Memes That My Older Relatives Post On Facebook

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- What's up, Greg, I hope you're all having a great day. Welcome back to my channel. This, of course, is another episode of The Decoration Station, baby. That's right, your boy finally got some decorations. After so long and thinking so hard about it, and asking you guys for suggestions, I finally decorated this room a little bit. I did not use any of your suggestions. I just decided to do my own thing. But you know what, I think it looks nice. We got a nice little floating shelf here with some nice tasteful fanart that's been given to me, and a little Nutcracker, some little succulents. We got the classic Greg letters, of course, I couldn't forget about those. We got a lamp, so it's not so dark back there. And the piece de resistance, the mwah, the chef's kiss, if you will, is the Danny with inhaler poster. Yeah, you like that? I bet a lot of you probably thought I was gonna get the old lady with an inhaler decal, didn't you? That would be a rookie move, dude. No free clout, dude, not even for old women with asthma. But anyway, I'm pretty pleased with how it looks. I think it looks a lot less empty and boring in here. So I think it'll do for the time being. So anyway, let's get in to the video. Where's my little Nutcracker guy? Hello? Little Nutcracker guy. Did I put him somewhere when I was decorating, what the hell? (tense music) - [Update Corner] Danny. - Wait, why is the Update Corner set up? I wasn't even planning on doing an Update Corner. - [Update Corner] It's update time. Break your knees. (suspenseful music) (knees cracking) - Okay, welcome to the Update Corner, everyone. I'm not really sure what I'm updating you about, but let's just jump into it. Oh, okay. It looks like it's another Lily's Garden ad. I guess I'm doing an update about Lily's Garden. So I think last time I made it pretty clear that I only wanted to talk about Lily's Garden again if all her problems were solved, so that I could finally be relieved of this pain. So Lily better be doing pretty damn good, otherwise this is not gonna be a good update. Okay, so we got the black-haired boyfriend standing in a creepy-looking alleyway. A guy pops out of a dumpster. (sinister chord) Hey, what the fuck? My little Nutcracker guy is in this ad, they took him and put them in the ad! What the hell, Lily's Garden? I don't understand what the, what kind of psychological warfare is this? Lily, what mind games are you trying to play on me? What even is this ad? It looks like he's getting intel on his girlfriend who's cheating on him or something. He's spying on people. Lily's Garden, are you trying to subtly hint that you're watching me? Please leave me alone. You know what the worst part about all this is? Is that my knees hurt. Uh no, actually the worst part is that they put my little Nutcracker guy by a dumpster. They're trying to say my little Nutcracker guy is trash. Little Nutcracker guy is not trash, all right, Lily's Garden? Give him back! Give him back, Lily's Garden. All I wanted was for Lily to find happiness. Why you guys suddenly enacting psychological warfare on me? I wanted the best for your character. And now, after already being stressed out about Lily, being worried about her, 'cause you guys don't know how to treat her, now I'm gonna be stressed out even more. Shaking my SMH. You know what, Lily's Garden? This is war now. You've committed acts of war. Fuck the Update Corner, we're going to the War Corner. (jaunty music) Actually, fuck this, back to the Update Corner. And we're back. Well, I guess that does it for the Update Corner. That seems to be why I was called to the Update Corner. So now I guess I'm good to go. Actually, one second. I just gotta. (magical chiming) There we go, all right, Update Corner's over, we're done. We're going back to the regular show. I thought kind of a fun idea for a video would be going through the memes that my older relatives have posted on Facebook, and just taking a look at what boomers are up to these days. I also posted a few of them on Twitter, and asked you guys if you had any, so we'll talk about some of the ones that I found on Facebook, and then I'll show some of the ones that you guys submitted too. Most of mine are from a few select relatives that I have on Facebook that I don't think I've ever actually met. They're such extended family, that I have never, and probably will never, meet them. The older I get, the more I come to realize that I just don't care what the hell anyone thinks. If this doesn't scream boomer meme, then I don't know what does. Like the brown background, this font, the multiple exclamation points, the poorly Photoshopped in and half-cropped out Wile E. Coyote image. It's boomer central over here. This is prime boomer real estate. My favorite thing about this meme is that the person that posted this on Facebook, my relative, posted it twice in like two weeks. I don't know if they forgot that they posted it the first time, or they just really want everyone to know that they don't give a shit what anyone thinks. They really don't care, and they want you to know that they don't care. This one is especially funny because the one that they posted right after this is this, is this one. I'm going to see who really cares. I need a hug or two. To give me a hug, like, and share this post. I know who will hug me and who will not. So, I'm getting mixed signals here. The first one's like, "I don't care what anyone thinks. If you have an opinion about me, keep it to yourself, you piece of shit." And the second one is like, "Does anyone care enough about me to give me a hug? Someone please hug me. I already know no one wants to. If only someone would like and share this post