The Idea of You is hilariously dumb

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[Music] it's finally here sometimes there's a movie that comes out that I feel like was just perfectly made for me okay the idea of you a romcom about an ha theway playing a single mom who catches the eye of totally definitely not hairry Styles brought to you by the guy from bottoms I saw the first trailer for this a while ago and I've been counting the days believe you me I mean we all know how much of a masterpiece the after franchise was right so like trust me I've already got 18 seat belts on for this train wreck of a mixed metaphor and like I said it's finally here so come along kids let's take a walk and check out the idea of you but before that really quick this video is brought to you by skillshare somehow summer is almost here 2024 almost halfway done what is happening and for a lot of you probably summer means slowing things down a little you know School's Out work is slower usually what better time to get started finally learning that thing you always wanted to learn than right now golly G I sure wish I could learn how to draw an anime well skill share has a whole learning path just for people like you but Alex how do I know where to start and where to go from there I'm so glad you asked that question conveniently well skillshare has the answer to all of this with what they call learning pads learning pads are where they've bundled several classes together all on the same topic to cover first starting out as a novice and then going all the way to professional skill level and everything in between let's say you're thinking about opening an Etsy store on the learning path they teach you how to even start thinking about your shop then how to build it how to take photos for whatever you're selling and now suddenly you've got an Etsy store that's better than like 90% of all the other ones or let's say you love watching YouTube and you think that you'd be pretty good at video editing wow they have a whole learning path just for how to do pretty much everything in Da Vinci resolve which is quickly becoming the go-to editing software these days cuz let me tell you Adobe Premiere is kind of so if this sounds interesting to you guess what the first 500 people who become skillshare members using my link will get their first membership month completely free you could do both of these learning pads I just mentioned completely free you literally have nothing to lose so click my link down below and get creative today okay back to the show now right first thing at the beginning of this movie it plays the same exact song that plays at the end of tall girl and I was just I was going like full Vietnam flashback oh no here it is tall girl 3 and haway is going to be 6' 7 in this movie anyway so this is senen a 40-year-old single mom with a 16-year-old daughter named Izzy who's packing up for a big trip to Coachella of all things while senen herself is packing up for a big solo camping trip absolutely and I'm not going to read it yeah this is pretty much how Kelsey packs for like literally anything seven pairs of pants and 45 books for a 3-day trip all right let's go now the thing is Sal's ex-husband got izy these special backstage VIP tickets to see her favorite band when she was like 12 August Moon So Daniel got her this like all access backstage pass and a VIP meet and greet with that boy band she used to like August Moon oh yeah they're cute that sounds fun is did you get to meet August Moon not really into them anymore now it's more about like aggressively talented female singer songwriter which I think is great yeah you know you could have just said he listened to Chapel rone and saved us a whole bunch of time okay anyway so like I said while Izzy and the ex-husband Daniel are going to be at Coachella so Lena is going to go camping all by herself which her friends think is like just the weirdest thing so you're going camping alone yes and why would you do that seriously why wouldn't I do that bears serial killers all right now not the bear versus man thing again please internet come on we just got over this anyway so Daniel goes to take Izzy and her friends to Coachella and Sen's about to head off on her own to dude the thing whatever and guess what Daniel suddenly gets a call from work and has to completely change the plans what do you know are you okay it's all good it's all good what's happening I can't do the trip now Daniel my whole merger thing just blew up I can you please take that Coachella everything's paid for all the hotels the meals it's all set are you kidding me look they're booking tickets to Houston I it's happening right now yeah sorry honey I I got to go do some rich businessman mller guy stuff like every guy and every fanfic does for some reason so what ends up happening is senen has to cancel all her PL and take her daughter and friends to Coachella instead which would just literally be my nightmare you spend 6 days and like $88,000 to listen to people be like yeah I'm up to like seven times a day now but I actually need it though cuz sometimes I think about glaucoma but yeah so senen is just kind of there now hi you mind if I H no please thank you this your first time sorry getting mov oh no honey trust me I went to art school so senen is kind of uncomfortable and doesn't really know care about what's going on here so she goes to find the bathroom but she doesn't know where the special VIP backstage Coachella bathrooms are you know the ones with the complimentary needles so she wanders around a bit and you'll never guess where she ends up oh uh just a second okay hi hi ah man you have to use it after a British