What Diamond Mining Is Really Like - Raw Uncut

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hello my fellow miners prospectors and rock counters welcome back to another video from the crater diamond state park this is going to be more of a learning video we're going to study the different types of gravel walk around the field and just look for gravel that's been concentrated piled up in areas i'm gonna work the low spots let you all have an idea of what the gravel can look like and just we're gonna do stuff like that in this video just try to find gravel worth digging that can very well contain diamonds i hope you all enjoy it if you'd like to see more videos like this be sure and drop a thumbs up i'd appreciate it all right let's get started we'll be set up at the south wash so to get material from the south wash which is which is right there we could go to the east drain or we could go to the west drain i have never found a diamond on the west drain so i think i'm going to head over to the west drain and get some material and prove to myself i can find a diamond over there does that sound good all right let's do it all right i am ready to go dig for diamonds canopy set up i'm going to be digging right there where my shovel is and where i've already started there's been some people down here there's been some other miners down here digging if you remember we've already seen that water bottle so somebody dug that water bottle up out of this hole right here so somebody's been digging right there they didn't get much because i don't leave much behind okay so pretty much everywhere i stab my shovel all the way down the strip i feel gravel it's time to start piercing into this golly look at it big rocks i don't know man yeah i don't know all i can do is put my bucket and see what we get a lot of big rocks but there's some small rocks okay we jumped around looking for some gravel and i may have found a better spot over here i'm gonna work on getting this area right in here it's about two feet two and a half feet down so that's what i'll be doing for the next two three hours i'll catch back with everybody later on all right been going at it pretty hard found a small gravel layer that i've been chasing right in here starting to thin out almost to the hard pan which is pretty cool scrape on that a little bit but getting my buckets filled too much i'm gonna be doing half buckets for a while that's where i'm at you can see down in here there's a little bit of gravel there's some lots of gravel up in there okay i've worked my way over towards the north and i've come across a metal let's see what this chunk of metal could be oh look at that big chunk of a big nail and that's a good indicator because metal is probably heavier than a lot of these rocks it may just have a lot of heavy minerals near it and i do recall in my video where i found my 12 point there was a bunch of metal in that material looking pretty good cool let me get that on video [Music] yeah lots of mike over here and this stuff i've noticed drilling the area tons of gold was coming over the shakers so i started backing up with simple bags while catching a sample yeah mud loggers well i thought i hit it right i wouldn't tell nobody they're softly getting a thousand feet or 500 feet down as hell okay here's a there's a big jasper so i'm going to want to put that whole thing in my bucket all kinds of material stuck to it it's a good sign oh break down him hitting sir i did a lot of motocross and okay i've had my safety meeting got a nice dry shirt on took my boots off had something to eat i feel great it's time to get back in the hole get some more this gravel start hauling buckets all the way over to my cage and for those of you who don't know this is really considered the artifact side of the crater diamonds there's lots of oh artifacts from the old mining companies some of you may not know this but over here is the artifact side this is where a lot of the early mining companies were set up and look what i just dug up big chunk of metal [Music] that is crazy this could have been used to mine for diamonds back in the day you see all the rust so that's a good indicator might have some heavy minerals as well working on getting buckets hauled man this stuff is awesome that's the hard pan lots of small gravel in this stuff oh three buckets filled up and this gravel is very different some brown like all this brown it i thought it was gonna be rust and it could be rust a whole bunch of metal it could be a lot of metal nails it could have been a pile of nails down here caused all this rust but it's almost like the soil is a brown yeah no red jaspers i did come across this huge chunk of jasper is right there packed in there so i want to keep it just like this and put it in my bucket there could be diamonds stuck to that inside this clay there's gravel in it there could be diamonds in it even in the clay yeah get a few more buckets out not too impressed with the gravel oh man this is awesome you definitely want a fan [Music] that's nice oh man oh this feels so good [Music] check this out we got green we've got green look at all that green that's always a good indicator a little bit of tough like the volcanic tough but clay definitely baby i hit a pocket of baby poop oh yep it's down to light gravel and below the gravel we have more gravel so i just can't tell if this rust or is that the soil like a brown very different will we get agate will we get any aggie that's what i want to see some agate some clean pretty so okay so caught me on my safety meeting all right did some probing let's do some probing and see if the gravel is going to keep going down nope that's it hard pan so there's still gravel up along this bench i can kind of work on undercutting that but yeah it's pretty well cleaned out get a few more buckets and this hole is done there's this isn't a 30 bucket hole a 20 bucket hole i'm gonna get i've got two four six eight i might get ten buckets out of this and that's that's all working on getting the last two buckets filled up that'll make 20 total it's a good number it thinned out over here i was thinking just eight ten buckets was it but i came over here and been chasing a gravel vein ever since it's been about an hour and a half now it's time to get these last two got one filled up get this last one filled up start hauling my bike just to my cage i won't have enough time in the day to go wash them and not only that i'm hungry it's time to go to nashville fisherman cold and get some gator catfish hush puppies beans cornbread corn and some sweet tea but i actually found a vein that's going straight down so i'm working on that still going wow i'll just put all that in my bucket red jasper starting to see red jasper again yep another day at the diamond mine having fun enjoying my life this is what i like to do is dig not what i like to do is what i do and i hate when people interfere in my work man that's going straight down oh red jasper man this stuff i just hit is awesome i have to go get a couple buckets going straight down that bucket's empty that's 20 buckets okay that's 20 buckets man it's going down it's going straight down i had a tarp i could start putting material on the tarp here we go start putting on this right here for now i don't have any buckets with me that'll work go up my is walking up to my cage and back if i meet somebody they want their picture taken be ten minutes time i get back down here so and don't hesitate to come up to me and say hi or do you want your picture taken i got time for that always got time for my supporters orange jasper red jasper in this vein glad i kept going glad i didn't give up i mean i never do get a couple buckets out just going straight down heck yeah a couple more buckets got about 15 more in my cage said it takes 10 minutes maybe and if i run up there i'll run back here and have to stop and rest because i'll be more out so that'll work for now put it on that oh look at that golly yeah definitely hit some red jasper nice just not seeing a lot of small gravel that kind of scares me a lot of bigger stuff hopefully when i wash it some of that small stuff is just packed in with the clay you know there's so much play in here very small stuff i can fill it with my probe i just can't see it so so so ah foreign [Applause] done so all right huh uh i can barely sit here hmm just a warning i will probably splash once like start washing so okay get too close to me appreciate it a little bit give that man some room i didn't i don't think they would object but hey you don't want that stuff in your eye trust me oh i'm dead sometimes that's where it goes it's like i swear safety glasses still get my eye get in there right okay oh i just gotta wash hard to get it to move yeah i'm not getting it i'm not getting anywhere there's a lot of mud yeah oh um dump it no i'm just telling you more so we can close not anything else all right yeah i've got a youtube channel so i'm out here just showing how to find diamonds and cool now to try to make videos me finding diamonds i've got some how-to stuff you know at least kind of explain that's pretty cool but yeah that kind of keeps me out here more often versus like when i used to come out here i had to work you know when you come out here my vacation was out here working right mining oh yeah but yeah and i get to kind of make videos and dig in the dirt hoping to get there i'm still working on it almost two years uh august will be two years with my channel you know oh very cool almost up to 20 000 subscribers or i'm at 20 000. how do we look you up oh you just uh you can go on youtube and just type in like diamond minor ivan's that's my channel where you type in the crater diamonds and these my videos should pop up if i see me from thumbnail yeah it's been fun i'm out of texas yeah yeah we're from texas as well okay cool i'm north central we're actually we're actually uh right between houston and uh dallas like right in the middle hungry so a little small town yeah yeah i grew up in a county 900 feet thank you okay now we're from uh yeah a lot of texans come up here today take the diamonds a lot of