Jeff Williams High Grade Gold Ore!

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hey guys my name is jason with mount baker  mining and metals and on today's video   this is the one we've all been waiting for  we're going to be processing jeff williams   super rich sample bags that he sent up from nevada  on a collab that we did here a few weeks ago   so let's dig into these i'm looking for  specimen gold i'm looking for visible gold   and then all the fines and stuff we're going to  process through melt down into a nice big old   gold button so let's see what we can find in these  bags so i've been putting a lot of thought into   how to process these bags because the specimens  are going to be one of the more important things   that we're looking for because they're worth a lot  more money when you have golden quartz like that   and you just don't want to crush up some of those  beautiful beautiful specimens so the first thing   i'm going to do is screen it through a half  inch screen so we can get the the core stuff on   top and we'll go through that and see if we can  find any specimens let's see how this goes here i want to make sure i get all that dust  because there's gold in that dust too so here's a look at the oversized stuff   and this is where you're going to  be looking for your specimen gold and what i'm going to do is i'm  going to try and lay this out   on a sheet of plywood and we can  go over it with a metal detector   and then if that doesn't work or we don't  get any hits from that oh look here's one see that right there it's all gold  sitting down in that little pocket so it's working but let me get this stuff screened  like i say we'll lay it out on a sheet of plywood   and we'll see what we can find with the  metal detector i've got some specimens   laid out here on this little table i'm going  to try and go over them with this white's metal   detector this thing's probably an antique  at this point it's about 15 18 years old   uh so i don't know how how good it's going to  do it you won't be able to hear it because all   the rain on the tent right now but we'll see if i  can just kind of listen here and pick anything out so yeah i can actually hear a very  very big signal from some of these   so i'm going to spread out all that stuff i  screen and see what i can find in that step i'm going to try and get  the camera down here by the by the speaker the metal detector but i don't really i've gone over a  little bit i just don't hear any signals i feel like there's something right in there maybe there's nothing screaming at me so what i'm gonna  do now is i'm gonna take the stuff and uh wash   it in a little bit of water get it wet and then  i'll just hand pick through it and see what i got so i wanted to try and show you up close here some  of the specimens i've been finding there's gold   there's gold there's a big old chunk hanging  off there's some gold there's a nice piece   this one's got some nice pieces in it more gold  more gold gold so we're getting some pretty   darn nice specimen pieces out  of this stuff from jeff williams   and there's a piece that actually fell off  sitting there in the on the pan that i found so nice specimen stuff we got our stuff all wet here and i'm gonna put  the samples with gold in here and the rest in   here that we can crush up later but you can  see the difference here when they're all wet   you can see them a whole lot  better let's see if i can get a oh yeah see let's make it a focus see right  there on my finger scroll all across there that one's big enough i'm actually  gonna break that one up with a hammer   see if there's more inside there but i'm  just gonna go through this whole bucket   here and if i find something really good i'll  let you know well i went through most of our   bucket and i really didn't find much there was  a few here that had some a little bit of gold   there we go down in there this is probably the  best one actually the first rock i pulled out   right there i'll try breaking this  one open see if there's anything else   that one's got some gold showing there   but there just wasn't anything as fantastic is the  stuff i have in the pan that i showed you earlier   well these are most of the prime  specimens we got out of jeff's stuff   and stay tuned for a future video where i  do some experiments on the best way to clean   up some of these samples get that gold  nice and shiny and get all that rust and   discoloration off of there we're going to take  our samples here i'm going to mix them together   so the wet stuff goes in with the dry stuff and  hopefully that helps us kind of dry it all out   we're going to crush it down to about a  quarter inch minus through our jaw crusher   so then we can put it through a little  grinder and get it all pulverized so well now we're going to use this little disc  grinder and this plate is stationary and this   plate turns and there's a little slot right there  that's where all the stuff's going to come out i'm   going to feed it down through here let's come  out the bottom this powder into our catch basin   there aka trash can lid so let's get this stuff  ground