๐Ÿ› ๏ธ COMPLETE BUILDING TUTORIAL (ish) ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Planet Zoo Hints & Tips

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This was exactly the kind of tutorial I needed! Your work is spot on as always and extremely well done! Thank you for all the hard work and effort to make these and to make everyoneโ€™s zoo better!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TheHoundmaster ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 23 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Thank you so much! I'm still going through this video, but I've been watching a lot of your videos recently. You might go over it in the video but do you have any advice on how to get buildings/paths/exhibits at the same angle? I built a habitat and wanted to build a viewing area but got to frustrated by trying to get the building items to align to the path and habitat

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/killertempeh ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 23 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] hey guys welcome back to Planet Zoo so I get that's quite a lot when I put videos out about oh how do you do this and how do you build that and how do you get it so detailed my answer is always the same which is practice and I've been asked for a building tutorial which is what we're going to be doing today so before we even get into it there are quite a few building tutorials already out there and I'm gonna put a link to a few I think are really really good in the description because I don't believe you're gonna get everything you need from me or from my tutorial everyone builds differently and thinks differently watch multiple building tutorials practice and it should work out okay for you so this is obviously what we're currently working on in our sandbox mode and yes it's beautiful and coming out really nice and I've got a lot of time in practice in building in planning the zoo air planet coaster and I've transferred it over here it's a planet zoo so I'm gonna go over here and what we're gonna do first I'm going to show you essentially what you would expect from people who are just coming into the game who in this is in no way against what they've done I think anyone who builds in this game if you love something you've built that's all that matters but let's say you get someone who comes along puts three of these down if you want to make a zoo entrance for example and so let's just get some walls okay so I would imagine that you're going to end up with something along the lines of this okay so they're gonna come along they're gonna put the walls in like so okay I'll go over everything with you guys don't worry about what I'm doing here we will get there so this is very basic obviously but it's just to give you the idea of the type of things that we are seeing in people who may be struggling slightly with the controls and things and what we can do to to help them out so that's under okay so I would expect something like this where is her entrance and then they'll walk through now what I'm gonna do is I am gonna go with you guys and absolutely transform this into a beautiful zoo entrance showing you everything I can remember now I will try my best to explain everything as we go along in the usual hopefully easy-to-understand style I normally would I do have a list in front of me that I'm going to tick off as we go to make sure I've explained as much as I can so this could be quite a long video book I promise you every bit of information I'm giving you stuff that I would do myself so first I'm going to do is talk about the grids that these sit on so if we click on the items here and you see if we try and duplicate it with control D which duplicates an item you've clicked on you'll see that it sits in these yellow squares now these are the grid that you would build on normally no not every piece in the game sits on a grid you can identify them within the the menus by this little hashtag in the top left corners things on the on the other has tag in the top left corners are usually always assigned to a grid the only way you can place them freely is to totally back out of your building and then click on it so find something with a grid there we go and then you can place it freely but you would have to say if I wanted these on the corners not that I would and you wanted it somewhere else you'd have to exit out every time and you'd have to keep doing and you're gonna end up with loads and loads of buildings well that's the only way to keep putting down loads of random amounts of gridded items if it's not on a grid for example there's no hash tag here you can place it anywhere you want as much as you want no problem and there's nowhere there's no issues with it the other benefit of this is if it's on a grid like so and you want to move it around so if we enter advance to move we get rid of that so if I go into this building and I want to move this wall so say we move it here okay I can then move it by pressing Z to rotate it or I can press X when it works it's not working at the moment no it hates me okay so so he press X like right here we can move the whole thing on the axes like so now anything on a grid can only be rotated on this axis like round around anything off the grid for example a pillar like so if you press X it's going to bring it up like so can be rotated in any direction you want which enables you to absolutely manipulate the game to do anything you want it to do and this is the bit that people will need to understand before they even get started in anything else like detailing if you understand the grid system you will greatly greatly improve your building really quickly so let's put this wall back we'll click on this and press R just to note the of just realize when you're in grid mode which is here you're in the building and you can't rotate on the axis I've just remembered you can only do it it snapped my snap so you'd have to be in free build mode like this even though it's a gridded item it's cost is one thing now so we press X and then we could rotate it we could go up and down and you can press X if you pressing X to go between these two menus this is called advanced move so we'll cover that more as we as we get into it so first thing is first this would be fine asses of entrances people could walk in but it doesn't look very good so we are going to make this look brilliant and we're gonna do that by going through every piece of building I can think of to show you guys how it makes this look pretty good but before we do it let's take a screenshot there we go and then I can I can do something for a thumbnail which is always good so right we've built this on a grid it looks great but what if I want it to look different what if I want these buildings slightly angled from these ones which is what we're gonna do now you would need to