✝️ Our Identity Is In Christ -13 December 2020 - Dan Mohler

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[Music] right now i want all of you to put your hands together make welcome our very special guest and dear friend of mine pastor dan muller as he comes to deliver the word amen come on get on your feet and give the lord a shout get ready to receive yeah i love you too buddy thank you thank you people you grab your seats oh my what a good time to be together huh just that worship time was just amazing listen i just want to encourage you before we get rolling and just share some of the gospel when you gather like this and you're part of a church don't ever just get tricked into coming because it's the time you meet it's sunday be in fellowship with god be in relationship with jesus don't let the first time you talk to him be when they open up in prayer at the service have fellowship with god commune with him be with him way before you get here and understand that the bible says the bible says in hebrews 10 the reason we gather and the reason we don't forsake our assembling together is in order that we could stay stirred up in love and in good works so for two days two days i talked about living selfless i talked about not taking account of suffered wrongs feeling sorry for yourself believing discouragement is legitimate keeping yourself in the faith and in the love of god and living by the spirit so your life is always effective and so you're always walking in the light as he's in the light are you following me this morning see if you turn inward if you start getting sorry for yourself if you go through a circumstance and you start questioning god or questioning others and you take it personal it's going to hinder your ability to have influence in the lord and then all of a sudden you'll get tricked in to just do in church instead of being her and all of a sudden you're in the right place and you're singing the right stuff but you're living from other places you see what i'm saying so this morning the whole reason we gather and and pastor might teach topics sometimes he might get on a series who knows that we're learning and growing and sharpening and identifying but the number one reason we're at church is so we can walk in the light as he's in the light okay that's why the bible says on the end of a lot of scriptures with all and in all things with thanksgiving and with thanksgiving he tacks on with thanksgiving behind a whole lot of scriptures why when you lose your thanksgiving you've turned inward you've taken something personal and you've weighed more how it's affected you personally than how he is to be shining through your life are you guys with me this morning this is really really important there's something truly on my heart uh i feel like i'm supposed to talk about it i'm not sure why other than we've we've found our identity through our yesterday for some reason like people think the way it was growing up they almost treasure it and covet it like it's precious i'm not just devaluing or dishonoring anyone's past or history but if your past isn't edifying and life-giving and you can't find the switch and the redemption in your story in jesus then it's probably not the story you should cling to you can't say when you're 45 well brother i hear what you're saying but you don't know what it was like when i was growing up friend you're 45 stop just stop please i'm not being insensitive i there's so many things i wish were changed when i was young there were so many things i wish my dad wasn't drunk all the time i wish my mom didn't die at a younger age i wish she wasn't sick there's a whole lot of things i wish could change but what does any of those things have to do with who christ is in me right now as i stand here right now on this platform come on we got a lot stop letting things matter more than what matters most i i told a young lady this this morning i said honey i grabbed a room i said honey you can never ever ever ever find yourself or know yourself apart from him your identity is only truly realized and recognized in and through christ jesus you can't find yourself through people you just can't find yourself through the ministry you're a part of you find yourself through him and then you're a part of a ministry the reason there's so much reverb and vibration and stuff in ministries and people and relationships is because we're finding ourselves through one another and that's deception that's a letdown you can't find yourself through one another you find yourself through him you find the why behind your life through jesus christ you understand why you're alive you understand who you are and maybe for the first time in your life you have a sense of security and understanding that's not vanity and pride it's actually truth and knowing and all of a sudden you realize your life is worth his blood your life is worth his spirit living inside cause he said so he knows what you'll look like when he's in you and you're surrendered and he believes that's worth paying for and you can only find yourself truly find yourself in and through him you know it's a tragic thing to me when i look in the bible and it says he came to his own and his own knew him not isn't it amazing how far we can get from him how perverse society had become through the fall that nothing was created that wasn't created through him that he came to his own in his own knew him not the truth himself stood in the streets and spoke and they said it wasn't true it's amazing to me there's so many things that decides our life and dictates our life until we get to know jesus please don't incorporate him into your life please don't just make him your forgiveness the sins or your suffering savior or the rerouting of your destiny make him your identity your truth your reason for being the security and the strength of your life see here's the truth about what i'm saying and i've preached it now for two nights like in the gospel and and this isn't denial