a lot of chaos

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good morning welcome to the Vlog hi Otis and I are hanging out he had his first bottle this morning Cody usually does the first morning shift and lets me sleep in a little bit which is so nice and now he is going to do his podcast and I want to go see my gray hairs I want to go work out I'm going to go on the treadmill and I got a little playm for Otis to lay on while I do the treadmill next to him so welcome to the Vlog he has so much of my hair in his hand all my hair is falling out and it's in a really bad State actually look at this we've got a full knot in the back that I just can't rush out I need to go get my hair cut and it needs to be cut and it's all falling out because of postpartum and it's just an actual mess I'm going to hopefully try to make a hair appointment today for this week let's get up let's get out of bed what do you say he was pooping on me that entire time here's me before here's me after hi I'm interrupting this Vlog because we have a very exciting sponsor what's that what's that little guy right there that's right it's my latest thread up order so if you don't know what thread up is it's amazing and I talk about it a lot so you should catch up on my old videos but it is basically an online Consignment he also want wants to talk about thread up cuz he saw how excited I was when I got this box now so he is he's a fan as well it's an online consignment and thrift store I always say this guys okay it's better for your wallet cuz the stuff is so well priced it's better for your closet because you're getting such amazing things and it's better for the planet thrifting you guys is smart you're getting the best for Less I mean thread up seriously has so many options there's like over 55,000 Brands and I swear like sometimes I'm shopping on there and I'll add stuff to my cart and then I sometimes like to like put the cart away and then revisit it so I'll go back and then all of a sudden there's like a million new things added like it's crazy how much stuff is on there and how many amazing finds there are there's more than 4 million unique items to shop every single day it's just so much fun and like I said sorry brisket is also joining us the whole everyone's here everyone's here you're getting like up to 90% off estimated retail value on some stuff and there's stuff that's like in New like brand new with tags everything is in like pristine condition it really is just the best and it's so much fun to shop on and it brings me joy showing you the stuff that I got and telling you about the deals that I got let's do a little haul so the first thing I'm going to show you is this is stod I actually love this dress so much I love the red I love the little people swimming like it looks like a pool estimated at $375 and I got it for $95.99 such a good deal next up this little Brooks Brothers button-down shirt I love a button down I mean I feel like I show you one in every single one of these hauls just because they have such good ones and they're like so cute button Downs are good for any time of the year this one is Brooks Brothers it was estimated at $105 and I got it for $111.99 is that not insane and it's like in perfect condition this little number little top with the chain sleeves this is Alice and Olivia estimated at $275 and I got it for $55.99 this like sweater tank oh my God like come on the brand is M Sony this is estimated at $450 and I got it for $ 3780 like that's insane and last but not least I will show you one more thing it is this cute little flowy summer dress just to toss on I just love a flowy dress so this little guy is everan I made it at $86 and I got it for $50.99 and there we have it that is my little thread up haul obviously I love thread up I talk about it all the time and I really just think you should all try it you know Thrift more save more waste less it's just the best you can click the link in the description and use my code Kelsey for 35% off your first order plus free shipping and there we have it now we can get back to the [Music] Vlog okay so I did my treadmill workout almost all of it but then it was a snap time so I brought him back in here he really liked his new playm M by the way I brought him back in here and now I'm going to finish my workout my arms and the ABS and then I'm going to shower and eat hopefully do all of those things while he's napping let's see how long he actually naps for and see how much of that I can actually get [Music] done hey so he had a good nap I took a shower he woke up right as my shower was ending so good timing and then I was changing his diaper and he peed literally all over his hair all over his face all over his belly as I was changing his diaper so I gave him a bath actually my first solo bath it's usually Cody and I in it together but I just couldn't let him have like pee hair you know he had a bottle well then he freaked out like after his bath he loves his bath but then it was bottle time so he got a little a little hangry and then we had our bottle now we're playing and I am eating some overnight oats Funfetti overnight oats organic Orin is like a meal delivery service and it's really good all the stuff is really healthy I'm trying it and