Accidentally Completing Speedrunning's Biggest Trick

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Just watched this video earlier on today. I’m loving watching the wind waker playthrough but unfortunately I can’t watch live because of time zones :(

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/VisibleEntry4 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Well thank you for reminding me! Also have a great day!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Common-Discount πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 15 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
all right what's up guys so i play video games for a living like this is this is my full-time job right and i have to say this video i'd have no idea how this came about or what like even transpired to get me here but basically this is what happened during my first playthrough of the legend of zelda wind waker and it's absolutely crazy so hope you guys enjoy also only a small percentage of you guys are actually subscribed so if you end up liking the video or just like the content in general on the channel feel free to subscribe uh it's always it's free and you know you can always change your mind if you want to enjoy the video you're sinking under underneath the sea whoa the hyrule castle [Music] you're probably wondering where we are aren't you unfortunately there's not enough time for me to explain it to you now once you're able to strike down ganon with the item you obtain in this castle all will be made clear to you let's do barrier skip right now it's atlantis guys why is it underground what the hell hi maublin what that's link that's me that's us all right eric i need you to listen to me for a moment the item you seek is hints are in the castle find it you must find the entrance to a basement find the clue in the shape of a h heraldry near where we arrived at the castle is this what we have to do oh my god yes um oh this is why i play through games like this i love puzzles like this so much oh okay this this shouldn't be too hard actually not now i think about it it shouldn't be too hard so that's the first one then we'll push it one more and i push it one more this way i cannot because of that blockage right there but if i go up one and then move it over this way yeah okay that could i could do it i could do it and then i grab it one more thing this way all right so that's two i think this third one's gonna be the hardest one quote unquote because um of how we do it but i think oh we got it i think i think we did it cannot move it yeah nice that was great let's go see what's what's what's down here that's the master sword it's a master sword excellent eric to perceive such a puzzle and decipher it no small feat now take the sword that lies before you it is none other than the master sword the blade of evil's bane it is the only sword that can banish ganon from the world above [Music] wow [Music] oh that's that that kind of it's cool kind of seems like a little trouble right now because all of these enemies are probably going to come back to life yes all right um little manga s right there um but you know we're in the basement so we don't really need protection right now and we got the master sword not awakened though let's go see what's up here um hey guys um evil sort of um doers uh you phantoms and moblins i would actually appreciate it if you didn't attack me that would be wonderful oh yo [Music] oh did you see that oh my god the man is insane man master swords nice oh i can't go back what i guess we go forward and i can't get in do i have to defeat all these enemies six hours later all right so now they're gone okay cool cool cool whoa hey guys guess what all right let's do barrier skip okay so now i have to do um this and then and then and then and then cancel take out the wind waker on the damage frame and then um [Music] all right we did it though and then i think it's like it and then i got go all the way to the side over here right and then i look up yeah how do i item slide by the way something with the grappling hook i know it's something with the grappling hook hold up pause slightly down as you can unpause now all right not no all right let's continue on no you guys want me to do it oh all right fine fine fine so i go up pause just hold slightly down [Music] oh i did it i did it i item i did it okay i item slid or whatever the hell like he says he'll help you if you want i'm good for now i'm good for now i want to see if i can get on my own damn it you know if he wants to help i'd be down all right if he wants to help oh lincus is calling hi hi how's it going this is quality content look at this it's riveting it's just yellow beautiful yellow i'm trying to get um uh barrier skip right now yep just for the fun of it but it's not working okay uh first of all do you know how to do the item slide section well yeah i know how to the section i know how to item slide i was just taught to item slide you take out the grappling hook take a step forward pause and just hold down and then you will notice that the crosshair is bopping i want you to see two bops up and when the second bop hits i want you to pause the game you see the red bops right there do you know what i mean now but red box yeah yeah so basically when i oh cancel it so you don't crash well oh you mean like crash the game yeah if you do that for seven or eight seconds in an area game crashes oh so slightly down one two like that yeah yep that's perfect okay yeah so i'm teaching you this before you get the angle so you're gonna mess up so what do you want to do now at this