Judging Our Fans! w/ Jacksepticeye

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hugoreturns πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

The part with the Jack comment about idubbbz is hilarious

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Pedro_64 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

war has changed its no longer about ideologies ethnicity (insert jacks voice doing the impression here)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SSJAIS πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Small pp

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tringg007 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Y’all are quick to post the videos on here. I just joined the subreddit and watched that video like 30 minutes ago.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Snoo-25086 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Boy that was cringy oofers

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/UsmanRonaldo7 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/khrissyboylol πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Pokimane apology review ??????

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rezaaaxx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

woah thats cool

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FenterikYT πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] morning to you ladies my name is [Music] sanitary bros sanitary bro hit me up bro [Music] i've i when i finish first this is my house now get out edgar's my dog you can have him that's okay so why did we do that funny little skit in the beginning jack because it's important to stay safe during these times all right no i don't care about that i meant the impressions i mean i don't care what i do because we're making impression videos impressions yes i yours was so good that i forgot you did it so you're actually pretty good at impressions am i yeah come on don't be humble you're you're pretty good well every time i turn on a camera i'm not okay well we'll see now then okay uh maybe i'll beat you this is a competition now yeah okay we're gonna look at some pewdiepie impressions and some jacksepticeye impressions and we're gonna judge you yeah that's right if you ever uploaded a video with either pewdiepie or jacksepticeye impressions you're sweating right now yeah you're ready to be roasted you're gonna roast out of you get ready 12 year olds or if your name is daz games there's a lot of youtuber impressions so you must be pretty good um i apparently like this video i don't remember liking this video or watching when was the last time you've liked a video uh i like video okay here we go all right i hope he keeps that hair on he doesn't look like me so he's already failed right right here we go how's it going my name is so this is him pirating 2016 pewdiepie but nothing has changed it's more like he's a prophet he just knew how what was gonna happen yeah jesus christ not that fair off how long does he go for it keep it going oh that was the whole impression okay it's not funny what do you think it's not funny i'm not smiling through the the match i am can you see the joy in my eyes what a frame i thought that was pretty good on a scale of one to ten it's about a seven it's too scarily similar i don't like it he just needed to end on that like face that you always used to do that how's it going bro i can't i've got just side editing in our faces [Music] [Laughter] i see see that's what you got to do with an impression though you're either really good at it so you you impress people that way or you parody it and that's what he did okay because he can't actually do your voice yeah that's a good that's a good point he had to mess around with you oh by the end of this we should do each other's impression okay and then you guys judge who did it better uh he also did one of you oh let's see it he did this a while ago but dance kind of blew up like his channel is doing it's pretty big now yeah good for you dad good for you dad [Music] that's how i feel looking at my old videos now everybody realizes my name is everybody welcome back to undertale i'm like shut the up it's like you know people like you right you don't have to try so hard shut up i like how we give you the thinnest hairline oh my heart bro ladies my name is jackson five i'm the jackson five apparently me according to your ladies my name is yeah that's me at the start of every video i can't even say my own name i don't even do it anymore robin can confirm he has to cut out at least five of them all the blooper reels that i have i feel like if you just do that like that's half your impression yeah it's so distinct all you have to do is match the energy level and then you have oh okay is that how you do it you're just like how quickly can you get it on and off like do you have to no don't do that you scare me it used to be different and then i took an open pitch up and up and up and then i hit this note that i hit every single time oh it wasn't intended i just got really annoying damn i respect that you do the same pitch every time though yeah like if you do a low pitch everyone will be like oh he's kind of sad here i mean it's almost musical isn't it it's a pewdiepie oh i see you kind of have to keep it the same otherwise people are like no go back in and do it again how's it going bros my name is top of the morning to you yeah you're right i get it i changed my name legally why can't i say his name my name is jackson all right he's doing a bit now come on you know how to say jackson today [Laughter] top of the morning to your ladies my name is jax jacksepticeye septic honestly if i just messed it up i'd