Zooming With The Homies (ZWTH) - EPISODE 13

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what up y'all and how was a hassle yeah apologize about that zone man zoom is gonna get a scathing email tomorrow we don't have to change the whole name of the show that was crazy I appreciate y'all we back though we back we back we bet on Sam I gotta send this link out to everybody again yeah for some reason someone was like yeah you don't work tonight what you gonna do about it and we just took your money so we here though what's up everybody okay okay I'm on stage care visit is it going to limit me to how many people I can add with the regular one all right I think it's like six okay that's just about that that's enough we just went crazy we should I bear with me keV I know you can't stay long because it's late you know right now I begin here why don't you do me what friends have to start so late it's 12:30 of over there what are you waiting for I hear you man I hate you but the whole idea started because we were out late I mean up late just chatting and then we started the show from there someone with the homies is like it's a late night show man but it's not any late on the east you're a lot of your fans are on the East Coast he's late in LA would you say I can't his thing we'd be filming sometimes too father 6:00 I need a nap sometimes and then I have Bible studies on Monday and that doesn't start to eight so I'm not gonna start before Bible study I need that afterwards so I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna tell you my problem was doing with the homies today no no Lulu I'm gonna say this say can I be like oh yeah zoom with the homies bro all day man zooming with the homies drama be on there man me and my friend gonna be living with the homie okay seven o'clock eight 8:15 every time I've been on the last three times I fell asleep with the homies and then had to wake up and then come down here to read the comments say hey keV is tired yeah yes I am usually sleep by now asleep did you get it to work we all string your yeah we love Piazza the comments we have no word click the life coming it's such a private chat automatically I'm on YouTube or somehow to so let me let me end that I don't know why aren't you supposed to be live on you life on YouTube yeah now I'm saying like I tried to go live let me nice okay yeah we go into the broadcast studio and press live to arrive so you cook you did you did press live no no no I was talking about when I when I did it on YouTube I probably like you to can give people up day but I'm not saying to lives I just see that one so I guess we good let me check on my phone because on the computer be lag you talk you say what leo YouTube okay it's just straight roads like the little I'm here you know you can you know you can click the comedy put it up here on me alright if I'm tired man I'm alright now like I can't see that's what we asked for the people you say I can click on one of the comments and just put that one up here I can show all the connors know he can click comment in the comment it'll come up to the stream yard alright yeah yeah I thought you someone like all of them would look like that no no okay I'm click down right there they say John look like you know how to fry fish do you know how to fry fish like you know fire a mean catfish Dima huh I do look like Cajun see you you can up your hair like that huh he said well hair cold you shall hear cold oh no man I got a tapestry you know I was I was give you the package train yeah my family's tapestry did you get it definition of tapestry it's just the one but I'm in it like a child I'm in the lifestyle now you know that's what happens when you hang out with like older people you know distinct people who buy furniture and [ __ ] you know the Commons gone just click another cool can I get explanation what is it oh is that I don't know no it's Rick and Morty you know I'm saying is that Rick and Morty on drugs they train they trippin no it's just it's just me showing the tapestry off you know makes you feel royal now on stream yard you have to change it before you go in your stuff now setting up seven minutes and forty seconds into the forum bro I've never done speed before this is my first time so I'm still figuring out the crash course with the sharpest curve ever and looks like you wanted to say crash course we said crash cars this man said I've never done this before so I just pray I just went live I just read button to everybody what happened they got four simple enough hey Jennifer I think that everybody else something's going on with zoom it would not let me connect to youtube so in people try to come over to stream yard I didn't have a stream your account so I had to set that up real quick didn't take a lot of time shoutouts the stream law your for not making the answer 36 questions it's in 46 verification emails I appreciate that and thank you to everybody here for being patient you think to the guests for being patient with me so we back live I'm not being patron you have the same amount of time with me that you had if it would have started at nine o'clock we for five more minutes basically but it's okay we have a special guest coming in in a minute so I'm saying cuz so much special guests like they weren't on the flag that's what I meant Patrick don't take offense take the Tapatio won't make you extra sensitive who's the who's the special guest Tony the Tiger you just gonna start eating cereal on the show no no but next week I do have Tony Robbins coming on the show it'll be a lot of fun right everybody saw my stain I have a barbecue sauce Stan you want to see it sure is barbecue sauce why I've been period stain so what do you talking about let me tell you how become wanna works okay last night when said stain happen I had a frozen food salad it was like it was more of a frozen food salsa I like I had nothing last night this happened last night yeah I had I'd have had nothing to cook it was really late I was fresh off at which fairly high and then I just cooked everything that I had in my freezer I put it in one pan and I just had it all in one it was taquitos chicken nuggets pizza rolls and popcorn shrimp and I just mixed it all together and how you should I've ever heard in my it was called it was called a devil's spit barbecue sauce it was super hot oh that's from famous days barbecue sauces back no you know I got the you know I got the email blasts when they drop a new thing you know I know for any first time is man reason that I don't have a patron I have this up on patreon is because I feel like y'all already spreading the money all the way around so I want to continue to give this out for free table people's all I access that you take care of my guest a little bit if you got it to bless them a little bit most of them have their uh cash shop handles in there you see Lulu's you see John's Kevin is rich so he doesn't want your money and you can't change it now Pat you know to hear that you're judging me let me say something to hear yeah I'm muffled why some level to y'all to go to bed and then they be like y'all shut up so I made a I made a comment about hum and I don't want to make this the the live dark but I made a tweet the other day was like yo you know it's generally hard to be black in America but this time but today it's especially hard right so this girl black woman come is back to me oh really you don't say that from your mansion in California really it's hard for you oh no what what mansion are you talking about do you understand this is not a mansion and I'm not rich but people like to hear it got me out here people thinking I'm rich this is how you to yourself kevin has a servants quarters you can't have the Asian Butler seems like no this is when he'll come this is where let me change the subject real quick there's a glass door right here I just looked and I was breathing out and I saw how much my stomach pokes out and I see that's that's some rich [ __ ] you look at there's a glass door right here I saw my reflection on a glass door a window we know for the whole place anyway what do you guys is that why you even know because you got to curfew for four people is that what's going on right now [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] yeah flag no summer he's still looking down a my money oh man I appreciate all y'all sticking around and coming through guys my cash up is my name just to hear more of no spaces in the dollar sign in front of it I can't change it now because I didn't know not found out yeah so I appreciate y'all sticking around and still hanging out for us while we got it together thank you so much keV I appreciate you man I know