split this up now there are two ways to do it you could either build two boxes like so or three boxes and place them individually or you could build your whole thing and then if you want to split them apart onto different buildings we would enter the build mode by pressing R we would highlight what we want to split now if you grab something more than you wanted to grab you'll hold ctrl and click on the item and it will remove it or if there's more you onto that you'll hold shift and then you'll click on what you want and you can add it in so ctrl to remove shift to add now I want to split this up from this building this button here splits selection from group is what we're going to press this now if we Excel you can see that's one building that's the other this will now allow me to rotate this and have it at a different angle now I'm going to rotate this to the left as you're looking at the screen whatever we say now I'm gonna press X to get into advanced move and X again to get into the rotate however we need to turn on if you do it like this it's gonna be free so you're never going to get an accurate angle now there are two ways to do it you could be quite happily moving things around freely or we could turn on angle snap down here now you can either click on this or you can press spacebar and then we can Ilsan snapping the angle that you've set here so you can obviously pick different angles so what I'm gonna do is move it in one on each side so with that first thing problem move split this one as well so we'll press R to enter build mode we'll bring this down then we'll deselect this and split it then we'll press X to enter advanced build mode X again to enter rotate and then we'll tilt it and there we have it it's slightly different and it's definitely very slightly different so what I want to do now is make sure they flush with this now this is a trick I use when I'm doing anything like this if I want it flush with this I will enter this building press R I will duplicate this front wall on each side if they're not gonna stay there but they will allow me to click on this building and press X and then we're gonna move forward move right to zoom right in until we just come to the front you see here see what enjoy this we're just gonna come to the corner of that wall we'll do the same on the other side ladies so press X bring it forward okay then we're gonna get rid of these by pressing R on the middle one and then we'll just click on them and press Delete okay and then we can exit out perfect now what I hear you saying if you wanted to group them back together now this is where it can get a little tricky so please pay attention it is impossible to group two sets of gridded buildings together if they have any single piece in the building that comes on a grid so anything with a hashtag like here you can not group them together now you can however have separate things such as anything not on a grid so we could put lots of these around and you could group those items or any amount of whatever you want not on a grid to one building so we'll click on this then what hold shift and we'll add these this button here merge scenery into group so this becomes one group two building like so okay so we'll get rid of those now you can see here that button is not there when we try to do two buildings with gridded items in and you have to get your head around the fact that gridded items can only be in one building you can't route them together so if you want to add to this gridded building you will have to enter the build mode start building all over again while you're in the build mode for this building and then exit out and it will be within it but you'd have to add them on the original grid and then if you wanted to take them away again you would have to go in and split them I think so away from that piece all over again they know this seemed complicated guys and this might sound really over the top to some people and stuff but this is exactly how I started with planet coaster it took me a long time to get my head around the building mechanics but you can see the kind of things that I'm throwing out now it's very doable for anybody to do you just have to persevere with learning the system so that is essentially the grid system you can merge together as many groups of scenery as you like and by scenery I mean anything that is not on a grid so none of this is on a grid okay so if we were to group these as just three separate groups like so there we go they're all three separate groups now you could literally because non nothing those on a grid you could just merge it all into one you have your one your one group as such so let's get rid of those okay now if you want to duplicate something so say if we've made this and we want to duplicate it usually I will just click on the building and press control D and it give me the thing the same would come in handy if you were duplicating it and it was just loads of scenery you could group all the scenery like we did a moment ago press control D and it will all duplicate you cannot grab more than one gridded building and duplicate ctrl D does not work the best way to do this if you want to duplicate more than one gridded building together is to grab it all together this button here save it as a blueprint so this is where you can save your builds so we're gonna name this one tutorial you can name it anything you like you need to give it a name and a slight description try and give it something you're gonna remember pick what it is so here I can put the zoo entrance then I'm gonna click create a blueprint okay now if I go into blueprints down here and I just go I can either go up to the top here and type it in or on the Left we've got my blueprints so these are the ones I've created then we'll type in zoo no no sorry tutorial remember what you've called it so you have a llama solver and that's the best and easiest way to duplicate multiple gridded buildings I really hope this is making sense we do get a lot better as we go along so that is the general everything you would need to know about gridded and non-graded buildings how to duplicate them how to group them how to split them and so on and so forth it's just one of those things that is really complicated but you will get used to it as you go through the game I know it can seem a lot but talking about grids we're now gonna go back into grids now you'll notice that the grids are fought they come standard in the game as four meters by four meters so we'll have them like this so these are all four meter for in-game meters that's what they are if you want to move it up and down they will stand they will move by standard I believe it is a fifth centimetres at a time so 0.5 meters this can be changed in this menu here okay you can see we can change it so grid size we can shrink right down to 2 meters so you can go shorter so if you wanted to do walls like