roll with it yeah i'm cool like that yeah that's some chad i'm just hippie dippy cool like that's some charge did my dude should we jump in between and do like okay this one this one doesn't work this is both 68 000 views and a lot of likes it kind of looks like a weird mesh of us yeah this is what our child would look like welcome to this video now this is going to be a very hey oh my god we're going to give them a go as well okay so first on the agenda is the biggest boy the biggest boy on youtube has he started it yet mr pewdiepie i can't tell hey i mean how's going press my name is peter pan hey i mean how's it going bruce manning i'll see if he gets a pitch right that's not his normal intro is it yes it is okay right we'll give that one a go round one fight hey i mean how's it going guys but it bro it's bros if you're going to make a youtube impression video how's it going guys what's up my dudes cringe dude you put this out on the internet stay safe and do this hey i mean how's it going bruce my name is god it's so bad it sounds like you doing an impression of yourself yeah right trying to do like 2012 pewdiepie right my god can you can you go back to that or is it just lost forever 2012 yeah how's it going bros my name is so weird it's like before i even started making videos i don't wonder why i did the laughing one like how's it going perhaps i don't know let's go back to the speech coach yeah he's doing that that makes it more endearing it opens up the video immediately i thought it was like oh it's kind of friendly to laugh in the beginning like maybe you're just faking enthusiasm if i laugh then people will think i'm happy no no that's not how it worked at all i remember actually do thinking like yeah if i force a little happiness then at least it will make other people happy i mean it's gonna work it puts you in that headspace that's what i thought at least okay all right can it work are you happy are you happy you're a big guy oh he did mark all right should we check out mark though everyone has a mirror impression all right i want to hear your mark oh no i don't know what does he sound like these days yeah i don't know did you still do the intro hello everybody [Laughter] and then he stopped doing that and he changed it you had an influence on mark hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back dude that's scary oh spooky i can't watch it again it's spooky hello everybody my name is markiplier hello everybody my name is markiplier which one's better leave a comment i think we're both pretty i guess we'll find out so what have you got in there what have you got marky marcumu [Music] that's not the intro i'm just gonna cut to yours yes please maybe before mark is that you no this one this one's going to be quite hard to do top of the morning to you ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to okay then what am i doing i'm gonna need some props come on into your laddies my name is jacksepticeye feel it we're going through this again what is it my life's work what an insult disgusting at least he tried with you what was that yeah that was no energy if you got to do the jacksepticeye you got to do the energy yeah it's like ninety percent of the morning to you ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to you got to feel like the veins in your head is popping out like blood is about to splurge out of your eyes yeah i don't have a personality i just have my energy that is my personality what am i doing oh my god that's not even that long ago okay you're so confused i don't know what i'm saying it looks like you don't even know why you're doing it okay this one this one's gonna be quite hard to do top of the morning to you ladies and gentlemen welcome back to okay then what am i saying i'm gonna need some props come on into your laddies my name is jacksepticeye he tries harder well we gotta do this again what is it good morning to you ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to the morning to you ladies my name is james sexton all right i want an actual impression why is everybody messing up the intro i'm trying to be funny we don't we won't watch your humor we don't want you to be funny we wanna all right see if i dubs can do it whoosh top of the morning to you ladies jacksepticeye here today we're gonna play grow home this is such a cool game i love playing grow home you play as a cool guy it's like he's doing an impression of you doing me yeah that's weird he's also he's also doing the uh generic irish voice as well yeah oh yeah you don't really talk like that no no one's ever able to get it right what is wrong with you plus no one like bro at home come on yeah and i guarantee you there's people in the comments of that video being like it's so amazing he's so happy all right we'll see it congratulations you just played yourself that's so embarrassing amazing ha ha i like how everyone looks shocked and then cringed a plus effort hey that's pretty good see hey we just did an item impression out of that yeah yeah what do you think about that huh yeah review that monitor my name's jacksepticeye and today we're going to be playing a bit of spider-man yeah that was pretty good no i like the spider-man classic me take [Applause] suppose people don't lead into the happy wheels one more all right at least he tried you know yeah all right i'm glad that because all the impressions of you are going to be like the super old one yeah i'm i'm almost at a point now where all the impressions of me feel really old and it's not even that long ago it just it feels so different than what it is now what do you what do you do now nothing yeah i don't even do my insane i guess i have the same yeah i don't really