Your Perception Will Determine Your Direction

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good morning good morning good morning good morning good morning to everyone some of you it's good night some of you is good day good evening good afternoon but for me it's 10 24 a.m in the beautiful city of freeport grand bahama bahamas where i live morning time and i love mornings my most favorite part of the day are mornings i embrace mornings i love it and i'm so inspired by this uh friday morning i just wanted to share some inspirational nuggets with you to get you going on your day i'm about to roll up over here i have some appointments but before i go i'm going to just uh share with my people and i've posted a number of uh inspirational posts on my facebook personal page this morning uh to get some folks going some of them are kind of challenging and i didn't put it there to be challenging but i know those who would have experienced what i posted would relate very much to what i was saying okay but today i want to talk to you about now i was going to say this wasn't going to be long now whenever a teacher or preacher say to you that they're not gonna be long you need to ask them what is their version of long okay but you're gonna enjoy it as you would see my topic here is your perception will determine your direction this is so powerful your perception will determine your direction now folks are coming in i'm going to give them a while here good morning to everybody all right kezia smith i see you okay uh tina brown chiara kindly daughter of the almighty god okay tracy mitton sophia murray good seeing you all right yeah you guys climb in here this is going to be a very very much inspirational moment it's we have quite a number of things to do today but i cannot i cannot leave this house today without sharing some awesome awesome revelation with you guys again my topic is your perception this is so powerful your perception will determine your direction that's happening even as i speak to you right now how you perceive things how they appear to you will be the determining factor in regards to the direction you will go in but what is what is exactly perception well perception as i have here the way in which something is regarded understood or interpreted in so much words or in layman terms how your five senses relate to it because me and you or you and i could be standing up looking at the the same thing but both of us can draw different conclusions from it but it's going to be based just like this this definition is based on the way in which something is regarded how is it regarded to you how is it understood to you how are you interpreting it because i could see that something good you could see it as something bad okay so our perception plays a major role in the direction that we take in life and that's going to be predicated on a number of things it's going to be predicated on uh emotional state mental state our cultural uh background how we will raise the environment that we were raised in and a lot of you listen to me right now i could relate to exactly what i'm saying because if you grew up in a negative environment then you're going to perceive or your perception of life is going to be negative for the most part if you're a person that grew up in a positive environment where mommy and daddy made the best out of everything no matter how tragic it was then you are you are compelled to address life or face life in that particular manner so as you can see our perception or the way that we perceive things has has so much to do with our background if you came from a godly background if you came from a background where they were wicked if you came from a background where people were cut what those backgrounds were really setting the stage for you unknowing to you and for the most part those who were conditioning and grooming you they didn't know and set you on stage for life that is and you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna glean from your foundation you're gonna glean from your beginnings to determine the way forward when you make decisions when you assess a model it's going to be assessed based on your perception and what is that perception what does perception mean right there the way in which something is regarded understood or how you interpret it before i get into this because i'm at 490 i just wait for it 500 before i get into let me just give you a quick example because you know i do i do tons of counseling i do counseling very often which makes me very busy and very difficult for me to get to my emails and respond to different stuff and a lot of those continent has to do with relationships and one of the common things that i see whether it's a married couple or whether it's just boyfriend girlfriend situation and let's just say you had a situation where there was some infidelity or the other party assume that uh you know they like somebody else the other party like someone else right well when you're making assessments on stuff with it as a counselor for me that is listen listening is key listening is let them talk and that's what i do talk sometimes i'll be sitting there for over an hour and i don't have nothing to say i'm on whether i have them on zoom or skype we're doing this meeting and i'm just listening why because what i'm listening for as a consular isn't so much what they're currently telling me about the current situation that's happening what i'm listening for is for the most part because everything they're assessing like i'm teaching right now is based on their background based on their perception so let's say the married man suspects his wife of cheating and if you question okay why do you feel this way he would say well you know she don't hug me like she used to and the things that she used to do before she don't do it anymore and i saw a few little questionable stuff on her phone or whatever the case may be now this does not mean she's cheating you know but when you stop all of that okay so tell me something about your your life so tell me about you how you brought up how he was brought up what would it was the environment like and so on now they don't know where you're headed but as a counselor you you're looking for dapia not surface and the depth is he now goes back and he tells you how his mother wasn't faithful to the father and this was a big contention in the home so like i said to you earlier his perception was being groomed at that point along with many other things that was happening and this was setting the stage for him not knowing he has no idea what's going on in his life and what's going to become of his life but as he begin to grow and he faced a situation similar like that well his behavior which is now being determined by his this perception based on his background that's gonna guide his way forward now just how mummy cheated on daddy that's the same thing you do i'm gonna beat you with the stick that mommy beat daddy with so you see when you're counseling people when you're dealing with them don't ever just take what they tell you if you're blessed by god to have that gift of counseling or you went to school for it whatever the case may be then you have to go outside of the box of what they're saying to make sense of why they're behaving the way that they believe in because their behavior for the most part if not 100 of the time is being dictated by their perception meaning that it don't have to be true what they're saying or perceiving so therefore what happens in a case like this well for the most part this is where the relationship becomes this it comes at a standstill or stall because the perception now draws until his perception has been resolved mind you this may not be true at all but because of his background because of the stage that has been set for him not intentionally you know but based on environment that he grew up in then this is how he's dealing with the situation so what happens to this grow anymore at this point at this point at this point the relationship cannot grow it cannot grow because his thoughts are ruled not by facts but by his perception by his what has happened to him in the past so but how he grew up so he's being governed he's being ruled he's being dominated and no matter what anything that remotely resembles his background where he came from well that is the measuring stick that he's going to use to dictate the cost of his relationship and this is most unfortunate this is most unfortunate so it isn't a matter of fixing the relationship becomes very difficult now because it isn't what they're saying it is no what they're saying it is it's just the tentacle of a route that was never dealt with so you got to go to that route and once you get back to that