Lenny Magill Introduces & Installs the New Flat Face Pyramid Trigger

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[Music] hello it's Lemmy McGill with a Glock store performance and Custom Shop right here in San Diego and today is well it's almost Labor Day 2017 and today is the official launch day of our new flat-faced pyramid trigger as you know the pyramid trigger is the best adjustable trigger for your Glock available worldwide I mean it really is awesome and is a huge huge difference between the factory trigger and our pyramid trigger and now we've improved it with a new flat-faced trigger and this is my Glock 34 which I've got probably 3040 thousand rounds through I had the original pyramid trigger and for you know many years and have shot the heck out of it and enjoy the heck out of it and and now I have the new flat face pyramid trigger installed and you'll see the difference of course is obvious it's a flat face versus a curved trigger so there's kind of a look at it real quick and now go ahead and check make sure the gun is empty good show you now as it looks and you'll notice of course the two-tone concept that's available so this is black and red with a red safety and of course I've got red accents on all this so you know that's why I went with the black and red side note here real quick this is our new red pin kit it's really consist of the slide stop lever the three pins and the slide lock lever and of course this is our extended magazine release button also in red so it's kind of a red theme here not too flashy but you know it's just something different and of course you know I can change colors whatever I want but that's what I like so this is our flat phase trigger and today I want to go ahead and do a demo on the installation and kind of the care and the setup of this thing as it comes to you what I do want you to know there's a lot of different color combinations available so you can go online you can kind of check it out we've got a variety of different looks to to do and when you get the package you're going to receive like I said the Box like it comes here and of course the actual trigger and this is the complete or the ultimate package that comes with the entire trigger assembly which just drops into your gun and then also the safety plunger and the striker or a firing pin skeletonized striker and firing pin and all these items the trigger bar the safety plunger and the firing pin are coated in what's called a TI N or titanium nitride it's a gold coating that's how it comes out but it has a very high or should I say very low coefficient of friction so it's very slippery that's the key it's it's it's really a great finish it's impervious to rust of course it's going to protect these finishes but as these pieces run over top of each other it's got less friction and because there's less friction there's less trigger pull and all this stuff adds up it really makes a huge difference even the safety plunger itself makes a huge difference so again here's the package this is the ultimate the complete would be without and then if you just want the trigger bar itself if you already own a pyramid trigger you say hey you know what I really like the flat face I like the colors you can buy just the flat face trigger bar and that's called our basic package and they're all on the website as you probably know so there is the the look at the the top of the package now when you get this thing you're also going to get a series of Springs underneath here and let me go and pull this guy out the insert of the box and the springs consists of your striker or firing pin spring your safety plunger spring and inside there is a spring already installed in the trigger housing that's a your kind of your trigger return spring and that is actually an extra power spring so returned a little bit faster a little bit crisper than the factory these are lighter than the factory that help you lighter trigger pull so we've got a 2-pound a three pound a four pound and then also a six pound for those of you went a little stouter trigger and some people do I think what the the real advantage of the pyramid trigger system is that it's a shorter smaller stroke so if I come in here like this it's not as long as stroke so right here the the triggers race basically ready to engage okay whereas the factory trigger so much longer stroke so even if it's four or six pounds it's still a better experience in the factory because you have less chance and this is the key less chance to disturb the sight picture as you're pulling the trigger that long stroke is what really plays havoc with your accuracy so if you can shorten up the stroke you're gonna have better accuracy because you're not gonna disturb the sight picture as you're pulling the trigger the other thing too is the actual reset is shorter so now it's gonna reset right here versus all the way out again so you can manipulate the trigger faster and again have a shorter stroke for better accuracy so it's all about speed and accuracy and that's what the pyramid trigger is all about and this is the new flat face pyramid trigger so let me go ahead and demonstrate the installation process and procedure by the way you do get a complete manual which will kind of go over everything that I I'm about to show you here this is a multi-page a little pamphlet that has lots of good stuff on it so it's all included in the package but now let's go ahead and look if we will at a standard Glock quickly before we get too far down the road here alright so let me get those guys out of the way this is a Glock 17 brand new I've not seen it before has not seen me before let's go ahead and take a box put the Box aside first things first is the gun unloaded well it should be but hey what should it could are the three terrible words of the universe so I'm going to go ahead and and keep my finger out of the trigger I'm going to go ahead and rack the slide back and visually inspect yep there's no rounds in there hey there's no magazine in there okay there's no rounds in this room no rounds on the table so I feel pretty confident that I'm not going to inadvertently load this thing and go bang okay so we're important that you understand