🐊Complete Guide to CONTROLS & KEYS 🐊 - Planet Zoo Hints, Tips & Tutorials

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Thank you for this! I've been watching your videos and you explain the game very clearly and make it seem not as daunting when it comes to building. Today I watched your terrain video and it helped out a lot! I was using Flatten to Surface wrong this whole time.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DiscoLibra πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Didn't watch this one but watched a bunch from your channel and it's so helpful. So I'm just commenting to give you visibility!


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/IkceWicasha πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I watched this and just the β€œhold shift on a selected item to move up and down easily” was a big change. Thanks for the in depth tutorial!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MrWselwulf πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] hey guys welcome back to Planet Zoo so I wasn't gonna do this tutorial because to be honest when I started I actually didn't even think about it because I've been playing planet a zoo that long I generally tend to just know all of the controls but then it dawned on me that not everyone who plays this was playing planet planet coaster Sorina planet zoo and they don't know them all so bear with me because I'm gonna go over every single control in the game what it does how to use it what button to press blah blah blah so everyone knows exactly how to use every control and play the game you might have to watch it more than once I know I'm quite fast talking and things time so I'll try and take this as slow as possible so everyone knows everything and I'll put a link in the description and to each time-stamped section of what we're going to do because we're going to go over mouse controls object placement path controls terrain editing controls track editing controls building editing controls general shortcuts and menu shortcuts and some other bits and pieces but if you look in the description and I will time stamp every single one so if you just want a certain one you can go to them say you havin to watch the whole video and mess around so yeah let's sit let's let's jump on in and get started so I'll be as slow as a can so let's say let's do this okay so the first one we're gonna do our mouse controls I'm not trying to teach you to suck eggs guys I'm sorry what everyone wants to know we're you know different controls so move cursor to move the mouse it's simple you can either you just hold the right hand bond on your mouse and you can move around anywhere you like which is definitely a lot search we say how a lot easier which is which is going which is good which is good to say and to select an item click on it that's fairly straightforward okay to pan the camera you need to do the right mouse button and move the mouse now this what I want about is move is panning the camera okay that's what we did before so pan the camera for tilt and rotate scroll and move the mouse so you can push the middle button in and turn and you'll have to push in the scroll wheel or middle button depending on if you live in 1999 with a white mouse and turn and you can zoom in and open down and everything else tilt and rotate is the same thing it's basically left alright but I asked you to me left or right mouse button and tilt Lantern yeah all the all the goodness that comes with it but but they're generally all you'll need to know and the zoom is scroll that that's eat for the mouse controls I know 99.9% of you will have that down but it's there anyway which is a which is all good next we have object placement controls so this is where it gets a little bit more interesting so it's a place and object just in case you live in Narnia will select the object you place it now by clicking very easy okay to cancel the placement you can right click and it will go away okay to cancel the placement you can also press escape and it will go away and to rotate you hold Zed on an item that will rotate there we go to rotate you hope that you press the said on a gridded item it will rotate 90 degrees if you're on the grid if it's on its own singly now look in you press Zed you can rotate it freely like so okay so if it's on a grid and you're building on a grid it goes 90 by 90 degrees if it's if it's on its own or it's an entire building it will rotate freely by holding Zed and turning your mouse left and right nice and easy to rotate 90 degrees at any time just press said once to adjust your item or pour down hold shift and go up and down and up and up but no no no there we go to reset this one's quite important people to reset the vertical height and what I mean by that is to get it level with where you want it to go again so on any piece of terrain or something like all this so any bit of terrain you want just go over it and press shift once and it level itself back to the terrain your cursor is over so if you want to do it somewhere higher if you're for example somewhere higher that makes any sense okay so what we do is we'll go put it somewhere if we want to go here I shift over it and it will always go to where you want it to just by pressing shift it will follow the line okay dad easy dude easy okay where are we okay so lock to surface axes this is something you really need to get used to with in the game so what I mean by lock to surface axis is well get the piece wherever you want it to be so if you want to start like a bridge on top of this hill place it go somewhere you want to start the bridge and press X now that is lock to surface axis so it's locked