route okay so this is what happened to your mummy this is what happened to your daddy so you got to deal with it there that is where you do extensive surgery because in repairing that then the tentacles are automatically fixed okay i just wanted to use an example so let's get into this teaching man okay let me see we got 595 okay beautiful okay okay beautiful 595. this is so awesome all right so our topic here is your perception will determine your direction how you see things is how you're going to behave if you are walking and you get to a fork in the road there are two roads split from the single row that you were originally walking on and you observe both of these paths and one pass is filled with beautiful roses nice pavement looks beautiful to travel the other one is rocky torns and tissues and you know all kinds of stuff your perception meaning how you regard it how you're interpreting it how you understand it for the most part will go towards what is convenient for what is beautiful to you so this path over here that has all of the beautiful roses and stuff i'm gonna travel that part but what made me make that decision though that decision was based on my perception that decision was based on how i view based on whatever it is that i'm dealing with that i say this is more convenient so perception here takes it to another level in terms of the perception is generated by what is what the person is was convenient to them what they're used to it has to do with their something that is common to them that they deemed convenient they're gonna in other words they're gonna stick with what they know all right they're gonna go with would they know just like you go to a restaurant you take a lady or you take a guy or go for a date to a restaurant and let's say let's say it's going to be funny let's say uh your background i i'm trying to put this in a way not just make it because i know people could take things off the handle not to make it sound racist okay let's say you're from southern america alabama okay really black folk food soul food and all this other stuff right and this is just an example all right so here is this personal use to growing up on uh chidlin's and all these other stuff and fried chicken and all this other stuff right so here it is you got an opportunity to go to france so you go to france you both hit one of these french restaurants and they have all of these food souvenir tufiti all this other stuff in your head i know i won this show me the fried chicken menu please not that you have no culture but because of your culture your perception is i want what is convenient i want what i'm used to i want what i like and whenever i don't see that then life can become very challenging for me i try to help somebody today you can take this advice take this advice and make use of it okay so watch this now like i said i posted some stuff on my facebook personal page this morning and just to get this teaching rolling so i throw some stuff out there to challenge some people in fact let me just read them all for you who don't have facebook so you'll see what brought me to this point well not brought me here but wanted me to teach on it the first one i posted was in most cases a recalibration requires a temporary or permanent separation from what initiated the reason for the recalibration i made it very very very vague because i know that only those who would have experienced that statement will understand it let me read it again in most cases a recalibration i didn't say what the recalibration was i didn't say in most cases a recalibration of your life and i intentionally did it that way because this is going to hit the core of the one who has or currently experiencing what i'm conveying here and they don't need the details to understand the point i'm making because they lived it or they're currently living in so i said in most cases a recalibration requires a temporary or permanent separation from what initiated the reason for the recalibration so let me break it down for you all right you're in a relationship with someone that you love but this person is extremely jealous belligerent loud you love them but they exude everything that you dislike but for some reason you love them so to recalibrate your life because you are the state of confusion you will either have to temporary push them aside or even permanently push them aside but what i'm saying in the latter part the separation is necessary for the main reason why you're calibrating why because of that person the next post that i put up i said unfortunately it is in hindsight we realize our enemies caused us to seek god more than we would have under normal circumstances this is a very very true statement very true statement and that is when pressure is placed on us by an opposing force we become more either creative or we look for help in a quicker way so most people i always use myself as an example would run to god who know god that is or come from a background of that will run to god and the background is very uh important here we'll run to god and they would spend more time praying fasting going to church doing all the right things now that they're under pressure and they cannot handle the pressure their their opponent or opposing force is greater than the ability to deal with it so now they're gonna pray more and so on now had that pressure not be there life was just normal and great there would be no real reason to really go out there and really do the extra mile for god so like i would have said here unfortunately it is only in hindsight that you see this because before your enemy was just that to you an enemy so what do you do you you pray against them most people do that which is wrong you say evil things about them and so on and so forth but in hindsight meaning when you look back at where you were with them and what they cause but if if you want to be fair what their opposition caused you to do some things that you would have good things that is that you would have never done under normal circumstances i told you this all the time my 40-day fast was initiated by these people my five-day four-day seven day three day drive fast some of them back-to-back was initiated by the opposition that i was receiving so it was only when i was completed and all of that stuff and i looked back and that's why you would hear me make statements all the time and every time i make these statements people get offended i said a lot of people thank their pastors thank their bishops their apostles and so on and so forth for where they are in life and that is true i'm not discounting that but my greatest credit go towards my enemies those who oppose me those who uh ensure that they cause me to be delayed in certain things and things not to happen at the time i'm supposed to it isn't them doing that that i seeked god more see my pastor is going to say well kevin let's pray my bishop is going to say we got to leave this up to god the evangelist is going to say well you know we got to trust god your enemy ain't into all of that the enemy coming to beat you over the head so you gonna have to become innovative now okay i can have to do yes pastor i hear you but i cannot give you this full credit because if it wasn't for them i wouldn't come to you to begin with i wouldn't go to god so it's not to discredit a religious leaders not to they everybody have their role in this and we're not here to discredit no one's rule because all of them that's why the bible says all things are working together for our good but the initiators was the opposing forces or would we deem uh as our enemies all right finally i posted the most abused lesson in life is losing something we took for granted only to appreciate it now that we don't have it anymore now isn't that scripture you could call that gospel because it's the truth it's the truth many of you many of you have been through it before you're in a relationship with someone who just loves you to pieces or you have whatever it is you adore it but you don't appreciate it you take it for granted after a while all right i remember when i before i got my first car and i used to basically fantasize every day boy when i get my car and i can ride this place do this and do that blah blah blah you know you can clean it and i got my car eventually got my car and you clean that car every day i tell you something some nights i used to go peep for the minute to make sure my car is still in the in the driveway that's how obsessed i was with it then as time go on it loses its novelty well i lose my novelty towards it sorry and eventually you stop cleaning it like how you used to and you stopped paying any attention to it and you know the car needs servicing but you keep procrastinating in one