13 Going On 30 is crazier than you remember...

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okay so as I continue my Trek through all of the best movies from the 2000s it's only a matter of time before I finally got to Shrek but then I changed my mind so 13 Going On 30 the 2004 classic Masterpiece that was basically like it's a wonderful life but more about what if I actually got everything I think I ever wanted and then you turn into Jennifer Garner so message received but having just done 17 Again a couple weeks ago this one seemed appropriate you know so come along kids let's take a walk and check out 13 Going on 30 but before that really quick this video is brought to you by skillshare somehow summer is already here and 2024 is half over now so yeah I'm not having an existential crisis why I just say that in between all the usual summer activities like going to music festivals and staying in dirty tents for 4 days which is a thing people pay to do for fun apparently what better time to get started finally learning that thing you always wanted to learn than right now golly gee I sure wish I could learn how to draw on anime well skillshare has a whole learning path just for people like you but Alex how do I know where to start and where to go from there I'm so glad you asked that question conveniently well skillshare has the answer to all of this with what they call learning pads learning pads are where they've bundled several classes together all on the same topic to cover first starting out as a novice and then going all the way to professional skill level and everything in between let's say you're thinking about opening an Etsy store on the learning path they teach you how to even start thinking about your shop then how to build it how to take photos for whatever you're selling and now suddenly you've got an Etsy store that's better than like 90% of all the other ones or let's say you love watching YouTube and you think that You' be pretty good at video editing wow they have a whole learning path just for how to do pretty much everything in D Vinci resolve which is quickly becoming the go-to editing software these days cuzz let me tell you Adobe Premiere is kind of M so if this sounds interesting to you guess what the first 500 people who become skillshare members using my link will get their first membership month completely free you could do both of these learning pads I just mentioned completely free you literally have nothing to lose so click my link down below and get creative today okay back to the show so we start off with our main character Jenna now Jenna is just your average 12-year-old middle school kid in 1987 trying her best to survive what is no doubt the worst time in anyone's life swing around this way just a little bit J come on right there that's good J look over here J right here it's [Music] Jenna oh god oh no I've said it before but like if you survive middle school you deserve compensation puberty is hitting everyone at totally random times every girl's like 3et taller than the boys except that one dude in your algebra class who's like 6' 40 for no reason I barely had a little stash going on meanwhile this guy looks like zizzy top the heck is going on over here anyway Jenna's dream is to be one of Rick Springfield baby mamas but also she wants to be one of these girls the six [Music] chicks hey Jenna Matt please no more pictures come on it's your 13th birthday we got a [Music] document oh boy nothing more important than being the coolest kids in middle school it's like being the hottest waiter at Applebee's now Jenna is desperate to get the approval of these girls who clearly don't even like her at all uh Jenna can I talk to me tiny SEC so I told Chris Grandy me and the six chicks were going to a party tonight and he said he wanted to come with really yeah it's too bad we can't make it damus mle's totally up our butts with this group project proposal I could write your report for you fabuloso you see Jenna's already getting sick and tired of all this whole like awkward tween thing you know I mean come on how come the other girls get to be all pretty and have nice makeup and wear cool clothes their mom got them from TJ Maxx meanwhile some of us are fighting for our lives looking like this how is that even fair it's not fatal honey it's realistic I hate my life just because you don't look like these girls in Poise magazine doesn't mean that you're not beautiful in your own way I don't want to be beautiful in my own way I want to look like these people well those aren't people honey those are models Jenna's mom from the top rope so being almost 13 Jenna is obsessed with magazines all the girls are so pretty and they have the best clothes and they're all so happy clearly I mean come on 30 flirty and thriving why the 30s are the best years of your life I want to be 30 okay I got to call Shenanigans here there's no 13-year-old who wants to be 30 that's that's like an ancient age to them you're 32 and you don't even need a walker with tennis balls on the bottom wow you're doing great honey but okay so finally it's Jenna's 13th birthday and she's pulling out all the stops you guys she invited the coolest kids in school she put up a disco ball she permed her bang come on but before the party starts her best friend/ nextdoor neighbor Matt has a little something to give her I decided to make you your own Jenna dream house oh Maddie yeah see that's you in your bubble bath reading your favorite magazine and uh there's your bedroom with a massive stereo and every record ever made and then he pours on some magic wishing powder he got from the gas station for like 89 cent and then it's finally time for the party to start and all the cool kids start showing up like the six chicks and then all the hot guys in eighth grade who is this there's no way this guy is 13 it's like in the LA Maguire movie where they're all like taking this trip for their eighth grade graduation like excuse me these guys have two failed marriages and just refinance their mortgage okay you can't fool me but yeah so now it's finally time for all those classic birthday games let's play 7 Minutes in Heaven and you can go first cuz you're the birthday girl how does that one go again well