it to the axis that you're on what I mean by axis is Zed y and x axis so you know up down left and right and forward and backwards it's something most people are taught in school but if you're not it's essentially these arrows so it's locked it there now where I left it so I can freely move around and I can move it on any of these axes I want okay now you'll find if you're duplicating an item you have to do it one at a time but if you're placing something new for the first time so say we want to start here press X it will continue without having to do anything so you just place it by click in problem solved so then on the the axis that goes it was pretty simple to just say the least so I hope that one is something you really should know or if you don't know it's something you should really get used to and because it's useful quite a lot when you're trying to line things up perfectly or if you want to just move something so if something's like here and you want to move it a tiny bit rather than pressing em and the whole thing jumps just click on it press X and immediately you can move it the tiniest little bit okay so that opens the advanced move you know what you press X again you can rotate on the spot X again and so on and so forth so that's something you should definitely get used to so angles excuse me angle snap is a fun one so if I'm rotating this and it's going nice and free okay if I want to turn on angle snap I'll press the spacebar and what you can see now is it's rotating on the angle snap so it's rotating jumped by jump press it again and I can do it freely again so spacebar for that always good I actually remap that on my own one but for you guys the official one is spacebar so that'll be what you need okay so where are we yeah there we go right so aligned to surface what I mean by aligned to surface is see how this is following the gradient of that if I was to move it it then just goes through it like so do I mean okay so it's not touching anything but what we're going to do is align to surface and you'll press V okay and it will align perfectly to any surface that you put it against okay and that works for any non gridded item when I say non gridded I mean free move a gridded item is something you can only build when you place it down like on a great model you know where you can't like rotate it like up and down and stuff it's a graded item versus a free placement item probably the easiest way to to describe that so and the next one which is really fun is snap attachments to or decorations to the wall so let's get a panel so say you're placing something like this and you want it to be right in the middle of here just press F and it goes to the very middle of the object you're trying to place it on you can see it's going anywhere you on it to absolutely perfect now a little tip here we did just do the one which was aligned to surface if I then turn that off by pressing V again you see it stays upright so if you wanted to follow the actual surface V so it's aligned to the surface as you're snapping it like so okay turn it off again and you see it stands up right there dead easy no problems at all boo boo boo boo okay and then F one that's gone you see that that's like that so V it'll still align freely and these are all things you need to get used to to show that you can place things bang in the middle with no problems whatsoever okay the next one's gonna be flattened terrain so if I was to place that there like so it's all happy and no problems however if I place its so here we should be able to flatten the terrain by pressing K it's not like okay I don't think it works with every piece and I haven't managed to get it to work with this at all so no not working at all the official Bolton is K and what's supposed to happen is as you press put a piece of something somewhere it's supposed to flatten the terrain to it but it doesn't seem to work in this game but keep it in mind because it might be a book that they fix later on so let's move to path editing ok paths are things people don't like in this game that they it takes a lot of getting used to so let's look at all the buttons and that you know that will work you know perfectly fine with in the game so we've gone over a path tutorial for all the menus mean but for now I'm going to show you quick buttons and placement so to place a path press T just click and it'll go down no problems whatsoever right to delete a path there's two ways to do this okay we can right click on the bits of path that we want to delete or hold the Delete key if you've got lots of paths you want to delete hold the Delete key and just left click normal click and go right along the old thing by the way if you're left-handed do the opposite of whatever I'm saying when it comes to clicking and I never think about what I did this time so yeah to delete one piece at a time it's right click to delete lots just normal click by holding delete and pulling across the whole thing dead easy okay to raise the puff or too long about its left mouse button essentially so what we do is you're gonna drag it up so left mouse button oppa tiny bit will give you a slope off a whole lot will give you a stairs step I didn't take me too long so I think of what stairs is down is obviously the same thing so yeah although to raise the path without placing okay you can press the U key see so up up up up up up up and down is Jake so down you for Jake for down you for up Jay sit down okay to rotate the junction angle you can press it a third so see ya see that nice when you press said it could be the angle you need and nice and easy no problems whatsoever alright just the vertical height is actually a shift and go