Zac Efron's new Netflix romcom is hilariously bad

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well Netflix has done it again I've talked about a lot of Netflix movies over the years you know I was there in the trenches in 2018 with kissing booth insatiable the 12 the boys movies which were actually pretty okay to be fair and then there was tall girl the 365 days movies Dam but I got to say the new Netflix movie a family affair is honestly like this might be the worst thing Netflix has put out in a long time like maybe even worse than 365 days okay as crazy as ad sounds those movies are garbage right but at the very least you got extremely attractive European people being all wo woo for 2 hours right like at least there's something you can have a guilty pleasure about but this new movie has nothing there is nothing going on in this movie this is honestly one of the most boring things I've ever seen but hey come on let's take a walk and talk about it so the movie starts out with our main character Zara now Zara is the assistant or something for the world's biggest movie star Chris Cole now at this particular moment she's rushing over to help him break up with his current girlfriend what we have is so special and spectacular and oh hi you see that really really famous guy over there that looks really mad at me right now it looks like he wants to kill me yeah that's my boss and I really need to get this I'm furiously joyful you know Zack Arron said his jaw was broken and therefore he had to get surgery which is why he looks like this now but like so did Mark hell back in the 80s and he did not show up to return to the Jedi looking like oh hey I'm here for Han Solo anyway so the setup of the movie is that Chris is this big movie star and so of course he's like impossible to work with I was stuck there stalling just riffing that was one of my best performances of all time n man the best work you ever did was Bent On It from High School Musical 2 okay you know apparently this whole thing was made up on the spot just like pure improv I mean only a true like once in a-lifetime genius could ever come up with something like I have to be true to myself I had to say a lot more than I wrote down last night which means Ashley probably felt the sting of rejection much more because of you like you deserve to be fired then fire me no you know Zack is not really selling this whole toxic boss thing very well like I don't know he just seems kind of goofy so my house 8:30 and bring a latte with cow's milk from real cow they still make that or is that like canceled good one dude but yeah so he's selfish and mean and he dates girls and then breaks up with them can you believe it what kind of person dates someone for a while and then breaks up with them you got to go clean up this mess and pick up my stuff from Ashley's no God please no Chris when you gave earrings to Kimmy and Whitney it was like so awful for me getting your stuff back I felt like I was grave robbing now also it's Zara's dream to be like a big time producer or something and she's been working for Chris for 2 years now in hopes of working her way up the ladder but until she can do that she's just kind of stuck doing whatever Chris wants her to do which is the job she signed up for but yeah you know what a jerk yeah that is nuts like have supermarkets changed at all well I'm looking at the Oreo aisle and it's gotten totally out of control I'm seeing cinnamon bun Oreos something called a snowy and robed Oreos hey I think maybe this movie might be sponsored by Oreos guys I don't know what do you think are you sure that this grocery story is going to have this like what is it what is it called again isolated whey protein or whey protein isolated it doesn't matter whatever one just look for the word ISO okay I mean gosh you play one superhero and you're like a biochemist or something what I'm sorry but like she's been working for this guy for 2 years and is also just a person who lives in modern society and like she's never heard of whey protein who wrote this movie but yeah so she's feeling kind of frustrated that she hasn't made much progress on her dream vision board or whatever so she rushes on home to talk to her mom about feelings and stuff mom were you my age when you published your first book no I was 29 why I'm just wondering when my life is going to start you're 24 baby isn't Chris building you up to run his company sometimes I think he forgets I just my dude you are 24 how am I not a CEO yet Mom I'm literally 24 but like this is pretty much Zara's entire character here like she's 24 and the whole movie she just whines about how she feels like her life is going nowhere cuz she's not like a CEO or executive producer yet I mean come on Mom I'm almost 25 which is basically 30 and you know what happens when you hit 30 you start going to bed at 900 p.m. all your favorite foods give you acid reflux mom you get excited when someone gives you socks for Christmas because it's such a practical gift anyway so so Zara is supposed to be at Chris's place at 8:30 the next day but she decides to hang out with her friend who's a celebrity closet organizer/ screenwriter because this is LA and of course she is yeah I wrote a script I've been passing around last couple years not to brag or anything but JJ Abrams looked at it once oh so are you writing more scripts to hone your craft while you're trying to get this one picked up I no just the one like it's literally the best movie ever written so like why bother you know what I'm saying can you please just fix Chris's script Zara I just don't think I can write action heroes of course you can what about the rewrite you told me to do on my movie you know it's a coming of queer dramedy my coming of queer dramedy I mean what's this movie even about it's Die Hard meets Miracle on 34th Street so it's not about anything and then she decides to Mosey on over to Chris's place at like whatever time she feels like and for some weird reason Chris is like upset that she's late to the whole doing her job thing no I changed the code oh my I told you to be here at 8:30 I called you you didn't pick up I had that meeting with that great writer for the rewrites