The Timeless Now

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[Music] there are two kinds of activities i find myself wanting to share now what i call cosmic activity which is the activity that this body was divinely created to perform actually and there's the activity which is mental activity which is the kind of constantly chatter chatter chatter chatter that goes on in our mind and always fantasizing and projecting which is an activity that distorts your natural harmony it distracts us from our natural harmony the activity that comes from ego or from strong personal identity that will distract you and keep you blind to the deeper awareness of your soul force your natural harmony or unity with god self or pure awareness now we have been so much conditioned in life to develop in ego or personal identity taking personal identity to be the fact of our existence and not the root or the fictional existence the person personality or sometimes people don't like to think that personality or personhood and ego are the same but they are actually ego does not mean beating your chest and saying i'm so great ego can also be like this it can also be very nice what does ego mean it means a strong conviction that you are your body mind conditioning that you are your persona or your personal identity personal identity is also a mode of consciousness it's also consciousness but it becomes so limited so limited because of its conditioning and outlook it's like you're running you're existing on 20 10 of what you really are even that's a very high number 10 if we are living merely on the basis of personhood then we are almost cut off you are never cut off but you feel almost cut off experientially from the supreme self which we are factually and fundamentally so if spirituality has anything any power it is again to reconnect so to speak with our eternal self which is where in which direction i would have to ask you go in search of yourself start going that way i cannot tell you that because you are sitting in yourself but unaware we are sitting in out in the heart of ourself but unaware of what it is at experientially is it too many words i've spoken like that i'm not creating anything i'm only pointing to something this is the beauty of satsang i'm not telling you what you have to become maybe if anything i'll probably show you what you must unbecome because what you are you cannot become you can only rediscover actually life is about rediscovering our true or fundamental reality or nature unlike the ego is always trying to become something can you see this always trying to become a better person trying to become more loved trying to become accepted trying to become successful in the world try to become famous trying to become rich trying to become powerful try and try and try to become become become so few beings and i count you inside that few in this life or in any life i've begun to discover to deconstruct from the delusion mentality to rediscover our fundamental nature and it's not like when you get over there no every moment once you've begun to recognize every moment it's like you're expanding in consciousness again every moment at least should be your attitude you're constantly maturing maturing by grace because grace is just another word for what you are you're opened to grace you're under god's care i stand with every word i'm sharing with you in our world people many people cannot be quiet too much mental junk food emotional junk food so nobody is keeping quiet even to say keep quiet at a certain point there's nobody to keep quiet there is just quiet but in the beginning you have to be told keep quiet i mean make effort what's the effort is the effort to keep quiet or the effort did not engage with the noise that is also quiet if i say try and focus on being quiet then it's effort to be quiet it's not quite the true quiet but if i say you can allow the noise the movement but don't identify then it's easier then you don't have to do silence you simply recognize the silence what is the value of silence silence is the mirror to your own being even in satsang i say if you pay attention you see the mind movement identity is playing but you stay only to observe it but don't identify this is powerful exercise for everybody look observe but don't identify and look what happened at first sometimes people like the driver on the road i can't do it i can't sorry i can't do it it's too strong my mind is too strong you know there's no dimmer switch for the mind to turn it down either it's a boom boom boom boom so what to do little by little bit you practice you practice and it becomes easier to observe without participating do we all get this what i'm saying now because it's right crucial now if you do it even for a little bit i was even saying to some people do it for one minute at a time for one minute at a time observe your mind without going into shape stay shapeless one minute maybe in one minute you can't succeed even then you begin to see the virility of your mind for one minute he's already you're gone you're down the road eating pizza or something and it says what is that you see the force of mind habit but this is the beginning of your success let's just keep watching without identifying you can set a little timer but don't watch your clock because if you do this then you're not true to it do it for one minute and then do it for two minutes try to see just at first it's like effort it feels almost impossible but stay with it and gradually you'll feel somehow if you don't identify with what is arising in the mind and the being naturally and spontaneously it will throw you back into natural self-awareness we are very object awareness at the moment meaning that we are what the senses are bringing what the mind is imagining it's like our day is full everybody is engaged working for their mind nobody has time not even the unemployed half time everybody's they're into something so observe this thing and as you observe you start to see that naturally just by that you become naturally self-aware which means the power comes back just to your own being and you're going to love it so much that your love for it will result in the gift you are giving back to yourself to be self-aware remember i'm not telling you reject the world curse the world be cynical about anything just know thyself be aware don't learn about yourself only by books just like you cannot go to a restaurant and be satisfied with the menu okay beautiful pictures oh yeah oh no you cannot do it you cannot do it you must put it in the mouth you must chew you must swallow they must digest then assimilate even you're not doing it you're not doing at best i can say you're chewing but once you swallow it's out of