🦁 Planet Zoo Building Tutorial

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Holy cow, THIS is exactly what I've been needing! I never played Planet Coaster so I had no real idea how to use the controls. Seriously, thank you so much! I've subbed and joined the discord now! (That is, if you are the guy who has made the video haha!)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LittleBumbleBean πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Fist time player. You don’t know how much I needed this, thank you!!!πŸ™πŸ½

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ryan_adame πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was going to post this! Awesome ☺️

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/erinjessicaxo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello you welcome it's a geek ISM and welcome to this planet Zoo tutorial all about building if you go on to enjoy this tutorial please that let me know by leaving a like and if you new here make sure you click a subscribe as if we're going to be covering a planet zoo every single day here on the channel so in today's video we're gonna go over the construction mechanics how it to build buildings basically we're gonna recreate this on modern building here features lots of different little bits and bobs it's got a vets in there it's got a keepers Shack in there it's got a rooftop garden for some reason it's got murals on the side it's a little bit of a hot mess but the reason why we're building this is I've put this together as a way to kind of show each individual section of construction how all the little bits and pieces go together how the keyboard shortcuts and all that sort of stuff work and hopefully by the end of this you'll have a really great knowledge of how to put together some fantastic looking buildings in Planet Zoo right then let's dive in first things first we are going to wrap our construction around a facility now you don't have to do this you can just build empty buildings if you want to just for show but for the most part your construction is going to be wrapped around something so we're gonna start off here with a vet surgery and you'll see there's a big sort of orangey yellow grid around it and that's because this is a grid item you can see that just in the corner here of the image just there you can see the little grid and that means once this is placed down like so there we go we are there within an editing group the group number 34 usually the 34 thing you've tried to build what the number can be anything really doesn't matter and then while we're in this editing group here that means everything else that has this grid item has to be placed on this grid so if we come up and place a keeper Hut as well you'll see that that also snaps to this grid it's a bit smaller so we can move around the space a bit more but you can see that that place is down as well we can rotate this by pressing the Z key or the Zed key depending on where you're from I know in the UK it's Zed but it was the rest of the world it's Z so you can press Z to rotate so we're gonna place that down there at the front too and there we go and there we're still within that editing group and we're gonna try and stay within the edge as much as we can because it means you can move stuff around a little bit easier but now we're gonna click on construction and then we've got loads of different options here we're gonna go to architecture and then at walls okay so we're gonna be building it with some walls we're gonna be using the modern set for most of this because it's nice and plain you can't really see what's going on new world it's called sorry not modern and you can select these on this filters here you can select by different properties how tall they are how high they are whether you can edit some what they're made out of loads of different things we're just gonna click new world now a few reasons I want to use this one what it's nice and clean and simple to see and also I've just unlocked it so I want to mess around with it now all of the wall pieces in this game let's search again let's search down into wood so we can really see the the options here so we've got two types of wood within the new world system this sort of lighter yellow yellow horizontal one and then a darker vertical one each set of walls that you have come with a regular wall they'll come with a 2 meter version and a 1 meter version that's the height and then there'll be one that fits doorways like this there'll be one that fits it's a shop fronts but it also fits the windows of these buildings as well and then you've got some gabled pieces that's pieces with Peaks on them or pieces here with slopes on them for fitting in the gaps on roofs and then also some I want to say some not all have these curved pieces as well they're really nice and then these ones these are actually station surrounds you'll use these later on when you're building your track rise like the train station or whatever these fill in the gaps underneath the tracks but for now we're just going to use our regular wall and we're going to start off with this door piece so when you're using a wall you can hold down shift and that will raise it up and down okay now a standard that's that raising is 4 meters everything works on a four meter great but if you click the little clipboard here you can actually change this with grid height you can change it from two meters you can change it to 1 meter and you can even take your dancers zero and it's really smooth so for most of the wall stuff I'd probably put it too but you can change that as you need to go on here for us to be honest with your Falls going to be ok so we need one of those there we're just clicking to place it down and one of those oh no we don't want one of those they