I really like it we've got on our dinos today and he's playing with this fish he loves this fish hey so it's still the same day feels like the longest day of all time I already saw somewhere not somewhere it's actually this mug and it says the days are long but the years are short the brand love every sent it I actually subscribed to their what's what's the word I bought a like subscription to their play things so like every few months when he makes like every few months when he cuz he's growing so much developmentally they send like new toys that that are good for him to use in this next stage of development also he sounds like he's like freaking out but he's just playing he's chatting to his toys anyway so they sent me that mug and it is so true the days are long but I know those years will be short so I want to make sure that I appreciate every single day I have realized that I haven't drink any water today which is not like me I really like to try to stay hydrated as much as possible but it's hard to remember sometimes so I'm going to have an element Chile do not eat the cat's [Music] [Laughter] food that's what do his favorite sound I'm obsessed with these little things elements Cody has been drinking them for a long time and I never have tried one but they're so good my favorite is actually the watermelon which is really weird cuz I don't usually like watermelon flavored things something about it is like so delicious and refreshing to me and I like it on the rocks oh oopsie oh my God why was I just holding the ice cubes I'm watching summer house I'm absolutely loving it I started watching it maybe like last year I started watching it like maybe last year cuz I listen to giggly Squad with p sbone and Hannah burner Hannah's been on Circle time big fans they've both been on instanly chill just love them so much um and then when I started listening to that I was like wait I should watch summer house so I started watching it at season 3 like last year cuz that's what season they come on hello sir what are you doing I stopped watching for some reason but I just decided to pick it back up and now I'm on like the middle of season 4 and I am just absolutely loving it we're going to play why do I keep spilling this all over me it's like old times you're in the front just us just me in the front us driving hi we're in the car we just dropped Otis off at my parents my dad is watching him today just him and my dad just a little boy day we're going to record anything goes with Emma obviously there's like six million 50 things to do to like leave the house nowadays so I didn't have time to do my makeup um but I'm going to just put a little bit on in the car cuz I'm feeling a little bit dead inside today to be completely honest with you guys some days I wake up and I'm like this is I'm feeling amazing and then some days I wake up and I'm like I'm kind of just down I think this just like hormone stuff still kind of like figuring itself out plus I I'm I started my period you're on your pee yeah I'm on my pee not the best for like when I'm going to like record a podcast I also haven't recorded a podcast since um December first time on the M I'm scared what if I just like go crazy start saying some crazy [ __ ] [ __ ] there's the Hollywood Sign guys holy oh my God you scared me hi we got home yesterday from Emma's podcast it was so fun I think the episode's going to be really good I'm not sure if it's out yet but it was the best time it was so nice to see her I got some packages so I'm going to show them to you I got all some new clothes cuz he's moving up in size I have been shopping at this store called young days and I just think they make such cute baby clothes and they're like really good quality and great and I like them so I wanted to show you what I got them so here is Otis's first haul we have this little top so cute I thought he maybe could rock with these sweats could be a cute little fit I got this little tank tank it's getting kind of hot and then these pants that have like Surfer surf boards and palm trees and stuff on them also got the matching tank for that I got these Smiley pant sweats this little Romper and I just think it's adorable hi hey okay sorry that little Otis Clothing Haul was so rushed um my camera died I'm in the car now and if you're wondering hey girl what the [ __ ] is going on with your hair well I'm going to get it cut I haven't got my hair cut in maybe 2 and 1/2 years hang on Tunnel anyway I go to this like curly hair special curly hair place they do a great job but every single time I leave I like kind of am like I kind of have like an identity crisis wo curls you know although I've had them my whole life so I don't really know what that is I it's just always like they're always they always look like fresh and good when I leave but either look like really curly and then I kind of like freak out so what's happening right now is that basically I like I'm losing my hair cuz I'm like it's like a postpartum one of the many joys of postpartum I'm like okay I'm physically feeling better feeling back to normal is like feeling pretty good then my hair starts falling out like it's just like one thing after the other I think what's happening is that since I have curly hair it's starting