Asmongold Reacts to "WoW vs FFXIV | Blizzard, You Can't Ignore Competition Anymore" | By Bellular

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no king rules forever all right here we go so this is about uh final fantasy and how many people are playing it right then when we talk about world of warcraft right we usually talk about it in a bit of a bubble yeah don't we because we talk about what is wow doing right what is about doing wrong how are we the players reacting and so on and so forth off in our own little bubble in our little corner of the internet yeah but what as a community we rarely address is how external factors impact world of warcraft how the world and the other games in it threaten or inspire world of warcraft because we're in a time where even though kova drove people to gaming blizzard still lost monthly active users i'm here to say this blizzard have got to stop ignoring their competition and they never used to do that man blizzard used to look at their competition they used to [ __ ] micro analyze these other games and you know what they would say how can we steal this how can we take this and steal it from this other game and kill this other game and you know what it made wow so good it made wow amazing because they took every [ __ ] idea that every other game had and they did it better yoink my idea now true and with today's sponsor forward slash battler gaming of course promo code battle your gaming which is what will get you a two-year plan with a free month and a huge discount well with that you get nordvpn that's awesome because getting a vpn is awesome do you want to watch content from another region of the world say in netflix well easy you use this works by the way servers to browse the web as if you are in any location you literally get more money out of the subscription services you're already paying for with them it's great they also keep you private so your isp will not know what websites that you browse and that means they can't sell your browsing data to advertisers or anything i'm sure exactly that's why yeah it's because they don't want to sell their data right valuer yeah yeah it's because they it's because they don't want to you don't want people this you don't want them to sell your data and uh yeah value their gaming the link down below you'll get a huge discount and the first month free so nord thanks for sponsoring you're welcome let's go let's get into this whole big can of worms okay where we're at for all of shadowlands improvements world of warcraft is at one of the most critical points in its history i really do think that since wrath of the lich king expansions have been on a tick tock cycle right for every expansion that has been super well received restored people's faith in the game one has followed up has in some way tanked wow's reputation amongst the wider community so he's gonna put bfa after this bfa was that talk shadowlands should have been another tick you know the expansion that would right the wrongs of battle for azeroth and restore world of warcraft to the heights of legion it should have you could have done that they just need to bring out more content just make that bring out more content for the game it's not hard so far though bring out more context it has not and it's not looking that likely is it a second talk to carry the analogy it might be more than wow can actually take that's the fear because of patch 9.1 and 9.2 don't provide proof of a change in direction no what's going to happen is that blizzard will find that they have burnt a lot of bridges that a lot of goodwill will be gone by the time 10.0 rolls around i don't even think it's burning bridges or goodwill being gone i think that it's long-term players that love the game moving on to another game that they love instead it's like let's say you have like a crazy girlfriend that pops off on you about like every two weeks right it's like on it's like a raid reset it's like okay raid resets and now she's throwing all your stuff out the window okay great uh she's mad at you because she had a dream where you were mean to her okay right but like you really could probably just like you're either gonna break up with her most of the time you just [ __ ] deal with it to a certain extent right until you find another girl and then you're like [ __ ] this [ __ ] i'm tired i'm done with this i'm done i'm tired of it right but people don't really make that jump a lot of people don't make that jump until they find somebody else and that is what happens with the final fantasy thing is final fantasy is like the other girlfriend that's not quite as crazy right now final fantasy 14 is actively dunking on world of warcraft names in the wow community are actually engaging with that game if they aren't asking about the game they're playing it oh god loads of us are even some of us are doing sponsored streams and that shows a degree of community targeting from squeeniks right of course when blizzard is busy spending their time jamming their feet in their mouth over controversial public changes worries over classic the burning crusade monetization and lots more and while that's going on square enix are basically moving on for the kill with a new expansion trailer that doesn't look like a percent discount through their entire game that comes with 30 days of game time and they're recent extremely successful and shocked i gotta say like dude the dude coming out with like that outfit on like there was like a picture of it i actually thought might be a screenshot from the game like this outfit is lit like it's actually so [ __ ] badass that he did that like that's so [ __ ] cool really emotional fan fest they have got a veritable army of happy players imagine we're proudly inviting other people to join their game they are actively evangelizing evangelizing it's not working i like that word walking very true blizzard are of course used to fighting off have you heard the good news they released classic the burning crusade wow on the same day as elder scrolls online's new expansion as an example uh that's of course despite players