and ran late what lighter I said be here at 8:30 and so now Zara is upset that Chris is mad that she chose to be late and ignore his phone calls like 45 minutes after she was supposed to be there but you see this is just an example of how much of a terrible toxic boss Chris is you know what I'm saying so Zara quits I quit what I climbed the gate because I thought it was the decent thing to tell you face to face that I quit oh hold on zar I got to go suck some peanut butter through a straw for a while you know what 2 years ago you said I would start as your assistant and I'd learn the business then I'd become associate producer and then producer and eventually work up to running your company you have no experience producing and how am I going to get experience Chris when all I do is pick up your dry cleaning I'm literally 24 Chris I've been doing this job for 2 years how come I'm not in charge yet anyway so she quits and storms out and gives him a good old harumph Harum now later on Zara is out doing whatever she does and Chris decides to go over to her house to try and get her back to work for him again because somehow the biggest movie star in Hollywood right now has only like one Handler assistant person but when Chris goes over there he meets her mom God Jesus sorry sorry you're you're s's boss uh the front door was you left the front door open I do you always just let yourself in well I'm famous so yeah and so after talking for literally like 4 minutes they immediately start making out just it's just like like hey sorry I broke into your house is your daughter here no it's just me right now Okay cool so yeah then they kiss and start doing the devil's Tango like no meat cute no buildup they just learned each other's names like 30 seconds ago and then Zara comes home walks in on them and faints in the hallway my oh my gosh Zar are you okay you call 911 up come on good good are you dizzy okay oh oh okay we have to call Dr Randy ew ew e ew his skin is so close to me man like what is Zack Efron doing to himself like roed up Thanos jaw like this dude could have had it all man and like I've seen some people say that Zack Efron hasn't gotten anything done okay he's just older now so of course the entire structural shape of his face is different idiot but like I don't know man there's a lot of counterevidence to refute that theory But ultimately at the end of the day like live your life do whatever you want who cares but yeah soara freaks out that her 34-year-old movie star boss is Devil's tangoing with her 50-year-old mom which like I don't know man for 50 like wait actually how old is Nicole Kidman 57 This Woman's 57 I mean if you're going to get work done at least could it done like this okay I mean come on anyway so yeah Chris and Zara's Mom decide to just end things because Zara's feelings are the most important apparently for some reason I came to your house looking for you so I could offer you this job I think you're ready for it if that's what it takes for you to come back and work for me then so be it this whole thing with my mother it's over it's got to be over it's it's never happened again and you better believe she's real upset with her mom I mean come on moms aren't supposed to be into this kind of Filth this is stuff dads do you know like when some guy will send some girl just like the nastiest DMS ever and then his profile is like proud father of three sorry can we talk not now please I went a little crazy I'm allowed right I just want to give a shout out to everyone in this movie for never knowing what to do with their hands like ever hey so in this scene I'm really upset and embarrassed about what just happened so do you think maybe I should fold my arms or something you know like how like real people actually do no no it's fine just stand there like a background character from a PS2 game it's all good don't worry about it now this is where the movie suddenly like completely shifts over to having the mom be the main character like At first it's about Zara and her assistant job and how she's trying to be like a producer or like whatever right and her mom has one scene where we're supposed to gleam all of her backstory and then she makes out with Chris and suddenly the entire movie is about her actually and Zara's upset that they got together without her permission okay like rude also Zara is trying to get her friend to be a writer on Chris's movie that he's filming but also Zara's other friend is having relationship problems I just can't believe he hired a writer without talking to me Malcolm still hasn't texted me back that's weird that's weird right oh oh Liza Koshi is in this movie of course she is why wouldn't she be man she must have been like so excited to be in this WOW Kathy Bates Nicole Kidman and Zack Efron and then and then it's and then this oh also sorry Zara's mom is still dealing with the death of Zara's dad and also she's trying to get back into writing thing here I just too many words this reads like you're thinking of finally getting out there again I don't know everything I write sounds irrelevant to me do you feel irrelevant no I find myself absolutely fascinating I haven't written anything for me in so long and while this is happening Chris is trying to date Zara's mom but also he's no longer fulfilled with his life as an action movie star and he knows his movies are dumb but he's already contracted out for like six of them and what's he supposed to do with all this money he keeps making cut I was really good in that one no you were great they just they don't want you to shoot the gun in the scene why it's my motivation they're considering this a trailer shot and they just want to keep guns and shooting out of the trailer just tell her not to interrupt no no no I'm not telling her anything Chris it's your first day you need to be able to speak to your own director so like what exactly is this movie about like this is honestly one of the most unfocused movies I've ever seen because like I said Zara suddenly takes a backseat to her mom even though literally the first 45 minutes of the movie are about Zara exclusively and we know nothing about Zara's mom like as dumb as the idea of you was at least it