guy have you seen what they eat but when she comes out of the bathroom he's still there because turn out funny story guys this isn't actually a bathroom at all it's the trailer for one of the members of August moonar SCH Smiles are you a part of that ASMR community that gets off on listening to people pee no I don't think you can just go around assuming it's actually my trailer this is your trailer yeah I'm in the Band we performing on the main stage and now I'm Hayes Campbell that's right somehow she wandered her way backstage and peed in the lead singer of August Moon's bathroom and hey is just like completely unfaced by any of this this is a third time this week I tell you what hey you know if you wanted to um I don't know hang out hang out yeah I mean I've got all the uh the the sodas the healthy ones not so healthy ones um did the way she slam that door so fast hey you know if you wanted to um I don't know hang out um I'm all in baby let's go so they get to talking about how she's here for her daughter but her daughter wasn't too thrilled about it because she's too old for boy bands now you know how it is we have wine um um vodka um I'm actually with my daughter for the August Moon we and greets your daughter she's um AUST Moon fan she was at this moment today right now you are so seventh grade hey well let's just walk that back a little bit there okay my entire personality is based around how nothing will ever be as good as the stuff I liked when I was in seventh grade okay because it's easier to do that than to blame my own life choices for why I'm not happy anymore so let's just back off the Sass a little bit huh anyway so they kind of hang out for a bit but then he has to go do the whole pop star thing so senen goes to do the meet and greet thing with for the VIP thing with her daughter who's kind of starting to pick up on some weird Vibes going on here what's happening to you guys oh we met earlier totally taking up enough of your time thank you g to introduce me I'll have a white night this is Izzy this is Georgia Zeke he and still don't know your name I'm so L now this seems important here because this is the first time in the movie that her name is actually spoken otherwise up to now she's called Mom honey hey you and so on and this is the first time she's like acknowledged as her own person and it doesn't stop there okay because at the show later it kind of sort of seems like Hayes dedicates a song to senen just right there in front of everybody yeah you know that part where he's like I love your hair and all those annoying offputting personality traits you have yeah that part's totally about me now later on after coell and everything's all done Sen's working on her art gallery that she owns because of course she does watch out Hallmark Channel Amazon's coming for you and on this very day you'll never guess what happens Hayes Campbell of all people just shows right up to cen's art gallery of all places now for some reason at first she's kind of mad that he's like buying all the art that she's selling which seems like a weird way to run a business what do I know I just make cartoons this is real art these are real artists they take their work very seriously and you're coming in here like I don't know like you're buying apples or something honestly I genuinely connect with it and so I would really like to buy it if it's okay with you okay and for the record you have never seen me buy apples before and after buying all the art senen takes him to we friend's art Warehouse where there's even more stuff to show off like her shoulders yeah okay I'm on you Selen you ain't slick but of course the conversation goes from talking about art to talking about like life stories and stuff they could never tell anyone but somehow it just feels so natural with you I was an art history major although I started out as Premed I talked to I was an 18-year-old people pleaser from New Jersey but then I took an art history class for the credits and I fell in love tell me how does one find oneself in a boy band it's very random you know like slight tasy but an hatway is so pretty right like like what the heck and the whole premise of this movie is like what if this hot young popar guy fell in love with you a 40-year-old single mom but like it's an hathway like every mom watching this movie movies is probably like well yeah sure if I look like this my life would probably be pretty cool too now they both get hungry and they want to go get some food but remember hay is like all famous and stuff all time on Hillhurst uh popular spot um it's pretty popular I guess it's okay actually let's go to my house I'm going to make you a sandwich cold red cold red run for your life it's an ambush code red also I love how Uber Eats just like it doesn't exist in this world oh man I'd sure like to eat at a restaurant but I'm too famous goie G whis if only there was some way to get food from a restaurant and eat it somewhere else but yeah so they hop on over to Sen's house so she can make him something but what do you know crazy timing the fridge is broken and all the food's going bad no no it's just it's my fridge is broken again so um I was just seeing how long it's been down but if oh no I mean this has definitely go like a week left for sure oh my God no it doesn't Diary of so they clean out the fridge together and finally get some food made and then of course they continue the conversation from before about each other's like dark Brut and backstories and all that like Hayes auditioned for the group when he was 14 and now he that he's famous his dad is suddenly deciding that he just really wants to be in his life just randomly out of nowhere