complaining about it being too soon you know about the pre-patch not being long enough they yeah i think that was stupid of them to do i think they should have waited a little bit longer on tbc i think now would be fine right but they should have given it like maybe at least a couple more weeks for pre-patch absolutely uh it's kind of sad it really is and um with also like it's also shitty because a lot of us play other games right i think a lot of you guys probably play elder scrolls too and it's like oh [ __ ] now i have to decide but like blizzard can't can't keep surviving on the fumes of its old games right i mean like wrath is gonna be big of course it's gonna be big it's wrath but then after that like they're gonna they're out of content that's it there's like no old expansions that they can re-release to create content again new people wouldn't like that but they clearly knew or at least in their own heads that eso had to be fought back in 2016 actually wait a second sorry sorry i i don't mean to pause again i apologize for pausing again but the original date was actually to suppress ashes of creation and then ashes of creation changed their date if you remember that so i think it was mostly ashes of creation probably even more than it was elder scrolls online murdered killed the hero shooter battleborn with the timing of overwatch's beta there it is and world of warcraft patches and release dates have intersected with key final fantasy 14 dates in the past to their benefit yes now for blizzard the shoe could very much be on the other foot new world is a new mmo coming out in august and while amazon are absolutely shooting themselves in the feet at times regarding monetization there's no small amount of hype for that game and yes even from some of the wow community yeah we've got ashes of creation another major game for the wow community they actually moved their alpha start date away from the burning crusade's launch that's smart that's a game with loads of attention from the wow community then of course you've got elder scrolls online which has just slowly been building momentum and adding and adding and adding to the game over many years with just about everything that i hear recently being pretty positive there may have been claims of wow killers like wild star coming yeah i remember that but none of those wow killers were successful right they sucked but none of them came around at the same time that blizzard well acted as badly as they do now true none of them had a blizzard that was its own worst enemy true to the degree that blizzard right now is its own worst enemy what from a while like is this probably this is the eight hour section here this is eight hours section that's exactly what's wrong with it right there that [ __ ] stupid screenshot man like sylvanas taking the helm from bolvar what the [ __ ] do you mean dude this dude's the lich king he was a hero of the alliance and sylvanas who got her ass beat by arthas [ __ ] comes back and just kills this guy based off of some [ __ ] off-screen empowerment device that nobody even [ __ ] knows about unless they read five books a week get the [ __ ] out of here this was such a joke bolvar should have beat the [ __ ] out of her and it would have been so good look this is not going to be an emotionally driven takedown of the game and i do not intend for this to be some sort of unwarranted negativity yeah but we can't run from what's going on we have to accept reality and deal with it there is no amount of burying our head in the sands and pretending that it's all going to be okay that's actually going to help that will be useful [ __ ] so we're going to engage with this what's really happening dodge [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of the way the concerns that the community has got with wow right now the development team does not seem to care about what players want i said semen purpose emphasis unseen because they obviously do care about what the community wants yeah of course but they're clearly unable to act on it quickly a great example of this is the new customization options that were one of the most hyped things about shadowlands that were very well received true so seeing all of that after shadowlands launch blizzard then said they would not be focusing on customizations for the foreseeable future why not i mean seriously why not it is what the people wanted now obviously they wanted that to be an expansion feature so that's why they did that expansion feature their own [ __ ] vocabulary that they've created that's confining them to decisions that's always really reassuring to see people creating their own new vocabulary that then makes them locked into certain decisions that they have that that's amazing and uh they don't see it as being the perfectly efficient thing to do in terms of allocation of resources maybe that's the actual reason for the community that doesn't matter they got hyped up for a thing they thought it would continue blizzard said no another point is that blizzard don't cannot communicate with us in an open fashion true we do not get blue posts on the public test realm for what things are supposed to be or how they're supposed to work or what the developers even intend if people are often like also like this is the thing and i want to talk about ghost crawler for a minute ghost crawler used to have these different blogs and it was like the dev water cooler where he would write like an essay like a summary of like kind of where he's at mentally with the game and where he wants the game to go and you know just like generally kind of level with the player base and then ghost crawler did something pretty impressive in my opinion on twitter a few days ago is he actually talked about cultural appropriation in video games and how he wanted to make his game different for riot and it's not about the topic itself it's about the fact that the topic is just so it's so emotionally charged people care about it so much and it's like you're kind of walking on a tightrope whenever you're talking about something like that and him being willing to talk