part let's pretend you were in the berry with the angle right okay just zl yep and if you did that right you will go right instead of left oh i went right yep exactly that means you got it now you got the last part down now all you need is just the correct angle and you're gonna get barrier skip yep no okay now we go in the corner and then you when you're fully in the corner we want to see up uh this could work but it's more unlikely so you can see maybe uh you could maybe have seen that one pixel standing out that means that i do see it yeah the blue one right actually that could work yeah don't touch anything okay now what i want you to do is without pressing a c stick just press the a button and then you take out the grappling hook okay got it and at this and at this point i forbid you to touch the c-stick all right it's not being touched yep exactly so just like take one step back and then just hold forward pause do the item slide and pause on the second bop all right i took one step back or like like that right that's one step back yep and then really fast all the way up on the on the um on the joystick and then pause yep and then slightly to the back and then unpause like that that was more than two bounces though that's fine that's that's okay it might still work so i want you to do what i said before so hold up on pause pause there we go okay yeah and then just hold target and just hold target and um pause and just keep holding targets you have a lot of speed so you want to lose more speed yeah so just keep holding target and pause uh unpause yep and if you got the angle you would clip through just keep letting it be please please link it was the wrong angle then right yeah so this is the wrong angle the reason i told you to keep holding target is because you lose speed faster so i needed to get you into the right speed for the center uh actually that could actually work yes i see the pixel this could work this could i actually see the pixel you have okay yeah this pixel has four values and three of them will work so you have a good chance you have a good chance please come on i am amazed this isn't working what the hell man oh oh oh oh i saw a like a weird video oh okay okay we did it lincus thank you so much no worries man all right now i just got to reload my save oh man because i'm doing this casually this is great oh hey look we just went back through perfect [Laughter] all right we only have to like we can just go back through it's it's only one way all right let's continue on with the oh my god let's go to i think we go to forsaken fortress now because we just got the master sword from uh the bottom of hyrule or or hyrule castle which is below the great sea which is insane okay we're at forsaken fortress is there a way to get up that's the question let's unless we're supposed to get caught is this the entrance and uh likely been made aware of our low encourage already but you have the master sword so that shall shine in the darkness casting back evil with it in your hands none can keep you from rescuing your sister do not be afraid um all right we can just continue now we can just go through forsaken fortress pretty easily because we have um what [Music] uh um are we playing energy ball tennis i guess okay all right that's what we're doing we're playing energy old tennis today let's go take that you little operation oh that was fast that one was fast let's go let's go all right what did we get for that the skull hammer oh are we in a dungeon right now we are okay this counts as a dungeon again what does this do [Music] that's pretty violent jesus that's so violent well bam all right let me open the door and let's see what's behind here let's get our sister we got errol big brother you're okay i was worried the cell won't open that easily tetra i swear do you even realize we had to draw that monster bird off for you but to come flying in here after you again if you saw the master sword there's something special about that master sword that sword where did you get that are you is it even possible well never mind about that for now we'll just take these girls sure their fathers back in town will pay a handsome reward for their return i'm so sorry to interrupt such a heartwarming reunion wait isn't there something you need to still take care of yes we gotta defeat ganon eric we'll be back i swear it and it's closed and it's locked and water's coming out uh oh there's bird hi hi bird just keep climbing the circle that was close that was close that was incredibly close wow how tall hi hello can i can i please can i get up okay i guess not oh oh oh let's go up let's go up and then let's use funk we're at the top of the forsaken fortress oh now it's closing all right good the bird can't get back then just kidding i lied let's go buy chicken buy chicken let's go we did it we beat bird we beat bird let's go all right let's go see gannon you've done well to sneak into my fortress and wriggle your way all the way up here i suppose the least i can do is commend you for your reckless courage my name is ganondorf and i am the master of the forsaken fortress by the way boy when you drew that sword of yours out of its pedestal did you by chance notice how all the monsters frozen in time down there suddenly began stirring again you understand what precisely what that means i highly doubt you do foolish child while that sword is indeed the blade of evil's bane at the same time it has long played another role you see it's also sort of a key a most wretched little key that has kept the seal on me and my magic intact by withdrawing the blade you have