“Upgrades” that you should NOT do to your Glocks!

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alright guys I want to talk to you for a couple of minutes about the importance of keeping a clock stock now there are some things that you can do to your Glock that is perfectly fine to do and there are some things that I don't really think you should do unless it's like a range competition or just play around the lock like if you're like some of us you you may have several blocks at home like me and then in that case that's okay I have one that I'm going to show you I've got several blocks behind me and I'm gonna show you one that I use is what I call a play around Glock and we'll talk about that but there is guys a big importance on keeping a Glock stock internally now several people that trained in firearms training always say the same conclusion any Glock that's ever failed one Glock was just completely almost rendered useless and the guy had went and changed almost every part inside the gun luckily and he told the trainer he brought all the stop parts with him the trainer said go go back to your car swap every single part out to stock and then come back and the guy came back and the gun ran the rest of the class now here's a thing that's what's kind of worrisome about this because you may put these aftermarket parts internally inside of a Glock and you don't realize when you go to the range here and there that these parts can fail you but when guys go to a training class with these Glocks and shoot 1,500 rounds 1,200 rounds in a weekend that's when it starts to show when all the bugs start to come out so to speak that's when it really shows you whatever can go wrong will go wrong and you don't want that to happen at the worst-case scenario while you can do whatever you want I highly recommend that there's upgrades that you do not do until your carry gun or your home defense gun something that you depend on for your life and your family's life first of all let's talk about some upgrades you know what though I'm just gonna talk about some upgrades and I think are okay and that are fine and some that aren't but let's go ahead and talk about what is not okay and I do have a Glock that I'm gonna show you that had failed on me several not several times I'd say probably four times and one of only two Glocks to ever fail on me the other Glock I'll do a storytime one it was a it was a police trade and gun that had been used for 13 years on duty and I'll tell you when I bought the gun the guy sold it to me for like some outrageous price of like 200 bucks and he stated that the gun was failing and he couldn't figure it out he just wanted to get rid of it and it I fixed it it just took me a small amount of money barely any money at all and I completely fixed the gun like burnin ooh if you want to see a story time on that Glock let me know in the comments below and I'll give you a separate video of a story time of the broken Glock that I had that that I fixed and and I'll tell you what it was the first time I had ever actually seen this in a handgun and I don't know that I'll ever see this again in my lifetime but it was something that can happen to any handgun but it's just extenuating circumstances I'm gonna get about I don't want to get into it now I'm gonna say that for a nice story time video and guys my rear view mirror foam holder is here it's perfect it's at the right level I tested it everything's perfect maybe I'll throw in a picture of it right now and it's gonna work great for all my vlogging and it's just gonna be something that's gonna be amazing it's gonna take it up to another level on the channel here with me being able to do what I need to do okay let's talk about what you shouldn't do okay so this is one of my play around locks what I what I call play around block or what that means to me the term play around lock that's a block that you have that you just put in the safe and this is just an extra g17 I just do upgrades to it well we call them upgrades or not actually upgrades the stock parts are the best so we'll say we downgraded this so I did downgrades to it play with it at the range had the barrel gold titanium coated which is really cool threaded barrel alone will slide just a bunch of stuff that he shouldn't do to a stock go Huck internally though what what would I recommend that you don't do is different strikers different striker spring weights different recoil spring weights even different recoil springs now the polymer guide rod that comes in a soft blog is perfectly fine this is a bone stock to the bone Glock 19 you can take this gun out of the box you can take it to the range do all you need to do you can carry this protect you your family your loved ones you can carry this every day this is this is great you go on duty with this thing whatever you want to do okay this is a stock g19 now the reason it has the polymer guide rod they made it with that there is flex to it it does save weight and that's the way they engineer it no I hear guys that will say well you know so-and-so did a video and they had to keep passing it back and forth these guys and they did a thousand round torture test and after a thousand rounds that not one guy can do but it took several different guys because no one guy can pull the trigger a thousand times that fast and have all his magazines loaded they said the guide rod melted and it dropped out at the end this is true but you know what it's humanly impossible for one / to do the thousand round torture test like they did it because guys had to rest and rest their finger in between you might be able to do it but the gun wouldn't be as hot when you did the thousand round torture test because you wouldn't be able to go as fast so basically a guy would bad bad bad bad bad bad bang as fast as he can bang bang rip off rounds put in magazine as soon as his hand would tire out they would bring in another guy so it took what was it five guys it took five guys a thousand rounds and somebody there loading the magazines to get a guy to get a polymer guide rod to melt out of a gun so if you're ever in a situation where you're shooting a thousand rounds that fast you've got more trouble than a guide rod good guess so the stock guide rods fine the polymer I definitely would never change spring weights one I want on this gun the striker leave it alone I know they got like titanium strikers