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[Music] okay so barriers we have lots of barriers within the game today I'm going to show you everything you need to know about them so that's every type what before what the numbers mean what these little menus mean everything on this side and in here as well so what we're gonna do we're gonna build a quick habitat out of a barrier so let's just pick random wooden logs okay so why do we use areas they basically keep the animals at bay okay all the things you do need to know about them let's get it finished there we go so what we do is we build a simple one just like that so you click it click your barrier run it round and that's where you can put your animals you just need to put in a door so we have two types of door we have habitat gate and a wooden habitat gate as far as I can tell there is no difference between them whatsoever apart from appearance we also have the track airlocks and the wooden track airlock and the guest gate now you can check out my other videos on how to build the 4x4 safari ride and how to build a walk through habitat which will explain what these are for they are essentially this lets a vehicle through this lets a some guests through into a habitat where the animals will let them walk through so apart from that every other barrier here is got a grade so you'll see along then we have concrete is resistance grade six opaque not climb above or tight resistance grade two for the glass transparent not climbable watertight one-way glass and so on and you can see they've all got the same thing so the resistance grade is very important when you're in your zoo pedia and you're picking an animal so say we're gonna pick the warthog if you click on where are we natural habitat here at the top you'll see minimum habitat requirements which are here now there are two things here he needs to pay attention to the this is the boundary here at the bottom which is the barrier so grade two means it needs to be resistant agreed to and greater than one meter in height so what we need to do is click back on here so we know from from looking in here that this is resistance grade three as you can see there now some of the barriers like monkey like some of the animals like monkeys and stuff let's have a look and we can find one you'll see it also says it needs to be climbed proof so you'll look into the barrier you'll see one here that says Klima beware as this one's not Klima below it's all things you need to take into account okay now we already need to do is Papa gate in and there we have a perfectly usable habitat we need to make sure it's at the right height so all you do is you'd use this slider you highlight the whole thing like so and if you can see the height there so it needs to be greater than one meter so that's plenty Bera man you can do different heights around the thing so if you pick the post you can make different heights different shapes you can follow paths and terrain lines and really experiment with what you were what you do with these with these barriers the other thing you can do as well as if you highlight the highlight list and you want to move it this bottom one here allows you to move the entire habitat just like so or you could move just a few other pieces and connect it like that so there the buttons you'll get on the habitat itself and they like they obviously tell you what you can and can't do so this one allows you to highlight pieces this one move it up and down this one move it about okay now on the side here what we're gonna do I'm going to show you what everything here means and everything here means as well so let's connect this back up there we go and I'll show you everything that you need to know okay so we're on the barrier here oh excuse me click Edit spurrier so here we go height mode okay first one is modulating so post lengths remain constant above ground level speaks for itself okay so if we dig a hole here so flats it no we're just showing that now if you're going over let's see we can flatten that out cuz I've just made a mess of it so there we go so if you're going over say a canyon a hole something you've built basically so there you go there's your hole you want to go over it this way so you are building your barrier there we go so we're gonna go this way you'll see from here let me just get rid of that it stays at the exact same height okay 1g lighting there you go that one will make sure that it follows the ground height so whereas here it's four point seven one meters above the ground down in this hole it will also be four point seven one meters in the ground so this is ideal if you want to follow the terrain height and the terrain banking and everything like that the next one is flat top so post lengths vary to keep top of barrier flat which essentially means that it will keep the top always at four point seven more meters from this ground bit so it will always be the level so you've gone right over it there you can see it's still perfectly level okay next one here is flat top and editable bottom this one I haven't used yet because I just don't see the point whatsoever so you see you can go across like so and the reason you've got editable bottom is you can lift it up and down and it's totally pointless guys because it needs to hit the floor anyway so that's what it does it's up to you whether or not you use that one so okay next one we have angle snap we've been over this before with many other things so if you can see there it's snapping it a degree you can alter it to snap at a greater degree short on it to snap at a shorter degree or you can turn it off all together and you've got free move there of the barrier to place wherever you want okay length again speaks for itself so it's the length of the barrier that you're gonna put in height snap okay this one is this one so that's the height movement tool to increase and decrease its specific values so what you do here is if we were to build this and then we put height snap on you'll see it will go up in so many increments so one meter or two meter or even all the way down to nor meter which just leaves free for which is silly because you