your hands and now the power is taking over everything becomes here then after assimilation combustion what we are sharing here i am not asking you to keep use follow it then it will combust into spirit which means that it becomes one with you i am not pointing to anything in the future or in past and even now in the present i am not even talking about present moment as in time as a bridge between past and future beyond past and future and present because present also is manifesting in the unchanging and timeless but you will not conquer you will not know it until you are devoted to that understanding if it's merely concept you will probably get it yeah yes you are just a person no no no but you must continue i read something from the rebel guitar not long ago it was a very powerful statement and i will tell you what it is again it says having come to the realization that the world all the pictures all the experiences of the pictures of the world that is manifesting on the screen of consciousness are not stable and are fundamentally unreal you must abide blissfully and content in that state of your unity as the brahmana self as pure awareness self you must maintain that conviction even while functioning as an individual in the world of names and forms that state which is your firm abidence in the heart self is called sahaja nishta the natural state having discovered that the world of names and forms that are appearing on the screen of consciousness screen of consciousness waking state but even dreaming state meaning that there's some consciousness and there are the images of you and me and this and that and heaven and hell and life and death and all of this is playing having come to the realization that this that's happening on the screen is unstable and fundamentally unreal why unreal isn't the fact that something appears and i see it isn't that real enough so what does it mean unreal it means it has no substance throw your attention back to yesterday how many things happened in yesterday mostly they're gone accept what is quintessential what points you back to yourself that is ever-present and timeless but all things born of the mind and person and situations and and different kind of context they're gone it's the nature of things just the fundamental love that is the fragrance of your being that matters and the continuity of your beingness awareness that is but the stories the pictures the time everything they come like clouds passing so having come to realize that they are fundamentally unstable and unreal live now blissfully aware of yourself as the brahmana awareness self and this conviction must be maintained even while appearing to live as an individual in the world of names and farms even though we have to move but it will be different for you your lives have changed probably you forgot that when we were living as slaves and servants to our ego mind we were really happy moments of happiness but has you become aware of your deeper truth it's as though you've crossed over from life from death to life becoming aware you're not so easily disturbed by things you can feel pain but rarely does it collapse into states of suffering things are more momentary like this moving moving you become much more stable peaceful when i say observe the mind because you don't know the mind when the mind stuff comes it doesn't send an email i'm coming it comes no but look what when it comes even the thoughts they come in a millionth of a second you're already here to see the whoa it's an appearance you are without speed therefore everything shows up in you you are the untouched i'm not talking about you personally but you impersonally we must come to be aware of ourself impersonally then as we discover the vastness of the impersonal then you can take the shape of the personal a little bit you won't trouble anything sometimes our prayer oh lord rid me of ego and merge me in you this is a very profound prayer simple but most potent don't be waiting to be free anymore don't be waiting and don't be claiming oh i am free if you can stay in this place where you as i said earlier simple exercise you're aware of your mind movements but don't subscribe to them don't log in to the screen of the mind you understand what i mean by that you can be aware but don't get don't identify with it be aware that you are observing it that you're just observing just be aware of observing and spontaneously you become self-aware when you're not fixated upon object awareness you become subject awareness you follow and it's it's very quick now what abide in it does it mean oh call off work sick give up your job no do those things when you have moment you sit with this until you find that this this presence is permeating everything you do doesn't matter just like if you're working you're working in in the marketplace and your name is george you don't forget you're george you're doing whatever you're doing you can still we're not thinking i'm george i'm george no i'm used to remember you do then anyone says hey george yeah did you have to think i'm george george no and naturally he'd come naturally even before the idea of george as a name came you are already the awareness you see now we are what's happening is that the tendency the habit that for so long we have been identified with our personality and this type of thing now you begin to watch it you begin to recognize wait a second it's okay and even if you wish you may just keep saying in your heart thank you simple prayer thank you thank you existence thank you lord i gave this prayer some years ago a simple beginning simple deepening and every day powerful thank you thank you when i give this exercise to some people they said thanks for what thanks for what i said that's how far you've slipped away thanks for what so don't don't don't don't worry i say just say thank you and try to do it with some feeling don't don't acting say thank you and thank you thank you and after a little while you start to think start to come to say thank you for this thank you for that thank you that i'm alive thank you that i can say thank you thank you that there's love in my life thank you that i can think for myself thank you that i can begin to enjoy my own company you know how important it is thank you that i can begin to enjoy my own presence my own company don't always have to go to other people thank you thank you for this breath sometimes thank you for this sickness even because sickness help you to to throw off the world and to focus in your heart thank you for my troubles even sometimes people say thank you my troubles i need the trouble to get out of trouble i need to go here to rise up again just thank you thank you thank you thank you and see how effective