about that publicly and respond to people on twitter is incredible because he's just talking about he's just talking about a very hot button issue that dovetails into game design politics social justice etc and he's just talking about it you see what i'm saying like no it's not the thing is i'm not arguing i don't care about what you think about cultural appropriation this is not a conversation about that it's a conversation about engaging in the idea okay i don't give a [ __ ] what you think about it it doesn't matter free laborers testers at least make use of it because the current blue posts that they do put up they don't tell people one ptr are woeful in comparison to what they used to do in the past true as it stands we don't get anything from blizzard actually overall that is not passed through corporate public relations or is delivered by an individual who very much seems like they've been trained for pr basically they are they rarely feel real there's then the conduit energy problem uh blizzard acts like the government that's the way it's like it's like blizzard is the government and the players are the people whereas i think final fantasy acts like the developers or their friends and it's like the developers and the uh the people making the game used to be part of the community and now i feel like that's less the case now conduit energy uh i think is a i want to understand i want people to understand something right conduit energy is a mining canary this is not a big deal in itself conduit energy fundamentally doesn't matter but the fact that it's in the game does and the fact that nobody wanted it does matter it's the same with azerite gear too as right gear not being specific for each spec is the exact same problem so it it shows that the developers don't listen and they don't care the conduit energy fundamentally is not a big problem in the game it's just annoying and i bring this up because it does not affect me chances are it doesn't affect you yeah i don't give a [ __ ] and that is exactly the point why does this system take up so much development and community time when it does not matter what was that why does this organization take up so much development and community time oh [ __ ] then it does not matter to the majority of players in the game and just makes the game worse for those who it does matter too remove it or fix it in an afternoon and move on yeah some people say this doesn't impact them and therefore it doesn't really matter right but it's not something that's really worth waiting that highly in one's criticisms of shadowlands i completely reject that line of thinking yeah i say that this is a design that is bad in principle exactly and that the developers that the developers are sticking to it is bad yes we should be worried about the quality of the world of warcraft development teams decision making if they think that conduit energy is something that should remain in the game exactly even it shows the disconnect and that's the problem is that it shows a disconnect it's not even about the the system itself system it's stupid right it's a stupid system it's annoying it's uh it's it's reductive for you know or constricting or constraining or whatever you want to call it uh for like top one percent players yeah sure but for everybody else it doesn't really matter and i think also again it's an example of like blizzard trying to micromanage how players spend their time though conduit energy doesn't matter to most of us in principle there is a big issue here we need to start talking not about the symptoms of problems sims we need to start talking about principles yeah moving on there is the feeling that our time is not respected with world of warcraft and it's obvious between random conduit upgrades brutally slow anima gains and the entire renown system yeah it's like why is the anima like for example like whenever you upgrade one here's just like one thing right like why is it that the anime games don't apply to your whole account because like for me i don't want to play i don't want to play that you know what i mean like i don't i don't want to go through and level up all my stuff again because you would abuse it how so i can gain more cosmetics on another faction like what is the abuse like i'm going to gain oh my god he's getting oh my he's getting so many cosmetics oh no he's just breaking the game oh my god he's got all the cosmetic he's got every pair of shoulders in the game oh my [ __ ] god he's kidding transmog which of course is them trying to turn obvious time gating most games don't do into some sort of system even though we can all completely transparently see through what the renown bar actually is yeah tell me from a first principal's perspective why is the narrative content handed out to us piecemeal 20 minutes a week could you please tell me a story that's actually best paced in that manner are quests content that's supposed to feel like rations i feel like the quest would be better content if there were good quests the quests were dog [ __ ] though like they're super easy you do them you just follow the things on the map you don't even pay attention to what they're said they're mostly not even voice acted to begin with you just run through it you don't pay attention or read anything that's the problem is i think that actually i think piecemealing out the campaign covenants are fine i actually think that's okay at the beginning because that way it keeps people coming back every single week and on top of that i don't want to see like many times whenever you give everybody everything at the beginning they burn through it and then they're done with it in like a day and that's not really ideal i think many shows do this right i mean game of thrones brings out a new season ever a new episode every week uh for like three three months or whatever right and so it's not unrealistic or two months or whatever but it's not unrealistic for this to happen i think many shows use the same paradigm however that's not necessarily the problem the problem is that the content is bad if they gave us one bit of content