17 Again was an insane movie...

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remember back when Zack airon was just on top of the world this dude came out of nowhere and just completely changed the course of cinema by daring to ask the question what if a hot guy could dance so High School Musical 3 came out in 2008 and one year later Zack Aon was finally free from the iron grasp of Disney Channel and his first major movie after this was the Citizen Cane of teen dramedy 17 again this movie came out to rave reviews at the time but you know there's just something about going back to these old 2000s movies you know like they're not even that good but man what a time to be alive but yeah so for this week's video I wanted to head back to the 2000s again and check out 17 again but before that really quick this video is brought to you by surf shark VPN surf shark VPN is an app and browser extension that lets you change your IP address to be pretty much anywhere in the world you want now what this means for you is it protects you from websites and other users trying to 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school's basketball team and like this dude's got it all okay he's on track for a full scholarship to somewhere he's got a cute girlfriend he's got this guy as a best friend oh we got to hang on Ned's not here yet who cares he's the water voice that doesn't matter cuz he's a part of the team Dom what kind of dungeon master would I be if I left my party in the middle of a battle with the hypocrit oh oh no not a nerdy kid who plays DN D everyone knows that's the second worst thing you could ever do in high school the worst thing you could do of course is be me apparently and then of course he's going to grow up and start wearing those t-shirts that are like sorry I don't know any words small enough for you to understand yeah I'm in stem how' you know I paused my game to be here it's an anime thing you wouldn't understand okay honey she's actually 400 years old she just looks 12 okay it's actually it's actually a really symbolic metor anyway so it's the big game college Scouts are there it's the last game of the senior year he still doesn't look like Thanos yet he's on top of the world this kid nothing at all could possibly go wrong and Tumble this Jango Tower feel the future is running on this game yeah yeah how do you feel yeah everything everything's PR right oh yeah everything's totally cide totally totally and the award for worst liar goes to that girl who cheated on me a few years ago and told me the other guy was actually her brother which would have made those texts I saw really freaking weird but a close second Scarlet whatever name is so his girlfriend tells him something which totally throws him off his game makes him leave right in the middle to rush after her down the hallway you doing Mike what are you doing you and me we're in this together okay but the game that's your future you have the baby's my future that's and so he gives up his basketball dreams to be a dam hard cut 18 years later Mike now looks like this eating Captain Crunch and living with Ned that nerd kid we saw before and uh turns out things might not quite have gone the way that he thought they would thank you for letting me stay here Ned oh no no problem like I can tell you're down but trust me on this you're looking at Scarlet kicking you out of the house and the kids wantan nothing to do with you as a negative yeah imagine that this is like if I could go back and give advice to my younger self you know it's like okay so you might be thinking that not having a girlfriend all through High School kind of sucks and also not having any real friends at all anyway you might see these as negative things uhhuh but trust me everything's going to get a whole lot better later in life oh yeah when does that happen well first you got to wait 20 more years also I love how Ned is supposed to be this like super nerd loser guy in 2009 but like today at least half of YouTube is literally just this guy but yeah anyway Mike's life has kind of turned out not so great he's currently in the middle of getting divorced his kids hate him and he's been working the same sales job basically since his daughter was born so anyway the way corporate wants us to spin it is that maybe in certain situations a 4-Hour erection isn't such a terrible thing oh well that's good to know and like having worked here for over 16 years now Mike thinks he's up for a promotion finally but then what do you know he doesn't get it and he's uh he's having a couple feelings about this think of it as us saying you're just too valuable to promote you little yellow I know right look listen she was my doubles SP and so what do you know he loses his job now too so basically here he is with nothing he gave up on basketball to be a dad and now 18 years later his family hates him he lost his job and he's just a washed up 36y old which like watching this movie now is so funny cuz I'm literally the exact same age as this dude and it's like oh wow 36 years old eating Captain Crunch surrounded by nerd toys yeah what what a loser that definitely couldn't be me right now but all the same Mike wants to try to reconnect with his kids one last time so he goes to pick them up from school which of course is the same high school he went to Mike O'Donnell High School star never quite lived up to your potential sooner or later you all come back of course I want to live in the past it was better there I'll bet you wish you had it to do all over again H I think perhaps this might be one of those magical Santa Claus janitors you got that right you're sure about that oh yeah so anyway mikee takes the kids to get ice cream and of course they're both just like this family stinks no one understands me and then after this Whimsical Adventure he takes them home and tries to talk to his soon Tobe ex-wife and that goes about as well as you'd expect considering she's currently throwing all of his everything into a wood chipper it just really sends