up so if you want to place a path in the middle of the air for some reason like you want to build terrain around the bottom of it just press shift and push up or down it's the same as like a building piece or something like that it's a it's interesting so and this it's the same as the building pieces for resetting it just press shift anywhere you want it to go and it will reset its and that vertical height to disable path joints this is something people have real problem with if you're running alongside this path say you want to run a path right alongside this one but it keeps trying to connect hold control and your keyboard and it free places wherever you want to keep hold of control while you place him because if you let go it tries to join again but you can see you can do whatever no problems whatsoever just by holding ctrl so I can see that's trying to join but if I hold ctrl I can just free place wherever I want next to it no problems what so ever oh excuse me an angle snap is the same thing is a space so you can see that's now jump in or freeform is space no problems whatsoever all right this one is probably very helpful to people because you don't have to go backwards and forwards to the menus here to increase the length of the path you are going to use the the equals key it's next to the delete board that's probably the best way for me to describe that so yeah to increase the monthly pressing the equals button like so and to decrease it you're pressing the - which is the one next to that there you go so increase and decrease no problems with that at all to increase the width you are going to use the square bracket and to decrease it you're gonna use the other square bracket I think that makes sense the problem with my keyboard is the buttons are in the wrong place so square bracket so the right hand side square bracket will increase and the left hand side for a bracket decrease you don't have to go over to the menu you can just do it all from where you are so we'll go in longer and shorter and thinner and faster and you know the you know the drill yeah so I mean you can obviously do our earlier trick refreshing delete and it all goes away right so let's play some okay maybe up so to create what they call a why Junction oh there we go okay you're trying to connect yeah okay to create a wire junction you need to hold Zed while making a new Junction from the existing path so there we go there we go where's it gone okay I don't know why they call it a Y junction because all it does is right angle your your thing there so I don't know whether they mean you know like straight up rectangular I'd say it was actually the opposite where it automatically does this and then in right under stop what Zed will get you one all the other Italy the right angle it or loosen it so if your games doing this as default press said and it will then give you this Y Junction and I don't know why but in the beta we did it the other way around for me and now it's doing this so just just something to to think so and toggle curve slopes is V so yeah this is fun see the way you can kill Oh either way you can curve like so okay so we're doing that if you press V it turns it off so we can curve all our slopes a DZ okay right and there we go the next one is grid grid is very important so if I want to do a grid I'll well I'll put down a piece you put down one initial piece press n okay so from any any piece of path you can in place a gridded area you end up with a nice big square Plaza nice easy controls for you to remember you might have to watch this video a few times guys but please bear in mind these are in the controls settings and stuff for the menu wishes people want the video so they can see what things do because they're not always very clear so yeah n is what you need for rare for that rid of all this great terrain editing is very much just the similar to to path editing and everything else you'll find a lot of these buttons will sort of become the same thing so you'll you'll realize that they're mapped very similar so things just like the closed brackets to increase the size of the path we also use here so to basically apply the brush and what we mean by the brush is the circle is just click as to remove it we would excuse me Oh have you got to apply the inverse brochure to do it the opposite way is ctrl and the left mouse button so you don't actually need to go through the just pick one and then you can use the left mouse button sorry the normal mouse button and hold ctrl so if I'm on Paul it'll pull up hold ctrl and it will invert it so it goes back down to the other way so to decrease the size of your brush you're going to use the forget these buttons right the - hyphens the one next to the equals one that decreases the size of it as you can the intensity and stuff as you can see so that's decrease intensity is the - increase intensity is the equal sign to decrease the size is the closed bracket to the left hand side one and two increase the size is the right hand side one so let's in looking all good okay these are very simple track editing shortcuts they work the same on all of the transport ride so to build a track piece is the left mouse button so da da da da to delete the track piece is the right-hand one or to build one you can press ENTER and to delete you can press Delete how easy is that nice let's build so now to select a piece you just click on it nice and easy there's no shortcut to that cancel and close it off is the same thing it's just press escape like so and angle snap is the same thing you'll press space and for angle snap so see we're on free move and then and it'll snap in free moving angle so you can see it highlight