it's past your bedtime I'm glad you're here bear looking good man before limit don't lie to him though so I much arrived with poor people's tears [Laughter] well my gardener comes I just wiped my tear at my beer garden gardener cries while he works because of all the racial slurs keV is yelling his driver takes them to all the neighborhood not a house just all the neighborhood see goodbye cam did you ever think that you'd work your ass off to become successful and then made fun of no matter what I say y'all be killing big head stuff I'll tell you the big heads from Probie daddy waking me up at night CP told me I take my hand off like a mascot that they haven't mentioned oh hey Craig Craig said that uh J wheels he said that your head blocks the reception from heaven I thought before roasts me I had heard everything and I had I had it was just the tip of the iceberg for Austria with the roasts Craig said they want to order special I think special stuff to make my halo in heaven that was no God God uh hired a construction company to make your halo I think in the same episode he said my head my neck has an ACL to hold my head up [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] that was like a carrot top [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] that's when is Nike dress shoes [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] that's why this breaks in between plays because they had to check what's crazy bro it takes a special group of [ __ ] to be able to roast anything a basketball audio is always know in real life you take that basketball and play Rumpelstiltskin 101 for you [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] when you talk you talk like somebody always poke I want to gain rapport with the ball I'm a bouncing me brick mister you can't be thrown again water huh you got a talk over each other because they'll miss something a [ __ ] will steal your mic in zoo it's weird yeah you might want to desire to try to be his friend cuz going to get some ain't working bro show us a football it shows all your sports I would say - good good so everybody was saying show us this show and I was like show us the rest of your mustache that's what I said I did hear that but the dog and say like like you know say it like a beat a mustache our [ __ ] edges you know we need our edges got there but that's the first thing we look at because I'm looking at your mouth and the first thing I look at I see you got your edges together do we got no images like these draw at all no no don't over Beijing because when I come back with a mustache that's a problem [ __ ] out here sharing a goatee talk about talk about it added them my white wax you got it you got to hit the same fella like don't like it remind fool about the levels there's levels to Beijing I don't think y'all know that then I help me hope leave him alone the bench quarter return look there's lace fronts for dudes right now you could probably get a lace front mustache or get ahead of the game and start your own this is my first time meeting John bottom no he does because you got a job in fat here cuz he do his own st. Louis decals which I like the boss is the game throws errors coming [Laughter] [Laughter] Oh dollar sign cloud village okay CPU basically said you look like you you could fight let's jump in with six people [Laughter] I gotta get man only two gaps in the chat GI like I know what she saw okay you know what come I will come back so we know that the footage will be like so the bar like that your time even like the Twin Cities [Laughter] [Applause] the problem CP we've got attack dudes who got a circle don't cry my brother what are you talking about it is you see look I'm saying some I have a dog my dog don't know without it we see other dog attack as a roaster only with the color in a hostage situation I don't know somebody being short make you be able to make little sounds like this yeah that's the trick it could never it might be to get your right can you do it do what look for ah seven five seven with some teams on are you bicep yeah I'm five eight ten you know that right you say who you did my suited show what's the suitor show at the Union we were right you gotta had a gray suit on I was thinking like like a top hat on or something like there right no you wanted me to one or two hundred even with you and don't go which is technically the rule but is like when weird look at gap-toothed crusty [ __ ] link up that's a beautiful thing that was a moment right there you guys kind of connected like on a Gabby like the Oracle on a matrix before he ordered food be like CP we wanted to get you on what we were trying to do a squad cares on Monday but you know what you cook what you cook up I did regular actually the last two times I grew I did the same thing lamb chops ribs and shrimp shish kabobs is that normal does everybody out here normally do lamb chops I don't know it Costco is like Costco sale [ __ ] like it's stolen you know I'm saying so you'd be like oh let me get a that's what best hop in the console I try to get a one rack of lamb but I knew here three three they get three now I got three four now you know saying you know I got a I got a separate them via grill I don't want to stung like I'm tired just buying lamb but when you go when I get a bag of shrimp at Costco is seven pounds of shrimp seven per year brought - I feel like they wasting it on Costco customers good we won't need that much peanut butter at the end of the day you know say like donate right and they'd be like 439 you like I haven't been a Costco sister just the locking it happen I could I felt like it was just gonna be too ridiculous there so but I missed it though I definitely miss the gasps ooh it's competitive I would I would I would say that it's definitely compare no it's competitive you know I'm saying like so the supermarket sweep yes it is that's exactly what it is listen if my Costco opens at 9:00 for senior citizens and then ten for members right so at ten o'clock the line is passed the old toys r us like three stories down to Best Buy like the line so yeah ready and so like basically people are in there to get me you know your main big-ticket items a paper towel a tissue eggs right so you running for that immediately right you got your mask on you can't breathe you ready trying to get to the paper tile you calling your wife okay I got the PT you say what you ran you run four eggs I didn't know eggs was like going here eggs opinion because you think about it but we eatin i'm as quicker than these chickens can shoot this eggs out you know i'm trained my ticket you notice it's nighttime we still doing it in three days I live in a bougie area no it ain't like that it's scary over here you know I'm saying a lot you know with with faster people who can send their kids to run and get stuff you know I'm trying CP you don't never go to the one in Burbank no bro you know I just kind of stick in my own hood you know how I'm gonna pull my ID out 9 from Burbank oh you know this Burberry tissues it's super chill that's the one with the UM the gas station it's about the same just cuz I know you stay so it's about the same distance from that one to the one that you're going over their hands on their a hat on their some arrows the hat is on something else got horn oh wait I just wanna know do you not have to show your car but they know you like that no I gotta show my car fan we're still competitive probably last that be played like you an FBI they don't want it hey you you you only got 18 bleachers in there [ __ ] and now you counting [ __ ] in land like alright how y'all playing it please check my Costco where you live I live in the Woodland Hills area ok well that's why oh yes I saw these people yeah fully stocked everything is dear I can't I know you got to go man so you go ahead and go I can work I can tag - oh cool all right well you know I'm saying if you gotta shoot man I love y'all man good night all right keep up here my quarters all right so she said you got a butler face we don't we don't normally have a topic we usually just kind of catch up and link up and tell what we've been doing how we've been surviving there's anything and it's not lazy it wasn't meant to be structured like that it wasn't meant to be there it was supposed to be a way for us to catch up and converse with each other versus just like doing all that extra stuff is if just come in and he will own it you understand me come here comfortable I like it it's a comfortable body come here we see people like extra Scarface if I want roast you that mean I don't [ __ ] with you you'd be surprised you know say yo she look like a puzzle your face is like a puzzle like autumn