so or any reason you could possibly think of you can also change the height so you can go 4 meters sorry that's the size you can change the height so you can go or put in 4 meter increments like so or you can come all the way down to 0 and you get a free placement sort of things you can go up and now you may be struggling with this not working in your game menu I strongly suggest in here and here you turn this off global vertical snapping it limits the ups and downs to 1 meter you won't be able to get anything precise it's a stupid pointless mechanism I will turn it off immediately but then hey that's just me you know that's what that's whatever we do so let's now now we've learned about grids and stuff let's get this walking swish and we will we'll talk about it as we go so we're gonna keep the basic shape I kind of like this that we've made and we're going to detail it and make it look better and I'll teach you about everything I know as we go along so I'm sure you all agree this looks a little bit pants so what we're gonna do is I am going to change these things one at a time first things first when I press R to enter this building we're going to change these to a different color so I'm going to change them to white if we click on them so shift to enter them all remember I'm going to click here and change it to white there we go press apply this cannot happen to every piece it's only certain things at the moment we can change to white now I want to move these two forwards so I would actually here instead of pressing em to move around like you normally would I would actually press X and this is where a lot of people are falling down if you press control X you can duplicate it or if you just press X you can move it but the bonus instead of pressing M is it stays on the axes and the exact same position where you were so I can now use these sliders to bring it right forward to here where I would like it to be like so I could even move it up and down or anywhere but it always stays where you leave if you press X instead the move surface move drops it down and just it causes you a whole world of problems it's a real pain to deal with it really really and so I strongly suggest you get used to very quickly control X to duplicate instead of control D there we go okay and X just to move it's about or up and down or anything you want so as you move it you'll notice the way the arrows go these can sometimes be different so for example if I turn this like so and then I want to move it off you'll notice that it's slightly altered the arrow because it goes off the center point of everything together and the direction they're facing to be moved around so keep that in mind when you're trying to duplicate things try to keep things straight till they're in place then you can manipulate them to look exactly how you want so the other option up here is we have toggle from relative world axes now if I press this it essentially changes it to a different I mention of toggling what you know how what direction you go and this may help you but it may not and what it essentially does is it goes off you see where the entrance is it puts it resets it to what the actual map would think it is from the beginning so it makes the map see we've got the zoo here it'll reset it to this like a standard cross whereas the first time around if we do control X it's on the actual basis of the building I hope that makes a sense to you guys so we've moved this forward now I want to start making it look much better so what we're gonna do is we're going to go into the buildings and we're going to give it a bit of character so let's give something around the I mean this just looks plain and boring to me so we're gonna give it some character and change a few things up and just make it look better so there's a lot of scenery pieces within the game there's a lot of trims there's a lot of signs and letters and everything you can use to make amazing things what we're gonna do today is get this cooking sugar so what I would do first is this roof looks awful it just doesn't look right it looks like it's just plopped on and doing nothing worthwhile so I'm gonna split it from the group I'm gonna press X I'm gonna bring it forward okay so we get the character piece see the actual wooden bit of the film sticking out and they're gonna do the same at the back there we go see you get it to stick out however if you do this make sure you line these up okay so you never know hey it looks absolutely awesome safe no problems whatsoever but this see this this is called a lot of people call it different things it's called Z or Zed fighting cross fighting whatever you want to call it okay there is a way to deal with this and leave the piece in the same place now this can happen on a number of items so let's just give you another example so concrete pillar okay you can see it happening a lot there as well we'll do it on this pillar first and then we'll move over there so what I would do is I would get one piece now if it is grouped together so let's group it together so I'll just pretend that it's grouped there we go because in a building it would all be added to the building you would need to separate one of the pieces here so we're going to separate this from the group so now this is independent we're gonna press X we're gonna move it up and down into the exact same place and then we're gonna move it in and out to the same place okay now it looks the same to me but you can see there's absolutely no cross fighting anymore because the game's putty although it doesn't look it it's on a totally different place in the map however that to me looks pretty good so let's make sure we do it up here as well so there are so you can see one of them's already split because we've split it from the building so let's make sure we do that we're gonna go up and down like so and then backwards and forwards just like so okay no more cross fighting just look swish and it gives a bit more character to bear to what we're doing so I hope that that makes sense to you guys it's definitely something that we need to need to be looking at so let's have a look at to get in the the rest of these moved on so we're going to split this I'm gonna do the same over there so click on it press R to enter build mode and split it and then we'll bring it forward right the other one so just to oh maybe you can see just how far that one's come forward so after going bit further think I'll do the same here a bit further forward there we go okay now we're going to control X control X is the key guys instead of control D so it just happens so much more so there we go we go back okay so that's in place but it's not lined up so what we're going to do we're going to line it up like so perfect okay we're gonna go up and down and backwards and forwards do the same over here so I would simply just go over it like so everything forwards up and down