day the car cut off on you and now you've got to inconvenience others and convene others to take you from point a to point b now you begin to appreciate boy we shared my car now boy if i only had this car right now so my statement my final statement was the most abused lesson in life is losing something we took for granted only to appreciate it now that we don't have it any more which brings me to my lesson for today life life i want you to hear me life is every stage of your life is a building block for the next stage i want you to hear me depending on how you perceive the level that you're at right now whether it's good or bad depending on how you perceive it will determine how you will bill if you perceive it as something bad then you can build in a bad manner if you perceive it as something good you're gonna build in a good manner life is all about perception i'm telling you this and this is something and i'm gonna be honest i'm gonna be honest with you this is something i learned a long time ago early in the game and i don't know what inspired me to see it that way but i i was always one who always did i was an optimist i always saw the glass half full never pessimist i always saw reality beyond my current dislike situation and i believe for the most part that's what caused me made some good decisions such as let me go go to god on this all right so like i said life each day each opportunity of life is god handing you another here kevin this is another block you could start you could continue construction now how you use this block kevin is totally on you and if you want to build properly observe and analytically look at the way that you perceive things what is perception again i got it right here perception is the way in which something is regarded to you understood to you how do you interpret the situation how is this relating to your five senses all right so let's look at the scripture here okay i got some scriptures here i want you to look let's look at ecclesiastes chapter nine ecclesiastes chapter nine right and we're gonna look at verse four so wherever you are in life right now and this is the beauty of this building block thing if you are alive you are the greatest advantage ever i know that sound crazy kevin i'm in prison right now kevin i have hiv whatever the case may be if you are alive the the greatest commodity in life outside of salvation of course is life life is the greatest raw material that you would need to operate in this life now let's look at this ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 4. what does it say for to him that is joined to all the living okay there is hope meaning if you're alive if you're in existence right now life even though you cannot see it is ram park with opportunities ram park that things could be done differently ramp up with different directions to go in so you see with this perception coming again when you just see life from a negative standpoint you need you shouldn't be in a relationship you really need to check you you need help because i'm telling you the way you're going to build is going to be from a negative perspective and the evidence of it is going to show up for the most part in the way that you speak i'm talking to somebody today i i'm preaching to someone today okay look at it ecclesiastes 9 verse 4 for to him or for that person that is living oh yeah if you are like but kevin i paralyzed from the neck down you are living right but i cannot move like everybody else you are living right your mother ain't shut up right your thoughts keep moving there is hope this could change you who are living don't have to say anything but somebody could look at you who at a point in life that thing that it don't get worse than this until they see you and you became an inspiration to them without saying a word wherever there is life there is hope hope simply means expectation opportunities but how you perceive it will determine how you will see it oh sorry the direction you will go in or how you will begin to build right so [Music] so sorry about that okay so like i said your life uh i like building blocks every day you're being handed a block to bill god is giving you the materials to exist and what is it if you're alive then life in and of itself is ramming with opportunities ramming with the possibilities but again if you only see things from a negative perspective these things will never become what you should be focusing on all right my second point here is aside from there being hope in life the next life rule is everything in life is temporary nothing lasts forever so again we looking at your perception your perception will say this bad situation how do i fix this and you're thinking the possible things ever and what is that really doing something that was supposed to be temporary is now extending the life of it you're expanding the expiration date because all you see is negative all you see is delay all you see is an inconvenience you don't see opportunities why because the way that you're interpreting it the way you're regarding it the way that you understand it is that this is so devastating and what you're doing now you're dropping the anchor to be here at a longer time than you were supposed to let's look at scripture ecclesiastes again let's go to ecclesiastes chapter three let's look at verse one what does it say it's the law the law of temporary and it says to everything there is a season for it and there is a time and there is a purpose for it under the heavens so what does that mean it cannot go on forever it cannot exist forever so you now become the key factor in the longevity of this situation based on what again your perception your perception is determining the way forward your perception of the situation your perception nobody else this is what you your conclusions are it's determining your direction you're going to take and for depending on your background your conditioning your life experiences you're going to go with that which is most convenient for you based on your perception as a result of your background your culture how you grow up so for some people while they hate a particular situation they anchor themselves there because it's convenient nobody ever checks for me nobody loves me i might as well just die see their perception is if i say this maybe someone will check for me and come in and wipe the drool from my mouth and put me over their shoulder and burp me but somebody else in the same situation no no no no no we can change something up in here because they they you have to go outside of your perception outside of the box to see the possibilities excuse me you're not going to see it while you'll you'll never see it while you're in the box you'll never see it while you're in the situation can i give an example of it like i tell you i do a lot of counseling i have a lot of people dumping their problems on me and some of you will never understand it especially those of you who constantly harass me but why i haven't answered your email is yet come in my position for two minutes and you'll understand how come i didn't get to it is it not that i didn't answer it and you have so many people from so many walks of life from different nations and cultures and backgrounds and some of them see things in such a whop way that before you even deal with what they came to you for you got so much repairing of the or helping them to repair the past to fix the future so all of these people dumping on me dumping dumping dumping dumping kevin okay kevin pray for me kevin i go into this with my relationship kevin i just got this particular diagnose from the doctors dumping dump the dumping dumping jumping in order for my perception towards my life my wife my children my environment not to be conformed to what's being dumped on me every day then there are days i have to take a break you know i live on an island and i love the beach i love love i couldn't tell you much i love the beach so many days you will see me go to the beach not necessarily to swim sit in my car turn those windows down and just listen to the ocean those waves just slapping the seashore the beaches i love droning i am obsessed with droning why because it brings a relaxation it takes me away from my environment and my wife understands if she calls me if she comes home and i'm not here she called me don't tell me you drawn an a because she no this is what i do to get away from all of this and not become not become what i'm trying to resolve for others and a lot of people don't do that a lot of people don't take time out you paying the bills you can't selling people you you you're helping everybody except you you're advising everybody but good advice but you never take your own advice that you're giving them