Most Primitive Building Videos Are Fake

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you know those situations where someone was right about something and they always say like i don't need to say i told you so you learned your lesson i'll be the bigger man here and not say i told you so that's just such a load of dog [ __ ] i'm five foot six i'm not that big a man so here's me saying i told you so about like six months ago maybe even longer on stream i went on a massive tirade about how the majority of those primitive building youtube channels were fake and i pulled up multiple videos to try and prove my point and i was met with nothing but vitriol people were calling me stupid calling me wrong calling me dumb idiot brain like all kinds of insults about me not being right despite my evidence being pretty much irrefutable i thought people just wanted to live in their delusion that their favorite primitive building youtube channel was legitimate but they're not and a youtuber named sunnyv2 posted a massive video that's done extremely well that most people have seen by now which vindicates me proving that the channels that i'm talking about were fake there's only a couple real ones the biggest being primitive technology which i always said was real it's the only real one that i know of but i'm assuming there's others that i just haven't looked into enough but the majority of them the very popular ones are fake primitive technology idea uh mr tifu all of these massive ones that sprout up out of nowhere get half a billion views they have like all of these crazy intricate things like water slides with giant giraffes and crocodile statues and they're looking like a [ __ ] mini golf course that they apparently make out of sticks and stones all of those are fake obviously but no one wanted to believe me when i was trying to prove it and now that sonny's made a video on it now everybody knows that they're fake and people have apologized to me in twitch chat for not believing me and i accept your apology but still i told you so now let's go through the video and go through the evidence a little bit and get a little more in depth on it have you seen the video debunking those primitive building videos i actually still haven't seen sonny's video on it yet but i also debunked those videos on stream and i was met like i was trying to teach terriology no one believed me i tried debunking it on stream because i was telling people that most of them almost all of them are fake and nobody [ __ ] believed me until sunny v2 posted his video on it now i've been vindicated yeah i still haven't seen his video yet he came out with real evidence and explanation man suck the dirtiest part of my ass i came at you with boys crack with real evidence and explanation but you guys didn't want to hear it at the time i brought up like three different videos showing the aftermath of uh primitive building videos where someone bought like 10 acres of property and there was like multiple locations where they made those like underground primitive swimming pools and [ __ ] and you could actually see construction equipment tire tracks and all of that and you guys are like no those are just uh naturally occurring jungle tire tracks like i came at you with evidence and you still didn't believe me almost every single primitive building channel is underpinned by countless different lies and we've got tons of evidence to prove it god damn right we know we need to put an emphasis on the fact that this is a 500 million views per video he's just my channel name is so shameless mr tifu is it supposed to like capitalize off tifu being a popular youtuber in the algorithm i'm actually not super familiar with this one was that the idea behind it oh users continued to mention one name over and over crediting him as legitimate amongst the sea of phonies primitive technical knowledge the ten people only one subscriber channel when going back to the beginning of these silent relaxing videos it becomes pretty obvious as to why they're credited if sonny plays the same videos i played in my evidence i'm going to be technology again this follows the same format as everything else on the internet someone comes out does something super impressive legitimately and a lot of other people will try and do it as quickly as possible to cut as many corners as possible to try and capitalize off it it happens everywhere so it's not like it's surprising that it happened with primitive technology but yeah he's legitimate 100 percent or blue and to be a blue color why is it so blue probably because it probably couldn't die or something there's no reason for it to look so blue like that are they really creating these structures out of mud and sticks well when you do a little bit of research the answer to this question is most certainly no the best evidence for this is family i mentioned this as well in all of these videos making these elaborate luxurious pools in the ground here out of nothing but sticks and elbow grease they have like the bluest water of all time and they're supposed to be getting this water from like nearby rivers or springs that they bring back to their location using like hollowed-out logs and making a network out of that but that's just a bunch of [ __ ] bologna so in the rest of the video you'll see the cameraman even mentions that they just bring water themselves and put it there and in another video that i brought up on stream also mentioned in sunny's video it's mentioned that the water that's at those pools isn't even close by they don't actually use logs or anything there's even like pvc piping and stuff in order to help with it but that is just absolutely not even close to being real in any sense it's framed in an eight-foot trench now if they're digging this deep with sticks how are they avoiding large rocks and potential tree roots from you know the massive line of trees seen just behind them are they being assisted by large machinery well they're just very strong first let's focus with the clip where a guy in a white t-shirt can be seen working on a project in the background yet no no that's just their camera man he's he's also using sticks over there in order to to whittle out just a little stubborn branch is all and as the video would suggest it is a large operation as you may suspect with a large team i'm shocked after we then offered to answer any questions we had about their channel we attempted to figure out how many different construction sites before capturing over eight minutes of footage with a drone we'll refer to so you guys believe it when he puts this in his video i pulled this exact [ __ ] thing up in my rant on these things being fake but now that he