustingly op my uh my late game uh Ranger Barbarian um [ __ ] what's his name I've already forgot God damn Minsk my late game Barbarian Ranger Minsk with the naira tridon is [ __ ] insane you can do so much damage with throwing it's just disgusting and I'm not even built for throwing look at these hundreds of angry fish they can't do anything they're just really mad that I'm here and are coming out in like a just playay get out of here oh big crits big pop of crits out here you can do nothing to me to look angrily at me oh no apparently they can net me when they're not dashing oh it's because I'm close to the edge I guess another one down get another crit yet another crit I can I check my crit my chance to crit anywhere by the way is there like detailed stats that I can look at to check my crit no I'd like to be able to see what my crit my minimum crit is uh proficiency bonuses God damn look at all those modifiers holy crap it's not that difficult a method though right like it's it's high we know it's high I crit frequently the crit is usually hot to F and say my [Laughter] wife I think slightly different word man but it's also a myth it doesn't exist women are faking it I think based off you get 17 minimum yeah if I'm obscured because of the helmet yeah yeah all right let's clear these guys out and then go to that [ __ ] Tower Miss no I [ __ ] hate when the camera moves dog ah take your turn that isn't a turn go on it's fine I'm going to jump down I'm going to give him the respect of a melee fight right after I oh my God look at that fish dumpy why is the fish so Caked Up holy [ __ ] God damn nailed it this look check it out 24 lightning when launched at a Target on a hit possibly shock your target which you know uh cannot take reactions it has disadvantage on ability checks and saving throws using dexterity which means that most abilities that you're using with a weapon attacks can hit them really [Music] good I'm not interested in any NPCs except the fish people apparently hey you know what I can still notice that a character is is you know caked out of their mind uh without wanting to romance that that NPC all right dope dope dope dope dope cool cool many lungs for looting what the lungs get make you oil of Bane wait is it like an oil that applies Bane I don't even need to look that up that's what that is it's oil that gives you a funny accent makes you kill try and kill Batman it's oil that was made in the dark molded by it nothing like getting oily in the dark like with band moving on all right let me break down these ingredients we've got to be able to do some stuff now by now right no Cloud giant strength potion viciousness yes blood lust yes [ __ ] yes raer healing potions always good oil of Bane makes you speak like Bane you just [ __ ] chug it and your guys like H oh I can make 11 Bane oils I'm going to make one and see what they do oil of combustion also potentially good I should be using more way more poisons and oils it's just free damage for 10 turns that I'm not using one of my two bonus actions to apply I should be I should be using po uh poisons much more I that's I'm really sleeping on poisons they're so good I tell you what let's make Bane a good thing right cuz then it increases our chance to hit wait that's what it that's what itd be doing right let me okay uh cut your fail targets failing and Charisma saing throw interesting Bane has a 1D fall penalty to attack RS and saving throws that's good for our survivability maybe why not why not it's a blue potion we're going to replace it with that nasty worm [ __ ] anyway I really really want more of those but what else can we get combustions fine but we're not always going to be able to do fire damage or are we no we're not possibly inflict burning when hitting a creature with this weapon while hiding or invisible we're not always going to be invisible I'm sort of phasing out of the whole cheesing stuff with stealth category anyway so all of ban o of accuracy and Malice I don't know dude oh nice okoy streaming oh hey that me hey ooy first time watching what's your accent I am from the UK and that's it but I have a slight American accent and it makes it it makes me sound weird and pan Regional so I so I keep getting people saying Oh I thought you were from Sweden Oh I thought you were Scottish Oh I thought you were Australian wait you're not Australian I thought you were from New York all that kind of [ __ ] the McDonald's man is gone yeah but we have new drip look at my new drip Sans has a nice pink and black drippy outfit plus we can get the McDonald's [ __ ] later on if we really want to actually no we can't because it's based on die that you get one time out of a chest but we can find new drip drip or die you know we've got to constantly be evolving with the transends that is the McDonald's outfit of yester year we can do better than that wait I've got to go get Shadow hop for this [ __ ] cut scene all right vir Shadows got gaun sh I'm now is now metrosexual exactly wait what are these enemies rats where are these enemy rats enemy rats die oh [ __ ] actually you know what I like rats I don't want to kill them I am a huge rat fan I to pet rats when I was a kid when there was a lot of misinformation about them and people thought they were just verit we stand rats no no no disapproving of scaven in here you've angered the H I have a pet snake she eats rats well technically like baby rats unless you got a big ass snake in which case they're eating like those um I don't remember where they get rats they're like they get the ones that die from scientific experiments or something I forget I swear you slaughtered that guy in the last stream how are there more rats here they just I think think all of the rats that you don't kill are technically your enemies after that rats rats we're the rats man I [ __ ] love druma I scaven should be deleted from the game get the [ __ ] out of here Alex with that dog [ __ ] take let me guess you're an Empire man am I am I right [ __ ] Empire Ms I'm probably wrong you're you're there with your fingers in your ears like giant rat man in the sewers surely you J did you pay the cheese tax I did not pay the cheese tax right okay we got to go back to camp we got to get the shadow hot we got to get go get shot come on shot get off your knees and get into my car something the matter all right yep stop talking you're only here for for so that you don't leave my potty and I need your Buffs you are an item to me and nothing else this must be the last step I need to pray shut up um I'm not going to say anything that's fine no you can pray wait I think she gets mad if you in her thoughts did we even make it this far um okay Shadow heart continues her prayer in silence um I'll leave you bro no need to dash in ahead of me I'm ready all right [ __ ] you what what the [ __ ] I waited patiently for you lady and that's how you repay me with a weird little side eye you're just jealous cuz I rejected your advances you can't handle this my widow's peak and my pecs onwards then your party is gathered yep damn Sans Sans objectifies women what Sans like objectifies all people they are tools in his path of Conquest Dre travel Sans like thinks animals are cool he thinks people are cringe it way up your leg squeezing he he do he does like sexy Shadows though oh dog this Shadow's coming on to me what the [ __ ] he said this is uh solo I see shot shot is only here because shot will leave the party if we don't do the thing are we killing a night song um I don't know we'll decide maybe we vote on it who knows shut up buff lady lady who is only here for buffing and nothing else uned as if the softest push send wait can I wait hold on if I pop jump can we jump all the way to the bottom no target is too far oh that sucks we oh man I really wish you could jump all the way to the bottom kind of a failing on the games poth that you can't do that my words of Faith wait the [ __ ] can I not jump down oh my God I can only jump to here that sucks come on game why you got to do this to me let me do big jump oh yeah now come on now come on I can see H whatever how restricting oh yeah OKO is a lying Duo rat she's only here for the quest all right right it's cuz you have towi she gets mad and leaves your party apparently that's what everybody said this game is set in the year 1089 so women technically are objects during this time period okay Sans I don't want sanss to be known as like a lady an objectifier of women all right he's an objectifier of all things except for animals like a true gnome shot is stuck n she's down here I have felt you coming the first I like that the first thing she says to you is I I have felt you coming like wow what an introduction Wicked goddess you who have come to drive a dagger through my heart I really like Dame alen I think it's such a like a an big dumb archetypical like what's usually a dude character archetype you know let me handle this you know what I mean like the Fate you seal is your own she's got such like uh you know like big handsome dude Paladin anime character kind of Vibes like big dumb until of course your Mist inevitably dis I don't know how to describe it like like [ __ ] what's that uh what's that TV [ __ ] with a barbarian in it some Tim the Barbarian or something I forget own she's like Chad lady dumb Chad lady really good character AR she's like the male doing her Duty will be a she's like a super rightous male version of um Min you know big dumb Dave the Barbarian yeah you know what I mean like heroic and dumb as hell she's a tomboy I don't know I like I like this character type I'm sick of seeing like these like women in in TV shows and movies and stuff where they're just this like they're super hot and like 58 but they can still beat up these six eight dudes cuz women are strong like you know what I mean I there's I can't remember what it's called like boss women or something some culture where they're like they're like patronizing women by making them the strongest character like way over the top super strong characters it just seems really patronizing and dumb I'm sick of these women no that's not what I'm saying girl Boss characters exactly I just like good female characters you know what I mean there's so many good female characters that people sleep on but then they have to put they have to make these super unrealistic girl Boss characters that make no sense I don't know how to describe it I just don't like like the how patronizing it is somebody cancel this [ __ ] law I'm trying to advocate for real women God damn it I'm sick of women being strong that's not what I'm saying you're taking it out of context real women yeah like [ __ ] H whatever please shadowa don't do this can I just convince her to uh is that truly what you want if you knew me you wouldn't even ask um this is what my lady wants I'm just choose your own way sh out you can't allow your goddess to control you yes by the power of my adorable Pink Shoes you will not kill the only cool female character in this [ __ ] game actually pretty cool to ask of but she's already dead so don't matter you want to fight F wait no all right you have my support this is wrong but I can't for to lose you do what you must oh [ __ ] man really can I convince her to to to how don't what okay here we go this is wrong well well do you know what I am little assassin yeah for I know you a Lost Child what did you say much what did you say cut to her [ __ ] impaling her with a spear but what been take you what the [ __ ] did you just say what do you know of your own s Potter your own I only s for Sans and a little bit for mins whatever you and a little bit for won't matter all the characters I meant to be I only simp for lump the enlightened actually I think you'll find only lump the enlightened the true game Dead true king kill her let's finish the ritual persuasion she knows something about you spare don't do it Shad don't kill it you'll regret it yes all right this one 21 oh my God wait disadvantage shadot does not trust you oh [ __ ] there's no way we're going to get that can I go back oh [ __ ] dog is she going to kill we're going to have to kill her we're going to have to kill her [ __ ] all right wait I can roll this it's fine it's fine I can roll this no no oh come on come on come on come on come on come on [ __ ] no oh come on no what she do she get really mad is she going to kill her I actually want to see the cut scene of her killing her though did she just stab her look how low level she looks with that [ __ ] outfit don't do it oh she actually did it oh [ __ ] oh man I've never seen this cut scene oh that's rough that is not very cool true Death At Last you are Sha's child after all where to go shot you killed like one of the cool characters I am saves scum this I'll put up to a vat okay hold on you have answered my highest Calling My Chosen my warrior my dark justia no more hiding let me show you let all see how you have served me shadow I know you could side with her and it went well for her your pain is now your power wield it true isn't that her Mo they her [ __ ] parents my charge must be cleansed what you shall be my instrument in ridding it of the impure oh she gets like a [ __ ] just said leader first oh [ __ ] hunt down the traitor cck Thor he shunned My Embrace he let my armies be slaughtered oh I can't this is kind of cool though to saf guard his wretched life but now without the Night song He's do we really need Damen to be alive I mean end him in my name Shadow heart let in your Splendor before I want to see this set I've never seen this before once he is vanquished Boulder's Gate awaits your holy work will continue there where you first learned of My Embrace she helps in the fight take up my spe again and go forth weren't you just sing for Dame alien what the [ __ ] bro I wasn't sing for her finally I just said she was like one of the few cool female characters in this game there's KAC as like objectively a pretty cool character there's Dame alen jira um [ __ ] who else is cool who else is cool name more good female characters aloy this locks you out of jira O reload you just killed oh oh this is really bad for the in okay oh no not the candles it's going to be dark in here not the candles the candles were the source of my power I'm not this is pretty dope uhoh woh is he going to do the distant scream such a terrible place I should leave this placey sucks I'm leaving wait I want to see of these items though oh she really is far away holy [ __ ] God damn she got stuck can I not jump all right whatever let's just look at the gear uh do here's H plate uh while it's gear the we has advantage on stealth checks while the we has Shield of Faith active reduce all Inc damage by two reflect damage receive back to the attacker takes one to four necrotic damage advantage on cons saving throws and Shaw's agus so it's essentially just like a better version of the the other justicier [ __ ] and then she gets a pair of beckoning Darkness Cur a a creature to be haunted by Darkness it takes 2 to 60 necrotic damage or if it enters cool and Boots do SAR boots Shadow teleportation ooh once for short rest that sucks a little bit but that's still kind of cool so I can do all this [ __ ] now Edge of Darkness yo Shaw's Spear of evening plus three advantage on saving throws while lightly heavily obscured this weapon is additional one the60 creatures that are lightly hardily obscured so it's like the opposite of the good girl one the one that gives you radiant [ __ ] damn this is cool if you were going for like a sh align character and [ __ ] you can do beckoning Darkness on somebody that's close and Shadow teleportation which probably will look cool it's just Misty step it's just a reskin misty step it's not even reskin that's just Misty step all right that's cool that's cool to know it is everybody vot to reload though so we're going to save scum but that's cool to know that is cool to know the true ending it's a 61% Reload that's I'm glad I know that though I've never done that before I don't take Shadow HW I think ever so I've T I've had her in my campaign once and I use her as like a buffing mechanic your corpse to fulfill what lady sha asks of me so be it well well well you much okay what if we try the other one this time she knows something about you spare once I become who I meant to be oh that's so much easer you [ __ ] what I just happened to pick the really difficult one oh did she not listen to you not what oh she okay she saved her okay God damn it I picked the [ __ ] difficult option that she didn't trust me [ __ ] future is not yet fixed lay a hand on me in Friendship edoy you can't be blinded while while holding the spear and an infin casting Darkness damn if you were doing a a solo Shadow hot playr that would be a really good weapon just cast like [ __ ] Shadows everywhere nobody can see you you can see them you get all the like while you're heavily or lightly obscured by the by the smoke you get all those Buffs that'd be dope Our Lady of Sila hear me she who guides the moon Maiden saluna mother of the soal Night song The Night song is no more out of all the companions in this game asaran has the best storyline the rest are so bad I don't know about that man hson is okay I wish Minsk had a better storyline jira is actually kind of interesting if you get into an act three but in terms of the base companions Shadow Hots is actually pretty well written but not that interesting [ __ ] uh estaran is good uh it's it's well written I am callx is like fine um gets really bad in X3 apparently little warrior and then I don't remember the rest curious that you I don't give a [ __ ] about will does everybody just not care about will he's like the most vanilla dude in the whole game and I just don't care and I like warlocks I like warlocks but he's so boring you have done what we feared was impossible [ __ ] who else you have released from Gail is pretty much a fun guy yeah Gail's fine Gail's boring Will's boring they're both they're so boring and also [ __ ] uh God damn what's his name Gail he's such a s he's such a he's such a man s for you th I have said Cowboy will is fun what cowboy will are you ready Gail is fine yeah Gail's like Gail's fine I I used Gail in my campaign because I just had an extra fault on my first campaign he's fine Will's romance is boring Will's will has a romance it gets to the [ __ ] sex scene and he just looks your he looks your character dead in the eyes in missionary for for like 6 minutes and then drinks a glass of water to kill cic Thor all right lady inhale that [ __ ] let's go we all right time for the thing let's get out here be forw yep could agree more oh it's the screen's going black what's going on I don't like this oh it's this cut scene thing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles why would that fit this scene my Gail is wind magic Barbarian his scream is funny what oh SC wind magic no wild magic Barbarian God the idea of making Gail into a [ __ ] Barbarian is hilarious to me and don't quite projecting I don't know what you're talking [Music] about lazelle's development is pretty cool I think yeah the problem with Lazelle is it's not worth sitting through act one and two of her being an incessant [ __ ] an insufferable uh total [ __ ] to you for her to become tolerable in act three it's not worth it it's absolutely not worth it especially in act one she's such a pain in the ass I should leave oh wait we got something Moonlight glaive oh dope I can totally never use this wait do we not oh wait that's what happens to the Spear of Shar you get the mo that's what it gets turned into I don't remember it being a glaive that is literally just a plus one glaive all right it's a plus two this object shines with glowing light in a radius of 6 M it has Moonlight butterflies strike AO blah blah blah blah blah blah blah I'm not going to use any of this [ __ ] all right [ __ ] it I'll give it to Shadow hot Shadow hot shart I bring you slightly better fancy glowing weapon thing of stuff drop all these you don't need them anymore it's fine also go back to Camp cuz I'm done with you I don't need you anymore we're in a Solo playthrough again wait can I just get out of here like this and then she'll teleport with me IO spear comes back later oh oh okay so the moon you just get the Moonglow [ __ ] thing okay cool whatever oh yeah because duh because it's a [ __ ] legendary yeah right yeah my bad I only thought that because it disappeared from my inventory so I was like oh I guess that's it like yeah I didn't think about it all right wait she's not here she's literally not here for [ __ ] sake Shadow HW son of a [ __ ] do I really have to do this why and she's monologuing stop monologuing lady leave her for the game I got I I need to send her back to Camp I don't want her in my potty my heart of IO why don't you have the jump hcky what the [ __ ] oh it's be so I rebound it because uh later on uh when you get Fly I want to have fly bound to my Zed key and you can't do that because when you hit Zed your character jumps with certain characters I don't know why it does it it does do it though so what I do is I just get jump and I put it on my thing like this and then when I press Z I can I can do it now so just I just do one quick hot ke for my characters and then it's done have to keep going Chad did want you all you got to do is you just rebound your your top left uh key instead of one you land it to Z and then you can do that that's how you so you can use fly with your Z key so you can fly everywhere by hitting Z Super convenient be as stop [ __ ] monologuing Shadow HW God shot the famous monologuer holy [ __ ] that's big brain I didn't figure it out that was not me why you on the floor go go back to Camp Shadow oh yeah she yeah okay you have to live with it she took yeah that's great okay go back to Camp bye you have you have been useful now all right so it is time for the assault of moonrise Towers oh uh that was almost really bad aloy have you done the That's So Raven Quest near the abandoned That's So Raven is that the name of the quest that's not the name of the quest that's a good joke though oh my God if that was the name of the quest I would laugh so [ __ ] hard it would be so out of place but so in place at the same time That's So Raven dude that was such a dope ass intro for a show that I really didn't like like the show was so mid but holy [ __ ] the intro was good what's this Power Rangers we're kind of like a Power Ranger it might be useful man so many people parasite in that corpse yeah with potent magic oh that's the [ __ ] Hitler guy God people that haven't been watching the stream series are not going to know what I mean by that ghoul fist Scroll of blur could be uh requ oh it requires concentration yeah you know what I'm taking that I'm putting that in my bag of Wonders and then we're going to whip it out when we need it AOE AOE curse thing oops oops dope and then yeah blur all right cool can I where the [ __ ] is this parasite I thought there was one nearby oh oh all right here we go Unshackled From Shadows I'm not going to ruin that why I said Hitler you're just going to have to see my um my summonable his name c hio so say the wise Al best female character in the whole game right here of angelic wrath even on the rooftop youo greater than are dead but storming the tower won't be easy