line like you got six pieces of face eight-year-olds come in a big game operator made this [ __ ] yeah I want to uh squeeze your nose and power up you big mushroom three man knows having as me [Laughter] [Laughter] nobody listen John nobody expects me to be able to rose with me bro this is like put the batteries back and now now I'm entertained this is not even a real thing and we know yeah we got we got the car about to pull up in a minute so hop back in it we just don't catch up man so John what you've been up to since uh since the quarantine started I'm um I'm at the career with you man and danton it just admitting cribben it doesn't it for it I work a little bit of work dad kriya is it my family any kids you got I have one another runaway son is what for it before next month - yeah one trying for next month and one due next month - I'm not a great day okay [Laughter] are you having a girl so you see you got a boy and a girl you straight you just you just gonna be up no room here so when Ricky's crying go to the bedroom sleep you paid sit another one will understand the bedroom you know baby crying little be beaten eggs us he said you do what cool pose like a [ __ ] man you can't be [ __ ] up the same way because you feel like Lula will put hands on you professional fighter you can't date Lulu seriously younger when I came back with all this PTSD and I was all [ __ ] up and [ __ ] I was they don't know do it and I used to like square up but I realized I hit hard and then he the switch ain't flipped for him that I was still his chick and then we in the house like yo like gay rough so like I like nama lately I been I been she be like oh god damn and then goes and gets that [ __ ] in power Lulu not on this [ __ ] back and be like hang on I really like I'm like super girly I'm right and maybe confuses hell maybe like this ain't what I expected I might like you make [ __ ] up and enjoy this Lulu you be pulling the [ __ ] hair and [ __ ] I feel like I feel like we're [ __ ] is beer hey hey hey Lulu be slapping [ __ ] did it back of the day Lulu go down [ __ ] definitely use a speed bag on the bar that's the work how long you are in the Army is 8 yeah yeah what was your rank when you all got out I was the specialist is efore before yeah I got demoted twice because I got into a couple fights so you would fight in the military yeah I got fight in Kuwait I got a fight before I went to Iraq with a marriage yeah who meet yeah our g-unit me you be Santa g-unit in the army yeah well cuz my last name is Gonzales so an army everybody go by they last name so to all my homies we call me JUnit and I had another cuz I had my best friend at the time his last name was banks so he was back I was doing it and we had another homie so Wow yeah was it was it your plan to be in the Army for for eight years old playing him just to go for it and get up I mean well my contract was eight I had no choice I did I had like I only signed up for school so I was an army got this free tuition real quick [Music] I thought we gonna be full of sandbags I like you know just be on the on the chilly side of things that's what they told us they didn't tell us that we were gonna be first in line to go the phones and we to test dummies to see if things work what's that like though like so I basically let me ask you a question right cuz I know I don't know I've I've played Call of Duty with Lulu right we didn't win hand I didn't I didn't I have not have been like it the forgot the well now you have but it's like so like Americans here's the pillow here's how we think as civilians right it's dirty you know and like actually laid out clothes like I got ready got in my car and drove around the block and make sure he was gone and then came back I did that and you get in your car and you literally just drive around and then come back and park and you just go back I got we don't got the best equipment they treat them the military the army specifically gets treated like crap we do we get expired food we get outdated technology we get outdated weapons we get out it like our old maybe Chicago huh outdated compared to who Oh night vision goggles that's how we got the ones like from like olden days like Oh like it's not even you like complete like you can't use it for real fro they like they do how they do us dirty like service and they do a 30 so we do not have a top-of-the-line [ __ ] at all like they was actually giving us I'm not lying it was given us expired food while we were overseas well y'all like kind of like a weak part of the army like were they giving other parts of the army like halo like jetpacks and like I was a gunner I was every day what real quick watch watch the screen if y'all can to see when each other talking so God will talk over each other they don't miss up it so yeah so we would they would give us like expired food like though compared to what everybody else got like other like weak because I would see other countries we would like see Australia like Australia's army and we polite see they got the pen floors that's crazy they come up on their floors like we got these old raggedy ass at 16 wasting Australia's armies this is captain like that I don't know you pop it how do you think about it this way it's like it's like parking lot pip it like everybody like cuz on one base that's different you know there's different units is different for gays everybody's there so there's like different like we had we was running it to them so you get to see they tanks parked in the parking lot because before you go eat you can't buy your tank is like like a strike your tank that's like your car that's your win like you park the whip outside bare by hop out yeah that will you go go take me to the PX let me have a striker like like people without this like wait a minute so listen listen so let me get this straight so Australia there where I have never let our allies in the war so y'all are fighting together so that's how it worked like y'all just really be all together with the [ __ ] like different units because I'm an engineer so we'd be like what other engine is you know I'm saying so be like engineer what I hate not yes what's your type CP I say time I said the fact that she's a [ __ ] engineer don't say that like yeah so engineers we was in charge of rebuilding stuff that everybody was blowing up so that we would help restructure to town so we would help them in actually learning how to fight and then we would go and like we'd like one thing we had to go on a mission and I had to go outside and we had to go sit out there and I'm holding guard or they like helping like bring in like cement and stuff like that and like there's like something happened to a truck or something like somebody shoot a RPG at a Hummer or something like that whatever we got to go pick it up because I'm a mechanic and we're engineers and engineers take care of anything that has to do with damage build in stuff like that so I'm in charge of like fixing trucks and fixing dozers and Lotus things that build stuff like construction [ __ ] but why carbon my carbon I don't want to say we have thought it but you kept talking about building he can't fix it'll be like move [ __ ] it just fix everything Nichols do so what was your specialty like vehicles or did you work on planes and helicopters and [ __ ] - no I was just dozers loaders construction [ __ ] late comers do some the haves Rutgers stuff like that but then when I got in country I became a runner because I was in so much trouble before we went over to Iraq I would actually learn new they kept making me learn new weapons so by the time I got to Iraq it was like well we need a mission who's good enough or not but Gonzalez like I'm like I don't want to go to Syria today can I not go to Syria today it's active like Michael B Jordan is asking no I'm single yeah I think do you dress up like do you put on a uniform for [ __ ] if they ask you to sex you cut off army outfit for negative [Music] asked you to put on an army outfit you were trying to [ __ ] another [ __ ] right [Laughter] Lulu is fine in civilian attire why would you be like you know what you put your hat back thank you for your survey and I have a whole different respect for you oh really different respects whole higher level look at the gold Iraq will get pregnant and I was like it was like this is the thing when you go to sign up for and read at least and I was all 149 so to have another bra and a guy was like you want to sign up for the same reason tuition college I'm in for it and he was like you have a hell you have asthma and I was like yeah and he was like and I was like oh ya know kept telling me to say no he but I didn't know he was like so do