up and we'll see how much gold we got so man i'm glad that's over with that little thing  there really wasn't designed for production or   anything like that we ran half a bucket  through it so it took a little while but   i don't know if he's on the video i was wearing  a respirator that silica's really nasty stuff   as well as i don't know if there's lead in  there or zinc or anything else so you really   don't want to be breathing that stuff and here's  the stuff that came through that little crusher   it came out really nice i think what  i'm going to do is do a little test pan   and then there's enough here where i'm just going  to go run it on our shaker table or i'm just going   to take i don't know there's a full handful  and let's do another one well a smaller one   there we go i'll pan that out see what we got  in there the rest will run the shaker table   all right well here is our pan of the two handfuls  there one and a half handfuls and look at that so   i've had a couple pans of this stuff now and  i've gotten maybe less googly eyed about it   about all that yellow but i have i actually  have a little bit of a concern here because see how the gold bounced right up  here to the corner let me show you so there's all our metallic gold pieces right up  there in the corner there's probably some down   here as well but i have a concern that this is not  actually gold it looks like gold it's it's dense   but i don't think it's as dense as  gold there's a little bit of orange   stuff in there mixed and so don't get me wrong  this is still an extremely rich little one and   a half handfuls but i think we might actually have  another mineral here that's yellow and very dense   and what i'm going to try and do is i've got a  little microscope so let's see if i can get the   microscope set up and we can look at this stuff  down here and this stuff up here and see if we can   tell the difference the other thing i'm going to  do is while we're running the rest on the shaker   table i'm going to get this in the furnace in a  cupel and figure out you know this should be i   don't know lots but let's keep held this down and  see if most of this goes away and we're left with   with a smaller bead but there's no doubt  that a lot of that stuff up there is gold   a little bit white in color it's not super super  yellow so it probably has some silver in with it but let me figure out what we got  here let's look at the microscope   now i've got it kind of mixed up and yeah  it's really hard to tell the difference   there's some of that metallic gold  here and then the yellow stuff   all around it there's two minerals i'm thinking  this might be there's a a tungsten mineral that's   called she light that is very very dense and  it's hard to tell the difference when you pan it   and there's some other lead sulfides or i'm  sorry lead oxides that are yellow and very dense interesting well we're looking down the microscope and there's those three or four big blobs  of gold there's a huge one off to the right   and then all that other stuff  isn't gold it's it's some sort of other mineral oh where'd you go there we go   it's some sort of other mineral  that's obviously quite dense and yellow but it's not gold so that is very interesting we got fool jeff  i thought all that yellow in the pan was gold   man i've seen a lot of gold too and  that's that's really hard to distinguish   she light is is kind of one of the ones that  is really hard to distinguish because it's so   dense and it's yellow like that but man oh man  i got fooled we still got gold so that's good   but let's get this sucked out and put  in the furnace and see what we got because now i'm i'm quite sure that  not all that yellow in the pan is gold   so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take a  snuffer bottle i'm just going to suck as much of   this stuff out of here as i can yell everything  that's yellow is going i don't know what it is but i'm going to suck it all up and we're going  to compel it all down to just pure precious metals this has worked really well for me in  the past i've got all our stuff down   in the snuffer bottle there and so i want  to get it out and dry it out for the cupel   so i take the straw out of the snuffer bottle i turn it over get all the  good stuff down the bottom   and then just leak it down  into a pile in this shop towel and look at it all man i wish all that was gold so look at that i mean even even here  that looks just like a pile of gold to me   a little black sand in there  but that looks like i'm   a bunch of gold that'd be like a quarter of an  ounce but i'll keep working all this stuff down now i take my towel here got all my gold down the bottom well all my all  my i got all my yellow stuff down the bottom i just make kind of a little packet out of  it and i squeeze as much water out as i can and just get it as dry as possible i just take my scissors i cut off all the extra  and there's our little packet i'm going to put   in the furnace with the cupel and a little bit of  lead and it'll get refined down to gold and silver   okay what do we got here we got our cupel heating  up there