a message you know you you have no right so I've spent the last 18 years of my life listening to you whining about all the things that you could have done without me and I have no right well it's just that I put a lot of work into this yard did you like the barbecue pit I think you quit that one because you just just decided not to try anymore well between you and me I don't think she's talking about the backyard yeah so Mike's like no job no family my life has lost all meaning and then Scarlet's over here like oh was that so well I have to go back on the market as a single mom who looks like this who would ever want a 36-year-old with this face all right let's get going we got to get you ready we got to get you back on the market yeah I'm a real catch single mom two teenage kids well Scarlet have I got a movie for you just get Harry Styles to fall in love with you simple as it come on you'll do great you got the butt of a 12-year-old boy what but anyway so that night there's a big storm and Mike falls into this Whirlpool thing and somehow suddenly his body changes back into Zack Efron literally what else would you possibly need in life I mean come on if I look like this I mean you all think I'm insufferable now you have no idea so at first Ned freaks out because there's this strange teenage boy in his house but after a really long lightsaber duel things calm down a bit were you at any point shot by a gamma ray no we're looking at your your basic spirit guide Transformation Magic when the hero uh is transformed by his spirit guide to set him on A New Path the janitor the janitor the janitor and so long story short Ned has to pretend to be Mike's dad to take him back to high school because this is finally Mike's chance to do his life over again he can finally be the big basketball star he was supposed to be until his girlfriend had to ruin everything by randomly suddenly getting prgo somehow how could she do that to me have not done anything for me since 1989 you do what you have to do but don't even think about sucking me into this with you Hayden was the low point of my existence and I vowed I would never go back to that godforsaken place never ever ever man I feel that my mom's always like don't you ever want to go back and visit your old high school and see how all your old classmates are doing no anyway so like I said Ned pretends to be Mike's dad and they go to meet the principal together and things get very weird very fast hello I'm Jan Masterson principal here at Hayden High hi hi hi okay sorry I think our hands just made a baby now this is just like a little nitpick that doesn't really mean anything but like in this scene the principal makes this Grand gesture of taking her glasses off right and then oh my goodness they're right back on her face again just kidding they're off now and then they teleport to the other hand step aside Chris Angel there's a new show in town anyway so yeah now Mike is 17 again oh that's that's why the movie's called that and he's back at school redoing his senior year the right way this [Music] time yeah you know if I ever got the chance to go back to high school somehow I would simply not do it now the thing is Mike didn't like time travel back to 1989 or anything like that right as we've established so Mike and Scarlet's Divorce Court child custody hearing thing is still going on while Mike is over here looking like this just spending all day strumming his abs like a banjo I assume I'm with the May and Inca I'm with the Incas in Peru we think we might have found the next Rog game are you with the girl no no it's uh it's a bunch of cheerleaders so would you consider maybe dating a 10th grader Drake is that you so he has to make up some kind of excuse to to buy himself enough time to finish whatever this Vision Quest is supposed to be about anyway so throughout the next chunk of the movie it's mostly about Mike learning a lot about his kids that he had no idea about before like he thought that his son Alex was some kind of star basketball kid or something but turns out he's just getting pretty hardcore bullied by the team uh can I get a little help in here uh depends with what my dude Alex how does it who did this to you the basketball team so Alex over here is being bullied mainly by this guy Stan who's like the hottest coolest guy in school or whatever but like his name is Stan I mean I'd be mad at the world too and if that wasn't bad enough okay Stan is also dating Mike's daughter Maggie is that the guy who taped you to the toilet yeah oh yesterday shoved me in a washing machine in my own house what was that jerk doing at your house mag it's Maggie's boyfriend Maggie has a boyfriend okay I'm sorry but like in what high school would these two get together like the star basketball player jock guy and the alt emo girl just based on principle like this would never happen hey you want to come over and listen to Dashboard Confessional and watch my new Daria DVD Daria D nuts no I only listen to lyrical Miracle white rappers can you tell but all the same Mike having the brain of a 36-year-old which as someone with firsthand experience I'll tell you barely even works half the time he's not about to let Stan get away with all this Tom Foolery especially when he tries to beat up on Alex just for fun I guess you know Stan I feel sorry for you you don't know me oh but I do underneath all that male bravado there's an insecure little girl just banging on the closet door trying to get out and so he acts out aggressively and the third reason Stan has a small wiener and so Mike and Alex become friends and they go over to Alex's house after school where Mike runs into Scarlet but of course remember he looks like Zack Efron so she's really nice to him now hey Mom this is Mark Uncle Ned's bastard wow wow ah I don't I I don't I don't think I I I don't know if I like where this is going wow you look just like my husband well okay all right that's slightly less weird I guess did you see him you Ain here I'm going to go smell him no yeah like