in here there you go I'm just baseball nice and easy okay to hunt Panhandle or default Panhandle the the the camera just hold the left mouse button and move the mouse left away and you can move around like you can see the camera and stuff oh my you think that would have gone better man but yeah that's the easy shortcuts there's not many to this so we'll move on to the but most people will find this one really useful so it's a place of peace this be wall scenery whatever you just click click look cancel it off you just press right it's exactly the same pretty much as when we do an object placement but there's a few extras in here for years so it's like multiple police locks give me multiple pieces now this is tricky if you're in a building so this is not actually explained very well in the game like when you're playing with the actual official controls so if I'm in a building group like so like I'm building on a grid or if I've got a group of items together and to select them all you just click on them if you're in the editing mode with shift like so and then you can you know move them around press em to move to whatever you want no problem however if you're not in that and you want to do it with these okay you can't select them all like that don't by holding shift you have to select this down here which is the multi select tool icon thing so you can either do it like refreshing shift and doing this and just clicking on them okay or you can click to drag which is that one the middle one like so nice and easy and to clear it you can either just press escape or you can click this clear selection down here very easy very simple no dramas no problems whatsoever however if you've selected say these four and you want to unselect this one it's then hold ctrl and click and it will remove that one and that works the same inner building than not in the building so I hope that helped people boot okay so rotate things is the same thing you're going to find a lot of the buttons are starting to become a bit mundane and the same said to obviously turn things nice and easy toggle advanced move is just to press X again which is having things on the axis to move them and rotate them like so which is all good don't forget only non gridded items can rotate on the three axis and these gridded items get on the rotate on the one which is a standard it's just it's just part of the game move things up and down is just shift so if i press m to move that's the same for most things in the game shifts for up and down and you can either whole you can hold control for left-right backwards and forwards nice and easy just like that but wherever you are you can always press X which is a nice and easy and it will hold it in that place for you which is all good vertical height working the same as before so I'm pressing shift to go up if I want to reset it to the ground I just by shift and it goes back to the ground where the mouse cursor is which is which is pretty good angle Snap is the same you'll so for if we're moving this around okay you'll press X to fruit so it's free and then X to snap as you can see I'll link all that well pretty good to me ooh and then aligns a surface is the same thing so you're gonna press the V and it will align like so you can press F to lock it to pieces or F to remove it from pieces and you start to get the idea that a lot of these buttons are the same so if you remember that F is Center - excuse me f is Center to something so f will lock it into place of things and that works for a lot of things and V is aligned to surface and X will get you advanced move so you can go and rotate it and move on the axis rather than pressing em these all work for the majority of things so if you get the few main keys in your head the rest you'll pick up as you go or you can watch my video 800 times and make notes it's a either way is best for you general shortcuts again I'm not teaching you to soak X guys these are just so you know right forwards WASD is pretty standard to go forwards backwards left and right within the game if you don't know that and there's not my students that we can we can do for you but to raise the camera straight just like straight vertically without doing that just press E and it will go up okay and press Q and it will go down very handy for if say if you're in the music if you in the the middle of a zoo and you want to see the view the guests see so for example you want to be here we'll just hold and Q to lower it and we can go right up to where the guests would see it that way you'll know what the the habitats look like through the windows and stuff like that and now zoom in you can either scroll in or you can use page up and page down you can toggle the free look camera now this is the normal camera most people we use in the game but if you press T you can move it around like so okay it opens a camera is what the what they call it this is all good you can increase the speed of the feeler camera by pressing shift so you'll find that it moves a lot faster by holding shift then when it doesn't so that's just the way it is so it also moves a lot faster so if you're going forwards on it like if you want to they move around the zoo for example so we're gonna have a walk say we're gonna walk from here so we're on the the free look camera okay and we're gonna have a walk around the zoo we will this is normal speed if we hold shift your speed is right up and we can walk really quickly around it and learn everything there is about the zoo you know from a guest height sorts of things so yeah escape Universal key to leave pretty much anything you're doing so anything you're editing or it like if you're in here messing