i'm gonna add our little gold packet add in some lead with that one two let that get up to temperature and we'll  check on a little bit well now i'm going to take   all of our panning tailings all of the dust we  made with our little crusher i'm going to get   it all wet i'm going to mix it together stir it  with a paint stirrer so it's all gets moistened   wet and and we'll run it on our shaker table  to get the gold and all that yellow stuff out all right now we have a real nice slurry  we can add that right on the shaker table   and probably what i've done is i've mixed it  so all the gold is right down the bottom now   well a quick little overview here here's the  4x8 shaker table we're going to run the stuff   on the gold is going to come across here up  this first or second long groove and under the   water bar here up on what we call the cleaning  plane and come down into the number one port   the sulfides maybe some of that yellow heavy stuff  that's not gold will come into the number two port   there's number three port midlings  and number four port tailings   and if this stuff wasn't so stinking rich i  would just run it right through the hammer mill   but you can't really get that thing completely  clean i didn't want to hang up any jeff's gold   in that hammer mill so that's why we use that  little grinder but i got that blue bucket there   i'm gonna feed it into this trough and we'll run  it down on the shaker table and see what we get   oh yeah i'm just gonna scoop it out of there and  dribble it along this distributor trough here   and there again usually what happens when you mix  this stuff with a paint stirrer is that all the   gold goes down to the bottom and so there's not  a lot to see in the first half of the bucket here   but i'll get this stuff going on the table  check back in a minute now i've stopped   feeding the table for a minute but you can  see yellow speeding down into the grooves   there's some of the yellow orange here that's  starting to come across i don't see any starting   to make its way up across yet but i just noticed  that yellow coming down it just all comes down and   blooped right in that first trough so it'll start  working its way yeah you can see something there   it's just working its way across and that'll be a  pretty nice showing hopefully a lot of it's gold   we're pretty much done with our sample and you  can see all the yellow up here and i don't know   if you're telling the camera but a lot of it  now is orange and i think that's that lead or tungsten mineral but the gold's  working its way out here now and i can adjust the water a little  bit to get it to move over but   it's starting to go up under the water  bar hard to tell when it's shaking   but it's just working its way  across just like it's supposed to   i'm probably going to brush it down just to  help it get over there and get on its way   i don't want to stand out here in the rain for  hours wait for the gold to come across the table   so let me get it brushed down  we'll see what it looks like oh yeah we'll start all the way back over here and just get everything coming this way and there you go you can start to see all that stuff separate out here  hopefully once it gets up onto the cleaning plane   let's get it all up here  and see what it looks like here let me shut the table off so we can see okay we'll get a real good look at this stuff now there's a lot of gold right  at the leading edge here   and then the stuff behind it's a little bit orange   but kind of give you a zoom  out picture of what we got lots of gold up here at the leading edge working our way down you can start to see the  flakes now individual and they're just working   their way right down into the number one a few  bigger pebbles and stuff bottom of the bucket   but man it's too bad that's not all gold you kind of see it there it looks  like just incredibly fine gold   but we'll get it down and we'll get it smelted  down and see what we can make out of it for jeff   well here's the number one panned out and  holy cow it just looks like gold all over   there's some bigger pieces up here in the in  the corner of the pan or the crease of the pan well i'm a little bit at a loss of what to do with  this stuff i don't really know what that yellow   stuff is we got lots of gold in here i want to  recover so i say when in doubt let's melt it down   all right well i've never really done this before so let's see how this goes i wanna what am i doing here i don't know what  i'm doing let's see if i can wash this down into this rag is it  working i guess it's working okay kind of like what we did with the  earlier stuff i'm just going to get in a   shop towel like that get the water out of  it and then figure out what to do with it okay we're going to pull out our panning button  here this is from the couple of handfuls i did nice button but that's from the one and a half handfuls  let's see if we can watch it blick over   there we go nice little blick there let's let that cool down and we'll get  it weighed here's our really nice looking   little gold bead from the handful and a  half we panned figure out what it