you you round the clock you program you go to bed you get up you get dressed you go to work you come up you cook you do this you do that you never take a break for you never but you quick to tell everybody child i work so hard my god i mean you don't get a break around here no you don't want to break come don't try that you do not want a break you don't want to break so kevin and that's one of the beauties of being retired and this is one of the reasons why i i re did my retirement and resigned from my job because doing ministry and my job is very taxing i'm an account executive we're responsible for bringing revenue to the company so the pressure is always on deadlines goals you have to meet them and when you meet them anyone in sales and marketing they take that higher so that it never ends so you have another level of pressure but how are you going to are you going to allow us to control you what is your perception how are you balancing because trust me wherever you're being challenged for the most part your perception of that is going to leak into other areas of your life that it should not be leaking into i'm telling you that right now you have to take a break for you the times i don't answer my phone the times i turn my phone off the times i turn off my laptop my ipad my computer's in fact when i go now i'll take my phone in case my wife or kids need to reach me okay and i have a separate phone for that okay but what i'm saying to you you cannot save the world and in your attempts to do that you're dying while they're living i try to help somebody today i'm trying to help somebody today i'm trying to help somebody today okay so the law of temporary is very clear ecclesiastes 3 voice 1 to everything everything means everything right to everything there is a season for it there is a time for it for the purpose in which it was created for you were not called to save a kevin ewing was not called to save the world i cannot help everybody all right neither can you you need to know when to call it quits you need to know to say hey whoa enough is enough you have a family this is where you need it the most okay your emphasis should be placed there put your priorities in straight in in in perspective why there are many people that i've assisted whether it was financially whether it's true counseling and like you know i there's nothing that i charge for i don't charge for no counseling sessions nothing that i charge you for everything that i do i do it freely don't charge you but yet there are people after you've helped them and or one time they couldn't reach you after all of the other hours you've spent with them after all of the material you gave them after all of the assistance and they have the worst things to say about you now that would affect people who don't understand human behavior because i understand human behavior which plays a major role in counseling sessions it makes you less offended by their behavior because they're only displaying normal human behavior for the most part and so what i mean by that is what i did i did because of my belief i did because of who i am i did because god wanted me to do this so how you behave how you respond to what i have done for you is totally on you because i know the laws that are being activated in your life that's going to cost you down the road i don't have to do or say anything to you scriptures are very clear proverbs 17 verse 13 whosoever rewarded somebody with evil when the person that the rewarding has done good to them evil shall not depart from the house so because i know the rules as well as human behavior i'm sorry for you i feel bad for you i pray that god will go easy on you because someone has assisted you when you were at rock bottom and because of your selfishness you see the need now to to make disparaging remarks and and do some really really nasty stuff i had a situation the other day boy it was it was it was it wasn't even human i wouldn't even share that with you and it challenged me initially when it happened but i realized kevin remember remember remember remember remember people are going to be people you cannot believe that because you're not that way that constitute that the world is not that way you live in a world with a diversity of opinions characters background and so on so you need to be thick-skinned when you're dealing with a situation right so the first one was wherever there's life there's hope ecclesiastes nine verse four the second uh one is for this everything in life is temporary ecclesiastes 3 verse 1. now this is the part i want to get to all right the third one is where you're at right now and this is where people find most of their problems a part of their tenure into this position that should have exhausted itself a long time ago is that for the most part in regard to their perception it's being based on them comparing themselves to others they want to be like the joneses then so it's rather than striving to be whom and what they're called to be and to stay in their lane they're constantly in their lane but they keep looking over this one over here oh this one over here who got the degree who got the car who got the business and they're trying constantly trying to cross over in their lane okay let me make sense of this ecclesiastes again let's go to verse in the chapter nine go back to chapter nine ecclesiastes chapter nine let's look at verse 11. people do it every day that's why you have jealousy on the job that's why you have such uh challenges on the job because there's a it's an environment of competition okay now now some jobs encourage it such as like when i was in in sales and marketing they encouraged that because the the your managing director or sales director or manager their job is to get as much productivity out of you as possible to meet the goals that upper management has already set on them so the more that's why they have competition among the employees right so what's this ecclesiastes chapter 9 and verse 11 i love this solomon speaking he says i returned and saw under the sun listen listen what he saw now that the race is not to the swift the race don't necessarily will be won by the one who's the fastest the quickest this is potent information here he goes on he says nor the battle to the strong not because you're strong necessarily mean that you will win the battle neither yet bread to the wise not because you have degrees it means you're going to eat it means you're going to get a job to feed yourself nor yet riches to men of understanding not because you're brilliant you're going to be wealthy now a favor to men of skills it doesn't necessarily mean that those people will favor you because you have brilliant skills he's making some serious points and and claims here he goes on to say he says not yet richest two men of understanding nor yet favor to men of skill but but this is going to be the common denominator among everybody whether they have a degree or not whether they are pretty or ugly fat or skinny whether they're black or white no matter they're i mean grace culture it doesn't matter what is the common denominator well he just told you what are not the common denominators you will not win the win the race because you are fast you will necessarily win the race because you are fast you will not necessarily become rich because you are uh uh uh uh you understand things you will not necessarily eat because you have the skill to acquire food or whatever he said what is common among everybody's but time but time and chance happens to them all so let me break that down going back to ecclesiastes chapter three verse one he said for there is a time and there is a season for everything so there's a time and a season right for everything so let's go back here now he says what is common to all man what's gonna make what makes the playing field level for everybody despite their perception of life he says time and chance chance to mean opportunity time and chance happens to them all or is afforded to everybody the problem here is is how you perceive it when the pandemic roll up on us and everybody was in the frantic and everybody was saying having negative things to say there were people sitting home and says wow everybody's going to need a mass this is a sad moment but this is our time an opportunity to make mass most of them are millionaires now their perception while you're sitting back complaining my god what next minute and hiv is the virus lord joe the marker the beast all the vaccine while you're complaining remember the scripture everybody has the same on the same level ground you have time and opportunity just like this one over here instead your perception which for the most part would be negative cause you to be anchored to a place that