to give me a hug. I just want the approval of my peers." Today is my 18th birthday. I bet I won't even get one share. This is so sad. Well, I guess that just goes to show how dumb this stupid, old dog is, 'cause many people shared this picture, including my older relative that I took this from. Stupid dog. I just wanna know what's going on in the heads of the people that share this. Do they think that they're actually making the dog feel better? I don't think the dog has any stakes in this meme. I don't think he even knows it was created. I think his humans probably took a picture of him 'cause he looked so sad and old, and posted it on Facebook to try to get a little bit of clout. A little bit of that boomer clout, you know? Like, did they think that the owners of this Facebook page were gonna show the dog how many shares the post was getting? Hey bud, I know you didn't want me to post this on Facebook, 'cause you thought it wouldn't get any likes, but I wanted to show you it's actually got a bunch of likes, and a bunch of shares too. Hey, come on, bud, what's wrong? I thought he'd be happy. I think he's dead. What? Oh shit. Yeah, he's definitely dead. Thank you for your service, soldier! I know I won't even get one share. Why do the dogs in these memes have such low self-esteem? Jeez, every dog in boomer memes is just like, "Everyone hates me. I guess it's time to come to grips with the fact that no one could ever love me. I'm a dog, and if there's one thing that people hate posting about on Facebook, it's dogs." They said I was too ugly to get any likes. Who? Who is telling these dogs that they're too, that they're so ugly and unlovable? Who owns these dogs? Who is harassing these dogs? Just imagine them taking a picture of their dog, like, all right, buddy, smile. (camera clicks) You ugly, you ugly piece of shit! No one's gonna like this! You know how many people are gonna share this? Zero, because you're too ugly, and you were in the army, and the people hate dogs and veterans. Okay, this one's a good one. This one's one of my favorites. Do people even eat sauerkraut anymore? Share if you do. Who cares so deeply about sauerkraut that they made this meme? Come on, guys. There's gotta be someone else out there that eats sauerkraut. Is there anyone out there that eats sauerkraut? Please! Please share this meme so I know I'm not the only person who eats sauerkraut. I really want the validation of knowing that someone, anyone else, eats sauerkraut. But also, I just don't care what the hell anyone thinks. So just like millennial memes, and memes of younger generations, boomer memes also have formats, but they're a little looser. They're not so strict. For example, I've seen my relatives post quite a few memes that really concern me. These memes seem to be kind of disguising violent tendencies and extreme urges to commit acts of violence, with cute animals and laugh emoji, to make it seem like a meme, instead of a hateful, mean thought. Lord, grant me the serenity to accept stupid people the way they are, courage to maintain myself control, and wisdom to know that if I act on it, I will go to jail. And then there's a cute little owl in there to distract you from the fact that they really want to hurt someone. At first, I thought the owl was the one saying this, but the owl looks kinda scared. I'm worried that whoever posted this wants to hurt this owl. Repost this if there was someone still alive today because you don't wanna go to prison. Hahahaha! I have to seriously prevent myself from murdering people. I am one funny guy. I don't see any moral qualms with just murdering people who inconvenience me. I just don't do it because jail sounds stinky. Have you ever had one of those days when you're holding a stick and everybody looks like a pinata? No, I haven't. I've had days where I'm frustrated, for sure. And at certain people, even, for sure. But I've never had one of those days where I wanted to hurt every single person I saw. Does getting older just make you angry and violent? Because if so, that sounds cool as hell. How the fuck is it only Tuesday? Man, I can feel the agony in this one. Please, God, make it Friday! It's been an eternity. Please! How the fuck is it only Tuesday? Forget about elf on a shelf, I'll take Jake on a lake. Uh, yes, one Jake on a lake, please. Yo, if it's Christmas time, I don't think you're gonna wanna to put Jake in a lake. I don't think that's a very good idea. The lake could be frozen over. You're gonna end up with corpse in a lake, and then he's not going to be able to make sure you're a good girl, is he? Do you think Jake on a lake still does the same thing as an elf on a shelf? Like, he's just a snitch for Santa. You see Jake in a lake and you're like, "Ooh, time to have some fun," and you walk up to him and then like the second you lay a finger on him, he's just like, "Santa!" (whining) "Naughty, naughty!" Oh, you're sick and really weak? Here, tear open this steel package for medicine. I feel like if you're sick to the point that you're so weak, that you can't open DayQuil, then you need to go to the hospital. I know some people are weak all the time, like old people, but if you're not that weak, and whatever illness you have makes you so weak that you can't open DayQuil, go to the hospital. I think you need more than DayQuil, I think you need medical attention. People born in the '50s have lived in seven decades, two centuries, two millenniums. We had the best music, the fastest cars, drive-in theaters, soda fountains, and happy days. And we are not even that old yet. We're just that cool. You guys had happy days? All I have are days where I think everyone's a pinata and I've got a big stick. I've noticed a weird trend in baby boomer memes, in general, where it seems