Zooming With the Homies (ZWTH) EPISODE 68

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she actually said hey you're gonna have to uh do your own stuff tonight i was like oh all right hey hey she gave it to your real real yes you looking there ain't gonna be all that dripping and running i got school anymore all right all right all right little girl okay what's up everybody welcome welcome welcome welcome um let me go ahead hit the like button already okay let's get it going i got a question before we start i got a question before we start if i don't have my headphones can we still do the show yeah absolutely i don't have my headphones on right now because i'm charging my ipad i'm not as talented as you so i don't have all my utensils i have to be on my head hold on where's the video you going you on the phone saying oh sit on that road i know that back that's a hotel background right there no it's mom it's my mama office i don't want to have to look at you like this all night hold up let me fix that for you one time i'll change that orientation for a real one just flip it yeah i got you going i'm trying to look so bad we're lobbying i got it i good i'm at an angle yeah you still at an angle what do you have it on a ring light that i just got from best buy now you can't now you can't stop with the lights i love it though that's good right there that's perfect that's perfect boy it looked like some praying went down in that room you understand there was some strong intercessor prayer going down in that room right there [ __ ] blessings were made in that room do you understand what i'm telling you something yeah man that's the rule yo mama she said your whole name cindy montgomery before [Music] wait a minute somebody said ty do you want or need any more kids no and no i am cool listen how much your man just came up here she said i don't know why he don't close this [ __ ] goddamn ass [ __ ] door every time he go hey dog yo i don't have a cut man i'm all insecure but we gonna rock bro i was literally on the ground for like the last hour and a half trying to get this guy down but day in we finally got that whole rocking though oh what the [ __ ] did i just walk in on what happened i was working on it but i got we got some big days for the house so i'm just trying to get the one wait a minute just we got some bidets for the house huh so you just rinsing your ass out huh you just rinsing your ass tight what's up cp what up though what the [ __ ] is going on what's up ty what's going on what's up uh i think you know it [ __ ] till you find out his house is chopped full of bidets to here you think you know it [ __ ] tonight take a piss and i am enticed to take a [ __ ] because i know that i can rinse my ass out bro let me tell you something we're gonna be saving so much money with this goddamn potato they had a bidet put in and that's then hey talk your [ __ ] man can we get a shot of cp background cp been doing zoom shows for 10 years look like he has the most professional green screen set up like this thing i've been doing this since college like zoom [ __ ] yeah i've been doing this since hey hey what's crazy is that hey that grandma's house background you gotta look real as hell okay right right on right on i'm like oh wow that looks that looks authentic look at the curtains oh that looked like it looked like that up yesterday okay oh that's a dresser a lot of prayers went down in that room right there my boy all the place you say you're going to california [Music] well god protect him cause they do anything on the west coast don't forget where you come from where you praying i like i like how the preachers be knowing all the freak [ __ ] that's going on like yeah you know what the [ __ ] going on out there don't you you know where the holes are your pastor killed him from [ __ ] cause it's everywhere he [Music] [Music] you can ease up a little bit tonight because the you it ain't the it ain't the the chat you got to worry about it's going to be the guess i could tell you i'm talking about all y'all at one time versus like one at a time hold up well here's the thing put it on gallery view and be at be at other than a parent's house he ain't gonna be able to see everybody you get to see four people at a time that's it i'm gonna go get my computer yeah you might need you might need to get a computer ty you look like an obituary right now what are you doing over there in the cloud what are you doing right now it is like y'all remember ty yeah so the server is gonna be next week and okay all right don't ever do that again i was like what the [ __ ] like a t-shirt i'm just saying everybody had their virtual backgrounds i'm sitting on the balcony i thought you know i was trying to fit in okay okay guys i do want y'all to see this you look like where you gonna turn here we're gonna let you guys finish but sydney just had to take an attempt i died he told cp that he looked like he had a bowling alley where they turned the tokens and the tickets in it was funny it was funny sydney sydney looks like the only black member of a motorcycle gang in the middle of nowhere he goes to walk into a bar and sydney over there playing pac-man and one of them sit down arcade things that's what you look like you like the [ __ ] who warned everybody in the book of eli like yeah you know everybody's gonna die all right i'm done i'm sorry what's up ty what's up what's up what's up b little what's going on keep all right so the vote came in i asked either did you guys want to hear we're ready or did you guys want to hear what when we came out the vote was for what so on there are some hoes in this house i want my running backs to run straight through the paper and then i want everybody to follow through shut up when you hear this set up we about to kick off the show man um welcome back to another episode of zooming with the homies man i have a amazing lineup for you all tonight it's gonna be a laughs unlimited all night long so i hope y'all ready for a hell of a ride we're just gonna kick it off with some general introductions ladies and gentlemen she's no stranger to the show she was here last last uh week um y'all know you saw on squad cast this past monday as well ladies and gentlemen baltimore's finest uh north carolina originally raised y'all make some noise from my homegirl comedian extraordinaire writer actor dancer producer ty davis hey y'all from baltimore yeah i live in baltimore i thought you should live next i know i thought you was in chicago no so you you came up at the club um the baltimore factory yeah yeah the uh whatever it is yeah uh next up ladies and gentlemen uh y'all know you've seen him here he's a player he right now uh is about to uh looks like he's about to rob that house he said it's his mother's house but it looked like he just took it took a second to literally break it somewhere do this then finish rob and then get out ladies and gentlemen uh my dog writer producer actor director comedian extraordinaire uh winner of funniest wins ladies and gentlemen we got sydney rich man castillo what's up man oh we're in the building what's up man regular body we got body butter on sale what we got beer butter at the bodybuilders.com we talk about it later what's up i feel it ac you look like it's vomit on your sweater already i'm doing a commercial hey i know i got new beer butter it's like the bodybuilders.com you can get it you know i mean talk about don't look at the beer right now because you know me i'm in a pandemic but you don't have to be anyway uh hey and we ain't gonna be roasting the whole goddamn night evening they get this ain't roast me y'all say that [ __ ] for roast this yeah cp grow up jesus you see brandon even come in with that energy that [ __ ] brandon i ain't even sure [ __ ] want to be here right now brian's playing 2k right now you can't tell brandon brandon is in a is in a semi truck right now he just got a backdrop up nothing all right that was something that it was no no no no no no we didn't have a roast this week whoa straight from the titty meat capital of america the titty beat capital of america it's really not it's just the one piece it's just another one how you came on looking like don't stop [ __ ] that popped up i was like what what's up next up uh my dog man all the way from uh cobb county you know what i'm saying it's one of my first girls out here i've met bro this dude has always been solid as [ __ ] with me uh always been a great friend ladies and gentlemen he needs no introduction you've seen them all over the entire country you also see them on your mama rep in atlanta you know what i'm saying ladies and gentlemen we got comedian writer actor father mr branded louise brandon it was hard as hell to find a picture for you boy you ain't got no pictures on your no pictures on your page either i had to literally go to google to find a picture for you that was this that was a solid pick that you chose per se i mean like there's a little no facebook i had to go to your facebook to find that that was a solid pick bro i like this because you promoted me with this was silent yeah but that this one was solid bro i appreciate that man shout out to cb man you want the goddamn rust i can goddamn this oh you're warming up nice wheelchair man juice whatever all right let's let's uh let's get the topics shall we you know ladies and gentlemen so sensitive all right no i'm not bro i can do two side two jokes you it's your hero here at the same time with the same side tooth missing i can talk about that but as soon as i do that then you want to be like man i ain't even about all that [ __ ] man i'm from cobb county man man [ __ ] next up ladies and gentlemen she needs no introduction even though i'm going to give her one she said just about every week as well she has a new podcast you guys could check out every monday at six o'clock life after divorce uh you've seen him on the show a number of times she has a special out uh did a tour as well she's a director actor producer writer comedian mother ladies and gentlemen please welcome back to the show we got to cara toot that thing up williams [Laughter] knocks you that thing up the car toot though one day i stood up and adjusted my pants and ever since i did that every time i'm on the show it is requested that i stand up and adjust my pants sid hey brandon you got the cutest little baby um what up cp whatever build it mistakenly adjust to your thick ass pants it was one time and that was it once i did it but um yeah what's up everybody thank you for having me to here mr morgan he nailed it last but definitely not least ladies and gentlemen we have the resident roaster um also just one of the funniest and best storytellers i've ever come across um he's a writer also around the garage from sesame street you gotta add that in there we'll pop out the trash can let me finish the introductions and then you [ __ ] go at it i know just want you to do this he be like a grown [ __ ] who still run away [Laughter] comedian actor writer father husband um director and producer ladies and gentlemen we have cp gonna give him everything he got in the goddamn building what's going on cp uh i didn't like the intro let's just start things like you've been running away professionally for ten years disrespecting it first of all uh to hear and below your side tubes look like the front door of a doghouse or an igloo so i would say that i don't know i will i will i will also say to sydney okay you look like this is your first day of unhomelessness like yeah that's all i mean now man all them dollars all them dollars man i got my little spot [ __ ] you shut up on homelessness this is his first day of of homeness um takara that is a big ass divorce ass glass of wine right i want you to know that they say you can only have one glass a day so you got to be smart is that sangria it is sangria yeah yeah that's it yeah it's a freak wine no white no no no ice and just wine who's doing that i knew it had to be sangria you know what i'm talking about it is ice in it i see ice in it that's what i'm saying it had to be sangria because it had ice in it yeah anytime you see a woman with ice in her wine that's that's that's a freak wine right there she ready she's ready to get it going [ __ ] dinner [ __ ] it's icing her wine [ __ ] what you want to feed me folks listen man uh we're gonna have a great show um i'll only say this because it happened last night my mic is hot my bad to here my mic it sounded regular to me with these watching this [ __ ] on a tv or something um last last night for some reason the internet went out on my my my computer um but the feed was still going so if that happens to happen y'all just keep going i'll pop back in as soon as i can but i don't know i don't know what the hell that was about just how awesome it's been right here [Laughter] so before y'all got on ladies to here was talking about how he got all these bidets installed in his house now what yeah [ __ ] he got for days now he's talking about where he wash your ass yeah yeah the fact that he said he had he he got multiple bidets in his house me and he probably got bidets outside the bathroom like he got a little peasants have not tried the luxurious bidets that they have