The Sisters Who Faked Their Funeral For Money

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yesterday terry went into the hospital she hasn't found you and she can't breathe i said i'm gonna go me account if y'all can donate a penny nickel dive oh hope you're so happy when amy and tammy slayton first began their youtube journey back in 2014 they were seen by their audience as two wholesome sisters who were bravely putting themselves out into the world despite their unconventional appearances however only a few short years later that very same audience had grown to hate and despised them the slain sisters would turn their entire audience against them through controversy after controversy peaking with one of the most ambitious scandals in youtube history a go fund me for tammy slayton's funeral who hadn't even died however if the audience had simply known more about these two sisters prior to the beginning of their channel each of these controversies could have been easily predicted for example back in 2010 amy would be arrested after shoplifting an 8 book from walmart showing that even prior to beginning youtube the sisters were prone to both cutting corners and cheating the system most of this information would only become public at a later date so when they first began their channel they were liked the sisters built an audience through their strong family bond positive attitude and ability to laugh at their own shortcomings we need to lose weight to people we don't care if you don't like us worth that and we love it they weren't exactly the sharpest tools in the shed but people appreciated their authenticity hey i'm fat i'm fat but don't you call me fat why would i want you to call me fat if we trying to be in a relationship come on now use your brains and the fact that they were kind of doing youtube for themselves it didn't seem like they were trying to impress anyone love when a girl isn't afraid to be herself i applaud you finally a real person doing a review love it keep them coming i love her so much she always has such a positive fun relaxing vibe the slayton sisters would receive their first big break after posting a video titled chubby bunny challenge which had gone to gain a view count in the millions however when examining the video's thumbnail and dislike ratio it was pretty obvious that it had gone viral as a result of people watching to laugh at their physical appearances i salute this channel for not disabling comments so that takes bravery i genuinely didn't know it was possible for the human body to lay adipose tissue on the forehead any time i wake up and think i don't really feel like working out today i just think of this video and it gives me the motivation i need it was a similar story with videos like bake with me and trying new makeup the thumbnails were sufficiently horrid and laughable to make the videos go viral however despite the hate the hundreds of thousands of views across the videos still brought in others who appreciated the relaxed nature of the channel growing their fan base further oh you're so cute well not on your makeup and ignore all the negative comments she is so sweet i would let her put makeup on me any day all the beauty gurus be like you gotta do it exactly like this kay and this girl is like it's your makeup you choose how to do it and she did pretty good i'm gonna sub however while a growing fan base would generally be seen as a positive for most youtube channels for the slate and sisters it would end up becoming a negative as it'd be at around the same time that they begin to reach out to their audience for help in relation to their lack of financial security for example after achieving a thousand subscribers on their channel the slate and sisters would set up their first gofundme requesting that their audience helped them buy an apple macbook with the goal of increasing the quality of their videos now most their audience felt as though there was nothing wrong with this proposal the audience sends a bit of money through the sisters get a new laptop and in return the audience gets a higher average video quality which is seemingly a win-win for both parties however on the contrary some of her viewers felt as though the slate and sisters were abusing their power as youtubers in comments such as delete this you are going to lose all your subscribers you're a pathetic low life that needs to get off your ass and get a damn job like the rest of us instead of mooching off of us you are disgusting and if i were you thank god i am not i couldn't wake up in the mornings as a response to the hate amy would shift the blame from herself stating that her friend was the one who suggested that she make the gofundme i do not take money very lightly the whole macbook thing was not my idea it was a friend of mine's idea i didn't even edit the video or anything but that video is down however while amy did receive a bit of hate the operation will prove to be successful after raising over 833 dollars showing the slate and sisters that it was not only possible but simple to extract money from their audience through gofundme which had become a vital piece of information for the main scandal to be covered in this video the other problem the slate and sisters encountered after growing an audience was that they could now be held accountable for the stories that they shared throughout their videos for example amy would upload a video talking about a situation in which she had adopted a german shepherd rescue dog before leaving it in a camper van on a hot summer's day now emmy would state that the air conditioning was on whilst the dog was inside and that the camper van was quote freezing the camper has ac in it and we only put him in there for like 30 minutes and who were y'all to judge me however when amy would then reveal that the dog had gone crazy inside and smashed the air conditioning unit just to get out her audience assumed that maybe the ac wasn't on and that the dog was going crazy because it had been overheating inside this theory would be supported further after amy revealed that the dog had bitten her quite severely after escaping