like they're hellbent on convincing everyone else that their generation, and their youth, was the best generation to ever be alive. I don't think I've seen that from other generations nearly as much as I've seen it from people who were born in the '50s and '60s. Why is every boomer like that? Why does every boomer have to be like, "My youth was the best! Everything sucks now! Everything was better before you were born! You missed out!" Which I don't really think is true. I think that everyone thinks that their youth was great because they were young then. And people think that things aren't as great when they're old, because they're old. People who were born in the 1800s are probably reading that meme and rolling in their grave. "What, the 1950s? My generation had the best music, the fastest horses, the wildest West, houses cost a dollar to buy, and--" Wait, what about the child mortality rate? And the rampant dysentery? Man, shut the fuck up. Also, if it was really that much better, going around and bragging about it all the time would kind of be a really shitty thing to do, wouldn't it? I lived through the best time ever. The best time to be alive was when I was a kid, before you were born. Everything after it is gonna suck and your whole life is gonna suck. You're gonna live a miserable life because your music is bad, 'cause I don't understand it. You're gonna have a bad time 'cause I don't get your music. Also, the fastest cars? That's just not true, objectively. Cars in the '50s and '60s were awful. They were loud and hot and didn't go very fast. Maybe they just felt faster when you got in a crash, because they didn't require seat belts back then. I'm so old that I have dialed a rotary phone, listened to music off an 8-track tape, watched a black and white TV with foil on the rabbit ear antennas, and went through a whole day without taking a picture of myself. I feel like this post is meant to be nostalgic, like, "Ah, the good old days." But everything he's describing sounds awful. Yeah, not to brag or anything, and don't get too jealous, but I've used a rotary phone before. Yeah, you know the type of phone that they used to make before they invented a much better way for dialing phones? Yeah, I basically used to use that shit all the time. All the media says is racism, shooting, socialism, KKK. I just wanna grill, for God's sake. Ugh, why does the news keep having to talk about all the bad things that's happening in the world? I just wanna grill, baby! I just wanna turn on the grill and throw on a couple steaks, but I can't because I'm inside and it's winter and I'm watching my TV and obsessing over all the news that I don't like. And it's their fault, and not mine. If you remember me please like and share. Comment my name. I think Popeye is suffering from severe amnesia. Someone please comment his name and help him find his way home. He's very scared. He's like, "Where am I? What is this? Why am I holding spinach?" All right, guys, well, I think that's enough old people memes for today. But since we're talking about fun things to do on the internet, let's talk about internet privacy and today's sponsor, ExpressVPN. Have you ever wanted to boost Justin Bieber's song "Yummy" on the charts, but don't live in the US or, oh wait, sorry, no. If you've watched my channel for a long time, you know why I love ExpressVPN. I do a lot of work in public places and I don't wanna get my data stolen. So every time I'm at like a public coffee shop, or at the airport, I just flip on ExpressVPN, and suddenly my data is safe. I don't have to worry about being snooped on by little snoopers. As I'm sure a lot of you guys know as well, there are certain services, like Netflix, and even specific YouTube videos that are blocked in certain countries. With ExpressVPN, you can basically flip on a different location, and suddenly everything available to people in Taiwan is available to. You can even save money in some cases, because certain products and subscriptions are cheaper in other countries. It's great for gamers, too. Gamers, where my gamers at? Comment below where my gamers at. If there's content and games you play that are restricted based off your location, download ExpressVPN, switch your location, and there you go, you're good. Of course, ExpressVPN has the fastest speeds, they've got 24/7 customer support. It's easy to use, you can fire it up and connect with just one click. And they are the top rated VPN out there. They were rated, number one by TechRadar, CNET, The Verge, Comparitech, and many more. Now that's impressive. So, to support my channel, and find out how you can get three months of ExpressVPN for free, go to the link in my description box, That's E-X-P-R-E-S-S-V-P-N .com/D-A-N-N-Y-G-O-N-Z-A-L-E-Z. When you guys check out our sponsors, not only does it help them, but it also helps me. So I appreciate you guys checking out ExpressVPN. All right, that's it for this video. Thank you guys for watching. I hope you enjoyed. Thank you, Candy Cotton for turning on my notifications. You are truly Greg. I'll see you guys next time, where I get myself into a real pickle. Bye! ♪ You're a ooey-gooey, yummy yummy tasty little snack ♪ ♪ I'mma hit it from the back, hit it from the back, babe ♪ ♪ You're a chewy, chunky, gummy-wummy tasty little treat ♪ ♪ Put this record on repeat ♪ ♪ Listen while you sleep, baby ♪ ♪ Baby you're a princess, ooh you look delicious ♪ ♪ Make me wanna ♪
Channel: undefined
Views: 4,127,767
Rating: 4.9624686 out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, funny, commentary, comedy, react, reaction, reacting, awful, humor, memes, old, people, boomer, facebook
Id: IgReQBE0kaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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