you go in the closet and some Lucky Guy's going to go in there and do whatever he wants with you for seven whole minutes this uh this was a normal game kids used to play so crazy plot twist turns out this is all just a trick by the cool kids to get Jenna in the closet and then they make her think that the hot gu is going to come in there and but actually they just leave her there they ditch the party and humiliate her in front of everyone Middle School let's go I think I get get my brother to buy us some beer you know watch this movie reminds me of just like when you're that age and you feel so like old and smart and sophisticated you know it's like we're going to go to second base in the closet and then drink beer and like I totally remember being in eighth grade and having kids be like this but like we were 12 hello and of course once she realizes what's going on Jenna's having a couple feelings about this what' you do nothing yes you did no I just want to show to get my Casio get out wait Jenna please just let me talk to you no Jenna please just come out I hate you I hate me I hate everybody well trust me Jenna those feelings are not going to go away in your 30s I mean Spite and general contempt for Humanity is basically what keeps me going at this point and while throwing her tantrum she knocks the Dreamhouse thing which scatters the magic wishing as bestus and you'll never guess what [Music] happens [Music] Mom Dad [Music] that's right would you believe her Dream came true she wakes up 30 years old she's living in this 5,000 ft apartment in New York City which probably cost like $800 a month because it's 2004 so yeah so happy for you Jenna and she has a hot muscle dude walking around their apartment what more could a girl want I know you're there and my parents are totally going to be on many minutes bottom where's the conditioner you're nak it well not yet now as you might imagine she's kind of freaking out about all this and she runs out of the apartment there's some girl there waiting for her and she hops in the car to get away from Mr dudem Man MC jiggle packs in her house the heck is even going on you know are you really my best friend you're pregnant oh no oh my God no thank God you scared me what did you do last night well see that's the thing I slept in an apartment I've never seen before and there was a naked man in my shower and I I saw his thingy oh God not his thingy not the thingy so she gets taken to her job which we find out is actually senior editor or something for Poise magazine the magazine she was obsessed with she got everything she ever wanted all thanks to that gas station powder stuff man if i' had some of that when I was 13 oh heck yeah there's the dynamic duo I trust my executive editors are late again because they were out promoting us at all the right parties you got it Richard Rich you're my boss that's right baby and her boss is Andy Circus hot off the Lord of the Rings Fame H look at him now but remember she still has the brain of a 13-year-old you know like me and all she can remember right now is that she used to live in New Jersey and she was friends with that Matt kid she tries to call home gets the answering machine no one's there so she looks up info about Matt and finds out that he also lives in New York City wow what are the chances so she goes out to find him and try to figure out what the heck is even going on right now Matt yeah you're different yeah you don't know me Jenna yes Jenna ring yes Matt it's me yeah you know one of my worst fears is running into anyone I went to school with oh hey Alex haven't seen you in like 20 years remember that one time when you asked eight girls to homecoming and they all said no yes yes I do but so Jenna still sees Matt as her best of best friend from next door but Matt does not feel the same but he decides to play along with whatever she's going through and shows her how her life has gone up to now our lives went separate ways we went to different colleges different careers what about Christmas didn't you want to see me then the most depressing years of my life our high school yearbook Matt was I a six chick oh yeah you're pretty much a leader so in this timeline like I said she got everything she ever wanted like exactly she was the cool popular girl in school she went to prom with the hottest guy in school question mark she got her dream job at Poise magazine her adult life is just so perfect which is what like 12-year-olds always imagin is going to happen when they say like I can't wait to grow up and be an adult but like real talk Jenna's going to be spending about half her time just being like hm M I can't believe I told him I didn't want anything for Valentine's Day and then he literally didn't get me anything I mean you could have just told him what you wanted but that's so much work why can't every guy just be Gomez Adams There's Tom Tom I wonder what happened to her uh last I heard you guys are still pretty good friends I think you actually even worked together oh yeah also we find out that this girl is actually this girl so throughout the movie it's basically like Jenna is stuck in this 30-year-old life that she doesn't know anything about and she has to rely on her innocent 13-year-old sensibilities to get through it like the magazine is failing because the Rival magazine keeps stealing her ideas somehow so they host a big party that shers heck not going well I tell you [Music] what hey come here no no no no no no way what was what was that what are you doing but then what do you know everyone starts to dance to Jenna's favorite 80s music especially this guy who's just given 110% right here this man is earning those Guild credits now throughout the movie Jenna and Matt are reconnecting as friends mhm but one day Jenna kind of gets a full picture of what's really going on here when she runs into Matt and his fiance Wendy who's a news anchor from Chicago and she also learns that that weird guy with the thingy from her apartment is actually her quasi famous hockey player HBO boyfriend Jenna this is Wendy M fiance Matt tell me all about is blast from the past I was really sweet of you to stop by Jenna sorry sorry I'm late you're Alex Carlson nice nice to meet you you're a great hockey player