every week that was good people would look forward to it it's the content is bad it's not even that that it's not even the release schedule in my opinion why does it feel that way all friendliness that's another thing we were promised an alt-friendly expansion with shadowlands weren't we but it's not until patch 9.1 that we are getting things like the campaign skips that people obviously would have wanted yeah transferable sawlash to alts and a bunch of other issues i mean why is them all not skippable the maw intro 9.0 launched with a pretty big amount of chores to do for a character to feel relevant yep weekly renown the legendary memories tour ghast the moss digia farming the praying for conduit drops and the conduit lottery of upgrading them overall playing alts feels like you are fighting against blizzard to play the game that they have designed and that you are paying for well the problem with alts in my opinion with shadowlands is that playing one character in shadowhands i think is fine the problem is whenever you try to play more than one character because usually with alts the way it should work is let's say you go from 100 one percent to like 100 on your main you should be able to carry over at least like 50 or 80 percent of that onto your alt because what you really end up having to do and this is why alts were okay back in bc and stuff like that is because you only really had one progression system which was gear and now you have to do all these other secondary progression systems as well and the rep gear and burning crusade you would have to refarm on your alts but blizzard fixed that later on by nerfing the requirements because they knew that that was bad whenever people started making more alts and the attunements you're right about that and they made a two minutes for like return to karazhan in 7.1 they made that account wide actually by the way on the very [ __ ] day that it came out so in legion they did this and they did it correctly so the problem is that in order to play more than one character in shadow lands you are effectively doubling your time whereas whenever you were playing more than one character in previous expansions you were not more that you were not effectively doubling your time because you did not have so many other secondary systems to go through and to progress through that's what the big difference is that's why the alts are harder to play blizzard also seemed far more interested in solving problems that they see then they are actually making people happy now obviously problems have got to be solved but sometimes blizzard's focus is obvious we see it with conduit energy we see it with no master loot in a full guild group and we see it with the wide array of arbitrary respect the no masterwood in a guild group here's what my opinion on that is i actually think that it had nothing to do with the community at all i think it had nothing to do with it i think that it had everything to do with blizzard wanting to not have as many gms and not have as many things that people can report to blizzard so by taking away the loot distribution options blizzard effectively created a situation where there are now less things for people to put in tickets for i don't think it had anything to do with ninja looting i don't think they cared at all it had everything to do with just minimizing tickets restrictions that we feel in the game the extremely defensive and abrasive design the most recent example of that of course is keystone master it's going to require a lot more work in patch 9.1 because of the new mythic plus scoring system and the easiest way to get score is of course to do every single dungeon on both fortified and tyrannical even though the community largely and really largely does despise tyrannical at higher keystone levels with people widely refusing to play because of how imbalanced tyrannical feels well it's it's it's harder like that's the thing is it's just harder that's what it comes down to is that people don't want to play something on one week where it's just a lot harder than the other week it's literally that simple like whenever you get the same reward you get the same reward but now it's harder well of course people aren't going to want to play that what if players don't like our game yes force them to play it for rewards that is the blizzard way toward us that's good it's what's going on here it's what went on with that good soul ash is why tour guest cannot be good possibly the most glass shattering thought and i think the thing's not discussed enough the general lack of content in wow there is very little to do in world of warcraft what do you mean there's a lack of content he's literally got it on the screen you can buy it it's almost it's it's cheap you just get the items right there you just you just buy the content that is not part of the three pillars of mythic plus rating and pvp almost every other type of content has clearly been left by the wayside and all the rewards are largely locked behind huge world quest grinds instead it'll be seven whole months since shadowlands has got any content five dollars of subscription on top of the actual purchase price of the game that ain't looking like a good deal your six month sub that came with a mount or whatever will have expired by patch 9.1 launch and of course when 9.1 comes around there's gonna be a new one almost certainly try to sell you on another six see he and i we think the same like i've talked about here a few times off stream we know what's going on like it's it's [ __ ] obvious what it is everybody knows you know i know everybody knows then you start to think about why there is so little content in world of warcraft wasted development time case in point covenants yes they have clearly done more harm than good yeah everybody knew that right i mean clearly i think as far as the community is concerned anyway but think about it this way you know between the developers making four abilities per class yes but people only ever getting to use one ability yeah them splitting the 9.0 story content across four alts yeah in a way that i