right now i'm in the shower hey no [ __ ] you got a bidet yeah plenty of days a few of them this thing going on you dead ass yeah i just posted on instagram about me it took me like two hours to put it in because i didn't know to use the plumber's tape oh you didn't know how to plumber tape [ __ ] so you don't want to make a mistake and take a bidet-less [ __ ] in your house so therefore you have covered all the bases by putting up a day everywhere yes [ __ ] the kids got to have a bidet too like the kids got something they gotta have a bidet too hey man listen think about when you were a child you ain't still a white people ass real until you was like 16 17 years old so i don't know what kind of life i would have been if i was shooting water up my ass as a child i don't know what kind of man you turn it turn it you turn it into you turn it into something nasty like this you turning it into something oh you got all you just got the oh oh you got the walmart dish that [ __ ] just added on to the toilet seat this thing ain't like this that [ __ ] rinses his ass in like soaps why it matters what's up what's up with you bro like you don't want your ass get another you want ward up your ass dude so you have wipes and then you want more water after you do wipes the bidet the bidet cleanses it first right hits you with the water cleansing your [ __ ] and then where are you right here where are you who are you to be walking around with this clean as an [ __ ] don't let nobody talk why do i do that all right why does your [ __ ] need to be this clear like what kind of [ __ ] like why don't y'all want to clean [ __ ] sparkly clean [ __ ] don't fail you don't make it seem like it's not sparkling but it's just like it's just like you eat you eat wrong bro oh so you don't take a chicken wipes though that [ __ ] might be that massive that you need water after a white after toilet paper is crazy to here be trying to rinse them freckles away what the [ __ ] is going on i can't get it use the day first goddamn crap you got you need a little help to get in there and spray around the day yeah first then you use the white as the secondary line of defense right you get the crevices that the bidet can't get right right and then you use the toilet tissue as a dryer boom bow now i'm good now i gotta clean it like i don't i don't your ass is not [ __ ] but today is a stream of water okay not a [ __ ] splash okay it's not it doesn't come up like a wave it's a stream of water and they have it for the back and they also have it for the front so you can cleanse yourself bro i can rinse my dick off while i take a [ __ ] i can just while i'm right here that time that thing gonna hit me the right way and i wouldn't sit on the toilet all goddamn day i'm too lazy and i'm trying to tell you you said hold on so check this out so to hear why why you're uh sitting down using the restroom then after you you know use the restroom as you're still sitting then you press the bidet button and then you cleanse your butt why are you sitting down still yes brandon essentially uh i watch i mean i flush before i start doing that but yes the water the water comes from the direct feed from the line against the wall so it doesn't come from the commode it doesn't come from the reservoir it comes from directly from the water that comes from the spout outside the wall that's number one any number outside water sprinkling on your ass that's what's up let me ask you a question all right listen we all do different things i don't get you [ __ ] man i don't get it no i'm talking about my time out so you got multiple ones so i see that you had the uh the toilet seat edition so you got multiple ones so you put them all around your house so every toilet seat got the bidet attached right the way is the way the way this he got one in the kitchen i just told you all that when he cooking and he gotta rinse his ass out while you you know why are you like this why he's a child he's a good hey look at me look at my eyes okay so when you take a [ __ ] outside your house man i can't wait to get home and rinse my ass off these [ __ ] forgotten over there okay wait to get home and rinse this ass out whoa they ain't even not debating everything you know but david this [ __ ] of zooming with the homies he's completely drawn unfiltered as you guys can see the show is not behind a paywall um and we keep it that way so we can keep it unfiltered and keep it raw we don't have to deal with any stipulations that any type of uh you know programming might try to hinder up on us so with that being said ladies and gentlemen all i ask is that you take care of my guests they're all traveling comedians they're all not working as much right now so um if you guys have just blessed them with a little something they would greatly appreciate appreciate it as would i so uh at this time if you guys would go ahead and change your name to your cash app so people bless you real quick that would be amazing just did mine hate to hear does it make a sound can you sneak and do it like if you're having a little dinner party and everybody's talking and maybe it's a silent point where everybody chewing that meatloaf and all of a sudden you we you hear somebody in bathroom like like do it make a sound or is it silent you want to try it out don't you no i don't i just want to know i feel like you're asking all these questions because we're going to talk next time you play do you sing a song do you sing a song do you sing a song when you want to leave it like lovely day no all right so cp are you really are you an only child like you are yeah man yes to hear hit the nail on the head i would be at home not talking to anyone because my parents were adults they didn't have time for that [ __ ] so i would be at home and i would i would be like when i get to school i'm never [ __ ] the [ __ ] and then that's how it happened i'm not i can't lie to this man that's exactly what it is man you could tell it's like oh i understand now okay to hear it see since you got only child jokes here's another joke for you are those really freckles or did you used to stand behind mufflers when you were a kid you better than that one no if if you if you think about the science of it if you think about the science of it i'm not going to do it i'm not going to think about the logistics of the joke hey hey hey i liked it and ty got it because there's a lot of particles that come out of those exhausts it's not just all smoke it's a lot of harsh things that could leave a freckle anyways you busy what's up bro [Laughter] hey man shout out to uh hey let me put this out there man shout out to everybody you know i'm saying watching us you know saying right now shout out to here boy man and make sure you follow your boy on twitch now i'm on twitch my twitch handle is who is brandon lewis hey i'm on there playing nba 2k man you know saying me and my dad seeking to be on that [ __ ] cp i seen that you uh was on 2k i know you got your man [ __ ] but you know being on that my team i got mad or not yeah yeah bro you know what let me give you a little tip i've never followed anybody who said follow your boy that's like when as soon as i hear that i'd be like never following this [ __ ] when you say your boy follow your boy talk with your boy where [ __ ] remember let's redo your commercials everybody uh when we do the sign-offs i tell everybody uh you get the chance to tell everybody where they can find you and at that point you'll be on the road right you guys listen this was live when they yelled cut to here with throw his goddamn mic packing sleeping oh yeah sorry man i quit man hey man i'm finished smoke [ __ ] y'all y'all never let anybody be creative and be they sell that's why don't everybody ever this [ __ ] is going to fall flat got a bunch of haze black t-shirts in the clouds you pounce on the prey okay he'll be like this one looks like my side too i'm gonna wear that some of the mother's gonna be fine now but when he falls flat that's when i get him that's where the tiger comes he's there all right man hey can you fix your face time please jesus bro what we doing i got that ponytail she ain't like [ __ ] don't say [ __ ] to me i'm over here cute and chilling yeah listen we talking man right now man um i'm giving y'all p valley with this ponytail uh my stripper name is candy yeah i think i'm doing really good i feel like i feel like i'm gonna feel like i'm not i feel like i'm the most mature this episode you definitely look the oldest in the face i'm not gonna fall for it you gotta let the [ __ ] roll bro i'm not gonna fall for it you're definitely the grandfather of maturity in this [ __ ] shut your ass down somewhere get your layers down somewhere all right well i got a couple questions for y'all man uh in the meantime uh so we can uh just get some other stuff going real quick uh engage some of the ladies in as y'all know on squad cast we always do like a versus thing so i got a couple extra ones um that i had set to the side uh and this was actually pretty good right here which album is better 50 cents get rich or die trying or kendrick lamar's good kid mad city and i'm really interested to see what your [ __ ] gonna say yeah 50 cent get richer god damn come on you know that [ __ ] absolutely every song that that that's that's one of the top albums of all time like man three yeah so like it has to be that like every song was like [ __ ] i don't sell drugs but right now i do wait wait what what else you talking about what i'm talking about i don't know bro that that [ __ ] was amazing but see man both of those both of those was the album with a year blood in my eyes dawg and i can't see i'm from new york i'm gonna go away and [ __ ] trying to take my life away have fat [ __ ] and tar [ __ ] feeling so good about themselves it was something about being a big [ __ ] back there wearing a g-unit beater little [ __ ] like i get it i see what i think is trying to do i understand no that [ __ ] right there every song on that [ __ ] one with something you could ride to or work out too are literally like like just get the motivation to get the [ __ ] out the bed like that album right there had one personality but also it just had so much momentum and it never slowed down like the [ __ ] album kept us put on the gas the entire time like i'm gonna say this 50 seconds i'm gonna say get rich or die trying changed hip-hop when it when it came out 50. like that that album was like lebron getting drafted like it was like it's weird like you really don't remember a lot of [ __ ] before that because that was a huge album i don't want to take nothing away from kendrick but he didn't change the game with good kid mad city he was a force in the game but that [ __ ] like get richard trying bro that's on a whole nother level now i think like the sales kind of reflected too right like yeah i think kendrick album is dope as [ __ ] like but for me just like when i was when i moved here like i moved to california and game had just came out like 50 cent just dropped that [ __ ] i moved to my studio apartments like me jamming that [ __ ] like every [ __ ] song like gotta make it to heaven is still one of my favorite songs ever the second verse man man i'm going to listen to that album once this is over me i'm downloading it right now i i love good kid mad city my only thing with good kid mad city and this was a personal thing and i feel this way about all albums i i don't like when there's too many interludes like i don't like that [ __ ] and i don't like when interludes are tied to a song because then if i want to put that song on repeat i gotta hear that interlude every time that's on both of those albums internet added to my library yeah they they made the songs better or they made the album better like kendrick's album was probably the only album still to this day that i would listen to all the interludes of because it told the whole story it was like a movie yeah i agree yeah it was literally like an audio movie like that was dope but i i just want the [ __ ] music bro like i love wales the artist but i'm so sick of this [ __ ] doing poems on his goddamn albums like [ __ ] just put out a portrait oh he's a spoken word artist for that thing [ __ ] just give me the hits that's that's what makes sense that's what makes him good he does spoken word if you didn't smoke weed and you listen to 50 cent get rich or die trying and you heard how all the time you started you started smoking as soon as i even smoked i love that [ __ ] dog back streets [ __ ] know i pack heat [ __ ] if you got beef i heard everybody say something except for ty and and bra ending she from baltimore she don't listen to 50 cents she listens to like in baltimore all you need to do is your homeboy is a rap well first of all you don't okay you you don't know me that's hilarious that's factually incorrect um i was following the rules you said you know too many people talking at the same time so i was just following the rules but 50 for sure because of the album sales and the impact culturally like i can give you maybe one or two songs off of kendrick's album but fifties i can i can give you like you know multiple tracks so it's gonna be fifty let me ask you this time just because