Your Shift Happens This Week - Kyle Cease

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it's so good to be with you as you can see I have if you've been paying attention to a lot of AEP you now understand that I have one shirt that's not a black t-shirt with words on it I have so much to talk to you about before we go into this meditation and it's probably the most direct biggest stuff I could say I feel it's really really exciting now I'm always really just talking to me so please take that in as I get kind of direct here and excited I'm always talking to me so you don't have to take it like I'm telling you what to do but sometimes I can hear myself really well if I also say you I've always been collaborative with my audiences and can hear my greatest advice sometimes when I'm giving it to other people so I want you to hear this at the level that you want to and I want you to take it in but you can also do that with you you can hear that I'm talking to you but you could hear my advice could be you talking to you like if I say something to you and it hits your heart really big you could take that in as going that's me talking to me because once we remove the illusion of separation you realize that we are all connected so you're actually watching me speak right now like on your computer or your phone you've turned it on and here's me and we are under the illusion that that's a different person and I know that you are me and I know that I'm you and you're hearing yourself talk to you right now so when it hits your heart and it feels good that's because that really is going to resonate with where you are in your body right now so I am experiencing something really really really big and it's first of all that this week let me talk about first of all this last week I have worked one-on-one with so many people and one thing that I have noticed with every person pretty much every person is a similar theme of basically all of our awareness and our consciousness without understanding this is what's going on is slightly farther than our patterns okay so money many many people are accessing a place of consciousness that is totally unfamiliar and lonely just because it's actually past the pattern that you've been living in in other words if you have spent ten years at a job if you've spent time in this relationship you've done this thing one of the things that's happening in 2020 is you're actually accessing a place that's slightly farther than that now even though that place is farther and you're more open to possibilities it actually feels more lonely so right now I'm seeing a massive sweep among everyone I'm talking to of loneliness I'm seeing major loneliness but the reason you're feeling loneliness is not because you're out of a relationship or in one or you can't get around with your friends or go to work the reason you're feeling loneliness is because you're actually accessing a place that's farther then all the patterns that you've used to stop you from feeling lonely nough Slyke you actually can see the pattern is a lie the second you see a pattern you're going to feel loneliness because it means that the way you were living now this moment isn't the truth and you experience a whole new level of loneliness but that loneliness ladies and gentlemen is here for you to connect to actual love actual connection right like like once you feel loneliness you're in a paradigm where you can actually experience God and experience the universe because you're connecting to something that's not a bunch of patterns that mask the loneliness so as you experience your connection to source right now in this time one of the things that needs to do is purge your old stories that have blocked you from feeling the loneliness that was inevitable which actually is your portal into the release of all loneliness the release of it because your your loneliness was only masked it was never actually exposed and what you're getting now is exposed loneliness that actually connects you to all there is so a way to actually connect to all there is is by allowing this new space to be connecting to it understanding this is actually you this is actually you connecting to you and you've played a character for years and years and years that blocked you from the connection to all that is to all that you are to all that there is right and you're actually here now to go back to the infinite of what you actually are and this time and I mean literally this time this time meaning today literally today March 29th this next week the week after that are your opportunities because your consciousness is past the thing basically what that means is going back into the pattern over and over and over again is actually going to start to be more painful than just being with the loneliness and letting it subside and letting the the pain of your old patterns dissolve and float away so one of the things we want to do when we feel loneliness is go back into the pattern that masks the loneliness oh I'm going to get that person back I'm gonna watch YouTube all day I'm going to go back into an old way of being I got to get my job back I got to get you know the old money back I got to get my old way back I gotta call that friend that might be nice but they're actually now too clearly patterns that are lies so no matter how many times you do it'll be within seconds that you're like this is worse it actually is worse and it's now finally you've popped to the other side and you're here to be with this crazy experience of loneliness right so that it wipes away those patterns which actually wipes away also the pain that's still in your body that you use to go to those patterns which actually wipes away the way that the world was because the world is mirroring your connection to yourself and you've had a lifetime of actually not being connected to yourself we've all had a lifetime of not being connected to ourselves so we've been connected to get the job get the money how do I where do I go we've all been in a lie in our body and we've all been getting a mirror of that lie in the world right think about how almost every day we lived constantly addictive we lived with a ton of pain shame darkness guilt all this in our body