at transforming your vibration just this one thank you thank you that i can be here thank you that i can listen to the birds or to see the sky and feel joy in my heart thank you i can drink fresh water thank you that i can sit on the floor i am not so comfortable sitting on the floor so i see you i think but they don't say thank you they said no thank you for everything not already these things simple pointers to refresh your being let me live my highest possibility not a possibility created in my mind but that which i am appearing in this form to do let that happen but above all things that i found myself as i am and that's not a personal success story as i've said before freedom is not for the ego freedom is from the ego meaning from the rule of ego do we understand what ego is actually ego lives where we are unaware of our self it manifests as a sense of just a personal private identity gradually don't say throw it awake you can't do it just keep remembering now who you are when you are without all this stuff going on in the head and what to do and all the plants and stuff and you are just aware and happily self-aware you are in your natural state that is your sahaja state that is having listened and sat together what can improve upon what is here right now what needs to be changed at all pay attention only to the here now timeless now are you imagining this can you be other than this remain shapeless then all shapes can play but all shapes are momentary the shapeless is timeless limitless be only in this and observe that all things are unfolding bitter or sweet but you will not accept anything as a curse and you'll find that somehow some energy is supporting you all the time when you're a person this is not available you're on your own but personally but when you're in your heart you're on your own but universally and that universal one is abundant in love and peace and compassion that has been the game of the existence that is the game of the existence the play of the existence to take form the formless appears for a time in form to experience the diverse expressions and potential of this diversified field of consciousness to taste what it's like to be a person to be personal and private to have ambitions and projections and dreams aspirations suffering pain and all the play of the interrelated opposite as is prescribed for this particular life expression for now and to transcend [Music] to prove the greatness of the supreme awareness self above all the limitations of personhood of course the mind and person who is going to promise a lot all the things of the world and when we are dressed in personhood it would be very very attractive in one of the temptations of christ he says that satan brought him on top of a mountain and overlooking all he could see all the kingdoms of the earth and he says all these things all this i will give to you because it is given to me to impart to who i want all this can be yours if you only bow down and worship me satan say and jesus answered it is written thou shalt love and honor the lord your god only and him only you shall serve what is the lord your god the supreme self the supreme lord of the universe and why could you say that because he was in his heart it must be in your heart your heart knows these things without having to go to university it knows these things because it is the universe self all that the world can give you as a person will all turn to dust one day kingdoms and kingdoms have gone before our time as we are now archaeologists god made archaeologists to show us to dig them out with with toothbrush and things to show this look look this one this is the the one of the tooth of the pharaoh yeah and this one already lived we always think every time every every generation every era in the human existence i've always felt we're at the top we're at the front of everything it has happened before and before again and again again and again we come to this place and we destroy our civilization because we were not civilized enough to know god to know our self in the highest sense each one here must be come the evidence that god exists just by your simple life that sending you go out and when preached when just in your simple life not hiding away and not trying to shine the one who shines within does not need a spotlight be available to universal consciousness you will never be disappointed you will never be disappointed what is happening inside you what is happening inside you will it ever go away what are you realizing what are you being shown will it fade because the mind will rise up mind will rise up as though to deceive you to distract your attention but you'll be here to see him in your seeing you will know i am the unfading one you will know that in your heart you are the unfading one you must be here first before anything else can be seen find out who this you is you must be here first before anything can be perceived find out who this one that you are is without pride without arrogance without fear if a diamond falls into mud it's covered in mud maybe no one will see and appreciate it this diamond is the true self the mud is the mind and the person when the mud is washed away you see the diamond lost nothing at all even while it was covered in mud it lost nothing of its fundamental nature don't think is totally inappropriate for you now thinking now is disrespectful to your being i give thanks to the mighty power of god whose grace and love and wisdom and power permeate and pervade the hearts and minds of all who come into the hearing of this in the presence of this the presence of this and all who holds in front of them the mirror of god and only god can see his reflection in the mirror of god and blessing upon your each one that in allowing your heart to see its own face we are redeemed and healed and cured of delusion and continue to grow in pure consciousness in the presence and light of the unchanging absolute let it be so let it be so home shanti hallelujah amen [Music] you
Channel: Moojiji
Views: 79,746
Rating: 4.9430399 out of 5
Keywords: Mooji, Papaji, Ramana, non-duality, truth, love, meditation, Satsang, God, Self-realization, awakening, duality, self-inquiry, soul, self, enlightenment, Buddha, Krishna, Shiva, devotion, yoga, Jesus Christ, ego, prophet, spirituality, spirit, guru, Liberation, sahaja, maya, peace, awareness, bliss, sacred, I Am, eternal, mantra, wisdom, contemplation, time, nirvana, supreme, divine, surrender, seeker, reality, presence, philosophy, freedom, being, Monte Sahaja, Portugal, Sahaja
Id: ZmgQW8okUeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 35sec (2495 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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