can just turn it off like so okay snap okay snap to adjacent Heights this one's it's quite useful if you're trying to level out a barrier so you see there there are different heights if this is on you'll feel its snap see the way it stops into position to match the one next to it okay it's usually point one out point naught one out for some reason but it snaps right to the same height so you can get a nice little level top you turn it off the snap disappears and it'll just move and Gamble you've got the numbers on top anyway so you know you can do it yourself but it's just there if you want to do it nice and quick so okay next thing we're going to look at is window a lot of people are struggling with this one so yes we know you can have a glass barrier so guests can look in but if you don't want the glass one and you want glass in the middle of this you can push window just like so so you know you've got a glass window but it's still a wooden frame same here that's cetera now one-way glass here because if you're in sandbox or you've unlocked this enfranchise or whatever all career one-way glass is fantastic because it means you can see in but the animals can't see out so in out now you can get this sometimes the wrong way around okay where it is wrong just go into the second menu here and there on top you can click left to right or right to left you want the dull opaque side on the animals side so they don't know people are looking at them and you want the clear transparent side on the guest side so they can look in nicely okay so that's the the window next we have height labels sea level relative terrain relative or off this is entirely personal preference and it is speaks for itself off will turn off the height markers on top terrain relative is from where it is there and sea level is from where the well sea level essentially so it's in general all over the area thing this one is only handy if you've got loads of ups and downs all over the place and you want to state the exact same height all the way around but I haven't used it yet you may put and now you know at least know what it does so on the the height labels there camera we've covered this many times before this essentially is just for and if you're carrying are by the way the plus sign there when you click on a post allows you to continue building so the camera here free camera if I just build it won't move okay however if I go on to follow it will follow this around if I go to follow and Center it will constantly take me right to the middle point I'm working on and follow and rotate this one and I use the absolute how I mean it literally turns the camera everywhere you go see so unless you want to go trippin I wouldn't recommend using that one right so that's all the basic things in here and next we have this one now this one is interesting now this barrier is Klima below over there if we go into the next one here you see climb proof okay which we've got here very simple so non so it is still climbing however we can put these little barriers on so you can have it on left and right so they can't climb on either side it just up some climbing up onto the top there okay so I recommend put on these you can put them on both sides but you've got to have at least have it on the side the animals in so pick right or left whichever one works for you there we go I mean the animals aren't gonna be going wandering everywhere this isn't available on every every barrier you will see it as you go along for example you couldn't get on an all-glass barrier or something like that but yeah that's it that covers that and the curved barrier top okay so you see here click kind of says really I mean it's really simple it does just speak for itself so so there you go so if you want it to be all whoo and wavy and fancy the star angle which is gonna be here you see it at 35 degree and the end angle now you can put it up so you can have a nice fancy wavy barrier to be honest it doesn't look that bad but you'd have to be very precise with it so it doesn't look like someone just couldn't use a jigsaw at the end of the day so that is essentially the basics now there are a few other things we do need to look at different barriers have different different abilities so for example this is all straight we've put this all in some barriers have the curved option right here so if I want to build this as a curved one I'll click curved and once I've got one piece in you can use angle snap or ever and you can start curling it around and wave in about the place now some people may say to you the only this only certain barriers can be curved hahahaha totally not true so as you can see you can't curve the wooden one here but if you build one that can be curved click on it so it's highlighted and then change it by clicking on this you've just made yourself a nice curved wooden barrier with a window crazy little tip for you there guys what I'd and say crazy I mean you know we're not lunatics well not all of us so because this is not climb aboard need the non climbing barrier and all that a lot of stuff on it so but everything else sort of remains the the same so that is all of the basics to do with barriers everything you're gonna need to know about how to use them now if you want to learn about watertight barriers and things so I was like I do the ones we've got here so concrete for example you can run water against it and stuff like that there are it's very simple as long as you put the barrier in first and then the water up against it so it's just there we go terrain and dig it in and we can get a lot of water in there right ah actually I can show you another trick here if you do this and you dig around the barrier you'll see it's now created a gap which is an escape point if you go to edit barrier the second you try and move it it will snap to the ground so it's a perfectly tight again against the ground so if you ever dig a hole like so and you leave yourself exposed edit the barrier and just press and move the tiniest bit on the up or down and it'll snap right back to the ground quite a handy little thing to have so we're gonna change these for a watertight barrier again