you should have left a long time ago who am i talking to who am i talking to i've given you some wisdom this morning you better run with it what i'm saying to you revisit your life revisit your speech revisit your thinking revisit your perceptions how do you perceive life you got a beautiful wife you got a beautiful husband but you've become so accustomed to them you've taken them for granted when was the last time you walk behind your wife and squeezer thank you honey for making breakfast for me she does does it all the time but no you became so used to it that are you supposed to burn but if something happened to her i miss when my wife used to make me bro oh you hypocrite i tell you all the time my wife tells me i'm emotionally needy but it ain't not i'm i am extremely affectionate i love hugging i love kissing i love playing with her she honestly she she she'd get tired of me sometime but that's i don't ever if something god forbid to happen to her i can tell you this right now i would never be in a state and say boy yes i'll miss her but let me tell you this i appreciated every moment of a while she was living i did everything to enjoy her while i have her here now same thing as my kids i don't ever not tell them i love them i'm not gonna wait for tragedy to come i'm gonna wait for something bad to go down to say oh i miss kj and kia and chrissy and gigi no you had the opportunity there are times my my son lives in florida he works in frodo there are times i would just send my senate my son a text now he's 26 pops love you i love you i'm so proud of you no reason for it i don't need his birthday to do that i don't need whatever i what i feel at that time towards him which i feel for him generally i said let me put this in words let me put this on writing and that's how you should be this is how you think outside of the box to appreciate what you have now because life is temporary the day is going to come when you won't have these things that you adore but don't know how to express your adoration you won't have it no more i'm talking to somebody i've given you some wisdom i've given you some wisdom i've given you some wisdom run with it it's free appreciate what you have now appreciate it appreciate stop being cheap man take your husband take your wife out for dinner stop complaining all things so tough you gotta count your pennies listen to me and that is true i'm not saying be irresponsible what i'm saying to you sometimes through your continual confession you are forging a perception that is not real to take one friday night thursday night whatever and just take someone out your partner for dinner just to get out of the house just to do something different okay forget that that's too expensive when was the last time you you may not be as fortunate as i was hitting the bahamas where the furthest spot must be to a beach is like 10 minutes you may not have a beach you have a park you have a theater do something diff all of this is changing your pers your negative perception of life all right so listen to this i have here i said your perception of circumstances or current level where you're at will determine how you build meaning that the next level of your life and let's say it's a blessing for you but the level you're at now and because of your negative perception is how you're going to perform on the next level you get to let me give an example of it you're on a job right and the supervisor is mean to you and you in turn rather than seeing this from a positive perspective meaning let me dismiss this person let me just focus on the company rules let me try to do my job whatever but no everything you say is negative everything have to do with this person you find a way to make it difficult for them because they're making it difficult for you but you're building and you don't realize it so guess what's going to happen when you get the promotion see because it's not going to stop the promotion if that's what's for you but the problem is how you're going to perform on the next level based on how you're building on this level here so guess what you get to that level and you behave not equal to but worse than what this person did why because you never saw what they were doing what not to be like remember what i told you when i left organized religion church 2012 my determining factor why i left it was no bitterness it was no church right it was none of that i personally was tired of the performances i personally was tired of the the the fakeness and my determining factor was i will never be like where i came from and i am i'm holding on to that promise now and will continue to i will never pillage people for their money i will never lie to them say god say give a thousand i will never give them fake prophecies i will never tell them god is getting ready to do things when god has never spoken to me i will never do that i promise jesus christ i will never be like that never i refuse to take the baton of a of a uh plan that will secure a cycle of non-progress because in those cycles and those stuff only those who are telling you that profit from that i will never lie to people and say if you pay tie if you don't pay tithe you will go to hell i will never tell them you have to pay tithe when i've read otherwise whatever i read and have researched it that's what i'm going to tell them what the bible says not what i feel not my emotion and i got i've got tired of that anybody everyone is training there that you could come up on this pulpit and say whatever you whatever you feel because they're going to believe it because you are a parcel pope whatever so you could come up there and you know you need some money because you need to fix the plumbing in the church the course of it is ten thousand dollars so i could come up there and says i don't know but i feel god in here and god is putting weight on people because he want them to do things they have never done before and then you go into this lie because your end goal game is to get these monies and then you now begin to go into these tricks and so on i will never in this life as long as i breed them with the strength of god never be that way so you see how my my my perceiving and experience of these things has now determined the direction i am going in so this is why i do what i do this is why you will never see me charge you for a counselling session you will never see me tell you so i'm not saying this to sound noble or humble it has a lot to do with where i came from which i thought was so ungodly now am i saying people shouldn't charge for god not on them am i saying people shouldn't charge first daughters or i'm telling you what i don't do that's what i'm saying to you if they want charge honorarium when they go to speak for god that's them i tell you what i don't do it i leave that totally up to the inviting church and whether you do it or not doesn't change anything with me so it isn't me trying to sound like i'm this perfect person and i am so no no no no my my background of church has caused me to perceive this way and take this direction which i'm trying to teach you right now i'm not taking that i'm not taking that role because i've seen the end result or the result of what those things produce and it's never good for the majority of them all right so your perception of your circumstances especially on your current level will determine how you will build on this level and if you don't see it as an opportunity of what not to be like then you will become the very thing that you hate excuse me you understand i'm saying to you you will it's very easy to become what you dislike when you're not doing anything on this level to fix what you dislike or whatever you try to do it's to oppose to fight back but not to take the nuggets from it i'll never ever treat people this way i will never ever step on someone's head to get on top i will never undermine other people to be the star see if you're not doing this on this level then you are literally delusional to think that oh boy when i become the manager will you watch if no no no no no if you're not doing this now if you're not doing this now you more than likely not going to do it then let me give you an example for those that pay tithe well they say they pay time but they don't they don't pay tithe but they will say boy you know if god would bless me with a million dollars boy the first thing i can do the first thing i'm gonna do i give him my church 10 of that one hundred thousand dollars going to my church i hear nothing what you're a liar you're a liar you're a liar because your behavior now coupled with the past is more than enough evidence for us to predict or even assume that you will never do that if you're not paying ten dollars off of the hundred