you said culturally do you think that it was a anything has to do with the fact that 50 came out at a time where it was more relevant to you versus when you came out because i know that makes a difference if it came out when i was about to graduate high school so like i remember everything around that time my life was about to change it was literally a transition from you know being an adolescent to uh basically an adult so i remember everything around that time and that that that album just gave me motivation to like work harder go to work to get the work get the school work and uh working white council's done just get this [ __ ] knocked out so do you think that that has something to do with it no i mean like it was different for me because i was already a grown up with a job and a cubicle and you know a couple kids and [ __ ] by the time it came out so it was it was a different vibe for me i connected with it more even though i wasn't selling drugs and you know getting shot nine times but i connected with that more for me at the time kendrick was just you know he was a kid and it was like oh you know it's very sing-songy i know what he's talking about but like 50 it was like it kind of reminded me of you shut your ass up kitty it reminded me of sorry um my cat me out in the background but like 50s music kind of was reminiscent of the stuff from the 90s that i [ __ ] with when i was younger so if it was kind of more like that for me with the 50 track it was awesome so much aggression dog like 50 like end game like [ __ ] with that like even that first game album like all of that gu and this [ __ ] was so like them [ __ ] was so hungry and so like [ __ ] you know what i'm saying like it was it was it was a really really really like strong time in rap i think kendrick was a big surprise to everybody who uh weren't really hip to him like that so that was really that was really dope 50. i'm going to speak on that real quick but i want to get b lou's opinion on this this this versus with the albums what'd you think b uh i'm going with 50 man 50 changed the game kendrick was good but kendrick didn't change the game like 50 changed the game like and then 50 album literally uh destroyed jairu's career like that was the that was the foundation or the poison shall we say uh that killed all john rule like that album right there was aim well the promotion aspect of it was aimed at ja rule you know what i'm saying and that and that's what made it even more so like yo like when the video came he was uh in the escalade on what was the spinning rims and then the dog was it a dog that was him that man that was hard right i was like [ __ ] i don't want to ever hear john [Music] that is true like you know kendrick had an amazing album it didn't cost anybody that career or anything like that um i thought somebody said big e say who better lyrically we all know that kendrick is better kendra is amazing don't take this as kendrick is not amazing kendra yeah that's not even that's not even a topic of discussion we know we know that we just talking about which album had the bigger impact the the it made you feel something more not i really relate to that 50 man that [ __ ] just was that [ __ ] was crazy for me bro i can't remember what you said you said something about kendrick uh oh people not getting hip to it and i think it's something to also say that kendrick um have released already like two or three projects um prior to good kid in mad city coming out so i think section 80 section 80 yes that's actually classic yeah another classic so you know i didn't really care i didn't really get onto that one i love i love section 8 but that 50 was like for a lot of people that was his i mean he had i think he had to deal with colombia but he had gotten into some trouble and lost that deal and then he had like a couple eps out maybe a mixtape or something i know that how the rob was out but that first album though to me it was like okay that first single was uh i think was uh was it in the club and the club was a banger but it was like okay this is like a radio hit but then his album was so unradio but was still banging so it's like a surprise like i gave you you know go go like okay cool but then he gave you bang right the banger on the hour like damn like i got the album and never listen to go show these [ __ ] but that i never listened to that song yeah i don't even think about that song i think about that album what's crazy is that the [ __ ] album was so cold that they made a [ __ ] life story theatrical film about this [ __ ] after his first album not like like he was still there like the [ __ ] was in his life story movie about his first album then he dropped the album that was named the same thing as the first album but it was the soundtrack to the movie and it became a whole nother [ __ ] i whip your head boy and all of that [ __ ] that was on the soundtrack that's the downtrend named afternoon boy [Laughter] hey sid put your cash out brother asking for it in the chat what's your favorite question what's [Music] hey i can't even hold y'all i don't care i'ma say it anyway um when i worked on 50 central i took that job excited because i was going to meet the 50 cent the [ __ ] whose album was amazing i'm asking i said yo let's stay in the height of your [ __ ] like heyday of like you know street [ __ ] i was like you about to you know put up on the [ __ ] the truck but he jamming your [ __ ] loud as [ __ ] wrapping your song what would you do and it was like yeah i gotta let him make it be singing my [ __ ] [Laughter] damn that's funny bro what's the part she just dipped off i think she'd be back she'd probably have to go do something okay all right cool todd davis tell us one thing fun that you've done all quarantine well um i've been buying ponytails off of amazon um because i don't have the luxury of being able to go and get my hair done so i have had to get creative so i bought this ponytail and amazon's customer service is so amazing it came with lashes i don't even know how to put my own lashes on so i got a ponytail in the lashes for free and um i'm giving y'all p valley chuck elisa the pink vibes my stripper name is candy yams with three z's because um these jams put [ __ ] to sleep so um you really put the thought into this goddamn man i love that [ __ ] [ __ ] work hard for the call can't fall nah but whatever goes up must fall down what you gonna do with the lights out i got a paper rock gotta live it down so yes so um but yeah that's the most fun thing i've been buying ponytails i got a bun bun that i sit on top um and i you know the the money that i get from my cash after tonight i'm gonna go right on amazon and buy me some more ponytails cause my goal is i gotta give y'all different ponytails now it is what's your best ponytail like what's your girl two ponytails what's your this is my best one okay this is this is my favorite one now here's the thing when i first got the ponytail i put it how it was in the picture and i felt so uncomfortable i had it high up top and it was and i was like oh this is not right i am somebody's grandmother and i look like uh ho this ain't right i don't look like i know how to burp a baby or nothing so my home girl was like nah you look you know you gotta drop it back so pull it back so i'm giving y'all shot a vibes with the ponytails you look like you were living down for the paper route you're spending time trying to make it up like every gang member first girlfriend say what i look like every gang member first girlfriend okay i'm cool with that but listen let's be clear underneath this is a smaller ponytail so let's be good let's be clear we got to stop calling them ponytail that's a rottweiler tail under there yeah that's what it is that's okay but i know my truth and i can grow my hair but it would take me a long time to grow this so you know i skipped it yeah because by the time you grew it your face would be old so you got to get it now while the face is young right i'm out here i'm out here tricking [ __ ] they think i'm a whole you know 30 year old nope i'm foggy shawty but what's up uh p valley yet but i keep hearing great good things about it valley is amazing listen man listen once you in it it's a it's a little okay you know what i came for sydney as soon as he said gay he said you know what i i've never seen a show i was just trying to live like i'm actually on the up he's like it's a bunch of gates like oh okay i was just joking i don't know listen dog it's like it's some it's some crazy stripping like they doing pole dancing like you can't believe but you have to train yourself not to be excited by that you have to watch it from an even kill standpoint because the very next scene is a [ __ ] [ __ ] a [ __ ] you like what the [ __ ] oh you know what i'm saying you can't so you gotta you you can't you have to be like oh that's nice these are strippers this is cool this is a good show this is a great plot line you can't get excited if these this is asking titties out cause it might go right to a [ __ ] titty like in seconds yeah um that lovecraft i tried to watch that love crap that love crab is amazing [ __ ] you don't [ __ ] with the lovecraft brandon i i i believe in god god i believe in god and when [ __ ] start getting eerie i got to tap out because here i'm too deep so soon as the [ __ ] pulled his pants down and the snag came out i said yep [Music] that was immortal what happened oh uh the old gore oh guard yeah oh the old bar was good i liked that old girl was good until she was on the plane and she said she didn't believe in god i said well uh i do so much because we don't typically see our people in those roles right so the fact that they gave them an opportunity to do something like that and it's good bro i'm for it bro um what's the show about i never heard of it it's like a supernatural um type of show they deal with jordan peel jordan pill talk about lovecraft right yeah bro jordan peel produced it so just it's it's a monkey paw production i understand this is is in the same new shows i don't i don't have anything to watch like bro you like get out did you like get out yeah i like to get out before this is this is this is in that vein it's in that vein bro but i'll say this if you're not an intellectual if you're not like a free thinker like there may be some stuff that you'll miss that you may not get you'll be like what so but y'all y'all are all smart people so like y'all would get it but if you're not in that wheelhouse you'll be looking because it's a lot of historical stuff too because the setting is you know a little further back when black people and white people weren't really living in the same neighborhood and their wonderful moved in they was aggressive with their racism it was like yeah okay but then on the backdrop of some supernatural animals which is hot ty did you peep that that little emmett till easter egg that everybody's talking about yo that was very cool um bear was talking about how one of the podcasts she listened to uh somebody that worked on the show called in because they were talking about the show on this podcast i can't remember if it's a whining crime or if it was my favorite murderer you're talking about we still was on my lovecraft so the lady that worked on lovecraft was saying that they worked really hard to keep it time specific to that era like they didn't purchase any books over 1952 when they were doing like the sets and stuff like that so they could get a real feel for that era so everything was like like scrutinized to make sure that they got it right and got it accurate and i just appreciate that type of detail on a project again with black people because we typically don't see our people in those type of roles so i [ __ ] with it i like it but at least 30 times while i'm watching it i'll be like what the [ __ ] and but i can't stop watching how into it i am and i'm like i definitely like i'm with like be lou i gotta pray after i'll be like all right lord you know what i don't know that ain't me you know no it don't be that funny but it won't be that i mean i'm spiritual but i'm not like overly spiritual but it just be like you know some stuff just be like come on bro like y'all reaching out like i got i mean love crap it is solid but like some of this [ __ ] is just like yo come on like i just don't want to consume it you just don't know something now some support because then you become immune to it and then you start to think like this is okay or like this is what the word is supposed to do or like [ __ ] talking about like oh i'm not thinking outside i am thinking outside the box but [ __ ] i don't need to keep saying demonic [ __ ] like i don't watch me i just don't consume that [ __ ] that's just not me you know what you just don't know i didn't listen to three six mafia growing up for that very reason i was like man these [ __ ] just opening the gates of hell while they rapping to me i came hey you know some funny dog i'll [ __ ] you i [ __ ] with slang that's my dog right right when when they was auditioning for black jesus i remember i was in the call back with uh joey wells right and i ain't nothing at the time and i just what the show was about like to me at the time was making fun