broken that seal [Music] why link why would you do that terrible idea ganondorf do be thick though you cannot defeat me with a blade that does not sparkle with the power to reply all evil what you hold is useless it's right i told you guys it wasn't awoken [Music] let me go you pathetic little c-rat [Music] my triforce of power is resonating a long last i have found you princess zelda oh huh burrito it's dorito just let's go oh no he's about to he's about to be burned let's go value well that's the end of the game ganondorf is now dead and we have saved the entirety of hyrule eric you're all right what is this place hey and ganondorf what happened to him eric what are you doing you must come down to the room where you got the master sword who's using that stone yeah who is using that stone eric and i are the only ones you can speak through that stone how dare you use what's not yours your name is tetra correct it was come with eric to see me at once well you don't don't you sound important fine we're on our way so we're going to now go and see who that mysterious voice is in the stone next time all right let's go tetra let's go talk to whoever the hell is down here who is that that's an that's that's an oh my god that's an old man is that an old man that stone is enhanced version of the gossip stones long spoken of in the legends of hyrulean royal family i am the one who made it uh some random old man's down in the in the in the bottom of hyrule that's great yeah it's just some random old man guys like come on don't bring this joke back what do you mean maddie this is hyrule and i am his king daphnis nosh and hyrule oh my god no way oh my god it's top handsome nose hansen hyrule eric do not recognize my voice indeed i am the oh wait that's okay that's actually a twist i didn't actually expect that part there was no need for you for me to reveal my true identity to you as long as that blade the master sword could defeat ganon but now both of you must listen to me wait okay okay wait wait wait but how the [ __ ] is he a boat when the gods heard of our pleas they chose to seal away not only ganon but hyrule itself and so with the torrential downpour of reigns from the heavens our fair kingdom was soon buried beneath the waves forgotten at the bottom of the ocean hundreds of years have passed since then so long as ganondorf was not revived hyrule would remain below never waking from his slumber tetra come to me that's that triforce this necklace you wear is part of a sacred treasure called the triforce of wisdom which has been passed down for many ages within the royal family of hyrule your mother passes down to you and instructed you to treasure it and to guard it with your life [Music] oh this is a beautiful cutscene [Music] wisdom you are the true heir of the royal family of hyrule the last link in the bloodline you are princess zelda eric i'm terribly sorry that you have been caught up in these events but now it is known that tetra is indeed princess zelda ganon will be searching frantically for this child in an attempt to get the power of the gods that she possesses eric i need you to lend me your strength in this dark hour i have a suspicion about what has caused the master sword to lose its power i need for you to come with me back to the lands above the water and return the power to repel evil for the master sword eric be careful [Music] hey what's up daphnis king rome hyrule fact that the master sword lost the power to repel evil suggest to me that something has happened to the sages who infused the blade with the god's power the sages should be here in hyrule and the wind table to the north and the earth temple to the south praying to the gods you must head for these two temples to see what has happened to the sages and attempt to find a way to recover the power to repel evil unfortunately ganon seems to have erected some sort of magical barrier down here in hyrule blocking your path to the temples well if only something existed like barrier skip but each temple should have another entrance upon hyrule's mountaintops which are now islands above the sea eric do you know the legend of the hero of time no no i don't i never finished that game once long ago well i do know the legend the legend is a bunch of youtube comments calling me every slur under the sun that's what the legend of the hero of time is we're not finishing that game the sacred piece is known as the triforce of courage when the hero of time was called to embark on another journey and left the land of hyrule he was separated from the elements that made him a hero it is said at that time the triforce of courage was split into eight shards and hidden throughout the land even though i do not know where they rest but this much i do know they lie hidden somewhere in this great sea but you have crossed paths with some uh with someone who knows much about the things that lie hidden in the depths of the sea sploosh kaboom uh all right so let's go to let's go to windfall let's play some sploosh kaboom good morning letters for eric we have one letter this parcel has been sent out sent cash on delivery postage due is 201 rupees will you pay this seems like a scam it's a good deal i'll pay yeah sure of course yeah we got to help this nigerian prince out to the esteemed mr fairy person thank you very much for your purchase and closed is the an incredible chart this chart will show you where to find the triforce charts and the triforce shards i want you to use it to find lots of them they're my favorite kinds of items thanks tingle very nice at least it wasn't a scam see if they have anything in