dollars you would have made how in the world you are going to pay a hundred thousand dollars if you were blessed with a million so this is what i'm saying to you now what you're doing now what what's you doing now based on perceptions it's going to determine the way forward is going to determine the direction you're going to take so don't come with no lies don't come with no foolish boy don't come to be noble kevin you know which people listen you know how many people i have sat with me and i sometimes myself tell my listen no no i don't want you to do that because i don't want you to stock up more sin okay kevin listen you have been so good to me and the advice you gave me that work kevin listen when my season come and my bridge will come you you kevin boy listen you go i go bless you son okay all right amen because i know i can see you no more if you if you i can see you if you have more troubles but i'm not going to see you when your time of prosperity come and i'm mad at you man let me listen i understand human behavior and i understand i already know before you even do what you can do that based on your behavior now this is empirical forensic evidence also of what you will do in the future so i'm not mad at you man let me be clear i'm not mad at you i'm not mad at you okay you need help so that's why they said my kevin i can bless you boy oh man kevin i can bless you trust me trust me i got some deal coming up man you mind this i can help your ministry man i can help you that that building you're trying to get right now kevin i can help you with that trust me on that yeah and i know god can come through for me okay amen all right all right now the next time i see them can be when another problem come and guess what i will still see them nothing is going to change why because what i do is not predicated on how you behave this is what i was called to do and this is what i will continue to do all right so each level of your life i like this is a building block to the next level of your life write that down each level of your life every level that god has given you existence to exist at that time each level this is a this is a time this is a building block for the next level every level you're setting the foundation for the next level where you are you may be in a very much odd voice position right now but it's so intense it's because how you perceive it one of the first ways or the first things you can do is you know what they lied on me and caused me to be here i am home jobless because they i got fired for no but you know what when god gets me to the next position this is how you're changing your thinking i'm gonna never do that to someone i'm going to hear both sides of the story i'm going to make my assessments based on the policy i'm not going to go by my feeling because this is my cousin who work here and even though this person did nothing wrong i'm going to fight him because i'm in a position to do it see this is how you become proactive now see you're not in that bad position because you could be there no no no no no this is another opportunity where the resistance of life the opposition of life has now placed you in a position that hey take a break that's what it means now reevaluate sometimes you need to get stuff take from you to understand and to appreciate what you once had or where you once was and how ignorant you were and arrogant and foolish now that you don't have it no more now you humble yourself am i talking to somebody man no so wherever you are village is divorced where is sickness rather than pointing the finger at every point i'm at you because you played a major role yes they did some stuff but you you were the common denominator as to why you are where you are do you try that no don't you try that look at you and people have this i mean serious disease of not looking at themselves they're going to blame everybody except them but remember we'll be right here ecclesiastes 9 verse 11 he said the racist not to the swift you will not win a race because you're the fastest runner many things can happen so what he's saying is these things that you're trusting in life you you you will not retain riches for the rest of your life you may lose it all in a day all of that money you store in the bank and your cheapness and don't want to help anybody one one sickness could roll up on you and wipe it out clean and now you owe so ecclesiastes 9 11 is saying don't put your trust in your skills don't put your trust in your degree don't put your trust and confidence in your beauty don't put your trust in politicians don't put your trust in pastors or teachers or whoever no no all of us all and that's not just to say dismiss them no no no here is what i'm saying listen to me very carefully don't let these things become the determining factor for the way forward instead he says to all of what he's said earlier time and chance or opportunity is afforded to every human being what you do with that is totally up to you i'll give you this example most of you listening to me right now you you are employed all right every one of you they get a salary okay now some people let's just say all of you were getting the same salary this is just hypothetically speaking all of you were getting a salary let's say of 800 a week let's just see all of you let's say let's say there are 10 people on this job and everyone employee there gets 800 why is it that all of you came to the same time you've had the same amount of time there let's say each of you have been there now for the last 10 years how come some of you have your own homes and some don't how come some have cars but those some still catch the public transportation how come some are able to go on vacations and others don't well time and opportunity was presented to all of them through the same resources that they get as well as the tenure that they were on the job is what they did with the resources that they had that is now has painted the pictures of the lifestyle that they have now so you care that's why i said you stay in your lane don't look over here oh kevin listen no that's not your business you stay in your lane you roll in what you are called to do and that's why a lot of preachers a lot of apostles a lot of them a lot of them will never succeed the way they're supposed to because they're too busy competing they're too busy putting on different shows and this and that trying to outdo the church up the road no their focus of winning swords the purpose why they're there they're not interested in that how could i oh do kevin how could i all do peter and john and mary how but that's that is not why you're there so the wise man who's on the job he he had a plan and what did he do he he paid his bills first he took off a certain amount that he would save mandatory with his 10th percent 20 whatever and he had a plan this is what i want in the next few months or the next year i want to get a home i want to buy a property i want to do this so he's now based on his plan he's appropriating his funds to accommodate what he want the baller on the other hand a party this week we fly down to florida next week be doing this so he's spending or she's spending their money and a lot of people are like this while they're counting yours so they're balling and saying well if i spend all of this then i can always come to kevin to borrow i can always go to mary all of y'all were on the job for 10 years all of you are making 800 a week so now let's explain to you why some are doing well and the others as if they just started the job i'm talking to somebody so each level of your life is a building block to the next level of your life that's number one number two your perception of your circumstances or your current level will determine how you will bill or the direction that you would take which brings us to this point nothing in life that is happening to you is happening by accident there is no chance here there's no there's no nothing is arbitrarily happening in your life your life whether you're aware of it or not is a sequence of adhering to or rejecting laws that you may not be aware of for the most part that is determining the way forward or determining where you are right now hence i said to you look at you before you point the finger look at you look at you how did you end up on this road how you you saying how this woman mess up your life you saying if you had never met her this would you say now things would have been better for you okay that is true let's say that how did you did she tie a nose around your neck when you were elsewhere and drag you to her no she didn't do that right did she get her brothers and put ak-47s on you and force you no that didn't happen right so you would agree that for the most part