this isn't hypo spiritual this isn't stretching the truth in the cross and in christ once i'm saved and god has lavished his love upon me through the crucified son of god and filled me with the same spirit that raised christ from the dead there's a foolish in that there's a completeness in that well i'll just stay calm enough to talk this out it's hard but i'm gonna nobody today nobody owes me a thing i did not wake up for you to do something nice for me see that set my day already like you can't stumble me you can't stop me you can't slow me down the only thing you can do is get on the train and ride baby the only thing you can do is cheer me on but you can't slow me down one bit it ain't about he said she said they did and i can't believe how come well what are they well i don't i woke up for one reason this morning to be more like him i woke up to love not to be loved because i am so loved see if i woke up to be loved somebody might fail to love me and then i might let you be my reason for being whatever it is i am and it might not be free and also i'm letting one person decide who i am and how i am and their name ain't jesus that's idolatry and that's deception my freedom is in him we sang it that we're free we sang freedom freedom is free from yourself freedom is free from trying to find yourself through everybody else that doesn't work it never has and it never will there's so much insecurity there's so much false walls and stuff and relationships and surface and shallow and smoke screens man it'd be great if it would all die and we'd just be believers and believe that we're worth the blood of jesus nobody owes us a thing and we owe no man anything but to love so let's just bring it on another day new mercy new grace that sure beats survival mode that shore beach praying to make it look if the only revelation we have is that we're in christ so he makes our day go better we're going to be way deceived if all the preachers telling us is that we're in this thing for what god can do for us we're going to miss the point we're in this thing for how he can make us more like him so we can be influential and multiply who he is through our life so that we stand before him they'll actually be fruit that remains we are not trying to make it people we have already won we are forgiven of everything we've ever done he sees me through the blood of jesus clean and holy and pure blameless and above reproach colossians 1 says i happen to believe that i actually believe i woke up this morning blameless it kept the veil off and i have access to god i have intimacy with him i'm not ashamed to face him i'm not afraid to believe he loves me he washed me in the blood why i was yet a sinner he sent his son he who knew no sin was made to be sin so i could wear a robe today called righteous i am not going to miss that don't you miss that i don't need you to say one nice thing to me today my day is settled already you get it so if you encourage me fine if you say thank you great but if you don't we ain't missed a beat friend you get what i'm saying come on i've just seen too many people sing they're free and let everything else matter i've seen us get tricked into religion and all of a sudden what somebody said or posted just eats you alive and now you're back posting back and now it gets more embroiled and two days later it's so muddy you don't know whether you're coming or going that's deception don't you get caught up in that stuff you get overwhelmed by the truth of the gospel that god made man for one reason and one reason only to be found in his image that image got lost through sin so jesus took care of the problem to get the truth back inside of men the image of god don't tell me you can't convince me we can't walk in love you can't convince me we can't show mercy you can't convince me we can't walk in peace you can't convince me it's all bible his spirit is in me to empower me to live what he paid for and i want to go after it this morning he was gracious enough to give me a mic so i'm going to cheer you on and say why don't you come with me there's a whole world out there that doesn't need church they need the love of god we are the church service is not a church service is not a church service is fun i love it corporate worship is amazing i look around i watch young people i get so blessed in service it's ridiculous i love service but service isn't church we're a church i'm looking at her i'm looking at church yeah it's people that have jobs that interact at rub elbows that have influence that pass by people that pump gas that are in the malls in the marketplace people that are full of life full of love that don't have a chip on their shoulder there's no lines to cross because they're all erased through the gospel and all of a sudden nobody owes you a thing and you're just alive and glad to be alive and you're loved yeah and all of a sudden it's not who's who and he said she said well i don't know i don't like the way they look to me i can't believe they just pulled out and they just took latest park right where i was gonna park and all of a sudden you just don't even know how to be that way anymore because you didn't wake up for none of that you didn't wake up to catch no favor you got so much favor it's ridiculous you've got so much blessing if we ever realized that oh my goodness just put it on and just rejoice you're forgiven of everything you've ever done through the blood of jesus that's speaking better things boy i wish one of us would just put that on and wear that and just believe we're clean and all of a sudden unforgiveness isn't even a possibility you don't have to try to forgive you don't know how to not forgive because you've been forgiven of everything you've ever done i asked the lord why are people so struggling with unforgiveness why do people hate why are they angry why do people that come to church have issues they're not surrendered they haven't died to themselves they're in it for what god can do for them and they