the south we haven't done that yet so let's try that out let's try it out apparently there's a dungeon here and here we have the rock that looks like a face rock the rock that looks like a face crazy i think we might need to get the triforce of courage first unless we can like do something over here you pick it up okay hey hey with the power you have now you can either lift nor destroy that stone yet somewhere on the scene the power to do lies okay so we need to find okay all right so we need to find the triforce of courage all right so tingle island is like somewhere over here let's um let's we're not going to swim we're going to use our boat actually oh i can't go in there can i maybe that's a thing let's go in there is that like a thing we can do it is a thing we can do okay what is this this is like the last um sort of last dungeon i guess right where like we check it like this can i check this check there we go yeah reflect the winds oh my god what was it again oh we're gonna go we're about to go through this [Music] i remembered it i remembered it a triforce chart okay this map must be interpreted before you can read it okay what's incredible chart oh oh oh okay okay okay we need to go across the great sea to find all of these triforce pieces or try first charts looks like and looks like we just found the triforce chart all on our own without without you know actually without actually looking at this thing that's actually so cool we did that all on our own so i think we go to the tile over and defeat a ship over here that's pretty sick all right let's go do that so we gotta take these guys down nice we did it guys we did it oh it's probably the golden ship that has it you know that would make a lot of sense that would make actually a ton of sense try force i got triforce chart okay so we got another triforce right all right so apparently over here is where i'm supposed to be what's this over here oh that's a gate that we can't get yet what are these things those are birds okay now what's the plan the plan is to do this as a stupid plan all right what can we use uh we'll use our telescope first let's just start let's start down the line let's use the telescope see if we can find anything um zoom in oh look there's uh there's bird bird bird another bird and then what's that egg what if i snipe it snipe that egg oh oh that okay that egg is yellow now all right so now what um bait bag what do i do with that um sprinkle some bait i guess that does nothing oh oh we're on something here we're on to something okay um can i grapple onto the the this guy no i got his fish okay so bait did something all right at least at least we did that all right so bait bag all-purpose bait what is this for a pair take control of a seagull whoa what what does this do okay so let's put this down um uh um how in the [ __ ] are you supposed to think about this how are you like how is that like a thing you're supposed to be like yeah yeah that makes sense i'll just become a seagull and there's one last one down over here down this way look at that guys look at that we did it yes still have no idea how you became a seagull neither but you know what happens and this is the c chart i'm assuming let's go so we got um we got the one all the way to the right we got two three so we got the other c charts what is this ghost ship let's go up let's go to the north let's see what that's up to speaking which let's talk to tingle we haven't talked to tingle in a bit oh mr ferry i've been longing to see you sir what should we play what do you want to play what you're not here to play that fragrant musty scent sir you have found the chart splendid splendid show me show me why you can't read that chart in its current state impossible sir would you like me to decipher for you for 398 rupees no uh mr ferry are you poor yes tingle tingle become readable wow okay that's all you have to do you got to start deciphered let me decide for another i don't have that much money [Music] that's a whole lot of rupees tingle said it smells like broken here he really did though he really did i mean apparently there's also a chart on outset right yeah there's a chart on outset island so i guess we go there you are looking oh it's one of these things again what the do i do with you oh the temples were where the sages at weight cannot be entered easily those who live in the seas nearby those frogs maybe maybe it's those frogs i'll we'll see we'll see we'll go around here small fire there's a real heavy stone head blocking the cabin don't you wonder what's behind it don't you want to get in there yes let me tell you a great secret okay go north four squares and east three squares to fire mountain you'll find an item that gives you the strength to easily lift anything no matter how heavy it is with that thing you can lift the stone and toss it away as light as feather all right so we know where to go now that's good all right now to do this uh let's let's head over to the second oh whoa there's a fishy over here maybe fishy will tell me something you see that there are volcanoes spewing out lava well there's no tomorrow yeah they say there's a great treasure hidden inside that thing the thing is everyone's ever tried to get away has been blasted by the great balls of fire that comes shooting off the top you want to get inside you ought to go to find the island that's one square north and four squares west of here that's where the power freezing anything is hidden over here all right let's do it how about did we get up there he said that inside the r ring of rock that makes up the perimeter of that island