dad's wanted a lot more of a relationship in the last few years which is really funny timing given that he wasn't really there for the first 16 years of my life now he wants to be best mates it's hard to trust people is it and then of course the lens's like oh are we sharing trauma baggage you want baggage my dude I'm a 40-year-old single mom you want baggage where the heck do I even start we were out at dinner with his work friends and u i was repeating some stupid gossip about uh someone we all knew who cheated on someone else and the whole table went silent and I look at Daniel and he won't look at me but you know jokes aside for a second this part of the movie is just so perfect like the way an Hathaway's character talks about how she found out her husband was cheating and how she felt and all that like just everything about this scene is something that can really only be done by someone with real life experience like there's something in her performance here that's not even acting it's just it just feels like someone reaching back into their life and telling you something with with words of course but also like the little face and eye movements you get here it's like like you can't write this this is something real you know but like imagine cheating on Ann Hathaway like even just on the most surface level most shallow like whatever like your wife looks like this and you're like like nah are you stupid anyway so then Hayes does the hottest thing a hot guy could ever do besides having forearms [Music] [Applause] apparently oh my goodness the musician guy plays music no way and then he tries to make out with her and be all like and she's like oh heavens no we mustn't I could be your mother you're not but I could be swear can I see you yet Haz I can't do this why is that because you're you and I'm me and we just don't fit and so she sends him on his way now later on senen takes her daughter to the summer camp from The Parent Trap and so basically she just like has the house all to herself for a while and one night she's intensely eagerly studying the title page of this book like like come on I know you haven't made it past the table of contents yet there okay I know what a book looks like you can't fool me anyway suddenly hey starts texting her out of nowhere and all that resolve she had before when she was like oh no we couldn't possibly Mr Dy it just wouldn't be right all that goes right out the window within like 30 seconds when he invites her to his hotel room in New York City and she just kind of oh to have no pets or anything and be able to just fly across the country for a booty call at a moment's notice hi hi mhm how's the flight [Music] uneventful and then and then and then there's there's a lot of Devil's Tango and then after they finish up all of that they get to talking more about like emotions and feelings and stuff because oh hot guy with feelings and we get one more Peak inside of what's going on in that little British Noggin of his the head of my label calls me the lead singer of my favorite band wants to meet me and I get there and it's his 10 year- old daughter's birthday party I think that's my greatest fear in life that I'm a joke oh so that's why you're dating a Woman twice your age see look guys I'm not just for kids okay this woman knows all the words to The Gummy Bears theme song all right anyway so long story short he invites her to go with him on his European tour so they can like hang out in hotel rooms and uh you know make paper snowflakes I assume and one day on this tour they go to IA and this is where things kind of start to unravel a little bit so everyone there's like really young right the guys are all 23 24 and their groupies are totally definitely 19 you know what I'm saying and everyone's kind of weirded out that Hayes is dating this 40-year-old woman of all things and then Hayes you know really up the end he when he dedicated a song to me closer of course that was the one we do that when one of us finds a girl or in haz's case a woman cute we pretend to change the set list at the last minute it's a bit it's a bit that's right the truth finally comes out the other shoe drops the calculator app on his phone was fake the whole time see what I tell you men are all the same only want one thing Banjo Kazooie 3 turns out this whole like meeting up with hot ladies dedicating a song to them at the show like this whole thing has just been a bit that they do like all the time and so more than anything Sen's just kind of embarrassed and feels pretty dumb that she would fall for all this boy and clueless I guess can I explain myself it was stupid I was trying to impress you and it worked I I actually liked it not that that's any of your business I got swept up in the idea of you oh she said the name of the movie in the movie guys that's that that's why it has 81% rten Tomatoes I don't think you ever even gave gave us a chance I mean does anyone in your life even know about me does your daughter do your friends you're ashamed of me is that it I am ashamed well yeah of course I Washam I'm banging the guy who was in the Camila Cabo Cinderella movie James cordon and Camila Cabo in the same movie and you said yes no actually what she's referring to here is how she feels weird about dating such a young guy because one of the giant chips on her shoulder about how her husband left her for a younger woman which she thought was like pathetic and gross and all that and now here she is dating a guy even younger than that so she's not quite sure how like icky she's supposed to feel about this like the movie kind of touches on this a little bit but it doesn't really go into it nearly as much as it could