and different spring weights from the striker don't change that you could end up like primer strikes when you least expect it don't change your striker spring weight they have drilled out strikers they're lighter guys if you train with these guns you're gonna be able to hit what you're shooting at okay and I hate to be that guy I hate to be that guy but if you're not accurate with the Glock you need more training putting in a lighter striker that's drilled out a lighter striker spring a titanium safety plunger lightning everything up to try to compensate for your lack of experience it just it is what it is guys like I really you know that's that's how I can say I'm not you know I'm not trying to make fun of anybody I wouldn't do that I want to help people I train I'm not a gun trainer but I help people I take people to the range I show them how to shoot just a friendly just or something I like to do if you get enough enough time behind one of these you don't need to do all that to make your hits you know yeah it does help yeah of course any time you lighten up the trigger it helps but with whenever you line up the trigger and you play around in here you're also you're also making that equation into the unreliable aspect further and further you're pushing it further and further into the unreliable zone which means that you may shoot it a thousand times and it may be fine but then in the next hundred it may it may hiccup twice now what if you needed that what if that was a critical time when it hit cupped on you and he was out on the street if it's a carry gun so this is a bone stock g19 you can just take this out of the box guys you can put it by your bed you can carry it on your side for your CCW permit and this will protect you in your family all day just train with it train with it and get to know it now we're going to kind of jump back and forth here let me go into changes to I'm gonna call it upgrades because that's subjective but let's go into changes that I think you should do changes to Agalloch this and my Larry Vickers loved it would be that I think not only are good but but I think I are not only they were good but I recommend would be sites okay we all know that the stock sites on a Glock they can be used and they can be used well but they're definitely not the best and we know that changing the sights on a Glock like this Larry Vicker the Vickers site let me go ahead and all these guns were checked before the cameras turned on these Larry Vickers sights on you're very nice also I will show you the trigger con HD I want the new HDS though but these are the true con HD and something like that that's a highly recommended change to a Glock the eat that I think that someone should do know something you could do but you don't have to do that I kind of like to play around with and that would be a custom but it has to be by a reputable person that knows what they're doing that be a custom stifling job like this 5b gun works basket-weave undercut here gets my hand a little bit higher got big hands love that guys I don't know how good this is going to show how good it's coming in on the camera but 5b gun works if you're gonna get a stipple job make sure it's somebody reputable let me show you Glock that I got a stipple job on that I don't like this some years ago don't like this this my cousin Nick one of my best friends ever but my cousin Nick he's he's a very cool guy he's just like me in the gun world he's a guy that I would trust to train people you know anybody that I know I would have no problem saying Nick will train you to shoot Nick will help you with this and that I trust him that well there's not a lot of people personally in my life that I know like Nick but he's a great guy but uh he called he made up the name for this he calls it the pine needle stipple and what it is is they just anybody can do this they just took the fine tip of a of a soldering iron and just put all these dots in there yeah actually paid for that that's you know we all have our little mistakes in our little things that we did you know back in the day and you know that's why this is my play around go hockey but yeah I don't like the pine needles Dibble it just it's not that great it looks uniform it looks kind of cool from a distance but when you get up close the pine needle stipple is not that great here's some excess big dots I'm gonna go ahead and empty this one clear this gun out is g43 this is an awesome gun guys if you want a little carry gun you want something that you can pack anywhere you go you can use this for an ankle holster you can use it on one for an inside the waistband but you could use it in it basically anywhere you want you could appendix carry this this guns gonna work for wear however you want to carry it whether it's ankle waist or pocket carry even pocket carry is great with this little guy so g43 is a very versatile gun that you can use in a lot of different ways had a guy asked me about the grip he said hey what's what's what's going on with that gun he said I seen it on on video he goes was that just a camera the lighting know what this is is this is the Brooks tactical a grip it's it's it's a grip that never took off because some of the big guys didn't promote it you know some of the big youtubers or however you want to say it I mean no no I'm a big youtuber I've been doing this for years but I'm like some of the guys that that you know they're with you know a million subscribers never promoted the Brooks tactical a grip I love it I've had on this guns for probably two and a half years it gets better look at how close it fits it's such a close fit you can see the Glock outline underneath and all the little dimples in the grip it's form-fitting it has never ever came loose at all and it just if you sweat or any kind of moisture it it's tacky and it has a soft feel to it my cousin Nick calls a crushed velvet the crushed velvet grip I love it then on here I have the excess big night sights I'm going to point it back here on the other side of my shoulder excess big night sights highly recommended love those and that before so you keep this Glock 19 you keep it stock okay that's fine and good you stay out when everything's stock I want to use it just like it is well you can also go ahead and throw a light on there for your nightstand surefire x300 ultra and that's something that you could definitely do to a gun and we'll