and if we wait too long will the amount of people that will disagree so heavily with me that I think jir is way better of a companion than kak he's on the back foot for the first time since he returned from the grave she ain't no Lazelle I mean Lazelle sucks ass what do you mean you brought us this far so how shall we proceed OKO likes old women good to know who doesn't like old women old people are cool as hell actually that's not true it's super mid it's super mixed nope I agree Gil why it's not romantic she's just [ __ ] cool dude she's like the really cool old grandma she's like a really cool old grandma exactly [ __ ] exactly I don't have any grandparents too I both of my all of my grandparents died before I was born except for my my dad's dad who died when I was like seven and I kind of remember it cuz I remember my dad being super sad it's like one of the few times I've seen my dad cry and it like stuck in my brain but like I don't have any Grand parents so it's I don't know why just super wholesome to me when she calls you uh Cub so [ __ ] adorable dude use necromancy on them what on who oh on the thing everybody everybody like around um you're the high Hopper you tell me yeah you do it you're hunting one target among many the key is to isolate and corner it Gail is the best companion fight me oh my God that is absolutely not true in for the kill my grandparents are awful they'll Scout the prisons and the bar to ensure we're not taken by surprise say the word and we're off that's what I mean some some old people [ __ ] suck but that's because they were terrible people when they were young and they just turned into Old terrible people you know some people just suck dude some people are just bad people you know they're like racist or they're [ __ ] you know just really mean you know sad face oh dude don't worry about it actually I'd rather oh no I don't want you in my partyers this is a solo playthrough in this light there will be victory in this light call like Gail Gail is M I don't dislike Gail he's just extreme he's like a five out of 10 he's just exactly medium I just don't care I don't just like him Will's like a three out of 10 cuz he's boring maybe a four uh like you know they're fine like I just don't really care oh wait is that a Trader water Master T yeah let me sell first I don't think I have much to sell actually I'm good it's a grimed the way I hear it yep give me a second who the [ __ ] trades in a battle oh we're so close to leveling holy [ __ ] come back where you going just tell me what you need um I need stuff o I thought you were selling a legend AR there nice God she has so much money I shouldn't have been sending [ __ ] to Camp I could have sold so much more [ __ ] to her get some of my my my Goddamn money back hold on let me loot the rest of the crap off these bodies I'm can to sell everything right take all take all course I come in is he is admitting his love for Gils hope quite lost in that SAU and he doesn't even know it just tell me what you need I don't know why the admitting his love for Kil got me so OD holy [ __ ] that's funny um God damn that threw me off ah God damn it's crazy you're not allowed to talk about how cool characters are and people are like you want to [ __ ] that fictional character why does why does anybody want to fu [ __ ] any fictional character why can't I just be thinking the character is cool and wanting to have the character in your party so you can be Bros or broet you know just tell me what you need take some of this really heavy [ __ ] that I found because holy crap wait I got to hold on I to lock it all for sale head to where's a [ __ ] I picked up up food too get go to Camp all right oh who the [ __ ] this guy shut up dude just tell me what you need all right bam make a little bit of money 14k pick pocket put that in someone's inventory and then we hit him with a big club for massive damage and do we need anything else oh arrows that was it I think uh we've got we've had all of these though oo break concentration and silence yeah I'm going take them [ __ ] it at some point somebody's gonna have some [ __ ] spell that I'm gonna want to interrupt and then I can silence them so they can't do it so God I hate that I [ __ ] hate this bug how do you get rid of it you could do tab I can't do tab because it's only me there we go all right all right time for the ultimate fight and to go Oh wait [ __ ] and let me get these last abilities uh actually should I save these if we're going to be in act three soon soon I should save him right cuz I don't give a [ __ ] about ability drain I don't give a [ __ ] about stage fright or repulser but I do want this and I do want this I think you get more worms though for it I don't know whatever we'll figure it out I'll spend them then when we get the when we get the thing at she has three hand grenades hand grenades are mid they're not even good not at this level I can do more damage with a regular attack than I can with a hand grenade the only difference the hand grenade makes it's an AOE and I also don't have the any throwing advantages like if you're a barbarian oh this is going to be such a good team fight you dare Show Yourself here after all you've done can I just say her voice doesn't like most of the H in this game just don't fit their voice and for what it's just actually not that baders moonrise will be their tomb and in death maybe I'm being racist against Hof walks but the voices that they've given to most Hof walks don't fit is that just me maybe I'm used to them having Gruff voices in like every single RPG you know like they sound like [ __ ] they sound like football Hooligans in in Warhammer in like all the Warhammer and 40K Total Wars they just sound like classic British football Hooligans and then in in like a lot of the Rings they sound like Gruff as hell and then in uh Skyrim all of the HW have like Gruff voices and then in this game all of them sound like British gentlemen you know it just throw me off the voices don't F the dwarves either dwarves I don't mind as much they they've made a lot of them like Scottish and stuff that's fine I've looked forward to killing you since the moment we met oh my God yes you did it well yeah I did thought you'd be another notch on my bed post instead I'll make a trophy of your bone what boys make this traitor bleed a notch on her bed post is that what did she is that what I think it means she specifically said bed post am I reading into that too much she was DTF right we're loading game we're going back we're going to M we're going to climb up this giant orc woman for For the Love of the Game yes no I no I'm joking of course Sans is asexual oh my God that best companion yo my only gripe is a shovel buddy finder doesn't count as a shovel I like it shovel is the best companion isn't there something you can do to make uh shovel a permanent companion I've never I never figured out or looked into how to do it because I don't like having too many companions I try and run solo as much as I can because I don't like having too much [ __ ] to deal with much like a total war game I like having Doom stacks and and not that many multipli oh we got null homies Timothy coming to the rescue we got Timothy bonus and Tomia that is cool as hell all right we got to do some kind of big dope AOE here I think so we're going to open the bag of where's my bag my bag's gone my bag's not on my bar anymore no bag on my bar disappeared great bag on the bar and then open the bag cast Cloud kill can I get all of these guys almost yes bam oh do not use counter spell you [ __ ] you dick you dick you dick of a lady all right well I'm going to focus right now nice wait I could do perilous Stakes on her and then do double damage off hand attack and maybe crit a 25% chance to succeed worth it get perilous steak lady [ __ ] these Stakes are UNP perilous I might do oil of Bane or oh Carabas and's poison would have been a good move uh right [ __ ] it I'm just going to shoot in the mouth that's fine okay I mean that's what I was expecting with the [ __ ] what is that mirror image yeah don't you dare don't do stuff to me it's fine we have so many allies though this is actually a pretty balanced fight time no it's the traitor guy no [ __ ] oh dude all right I I need to remind myself to uh I have an idea if I we should I'm going to try killing L with um uh God why are the [ __ ] fists so weak they're level seven and all they can do is do regular God this lady this [ __ ] ogre is getting [ __ ] up get them Noles [ __ ] yeah oh yeah legit actual not like reasonable damage oh get him Jiro hell yeah uh n o can you hear a die probably right oh this ogre is [ __ ] oh damn oh oh I forgot about those guys strip your bones clean I've always killed her before she takes a turn so I've never seen her do anything no not me the last thing I wanted to see was Zell's black hole I like it jar has horrible AI really yo Plankton didn't read my last chat oh it didn't oh [ __ ] it rode that one did I miss it hold on OK meting his love for gills got him so hot ew I'm glad I didn't read it out that's probably why I didn't read it out because it was down bad thank you for the donos though Brandon all right moving on I am going to do I'm going to save the Carabas poison for what's his name so I'll do an oil of Bane and then I will shoot them in the dark which should hopefully increase my chance of hitting which I should oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh too much of this is moved on I might just get rid of Hunter mock too what do I not need okay it's pissing me off that uncanny Dodge keeps taking itself off my bar now like this ability needs a rework like that sucks ass so much ass careful what you read out loud O coau fair this video trust me there's not much I can do to get the uh to stop these streams from being demonetized they're going to get demonetized anyway it's just going to happen you say enough f you you see enough randomly uh supposedly offensive [ __ ] in a stream it's going to the [ __ ] what did my guy do why' I just loot this thing all right Cloud kill oh yeah definitely and then Bane get Bane lady now she's not going to hit anything oh what level is this level three o that's worth it oh wait oh wait I was thinking of the other thing oh wow I didn't mean to do that oops I didn't mean to kill him I was hoping to kill him with uh non-lethal attacks so he would drop his entire inventory oh well I don't call guidance up good idea good idea good idea I think I'm already concentrating though right am I not you're concentrating on cloud kill yeah there you go hell yeah no babus oh it's cool he didn't die God hunger of haar is so good I really wish you could upcast it though so that it did more damage cuz on my warlock it gets kind of weak iment oh oh my God that was strong wow a cone of cold just hit [ __ ] everyone look at all of the green oh my God they almost wiped everybody in a single cast holy crap wow that what a cast by the AI holy [ __ ] oh I think jira just died I'm pretty sure jira just died I'm like 99% sure J just died oh no fist red just died where's jira I think jira died where the [ __ ] is jira oh there there're a cat right where the what there they are right here it's inside the [ __ ] jira there I was like where the [ __ ] where' they go all right we got to move this right here oh my God oh my God God really you're going to put me in the middle of my own [ __ ] thing to cast at you [ __ ] [ __ ] God damn it son of a [ __ ] die well [ __ ] not good not worth it oh uh-oh uh-oh kill something man [ __ ] go NS do the work that these [ __ ] fists cannot hell yeah getting it in no I'm going to signic back watch someone no not my nose I'm kind of worried that Jero is going to get absolutely [ __ ] destroyed cuz this fight is going really bad for them they're getting just obliterated oh she died nice she died to my cloud kill I think nice nice we're Untouchable oh my God okay you're dead oh my God that one's dead too these camera angles are goddamn terrible I lost my concentration from cloud kill that sucks especially considering I'm only surrounded by enemies right now and I could really use a cloud kill kind of sucks really you could use some arrows of many targets and some explosive arrows to be honest what about magic Missile magic Missile yeah they're all kind of low oh I know what if I go here no whatever I might as well go here now all right and then I open this I get the cone of cold and I cast a CO oh jir is dead oh no she's not dead she's just down and then I make sure I don't cast it on her and I go cone of Co and I accidentally freeze all the water and then they and I don't kill a single one of them except for when I shoot this one and then it kills all them around it except for when I critical Miss and then I recast it and then I kill them and they die and then they kill everybody around them but then it doesn't proc for some [ __ ] reason I think it's cuz I use my reaction no wait is it is it disabled no it's still on call the week is still on and it doesn't require whatever whatever it's fine we did a lot of damage knock Arrow I'm good stop using hungry haar hungry hungry haars no my beautiful Gs are going to die get him jir she just fell again oh my God this [ __ ] cat lady holy [ __ ] you think a cat could walk on Ice they have natural like cleats with because they got Claws and [ __ ] I'm not using Sonic backl holy oh F I thought I thought this dude was [ __ ] huge because of the camera angle I was like holy [ __ ] they made that guy [ __ ] massive uhoh oh she's dead oh she could J oh yeah she's dead o this is not going well this is going really bad actually um all right um Time to whip out the arrows of humanoid slang I guess maybe on this guy 90% chance all right and then we get a 49% p this guy and he should finish off the one next to her nope I do not understand how this called the weak ability works I guess we can revive Jiro right rip oo's favorite guil uh that's my favorite old lady I don't think you understand what guil means oh wait what am I doing here we go I got no actions God damn it whatever no she's dead dead what you can't revive her damn it she has to be recruited first ooh yikes oh get him Tomia oh oh uh nah you can kill her sorry lady it wasn't worth wasting my bonus action nice you you did it Anthony oh get it take your wounds nah oh no oh get it to it oh never mind o this is going bad for uh the lady I tell you what I'm going to [ __ ] disable Sonic backlash I'm good on that I think we can there's much better uses for our abilities wonderful psychic damage is not a lot all right we're going to chug that one has 91 35 75 holy [ __ ] dog man like holy [ __ ] maybe we do another Cloud kill or no um I don't know man Arrow of humanoid slang prepar to be slain oh [ __ ] yeah nice all right he's dead after my oh what where did my bonus action go what did I use my bonus AC on all right you got this guys I'll see you later you you got this IO it's one to four damage per spell level yeah but I feel like I'd rather use my bonus action on other stuff you chugged ah that was it yeah I don't care reactions don't use your bonus action take I I'm sorry I was I was thinking reaction not bonus action I meant that the it was consuming my bonus act uh my reaction that I can use for other [ __ ] trch Craven gnome oh my God this is exactly like TR Craven tail holy [ __ ] man uh uh I'm like tempted to redo this fight this is going real bad for them would have been cool to keep jira alive that's for for sure I'm rolling with it though we're rolling with the punches a little bit get [ __ ] we're so [ __ ] strong though oh she's not dead oh she's not dead okay time to kite also if a guy dies from cold the week you get you don't get the kill so you don't get the Elixir or blood lust profit oh that sucks to know redo reload we'll see we'll assess the situation after we inevitably win I don't I physically don't think we can lose with our Buffs and our damage I really don't let's see how this goes God these Hoppers are getting absolutely clapped we basically just genocided everyone luckily nobody really died that we care about which is very nice except for jira I guess get [ __ ] um also I don't have blood lust on I have elixir ious so I'm not really bothered about the blood lust thing anyway big damage come on oh that's right two down okay so then it's just these Aras can I just like save this guy by pushing him can I just save you now run dude run now run if you shoot run run no okay well I tried I tried to save you I don't know what else you want for me oh they're [ __ ] now you absolute clown CL man you stinky stupid clown man from idiot Town imagine actually being this stupid couldn't be me get off that ledge oh for mediocre damage feel like falling should do more than that die die oh dude so good actually so strong Brave to the last man go go go go you can't hit me what are you stupid there's anid power we leveled up let's go level nine let's do it I forgot about our outfit again wow we're fresh to death look at this p a pink and silver trim I'll take m is trash uh weird take out of nowhere a little bit yeah they're fine so we get a feat and that's it don't we get a second attack if we get level five with um with Ranger though so at level 10 we'll get two two main attacks for a regular shot right so I can get two bonus actions two main actions with my shots and then yeah that's going to be nice that's going to be real nice and then also we'll have gloomstalker for an e for another shot so in the opening round I could technically do five shots which is [ __ ] cool you can still only sneak attack once per uh turn though yeah but I could open with a sneak attack then then use uh my my gloomstalker attack then use a special Arrow of humanid slang or something like that and then you know I would respect five Ranger full Rogue I'm tempted because I actually really don't like that uncanny Dodge thing it's way less useful what do you guys think should I Respec out of uncanny Dodge I'm kind of playing it a little differently anyway I'm really tempted to get rid of uncanny Dodge uncanny Dodge is pretty uh pointless especially if you level up your AC yeah it's pretty dog [ __ ] the way that it works you have to [ __ ] like spec it [ __ ] sucks I'm just going to pick whatever then for this tough then and then I can just I'll resp oh oh no wait can I just leave can I leave to resp and then come back after after I've respect it's not all going to count as a dangerous zone right it's just cuz I'm in Moonrise oh yeah we're so smart oh yeah s's the genius oh it's going to [ __ ] up my whole [ __ ] though if I resp whatever we'll figure it out bye-bye guil wait did we we went so it was what one level into Ranger then three levels into Rogue instead of five but then we we're going to lose a perk from level four which I want to say was was the ability Improvement cuz we went with 16 decks plus five for plus one from cloak plus one for wining man plus one for nimble a cat Bu from dexterity whatever we'll figure it out thou walkest alone yes on all these high nights thou it's called a solo run dude yeah is this guy is this man insulting my he's saying no no bit no maidens and also where's my yeah I'm a solo Rogue option thou Hast no maidens um I don't want a partner love is no domain of mine but it is often cited as the purpose of mortal life wherefore turn thou from it I have better things to be doing th thou art a okay I'm sorry where's your skeleton mistress do thou require a new ally as yes Dost thou have no [ __ ] wait Ranger Knight for heavy armor proficiency resistance to fire please and then same modifi same benefits perception perception survival deception Athletics and then [ __ ] yeah forcing Constitution a little bit of strength I can't believe I went mid wait is this correct no wait this this is this can't be right did I put is this what I did last time why have I got a [ __ ] no negatives to wisdom oh I had athlete that was it I put up to athlete and then I had the pl the wait I'm getting confused with my build now whatever we'll figure it out this is fine so this is level one and then oh my God I got nothing on my bars we got so much to do uh and then long Strider no wait jump and then I think I got speak with animals but I just don't use it like ever so I don't know I don't use Hunter's mock ever although I probably [Music] should but it costs oh it's a bonus action not an action [ __ ] it we'll keep it and then archery not two weapon fighting archery benefits your range weapons your weapon fighting does not benefit you get fire resistance from Waring B resistance is half damage doesn't stack it I know I know I know I know know but oh oh I see what you mean right cuz we're going to have Waring B all the time so there's really no reason to have the other [ __ ] I don't want any of the other abilities though you know hm is dope all right and then I'll put three into Rogue now [ __ ] it then we'll come back to this all right Rogue yes abilities stealth oh here we go slide a hand stealth yes no Athletics it' be nice they have something in Persuasion though I think we had a plus s to persuasion man I forget I think I did this right and then we had wait what can I wait you have to have one in it to get the the additional plus that kind of sucks whatever we'll just have good slight of hand I don't need to talk to people what do I need to talk to people for we just murder everyone anyway Spike growth 100% Spike growth would be good for us kiing everything too Rogue again and then we get Thief yes lower fall damage we got fast hands wait how many of my Buffs am I going to lose from respecing so we got a feat but I'm going to go back in this and then we go gloomy gloomy stalker get ourselves oh wait I don't get until level four right yeah [ __ ] dog I don't know [ __ ] wait we already have long Strider from Shadow HW so I don't know hail of thorns the Thorns deal weapon damage to the Target and then explode the explosion deals an additional one uh d10 to the Target and surrounding creatures so it's like a cone shot fog Cloud we already have long Strider from Shadow H heart spells won't really matter yeah oh it uses an action added bonus that's true that's true fog only uses an action [ __ ] it we'll take that that's fine all right then this we got our stuff our dock Vision which we don't need red Amo sure good stuff good B what's your accent is that Illinois I hear see what I mean people just hear what they want to hear I'm not even that's what I mean that's why I get like you from Baltimore are you from Australia like No One Ever Knows athlete I think again put the dexterity up to 18 and then we get no spells that's fine and then we got our level five we got our second attack now nice so we get two two attacks two bonus actions instead of that useless ass uncanny Dodge I think Spike growth for level two don't need silence don't need wait call for the V shadow s gives you all nearby companions a plus 10 to stealth checks until long rest oh requires concentration [ __ ] that yeah so Spike growth right although protection oh requires concentration yeah [ __ ] that Spike we can cast Spike growth for a level two spell slot and then we can concentrate on it which gives us Focus which gives us um our 1 D4 psychic for the ring definitely and we get Misty step [ __ ] yeah go full