have like it's just kind of like hey is it weird that I'm dating someone way younger than my husband was doing when he cheated on me and then I said it was gross no it's not weird why not cuz I said so oh okay cool and So after talking and crying for a while s and Hayes break up however when she gets back home from Europe turns out there was some papar dudes who took pictures of them like making out in Paris and stuff and now it's all over the Internet and of course this also means that her daughter now knows about everything and she's upset that her mom didn't even tell her in the first place but more so she's mad at what people are saying about her and this gives us the greatest line in the entire movie you like him yeah I do is he a feminist I mean he is still a guy but um yeah he's a feminist why would you wake up with a talented kind feminist [Music] okay I'm I'm sorry could we please just just run that one more time but yeah he's a feminist why would you wake up with a talented kind feminist 80% rten Tomatoes everybody but yeah so then senen like completely changes her mind again and goes to see Hayes when he's in LA and they get back together again it's going to be a lot we're ready we'll just delete all our social media you're sure ignorance is bliss yeah you know it's reallya the best thing you could do in this situation cuz trust me no one gets more upsetti spaghetti about anything than chronically terminally online kids who've never been in a relationship before seeing a happy couple who aren't like literally exactly the same age now of course okay surprising nobody once this is all public suddenly Daniel of all people the ex-husband remember that guy just not having any of this my ex-wife is dating that hot young rich guy nonsense thank you very much what's your end game here bro bro didn't realize we were on Broad terms Daniel what are you doing here I'm going to go get Izzy it was really nice to have met you bro what's up what's up yeah you can tell this man is at his limit okay I mean he's so mad he's got both thumbs in his pockets I haven't seen a grown man get this angry since I went to my six-year-old nephew's soccer game but yeah so now that senen and Hayes are public suddenly anyone and everyone has an opinion on all these things that do not affect them in any way whatsoever what do you have to say to all what what what a dumb question hey how's it going spice channel news just want to ask you a quick question here what do you have to say to all the heartbroken fans out there who somehow thought they would have a chance with hay gamble uh freaking Get Wrecked nerds but of course long story short this all ends up being too hard on Izzy because she's still in high school and high school kids famously known for their complex Nuance thoughts and empathetic Tendencies are making Izzy's life kind of suck there's that guy in B Trevor you know that I really like we've been texting and I thought he liked me too but then you know what he said to me today tell your mom I turn 18 in a month well you see that's what Jennifer Lawrence is for okay have I got a movie for you and so in the end senen and Hayes decide to finally break up for reals for serious because it's just not fair to Izzy just promise me you'll revisit this in 5 years Izzy will be out of school and I'll be some deist celebrity that nobody gives a Shrek if you get a shot at happen you take it and then 5 years later haz's BBL finally all healed up and guess what happens Happ be back there with your name on [Music] it shut up no I'm not and that's the end of the movie so like fundamentally this movie is not really that much different from like after or tall girl or like any of these romcom romance things I've covered over the years right but all in all to be fair the movie's not quite as bad as I was expecting I mean hey it's no secret of the use but still I mean it's just like literal romcom comfort food like you know exactly what's going to happen and how it's going to happen and everything but you know I feel like that's the main reason that most people watch romcom you romance drama movie whatever this is in the first place like you want the meet cute to get together the breakup and the reconciliation like that's why people watch these movies I've always thought that this is the biggest strength but also the biggest weakness of romcoms because like it's hard to subvert the tropes when those are in fact the entire draw of these movies I mean I guess the movie being about an older woman getting with a guy like this it it is somewhat different at least in execution because like I said there's a couple scenes in this movie that you would never be able to get in like a regular romcom type setting but I mean hey the movie could have been a lot worse so there's that I guess hey everybody thanks for watching this video if you liked it please watch another one cuz that's how the algorithm works so click on this one that's being recommended to you right now right here on the screen it actually helps a lot if you do that cuz like that's how YouTube knows that my videos are worth caring about also if you have any movies or TV shows You' like to recommend send me an email at Alex Meers contact gmail and I'll put them on my absurdly long list of movies that I need to get to at some point anyway hope I made your day a little bit better and I'll see you all next time
Channel: Alex Meyers
Views: 1,313,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alex meyers, alex myers, alex mayers, the idea of you, anne hathaway, Nicholas Galitzine
Id: ReiYJhgwrz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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