of jesus right now i didn't get it's been many seasons as funny as hell right but in the incubation of it i didn't really get the what the essence of the show was my agent was like hey they want to mismatch you like you made it to another coffee with a mismatch i said hey listen dawg i'm behind you i don't i don't know what that's about i said i love jesus i said right now i think we making fun of jesus and i can't read i can't i can't understand i just can't do it and it was like well you have a call back i said i'm not going to it i was like so and they were look it was content it was made i was like well if y'all want to drop me go do your thing but like anything against jesus and so like but the show turned out to be funny i like him a fan of the show but like i remember i hit joey wills like i don't think i'm am i wrong i'm not going back and he's like me neither bro it's a little weird i'm a witness hey what's crazy is i had that same experience with the same show bro but i love this it turned out great like yeah i love slink and all that but the incubation of the show and auditions i remember making a joke that made me get a chill like convicted i was making fun i said i remember in audition i said uh i said oh my god jesus we did it you got hung to a cross you died third day you came back [ __ ] tell us a new story and everybody started laughing but the inside of me was like um like hey listen they said they want to have you back i was like i can't do it god don't ever sin you gave yours but have y'all ever had an audition or roll or something that you kind of wanted then you found out more about it it was like no i don't really want to do that yeah i i have one i just had one literally not even two weeks ago and i got the call back and i went to it and then i got the the next i got like the final callback and they sent me the script and i was like oh i gotta i gotta [ __ ] [ __ ] in this um you know this world requires nudity and sexual scenes and i was like no i'm good i really like the role but i was like i'm not finna do that uh no yeah really really yeah but you can get up and adjust that ass in the pants but a [ __ ] can't fake [ __ ] a [ __ ] tell you something about fake killing me some of my friends are actresses that in some scenes they require they will suggest that you really have sex i don't think they can do that without getting you know what happened somebody told me somebody friend of mine that's an actress said that she's she's missing she's at a scene that's very sexual and she said that sometimes it is to not have sex on screen right but it's suggested to get yes right okay i see that it's a desert [Laughter] sexual scenes are too it's just too intimate i'm not comfortable with that and i know some actresses will do it but i'm just not in a space too i don't understand what you're saying takara so they were they they suggest that you really [ __ ] so the scene looks real yes so that is [ __ ] on camera that's what i'm saying but you said not like [ __ ] on camera and then b lew jumped in with a joke and then i didn't hear it and then i was like i didn't understand what you meant so that's exactly what i meant so like i was watching power the other day and ghost was [ __ ] fancy and it looked pretty real remember fancy for the jamie five show ghostbusters hit and i was like man i never i don't i never watch power it took me a while to get on the tubes i mean i i just finished it before the pandemic i like binge watching like i think last november or some [ __ ] that [ __ ] was that [ __ ] was great shout out to my uh shout out to my brother london brown here in the new season oh running on a new season [Music] i think i stopped around season three i don't think i got to four and i just never followed back up i think it was on hulu and then i i guess i had reached the last episode and then i couldn't go on so i think all of them up now i just ain't i just ain't never go back to it man i want to watch it everybody when i tell them i never seen it they look at me like i'm not like i can't be black but i'm in the new season but i just haven't had the i just have never watched it i never wanted to watch it i hear about it and it's like okay they sell drugs they gotta break a label blah blah blah okay label or something like that i don't know what they're thinking about hustling flow yeah i don't know i don't watch this i never watch power i just did the same thing with um sons of anarchy though like i got like heavy himself anarchy i think i got to like season four before like around four and a half i just fell off like once they started getting like the porn house and all that [ __ ] i was like all right [ __ ] that's anarchy what's that i ain't never seen something the white people come together damn they were the motorcycle riders motor's like a game is the [ __ ] like i i yeah one bit i never got into a lot of shows other people got in just because like how i am like what's the show everybody loved 24 i never got into that yeah what's the one where the father was a financial advisor and he became a drug smuggler what's that one that one was really good ozark first president [Applause] man yeah we're sorry but i'm gonna tell you what helen [ __ ] up she got too emotional and she was doing too much and as soon as as soon as they called my man and they shout out to felix who's my guy we need to pilot together and everything he's who plays that main boss yeah but when they called him and told him that they sacrificed their brother for that and i don't think helen had told him that he was like back yeah i don't need helen no more y'all come on fly on out to the house i'm gonna holla at y'all oh i seen that scene mid-sentence cp she was mid sentence and she was so arrogant i'm glad you all are here let's go in and have a call joe ass out of here bruh we spoiled nothing but to hear at all yeah yeah that's right technically i didn't say anything i just said yeah that's crazy yeah to hear yeah you my brother okay i thought you said that when he had the beautiful baby nah i got a two-year-old right that's what i remember i got a two-year-old and i got a one week old congratulations daughter that's 13. congrats how is that [Laughter] that's why brandon's trying to stay up he really want to spend his time taking a nap and he ain't here talking to us where he could be sleeping that's why he be looking like he about to sleep my daughter here i came here to share some of my time man you know that's my dog it's all good man i'll catch you on the next one bro yeah all right yeah man he can't even cut the [ __ ] off it took him seven minutes to just get out of here oh then he turned on his head real quick when he sitting there doing this with the trying to only like time let me tell y'all i did a zoom show yesterday right i did a zoom birthday show yesterday right and this only could come up in the zoom so here he got dressed like it was a zoom show everybody in like their regular clothes they got fun backgrounds he took a shower put on a v like this this button-up shirt v-neck come down chain on pants on shoes on he was like i got dressed for this came in front of the camera showed his whole outfit we like you home though wait he sold the outfit he throw the outfit he did like the molly he was doing the molly he didn't do that he put the camera all the way back step all the way put the camera down like he did put the camera down like he did [Laughter] it showed off his whole outfit it didn't top it off it was this girl she turned 40. so she had about literally 50 people in her birthday party on zoom when i tell you he was trying to holler at everybody via zoom via zoom he was saying their names oh like he was like natalie natalie natalie what's going on natalie i like your background where you at in the bay area i know that bridge i could take you there if you want me to i was like fam i like your background that's funny i just had a random ass ques i mean yeah a random ass thought what movie would you like to see a part two of that never came out man demolition man yes i was just about to say demolition man that's crazy how was it i was telling my wife last night i'm like yo do you realize in demolition man they was teaching that class and they was on all them screens and then you started thinking about they had the flat screen tv they had a lot of [ __ ] it was like demolition man loki had a little bit more technology than um back to the future [ __ ] don't want to admit that like they was hitting on direct [ __ ] they was naming [ __ ] like that [ __ ] was like that was a very you know i like that movie i liked a lot of the concepts in it i would love to see like a different take on it that's cool man is what we're gonna be going through in the next five to ten years yeah we're gonna be living underground because we don't want to get chipped we don't want to get no vaccines i ain't going to hold y'all look if it means i got to live underground they're going to have the chips cp i'm going to be chipping i'm going to be rich in the business do you understand that they never told us what the shell did like today i'm like dawg did it scoop the [ __ ] out which is all i could think i don't understand what the [ __ ] the shell was doing but but oh if it's if it hey they're going i'm gonna be i'm gonna spend two days hungry before i'm like yeah me and my family are getting chipped we're starving we don't have time for this [ __ ] robbing taco bells give us cheetos remember they rock taco bell yeah yeah although wait real quick i'm gonna say a couple of them from the audience i mean from the uh chat somebody said uh i robot part two um i would be smiling squat face part two um i would like to die in the end what the [ __ ] are they talking about he got shot in the end how the [ __ ] you gonna make scarface too see ya see it gonna go open the boxing gym for [ __ ] in the hood look at this look at this aggressive ass [ __ ] come on [ __ ] calm down it was there was a sequel to aladdin it was latin two yeah it was you know how disney do they they sequels be ass they gonna start the video it'd be like jafar's ride or it was like you know what i'm saying it was one of those kind of things oh i didn't know that ty like that's not a real sequel [ __ ] that's like a pacific for real wait wait real quick a couple more from the uh chat we got uh love jones too no they no toxic relationship soul food too big mama died and it had a show leave it alone uh the wood too no it was all about one wedding it was you know saying it's like all right let's not overdo this they're gonna [ __ ] their life up trying to relive everything together i'm gonna make my rice inside man too stand up no no okay equilibrium now i don't know if y'all saw equilibrium equilibrium was good they didn't have to do that [ __ ] was good yeah i think that you have to did that training day training day two with ethan hawking like he has a new a new a new villain or some [ __ ] and conquered that would have been dope but how's that [ __ ] i can [ __ ] with that yeah i want to put my rice on oh yeah i'll eat two somebody said sprung too you sit down sit down with sprawl i got to really think about this man can you give it any give it sunday too any given sunday harlem nights yeah but any given sunday you know he went to a new team it was a new league you know ll was still in the league um who else somebody said uh hancock too i would not want to see wedding crashers too hey wedding crashes was funny as [ __ ] old school too old school old school too that's the first movie i did extra work in california boom old school i got my [ __ ] sag voucher doing that [ __ ] where was you at i saw the movie a bunch of times i never saw you i was an extra [ __ ] but like i got nothing though so you know when snoop is out rapping and he's like we're streaking we're freaking and he comes out naked i'm in the same if you pause that [ __ ] with the orange hat to the right that's your boy oh okay hold on wait i gotta give erica pete a shout out and also uh hello miss songbird a shout out because they said well songbird song uh listen fifth element i love fifth element bro i never seen that such a [ __ ] great movie bro bro you never seen fifth element do yourself a favor bro chris chris tucker right yes [ __ ] he's a hater bruce willis um tiny zeus lester the is the president bro it's a good movie dog the diva oh she killed this [ __ ] no that's about round two when eminem was on it could have been like when he was like [ __ ] in in detroit and then eight mile two could have been like when he was on you feel me this first tour i want to see that [ __ ] no okay no we don't i've seen some people saying um that would be a good one inception a second part to that i don't want to see i watched that for ten minutes i cut the hell off i was like what are we doing am i in a dream what are we doing i just turned it off so hey what about what about all about the benjamins ah two i think they should leave like some stuff they should just leave alone y'all don't think there's anything when it be a movie where the [ __ ] spent the whole movie trying to get something i be feeling like i want to see another movie where the [ __ ] has it you know what i'm saying