there lives incredibly beautiful fairy the thing is nobody's ever met her this is the only way you'll ever meet her is to take a ride on the whirlwind got it got it foolish gretchen does not fear the gods oh this is the cyclos this is cyclos the other the other frog this is the other this is the one that goes around with the cyclones all right we want to go in the cyclone i'm pretty sure yeah okay and that'll bring us no eric are you all right where's the pack only if i went to heart's power cycle it might be possible for us to travel the ocean instantaneously use your item that can pierce distant targets so we need to use our bow and arrow okay we're so far away we're so far away bye cyclos goodbye cyclos we got him once cool we got him twice nice we got him three we missed that time we got him three times nice obviously have a mastery of the air now you know you establish quite the wind waker let's see if you can handle this uh down right left up uh down right left up we're in the ballot of the gaels new song you need to move like that uh just call on my cyclones now we can get to a lot of different places let's go all right so now we gotta do this all right so we're over here so now it's like bring like cyclone so it was down right left up uh mother and child islands yeah let's go there yes there we go we did it we did it [Music] it's a little creepy i'm the queen of the fairy world and so i shall give you new power to the bow that you wield ice arrows we're getting ice arrows what's happening sorry sorry i wonder what we're getting the power of fire and ice have added to your arrows when you take out your bow use zr to change arrowheads and then fire away nice let's go now we use this ice arrows bam that did nothing what [Music] oh that makes sense oh oh oh we're timed oh we have a timer okay let's um let's let's get out let's get out and let's let's go let's just fall into the middle of a volcano what could go wrong oh we still have a timer oh oh we still have a timer oh look there's that oh there's that head thing again are you kidding me do we need that head thing first no we can't okay i need to defeat those two okay i need to defeat those two the power bracelets now both arms are strong they never press oh we have oh oh we do let's go okay now let's um let's go to outset actually i want to see what's in that uh that island thing all right here we go look how strong he has look how strong i'm proud of you link [Music] we gotta try for shard need seven more shards to complete the triforce all right so we got uh we got triforce shard today that was pretty sick i'll take it i'll take it you know what we could probably do a temple too we probably just do a temple right now here we go we got we got mr big head right here boom let's go in whoa that's a lot of that's a lot of things there appears to be markings that indicate specific directions uh well looks like we can't do anything sucks all right oh well we'll go we'll go play the song we'll go play the song next time when we um let's do right here take out our window we did it look at that perfect got it [Music] perfect you learned the earth god's lyric whoa who are you it's azor ah oh great hero chosen by the master sword my name is laruto i am a zora sage for an age i offered my prayers here in the earth temple praying that the power to repel evil would ever remain within the master sword and yet unfortunately due to ganon's evil designs the master sword you hold has lost this power he attacked his temple and stole my soul knowing that he had to remove the power contained in that enchanted blade in order to return the power to repel evil to your sword you must find another to take my stead in this temple and ask the gods for their assistance i don't know who can do this you must find the one who carries my bloodline the one who holds the sacred instrument nothing can stop the flow of time or the passing of generations but the [Music] oh my god it's it's the it's the the elvis guy maybe i think it's the elvis guy like the guy at uh wind temple the the wind wind island it's definitely that guy the song you just conducted is the one that opens the eyes of the new sage and awaken the sage melody they'll carry our prayers to the gods so we need to play this in front of uh the elvis guy by naruto laruto let's go find elvis all right elvis guy i found you all right now we gotta play this in front of you [Music] that's it that's the rhythm i've been trying to recall oh i can feel it i can feel it guys you learn the song of passing i have no idea what that does it makes it daytime the harp guy is not in fact elvis so that's that's uh that's a thing so i need to find the harp guy he doesn't have to be zora he just needs to have a heart not tingled probably not tingle definitely not tingle oh my god no it's birdo oh my god wait wait whoa it's birdo doesn't she have a harp or something [Music] i hear a harp oh oh i hear it again it is birdo that makes me so happy because i was just like out of nowhere oh eric you're okay you know prince kamali's been asking me at all your adventures eric i can rest easy now that i've seen you safe and sound with my own eyes is that the wind waker wow eric will you conduct me wonder how i'll do i don't remember the song [Music] i did it oh i feel birdo [Music] eric thanks to you i've been awakened to the knowledge that i'm a sage of the earth temple we must hurry and wake the power to repel evil that sleeps within the master sword that's prince kamali you're so cute let's just look at that let's go now quickly and quietly all right let's go burbo the temple ahead is a nest