think didn't really work that well you know and it wasn't necessary for them to do that like they didn't do that with the legion class overhaul campaigns and i did all the legion class order hall campaigns except for like half of the priest one i didn't do like the priest one or something like that and it wasn't like that at all man it really wasn't i don't know what what the [ __ ] they're thinking man just because stuff worked good for legion doesn't mean it's working good now yeah the same can be said or the legendaries or even the conduits and the soul binds i mean there are so many legendaries conduits and soul binds but players actually use very few was it worth making all of that did all of that iteration time and design actually translate into players making more meaningful choices no it didn't a meaningful choice may have existed on paper but if it's not one that players actually took up then it doesn't exist and just because it exists on paper well that doesn't mean anything actually it's not how players feel is all this effort best served elsewhere yes it is they're wasting their time on irrelevant third-party systems or not third-party uh like [ __ ] secondary systems that players don't want like they're bogging themselves down like just make new raids and new dungeons give us better rewards give us cool [ __ ] to work towards it's that simple you know perhaps on content the most egregious of all of them though is the opportunity cost of all of this all of that wasted time results in other aspects of the game falling short yes it genuinely feels like there is a lack of higher concept thinking in the warcraft team that they are far too in the weeds to actually solve problems creatively that's right the entire mythic plus system itself in nature for for example i mean the effects is broadly applied and the whole thing just relies on numbers scaling up properly numbers numbers are higher and that means that's harder and so uh uh you just keep doing the levels and it's infinite content because you never can beat it because you just have there's a bunch of them and they just keep going up you can never beat it uh that's how it works and so we just made infinite content right there boys are wow i'm surprised look at that oh my god listen i i really it's just it's actually crazy to me that the ideas that they have are like they're so bad like they're so bad and like every player knows it's gonna happen and then everybody's sitting there waiting for it to happen and then it happens and then players are like i knew it was gonna happen and the developer's like damn it happened and then they're like okay well it's not going to happen again and then it happens again that's what it is mythic plus saved the game actually i think mythic plus is great in a lot of ways but it's just boring in other ways it hasn't been mythic plus was great in legion it was not that good in bfa and it's worse now in shadowlands like it's just and it's because it's not innovative at all like it's just the same thing minus one extra affix put into it where is the design where is the love the fun mechanics surely yeah we got to have prideful is good doing the same i think prideful is good 100 percent privacy graphics where's the next level solution that improves the player experience and not just the mattress no vision i don't know where it is they don't remember how awesome the concept of time walking was yes think about what it's been reduced to i mean come on time walking is lazily scale it's often broken but it's obviously got so much potential wow's turning 17 years old this year but we're still stuck playing only shadowlands instead of you know actually having proper ways to engage with the game's whole history and body of content it's such a shame now i've deliberately avoided doing the positives thus far because honestly the positives are not what we're talking about today no wow has got an incredible history tons of fantastic content and for many it does remember things that they've done 10 years ago that's the problem that that's the whole issue right is that all the content all of these things these are all things that have happened 10 years ago it's like i remember back whenever this happened 10 years ago that was really good i didn't remember this other thing happened 10 years ago that was really good too but like how many more times do we have to pull out the old vhs tapes and look at people playing football in high school before we realized that now we're 35 with a beer belly it doesn't feel good an engaging experience in the high-end content and perhaps for the casual dabbling as well as evidenced of course by how many people but those were good days do you play it and do come back each expansion i mean for me doing sanctum of domination and the lead-up quests that will be a ton of fun and you know what fourth year is actually shaping up fine shadow lands with valor with its pvp system with the great vault being better than the older disappointment box and other changes true i think it is seriously going in a much better direction true there are huge hopes but there are also existential problems yes in patch 9.1 season 2 will feel very similar to season 1 in every way except for corthia and the new raid wow and it just seems like this is just how it is now it might keep the current players but it's not going to grab new people or keep those dissatisfied from leaving there's no end in sight and if there is they should tell us how they have a plan to get there so i feel like 9.1 is gonna be good but like how many people are like really [ __ ] hyped to do like corthia or some [ __ ] man that's what the problem is like yeah of course like i'm looking forward to 9.1 9.1 it's gonna be good it's gonna be a good thing that i do and it is what it is but then after that like then what man like i it's just like it's so it's so short-lived we can understand well have faith in it overall as a project now we could go into why it's like this between management concerns activision blizzard the brain drain going on at the company and the age of blizzard as an entity