you will get very quick at this as time goes on and you get more comfortable with the game so I've started to make it look slightly better we can get rid of these now okay this isn't gonna be the most amazing zoo entrance in the world guys it's just going to highlight what you can do with the with the game so buildings still look very plain now they're gonna need some foundations a lot of people don't do this but I really think it's massively important to get the sort of sense of realism if you have a look at a building there's always some foundations of some sorts so I'm gonna use this painted brick column here and we can actually change the colour I'm gonna give it like a concrete a dark used concrete color okay so I could just use the Z tool and you know rotate it down and straighten it off so we've straightened it off and we go down and we've sort of manipulate it into place but there is a much easier way if you want to get anything perfectly straight to a building so I will pick this painted brick column 2 meter now you can see it's moving around with it this is called a line to surface okay so there are two buttons you need to get used to which are F and V so V as you can see if you press it will align to surface so whatever your mouse cursor is over it will align the item you're using to that surface see so around here I'll follow it around and so on and you can also click it down here within this menu now the next one I'm going to look at is position snap okay which is this one so it snaps policemen to positions into existing scenery so essentially what it does is it snaps it into place exactly where you'd want it like so so it just what it does is it finds the center point of the piece you're on so this is obviously the little triangle roof bit it's found me the center point and this this and this and this has found that and stuff if you turn on position snap rotation okay oh excuse me right you can actually excuse me follow round that's not gonna work but if follows round things around it should do anyway so it's not working at all now what it's supposed to do is follow it round it bought everything within the menu you'll see it does give you a description of what it does so rotate object to align to the rotation of the object being positioned snap to it is self-explanatory it is there but I only use F and V so F obviously gets it lined up like so to the area Ron and V will obviously go to the alignment it will go round whatever you're doing you can use these the one thing that's knowing about the game at the moment is when I press say fov the ticks here aren't changing they're being a little bit of a pain so you're just gonna have to either know what you're doing or test it and go from there so because I'm putting foundations in I'm gonna align it or put on the edge but I'd do the front here and then press X like so I go down and across and it give it a little bit of a lip like so okay and we place it and we carry on now you can see how this automatically duplicates and I've had this question quite a lot if you select something from the menu and by the menu I mean down here it should automatically duplicate and allow you to carry on building like so if you select something from inside your zoo it probably and I do mean probably will not duplicate and it will mean you will have to keep pressing ctrl X or ctrl a more concise re ctrl D or whatever you need to duplicate it I always recommend if you can grabbing it from the menu if you're going to be played seen quite a few fences for example so those are family let me show you what I mean so fences over here so fencing is the offense somewhere okay so here's a fence I click on this fence and press control-d and pop warm down no more appear but if I get it from within here okay and I pop on down you can have as many as you like and that's something you'd have to get used to as well if you don't want to spend forever trying to line things up so we've done a foundation now what we're going to do is take the foundation and add it to these buildings and this is where your angle snap and stuff will come in handy so we're going to enter the building like we have done lots we're going to highlight everything with shift and click there we go ok and then we're gonna split it like we did earlier on now we need it to be all we missed one make sure you kill all make sure you get them all right so we're group these together again remember the scenery pieces not on a grid so you can do that if they were on a grid I couldn't I'd have to control that to go back and start again so now we need it to be on these as well so if we press control X and it stays on the axes like I said we'll bring it over and then we'll rotate it so we can turn angle snap on or off or because I know we did 115 degree turn before we can just line this up looking nice there we go front and back and click and then we can do the same on the other side like so there we go looks pretty good to me make it looks wish okay so they've now got foundations and you can see already they've got a little bit more depth to what's going on so let me just tick that off here yes I think we're getting there and covered that covered that you can see I'm struggling with usually with tutorials I can bang it out and show you guys exactly what I would do with it with no problems but this can be a little a little a little tricky to explain what I'm thinking however let's get on with doing some detailing here so they look plain still they do still look really plain so we're going to give them some columns each corner so that's what I would do here just a just a sort of you know give it a bit of pop a bit of Shaz midazolam you want to call it okay so what can we use what could we use I can actually use beams like so and make it look efficient that's what we'll do okay so everything we've learnt so far you can see angle snap is off so that's a bit of a pain so everything we've learnt so far we're gonna turn this up and then I'm gonna bring it to the corner like so sink it right down okay now because I don't want it to overlap and look silly there that's gonna look good okay now we're going to go into the build mode we're going to control X and duplicate these two to the back okay now there are few things we could do here we could like really go all out with it and just go crazy or we can just keep the corner pillars which is what I intend to do so we're gonna split them all off I was going to do what we did a second ago and we're going to put them on them but I'm actually not going to do that I'm going to show you another trick now and I get this trick a lot from people who ask me how I'm so quick at building why would I spend forever making these copy into the copy into the copy into the when we can detail this one building and then just copy the building over and save our time so we've done this now what we're gonna do is extend our roof