the 16 carat or whatever that shovel if you read these shovels out there they'll tell you a little you know what domino you know it was like a 16 carrot a guy from texas found it at the shovel by that northwest oh that was [Music] starlight yeah and like a 16 character some people picked it up that day what the story is and they were saying how they were talking about that big piece of glass you know and they put it back down and they thought a big chunk of glass right james heard them describe they're like it was smooth and round and james barking exactly there's probably a dominant three down right so he's up there looking for it all morning and he never could some guy sits down on a rock from texas and sees it shining picked it up 16 to it [Music] he found over like seven thousand diamonds wow that's incredible put like four or five kids to college and built his wife a new home he always drove a war out old truck yeah thank you that's pretty cool [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] you ready all right come on to you man oh yeah good luck with that appreciate it thanks [Music] on this classifier we got here's the top classifier i've seen lots of large pieces of quartz popping up nice chunks of pork still not seeing the agate i like to see but maybe it'll pop up here soon okay so so uh so uh uh all right we've seen some amazing gravel come out of that hole lots of hematite magnetite and spinel so we should be seeing a diamond time to head to the house and get some centers made got one more flip to go these centers turned out pretty good for just a few buckets of material from the south trench three feet down this gravel is just loaded with heavies check it check that out okay here's the first flip and as you can see there's just so many heavy minerals so this gravel is looking really good it could produce a diamond for sure you have centers like these just a matter of time you will get a diamond yes it has lots of calcite but over here i see some bare right the bluish rock which are heavier than this calcite right here and like that stuff yeah lots of quartz got the black spinel that's what we really want to see is that black spinel so yeah these heavies these centers are just loaded hey get out of here god damn it yo all right here's the third center unbelievable 12 buckets here's the fourth center and here's the fourth center let me know if you see a diamond in the comment leave me a comment if you think you see a diamond here is the fifth and final center and when you travel for five hours like i do the best material is normally in the bottom of the bucket from the ride home let me know if you see a diamond leave me a comment if you think you can see a diamond in this stuff let me know if you uh leave me a comment below if you see a diamond but there's some really good indicators in here check out all those heavy minerals man that is just crazy check out all those heavy minerals that's wild all right here's the re-flip i took all the centers and made one more and that's the re-flip we'll scan over this real quick and take everything inside i'll go through everything on the tray if i don't see a diamond on the center looks like we won't see one in the video but if i find a diamond on the tray you can always go to my oh my gosh that might be a diamond right there i'll have to check it out be a small one that's some good centers not to have a diamond that one right there right there but i just don't it's just not it's not a diamond sticking to that rock but those small diamonds will stick to other rocks your finger so you got to be careful it'll stick to the end of this you know your tweezers or whatever you're using it could and you could lose it so be careful of your small diamond sticking and we now have the reflip of the reflip and you can probably re-flip this re-flip and re-flip those re-flips and keep getting material the sooner or later the heavies will thin out so you can only re-flip so many times okay you know what the crater diamond should do is all these tailing piles instead of just letting it run back into the field they should scoop all this up with their front end loader and go spread it along that path where it's not so muddy because if you notice my wagon has no mud on the wheel because i'm rolling on pretty much gravel 90 gravel the rest of mud up there at the opposite 90 mud 10 gravel
Channel: Diamond Miner Ivins
Views: 11,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diamond, ore, gold, silver, gems, stones, rocks, minerals, jade, aquamarine, amethyst, jasper, quartz, arkansas, mine, miner, mining, search, searching, discovery, discovered, explorer, expedition, adventure, hole, deep, prospecting, rockhounding, diamond mining, digging diamond, find diamonds, diamond found, diamond discovery, large diamond, small diamond, yellow diamond, arkansas diamonds, crater of diamonds, state park
Id: 93D2tF_oYPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 22sec (2962 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2022
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