you have asthma and I was like yes and he was like I was like 19 Ashley do you have asthma and I was like yes I was all excited to the last person our last question I'm like alright I'm ready he's like do you have asthma and we in the field I'm snitching cuz you a go get me killed cuz you can't breathe and you can't we got into country soon as we've landed they call it boots on Brown is for real boots on ground we got off the plane and it was like locking low I looked at my brother I was like y'all five died here like give me a banging ass memorial money you're like don't have me be like don't tell no no my make is about each other like eventually like so it was like one where my [ __ ] I have a pettiest will at 21 so it's like a you get on it and then there was another one oh yeah when you go over the side so much paperwork and I was like yo i'ma die like at least I'm gonna gets no bread and I got insurance for like 500,000 so I go for anything my peoples gonna be good I'm gonna be gone but you make me later we'll is that required to go before you started with well you go see see how to make a well Wow okay now and I was 21 I had nothing so I was like I leave my diesel shoes too I never heard that joke somebody said would you recommend it I not now not now but in another time and another in another era yeah I think honestly it may well if I like Who I am so it made me who I am and it'll put a lot of certain values in me that I hold like really pure to my heart so it gave me the structure that I loved in my life so I would recommend it you know but I lost friends in the war so it's a catch-22 minutes like the streets it's like the streets with a higher reward damn that sound like an open this chick she lied about how being is shaping everything and I was in a National Guard and so there are requirements for being in shaping the same like the Regular Army and this chick was mad overweight and then was like go rock and low we going through sniper alley and it was like please be aware like yeah that's enough that I was like well are you gonna tell me that weekend there was like a there was three shootings before we got here you know stay alert stay alive lock it low let's go and they put me right next to the chick who was super out of shape and she could not and then it was I get in a prone position and she was paranoid and she couldn't know how to get her [ __ ] together and I grabbed out like do not phone we not go down on the first day I sort of got we not drive on the first day I was like you get it together [ __ ] you up this is her up and she alive today I was like I don't be next to me I don't wanna be I was like I don't get put me on no missions with her cuz she can't ride like this ain't go prone right huh if you fat you can't really go prone cuz she couldn't it was like she couldn't put her arm it wasn't like one in the city you see it all the time this city here and in his arm here so comes together meditating for his stomach that's a tripod propped up anyways but it will go up a different angle she survived though you know I'm saying like that means awesome that's that's on beef of all the fat women out there you can go through the herb and you get you could dump it and you get you know saying you can't get it to the prom but you can get to the cows on the cows are clearly illegal air conditioners broken viding starter for this year this [ __ ] big DJ is a condition didn't work see what happens [Laughter] Mike and then I turn it on because it's pretty harsh into the mic but no I get what she was trying to say I do have a question though takara yeah [Music] can you fight because the only two jobs I know you I know you worked in a prison and now I know you tried to go to the army so I feel like you got the haircut that was super aerodynamic fight Bronx in New York and the projects and I've had my launch off top something there's somebody who can fight would say alright we over now my body don't do what he used to do back in the day Kirby clearly ya know I think it was the most disgusting eighth thing I'm gonna see my life it was a fight in Rochester New York I was telling my best friend about this and it was like three girls and it was like 40 chicks on three girls like thank you I was so what they deserve this when it was like 40 women in the streets of Rochester [ __ ] yes honey your Netflix footwork oh this better you pushing the limit well now we just you just interrupted a great getting jumped it is like I mean I'm watching this video my sister said to me and this like google 40 girls on three girls were jumping in to help just like just stop baby then jump the bystander I'm talking stomping them out one girl was holding the other girl's hand behind her back while two girls kick her in the face it was a disgusting video I ever seen in my life but it was young girls it wasn't like I don't know I share fights right - it's a fair fight is one-on-one it's me and you whatever it is whatever happens cuz you know what I was good fist fight I bring out like the real in somebody's video I wish you how you think you be like on my Sherlock Holmes like I'm ahead of him when she go that way I'm like and then it's like game over you like Davos oh you got a shoe like I like the strategy and what is that it was like straight she already knocked out in the ground I swear to God I have nothing to do Lissy Gaga I'm wet I'm regular [Laughter] Club he see me not some dude out and I was like man I try no when they know you could be they wipe up your necks like you wait right there you're not accelerate the keep me idealistic [ __ ] mokey Allah that's about to happen in the second just don't get to say me got me dude dudes be wanting women I could beat a white [ __ ] or they go for now the car I can fight because she said what a [ __ ] who can beat their wife with a [ __ ] who is like yo can you just take my wife people hung around in New York I've never done it but I've always healed my girlfriends and it would be like yeah his wife mad about to go beat her up and bring him home and I used to be like wow okay well you know okay that's that that's like I'm gonna tell you what that sound like a girl who says that that comfortably that's the kind of big girl that's not fat she just like Frank [Applause] yeah yeah she got them big brownies you don't even know women nice you don't even know when a nice star you be look at this is the distant me is you all the way the thighs so water oh yeah that's the study number big church violence that's the curse girl big church group yeah buddy will beat his wife up a man that's very number big coochie lips that's all yeah I never had like yeah you never been like almost like maybe slightly turned on when you see a girl like she got a little hand so she might be the chick up do a little bit every dude likes major a certain amount of crazy in a chick right but like if every guy has a different level like for me I like to check that like wears Jordans but also know how to do hair right but like she came like had no face tattoos and she only do like look his hair she can't have Rome in it like this that's my little crazy I can't do it here yeah let me let me let me wait it for you if you you walk in your house and your [ __ ] is in your braiding hair now he's right here he breathe here he braids hair swing this [ __ ] you like oh gee okay I'm finna get these brains wait wait what if I walk there he brainy let your son and they're like he's still got his swag like radiant open I'll do that brain all right if you can knock a [ __ ] out that's how feels like I I guess dudes come out of jail knowing how to braid they don't mean that they did anything in there but like all the sexy makers being jailed oh I ain't gonna lie that shows your type for sure my brother in jail every time I go visit him I pray like a little bit extra quarters so when I go to the Machine I'll be leavin a couple of they're like you know I'm sayin I just hey you know I see you I see he'd be like it stop say hi to these [ __ ] could they come in the back and every time I know who that I'm like yo like give them a picture something I put that on the ceiling man is so real because you know I don't know what it is but y'all just like a [ __ ] with felonies y'all I don't I love a corny ninja corny [ __ ] that's our product right there it's a corny [ __ ] make scrambled eggs hey how y'all doing yeah go ahead let me ask you this like as the funny guy like I feel like there there are two guys three guys maybe that never had probably good women it's one is the bad guy of course the bad dude dude I was in trouble school the dude that had money even if he was a trick he know he still could get chicks and then a funny