that you know guns are ergonomically designed to grab and put your finger in the trigger and pull the trigger and so you have to train yourself to keep the trick the trigger finger straight alongside the gun like so okay keep that in mind that's a yes the UIC a professional comes in the first thing he's gonna do is keep his finger off the trigger and he's gonna inspect the gun even if I just hand it to him right now he's gonna do the same exact thing and you know what when he hands that gun back to me I'm gonna do the same thing I don't care because I want to make sure that it's in my control and I know it's unloaded I don't know what he did with it and I want to make sure that I am totally aware that the gun is unloaded so you know it's funny when you go to some shoots and there's a bunch of guys who are in the business and understand all this every time a gun gets passed back and forth is everybody's doing the same thing and it's almost the you know comedic in a way because it kind of reminds me that one movie that I saw where it was I think it was chubby chase was doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor doctor you know they kept going back and forth the bottom line is hey we're checking to make sure that guns unloaded it's in my control now I know now I'm still not gonna point you to anybody I'm still not gonna randomly do anything stupid with it I'm gonna make sure that it's unloaded now okay there's my safety rant never couldn't say enough all right so the gun is unloaded now first thing I want to go ahead is I'm gonna go ahead and and demonstrate the trigger pull for this guy before we put a trigger in that's really important because yeah you're gonna see the difference this is a an NRA basic standard trigger wait the bottom weight is three pounds this top is two and they screw on like so so this kind of comes off and then it screws on like this and this is an old-school trigger weight or trigger weight measuring device they've got a three pound weight as well for some really heavy triggers and there's also over here there's a 2 pounder that's the one pounder there's a half-pound there's a cortical so somewhere in here this Glock trigger false typically from the factory we're seeing them anywhere from five to six pounds and I will bet you that this is between five and six pounds so again this gun is unloaded I'm gonna go ahead and now you can game this and kind of yank on it make it almost anything work but we want to be gentle and it has a little nylon piece here that is designed to be used so if I pick it up gently no it doesn't want to go so that's five pounds so that's kind of what I expected I think it's gonna be ready to around five and a half but let's do this real quick let's go to six just so you see how this thing could actually operate so now I've got a six pound dead weight same thing very gentle and let's see what happens and oh it's still there at six pounds now am I being fair with it yeah I'm trying to be okay so a little wiggle when it went down so maybe it's gonna be just it's six and a half let's try that because I thought it would break it six to be honest there's definitely six and a half so how about six and a quarter and six and a quarter so I bet you it's right at six or just under six based upon this yeah so again I'm kind of rolling a little bit there's gonna be a sweet spot there I bet you that this thing is gonna be about five and three-quarters to be exact there's it they're just broke right there at six but itself and again a lot it depends on how ya pick it up I'm starting back here but I'm gonna try to pick it up right here there's breaking right at six again so how about we go to five and a half and call it a day and I bet you I can make it break at five and a half and then we'll say this is a five and a half pound trigger as advertised from the factory there it is okay so five and a half now I could show you mine but mine's gonna be about three three and a half let's see if we can get the same thing here with this gun okay it's a stock factory gun nothing's been done to it I haven't never shot it before we're gonna go ahead and take it apart I'm gonna go through the entire process so there's a lot to be watching if you haven't done this before you should learn a lot about disassembling the gun and reassembling it even some nomenclature as well first things first we're gonna go and take the slide or the upper off of the lower or the frame okay there's two different ways you can say that is a upper or lower or a slide or a frame they'll do that we will need to unlock the gun with the slide lock also known as a slide or excuse me the takedown lever okay it's right here it's on both sides so I want to put my finger my index finger and my thumb on this little device and I want to pull the slide back just about a quarter of an inch right there see I disengaged it that's all and then pull down on the slide lock and hold down it's a spring-loaded device hold it down then let the slide go and walk this slide off of the frame all right it's really that easy and we look at this slide lock lever in here you're gonna see that it's a spring-loaded device that locks the slide on top it's really that simple and you have to pull down on both sides of this thing to activate that just like that and you can see that in there now this is uh this little slide lock or a slide release you know is it's tiny and we do sell an extended version of this to make it a lot easier to take the gun apart it's our extended precision extended slide stop slide lock lever and and ours is actually machined and it's a little bit thicker and it gives you a little bit better lockup and a little bit of accuracy over time because the barrel actually rests on that all right so that's really important to remember that that is a real important little piece certainly we do like I said have an extended version makes it a little easier on your fingers especially women with nails have a terrible time with this thing and into breaking nails and all kinds of other stuff so now because we're installing the trigger we're gonna really work with the lower or the frame I'm gonna go ahead put the slide off the side right now we will