excuse me just pressing ctrl Z there to move that that's not on there round so I'm going to press m to move it once it's placed down and then Z to rotate it face down again there we go a spot little liver it mistake okay there we go now we want the shopfronts wants to go there okay and we also have some windows around the back so again you'll notice this I'm putting the wall down and you can place it on the inside of any square so you want to make sure that you're on the right side here because of the ways you'll start getting gaps like that for instance they say so I make sure you put it in the right spot so we're gonna place it there in fact I've just remembered that we actually use the the corrugated metal there's a bit of a different material so we'll place that on in a minute and then the regular piece of wall we're using situ rotates and we're just gonna click that and place that round about there so that's that one done and then placed a 2 meter horizontal dark woods just on top of this no one meter sorry it might not be exact duplicate so again I'm holding shift and moving those up and so it goes into place if you find stuff doing this automatically you may find that you have Auto stacking turned on you'll see that even if we even if we're lower down look here we can go and it starts to automatically put there I think that's really quite annoyance to be honest with you I want to put it there if I want it there alright so I'm gonna do that there we go I can go right around the building just pressing Z where it needs to to rotate okay that's all that done and so now we don't need matter would we need metal this time and we've got this lovely metal clad wall that's gonna go in there got a window piece right in the back and here we've got a piece there now on this bit of building we're gonna have a look at how a sloped roofs work okay so if we click over here onto roofs and floors you'll see that there's flat roofs and floors or there's pitched roofs so we're gonna use a pitched roof here it's just a nice way of saying slopes I suppose and we're gonna shift click it up there and pop it into place now here you'll see we've got a problem we have a gap here from where the wall ends and the roof begins so we're going to go back to our wall pieces and we'll find the matching slope you'll see that the M that's a one meter one there's also a two meter one and there's also a for me so one okay now we want the bomb me someone because we want to use the one meter wall I'm gonna place that in like that now you can have lots of different little trims and bits to walls and floor and roofs we're not gonna go crazy with those but we are just gonna add the the the one little piece there just so it's got a very slight overhang and we'll add in a little bit of Ridge there as well but again you can do a lot more if you want to so there's our basic structure that's pretty much everything we're gonna place down on a grid but that should give you a good idea of how Gries work and remember that if you want to build off a grid so you're gonna sort of build a building at this angle you can have to come out of this one and then everything else you placed Aaron it starts its own grid so again using Z you can rotate that now when you're not on agreat you'll see that this is currently rotating it looks like choppy it's actually rotating at an angle of 15 every time using Z to do that to stop that happening you can just tap space and then you get free rotate or see you again we'll put it back on again and you can also click and drag this angle up to oh no you can't so you should be able to this is beta still so these things happen but for the most part you're gonna want to probably build without having any sort of degree on there but it's there if you need it for doing sort of right angles and stuff it can get quite useful right then we're going to carry on and we're gonna add some pillars on to this so pillars then if we come in see we've got columns here let's get rid of all about text so we can we can see all of them I'll click out of them so one of the new ones we've unlocks I think is like a corrugated one may is it under structural props or it is under structural props okay place down one of these these are nice things so at the moment we're building this and we've built this building on not only its own grid but it's also on the world grid that the world grid is based on where the actual sort of square of the park is okay so if you look those there's the line for it there you see now I often suggest building on a world grid and then the building is a place afterwards because you can get really useful for instance let me show you if we move this now and put it on a bit of a jaunty angle okay so if we come into this building and click Edit and put this so now we're off we're off the grid here so if this get want this to line up it's gonna be really quite tricky to line that up just right ok so if you have built by this and you need to get something lined up to it the best way to do it is hover it up to a wall and you'll find it'll start to snap towards the wall and sometimes you might find it does this and just snap two middles of walls you can turn that on and off with the F key so it's a pian F will make it snap to the middle of shape sometimes can be quite useful don't use it too much myself to be honest but pressing F again will make it come off so by pressing that we can now press X and X makes us go into this finer movement so we've got x y and z movements here pressing X again will change it into a rotation and now we can rotate it up so it's lined up we can tap X and then we can very carefully just pull this into place where we want it to be so we've used one there to kind of break up the difference between the wood and the metal another one sort of