from the camper van leading her audience to believe the dog was all riled up after overheating as a result of the incident amy would state that the dog had been put in a 14 day quarantine the dog is in 14 day quarantine yeah he has a week to go however with the bite mark being so severe and amy taking the dog to the pound whilst using the wording that the dog was no longer with her the audience assumed that amy had taken the dog to the pound to have it put down resulting in the popular opinion that amy was an animal abuser i can't imagine this woman owning a german shepherd shepherds need tons of activity both physically and mentally she couldn't even take care of herself let alone such a strong and intelligent breed i'm sorry but i highly doubt she ran after the german shepherd you need to be relatively active to own a dog like a german shepherd and you need to be trained to be able to take care of an abused large dog this sentiment will become even worse when at a later date tammy would upload a video talking about the celebration of her birthday at a gaming arcade mentioning in passing that she felt sorry for their other dog a little bit who had been left in the hot car whilst they were inside playing games i feel bad for a little bit because she sat outside in a hot car my river and phone but i did while we were at uh getting something to eat i did get a little bit some uh ice water so i thought about it at least he said i was gonna give her some water what a selfish disgusting bunch of people these three are poor poor little dog i'm surprised a little bit is still alive these events did a pretty good job of destroying the slate and sister's reputation however as you might assume it was only going to get worse from there on out as amy would find herself in yet another controversy after going on a date with a 19 year old autistic kid at a local mcdonald's y'all know that i had the worst night ever friday and it was a horrible night it started off good we met each other well it wasn't the first time we met don't think that i'm not that type of person as mentioned in the beginning the date seemed to have been going well to the extent that amy and her date decided to book a hotel so they could go and get frisky together at which point things would start to head in a negative direction you know we went to a hotel yeah i finally got her up it started rubbing on him i was trying to give him a hickey because he was a virgin and he never had a hickey before so i was giving him a hickey and he was like quit biting me and i'm like i'm not biting you and he was like here you are so i'm bidding after biting her date and assumably scaring him off during the intimate moment he would take to facebook posting a status written in an ancient hillbilly dialect which will receive a response from amy about the size of his penis following this amy would go on to upload her video discussing the night where she would completely dox the guy in the comments section with his facebook page and telephone number after which he'll be harassed by amy's youtube audience in somewhat of a hilarious act of karma amy would then go on to get into another relationship which would ultimately end in separation after amy's youtube audience decided to get involved i hope y'all girls were happy baby just broke up with me because everybody was surprised maybe i'll see why don't tell people who were updating because our bullying arrested the lily dose and while this would mark the end of amy and tammy's reputational base scandals it would ironically mark the beginning of what would be many financial controversies beginning when their audience discovered that the sisters have been receiving government assistance in a video titled amy's toxoplasmosis amy would explain that as a result of being legally blind she had been receiving social security payments i'm not on disability for my weight i'm under civility because of my eyesight it would then be revealed later that tami was also receiving disability payments for her morbid obesity which would result in backlash from her audience stating that they were wroughting the system by receiving money from both the government and their job as youtubers in addition to receiving money from these two sources they also began to make money from selling merch before many would claim that this was also a scam the merch site was suspicious from the very beginning and read as follows if you purchase tami's merch you'll be added to a private group chat with tammy to purchase head over to the donate section and donate the appropriate amount 35 for t-shirts 50 for hoodies then head to the contact section and email us with the email you used to make the purchase the reason that the slate and sisters requested for purchases to donate the appropriate amount became pretty obvious they're definitely scamming the tax system and sliding money to tammy so she can stay on disability from what it seems i support a good side hustle but this one is super shady what the hell kind of sketchy ass website is this i just donate my money and hope to god i get something in return no tracking or proof of purchase refunds no thank you this feels like a way to scam the irs somehow i didn't sell anything people donated it got worse when fans would come to realise that the sisters hadn't been paying the artists to have completed the designs for the merch a representative for tami would take to instagram stating all people who make artwork don't ask to get paid but to simply get a follow or noticed by tami most of the artwork on the website right now was designed by at blank our website designer and at blank again however apparently this wasn't the arrangement made with the artists in an article written about the scan by showbiz cheat sheet it was mentioned that at least one artist has claimed they requested their art not be used without payment and have since been blocked and have had their artwork misattributed to someone else this artist would take to instagram in a post reading i wasn't being unfair at all just saying how my artwork is being passed off as someone else's when i spent time doing it and i've now