knew what it was doing okay this movie is trying to be like four different movies all at the same time my mom loving the afternoon my my evil boss and now they're having Tim first of all such an adorable reference that it almost makes it cute and now I'm roting for them second of all you don't know that they had Shrek she was wearing the Vogue clothes okay yeah they're making out I mean like even kissing booth at least tried to be something like it wasn't very good but like it had personality this movie is just so boring and and lifeless and like it's just trying to do a little bit of eight different things like Zara's mom and Chris have a relationship that we never really get to see because it's mostly just told through Montage Zara's friends relationship problems all happen off screen all the movie stuff with Chris could have been a really funny meta commentary on like the state of superhero fashion and Furious garbage coming out every year whatever but like it just Falls completely [Music] flat so cold talk to me Soldier so hey hold on open your eyes look at me stay with me and the entire rest of the movie is Zara just whining about everything all the time baby this is more than that more more than that no it's not I'm sorry but it's not every girl that he dates thinks it's more than that Mom no I mean it listen to me it doesn't take a genius to know that he uses women no seriously mom you don't understand he dates women and then when he doesn't want to date them anymore he breaks up with them like who does he think he is am I right come on Mom time to roll out the guillotine to God do I even matter to you of course of course you matter to me I just don't see why it has to be one of the other you can't have both you cannot have because Mom you know if you don't end this with him Mom I'm going to have to move out my dude you are 24 if you don't give me what I want right now I'm moving out and getting my own place Mom and thank goodness for that this whole thing is like LA nepple Baby the movie like Zara's famous millionaire author mom is dating her famous Millionaire movie star boss guy and she hates her really fun job as a movie star assistant because she wants to be a producer already I mean come on she's already in her mid 20s like who is this movie for anyway so long story short it's crimas Zara her mom Chris and Zara's Grandma all head off to this like cabin place and just have the most awkwardly edited conversation I've ever seen I think it was when I went to take a Wei Pitch Black so I figured the only way out was to go through without water yeah Nar you drop are you midlife crisis vacation you know so that's one of the craziest things I've ever heard of oh well it's a good story this whole scene is edited the same way as like when a character in the movie has a bad dream you know what I mean but anyway everything goes really well and Zara kind of sort of starts to think that maybe there really is something real going on here but as they're about to leave Zara ends up finding a certain little something in Chris's bag [Music] and so she's mad again because finally she had decided to allow them to date each other I know like she's being so nice right now and then turns out Chris is just going to dump her mom like he does all the other girls so she preemptively just blows up their whole relationship you almost had me fooled man Almost got away with it every time he breaks up with a woman every time he gets them the same pair of diamond earrings wait wait a second I I panicked and I didn't know what to get you did he take you to New York Street mom but then of course the Final Act of the movie Zara talks to everyone and realizes that her mom was happy whether or not it was something super serious or not and Chris actually really liked her mom and just got the earrings as like a normal gift I know you're not going to believe me but those earrings they were just earrings it did cross my mind to end things with your mom but only out of habit because I always run from something when it's too good for me I forgot about the earrings I forgot they were even in my bag also I like to chew on chain link fences for fun can you tell and also she comes to realize that she's been a bad friend because she always makes everything about her all the time Sarah can you just stop please for like a second KN and I broke up I didn't tell you didn't think you had the capacity to like worry about me or care frankly just are you trying to say that I don't care about you well it's been a lot about you lately Zar so in the end she uses her producing powers to set up this scene in a supermarket to bring her mom and Chris back together and then one year later at the wise old age of 25 Zara is now the head producer of Chris Inc the end so yeah what even in the heck is this like it's really something when you have a movie with Cathy Bates Nicole Kidman and Zack Efron but then somehow the least unwatchable person here is Liza Koshi and like Zack erron has really good comedy traps I mean again neighbors hairspray but like why is he so stilted in this movie now I've said this before but I feel like Netflix is sometimes a little too hands off with their movies you know what I mean like this could have been pretty good actually but it just needed like another three rounds of editing or something hey everybody thanks for watching this video if you liked it please watch another one cuz that's how the algorithm works so click on this one that's being recommended to you right now right here on the screen it actually helps a lot if you do that cuz like that's how YouTube knows that my videos are worth caring about also if you have any movies or TV shows you like to recommend send me an email at Alex Meers contact and I'll put them on my absurdly long list of movies that I need to get to at some point anyway hope I made your day a little bit better and I'll see you all next time
Channel: Alex Meyers
Views: 755,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alex meyers, alex mayers, alex myers, a family affair, netflix, zac efron, liza koshy
Id: T6qu3E0UDOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2024
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