later change out the safety plunger but right now let's work on this and again of course the striker as well we're gonna work on the lower real quick and get the trigger installed and then we'll go in and attack the the upper I have the poor man's gunsmith donut here this is just a piece of a roll of duct tape blue painters tape and what I like about it is soft I can put the gun on top of it and I can drive my pins out and capture them so they don't go rolling across the table onto the floor and kicked away for never to be seen I've got a little punch set here that I like to use and you know then the key is to make sure you use the right size punch you don't want to have a punch too big because it could wallow out those holes a little bit okay the holes in the frame this is a plastic frame so if my punch is too large I'm going to go ahead and and I punch it in there I could Ness you know unnecessarily should I say make that hole larger and I don't want to do that this particular punch is exactly that size okay and then there's another one here that we use for the the other one now if you use a punch that's too small you have a chance to go ahead and scratch up your your pins and that's not nice either so here's what's gonna happen first off we're gonna go ahead and take off the locking block pin then there's a trigger pin and back here is a trigger housing pin these come out fairly easy locking block pin is usually very easy okay so I'll put my pin there I have a metal side on this little hammer here a metal-on-metal so I want to make sure I do that so I don't Mar my hammer up and I just punch it straight through that came out fairly easy there's the pin sitting right there and I'm just gonna pull it out and drop it into my doughnut alright and there it goes now the trigger pin sometimes is a little bit more difficult to come out especially want a brand new gun so the trick to this is to is to release some of the pressure that's on that pin by jiggling and or moving back and forth as much as you can just take a little bit of motion off of that pin with the slide stop lever okay also known as a slide release okay this slide stop lever is capturing this pin with a spring and a circle that goes you know you'll see when I take it out that this this pin has grooves in it and sometimes this piece and the groove are intersecting to the point where you can pound on that all day long and it may not come out now it may come out right away and this one is coming out right away sometimes they do and sometimes they don't it's something we just push it straight out a lot of times since and here it comes now she goes okay so now there's the two main pins and in the rear there's what we call our trigger housing pin and again I'm just gonna take another punch and go straight in here and this goes straight out now you'll notice I'm taking the pins out from the left side to the right old-school gunsmithing that's how it was always done that's how I learned I don't know if it makes a big difference but the other side of that is that I'm gonna put them in from the right side to the left I'm always gonna try to be consistent and for some reason I think that does make it a difference so maybe you want to do the same thing don't have to but you can okay let's go ahead now we've got our three pins captured inside here we're gonna go ahead and take out the locking block and typically well all we got to do is take up one of our punches and here's one right here and reach underneath here and just kind of wedge this guy out just like so now as it comes up I always want to make sure I know how it goes back in okay so we understand the orientation of that piece you're gonna see that little notch right there that intersects with that locking block pin this is the locking block and that's the locking block pin and then you'll see the hole here I'll watch this here is the hole in the locking block that intersects with the trigger pin so that's how all these things kind of stay together and again I'm gonna drop that right into my little donut hole then I'll go ahead and lift out the slide stop lever also missile slide release just kind of lifts right out and now I'm able to really take the trigger straight-out and the way you do this you can grapple the ejector right here just with your finger and just kind of pick it straight up and here comes the whole apparatus all right now there is the trigger housing the trigger bar trigger shoe okay and they typically come together the trigger housing is separate but the trigger bar and the trigger shoe are together typically from Glock and they are captured in here with some little roll pins and they're not screws they're just pins that are just driven in here and captured so if you can see those real small so you don't really want to take this apart because it'll be hard to put back together all right so that being said there's your trigger bar itself and this is the same trigger bar we use we just actually get these and we actually code them with the titanium nitride this is a connector this is the Glock factory connector which is that basically a five-and-a-half pound trigger this is what actually gives you the trigger pull and if you notice what happens is the trigger gets cocked and it gets it out here I want to show you this real quick get set out here like so okay and then it's sitting up here like this and it's intersecting with the the connector right here on that this at this point so let me get you in here close we can sew right there and as the trigger gets pulled back it hits that part and gets pushed down all right and because it gets pushed down it releases the striker so if you keep this in mind the striker or firing pin sits in the slide like so I can do this over here like this so you can actually see it like this and this tail of the trigger pin actually I'll the trigger bar intersects with the lug of the firing pin or striker so it's it's upside-down like this and so what happens is as you pull the trigger you pull back and then this tail drops down and then it springs forward with the spring pressure pretty pretty neat actually and pretty simple when you think about it okay so that said I'm going to go