Rogue for Sharpshooter I don't like Sharpshooter it sucks Sharpshooter is ass my chance to hit is so bad and we're we we're always attacking with this disadvantage the only way I would get Sharpshooter is if I was using the risky ring and I'm not going to use the risky ring I'm it takes a ring slot I'm just not going to do it I'd rather hit most of the time than Miss like half the damn time I know that it's bugged with the offhand crossbow but I'm not always going to be using the offhand crossbow I've had this conversation so much Sharpshooter is good with stealth Sharpshooter is good for the late game uh perk where your heads have a majority higher hit anyway yeah wait it's not bugged anymore wait they fixed it then there's even less reason to take it I don't want to have to worry about toggling it and [ __ ] guys I just want to be able to shoot things we're fine maybe we go proficiency wait you can cast familiar find familiar while expending spell slot proficiency and slide of hand I'm going to get Urban trer for slight of hand since we're going to have warding Bond anyway and then Proficiency in religion Proficiency in Arana protection from Good and Evil proficiency with investigation creatures keep with the staring strike I don't [ __ ] know dude aana I guess and then we'll get this ability that I'm never going to use all right is it worth fully rolling into this now you have already have slight of hand expertise with Rogue what do you wait does it not stack I thought it's proficiency you gain proficiency with slide of hand do I not have expertise and proficiency isn't it different I thought it's stacked I swear to [ __ ] I've had it stacked before it does stack no it doesn't no I swear I've had proficiency and also expertise in it though should I just go what Beast Tamer man so I can summon a familiar I guess extra expertise is like extra proficiency proficiency is an onof thing I'm just going to take it I don't we don't need any of this other [ __ ] so I'm just going to take it [ __ ] it if it doesn't sack it doesn't sack all right there we go I think we've got a simplified bar too oh my God I have so many abilities to place [ __ ] wait action o this is a wait a second this is until long rest requires concentration oh I can only use it once per long rest though but it doesn't require a spell slot I'm just going to put that on now then [ __ ] it I dude once per long rest stuff is weak for this build all right disengage stealth wait that's the second stealth [ __ ] Action dread ambusher the dread ambusher one sounds cooler Dash humble trap [ __ ] dude I I don't want to have to waste all my [ __ ] wait stealth assassination thing here we go I don't know what's in the right place anymore um thing once for short rest once for short rest once per short rest long rest once for short rest fog for spell slot I feel like I'm never going to use fog oh it's a level one spell slot okay yeah I might use it then but then I'll nah I feel like Hunter mock is going to be better 99% of the time instead of fog but I'll keep it on there just for why not big jump wait I Missy step from oh level two spell slot God you just get that for a level two spell slot I'll put on there but I'm probably never going to use that oh boy this is a lot of crap yeah we got more stuff for our bar now this is so much crab there's got to be something in here that I just don't need all right we're going to take the arrows off put them there dog too much crap what if I just stick all of these in here I'll never remember to use them but it's fine Bam Bam I'm going to have to extend my bar oh I really don't want to increase my row does anybody just really not like that you can you can only extend it upwards and not sideways that is whack as hell to me I had a such I had such a long vertical bar in the uh horizontal bar in the um in the beta for some reason you could do it in the Early Access but you can't do it now okay be careful if you cast guidance you'll lose protection since they're both concentration how many of my B did my my [ __ ] Buffs did I lose long Strider I'm just going to go through and see what I lost I think I lost everything though I don't Co maybe not going to use dip weapon ever I pretty much am never going to use dip weapon that's a good point it's also not on here so oh yeah it is nice I'm never going to dip a weapon I might dip I'm never going to dip a weapon all right we're good good [ __ ] all right I have an ultra wide I have so much room yeah but like I have a big ass monitor but I still don't like it being the closer it is to the center of the monitor the less I like it you know what I mean you can add another row I know you can you can increase rows but right my point is I don't want it covering like the middle of my screen you know I want it to extend horizontally out to the sides of my screen you know the wider your bar is the better the taller it is the worse it is I don't like that all right let's go get Shadow hot get my stuff back get my Buffs back we still got warning bond with with Gail oh my God why is aaran not wearing clothes aaran you're going to get me demonetized dude [ __ ] oh yeah I revived him and then used him for his blood and then bails okay you wanted something yep I need you to join me again just for a minute oh she leveled up wait can I oh dude wait wait what how many levels has she got in her yeah she's level eight cleric okay I dude we need to get her to level 12 get that food buff please please oh [ __ ] dispel Good and Evil requires concentration uh contagion can she get anything new good maybe so long rest ooh poison a Target but okay that's a negative flame strike uh negate charms nah nah all this is bad it all requires concentration eh fine whatever I should probably also level up Gail as well just for safety all right what am I missing what Buffs am I missing seeming gu to fall poy me what the [ __ ] nah okay dominate me tet call me an ally what's the fun in that wait death Ward do I have death Ward I have death Ward read movement nope lost that why does why did I lose some of them but then some of them stayed that's really weird protection from Poison I don't need I just got it for flavor age [ __ ] it we'll get a low small amount of AIDS and we're back mostly long Strider as well give me that all right did I lose my potion I still have the Elixir viciousness why does it just arbitrarily delete some of your Buffs and then give like let me keep other ones it's really strange you wanted something yep that was all I wanted she sounds so sad yep go ahead I'm listening yep o it's been a while since we leveled up the boy we leveled up our human shield cast a at fifth level yeah I would I would but we didn't have any spell slots man my dude tell you what oh we can't use I was going to say we can cast Mage Armor on ourselves again all right he's already got tough ritual Caster then and then we'll just give him long stter and [ __ ] speak with animals [ __ ] it all right 74 health so we can do anything up to 74 HP and now I can give myself level five AIDS a what are we missing just all the normal [ __ ] protection from Poison don't want daylight daylight kind of sucks [ __ ] up the lighting death W we've already got warding Bond we've already got I think we're back I think we're fine wish I could cast Mage Armor though got of armor equipped that [ __ ] helmet he can die if Sans takes enough damage in one turn exactly if if they do no I think they have to do oh maybe it isn't a single turn I don't know if he like exists outside of turns or what divine strike dude weird that he's a cleric go ahead I'm I question the wisdom of that shut up question don't question my wisdom I just soloed an entire room of people all right let's go what am I missing I feel like it's taking some [ __ ] off me like what am I missing what did I have before like what before I resp I feel like I'm I had more than this but whatever oh my God there's so much loot holy [ __ ] oh the Trader's still alive I wonder what she's going to say like everyone's dead [ __ ] man all right anyway let's get to act three let's focus man I got to pee so bad go to Camp loot the big lady oh my God that's so much o what the [ __ ] arent solver what I've never seen this poison Mist on a hit surround the Target in an noxious Cloud that possibly poisons foes within it does an extra four poison damage it's not a 1 D4 that's a guaranteed four damage that's [ __ ] rare 7 17 to 31 tenacity 3 and it's just a regular ass plus one mace that's kind of cool would you say YouTube has made you rich dude not even [ __ ] close my guy I do not post or make greedy long enough content I I this is going to sound like I'm sucking my own dick I only make content for fun like I don't make content for money like I I legitimately don't like I could crank out 30 minute [ __ ] hole videos and try and milk my audience as much as possible but I only make videos that I like I would make a lot more money if I tried to finesse the system but I just don't do that you know you've got to like crank as much money like I don't even make 10-minute videos you know what I mean like I don't try to make anything long for the sake of being long it just it's long if it ends up being long you know what I mean do you have another job no I do not I just do this luckily YouTube luckily I Get Enough from very nice people doing donos and stuff like that to keep me a float but I'm not like I don't push for money if you know what I mean I could probably make a lot way I could make way more money off YouTube If I like pushed really hard and like [ __ ] out content as much as possible rather have it as a hobby it's not even a hobby this is my job I just like you know I'm lucky enough that me making stuff for fun does well enough to keep me afloat you know I I definitely am not rich though once you start doing this for money it becomes a job exactly exactly if you love what you do you'll never work a day in your life or whatever people say Scroll of Shadow that's not that good we're fine we're fine we're fine money wait I need to go that there's so much [ __ ] in this room like holy crap wowza I should just be looting everything cuz I can sell at her and she's right there and the more money I have the more I can can I maybe could I pickpocket um Keck and then put all of my money is in his inventory and then beat him to death with my mace or would he teleport away before I can pick pocket and make get get my money back is it actually possible to do that wait can you pick pocket midf fight as long as they don't have line of sight on you we'll we'll play with some [ __ ] I'm I'm really I'm trying some [ __ ] what does AD Wares do it makes it so that you can uh autom ooh nice more of those [ __ ] arrows I'm kind of glad these guys died I can't believe I'm saying that but nice Lop oh oh the be big beefy Big Boy hellbird nice sulfurous note oops so if you add [ __ ] to Wars you can sell everything in one uh single action it is really really really really [ __ ] useful you should get into the habit of doing it look so I can just go like instead of like going through the inventory and selling all of these manually I can click here hold shift click here right click add to wears and then when I go and talk to this lady I can click a single button and sell my whole inventory of everything that's marked like this it's incredibly useful more arrows ah barnabus is collar man I'm really sad that the nlls died actually I'm Legit sad that they died just tell me what you need so I can go trade I can switch it oh I don't even to switch then just sell bam sells everything in one Fell Swoop you don't have to [ __ ] around your inventory you don't have to spend 10 minutes you don't have to sit there while your teammates stand waiting for you to sell all your [ __ ] manually like an [ __ ] when you can just click a single button and do it instantly also if you double tap trade B it'll organize all their inventory from most rare to least rare resources too which is also a really good thing to know oh what wait when did she get arrows or did I just not buy these Arrow many targets oh I love arrows of many targets so much uh Arrow of arcan interference is definitely going to be useful against some of the bosses oil of Bane potion of flying humanoid slaying extremely useful especially in act three there's so many humanoids in act three ooh scroll disintegrate Sunbeam chain lightning chain lightning is so dope man ooh Scroll of uh Circle of Death would be [ __ ] great on a Solo character you don't have to worry about allies being nearby most of the time bomb arrows yes bomb there's two [ __ ] smoke P arrows oh my God you're right oh yes they're my favorite wait dude wait if you don't if never use these they're so good oh I'm so excited it's like my favorite [ __ ] Cloud giant strength don't mind if I do I'm never going to use it actually it's never going to be worth my time also why have I got loads of Hill giant strength potions what am I doing I don't need these a roaring Thunder uh I almost bought it back Darkness always good to have for stealth reasons all right we're good lady light your away good capes this is the best cape in the game plus one armor class and plus one to saving throws you cannot change my mind you you just simply cannot Arrow many targets Arrow of ices smoke pwder arrows are so good so what these do is they do 4 D6 plus 4 D6 uh force and fire and and they have a huge radius look and they knock everything back so you can damage something for a [ __ ] ton of damage everything in this region for a [ __ ] ton of damage and they knock things back they're insanely strong they're so good and if you crit they do even more damage they are the best [ __ ] in the [ __ ] whole game for range builds I love them wait what OC durge Cape oh yeah yeah but that's like a [ __ ] it that kind of exists outside of the Realms of normal [ __ ] you know that's like you have to play a specific I'm talking about regular capes that anybody can get not the specific fancy magical cape you get for playing a durge fireball for Rogues yeah exactly it's like Fireball for Rogues but it also knocks people back and Deals a more consistent type of damage like bear in mind it deals um half of the damage does his Force damage which almost nothing in the game is resistant to so it makes it even better than Fireball it also doesn't require a spell slot or any of that [ __ ] you just shoot it all right can we revive jira I forgot to check oh my god dude oh they've got to patch that you know that new thing in the in the uh the most recent patch that makes it so if you click through a doorway wait what what oh it must have been bugged never mind did they oh wait they fixed it oh my God they fixed it oh [ __ ] they actually fixed it it used to be that if you click on a doorway it makes you click on the door in the most recent Hof fixed I can't believe they fixed it nice God larion are so [ __ ] good dude they're so consistently the best some doors are bugged oh they didn't fix it whatever they're still the best I don't give a [ __ ] they're still good I'm not going to resend my compliment there was a hot yeah they also fixed the what's you know the the the naked cat that really cool uh his majesty they made his majesty into a furry cat and it made no sense and apparently they changed it so that steel claw would look different but steel claw makes way more sense as a long-haired cat and steelclaw [ __ ] uh mentions that you're you're not a long hair or you're like a a short hair human or something like that it references the fact that it has hair that you're a hairless and and [ __ ] so it makes way more sense for them to be a long-haired cat and the community like rallied to because to make his majesty into a hairless cat again best [ __ ] Community like most de like most communities are asking for big patches and we're like you [ __ ] give us our cool cat back we want the best character in the whole game back thank you I want my hairless cat back I want my weird skin cat all right I'm going to patiently and nicely sit on this bench like a good boy while I go for a peee break I will be back momentarily wait I'm going to put we're going to put elevator music onto hold on uh [ __ ] that's not long enough 1 hour of elevator music all right that'll do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] w he's never getting to act three that's fair it's fine we're going to be up for another while all right we have plenty of time to get to act three don't you worry I'm back no more PP piss break wait [ __ ] sorry I took so long I was washing my hands in my defense that's why it took so long wait I need to lock my bar I know I'm going to [ __ ] this up all right oh [ __ ] I forgot about this lady oh yeah she killed this [ __ ] ogre last time I forgot about that he didn't even do the cut scen she just killed her skip handwashing nurgle curses you e fake gamer this man showers what a faker path is interrupted I [ __ ] what what dog what the [ __ ] oh I'm going to shoot the chandelier I'm going to do a [ __ ] wait I'm going do a sick ass move here why can't I move the Des whatever all right I'm going to do an arrow of many T I'm going to Sho okay actually you know what no never mind I'm just going to shoot this lady kmo [ __ ] um [Music] all right here's here's the plan Spike grow and then we close the door and then we hide here patiently while they kill themselves die before you reach my run through my spikes idiot you will be [Applause] OB you fo can I expect a 5 to 6 hours live today or will I be sad when you finish believe me you're always going to be sad when I finish I'm sorry that was so weird that was a weird thing for me to say um what was I talking about no I'm I'm I'm stream for a hot minute don't worry about it oh hide there we go nice dude we're so good walk through the spikes lady yes yes you [ __ ] [ __ ] idiot oh you're so dumb yeah [ __ ] ew she ew oh that's what that does oh it wasn't very good it's already dead nice cast lady what how can I finesse her here somehow now um can I Style on her by just pushing her into the spikes oh I broke my own concentration God damn it whatever just die lady God we to ruin my fun okay oh wait I missed some donos [ __ ] can I expect to five oh yeah yeah yeah I'll be streaming for a hot minute I want to get to act three minimum tonight I don't give a [ __ ] if it's like 2: a.m. I'm getting to act three tonight yo did you wipe e how did I miss that dude if I took a [ __ ] you'd be waiting here for like 40 minutes it is not a healthy Affair I'm not a fat guy but I do not take care of my body anyway Gary draws the five euro Dono you can piss on your hands so you don't have to wash them afterwards not wellknown life hack I really feel like like you might be a good candidate for president cuz that's [ __ ] genius dude you can piss on your hands so you don't have to wash him afterwards there it is not wellknown life hack you get the community you deserve hi what up homie I love your voice by the way you're so cool you it's me what have you done oh you're yes what have you done to me please make an audio book so I can go to sleep to your voice aloy you forgot about second attack what about second breakfast surrender now I consider letting you live go melodia wanted more for you than this cck stop and you might redeem yourself yet all right we'll do that oh [ __ ] crushed it my but my good boy there is no Redemption can't you see it is too late no it's good you're you're can be could see all I've done why the [ __ ] can't you side with Krick he's so [ __ ] cool her husband died long there are six audio books NR by JK Simons does he n anything cool he could not be brought back does he [ __ ] does he narrate something like a Warhammer book or something that I would want to listen to there's a whole list of books I'm going to Google that JK Simmons narrated books listed books narrated by JK Simmons on Audible The Trial of Chicago 7 transcript and Tom Clancy's po net force point of impact I think I would rather peel myself like a potato than listen to the [ __ ] trial of Chicago does he not narrate anything cool whatever man so you'll continue the spectacle of violence to what end you're wrong Cather it isn't too late for you it's not too late for you I will join you I will be your tiny gnome Sim nor Lunas he's such a cool character too man he's kind of an [ __ ] and he's sort of cynical life was dismantled [ __ ] everyone over because he lost one and [ __ ] but it's kind of like you can understand instead of the usual like orin's character is [ __ ] for example she's just like [ __ ] [ __ ] everyone let's kill everyone because God because my evil bad guy God or whatever even the the 50-year-old emo guy is more relatable than beaten true soul but the gods beat me first romance Orin dude imagine if she was just swooning for Sans like I I went with the exact hair mustache and body combo that just makes her swo I apologize for that JK Simmons played a German tourist in a small Greek movie that falls in love with an old Greek housewife it what Orin is a baller Orin is a [ __ ] dork dude worst of the three absolutely worst of the three come quietly and you'll be spar seeing one's enemy cow cow never gets old every time I read the word cow I imagine them turned into a cow forcefully on the way to the restroom and just place the Boo Boo in the toilet I'm very Advanced as you can imagine I mean in a world of Resurrection wouldn't you try and res your kid I would be if if if I had a [ __ ] loved one and they died and I went to the shop the the [ __ ] corner store and bought a scroll of revivification and used that and it didn't work because they weren't a main character I would what the [ __ ] do you do then what kind of world is that can you imagine there's some [ __ ] twoot gnome like going backwards in time to roll his fate meanwhile all of your your all your loved ones are permanently dead they have plut armor though they're fine what a [ __ ] up existence that's fine though whatever I that would suck I think you know seeing one's enemies move wouldn't get gold to be fair that's essentially it's just polymorph you know sorry you're an NPC you know all of s Sans has no loved ones Sans rolls alone he's going to be a 30-year-old virgin wizard come quietly you sp I don't know man you're sorry to stand here bro yes no get out of here lady I should have killed you no alen rise you dog no he's cool leave him alone he didn't mean he didn't mean it sword is my sword he needed your invincibility for uh cool [ __ ] it's fine kri yes wait Krick is surrendered cck Thor would sooner die than lay down his rank cause isn't that right General I Was a Fool to hesitate power like mine cannot be hidden canot hey that's not my fault I didn't ask her to help like mine has a price a price I am destined to pay you have if you kill everyone in your Camp will or capture Withers dude that's what I want to find out once it's gone he'll just he'll probably steal um Gil or he'll steal Shadow HW do you hear um I'm hoping if I have enough NPCs they'll steal someone I don't care about like aaran or something oh no s my boy the prism you've had it all this time you [Music] worm you will bow before me no and if you will not bow you will break n crumble at the power of your touch give him all you have the let's fight at our side no shut up loser