guy have you ever had a chick tell you that you play too much and she wouldn't [ __ ] with you because you left as I had I remember in seventh grade I like this chick she's like she's like you cute but you always smile in this [ __ ] what you always laughing about too much what does that even mean I've been told I play too much by every female I have ever talked to me and it's never ruined it with any of them I don't think you play too much isn't a isn't a deal breaker everything is Magic it's like you play too much so she like you know I don't be like I don't be cracking jokes at the creator I'm kind of serious you know Sam but I just say funny see I don't never I never got no I ain't no play too much type of a nigut I'm no man yeah I'm I'm the opposite cuz I'm dumb all the [ __ ] time and that has literally gotten me out of [ __ ] sometimes cause like my dumbness is over my horniness so I will make a joke that's way too far because I think it's funny and I'll lose the whole thing I'll lose the whole thing because I'm dumb so I'm the exact opposite you just got no one to cut it off and like cuz this oh I get I draw me but I like I want to be like laughs and it's in the joke saying the chicken middle school literally told me I'll always happen she had a problem with the fact that I was always happy so why are you always happy in [ __ ] I'm like what should I not be what that's weird though yeah you know why because she wasn't the source of that happiness so she wanted to know why the hell are you so happy cuz I give you that joy will you get that joy and crazy [ __ ] can't be happy cuz he ain't happy because of you know followed by yourself a friend yo girl oh oh yeah that's all to you and you laugh on your phone in front of me and I make you mad I turned it to the mother from Friday remember when she was like remember when the lady was like that's me that's me literally be like what's so funny you can you can make its mad at you whenever they put little in front of whatever they talking about so what's going on you going - what's going on with Elaine staying three two - your girl just who it is I have a I have a counter to this because I've heard of this rumor and I don't believe in it I do not believe and I have I have met so many amazing funny females in my life you know I mean like the ones that could just make me crack up but however look it's dumb for females to think you cracking up at your phone is is it's something romantic it's just dumb you have to think about that like hear me out hear me out hear me out because if it's romantic number one you're probably are you putting on deodorant no I'm taking my shirt off oh I'm just going to go up donations gonna go right up wait is that a picture is it turn those around oh yeah yeah like anybody should there's no ways one a threesome with me instead of leaving nasty ass messages on my page here you go by my shirt where it hug your [ __ ] is a threesome and it could be any [ __ ] you like cuz you know from the eyes up it's very order creeps the whole night that's not enough that's not what I mean it you know what I mean about screen printer Lulu has the car was real life taking her shirt off eat fruit I literally don't know what I was saying [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] best view was in the [ __ ] world man straight up mango the [ __ ] best [ __ ] that [ __ ] is hilarious [Music] yesterday I had delay on the show right and people were sending like dollar tips and stuff like that deal I made this old Proclamation like y'all don't send me a dollar if you got a dollar keep that next person send me a dollar I'm sending them ten dollars because you need that dollar right [ __ ] when I tell you he had about forty people send him a dollar and it just was like they kept going cuz yes sir it [ __ ] it was there was no way what the bank try to respond to all those people y'all the [ __ ] best shout out to everybody in a more my shout out to all the scary squad out there and so that's all the people that are just watching they're tuning in every every night thank you I mean out of [ __ ] that's our preset job yeah and I'm starting the only fan page for my feet so I mean the background or this is gonna be feet that's got me feet I got a wiki feet page somebody to me the whole weekend feet page about my feet it's a whole bunch of close-up on my toes right now listen a little bit in the army bro she didn't had m16 jump on her feet man and roll over by tank first of all not leaping through life your mouth up in a ballet the military muffin through like country their damn fighter take a little my girlfriend has the only constant pain and she make a grand a month ba ba all she do let me tell you what she do she does like she does every single massages her boyfriend do it was the starter kit for my only foot page oh yeah me too chicken nuggets only fer how's that for the feats hashtag do you have a pinky toe nail yeah yeah have a pinky toe yeah that's it you know I got a pinky toe nail we had to play pinky tone yo hot beta guess who own free don't get one Tony oh yeah I mean she was in ballet and she was in the army that's a valid question though Loki that's a valid question no I got all my toenails and um the honors mmm okay actually you know no corns no bunions none of that right Yeah right how did you dodge bunions your whole life come on are no corns you manage to stay brilliant free surgery you've been all through Iraq really in Boots you know what you are you are again foot shots in the big time I never hurt nobody yes no bunions at all no well how are your feet work from the jail I can imagine the bottom of the cars feet being very padded for some reason like [Laughter] if the bird is like four days somebody said today we're going to be looking at a burn of 1,500 BTUs you wanna try good real good I want to get somebody except you ever got in a fistfight like weird happy-slapping come on fighter or a troublemaker okay but for some reason me and all my friends there was a big dent of time we which is always getting in fights and I don't know what it was about but I used to have obviously had I piano lessons in college so I would know I would come through to my lessons with a broken wrist from fighting and IO and I also did drums like I also did like bongos like okay well I expected all this okay my drum my drum paper and my piano teacher always cussed me because I would come through with a either a strand or broken wrist from from fighting like just and it wasn't because we were like hood it was just because we was always attacks and it disappeared because I want to hear a story about his advertising dollars listen guys guys fighting me you gotta tell about when you were wearing the wrong colors in the hood we use the way they happen that we use the weather uh with the Marlins you like the color of the Marlins hat oh okay that turquoise honest honestly that's minor because I was a huge Michael Vick fan and III went to school in Mid City which was crypt neighborhood so I was a huge fan of the Falcons and all my [ __ ] was black red and white even my braces I would like I would have my rip my rubber bands me like black and red and [ __ ] like that the Crips the Crips did not look for me at all so I was always harassed by gangs anyways but when I was a fan of the Marlins because I started I was like [ __ ] all this football and basketball [ __ ] that's where all the [ __ ] and the gangs are let me just go to hockey B or or baseball or whatever I work with white sports because I don't think that nigga's claim that [ __ ] yet little did I know gangs claimed everything everything period so I had a fear like why don't game just get a logo and leave everything alone yeah like just because I wasn't aware that a gang had claimed that [ __ ] is ridiculous so like I became a fan of the Penguins and I became a fan of the Marlins not because I watch sports because I like the [ __ ] right I like the the merch so I just had a very long stint where then I went to New Orleans because I used to go to New Orleans every summer and then I really got my ass beat and I was like okay I'm not gonna wear this hat anymore so so it was just it was really just in LA as trial it's trial and error you know I mean you wear the right stuff you wear the wrong stuff if they let you live you know not [Laughter] these game makers then even be watching the wife's poorest I had on the Dodgers hat and a [ __ ] ran up on me like [ __ ] what you claiming with that Dodgers hair oh I see a young man I'm a Dodger you can't fight that [ __ ] at that Dodger he was my fault he's are explained to me cuz see sometimes in the city you need to assume that people are Dodgers