that hurts and we can go into a pattern we can go into an addiction we can go into all these places to distract ourselves from being with that but now in 2020 life is shining the light right on that you have no choice but to be with it so today literally literally today and literally this week you have this opportunity now to go into the life that you actually are and have always been but have never lived okay so what that means is and today we're going to do a meditation very shortly we're going to be doing you know you'll have the opportunity when this is done to have another meditation your pain will be only if you keep going back to the old patterns so that you can keep reliving in the lie to delay your connection to all of source right all you are doing is connecting yourself to all of source and when you do you will see life will mirror all of source right so Nicole just said what if you struggle with taking action not the thoughts only your pattern does only your pattern does all you have to do is sit and listen right now all you have to do is sit and listen because what it's trying to do is show you're basically when you sit and listen for a while okay when you sit and listen you are taking things that were buried in your body and you are showing them to source and the thing that's stopping patterns from being released is that they aren't seen the only way to get a pattern to be released is to shine light on it so when you listen to silence long enough it exposes the pattern and either your ego will see it or source will see it it kind of doesn't matter right because it's just seen and once it's seen it goes here's this pattern and it's seen I see you I see you unseen from when you were five I see you stuckness I see you I'm going to just shine a light right here and then you'll go oh you feel seen and then the pattern goes what about this and it goes yeah yeah and the reason there's pain is you got like eight pattern stuck to each other and you're trying to get to the other side of all of them but it goes I got this pattern and this pattern won't go away right now because it goes I don't want to go away up because I got to show you this thing that was under it first like if this is the pattern that really misses the X like why do I always bring the X and this pattern goes I'm not gonna leave because I got to show you your relationship with your dad right it goes but first you have to see the relationship with your dad and then you go oh and then it goes now here's that time that your dad and then you see that and then it wipes away all those patterns right so when you sit and listen in silence for a long enough time you take stacks of pain that are someone wrote that but I was just thinking it to that are like lasagna like stacks of pain right that's what the pain is and that's the only thing that can be triggered by anything outside of you this world the only thing that can be triggered the only thing that hurts you think someone did something to you you think that life is bothering you the only pain you feel are stacks of unseen pain that are deep in your stomach or in your chest and what we've done is spent 30 40 50 years dancing around these things and being able to maneuver our circumstances just enough to not have to be with this now in 2020 life is already shining the light on all of our stuff right at least a first wave of people if you know what I'm talking about you're in this first wave of people like an early wave of people getting stuff seen whoa here's the top layer of lasagna boom this is where I always never have enough money okay and then it goes oh well here's right under it who know this starts to be moved oh here's my parents saying I will not love you if you don't get a job or whatever you know and then I say oh here's when my mom walked out on me and it was so traumatic I don't want to feel it again so that's there and then you sit there and you show that to God and I might take an hour it might take a while it's just sitting there being seen and gods going you know I don't want to get rid of that yet because that caused this thing that's under here right so when we meditate it's going to feel painful for a minute but it's also really really really easy to just sit for silence it just is painful it's so easy that our minds can't handle it and we end up saying sentences like I can't meditate to egoic Li stop ourselves from seeing this thing that really just meant need to be seen for an hour to be dissolved forever like it might have been stuck in your body for forty years because we didn't look at it 50 or 60 years so it seems like it's this big long thing but all it needs is light now if it took 60 years maybe the light shines on it and it turns from a rock into taffy or tar or or whatever and then you keep looking at it and it's the more you look at it the more light shines on it it's like it's it's like melting it and it will slowly always turn into it'll slowly always turn and do something softer and softer and softer with gentle light now you have to have the patience though to to move the way nature does right nature takes longer to melt something than our ego once and the ego that wants to get there I promise is another stack of lasagna always trying to get to somewhere else so you don't have to feel some pain so today we're gonna start a meditation but also today this is the start of meditation to go to the God level that we are because you've been spending your life protecting lasagna from being seen and life has been giving us back the mirror of that right life has been giving us back the mirror of that life has been giving you back the mirror of no it's spiritual bypassing is avoiding the lasagna Nicole says isn't that spiritual bypassing you need to take action to move forward to be with is not spiritual bypassing to sit with your lasagna and let it slowly melt from rock-hard into something soft is actually letting God see and you're actually finally listen to this - you're surrendering to God and what we usually do is surrender to people and this is a weird thing to say but people are temporary right we usually surrender everything to people right we surrender everything - why doesn't my dad see me even when our