haven't tasted the glory of being forgiven so they haven't become forgiveness straight up ain't it that past thing i started off with you know many people are living in their past that go to church you know people letting something that happened back then matter now that's tragedy you don't let that happen even something you did just remembering something you did just having a flashback just because you have a flashback doesn't mean you have a problem if you believe the flashback you have a problem try to give me a flashback i'll go into a fit of thanksgiving and praise while i'm driving with my hands on the wheel you flash me back how many years you flashed me back to some i wish i never did and it flashes back i don't need prayer deliverance ministry we spend countless hours ministering to impressions feelings emotions and memories why don't we just walk in truth why don't we just have a clear conscience before god and if the devil comes and goes yak yak why don't you just say father i thank you for the day you wash me and cleanse me and transform me father i know one day i was lost but man i've been found for the last eight years and nothing can stop this train it's rolling bless god and i appreciate the way you see me every day and wash me and keep me clean in the mercy of almighty god i'm so glad to be your boy and that little limp that's whispering goes yeah come on it's the number one thing that happens to people impressions and memories and a bad dream and something you're trying to forget just well and you think until you can forget it you're not free until you stop believing it you're not free you don't have to forget it you just stop believing it if all satan has to do is just remind you of where you've been and you don't know who you are you're done you're driving to work and you ain't been in that place for a whole year and all of a sudden it feels like you're there and you get a flashback of that place and you relive that thing in a vision you do not need ministry you need to rejoice that that's not you that the best you could do is remember it and it ain't got no place in you your heart's changed your life's changed you don't need prayer you don't need ministry you ain't got hidden sin in your life and the thing ain't in you it's out here trying to get in you're not for sale stop selling out oh i want to provoke you this morning to live in truth i want to provoke you to live in faith we've become a ministry crazed people we just think we need prayer for every bump and bruise and feeling and emotion you don't need prayer you need truth prayer has its place in the church but it's usually leaders in authority and to turn things around in the world not to make you feel better you can't show me a scripture where prayer has to make you feel better i just need prayer can you just pray for me i'm not being mean i'm not being cynical people are broke i just need prayer could you just pray for me what what do you need for everyone i just i don't know something's just wrong i just feel blocked i just something feels i just don't feel good okay see if i pray for you to feel better you're going to continue to believe that you're only as good as you feel and feelings will rule your life for the rest of christianity i'm not praying for you about that don't ask me i'm going to look at you gently i'm going to smile i'm going to have compassion i'm not going to be upset with you belittle you i'm going to say actually honey you don't need prayer you got truth why don't you lift your hands with me right now and just thank jesus that he loves you that actually you are free and there is nothing that can bind you because he's delivered you from the power of darkness why don't you stop believing you have some inner hidden demon and why don't you raise your hands with me and declare you're a child of the living god and allow holy spirit to begin to swell up in you i've seen it too much i've fasted for a while i've been safe 25 years i got a lot of people about as crazy as me you say you are out of your mind i might be out of yours see i'm just stunned living by feelings if they don't edify i'm just done giving time to feelings if they don't produce life and manifest jesus what's the matter if i wake up and feel like god is real far away and i'm laying in bed jesus he's as close as a mention of his name he never leaves me he never forsakes me the word tells me that so he feels real far away i don't have to call a friend and say can you pray i just need a moment i need an encounter i need a touch no you need to believe signs follow believers believe what that is right there with you that he didn't go anywhere that you didn't do nothing wrong you didn't open no door and he decided to leave lift your hands and thank him that he loves you and worship him and enjoy that he's in your life right by the time you get to the bathroom you're having holy ghost moments you don't need prayer the enemy does it all the time he sees people growing he calls a little limp hey little limp goes over sits on the shoulder and most christians go really huh well i thought that was over why am i even thinking that i can't believe i'm feeling that and all sudden they call a need prayer and they're depressed because of something they thought i want it to sound foolish so you never do it again wouldn't it be amazing if he comes and goes and you just go father i just thank you so much and you just start communing and you're just so sure about the truth and that little thing is so freaked out by the presence of god it hobbles back to the master boss i told i told him everything you told me boss good good you got him huh no no boss you don't understand boss when i told him what you said they started to worship god you fool you couldn't have told them what i said when you talk like that to christians they get discouraged depressed and call for prayer not this one boss boss i think this one's a believer your past has nothing to do with your present things to come in fact i