puts it in his video you guys believe him that's that is actually hurtful that actually hurts my [ __ ] feelings there's initially a clip where eight different workers can be seen standing around a rectangular hole in the jungle followed by another grainier clip from a far distance where somewhere between seven and ten people can be seen building a swimming pool so to further explain this clip which is something i've talked about at length a youtube channel named photo expression flew a drone around an area where a lot of these primitive builds took place a lot of pools and structures like that and he saw a lot of the aftermath which is just a ton of trash everywhere some mint bags tire tracks as well as pointing out inconsistencies such as the amount of people that'll get like to work on these so as you just saw like teams of seven to ten in some cases maybe even more the cameraman even mentions that there's never really less than a dozen people working on a build and this photo expression video just shows a lot of it and giving you a lot of insight into where the builds are taking place and how they're being done is when you compare his meticulous method of creating fire in the wild to the fire making of these southeast asian primitive channels as mentioned previously it becomes comical they slap a couple of rocks together before beginning and experiments well they just have better rocks with no kindling whatsoever john wynne draws a big circle and begins to dig it out only in the next frame suddenly there's spray paint on the ground that they forgot to rub out additionally on the wall of the hole these long smooth cuts can be seen which is completely incomparable to the cuts being made by the stick no he was using a bigger stick for those turns out marks weren't the only thing that they forgot to rub out as in the minutes excavated tracks can be seen here here here and here so now now you guys believe these are real tire tracks interesting interesting weird you guys just think i'm some kind of big [ __ ] bumbling idiot who doesn't know what [ __ ] excavator tracks look like hmm however was that they forgot to take the actual excavator out of the top right hand corner according to the email sent to us by the way in one of these channels i'm not gonna lie i'm pretty sure i pulled up that same video and even i didn't notice the actual excavator was there yeah well you know i hit more times than i missed in my evidence but that would have been a really compelling piece for me i think i'm not gonna lie the initial boring process whilst incrementally we filmed the builders doing superficial works i would have never imagined it was the exercise of an industry that goes on to strangely display the collection of concrete from a river which is the exact same clip we used from the previous video now why would they reuse the same clip twice in two different videos well it's because collecting concrete from a river is completely and utterly bogus concrete doesn't grow in a river according to a civil engineer who commented on one of these i will fully admit i never really stopped to think about the gathering of concrete to my stupid little reptile brain i assumed that you could get something that resembled concrete using river minerals and dirt and mud and [ __ ] i never realized how outrageous that was until sunny v2's video on it so i think that would have been a strong point for me to have made but i was too stupid to make it so i'm glad sunny shed light on that because i it absolutely slipped by me and i think it's important to note that even though it is clearly confirmed these are all fake except primitive technology and maybe a couple others it's not going to affect them people are still going to watch even knowing that because they just watch it for that comfort feeling like oh this is so satisfying oh look at how cool that giraffe in the pool is so it's not exactly going to hurt them but it's at least nice that people will now finally know for sure that the [ __ ] is fake and stop trying to pretend that it's not the wwe of primitive building yeah honestly at this point i would go like full-blown showmanship here and just make it really entertaining they should have story lines where like there's a rival builder like an evil construction man who comes by and tries to like tear their house down or something that they have to fight i get creating natural concrete this channel's concrete is simply a mix of dirt and water which if you think about it for two seconds doesn't create concrete and rather creates muddy water or mud which is just dirt after the water dries this other channel that's all we need more creative with the expression that stumbled upon various completed primitive builds also showed that after these channels are finished building the sites are simply left to rot this video doesn't speak for every southeast asian primitive building channel but in this particular case rubbish was left everywhere including as you might guess cement bags the fact that the videos are fake isn't the o were attached together then used to siphon water from a river to the pool only there was no river photo expression found the exact site of this pool then stated in his video that in reality the closest water source was more than six kilometers away instead we found a bunch of blue plastic piping attached to a tap in the ground funny part is any scene where you see them sourcing water from some magnificent waterfall or lake they're actually going somewhere perhaps hundreds of kilometers away and pretending to take it back the video in which photo experience this camera guy seems so nice he just seems like such a jolly guy just like actively making fun of them while still working for them well that's a big i told you so moment for me there thank you sonny i've been vindicated in fact i built three mansions already my man they hated him for telling the truth yeah i was just ahead of my time like galileo if i had to guess i'd say all of those fake primitive building channels are probably all owned by the same company who just outsources it to multiple channels to try and get the most juice for the squeeze which is why you see so many like variations of the same name like primitive technology idea primitive technology life mr tifu is kind of an anomaly that that one kind of comes out of nowhere and getting real wild but i really do think it's probably like one company that does it which is why they're all so similar
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 5,061,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5Hc8do-BwlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 19 2022
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