ahead and kind of now get these guys just pushed off the side here keep everything in my doing it all if I can and I'm going to pick up the pyramid trigger and insert it now again it's kind of a drop-in piece when it comes to you it's it's basically assembled it's been tested in a gun and we have preset everything however each Glock frame is a little different they're never totally the same from month to month or even week to week or even day to day because of the way the plastic cools and sets so there is tolerance differences in the plastic keep that in mind because if the trigger doesn't work right out of the gate if there's some kind of problem usually it's very easy to fix and that's usually a phone call in to us and saying hey it's not doing this or it's not doing that and we'll cover those in just a little minute but let's go ahead and see what you get here obviously it's a new trigger shoe this is our flat face trigger of course our standard trigger is curved the flat face is unique it's unusual it's attractive this one of course I've decided to go with a red insert black shoe and silver safety kind of a neat look already and then of course there's our titanium nitride coated trigger bar this is our double diamonds for your half-pound connector and this guru you see here is just a grease and that's what we use is the gun butter grease and the grease stays there a little longer than the oil so it's designed to be there it will eventually wear itself away every once in a while you have to either drop a little drop of oil right here and then when I say every once in a while like every two three in arounds I usually just put some oil in before I go shoot a match put a little drop oil here it'll migrate itself down remember what's happening is you've got some action back and forth here see that spring action okay that's what's happening back and forth and that happens over and over again every time you pull the trigger and because of that you want to have some grease or oil in there on a regular basis that's one of the main places to oil this gun clock doesn't require a lot of oil so keep that in mind but that is one spot okay and then of course the trigger spring is already captured inside of the trigger housing and it attaches to the trigger bar so if you wanted to go check that out you're just going to pull the trigger bar forward a little bit and then twist and out it comes and there's the trigger spring and there's the trigger housing that's how they're attached and then here's another shot of that double diamond 3 1/2 pound connector now the 3 a pound connector is shaped differently than the factory connector which makes it a three half pound connector so there is some there are some geometric differences really up here in this spot up here so now to reinsert this now keep in mind one thing if you look at this spring you're gonna see how it has come in an open end here so it starts off and it's really an S shape it goes open and then it has all the coils and then it opens on the back side out the other way so it's real important that if you ever take this apart and that spring gets dislodged you then reinsert the spring that way that way it'll capture itself better to reinsert this thing I just have to go exactly the opposite I want to pull forward a little bit twist it and capture it down inside the trigger housing all right so now there we have the assembly and we're gonna drop it into our frame or our lower and to do so we really want to start the trigger first and then get this trigger housing in there as well so it's kind of a little bit of both trigger housing just goes directly in the slot now you're gonna notice a little hole in the bottom okay that hole corresponds with a hole on the frame so we're really kind of trying to marry those up at the same time I've got to drop my trigger through the the large opening in the frame so I kind of have to get that lined up and get that trigger go on there and then let's see if I can see you know okay so I want to make sure I do it all at the same time so they're coming together and I can push that down perfectly okay and here it goes now the trigger housing and kind of walk it down there a little bit and now usually there's a nice little snap when you get it seated properly just like that all right good so now that's kind of how it sits itself now the other test is to go ahead and look inside there and say oh yes I see I see the hole there's a snap and now is properly fitted and I can proceed with the next step and that is the kind of reassemble this lower with the pins one of the things that you're going to notice is that there is a little bit of pressure here and as far as this trigger bar so to make the pins match up I've got to push it down alright and to get everything lined up I can see it there okay so now before I go any further I've got a grip all right locking block remember that one so the locking block goes right over top of this now and will help hold this down a little bit and then I'll be able to put some other pieces together remember how the locking block goes in with the legs forward so there's a little slot there and it just fits itself straight in like so okay now I'm gonna go ahead and we're going to place our slide stop which is also the slide release and there's a little slot in this configuration you can kind of see it right here let's see if I can get you to get in here right here can you see that right there's that slot I want to stick this right in so like that and now this is where it gets a little tricky you got to go ahead and align your holes up I know what I've got to do I've got to push the trigger down and push this forward that being the slide stop all right I'm going slow here because I want to show you this whole thing and then I can take my pin yeah but I was about doing it now this pin is the the pin with slots remember I told you about the slots earlier you're there right here let's look at those real quick and those slots are real important because that is a trigger pin this is steel this is the trigger housing excuse me the locking block pin now you'll notice a locking block pin has little dumbbells on a bot the this the ends of it just