like he was trying to get that lottery ticket that whole movie and you know saying do all that [ __ ] and he finally got it bro i want to see the [ __ ] i want to see him have it bro i'll be feeling unfulfilled when i leave the theater like like i went through it with the [ __ ] and i didn't get the ticket we didn't get the ticket you know i think that's the point though the point is to leave you wanting more before you get fed up with it or get uh get get tired of the movie like and then then it's up to your imagination to imagine because i always think that too like what do you do with that money after he got it but [ __ ] probably [ __ ] it off probably so i i mean don't make fun of me because if y'all do i got time tonight because i got a long ponytail um i really [ __ ] with the devil wears prada that's a detailed movie right that was a great movie yeah oh [ __ ] somebody said meteor man [ __ ] i ain't seen nobody make a meteor man reference in years dawg i would definitely watch media man yeah i'll watch another media man golden lords [ __ ] oh i think it's so good the way it was don't add on to it leave it alone i love media man though cp i saw that y'all had uh y'all had really done um the kids room up bro for for school that's not even a room bro that's the guest room man that's [ __ ] they got if he's a father like don't only get a twister that name is a full-fledged father i'll be calling him father hours and a [ __ ] will clock out a comedian be like sydney you're calling me and i'm dooming i'm they're at school right now i'm trying to get them set up like my damn money i thought we smoke what we did like we normally do i'm apologizing no yeah brother come on man enough of the drugs my daughter's here yes the children are our future man you know what i'm saying i'm just trying to you know i i really i really i really believe that [ __ ] where you either you raise your kids but you don't have to raise your grandkids oh god that's real that's real talk about all you want to came out of nowhere actually that's a damn because what i really feel like is if you teach the kids now they are the future to everything if we take all the energy and put it back into the youth hoodie swipe back no when that hoodie swipe back and that stressed out gym teacher came out but go ahead though go ahead go ahead you were saying something if y'all don't put the goddamn volleyballs in the volleyball bag and put the basketball in the basketball bat it's going to be a [ __ ] problem and mr castillo jim you look like a hilarious [ __ ] in a wheelchair yeah remember bill said that we laughed i missed that i want to give a shout out real quick big black booties to over big black they went up to like 82 of big bad boys and boys yeah i don't know where you been honey if i was in a wheelchair i want to be in one of the ones that got the blow control where i'm just like oh [ __ ] that's stupid that's that's what was the paraplegics i don't know moving on anything i'm just saying if if the back this tall i don't want to be in a wheelchair um james beveridge he wants to uh wish his wife heather a happy birthday so again happy birthday heather i've been saving my birthday for a while in the chat i wish you would say something to me but okay happy birthday to you happy [Music] okay okay thank you i was like who was that i didn't know i thought you were my daughters man yeah one of them could sing the other one i'd be in the building i'm at work stopping them hunting dr hunter's in the cash apps i'm sorry go ahead damn marcus damn man it made me like is this real i feel like this wasn't real but he did this last week marcus popping in the house everybody started stripping [ __ ] that's crazy let me tell you something i did not prepare for the overwhelming backlash that i received from doing that [ __ ] when i tell you my dms were stupid stupid stupid and then did um did squad cast after that i had so many dm like i forgot that we had did squad cast and i woke up and was like why the [ __ ] i all of a sudden got a hundred new followers what happened did my sex tape drop dinner i'm talking about they was like uh i'm 20. one dude was like you so fine i set up an instagram just to follow you no [ __ ] i'm the only person that he follows i keep going back to check to see how committed he is yo the [ __ ] only following me like i was like yo that's that's loyalty i still you know and then it was like dudes was like oh i know i'm too old for you but like [ __ ] like i'm 20. that's not how it works just because you're younger than me you automatically gonna get these yams like i date dudes my age i get older yeah first of all when you say [ __ ] like get these yams is the prize a [ __ ] gonna play the lottery goddamn you know what i'm saying like you can't say it like that that's why they got that little car in the middle of the mall because and look dude do y'all do this do do y'all like read through like the con sometimes i'll be having time and i'll go to read the comments and there was somebody that commented on the youtube like three times in different places i was like oh this [ __ ] really want me to see what they saying like yeah she has the same energy and logic of pedophiles you got to be careful so let me just make it clear i like younger men not under age men there is a difference so don't judge me or i [ __ ] your son what [ __ ] male librarian came here she got them pedophile vibes like man first of all that's your threat don't judge me all [ __ ] yourself let me tell you something sometimes i got into an argument with a younger girl one time i never forget this young girl talking cold cat [ __ ] we outside this spot called valentinos in baltimore and she going she's a little upset because basically the dude that she was back and forth with was one of my little young memes right and i told her you know what yeah i mean well i never thought about yams i got some yams i can't call her she's saying continue [ __ ] so he was he was one of my little young memes you know what i'm saying at the time and she was going off we in the parking lot she trying to square with me i said listen little girl this ain't what you want don't mind your business cause i can either be your stepmomma or your your your boyfriend's girlfriend i don't know what you want to do like i can i can i can either raise you or raise your man what you want to do hey ty what's funny is i want to hear her side of story so i'm in the parking lot right inside this little old [ __ ] let's keep calling marcus yeah i mean how old you to be saying yeah i mean you know like they think it's so offensive when they be like that old this thing she cute first of all um i know i'm old and i know that i'm cute like the girls in the club that we talking [ __ ] they be like look at her old ass look yeah look at her old ass and vip sitting down because i can afford to sit in the club young [ __ ] don't even know how to time their shoes y'all wearing shoes and at the end of the night you walking outside the club barefoot cause you don't know how to time your shoes i know what's good time time you have to time your shoes i agree with you guys and they don't be knowing how so they go and get these cute ass shoes that they only good for two hours but you out for six and now you walking barefoot looking ridiculous or walking like a baby cat now [ __ ] i know what shoes to put on i put on the pete toe three inch heels why imma come out here in six inch knowing i gotta bun your neck in me schedule get your ass out of here i know how to time my shoes okay [ __ ] say you got on two hour shoes you out for six hours she took a swig of that gatorade like it was whiskey you hear me like she yo ty is so funny man the whole time the whole time top [ __ ] you should firing fish in the background like give me 10 give me one minute let me flip it back like because somebody got offended by something that i said because i said it was the naivete in the control listen a younger man is coachable you could tell him what you need you can tell him what you want and he's not offended he want to learn you can't tell why would i deal with the drama of dealing with one 50 year old man when i get two 25 year olds that can go toe-to-toe with me in my libido why would i do that it's science i don't make the rules i don't make the rules fam look at cp's face dog look at that see see me thinking about it you feel me like hey her logic her logic is flawless you hear me the logic is flawless i mean hey she need a church she need a church the church of baptist booty meat mount zion oh man listen listen listen listen pierce kitty baptist booty meat evangelist i can see i would be there ty okay uh so what do you do what do you do all of it i'm for all of it what do you do when you're when your young [ __ ] turn 30. like what happens there she says program so here's the thing so the very so the first young dude that i dated i learned some of my rules so if you're not trying to keep and invest in that young man for long term you cut them loose 90 days is all they get and some of them strike out before then you so i'm not taking you past 90 days anyway damn uh ty is pimping titus pimping and is at its finest bruh that that [ __ ] is hilarious right now listen that [ __ ] is a headache when you gotta move cause a [ __ ] won't let it go [ __ ] i hate the man tiger ordered them tried and true [ __ ] she take their drawers off [ __ ] be like so what you gonna do what you gonna do [ __ ] i i ain't got time listen i know i know i know i know what kind of [ __ ] you got the car i said time [ __ ] be clapping at you i'll be like first of all i ain't got time to play no games is you ready or not like i'm in the perfect performance you got smoker's call sorry young man her [ __ ] got one of them little strawberry candies at the top here you go baby suck on that first second strawberry candy with the cream in the center to get everything got it like some dudes they want to be doing all this extra impress you that's time um listen i'm gonna tell you how to get right to to the spot that i need you to get to we ain't gotta be in here for an hour i all we need is 17 minutes so that includes four play during play and post play i ain't got time i got to fold these clothes i got [ __ ] to do in the morning i gotta go to work these clothes is done the most grown [ __ ] you just said all night i gotta fold these clothes in 17 minutes all right that's like everything you're two minutes you [ __ ] time when martin go off right where the news comes that's the older [ __ ] dream right there that's his dream right there 17 minutes said 17 minutes got that all right and they're like right you know that right if you want to go ahead and going up over there and get that clean like so if they see me do my set and i'm talking about dating younger dudes it's always an old [ __ ] named ernest or some [ __ ] that come up after his i'm saying and he always going to be like that's cause you ain't had the right one no i've had you you got compression socks you got diabetes i don't have time we on the same high blood pressure medication fam there's nothing that we can do for each other no i'm not doing this with you and then they like oh cause i can go all tonight and then they'd be like oh i went through what you want to threesome for when you struggle to [ __ ] just me get your ass out what do y'all do when the [ __ ] asks for a threesome what do a [ __ ] what type of [ __ ] deserve a threesome though because then could y'all be like [ __ ] you ain't even got this [ __ ] together [ __ ] like [ __ ] i don't watch it together now where is i'm the smartest [ __ ] right now in the room and i'm just listening to this part of the conversation yeah i just want to know i just want to know what this how it is how this goes when a dude when a dude asks for threesome we're all married so this is like i hear this stuff and i'm like how does this really happen in the world just like i never understood how [ __ ] be like [ __ ] she used to be mad but i passed her to you when did that ever work and then who created that rumor so that's what i want to know like how does this how does this threaten [ __ ] work [ __ ] ask you for that does a [ __ ] ever deserve it i i i think that oh [ __ ] um i could see because i feel like that falls into that category of y'all trying to put it you know those you know that like i'm saying you can't ask a question but you ain't gonna let your answer right so i think that for me i can't speak for everyone else i can only speak for myself and i don't love that i'm not sure how everybody's gonna take this but um i i think i like women so because i like women i don't think that okay you gotta go i think that because i think women are beautiful and because i've dated women before it's a conversation that i have in the beginning of a relationship with who i'm with that he knows that i'm interested in women like i like women i'm not with a woman now i'm with you but i have had a taste for women and i think and i think it's easier for me to have that conversation with him because i do and have been attracted to women before so i think for me it's just easier to say something like to easy easy to just even go down that route because