over the edges because this way it finishes there not only in real life will that not happen it just looks ridiculous so let's get ourselves a roof right so we want the trim which is this now you'll find these at different pitches you can see this one is it four meters yeah our roof piece is not at four meters so we could either go absolutely nuts and put something like this in place which looks crazy although it is really cool in the right place it could it could look interesting but we're I'm quite tempted to use if I'm not going to we want the corner pieces so we want this I don't know if this will work it might do okay so you can see it's almost lined up now this is where the problem is going to come in that we split the piece earlier on so this is where we're going to get a little bit creative so the inverted one looks okay but it's on the inside so what could we do here yeah we're gonna go for the smaller one will go for this one okay so you've got that in looking pretty good coolers aren't really matching up with what a what I would have usually drawn in fact let's trying to think of the best way to do this let's change the roof to try and get it to match something you know normal something easy to copy so we can have we can use the metal clad roof why not okay the metal roof again okay I'll pop this down and not obviously I'm not going to spend years building the world's best theme park here we're just getting it to her to look half decent so we've got those on front and back now we're gonna want some edging I generally would tend to use this I don't know why I just find it would work better in this situation okay so we've got the four ring what I'll do now is I'll split the two front away okay I think they may be on different grit no there we go it may be on different grids don't seem to want to grab it okay right so a littler little trick within the game here is what you can do is click on this and press delete then grab the piece you want and press ctrl-z and it'll pop that piece back so that's probably the easiest way I can teach you to grab hold of things if you can't get them delete the piece their control Zed puts it back into its place so we're gonna do it around the back here it's a one piece there one piece we'll split it off we'll run it to the back like so so we line it up there we go we'll go up and down just to make sure okay so we've got the one little building sort of in place if we can bring this out to the same level there we go that looks pretty good not too bad at all right so I'm quite quite okay with that obviously usually I'd spend time making sure this all lines up in here and but there's no need for this quick tutorial to show you guys so I've got a roof that would look slightly realistic we have a building that would look slightly realistic I would always on shops and things at Finley tend to always say either put a canopy on it or something along those lines or build your own something like that so let's have a look at the sticking of standard canopy and so we can just use a glass one something like this right we can change the color of this one has one I think can we yes we can so we can make it red and yellow there we go why not and then yeah it looks pretty good it's not the best in the world but it does the job so from that point on what I do is I would go out to add super amounts of detail now this is just something so we say experienced builders but will will crack on with doing a lot of seen a lot of new builders doing it don't get me wrong but this is where we would know how to manipulate the pieces so just because something says it's a beam doesn't mean it's a beam just because something says it's a column doesn't mean it's a column so I'll give you an example of that now let's have a look for I believe there is a chain plate this one looks so big to me if we can find it mmm the problem with stuff like this is finding sort by price listen there we go there we go that's what I was looking for new world decorative lights breaking yes it may look like a lights bucket but I can use it here to look like a bracket for this as well so that now stands out as an actual piece that's been mounted to the wall correctly okay so you can actually see that it's got a bit of detail then we're going to add in things like an edgy assign so we're going to need the information signs that we can get so let's bring this up so if you want to add in something like this I'll put it there I will then pull it out like so push it up like so and place it like that okay then you're gonna want some form of lighting money and so we're gonna get some lighting okay it's just a delight I'll put lighting I don't know why it's just light so you can use something small something big it's entirely up to you when placing lighting I would go to nighttime mode I really would the problem here is that it doesn't show up until you've placed it and it's got to have power as well that's a little faith all the things that we're learning right so power right we'll just pop a transformer over here who cares okay so you can see it's now got lighting so what we could do is leave it exactly as it is or we could sink in and make get further down I am probably gonna leave this exactly as it is but you can see how bright it is it's so bright turn these down now I generally have this one this one has 70 70 70 because it's still a lot excuse me it's still a light that it gives off the perfect amount to show the eye I'm not blind everybody now if we go back to daytime you can also change the call of the light itself or if I believe it's just of the frame so see the frame you can do on the outside we can have something along those lines and it's it's looking looking okay looking pretty swish if I if I say so myself so this is gonna look mad when it's done by the way it's not gonna look anything amazing or anything like that it's just gonna look a little bit crazy and let me just make sure I'm ticking these off as we as we go you know anything beyond us I think we're at the point now where I'm just going to build and explain as I go like I said our port descriptions of all their bill tutorials as well in the description watch them all and you'll learn so much from each creator you'll get something new from everyone right so we want to make this look a little realistic I would always suggest doors on things like this if you're building a massive structure in fact I'll show you some of them later on you're gonna want things like that so doors so let's just let's just put a door on it so let's pick a random door again F and V let's uh snap it to it without it we can freely move around so let's pick a standard door okay I think so should I pop that in there okay now to me that looks it just looks like a door placed on the back so I would usually frame something like this so we're gonna pull out of there I'm gonna find ourselves something we can