before you assume that if they're in the game no [ __ ] that LA needs a welcome pamphlet for people who move to the city from out of town and let us know what we can and cannot wear first of all pivot caps we can't wear any of them unless you're stay in a really good negative why because every every fitted hat is associated with a certain gang out here every one of them every one of them created those heels because red bottoms belong the Bloods and if you come over here right yeah a very short [ __ ] who looking at the bottom you through like and run into little lu lu lu lu you still happening again I have new guns what do you have new guns I have a Glock nice a new Glock who's the maker not only that that's all they care about if it's registered enough I'ma be honest I registered none of my girls in LA because la is gun laws are ridiculous okay I see now because there's a thing if you if you register your gun in LA and a crime happens in your area within 5 miles of your where your gun is registered and your gun that's registered this is description of the gun there was a counter for in the crab they can come to your house without a search warrant and see if your gun has recently fired and they can bring you down to the station it's not your gun recently fired don't take you know they come down there check your gun if you're gonna fire then you know saying you cook if you're gonna be a fire [ __ ] yo ass shouldn't be home right now you should be good the [ __ ] gone you know she said she sound like none of her girls have Social Security now I mean uh social numbers oh no oh I'm trying to get like like an M for like you Tom offer in for order that I want like I want some [ __ ] like I'm the I feel like dog my family my [ __ ] Glock I ain't saying I'm just saying I think I want some [ __ ] that I could building a roof we like ah just became that's enough that's another thing about LA they have a law against rapid fire so if you fire yeah you can't fire a rapper at the range it's gotta be like pop pop yeah are you trying to clean you can put it on automatic [Laughter] people don't realize we're talking about a titty lost bullet so wait a minute this was like a five five six well what are we talking about here it was it was good that is m16 take a well bullet or something like that yes staying with this loss it was just lost don't go nowhere because you gotta like you so what can you say Remington forever don't now you got really zoom in and see the war City that's amazing hey now I wanna point out this is the highest number of views on a live we've got we got three thousand forty seven people were here we do some only fan [ __ ] let's all take a shot Oh Lulu every [ __ ] go how do we there I'm gonna go get mine too let's go get our maybe the song was to be hilarious because the beat wasn't noticeable until like the last 20 years say [ __ ] [ __ ] used to make bigs and go right back to work at Burger nice toy to beat the other day and I said now mixtape in alright I had a joint permit any owner go to you know was crazy if you think about any old school song like from Sugar Hill Gang or any of that [ __ ] like you don't like okay ATD Lulu I'm glad that your comics they don't watch it any comics are watching I'm at the point now I'm booking this show two weeks in advance so if you wanna watch if you want to get all hit me up and I could put you in a list I'm not trying to be funny style I just can't remember everybody I'll hit up they did my son that's a flick list I'm do the two we bout to be on your Kashi I dig it with a classic for the 3000 to here Manta to here to the supporters to coming out as thing better than we got it I appreciate job and we don't know we need some dog ask questions man for some Q&A from the from the front of people Brian I know they want to hear some [ __ ] alright well I said we'll take so because we started late we started like 20 minutes late we don't go 20 minutes ago go to 11:20 so we'll we'll do questions for 10 minutes and then we'll spend the last little time catching people what we got going on some sexy-ass breath is the [ __ ] I was 8 but like we went to work out together type by a veins a it's not a date-date let me get to know you in the daytime [ __ ] you up hurry up now because I'd be real lustful and I'd be like let me get to know him and work out went on a nice little hike a little walk a little talk you know the car is do you want to go half on a baby neatly there so listen I'm a picture I'm gonna pick a question out of the track and then we can all ask it quickly try to keep your answers to like a minute or less we can get through a couple questions are we'll pick two people to answer the questions and then we keep moving and I think if everybody answered we won't get a chance to do it so here's the first question right here I want to hear from CP and to car mm-hmm all right what's the are you gonna read it oh we got to read it ourself what's the first thing y'all doing when lockdown is over oh boy um lockdown is over um I think I'm gonna let y'all go outside first for the first couple of weeks and then I'm gonna come out after to see who else to see who got sick and then I could know and then also I don't know I probably go visit my girl I see what you got dang she took my answer no honestly like before this yeah like I was really just starting to really get on the road so I'm trying to get back on the road be him and then my own [ __ ] for the last like year now so you know she was really starting to heat up man so you know I'm excited to get back I'm excited for the fact that we've been able to still connect with the fans and still grow just the you know our fan base and our friend base so I'm excited about that so I took William Massey just send me $50 said I got a key roaster yard Oh shout-out to work Marcus Barret saying 25 we don't say the numbers we all say - no yeah she didn't even he right so now I gotta be like girl I'm waiting I'm looking for some more good questions all right this this is generic as hell but John and Lou let me get y'all on this one if you had to choose one meal to eat for an entire week what would it be oh you thought gonna make a [ __ ] are you talking to vacation Lou [Laughter] [Laughter] like right now it depends like do I get fat from it like do I gain weight and the wheat or resin what are you eating for a week [ __ ] come on Pizza I [ __ ] with that Holly choice you get sick of pizza if it's different every night do it differently you can have different cheeses different sauces different toppings like first David Bryan in prison and the only food breakfast lunch and dinner was the best pizza you ever had how would you feel about that yeah because now you can change the marinara sauce to like alfredo and barbecue sauce and you can do all this other stuff so you're paying back talk about a prison pizza a pizza prison I don't know my Dean I know I want to get done yes I said I said I had some Ritz crackers with pimento cheese Oh let me get let me get into car NASA does the freakiest experience we do we have to be do we have to go into detail can we just say what it was and then move on how do you feel brother okay I just want to say what it was and then move on oh yeah okay I I only told this story on Billy Sorrells podcast but I had a UH looking at a train ran on me by three girls that's perfect that's amazing it was why would just maybe they ran a train it was [ __ ] rules like they literally did it all at once then she turns it was like halfway through I was like are they running a train on me anytime you had no thought during that was a train no but a single foul line no no but something worse than that happened and I can't I I'm not even going to get paid so what pay was pegging it but would not it with a dildo going up my ass yeah no why would that be the first hit to here with that's mine well whoever else was goes there next go go ahead cigar I think the freakiest experience I've ever had Jesus Christ is party with the girl now I think that's the freakiest cuz there's anywhere anytime and please they don't matter this is the yeah I never met somebody that I was that I'm okay with [ __ ] anywhere like but I never met but I'm saying I never met somebody that I was okay with you know I think my freaking furnace was ice talked to a duel who had a [ __ ] foot fetish and he wanted my feet on his face okay let's go back to the other thing [Laughter] I'm talking about freaky give an example from that other [ __ ] um anywhere anywhere anywhere I think and even the conversation that sex is just on a whole different level I never been there before they get with a girl I be like the sex is so amazing you are circuit it easy