you're ending up with this person what's on your own will you you decided you made a dish now why you made that decision though you made the decision because everybody else like her because she got a nice shape or she got a doctorate degree and whatever and she like you and youth perceived that she would bring value to my life because of the externals but you never knew what she was about inside you were totally you all too were totally incompatible but you weren't interested in that because your boy is telling you boy you you but you was a blessed man my god man you got it all over there and you smiling for me in the air not knowing that your perception has placed you in a place that going forward you are going to experience experience hell on earth now you're experiencing hello knight now use in hindsight there's no good woman so when did she become no good when you discovered that what you liked on the outside did not correlate with the inside that you couldn't see who am i talking to today who who are these words of nuggets piercing the heart of tell me talk to me talk to me talk to me your perception let me be clear here your perception will determine the direction you go in the way you perceive things based on your culture based on your emotions based on your mindset based on life experiences is grooming you as to how you're going to decide on decisions now and in the future what am i talking about who am i talking to who am i talking to so i'm going to give you my last point be anxious for nothing too many people that i talk to consulate are too anxious they cannot wait and in a small sense i don't fully blame them because we live in a microwave society um and every and that's from church go straight down to the most the lowest of society politics every day everything is about now the problem with that is is the reason why there is waiting period for certain things is so that that thing that you're so anxious to have will for in order for you to appreciate it you have to give it time to mature a butterfly did not become a butterfly overnight it had to go through metamorphosis or different stages before it bec got the wings and could fly we cannot rush that process a lot of you are where you are today not because you're silly or you're mean or rude or whatever you know you're there because you could not wait you're anxious and i met i meet so many people some people when i'm talking to they're so anxious is even in their voice like um they will lay their problems for me and i say and i always let and listen it was one thing you would know about me i'm an excellent listener i can listen to people for hours before i say a word and i've trained myself to do that and the reason why is because sometimes you would hear someone you're like man it's foolish and you won't jump right in no no no let them talk because there there has to be some method behind this madness so listening is key i'm very good at that a lot of people though they're anxious so i've let them talk for an hour and a half and i say okay here is what i think you should do and they jump right in because they're anxious they can't wait and they're not being rude you know this this is a habit that they're not even aware of some people even let you finish before you start something again their perception see you always talking this foolishness but i say that yet perception so they're acting on their perception the direction that they're taking is based on their perception but we are too anxious and the problem with that is is what i said earlier it is not allowing what you're anxious for to mature there's there there are many women probably listening to me right now and will listen to this this recording in the future because i hear from a lot of them man of god prayed that i would find my boaz or my husband i could do that but maybe this time of your life is to condition you to prepare for your husband for your boas instead what you're doing is everything except that so you're not maturing during this incubation period so when you do meet mr right you're going to abuse mr right why how could you respect uh honor something that you've never prepared for how make me understand it i'm all is tell me some of you i won't be i won't be pastor i won't be apostle i won't be i i won't be chief of why why why do you want to be it why because you have this craving to win souls because you want to go there with your team and travel the world and and do missionary stuff and and go preach that is that why you want to go no you don't know why you want to do it you want to do it because you want to address you as the great chief of person to the intergalactic whatever but i have nothing to do with the real purpose as to why you should have such a title you're anxious so you go online and you do those 15 minutes course that make you a doctor apostle reference also see the fuel behind most people anxiety or anxiousness is motive reason what is your motive what is your reason for being so anxious why are you so anxious to get married to me why you why are you we just met two months ago why all of a sudden you talking marriage why why because you truly love me because you really want to have a family and raise them godly no because your friends are married there's so much about me you don't even know i don't care i will marry you now why because my friends and husband always travel and every time i go to work every weekend they say they're in their husband that's only portions of the relationship they're telling you about to give the perception to you that they have a good relationship who am i talking to who am i talking to who so what am i saying stay in your lane don't mind these people who live in a form of happy life so listen there listen listen that thing what's going on between hamas and israel right now firing those bombs and rockets that's a joke compared to the real war going on in their home right now but when they come on the job they're given this perception child my husband just made breakfast with me this dude wasn't even home get from ronnie huh if he loved you so much how come he never calls here how come he never send roses how come the only time we hear about this good husband you have is when you talk about it help me because i'm helping you let's be real man be anxious the bible say so let's turn to this final scripture let's go to philippians 4 6 philippians chapter 4. i love this here verse 6. what does it say be careful or that word in other translations to be anxious for nothing absolutely nothing you should be anxious for because if there's time and season and we're afforded these opportunities the only thing you should be praying for is lord help me to recognize when my opportunity reached lord help me to understand and to appreciate where i am now help me not to complain about where i am but to see it from the way that you see it so i can get the maximum of this level of which i'm on right now and now build appropriately to have a better level when i get there that's how you should be praying that's how you should be performing and looking at life but not that i won't get on this level here so i could tell my friends and those who bullied me in school that i'm a manager now i'm a managing director now and what you don't know how to treat people you don't know how to talk to people help me you try that what is your motive behind your anxiousness your anxiety why do you have to have it why are you throwing a tantrum because you cannot get it or somebody else got it and you didn't because now i gotta investigate your motive philippians 4 6 says be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving your requests be made known unto god father i'm believing you for house and according to your word you say that you will give us houses we did not build vineyards we did not plant pools we did not dig your word declares in the book of joshua it says that you will give us land that we did not label for now because that's your word i'm giving you back your word because that is what i want in my life help me lord not to be anxious but to recognize the opportunities when they come to discern what is of you and what is not see this is how you eliminate anxiety and anxiousness by putting it in godhan through his word but not having to undermine people not having to to you want more sales so you're putting bad spokes in the wheels of your colleague so you can get an advantage no no no no man you listen you're planning some remember on this level you're building and don't be surprised of the building you would have built when you get on the next level and things don't operate your way remember who constructed this you when you were on this level down here you believe in god for husband learn