a small little ridge there that kind of makes it look like a small little dumbbell and then that trigger housing pin is plastic and it's just flat and smooth and go away first pin we're gonna do though is gonna be this trigger pin itself and I've got my holes lined up and if I'm lucky this thing should just tap righty then one of the things I like about this hammer is that it's got this nylon face and that allows me to kind of beat on my plastic frame without any damage that's real important that's a nice little feature okay so it's went in pretty easy sometimes it's not that easy I want to be honest to you sometimes you're gonna be intersecting with this slide stop lever and in fact I kind of went out of sequence here a little bit and many people make this mistake and this is what I want to show you so what I'm gonna do is just back this pin out just a little bit so you're gonna notice how we're gonna do this so I've got it just a little bit back because I'm gonna take this back out and that's the spring I was talking about this spring has to go under the locking block pin so there's your locking block okay and this spring has to be on top underneath the pin like this if you put this in out of sequence where you put the trigger pin in first and the locking block pin in second you're gonna find that this spring will rest under here and it will not work properly so it's got to go the other way around got to put this pin in first was the locking block pin and this is typically just goes straight in pretty easily and I can't even true that up with my hand and then I can put my slide stop in and I get everything lined up and the trigger is already good and that should just capture it just like so now you're gonna see that you have the spring pressure you want so the lesson is really put the locking block pin in first and then the trigger pin or if you put the trigger pin in put it in half way that way you've already captured everything in there and you know everything's lined up and then you can put the locking block pin in then you put your slide stop in and then you finish up with that pin now trigger housing pins fairly easy that just goes in again and this will also just tap straight in and what I like to do is take a punch here and just kind of true these up so that they don't stick up at all and that one just clicked into place nice and perfectly and so there we go there's our basic lower and that's how the trigger looks ok so now we've already got a much shorter trigger stroke just like that ok so that is actually the lower so let's work on the upper now and I'll try to speed through here if I can so the upper is interesting because it's a fairly simple device but a lot of people have trouble with this so there's our guide rod and there's our barrel they just pop out that's basically a field strip clean your barrel brush out your slide oil up some points and go back while we're here I'll just show you the oil points you really want to do is you want to put a little bit of oil on your actual rails itself and that's basically it because the rest of the oil will go down here on your rails and like I said right here on your connector which we showed you earlier just a little drop of oil that's why I like to use this little pen oiler because it has a needle point adapter that allows you to place the oil exactly where we wanted to go you don't need any oil in the safety plunger or on the firing pin in fact it's recommended not to oil either those because the pneumatic pressure of the oil could eventually interfere with the motion of those things so be be aware of that first step we want to do is we're going to go ahead apart this upper and to do so we're going to use one of our punches where is my little punch there I'll go ahead and use this one right here and I need to go ahead and take the the slide cover plate off to gain access to all these pieces slide cover plate is captured by the spacer sleeve that is under spring pressure right here and the spring pressure is the basic firing pin spring so I'm gonna lift the firing pin up a little bit and point in your direction right here is the spacer sleeve now if you see this it's gonna go ahead and be spring-loaded that's the spring pressure that's capturing that slide cover plate so if I go ahead and push this down and hold it down I can then just walk this like ever play right off yeah just like so now be careful when you do that you want to capture with your finger thumb should I say on top two things one the spacer sleeve typically doesn't go anywhere because it's attached to the firing pin but this is the extractor depressor plunger assembly which includes a little bearing and a little spring and the rod that travels all the way down the slide itself you can see the rod sticking out right here intersecting with the extractor hence the word extractor depressor that's depressing plunger assembly all right now couple things for nine-millimeter the spring loaded bearing is black for 40 caliber it is white alright and here's the whole apparatus coming out right now some people have lost this device and the whole thing so sometimes this whole thing will pop off and I don't know how it does cuz it's pretty tight right now but you know it does pop off there and it's captured on this one pretty good there's a little nipple down here it's captured on and then the black plunger or should I say spring-loaded bearing they call this piece of plastic that's also captured in a spring but we get calls you know once or twice a week that you know they've lost this because it's sprung away when they took this like overplayed off so the trick is to keep your thumb overtop that as you push that across so it doesn't go anywhere all right so there's your safety actually you're just your extractor depressor plunger assembly here comes your firing pin assembly it comes straight out like so just like that now this is the spacer sleeve and these are the spring cups and that's this the actual firing pin spring and of course the firing pin itself and you do get a replacement firing pin but we're gonna use some different springs but we do need to use the spring cups and we do need to use the safety or the spacer