can show you scripturally where your past is such a problem if you don't let it die where it belongs your past can actually stop you from receiving the love of god even though god loves you paul said nothing can separate us from the love of god in christ jesus he says life for death powers principalities created things he says present things to come the only thing not on his inclusive list is the past because he expects that you already understand it's gone meaning the past has the total ability to keep you from receiving the love of god ain't that something the blood of jesus is so phenomenal did you ever read in genesis where sarah and abraham got an idea and sarah said you know god's withheld a child from us we haven't pulled this thing off yet man it's just we're just too old but i don't know but it ain't happening i think god wants you to go into haggar and i don't think gabe said oh i need to fast and pray about that i think abe probably said you want me going to hacker really you give me permission i think you should hagar just the way it probably was so abraham goes into hagar and hagar conceives and then sarah despises hagar you all know the story and then he tries to get haggar or ishmael to stand before the lord and he says no he's the son of your flesh he says it's going to be the son of promise it's going to be isaac you guys know that story go to go to romans 4 with me real quick verse 16. therefore it is of faith that it might be accounted to grace so that the promise might be sure to all the seed not only to those who are of the law but those who are of faith of abraham who is the father of us all concerning faith that's amazing for as it is written i have made you a father of many nations in the presence of him who he believed god watch this who gives life to the dead and calls those things that do not exist as though they did i'm sure referring to sarah's dead womb and the fact that she was way past age and still had a child right who watch this is abraham this is the testimony of abraham who contrary to hope in hope believed so that he became the father of many nations according to what was spoken so shall your descendants be watch this this is the testimony of abraham not being weak in faith he did not consider his own body already dead since he was about a hundred years old or the deadness of sarah's womb watch he did not waver at the promise of god through unbelief but was strengthened by faith giving glory to god being fully convinced that what he promised he was able to perform and therefore it was accounted to him as righteousness is he talking about the same abraham because the abraham i read about compromised and questioned and went into another woman to have a child and thought maybe that was the way and it looks like he wavered and gave up hope and followed sarah just like adam listen to eve it looks the same to me i'm not sure he's writing about the same abraham because when i look at abraham's story he wavered he considered other things he didn't keep his eyes on god come on oh i see how uncomfortable you all look because you just want to read your bible go oh so cool and put it in a frame but when i'm reading this abraham description i ain't seeing genesis abraham why because this was written after the blood of jesus christ and somewhere abraham said like genesis 17 okay i get it i'm in and he didn't look back and all heaven remembers is his faith not hagar and all heaven remembers is a man that didn't waver not compromise and here's abraham's testimony through the blood and if abraham lived the rest of his life unconfident insecure and condemned by his wavering he would miss the testimony that's written through the blood all i know is when i read about sarah in genesis 18 guess what she did oh she had a real tough day a real tough day god came in person came to their little tent they fixed up a meal and they're sitting there with the lord and the lord said in the time of season etc i'm going to visit sarah and she's going to have a child sarah is listening behind a tent and she cracks up laughing in cynicism yeah i'm this old and i'm gonna have pleasure i don't think so we've been down this road before me and abe's tried and it ain't happening it ain't gonna happen and the lord said why did sarah laugh and guess what sarah said she said i didn't laugh oh but you did in one moment of time in the presence of the lord sarah lied and sarah laughed that is not a good day and guess where you find ms sarah next in the bible in the list of the patriarchs of faith who by faith receives strength to conceive and she's a witness that we're supposed to follow well that ain't the sarah i read about in genesis i read about a sarah who laughed mocked god and then lied when he said why'd you laugh somewhere along the line sarah must have said man i shouldn't have laughed and man i really shouldn't have lied i need to trust you because you're god and all of a sudden through the blood all that's remembered of sarah is by faith she receives strength to conceive oh for all time her testimony is kept our eyes on the lord abraham for all time his testimony kept his eyes on the lord might not be his natural history might not be his factual life but it's the heart that repented and changed and when you repent and change god judges you for where you are not where you've been and you will never answer for where you've been you will answer for where you are you get it [Applause] so don't you sit here and let your past have a louder voice than the blood of jesus christ that's speaking better things don't you talk yourself out of it and say well brother i see your passion and i know you're another one i'm excited preachers but you just ain't been through my shoes and walk through brother you don't know how it's been for me don't you do that to yourself and rob yourself of the truth that you're called to walk in and live you'll be a believer today you'll be a believer don't you be a church-goer don't you just attend destiny