weighs a little less than half a gram half  a gram from a handful and a half but i would say based on the color there  it's it's gold but it's not that nice   yellow gold it's probably in that 75 80  80 range real nice little bead though let's see what happens from the rest of it so if we estimate that i panned about two pounds  or a kilogram and we got half a gram from it   that's 500 grams a ton or i don't know what is  that almost 20 ounces a ton 16 18 ounces a ton   pretty rich stuff well i'm gonna throw  all caution and science to the wind here   i'm just going to grab some  borax put it in the bottom i'm going to tape take our our ball here cut off all the extra we don't need problem is it's still pretty wet but get all that out of there that's just  gonna burn up we've got let's see what it   looks like in there there it is so i'm  going to dump that in this crucible maybe i'll do this i'll dump a  little bit in put some more borax in   i'll kind of mix it as i go here plop the whole thing in there this is  just bush league here more borax on top i i believe i would expect it's an oxide so  i'm going to add lots of borax i might throw   some soda ash on top there should be plenty  of gold in there to collect itself into a   button at the bottom all the oxides and all the  junk should be absorbed by the borax when it   melts and we'll pour it in the  cone mold and see what we get   this is this is uh new territory for  me we'll call it bush league smelting um all right well let's see what we have here black black looking slag kind of a brown tinge to it actually see if  we got a little gold nugget here in the bottom ah that is lead i believe and it's still kind of  gooey so i'm trying to cool it off here with water so i can break it out of there i wasn't expecting a bunch of lead because i didn't put any in but i'm wondering if yeah see there i'm wondering if that yellow stuff is some  sort of lead sulfide or lead oxide actually because we got some lead here well we got our lead here let's figure out what  it weighs i don't know if it's my imagination   but this feels a lot heavier than  it should be if it was just lead 16 and a half grams so i'm going to  add our lead bead right to the cupel   i'm not going to add any extra  lead and we'll check on it and see we'll see what it looks like here in a  couple minutes and if i need to add any lead   i can do so but i think there's  plenty of lead in that button the lead has just started to oxidize  and the oxides are molten now that's hard to get a good shot of it  looks like raindrops on the surface so the lead is being absorbed into  the compel it'll just leave gold all right let's see what we got here there's our gold beads there's our nice little gold button from the  stuff that i ground up ran on the shaker table   i forgot to get the weight on camera but  that stuff weighed 32 pounds all together cool it off but there she be  still a little bit hot now and it's not that super yellow color  it's definitely got some silver in it   but let's see what we got for a weight 6.4 grams all right well doing some math 32  pounds is right around 14 and a half kilograms   and taking that weight in grams turns  out to be about 450 grams per ton   which squares almost exactly with the estimated  pan we did it two at one kilogram we got about 450   500 grams a ton so that's squares but judging  by the color here we're going to call it 80   or so so instead of 450 grams per ton it's  about 360. or what is that about 12 ounces a ton   so that's not too bad jeff 12 ounces a ton oh  and actually you know thinking on the fly here   uh all the gold in these specimens came out  of the same spot there's hardly any weight   there and there's quite a bit of gold so you  might be looking closer at 15 ounces a ton or   somewhere in there if you include the weight of  the gold in these specimens so pretty good jeff   thanks again for the trip i had a blast got some  gold and met some awesome people well there you go   jeff there's 12 to 15 ounces of ton stuff that's  pretty darn good rock you got there i think you   got yourself a gold mine but i wanted to say a  special thanks to you for inviting me down i had   a blast getting down there minding that gold met  a lot of fun people and i hope we can do it again   sometime so thanks again and for anybody else out  there if you guys have any questions or comments   you can leave me a comment below otherwise thanks  for watching and we'll see on the next video
Channel: mbmmllc
Views: 228,023
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Keywords: mbmm, mbmmllc, black sand concentrates, fine gold, flour gold, gold concentrates, gold mining, sulfides, gold mining equipment, gold mining plant, gold ore, gold ore processing, gold panning, gold prospecting, gold recovery, gold sulfides, gold recovery plant, metal de oro, mina de oro, mineral processing, mining equipment, precious metals, ask jeff williams, finding gold, jeff williams gold
Id: I4ltDLUviSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 2sec (1862 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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