but none of that is important today all that is important is the blizzard needs to take a step back and re-evaluate because while they have been trying their best but faltering unacceptably their competition has not been doing so that's true especially final fantasy so let's go oh boy oh [ __ ] all right all right here we go that's the thing right is that like whenever there's no other games around it doesn't really matter people people get pop like the scene looks cool right that's like [ __ ] like athens and like old greece or some [ __ ] like that's cool i i i love this scenery this is badass and they have flying mountains in this game right but they have flying mountain in final fantasy i just want to make sure yeah all right cool this is the only other mmo that we've got recent experience uh with on the team but it's also the one that everyone's talking about right now we'll leave the story of how final fantasy 14 became a talking point uh so quickly we'll leave that for another day and we'll just talk about the game and to cut a long story short our world of warcraft guild has been threatened by ff because most of them are just enjoying it way more and this is the case for many many out there there's a wave happening right now while i go through this think about what i just said in the wow section of this video these games are very very different yes but the stuff that i'm going to talk about here this does apply apples to apples as far as player experience goes player experience is the key bit i think the bit blizzard forgets gear is simple the vast majority of it comes via tokens that you can trade for whatever job gear that you want you can also buy with currency older gear with uncapped currency and newer gear with weekly capped currency that's cool that's justice and valor points yes it still works imagine that yeah of course it's still gonna work yeah a hundred percent i i i'll be honest though like i just there's something about like the graphics and art style that turns me off about final fantasy like i think that's probably like one of the big things like that it sounds weird but like that's one of the real reasons i like just the ui the way it plays and [ __ ] like that's one of the reasons why i don't really like it as much and like that's like if i had seen it and it's not even a weeb [ __ ] right because like look at uh [ __ ] uh like sakiro or something like that i [ __ ] love sakiro so it's not that it's like anything weird like that it's that it's just a certain style that i just never really got into with final fantasy and that's really what it is like yeah it's just it's that simple i just never got into it crafters who are level 80 and have good gear skill can make a form of catch-up gear to get you into the current content that's quicker the only weekly lockouts that exist in ff are on the last released content so basically anything that's not current is actually just farmable the harder difficulty then drops usable coffers that any job can use which is basically a bit like old tier tokens but with no restrictions okay and then progression gear is rarely wasted as a result also there's master loot for full premades so basically do content i think i might play this game uh this actually is a pretty good game i like this game that is that was easy somebody should have told me that a while ago that was [ __ ] easy why i didn't know that so they have master gluten they have master loot in in final fantasy the ninja king that's not ninja man it's on reserve it's on reserve we'll just reserve the whole raid and that way i make sure i get everything no one joined ah [ __ ] yeah maybe you're right maybe nobody join get gear very simple in ff then alt friendliness is the default because you can play every job by the way jobs are analogous to classes you can play every job on one character and gear is largely shared across some roles yeah you change your weapon i'm pretty sure if you are a ranged dps i like that that's good the sword tank you can actually use the same gear on any other job in the same role melee is restricted due to aesthetic differences but simply put here very often the only barrier to changing up your gameplay by moving into a new spec or class whatever um it is actually just leveling that make their boobs bigger so you can make that how big can you make them decent pretty big to be honest okay all right you know what i'll have to look into that yeah i'll have to look in that yeah this game actually is uh it's shape respectably big okay good yeah all right decently sized yeah okay we're gonna have to we're gonna have to look into this yeah absolutely i'm already uh i'm already feeling good about this job up and playing it that's it this game is so goddamn all friendly it's insane because it's not really all friendliness it's doing what you want in your character imagine that now to say that these aspects of the game respect some of your time investments that is putting things lightly there's no trash in normal raids and there's only some trash in alliance raids sure like harder ones at the same time it's an mmo with tons of stuff to do so i'm going to repurpose an asthma gold quote here final fantasy is a game that makes you want to waste your time that's a that's a smart thing to say i'll tell you that that really that's a smart thing to say it really is it is so smart like so the the thing is with me is like all this like i i look at these screenshots of final fantasy and it's just a bunch of losers standing around in town with lingerie on like furry characters like this is just this is not appealing to me okay i'm gonna be on it's just it's [ __ ] not appealing and i'm looking for i'm looking for the good [ __ ] i'm looking for the raids and somebody showed me a raid that this boss thing is his name's alexander and that was cool i do feel like a little bit some of the mechanics are a little bit cheesy i i do believe that but i will i will be willing to try that you know that's the thing is i'll be willing to try that and see what it is that's my thinking relic weapons that you can upgrade over an expansion