church because you like pastor and bobby cause they're pretty easy to like you'll be a believer and you be a part of an army of people that believe that have denied themselves that don't love their own life unto death that have picked up their cross and they're following jesus you'll be a part of that today because that's what's going to stand for all time with the testimony that brings glory to his name it ain't just how we got through our crisis how the money came in when it wasn't there it's how we loved when everything around us was unlovely it's how we maintain the heart of god in the midst of a dark and perverse and twisted generation it's how we walked in the light as he's in the light and didn't draw back and grow weary in well-doing it's how we continued to the end and ran the race worthy of a prize you're okay i'm excited i'm excited i'm calming down enough to speak but man i'm excited do you understand the freedom i'm talking about that you can actually wake up and be completely secure with no low esteem no insecurity no fear of man and no he said she said stuff that is possible if you're not believing it's possible i promise you you're being deceived because you can be complete in christ and you can know yourself through christ and all of a sudden everything you do is flowing out of fullness not need that's why people are hurting churches all the time they serve in a ministry for affirmation and they get let down because they didn't get what they were looking for so they leave and say it wasn't a loving appreciative church because i went the extra mile and all of a sudden you're a dead giveaway you never served because of love you served for your own sake and you didn't get what you were serving for so you bailed out when do you just do it for his great name when do you just do it for the sake of others when do you just don't need a thing in return when do you just give your life for the sake of his call because it's right you get it it'd be so fun to live every day without a hurt heart it'd be so fun to live the rest of your life and not even scratch up against a fence look you can call me a liar all you want time will tell someday we'll all find out someday for 25 years i don't know what a fence looks like because i didn't wake up to need you [Laughter] my own wife doesn't owe me a thing she has no ability to change my disposition and she likes that it makes her free and now she's just free to love me because she sees the love and there's no obligatory marriage there's no you do for me i do for you hey you know i'm a man and i need this well you know i'm a woman and i need this there ain't none of that stuff in our marriage it's just love you and then you prove it by the way you live so it ain't just words at the end of a card to smooth over a moment it's a life that you live every day all the time yeah you know what that does for your marriage when you wake up every day and your spouse don't owe you a single thing and you're just complete in jesus and excited to be alive and you're just like good morning isn't that awesome [Laughter] if my zeal is frustrating you you're in real trouble because you're determined to stay wherever it is you are but it ain't home so if my excitement's bothering you i am really concerned for you because we get so deceived that we don't even believe we can be free sometimes in churches we even imply well be careful about that guy that's always okay you need to get him alone when nobody's around to say now how are you really doing brother because we don't believe everybody can be okay all the time which means we're not okay if that's what we believe so when somebody is okay with their either stuffing feelings they're in denial they ain't keeping it real they ain't being relatable well you try to run that grievance by jesus and see if he fits your little bowl because i ain't following you i'm following him i'm not following you in my experience either i'm not following you on my resume born into adam and the fall of man and all that stuff and craziness we grew up with none of that has anything to do with what i'm following that's irrelevant to me i'm following him you know we've allowed our personal experience to trump the grace of god that's here to change us and we say well this is us well you know how we can be well you know how people are well you know yeah but brother everybody well you telling me you ain't got your moments brother everybody got their moments see no that's why you have yours because you're positioned for it and you're justifying and you're agreeing with and there'll be no sense to repent so you'll have more and there'll be no conviction it'll just be normal life until you stand before him one day and go oh man was i deceived how jesus teach us to pray our father who art in heaven hallowed be our name your your kingdom your the where you know what we do you know what we do in the church especially spirit-filled church right we're so spirit-filled we shift right into the power of god and we say well there ain't no cancer in heaven saying no cancer on earth would ever be pounding him be bound on the earth for every loose and we get all fired up and full of faith which we should because it's a good illustration and then we have faith to believe for cancer to be healed because ain't no cancer in heaven ain't no cancer on earth because of that prayer okay well let me ask you this why do we always interpret that prayer by the power of god instead of the heart of god no animosity in heaven no unresolved conflict no bitterness no competitiveness no pride no insecurity no anger no hostility no push and shove no he said she said none of that in heaven your will be see the only way this little world that we're talking about is going to happen is we all do the same thing deny yourself guys we can come and have the best blowout services the planet's ever seen but if you don't leave here selfless you won't manifest him in your life and you'll get the idea that jesus is here to