frame it with the problem with upward you've got to have something that will go across as well so trying to think if we're gonna use these let's use these so we're going to go into the building and control X which can drag it across okay now we're gonna frame this door like so then we're going to so control X and angle snap you might have to do that a lot when you start getting used to it we're gonna go across like this okay and I'll sink it in and out slightly so there's no cross right in so that door now looks much fits or eaten much better and the reason I'm gonna say I put this in is because the aircon is going to go above it I'm gonna sink it in and pull it over a bit probably to their because on this side we're gonna go through showing you loads of random pieces of garbage here I think by the by the looks of it okay we're gonna bring this in I'm gonna rotate it now we have a bit of a light as well above the door there we go looking swish as anything so we have that in place now here is one a lot of people probably won't do at the start until they get used to the game and this is sinking signs so I'm gonna take this sign here you can do it with the majority of them you really can but you have to experiment with what works and what doesn't so I want this to say staff only right let's just let's just sell it saying stuff only oh wow so you what you can't put a lot on that good so let's try this one instead okay so you want this to say stuff over me that's all about the experimenting like I said there we have it we're gonna go down and pick something doesn't actually matter what it is so that'll do a text color so yellow and blue who cares right so we're gonna sync it to the wall like this and there you go you have a sign looks great right well what if we want it to look different now this is word you're going to learn about the fact that the letters can be used without the sign so we're gonna press X again we're gonna slowly sink it into the wall so you see just letters so I can have that there although or anywhere or I can bring it out here too just beyond the door now the problem of this like that so you can just see it on the door the problem of doing something like that is you'll always have the side bit so you can either use I don't know if we'll have a smaller one to be honest let's have a look that's big that's a little bigger let's I don't think we'll have a smaller one no so you would have to think of creative ways in which to cover it up so here for example you could just duplicate these like so you could frame the whole building all the way around which is probably what I'm about to do I like the idea okay and you can make it look swish you just see the door and you see the top looking well pretty good to be honest they still sink that in pull it out okay so yeah you've got the sign on the door so when we go off you don't see it you just see the writing on the door and that can be used anywhere you've got a flat to the surface so keep that in mind definitely something you should be playing with as you go so we're gonna split this on the building and I'm going to duplicate it like so and then we're gonna run it right around there we go awesome so once you've got one you can get rid of them now what we're gonna do is we're gonna group these because remember what we said earlier they're not on a grid and we're gonna bring it out this way okay so we're starting to get somewhere now the Front's a bit of a different story because you have the shot from so what would you do here I personally would do it two ways I'd pull it across so it matches the rest like so but then I would sink my grubbing these the pieces that actually cover the shop down below like that and then I would line it all up so you've got an even keel on each side okay so we are getting somewhere now we're going to need this framed bit to go around the outside okay so we're gonna get this in so remember control XY to duplicate on the axis okay for some reason this is actually duplicating this way which is unusual okay so they're all now in but the problem is this now is buried into the wood so we can lift these up and you'd never know just looks pretty good to me so what we do with this bit around the shop I would actually bring this down to cover it like so and sink it in behind them we go just so it breaks it up sort of thing you can see we're starting to get somewhere with a much more detailed entry now a couple of things I would definitely add here are lighting and shop frames and things like that so you can either build a frame around here or the game is very helpfully provided us with a few that we can that we can actually use so you can see things like this African shop front and stuff like that we have an East Asian one we do have a few it's got to find them that's the classic shop front yeah that's basically but I'm gonna use this one the planet zoo shop face yeah because it's basic okay so F&V as you can see will probably snap it into play into position but I tend to freely place these because they don't really get them in the right place so I'm gonna just get the frame in each side like so and like so you've got to make sure the bottom is available absolutely perfect and we can change the color there we go to match this so we're starting to get things that match now it's a shame we can't oh well we can oh I didn't know we could do that so we can change the color on that excellent so we are getting somewhere with our zoo entrance perfect so I'd love to know what you think so far not that we can know because of things but um yeah now what we're gonna do is give it some some you know signs gates and stuff like that so we do have I believe if I walk gates in the game like this okay now this is planet zoo corrugated sheet you can get creative either using this or we can I believe there is yeah you can use the classic fence which is copper and you can bury it as much as you like and use it for you know fences or you can build your own fence so your own gate and that's where your your creativity will definitely come - into its own so I want to have a little bit of a floor on each side of here so I'm gonna use the plank to give a wooden floor is this one because I want it to look career dip so we're gonna rely into this I'm gonna sink it down like so and from the front here I'm going to push it back one at a time awesome we may have to slowly move them out when we get to the other side I'll show you in a second for now pretty good okay so what I'm gonna do is because we've got bits and pieces here like the aren't covered I'll duplicate them three and then to avoid cross fighting will go up and down like so and to get rid of terrain a grass coming through terrain just change it to short like so maybe work better so we've got a bit of a floor connecting them just fine now this is honestly I usually spend a lot more time but we don't have massive amounts