dad is dead we say that why isn't why isn't these people like me what are the people on Facebook like me surrender to something permanent let the power of the magic of the permanent look at you stop trying to surrender to your dad's approval your mom's approval stop trying to surrender to people that were in their egoic patterns protecting their lasagna seeing you right that's what we do we try to protect ourselves by getting seen by people who can't see themselves and we have this shitty middleman that says when I'm finally seen by people online or the public or my parents or my nice brother and sister who can't see themselves probably who aren't necessarily doing this this yeah Kelsey says so many layers in my mom lasagna let's cut out the middleman and not expect mom who's scared of her lasagna to stare at your lasagna so stop looking at temporary and and by the way by you being seen by God energy right now you're actually seen by your mom because your mom actually is that same energy or your dad you're trying to get seen by her pattern you're your lasagna is trying to get seen by their lasagna craziness can't happen so when you're finally directly just seen by you by God through you yes we need to defrost our oven frozen lasagna and some of you have been freezing lasagna for 40 years so it might take a little bit longer but still in like a week or ten days if some of you guys are home don't focus on the temporary this week focus on what are you don't focus on okay I'm here this week all right how am I going to get a job stop it stop it that's avoiding lasagna right and you'll get a job that caters to you avoiding your lasagna and it won't work your lasagna is starting to get exposed in this time someone wrote Y 2020 I have no idea I'm not saying it's a numbers thing I'm just saying in this time all I'm seeing is the reason people are acting out loud in pain is their consciousness without them realizing it their sub consciousness is higher than their pattern their sub consciousness you almost all of us somewhere in our body go it's time for me to do something else there's something new right there's something in me that says the patterns of how I lived are a lie many many many people are stopping the patterns of their job and getting home and being with themselves and going wait I don't know that I even want to go back to work or or this helps me be with the pattern of my partner that I'm now quarantined with or or this this helps me be away from that person so I have time to reflect and and I'm here seeing this thing right this is this is so big so you have this opportunity to go I'm not even going up to a new leap I'm going back to what I am and I'm going to stop stop stop playing this pattern that actually does everything it can in its body to manifest limitation fear and lack and I'm not just talking about limitation of what you bring in your life I'm talking about limitation being in conspiracy theories about what's going on now I'm talking about limitation being in what the news is saying I'm talking about limitation yes I say that while also acknowledging a lot of people are going through stuff and there's a lot of that aspect that I have nothing but love for and can't control and if I'm here holding my body the best I can do is use this time to bring the greatest me to the world maybe help other people to free themselves by me doing it but as I said at the beginning of this I'm talking to me and it's up to you if you take that because if you hear this as Kyle says I have to I just sound like your dad and you want I want you to ask yourself and take the responsibility off of I'm telling you so that you grab the wheel of your own car please grab your own wheel don't expect me to your car please please please you take your own wheel when you want I'm going to be listening to the silence all day today there are patterns in May that could go out that could you know go grab a bite and bump into friends at the store later every time I go to the store there's someone I know there I'm saying hi to them whatever or I could do this call I have a one-on-one today I think I might have one other one-on-one later and almost all of the day I'm going to be showing my lasagna to source and not needing it to be seen by the temporary by the you know the money by the story by the people by the public by my mom by my dad I want it to be seen by source so that whatever blockage can be hurt is seen and released and by that I suddenly become connected to source and by being source life mirrors what you are life doesn't mirror what you want the old paradigm and the thinking is you attract what you want well if you have a bunch of lasagna blocking what you want from coming into your life you won't get it you attract what you are and if you have frozen lasagna and you're trying to attract someone who has no lasagna it's impossible right so this is really really big right so this is us going I'm here to become what I am and by the way you attract what you are and when you finally attract what you are you don't care because your connection is to yourself today could be the start of some of you deciding my connection is to myself not the things that I attract because I'm connected to myself like if you're really excited because you brought a million dollars in you don't deserve it because you are more you are more excited about the thing and implying that that thing is bigger than you right so your connection to you is the biggest thing in the world it's worth more than millions of dollars you have it right here it's worth more than all the money in the world I but so Amy says I really love what you're saying but what if we our is the heredity energetics that created the pattern in the first place no you're God's kit not your parents kid that's my offer right you're God's your the universe's kid you came through your parents but the belief of heredity energetics I believe is more harmful for you than the heredity energetics I mean you can go to Joe Dispenza or Bruce Lipton and see how we can change our energetics we can completely shift our energetics we can completely shift our all of those things right so to be to go basically my parents were alcoholics so I am my parents