via quest that's stupid there are proper grinds but mostly gorgeous that's dumb as [ __ ] man basically elite rare spawns for xp plus and game rewards that's cool i like that is that player as an example really cool it also plays near music which you can earn from the raid oh cool there's also gathering and crafting eleven separate full jobs in total each with their own gear rotations you know design all that stuff relic tools and quests there are then usually a few other bits of content per expansion like the roguelite dungeon crawling palace of the dead and heaven on high the southern front with its own progression and abilities and the grind fest that is eureka also with its own progression system okay so much to do there's also all the character customization with appearances and dies the fact that you can unlock emotes and hairstyles from events and content the gold saucer casino that's full of mini games and so much more and i've not even talked about the well well well over 100 hours of single player main story quest content which by the way people that's over 100 hours of gameplay holy [ __ ] that's insane is that true like jesus christ that's nuts like over 100 hours that that's crazy like wow it's like i just as i said i just feel like i've never had a final fantasy game to hook me and i will be honest the real truth i had a bad first experience with final fantasy i had like final fantasy three or four on the original game boy and i could not figure that game out for [ __ ] i really i couldn't figure it out like i couldn't play i was like [ __ ] six years old and so it had so many different stats in it i was like how the [ __ ] does this work man i have no idea so i could never figure out how to play this game i was six shut the [ __ ] up that was my five and then i played i bought final fantasy vii for the playstation one and i bought it at like [ __ ] game stop or like not games it was like a blockbuster as like a used game and i took it home and it didn't work like it the game didn't work so it's like i've had i've had a lot of bad experiences with final fantasy okay guys i i did now scam yeah i got [ __ ] sky dead i was like then to me i was like i didn't really think about it oh man this game suck dick man don't work man [ __ ] this [ __ ] and i just went back to play smash right it's not a big deal but still remember eb games yeah yeah there were so many game stores i went to eb games all the time i love db games say is uh especially when you get into the expansions literally the best jrpg in the like in the last decade there is then the fact that each job has got its own quest lines there's also how fantastic the raid story lines are and then there's also how the community love the developers for their openness and how much fun they actually seem to have during their communications yep i mean actually that's most of it the community actually loves and trusts the developers and it's no secret why also almost all of the game's content is relevant to the overall experience both in terms of story and in game because of the duty roulettes essentially time walking baked in by default that scales well and offers currency and xp rewards square enix that's cool i've spent the last 10 years since final fantasy 14's literal calamity of a launch building and improving in the game listening to the players so that when you log in you have got 10 years of great game to play see like this is one thing that a lot of the uh the the thing is this hashtag not it's just as simple right i mean like he's happy about the game he wants the thing is that it's better for everybody for both games to be good competition breeds excellence if there's no reason to compete against anything then the motivation to make a good product goes down it is it if you are a final fantasy andy you should want wow to be good because that means that final fantasy can steal the good ideas from wow and put them in your game if you are a wow andy you should want final fantasy to be good so then blizzard can steal the good ideas from final fantasy and then put them in wow that's the way it should work like that that's it it's great everybody should want both games to be good because ff does not throw the old stuff in the bin in the same way that wow does and you know what's really funny the savior of this project yoshi p he forced the developers to play world of warcraft oh that that's what their homework was when he came in to fix the project oh [ __ ] they were playing cataclysm and mists of pandaria oh wow they were laying the foundation bro i'm glad that they don't have any workers rights over there maybe like over in japan you know they don't have the same kind of unionization as they do here man there'd be some lawsuits here there'd be some crate like a law that's that's like work worker abuse that's that's worker abuse man what the hell make them play cataclysm did they make him do dragon soul oh my god torture i said fantasy 14's rebirth and since they've just been keeping the same thing in mind yeah the player imagine this is even apparent in the beast tribes which are extremely similar to old wow wraps okay and the good ones with groups of people who clearly advanced with your help through a whitening pool of dailies in one area like literally like old wow wraps the good ones that's crazy through iteration and making changes for the sake of the players experience wow they have created i think the best overall mmo on the market it really does seem to be that because right now in terms of the quality of the story the quality of the right people there a whole bunch of other things the content cadence they're beating blizzard and it makes me sad to say that yeah because it shouldn't be like this blizzard have got the company they've got the resources why is it like this and i'll be honest final fantasy 14 is far from perfect and it is it's because they're incompetent that's why they don't know what the [ __ ] they're doing that's that's the whole reason like it's no it's not a secret it's not different that's why it's because they don't [ __ ] know what they're