🐊 Top 10 Tips PLANET ZOO 🐊 - Planet Zoo Hints, Tips & Tutorials

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[Music] hey guys welcome to my top 10 tips for planet zoo I really hope these help you out if you'd like any more information please leave a comment down below and I will get back to every single person thank you start small the worst thing you can do is jump in and spend all of your initial money on scenery and terrain and a team and just absolute rubbish this is how I suggest every single person start when they're not in sandbox not necessarily there's this lay hooked but two to three habitats small ish size with three or two or three species of highly desirable viewing or high viewing point animals donation buckets are all viewing points general basic guest services so they are all gonna need toilets information gifts food and drink I don't and then all the staff facilities you are going to need make sure you stick to only the power that initially comes with the park right of these right at the beginning so you don't have to pay for any additional power buildings and you don't have to pay for any additional power of like water buildings or anything I would also recommend you try and use animals that don't require lots of water so you don't have to pay for the cleaning the water cleaning of the water treatment facility immediately this will mean you'll spend much less on outgoings once you start to gain income from ticket sales and donations etc then you can slowly and I mean slowly add more exhibits when you start to get a very positive income and you can start decorating everything and going get crazy do not go big immediately I also have a full video out on the channel on how to succeed 100% in franchise every time that explains this in much more detail so check that out donation buckets are your friend my god these things bring in a large amount of money if you have animals that are well looked after and plenty of viewing points always have several donation buckets as you can see there right by all of these viewpoints if you give the guest a good experience they will donate more these things generally tend to bring in a very large amount of money towards the running of your Zoo doesn't matter in some box but everything else it does I actually had a bear habitat once in the beta I think I showed it in a video with over two hundred thousand dollars in donations in one donation bucket put as many as you can down without it looking ridiculous they are amazing merchandise and gifts are absolutely thriving within this game just like they did employee coaster people will queue for ages to buy a stupid hat or a photo frame or something along those lines they will also queue for ages to my adoption packs for animals at a ridiculously inflated price so just like that my donation buckets these are very important get these around your park strategically watch the queues build and rake in of the money you can also increase the prices just to make more money from your guests with these the donation buckets and the ticket sales you are going to fly through the roof with funds so keepers hoods are extremely important within the game it's where all the keepers go to prepare food etc as you can see in here in the kitchen for all of your animals where you place them is massively important when I start a zoo I always recommend having one just to cover the first few habitats after this I strongly recommend at the entrance to every single exhibits when you're starting to make good money you have a keepers halt make sure it is off the beaten track so it's not to affect the guests with the negative impact so it wouldn't cover like you get the the circles here and use staff paths but this will ensure the keeper does not have far to travel to go from keepers halt straight into your exhibit especially if it's a big habitat it's going to make sure they feed the animals and look after them much more effectively much less walk inside much less travel time much less downtime okay if your animals are breeding like rabbits or in my case in this game like da riyals when the beta was out and they would get pregnant and give birth to ten million babies and you want to stem the flow click on your animal and give them contraceptives if you have an alpha male and ten females just give the contraceptives to the one animal don't give it to all the females give it to the one male this will stop them producing babies now you to regain control completely of your zoo the last thing you want is baby animals all over the place costing you a fortune not only to feed them but when they may need veterinary care and stuff all these things add up in costs of running your zoo contraception is king so this one is a little bit tricky do you like the look of this start to zoom I produce for people is it heavily detailed yes it is I didn't start being able to make things like this I started with square boxes and one tail boobs like most people start in the planet coaster and practice makes perfect not only do I suggest you watch loads of videos on design etc the biggest way I learned how to build within the planet series games was to go to the Steam Workshop download every complicated thing I could and rip it to pieces so I would find something just like my reptile Center I think so and I would go over and I would absolutely rip it to shreds to see how it was made what pieces they put there why they've buried certain pieces in walls why they've put pieces together how they got things to look the way they did if you can take some of the most complicated things in the workshop and pull them apart you will learn far more than just attempting to build something learn from others who've spent years playing the game you don't necessarily have to copy their designs but if you learn the techniques they use to create the things they do you're going to find your life much easier if you are playing in sandbox may the immortal gods smile down on you in your game menu here you can stop your animals from dying aging giving birth having fights having illnesses and everything else you can make your animals immortal if you're playing sandbox I strongly recommend that you do this even if it's after having a few babies so then you've got a couple of babies plopping around in there as well and it will stop them aging this is a life saver because your animals are never going to die or anything you can just focus on designing your zoo unfortunately you can't do this in franchise etc because that would make it totally pointless but this is a great tip for some box stop your animals croaking so you've sent your mechanic off to do some research back to his mechanics or TIA but you've also sent another mechanic to do some research as well you may only have one of these the capacity is one you must focus on the capacity of your staff buildings if you want to do research at the same time of more than one thing you'd need two buildings if you want to have more than what happened to be working you're failing I think there's 12 if you want to have more than 12 people in the staff room and you've got 12 on a break you'll need another staff room you have to focus on this at all times this will enable you to make sure there are no glitches backups or delays and your staff getting to do what they do and it also helps with work rotors and things and animals being taken care of if you're in some box and you've disabled you know animals dying in things not the biggest deal in the world but you need to look after your staff and make sure there are plenty of room for them wherever they go education within the park is extremely important you need these boards the speakers and the general education boards etc all around your Park you will find not only do they give the guests to stop and look and become happier they'll donate more money again into your donation buckets and that's well it's about getting the funds together not only do they look amazing buying exhibits showing exactly what's inside it but they serve the purpose of educating the guests and bleeding them of all their moolah and yeah they look pretty good so this one's a bit touchy I don't want anyone to say I'm promoting things like poppy farms here but if you want conservation credits the easiest way to do it is to breed for sale purely breed for sale open up a franchise zoo build as many small but adequate sized habitats as you can with the fewest amount of staff buildings with loads of donation booklets and focal points blah blah blah so you're just about covering your costs and breed animals like crazy sell them or release them to the wire for conservation points and then use them conservation points in your real zoo your real franchise Zoo because the conservation point to carry over from zoo to zoo in franchise this will allow you the unethical as it may seem but to profits off opening what was essentially a puppy farm yes it's only a game but some people may feel badly about it yeah nothing more to say on that one okay so a little bonus tip here not necessarily a top tip but just something that a lot of people seem to miss food quality in your habitat is not just what the keepers put in if you go onto your habitat and you go to the top here which is our animals you can change the quality of their food here you are it increases the cost but it also keeps their last meal quality and their overall well-being better so keep that in mind if you're playing in some box it can get quite expensive when you are doing it in any other game mode so guys I really hope these have helped you out does any more tips you'd like you can check out the channel there's plenty on there you can also subscribe don't forget to drop a comment down below and I like if this video has helped you out there's anything you're unsure of in the game you can catch me on many social media platforms or you can catch me in a live stream I'm always happy to help people out links are in the description and my schedule is on the community page of the channel thanks guys have a fantastic day you
Channel: PaulsLey
Views: 141,597
Rating: 4.9358153 out of 5
Keywords: planet zoo, planet, planet zoo gameplay, planet zoo walkthrough, planet zoo beta, planet zoo beta gameplay, planet zoo tutorial, planet zoo guide, planet zoo building, planet zoo construction, planet zoo building tutorial, planet zoo construction tutorial, planet zoo building guide, planet zoo construction guide, planet zoo how to build, planet zoo how to make buildings, planet zoo animal escape, planet zoo animal bridge, planet zoo animal walkover, planet zoo habitat tutorial
Id: i4BrNLUOU1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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