like you know when I had it I gotta really miss it you understand what I'm saying like like I don't know this is me I'm not saying I hate penis I think when women go into relationships with other women people automatically have this predisposed notion that women hate men I don't hate men I don't dislike men I'm not saying I'm not attracted to men I'm saying that I'm just attracted to her and because she's my first female experience she's just different like the sex is just different she cares about if I come it matters that you I can make you come three times in ten minutes I'm like you just really like this dudes out there I had to do eat me out eat my ass Pat me on acid go home just wanna see me come it's out there you can get that you don't need to women okay arguing I bet you got cities because if you imma fight you you see me on stage you know we can really fight to each other it's just the person I like who she is as a person the sex is a bonus but who she is as a person is [ __ ] dope and I'm just into it [Applause] Louisa you [ __ ] the [ __ ] now the D that to all that another five next next question we got a little I want you a system when you post a video that doesn't get many views of likes that make you question your talent who is this for she said this about me man me another but you got on this one too it you won't catch me sometimes it takes a shot at the ego but honestly I just I go back I review it like game tape like I'll be on my LeBron like I'll be like in there like I won let me go watch it let me see why this one that hit as well let me go look something that hit hard and see like what did I do like you and sometimes I may have [ __ ] them [ __ ] I'm gonna do it cuz I like it right for me it was it's like the same thing I always question like did I post at the wrong tom was at the topic of something like that I never immediately go to me because I know what I can produce I know what I'm capable of I know my level of funny so I don't normally think that it's that but I do think that trains sometimes like spark more than others maybe I'll both can answer this too sometimes I like to test the waters and I like post something at a time that I never usually post and just to see like what happens you might catch it let me see if I get a different target audience but sometimes I just like to mess with the algorithm and see what I can come up with all right what about you pan cuz you post lie bro sorry the woman over logical I think I think that the deadliest poison that a creator could ever take is going viral right away you know like like the fact that some people can drop a video and it goes viral right away if you experience that it's it's poisonous because you drop something out there it's the Internet there's a milk there's billions of people dropping [ __ ] every second so it's like for you to be Eric arrogant enough to think that your [ __ ] would go viral right away is something you know I mean you're comparing yourself to the very few people who that happened to so for me personally the answer is like I I drop a lot because I like to have my stuff out there and I like the fact that it grows over time but if you've ever had something go crazy right away I think that's more harmful than anything because that's very very lucky and it gives you an expectation that that makes you think that all your other should is trash because it didn't get those numbers that's not how the internet works John what you guys how's it so that means I'm doing something right no I don't have a specific time when I drop stuff I just drop stuff when I feel like it because I'm in a good mood and it makes me feel good and I'm a and I like to think that it makes other people feel good now how many people that makes feel good I never think about that and I think at the times when I think about it the least I do the best and the times where I'm like this video you will put up a video but like this video gonna get views and then it doesn't and then the video you just put up just to have fun gets all of you that you like that easy so I just stopped having those expectations I don't have them no formula no expectations just it could be anything future right now with her and we're her [ __ ] picture on it and the [ __ ] could make it to the shade room like ladies is this how y'all dating now and it'll be just some random caption with her shirt and she didn't she just posted it up because she wanted to sell this [ __ ] and she like buy my shirt and it's not a [ __ ] shade woman now she's technically viral because of his shirt so I never think too much into it I just post what I like when I like how I like fun okay well last last question and this is for everybody the ideal show or venue it's my show that I wrote did I get an Emmy for Madison Square Garden sold-out John Fox Theatre st. Louis nice I like that i [ __ ] with that CP first of all everybody in the comments asking if I'm high I'm trying to let [ __ ] talk and be courteous in a line there's news right yeah you and then white goddamn I [ __ ] y'all first of all I mean I mean I'm high as [ __ ] but no normally higher than when I'm supposed to be channel a lot of people think it's cool to just accuse you of being high as opposed to just being like that's how that [ __ ] looks because at this point we've smoked so many so much that like we just look like this letting people know I smoked that's why I usually don't put it on camera because the moment they see that they be like everything is a oh you have an ID and I'm like nah I mean I am but I'm still handling mom sometimes they're not I mean ironically now I'm high off of my ass so I can't say anything but good luck I don't like being high on camera so like great taste and like all these shows people be like pad thai and I'm like [ __ ] no I'm not you just like saying that because it makes it cool people like to like attribute your creativity to being high and I'm like man that was the case then everybody will be getting high and doing everything that we're doing behind as a made me creative if anything being high allows me to push through whatever gear you're in that makes you second-guess yourself I can kind of trust myself and do what I want to do my ideal show venue honestly I really like that first of all that was keep going so easy everybody should understand that by now there's nothing that y'all face with the Karma comedy be talking about her girlfriend you can literally see real [ __ ] like my ideal show right I mean like we got a Fox Theatre in Detroit and all that and that [ __ ] dope I [ __ ] with that for my people but it's like I wanna like have a special out and I just want a Grammy for my [ __ ] and then I want to have a dog ass like whatever the [ __ ] I got on I gotta be sweet as [ __ ] and I want to pop in on a hot-ass comedy so maybe like Comedy Store main room is hot and when I walk in everybody on my god OCP they go sleepy and then I get on stage do like 45 minutes with my Grammy sitting on the [ __ ] chair and I'm just doing [ __ ] thats like I have a I have a relief and a freedom that I have reached a Zenith and so this comedy today that they would get would be so like Super Saiyan blue type of [ __ ] like it be so pure because I think that a lot of our comedy comes from not knowing or you know probe in the audience to see if they're gonna understand this man to reach my mountaintop Zenith and then do some rinky-dink little show to kind of symbolize like me going from that to bigger things to meet I'll be living for those moments breath like [ __ ] I show out when it's time to move when the more [ __ ] lights come on like I said [ __ ] like that [ __ ] man that's the city they're giving a good goosebumps hey you got one to be honest no it's just being on the outskirts of let you know just live performance in general during the you know the peak of additional live performance which is strengthened with stand up tender the the beginning of New Age performance which is digital media I feel like the ideal show is a mix between the two because one thing that's undeniable is that every live show that I've seen every single one since the last like maybe five years have always had some camera that was live streaming to the internet you know I mean because it doesn't matter what your ticket sales are in that city if you're poppin and you and you promoted online you this digital age lets you have people from Africa the Middle East Australia you know Canada the the the South America like everybody can tune in to your event so I think that just with this new age that people are refusing to accept you can have a popping show that you know all the seats are filled but it's also like everybody