for him it's like she's cute and i'm like like i'm not the type of woman that'll get mad cause a guy looks at a woman's ass because i'm probably looking at her app too you know so i don't feel a way about it um so i think it's easier for me to go down that road than it would be for a woman who's not necessarily attracted to women that way um but in the beginning of a relationship with anyone i let them know up front hey i like i think women are beautiful and i've dated a girl before so i don't know how that plays out for everybody else but to me it's just easier to go down that road because i've already been there and so you and your girl broke up last time i saw you you used with the girl that was back in like february march we've been i've been stopped talking to her she crazy she's so crazy she made me call [ __ ] and apologize like i didn't even know we did [ __ ] like this like i didn't know women will block you for no reason you ain't even do [ __ ] you just didn't answer the phone twice and she just blocked me and i was like oh she's walling and i just let it go but that doesn't you know negate from the fact that i still am interested like i still do like women and think they're beautiful so i want to say how you said it you have a taste for them i do i wanna i wanna hear from ty then i i feel like sydney got something to say like he just [ __ ] yeah yeah and sydney gonna push go ahead tai i'm just curious a taste for women i'm not attracted to women i only date men um but my my last relationship we had threesome negotiations and we could never get out of the negotiation [Music] i mean what happened because men want to become smart [ __ ] be quiet smart man go ahead and the women you have to let the female pick oh yeah so like for me it was there were some things that i just was like well if we i had too many things that he couldn't do or that i wouldn't do so you know um i don't i don't want to i don't want to eat koji i don't want to thank you for for bringing it but i'm good i don't want that and thank you um but i'm good i don't want that so it was like i was like all right well if we gonna do it then i don't want you to you know i don't want you to kiss her and you gotta wear a condom and um when we done she got 15 minutes and then she got go i agree with that she gotta leave she she's not staying for the for the cuddling in the aftermath you take yourself and you get yourself together you just got tag teamed by us we appreciate you for stopping by your uber is outside you can't stay see the thing is women hate women a little bit and it's always interesting to see that's why i asked women we would be like i don't like another [ __ ] i'm starting with you man which one here i mean to eat your song would you have a threesome i mean i'm married man that's something between me and my wife and the man i wouldn't really pick it up that's how you do that good good good good i don't think that there's anything wrong with it i think that if a man is up front with you about it and expresses his interest in trying something like that because a lot of men have done that already in the past i think but again but this child yes what about that other threesome you have remember yes [Music] oh okay so i'm gonna text her and tell her to get a space for you okay okay i love you um i think that when you enter into a relationship in the beginning that's a conversation you should have up front so that way that person knows what you like and what you don't like i think that to spring it on them you know a year or two in and be like hey i want to have a threesome i think that doesn't allow them an opportunity to think clearly but i think if it's something you joke about what in the beginning and be like yeah you know i never had a threesome i kind of want to try that one day then in the woman's mind she's like ah i might be open to entertaining this idea you know don't joke around with it if you wanna you gotta say it you can't joke around with it and hopefully but but it's something that i brought up like i've brought that up in in relationships and the current one and in the past one like hey yeah you know i like girls and and they're like he's like yeah i know you like girls and i'm like you know at some point in time if you ever want to try something and he was like wow would you would you prefer him come to you i'm like yo i want to take you up on an offer versus step outside the relationship is that the better move for you yeah just talk to me and again this isn't for everybody because everybody's not like this and i get the people that's not and they're like that's a relationship but i think that i think that this is my honest opinion i think a man will do whatever i think for men women will do whatever you ask them to do if you know how to ask them sydney say it don't don't hold your breath city stuff that person [ __ ] that person [ __ ] right there everything like that if you just ask him properly that's some [ __ ] but no but i don't mean but i don't mean properly like with manners and [ __ ] i mean like if you taking her down and you doing what you need to do and you whisper the right thing into her ear it could be a consideration she might not be like hell yeah but she might be like i mean if that's what you really want i mean i don't want to do it but if you want to do it like it's just yeah i think i mean i was listening y'all i mean i think the overall thing is you just gotta be upfront and talk about you know upfront like what's up with it and you see where the gauge would you know where they are because i mean because they they may be not against it and they might be against it because it might make them insecure but it might just be a bunch of variables that you guys just be adult and have that conversation you know i think uh i think when you say you know i'd rather you come to me before you know you cheat i think in that aspect it's like you just as a [ __ ] you set up the feds like look i ain't want she's so bad can i bring her in it's like well what do you mean like it's gotta be on to me like if y'all were to do it like some spontaneous type [ __ ] you know like not like hey man i've been picking this girl out for like goddamn two weeks i'll be coming to club she'll waitress [ __ ] bad you mind if we like that ain't gonna never work out we gotta be in goddamn guam and the [ __ ] walk by and i'd be like she don't speak english [Laughter] and then boom but that's how it normally works it never works with you planning it it always works with you just but the idea that you would like you wouldn't mind it is still present for you to even bring up hey she'll speak english remember that time i said to you that i was uh i guess we can never see the [ __ ] again like that's how it has to it got to be like a quick you know you have a i think the i think the rule is like you have an 85 percent approval weight from your woman if the woman does not speak english i can't stand you but that's true i can't say [Laughter] real quick i want to just remind y'all maybe about 30 minutes out um please make sure you take care of my my guests if you can hey we all was talking about somebody after a hundred dollars i clicked off my phone and i was like hey [ __ ] ain't got blessing don't don't show it change your [ __ ] and [Music] uh please please take care of my guests [Music] [Music] the thing about the threesome like i'd be willing to you know i would entertain the thought of giving my man a threesome but at the same time um can we talk about me having one oh yeah so look at this [ __ ] yo [ __ ] that's what i'm saying here it's emphatic but i hear you talking it's not the same stop acting like that's the same i'm not ever attracted to ah this is that i never did you you might listen you'll be like listen you ready you ready you might be down in your wildest dreams and the freakish you've ever been tired you might be like yo i might kiss a lady i won't eat a [ __ ] but i could i could i could kiss her breasts i could you you might put parameters like i could do that there's no part of a [ __ ] so you automatically went to them to touching and dealing with each other and that's not it like can it be about me can it be about both men pleasing me y'all ain't touching and [ __ ] each other y'all all on me you're stressing him out question for both of you well y'all know you answered ty have you ever seen a woman with nice breasts and be like man she has nice breasts yeah yeah have you ever seen a woman with a nice ass like man she has a nice ass yes sir okay do you understand that i've never had that with a man so that's why it's a different version of you saying why don't you bring a man into the room no listen to you justify this [ __ ] it's hilarious [ __ ] that's what i'm saying that's when you when you have the conversation you're very clear about the parameters of how the threesome works y'all not here for each other y'all are here for me i want y'all to worship me and suck and [ __ ] on me y'all ain't got to touch each other hell one could watch while one is doing stuff to me and then y'all switch and one could watch why the other one doing something one on one that's not a threesome that's a tie that's a what that's a tyson that's not a threesome my threesome is one people one three it's three people you want to be kissing your boyfriend and that [ __ ] over there texting on instagram like i'm just here but i don't touch somebody like that's not she got it no like there's limited like the level of comfort i'm i don't want to i don't want my dudes in my threesome touching each other and dealing with each other i want them all on me i want that bro that's right i want the train [Music] like that's what i'm saying like that's when you have the conversation beforehand like i you guys aren't here for y'all y'all are here for me this is this is about me you know i want to say i want to say this listen uh first off um thank y'all for sticking in here we just got to a thousand likes man we almost three thousand people in here let's get it to get your hundred real quick also ty i to say that you are ference spirit animal we we have a podcast coming out and we were talking about threesomes and and voyeurs and all of that type of stuff and unicorns on that and she literally said the same thing because i was like well you know i never had threesome you know i'm still trying to get that cracking and it's crazy i had a chance because initially when we were talking about a threesome she was like um you know what i'm not gonna give it away you just gotta listen to the goddamn podcast because it's one of the best again the best trailer in the world he's like i was there to talk about dudes man she said right after this commercial but if barry is still in here aaron is still in here she is probably listening to todd like yes [ __ ] that's what the [ __ ] i'm saying because somebody named greg keeps saying that he wants an entanglement with tai he said that about 50 times in the past and i've seen it and because he said it so many times it's a hard note for me it'll never happen and you [ __ ] don't even know how to flirt nowadays man god damn it's one comment out loud it's one in the dm and you hope to meet the [ __ ] thank you for the offer no ways don't do it like that they they pick up on this girl i eat ass that's the pickup line in 2020 baby girl this group of people came out there's about five or six of them and it was all nurses male and female nurses and all hispanic right and this little hispanic he comes up to me he got to be about five six five five he come up to me and he's like hey and i'm like hi and i just finished getting off stage and um his whole friends was like no tell her what you told us and i was like what and they was like no tell her what you was talking he was like you know my name's mark and i say hi mark and he was like and it was like three women and two guys and mark so six of them and they like tell her tell her and he goes i eat ass and i said wow and he said um yeah and it was like no no dog tell them what you said they all drunk they all got coronas tequila they taking shots i'm taking shots i told them that you know i i saw you on social media i thought you were funny and we all bought tickets to your show you really funny and i just told them that i would eat your ass i said you did he was like yeah i said you don't even know me though like you don't even know what my white game likes you don't know if you've got a but i don't even know if i got a bidet or what if i use wipes or toilet paper and he was like i know but that's what i told him i was like yo i'm gonna if i get to meet her and i talk to her i'm gonna tell her i can eat her ass so good and he was like and i do it so good too i'm i'm really really good i was like that scares me that um you know you don't even know women create their own misery that man offered you a service and here you are like you don't even know me do the oil change [ __ ] know you do the [ __ ] at burger king know you who made your food do the person that grow your groceries and grow your fruit do he know you no y'all get him a nurse and then you're gonna be 80 years old i will never get my ass hey where the [ __ ] is market whatever go