sleeve and of course this is the safety plunger now a couple things about the safety plunger it intersects with the extractor so to take the safety plunger out I've got to kind of release the extractor but the extractor doesn't come out and unless I depress the safety plunger so watch this now the extractor should just fall out if I depress the safety plunger the extractor fell out just like so and then the safety plunger should come out just by itself seems to be a little wet down there and that's kind of maybe a little bit of oil from the factory you don't really need a lot of oil on there I'd be honest and here it comes now just gotta lift it out evenly cuz it's a pretty tight fit obviously here it comes and it's gonna have a spring captured with it and that is the safety plunger and spring that's the extractor and a little bit of oil in there it's not a bad idea because there's a lot of motion on this extractor again if you remember what the extractor does get a little claw right here and that claw is what grabs hold of the spent cartridge or the you know any cartridge really live or spent and actually extracts it from the chamber so this device actually rocks back and forth on this spring that's why it's got a spring on there as this intersects with it it actually allows it to move back and forth a little bit because of that motion it actually the claw goes down and kind of catches on the the rim and then pulls it out and then of course it repeats and so that claw kind of opens and closes as it goes across it opens up a boom boom boom boom so it actually is a lot of motion here on this piece and you really want to inspect that you know regularly I mean it's not gonna I don't see a whole lot of these break but that is a spot that gets a lot of pressure and could break and then of course it won't do its job of which is extracting rounds so that's something always keep in mind okay well there is your slide bear except for the sights in themselves we're not gonna mess with those today that's the bear slide so what we need have to do is we want to reassemble the slide and we're going to use our performance parts here from the form of the pyramid trigger the first thing and probably the most difficult one would be the striker and so let's go ahead and talk about the striker assembly and the springs this is how it comes and how it should look when it's done and the way to operate this is I'm going to use a slide itself and I'm actually gonna put the spacer sleeve into the hole in the slide and then I'm gonna just turn a little bit so that it's captured like so with the lug alright so now I can actually manipulate this thing if you had a vise you could put it in here but be careful not to squeeze too hard because I've seen people crush these or you just bend them a little bit which in turn you know makes it you know not work yeah so you can figure that out right so be careful if you do put in device you know just just clamp it I don't even need advice I've got a little mat here it's got a little bit of pressure on it so I'm gonna pull down and as I pull down the safety actually the spring cups are going to they usually separate if they don't I can separate them by hand as I pull down there they are and there's two pieces and there goes one and there goes the other once again you want to be careful that you don't lose these guys because you see how they just fall apart and here's what they look like these are the spring cups let's see if we can get one to stand up on this end and one to lay down for you so you can see what happens there's two halves to the spring cups alright and then I'll turn one over here so you're gonna see that guy people lose those all the time gun will not operate without them that's what captures a spring on there very unique very special you know this is a $2.00 item that people have us overnight so you won you take him off again the trick is is to slowly come off with that spring and just peel them off and try to capture them in your finger and pull them down you know you saw the one drop away luckily it didn't fall on the ground I don't have shag carpet here so I would have probably been able to find it but it's you know certainly a pain and people do lose those the spring is a factory spring it's about a five and a half six pound spring so we're gonna lay that off the side and we're gonna now take our striker up and this is our spacer sleeve and notice how it goes together all right just like so so the spacer sleeve does have that spring pressure on it from the spring and that's what we have to depress to take this like over plate off so now if it comes speaking of which if you look at the slide cover plate and you look at that and you'll see on the back of the slide cover plate there's a hole and imagine how that just gets captured in there like so so it's a little ledge so what's happening it's almost impossible to take the slide cover plate off unless you pull that pressure off there so you can slide it off otherwise you know it's just it's just captured there's it's not going anywhere now you can do it usually the Select over plate gets pretty ugly and pretty nasty okay so there is like I said all of our pieces and now we're gonna reassemble so what I'm gonna do is take my spacer sleeve I'm gonna put it on to my firing pin like so and it's gonna just go in like that just like that okay now we're gonna go back do the same exact thing in a reverse motion using my slide as my third-hand put it there so I captured and that's how it looks like over there so I'm using the lug to capture that so it doesn't go out of there and I'm going to now because this gun is just a demo gun I'm gonna put in a 3 pound spring okay I have a 4 pounder you know for self-defense and for you know tactical shooting for pound let's have a 2 pounder for really you know light competition shooting but let's split the difference and go with a 3 pound here just to see how it how it works this really greatly affects the trigger pool okay so keep that in mind if you're looking for a lighted trigger pull you go with the lighter spring but also keep in mind what the use is spring slips right over top now here's also probably them the most difficult