to respect authority on your job learn to respect your mother and father learn to respect your elder siblings because you're training you're in training with them you don't realize it exactly how you're going to treat your husband when you get him even though you've been waiting for years you finally got it only to mistreat the gift god has given you why talking to somebody today i thought i tried to help you today wherever you are right now you are building constructing and training for the next level of your life whether it's good or bad and how and what you do now will determine how you will perform later and what will happen to you i talking to somebody trying to help you trying to help you appreciate where you are look at you stop complaining about the boss stop complaining about your husband stop complaining about your wife stop talking but these children always leaving the light on and the power bill so i stop stop stop stop stop that's not the real problem the problem is you you see things negatively you look at yourself as carrying the load you look at the stuff of nobody checking for you and nobody got time for you and you helping everybody nobody that's your problem because you choose not to take a break you choose not to pull yourself away from it you choose not to change your perception for some reason you erroneously believe by keeping the same negative perception that life is going to be a bed of roses you've got to be crazy something got to be wrong with you excuse me be careful or be anxious for nothing don't be anxious for it now at the same time that don't mean be lackadaisical and believe god can just drop some stuff no no no no no no you continue following the rules the laws the principles of god okay asking for discernment because whenever god makes a promise to you that gives right for the carbon copy to come first or trust me if god has answered you that he's going to bless you with a mate he's going to bless you with a car host whatever it is that he's going to bless you with the carbon copies are going to come first so hence you must now pray and this is why this is why you got to really grab a hold of your being anxious because you see the carbon copies realize or the advantage that they have is that i'm gonna i'm gonna take advantage of their inability to control their anxiousness and because they're so anxious whatever shows up that remotely looks like what they want they're going to run with it this is how scam artists succeed and what they do because you and i have seen the scam a couple times i'll never fall for that but there are some who didn't and are the tools that they seek but coupled with that is they have a spirit of anxiousness and that is what they kept their eyes on all of your friends who you were in competition with in terms of getting a man every last one of them divorced who were in divorce they separated living with different people never divorced though because this is so interesting to me this is so interesting they don't believe in divorce but they believe in separation and living with other people is it me you don't see something wrong here you're sleeping with this dude over here you're a married person but you're living with another person engage in full-fledged top-class adultery fornication shaking up all that but you and you're not divorced because that's the same i love your logic i tell you poe is interesting that's interesting that is so interesting that's that's interesting be careful for nothing don't be anxious then stop being anxious stop stop it and and i know most of you you're out of control with it so you've got to go on a fast you've got to pray and ask god god help me lower this thing like you lower my blood pressure because this has caused me so many times in my life where i couldn't wait i couldn't i never conditioned myself and my determination to achieve this thing i was just more focused on getting it and i stepped and stumped on people and discard them and use them to get what i wanted now that the hands of time has now turned on me i will play the victim rule now don't you try that don't you try that don't you try that so that's it for me folks that's it my teaching on this is done i just wanted to drop that with you and i pray that you would go over this further investigate those scriptures that i gave you and that you would now begin to make the necessary repairs as it relates to your life particularly as it relates to determining the way forward based on what you perceive remember what perception means i have it right here perception the way in which something is regarded the way you regard it the way you understand it the way you you and the way you interpret it it don't have to necessarily be that way but the fact is involved that's causing you to determine it is that that way is based on your past it's based on your culture it's based on your experiences don't beat someone with the stick that you were beaten with someone use you someone abuse you someone cheated on you you don't use that as a measuring stick for everybody else because everybody is different you don't sit back and because you haven't heard from your wife in the last hour or your girlfriend she or they having sex with somebody else because the past did that to you you've allowed those things to forge your perception you could have changed it you could have said i'm not allowing this to make me think about my current situation no no but you decide to make this a part of your decision making so like i said earlier don't look at them anymore in terms of the one you complain about look at you because you're making the decisions as to negatively look at them based on your perception the motive behind your perception is your experiences that you never checked you never felt it properly so now the truth is it's being used against you but guess by who by yourself heavenly father we thank you for your wisdom your knowledge and understanding i thank you uh for these people online now live and even those who would view this in the future i pray father god lord that this teaching would open up the understanding and that they would literally make what i'm saying here based on the word of god practical in their lives to achieve positive results in their lives and to more importantly alter change or even in some cases delete their perception of life which is for the most part detrimental against the direction which they truly want to go i pray right now father god lord that that they would be fair and not in their assessment towards others no that's long term more so in terms of analytically looking at their own lives and making honest suggestions to themselves honestly doing an introspect to say hey look here no that is true what he said today or what the scripture said really that really affects me and i really need to change in this area and lord let them see that when they decide to take your route the very people who they thought needed to change but when they make the changes based on your word then things will change for them so the reality is the things that they want to see change is going to begin with them father we bless you we honor we praise you and we ask these things in jesus name amen and amen so folks that is it for me and uh well i just remember something i can do that later so you guys have a wonderful friday tomorrow god's place life on saturday at 12 noon to 2 p.m i will be back on my radio show um the kevin l ewing spiritual inside show uh that'll gonna be aired live on dove 103.7 fm here in freeport grand bahama and also we're going to be simultaneously broadcasting live via facebook youtube twitter and also you can catch me on your those of you who have downloaded my android as well as iphone apps that's uh kevin leone ministries you can just download it you'll have the convenience to all of my teachings all of my videos audios dream interpretation all of this other stuff you will have at your finger tips until then god bless you amen and man
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 34,633
Rating: 4.9314723 out of 5
Keywords: perception, wisdom by kevin l a ewing, words of wisdom by minister kevin l a ewing, kevin la ewing, kevin l a ewing, minister kevin l a ewing, how perception works, perception is projection, what is perception, understanding perception, motivation, inspirational, inspiration, kevin ewing, minister kevin la ewing, minister kevin ewing, motivational, christian motivation, morning motivation, self improvement, life coaching, spirit of wisdom, bible study with me, pastor kevin ewing
Id: XQtX61Pnxp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 56sec (4916 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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