ahead you a guy saying i eat ass is not impressive that's like me going to a fast food restaurant ordering a soft drink and you say hey i got a straw ass eaten is standard what are we talking about get your childish ass out of here but guess what though guess what guess what can i tell y'all something y'all got to learn how to think like men when you deal with men so that you like you have to talk to a kid and they come up to you with a fake ass phone and they be like they want to talk to you and you take the phone you be like hello who over here okay hey you get the phone back it's like look dog we don't do you think we give a [ __ ] about how y'all hair be looking [ __ ] because we've been trained to understand how your language is but y'all know how we are we like sex first weird creepy [ __ ] [ __ ] be trying their best [ __ ] coming to you like oh eat your ass what he's trying to say is look i go there and i'm letting you know that's okay but the friend of you the fact that your friends is cheering you to [ __ ] on made this a challenge you understand what i'm saying i'm not trying to be part of your challenge [ __ ] like i bet you i that's how it went yo i'm about to go to the show on saturday night she's real funny she is let me see her oh she cute i bet you i could eat that ass like that i'm not trying to be a part of y'all i bet that i can eat that ass like i just and the fact that you want to eat my ass and you don't even know me i just asked and i was like can i ask you a question he said yeah i said you this how you you always eat [ __ ] asses like you don't even know them you don't even know nothing about them you'd be like hey i just met you i want to eat your ass like is that your go-to for ask you could have told me you do i like flowers you know you're gonna told me you eat vagina you're gonna be like i like [ __ ] and i'd be like oh let's think about it but ass that's just you it is disgusting i hear you i hear you but his point was guess what he went to the bottom of the barrier pulled out the only trick he had for you and when his friends cheered him on cp when he said that he was like i just wanted to let you know i eat ass his friend was like oh and he was like and i'm really good at it and they were like oh and he was like and you know a lot of women i talked to they don't you know they they they call me back all the time oh so you got the friends in the background they all like it's terrible i get it but i have to serve as this young man's lawyer can you go back to the beginning of the story when he was courted and forced to tell you what he had to tell you so then obviously he didn't have the vigor he didn't have the vigor that he set it to his friends with he came to you we're like hey man look i eat ass i get he was trying to be modest about it okay the mark is a monster and you missed out uh no further okay okay but uh i'll counter your argument uh lawyer attorney gonna even if he just had vagina but i'm not that big on ass when a man's opening line is ies what i heard you say was is that you eat any strange woman's ass that you find yourself attracted to thank you to that ty may i may i address the court to that tie i will say that my client has no way of getting in contact with every ass in the world he picks his favorite asses and he makes a direct attempt though my client my client was running the sale my client was running a sale he's running a sale on a service and he let her know hey guess what this month during the pandemic service has been slow i'm offering you as a celebrity a chance i don't want to be [Laughter] i am defending this man that's all i'm trying to do and he was like but then at the end of the night when i was like all right he bought a shirt everybody bought merchandise everybody took pictures i got like three shots out of them the brother bought a shirt he bought a shirt he did him and all his friends so when we were leaving um i was like well i'm going to wrote it yeah i had to host this club he was like this so you know you he and i said no thank you i'm okay he got the rebound and shot again yeah he said so you know you you if you want i could you know i mean you know and the friends were like yeah we could pick him up in the morning i was like i'm okay okay they tried to throw them off for you they did i said i'm okay guys thank you so much i'm glad you came to the show i had a great time with you guys i got to go host this night right here but i had fun and then he was like i could come with you i could you know listen before we get out of here he was little too he could eat your ass while you drive you never even seen no [ __ ] like that my client said he can get under the under the driver's seat by the pedals but you missed out on that side uh i'm sorry ty go hear what you say my question to you attorney cp would be since you are defending that man who walks up to women he does not have any rapport or knowledge with would you be comfortable with that same man or maybe the son of that man when that man son grows older approaching your daughters saying i yes so hey uh you know would you be okay if your daughters were receptive to that well here's the thing here's the thing ty if my daughters were on zooming with the homies saying that they were booty freaks then you know that would be that would be something a bridge that they would have to cross when it when it came down let's say this i want to say this i want to say that you know tai and and and and i'm sorry you know they uh his approach may have been brash and you know i just want to just say that as a male coming outside of a comedy club it was kansas city i believe i was with tony rock and i was sitting in the car and i just wanted to get back to my hotel be wholesome and this young lady came to the window and she uh she said sydney sydney she was drunk she said come on save me wait can i get that sydney again sydney she was she was she was older than me let him finish guys please let him finish and she said she said to me i was in the back seat just like oh right and she said you could put it at any hole you want to sydney you can put it in any hole you want to any hole anyhow [Laughter] i cracked the windows like ma'am first of all no and two you don't know me three if you change your approach maybe i would have put it in one but since you came so aggressively tony can you start this [ __ ] vehicle and speed off true story so as you as you heard from from from my from my all-star witness was he flattered of course but he he drew a line sydney doesn't put himself out there like that to be to be to be you know but but but a man who watches takara stand up and and and a just said ass uh looking as he put it appetizing to him this justifies the whole he don't know her he's a fan okay he's a fan so we're going to we're going with fan he's a fan fans can do [ __ ] like that fans can do [ __ ] like that y'all know why he's gonna talk with cp on the show all right well let me ask y'all a couple more things before we we we get up out of here uh a couple more verses real quick jesus christ this one was a good one on on squad cast and i want to get y'all take on it what's worse uh your best friend dating your ex versus your parent dating a rapper i bless my first hold up let me dad go around you want me to go ah yes um i what's worse is my best friend dating my ex if my mama want to get her cheap slack by lord taytay or whoever the hell i support that i wish my mama would say she won't [ __ ] a little baby i'll be listening when i tell you i'd be so goddamn mad i would need therapy because i think he's down and ain't no way she's supposed to know about it mama gotta have a life too [Laughter] [Applause] i get [Music] i don't know i think um my best friend dating my ex or my mom dating a rapper i'm all for my mom dating a rapper she could get a rap or date that rapper you understand me because there'll be some hot hoes in the street and he [ __ ] with you mommy get you some i think i would be more against a friend of mine dating my ex that would probably bother me not not just a friend but a best friend then i would mm-hmm we ain't friends some more and we gotta fight if you date my ex right and we gotta [ __ ] my mom my mom my mom get that [ __ ] go ahead and get you some honey get you some little uh hello hi man teach me it's my question mommy teach me how you did that mommy how you call him cause i'm just saying if my mama get hit by a rapper hear me out if my mama get hit by a rapper that means he got rapper friends and that means i could meet one of his rapper friends you understand what i'm saying so i support imagine what that album [Laughter] he was too ready for this oh see you took the bar exam for sure that was those are bars that is funny what's your name for this one man i know you got something to hear the year was 1999 i was in um on a family reunion my big cousin had just hit me to uh masterpiece bout about it in the whole line of albums all the way driving down to atlanta i was my ears i'm in fiend uh skull duggary uh seal um you know so we got down to atlanta we had a great time we had such a good time that the parents decided to go out the parents went out to a club my mom came home she said hey chris uh everybody was laughing at me and uh some rapper tried to uh he saw us in line and he grabbed my hand said i can get you in the club you can hang with me and i said young man you don't know me and he walked away and everybody you know who that was they talked about his name was too short and i said mom let me tell you something let me tell you something it's it's only four rappers who i would kill myself if you you know say too short is a pimp you understand me automatically make you a hoe if you [ __ ] with two shirts he had a nice car i didn't know she didn't know she didn't know any better she didn't know anybody it hurt it hurt but if my best friend let me tell you something if my best friend talked to my ex right and this happened kitty high school [ __ ] it gives you a cheat code to the [ __ ] because you my [ __ ] i didn't told you all kind of [ __ ] it give you a cheat code to the [ __ ] you come in you like i don't know how this [ __ ] know i like my left titty son cause we talked about it [ __ ] we were talking about over beers playing pool the [ __ ] know everything about you this is a trap the [ __ ] a psychopath you should run but if you don't if if you can't see that then that's your problem right now square up we gotta fight i know i ain't gonna scrap i ain't gonna go scratch because [ __ ] you know anytime a lot of times a premeditated i'm finna scrap this [ __ ] you don't want to get your ass i'm gonna go there and scrap you i want to get my ass whip and my girlfriend i'd rather just you know take the [ __ ] and you know hey i got it you know yeah then i got to shoot somebody all right well sydney you you wanted to go last on this one i mean if i was i mean like what you mean like like like like like me and my wife break up you know what i mean and then like my poor child yeah david okay damn yeah but like if if it's like a girl like i dated i really don't care like i'm probably not gonna kick with you as much as my homie just because like i don't [ __ ] with her no more and so that's not gonna change cause you [ __ ] with her so like if she can't come around she can't come around me so like i was just in essence are you dating her i just don't [ __ ] with you y'all do your thing but i don't [ __ ] with her i'm not gonna change because you [ __ ] with her you know i mean right but like if i like now like a drastic situation like a [ __ ] try to get at my wife then like i'm that's worse than your mom [ __ ] with dragon like if yo if rough riders follow him on instagram he still got bars he got your mama on stage holding his sweat towel you you all hey hey dog i'll be so mad dog my little dog i'm going to be cancer and she had this goddamn concert you know you do god damn loud [ __ ] like you don't kill my mama at the show like i'll be so mad like mama ooh get in the car you ain't got your earmuffs on you by the amp imagine that call you at the hospital talk about yeah we in the hospital the base shook your mama's chest man we had her in the back of the chevy and the base shook her chest loose shots rang out at summer jam we think city [Laughter] indian city could still was last seen it'd be the it'd be the camera flinching me like this [Laughter] the end of the show man so i'm gonna take this time right now uh to make space for everybody to thank do that thank you and also tell people what you got coming up black ryan i'll see you in that in the comments my boy i'm gonna get you on the next next week we got some dope shows we got a uh the all ladies take over uh i think we're gonna do that on monday um and then uh we got some other dope shows um so i will let y'all know about that uh probably tomorrow and let y'all know what's going on with that one if not y'all are just here when i post a live it's just you know that is what it is um let's go cp all right so daddy shut your ass up in the comments about my goddamn haircut like for real like you should make yourself dizzy writing that [ __ ] you're running for the last hour writing this [ __ ] cp get