who doesn't get to be in that city can still be one of them yeah exactly so in my mind just you know long story short I what I've seen is that intimate shows are better than Coliseum shows you know like I have not seen a huge comedian like Kevin Hart connect to people that are in like a [ __ ] staple Center or a football stadium as opposed to somebody who's in a club so I think that if somebody if people if producers were smart enough to mold the to and have it so that like you know like if the event was only like 200 maybe like it was very intimate but the stream was popping so that it was millions of people I think that's the ideal venue as a perfect mix between the streaming the New Age technology and intimate setting that makes us know a good show that was a CP I feel like it was very high but it was also very very like true of course the highest things are usually the truest form of your thoughts oh okay I I would love to just have a dope-ass sketch show on Netflix a [ __ ] fire ass comedy special and I would love to host a night a night show like a late-night show like this well I have my friends on we just shooting the [ __ ] and talking about life and catching up because I feel like the the higher we get the less time we have to hang with each other like this like because I let's be honest like if the world wasn't on pause right now we wouldn't be doing this drama buzz will be out on a road after tonight yeah the comedy Union months ago exactly so imagine like if we were doing that we're not able to see each other like that that would be crazy so yeah I will I love to you know be able to catch up with my friends and put some money in their pocket that's why this is so dope for me this is why I have big goals of like trying to get bigger names on this I get a Kevin Hart on this get up.get some rappers on this whatever because I would love to expand the fan base to make sure I can put money in my friends pockets like I don't want to get on by myself I want to get on with my friends so we can all trip together we can all fake Asian we're all shop together we can all know crammed in on a hedge fund and invest some money in some developing companies together and in ten years we're billionaires so that would be my that will be Mike my greatest thing is creating I know that it just has the elements of what Pat said that is live but also we're streaming it whatever and anybody and everybody can watch it yourself and if we're smart I want real quick here Thank You man for putting me on a show good when you see that flyer know all the people in the flyer guy he'll of followers and I was looking at that fly like damn I'm gonna make a wish [ __ ] tonight because hey y'all got a good follow a [ __ ] is poppin off I just need a shot I'm minimum so to come is funny but I appreciate you give me a [ __ ] like me some time I got my cash up ups night news let me add it up okay thank you thank you to here thank you [ __ ] tonight but Ray my ass I appreciated absolutely this is great week before we get out of here real I may never go into here never forget this [ __ ] in my last minute abusive crack is it needed a night as real quick before we get out of here I want to thank Marcus Scott Jamal Dallas crane Adrian Scioscia salsa Elbon John Sean gals market Barnett Kerry MMD designs I'm sorry mmm designs Matthew who else Michael Henry Deanna crystal Cloris Asli Isaac Taylor I'm sorry Tyler and market another Marcus thank you so much for your donations tonight I appreciate and also to all that all the people that donated to the super check I can't get to it right now because I'm gonna strain your but thank you so much video your donations as well how do we share our hand do they asking for our handles I'm showing it right now is on the Lazo I got the comment right now mari her Ginetta wallace kelsey Taji Roth William Massey Joslin Howard makea brown Marcus Barret Alicia Coleman Marcus Scott Jaquan Webster Carey Matthew Bankston Jamal Lindsey Shari and more rivers Kendrick Barnes Brandi Michael Henry Dallas crane Dianna Geronimo Dianna Graham guy Diana Diana Germano hey guess what guess what yes first of all her name sounds delicious her Nance I like them a regulation Italian dressing we're talking about arcus Morton Sheridan Alex rare breed Candice Richard Anthony what are you doing right now donating thank you to everybody who donated you guys are all amazing given they shine and it's important you might pay your ties whatever thank you to brother always make sure to thank my people on my personal twitch and like my lives so y'all can do that but after that if everybody waiting on it just hey no [Music] oh no but thank you this was amazing I didn't know what to expect but this is fire like this is completely like better than anything I had planned tonight so this is me thank you to everybody who sent me on the cash yet I didn't go through it right now because I've been smoking and hanging and chillin and everybody loved you I can be able to read along with y'all next time you have me I would let it come back and tell personal business which are maybe I could help me find a man some I said a mixtape yeah I come back your next time come on with the intro for my mixtape and I'm gonna give me some camo lingerie apparently that's what I mean just like that I dunno staged about you know and they said oh no way to play like how to seek with the [ __ ] with the camouflage nice you too [ __ ] now you know you know I got ya thirty Seconds to give you a G and whatever else you got going on right real quick oh you oh you underscore Gonzalez follow me - Cara Williams follow me I have the life of the divorce podcast airing next week follow me on instagram at scar comedies Cara Williams you can tune in logs life elationship everything the holds bar and yeah Kylie and thank you everybody who donated to my cat Shep I can't say all the names but I appreciate you it's a car ready to cuddle up and fall asleep Tina here CP Sam is my cache services at comedian CP on everything Instagram twitch YouTube Twitter everything and appreciate everybody you know I'm saying like you know podcast roasters podcast coming soon shoutout to Pat to hear everybody all the Roasters cats coming soon am cash-strapped is dollar sign cloud village all the proceeds go back into the village entertainment thank you guys so much everybody who's donated and appreciates you guys I'm jumping over to twitch right after this somebody John I got paid 20 bucks to leave we do this Monday through Thursday so this is this is our Friday technically tomorrow I have the best silent listening party with the Tony Baker and Joshy guns we're doing Freddie Gibbs new album with alchemist is called a alfredo as every Friday we do that and then every Wednesday we do words in this heart and you could catch up on to Cara's episode on Pat's episode episode a lot of fun I'd love to get Lulu on the episode when we can one day okay and yeah man that got so much for coming through supporting believing in us and just allowing us to have a platform to continue to share our craft and our stories on and yeah man you guys are awesome if you're not if you're watching this you not subscribe please subscribe to the YouTube channel man and check out please check out damn Internet you're scary we are doing it all the time and yeah you guys are I'm also starting to twitch channel guys I just got my my webcam so like I'll be like man people and call of duty so I I come loop with me around with me baby on all eating already then yes I finally got my webcam already and I got my Yeti mic my internet went out the last possible no and so you think John Oh Instagram Mr Tan Panda like champion would mr. in front of it and if you want to watch my half hours on YouTube for free car going for broke all week I keep digging but I remember right now I'm about to get off and I'm going straight to Beatty Kingsley Club right now it is Vincent dragula Jones he he DJ's is all RB music go there right now and let's let's put shop not not shot glasses they already do shot glasses let's do with the fire emoji for everybody we finna raid they [ __ ] right now everybody that can leave here go there put up the fire money buy me a drink I'm straight from someone with the homies we're gonna put it all fighting oh geez all in life and I bought the head out there right now so thank out so much for watching we will see y'all them next time peace out hi guys
Channel: Tahir Moore
Views: 98,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uB0eRzxiMuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 28sec (8128 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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