to fall out but it's like it doesn't just like kind of like slip and fall right out it it's starting to fall out and then it gets caught on the curls and then it starts like clumping together and creating these like massive knots that's just what I'm guessing also the fact that my hair is extremely dead on the bottom I think is not helping at all this is just a massive knot and once I couldn't get this knot out on Saturday I was like okay okay and even if they can get it out like I need a haircut so desperately that like if I want them to cut all the dead stuff off like they might just have to shave my head we'll just totally kind of just see what the deal is I am nervous hang on [Music] anyway here I am my hair is so [ __ ] short um but you know it was like she took a picture of it and she was like this look at all the dead parts and it was like genuinely seethrough to a certain like it was like thick and then it was just like ratty and gross and I was like okay let's just like get this healthy we got some like little bangs going on it's kind of like a side part right now and I thought I might like that better but I don't think that I do it's I'm like kind of freaking out it'll grow guys okay so I don't really want to hear about it it looks good thanks I think it looks great thanks I might try middle part like I might middle part it hey how the hell is everyone last time I talked to you was that right after my haircut and I freaked out obviously um cuz it was like so short and it's still so short um it's a little frizzy right now I started doing the middle part which I think I like better and I've gotten a little bit more used to it and I actually really like it so you guys didn't get to see Hy last time here she is she's a pretty girl she's a pretty girl she mom's pretty girl there is something that I got a lot of asks about in my last Vlog and that surprisingly was my egg salad re recipe first of all I just want to say thank you so much for like all of the love and support in the comments on my last video like I was really nervous to come back and you guys really like brought tears to my eyes because you were just so sweet and loving and thank you I really really appreciate it and then all the other comments were like drop the egg salad recipe so that's what I'm going to do I'm going to make a big batch of egg salad right now and I'm going to bring you all along I make my egg salad I was just about to sit with eggs du this is seven eggs for the week so the first thing going to do is peel all your eggs eggs eggs eggs Otis is sitting here in his chair watching me baby okay brisket I like you have to leave me alone so I have my eggs and I cut them all yes what else do you say I cut them all down the center is chatting he also wants to tell you about my recipe well this isn't even really my recipe I just it's kind of like a mixture of different Tick Tock egg salad recipes see the egg these are the ingredients now sometimes I do Qi Mayo but no mayo in this one guys we're missing a seriously crucial part it's just sweet relish Dijon mustard lemon juice this is key and good culture cottage cheese it's like high protein okay so we take the cottage cheese see Cott that's Cottage M instead of mayo I'm doing cottage cheese for like more protein I'm going to do like a pretty good amount cuz we've got like a lot of eggs going on and I can always add more you can't take it out but you can add it I like a good amount of Dee okay that seemed kind of like a lot the lemon juice is a game changer and then I just you just kind of eyeball it it's almost dinner time and I think he's like why are you going to eat and I'm not which he is so so don't worry then you just mash it up you mash up all your eggs I saw this on Tik Tok and I was like that seems like it works and it kind of does but it doesn't always work the way that I want it to and then I also add salt and pepper to this sometimes a little onion and garlic powder brisket back back back I never usually make this big of a serving so I'm kind of scared that this like isn't the vibe that is good stuff that's really all I do is kind of just eyeball it more mustard always more mustard than Mayo it's so good so that is the egg salad there we have it high protein egg salad if you don't like cottage cheese and you want just good old egg salad use Q mayo or regular Mayo make it and tag me sorry that was the most chaotic egg salad tutorial I've ever given and that's it love you um I just realized I didn't do an outro thank you for watching love you all very much you're the best and I'm already filming the next Vlog so just stay tuned and thank you thread up for sponsoring today's video remember if you want to shop thread up click the link in the description and use my code Kelsey for 35% off plus free shipping on your first order see you next time bye
Channel: Kelsey Kreppel
Views: 188,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kelsey kreppel, cody ko, comedy, commentary, roast, cody ko and kelsey, kelsey and cody, met gala, fashion review, girl talk, codyko, dinner with kelsey, kelsey kreppel cody, insane baking, makeup, Chrissy teigen
Id: RM_oyKTOfAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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