the biker boy haircut again [ __ ] that's a mistake i tried to cut my own hair i'm never going to do it again anyway um shout out to everybody who for tuning in how many likes we got to here uh we had 1200. we was going for 1500. yeah man get them likes up but i appreciate y'all getting it over a thousand uh let me get these thank yous i'll shout out to lebaron over at popcorn world you know what it is to hear here yeah i got these shirts for you amanda sabs uh kylo uh kayla walker erica i mean i'm sorry eric dewell uh dallas crane paisley thomas uh matthew johnson ernestine tiffany sims shout out to the c peeps tj natasha black sejunder shout out to journey mark b the whole last name uh hey her name is a little seasoned but shout out to sojourner uh jose uh crew jerius uh simone kelly cook tyler and uh cameron banks i'm sorry i'm i'm high i can't read this [ __ ] but that's everybody i appreciate everybody once again i put my uh my latest set uh oh [ __ ] on uh from keep your distance comedy show it's on my patreon uh my patreon went from 20 to only five dollars now i know what i was thinking i don't got 20 all the time to be putting up 20 [ __ ] for y'all but five dollars is perfect i got sets i got all kind of dope [ __ ] for y'all to be able to see and um follow me on twitch and everything at comedian cp i'm sorry takara i know i took too long i'm sorry i don't mind i'm listening i'm about to follow your ass too and join your patreon [ __ ] oh man thank you give me that information i'm supporting you i got great songs in here man what you got up for first of all i want to give a shout out to let me just thank everybody real quick i can't thank everybody but i can think the majority of you um roger scott lebaron shout out to the baron i want some popcorn [ __ ] damn that [ __ ] is fire um i ain't never get none uh thank you i need more kettlebell kettle cheesy i want that shout out to kayla walker eric duell shawn gales tj colby tiffany sims jose derrick williams cameron banks james it's just like a slew of people i can't get to everybody if i have a name so i still want to say thank you i also want to shout out everybody who tunes into my podcast every monday monday nights be lit i need y'all to come in here on mondays i need to have you guys as a guest for the life after divorce podcast um every monday on youtube live at 6 00 p.m i want to say central is it central to here uh no you're 6 p.m pacific san antonio pacific standard at 6 p.m pacific standard time just tune in and everybody who comes in last week we had about 250 people in live and i know that's not a lot because you'll be having like 3k and [ __ ] but it's decent for me it started with 250. because of the consistency so right it starts with a star set you know what i'm saying okay i feel good about that so thank you shout out to everybody shout out to everybody in the cash shop shout out to tahir for having me i don't know what's going on with this women's monday [ __ ] but i want to be a part of that um i'm putting it out there into the universe into the person who's in charge um but shout out to sydney to brandon lewis congratulations on your new baby to cp ty davis who is beautiful to hear more farron i know you in here somewhere shout out to you and i got to go check on my chicken all right there it is [Laughter] thank you for tuning in if you got to tap out uh sydney let's go what you got man boom i want to just give a sincere like authentic shout out to my boy to here man for even having this platform like to watch you grow do your thing man your numbers just to show your professionalism and your consistency dog like i appreciate the opportunity and like gathering people around like being a pandemic so we don't get to chop it up the club so we appreciate you for just having this opportunity everybody on the cash app i can't do y'all names individually but i appreciate y'all sincerely man um my birthday did just pass you wanna do me a solid um i do have a uh a beer butter that i i teamed up with my friend tasting she has the body butter and so now i actually have yeah i do i do have a beer butter man all natural vitamins is available for sale actually right now and i'm happy to know we almost sold out of the bottle [ __ ] already so i'm happy man i'm buying a couple of them tonight i just want to thank y'all um it's at the bodybutters.com the bodybutters.com and it is it'll say stevie's body butter and you can grab it um i have a podcast i do with zaynab johnson called just friends every wednesday it's super dope uh check that out it's on youtube my twitch uh which is my name sydney is funny facebook live uh all that jazz other than that man just man just keep everybody in prayer man everybody you know me all the comments that you don't see you talk to just make sure you keep them in prayer and then no good energy to everybody man i love y'all i sincerely appreciate y'all yeah there it is todd davis give her something down first and foremost as always and i said this to you i think it's only right that i say it out loud um i talk about to hear behind his back a lot as far as how he is and sharing his platform and i just wanted everybody watching to know that tajir is a comedian's comedian and he is a super dope soul he has shown me nothing but love and and and put me in you know a lot of positions and opportunities to grow my following so i truly appreciate um you to hear for everything that you've done and i will i will i'll swear up if anybody say anything that i don't like about to hear if you blink it to hear the wrong way i'm on your way that's how i feel about bringing it over to your shoulder right like you'll get text me this the other day and she told me i was comedians comedian and as a comedian that's the highest compliment anyone can pay you the money the shows and all of that type of stuff but that to have the respect of your peers for your for your generosity for your talent for your hustle for whatever it is to be a comedian's comedian you guys don't understand the compliment that is like only the people in the brotherhood or the fraternity understand that so i i graciously uh accept and appreciate that compliment ty thank you you are a class act and uh i appreciate you and and everything that you've done for me and um i want to of course shout out to the uh the more mob and the mods um what i've decided to do starting with the last one was contribute a portion of what's been donated to me to the people in uh the more mines that that take care of the chat you know posting our social media and what we have going on so thank you guys for that um thank you to walter blue nikia best amir chaney jose martinez kayla noel tamika ernestine l tiffany sims colby holman eric duale if i said that wrong charges to my head not my heart um and shout out to kyla mcmullen um shout out to uh all my good good girlfriends that came through zuma with the homies shout out to the d lights um for posting and and sharing that i would be on here um shout out to hippie goals hippie goals is so good like i wanted to just sit like hippie goals like i don't know you personally i hope one day that i have the opportunity to meet you and farron like i see what y'all do your contribution i appreciate it so much um i have um and if i didn't mention all of the mods names individually i'm just going by you know what i see but i appreciate all of the mods and what you do um i have a podcast called lost and found i usually drop the episodes on sunday um i have an episode on there uh called girl code um which kind of ties into uh the topic that we had tonight about how i'll square up if uh any of my friends date any of my exes so go listen to that and i'll be dropping a new episode this coming sunday um anytime i could be a part of zoom with the homies i'm i'm here for it and some of the money that i got tonight i'm gonna go on amazon and buy me a new ponytail so if i come on here again i'm gonna have a new ponytail for y'all and i hope y'all like it there it is there it is um thank you everybody for pulling up man uh it's been another great night i appreciate y'all man thank y'all for supporting my guests and uh thank you uh father donation yesterday i went off and it was it was lightweight joker but it was also like you know just trying to make sure that my people get taken care of like i'm i'm gonna figure out something but i want to make sure that my people when they come on here and they give their time they're taken care of and i didn't think about that school had just started back up and we just got past labor day some people still going going hard for them for the holidays and you know but mainly the school getting back up and people have to buy laptops and stuff like that so i apologize if it came out like uh you got a good heart man see here got a good heart i know i hear it yesterday but whoever list that man got a good heart he no way is he ever trying to come and people talk about finances that man is just trying to make sure the comedians can take care of us we literally have no work as far as shows so like i'm not even hearing that just know that brother heart i hope no one took that out out of pocket because that's not even that [ __ ] spear yeah and and and then i i feel like it still needed to be said um but i also didn't want it to come off like yeah y'all better pay us if y'all want to see these [ __ ] jokes that's not what it is it's really just trying to make sure my people get taken care of because everybody's situation is different just like all you all situation is is uh different though uh i appreciate everything all right from the smallest to the biggest donations i appreciate you shout out to marcus he came through again tonight and hit up the super chat man i appreciate you shout out to tj and [ __ ] as well he hit up the chat and a couple people uh a couple other people also hit up the chat definitely appreciate um on the cash app tip i want to give a shout out to uh uh give me one second john uh sean gals eric uh dwell dwell duely i'm sorry eric eric d uh matthew johnson uh jaquista q darius i i don't i don't these i hope these are real names and i hope i'm not messing them up too much chanelle james napalm uh cortrille ernestine tjh [ __ ] uh hit me up on the cash app too j-mo taking the stage shout out to the regulars j-mo taking the stage um sojourner uh lebaron thank you all so much for the constant donations jose martinez derek ruiz uh janine karis jasmine thank you guys so much for the donations man uh you guys literally make this happen every week i appreciate you i cannot do it without you i want to thank you continuously for that tomorrow we are doing the keep your distance comedy show takeover so all the guests that will all the acts that will be on kev show on friday are coming to the show tomorrow night so you're basically going to get a teaser a two-hour teaser to what show what's jokes are not even they're not doing the same jokes obviously but to what actually going to be on the show on friday so you're going to get a free teaser for that uh i do have a code my code is for 12 the tickets are normally 15. the coldest mobster if you go to kev's site or you go to eventbrite and go on there you just type in mobster i'm gonna put the video back up i just said it was 10 and it's actually oh guys um yeah i think sydney dipped uh you guys can you guys can take advantage of that if you want shout out to the more mob shout out to my mods shout out to um all the people who've supported me via patreon you still can sign up for that um up until sunday up until sunday all my patreon one of my members you said you guys still get 30 off your entire order from popcorn world that's only for my more my patreon patreon subscribers exclusive and every month i'm going to have a different coupon code or discount code or promo code exclusively for my patreon so i just want to let you guys know i appreciate you and mobster m-o-b-s-t-e-r is for kev so i'm gonna get you the ticket for ten dollars go ahead ty um i've i refreshed my cash app so i wanted to thank the people that i i didn't see on here um kyla mcmullen danae glenn lebaron um kember jones and uh andrea j uh also known as jador um from the d lights and um i just got another one from walter blue um thank you guys so much and i don't have my spectacles on so if i miss any names just know that i appreciate anything that i get from the one dollar to the 100 i know it was a little low tonight because i kept my shirt off but i'm still glad for what y'all sent i appreciate y'all so much yeah i did and shout out to the rewatch game man don't think i ever forget about y'all and i appreciate y'all um thank you so much uh for watching and sharing and subscribing and if you're not subscribed please subscribe before you get out of here also if you have not liked it please like the video before you get out of here everybody has kind of wrapped up already uh but thank you guys so much for tuning in to another episode of zuma with the homies we'll see you tomorrow night peace
Channel: Tahir Moore
Views: 59,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 14sec (7514 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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