of time within within doing these so we're just gonna duplicate it as so just split them off we can run them on the other side as well okay and then we can move all of this will actually should be able to grab it all if you move it straight over there we go you see it's not really connecting ball all you have to do is move these ones okay so we're going to control X and move it over there we go we're gonna bring this to the back and right into the corner on each side gives you a bit of an entrance okay so it just gives you that little bit of depth of haven't it going oh you can see the cross flane see see let's make sure we stop that before it begins press control X control X duplicates Paul that you do there we go so so far so good let me have a look at my list to make sure we're okay control X we've covered that yeah details essentially ease that yeah okay so then I would put a sign up and signs within this game are few and far between but you can make your own the letters they've given us are awesome and that's the large one so we're gonna go for a standard standard size letters so Z here I always would recommend making them on the floor however today we're gonna put them up here so we're gonna press X px press X before you place and it'll automatically duplicate where you are so Z oh and okay so we are going to grab all of this make it a word so we've merged it together it's now just a zoo okay and then we're gonna put it on the other side but before we do that I like to make these letters pop so I will make it a group I'll then control X to duplicate it I'll go off a tiny bit and back a tiny bit there you go so they look a little bit more 3d and then change the color so if we change the background to red go across you think I grabbed it wouldn't you okay then we're gonna go down and then we're gonna go across nope nope pick the wrong one and then up again just to make sure it's food okay that pops much more for me we can then change the right one to yellow and then we can group it all together move it over and we have zoo so now we have our zoo entrance which I think looks pretty swish and I would put something if you're not going to put gates and fences here because you're going to run paths through it I would definitely put something on each edge to make it look better but I'm going to do that once we've duplicated at they said building over there's not massive amounts more you do with it but I do love the floral signs and things we get with it so we're gonna throw a couple of them down to make it look better so we've got things like these lion heads and stuff like that excuse me so let's have a look what we can what we can get down so we've got like giant hippos heads so F&V locked it to that to the top point and that's the kind of thing you'll get you'll have to gonna play with it so I'll press X before I place it I'm gonna pull this out as far as I can so it's still touching the building okay because what I want to do is put all the things behind it but not so they overlap so we're gonna get stuff like this okay so what I'm gonna do here is I'm going to press X where I want it and then I'm gonna rotate it by pressing X again and then I'm gonna push it just behind the hippo then I'm gonna swap it out for this okay we're gonna bring it just either in front or behind we can go up here we can get that set as well and then on the other side we can use this it looks good and then we can use a flower down here okay all these things will really add to your experience but if you make sure the hippos head is pointed out first you can make it look much better so that's very very basic what I do here is that actually save them all as a sorry I'm stressing it off okay so you can see now you don't grab it thank so you can either go right in close which is not working oh no there we go or you could have done the whole delete it grab it press ctrl-z thing so we're going to group these together okay I'm gonna put them on the other side as well of all of them like so okay and this is going to give you another really all important lesson of how to replace things so I want to replace this hippo with something else so I'll find what I want so let's say I want this is a bruh head I'll click here I'll press control X and I'll press the zebra head that's now placed exactly where that was then I'll grab the hippo press delete and instead of the hippo you've got the zebra easy right easy peasy so if you want to replace something right in its place press ctrl X and copy its replacement in first then replace the other then you can delete the item and you end up with something looks partially like this so let's have a look at getting in some plants and greenery so just another thing to cover here planta okay so let's say we want to use these tiny planters on each side fine why wouldn't we they are pretty after all remember if you're moving things around and they're not fit in where you want disabled things like angle Snap is done by pressing FV see that cross fighting see you in the plank it's really annoying because it's part of that piece and I can't get rid of you right so we're gonna have that let's say we come out to there okay so there now in place I would probably actually just go right up to the edge there we have it and you want to put some plants in these great we're going to meet Jeff and we'll find ourselves some nice plants so they're a bit big I should have picked these out beforehand guys sorry that's definitely too big oh that's a tree ooh all right let's let's go for gardening and probably find more in here and you okay so we want to you say these no we want something that's gonna make a point where are we sorry what I'm trying to prove that'll do it okay so I want to put these plants in this point in here and this plant in here they look exactly the same and this happens a lot if you place anything together that's duplicated apart from a fence because it probably should be rotate the item one of them at least or every other one and you get it to look slightly different than the one that's there and it looks less copy and paste E and just thrown down all over the place it comes out looking much better but I think that's come out looking looking pretty okay we could put something there as opposed maybe have a look at another sign or an all-important window so don't discount windows in the game just because they're not technically needed doesn't mean you shouldn't put them in they are a really strange window if I wanted to put that in go to there it stays that color right very audible you can use any window you want but you get the idea of not discounting windows they do add a lot of depth to what you are doing the next thing we are going to talk about is special effect so let's use this as an example which is stupid because you don't get smoke and things from these port if you want to build something like a grid it in the ground