as they get to talking and stuff like Scarlet is just really into this kid now I suppose the reason is like because this is the version of Mike that she fell in love with back in high school or whatever but I mean still it's just like we're watching a mom who is super thirsty for a 17-year-old kid like what the heck kind of movie is this I didn't know this was a sequel to blank check so the movie kind of goes on like this for a while Mike helps Alex get better at basketball and he gets on the team finally he also keeps trying to break up stand and Maggie and also while doing all this he's trying to flirt up Scarlet some more which is very unsettling to watch I realize that whole lady Cougar Hunting the mothers I'd like to no no no no no no no us stop no just please so later on there's a party and Mike uses this opportunity to try and talk to Maggie some more about maybe kind of sort of like not dating a guy like Stan and think about her future instead you know I just want to talk about Stan yeah why are you dating him look we're moving in together after graduation Stan got into Georgetown no Stan got on the management track at Home Depot and I'm going to Westward Community College to be closer to him he's m forever this is like so funny to me watching this now today because like back in 9 this was like you're not going to an Ivy League school and you're dating a guy who's working full-time at Home Depot well just spit in my face why don't you but watching this today it's like instate Community College tuition no student loans a stable career at Home Depot with Healthcare and dental plans like I mean you could do a lot worse however it doesn't even matter anyway because the very next day Maggie and Stan break up Stan dumped you what after the game he took me behind the quad and and we God I can't hear this you didn't no that's why you dumped me wait wait wait hold on so stay dumped you because you wouldn't put out behind like the school dumpster or whatever like and they say romance is dead also Imagine looking like this and crying over a dude with a snapback named Stan you know what I mean now obviously Mike doesn't like seeing his daughter cry so he's there for her you know Cry on My Shoulder it's okay any guy would be lucky to have you and that girl you hate she only got more likes on an Instagram post than you because everyone else is stupid and they don't know the real you like I do and all the other made up nonsense stuff you say to girlss when they cry but this kind of ends up working a little too well I know why you didn't want me to be with Stan it's because you wanted to do I can play games no no no no no no no I'm a hungry liess and you're a baby gazelle mag mag mag [Music] [Music] so like Maggie didn't want to do anything with Stan her longtime boyfriend but then immediately after breaking up with him she goes like full on fairy mode what happened also remember this is her dad so uh yep I get it now I your hair is always perfectly quaffed and do you have highlights I mean dude your jeans are really tight you have tight jeans and highlights in 2009 how did I not see this coming I'm not gay I'm in love Maggie I'm I'm in love I've been in love I've been in love with the same girl since I was 17 wow a whole 2 and A2 weeks now while this is all happening remember all that divorce stuff is still going on so it's the final hearing for child custody and obviously Mike just can't go there as himself so he rushes over there and reads a letter that Mike wrote Because he couldn't be there for some reason I remember thinking that I had to have you or I'd die then you whispered that you loved me at the homecoming dance and I felt so peaceful and safe you know as utterly insane as this movie is I got to say this part here is probably some of the best acting Zack Efron's ever done like this scene is actually really incredible to watch and so in the end Scarlet finally realizes that this 17-year-old kid is actually Mike somehow you see throughout the movie Mike's been trying to get back in Scarlet's good graces you know what I'm saying because he realized this is how much he misses her and keeps trying to remind her of how good things used to be before life happened man and because they both have started to realize how much they really love each other the spell is broken and Mike turns back into his older self and everything's just back to normal I I know that I've been in a bad mood for the last 20 years I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you I thought I wanted a second chance at life but now I know I just want a second chance with you yeah okay cool whatever how do I turn you back into Zack Evon and that's pretty much the movie ends I don't know what it was back in the late SS early 2010s or whatever but like we had 17 Again date night Crazy Stupid Love all these movies in a row about like middle-aged couples who fall out of love and have to go through some Wackadoo adventure and realize that they actually loved each other the whole time like there was really only two kinds of movies back then you had these ones or like teen dystopian iseki movies and you know I actually kind of miss those days to be honest hey everybody thanks for watching this video if you liked it please watch another one cuz that's how the algorithm works so click on on this one that's being recommended to you right now right here on the screen it actually helps a lot if you do that cuz like that's how YouTube knows that my videos are worth caring about also if you have any movies or TV shows you like to recommend send me an email at Alex Meers Conta gmail.com and I'll put them on my absurdly long list of movies that I need to get to at some point anyway hope I made your day a little bit better and I'll see you all next time
Channel: Alex Meyers
Views: 1,095,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alex meyers, alex mayers, alex myers, zac efron, 17 again
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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