no I oh it's almost like there's no real choice in this situation oh this is going to be so satisfying wait a minute I I have to I know there's probably better uses for this but that's so satisfying oh all right can I just nail him from 30% chance to hit [ __ ] all right God damn dude um I'll say I'll kill Susan with justy oh so strong pop him in the mouth and then I will actually remember to use my carabian poison little bit too late little bit too late that's fine though I still have one more action I think I get two attacks uh and I can actually use one of these items for it too which is really cool what if I no path is interrupted I guess do you have to shoot it directly can I not do an A or something with this whatever I'll just finish off this Skilling wait no no wait I'll finish this lady off die nice get him alen what a Dame Smite him moon beam she cast moon beam on herself oh oh my God holy [ __ ] alen oh holy [ __ ] aen oh [ __ ] no oh soers oh [ __ ] get away from me uh-oh oh man oh no it's a style moving that is around herself and moves with her oh yeah I knew that I I knew that you know that's fine wait I'm going to okay I'm going to cast Spike growth here like this is so then he has to go through the spike growth to get to me so he'll take a little bit extra damage right we've got car something wait deadly orders affected blah blah blah blah attacking a specific way it's more likely this enemy wait do I not have a poison oh oh it doesn't show unless yeah coded in crawler mucus n turns remitting okay uh 30% chance man that's really bad is it because I'm slightly too far away yeah there we go you don't actually have to kill him right like you just got to get him low oh wait sh oh yeah I was going to say I did I just got gas spped by my thing I was like [ __ ] I forgot to put um what's that ability that I got rid of uncanny Dodge I was trying to put uncanny Dodge back on my my rotation forgot I got rid of that crap we're good I'm going to move away just so he can't hit me D can Damen die or is she invincible and then and like literally cannot die she's Invincible right like she literally can't die yeah she's just down Focus your attack soldiers Focus your attack every time I read necrite I'm like is that a Spanish Necromancer like a necrom ow okay this is actually getting me with no line of sight which kind of sucks for me I don't want to waste one of these smoke pow arrows cuz they're really good but also should I just [ __ ] I you know I'm going to save him cuz the next fight there's way more difficult fights than this uh we'll go for fire bam not bad not bad kill this one one three Health one these are on fire 12 and 14 yeah man no ooh ooh nice and I get another attack kill this one not enough movement that [ __ ] phrase has been ruined Forever by that streamer guy you know that clip of ninja where he's like doing the fortnite dance in like new New York to a bunch of uh people and there's just a bunch of crowd of people in the rain and he's like doing the [ __ ] he's doing the uh [ __ ] what's that uh move called uh he's flossing in front of like hundreds of people he's flossing in front of hundreds of people and he's like I'm not seeing enough movement and he starts laughing because he's so embarrassed dude that [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God it makes me laugh so hard oh get it oh [ __ ] she's dead oh yeah that was so cringe yeah that's yeah that that scene is painful to watch but it's so funny just he looks so dumb doing this [ __ ] like dumbass like internet dance whatever I think it's funny oh can I he doesn't heal anyway doesn't matter uh H bobbed arrow that would be [ __ ] okay get him with the bobbed Arrow come on 55% chance uh saved Bob Bodkin [ __ ] damn it get him alen clap those cheeks alen way to go alen you get it you can get it you get it lady [ __ ] that that crap does damage to me very uncool all right Krick wait what is Krick is he humanoid he's Undead [ __ ] C he is um I really got to get some arrows of Krick slay I'm going try Bob daro again he doesn't even move I don't know why I'm doing this God you just keep saving it too you think you're so cool and you are cck you think you're so cool with your awesome voice and cool armor and welld designed and well written character and your cool background I you missed my six Monon membership window uh wisdom wait what I do [ __ ] thank you for six months my guy thank you oh Gary jumes member uh you can also poo in your pants on the way to the res room and just place the poop in the toilet I'm very Advanced as you can imagine you really made me scroll back up for that what the [ __ ] that was not wisdom kind of wisdom was that I cannot believe you made me scroll up for that I never really liked ninja or PewDiePie not my cup of tea uh Ninja seems like I don't like really any fortnite content creators cuz I'm not a fan of the game but um uh I think PewDiePie is the most tolerable as a content creator as he's ever been like since he's he's just some chill dude who's Rich As [ __ ] enjoys life makes content for fun and lives in like Japan like he's living most dude's dream you know like he's [ __ ] cool as [ __ ] now like you know what I mean he's just some dude he's just some guy with a beard he's chill as [ __ ] he doesn't do any stupid bro fist cringe [ __ ] anymore he's just some guy now you know what I mean [ __ ] like he's one of those dudes that I used to find kind of insufferable like him and Jack Ja Jack Septic Guy and all that kind of crap and mocker I used to think they were kind of insufferable now they're chill they're just dudes that are rich and do stuff and they're chill they they've matured you know PewDie has the entire YouTube Spectrum under his belt he did everything there is exactly like he's just sort of one you know die all right oh he's really not reacting to those Thorns cic Thorns God damn it I got to get in his why am I outside of I'm just giving myself disadvantage for no reason God damn it idiot oh he's immune to crawler mucus that explains it this is quite the fight what just [ __ ] Dame alien getting [ __ ] up all the time oh she's processing and now she's in pain all right this is this is an underwhelming N critting there we go easy clap you want oh my God the the Thorns are still in the cut scene that's so cool she's like oh these [ __ ] Thorns you idiot my Lord beckons me why did you put down Thorns you must return to your prison and my daughter must be reclaimed Smite his ass Isabelle oh yeah she didn't know she was alive oh tacle you will fall as sure as she this has only begun the spikes fit into the cut scene kind of crazily well that tentacle was coloss musle how can such a thing be possible this tentacle has awakened deep fetishes within my being oh [ __ ] what oh there's still a skeleton right I was like the [ __ ] Scourge Scourge that thing Came From Below we need to find out where it took cic wait did I try and revive Jiro did I just forget I don't have any Revival Scrolls so I'd have to go buy one is it worth me going back down and trying to revive her what do you guys think or is it a waste of time I also didn't loo her I forgot you can't is it worth going back or no just continue it's been a long day I'll need to rest soon I know I can try I'm just saying is if it's he's hella dead you can't R if she died all right fair enough let's go into the gaping the moist gaping hole you appear on the whole life by the tentacle the Drew CA Darkness will you live after him that's a pretty valid question for such an impossibly wide a single tacticle borrowed through Stone POV your mom your mom when I all right okay moving on I'm on team reload eh we just not like it's a solo run anyway man it's fine this is an lith colony this must be where they harvest the tadpoles we're close to the source of the infections yeah all of this sitting beneath moonrise wait can I oh I can't go back to Camp yet I was going to go talk to hson I just realized I want to set up since we can't have jira I was thinking we we just set up hson cuz hson can get that that long-term buff anyway if we lose Shadow heart or whatever but I guess we have Shadow heart we don't really need very close to the source of the absolute now now oh stop talking storm has become a tempest okay that's the Hitler guy that's not us that's a normal that's a normal sentence stench wonder how many Pilgrim did we save the brain oh we did save the brain hello brain it's us remember us guys okay the spine coming out the back of the of the brain is kind of whack remember us from the beginning though friend you found the helm we remember bra hom you saved us once perhaps you can they are not kind to us here they wish to repurpose us destroy what they cannot fix please help us Escape h r uh brain friend out for you oh thank you the cut off I bring you a stuffed bear I'm going to talk to this guy too this guy is dope Will Sparks behind his eyes his mind has been you could kill it end its miserable life of enslavement surely that would be the Humane thing to do my brain always died yeah I always get it as a homie and then if you either rush or you it really depends what you do and how many people you have with you depressing character I guess um Chop Chop help them become I'm just going to skip through some of this same song uh about the little kitty in the cage what kitty sings wrong long song must fix I'll take the creature with me it won't disrup the highand anymore fre the creature I'll kill you in every one of your Creations Jesus Christ uh persuasion I feel like saying is a persuasive Beast [ __ ] never mind oh my God okay oo not good really not okay all right that's we're going to end up having to kill this guy I'm not wasting my last inpiration point oh no long okay well I've never fought this guy so sturdy what is that 22 damage at least 10 damage I could break out the brain and it could help us but then if it dies I don't know if you get it as a summon whatever we'll take these guys out they're nothing prepare to get effed in the a Mr Man Cho it this oh [ __ ] uh [ __ ] it whatever oh my God how much I'm sorry how much [ __ ] yeah critical misses there we go at l oh no more jum oh we're a good guy cool no [ __ ] misc dog he wants to die good nice uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh um um uhoh whoopsie oh [ __ ] um there's a lot of these guys they hit surprisingly hard too I guess I'll just kill them all oh my what the [ __ ] is [Music] that we're actually maybe a little bit too strong oh my [ __ ] god holy crap okay all right what's chop gun Mor key toy block meat I feel like he should have a unique Cleaver that guarantees bleed damage or something like causes enemies to bleed or some [ __ ] I don't know and heals you if you attack a bleeding enemy something cool like that I don't know that's an easy legendary item to put in not legendary an easy unique weapon gome gnome Wick oh my God that's actually such a good good name all right bust through bust in the cage got finally a good roll I free you free you free brain friend but perils remain near and far better to stay together you and us we we will remain with you call us ofall be at your side hell yeah brain homie brain homie brain homie so there we go item received summon us so as long as you carry this [ __ ] brain once per short rest you going to summon this homie is as here and it's way stronger than it is when it's in the cage I think I guess we could just keep that on what if I put it in the bag like this and then if we need them just cast spell we can summon brain once per short rest nice the more you know voice acting is so good in this game it really is there's some the only problem is when the when most of the voice acting is super good uh when there's bad voice acting it really shows like I was uh I've been replaying cyberpunk because of the 2.0 update and uh they they have a character in it called Lizzy wizzy and they're like a pop star and they're voiced by um Grimes the music artist so it's a celebrity voice actor and the voice acting is so bad dude it's sounds like they're reading it off a call sheet you know like they're reading it off a script it's not good like I don't want to be mean it's just but it is it is not good it is noticeably worse than most of the uh the voice acting it's really bad anybody else find that do you remember she's like a silver lady with like pink hair in the in the game it's like a it's like a oh [ __ ] wow ooh ooh that's so much [ __ ] dog I don't have Spike growth I don't have any level two spell [Music] slots no AO AOE for me okay now it will be a good time to use the smoke powder Arrow let's just try and clear some of them one down uh two down maybe although they'll just get survived actually oh wait I I want to take out the winged Horrors if I can they're winged and horrible oh [ __ ] it whatever we can do enough damage to Sol this guy down I think come on give me one crit give me at least one crit [Music] ew ew e [ __ ] whatever we'll see what happens can these things there it's not going to fly okay weird that he has wings but it's not going to fly that's fine I didn't notice her voice being bad maybe her Chrome was too distracting isn't that the point she's no longer human so her acting should be off maybe but the in the like intonations of her voice are just super strange maybe it was intentional to me it just sounds like really weird voice acting the shiny mace from the mountains is really good here Oh you mean the [ __ ] yeah against anything on dead it's good John deio as a voice acted companion in this game would be so cool John namio the guy John deio the guy who voiced like Bender in futur armor and Marcus and Gears of War and Jake the dog in Adventure Time that John deio cuz he's [ __ ] dope and I would love to see him voicing a sassy dwarf companion in this game that would be [ __ ] awesome oh this is going to be so satisfying dude oh yes yes yes boom oh that's so satisfying wait can I oh please tell I can hit this one too oh please please please please please slightly more to the right I need to hit that maybe I'm wasting them here ah whatever I'll save one can I get the fire arrow out though do here I could that's not going to kill him anyone though wall of fire brother I don't have any wall of fire I think I have clest I can do is cloud kill but most of them are immune to poison cuz they're Undead so I'm [ __ ] out of look what I can do is try and focus down the big [ __ ] magic guy cuz this guy is the problem he will revive [ __ ] everybody in this room individually slowly over time [ __ ] die [ __ ] dude all right there we go I'm just going to let this thing hit me it's just a zombie [ __ ] idiot no no why did he turn around and open it again ah you can't open door [ __ ] all right whatever whatever dude so more XP I don't something tells me I'm not going to get extra XP if it they get revive but we'll see Spike growth I can't use Spike growth I don't be spell slots that's what I was worried about it ain't an option A no option o [ __ ] okay I I actually need them to be more grouped up I should have bought some more AOE spells this ain't good though this could be better all right let me think let me think let me think I used the cone of cold already can't use the undead thing Scroll of blur could be good because then you know they have disadvantage on me and I'm concentrating so I'll do more damage or I could do fog Cloud for a level one spell slot which will cover everybody in fog and give them disadvantage but it'll also give me disadvantage and that's kind of stupid or I could blast the [ __ ] out of these guys hit all of them maybe let me see if I can finesse it just a little bit get I got to be like it's got to be like here oh it can't hit me it's fine right here oh good [ __ ] and now I really need some arrows of Undead slaying like super super bad nice crits are always good rits are always always good yes yes more crits let's go and now we just got to deal with this guys but mostly the death Shepherd cuz what when it's his turn going to revive one of them watch yeah go on revive your [ __ ] dude go on yeah there it is 96 HP [ __ ] man and he has death Ward so he takes [ __ ] half damage from everything except for radiant and I can't do radiant damage except for that full radiant damage that I do I think blur better just keep kiing them I'm going to focus down that guy instead of kiing them I I have to he can only revive one of them per turn but it's not the end of the world especially if I manage to kill them in in a in bulk somehow I just got to figure out how to kill that [ __ ] dude um 54 plus 5 is he resistant to force damage oh my God he actually is why is he resistance to force damage son of a [ __ ] I only got to do 20 damage though that shouldn't be too hard right what about Arrow volcane interference B bam nice nice nice nice nice nice nice cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool 95% chance game what [Music] I [ __ ] hate this game man there's no way there's no way oh my God rolled one and where the [ __ ] is my can roll I rolled two critical critical misses I rolled two ones unbelievable it's all oo oo over I'm [ __ ] hope not I I've only got bonus actions wait is blur a bonus action no it's an action [ __ ] [ __ ] it I'm just going to have to do regular dude my the damage is so bad he's going to revive them too bye goodbye oh [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] you death Shepherd you should have just died in Mass Effect do you have the comic commodes maybe I disabled commodes cuz people told me to how you liking those comic dice turn off I mean apparently it affects other people too so so whatever all right oh I can't get past you [ __ ] kidding me this uses all my movement though ah whatever oh wait he can hit me for good damage [ __ ] did I [ __ ] up um damn dude I could I would kill for an arrow of [ __ ] Undead killing slaying right now [ __ ] all right well I get two attacks so I can use a spell and then an off hand is he weak to anything absolutely anything I think he's resistance to everything except radiant which is the one type of damage that I don't have a lot of son of a [ __ ] I'm going to keep doing Arrow I can't possibly roll another one right okay at least he's silenced for a turn now and then can of [ __ ] just and then just sneak past him maybe don't hit me don't hit me don't hit me no no no no yeah how's it feel critical Miss yeah that's right what what the [ __ ] is the point in silencing them then it's a break concentration and that's like [ __ ] it dude just Shrugged it off and wasn't silenced during his turn what the [ __ ] are com dices so in the options there's a thing called Comic dice comic dice avoid failure streaks while keeping the results mostly random but it also does that for the AI so the AI can't have failure streaks apparently okai doesn't even break concentration what yeah it does it's the whole point of it isn't it did they just suck ass oh I'm not [ __ ] dog I would kill for an AOE right now I got to have something I can do oh man are they all resistant to poison they're all immune to poison that sucks all right I want the guaranteed damage so now he's dead now none of them can be revived and now I shoot this guy in his [ __ ] mouth twice for good measure and then I [ __ ] bucket later and they all catch up to me without even having to dash uh all right I'll blow him nice run back and use the nalo tanks at yeah it's not a bad idea problem is now they've got enough movement to get around me so it's hard to get away grease bottle I don't have any grease bottles that would have been a good move nothing is immune to grease except for enemies that com be topple it but usually that's not [Laughter] even I love this animation dude like he's being killed by thousands of invisible ants all right arrow of Darkness you fools halfth is interrupted doesn't matter right [ __ ] yeah get [ __ ] get finessed Sans Underdog the king of all [Music] shits tell me that wasn't kind of a good move though moving the NAU light T that never mind it breaks concentration I'm downum that's all it does it's meant to break concentration that's like the whole thing what is he doing [ __ ] moving [ __ ] and blowing things up it worked I don't even want to hear it I'm just going to melee for fun for flavor that's right don't get my plus two to range damage and you're dead almost wow that did not do a lot does he have Undead Wards still no that was oh no God damn it I always mistake that for the uh other thing can I throw that at him for spice oh my God that move are you kidding me with that movement range can I throw I can throw him no way I can only throw like a foot okay I'll take it no [ __ ] damn it dude what fine oh my God are you [ __ ] kidding me little SS is not so good at pushing people does anybody remember what the mind is that you get for the githyanki um Gian psychic thing that you can get does anybody remember which brain it is not waking mind I feel got to do the puzzle oh behind the puzzle door I like makes sense ey patch can you can I wear the eye patch ah what you can't wear it what the [ __ ] the point of an ey patch did you can't wear damn it that would make for a cool [ __ ] transmog all right don't need the butcher my man the rest of them are cosmetic I just want the one from the puzzle oh my God I'm going to have to do a puzzle live on stream that's going to suck is this worth taking by the way the resonance Stone what's it do again it gives you Ste blit heah if entity has advantage on physical checks and disadvantage on mental saving throws entity is also vulnerable to psychic damage that's not worth it right it's not no yeah T worth it last I suppose o big skeleton oh my God the skeleton's huge no I'm just tiny never mind it's just the perspective I'm just little onwards to the puzzle you have sucky mental stats though uh that's not so bad we've got a plus three a plus three and a plus one that could be worse that's not bad he can't even see the top of his hair at the console it is incomplete all right uh let see if I can remember this um uh this one and then oh what wait do I oh my God I have to what the [ __ ] console glows as you approach oh my God there we go okay there and then and then the bra speech goes here like that and then [ __ ] uh purple goes here and then and then this one goes here nailed it easy you never did that puzzle that's easy you got the blade of oppressed souls and a waking mind IO you cheated how did I cheat why is it cheating I've done it before that's not that hard man you just line it up you stop cheating you literally line it up it's brain Go Brain mouth go mouth it's super [ __ ] simple you were unaware of that sansa's a intelligence should have taken longer that's true I'm not oping that's that's true this is not a a finesse long sword I cannot use and now we put the waking mind into the Mind thingy I think he's cheating was that cheating I just remembered how to do it from the other time I've done it did it off stream yeah I've done multiple playthroughs I've done that twice and once on my main play through my first play through I did it once on my play through and now I'm doing it again on my Sands play through oh [ __ ] I got to give her a brain I forgot take my brain you nasty lady I'm going to quick save here cuz I know I'm going to pick the wrong option and [ __ ] this up fine bones something a cheetah would say honestly someone gave him the solution with an earpiece why is it impossible why is it completely impossible that I just remembered how to do it literally line up a couple of dots it's so simple Sans can't even read with 8 an yes you can [Music] um for a set of hands to slap your face [ __ ] you only we zarai continue the war to end the gate forever I'll show you Yan on their own Battlefield you're remarkably saying for a pickled brain what a roast I'm listening my order Tau a psionic I never but use your tadpole eras and I will pass my technique on to you touch my mind and Purge it at the very moment you do I will make my knowledge yours the awareness that floods you is nothing like the tpon it is tentative and Ting with the it's such a straightforward puzzle amount exactly thank you your T it's it's fine it's just impossible the the idea of me being even remotely competent is so foreign a concept on these streams I'm not surprised but when you use it you will watch that the white stuff on his lips milk don't worry about it and I it's for my boy strong bones gai mind barrier so there it is so now we get gide mind barrier having assimilated a splinter of G garai knowledge mental barriers have been erected in the affected enties mind it has advantage on intellect saving throws nice now we're super [ __ ] smart we're smart and we have an erect mind use your Tad poles uh I'm waiting until we get to act three so I can get the uh the super pole I can awaken my mind and be become fly can you get two B Bust from that uh I don't think so I don't know about if there's another one that's that's permanent I don't know about it that one's definitely worth getting cuz you get it forever doesn't go away if you long rest or whatever you just you just have that now o stuff to steal for my little man give me goop jellies and gold wait if you have wait I got like eight tap bols once I got the Super T that's what I was thinking like you get a bunch of free extra ones from like a bunch of dead guys in that room I think I don't remember I don't remember exactly but whatever maybe we can spend them we'll get there when we get there oh attacked the order to evacuate given you should not be here nice head dumb ass you are one of the attackers I wish there was really stupid options like at the bottom like a four that just says like nice hat dumbass [ __ ] like that where's my really really stupid option you know I want my what the player would actually want to say option this is a misunderstanding I was s to support you with the rication of these traits I'm going to trying to see and then attack her when she's not looking 21 holy [ __ ] we're way too bad at talking for that I shall present your bones to whatever I don't even have bones oh my God no way this is going to work you [ __ ] idiot he you [ __ ] [ __ ] this is what you get for having a stupid hat nice is that a bold woman oh that's a dude that's a man that's a bold man right in the back of the nogget BAM ooh big dag finish him off God we're strong God I was strong then I don't call you get five temples back these are the ones that surround the middle ability that you start with the ones use in the [Music] dialoges interesting you can't R of sickness me I'm already sick as hell die Harry Henry the [ __ ] is that [Music] name iron finger E I wonder how she got that name she's like the most powerful Lesbian oh dude I'm like immune to everything everything what are you even going to do I'm just too strong um I'm going to melee her just for fun yeah yeah get bed okay got our Ranger attacks are just so much better than our melee it's like actually disgusting his name is Henry and he happens to be Harry I wonder what a a bug bear would look like completely shaved you know God this woman had a really Swift death who the [ __ ] carries around just a single pork sausage man that looks dope that's like a this this literally looks like a [ __ ] like a heavy metal album cover what the [ __ ] happened to Henry Henry my guy what faithful Harry Henry's Journal day seven harer than ever they all started to call me they started objectifying me calling me Harry Henry ooh I'm going to keep the scroll greater visibility actually a dude dog why does it put it so far down in the bag why larion please please larion why can't you do stuff with those brain draws you can but you only get something out of one of them and I already got it I have no use for it also I'm going to actually just short rest cuz [ __ ] it might as well get all my stuff back pool [ __ ] but empty up tople unusual harvesting all the L indicates they are getting ready for something big can I just break [ __ ] for fun Rin pool all right do we let the uh people out of the stuff in this next room oh yeah leap okay here's the thing whoa that's a big ass [ __ ] oh my God it's the camera perspective again do we let him out of these uh things so we've got a m flare no one no one a mine flare no one no one a mine flare some orc orc lady or guy mine flare and some lady I think zor died zor died in the uh manthara attack actually remember that's why there's no that's why there's no he's not here you let zor die I tried my [ __ ] hardest to save zor that [ __ ] wanted to die I [ __ ] tried dog also I'm going to kill these [ __ ] brains cuz they're going to be a pain in the ass I don't want these brains involved it's all brown and no brains around here now get [ __ ] 90% chance with this get [ __ ] man who the [ __ ] told me to turn off comic dice God damn it I roll so many [ __ ] ones zor wouldn't have had to stand in front of 90 arrows if Sans did their job correctly how [ __ ] dare you I killed like three 100 dudes in that fight and those useless [ __ ] Killed Nobody and then he just kept standing there getting shot by everybody it was not my fault he wanted to die that that is in the lore he legitimately committed suicide you roll three crits in a row so [ __ ] so I can roll a 17 and get a crit that's why get stomped give me those brain things that I'm never going to use why am I looting these they give you an elixir of psychic resistance which when am I ever going to use that I would much rather have an elixir of anything else like viciousness [ __ ] blood lust any of the good ones all right I feel like I should just let these things out for XP if nothing else right yeah let's do that I don't really give a [ __ ] if everybody in this room dies but let's let's let's fight some mind flares your forms a telepathic the device is open to your tadp command all Purge wait if if I wait a second if I hit Purge will they all die you can just Purge for XP screams psychic Agony Terror then oh 790 XP we just killed them all without having to do anything nice nice [ __ ] yeah easy and all we lost was some random uh orc and some uh [ __ ] other person that I forget I want more XP I might as well finish off these uh devourers they don't do [Music] anything this is just free XP of this this point God we're literally like [ __ ] gnome Wick we really are that guy was right especially with two two major attacks like this is crazy God damn it oh my god dog come on all right wait don't we get a free long rest somewhere around here come back uhoh oh it's fine we're fine [ __ ] yeah let's get our free long rest now we can do Spike growth we can do all of our long rest [ __ ] like scorching Ray we get all our [ __ ] back and we don't have to rest even though it's going to force us to do a long rest pretty soon which sucks fresh mine wait why don't I get some barrels for this fight IO in front of a boss elevator and it's as many as you want wait no it's not oh it is I thought it was I thought it was a one use thing summon us H I will if I have to no barrels rebuff with Shield of THS ew yeah I'll do that just as soon as this really long transitional elevator finishes dropping me off of the bus barrels just use reverse pickpocket SMH don't you love how act three starts with a arrest and spells buff dude the fact that when you go to act three it does a rest and then is followed by another immediate rest so if you use a bunch of uh Elixir and stuff in between it forces you to rest again why I wasted so many elixir in that the first time I did that that just me use inv visibility scroll I could sneak behind kth put all my money in his inventory and then just demolish him with a Twist of Fortune what difficulty are you playing on I am on on tactician and have been for the last couple of episodes you also lose your Buffs right before the night Ambush exactly that [ __ ] GI yane Ambush sucks so much ass especially if you don't have all your Buffs that's going to be really [ __ ] hot actually that's going to be so [ __ ] difficult I might actually save the uh Scroll of Greater invisibility so when that happens I can just go invisible and sneak into the portal cuz [ __ ] that man that fight is going to be such a pain in the ass oh my god oh that's going to suck oh that's going to suck you just Misty step to the portal that's true that's true that's going to suck though because I'm not going to have Waring Bond I'm not going to have any of my resistes I'm going to be fighting a [ __ ] ton of monks by myself except for the the guy who I'm not allowed to get him killed because then I'll automatically get turned into a [ __ ] mind flare what we'll deal with that when we get to it all right in the meantime I'm going to go through this fleshy door said nobody in chat no longer a background me presence in your mind builds to just side with the GI and make it easier we found it don't you automatically die though this all right let's do it let's do it the emperor is whack as [ __ ] yeah but don't you just turn into a mind flare if you don't side with him you said it was under control God they really got to change his hair it isn't you I answer to GES oh the general voice I feel like Gores would look so much better if he had like an adult hairstyle like if he had like a fancy sweat back pador looking like over-the-top fancy dude hairstyle or something but for some reason they decided to give him like like 15year old emo kid hair or a hat yeah I guess his hair is great you're you're kidding me Masters true enough but what of the as they need to make him slightly younger true Soul or change his hairstyle and you ran from him sure that they would follow and deliver it not the ppor he needs like greased back like Maloy hair like like a shiny sweat greasy Maloy hair you know what I mean like a politician like a greasy politician or a lawyer that's the hair that I I want on haven't lost your Edge but you're still also his voice is [ __ ] awesome I love that your accent slips from American the UK to Aussie to British humor through and through great stream thank you my guy I'm glad you like my weird [ __ ] voice breath sings to my he looks like that one guy from Final Fantasy oh my God he does kind of look like that one guy from Final Fantasy but super old he must lead the murder march to Border's grave to me he looks like weapon is truly grasp he looks like mly Crew He looks like most of mle crew you like how mle crew still dress in that same [ __ ] but they're like obviously in their 50s and 60s and look whack we're going to the city and expect you to you know what I mean it's like he looks like an aging rockar the Edict of Bane the Orin do people really s for Ain she's [ __ ] nuts like she'd be like give me a hug and then you just be killed she'd stab the [ __ ] out of you the T looks like the guy from that emo band in the early 2000s that's what I mean hold on let me get the hold on brain one of the cruelest and most powerful creatures in existence enslaved by mere mortals there we are fight our it's GES the absolute home [Laughter] preserve word flap in vain olding one to one once the worm I'm whip you're shredded flesh will serve us now it's really time we were going we will empty this place and begin the March you may catch up with the Army once you've retrieved the weapon you dog do try not to sulk you're supposed to be the Fearsome General come to conquer the city all right and I am the hero who it is time faithful he is voice really well you know that the voice act are for um oh wait can I stealth through this no way you can actually stealth this section my I have super high wait hold on all right I quick saved let's let me try and manipulate this until we can do some fun [ __ ] okay how about wait is he Invincible invulnerable yeah wait why is he invulnerable oh yeah cuz he kidnaps I [ __ ] hate that he gets Dame alien no matter what there should be a thing for this where you can side with him whatever I guess it would be weird plot-wise if you sided with him and Dame alien survived because then he would just be Invincible like I don't know invisible mechanics try spell I want to save that for the for the monk thing the voice active for Raphael reminds me of Ian McShan Ian McShan would have been a [ __ ] cool voice for this he has an awesome voice Ian McShan by the way for most people he's you'll know him as the uh the hotel owner in John Wick that's in mchan but also the voice actor for um uh Gort is the same guy who was played the Evil maloy's dad in Harry Potter you know the guy with the sweepback blonde hair that guy he's the guy who voices and that's such a demeaning thing to say like it's that guy from that thing he's been in plenty of [ __ ] but like you know that's what he's most famous for and I think he does a great job as GES he his voice is [ __ ] cool as hell oh yeah I was going to okay so cast jump [ __ ] cast jump and then we stealth and then we [ __ ] there's a mine flare here too and then we leap around the back like so let me sneak over here there you are no what predicted you could have run away why would I absconded with the prism I'm a [ __ ] cool guy I don't run one thing that could prevent me but the lure of one's Destiny is irresistible dude you know what I'm hyped for [ __ ] Invincible season history before you are [ __ ] inject that [ __ ] into my veins I forgot how good that show was I rewatched one like like a month ago so [ __ ] good dude JK Simmons killed it in that role man his voice acting as as omn man is insane he's so good like I really [ __ ] can't wa for season two that's actually such a good show um I just want to be free of my parasite yeah all right I'll say that you are bound do it and in death death it that is the power my Lord Merkel has granted me command over the immeasurable Legions of the Dead yep but he did not only give me power he gave me the one thing no other God could grant me my daughter I realiz this the same voice you just realized this is JK Simmons who also voiced omn man and also played uh the guy in Whiplash dude [ __ ] love JK Simmons in Whiplash whip go watch if you haven't seen Whiplash go watch the movie Whiplash they filmed it in like 8 days and it's a [ __ ] Masterpiece it's so good it's actually disgusting how good of a movie it is considering it was filmed in such short amount of time it might not be right actually that was filmed in a week something like that it was filmed in a crazy short amount of time it's a full like hour like 2our long movie you are all that stands between me and my destiny and you have brought brought the prism here you should just rename these streames sing for JK Simmons he's so cool he's like he's legitimately in so much good [ __ ] in his voice is awesome I can't help it I'm legitimately a huge fan like I can't help it this is like [ __ ] like I don't know I'm a fan of a lot of [ __ ] anything I'm a huge fan of dad and Juno yeah he was the dad and Juno that's a weird pull but he's also extremely funny and so is the mom the mother in that movie is [ __ ] hilarious too like that's like one of my favorite sets of par in like a movie they're [ __ ] so funny kri just monologuing in the background I know I know I'm not even listening to him I'm still annoyed that you're forced to kill him like there's no option to kind of avoid it you know persuade repent perhaps no there is no repentance literally kill yourself my debt can never be repaid what I was I wanted to do an edit for this bit with in like one of my videos where I get to this point and I you know I put a fake dialogue option in the second H things video I want to put one that just says [ __ ] and then he just then I cut to this watching I just cut to [ __ ] falling off he is he is no I love that he just like reaches out for him concerned you dare end one who belongs to me I am oh that's another thing they do really well in this game you know like the demon voices and [ __ ] like the voice here from for Merkel is awesome the voice for like all of the Gods is is so dope the voice for um Bazar is cool as [ __ ] they do all the demon voices so well I am the H of mors ands the god of Graves and age I Am The Clapper of cheeks and DUS I am mer Lord of boners and you you killed JK Simmons how dare you his voice is very cool I am death and I am not the end I prepare to get boned Eloy do you have ADHD I have ADD I don't have the hyperactivity I just have the attention deficit keep getting back up but yeah I do have I have attention deficit disorder I have diagnosed [ __ ] my friend get [ __ ] oh big damage wait what oh I thought it skipped my turn I was like get [ __ ] that's wild can I get this dude out of here can I like no oh what what the [ __ ] is it cuz he can like fly and [ __ ] has advantage against magical effects why can't I throw him with that oh that's I was thinking of this one right there we go is there any way for me to knock him into instant death like that wait that was it right hold on right God damn it I had it he was like going to fall into the abyss there nice a damn it [ __ ] close enough [Laughter] oh [ __ ] yeah uh a [ __ ] I can't help her now oh damn it [ __ ] ad explains why you're a a beast Chef what eh if anything it made me worse than being a chef you you need to be in the moment and concentrating like crazy to be a chef I am pretty good at multitasking though when I'm in the in the zone which is weird that you would know that kind of get Fox oh big damage all right we need to be able to help do I have a potion of speed do I [ __ ] Ain't No Way rip stream why what happened where did the stream go down that's why his accent changes so often what does anybody know what add actually is it's an attention deficit it means I can't focus on specific [ __ ] like if if so for example if I'm if if I'm like playing this game and somebody's like hey uh can you just can you just do this thing for me I will just not hear them at all if I'm really concentrating on something I can't hear [ __ ] oh my God Jesus Christ you just took so much damage or did she no wait she probably took that damage before wait I'm frightened oh [ __ ] for how long one two turns really oh [ __ ] I should have let him 326 HP uhoh o okay I um this is not great okay here we go here we go all right finish these guys off like a this wait how much is each projectile five two two to five for damage two to five all right and then I can't move anyway so oh I could have missed these death and then use my action for [ __ ] sake God damn it here we go what happened what is that what's happening oh [ __ ] wolf ball gifted 10 memberships dude wolf well Wolf's Paul thank you my dude holy [ __ ] damn everybody think everybody thank your boy for the for the gifted Subs so nice of you man thank you many many people can use the Dum Koy emote now wait ok's a skitso the plot thickens what Sans is going to show the Night song how it's done the the nightsong isn't that this lady the nightsong is the good guy man I'm going to do Shield of THS then [ __ ] it I can't do anything until until I can move anyway so I might as well just spend my turn doing something oh [ __ ] I think it get line of side on me bone Shield wait that affects everybody not just oh God oh God oh God oh God saved and save nice uhoh oh no ah I just lost fle Shield oh [ __ ] oh my God wait what the [ __ ] what okay the ah why didn't you guys let me [ __ ] put down barrels I could have blown this [ __ ] up can you pick pocket him he's have pockets what am I talking about he doesn't have a lower half of his body oh [ __ ] he's going to [ __ ] me up if I do that I'm going to have to misy step all right bonus Action level two spell slot no I'm going to use my short rest bonus action get over here and then I'm going to help Dam alen get out of here and help me with your 43 HP and then I'm going to stand right here on this little nubbin I'm going to do oil of Bane yeah and then I'm going to do Scroll of blur next time and then we're just going to start shooting the [ __ ] out of them ooy why do you hate gay people what did they do to you what do you mean the [ __ ] I have no problem with anybody oh my God that is okay at the very least it's damaging enemies which is pretty dope that's good for [Music] us [ __ ] hell D yaa yeah she really is his counter like holy crap since she's Invincible can't could you just keep skipping your turn God damn legendary resistance crowd control what do even is that you have plus 10 bonus your next saving throw affecting multiple targets wow interesting all right here we go wait can I put this wouldn't do anything for every 1.5 meter it moves 2.8 piercing damage yeah what does this thing not did it again that very cool thing resistance to all types of physical uh immune to poison IM uh resistance to cold and necrotic but not immune to necrotic if only I could do fire some [ __ ] right it's going to resist a lot of my piercing damage which sucks yikes massive yikes doesn't Grant any benefits all right bam Hunter's mock squatching Ray yeah [ __ ] it 30% chance it's a little bit of damage I guess that's fine I'm might actually take out some of the necrom now [ __ ] it we got to do damage to this guy never mind never mind dude that's [ __ ] whatever oh lied to us all what do you mean isn't this a solo run hey you know what [ __ ] Dame don't count she's dead anyway apparently never mind God damn she's [ __ ] soloing this guy though never mind now she can't hit [ __ ] [Applause] how do you get a lot of Health only being level three and six what the [ __ ] what you mean my character my characters like level 9 or do you mean Dame level eight no what what NE necrotic Arrow damage to prevent him healing yeah all right good idea did they save it they saved no it's still affecting them that's fine all right I'm going jump up here for a bonus action get a position and then I really want to see if I can pickpocket this [ __ ] thing there's no way this thing has pockets right I refuse to believe this big shoulder pad wear in [ __ ] has pockets I kind of want to try it though a little bit all right get this guy out of here and then can I hide what if I hide I can hide okay One Life to my life oh I forgot he's still going oh oh [ __ ] is it going to turn towards me and look for me or or is it fine what are they even going to do it's going to discover me right yep [ __ ] you like you can totally see me whatever take that man's Scythe [ __ ] hell oh like disam him I know you can do some [ __ ] thing where you're disom him Reaper rewards oh [ __ ] he's actually healing a lot and the arrow the omor did [ __ ] nothing um I'm getting kind of [ __ ] up here I think I I'm going to have to use barrels take the necrom mites out it's going