I'm a big fan you thank you you want me to sign your shirt or your forehead or something no I don't do butts huh yeah me Nei but okay so on the one hand she got to be the popular girl and now works for her dream magazine doing whatever she does there but to get there she stopped being friends with Matt in high school and she stopped talking to her parents and she's dating this guy which is bad apparently I couldn't wait to see you in a minut you want to play a game do you have Battleship yeah I have Battleship I'll show you my Destroyer oh he's talking about his dead like this is the most 13-year-old brain thing because she wants this emotionally unavailable aloof jaded guy you know cuz it's like it's so cool how he doesn't care about anything and I have no idea if he even likes me at all I'm definitely never going to get sick of this but then she has this like goofy HBO guy who does silly dances and has a Felix the Cat clock you know how many girls in their 30s would literally cut their arm off for a guy like this and it doesn't even stop there because she also learns that everyone hates her and she's been like stealing her co-workers husbands and stuff I was just dropping off Tracy's lunch thought I'd say hello you brought Tracy her lunch that's so what are you doing what's wrong Pooky what what was that what the heck was that but yeah so she comes to realize that she's turned out to be not so great of a person now the backdrop of all of this like I said is that pois magazine is sure as heck not doing very well and times are getting desperate there's no easy way of saying this so I'm just going to come out with it the cirs are in our numbers are dismal we're below 600,000 total circulation I've just come off the phone with corporate and they have dropped the r word well yeah to be fair it was 200 before things were a lot different back then no actually the word is redesign so Jenna decides to dig back into her younger years and wants to redesign the magazine to be more wholesome and happy and to be more than just you know madeup fashioned nonsense and dating tips like four ways to know he's cheating pay close attention to what he does with his hands when a person suddenly buries his hands or even touches one body part to another like by holding the back of his neck it could be his way of comforting himself because he knows he's doing something [Music] wrong so stupid does your boyfriend breathe oxygen sometimes he's sleeping with your mom let's put life back into the magazine fun and laughter and silliness I think we all I think all of us want to feel something we need to remember what used to be good yep and that's why we're getting Toy Story 5 and Lion King prequel and Moana 2 and Moana liveaction remake cuz nothing more nostalgic than a movie from 8 years ago am I right so she hires Matt to be a photographer for the magazine because he's a photographer by the way and they pitched this idea to the boss and it goes over really well but remember that TomTom girl you know remember her well shocking plot twist she still has that mean girl mentality and she snoops through Jenna's desk and finds out that Jenna is the one who's been leaking info to the Rival magazine in hopes of becoming their new editor-in Chief one [Music] day but like why would you keep these in your work desk and like if you're going to do this why would you use official letterhead envelopes are you stupid four ways to know your man is cheating number one he has a contact in his phone called girl I'm cheating with and so she gets fired and she's lost everything now but that's when Jenna realizes the one thing she never wants to give up Matt so it's the day of Matt and Wendy's wedding Jenna rushes over there to give him one more big speech about how she's sorry about the way things turned out and she wishes she could go back and do it all over again Jenna I'm not I'm not going to lie to you I have felt things that I didn't know I could feel anymore you can't just turn back time why not we've gone down different paths for so long we made choices I I've always loved you fiance what fiance but like seriously though Wendy is this cute redhead local news anchor you know what I mean approachably Attractive people telling you what you already saw on the internet 8 hours ago it's the local news what kind of guy would give up on this to be with a girl with the mental capacity of a 13-year-old actually never mind don't answer that but yeah so in the end they both confess their feelings for each other and the spell gets broken Jenna gets thrown back to 1987 and this time she's going to do it right Maddie come on sorry I forgot my scarf you know what you can be the pot and Kettle all by yourself F and that's pretty much where the movie ends so the moral of the story here kids is uh you should you should never move on from your hometown and you should stay with the person you've known since middle school because you've known them a long time and that's all you need or something I don't know what it was back in the 2000s but there was so many movies about working in magazines and 13 go on3 How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days devil worst product if only we could have known the entire industry would be destroyed by Millennials along with uh literally everything else apparently but hey at least we got some wack Ando movies out of it huh hey everybody thanks for watching this video if you liked it please watch another one cuz that's how the algorithm works so click on this one that's being recommended to you right now right here on the screen it actually helps a lot if you do that cuz like that's how you YouTube knows that my videos are worth caring about also if you have any movies or TV shows You' like to recommend send me an email at Alex Meers contact gmail.com and I'll put them on my absurdly long list of movies that I need to get to at some point anyway hope I made your day a little bit better and I'll see you all next time
Channel: Alex Meyers
Views: 818,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alex meyers, alex mayers, alex myers, 13 going on 30, jennifer garner
Id: x13ncwtYNFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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