in the middle of those two pieces there and another one on the end and I'm not gonna go too much into theory of building here this is more of a just sort of mechanics but one really great way to make your buildings look a little better than them just looking like big boxes like this currently does is to add depth through pillars and things like that they say that the devil is in the detail and building in planet Zoo is no different so we're gonna start basically adding some detail this building is done it's functional it'll work exactly as you wanted to and it's time to look okay but we can make it look a lot better by adding stuff to it so if you have come out of a building you need to go back in to me just click it there's a button here that will get you into it the shortcut key is the letter R so we're back here and we're back on a grid and then we're gonna place down at some of these nice bits here we have a new world wall decoration frame looks great again we're already on the building grid here so it gets it put in the right place but again if I wasn't I just have to search raggy up so it's touching a wall and X again rotating it around 90 degrees X again to put it back on to movement and then we can sit and just fine tune hair this gets puts in place it may look like there's a lot going on here but you're very soon start getting to the hang of it these these short key shortcuts will become second nature so I'm gonna place that down there some of the things you can put down to make things look good like awnings for instance we have a few nice awnings here this is the one we use here on here if we press F it tries to put in a really weird spot ashley's we won't press F and whilst ahead it looks like we gonna have to do this by hand again bait is gonna bethe bear with us with this one okay and we'll put that there so we've got a little bit of sunlight getting cut off there by the window that's good and all this high grass around it isn't looking great and chances are these buildings are going to want to get used so we'll put some paths around it now paths will automatically try and extrude themselves from doors but everywhere else you may struggle to put them around holding down control by the way will break them away from anything that there tries to snap to we are gonna do a full tutorial and pass by the way because I know people have a bit of an issue with them but for now we're gonna start by clicking there on the door and then we're gonna click down here align to great and we're actually going to click that piece again or we can click anywhere here actually we're all on the same grid still apart from maybe one of these big events so I'm going to click on that grid there and then what we can do is basically drag this path around this building again this will obviously go wherever you want it to go for your Park for a useful guests need to go what other staff needs to go and so there we go we have some path around it now just make sure that these paths are actually joined up to buildings that one wasn't but now is there we go and that one is because we started there so now we've got some path that we need to make that path look a little bit beautiful I'm gonna click into nature nature split into three sections you have plants and these are pretty much exclusively the ones that you can place down within animals exhibits and they're happy about them but we've also got gardening that adds a few more that are a bit more sort of more for the guests point of view so you're gonna keep these on sided pass it also unlocks all these of these planters depending on the scenery theme some of you may not have these available make sure if you are in franchise mode that you are researching scenery to make these happen again that's another video I'm afraid so we're not actually in this building so I'm going to come back into here by pressing R and going back through that process so make sure that we're all building this together so that when we move it it's all going to be M all in one so we're gonna put this plant down here and we're gonna put a plant inside it I'm gonna put something like this elephant ear maybe something a bit taller that one look quite nice now rather than trying to line this up I mean it doesn't really matter where this goes within here it will all look fine but sometimes you might want to make some things make sure something's really straight lined up with other pieces to do that you're gonna click a piece you're gonna tap X to go into the advanced move mode and whilst you're in this advanced move mode if you press another item it will place it exactly from its origin point where there are other pieces and now we can just track them up and we know that as far as the game is concerned there that's actually dead in the middle probably wasn't the best example but if you come into something like construction and columns for instance here's a good example if we place this column down and I want this piece here that's no great assembly that they were quite wide aren't they okay if I want this piece here to be right in the exact middle of that rather than sitting for 20 minutes trying to line it up if I open this one X to a fine movie and then click this piece it's now exactly in the middle and that will stay on that grid so you can carry on putting pieces in you can rotate them around you can add a pillar you can do whatever you need to do that's how you get really nice deep pillars that are all perfectly lined up and that's some advanced stuff there so we might go over that a little bit later on in another video but for now that's a really quick quick bonus tip for you so a few other bits then we're gonna play some bonuses sometimes you can just free place all this sort of stuff like there I'm quite happy with that doesn't have to be