to take my entire turn to keep taking these things out I I got to do big boy dope [Music] [ __ ] wait what the range of this sucks ass oh God damn it it just bugged out that's why get him small brain use Arrow of Darkness it bugs out healing and sacrif he sacrificed himself but don't heal him really I don't think I would have to do Cloud across that whole area can I do that like this like right like that there we go and then shoot him a couple of times actually I'll take out some of the necrom mees take out some of the Spanish necromancers and what's he going to do no not us don't do that to me oh all right apparently us gets a turn us Spanish cuz they're called necrom bad joke admittedly all right well I'm going to chug back to full health we ain't dying today no sir I would use this but he's not going to move I dude [ __ ] arrows of Undead slaying would have been perfect here just perfect and now I can't do [ __ ] Undead blinded I wasted my hunter's mock cuz I replaced it with with that fog is he too tall does this actually affect him or is he just too tall all right I'm just going to keep doing damage [ __ ] it whatever let's chip away at this [ __ ] get [ __ ] on stupid take small amounts of damage idiot ooh Advantage devour intellect expel a wave of te telepathic energy oh it's like a beam thing oh oh he's floating yo yo devour intellect I don't think this thing has any intellect it's a [ __ ] bone man Target is out of sight spell a wave of te can I do that on now whatever nice nice dude [ __ ] nice dude oh my boy do she ever get up or do I have to like revive her can I launch a healing potion at her would that work I'm curious these things are beating my ass could I like throw a healing potion like this like hey oh no I didn't do [ __ ] he's immune to Healing at the moment what why bone Shield right and don't regain hit points if Undead [ __ ] she tried to get up though I mean points for trying never underestimate the effort all right I'm just going to have to keep Chu keep you know chipping him down doesn't look like it has like any way of hitting me oh oh never mind oh [ __ ] all right it'll be fine as long as I keep moving to the back of the platform I'll be absolutely fine and he'll just keep killing his necrom Mees IO try perilous Stakes I don't think I can do perilous Stakes I think I have to be close to him but I will look into it don't you dare don't you dare knock me out of concentration I'll [ __ ] kill you all right can I no it's a 9 M range Target is too far I would have to get over there then do perilous Stakes what if I don't want to be in range of him that's the problem I kind of like being this far away from him you [Music] know just got to keep chipping away will be a good Arrow to use though he's not resistant to lightning right no all right try that come on big damage not bad not bad we're getting there oh crit yeah we're really [ __ ] them up actually we're doing a lot way more than I thought yeah kill your own summons idiot hell yeah problem is he's okay they can just hit me through walls all right that's fine is ooy handsome um I guess that's subjetive dude I'm okay I wouldn't say I'm hideous he's going to keep healing how he hasn't healed at all yet he's somebody said it bugs it out and they were right of course he is you have no idea what I look like I could be [ __ ] I could be a smoke show or could look like fried dicks wait up do I have disadvantage at this range why am I why do I keep doing that get cold it on [ __ ] wait isn't it resistance to cold it's like one of the few yep I'm an idiot I'm a [ __ ] [ __ ] get [ __ ] on Mr Bones Mr Bones I want to get off your Wild Ride ocai looks like bongle bongo's pretty handsome especially for a gnome that's pretty racist to say for a gnome considering sans's Underdog is the most handsome thing to ever you know exist in a canonical [Music] Universe get clapped get clapped what do you mean cheesy tactic did that [ __ ] giant bone creature just laugh at me oh my okay it's l it's it's actually laughing in my face this [ __ ] dude killing his own guys oh there goes my it broke my concentration uhoh no please no ow oh is this on tactician cost is on tactician he has 326 HP why would it not be on tactician oh [ __ ] he actually healed oh you dick no um [ __ ] right we got to do we got to do enough damage all right lightning shot disadvantage how have I got disadvantage whatever ah all right he's got Bane that's good uh a little bit more damage one more major hit I'll [ __ ] throw an arrow the Mater why not oh [ __ ] yeah act three let's go eat [ __ ] bone man what do you mean okoy is handsome he's a dude on the technical difficulty screen a catch death cannot take me impossible you short piece of [ __ ] my Lord hear me nothing I am forsaken sorry dog I would I would have I would have followed you to the ends of the Earth my boy you have no idea what you've done there's still one more boss before the end of act three no an astral prism battle perhaps yeah he's like oh man you talking straight fire chosen of Mer is dead all right let me loot you boy get oh now I want to loot him can I just loot him that'd be cool dope wait doesn't the lady stamp on his face a bunch first usually in death the body had you did well oh chit really well now the picture comes together it is the elder brain you saw held here by those three against its will the crowned where controls it lick him and the stones that needs to become a community community [ __ ] it has been dominated to master an elder brain to subdue it ah enemies are formidable yep can three transform during the fight I don't okay a temporary it's act three time baby sanss in act three with loot oh that might ooh all incom damage reduced by two again I don't think this is worth it considering the amount of [ __ ] that our armor gives us and we currently already have like 18 18 AC 18 or 19 AC with everything stacked but I will take them to cell obviously I am there actually actually why am I [ __ ] using potions and [ __ ] there's no point why didn't Dame alien react to me at all by the way she didn't say a goddamn thing and now she's just gone what's with that does that normally happen I thought she like stamps on krick's face and gets real mad IO in front of the corpse I heard oo's what what do you think the best weapon in the game is okay the too many wait what do you mean what am I looking at top of the what 6,400 gold she's dead how'd she die the [ __ ] she's not Isabella's dead y'all are confused as hell in here you're making me confused she she was alive she doesn't die she's literally Immortal she went to the portal she can die but you have to kill her yourself I'm pretty sure let's get out of here yeah I think it's cuz she was down yeah she's literally right here with one HP I can't wait to sleep oh am I tired are important matters to discuss yo everyone's dead though I forgot I piled the Goblins around the throne I'm just going to sit here what up with the Shadows yet you he to [ __ ] roast me again for my lack of companions three United under cover of Darkness the balance shifts there are depths to this Alliance yet unplumbed consider she's kind of thick I would say this is the least thick character in the whole game man Withers is like possibly the least thick by definition and by name you know um I haven't thought about it to ass until such time be a okay all right cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool wait I want to talk to this [ __ ] art cool coag guy any word on theel uh I'm working on it wait didn't I didn't we do that don't worry thought he was like don't talk to me dude's right there what did you just say to me sa on B thanel rest the Shadows rendered him what would have been the strongest part of him but after all these years left in darkness it's both simple only the missing half may not come willingly and you saw this boy yourself and I truly mean if you want me I'm against the curse against the absolute anything word um good all right I'm going to level this guy up to get that Druid buff cuz [ __ ] it soon need to kill Shadow boy all right circle of the lane canant trips guidance [ __ ] it whatever I don't think these matter long Strider jumpy thing create water because why not many berries healing word doesn't really matter a new buff machine we have a new handsome man in our midst oh dop you gain two spells that are always prepared huh mirror image and Misty step I wonder if any of these are bust web Misty step most a or Darkness mirror image and Spike growth tra invisibility box skin and hold person blur silence AR SP uh [ __ ] that one I guess doesn't really matter Buffs Buffs Buffs Buffs Buffs none of these are longterm Buffs it's only that one that he gets at at max level that's really worth anything I follow the bear [ __ ] no I hate leveling up Druids it depends if you go for Caster Druids you know Feats I don't [ __ ] tough built for tough built Druid [Music] tough uh [ __ ] dude I don't know this is pro I I would say like um circle of the land Druids are probably my least favorite [ __ ] class cuz they have so many [ __ ] spells and not that many spell slots or ways of getting them back so you're just a super super mid Caster you know they can probably get pretty strong I feel like there's better [ __ ] you can do with them though that just me am I out here not liking Druids of the land that muchy that was a Boris ursus callback you've been away from Warhammer 3 for too long I do not remember him who's who's that I'm kidding Mr Baran is fine oh follow where he's like follow the bear I remember I remember I do remember they do get some pretty dope spells though you get this [ __ ] conjure Woodland being requires concentration fre H they get freedom of movement too not bad can I get any druy Buffs except for the highle [ __ ] dominate Beast summon a giant Vine capable of dragging creatures towards itself is that what those vines that come out of the ground are can you just summon one of those spor Druid is cool spor Druids are fine I just wish that the Spore Druid was um gluts uh mushroom ability from the Underdog but you can possess a monstrous creature for an entire long rest or a beast instead of it being just raising generic mushroom humanoid zombies from any corpse I think that was super underwhelming and I was so disappointed when I found out that spor droids were like that that was like a huge L for me I don't [ __ ] know what to give this guy I don't care let's get you really wise then or something resilient [Music] wisdom don't matter don't matter uh SW of stone oo I know none of this means anything it doesn't really matter all right okay I'll have him tag along for this last little thing where I talked to that kid can you [ __ ] that up and then it [ __ ] up the whole thing wait do I have to talk to somebody oh [ __ ] I need talk to Isabelle it's suing that door thing again oh she know she's alive right whoops I don't make more jokes at the expense of trans people those are so funny Jesus Christ dude my love how did you end up with a membership I saw what the [ __ ] I make jokes at the expense of everybody that's why it's a joke that's the whole point of jokes so are you and my father he he can't us any long is the hugest travesty in that regard I find hard to switch up my party so in the game but I really want to play with him at that some point yeah that's something that sucks you get so stuck into like a character that you've had for so long that when a new character comes along like that's the thing I plan for for people in my entire playthrough though you know what I mean Isabelle looks so bruised and Bre beaten Jesus Christ yeah what the [ __ ] is with that is she on low Health yeah she's on 16 HP she's like [ __ ] up this looks like an abusive relationship oh my God uh is he going to be nice is wber going to be not a dick or is he not even here Ain wber around here is he dead did w die Fleming fist Isabelle something oh whatever IM there's so few of them left cuz so many people died like holy crap we leave the heart of the absolute alive you did this sir actually demon [ __ ] Batman did that sir I didn't do [ __ ] there are many more battles ahead uh they will not be so easily won you will need allies what yep but if we are to succeed we will need others okay what seek together seek seek lest is this not can I not go to this thing now without it if it is it going to make me rest okay no I thought it was going to force me to [ __ ] rest to travel over to that kid the [ __ ] you need Scrolls for the for monks monk fight that's actually a good point I probably should buy some Scrolls I don't want to waste all my money though I still think you might have tricked me I'm not going back oh [ __ ] what no what is this man do I have to go in the shadow portal why was what was the shadow portal I don't remember this oh [ __ ] is this just house in here [ __ ] is this all right oh boy oh wait it puts us here okay this is easy oh my God that has a lot of Health what the [ __ ] is it weak to anything oh my [ __ ] Jesus [ __ ] how do I get rid of that oh [ __ ] Hon's still here oh [ __ ] you should be fine best mommy ever best daddy ever okay keth Thor is the best daddy ever kill the shadow I'll try God damn we're getting rough with these hits all right one down and then something good [ __ ] man uh maybe a bob Arrow it's going to resisted oh no it ruptured nice if it moves now it's it's just going to teleport anyway ah [ __ ] oh I don't want to use helison I'm should I just skip Hon's turn and have him run in the corner this is a solo play through damn it I'm not using a follower oh God oh God K cage don't beat me to death we're the same size oh [ __ ] ow okay they hit kind of hard too Jesus okay you kill them and it damages the night the night Dome good [ __ ] I am so hyped to be out of the undead lands get me the [ __ ] out of here get me to act three I cannot end this stream without it being act three like [ __ ] hell come on man you want to play is he going to keep summoning [ __ ] my please don't summon more [ __ ] please no what the [ __ ] is that what okay look how many [ __ ] spells he has holy [ __ ] oh my God it would be so easy to cast this I really don't want to give myself a pass even on this all the kids is a bear we'll be fine maybe not but whatever oh God kids please don't be the [ __ ] out of me e the [ __ ] out of Hon oh God okay now oh God please don't elbow drop me oh my God okay we're good I thought it was going to [ __ ] elbow drop me from the sky okay I don't think these guys can hit me nice okay so I'll heal and then finish this guy off wait I have to do 390 damage to break this [ __ ] Shield oh [ __ ] man all right arrow of transposition wait no I need my action for this [ __ ] I can't use these there's they C how am I out of bonus actions I use both of my off hands God damn it dude can I just umbrell shroud here yourself chat come like okay I'm going to do this oh yeah get me now oh [ __ ] man wait how much health do they lose per dead child what a weird sentence would you guys be mad if I used an ice storm just ice storm the crap out of these kids is that cheating this is a solo playthrough so I really don't want to [ __ ] use this guy yeah I really don't want to use him whatever he'll be bait yes it's cheating agreed agreed agreed agreed oh my God hson is so [ __ ] dead holy [ __ ] rip okay I I never I really didn't think I was going to hear hson say that he's close to his limit but cool [ __ ] all right rip pelson I didn't expect this fight to be so hard or or that there was a fight at all to be honest all right I'm going to do like we're going to do big big [ __ ] Spike like [ __ ] I don't know here boom my all right I think that did a lot then we do a chug and then what if I just stand in the middle cuz then they've got to walk to me which means that they're going to die every time so if I jump into the middle like this and then just [ __ ] chill he keeps summoning children the children die children death funny XD oh well Hon's fully dead that's nice good tactic wait what the [ __ ] happened oh um all right we can revive him I can go buy a re ification scroll yeah almost dead oh it takes 10 damage per all right I'm just going to wait then it's just going to keep summoning [ __ ] and they're all going to die this is about to be so satisfying to watch nice they [ __ ] up the kid now do you supposed to kill him or talk to him this this kid's dead dude am I supposed to do that was I supposed to do that Quest failed don't say that wait how do I get helson back can I pick up his body oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] how do I were you supposed to kill him was I supposed to do do that oh [ __ ] whatever we don't even need hson it's fine we'll take his tasteful boots maybe whatever bye hson oh wait he's stuck in my [ __ ] pot are you serious dog you're kidding me whatever we'll talk to we'll get him revived later on am I just in the middle now we're good it's fine it's fine we don't need him alive it's fine we'll just continue I was doing it as a side quest for like XP and [ __ ] anyway plus he's good for that Druid buff but you can get it on a cleric anyway so it's fine I would you rather do house in Bear form or human form uh he probably going be more useful as a companion in his bear form cuz bears are generally more useful than people God damn it put some clothes on a staran Jesus Christ dude where the [ __ ] is where the [ __ ] is Withers where the [ __ ] is Withers eh is he back in that room May gone but the Shadows remain on our that's not what the quest was [Laughter] about what do you mean the quest is fine the road to Boulder's Gate is west of the town if we hurry we'll arrive before the absolute's forces I'm G buy some Scrolls too I think Alo you weren't supposed to kill the kid okay it doesn't matter it's fine it's all fine it was just for some bonus content anyway oh [ __ ] oh wait I can trade that for good for some good ass Scrolls hell yeah Circle of Death could be good oh my God what happened to the [ __ ] frost wall oh right nope these are lower level oh wall of fire wall of fire is so good all right wall of fire damn it chain lightning how many enemies does will leap from Target from the Target and me three other enemies within 18 M I'm going to say Circle of Death and then sell the rest of cth [ __ ] fat stacks all right good stuff thanks lady kth's Nethers dope [ __ ] [Music] right all right we got some AOE stuff dude Scroll of walls of fire are so good walls of fire and walls of frost but walls of fire are consistently more useful for my experience the ice walls are fine but you have to like raise them up well technically no ice walls are better but the lasting fire damage seems to do way more I maybe it's cuz I use them at a low level I don't [Music] know oh this [ __ ] door thing man all right bring back hson so I can send him back to Camp F spins along then th must provide this is the price of it's wild that he literally charges you money to revive people and dusk I strike thy name from The Archives Rise um man that takes a long time his dead ass body appearing is he going to be mad to find Oliver and get him to oh no he doesn't know otherwise I don't think he know find Oliver and get him to return to he doesn't have any dialogue are you [ __ ] kidding me did I bug him out how do i s the back to Camp what it like in there in the curse he's we need to find Oliver and get him to return to thanel I we need to find Oliver and get him to return to oh oh no wait is he going to appear back here what happened what what's going on with this Quest the Portal's Still Here uh oh I think I [ __ ] it I think I legitimately broke it time to unkill the child I can't be the only one who just slaughtered the child immediately that can't be my own only I can't be the only one who [ __ ] he's right here we need to find Oliver and get him to return I [ __ ] it I completely [ __ ] it he's he's not reacting it's wait that's just a random Shadow Coast Hopper well that's not even the kid the kid's just gone is the kid somewhere else can you talk to him with hson did I actually [ __ ] it God damn [ __ ] oh my God I did so much [ __ ] though wait wait wait when was was this this was an auto save the last quick save was this in the Merkel fight when was this was this just before or after please be before I talk to him please be before I talk to the child for many reasons okay I think we're good I think the kids's up here not murdered I think this is the non- murdered child okay good oh my God thank [ __ ] that would have sucked that would have really sucked a lot actually having to do all of that again sheesh all right well blah blah blah blah blah I know who you really are him I L [ __ ] it get over here kid he just looked at me so disapprovingly wherever the curse is the strongest that's where he'll go what the [ __ ] was that interaction where he'll feel safe get rid of hson should I just tell him to leave and go back now we need to find Oliver I can't I he's stuck with me I [ __ ] up he's stuck with me all right I'll ungroup him and then I'll go through myself there we go and then I'll [ __ ] [ __ ] these people up I will [ __ ] up mommy and daddy [ __ ] that's not good I can't do any radiant [ __ ] that's great okay [ __ ] oops no oh my God I didn't I didn't even mean to [ __ ] shoot that Shield God what a Royal [ __ ] Up forgot the [ __ ] them out I'm waiting for him to summon the the [ __ ] kids wait do the kids get a turn first oh [ __ ] dude I should have done the spikes first oh kids please be nice you know I've always been a fan of kids I I'm not I don't hate kids Sans CLS everybody equally okay I'm going to heal cast spikes like so like maybe here and then oh nice I forgot it damages them outright I'll take a little bit of [ __ ] growth damage that's fine and then we just kill Mom and Dad we kill this kid's parents that'll be fun want to let me show you my favorite toy ah is this [ __ ] I'm going to get elbow dropped by this goddamn thing again please don't break my concentration please don't break my concentration please don't break my no [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] God damn it right as the kids come in to beat the [ __ ] out of me too great [ __ ] perfect [ __ ] perfect and this couldn't get any better come on kids p in beat the [ __ ] out of me let beat the [ __ ] out of sand day I'm out of level two [ __ ] spouse slots okay um right all right okay cool cool cool cool cool I don't have my [ __ ] Misty step either cuz I didn't use my [ __ ] short rest I tell you what I tell you what I tell you what I tell you what actually you know we're get a quick save cuz I want to do a short rest and do this again [ __ ] God damn it dude I'm never getting act three today I'm going to rename the [Laughter] Stream just calling it heck too [ __ ] stupid kid I still think you must can I not do anything to make him come with me I like it here I made a family for no I don't want to play he's FL come on kid you dick son of a [ __ ] man all right short rest better than nothing and then [ __ ] it free jump ability THS right now I'm going to do it well well at least you're close next time I guess we'll be [ __ ] act wait did I [ __ ] do that in the thumbnail did I put act three in the [ __ ] thumbnail please don't tell me I put it in the thumbnail I literally put [ __ ] it's literally balers Skate 3 one player solo Rogue act 3 with his big stupid [ __ ] face God damn it [ __ ] well I might do I might Reda the thumbnail and put a really messy red spludge over the two the three and change it to a two and then just use the same one next time with a three just scroll it out [ __ ] all right come on come on please be something good please be come on come on oh please are they resistance to fire of course they are what are they not res of course they are [ __ ] it come on come on big Damage Big Damage Big damage oh that sucked ass dude that was nothing die [ __ ] die come on I'm running away at least spoil my stupid kids just you watch you know what Sans actually does hate kids this this this makes me hate kids now okay wait that's actually pretty good nail it bam all right and now finish this guy off finish off the father bre what do you mean playing you're summoning [ __ ] ghosts that beat me to death kind of hypocritical [ __ ] is that let me show you my favorite OKO was a bit too generous with his expectations of hitting act three we're going to hit act three tonight I'm just not going to be able to play much of it that'll be the the the new thing we dive straight into X3 next time you know just it's fine nice critical Miss that's good for us oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] kidding me the kids are running around the spikes you kidding me now with this wait can I possessed by the aberration celestials F oo you know what [Music] [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] dude my [ __ ] brain oh my god oh I'm so tired I'm so tired of this my [ __ ] goddamn dumbass brain I don't even have I can't even do another spell slot I can't even do it it's done unbelievable I'll just shoot him I guess I just I don't even care hit me [ __ ] hit me Alber just smack the [ __ ] out of me clobber my tiny cheeks now I'm cosplaying as an 8 in intellect gnome dude there's so many of them too don't elbow drop me please okay ow oh great my that the [ __ ] super useful protection from Good and Evil spell that got broke immediately that was great what a useful ability what did I use my other level two spell slot on Misty step did I use misy step what happened to my other level two spell slot did I use misy step what did I do to get rid of it I I I put down spikes I attacked a bunch I use scotching Ray which is a short rest spell I use this which breaks my concentration but doesn't use a level two spell [ __ ] oh the once they prolong rest I only had one right [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam all right [ __ ] die die good [ __ ] all right [ __ ] me up alar go for it or don't hell yeah all right that works this [ __ ] Al bear is going to be the death of me literally there's so many children coming for me [ __ ] Army of children coming to murder me I have not a single AOE I I guess technically I could use an AOE but oh I didn't buy the [ __ ] spells on this one that was after the fight God I royally [ __ ] this up huh all right 95 nice it's slightly far away so I don't suffer the disadvantage which means I can probably kill him in a single thing he's also not weak to my [ __ ] is nice not strong against my [ __ ] did I just pull some more [ __ ] in the [ __ ] did I just pull in into a fight no it's just all the kids that's this is fine this is fine this is fine I don't call Wall of fire I don't have Wall of fire I have any wait no no I bought those after the fight guys see look I still have all of the items that I sold remember I I did all the selling and buying after the first time and then I had to reload like a [ __ ] [ __ ] all right let's kill some kids local YouTuber convicted of murdering tons of black kids not Shadow kids whatever racist child killer YouTuber convicted of killing a bunch of ah bad joke get it cuz I mean the color of the H whatever see they're literally seethrough and you can't even see them they're by definition actually black that build is broken it's pretty strong be in mind they only have one HP will they all disappear if I break The Shield at least or do I have to kill them all oh my God I really do have to kill every single one of them holy crap I really am like genociding all these Shadow Children craft some Alchemist what you're going to need a lawyer whatever the streams are getting demonetized anyway because I say [ __ ] dumb crap every time I think I swear too much whatever okay let's go talk to the kid is he going to immediately initiate a fight again should I pull houseon through the portal to talk to the kid that'll probably help I should probably do that cuz he's not dead this time you should have just left me alone SPO my I'll teach you a lesson no no no what okay I'm pretty sure it's not bugged if I just shoot the shield will he die why couldn't you just there we go it just didn't proc it last time be here playing I'm not be gentle he's much more than a child but he doesn't know that where were you 5 minutes ago man where were you 25 minutes ago when I killed this kid godamn people are dying for the sake of your fun kid yeah kid I said gentle [ __ ] you dude I told you already I to this game but I don't maybe that it's done more cruy than it needed to be but all right dude whatever it doesn't matter it's fine it is done yep thanel rests well yeah speaking of remaining in Camp bye God damn that took so long I was stuck with your giant ass my [ __ ] potty why did I just rest I didn't even need to do that what's next what is this quest line oh Head West to Boulders gate all right let's go let's [ __ ] go it's Boulders gate time oh God holy crap the road to Boulder's Gate is up ahead H sweet release [ __ ] the shadow lands oh my go I don't even care I'm going to take damage I don't even care [ __ ] it break your ankles forgotten thanks to us oh let's go once you move on you will be able to return T Lu s for oh actually you know what I will because I have the Fast Travel point now I'm going to go buy stuff before I fast travel Scrolls yes exactly Scrolls for monst yeah I literally remembered like right as you guys did to B That's So Raven is it worth doing the Raven quests I don't think you get much experience from it I I feel like some quests just don't give you experience if you guys think it's worth it I'll do it though I can just fast forward through the dialogue right tell me what you need um I need I need stuff stuff and things Scrolls and things and stuff all right uh wall of fire disintegrate oh she's got different [ __ ] this time nice wait no I think this is the same crap yeah maybe 5K for three of these Circles of death I've got 13k this is going to cost me like almost half of my [ __ ] money for three AOE spells that worth it I'll buy two and then then cell Wares we're back to 13k and also I think I sent some [ __ ] to Camp so I'm going to go grab that globe of invulnerability could come in handy true true potentially El in here like [ __ ] goddamn babysitter oh please Cather Thor is no more that is an adult woman Shadow's grip is broken that doesn't sound like is it because this kid is like not actually a kid and is like 100 years old or some [ __ ] but looks like a kid cuz he was trapped in time or some [ __ ] is that the L reason for why he talks like an just an adult woman or is that a voice acting thing where's my [ __ ] chest God damn it I hate it old moves every single time there it is he's just a spirit anime moment oh yeah look at all this stuff this oh my God so many oh my God there's so so much [ __ ] in here did I load it past the point where I sold or something this seems like way more [ __ ] than than I should be able to get there's no way I'm not completely over my way holy [ __ ] can I even move I'm going to dramatically walk for a little bit get the [ __ ] out of here this game is not good this game is great what are you talking about just tell me what you need sounds like you suck at this game my guy or that it's just not your cup of te you don't like this kind of thing that's also fun steal some Scrolls oh [ __ ] that's actually kind of a good idea can I actually pickpocket a couple Scrolls like a rune scroll would be great Fireball scroll wouldn't hurt although I would rather steal some better [ __ ] like K of cold can I where are my odds you know I'm I'm going risk it oh it's bongle it's wbr let's go see if W is a douche or not put that stick up his ass helped me escape this and I'm not a man easily impressed yeah you look like a low level version of me you bald [ __ ] that's what I like to hear you're worth 10 of my crew okay he's nice estimated you kept who I was and who I isn't this guy like super conceited though like you eventually no matter what you do later down the line he's just kind of a dick anyway no doubt you've heard of us thank you but there is oh [ __ ] was I nice to him there yes our forbears were complic saravo Madness P he never succeeded you agree with such minations yes duly noted I have fought to the nail to restore our reputation I filled appeals pleaded with a high artificer himself they've refused us I'd keep you out of the city too will luck with that douche wbr [ __ ] more like okay that that sucked wber is cringe yeah a little bit can I get her to stay still or she just going to see me every time dog come on let me let me let me do this let me let me no want to talk to you me all right sneak big pocket uh scroll up Circle damn it you sho a patrol the whole time why you getting on rocks and [ __ ] [ __ ] now these stupid gnomes are going to see me can I stealth nope I'm not sneaking around you're sneaking around turn base brother oh [ __ ] yeah you're right God damn it do you have to eat no we will you were witnessed assaulting someone keep your not for [ __ ] it didn't work she has like nothing damn it [ __ ] God damn it can't do nonlethal with arrows I thought oh [ __ ] oh yeah that's right ah [ __ ] can we just do that can I just I don't give a right okay I'm closing the doors I'm going to get some boxes to hold on let's set this up let's let's let's get this let's get this right why does she have so much [ __ ] Health by the way like impossible to assassinate her luckily I don't think anybody gives a [ __ ] if I kill her and I don't think she shows up later in the game so I'm just going to kill her and take her [ __ ] if I can loot her fully that would be amazing so why not also these guys are short as hell so I should be able to create like a little bit of a blockade eh nope that did absolutely nothing can see through barrels okay lesson learned gnomes have X-ray vision for barrels oh get [ __ ] I hate her so much I actually hate her so much s you out lady I hate you more than you could possibly imagine dog that sucks so much absolute fat [ __ ] and dicks what it's all coming together actually for real why oh [ __ ] I C it on her she just walked out of it [ __ ] come come here come here lady come here witnessed assaulting someone assaulting what you're [ __ ] dead what oh I'm [ __ ] Rich also you're I'm going to [ __ ] finish you off for giving me so much trouble get me out of this [ __ ] what why am I permanently in the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] how the [ __ ] it's completely [ __ ] it's totally and completely [ __ ] oh make it end turn knocked out temporary oh it's tempor oh cool I'll just leave then that's fine oh my God I'm so overweight there we go all right no more holy wow holy [ __ ] we're overweight let's send all this back to Camp I think everything up from a certain point right this this and then from here wait from here to here s to Camp except the Scrolls oh God damn it whatever these want to keep these Scroll of shatter whole person whole person could be good but they're never it's never going to pass it's always going to [ __ ] fail oh my dude there's so much stuff though wow I'm rich I'm so rich now this is so much money this is so much money when am I going to be able to sell this all right send to Camp dog it is wow everything from there I think this is all go to camp and everything down from here want to say this was empty send that to Camp send these to Camp all right well wait no it's filled the [ __ ] gaps with [ __ ] too all right I think that I think we're good God damn dude wow we're [ __ ] Rich act three cell Boulders gate I'm I guess and I guess we got a couple of Scrolls to deal with [ __ ] now we got a couple of Circle of deaths and whatnot I may have accidentally no we got did they have three circle of deaths whatever we're [ __ ] set now money I guess that lady is gone the other one we can sell to wait is Damon going to be there maybe Damon's still over at last Light are we going to open a shop in act three we [ __ ] could we have an entire inventory now nah he's gone [ __ ] all right act three it is I'm not going to kill Damon I'm going to see if I can sell to him we need Damon for act three he has [ __ ] crazy good [ __ ] there's a crap ton place to sell in all right I think we're good right just to confirm we are good right ah oh God man manage IL potential oh okay speaking of Il potential that's going to be a big upgrade all right we have to forcibly sleep I'm never going to be able to get morning LS Radiance again so we are going to lose a 1 D4 radiant but I will keep all my passives and I can get all my Buffs back from these people we don't have hson wait do we have hson I do have Hon oh my God I do have hson so we hson we can get the buff from hson or from Shadow HW when we get level 12 someone your Camp still wishes to speak with you do I have to oh it's aen all right aen what up aen where's Shadow heart what up alien and your bludgeoned [Music] wife where's shadowart I think she'll want a word do I really have to bring Shadow heart do I have to bring shot over here are you [ __ ] kidding me come on man come on shot get over here these if I was a yes yep if only you were a b you could sing me songs of success no come on you got to literally get over here come on come on Dingus what do you know about me there is you feel Shadow heart's mind your mind join my cool Co cool Co cool cool I need to save them we got the [Laughter] concerns ah nice Spear of the thing that's definitely not worth replacing my thing but cool that we have it I guess maybe I could sell it I think we're set for for money though maybe I just give it to Shadow hot from a l perspective he has this anyway here we go now she has a different spear I'll sell this one all right act three baby s is no simp help shot what I mean she's been kind of useful I guess wait did I have to spend food to do that sleep or was that like because it's forced I don't have to eat anything all right shot talk to me to my parents are alive and but before that I thought I was part of the party but I was just a machine for buffing all right what's the buff glaive LIF the lands CED of the Shadow the one that you put in your weapons oh remind me to use that too that's huge over oh yeah has been tested and in this at does anybody else want to kind of see what this area looks like though now that it's covered in like trees and [ __ ] I kind of want to see what the shadow LS would look like not shadowy and all just like super what is this wholesome ass [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] about this big tree why does Sans look so Whimsical what is this Disney movie ending crap Elden ring this does have strong Elden ring Vibes that's true the [ __ ] Elden Beast just comes out and initiates boss fight shot with her hands on her hips like she actually did something she provided me with Buffs sergeant if you are here cut scene cut scene cut scene cut scene cut scene cut scene dialog dialog Exposition Exposition dialog etc etc neither of us expected the W mouth boob pen that's that's straight up panned into her tit the camera just straight up paned into her boobs are you kidding me that was straight that was that was like an anime shot it just went straight to her like chesticles lucky for youor Andor and we can fix her no you cannot absolutely not fix her that is a lunatic lady that is a crazy woman hello powerful Lesbian couple she's so [ __ ] up in the cut scene it undermines it so bad cuz she's just completely beaten to [ __ ] oh [ __ ] dude that gets I don't know why that gets me every that she's just got like a [ __ ] black eye and like she's completely blooded and they're just like this is fine oh look at him climb ghost Sands you did it bud you earned this you did it all by yourself with no help and no Buffs from any other characters I promise one sleep away her girlfriend didn't use healing word on her or yeah you think they'd heal each other right instead of just standing there with their asses beat we did it actually this might be a good place to end it what do you guys think this is pretty cinematic from here we could do the the monk fight oh that is such a good thumbnail holy [ __ ] dude what a [ __ ] thumbnail that's beautiful holy [ __ ] actually that's nice as hell City in the distance not act three yet what are we got to get to act three six more hours guys come on all right all right we'll keep going let's get to act three at least I said we were going to get to act three we'll get to act three at no point did I say I was a man of my word but we'll do it anyway do it for the likes I don't think likes even have an effect on the video I think it's mostly views I maybe likes do have an effect I don't know shot in the potty oh [ __ ] why shot in the potty why did it put shot in the PO oh right because of the dialogue thing I think it knocks the Buffs off me but [ __ ] it if it's going to give her all of her spell slots back this [ __ ] it did the [ __ ] why is it doing that extend extendo spell [ __ ] it it's going to take all of these off me immediately but [ __ ] [Music] it it's also going to going to give her all of her spell slots back so [Music] whatever [Music] all right get out of my potty now lady something the matter for now yep I'm sure bye all right all right man it sucks to lose all of your your passive Buffs all right glaive buff on bow I don't think it look cuz if I get this right and then do the thing with the stuff and the Thunder and the buff and then that's such a good manipulation by the way I can't believe you can do this I'm definitely using this when I get the opportunity in like a normal campaign that is such a nice like [ __ ] exploit I got to put this with all my Buffs and [ __ ] down here yeah it's just it's just going to take it out of my hands immediately though but whatever let's do this so when count which this spe you go to bed anyway um yeah I don't give a [ __ ] Exposition [ __ ] it whatever look at that handsome man heavily upon you sleep's rest is slow to come to one whose mind is so full hear that guys mind is full not a God but an elder brain by the chosen of the smart they mean to [ __ ] smart dude control of the sword Coast all who carry the tadpole are governed by the brain and where you get that Glade you buy it from uh the Roa Moonglow in uh in Moonrise towers and she's she's on the bottom floor near the guy with the mustache near the bug bear salesman she's like in the corner not for the astral prison she also sells you the hand crossbow that does um damage inste of phys and their religious delusions use the power you gain for your own when moment comes I'll do what feels right sleep is not I shouldn't have milk was a bad choice it really looks like he's been soing milk oh [ __ ] no ugly frog people no please I need you [ __ ] do I have my Buffs nope took everything off me her voice commanding oh yeah Psy damage per turn oh yeah oh yeah baby we go Bing Bang Boom let for short rest that's fine bam straight into the portal later loser I put my armor back on what the [ __ ] later losers low battle toads Look At That Dope ass skull oh [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah alpera gifted five members thank you my dude dude W thank that thank Alper if you got a gifted sub as super nice of him thanks man much appreciate it and for people that are watching I assume like whoever got gifted I mean he kind of cool if if it let you pick who got the gifted Subs but I guess you could technically just give out five manual gifted Subs I cannot believe you used your opportunity just to spam dumb COI emotes oh my God it's the only emote that gets used because it's the only relevant one 99 of the time I'm here help me I'm under attack oh [ __ ] [ __ ] them oh my God they're actually getting [ __ ] up friend oh my God they're actually getting [ __ ] up holy [ __ ] I've never seen the intellect devours do like even remotely well in this fight no I need that oh my God that damage sucks are you serious what are they immune to acid and psychic too why did that do nothing oh did they Dodge it or something oh my god oh there we go that's was a little bit better I wonder what happened our damage is way worse though without all our Buffs we really need need all of our stuff holy [ __ ] please don't kill them all [Music] no nice team kill [ __ ] where a team kill your ally can I lo this lady what she got you can't reach this dude oh my God my movement is so bad too everything sucks I'm so weak now this feels like I'm back at like level [ __ ] five this is rough come on come on get oh my God this pop up every single time I attack finish him off don't don't get killed by everybody no God damn MKS are strong they had every advantage and they still basically died it's not over come to the skull oh they die any no they don't die anyway they're just stand there like [ __ ] hurry I can't hold them back alone I'm coming Hitler I mean not Hitler whatever the [ __ ] uh Emperor guy all right this is going to be rough this is this I'm don't think I'm going to be able to win this I legit like actually legitimately don't think I'm going to be able to win this I'm not kidding like this this like what what am I supposed to do they're so strong you can't not work with the emperor you can't not work with him because then you die you get killed immediately oh get [ __ ] wait succeeded stealth nice abuse fog Cloud G handle going in withouta hiding could do could do am your ally we are in danger the G Yanke is the SCE of our protection against the absolute don't help me don't help me all right uh I don't believe your mind flare what's I want to see I'm not your enemy now help do you not automatically oh you have to fight [Laughter] both Oh I thought it automatically made your turn into a m flare when he dies yo I legit this [ __ ] no dude they have 176 Health how the [ __ ] how in the [ __ ] are we supposed to kill all four of these they are so strong I'm actually seriously like the [ __ ] Emperor getting [ __ ] up too where the hell is are they gone don't worry about it don't worry about it if you I swear to [ __ ] if this guy scans if this lady [ __ ] scans take this ability out larion that's some [ __ ] is he going to summon more brains at least no he's going to levitate over and get [ __ ] up uh he's kind of strongish kind of maybe not enough though with no Buffs I legitimately have no idea how I'm supposed to win this oh [ __ ] whatever really you're [ __ ] kidding me let me hide okay whatever F yep and yep and he's going to get another turn probably and another one and this guy's going to [ __ ] me up or this one I'm if I'm going to win this fight legit I'm going to get real [ __ ] up