of an evil creature the same creature that stole the life of your predecessor the sage is a dark and frightening place if eric comes near you presses zr to call you then be silent and follow closely behind him and if eric presses a allow him to lift you and if need be fly and carry him through the air it's very specific okay so i can pick up birdo with a and fly across okay there are oh that's so adorable though well eric i'm very confident but i think i should try to fly a fly where you tell me to just tap a to keep me airborne um so the command command melody oh that's wait that's funny right it's the command melody and it's the commanding medley right look i'm medley that's me tapping a we're tapping a got it first try let's go nice um oh this is going to get so annoying i feel like this is going to get really annoying [Music] nope nope oh what [Music] oh what is that makes me sleepy is that does that prevent me from using items probably yes i can't use items when it's like that okay that's what that's what that means let me do that yeah yeah yeah she looks oh no come on got it why does he keep saying a oh that's why okay that's that's a okay but face this way there we go i got it i got it and we got the small key which can uh open up the door in the other part of the dungeon over there there is wait why are there fairies there that makes me nervous there's a po here as well oh interesting what can i do how can i defeat pose oh oh i see i see what i need to do here with a pose i need to take medley and be like hey medley and then shove her up there uh okay like i said before i say hey medley go up there there it is nice then i go back and i take a look at the po there we go nice what oh oh oh [Music] are those re-deads mom pick me up don't want to be here anymore please don't be like a giant redead okay no you're kind of you're kind of funny looking all right i'll take that [Music] all right this is where it's weird now oh his head oh you have to get his head okay okay so you you break him apart and then you get his then you get his head [Music] take that dude what's this oh sorry i guess that was our mini boss a mirror shield a mirror shield so now we don't have to talk to medley anymore this is what i'm thinking right here what if i oh oh do i have to do it okay and then i have medley here i use a and i keep her doing that i go to the other side i feel like this is a really bad idea oh it's kind of cool whoa okay so there's a mirror right there what is this what do these do oh you can just do the same thing oh oh that's why they want you to do this okay that makes sense so you just bounce it off like that okay okay i'll take it i'll take it okay what is this puzzle here i'll take a look at this this seems like a penultimate puzzle here like the hardest i you know i'm gonna call it right here you know i think this is the hardest puzzle in this dungeon based on its complexity okay so we got rid of that do i need to get this oh whoa okay so it's this right here so we pull this okay another mirror put it right there and then we'll have link there we go nice there we go you need that exit after you medley oh there's these guys too oh that makes it so much harder oh he's in he's aiming for his sword nice okay we got him again and we got him oh yeah we defeated him perfect big key okay nice all right here we go let's go to the uh let's go to the boss room here we go the boss [Music] hi medley bye medley oh that's a lot of pose [Music] oh that's a lot of pose [Music] oh that oh that that's a that's a big po do it's a little chalkers um i want to go here and then i want to oh it's bringing me in okay that's that makes it difficult i see that it makes it difficult to do something else [Music] oh wait what wait what if i keep doing that nothing oh buddy he becomes material what came out of his butt [Music] okay like that's easy to do right there right that's easy right oh oh oh i can pick him up oh okay okay okay okay okay i see it and then defeat the pose that come out what we got one and it goes back all right so i think we have we have like a couple left we don't have any left come on come on get just another po all right we have one left one po left oh my god we have one left we're not even the right color this must be green there we go it's such a lit that's such a layman [Music] i like this this is nice oh the prayers of the earth sage have restored the master sword's former energy there is but one last step before it becomes a true master sword once again to complete the awakening of the master sword you must go to the wind temple for one more prayer now eric step into the light behind you and return to the surface your next duty to find the sage of the wind temple all right let's go to the i guess i guess with that let's go to the uh let's go to the wind tube you guys want to go to the wind temple now
Channel: PointCrow
Views: 774,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wind waker, wind waker hd, the legend of zelda, the legend of zelda wind waker, hd, zelda, point crow, pointcrow, zelda first time, gameplay, nintendo, switch, playthrough, walkthrough, pointcrow wind waker, windwaker, game, waker, legend of zelda, speedrun, speedrunner, speedrunning, world record, wr, wind waker world record, linkus, linkus7, linkus7 wind waker, wind waker speedrun, wwhd, twwhd, windwaker hd, gaming, linkus7 wind waker speedrun, barrier skip, wind waker barrier skip, barrier, skip
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 58sec (2998 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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