✔ Minecraft: 10 Textures That Will Be Changed

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so minecraft pixel artists known as Java has been making a lots of changes to the textures in Minecraft now he's actually released the texture part containing new textures for items blocks and even mobs so in this video today we're going to check them out and compare the textures to the original ones so what's going on guys my name is Anthony and today I will be showing you all some textures that will be changed in a future Minecraft update now I'm not going to show every single texture change in this video but if you guys want me to make a part 2 showing more changes then let me know in the comments below or but anyways without further adieu and let's go ahead and get straight into today's video about textures I hope you all enjoy it by the way guys I'm currently doing a 25% off Christmas sale for all ranks on my server right now so feel free to check it out the IP is play doh IDM see hubnet anyways on with the video the first texture change we have on our list is minecraft a rare iconic item known as diamond now I'm sure all of you know what diamonds currently look like I mean come on you must have mined diamonds at least once but if you don't know what they look like then here you go they look like this but yeah this familiar texture is set to be changed in a future update as diamonds will be changed to look like this now I personally really like this new diamond texture I'm definitely going to be very excited stumbling across diamond door knowing I'll get this beautiful diamond texture as an item to just craft various different tools but let me know which diamond texture you guys prefer in the comments below the next texture we have on our list that is set to change in a future minecraft update is the Golden Apple ah golden apples an item that can be crafted with gold Incas and an apple all found naturally generated in a dungeon now the texture for the golden apple currently looks like this however in a future update the texture for the golden apple is going to be changed to look like this now again I am really liking the look of this new texture it adds a nice refreshing look to the Golden Apple and it really makes me want to just craft a 64 stack just so I can look at them all day now what's your opinion on the Golden Apple texture change let me know in the comments below once again the next texture that's set to change in a future update for minecraft is glowstone now glowstone has been in Minecraft since 2010 and it's only found in the nether and it currently looks like this as you can see on screen however the glowstone texture is set to be changed to look like this which looks a drastically different to the original texture now I personally have very mixed feelings with this new texture change for the glowstone as I've been playing Minecraft since 2010 so I'm so used to the current texture and it's gonna be difficult to just adjust to this change I think but this new clothes tone texture still looks very cool nonetheless I think the next texture change we have on our list is a change that I think is going to be very controversial among players as is a common building block in the game so the next texture that's set to be changed or wooden planks ah wooden planks the books that nearly every Minecraft player uses to build their first house to survive the night it's just such a well-known block now the gameplay you see on screen is showcasing what the new texture looks like for the oak wood planks and they definitely look quite different to the original texture now I feel this change will be quite controversial as some will love it and some will hate it I don't know it's just a book used by so many players for building houses and seeing it change might affect how their builds looks so some people might just dislike this change I don't know let me know what you guys think in the comments so we've been talking about blocks and items a lot in this video now let's talk about mobs so the next texture change we have on our list is a change that will be made to the skeleton mob ah the skeleton these guys have been around in Minecraft since 2009 and one of the most annoying mobs in the game so I'm positive you guys are very familiar with their appearance now the gameplay you see on screen is the new texture for the skeleton and they do look quite different than the original texture now honestly I really don't know which texture I prefer the current section er we have in the game is just so well known to me and I'm just so used to it so it's going to be weird to see it change but yeah let me know in the comments below which texture for the skeleton that you prefer the next texture change we have on our list is a change that will be made to the crafting table now this is one of the biggest changes as the crafting table is one of the most used items as it's responsible for crafting nearly every item in the game so currently the crafting table looks like this but the texture is going to be changed to look like this as you can see on screen now the texture for the crafting table doesn't look too different but you'll notice that the texture has been smoothed out a bit and has more of a polished look to it which I quite like in my opinion now I had to say they definitely have to be a very careful change in the crafting table texture as it's such an important item and it's used by pretty much all players anyways moving on TNT is a very iconic block in Minecraft as it only really serves one purpose and that is to ignite it and just watch it blow up now this is what the current texture looks like for the TNT and this is what the new texture will look like when it is implemented into the game now as you can see the texture hasn't really been changed too much if anything the only real changes I can notice is that the colors have been changed around a bit but I have to say I think it looks really nice diamond door is another block that is extremely well known by the Minecraft community I mean if you're lucky whenever you're mining you are likely to come across diamond ore and more now this is what diamond or currently looks like at the moment and this is the new texture diamond door is set to be changed to now again that the texture has not been changed too much I'd say it's just been given a more rough look by the looks of it but it's still similar to the original texture of diamond ore and I really like it the next texture with in Minecraft that is set to change in the future is a block that takes absolutely forever to mine and that look is known as obsidian now what can I say about obsidian oh yeah I've fallen in lava countless times trying to mine it and it also takes just forever to mine it's just so painful anyways I'm getting a little bit off track here the current texture for obsidian looks like this however in a future Minecraft update the obsidian texture is going to be changed to look like this now this new texture definitely looks a very different to the original so it's going to take some time to get used to it but I still really like it and the final texture change I'm going to talk about in this video is wait for it the bucket well that was anticlimactic that's right the bucket itself the lava bucket water bucket and milk bucket all currently looked like this but all these textures are set to be changed in a future minecraft update now in this next clip you guys will see the new upcoming texture for the bucket and all I have to say is that it looks like a drinking car I really hope Mojang Oranje / himself are not watching this video because my feedback towards these textures it's just awful I just had a bucket looks like a drinking cup what kind of feedback is that but anyways I hope this is a pretty decent feedback but I think the lava bucket especially looks very refreshing so I'm not too bothered about the buckets being changed honestly I think they look really cool now what do you guys think of the new bucket texture please don't say it looks like a drinking cup because that's just not gonna be helpful feedback I don't think let me know in the comments below bard anyways that just about does it for today's video about textures that will be changing in a future Minecraft update everybody I really hope you all enjoyed it and or found it informative now again if you guys want me to make a part 2 showing more textures that will be changing then be sure to leave a comment in the comment section below now if you guys want to see these new textures for yourself then you can download the resource pack in the description below and if you guys want to play on my minecraft server then the IP as always is plate or IDM see hob net but anyways I'm going to go now everybody because I've got some more videos to make and it is the outro so I guess I need to end the video somehow so thank you all so much for watching the video have a fantastic day and thanks for the amazing support as always sorry for not uploading for two weeks I've just been taking a little bit of a break but I am making simple videos now everybody and Christmas is so close I cannot wait but some yeah thanks for watching everybody have an awesome day and I will see you guys next time goodbye kay teaser peasant why did I sing why did I sing
Channel: iDeactivateMC
Views: 1,298,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, 10, textures, that, will, be, changed, minecraft textures, minecraft texture, minecraft texture change, minecraft texture changes, Minecraft: 10 Textures That Will Be Changed, minecraft update, minecraft texture update, texture, block, item, mob, feature, change, changes, new, add, diamond, diamonds, tnt, wood, cobblestone, update, minecraft new textures, things you didn't know about minecraft, minecraft textures that will be changed, ideactivatemc
Id: -WJqEaWcAZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2017
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