bless you instead of transform you and you won't live transformed you'll pursue to live blessed and you'll only be doing as good as the moment is allowing and that is not freedom how's that for straight talk we're here for one reason church and i pray you all believe this we're here to shine and if we fail to shine we'd fail to fulfill what he came and paid for if we fail to love we'll fail to walk in what he accomplished and we'll learn how to do amazing church and never grow up into being who she is so i want to cheer you on today see i'm not here to spank you and tell you what you're not i'm showing you where we're called and i am not talking to a room of hypocrites i'm talking to his kids yeah and i'm telling you your life is worth the blood of jesus and you have destiny you have purpose you have a sphere of influence you have a mission field and you can walk in love and the only one that's keeping you from doing that would be you so grow up into him in all things to the full measure of the full stature of christ through relationship prayer communion and keeping your eyes on these truths don't take account of suffered wrongs don't seek your own seek glory for his name and seek the well-being of others and you just can't go wrong pray that into your life stay there stay convicted and give yourself no permission to be outside of those bounds and i'm telling you that's where freedom is found are you all good you all with me man it's so early and i feel done i do i actually feel done it's absolutely crazy right now i i feel like i said what i was supposed to say i think i said enough listen listen the things that we call normal that don't produce life challenge them every day that whole whatever just attitude just putting pressure on your family with an attitude don't ever find yourself in that place you're called to lay down your life not live at the expense of just leaving here and fighting over where you're gonna eat just be thankful there's food on every corner well why don't we ever get to eat where i wanna eat when we chose your place last week well i don't wanna eat that whoo that's a revelation to jesus that'll turn the world around teenagers don't stomp to your room and not come out for half a day parents don't freak out and correct your children because you're overwhelmed and exasperated correct them because they have value and they're more than what they're living let's start loving one another and stop having an issue with one another let's stop needing to be right and start living righteous are you with me can we do that i need you to do something because i feel finished man it's crazy how i feel finished and i'll let you close as a pastor because you're a good one could you stand to your feet as just a sign of submission and surrender to what i'm preaching and just say you know what i want to walk this out i want to live this man i it ain't about failing it's about becoming i'm not running the risk of failing today i'm privileged to become something that he paid for and i'm not drawing back i'm going after him until i grow up into this thing you get it paul said i haven't apprehended but you know what there's one thing i do i forget what lies behind and i reach forward to what's right in front of me so i can lay a hold of the very reason jesus laid a hold of me did you ever realize that jesus laid a hold of you with intention so why do we just want him to bless us why wouldn't we want to fulfill his intention that's what i'm calling you to today i'm going to pray a blessing over you guys and i'm going to pray that this house runs like absolutely mad in the holy ghost and just lives this life for the rest of our lives amen father i just say yes to this gospel and i believe the people standing are saying yes the best they understand and i'm asking for great grace to come upon us great empowerment to come upon us that the words that i spoke with passion would become reality in everyone's vision and everyone's understanding that every eye would be opened every heart would be illuminated that this thing is true and possible that we would each carry our own healthy conviction out of here that we wouldn't hear this message for another we'd hear it for our own hearts that god you would mold us and fashion us and shape us after this truth that our lives would look more like you than we'd ever have looked like you before that this weekend would simply begin to culminate and grow into something you've always intended that this house would continue to water it and plant into it and watch it grow into the beautiful finished work of christ in the lives of people let these families be blessed let them know the unity of the spirit and let them know the very peace of almighty god i pray against any static in the homes i pray against unresolved conflicts and unsettled things god and i pray that everyone would take the initiative to consider themselves first and and and and be selfless and and and caring and forgiving and loving and not just say he said she said but look to their own life and make sure that we're walking out the truth lord god i thank you for that and i believe that and i pray these words become life to us in jesus holy name amen amen [Music] [Music] you
Channel: DAN MOHLER - Non Official Channel
Views: 45,006
Rating: 4.9234304 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, Todd White, Power and Love, Identity, Love, Born Again, Living in the past, Deny yourself, God’s Image, Image of Christ, Becoming love, loved by God, Communion, Guilt Condemnation and Shame, Christian sermons, powerful sermons, rare dan mohler, best dan mohler, pastor dan mohler, dan mohler identity, dan mohler 2020, dan mohler testimony, dan mohler healing, dan mohler marriage, Dan mohler divorce, dan mohler false teacher, dan mohler grace, Dan Mohler 2021
Id: shMoMQq0Fgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 44sec (2564 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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