had this illness so I do gives power to the belief that those genetics are the thing now I'm not saying there isn't something there but those things can lie there dormant as you access a new level of you that shifts you past the genetics that believe that who you are is the pattern right you are the universe's kid also and there is a parent that is unconditionally available to love you right now and that parent that is unconditionally trying to love you right now is what we usually don't connect to we try to connect to the temporary that doesn't love themselves because that person feels like my mom that person feel I'm trying to get this person to like me so my ego can overcome the fact that my mom didn't right that's what we're trying to do I'm trying to find a person to date that or or talk to that's a dear friend that feels exactly like that dad that abandoned me so my ego can go look I am fixing it right Linda says so why are we so attached to the 3d because we've lived 3d if you were born into the world you but someone put a visor right when your memory was formed and showed you Super Mario Brothers and you played Super Mario Brothers for 40 years and and then I show up and want to take the visor off of you you will do everything you can to stop that visor from coming off because you will swear that you're Mario and I'm gonna pull this visor off of you and show you everything and you're like I'm totally attached to Luigi now I've fallen in love with a Koopa frupa turtle and I'm like yeah no no that's you can we rip this thing off and this week we can rip the frickin visor off today you can rip the visor off it will become increasingly more painful to avoid ripping your visor off you have to go into a place of silence now and stop going into the egoic construct pattern of the Internet of the addictive patterns of the friends of whatever else that kept you in your smallness keeping the visor on it actually is more painful to wear the visor in 2020 than not it's actually more painful it's it's harder to wear the visor then not wear it this is the time today this week next week you have this big opportunity to experience life without the visor and you will see will change you will see things you were worried about dissolve you will see things that you want to be suddenly they're really weirdly you will see things that you were scared of the people you thought were mad at you come to you and make up because they're all in the same everything's in the same thing and you're finally receptive to bigger you are worth more than everything you've ever wanted to come into your life if you allow yourself to access that and it's going to be painful but not hard it's not hard to sit in silence for four or five six hours I did a flow group with someone yesterday and one of the people in the flow group is literally going to connect four hours a day the source for the next 45 days four hours consistently 45 days her life is going to be totally different and you have that ability to and that's what I'm offering you that today could be the first day that you sit down in silence you're gonna sit there and be bored and swear you're doing it wrong um Viviana says for hours now how weird is this for hours sounds crazy but we'll give eight hours a day to a job we hate why is it totally accepted and normal to hand eight hours a day to a job you don't want to be because money is bigger than your soul that's 3d thinking 4 hours a day is a half time job to access all the bonkers magic that you are why are we scared to listen to source and melt the out of our lasagna Breanna says for hours without breaking or you can work at Walmart and be like for hours without a break because I get the guarantee of 14 dollars an hour give yourself $20 an hour to sit down in silence for four hours a day 5 hours a day 6 hours a day and let's source melt the out of your lasagna and watch as you exponentially have magical powers you never knew you had you will be shocked yes just by sitting in silence she says just by sitting in silence and waiting for something to come up by sitting in silence and let yourself see all the patterns that need to be seen you'll expose something frozen and you'll watch your ego go I got to get to the other side of this and it's like no you don't get to the other side of it stop trying to get to the other side of it one woman meditated yesterday I said how do you feel and she goes I feel aggravated I go good you've never let yourself feel aggravated let yourself feel angry there's anger in that lasagna stay on it yeah but I feel angry good you've avoided anger your whole life right and then she cried and cried and cried and cried and released tons of her lasagna just melted ball welcome to 2020 you get to meet you and birth a new world and if one of you does it this call was worth it if one of you does it I don't care if all of you don't if one of you doesn't you will create a speeding up of people's awareness of that loneliness and move us past that line 10,000 times faster because the collective energy it will be impossible not to dump your old story because the collective energy will be all of us will be accessing a new world and moving towards this thing so much faster it's time today's the day don't delay this a week you'll just be in the practice of delaying things more the procrastinator pattern Cathy says you have to cry it out you don't have to do anything you listen to silence and let life do what it does it might be really painful it might be stuck it might be everything but it'll pass it's all passing so let's do this let's listen to silence now are you ready to start
Channel: Kyle Cease
Views: 23,866
Rating: 4.9168243 out of 5
Keywords: kyle cease, evolving out loud, love, personal development, personal growth, what do i do, how do i, spirituality, meditation, yoga, growth, consciousness, comedy, awareness, inner peace, inner work, calm, relax, breathe, limitations, what should i do, overcoming anxiety, social distancing, inner freedom, inner child, fear, work with kyle cease
Id: G7sKQsFhw7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 29sec (1769 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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