around moving stuff just press escape and it will always take you out of everything delete speak to itself click on an object and press Delete and it will obviously be deleted and to change the speed of the game which is this down here just press o and you see it's going from three one two three one two three to pause the game press P okay now these two if you take anything away from this whatsoever please take these two away control Z and control Y okay if I place this here and I don't want it there rather than having to mess around or anything you do and you want to undo it controls that will undo what you've done if you go too far control Y will put it back so controls edit undo control white is redo there's there's not much I can else I can give you about the right duplication very important if I want to have a duplicate duplicate hmm I duplicate this building that we just did ctrl D will give you a duplicate of everything within that group if you'd like to do a selection you can either go like this but you'd have to have save it as a blueprint if there's two things on a grid or you can just control the other single one in fact that's an important point while running if you want to duplicate two buildings that are both on grids you cannot do ctrl D you would have to save it as a blueprint and then place it down it's a total nightmare but that's just how it is if there's more than one grid like for example if I was to split this because I wanted to move it and turn it this way and put it in there and I couldn't then do this and duplicate it I can press M move it all I can even press X like the you know to move it on the axes and stuff which is fine but you can't press control-d that's just something you're going to have to get used to so moving things around just click on it and press m and it will move around if you want to edit something click on it this goes for truck rides and buildings everything and just press R and it takes you straight into edit mode and to show and hide the user interface which is all the buttons and everything around here press G there you go so if that's if you want to take some fantastic screenshots or anything like that you can now you can take some good screenshots which is it which is all good and and this one is very interesting this is something a lot of people won't realize exists on the game so look how dark it is oh my god no it's a torch so if you're building a dark like a dog habitat or a cave or something like that press ll4 lemur or lions or lesley or lollipop or whatever you want to call it and just pretend it will give you a torch he'll again to turn it off okay next we're going to cover is a menu shortcuts and then with them so let's say okay we've made a right mess here at me in this starter suit by the way you can get on the workshop link in the description blog so yeah that easy these are menu shortcuts really really simple so if you want help f1 and I'll bring up the help menu you can search up here for anything that you may need to open your save menu you can press f5 brings up your saves which is awesome loads is f9 I don't know why it's not f6 that actually bugged me really bad you can remap all these keys by the way but yeah it's f9 for some reason I think it's probably to do with you don't like accidentally save over something you're trying to load type things probably what it is but it's still wines meal right zoo management press one and it will open up the zoo management menu animal trading is too exhibit trading is f2 barriers is three so I'll bring up all your barriers habitat is four sort of brings all the things about habitat you can see where we're going here five is nature six is zoo facilities so all your staff stuff and everything construction is seven so that brings up all your pieces blueprints is eight paths is nine terrain is naught or zero yeah H will bring up your heat maps and we can turn that off multi-select is I which is the one down here we went over before I know guys I know before anyone even says wow that is a lot of controls to get used to and take him I promise you when I started playing planet coaster I was so overwhelmed it took me about a year to be able to do this without looking at anything keyboards notes or anything like that you'll get there honestly I promise you you will get there I really hope this videos helped you out if it has don't forget to subscribe the channel is growing it rather an alarming rate I feel like a bit of a disease at the moment taken over but I really hope you've enjoyed it there's plenty more stuff to come out as well but if there's anything here you're not sure of please send me a tweet a message an email I'll do my best to help you understand or grab me on a live stream which is every Tuesday 8 o'clock British Standard Time GMT but everything we call it 8 o'clock here in the UK in the night not in the daytime and I'll do my best to show you anything that you struggling with apart from that thanks or watching guys I'll catch you in the next one you
Channel: PaulsLey
Views: 59,983
Rating: 4.9624515 out of 5
Keywords: planet zoo, planet zoo walkthrough, planet zoo beta gameplay, planet zoo tutorial, planet zoo guide, planet zoo building tutorial, planet zoo construction tutorial, planet zoo building guide, planet zoo construction guide, planet zoo how to make buildings, planet zoo animal escape, planet zoo animal bridge, planet zoo animal walkover, planet zoo habitat tutorial, planet zoo keyboard controls, planet zoo keybinds, planet zoo controls, planet zoo basic controls, planzoo, paulsley
Id: 708vnNjnbAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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