or anything like that and you want steam coming out of it make sure you put it in place so for example here I'm gonna have gonna get steam did we get mixed I think we get mist small I'm gonna sink this mist into here like so press I think the games already playing have we got power and we have got power over me you know you see you can get mist coming out of it that's obviously an extremity and I probably wouldn't suggest that you use that but anything for example like let's go into the park here alright so here for example on here I actually have removed in our but I would have something like this okay okay like a water vapor mist type thing what you'll see as we speed the game up it just gives off a little bit more of an illusion for air for stuff like that you probably do bear off with the small one and the massive ones are throwing ball you should probably get the the idea now whilst we've built this and it looks pretty swish we need to duplicate it to the other to the outsides so what we're gonna do is we're gonna grab everything and then we're gonna use our fantabulous control click see what I mean to take away the stuff we don't want so if we group these okay and then we grab this will you shift click to grab what we want all of that okay now remember what I said because the roof has been split away this is not able to just be duplicated right you have to save it as a blueprint before you do that what I tend to do is press em and you see we're actually missing some pieces that we've not grabbed so you'd be missing things from the blueprint so let me just get rid of that off it first because it's a little bit of stupid to have it attached split right so we're gonna grab it again like so not grab them okay I think we've got everything there we can um grab these I believe okay now we're going to save it as a blueprint I'm gonna call this one tutorial done tutorial done and then save it as whatever you like so zoo entrance now this is another point before you save your blueprint try and get the best picture you can by rotating in this camera then create it because when you go into blueprints it will be it'll look better not only that but when you click this button here to upload your item to your Steam Workshop to share with everybody that is the picture they will first see so bear that in mind straight away so let's uh let's go crazy and delete these oh no they're gone okay and then we're gonna bring in what we've just done okay so this is another important part of placing blueprints now you'll see can't place it over that because obviously it's going to clash with the other shop if there was no shop in this you could place it wherever you want I strongly suggest going into your game menu here as well as disabling global vertical snapping I would put these three on which disables scenery collision tracked collision in terrain collision and just frees up your building so much more you can put stuff over stuff under stuffing stuff around stuff it's just a setting that people have on I don't understand why it's really stupid but that's just what they choose to do anyway this is what we have so what we want to do is to sync it to the exact level the other one was that and this is where shift and down comes in handy and you should have disabled the global vertical snapping there we go and we want it to match so I'm gonna rotate it okay but we need to do it on the angle that we're on so we'll press space for angle snap go with the right degree and you'll just have it cover front of the building like so okay so we're going to put on the other side as well so we need the blueprint and again oh there we go sink it down to the perfect angle there we go and have that just cover the front again there we go the white things look stupid so you can see we can get rid of those there we go oh those awesome now remember I've been clicking and pressing R to enter build mode a lot the joyous thing you can get from plum is ooh we didn't get a bunny coaster is you can double click it's probably should have said that at the start but hey that's where we are which is all the the fun of it I actually think that would be it'd be very creative learn about the grid and the non grid learn about rotating on the axes pay attention to everything everyone in every building tutorial saying because the majority have spent a lot of time playing around with this game it's it's just one of those things so let's control Zed that right now I'll should I give you a quick look at another building here that I've done just to show you guys yes you can use the build tools on just off you want to use you can have individual buildings and stuff like we did with this event Rance you can also as you can see here pop them all into one massive building and build a huge building complex for them it's all about what you can see with your eye as long as things are accessible by paths and stuff you can build anything you like and you can make it look as beautiful as you like the last tip I'm gonna give you is one that really I wish someone gave me when I started with planet coaster is if you are building something with a station such as a train here it is when you enter the Edit menu of the station and you want to build a station press this start building on station grid because then you can literally get a piece of wall there we go or whatever you want something on the grid and it will automatically align to the station rather than having to spend ages trying to think you're in the right place but yeah that guys is essentially it that's all I've got to tell you on building and probably certain looking at my list I might I mean it looks like I've covered everything but I probably haven't watched lots of tutorials learn as much as you can play as much as you can Google is crazy designs and try to replicate them download complicated things from the Steam Workshop rip them apart piece by piece to see how that builder has Portland together anything along those lines will help you out drastically but just be creative let your imagination run wild I believe is from tears from tears tagline I think it is anyway part from that guys thank you I'll catch you [Music]
Channel: PaulsLey
Views: 44,806
Rating: 4.9266896 out of 5
Keywords: planet zoo, planet, zoo, planet zoo gameplay, planet zoo walkthrough, planet zoo beta, planet zoo beta gameplay, planet zoo tutorial, planet zoo guide, planet zoo building, planet zoo construction, planet zoo building tutorial, planet zoo construction tutorial, planet zoo building guide, planet zoo construction guide, planet zoo how to build, planet zoo how to make buildings, PLANET ZOO COMPLETE ZOO TOUR, planet zoo full zoo, planet zoo building controls, PLANET ZOO THEMES
Id: aP8_dNz9aaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 4sec (3544 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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