thing to do is to put the spring comes back on it's not hard it's not easy it's just what it is ok so the techniques that I have again is a the third hand you depress the spring okay and then you expose the lip down here alright now there's two things you want to keep in mind you want to have your spring cups kind of ready and and primed and so I've got the first one sitting here ready for me and I'm gonna grab it my fingers like so getting your clothes and get a good little shot and I'm gonna you know if you'll notice again it basically this is the at the top of it and this is the bottom that actually goes into the spring so it actually will sit there like that I get it to sit there okay and the other one marries up with it our major concern is that at the end of the spring here we don't want to have our gap so I can kind of just pre position that and say okay well there's the end of the spring and I want to put it there and if I put my spring cups on like in this orientation I won't you know when they intersect together when the spring cups come together that gap won't be at that the end of that spring because that could work itself into that and it could make a mess so the idea is is try to stay away from the end of the spring with the gap it's you know easier said than done but it's not that hard I mean it's just something to be aware of and well inspect it once we put it together so again like I said this is not the easiest thing to do but it is what it is and so I'm basically going to go ahead and pull the spring down capture the first one in there like so and I think it's a second one gone and I'm holding that with my finger and get that going and I think I did it and you know it was not as hard as I described it but there it is okay so again you know you pull that spring down exposed put one in get that spring so that's kind of captured there and then do the same thing on the other side and voila now if you'll notice in here again really close you'll see our little splits and I don't know if you'll be able to see them or not but they are not anywhere close to the end of the spring which is right here yep yeah there's our split there and they're on that side and the end of the spring is basically off to the edge there so it's not you know the key is again you don't want that final coil the spring to be right at that split spot because it could work itself between there okay so there is our now our firing pin assembly what happens is again this sits in here like so basically right about here and as you pull the trigger back it kind of gets itself cocked and I'm exaggerating of course but then you left the trigger and the trigger bar falls off of this and it goes forward so that's the the motion we're looking for now before I put this together I want to go ahead and put my new what's the word I'm going to say safety plunger into the slide safety plunger is a different shapes in the factory by design it's as far as the head goes it's a little bit more of a mushroom shape than a than a plateau because the trigger bar rolls over top of this guy so what's happening is as this sits here like so when you pull the trigger bar back it actually rolls over top of the safety plunger and because this is round it has less friction and because there's less friction there's a lighter trigger pull so this thing has a big role to play in how the trigger feels so we have in the package our reduced power spring and we also by the way have a an allen wrench in here that will work the trigger and we didn't really talk about it too much but the trigger does have has some adjustments to it there's a screw in the front and a screw in the back that helps you adjust a pre traveling over travel now do that later on I think with another trigger once we get this assembly done okay so the spring sits inside the safety plunger it's a lighter power spring so it's not gonna fit just like the factory one does so you have to be very careful as they're how you put it into the slide so what I like to do is put the slide on top of it and I'm just gonna go ahead and do that right now in that hole so that I know that the spring is sitting straight up and down and I'm gonna go ahead and seat it and I'm gonna go ahead and give it a couple I guess what I'd say is a couple pushes to make sure that there's good spring pressure on it and now I'm gonna go ahead and capture the extractor in there you'll notice on the extractor is a barrel and you'll notice inside there there's a hole and they may not be able to see it here but at home you'll certainly be able to see it and so the barrel goes into the hole so as I put that Barrel in like so I have to push up on the safety plunger and put that in there and when the spring pressure comes down it actually captures that just like so now we're gonna use the extractor de pressure plunger assembly and the steel part goes down to intersect with the steel part of the extractor just that easy okay so I'm gonna put this guy in all the way and just kind of push it down now again it gets captured by the slide cover plate so it's gonna sit there at that that spot right now but it does get pushed down and there's some spring pressure there now we're almost done I mean basically we're gonna go ahead and drop our firing pin end and it too will sit in there and it has some spring pressure as well on the spacer sleeve so that's basically the assembly now we have to go ahead and close it up with a slide cover plate and the way that I like to do this is I like to start the slide cover plate like so okay so we started like this and then I'll take a larger punch and I'm just gonna press down on the spacer sleeve and let's see if I can come out here so you can see it just like that and then I let the slide cover plate slide forward and now I'll take a smaller punch a really thin one and I'm going to push the spring-loaded bearing down and then the slide over plate up and that's it that is our assembly as it is done so there we have everything working now the one thing we always want to do when you put the slide on this is mistake a lot of people do the striker or a firing pin has to be in the forward position or the fired position remember when you