exact so I'm quite happy that's to be free placed and we'll play some I don't think I don't think about nettles will be very good as I the window it stopped people trying to break in I suppose it's like that nature's razor wire it's nature's where is near they go where where are our fences props and fences there we go forever to find those my detent forever to find those okay and again I'm just gonna free place some of these although I want one next to it to be right so now I've come back into this movement if I want to duplicate that I can press shift and X instead of just X and that will duplicate it would keep it on the under on the x-axis there of them really powerful tool that and we're going to show that off by finishing off with this SEM with this roof top here so first of all we put some mulch down because we want to grow some plants up here I realize it isn't very very accurate there's no way of actually getting up here but we're gonna place these down with X and we're just gonna move them around so we've we've got somewhere to place our plants there we go a little bit of clipping there but I don't mind too much we're gonna talk about clipping in just a moment properly but for now we can actually just cover that up with some flowers so that's fine and so here's a nice tip then let's find something that's singular here we go we're gonna grow this plants up here okay so we want to move this plant left a little now so you place multiples of them in but if we just do this and it doesn't look great and the reason it doesn't look great is because they're all exactly lined up the same they're all identical specially I look at it something like that they're all identical and it doesn't look very natural so we're gonna risk ctrl + Z to get rid of some of those and come back into this one here with ctrl + X so what we're gonna do instead is has to be placed and am I going to rotate them but now when we press X we've moved off that line that we were using because we've rotated the item but luckily because we're building this on the world grids we can actually have a relative to world access button that will put that access back on that the world this is one of the reasons why I would always recommend building on the world axis if you can because it's really really useful to have that second and that second axis that you can always resort resort back soon now again they don't look perfect cuz they're all different heights again I'm even a little bit into theory here but it's always worth when you place them down and things like this too Heights of them and it also makes them look a little bit more and natural there we go and in some one of the best things about set planet zoo is in some variations you've got different heights sort of built into them I'm just picking really random random plants here to put there and this is a very strange rooftop garden let's do some some that's a bit large goldenrods but there we go some of that stuff and a little medium one to finish off with there we go just tap-in them said by the way we'll do a nice degree turn on stuff even when it's not on the grid there we go so there's rooftop garden or colorful than that one but there that's fine very quickly then we're gonna go back into construction and we're gonna find ourselves that glass roof so we have a complimenting it's a pitched roofs and scroll through to find modern glass roof - there we go I'm gonna move that in place so again just very simply putting these back in there you go we've actually used the one meter one there but that doesn't matter too much so these are just floats in the moment if you want to leave them floating you can do but I think it looks a little bit weird so instead we're gonna go into balls and then pillars and we're gonna find a nice plain wooden pillar so again I want to make sure these are just in the right spot I can place them down in one of a few ways at him that's probably the way I'm gonna do it but I always like to just make sure it's right myself just to be because I'm a pedantic so-and-so and I drag that tower into place so at this point this is the last thing we're going to be talking about really this massive duplication oszi fighting very quickly as well at this point I want another one of though is right in the same spot here now I can eyeball it and probably get it pretty close but there's an easier way to do it and a more accurate way to do it so we're going to ctrl Z it's a duplicate it and then we can just drag it across and there we are kind of eyeballing it a bit here to be honest to get it right but that's fine now I don't you thinking we need these two things here in exactly the same place pretty much so if you click hold down the shift key and click something else you'll select both of them if you click select something by accidents using this method you can press ctrl and click and it will deselect it once you've got everything you want selected you can air ctrl + X and that will duplicate both of them and it will give you an axis that's roughly the middle of them now this is a little funky and it struggles sometimes if you keep everything the same sort of direction and like poles and stuff like this it's probably fine if you're using a big random group of stuff and you try and do this you might get some funky results so just bear that in mind we're gonna track those over to roughly where they want to be so they match up which is there and then we need four smaller ones as well don't we so we're gonna keep those two selected and again with shift and left-click we're going to tape all four of those ctrl + X and move all of those over and then once they're in place we'll drag them down and that gives us a glass roof supports as a few of the little bits and bobs we're missing here a bit of signage that sort of