like uh we're going to I'm going to have to really cheese it somehow I mean oh [ __ ] he dominates one okay that's pretty [ __ ] huge but like I [ __ ] 176 HP I do like 10 15 damage maybe on a hit if I leave he'll punch me like how could I possibly do this can I ledge him can I maybe ledge this guy what about ledging what if what if oh my God like there and then and then I [ __ ] just push him to his death nailed it um all right that's how we'll do this um God damn get me ah [ __ ] I moved into their goddamn eyesight and then I'll chug and then I'll [ __ ] shoot a warning shot for zero damage nice see it was a warning shot see I see how I clocked that now this guy's going to punch me he's going to miss he was intimidated it's fine I'm not even going to hit him you antagonize the emperor can you even win now killing him ends game IRC yeah that's what I'm thinking like this might be a waste of time I don't I wouldn't be I probably going to die anyway though so why is he [ __ ] monologuing to me like I'm on his side uh come on please please God damn it the one that I wanted to move didn't even move oh that sucks um come on get actually pushed please please please please please please please please please please [ __ ] all right get away dog man [ __ ] ah great I'm going to flourish for fun and I'm going to crit for for like no damage beat beat my ass to Death kill me f dude [Laughter] so we're going to have to we're going to have to go about this carefully I'm going have to ledge them I'm going to have to bait them to a ledge and ledge them all I'm going to have to that's the only way I'm going to win this the G Yan is the don't help all right here we go why does he keep saying don't help me all right what do you me to do desty the we'll do okay cool all right now I'm going to [ __ ] we're going to Dash all the way over here why the [ __ ] my guy just backtracked to get punched [ __ ] was that [ __ ] I should have taken a free shot while I had it oh God damn it I get her nope about this person nice wait can I just ledge them right now not to their death I'mma save these you big damage in the meantime maybe get [ __ ] get [ __ ] [ __ ] you all right hopefully they don't oneshot me God monks are so strong though I'm so hyped to get my M high level one of my other campaigns oh yeah oh my God Emperor do some good [ __ ] do some powerful [ __ ] uh nice two of them are stunn that's actually great that's okay actually useful they skip their turn this one gets hit this one should skip it turn two nice they're getting critted cuz they're stunned good [ __ ] actually this is going going pretty well uh [ __ ] it I'm just going to [ __ ] it whatever I'm sick of seeing that pop up oh I crit for four so good I hate get Yankee dude you can't tell me that you can just get take no damage cuz you're a stupid [ __ ] frog Dodge get [ __ ] this game is racist man [ __ ] super op get Yankee lorewise oh don't you dare ow how do you equit for 17 what do you mean like oh because they have this stupid GI yanki Dodge thing where they just take like no damage it's goddamn op as hell these monks are so strong [ __ ] wait they coming for me where' the [ __ ] Emperor go what the [ __ ] all right is he just leaving me to die kind of [ __ ] up oh wait I'm just going to do this then they can't hit me dope oh wait they're just going to kill the [ __ ] Emperor now right I mean he's pretty tanky sort of a God damn it I'd led him if I could now but I'm pretty sure the emperor would die uh speaking of which oh okay I thought he was [ __ ] gone I thought he was so dead oh [ __ ] Yan did they just not know that I'm here now wait wait wait wait this might be good hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on wait wait wait wa wait here's the move here's the move here's the move Arrow trans wait no wait wait bonus action here like this get the explosive arrow thing and aim it to just the right like this [ __ ] man come on keep you alive there we go nice nice nice nice nice come on why no man come on this [ __ ] game this [ __ ] dick ass game he's dead he's so [ __ ] dead they have like 17 turns he's [ __ ] dead oh my God how many [ __ ] turns dog your stomach drops oh look I'm and now I'm a m player and I'm [ __ ] dead son of a [ __ ] dude oh this game is more frustrating than XCOM with it's just cuz these enemies are really strong and we're also on a really hard difficulty okay fine yes yes I will help yes fine okay fine whatever oh my God no why come on all right I'm just going to have to bait them in I'm just going to I have to also I'm going to remember to shoot this person with my attack this time [ __ ] is the SCE protection against the absolute I hate this game man I hate this [ __ ] game me they up destroy the God now get me out of here before she sees me no that I succeed sucessfully hide or no just hit me I don't give a just punch me I don't give a [ __ ] that's so much damage get [ __ ] all right get knocked on the ground oh my God it actually worked oh my God please yes this is going to increase my chance to hit if I miss this I'm done okay I would have actually quit forever I'd be done um all right good [ __ ] I don't [ __ ] it I'm just going to spend my whole [ __ ] doing this all right God damn that thing has a lot of Health okay it would be cool if as a gnome you turn into a gome [ __ ] off instead of a mind flare yeah like a little tiny mind flare that would be [ __ ] hilarious why is that like you would think that you would turn into a mind flare with the proportions of the thing that you are becoming but I guess your body's just like a hose of genetic material for the MF to just make a m flare out of the T to make a m flare out of I mean holy [ __ ] oh my God they're so strong like actually holy [ __ ] destroy I can't even B them in they're not even going to take the bait come on please big damage okay that's something wait stunned ah it doesn't matter like cuz I'm not close enough to get the crit right please don't kill the emperor in like two hits come on dog no Reet what what do you mean it's fine it's fine oh you [ __ ] what happened to me what is this what am I trapped in an astral prism of wind what is that what is on me what is this it would't even let me click on myself to find out what that is he he was using whole person with wind wind hold person excuse me as if this game didn't make me racist against the if Yan enough and had to introduce this fight he's [ __ ] he's totally [ __ ] none of them are going for me they're all beining for him and they're completely ignoring me like what can I even do I can't even do anything I can't even get a turn he's [ __ ] dead he's actually dead that's a laggy hit he's dead dog he's just standing there tentacle whipping I'm almost dead what can you even do I [ __ ] dog I don't even what do we even do this wouldn't be so hot if I didn't have to keep this dip [ __ ] alive godam God damn it godamn it final gaze cuts through you activate shop shooter and call the week they I don't have shop shooter your stomach drops your chest oh my God I want to watch this again God damn it are there Scrolls that can help ooy no not in this scenario the is the S Help destroy the God why is it that I did the best when I was on the other side and this guy was my enemy why like why did that do better that's crazy to me this is this became harder when he was being more helpful uh less helpful come on please please please please please please please please just [ __ ] please yes yes please please I beg you please I beg you please I beg you please I beg you oh you can aim it with your camera nice get you got to [ __ ] my cheeks off my body no come on no no no no no no no no no no no what you got to be kidding me can I is there wait no no this [ __ ] game oh my god oh is the source of Nothing Like An Invisible wall fake ass Chasm huh d yes that's fine okay maybe solo them that would be awesome Emperor if you could be useful I would that would be super cool I'm please crit oh great 15 damage oh boy what a crit what a what a crit holy [ __ ] how am I doing so little damage they've got no resistances what happened to my 29 damage it wasn't even the Buffs mostly keep me alive like yes I have less modifiers but it shouldn't be this low right I'm going to lose my concentration actually why flourish on my bar get that the [ __ ] out of here what am I missing oh all the week has been toggled off very cool game thank you for that thank you for that deflect missil deflect Arrow oh great as if they couldn't be more countering to my [ __ ] build I don't even know what to do I the closest I ever got was baiting them I'm just going to maybe try and bait them again but stand somewhere less like an obvious Cliff Edge they're just going to go for him again they're going to kill all of his brains and then I'm going to [ __ ] them up strength potion plus throw them off edge L they're a bigger size than me they're medium size they're probably going to we too much good God man I'm [ __ ] doomed save scum until every single attack in a crit and every ow [ __ ] ow did I really con save concentration through that no no I did not God damn ooh ooh okay he picked a good location I just skip my turn I just entered my turn I just press space bar I just [ __ ] I just press space bar [ __ ] please get knocked over please oh my God okay something that's something that's actually something that's this is something this could not this could go potentially okay maybe potentially ow okay that's fine no it's fine that's cool I don't even I don't even care I don't even winning is overrated anyway I don't whatever please knock him off do something cool please of course he saved it please don't no no no don't actually no no no not over there again please oh [ __ ] man okay maybe we can get please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please game please just be a dude please be a friend please I hate this game oh oh bro I this oh my God why can I at least push this person off nope nope nobody no nobody [ __ ] absolutely invisible walls are my favorite thing in the whole game love it love it love it love those invisible walls my favorite absolutely larion 20 out of 10 love you guys this is my favorite get please work again just okay I'm [ __ ] they're going to kill me in a single turn how many turns do you get I'm sorry how many turns do you get maybe seven I'm dead I'm [ __ ] so dead unbelievable I don't even how could you even what coming dice back on I'm [ __ ] tempted who the [ __ ] told me to turn that off the enemies aren't exactly having a rough time the source of help me it's just [ __ ] me in the ass I'm turning it back on it just [ __ ] me monk op if if it wasn't for the fact that all my Buffs were gone the game just [ __ ] you completely and takes away all your Buffs losing your mind much a little bit all right let's do this again destroy the god together please please win all right I'm not going to waste where was the KN where was the knife where was the KN the thing that told me that they were going to get an auto attack where was that that didn't happen all right I'm [ __ ] it they're going to have to come to me at some point right I don't even is there any point in doing this cuz they just seem to teleport to me anyway if anything I'm just going to make it so he's not going to bother attacking me what happens if you turn on tentacles if you uh turn on the the emperor guy um he will die because they'll Focus him and focus you he'll die and then you automatically lose and even if I somehow won the fight against the monks I would have to fight him and which case he would die anyway even if I was able to beat him destroy the and then uh you automatically lose anyway oh yes yes oh my God okay wait a second I'm going to save my please please game please please please please please please please no come on please just be a homie for once oh my God it happened holy [ __ ] and now I've got one left okay get over to me get over me yes yes uh fine get knocked over nope that's fine that's fine I can handle it I can handle it a miss and a third turn no take your seventh turn I don't even care quick save I'm not save scumming okay I'm going to save scum a little bit I'm going to quick save now we'll see how it goes okay he dominated one of them oh I'm going to get multiple tries of this too yes yes just get [ __ ] [ __ ] now I'm a misogynist [ __ ] women I'm kidding I'm kidding that was a man anyway I think I don't know they all look the same I'm kidding I totally a joke all right okay I got to cool it I got to cool it all right this one's on our side this one The Last One Alive only 88 [Laughter] Health oh I'm sorry I'm sorry somebody was offended in chat I'm sorry it's just a joke what if I whoops accidentally quick saved again whoops cuff whoops Stillness of the mind this dude just canceled out his [ __ ] domination he was just like oh I'm dominated AB absolutely not holy [ __ ] is he coming for me uhoh watch it if they ledge me I'm going to scream clench of the north wind is that that whole person [ __ ] thece okay he chugged that's good he's back to full health okay right here's the plan I I knock him as far as it'll let me which is I think here here nice yes yes [ __ ] yes and then please please please please please yes get [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you frog man oh that's right oh that's right weird [ __ ] tentacle having ass [ __ ] weird [ __ ] frog no NOS having ass [ __ ] clown man give me that line of sight path interrupted don't even need it I'm going to chug don't even need it whatever dog whatever dog hell yeah one left Frog's back on the menu boys okoy really doesn't know a lot about monks I'll you know why I've played a monk once in a multiplayer campaign that I never get to play cuz the people who played are always busy and I was going to do a doour monk but I didn't want to ruin it for the playr so I never played it and I've also never played either the way of the Open Hand I've only done The Punchy monks never done the magic monks never done a shadow monk oh you are so dead lady you have no idea frog people are humanoids die forever oh actual good damage let's go oh you're dead for forever oh holy [ __ ] dude oh my god oh that was the worst fight of the playthrough that was too close that was genuinely annoying don't look at me like that I am a that was so bad I got so lucky without in that last round slave to the absolute I love that this game can be so difficult but then so easy first try I could cut that out of the video and people won't know dude I could literally chop that out of the live stream all I would have to do is cut it at a specific time where it seems like it happened right wait no cuz chat will give it away they'll just re chat damn it [ __ ] thank you for saving me all right I'm just going to s for him for a little bit just to get through the dialogue oh I don't care about your background Mr guy oh what a devastating disguise that was rather the potential future look at this man's brain quivering like you I don't care about your Exposition alone just give me your tadpole put your Tad pole inside of me find out you carry a tadpole like you as an elth I have far surpassed who I ever was before yeah I'd like that actually may me superpowered would you like to evolve wait is this for the Hoff ithd is this the for the Hoff ithd or ilid or keyboard I'm just spamming my space bar it's a mechanical keyboard so it's super loud this is for the halfof thing right yeah okay good continue to even as you are now hold out your it want do as it says eat it a cold seems I suppos but if you had opened your the temples hases through you where it touches your I thought I [ __ ] it up I really I thought like oh [ __ ] man I didn't even saved before the cut scene too I'm I'm just going to quick save right now oh my God Sans oh my God Sans connect what the [ __ ] your mind oh no I didn't think about the fact that we were going to look like an absolute goober man you are are Exquisite but we must lose F you heard that we must I look like you but even more powerful oh my God Sans you look awful man look really unhealthy one of your eyes looks all [ __ ] up because it looks like it looks like he's got a swollen black eye all right let me loot that lady and then sh had a [ __ ] feather and a metal ingot are you kidding me is there anything else in here that you can get Divine bone shs you love me some BL bone I wish there was a void bulb that knocked enemies away from it o oh my God nice I'm really glad I looted holy [ __ ] oh look wait wait wait wait wait wait I forgot hold on we have become amazing so now look I go to custom I grab the fly ability slap slap it on and uh also replace it with this cuz why not and then every time I press Z I can fly so I don't need to jump and now we can fly for [ __ ] days [Music] yay oh hell yeah this is going to be so [ __ ] useful dude Misty step is now [ __ ] pointless I never need to use Misty step again except that it doesn't actually yeah I do cuz it Doesn't provide enemies with attack of opportunities so I can teleport away out of out of mid combat but now we can fly so I can be like oh I want to get up onto this thing I want to get up here let's go I kind of want to go over here nice let's do that look at our little powerful man hell yeah why would you not get this and also we can get get eled expertise for exper expertise in Persuasion deception intimidation checks to be a silver tongue devil we can take t a level freecast sculpt the magical Nexus allows you to within to take actions whatever we'll take that [ __ ] it and [ __ ] it I'll grab this too so I can unlock displacer Beast and then I'll just grab a couple of other ones cuz [ __ ] it what's what else is good out of these last ones mind blast seems okay but I don't want to give up my concentration black hole is insane create a point of intense gravity that pulls all nearby enemies and possibly slows them five more o I could use that to pull people into barrels maybe or pull them into an area and then cast Thorns H black Hool is good I love black holes um okay weird sentence actually you know what wait once per turn hold on black holy [ __ ] what do you mean it's the [ __ ] Thorns black hole is funny okay good all right displacer Beast shape I kind of want to keep and then is mine Sanctuary good once per long rest I feel like stage Freight's also pretty good tell you what I'll put them on the we got too much [ __ ] now man we got too much crap now man you know what we'll start this out next time but we'll continue with our adventure to the third area right now whatever do just leave at the portal of the material plane oh wait they're all dead how' they all die the [ __ ] who killed them all did they just die why are they dead it's been a long day only eh I didn't kill them I left immediately how do they die I thought I've always killed them and then then gone through the portal Withers got him died of Bor him they died of they they died of cringe waiting for me to struggle through that last fight there here we go I don't want to hear a moaning man oh so there's been a mind flare the I do not nice hairstyle sh did you want something all right all right give me my [ __ ] Buffs wait is this going to make me like rest again or are we done in here I need to take these guys with me and then I'll send them back to Camp after we got the Buffs but I need to know look at our little flying man God we're so [ __ ] jacked and op and handsome now look at this look we can just fly everywhere like an actual God shadowed in name all right join me little guy little guy the most ironic statement for him how far are we off level 10 oh pretty far actually all right get me out of here do you think the Sharon's bullied our calling her shot too I think when they were naming her they just called her shot and then they had to extend into something so they went Shadow H and I was supposed to sacrifice myself to stop the absolute I can't fathom how such a Wonder survived surely as Lu have it we'll soon find ourselves okay all right Exposition [ __ ] I didn't me to do that all right you know what we can sort the Buffs out next time right but here we are in act three in balers Gate 3 the third City in the series there we go we finally made it this will be next time though because I am [ __ ] mentally exhausted I feel like I've literally just used goddamn ability Dr on myself oh yeah we'll sort all this out next time I might even sort it out before the stream so as soon as the stream starts we can get right back into it so I might do that as stream prep for next time uh so you guys don't have to sit through me fumbling through the [ __ ] bus before I start the stream I'll just buff up get everything ready we'll stop the stream dive straight into act three and hopefully I won't have another [ __ ] fight like that because I don't think it makes you do a long rest again for the rest of the game now right if you don't want to do one I don't think it makes you do one which is great anyway I had a lot of fun even though that last fight made me feel like my head was going to [ __ ] explode I was so bad but you know it wouldn't be an ooy stream without me [ __ ] up horrendously so hope you guys enjoyed anyway I think it was a lot of good bits in the Stream so whatever went well I had fun anyway yeah thanks for watching hope it wasn't too frustrating I would get so mad watching me but there you go uh yeah thanks for wait what don't tell don't tell him chat what don't tell me what tell me who I'm not in until somebody tells me what happened did I [ __ ] something up did I forget what did I do I've something's wrong he's making me paranoid I'm being gas lit oh you [ __ ] you dicks less don't I hate this I hate this I hate it when chat gas lights it's like the most the worst thing in the universe for streamers he has noidea oh my God [ __ ] gaslighting does he pretend he doesn't know oh my God that's such clever gaslighting holy [ __ ] all right anyway thanks for watching guys links to uh to Discord in the description I don't shout it out but there is a patreon as well if people into that kind of [ __ ] but mostly Discord that's where everything takes place I do I announce all my videos there when they release live stream uh announcements in case you want to be like caught up today on that kind of [ __ ] there's like a video suggestion stream all that kind of [ __ ] um thanks for the donos thanks for all the subs not not the subs the memberships and stuff like that like a bunch of people gifted memberships and stuff but yeah thanks for everything guys um thanks for watching I'll see you on the next stream we will continue the adventures of sans under s [ __ ] Sans undertale and finally get into [ __ ] act three I got to rename this and make a new thumbnail but there you go all right anyway I'll see you guys next time yeah
Channel: Okoii
Views: 38,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate, bg3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldur, gate, warhammer, baldurs gate stream, streams, balurs gate, Dark Urge stream, baldur's gate multiplayer, multiplayer, multi stream, multiplayer stream, permadeath, 8 player
Id: lkIwWQOagMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 380min 33sec (22833 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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