doing but that that's all like the people that know what they're doing left because i i don't know i think i probably don't get paid that much money and i i i don't know man they don't know how to run a company in the ground up yeah it's like they just they don't know what they're doing like there's no reason that they should fail that's what it comes down to there's literally no reason they should fail quite heavily weighted on its single-player storytelling which to some people is a massive turn-off look yeah i don't think for me mdi competitors and world first mythic raiders are going to go to ff14 no and you know what good because i actually to be honest with you i don't think wow should be made around the mdi and mythic raiding treasure cares far too much about that super cutting edge stuff that they've basically forgotten they have the whole rest of the game to develop that's the whole thing it's like they're like oh well this doesn't affect the high-end players like who cares if you're [ __ ] in a sock and doing plus 25s you're addicted anyway there's like like a thousand of those people in the game like and this is the thing and here's why it happens is because those are the people that start working on the game and then the people that are working on the game talk to a lot of those people so they're talking to the people that play the game all the time and play it super competitively that's what it is ff has not made that mistake it has not forgotten that yes ff has got its problems too tons of things but the thing is that there are not problems that are deep and existential problems are deep and existential and i don't say this to duncan blizzard i say this because i have heard too many stories of abandonment the amount of people who have jumped shipped toronto fantasy 14 and seemingly is genuinely shocking i want wow to be that good but blizzard needs the courage to actually make hard calls it is time for blizzard to do what square enix did back in 2010 to be honest with themselves about their game and what their decisions are doing to their reputation and to treat this like the existential company-wide emergency that it absolutely is absolutely because if not they're going to be they're going to be due for a wake-up call in a few years because not only will it be final fantasy 14 clawing at their heels you'll have to be hashes we'll have those other games right now but you'll also have it's also like you're gonna have some draw from games like that are not necessarily mmos like you're gonna have draw from like path of exile path of exile too you're gonna have draw from even games like valorent and other games that are just really really good like fortnite stuff like that there are people that you know i'm one of them right like i would move over and play valorent sometimes or play call of duty instead of wow call of duty is pretty much the same thing right it's like because it's the same company but like overall i would move over and play other games and the more good game like valheim is another good example it doesn't necessarily have to be a one-to-one mmo it can be other things too new world which is about to come out elder ring for sure and riot will be coming for them riot are doing a big mmo as well yeah blizzard may indeed wake up and find that not that many of their 100 million plus users give a [ __ ] anymore yeah if blizzard take their competition as seriously as they ought to we will all be happier for it absolutely awesome players and blizzard as well that is it for today's video i know this is not a happy cheery one no it's not we've got to be real about what's going on blizzard can't keep on just matt i take a piss right back [ __ ] up world of warcraft simple as that we cannot have this enduring just thing whereas always partially broken in a way where it's always enjoyable but with the caveat of you've got to grind up this boring thing yeah or you've got this mandatory thing it's not acceptable it's just not acceptable you don't need all that random [ __ ] nobody wants it nobody needs it so that's it for me yeah i'm also playing final fantasy 14. of course i am i'm having a great time i am playing well for 9.1 obviously of course yeah maybe now you can do what ffs got for me or wow you just go into the same treadmill again yep do boring world quests yup no no outside of that most top end content blizzard stuff is not up to snuff no wow is a very small game it's basically raiding pvp and dungeons they've they've let everything else wither yeah that's all that matters that's all that matters it's like just those two little sections of pvp final fantasy 14. it sucks is a complete game blizzard cannot continue to have an incomplete game that they iterate over yeah they need to make a complete game imagine that okay i'm done that's it for the video support nord if you want to support us thank you to them for sponsoring link will be down below with that said let me know what you think i'll see you next time [ __ ] man [ __ ] man man [ __ ] that's rough that's actually that is rough man who's gonna cry i mean i think a lot of people are sad man because this game's been like it's been such a big deal for like so many people and then for it to be [ __ ] up that sucks like that's really all it comes down to it just [ __ ] sucks i i hope that they can really figure this out because like while right now it's just uh it's not in a good place let's just say that it's certainly not in a good [ __ ] place [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,018,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, final fantasy asmongold, wow vs final fantasy, wow vs FF14, wow vs ffxiv, ff14 vs wow, final fantasy vs wow, ffxiv, wow ffxiv, wow final fantasy, final fantasy 14, most played mmo 2021, most played game, ffxiv vs wow, bellular, asmongold bellular, bellular final fantasy, bellular ffxiv, bellular ff14, wow killer, asmongold ff14, FFXIV
Id: XMePGAfpUeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 47sec (3107 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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