things let's click in here two signs facility signs I've put an information sign up here even though it's actually a vet so I just want to kind of break that wall up a little so that's fine what else have we got oh yeah these murals now I really wanted to do this mural sorry not Muriel that was me now at my grandma's next-door neighbor mural and I want to do here these are all in the species size these are all gorgeous I can't wait to play around with these a little bit more and the reason why I want to show you these because I want to talk about something called z-fighting so we're gonna play stay on this Jaguar here and then you can just kind of place these loose if you one see but I'm gonna use X so you get the thing you just right to show you something called z-fighting you can see happening here this is basically where two items planes are on the exact same z has as each other so z if you go think back to mathematics back in school you've got x and y okay remember x and y for a graph well if that graph went back into the distance and became 3d you would add Z so in this case the red one here is as Z is the depth of something and at the moment these two have the exact same Z now this isn't just a mural problem this is a sort of thing that can happen with walls if you overlapping them this one actually seems to work really quite well oh there you go there's a good there's a good think of it there you can see Z fighting happening alright so if this is the sort of thing that's happening and you want a little bit of trim there what you can do is place it down click it this is getting really quite technical now you can click it and you can click over here split from group and now we've come out of this group now we've got a piece just on its own and if we click X we can now push that in just to where it wants to be and then whilst we're in that group we can move stuff around on that grid and all that grid is ever so slightly off this this grid it's very subtle but you can see if you click between the two grids you can see the difference ok so that's one way of getting rid of z-fighting but the most time you'll probably find it is when you're adding sort of windows to two images two walls and stuff so let's very quickly do something like this the way to fix it is just to change that Z it's just ever so slightly so here it's not much of a bother but we want the jaguaro inference anyway so gonna place that down like that I can select both of those bring them forwards because it's actually gonna be quite a bit behind them let's place to end this big old leaf here turn it round and again I'm not really gonna go into too much detail here because this is all subjective isn't it really as to what looks good but I really think these these mural pieces are fantastic I can see these being used a lot to be honest because there's definitely the sort I think you see in real life zoos and they're they're gonna break up the walls record they looks like he's trying to pretend to be a lion there doesn't he with this green and they will finish up you can see all of these is he fighting just slightly so you can have to keep dragging him down so they're all just in the right spot over the poor things face no he's a good tip and I'm trying to click that blue flower and it's selecting the giraffe and I can't quite get to the flower because you know these these collision boxes just cross over if that's the case I can press Delete to get rid of that draft then I can click the flower and whilst the flowers click so I can press ctrl and see someone do the giraffe comes back and I'm still holding the flower very useful little trick there that I've completely forgot about until I needed to use it there we go so we'll finish off with some some flowers there in mocha as I said no it really can't select our flower ok so I'll do that there we go and just push that back a little bit so the giraffe has got some edging on and there we go two nearly identical buildings but I hope the term that's giving you a good idea of what you can accomplish with some techniques I know kind of raced through this a little bit to try and keep the video under an hour but please feel free to skip back and forth and find the bits you need and I would love to see what you create using these techniques the best way to do that is to check out add discord you'll find the link in the description we have a full planet Zoo section there's a place where you can share images of stuff you've made there's a place where you can just generally chat about the game and as a place you can share real world images for inspiration there's some really gorgeous stuff on there so our street orioles go make sure you stick here on a geek ism because not only if we got some more building style tutorials with pathing and exhibit work we're going to be starting the zoo school when the game that launches are November 5th which is where we take real-life examples of exhibits from around the world's most famous and impressive zoos and take the advice from them to put them into planets do to make the best exhibits we can it's gonna be awesome so make sure you hit that subscribe button and keep it here on because er thanks for watching I'll see you tomorrow be good you
Channel: Geekism
Views: 137,488
Rating: 4.9583659 out of 5
Keywords: planet zoo, planet, zoo, planet zoo gameplay, planet zoo walkthrough, planet zoo beta, planet zoo beta gameplay, planet zoo tutorial, planet zoo guide, planet zoo building, planet zoo construction, planet zoo building tutorial, planet zoo construction tutorial, planet zoo building guide, planet zoo construction guide, planet zoo how to build, planet zoo how to make buildings
Id: M4cPE32dFuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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