remember it says on there so so they're all watertight you're pointless and then you're gonna put water right up against it there you go so it goes right up against the barrier no problems what so ever and that's handy for when you're creating stuff like this so we've got a Garr really exhibited you can see that guests can come down and they can look right against the very other perfect so that is the basics of barriers covered completely I don't think this anything else you would need to know now what I'm gonna tell you about is the null barrier and how you can make things various sorry out of anything that you want so the null barrier here is an invisible barrier so you can see here very simple so they're all in connected um you know they do this to me right connect it okay so you got a habitat right and you can even put a gate in in okay that is technically for all intents and purposes a habitat it's got a boundary animals can be dropped into it counts as a habitat okay it's just that simple see but obviously animals will just walk out and then you'll end up with loads of warning signs all over the place that look something like this which is walkable escape points as soon as they cross the area you'll also get Klima below scape points if you ever hang a tree over a barriers edge because the monkeys and stuff who can climb the trees if it's a climber ball tree will jump out on an you're knackered same as jumpable escape points which is why we put these barriers on here to stop it the animals and jumping out so you've got to keep all of this to mind when building now the reason I'm using the no barrier here is because you can build barriers out of anything now I've defined the perimeter I can line this with anything I want animals cannot walk through walls they can not walk through rocks they can not walk through logs so I could just as easily get a lot of wall yeah or whatever height I want let's just pick some wall eventually the two meter one so I could literally just sit here and build as long as I go right up to the gates like so I've always recommend up in the gate piece as an actual piece of habitat otherwise it looks stupid okay I could build this as much as I want as long as I am within these boundaries now I would recommend building just inside the boundaries because if it's just outside and the animal crosses over yeah it won't go any further than this but it will count as a break and you'll start getting warning signs everywhere guests will start running away and have it just inside the habitat line and remember you can move thing you can move these should I say okay so you could actually grab this post and once you finish build and you can move them in just close enough so that it's perfect size you can use curved ones and everything else it'll take you a while to get used to it but you can build a habitat our bricks brick walls glass walls anything you want whatsoever just remember that you're still going to need viewing points and things so make sure if it's like here for example you want a guest to be able to view in either poor glass walls or you actually use a bit of habitat or so here what we'll do let's say we're getting rid of this because we want the guests to look in its what I do is I would just turn this into a bit of a bit of habitat just to I'm gonna make it glass there you go and as long as we connect these up we've ruined one of these pieces over at something there you go the guests can still go up to that and look in and make sure it's at the right height and everything with the zoo pedia and you can just make a habitat look swish look friendly and one of the best examples I've got to show you something like that is that you can line them with anything so for example here I've got these big wooden log posts covering these corners I think they look fantastic but that is something that you'd need to experiment with making barriers out of yourself the best way to check it works when it's all built is to go into the heat map here and make sure on traversable area click on one of the animals in there and it will show you if anywhere that's blue they can walk and if there are any escape points or anything like that and that will make it much easier for you to identify so that means you can now your mind probably blown wide open but you can make them out of anything you can have so so much fun with this okay the last thing I'll show you is and I've done kerf barriers over there we did that so that's it that's essentially it make barriers out whatever you want if you would love it like a fantastic example of how you to make barriers out of anything go along to the YouTube channel geek ism run by the fantabulous John T Sparrow and search for pygmy hippo habitat and he's just built one recently that he's even put on the Steam Workshop that is fantastic it's not just barrier there's bits a berry a bits of rock bits of glass bits of wall all sorts and it works like a dream absolute dream so thank you very much for watching guys I hope this has explained barriers to you in full and you can understand everything you need to know about them if there's anything else you'd like to know either catch me on a livestream and I'll stop and show you anything you need to know or drop me a comment down below and I'll get back to you as soon as I can I do reply to every single person who leaves me a comment it might be a few days later depending on what I'm doing but I will get back to everybody thanks guys have a fantastic day [Music]
Channel: PaulsLey
Views: 72,062
Rating: 4.9344263 out of 5
Keywords: planet zoo, planet, planet zoo gameplay, planet zoo walkthrough, planet zoo beta, planet zoo beta gameplay, planet zoo tutorial, planet zoo guide, planet zoo building, planet zoo construction, planet zoo construction tutorial, planet zoo construction guide, planet zoo how to build, planet zoo how to make buildings, planet zoo animal escape, planet zoo animal bridge, planet zoo animal walkover, planet zoo habitat tutorial, planet zoo barrier tutorial, planet zoo barrier types
Id: z1uCYd5B4Wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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