it will keep it it will definitely keep it nice and reliable for you and you know that's not gonna affect anything on a Glock so that's another thing that you can do we'll just so we'll just use the word upgrade because that's what everybody says but that's another upgrade you could do to a Glock there may be something I'm missing here sniffling it's okay if you get a reputable guy and you get the right stipple job you know don't go half-butted don't go cheap get the right one the best grip frame that was ever put out by glock was this Larry Vickers two that they used to call it the RTF - that is the best grip texture I've ever felt on a polymer handgun in my life I would there was absolutely nothing that I would do to that grip to change it whatsoever that is the best handgun grip I've ever had in my life on a polymer gun would be the RTF - from Larry Vickers right from factory no changes everything here's my play around Glock this is a block that has failed on me before now keep in mind this Glock is a used police gun okay this is a this wasn't originally in g17 it was a police gun and then it was a test bed they tested some kind of Jaeger or brass guy brought her something in before I got it and then these guys took it to a gun club and they shot in a few thousand rounds third or whatever but here's what happened I got it and I started messing with it and this was B years ago started playing with it and did a bunch of different different things to it this was back in the day when I got this back when I still had to stock slide on it I put in a lightning strike titanium safety plunger no why what difference does that make you you may ask what was what's what's what's what's the titanium safety plunger did I do well what happens is is as you pull the trigger this little peak right here we'll call it a bird's head that lifts up as you pull the trigger that lifts up and pushes the safety plunger up and out of the way so the striker can come forward right here so when this is lighter and smoother it gives the trigger pool a little bit lighter crisper smoother feel believe it or not it just does it gives it a lighter feel this titanium piece weighs less the spring is different that's there's a little spring on that titanium striker plunger or the own that titanium safety plunger there's a little spring in there and believe it or not the they changed the weight of that spring and they made it a little bit looser there they made it you know they made it a little bit less a little bit less compression and then they put in a titanium material to do the safety plunger out of and that trigger pull is a lighter trigger pull and you can you feel like you can hold the gun a little bit more steady you know like I said some of those things that oh you can overcome with training anyway well what had happened was um it kind of shocked shocked me pretty bad because after I did that I was out shooting it with with someone I had two failures and he had one failure I believe it was it was stovepiping and I'm like now we just don't know I'm not an engineer I can't tell you why the lightning strike titanium plunger will cause of what caused us to stovepipe what malfunction it did how it affected it I I'm not an engineer but all I know is that when I went to the internal parts on this guy I seen a few failures you know like I said the other Glock that I got for 200 bucks that the guy thought was a doorstop that I fixed that's gonna be a story time Glock video so I'm really not for changing the internal parts when these things guys like this stuff of this is EV you know you see this big company like Zev and they got the striker with the drill holes through it it's made out of a lighter material not for me they got different striker spring weights not for me well what happens if you need it to go bang and it just goes click then then what are you gonna do right so stippling is okay and definitely night sights sure I want to try the new tragic on HDS so Trijicon HDS or any kind of night sight of your choice a weapon light guys asked me about should they put on an extended takedown levers and all this you know what I'm not gonna tell you not to but I don't do it we don't as far as I'm concerned we don't take the rocks apart enough to worry about these little levers up here not being long enough it's just we just don't do it enough I mean if I was doing this you know every couple of hours or I had to do it ever twice a day then maybe I would but you know I don't know but the extended slide stop lever your choice whatever you want to do I use the over the top method always have always will which is you're shooting the gun runs dry you bang come over the top bang and this gives you this gives you a little bit more force to chamber around so there's a couple good things with that number one you're not using fine motor skills okay so if you were in a stressful situation or let's say that you were somebody broke into your home and it was several people and you were firing off a lot of rounds and you needed to change a magazine you don't want to use fine motor skills you want to use gross motor skills which would be gross motor skills will be you're taking your whole hand and coming over the top instead of trying to hit this little lever right here this wee little tiny piece of metal under stress you're come all the way over the top and like this number two when you use the slide stop lever as a slide release the slide is going from its point here forward the only owner should has us from this point forward so we're going to use it and there forward is all you got so when you go over the top like this and you're going to rack in a new round you have more power I call it the power load because you actually pull the slide more rearward watch see that that was a good over a quarter of an inch and then she letting go you got that much more force to chamber that next round do you need it don't know don't care but you got it alright guys this video will way too long and I'm sorry about that but can't wait to show you guys my new vlogging setup in the car until next time guys this is DOF see you real soon guys have a great weekend
Channel: DefenderOfFreedom
Views: 283,969
Rating: 3.7349436 out of 5
Keywords: Glock, Glock upgrades
Id: 0cD2NBPUwrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Sat May 12 2018
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