take the slide off you rack it and then you squeeze the trigger and then you go through there take the disassembly process well that's squeezing the trigger is actually putting that that firing pin forward so it's got to be in the forward position which means it's got to be poking out of the the the breech face here so - in order to do that I've got to depress the safety plunge remember the safety plungers role is to prevent the firing pin from going forward unless you're pulling the trigger so can't accidentally go off if it falls in the ground because the safety plunger prevents the firing pin from going forward the only way it can go forward is if you depress that the only way you can depress that is by pulling the trigger so as you pull the trigger the trigger the Birdseye of the trigger they call it rolls over top that depresses it which allows this striker to go forward so if I push this down a little bit you're gonna notice the striker is gonna come out just like that and that's now in the fired position this slide does not go on the frame unless it's in the fired position so if you're putting this light on it goes clunk clunk and you can't get it on you probably don't have in the fire position all right so with all that said now we're gonna go ahead and assemble the rest put our Barrel in there and our guide rod get it nestled and a lot of people always ask me a question they say gee you know sometimes when I take the gun apart the guide rod it's sitting up on the second ledge is that normal yes no okay this happens even you know with every Glock I've seen it happens just the way it goes alright so now we're gonna go ahead and put the slide back on and I will tell you it's a much lighter trigger pull and probably going to be right between three and a half four and as we shoot it it will work itself into about three which is what happens even with factory triggers at the more you shoot them the more where channel you develop and the lighter and smoother the trigger gets but this is basically the installation of the pyramid trigger the couple things that we're gonna do in another video kind of troubleshooting some of it but right now we're gonna test out our trigger pool and you saw it all here what's really you know one take I've put this thing together we started off right at that what five and a half six pound trigger so this is five and a half right here and more than likely it's going to drop yep okay not gonna work on that so let me do this real quick let me take the bottom off here which would be a three pound weight so there's two and a half but I think it's gonna be a little closer to three and a half is where I think it's gonna fall right now so let's see real quick okay nope it's not gonna do it at three oh there it is so there's three and a half try it again be honest and fair here yeah okay so now take that half pound weight off I have it it's free right now yeah it's gonna do just between three and a half and three and quarter now the reason I'm not using this plastic piece right here is because it does not allow the flat face to actually the the safety to actually depress so that's why I'm using the end there I can also try it on the middle right here and that's gonna be there and if I just put this half pound weight on here there it goes so it's gonna be in between three and three and a half probably three and a quarter one of the things to keep in mind is that the safety still works that's the key okay so you cannot depress the trigger unless you depress the safety now our safety sticks out a little less by design on the flat face so there is the trigger pull and now the reach dip is right here so you see how fast I can manipulate the trigger at that point so we've taken our factory five five and a half pound trigger down to three three and a half pounds just with the installation of the flat face pyramid trigger and you can do the same thing right in your own home I mean the bottom line is this is a great trigger system and it's gonna make you a faster better more accurate shooter because you're less likely to disturb the sight picture as you manipulate the trigger and that's the key to fast shooting is being able to manipulate the trigger and that's a whole nother video that I've got coming up on the combat grip which I invite you to watch here very shortly so of course you know the pyramid trigger has been around for many years we've got fifty thousand pyramid triggers out there the flat face is new it's a new design new colors and it's pretty darn exciting because it's really fantastic and it feels great I mean you can see the difference just feel the difference and hear the difference and with this demonstration from the very beginning of the video to now so certainly it's gonna be available in many different colors you can go online and see the different color of options available we do have some custom color options available they take a little bit extra long time wise because we've got a custom make those and there's gonna be a little bit more expensive but the bottom line is you can make a trigger that's gonna be exactly the style that you're looking for so if you have any questions about the triggers certainly give us a call and if you you know you do have a trigger you have any issues you know we've got gunsmiths here that can help you install and troubleshoot to get the most out of your investment I mean these are not cheap but they are really good money McGill this is the Glock store performance and Custom Shop here in San Diego and when you're in town and were close to town anywhere in Southern California make yet a point to come down and see us I mean I think you'll be very impressed you can shoot some of our flat-faced triggers you can shoot some of our custom guns and you can order a custom gun here as well thanks for watching we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 249,924
Rating: 4.8749418 out of 5
Keywords: trigger, glock trigger, pyramid trigger, GlockStore, custom handgun, Lenny Magill
Id: lc35kB6sCg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 0sec (3240 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2017
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