best pewdiepie impression 2013. whoa hey guys how's it going that's what's happening boy one two three four doing another impression he hasn't started yet that's pretty good that's pretty damn good i'm just just sitting around here because if you want to you you can rub my nipples or you can do other stuff to me if you want is it being me i'm so confused that's not that bad actually just just come over to me and touch me any way you want oh he's doing piggy yeah nice give us a good fridays of pewdiepie right no you now oh wait i broke you how's it going brush my name is pewdiepie and welcome to friday oh my god is that good i feel like i'm back in my log cabin does that take going to college hey did you see my david dobrik impression though should i should i do this like uh david dobrik no word vpn [Laughter] vpn gets seventy percent off a three-year i get it that's all you gotta do so he's doing he's doing the last thing holy we exposed him oh my god how do i make an ad read interesting they're really boring i have to read the script laughs how do i force charisma isn't that channel charisma on command yeah that breaks down people like that oh really and if you just do that see if you got hyper analytical i'd love to see like a human analyst look at youtubers and be like oh my god they're all sociopaths what's wrong with all of them because it's the thing that people react to right and then they react to it more and more so you kind of just that just becomes what you do because that's the positive things people leave on your videos being like oh i like when it yells oh right yeah it's a lot of energy so then i just yell more yeah and then you get into that no one starts off yelling damn it no i didn't even say that in the beginning yes my original intro is hello all you beautiful people out there damn there's gotta be at least a couple people that were going mom take control of me thank you for watching this video here guys this is sponsoring this video but anyway i don't watch david dobrik enough to be able to do it yeah i mean i do it terribly wait you've already done him oh hell yeah review working welcome back everybody to meme review youtube's favorite show have you guys bought the new merch yet this is so sad can we hit 50 000 likes can we get jax for dicing jesus christ it sounds so different yeah green pewdiepie the people all want it the people need it bro you never hosted the y you never asked bro can you please host the y sure nice no host meme review wait ninja did one oh all right ninjas prides himself on his impressions as well so this will be interesting does he really yeah so there's a bit of a impression uh battle going on between each other yes all right it's a sub race and an impression i hope you're watching ninja closely because we're about to break this down hello i'm gloria polka okay and i know i'm not supposed to give my own opinion but it sounds like there's a bit of salt in that no no he's a gloria borga fan that's all right you got ninja beef ninja beefing it up now we home we homies okay don't try to transfer your uh i'm not doing your impression i think he likes doing the gloria burger boys yeah my name is jacksepticeye and today we are playing happy wheels i mean the enthusiasm is there yeah it's just the thing i've noticed that everyone's impressions is that they're afraid to get really loud uh either they're not able to because their neighbors will kill them or that makes sense they just are afraid they'll cringe at themselves if they get that loud there's a there's a level of of cringe if you don't try hard enough but you gotta fully go there you got a full sentence yeah zero out of ten oh damn i'll give it a one [Laughter] top in the morning try just try god if anything is cringier when you don't try yeah right like i'll appreciate the effort more than anything up in the morning yeah this is 2016 though maybe i was like that back then we're just judging kids here this doesn't really feel right oh you suck nah you did good try harder though wait what in the world my god oh my god it sounds good it sounds just like recording oh my how did you get so good he has future youtube in here why we eastern european one two three [Music] appreciate that and he even did the one two three because i i count down like clap for my sink oh i said three two one yeah me too record yeah so that was a behind-the-scenes effort i wonder what goes through people's head they're like laying on the sofa and they're like i got nothing to do you know what i'm gonna do just have to go i'm gonna do it jacksepticeye and now is the time i kind of want someone that like actually tries sorry jacksepticeye this is a bad impression because i am female not male okay sounds like a bunch of excuses over here top of the morning to you laddies my name is jacksepticeye welcome back to i know you're irish and all and you do have an accent but it's not the irish accent people do am i right it's funny how everyone who does the accent is the like simpsons ginger cop impression oh that's it but whenever i actually go out and take like ubers they're like where are you from oh you don't sound irish oh really so people online seem to think i'm incredibly irish and people in real life don't huh everyone thinks i'm a canadian here you should look up the only person i've ever heard get it half accurate is aaron oh really yeah oh it's about to happen all right here we go that's actually yeah that was scared that was pretty good he full scented because the accent gets lost in the middle of the energy so you don't need the accent but everyone focuses on doing the accent oh my god he's giving away so much i hope you're writing this down i'm basically the mr beast