been blocked yet my design is still up on your website not really fair at all all i wanted was credit for it that's all as a result of this scandal tammy's tick-tock with over 1 million followers on which she had promoted her merch will be permanently banned however this still doesn't make it the most notorious controversy in the slate and sister's history bringing us to the infamous funeral scam it began when tami who was the heavier of the two sisters fell over in the bathroom before waking up the following day without the ability to breathe i woke up and i couldn't breathe my bed like i really couldn't breathe and after being rushed to hospital it would be discovered that tammy had contracted pneumonia i went to the hospital and the ambulance took x-rays and kabaraj went by and they told me i had pneumonia and i was gonna have to stay in the hospital whilst in the hospital tammy's condition would worsen leading her to pass out for three and a half weeks whilst on life support during which amy will begin the gofundme now to amy's credit it probably was pretty scary having your overweight unhealthy sister on life support for over three weeks however to begin planning for the funeral before she had even died was almost comically pessimistic which had become even funny when amy stated that the money was to funded tammy's triple size extra-large coffin would tammy be so big if something does happen her coffin is gonna cost more because they have to triple the size of the coffin whilst mentioning that tammy was on a medical card however the amount of money it provided would not be enough to cover the funeral she is on the medical card the medical cards will not cover all of the bills so this gofundme account will be for tammy schmutz if she dies so please please find it in your heart to donate the gofundme itself which would raise a total of 818 read this fund is for if anything was to happen to her will go to her funeral if she makes it through this the money will stay there or go to her hospital bills that insurance won't pay i won't ask but i don't know what else to do please please help us even if it sense thank you and may god bless you now if amy had approached the situation from the angle of we're just doing this to cover the hospital bills and left it at that there probably wouldn't have even been any backlash however since she had put so much weight on the possibility of death and people had donated assuming that she was going to die when she would return to the videos a few weeks later laughing joking and eating junk food as if nothing had ever happened obviously the audience and those who had donated weren't all that happy judging from the 85 percent dislike ratio on the original we need your help video it also didn't help that in a different video amy would reiterate that the money wasn't going to be spent on anything besides the funeral we won't be spending it on anything but if you i just wanted to clarify that or i want to take it up to the funeral home where it can build interest i probably will take it to the funeral home and let it build interest so if something does happen we have that as a backup so when it was confirmed that there was no funeral a new question had been created where had the money gone amy would state that she had transferred the money to a mother to pay for tammy's medical bills the money that y'all donated for tammy when she was in the hospital i gave it to my mother who paid bills with tammy's bills regardless if that's what she used the money for or not that's what i did with it i gave it to my mother who paid bills however when her audience would ask her to prove it she'd state that it was her mother's responsibility to provide the receipts my mom is trying to find the receipts but if she can't find him that's on mom not me then in another video stating that the receipts had been thrown out completely i know i've been wrong i should not throw receipts away but in my head i wasn't thinking well these receipts might come to bite me in the ass you know i wasn't thinking that i'm it was a simple mistake however if the gofundme had been done online then surely she was using internet banking why couldn't she provide a screenshot of the bank transfer to her mother medical bill receipts don't seem like something that you just throw away it was suspicious that she was unable to provide any evidence for the money going towards the hospital stay especially when her audience would notice that she also happened to buy a new laptop and a new camper right after the gofundme had concluded at a later date tammy would go on to state that amy's go fund me made her angry as she felt as though she didn't need help and when i found out amy did the whole girlfriend me thing believe me i was mad cause from one i knew i wasn't gonna die and two i didn't want help i not the person i wanna ask for help the most interesting part about the whole ordeal is that while most disgraced youtubers simply fade into obscurity as the years go by the slain sisters have managed to remain relevant after rolling their public image into a tlc show titled 1 000 sisters on which amy has since lost over 100 pounds has gotten married had a baby and is looking healthy compared to her early days on youtube unfortunately the same can't be said for tami whose continual weight gain underpins much of the show's entertainment factor the show just had its third season with well over 1 million viewers per episode
Channel: SunnyV2
Views: 8,830,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amy slaton, tammy slaton, amy slaton rant, slaton sisters, lolcows, kiwi farms, amy slaton exposed, amy slaton archive, amy slaton chubby bunny, tammy slaton dead, tammy slaton boyfriend, 4chan, 4chan stories, scammers, gofundme, gofundme scam, exposed, tammy slaton exposed, 4chan trolls, 4chan memes, chubby bunny, amy slaton cringe, ms fvcking wonderful, amy slaton makeup, amy slaton storytime, tammy slaton forhead, primink, scam, liar, faked, fake, tiktok fake, fake tiktoker
Id: wDXnST2nBi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 31 2022
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