of youtube tits right now okay i want to see if someone can do me well yeah we're sitting on my impressions no it's well it's more like okay so now i know wait you did youtuber impressions oh you and mercia oh how's it going brothers man that's a really good that's a good one that's a really cute impression 2014. i'm here with pewdiepie and i'm sick she's sick we are both extremely bad you guys are so different girlfriend is sick let's make an impression video future wise you need to shoot the video i'm pewdiepie best youtuber 2016. you encapsulated that in seven seconds so beautifully holy that's great that's pretty good see you are good at impressions i just just own it okay that's what it is and this is my impression of pewdiepie what do you think is going to be i think it's going to be some solid great material here okay how's it going guys my pewdiepie [Laughter] does your kid watch felix you're imitating them doctor disrespect came yeah bye i get i get people on the street that go like paper but they always do like that right she never did it like you don't say it right get it right get the consonants i want to see if someone can gets it this guy gets it and today i'm going to be doing my best jacksepticeye impression so jacksepticeye if you're seeing this i am not insulting you or anything oh i'll take it again it's okay it's not the news i'm ready yeah but we're still going to insult you yeah i'm just kidding i just really admire your work oh here we go oh no top of the morning to you ladies my name is jacksepticeye and today we're playing resident evil 7. that's my best jacksepticeye impersonation so jackson the guy if you see this video please be sure to give it a thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up because you complimented me the rest however no i thought it was good he's still missing the energy though right yeah he tried to do it the thing about this as well is that it takes a lot of takes a lot of courage to put your get out in the internet like that yeah i wouldn't have put stuff on myself like this you gotta respect the balls it takes even though my first video was an impression video or the lack of force sign wait your first what sorry solid snake oh really that's my first ever video on my channel so you like set off on youtube being like all right i'm going to start youtube and i'm going to do impressions yeah you know you're like you're sitting on the couch it's like it's time for that has changed it's no longer about nations ideologies ethnicity it's an endless series of proxy battles following mercenaries i hope you enjoyed this video with me jacksepticeye and all right wait we got to devote each other then wait what era are we doing because whenever you're consistent you're okay why don't we start with 20 20 14 i don't know of you yeah just do the whole some pewdiepie before how's it going my name is pewdiepie nice how's it going see i can't even do it that way brows yeah it's got a fine brush it's gotta be sound like this bra [Laughter] and then we have the the one you did which one oh i'm gonna be best youtube ass go press [Laughter] that was another one yeah god changed so much yeah and then like all the meme review yeah i mean what is it now what do you do now i don't even know nothing how did i start this video who am i who am i talking to us right now oh god your youtuber switch turned off he's like my persona who am i i'm empty inside okay i want i wanna i wanna do yours okay i wanna do yours do you wanna like watch one just to get it okay undertale or something okay i appreciate that thank you that's so fast i know damn now i get why that's got it all mixed up you wanna know a secret as well i actually make the high five sound with my mouth every time i export it oh okay i would always do and then just to have the timing of it you're right and there's a couple of times where i forgot to put in the high five sound effect so you can just hear me go i like how you're sharing all this damn that's fast all right this is how you do it every time yeah before i request you're the best irish youtuber you got this man my god it's a bit too much sorry all right i mean that is the boss my name is i keep doing too manly probably lonnie jacksepticeye i can't do it way to make me sound better bro well if i scream too much it just goes back tomorrow dear lads my name is jacksepticeye what was that leaning me take it i tried to do it like older jackson oh my god i mean you're not fair i mean i can't even do that a lot of people have been asking me to play this game and i'm really curious about it myself people have asked me please oh god i don't hate that version of myself but like settle down man no it's all right just it's iconic i'm out of breath and listening to it i can't do this i'm cringing already all right thank you bro fist how do you end your videos oh you used to do like oh my outro used to be super long oh i don't like it i'm not doing it okay let's do first i like when the other face [Music] wait i should do yours what was your 30 year old man yeah this is fine we're past that push that like button in the face like a boss punch that like button in the face like a boss let's just cut this i'm done ah children of nine parts it's time to raise what was once forgotten what creatures fart spells and poop troops awaits poopty is coming to nintendo switch and remember it has a very big pp pre-order promotion i mean
Channel: undefined
Views: 4,854,121
Rating: 4.9504972 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: xjizo4wAxVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 29sec (1709 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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